diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index d75560a5bfb220894cb9d01784ed30c1e1bb88c7..1280e7aa2440dca4f11b05d0413692b52dc767f9 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ TODO: 2014-06-??: v2.0.1
   * Possible to use any editor (not only notepad.exe) for viewing files.
   * Welcome developers with README.md, CHANGES.md and COPYING.txt files.
 ##### Internal:
-  * Improve logging-API so now a single log-routine is used everywhere(instead of 3 different ones).
   * Implement an API for writing Header/Body json-files.
+  * Apply Object-oriented design weith resource-management when I/O files.
+  * Improve logging-API so now a single log-routine is used everywhere(instead of 3 different ones).
   * General restructuring of the folders and names in the project.
 More analytically:
diff --git a/CSE/ApplicationEvents.vb b/CSE/ApplicationEvents.vb
index cfed1b5b51e0f1bc3a832fb4d8622664b85b7dd0..5204e7d347d0c33a8c1b092bd531f98eaff6e875 100644
--- a/CSE/ApplicationEvents.vb
+++ b/CSE/ApplicationEvents.vb
@@ -27,71 +27,86 @@
         End Sub
         Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
-            ' Declaration
-            Dim fiAss As New IO.FileInfo(joinPaths(Application.Info.DirectoryPath, Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"))
+            Try
+                ' Declaration
+                Dim fiAss As New IO.FileInfo(joinPaths(Application.Info.DirectoryPath, Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"))
-            AppPreferences = New cPreferences(True) ' !!!Skip schema-validation here, or else app hangs as zombie! (do it instead when creating new for Dialog)
+                Prefs = New cPreferences(True) ' !!!Skip schema-validation here, or else app hangs as zombie! (do it instead when creating new for Dialog)
+                'F_Main.installJob(New cJob()) NO! cannot instantiate form without JOB/Crt.
+                Job = New cJob(True)  ' !!!Skip schema
+                Crt = Job.Criteria
-            ' Path to the *.exe 
-            MyPath = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\"
-            PreferencesPath = joinPaths(MyPath, "config", "preferences.json")
-            ' Generateion of folder for the file history if not exists
-            FB_FilHisDir = joinPaths(MyPath, "config", "fileHistory\")
-            If Not IO.Directory.Exists(FB_FilHisDir) Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FB_FilHisDir)
+                ' Path to the *.exe 
+                MyPath = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\"
+                PrefsPath = joinPaths(MyPath, "config", "preferences.json")
-            ' compile date
-            AppDate = fiAss.LastWriteTime.Date
+                ' Generateion of folder for the file history if not exists
+                FB_FilHisDir = joinPaths(MyPath, "config", "fileHistory\")
+                If Not IO.Directory.Exists(FB_FilHisDir) Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FB_FilHisDir)
-            ' Licencemodul
-            Lic.FilePath = joinPaths(MyPath, "License.dat")
-            Lic.AppVersion = AppVers
+                ' compile date
+                AppDate = fiAss.LastWriteTime.Date
-            ' Declaration from the filebrowser optionen
-            fbVECTO = New cFileBrowser("CSE")
-            fbVECTO.Extensions = New String() {"csjob.json", "csjob"}
+                ' Licencemodul
+                Lic.FilePath = joinPaths(MyPath, "License.dat")
+                Lic.AppVersion = AppVers
-            fbTXT = New cFileBrowser("TXT")
-            fbTXT.Extensions = New String() {"txt"}
+                ' Declaration from the filebrowser optionen
+                fbVECTO = New cFileBrowser("CSE")
+                fbVECTO.Extensions = New String() {"csjob.json", "csjob"}
-            fbExe = New cFileBrowser("EXE")
-            fbExe.Extensions = New String() {"exe"}
+                fbTXT = New cFileBrowser("TXT")
+                fbTXT.Extensions = New String() {"txt"}
-            fbCSV = New cFileBrowser("CSV")
-            fbCSV.Extensions = New String() {"csv", "txt"}
+                fbExe = New cFileBrowser("EXE")
+                fbExe.Extensions = New String() {"exe"}
-            fbDir = New cFileBrowser("DIR", True)
+                fbCSV = New cFileBrowser("CSV")
+                fbCSV.Extensions = New String() {"csv", "txt"}
-            fbWorkDir = New cFileBrowser("DIR", True)
+                fbDir = New cFileBrowser("DIR", True)
-            fbVEH = New cFileBrowser("VEH.json")
-            fbVEH.Extensions = New String() {"csveh.json"}
+                fbWorkDir = New cFileBrowser("DIR", True)
-            fbAMB = New cFileBrowser("AMB")
-            fbAMB.Extensions = New String() {"csamb"}
+                fbVEH = New cFileBrowser("VEH.json")
+                fbVEH.Extensions = New String() {"csveh.json"}
-            fbALT = New cFileBrowser("ALT")
-            fbALT.Extensions = New String() {"csalt"}
+                fbAMB = New cFileBrowser("AMB")
+                fbAMB.Extensions = New String() {"csamb"}
-            fbVEL = New cFileBrowser("VEL")
-            fbVEL.Extensions = New String() {"csdat"}
+                fbALT = New cFileBrowser("ALT")
+                fbALT.Extensions = New String() {"csalt"}
-            fbMSC = New cFileBrowser("MSC")
-            fbMSC.Extensions = New String() {"csms"}
+                fbVEL = New cFileBrowser("VEL")
+                fbVEL.Extensions = New String() {"csdat"}
-            ' Initialise the key array
-            sKey = New csKey
+                fbMSC = New cFileBrowser("MSC")
+                fbMSC.Extensions = New String() {"csms"}
+                ' Initialise the key array
+                sKey = New csKey
+                'Dim currentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
+                'AddHandler currentDomain.UnhandledException, AddressOf Me.MyApplicationDomain_UnhandledException
+            Catch ex As Exception
+                MsgBox(format("{0} failed on init due to: \n\i{1}", AppName, ex), MsgBoxStyle.Critical, format("{0} failed to Start!", AppName))
+            End Try
-            'Dim currentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
-            'AddHandler currentDomain.UnhandledException, AddressOf Me.MyApplicationDomain_UnhandledException
         End Sub
         Private Sub MyApplication_UnhandledException(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs) Handles Me.UnhandledException
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, format("Unhandled exception: {0}", ev.Exception.Message), ev.Exception)
+            Dim ex As Exception = ev.Exception
+            If AppFormStarted Then
+                logme(9, False, format("Unhandled exception: \i{0}", ex.Message), ex)
+                ev.ExitApplication = False
+            Else
+                MsgBox(format("{0} failed after init due to: \n\i{1}", AppName, ex), MsgBoxStyle.Critical, format("{0} failed to Start!", AppName))
+            End If
         End Sub
         'Private Sub MyApplicationDomain_UnhandledException(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)
         '    Dim ex As Exception = DirectCast(ev.ExceptionObject, Exception)
-        '    fInfWarErr(9, False, format("Worked's unhandled exception: {0}", ex.Message), ex)
+        '    logme(9, False, format("Worked's unhandled exception: {0}", ex.Message), ex)
         'End Sub
     End Class
diff --git a/CSE/CSE.vbproj b/CSE/CSE.vbproj
index ad406cf7496fdcddcddba08cb36e914c6da49118..fb07c4e08d2546c88d13b885564e60b86cc02562 100644
--- a/CSE/CSE.vbproj
+++ b/CSE/CSE.vbproj
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@
     <Compile Include="utils.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Classes\cFile_v3.vb" />
     <Compile Include="CSE_Globals.vb" />
-    <Compile Include="CSE_Types.vb" />
     <EmbeddedResource Include="GUI\F_Preferences.resx">
diff --git a/CSE/CSE_Globals.vb b/CSE/CSE_Globals.vb
index 8a7322206d8d20d2144870f298585edfe08a2e6b..af5d6700fc4fde265c19173a1a2e63ca0982b6c7 100644
--- a/CSE/CSE_Globals.vb
+++ b/CSE/CSE_Globals.vb
@@ -1,4 +1,191 @@
 Module CSE_Globals
+    Public Enum tComp
+        t
+        lati
+        longi
+        hdg
+        v_veh_GPS
+        v_veh_CAN
+        vair_ar
+        beta_ar
+        n_eng
+        tq_l
+        tq_r
+        t_amb_veh
+        t_tire
+        p_tire
+        fc
+        trigger
+        user_valid
+        Undefined
+    End Enum
+    Public Enum tCompWeat
+        t
+        t_amb_stat
+        p_amp_stat
+        rh_stat
+        Undefined
+    End Enum
+    Public Enum tCompCali
+        t
+        zone_UTM
+        lati_UTM
+        longi_UTM
+        trigger_c
+        SecID
+        DirID
+        lati_root
+        longi_root
+        v_veh_c
+        vair_ic
+        vair_uf
+        beta_ic
+        beta_uf
+        vwind_ha
+        vwind_c
+        vwind_1s
+        vair_c
+        vair_c_sq
+        beta_c
+        dist
+        dist_root
+        alt
+        slope_deg
+        omega_wh
+        omega_p_wh
+        tq_sum
+        tq_sum_1s
+        t_float
+        tq_sum_float
+        F_trac
+        v_veh_acc
+        a_veh_avg
+        F_acc
+        F_grd
+        F_res
+        v_veh_1s
+        v_veh_float
+        t_amp_veh
+        t_amp_stat
+        p_amp_stat
+        rh_stat
+    End Enum
+    Public Enum tCompErg
+        SecID
+        DirID
+        RunID
+        HeadID
+        delta_t
+        v_veh
+        v_MSC
+        v_MSC_GPS
+        s_MSC
+        v_veh_CAN
+        vair_ar
+        vair_ic
+        vair_uf
+        vair
+        beta_ar
+        beta_ic
+        beta_uf
+        user_valid
+        valid
+        used
+        calcT
+        n_eng
+        v_wind_avg
+        v_wind_1s
+        v_wind_1s_max
+        beta_avg
+        dist
+        omega_wh
+        omega_p_wh
+        tq_sum_1s
+        t_float
+        tq_sum_float
+        F_trac
+        F_res_ref
+        v_veh_avg
+        a_veh_avg
+        F_acc
+        F_grd
+        F_res
+        v_veh_1s
+        v_veh_float
+        t_amb_veh
+        t_amb_stat
+        p_amb_stat
+        rh_stat
+        v_air_sq
+        v_veh_1s_max
+        v_veh_1s_min
+        v_veh_float_max
+        v_veh_float_min
+        beta_abs
+        tq_sum
+        tq_sum_1s_max
+        tq_sum_1s_min
+        tq_sum_float_max
+        tq_sum_float_min
+        vp_H2O
+        rho_air
+        t_tire
+        p_tire
+        F0_ref_singleDS
+        F0_singleDS
+        F2_ref_singleDS
+        RRC_singleDS
+        CdxA_singleDS
+        val_User
+        val_vVeh_avg
+        val_vVeh_1s
+        val_vVeh_f
+        val_vWind
+        val_vWind_1s
+        val_tq_f
+        val_tq_1s
+        val_beta
+        val_dist
+    End Enum
+    Public Enum tCompErgReg
+        SecID
+        DirID
+        F0
+        F0_LS1
+        F0_LS2
+        F0_ref
+        F2_ref
+        F0_LS1_ref
+        F2_LS1_ref
+        F0_LS2_ref
+        F2_LS2_ref
+        roh_air_LS
+        beta_abs_HS
+        RRC
+        RRC_LS1
+        RRC_LS2
+        RRC_valid
+        CdxA
+        delta_CdxA
+        CdxA0
+        F0_95
+        F2_95
+        R_sq
+        t_tire_LS_min
+        t_tire_LS_max
+        t_tire_HS_min
+        t_tire_HS_max
+        valid_t_tire
+        't_amb
+        't_amb_min
+        't_amb_max
+    End Enum
     Public Function fComp(ByVal sK As String) As tComp
         sK = Trim(UCase(sK))
         Select Case sK
@@ -732,52 +919,4 @@
                 Return "ERROR"
         End Select
     End Function
-    ' Function with the standard parameter
-    Public Sub StdParameter()
-        ' Standard values
-        trigger_delta_x_max = 10                       ' [m]; +/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (driving direction)
-        trigger_delta_y_max = 100                      ' [m]; +/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (perpendicular to driving direction)
-        delta_head_max = 10                            ' [°]; +/- maximum deviation from heading as read from the csdat-file to the heading from csms-file for a valid dataset
-        segruns_min_CAL = 5                            ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the calibration test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
-        segruns_min_LS = 1                             ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the low speed test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
-        segruns_min_HS = 2                             ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the high speed test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
-        segruns_min_head_MS = 10                       ' [#]; Minimum TOTAL number of valid datasets required for the high speed test per heading
-        delta_Hz_max = 1                               ' [%]; maximum allowed deviation of timestep-size in csdat-file from 100Hz
-        acc_corr_avg = 1                               ' [s] averaging of vehicle speed for correction of acceleration forces
-        dist_float = 25                                ' [m]; Distance used for calculation of floating average signal used for stabilitay criteria in low speed tests
-        roh_air_ref = 1.1884                           ' [kg/m^3] Reference air density 
-        ' Determination constances
-        delta_parallel_max = 20                        ' [°]; maximum heading difference for measurement section (parallelism criteria for test track layout)
-        v_wind_avg_max_CAL = 5                         ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during calibration test
-        beta_avg_max_CAL = 5                           ' [°]; maximum average beta during calibration test
-        v_wind_1s_max_CAL = 8                          ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during calibration test
-        v_veh_avg_max_LS = 16                          ' [km/h]; maximum average vehicle speed for low speed test
-        v_veh_avg_min_LS = 9                           ' [km/h]; minimum average vehicle speed for low speed test
-        v_wind_avg_max_LS = 5                          ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during low speed test
-        v_wind_1s_max_LS = 8                           ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during low speed test
-        v_veh_float_delta_LS = 0.15                    ' [km/h]; +/- maximum deviation of floating average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (low speed test)
-        tq_sum_float_delta_LS = 0.1                    ' [-]; +/- maximum relative deviation of floating average torque from average torque over entire section (low speed test)
-        v_veh_avg_min_HS = 80                          ' [km/h]; minimum average vehicle speed for high speed test
-        v_wind_avg_max_HS = 5                          ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during high speed test
-        v_wind_1s_max_HS = 8                           ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during high speed test
-        beta_avg_max_HS = 3                            ' [°]; maximum average beta during high speed test
-        v_veh_1s_delta_HS = 0.3                        ' [km/h]; +/- maximum deviation of 1s average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (high speed test)
-        tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = 0.1                       ' [-]; +/- maximum relative deviation of 1s average torque from average torque over entire section (high speed test)
-        leng_crit = 3                                  ' [m]; maximum absolute difference of distance driven with lenght of section as specified in configuration
-        delta_t_tyre_max = 5                           ' [°C]; maximum variation of tyre temperature between high speed tests and low speed tests
-        delta_rr_corr_max = 0.3                        ' [kg/t]; maximum difference of RRC from the two low speed runs 
-        t_amb_var = 3                                  ' [°C]; maximum variation of ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)
-        t_amb_max = 35                                 ' [°C]; Maximum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only) 
-        t_amb_tarmac = 25                              ' [°C]; Maximum temperature below which no documentation of tarmac conditions is necessary
-        t_amb_min = 0                                  ' [°C]; Minimum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)
-        ' Evaluation
-        accel_correction = False
-        gradient_correction = False
-        ' Output
-        hz_out = 1
-    End Sub
 End Module
diff --git a/CSE/CSE_Types.vb b/CSE/CSE_Types.vb
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a36612084026b45ae6ae556549429ceea1fca6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CSE/CSE_Types.vb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-Public Enum tComp
-    t
-    lati
-    longi
-    hdg
-    v_veh_GPS
-    v_veh_CAN
-    vair_ar
-    beta_ar
-    n_eng
-    tq_l
-    tq_r
-    t_amb_veh
-    t_tire
-    p_tire
-    fc
-    trigger
-    user_valid
-    Undefined
-End Enum
-Public Enum tCompWeat
-    t
-    t_amb_stat
-    p_amp_stat
-    rh_stat
-    Undefined
-End Enum
-Public Enum tCompCali
-    t
-    zone_UTM
-    lati_UTM
-    longi_UTM
-    trigger_c
-    SecID
-    DirID
-    lati_root
-    longi_root
-    v_veh_c
-    vair_ic
-    vair_uf
-    beta_ic
-    beta_uf
-    vwind_ha
-    vwind_c
-    vwind_1s
-    vair_c
-    vair_c_sq
-    beta_c
-    dist
-    dist_root
-    alt
-    slope_deg
-    omega_wh
-    omega_p_wh
-    tq_sum
-    tq_sum_1s
-    t_float
-    tq_sum_float
-    F_trac
-    v_veh_acc
-    a_veh_avg
-    F_acc
-    F_grd
-    F_res
-    v_veh_1s
-    v_veh_float
-    t_amp_veh
-    t_amp_stat
-    p_amp_stat
-    rh_stat
-End Enum
-Public Enum tCompErg
-    SecID
-    DirID
-    RunID
-    HeadID
-    delta_t
-    v_veh
-    v_MSC
-    v_MSC_GPS
-    s_MSC
-    v_veh_CAN
-    vair_ar
-    vair_ic
-    vair_uf
-    vair
-    beta_ar
-    beta_ic
-    beta_uf
-    user_valid
-    valid
-    used
-    calcT
-    n_eng
-    v_wind_avg
-    v_wind_1s
-    v_wind_1s_max
-    beta_avg
-    dist
-    omega_wh
-    omega_p_wh
-    tq_sum_1s
-    t_float
-    tq_sum_float
-    F_trac
-    F_res_ref
-    v_veh_avg
-    a_veh_avg
-    F_acc
-    F_grd
-    F_res
-    v_veh_1s
-    v_veh_float
-    t_amb_veh
-    t_amb_stat
-    p_amb_stat
-    rh_stat
-    v_air_sq
-    v_veh_1s_max
-    v_veh_1s_min
-    v_veh_float_max
-    v_veh_float_min
-    beta_abs
-    tq_sum
-    tq_sum_1s_max
-    tq_sum_1s_min
-    tq_sum_float_max
-    tq_sum_float_min
-    vp_H2O
-    rho_air
-    t_tire
-    p_tire
-    F0_ref_singleDS
-    F0_singleDS
-    F2_ref_singleDS
-    RRC_singleDS
-    CdxA_singleDS
-    val_User
-    val_vVeh_avg
-    val_vVeh_1s
-    val_vVeh_f
-    val_vWind
-    val_vWind_1s
-    val_tq_f
-    val_tq_1s
-    val_beta
-    val_dist
-End Enum
-Public Enum tCompErgReg
-    SecID
-    DirID
-    F0
-    F0_LS1
-    F0_LS2
-    F0_ref
-    F2_ref
-    F0_LS1_ref
-    F2_LS1_ref
-    F0_LS2_ref
-    F2_LS2_ref
-    roh_air_LS
-    beta_abs_HS
-    RRC
-    RRC_LS1
-    RRC_LS2
-    RRC_valid
-    CdxA
-    delta_CdxA
-    CdxA0
-    F0_95
-    F2_95
-    R_sq
-    t_tire_LS_min
-    t_tire_LS_max
-    t_tire_HS_min
-    t_tire_HS_max
-    valid_t_tire
-    't_amb
-    't_amb_min
-    't_amb_max
-End Enum
diff --git a/CSE/Calculation/Minor_routines_calculate.vb b/CSE/Calculation/Minor_routines_calculate.vb
index 15f532a055bdd11db7397df4d508ee57d0a617bd..b40edd1c509facabcb6418a090bc7c4114d2e1b9 100644
--- a/CSE/Calculation/Minor_routines_calculate.vb
+++ b/CSE/Calculation/Minor_routines_calculate.vb
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
         ElseIf Dy < 0 And DX = 0 Then
             QuadReq = 180
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "The angle definition is not possible")
+            logme(9, False, "The angle definition is not possible")
             QuadReq = "x"
         End If
     End Function
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
         'Check whether Time is not reversed
         For i = 1 To TimeX.Count - 1
             If i = 1 Then tstep = TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)
-            If tstep + (tstep * delta_Hz_max / 100) < Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Or tstep - (tstep * delta_Hz_max / 100) > Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Then
+            If tstep + (tstep * crt.delta_Hz_max / 100) < Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Or tstep - (tstep * crt.delta_Hz_max / 100) > Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Then
                 If Sprung Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & i - 1 & ") = " & TimeX(i - 1) & "[s], t(" & i & ") = " & TimeX(i) & "[s]")
+                    logme(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & i - 1 & ") = " & TimeX(i - 1) & "[s], t(" & i & ") = " & TimeX(i) & "[s]")
                     Return False
                     Sprung = True
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
         'Check whether Time is not reversed
         For i = 1 To TimeX.Count - 1
             If i = 1 Then tstep = TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)
-            If tstep + (tstep * delta_Hz_max / 100) < Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Or tstep - (tstep * delta_Hz_max / 100) > Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Then
+            If tstep + (tstep * crt.delta_Hz_max / 100) < Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Or tstep - (tstep * crt.delta_Hz_max / 100) > Math.Abs(TimeX(i) - TimeX(i - 1)) Then
                 If Sprung Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & i - 1 & ") = " & TimeX(i - 1) & "[s], t(" & i & ") = " & TimeX(i) & "[s]")
+                    logme(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & i - 1 & ") = " & TimeX(i - 1) & "[s], t(" & i & ") = " & TimeX(i) & "[s]")
                     Return False
                     Sprung = True
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
         'Check whether Time is not reversed
         For z = 1 To UBound(TimeX)
             If TimeX(z) < TimeX(z - 1) Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & TimeX(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & TimeX(z) & "[s]")
+                logme(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & TimeX(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & TimeX(z) & "[s]")
                 Return False
             End If
         Next z
@@ -339,12 +339,12 @@
             Dim vline(), Line() As String
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(5, False, "Read altitude file")
+            logme(5, False, "Read altitude file")
             ' Open the MSC spezification file
             If Not FileInAlt.OpenRead(File) Then
                 ' Error if the file is not available
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Can´t find the altitude file: " & File)
+                logme(9, False, "Can´t find the altitude file: " & File)
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
             vline = FileInAlt.ReadLine
             If dist < vline(0) Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "The distance is lower then the minimum in the altitude file")
+                logme(9, False, "The distance is lower then the minimum in the altitude file")
                 fAltInterp = 0
             End If
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
         ' Erreor message wehen lambda can not be calculated
         If i = 0 Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Was not able to calculate the distance and bearing between koordinates.")
+            logme(9, False, "Was not able to calculate the distance and bearing between koordinates.")
             Return 0  ' formula failed to converge
         End If
diff --git a/CSE/Calculation/Signal_identification.vb b/CSE/Calculation/Signal_identification.vb
index a8587cad0dab0a5fa744d1754e5c7ed2d820a0bf..c20ebde1088ad550dee320fed69eb38984497d16 100644
--- a/CSE/Calculation/Signal_identification.vb
+++ b/CSE/Calculation/Signal_identification.vb
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-Module Signal_identification
+Imports CSE.cCriteria
+Module Signal_identification
     ' Divide the signal into there directions
-    Public Function fIdentifyMS(ByVal MSC As cMSC, ByRef vMSC As cVirtMSC, Optional virtMSC As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal SectionDev As Boolean = True) As Boolean
+    Public Function fIdentifyMS(ByVal MSC As cMSC, ByRef vMSC As cVirtMSC, Optional ByVal virtMSC As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal SectionDev As Boolean = True) As Boolean
         If virtMSC Then
             ' Calculation of the virtual MSC points
             fvirtMSC(MSC, vMSC)
@@ -8,7 +10,7 @@
         If SectionDev Then
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(6, False, "Identifying the sections")
+            logme(6, False, "Identifying the sections")
             ' Devide the measured data into there sections
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@
             ' Leap in time control
             If JumpPoint <> -1 Then
                 If CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(JumpPoint) <> 0 Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "The detected leap in time is inside a measurement section. This is not allowed!")
+                    logme(9, False, "The detected leap in time is inside a measurement section. This is not allowed!")
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -52,8 +54,8 @@
             Aae = QuadReq(UTMCoordV.Easting - UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordV.Northing - UTMCoordP.Northing)
-            MSCVirt.KoordA.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, 0, -trigger_delta_y_max))
-            MSCVirt.KoordE.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, 0, trigger_delta_y_max))
+            MSCVirt.KoordA.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, 0, -Crt.trigger_delta_y_max))
+            MSCVirt.KoordE.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, 0, Crt.trigger_delta_y_max))
@@ -62,16 +64,16 @@
-                    MSCVirt.KoordA.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), -trigger_delta_y_max))
-                    MSCVirt.KoordE.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), trigger_delta_y_max))
+                    MSCVirt.KoordA.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), -Crt.trigger_delta_y_max))
+                    MSCVirt.KoordE.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), Crt.trigger_delta_y_max))
                 End If
             ElseIf i = MSCOrg.meID.Count - 1 Then
-                MSCVirt.KoordA.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), -trigger_delta_y_max))
-                MSCVirt.KoordE.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), trigger_delta_y_max))
+                MSCVirt.KoordA.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), -Crt.trigger_delta_y_max))
+                MSCVirt.KoordE.Add(KleinPkt(UTMCoordP.Easting, UTMCoordP.Northing, Aae, MSCOrg.len(i), Crt.trigger_delta_y_max))
             End If
         Next i
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@
             h = Math.Sqrt((DXep ^ 2 + DYep ^ 2) - p ^ 2)
             ' Appropriate if the point is in the detection area
-            If h <= trigger_delta_x_max And p > 0 And q > 0 Then
+            If h <= Crt.trigger_delta_x_max And p > 0 And q > 0 Then
                 Return True
                 Return False
@@ -211,7 +213,7 @@
                 ' Set the direction ID
                 For j = 1 To UBound(SecTest)
                     If SecTest(j) Then
-                        If Math.Abs(InputData(tComp.hdg)(i) - vMSCX.Head(j)) <= delta_head_max Then
+                        If Math.Abs(InputData(tComp.hdg)(i) - vMSCX.Head(j)) <= Crt.delta_head_max Then
                             DirID = vMSCX.dID(j)
                         End If
                     End If
@@ -385,8 +387,8 @@
         ' Calculate the section average values
         For i = 0 To CalcData(tCompCali.SecID).Count - 1
-            CalcData(tCompCali.vair_ic).Add(InputData(tComp.vair_ar)(i) * AnemIC(0) + AnemIC(1))
-            CalcData(tCompCali.beta_ic).Add(InputData(tComp.beta_ar)(i) * AnemIC(2) + AnemIC(3))
+            CalcData(tCompCali.vair_ic).Add(InputData(tComp.vair_ar)(i) * Job.Anemometer(0) + Job.Anemometer(1))
+            CalcData(tCompCali.beta_ic).Add(InputData(tComp.beta_ar)(i) * Job.Anemometer(2) + Job.Anemometer(3))
             For Each sKVC In CalcData
                 If CalcData(sKVC.Key).Count <= i Then
@@ -663,7 +665,7 @@
     End Function
     ' Calculate the corrected vehicle speed
-    Public Function fCalcSpeedVal(ByVal orgMSCX As cMSC, ByVal vehicleX As cVehicle, ByVal TestRunX As Integer) As Boolean
+    Public Function fCalcSpeedVal(ByVal orgMSCX As cMSC, ByVal vehicleX As cVehicle, ByVal coastingSeq As Integer) As Boolean
         ' Declaration
         Dim i, j, run, anz, RunIDx As Integer
         Dim firstIn As Boolean = True
@@ -672,9 +674,9 @@
         ' Initialise
         run = 0
         anz = 0
-        If TestRunX = 1 Or TestRunX = 3 Then
+        If coastingSeq = 0 Or coastingSeq = 2 Then
             igear = vehicleX.gearRatio_low
-            If TestRunX = 1 Then
+            If coastingSeq = 0 Then
                 RunIDx = IDLS1
                 RunIDx = IDLS2
@@ -700,16 +702,16 @@
             ' Time
             If CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c)(i) < (2.5 * 3.6) Then
-                CalcData(tCompCali.t_float)(i) = dist_float / 2.5
+                CalcData(tCompCali.t_float)(i) = Crt.dist_float / 2.5
-                CalcData(tCompCali.t_float)(i) = dist_float / (CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c)(i) / 3.6)
+                CalcData(tCompCali.t_float)(i) = Crt.dist_float / (CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c)(i) / 3.6)
             End If
             ' F trac raw
             CalcData(tCompCali.F_trac)(i) = (InputData(tComp.tq_l)(i) + InputData(tComp.tq_r)(i)) * CalcData(tCompCali.omega_wh)(i) / (CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c)(i) / 3.6)
-            If gradient_correction Then
+            If Crt.gradient_correction Then
                 If CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i) <> 0 Then
                     ' Altitude
                     CalcData(tCompCali.alt)(i) = fAltInterp(orgMSCX.AltPath(fSecPos(orgMSCX, CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i), CalcData(tCompCali.DirID)(i))), CalcData(tCompCali.dist_root)(i))
@@ -723,7 +725,7 @@
             For j = 0 To InputWeatherData(tCompWeat.t).Count - 1
                 If j = 0 Then
                     If CalcData(tCompCali.t)(i) < InputWeatherData(tCompWeat.t)(j) And j = 0 Then
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "The test time is outside the range of the data from the stationary weather station.")
+                        logme(9, False, "The test time is outside the range of the data from the stationary weather station.")
                         Return False
                     ElseIf CalcData(tCompCali.t)(i) >= InputWeatherData(tCompWeat.t)(j) And CalcData(tCompCali.t)(i) < InputWeatherData(tCompWeat.t)(j + 1) Then
@@ -741,7 +743,7 @@
                     End If
                 End If
                 If j = InputWeatherData(tCompWeat.t).Count - 1 Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "The test time is outside the range of the data from the stationary weather station.")
+                    logme(9, False, "The test time is outside the range of the data from the stationary weather station.")
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -752,7 +754,7 @@
         fMoveAve(CalcData(tCompCali.t), CalcData(tCompCali.tq_sum), CalcData(tCompCali.tq_sum_float), CalcData(tCompCali.t_float))
         fMoveAve(CalcData(tCompCali.t), CalcData(tCompCali.tq_sum), CalcData(tCompCali.tq_sum_1s))
         fMoveAve(CalcData(tCompCali.t), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_1s))
-        fMoveAve(CalcData(tCompCali.t), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_acc), acc_corr_avg)
+        fMoveAve(CalcData(tCompCali.t), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_acc), Crt.acc_corr_avg)
         fMoveAve(CalcData(tCompCali.t), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_c), CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_float), CalcData(tCompCali.t_float))
         ' Calculate the remaining values
@@ -764,14 +766,14 @@
                 CalcData(tCompCali.a_veh_avg)(i) = (CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_acc)(i + 1) - CalcData(tCompCali.v_veh_acc)(i - 1)) / (3.6 * 2) * HzIn
             End If
-            If gradient_correction Then
+            If Crt.gradient_correction Then
                 If CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i) <> 0 Then
                     ' Slope Deg
                     If i > 0 And i < CalcData(tCompCali.SecID).Count - 1 Then
                         If CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i - 1) = CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i) And CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i + 1) = CalcData(tCompCali.SecID)(i) Then
                             If (CalcData(tCompCali.dist_root)(i + 1) - CalcData(tCompCali.dist_root)(i - 1)) = 0 Then
                                 CalcData(tCompCali.slope_deg)(i) = 0
-                                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Standstill or loss of vehicle speed signal inside MS not permitted (Error at line " & i & ")")
+                                logme(9, False, "Standstill or loss of vehicle speed signal inside MS not permitted (Error at line " & i & ")")
                                 CalcData(tCompCali.slope_deg)(i) = (Math.Asin((CalcData(tCompCali.alt)(i + 1) - CalcData(tCompCali.alt)(i - 1)) / (CalcData(tCompCali.dist_root)(i + 1) - CalcData(tCompCali.dist_root)(i - 1)))) * 180 / Math.PI
@@ -789,8 +791,8 @@
             ' Force trajectory
             CalcData(tCompCali.F_res)(i) = CalcData(tCompCali.F_trac)(i)
-            If accel_correction Then CalcData(tCompCali.F_res)(i) -= CalcData(tCompCali.F_acc)(i)
-            If gradient_correction Then CalcData(tCompCali.F_res)(i) -= CalcData(tCompCali.F_grd)(i)
+            If Crt.accel_correction Then CalcData(tCompCali.F_res)(i) -= CalcData(tCompCali.F_acc)(i)
+            If Crt.gradient_correction Then CalcData(tCompCali.F_res)(i) -= CalcData(tCompCali.F_grd)(i)
         Next i
@@ -892,9 +894,9 @@
                         ErgValues(tCompErg.vp_H2O)(run) = ((ErgValues(tCompErg.rh_stat)(run) / 100) * 611 * 10 ^ ((7.5 * ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_stat)(run)) / (237 + ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_stat)(run))))
                         ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run) = (ErgValues(tCompErg.p_amb_stat)(run) * 100 - ErgValues(tCompErg.vp_H2O)(run)) / (287.05 * (ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_veh)(run) + 273.15)) + ErgValues(tCompErg.vp_H2O)(run) / (461.9 * (ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_veh)(run) + 273.15))
                         If ErgValues(tCompErg.RunID)(run) = IDHS Then
-                            ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * f_rollHS * (roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
+                            ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * f_rollHS * (Crt.roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
-                            ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * rr_corr_factor * (roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
+                            ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * Crt.rr_corr_factor * (Crt.roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
                         End If
                         ErgValues(tCompErg.t_tire)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.t_tire)(run) / anz
                         If OptPar(1) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.p_tire)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.p_tire)(run) / anz
@@ -963,9 +965,9 @@
                     ErgValues(tCompErg.vp_H2O)(run) = ((ErgValues(tCompErg.rh_stat)(run) / 100) * 611 * 10 ^ ((7.5 * ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_stat)(run)) / (237 + ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_stat)(run))))
                     ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run) = (ErgValues(tCompErg.p_amb_stat)(run) * 100 - ErgValues(tCompErg.vp_H2O)(run)) / (287.05 * (ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_veh)(run) + 273.15)) + ErgValues(tCompErg.vp_H2O)(run) / (461.9 * (ErgValues(tCompErg.t_amb_veh)(run) + 273.15))
                     If ErgValues(tCompErg.RunID)(run) = IDHS Then
-                        ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * f_rollHS * (roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
+                        ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * f_rollHS * (Crt.roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
-                        ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * rr_corr_factor * (roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
+                        ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res_ref)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.F_res)(run) * Crt.rr_corr_factor * (Crt.roh_air_ref / ErgValues(tCompErg.rho_air)(run))
                     End If
                     ErgValues(tCompErg.t_tire)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.t_tire)(run) / anz
                     If OptPar(1) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.p_tire)(run) = ErgValues(tCompErg.p_tire)(run) / anz
diff --git a/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb b/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb
index 6892bad31dc78f65004a8e3e7f4d0240c29b364e..ee229f97882145c3b91fe00ab93f8832e75589b4 100644
--- a/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb
+++ b/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
             Dim vMSC As New cVirtMSC
             ' Read the input data
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Reading Input Files...")
-            Dim vehicle As New cVehicle(Vehspez)
-            ReadInputMSC(MSC, MSCCSpez, isCalibrate)
-            ReadDataFile(DataSpez(0), MSC)
+            logme(7, False, "Reading Input Files...")
+            Dim vehicle As New cVehicle(Job.vehicle_fpath)
+            ReadInputMSC(MSC, Job.track_fpath, isCalibrate)
+            ReadDataFile(Job.calibration_fpath, MSC)
             ' Exit function if error is detected
             If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Calculating the calibration run...")
+            logme(7, False, "Calculating the calibration run...")
             ' Identify the signal measurement sections
             fIdentifyMS(MSC, vMSC)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
             If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(6, False, "Calculating the calibration run parameter")
+            logme(6, False, "Calculating the calibration run parameter")
             ' Calculate the results from the calibration test
             fCalcCalib(MSC, vehicle)
@@ -47,24 +47,23 @@
             'If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Writing the output files...")
+            logme(7, False, "Writing the output files...")
             ' Output
-            fOutDataCalc1Hz(DataSpez(0), isCalibrate)
-            fOutCalcRes(DataSpez, isCalibrate)
+            fOutDataCalc1Hz(Job.calibration_fpath, isCalibrate)
+            fOutCalcRes(isCalibrate)
-            ' Declarations
             Dim MSC As New cMSC
             Dim vMSC As New cVirtMSC
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Calculating the speed runs...")
+            logme(7, False, "Calculating the speed runs...")
             ' Read the input files
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Reading Input Files...")
-            Dim vehicle As New cVehicle(Vehspez)
-            ReadInputMSC(MSC, MSCTSpez, isCalibrate)
-            ReadWeather(Ambspez)
+            logme(7, False, "Reading Input Files...")
+            Dim vehicle As New cVehicle(Job.vehicle_fpath)
+            ReadInputMSC(MSC, Job.MSCTSpez, isCalibrate)
+            ReadWeather(Job.ambient_fpath)
             ' Calculation of the virtual MSC points
             fIdentifyMS(MSC, vMSC, , False)
@@ -73,22 +72,22 @@
             If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
             ' Output which test are calculated
-            For i = 1 To UBound(DataSpez)
-                If i = 2 Or i = 4 Then
+            For i = 0 To UBound(Job.coasting_fpaths)
+                If i = 0 Or i = 2 Then
                     ' Output on the GUI
-                    If i = 2 Then
-                        fInfWarErr(7, False, "Calculating the first low speed run...")
+                    If i = 0 Then
+                        logme(7, False, "Calculating the first low speed run...")
-                        fInfWarErr(7, False, "Calculating the second low speed run...")
+                        logme(7, False, "Calculating the second low speed run...")
                     End If
                     ' Output on the GUI
-                    fInfWarErr(7, False, "Calculating the high speed run...")
+                    logme(7, False, "Calculating the high speed run...")
                 End If
                 ' Output on the GUI
-                fInfWarErr(6, False, "Reading the data file...")
-                ReadDataFile(DataSpez(i), MSC)
+                logme(6, False, "Reading the data file...")
+                ReadDataFile(Job.coasting_fpaths(i), MSC)
                 ' Exit function if error is detected
                 If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
@@ -100,19 +99,19 @@
                 If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
                 ' Calculate the run
-                fCalcRun(MSC, vehicle, i - 1)
+                fCalcRun(MSC, vehicle, i)
                 ' Exit function if error is detected
                 If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
                 ' Output on the GUI
-                fInfWarErr(6, False, "Writing the output files...")
+                logme(6, False, "Writing the output files...")
                 ' Output
-                fOutDataCalc1Hz(DataSpez(i), isCalibrate)
+                fOutDataCalc1Hz(Job.coasting_fpaths(i), isCalibrate)
                 ' Save the Result dictionaries
-                fSaveDic(i - 1)
+                fSaveDic(i)
                 ' Exit function if error is detected
                 If BWorker.CancellationPending Then Return False
@@ -133,8 +132,8 @@
             ' Exit function if error is detected
             If BWorker.CancellationPending Then
                 ' Write the summerised output file
-                fInfWarErr(7, False, "Writing the summarised output file...")
-                fOutCalcRes(DataSpez, isCalibrate)
+                logme(7, False, "Writing the summarised output file...")
+                fOutCalcRes(isCalibrate)
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -142,8 +141,8 @@
             ' Write the summerised output file
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Writing the summarised output file...")
-            fOutCalcRes(DataSpez, isCalibrate)
+            logme(7, False, "Writing the summarised output file...")
+            fOutCalcRes(isCalibrate)
             ' Check if all is valid
             For i = 0 To ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.SecID).Count - 1
@@ -152,13 +151,13 @@
             Next i
             ' Output of the final data
-            fOutCalcResReg(DataSpez)
+            fOutCalcResReg()
             ' Write the results on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, "Results from the calculation")
-            fInfWarErr(6, False, "average absolute beta HS test: " & Math.Round(beta, 4))
-            fInfWarErr(6, False, "delta CdxA correction: " & Math.Round(delta_CdxA, 4))
-            fInfWarErr(6, False, "CdxA(0): " & Math.Round(CdxA0, 4))
+            logme(7, False, "Results from the calculation")
+            logme(6, False, "average absolute beta HS test: " & Math.Round(beta, 4))
+            logme(6, False, "delta CdxA correction: " & Math.Round(delta_CdxA, 4))
+            logme(6, False, "CdxA(0): " & Math.Round(CdxA0, 4))
             ' Clear the dictionaries
             ErgValuesComp = Nothing
@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@
             ' Error
             If run > 10 Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "The calibration is not possible because iteration for valid datasets does not converge (n>10)")
+                logme(9, False, "The calibration is not possible because iteration for valid datasets does not converge (n>10)")
                 Change = False
                 Return False
@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@
     End Function
     ' Calculate the speed run parameter
-    Function fCalcRun(ByVal MSCX As cMSC, ByVal vehicleX As cVehicle, ByVal TestRun As Integer) As Boolean
+    Function fCalcRun(ByVal MSCX As cMSC, ByVal vehicleX As cVehicle, ByVal coastingSeq As Integer) As Boolean
         ' Calculate the corrected vehicle speed
@@ -246,10 +245,10 @@
         ' Calculate the other speed run relevant values
-        fCalcSpeedVal(MSCX, vehicleX, TestRun)
+        fCalcSpeedVal(MSCX, vehicleX, coastingSeq)
         ' Evaluate the valid sections
-        fCalcValidSec(MSCX, TestRun)
+        fCalcValidSec(MSCX, coastingSeq)
         Return True
     End Function
@@ -309,7 +308,7 @@
         ' error message if the CAN velocity is 0
         For i = 0 To UBound(CalcX)
             If ave_vn(i) = 0 And VSec(i) = 1 Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "The measured vehicle velocity (v_veh_CAN) is 0 in section: " & CalcX(i))
+                logme(9, False, "The measured vehicle velocity (v_veh_CAN) is 0 in section: " & CalcX(i))
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -484,7 +483,7 @@
         ' Set the values
         For i = 0 To ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID).Count - 1
-            If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_avg)(i) < v_wind_avg_max_CAL And Math.Abs(ErgValues(tCompErg.beta_avg)(i)) < beta_avg_max_CAL And ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_1s_max)(i) < v_wind_1s_max_CAL And ErgValues(tCompErg.user_valid)(i) = 1 Then
+            If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_avg)(i) < Crt.v_wind_avg_max_CAL And Math.Abs(ErgValues(tCompErg.beta_avg)(i)) < Crt.beta_avg_max_CAL And ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_1s_max)(i) < Crt.v_wind_1s_max_CAL And ErgValues(tCompErg.user_valid)(i) = 1 Then
                 ErgValues(tCompErg.valid)(i) = 1
                 ErgValues(tCompErg.used)(i) = 1
@@ -552,7 +551,7 @@
         ' Ceck if enough sections are detected
         If SecCount.AnzSec.Count - 1 < 1 Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections available")
+            logme(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections available")
             Return False
         End If
@@ -562,7 +561,7 @@
             For j = i + 1 To SecCount.NameSec.Count - 1
                 If Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") - 2)) = Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(j), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), "(") - 2)) Then
                     ' If enought sections in both directions are detected
-                    If SecCount.AnzSec(i) >= segruns_min_CAL And SecCount.AnzSec(j) >= segruns_min_CAL Then
+                    If SecCount.AnzSec(i) >= Crt.segruns_min_CAL And SecCount.AnzSec(j) >= Crt.segruns_min_CAL Then
                         ' Set the whole sections on valid
                         SecCount.ValidSec(i) = True
                         SecCount.ValidSec(j) = True
@@ -613,7 +612,7 @@
             End If
         Next i
         If anz < 2 Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections available")
+            logme(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections available")
             Return False
         End If
@@ -701,7 +700,7 @@
         ' Ceck if enough sections are detected
         If SecCount.AnzSec.Count - 1 < 1 Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections in the low speed test available")
+            logme(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections in the low speed test available")
             Return False
         End If
@@ -712,7 +711,7 @@
                 If Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") - 2)) = Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(j), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), "(") - 2)) And _
                    Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") + 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ",") - (InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") + 1))) = Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(j), InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), "(") + 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), ",") - (InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), "(") + 1))) Then
                     ' If enought sections in both directions are detected
-                    If SecCount.AnzSec(i) >= segruns_min_LS And SecCount.AnzSec(j) >= segruns_min_LS Then
+                    If SecCount.AnzSec(i) >= Crt.segruns_min_LS And SecCount.AnzSec(j) >= Crt.segruns_min_LS Then
                         ' If not both the same number
                         If Not SecCount.AnzSec(i) = SecCount.AnzSec(j) Then
@@ -741,7 +740,7 @@
                             End If
                         End If
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Not enough valid data for low speed tests available in section " & Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") - 2)))
+                        logme(9, False, "Not enough valid data for low speed tests available in section " & Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") - 2)))
                     End If
                 End If
             Next j
@@ -817,7 +816,7 @@
         ' Ceck if enough sections are detected
         If SecCount.AnzSec.Count - 1 < 1 Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections in the high speed test available")
+            logme(9, False, "Insufficent numbers of valid measurement sections in the high speed test available")
             Return False
         End If
@@ -827,7 +826,7 @@
             For j = i + 1 To SecCount.NameSec.Count - 1
                 If Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ",") + 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ")") - (InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ",") + 1))) = Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(j), InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), ",") + 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), ")") - (InStr(SecCount.NameSec(j), ",") + 1))) Then
                     ' If enought sections in both directions are detected
-                    If SecCount.AnzSec(i) >= segruns_min_HS And SecCount.AnzSec(j) >= segruns_min_HS Then
+                    If SecCount.AnzSec(i) >= Crt.segruns_min_HS And SecCount.AnzSec(j) >= Crt.segruns_min_HS Then
                         ' Count the valid tests per HeadID
                         Select Case Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ",") + 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ")") - (InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), ",") + 1)))
                             Case 1
@@ -835,12 +834,12 @@
                             Case 2
                                 anzHS2 += SecCount.AnzSec(i) + SecCount.AnzSec(j)
                             Case Else
-                                fInfWarErr(9, False, "headID not known")
+                                logme(9, False, "headID not known")
                                 Return False
                         End Select
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Not enough valid data for high speed tests available in section " & Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") - 2)))
+                        logme(9, False, "Not enough valid data for high speed tests available in section " & Trim(Mid(SecCount.NameSec(i), 1, InStr(SecCount.NameSec(i), "(") - 2)))
                     End If
                 End If
@@ -848,8 +847,8 @@
         Next i
         ' Ceck if enough sections are detected
-        If anzHS1 < segruns_min_head_MS Or anzHS2 < segruns_min_head_MS Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Number of valid high speed datasets too low")
+        If anzHS1 < Crt.segruns_min_head_MS Or anzHS2 < Crt.segruns_min_head_MS Then
+            logme(9, False, "Number of valid high speed datasets too low")
             'Return False
         End If
@@ -892,26 +891,26 @@
     End Function
     ' Evaluate the Valid sections
-    Function fCalcValidSec(ByVal MSCX As cMSC, ByVal RunTestX As Integer) As Boolean
+    Function fCalcValidSec(ByVal MSCX As cMSC, ByVal coastingSeq As Integer) As Boolean
         ' Declaration
         Dim i As Integer
         ' Evaluation
-        Select Case RunTestX
-            Case 1, 3 ' Low speed test
+        Select Case coastingSeq
+            Case 0, 2 ' Low speed test
                 For i = 0 To ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID).Count - 1
                     ' Identify whitch criteria is not valid
                     If ErgValues(tCompErg.user_valid)(i) = 1 Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_User)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) < v_veh_avg_max_LS And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) > v_veh_avg_min_LS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_avg)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_avg)(i) < v_wind_avg_max_LS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_1s_max)(i) < v_wind_1s_max_LS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind_1s)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_float_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) + v_veh_float_delta_LS) And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_float_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) - v_veh_float_delta_LS) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_f)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_float_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 + tq_sum_float_delta_LS)) And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_float_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 - tq_sum_float_delta_LS)) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_tq_f)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) < fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) + leng_crit And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) > fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) - leng_crit Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_dist)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) < Crt.v_veh_avg_max_LS And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) > Crt.v_veh_avg_min_LS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_avg)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_avg)(i) < Crt.v_wind_avg_max_LS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_1s_max)(i) < Crt.v_wind_1s_max_LS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind_1s)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_float_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) + Crt.v_veh_float_delta_LS) And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_float_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) - Crt.v_veh_float_delta_LS) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_f)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_float_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 + Crt.tq_sum_float_delta_LS)) And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_float_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 - Crt.tq_sum_float_delta_LS)) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_tq_f)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) < fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) + Crt.leng_crit And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) > fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) - Crt.leng_crit Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_dist)(i) = 1
                     ' Check if all criterias are valid
                     If ErgValues(tCompErg.val_User)(i) = 1 And ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_avg)(i) = 1 And ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind)(i) = 1 And _
@@ -928,20 +927,20 @@
                     ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_1s)(i) = 1
                     ErgValues(tCompErg.val_tq_1s)(i) = 1
                 Next i
-            Case 2 ' high speed test
+            Case Else ' high speed test
                 For i = 0 To ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID).Count - 1
                     ' Identify whitch criteria is not valid
                     If ErgValues(tCompErg.user_valid)(i) = 1 Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_User)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) > v_veh_avg_min_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_avg)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_avg)(i) < v_wind_avg_max_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_1s_max)(i) < v_wind_1s_max_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind_1s)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.beta_abs)(i) < beta_avg_max_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_beta)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_1s_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) + v_veh_1s_delta_HS) And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_1s_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) - v_veh_1s_delta_HS) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_1s)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_1s_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 + tq_sum_1s_delta_HS)) And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_1s_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 - tq_sum_1s_delta_HS)) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_tq_1s)(i) = 1
-                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) < fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) + leng_crit And _
-                       ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) > fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) - leng_crit Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_dist)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) > Crt.v_veh_avg_min_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_avg)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_avg)(i) < Crt.v_wind_avg_max_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_wind_1s_max)(i) < Crt.v_wind_1s_max_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind_1s)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.beta_abs)(i) < Crt.beta_avg_max_HS Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_beta)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_1s_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) + Crt.v_veh_1s_delta_HS) And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh_1s_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.v_veh)(i) - Crt.v_veh_1s_delta_HS) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_1s)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_1s_max)(i) < (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 + Crt.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS)) And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum_1s_min)(i) > (ErgValues(tCompErg.tq_sum)(i) * (1 - Crt.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS)) Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_tq_1s)(i) = 1
+                    If ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) < fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) + Crt.leng_crit And _
+                       ErgValues(tCompErg.dist)(i) > fSecLen(MSCX, ErgValues(tCompErg.SecID)(i), ErgValues(tCompErg.DirID)(i)) - Crt.leng_crit Then ErgValues(tCompErg.val_dist)(i) = 1
                     ' Check if all criterias are valid
                     If ErgValues(tCompErg.val_User)(i) = 1 And ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vVeh_avg)(i) = 1 And ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind)(i) = 1 And ErgValues(tCompErg.val_vWind_1s)(i) = 1 And _
@@ -963,13 +962,13 @@
     End Function
     ' Save the Dictionaries
-    Function fSaveDic(ByVal TestRunX As Integer) As Boolean
+    Function fSaveDic(ByVal coastingSeq As Integer) As Boolean
         ' Declaration
         Dim sKV As New KeyValuePair(Of tCompErg, List(Of Double))
         Dim sKVUndef As New KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of Double))
         ' Initialisation
-        If TestRunX = 1 Then
+        If coastingSeq = 0 Then
             ErgValuesComp = New Dictionary(Of tCompErg, List(Of Double))
             ErgValuesUndefComp = New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of Double))
             UnitsErgUndefComp = New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
@@ -989,11 +988,7 @@
             ' Add the ResultValues to the complet dictionary
             For Each sKV In ErgValues
-                Dim o = ErgValuesComp(sKV.Key)
-                If (o Is Nothing) Then
-                Else
-                    ErgValuesComp(sKV.Key).AddRange(ErgValues(sKV.Key))
-                End If
+                ErgValuesComp(sKV.Key).AddRange(ErgValues(sKV.Key))
             For Each sKVUndef In ErgValuesUndef
diff --git a/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb b/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb
index efc37b2091241875854740a0bcfa2e546d72f8bd..a116b4e11e9cf243ea74ab45c9bae17fa4cd0148 100644
--- a/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb
+++ b/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
         Dim EnumStr As tCompErgReg
         ' Output on the GUI
-        fInfWarErr(7, False, "Calculate the linear regression...")
+        logme(7, False, "Calculate the linear regression...")
         ' Initialisation
         lauf = -1
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@
                         ' Save the values
                         ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.F0_ref_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = F0
-                        ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.F0_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = F0 * (ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.rho_air)(PosHS(j)) / roh_air_ref)
+                        ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.F0_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = F0 * (ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.rho_air)(PosHS(j)) / Crt.roh_air_ref)
                         ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.F2_ref_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = F2
                         ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.RRC_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = (ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.F0_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) / (vehicle.testMass * 9.81)) * 1000
-                        ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.CdxA_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = 2 * F2 / roh_air_ref
+                        ErgValuesComp(tCompErg.CdxA_singleDS)(PosHS(j)) = 2 * F2 / Crt.roh_air_ref
                     Next j
                     '***** Calculate the linear regression for LS1
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
                     ' Save the values
-                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0_LS1).Add(F0 * (Roh_air_LS1 / numLS1) / roh_air_ref)
+                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0_LS1).Add(F0 * (Roh_air_LS1 / numLS1) / Crt.roh_air_ref)
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC_LS1).Add((ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0_LS1)(lauf) / (vehicle.testMass * 9.81)) * 1000)
@@ -247,11 +247,11 @@
                     ' Save the values
-                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0_LS2).Add(F0 * (Roh_air_LS2 / numLS2) / roh_air_ref)
+                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0_LS2).Add(F0 * (Roh_air_LS2 / numLS2) / Crt.roh_air_ref)
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC_LS2).Add((ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0_LS2)(lauf) / (vehicle.testMass * 9.81)) * 1000)
-                    If Math.Abs(ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC_LS1)(lauf) - ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC_LS2)(lauf)) > delta_rr_corr_max Then
+                    If Math.Abs(ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC_LS1)(lauf) - ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC_LS2)(lauf)) > Crt.delta_rr_corr_max Then
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@
                     ' Calculate additional values
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.roh_air_LS)(lauf) = ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.roh_air_LS)(lauf) / (numLS1 + numLS2)
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.beta_abs_HS)(lauf) = ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.beta_abs_HS)(lauf) / (numHS)
-                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0).Add(F0 * (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.roh_air_LS)(lauf) / roh_air_ref))
+                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0).Add(F0 * (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.roh_air_LS)(lauf) / Crt.roh_air_ref))
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.RRC).Add(ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.F0)(lauf) / (vehicle.testMass * 9.81) * 1000)
-                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.CdxA).Add(2 * F2 / roh_air_ref)
+                    ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.CdxA).Add(2 * F2 / Crt.roh_air_ref)
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.delta_CdxA).Add(fCalcGenShp(ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.beta_abs_HS)(lauf), vehicle))
                     ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.CdxA0).Add(ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.CdxA)(lauf) - ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.delta_CdxA)(lauf))
-                    If ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_LS_min)(lauf) < (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_HS_max)(lauf) - delta_t_tyre_max) Or _
-                       ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_LS_min)(lauf) < (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_LS_max)(lauf) - delta_t_tyre_max) Or _
-                       ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_HS_min)(lauf) < (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_HS_max)(lauf) - delta_t_tyre_max) Then
+                    If ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_LS_min)(lauf) < (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_HS_max)(lauf) - Crt.delta_t_tyre_max) Or _
+                       ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_LS_min)(lauf) < (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_LS_max)(lauf) - Crt.delta_t_tyre_max) Or _
+                       ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_HS_min)(lauf) < (ErgValuesReg(tCompErgReg.t_tire_HS_max)(lauf) - Crt.delta_t_tyre_max) Then
@@ -321,17 +321,17 @@
         ' Test validation
         t_amb_f = t_amb_f / t_amb_num
-        If (t_amb_f - t_amb_min_f) > t_amb_var Or (t_amb_max_f - t_amb_f) > t_amb_var Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Invalid test - variation of ambient temperature (at the vehicle) outside boundaries")
+        If (t_amb_f - t_amb_min_f) > Crt.t_amb_var Or (t_amb_max_f - t_amb_f) > Crt.t_amb_var Then
+            logme(9, False, "Invalid test - variation of ambient temperature (at the vehicle) outside boundaries")
             valid_t_amb = False
         End If
-        If t_amb_max_f > t_amb_max Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Invalid test - maximum ambient temperature exceeded")
-        ElseIf t_amb_min_f < t_amb_min Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Invalid test - fallen below minimum ambient temperature")
-        ElseIf t_amb_max_f > t_amb_tarmac Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Invalid test - Ambient temperature higher than " & t_amb_tarmac & "°C")
+        If t_amb_max_f > Crt.t_amb_max Then
+            logme(9, False, "Invalid test - maximum ambient temperature exceeded")
+        ElseIf t_amb_min_f < Crt.t_amb_min Then
+            logme(9, False, "Invalid test - fallen below minimum ambient temperature")
+        ElseIf t_amb_max_f > Crt.t_amb_tarmac Then
+            logme(9, False, "Invalid test - Ambient temperature higher than " & Crt.t_amb_tarmac & "°C")
         End If
         Return True
@@ -414,10 +414,10 @@
             End If
             If i = GenShape.x_val(pos).Length - 1 And beta > GenShape.x_val(pos)(i + 1) Then
                 ValueX = 0
-                fInfWarErr(8, False, "The calculated yaw angle is higher than the greatest value in the generic curve. Delta_CdxA is set to 0!")
+                logme(8, False, "The calculated yaw angle is higher than the greatest value in the generic curve. Delta_CdxA is set to 0!")
             ElseIf i = 0 And GenShape.x_val(pos)(i) > beta Then
                 ValueX = 0
-                fInfWarErr(8, False, "The calculated yaw angle is lower than the lowest value in the generic curve. Delta_CdxA is set to 0!")
+                logme(8, False, "The calculated yaw angle is lower than the lowest value in the generic curve. Delta_CdxA is set to 0!")
             End If
         Next i
diff --git a/CSE/Classes/cFile_v3.vb b/CSE/Classes/cFile_v3.vb
index d8d07a87880e33d4ac0ae08c90f3ae7f00309276..75ccce7e5b92b103ee4b2b6614e077b2aadbc00b 100644
--- a/CSE/Classes/cFile_v3.vb
+++ b/CSE/Classes/cFile_v3.vb
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ lb10:
         Catch ex As Exception
-            fInfWarErr(8, False, format( _
+            logme(8, False, format( _
                        "Skipped exception while closing file_v3({0}) due to: {1}", Me.Path, ex.Message), ex)
         End Try
     End Sub
diff --git a/CSE/GUI/FB_Dialog.vb b/CSE/GUI/FB_Dialog.vb
index 3609793beca97bae302a7bbcded31e5ef0807f31..52114e3608e5ca7986aa1b9590f52a2f5f820a54 100644
--- a/CSE/GUI/FB_Dialog.vb
+++ b/CSE/GUI/FB_Dialog.vb
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Public Class FB_Dialog
                         HasExt = True
                         'Check ob Datei mit Ext angegeben
-                        HasExt = (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(IO.Path.GetExtension(path)) > 1)
+                        HasExt = (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(fEXT(path)) > 1)
                     End If
                     'Falls Datei ohne Endung (nach bForceExt-Abfrage) und nicht existiert dann primäre Endung hinzufügen
                     If Not HasExt Then
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ Public Class FB_Dialog
     Private Sub ButtonWorkDir_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonWorkDir.Click
-        SetFolder(AppPreferences.workingDir)
+        SetFolder(Prefs.workingDir)
     End Sub
diff --git a/CSE/GUI/F_Main.Designer.vb b/CSE/GUI/F_Main.Designer.vb
index c614fdc637c2e07f8fe7e3caa7b9a0720ece0338..5fc3289cb8ccc93356ab2d0f3b811cada459bdf9 100644
--- a/CSE/GUI/F_Main.Designer.vb
+++ b/CSE/GUI/F_Main.Designer.vb
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ Partial Class F_Main
         Me.TabPageMSG.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2)
         Me.TabPageMSG.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(522, 93)
         Me.TabPageMSG.TabIndex = 0
-        Me.TabPageMSG.Text = "Messages"
+        Me.TabPageMSG.Text = "Messages(0)"
         Me.TabPageMSG.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
diff --git a/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb b/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb
index de1ac8a8a2ed8ae9120935a142e922c9de26890e..53cce791a7af491f28d494cc618480d8f674d5b7 100644
--- a/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb
+++ b/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 Public Class F_Main
     ' Declarations
     Private ToolstripSave As Boolean = False
-    Private ToolstripSaveAs As Boolean = False
     Private Formname As String = "Job configurations"
     Private ErrorExit As Boolean = True
     Private Cali As Boolean = True
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
         Dim NoLegFile As Boolean = False
         ' Initialisation
-        hz_out = 1
+        crt.hz_out = 1
         PBInfoIcon.Visible = False
         TBInfo.Visible = False
@@ -27,15 +26,16 @@ Public Class F_Main
         ' Write the beginning in the Log
+        AppFormStarted = True
         ' Load the config file
-            AppPreferences = New cPreferences(PreferencesPath)
+            Prefs = New cPreferences(PrefsPath)
         Catch ex As Exception
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, format( _
+            logme(9, False, format( _
                     "Failed loading Preferences({0}) due to: {1}\n\iThis is normal the first time you launch the application.", _
-                    PreferencesPath, ex.Message), ex)
+                    PrefsPath, ex.Message), ex)
             configL = False
         End Try
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ Public Class F_Main
         '' Create working dir if not exists.
-        If Not IO.Directory.Exists(AppPreferences.workingDir) Then
-            IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(AppPreferences.workingDir)
+        If Not IO.Directory.Exists(Prefs.workingDir) Then
+            IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Prefs.workingDir)
         End If
         'Lizenz checken
         If Not Lic.LICcheck() Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, True, Lic.FailMsg)
+            logme(9, True, Lic.FailMsg)
             CreatActivationFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
         End If
@@ -61,15 +61,14 @@ Public Class F_Main
         If Not configL Then
-                AppPreferences.Store(PreferencesPath)
-                fInfWarErr(7, False, format("Stored new Preferences({0}).", PreferencesPath))
+                Prefs.Store(PrefsPath)
+                logme(7, False, format("Stored new Preferences({0}).", PrefsPath))
             Catch ex As Exception
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, format("Failed storing default Preferences({0}) due to: {1}", PreferencesPath, ex.Message), ex)
+                logme(9, False, format("Failed storing default Preferences({0}) due to: {1}", PrefsPath, ex.Message), ex)
             End Try
         End If
     End Sub
-    ' Main Tab
 #Region "Main"
     ' Close the GUI
     Private Sub CSEMain_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the vehiclefile
     Private Sub ButtonSelectVeh_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectVeh.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csveh parameter
-        If fbVEH.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbVEH.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbVEH.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxVeh1.Text = fbVEH.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -90,16 +89,16 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the vehiclefile in the Notepad
     Private Sub ButtonVeh_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonVeh.Click
         If IO.File.Exists(Me.TextBoxVeh1.Text) Then
-            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(AppPreferences.editor, Me.TextBoxVeh1.Text)
+            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Prefs.editor, Me.TextBoxVeh1.Text)
-            fInfWarErr(9, True, "No such Inputfile: " & Me.TextBoxVeh1.Text)
+            logme(9, True, "No such Inputfile: " & Me.TextBoxVeh1.Text)
         End If
     End Sub
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the weatherfile
     Private Sub ButtonSelectWeather_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectWeather.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.cswea parameter
-        If fbAMB.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbAMB.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbAMB.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxWeather.Text = fbAMB.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -109,9 +108,9 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the weatherfile in the Notepad
     Private Sub ButtonWeather_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonWeather.Click
         If IO.File.Exists(Me.TextBoxWeather.Text) Then
-            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(AppPreferences.editor, Me.TextBoxWeather.Text)
+            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Prefs.editor, Me.TextBoxWeather.Text)
-            fInfWarErr(9, True, "No such Inputfile: " & Me.TextBoxWeather.Text)
+            logme(9, True, "No such Inputfile: " & Me.TextBoxWeather.Text)
         End If
     End Sub
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Save button
     Private Sub ButtonSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSave.Click
-        ToolStripMenuItemSave_Click(sender, e)
+        SaveJobImpl(False)
     End Sub
     ' Calibration elements
@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the datafile from the calibration run
     Private Sub ButtonSelectDataC_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectDataC.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csdat parameter
-        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbVEL.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxDataC.Text = fbVEL.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the measure section config file (MSC)
     Private Sub ButtonSelectMSCC_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectMSCC.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csmsc parameter
-        If fbMSC.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbMSC.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbMSC.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxMSCC.Text = fbMSC.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
             Cali = True
             ' Save the Jobfiles
-            ToolStripMenuItemSave_Click(sender, e)
+            SaveJobImpl(False)
             ' Check if outfolder exist. If not then generate the folder
             If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(OutFolder) Then
@@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
                         Exit Sub
                     End If
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "No outputfolder is given!")
+                    logme(9, False, "No outputfolder is given!")
                     Exit Sub
                 End If
             End If
@@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
             fClear_VECTO_Form(False, False)
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, format("Starting CALIBRATION: \n\i* Job: {0}\n* Out: {1}", JobFile, OutFolder))
+            logme(7, False, format("Starting CALIBRATION: \n\i* Job: {0}\n* Out: {1}", JobFile, OutFolder))
             ' Start the calculation in the backgroundworker
@@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the measure section file from the test run
     Private Sub ButtonSelectMSCT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectMSCT.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csmsc parameter
-        If fbMSC.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbMSC.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbMSC.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxMSCT.Text = fbMSC.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the first low speed data file from the test run
     Private Sub ButtonSelectDataLS1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectDataLS1.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csdat parameter
-        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbVEL.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxDataLS1.Text = fbVEL.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the high speed data file from the test run
     Private Sub ButtonSelectDataHS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectDataHS.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csdat parameter
-        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbVEL.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxDataHS.Text = fbVEL.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Open the filebrowser for the selection of the second low speed data file from the test run
     Private Sub ButtonSelectDataLS2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectDataLS2.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csdat parameter
-        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbVEL.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             If (fbVEL.Files(0) <> Nothing) Then
                 Me.TextBoxDataLS2.Text = fbVEL.Files(0)
             End If
@@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
             fWriteLog(2, 4, "----- Speed runs ")
             ' Save the Jobfiles
-            ToolStripMenuItemSave_Click(sender, e)
+            SaveJobImpl(False)
             ' Check if outfolder exist. If not then generate the folder
             If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(OutFolder) Then
@@ -368,7 +367,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
                         Exit Sub
                     End If
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "No outputfolder is given!")
+                    logme(9, False, "No outputfolder is given!")
                     Exit Sub
                 End If
             End If
@@ -377,7 +376,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
             fClear_VECTO_Form(False, False)
             ' Write the Calculation status in the Messageoutput and in the Log
-            fInfWarErr(7, False, format("Starting EVALUATION: \n\i* Job: {0}\n* Out: {1}", JobFile, OutFolder))
+            logme(7, False, format("Starting EVALUATION: \n\i* Job: {0}\n* Out: {1}", JobFile, OutFolder))
             ' Start the calculation in the backgroundworker
@@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Menu open
     Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemOpen.Click
         ' Open the filebrowser with the *.csjob parameter
-        If fbVECTO.OpenDialog(AppPreferences.workingDir, False) Then
+        If fbVECTO.OpenDialog(Prefs.workingDir, False) Then
             JobFile = fbVECTO.Files(0)
             If (JobFile <> Nothing) Then
@@ -412,26 +411,36 @@ Public Class F_Main
                 '' Read Jobfile and populate GUI
+                    Dim newJob As cJob
                     If JobFile.EndsWith(".csjob.json") Then
-                        Dim job = New cJob(JobFile)
-                        job.Validate()
-                        job.PopulateApp()
-                        UI_PopulateFromJob()
-                        UI_PopulateFromCriteria()
+                        newJob = New cJob(JobFile)
-                        cJob.fReadOldJobFile()
+                        newJob = New cJob(True)
+                        newJob.fReadOldJobFile()
                     End If
+                    newJob.Validate()
+                    installJob(newJob)
+                    UI_PopulateFromJob()
+                    UI_PopulateFromCriteria()
                 Catch ex As Exception
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, format("Failed reading Job-file({0}) due to: {1}", JobFile, ex.Message), ex)
+                    logme(9, False, format("Failed reading Job-file({0}) due to: {1}", JobFile, ex.Message), ex)
                 End Try
             End If
         End If
     End Sub
     ' Menu Save
-    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemSave.Click
+    Private Sub MenuItemSaveJob(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemSave.Click
+        SaveJobImpl(False)
+    End Sub
+    ' Menu Save as
+    Private Sub MenuItemSaveAs(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemSaveAs.Click
+        SaveJobImpl(True)
+    End Sub
+    Private Sub SaveJobImpl(ByVal isSaveAs As Boolean)
         ' Identify if the file should save under a new name
-        If JobFile = Nothing Or ToolstripSaveAs Then
+        If JobFile = Nothing Or isSaveAs Then
             ' Open the filebrowser to select the folder and name of the Jobfile
             If fbVECTO.SaveDialog(JobFile) Then
                 JobFile = fbVECTO.Files(0)
@@ -448,23 +457,10 @@ Public Class F_Main
         ' Write the file
-        Dim job As New cJob()
         If Not JobFile.EndsWith(".csjob.json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
             JobFile = joinPaths(fPath(JobFile), fName(JobFile, False) & ".csjob.json")
         End If
-        job.Store(JobFile)
-    End Sub
-    ' Menu Save as
-    Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemSaveAs_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemSaveAs.Click
-        ' Define that the file should save under an other name
-        ToolstripSaveAs = True
-        ' Save the File
-        ToolStripMenuItemSave_Click(sender, e)
-        ' Reset the value
-        ToolstripSaveAs = False
+        Job.Store(JobFile)
     End Sub
     ' Menu Exit
@@ -477,7 +473,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
 #Region "Tools"
     ' Menu open the Log
     Private Sub ToolStripMenuItemLog_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItemLog.Click
-        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(AppPreferences.editor, joinPaths(MyPath, "log.txt"))
+        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Prefs.editor, joinPaths(MyPath, "log.txt"))
     End Sub
     ' Menu open the config file
@@ -491,7 +487,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Create activation file
     Private Sub CreatActivationFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreatActivationFileToolStripMenuItem.Click
         Lic.CreateActFile(MyPath & "ActivationCode.dat")
-        fInfWarErr(7, True, "Activation code created under: " & MyPath & "ActivationCode.dat")
+        logme(7, True, "Activation code created under: " & MyPath & "ActivationCode.dat")
     End Sub
     ' Menu open the Infobox
@@ -506,7 +502,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
         Catch ex As Exception
-            fInfWarErr(8, False, format("Failed opening User Manual({0}) due to: {1}", manual_fname, ex.Message), ex)
+            logme(8, False, format("Failed opening User Manual({0}) due to: {1}", manual_fname, ex.Message), ex)
         End Try
     End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -532,8 +528,9 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Set all textboxes to standard
     Private Sub ButtonToStd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonToStd.Click
         ' Set the parameter to standard
-        StdParameter()
-        ' Write parameter on GUI
+        installJob(New cJob())
+        UI_PopulateFromJob()
     End Sub
@@ -551,29 +548,29 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' CheckBox for the acceleration calibration
     Private Sub CheckBoxAcc_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxAcc.CheckedChanged
-        accel_correction = CheckBoxAcc.Checked
+        crt.accel_correction = CheckBoxAcc.Checked
     End Sub
     ' Checkbox for the gradient correction
     Private Sub CheckBoxGrd_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxGrd.CheckedChanged
-        gradient_correction = CheckBoxGrd.Checked
+        crt.gradient_correction = CheckBoxGrd.Checked
     End Sub
     ' Change in the 1Hz radio button
     Private Sub RB1Hz_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RB1Hz.CheckedChanged
         If RB1Hz.Checked Then
-            hz_out = 1
+            crt.hz_out = 1
-            hz_out = 100
+            crt.hz_out = 100
         End If
     End Sub
     ' Change in the 100Hz radio button
     Private Sub RB100Hz_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RB100Hz.CheckedChanged
         If RB100Hz.Checked Then
-            hz_out = 100
+            crt.hz_out = 100
-            hz_out = 1
+            crt.hz_out = 1
         End If
     End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -587,6 +584,7 @@ Public Class F_Main
         '##### START THE CALCULATION #####
+        '' FIXME:  Stop abusing worker-Thread with Globals, use DoWorkEventArgsfor that instead!!
@@ -614,16 +612,16 @@ Public Class F_Main
         ' If an Error is detected
         If e.Error IsNot Nothing Then
-            fInfWarErr(8, False, format("{0} ended with exception: {1}", op, e.Error), e.Error)
+            logme(8, False, format("{0} ended with exception: {1}", op, e.Error.Message), e.Error)
             If e.Cancelled Then
                 If ErrorExit Then
-                    fInfWarErr(8, False, format("{0} ended with exception: {1}", op, e.Error), e.Error)
+                    logme(8, False, format("{0} ended with some unknown error!", op))
-                    fInfWarErr(7, False, format("{0} aborted by user.", op))
+                    logme(7, False, format("{0} aborted by user.", op))
                 End If
-                fInfWarErr(7, False, format("{0} ended OK.", op))
+                logme(7, False, format("{0} ended OK.", op))
                 If Cali Then Me.ButtonEval.Enabled = True
             End If
         End If
@@ -645,39 +643,27 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Function to get all parameter from the GUI
     Function UI_PopulateToJob(Optional ByVal validate As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal calib As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-        ' Declaration
-        Dim i As Integer
         ' Read the data from the textboxes (General)
-        Vehspez = TextBoxVeh1.Text
-        Ambspez = TextBoxWeather.Text
-        AnemIC(0) = TextBoxAirf.Text
-        AnemIC(1) = TextBoxAird.Text
-        AnemIC(2) = TextBoxbetaf.Text
-        AnemIC(3) = TextBoxbetad.Text
+        Job.vehicle_fpath = TextBoxVeh1.Text
+        Job.ambient_fpath = TextBoxWeather.Text
+        Job.Anemometer(0) = TextBoxAirf.Text
+        Job.Anemometer(1) = TextBoxAird.Text
+        Job.Anemometer(2) = TextBoxbetaf.Text
+        Job.Anemometer(3) = TextBoxbetad.Text
         ' Appropriate the inputfiles from calibration run
-        DataSpez(0) = TextBoxDataC.Text
-        MSCCSpez = TextBoxMSCC.Text
+        Job.calibration_fpath = TextBoxDataC.Text
+        Job.track_fpath = TextBoxMSCC.Text
         ' Appropriate the inputfiles from test run
-        DataSpez(1) = TextBoxDataLS1.Text
-        DataSpez(2) = TextBoxDataHS.Text
-        DataSpez(3) = TextBoxDataLS2.Text
-        MSCTSpez = TextBoxMSCT.Text
-        rr_corr_factor = TextBoxRRC.Text
+        Job.low1_fpath = TextBoxDataLS1.Text
+        Job.high_fpath = TextBoxDataHS.Text
+        Job.low2_fpath = TextBoxDataLS2.Text
+        Job.MSCTSpez = TextBoxMSCT.Text
+        Crt.rr_corr_factor = TextBoxRRC.Text
         If validate Then
-            ' Control the input
-            fControlPath(Vehspez, 1)
-            fControlPath(Ambspez, 2)
-            fControlPath(MSCCSpez, 3)
-            If Not calib Then
-                ''fControlPath(MSCTSpez, 4)
-                For i = 0 To UBound(DataSpez)
-                    fControlPath(DataSpez(i), 4 + i + 1)
-                Next i
-            End If
+            Job.Validate()
         End If
         Return True
@@ -686,77 +672,77 @@ Public Class F_Main
     ' Get the parameters from option tab
     Sub UI_PopulateToCriteria()
         ' Evaluation box
-        accel_correction = CheckBoxAcc.Checked
-        gradient_correction = CheckBoxGrd.Checked
+        crt.accel_correction = CheckBoxAcc.Checked
+        crt.gradient_correction = CheckBoxGrd.Checked
         ' Output box
-        If RB1Hz.Checked Then hz_out = 1
-        If RB100Hz.Checked Then hz_out = 100
+        If RB1Hz.Checked Then crt.hz_out = 1
+        If RB100Hz.Checked Then crt.hz_out = 100
         'Parameter boxes
         ' General valid criteria
-        delta_t_tyre_max = TBDeltaTTireMax.Text
-        delta_rr_corr_max = TBDeltaRRCMax.Text
-        t_amb_var = TBTambVar.Text
-        t_amb_tarmac = TBTambTamac.Text
-        t_amb_max = TBTambMax.Text
-        t_amb_min = TBTambMin.Text
+        crt.delta_t_tyre_max = TBDeltaTTireMax.Text
+        crt.delta_rr_corr_max = TBDeltaRRCMax.Text
+        crt.t_amb_var = TBTambVar.Text
+        crt.t_amb_tarmac = TBTambTamac.Text
+        crt.t_amb_max = TBTambMax.Text
+        crt.t_amb_min = TBTambMin.Text
         ' General
-        delta_Hz_max = TBDeltaHzMax.Text
-        roh_air_ref = TBRhoAirRef.Text
-        acc_corr_avg = TBAccCorrAve.Text
-        delta_parallel_max = TBDeltaParaMax.Text
+        crt.delta_Hz_max = TBDeltaHzMax.Text
+        crt.roh_air_ref = TBRhoAirRef.Text
+        crt.acc_corr_avg = TBAccCorrAve.Text
+        crt.delta_parallel_max = TBDeltaParaMax.Text
         ' Identification of measurement section
-        trigger_delta_x_max = TBDeltaXMax.Text
-        trigger_delta_y_max = TBDeltaYMax.Text
-        delta_head_max = TBDeltaHeadMax.Text
+        crt.trigger_delta_x_max = TBDeltaXMax.Text
+        crt.trigger_delta_y_max = TBDeltaYMax.Text
+        crt.delta_head_max = TBDeltaHeadMax.Text
         ' Requirements on number of valid datasets
-        segruns_min_CAL = TBDsMinCAL.Text
-        segruns_min_LS = TBDsMinLS.Text
-        segruns_min_HS = TBDsMinHS.Text
-        segruns_min_head_MS = TBDsMinHeadHS.Text
+        crt.segruns_min_CAL = TBDsMinCAL.Text
+        crt.segruns_min_LS = TBDsMinLS.Text
+        crt.segruns_min_HS = TBDsMinHS.Text
+        crt.segruns_min_head_MS = TBDsMinHeadHS.Text
         ' DataSet validity criteria
-        dist_float = TBDistFloat.Text
+        crt.dist_float = TBDistFloat.Text
         ' Calibration
-        v_wind_avg_max_CAL = TBvWindAveCALMax.Text
-        v_wind_1s_max_CAL = TBvWind1sCALMax.Text
-        beta_avg_max_CAL = TBBetaAveCALMax.Text
+        crt.v_wind_avg_max_CAL = TBvWindAveCALMax.Text
+        crt.v_wind_1s_max_CAL = TBvWind1sCALMax.Text
+        crt.beta_avg_max_CAL = TBBetaAveCALMax.Text
         ' Low and high speed test
-        leng_crit = TBLengCrit.Text
+        crt.leng_crit = TBLengCrit.Text
         ' Low speed test
-        v_wind_avg_max_LS = TBvWindAveLSMax.Text
-        v_wind_1s_max_LS = TBvWind1sLSMax.Text
-        v_veh_avg_max_LS = TBvVehAveLSMax.Text
-        v_veh_avg_min_LS = TBvVehAveLSMin.Text
-        v_veh_float_delta_LS = TBvVehFloatD.Text
-        tq_sum_float_delta_LS = TBTqSumFloatD.Text
+        crt.v_wind_avg_max_LS = TBvWindAveLSMax.Text
+        crt.v_wind_1s_max_LS = TBvWind1sLSMax.Text
+        crt.v_veh_avg_max_LS = TBvVehAveLSMax.Text
+        crt.v_veh_avg_min_LS = TBvVehAveLSMin.Text
+        crt.v_veh_float_delta_LS = TBvVehFloatD.Text
+        crt.tq_sum_float_delta_LS = TBTqSumFloatD.Text
         ' High speed test
-        v_wind_avg_max_HS = TBvWindAveHSMax.Text
-        v_wind_1s_max_HS = TBvWind1sHSMax.Text
-        v_veh_avg_min_HS = TBvVehAveHSMin.Text
-        beta_avg_max_HS = TBBetaAveHSMax.Text
-        v_veh_1s_delta_HS = TBvVeh1sD.Text
-        tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = TBTq1sD.Text
+        crt.v_wind_avg_max_HS = TBvWindAveHSMax.Text
+        crt.v_wind_1s_max_HS = TBvWind1sHSMax.Text
+        crt.v_veh_avg_min_HS = TBvVehAveHSMin.Text
+        crt.beta_avg_max_HS = TBBetaAveHSMax.Text
+        crt.v_veh_1s_delta_HS = TBvVeh1sD.Text
+        crt.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = TBTq1sD.Text
     End Sub
     Sub UI_PopulateFromJob()
         ' Transfer the data to the GUI
         ' General
-        TextBoxVeh1.Text = Vehspez
-        TextBoxAirf.Text = AnemIC(0)
-        TextBoxAird.Text = AnemIC(1)
-        TextBoxbetaf.Text = AnemIC(2)
-        TextBoxbetad.Text = AnemIC(3)
-        TextBoxWeather.Text = Ambspez
+        TextBoxVeh1.Text = Job.vehicle_fpath
+        TextBoxAirf.Text = Job.Anemometer(0)
+        TextBoxAird.Text = Job.Anemometer(1)
+        TextBoxbetaf.Text = Job.Anemometer(2)
+        TextBoxbetad.Text = Job.Anemometer(3)
+        TextBoxWeather.Text = Job.ambient_fpath
         ' Calibration
-        TextBoxMSCC.Text = MSCCSpez
-        TextBoxDataC.Text = DataSpez(0)
+        TextBoxMSCC.Text = Job.track_fpath
+        TextBoxDataC.Text = Job.calibration_fpath
         ' Test
-        TextBoxMSCT.Text = MSCTSpez
-        TextBoxRRC.Text = rr_corr_factor
-        TextBoxDataLS1.Text = DataSpez(1)
-        TextBoxDataHS.Text = DataSpez(2)
-        TextBoxDataLS2.Text = DataSpez(3)
+        TextBoxMSCT.Text = Job.MSCTSpez
+        TextBoxRRC.Text = Crt.rr_corr_factor
+        TextBoxDataLS1.Text = Job.low1_fpath
+        TextBoxDataHS.Text = Job.high_fpath
+        TextBoxDataLS2.Text = Job.low2_fpath
     End Sub
@@ -764,56 +750,56 @@ Public Class F_Main
     Sub UI_PopulateFromCriteria()
         ' Write the Standard values in the textboxes
         ' General valid criteria
-        TBDeltaTTireMax.Text = delta_t_tyre_max
-        TBDeltaRRCMax.Text = delta_rr_corr_max
-        TBTambVar.Text = t_amb_var
-        TBTambTamac.Text = t_amb_tarmac
-        TBTambMax.Text = t_amb_max
-        TBTambMin.Text = t_amb_min
+        TBDeltaTTireMax.Text = crt.delta_t_tyre_max
+        TBDeltaRRCMax.Text = crt.delta_rr_corr_max
+        TBTambVar.Text = crt.t_amb_var
+        TBTambTamac.Text = crt.t_amb_tarmac
+        TBTambMax.Text = crt.t_amb_max
+        TBTambMin.Text = crt.t_amb_min
         ' General
-        TBDeltaHzMax.Text = delta_Hz_max
-        TBRhoAirRef.Text = roh_air_ref
-        TBAccCorrAve.Text = acc_corr_avg
-        TBDeltaParaMax.Text = delta_parallel_max
+        TBDeltaHzMax.Text = crt.delta_Hz_max
+        TBRhoAirRef.Text = crt.roh_air_ref
+        TBAccCorrAve.Text = crt.acc_corr_avg
+        TBDeltaParaMax.Text = crt.delta_parallel_max
         ' Identification of measurement section
-        TBDeltaXMax.Text = trigger_delta_x_max
-        TBDeltaYMax.Text = trigger_delta_y_max
-        TBDeltaHeadMax.Text = delta_head_max
+        TBDeltaXMax.Text = crt.trigger_delta_x_max
+        TBDeltaYMax.Text = crt.trigger_delta_y_max
+        TBDeltaHeadMax.Text = crt.delta_head_max
         ' Requirements on number of valid datasets
-        TBDsMinCAL.Text = segruns_min_CAL
-        TBDsMinLS.Text = segruns_min_LS
-        TBDsMinHS.Text = segruns_min_HS
-        TBDsMinHeadHS.Text = segruns_min_head_MS
+        TBDsMinCAL.Text = crt.segruns_min_CAL
+        TBDsMinLS.Text = crt.segruns_min_LS
+        TBDsMinHS.Text = crt.segruns_min_HS
+        TBDsMinHeadHS.Text = crt.segruns_min_head_MS
         ' DataSet validity criteria
-        TBDistFloat.Text = dist_float
+        TBDistFloat.Text = crt.dist_float
         ' Calibration
-        TBvWindAveCALMax.Text = v_wind_avg_max_CAL
-        TBvWind1sCALMax.Text = v_wind_1s_max_CAL
-        TBBetaAveCALMax.Text = beta_avg_max_CAL
+        TBvWindAveCALMax.Text = crt.v_wind_avg_max_CAL
+        TBvWind1sCALMax.Text = crt.v_wind_1s_max_CAL
+        TBBetaAveCALMax.Text = crt.beta_avg_max_CAL
         ' Low and high speed test
-        TBLengCrit.Text = leng_crit
+        TBLengCrit.Text = crt.leng_crit
         ' Low speed test
-        TBvWindAveLSMax.Text = v_wind_avg_max_LS
-        TBvWind1sLSMax.Text = v_wind_1s_max_LS
-        TBvVehAveLSMax.Text = v_veh_avg_max_LS
-        TBvVehAveLSMin.Text = v_veh_avg_min_LS
-        TBvVehFloatD.Text = v_veh_float_delta_LS
-        TBTqSumFloatD.Text = tq_sum_float_delta_LS
+        TBvWindAveLSMax.Text = crt.v_wind_avg_max_LS
+        TBvWind1sLSMax.Text = crt.v_wind_1s_max_LS
+        TBvVehAveLSMax.Text = crt.v_veh_avg_max_LS
+        TBvVehAveLSMin.Text = crt.v_veh_avg_min_LS
+        TBvVehFloatD.Text = crt.v_veh_float_delta_LS
+        TBTqSumFloatD.Text = crt.tq_sum_float_delta_LS
         ' High speed test
-        TBvWindAveHSMax.Text = v_wind_avg_max_HS
-        TBvWind1sHSMax.Text = v_wind_1s_max_HS
-        TBvVehAveHSMin.Text = v_veh_avg_min_HS
-        TBBetaAveHSMax.Text = beta_avg_max_HS
-        TBvVeh1sD.Text = v_veh_1s_delta_HS
-        TBTq1sD.Text = tq_sum_1s_delta_HS
+        TBvWindAveHSMax.Text = crt.v_wind_avg_max_HS
+        TBvWind1sHSMax.Text = crt.v_wind_1s_max_HS
+        TBvVehAveHSMin.Text = crt.v_veh_avg_min_HS
+        TBBetaAveHSMax.Text = crt.beta_avg_max_HS
+        TBvVeh1sD.Text = crt.v_veh_1s_delta_HS
+        TBTq1sD.Text = crt.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS
         ' Evaluation box
-        CheckBoxAcc.Checked = accel_correction
-        CheckBoxGrd.Checked = gradient_correction
+        CheckBoxAcc.Checked = crt.accel_correction
+        CheckBoxGrd.Checked = crt.gradient_correction
         ' Output
-        If hz_out = 1 Then
+        If crt.hz_out = 1 Then
             RB1Hz.Checked = True
-        ElseIf hz_out = 100 Then
+        ElseIf crt.hz_out = 100 Then
             RB100Hz.Checked = True
         End If
     End Sub
@@ -852,7 +838,8 @@ Public Class F_Main
             ButtonEval.Enabled = False
             ' Option parameters to standard
-            StdParameter()
+            installJob(New cJob)
+            UI_PopulateFromJob()
         End If
diff --git a/CSE/GUI/F_Preferences.vb b/CSE/GUI/F_Preferences.vb
index 8fe8fb78c41b963f22a7615b1ab25757100e7242..6abbb8384d39e7a48138ff0c11d5c614054b89ea 100644
--- a/CSE/GUI/F_Preferences.vb
+++ b/CSE/GUI/F_Preferences.vb
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Public Class F_Preferences
             updateControlsFromSchema(schema, ctrl, Label)
-        UI_PopulateFrom(AppPreferences)
+        UI_PopulateFrom(Prefs)
     End Sub
     Private Sub UI_PopulateFrom(ByVal value As cPreferences)
@@ -60,22 +60,22 @@ Public Class F_Preferences
     ' Ok button
     Private Sub StorePrefs(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonOK.Click
-            Dim newPrefs As cPreferences = AppPreferences.Clone()
+            Dim newPrefs As cPreferences = Prefs.Clone()
             ' Write the config file
-            newPrefs.Store(PreferencesPath)
-            AppPreferences = newPrefs           ' Replace active prefs if successful.
+            newPrefs.Store(PrefsPath)
+            Prefs = newPrefs           ' Replace active prefs if successful.
             ' Message for the restart of VECTO
             RestartN = True
-            fInfWarErr(7, True, format("Stored Preferences({0}). \n\nDo you want to restart VECTO now?", PreferencesPath))
+            logme(7, True, format("Stored Preferences({0}). \n\nDo you want to restart VECTO now?", PrefsPath))
             ' Close the window
         Catch ex As Exception
-            fInfWarErr(9, True, format("Failed storing Preferences({0}) due to: {1} \n  Preferences left unmodified!", _
-                                        PreferencesPath, ex.Message), ex)
+            logme(9, True, format("Failed storing Preferences({0}) due to: {1} \n  Preferences left unmodified!", _
+                                        PrefsPath, ex.Message), ex)
         End Try
     End Sub
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ Public Class F_Preferences
     ' Ok button
     Private Sub ReloadPrefs(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonReload.Click
-            AppPreferences = New cPreferences(PreferencesPath)
-            UI_PopulateFrom(AppPreferences)
+            Prefs = New cPreferences(PrefsPath)
+            UI_PopulateFrom(Prefs)
         Catch ex As Exception
-            fInfWarErr(9, True, format("Failed loading Preferences({0}) due to: {1}", _
-                                        PreferencesPath, ex.Message), ex)
+            logme(9, True, format("Failed loading Preferences({0}) due to: {1}", _
+                                        PrefsPath, ex.Message), ex)
         End Try
     End Sub
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Public Class F_Preferences
     ' Set the MSG box to default if it is leave without an input
     Private Sub TextBoxMSG_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles logLevel.Leave
-        If Me.logLevel.Text = Nothing Then Me.logLevel.Text = AppPreferences.PropDefault("logLevel")
+        If Me.logLevel.Text = Nothing Then Me.logLevel.Text = Prefs.PropDefault("logLevel")
     End Sub
     ' Changes in the MSG --> Change the lable
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Public Class F_Preferences
     ' Set the LogSize to default if it is leave without an input
     Private Sub TextBoxLogSize_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles logSize.Leave, TextBox1.Leave
-        If Me.logSize.Text = Nothing Then Me.logSize.Text = AppPreferences.PropDefault("logSize")
+        If Me.logSize.Text = Nothing Then Me.logSize.Text = Prefs.PropDefault("logSize")
     End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/CSE/GUI/cFileBrowser.vb b/CSE/GUI/cFileBrowser.vb
index ee3c759e7d9888504bedd88a5c68eaa11c515ff8..83618bb88663367e4836b1f39cd8b5be7043708a 100644
--- a/CSE/GUI/cFileBrowser.vb
+++ b/CSE/GUI/cFileBrowser.vb
@@ -56,14 +56,8 @@ Public Class cFileBrowser
     End Function
     'SaveDialog - Return true if all is ok
-    Public Function SaveDialog(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal ForceExt As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Ext As String = "") As Boolean
-        Dim x As eExtMode
-        If ForceExt Then
-            x = eExtMode.ForceExt
-        Else
-            x = eExtMode.SingleExt
-        End If
-        Return CustomDialog(path, False, True, x, False, Ext, "Save As")
+    Public Function SaveDialog(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal forceExt As eExtMode = eExtMode.SingleExt, Optional ByVal Ext As String = "") As Boolean
+        Return CustomDialog(path, False, True, forceExt, False, Ext, "Save As")
     End Function
     ' Open the Dialog - Return true if all is ok
diff --git a/CSE/IO/OutputTest.vb b/CSE/IO/OutputTest.vb
index 3914200b341f48db2e4f0cac3c9e8e06013c16d9..e4ae6ff7ced71e04e50890f8d5dc4d1b2715e85b 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/OutputTest.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/OutputTest.vb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
             End If
             ' Write on GUI
-            fInfWarErr(5, False, "Write output-file (*.csv)")
+            logme(5, False, "Write output-file (*.csv)")
             ' Generate the file name
             NameOutFile = OutFolder & fName(Datafile, False) & "_test.csv"
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
         ' Ausgabe bei blockierter Datei
         If BWorker.CancellationPending And FileBlock Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
+            logme(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
         End If
         Return True
diff --git a/CSE/IO/cCriteria.vb b/CSE/IO/cCriteria.vb
index 44b3ed050d9034c1c5d62a4fa5d13d650d5d9284..b84b6c10e18949d15aa23376266f96e9fa187e8b 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/cCriteria.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/cCriteria.vb
@@ -14,63 +14,9 @@ Public Class cCriteria
     Private ForeignBody As JToken
-    ' Defaults specified here.
-    Protected Shared Function BuildBody() As JObject
-        Dim b, g As Object
-        b = New JObject()
-        g = New JObject()
-        b.Processing = g
-        g.roh_air_ref = roh_air_ref
-        g.accel_correction = accel_correction
-        g.gradient_correction = gradient_correction
-        g.hz_out = hz_out
-        g.rr_corr_factor = rr_corr_factor
-        g.acc_corr_avg = acc_corr_avg
-        g.dist_float = dist_float
-        g = New JObject()
-        b.Validation = g
-        g.trigger_delta_x_max = trigger_delta_x_max
-        g.trigger_delta_y_max = trigger_delta_y_max
-        g.delta_head_max = delta_head_max
-        g.segruns_min_CAL = segruns_min_CAL
-        g.segruns_min_LS = segruns_min_LS
-        g.segruns_min_HS = segruns_min_HS
-        g.segruns_min_head_MS = segruns_min_head_MS
-        g.delta_Hz_max = delta_Hz_max
-        g.delta_parallel_max = delta_parallel_max
-        g.v_wind_avg_max_CAL = v_wind_avg_max_CAL
-        g.v_wind_1s_max_CAL = v_wind_1s_max_CAL
-        g.beta_avg_max_CAL = beta_avg_max_CAL
-        g.leng_crit = leng_crit
-        g.v_wind_avg_max_LS = v_wind_avg_max_LS
-        g.v_wind_1s_max_LS = v_wind_1s_max_LS
-        g.v_veh_avg_min_LS = v_veh_avg_min_LS
-        g.v_veh_avg_max_LS = v_veh_avg_max_LS
-        g.v_veh_float_delta_LS = v_veh_float_delta_LS
-        g.tq_sum_float_delta_LS = tq_sum_float_delta_LS
-        g.v_wind_avg_max_HS = v_wind_avg_max_HS
-        g.v_wind_1s_max_HS = v_wind_1s_max_HS
-        g.beta_avg_max_HS = beta_avg_max_HS
-        g.v_veh_avg_min_HS = v_veh_avg_min_HS
-        g.v_veh_1s_delta_HS = v_veh_1s_delta_HS
-        g.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = tq_sum_1s_delta_HS
-        g.delta_t_tyre_max = delta_t_tyre_max
-        g.delta_rr_corr_max = delta_rr_corr_max
-        g.t_amb_var = t_amb_var
-        g.t_amb_tarmac = t_amb_tarmac
-        g.t_amb_max = t_amb_max
-        g.t_amb_min = t_amb_min
-        Return b
-    End Function
-    Function std() As JObject
+    '' Default values are Decleration
+    Public Shared Function BuildBody() As JObject
         Dim b, g As Object
         b = New JObject()
@@ -96,11 +42,12 @@ Public Class cCriteria
         g.delta_Hz_max = 1
         g.delta_parallel_max = 20
         g.v_wind_avg_max_CAL = 5
         g.v_wind_1s_max_CAL = 8
         g.beta_avg_max_CAL = 5
-        g.leng_crit = 10
+        g.leng_crit = 3
         g.v_wind_avg_max_LS = 5
         g.v_wind_1s_max_LS = 8
@@ -110,17 +57,18 @@ Public Class cCriteria
         g.tq_sum_float_delta_LS = 0.1
         g.v_wind_avg_max_HS = 5
-        g.v_wind_1s_max_HS = 10
+        g.v_wind_1s_max_HS = 8
         g.beta_avg_max_HS = 3
         g.v_veh_avg_min_HS = 80
         g.v_veh_1s_delta_HS = 0.3
         g.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = 0.1
         g.delta_t_tyre_max = 5
         g.delta_rr_corr_max = 0.3
+        g.t_amb_min = 0
+        g.t_amb_max = 35
         g.t_amb_var = 3
         g.t_amb_tarmac = 25
-        g.t_amb_max = 35
-        g.t_amb_min = 0
         Return b
     End Function
@@ -185,10 +133,10 @@ Public Class cCriteria
                         "delta_t_tyre_max": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
                         "delta_rr_corr_max": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
+                        "t_amb_min": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
+                        "t_amb_max": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
                         "t_amb_var": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
                         "t_amb_tarmac": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
-                        "t_amb_max": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
-                        "t_amb_min": {"type": "number", "required": true, },
@@ -200,14 +148,17 @@ Public Class cCriteria
     ''' <remarks>See cJsonFile() constructor</remarks>
     Sub New(Optional ByVal skipValidation As Boolean = False)
         MyBase.New(BuildBody, skipValidation)
+        PopulateApp()
     End Sub
     ''' <summary>Reads from file or creates defaults</summary>
     ''' <param name="inputFilePath">the fpath of the file to read data from</param>
     Sub New(ByVal inputFilePath As String, Optional ByVal skipValidation As Boolean = False)
         MyBase.New(inputFilePath, skipValidation)
+        PopulateApp()
     End Sub
     Sub New(ByVal foreignBody As JToken, Optional ByVal skipValidation As Boolean = False)
         MyBase.New(foreignBody, skipValidation)
+        PopulateApp()
     End Sub
@@ -239,53 +190,154 @@ Public Class cCriteria
     End Sub
 #Region "json props"
+    ' Processing params
+    Public rr_corr_factor As Double                             ' Rolling resistance correction factor
+    Public accel_correction As Boolean = False                      ' Variable for the acceleration correction
+    Public gradient_correction As Boolean = False                   ' Variable for the gradient correction
+    Public hz_out As Integer = 1                                 ' Hz result file output
+    Public acc_corr_avg As Single                               ' [s] averaging of vehicle speed for correction of acceleration forces
+    Public dist_float As Single                                 ' [m]; Distance used for calculation of floatinig average signal used for stabilitay criteria in low speed tests
+    Public roh_air_ref As Single                                ' [kg/m^3] Reference air density 
+    ' Criteria
+    Public trigger_delta_x_max As Single                        ' [m]; +/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (driving direction)
+    Public trigger_delta_y_max As Single                        ' [m]; +/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (perpendicular to driving direction)
+    Public delta_head_max As Single                             ' [°]; +/- maximum deviation from heading as read from the csdat-file to the heading from csms-file for a valid dataset
+    Public segruns_min_CAL As Integer                           ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the calibration test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
+    Public segruns_min_LS As Integer                            ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the low speed test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
+    Public segruns_min_HS As Integer                            ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the high speed test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
+    Public segruns_min_head_MS As Integer                       ' [#]; Minimum TOTAL number of valid datasets required for the high speed test per heading
+    Public delta_Hz_max As Single                               ' [%]; maximum allowed deviation of timestep-size in csdat-file from 100Hz
+    Public delta_parallel_max As Single                         ' [°]; maximum heading difference for measurement section (parallelism criteria for test track layout)
+    Public leng_crit As Single                                  ' [m]; maximum absolute difference of distance driven with lenght of section as specified in configuration
+    Public v_wind_avg_max_CAL As Single                         ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during calibration test
+    Public v_wind_1s_max_CAL As Single                          ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during calibration test
+    Public beta_avg_max_CAL As Single                           ' [°]; maximum average beta during calibration test
+    Public v_wind_avg_max_LS As Single                          ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during low speed test
+    Public v_wind_1s_max_LS As Single                           ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during low speed test
+    Public v_veh_avg_max_LS As Single                           ' [km/h]; maximum average vehicle speed for low speed test
+    Public v_veh_avg_min_LS As Single                           ' [km/h]; minimum average vehicle speed for low speed test
+    Public v_veh_float_delta_LS As Single                       ' [km/h]; +/- maximum deviation of floating average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (low speed test)
+    Public tq_sum_float_delta_LS As Single                      ' [-]; +/- maximum relative deviation of floating average torque from average torque over entire section (low speed test)
+    Public v_wind_avg_max_HS As Single                          ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during high speed test
+    Public v_wind_1s_max_HS As Single                           ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during high speed test
+    Public v_veh_avg_min_HS As Single                           ' [km/h]; minimum average vehicle speed for high speed test
+    Public beta_avg_max_HS As Single                            ' [°]; maximum average beta during high speed test
+    Public v_veh_1s_delta_HS As Single                          ' [km/h]; +/- maximum deviation of 1s average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (high speed test)
+    Public tq_sum_1s_delta_HS As Single                         ' [-]; +/- maximum relative deviation of 1s average torque from average torque over entire section (high speed test)
+    Public delta_t_tyre_max As Single                           ' [°C]; maximum variation of tyre temperature between high speed tests and low speed tests
+    Public delta_rr_corr_max As Single                          ' [kg/t]; maximum difference of RRC from the two low speed runs 
+    Public t_amb_min As Single                                  ' [°C]; Minimum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)
+    Public t_amb_max As Single                                  ' [°C]; Maximum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only) 
+    Public t_amb_var As Single                                  ' [°C]; maximum variation of ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)
+    Public t_amb_tarmac As Single                               ' [°C]; Maximum temperature below which no documentation of tarmac conditions is necessary
+    Overrides Sub Store(ByVal fpath As String)
+        Dim g, b As Object
+        b = Me.Body
+        g = b.Processing
+        g.roh_air_ref = Me.roh_air_ref
+        g.accel_correction = Me.accel_correction
+        g.gradient_correction = Me.gradient_correction
+        g.hz_out = Me.hz_out
+        g.rr_corr_factor = Me.rr_corr_factor
+        g.acc_corr_avg = Me.acc_corr_avg
+        g.dist_float = Me.dist_float
+        g = b.Validation
+        g.trigger_delta_x_max = Me.trigger_delta_x_max
+        g.trigger_delta_y_max = Me.trigger_delta_y_max
+        g.delta_head_max = Me.delta_head_max
+        g.segruns_min_CAL = Me.segruns_min_CAL
+        g.segruns_min_LS = Me.segruns_min_LS
+        g.segruns_min_HS = Me.segruns_min_HS
+        g.segruns_min_head_MS = Me.segruns_min_head_MS
+        g.delta_Hz_max = Me.delta_Hz_max
+        g.delta_parallel_max = Me.delta_parallel_max
+        g.v_wind_avg_max_CAL = Me.v_wind_avg_max_CAL
+        g.v_wind_1s_max_CAL = Me.v_wind_1s_max_CAL
+        g.beta_avg_max_CAL = Me.beta_avg_max_CAL
+        g.leng_crit = Me.leng_crit
+        g.v_wind_avg_max_LS = Me.v_wind_avg_max_LS
+        g.v_wind_1s_max_LS = Me.v_wind_1s_max_LS
+        g.v_veh_avg_min_LS = Me.v_veh_avg_min_LS
+        g.v_veh_avg_max_LS = Me.v_veh_avg_max_LS
+        g.v_veh_float_delta_LS = Me.v_veh_float_delta_LS
+        g.tq_sum_float_delta_LS = Me.tq_sum_float_delta_LS
+        g.v_wind_avg_max_HS = Me.v_wind_avg_max_HS
+        g.v_wind_1s_max_HS = Me.v_wind_1s_max_HS
+        g.beta_avg_max_HS = Me.beta_avg_max_HS
+        g.v_veh_avg_min_HS = Me.v_veh_avg_min_HS
+        g.v_veh_1s_delta_HS = Me.v_veh_1s_delta_HS
+        g.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = Me.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS
+        g.delta_t_tyre_max = Me.delta_t_tyre_max
+        g.delta_rr_corr_max = Me.delta_rr_corr_max
+        g.t_amb_var = Me.t_amb_var
+        g.t_amb_tarmac = Me.t_amb_tarmac
+        g.t_amb_max = Me.t_amb_max
+        g.t_amb_min = Me.t_amb_min
+        MyBase.Store(fpath)
+    End Sub
     Sub PopulateApp()
-        Dim g, p As JToken
+        Dim g, p As Object
         p = Me.Body
         g = p("Processing")
-        rr_corr_factor = g("rr_corr_factor")
-        accel_correction = g("accel_correction")
-        gradient_correction = g("gradient_correction")
-        hz_out = g("hz_out")
-        roh_air_ref = g("roh_air_ref")
-        acc_corr_avg = g("acc_corr_avg")
-        dist_float = g("dist_float")
+        Me.rr_corr_factor = g("rr_corr_factor")
+        Me.accel_correction = g("accel_correction")
+        Me.gradient_correction = g("gradient_correction")
+        Me.hz_out = g("hz_out")
+        Me.roh_air_ref = g("roh_air_ref")
+        Me.acc_corr_avg = g("acc_corr_avg")
+        Me.dist_float = g("dist_float")
         g = p("Validation")
-        trigger_delta_x_max = g("trigger_delta_x_max")
-        trigger_delta_y_max = g("trigger_delta_y_max")
-        delta_head_max = g("delta_head_max")
-        segruns_min_CAL = g("segruns_min_CAL")
-        segruns_min_LS = g("segruns_min_LS")
-        segruns_min_HS = g("segruns_min_HS")
-        segruns_min_head_MS = g("segruns_min_head_MS")
-        delta_Hz_max = g("delta_Hz_max")
-        delta_parallel_max = g("delta_parallel_max")
-        leng_crit = g("leng_crit")
-        delta_t_tyre_max = g("delta_t_tyre_max")
-        delta_rr_corr_max = g("delta_rr_corr_max")
-        t_amb_var = g("t_amb_var")
-        t_amb_tarmac = g("t_amb_tarmac")
-        t_amb_max = g("t_amb_max")
-        t_amb_min = g("t_amb_min")
-        v_wind_avg_max_CAL = g("v_wind_avg_max_CAL")
-        v_wind_1s_max_CAL = g("v_wind_1s_max_CAL")
-        beta_avg_max_CAL = g("beta_avg_max_CAL")
-        v_wind_avg_max_LS = g("v_wind_avg_max_LS")
-        v_wind_1s_max_LS = g("v_wind_1s_max_LS")
-        v_veh_avg_max_LS = g("v_veh_avg_max_LS")
-        v_veh_avg_min_LS = g("v_veh_avg_min_LS")
-        v_veh_float_delta_LS = g("v_veh_float_delta_LS")
-        tq_sum_float_delta_LS = g("tq_sum_float_delta_LS")
-        v_wind_avg_max_HS = g("v_wind_avg_max_HS")
-        v_veh_avg_min_HS = g("v_veh_avg_min_HS")
-        v_wind_1s_max_HS = g("v_wind_1s_max_HS")
-        beta_avg_max_HS = g("beta_avg_max_HS")
-        v_veh_1s_delta_HS = g("v_veh_1s_delta_HS")
-        tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = g("tq_sum_1s_delta_HS")
+        Me.trigger_delta_x_max = g("trigger_delta_x_max")
+        Me.trigger_delta_y_max = g("trigger_delta_y_max")
+        Me.delta_head_max = g("delta_head_max")
+        Me.segruns_min_CAL = g("segruns_min_CAL")
+        Me.segruns_min_LS = g("segruns_min_LS")
+        Me.segruns_min_HS = g("segruns_min_HS")
+        Me.segruns_min_head_MS = g("segruns_min_head_MS")
+        Me.delta_Hz_max = g("delta_Hz_max")
+        Me.delta_parallel_max = g("delta_parallel_max")
+        Me.leng_crit = g("leng_crit")
+        Me.v_wind_avg_max_CAL = g("v_wind_avg_max_CAL")
+        Me.v_wind_1s_max_CAL = g("v_wind_1s_max_CAL")
+        Me.beta_avg_max_CAL = g("beta_avg_max_CAL")
+        Me.v_wind_avg_max_LS = g("v_wind_avg_max_LS")
+        Me.v_wind_1s_max_LS = g("v_wind_1s_max_LS")
+        Me.v_veh_avg_max_LS = g("v_veh_avg_max_LS")
+        Me.v_veh_avg_min_LS = g("v_veh_avg_min_LS")
+        Me.v_veh_float_delta_LS = g("v_veh_float_delta_LS")
+        Me.tq_sum_float_delta_LS = g("tq_sum_float_delta_LS")
+        Me.v_wind_avg_max_HS = g("v_wind_avg_max_HS")
+        Me.v_veh_avg_min_HS = g("v_veh_avg_min_HS")
+        Me.v_wind_1s_max_HS = g("v_wind_1s_max_HS")
+        Me.beta_avg_max_HS = g("beta_avg_max_HS")
+        Me.v_veh_1s_delta_HS = g("v_veh_1s_delta_HS")
+        Me.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = g("tq_sum_1s_delta_HS")
+        Me.delta_t_tyre_max = g("delta_t_tyre_max")
+        Me.delta_rr_corr_max = g("delta_rr_corr_max")
+        Me.t_amb_var = g("t_amb_var")
+        Me.t_amb_tarmac = g("t_amb_tarmac")
+        Me.t_amb_max = g("t_amb_max")
+        Me.t_amb_min = g("t_amb_min")
     End Sub
 #End Region ' json props
diff --git a/CSE/IO/cJob.vb b/CSE/IO/cJob.vb
index 83133dc3f4b1482ac169d95f0d4982644a82cf92..b79af1e8ecfbca250508993de6ff61be55ce1800 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/cJob.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/cJob.vb
@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ Public Class cJob
     ' Defaults specified here.
     Protected Shared Function BuildBody() As JObject
         Dim b As Object = New JObject()
-        b.fpathVehicle = Vehspez
-        b.fpathAmbient = Ambspez
-        b.Anemometer = New JArray(AnemIC.ToList())
-        b.fpathTrack = MSCCSpez
-        b.fpathRunData = New JArray(DataSpez.ToList())
+        b.vehicle_fpath = ""
+        b.ambient_fpath = ""
+        b.Anemometer = New JArray(0, 0, 0, 0)
+        b.track_fpath = ""
+        b.calibration_fpath = ""
+        b.low1_fpath = ""
+        b.high_fpath = ""
+        b.low2_fpath = ""
         b.Criteria = New cCriteria().Body
         Return b
     End Function
@@ -32,9 +35,9 @@ Public Class cJob
             "type": "object", "additionalProperties": <%= allowAdditionalProps_str %>, 
             "required": true,
             "properties": {
-                "fpathVehicle": {
+                "vehicle_fpath": {
                     "type": "string", 
-                    "pattern": "\\.csveh(\\.json)?$", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csveh(\\.json)?$", -->
                     "required": true, 
                     "description": "File-path to Vehicle file (*.csveh)", 
@@ -47,28 +50,41 @@ Public Class cJob
                     "minItems": 4, "maxItems": 4, 
                     "description": "The 4 Anemomenter instrument calibration factors in this order: v_air f, v_air d, beta f, beta d", 
-                "fpathAmbient": {
+                "ambient_fpath": {
                     "type": "string", 
-                    "pattern": "\\.csamb$", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csamb$", -->
                     "required": true, 
                     "description": "File-path to the Ambient(Weather) file (*.csamb)", 
-                "fpathTrack": {
+                "track_fpath": {
                     "type": "string", 
-                    "pattern": "\\.csms$", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csms$", -->
                     "required": true, 
                     "description": "File-path to Track-sections (*.csmsc).", 
-                "fpathRunData": {
-                    "type": "array", 
+                "calibration_fpath": {
+                    "type": "string", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csdat$", -->
                     "required": true, 
-                    "items": {
-                        "type": "string", 
-                        "pattern": "\\.csdat$", 
-                        "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)", 
-                    },
-                    "minItems": 4, "maxItems": 4, 
-                    "description": "The 4 File-paths to the measurement-files (*.csdat) in this order: Calibration, Low1, High, Low2", 
+                    "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)", 
+                }, 
+                "low1_fpath": {
+                    "type": "string", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csdat$", -->
+                    "required": true, 
+                    "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)", 
+                }, 
+                "high_fpath": {
+                    "type": "string", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csdat$", -->
+                    "required": true, 
+                    "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)", 
+                }, 
+                "low2_fpath": {
+                    "type": "string", 
+                    <!-- "pattern": "\\.csdat$", -->
+                    "required": true, 
+                    "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)", 
                 "Criteria": <%= cCriteria.JSchemaStr(allowAdditionalProps) %>,
@@ -123,79 +139,174 @@ Public Class cJob
 #Region "json props"
-    Sub PopulateApp()
-        Dim b As JToken
-        b = Me.Body
-        Vehspez = b("fpathVehicle")
-        Ambspez = b("fpathAmbient")
-        MSCCSpez = b("fpathTrack")
-        MSCTSpez = b("fpathTrack")
-        AnemIC = (From i In b("Anemometer") Select (Single.Parse(i))).ToArray
-        DataSpez = (From i In b("fpathRunData") Select (i.ToString)).ToArray
+    Public Property vehicle_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("vehicle_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("vehicle_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("vehicle_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property ambient_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("ambient_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("ambient_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("ambient_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property track_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("track_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("track_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("track_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property MSCTSpez As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("track_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("track_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("track_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property Anemometer As Single()
+        Get
+            Return (From i In Me.Body("Anemometer") Select (Single.Parse(i))).ToArray
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As Single())
+            Me.Body("Anemometer") = New JArray(value.ToList())
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property calibration_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("calibration_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("calibration_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("calibration_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property low1_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("low1_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("low1_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("low1_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property high_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("high_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("high_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("high_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property low2_fpath As String
+        Get
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("low2_fpath"), Prefs.workingDir)
+        End Get
+        Set(ByVal value As String)
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, Prefs.workingDir)
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("low2_fpath") = Nothing Else Me.Body("low2_fpath") = value
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property coasting_fpaths As String()
+        Get
+            Return {low1_fpath, high_fpath, low2_fpath}
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    ''' <summary>Do not invoke this method in vain...</summary>
+    ReadOnly Property Criteria As cCriteria
+        Get
+            Return New cCriteria(Me.Body("Criteria"), True)
+        End Get
+    End Property
-        Dim crtBody = b("Criteria")
-        Dim crt As cCriteria = New cCriteria(crtBody, True)
-        crt.PopulateApp()
-    End Sub
     ' Function for reading the jobfile
-    Public Shared Sub fReadOldJobFile()
+    Public Sub fReadOldJobFile()
         ' Declarations
-        Dim lauf, i As Integer
-        Dim Info As String = ""
+        Dim i As Integer
         Dim Line() As String
-        Using FileInVECTO As New cFile_V3
+        Dim crt As Object = Me.Criteria
-            ' Initialisation
-            lauf = 0
+        Using FileInVECTO As New cFile_V3
             ' Open the jobfile
             ' Read the data from the jobfile
-            Vehspez = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
-            Ambspez = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            vehicle_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            ambient_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
             Line = FileInVECTO.ReadLine
-            For i = 0 To UBound(AnemIC) - 1
-                AnemIC(i) = Line(i)
+            Dim factors(3) As Single
+            For i = 0 To UBound(factors) - 1
+                factors(i) = Line(i)
             Next i
+            Anemometer = factors
             ' Calibration test files
-            MSCCSpez = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
-            DataSpez(0) = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            track_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            calibration_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
             ' Test run files
             MSCTSpez = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
-            rr_corr_factor = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
-            For i = 1 To UBound(DataSpez)
-                DataSpez(i) = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
-            Next i
+            crt.rr_corr_factor = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            low1_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            high_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
+            low2_fpath = FileInVECTO.ReadLine(0)
             ' Appropriate the Checkboxes
             ' Acceleration Correction
             Line = FileInVECTO.ReadLine
-            accel_correction = CBool(Line(0))
+            crt.accel_correction = CBool(Line(0))
             'CSEMain.CheckBoxAcc.Checked = False
             ' Gradient correction
             Line = FileInVECTO.ReadLine
-            gradient_correction = CBool(Line(0))
+            crt.gradient_correction = CBool(Line(0))
             'CSEMain.CheckBoxGrd.Checked = False
             ' Output sequence
             Line = FileInVECTO.ReadLine
-            If IsNumeric(Line(0)) Then
-                If Line(0) = 1 Then
-                    hz_out = 1
-                ElseIf Line(0) = 100 Then
-                    hz_out = 100
-                Else
-                    hz_out = 1
-                End If
+            If Line(0) = 1 OrElse Line(0) = 100 Then
+                crt.hz_out = Line(0)
+            Else
+                crt.hz_out = 1
             End If
             ' Read the parameters
@@ -208,73 +319,73 @@ Public Class cJob
                     If IsNumeric(Line(0)) Then
                         Select Case i
                             Case 1 ' TBDeltaTTireMax
-                                delta_t_tyre_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.delta_t_tyre_max = Line(0)
                             Case 2 ' TBDeltaRRCMax.Text
-                                delta_rr_corr_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.delta_rr_corr_max = Line(0)
                             Case 3 ' TBTambVar
-                                t_amb_var = Line(0)
+                                crt.t_amb_var = Line(0)
                             Case 4 ' TBTambTamac
-                                t_amb_tarmac = Line(0)
+                                crt.t_amb_tarmac = Line(0)
                             Case 5 ' TBTambMax
-                                t_amb_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.t_amb_max = Line(0)
                             Case 6 ' TBTambMin
-                                t_amb_min = Line(0)
+                                crt.t_amb_min = Line(0)
                             Case 7 ' TBContHz
-                                delta_Hz_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.delta_Hz_max = Line(0)
                             Case 8 ' TBRhoAirRef
-                                roh_air_ref = Line(0)
+                                crt.roh_air_ref = Line(0)
                             Case 9 ' TBAveSecAcc
-                                acc_corr_avg = Line(0)
+                                crt.acc_corr_avg = Line(0)
                             Case 10 ' TBDeltaHeadMax
-                                delta_parallel_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.delta_parallel_max = Line(0)
                             Case 11 ' TBContSecL
-                                trigger_delta_x_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.trigger_delta_x_max = Line(0)
                             Case 12 ' TBLRec
-                                trigger_delta_y_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.trigger_delta_y_max = Line(0)
                             Case 13 ' TBContAng
-                                delta_head_max = Line(0)
+                                crt.delta_head_max = Line(0)
                             Case 14 ' TBNSecAnz
-                                segruns_min_CAL = Line(0)
+                                crt.segruns_min_CAL = Line(0)
                             Case 15 ' TBNSecAnzLS
-                                segruns_min_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.segruns_min_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 16 ' TBNSecAnzHS
-                                segruns_min_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.segruns_min_HS = Line(0)
                             Case 17 ' TBMSHSMin
-                                segruns_min_head_MS = Line(0)
+                                crt.segruns_min_head_MS = Line(0)
                             Case 18 ' TBDistFloat
-                                dist_float = Line(0)
+                                crt.dist_float = Line(0)
                             Case 19 ' TBvWindAveCALMax
-                                v_wind_avg_max_CAL = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_wind_avg_max_CAL = Line(0)
                             Case 20 ' TBvWind1sCALMax
-                                v_wind_1s_max_CAL = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_wind_1s_max_CAL = Line(0)
                             Case 21 ' TBBetaAveCALMax
-                                beta_avg_max_CAL = Line(0)
+                                crt.beta_avg_max_CAL = Line(0)
                             Case 22 ' TBLengCrit
-                                leng_crit = Line(0)
+                                crt.leng_crit = Line(0)
                             Case 23 ' TBvWindAveLSMax
-                                v_wind_avg_max_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_wind_avg_max_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 24 ' TBvWind1sLSMin
-                                v_wind_1s_max_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_wind_1s_max_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 25 ' TBvVehAveLSMax
-                                v_veh_avg_max_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_veh_avg_max_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 26 ' TBvVehAveLSMin
-                                v_veh_avg_min_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_veh_avg_min_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 27 ' TBvVehFloatD
-                                v_veh_float_delta_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_veh_float_delta_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 28 ' TBTqSumFloatD
-                                tq_sum_float_delta_LS = Line(0)
+                                crt.tq_sum_float_delta_LS = Line(0)
                             Case 29 ' TBvWindAveHSMax
-                                v_wind_avg_max_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_wind_avg_max_HS = Line(0)
                             Case 30 ' TBvWind1sHSMax
-                                v_wind_1s_max_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_wind_1s_max_HS = Line(0)
                             Case 31 ' TBvVehAveHSMin
-                                v_veh_avg_min_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_veh_avg_min_HS = Line(0)
                             Case 32 ' TBBetaAveHSMax
-                                beta_avg_max_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.beta_avg_max_HS = Line(0)
                             Case 33 ' TBvVeh1sD
-                                v_veh_1s_delta_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.v_veh_1s_delta_HS = Line(0)
                             Case 34 ' TBTq1sD
-                                tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = Line(0)
+                                crt.tq_sum_1s_delta_HS = Line(0)
                         End Select
                         Throw New ArgumentException(format("The given value in the Job-file({0}) at position({1}) is not a number!", JobFile, i))
@@ -289,15 +400,6 @@ Public Class cJob
                 Throw New ArgumentException(format("Premature ending of the Job-file({0})!", JobFile))
             End If
-            ' Control the input files
-            '' TDOD: Use Validate()
-            fControlInput(Vehspez, 1, "csveh.json")
-            fControlInput(Ambspez, 2, "csamb")
-            fControlInput(MSCCSpez, 3, "csms")
-            fControlInput(MSCTSpez, 4, "csms")
-            For i = 0 To UBound(DataSpez)
-                fControlInput(DataSpez(i), 4 + i + 1, "csdat")
-            Next i
         End Using
diff --git a/CSE/IO/cJsonFile.vb b/CSE/IO/cJsonFile.vb
index 24f74dcf67a811659487f1175837f5fe450de71f..b9028d057e8ea786c7922676446da0a680d7e979 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/cJsonFile.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/cJsonFile.vb
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Public MustInherit Class cJsonFile
         Dim strictHeader = True
         strictHeader = False   '' Try to read even bad headers.
-        fInfWarErr(4, False, format("Reading JSON-file({0})...", inputFilePath))
+        logme(4, False, format("Reading JSON-file({0})...", inputFilePath))
         Me.Content = ReadJsonFile(inputFilePath)
         'Me.Header = Content("Header")
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Public MustInherit Class cJsonFile
     End Sub
     ''' <summary>Validates and Writing to the config file</summary>
-    Sub Store(ByVal fpath As String)
+    Overridable Sub Store(ByVal fpath As String)
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Public MustInherit Class cJsonFile
         '' Decide whether to add username in "CreatedBy".
         Dim username = ""
-        If AppPreferences Is Nothing OrElse Not AppPreferences.hideUsername Then
+        If Prefs Is Nothing OrElse Not Prefs.hideUsername Then
             username = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name & "@"
         End If
         h("CreatedBy") = format("{0}{1}(lic: {2})", username, Lic.LicString, Lic.GUID)
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ Public MustInherit Class cJsonFile
         Dim bodySchema = h("BodySchema")
         If bodySchema IsNot Nothing AndAlso bodySchema.Type = JTokenType.Boolean Then
             isIncludeSchema = bodySchema
-        ElseIf AppPreferences IsNot Nothing Then
-            isIncludeSchema = AppPreferences.IncludeSchemas
+        ElseIf Prefs IsNot Nothing Then
+            isIncludeSchema = Prefs.includeSchemas
             isIncludeSchema = False
         End If
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Public MustInherit Class cJsonFile
         '' Validate Body by subclass
         Dim hsb = Me.Header("StrictBody")
-        Dim strictBody As Boolean = IIf(hsb Is Nothing, AppPreferences.StrictBodies, hsb)
+        Dim strictBody As Boolean = IIf(hsb Is Nothing, Prefs.strictBodies, hsb)
         Me.ValidateBody(strictBody, validateMsgs)
         If (validateMsgs.Any()) Then
diff --git a/CSE/IO/cPreferences.vb b/CSE/IO/cPreferences.vb
index 3e5b810f48876e6089ee9225ee77183096a63f00..d7b3c187a97bc3dbb95720d5445f42fcf4624f0c 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/cPreferences.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/cPreferences.vb
@@ -142,53 +142,14 @@ in the `/Header/CreatedBy` property of JSON-files, for protecting its privacy.",
 #Region "json props"
     Public Property workingDir As String
-            Dim value As String = Me.Body("workingDir")
-            If value Is Nothing OrElse String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) Then
-                Return MyPath
-            ElseIf IO.Path.IsPathRooted(value) Then
-                Return value
-            Else
-                Return joinPaths(MyPath, value)
-            End If
+            Return getRootedPath(Me.Body("workingDir"), MyPath)
         End Get
         Set(ByVal value As String)
-            If value IsNot Nothing Then
-                '' Convert emtpy-paths into MyPath and store them as null.
-                ''
-                value = value.Trim()
-                If value.Length = 0 Then
-                    value = Nothing
-                Else
-                    '' Convert MyPath-prefixed paths into relative ones.
-                    ''
-                    Dim myPlainPath = IO.Path.GetFullPath(StripBackslash(MyPath))
-                    value = IO.Path.GetFullPath(value)
-                    If value.StartsWith(myPlainPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
-                        value = value.Substring(myPlainPath.Length)
-                        If (value.StartsWith("\")) Then
-                            value = value.Substring(1)
-                        End If
+            value = getAnySubPath(value, MyPath)
-                        If value.Length = 0 Then
-                            value = Nothing
-                        End If
-                    End If
-                    '' Store MyPath as null.
-                    ''
-                    If String.Equals(value, MyPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
-                        value = Nothing
-                    End If
-                End If
-            End If
-            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes Nulls end-up as 'string' schema-type.
+            '' NOTE: Early-binding makes schema-type always a 'string', and will fail later!
-            If value Is Nothing Then
-                Me.Body("workingDir") = Nothing
-            Else
-                Me.Body("workingDir") = value
-            End If
+            If value Is Nothing Then Me.Body("workingDir") = Nothing Else Me.Body("workingDir") = value
         End Set
     End Property
diff --git a/CSE/IO/input.vb b/CSE/IO/input.vb
index 745a1b81a3da6defe260edc6e28d5ae0cbd9891f..0da2e8f754a901a78bb244dc0cc774ab485201f3 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/input.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/input.vb
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ Public Module input
             ' Read the filelist with the MSC spezifications
             ' Output on the GUI
-            fInfWarErr(5, False, "Read MS configuration file")
+            logme(5, False, "Read MS configuration file")
             ' Open the MSC spezification file
             If Not FileInMSCSpez.OpenRead(MSCfile) Then
                 ' Error if the file is not available
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Can´t find the MS configuration specification file: " & MSCfile)
+                logme(9, False, "Can´t find the MS configuration specification file: " & MSCfile)
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ Public Module input
-                    If gradient_correction Then MSCX.AltPath.Add(Line(8))
+                    If Crt.gradient_correction Then MSCX.AltPath.Add(Line(8))
             Catch ex As Exception
                 ' Falls kein gültiger Wert eingegeben wurde
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Invalid value in the trigger data file: " & fName(MSCfile, True))
+                logme(9, False, "Invalid value in the trigger data file: " & fName(MSCfile, True))
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ Public Module input
                     RefHead = MSCX.head(i)
-                    If Math.Abs(MSCX.head(i) - RefHead) < delta_parallel_max Then
+                    If Math.Abs(MSCX.head(i) - RefHead) < Crt.delta_parallel_max Then
                         Continue For
-                    ElseIf (Math.Abs(MSCX.head(i) - RefHead + 180) < delta_parallel_max Or Math.Abs(MSCX.head(i) - RefHead - 180) < delta_parallel_max) Then
+                    ElseIf (Math.Abs(MSCX.head(i) - RefHead + 180) < Crt.delta_parallel_max Or Math.Abs(MSCX.head(i) - RefHead - 180) < Crt.delta_parallel_max) Then
                         Continue For
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Measurement section with invalid headings identified (test track not parallel) at line: " & i)
+                        logme(9, False, "Measurement section with invalid headings identified (test track not parallel) at line: " & i)
                         Return False
                     End If
@@ -72,17 +72,16 @@ Public Module input
             ' Control the altitude path
             For i = 1 To MSCX.meID.Count - 1
-                If gradient_correction Then
+                If Crt.gradient_correction Then
                     If MSCX.AltPath(i) = Nothing Then
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Altitude correction = on, missing altitude file at line: " & i)
+                        logme(9, False, "Altitude correction = on, missing altitude file at line: " & i)
                         Return False
                     End If
                     If fPath(MSCX.AltPath(i)) = Nothing Then MSCX.AltPath(i) = joinPaths(fPath(MSCfile), MSCX.AltPath(i))
-                    fControlInput(MSCX.AltPath(i), 3, "csalt")
                     If Not FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(MSCX.AltPath(i)) Then
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Altitude correction = on, altitude file doesen´t exist: " & MSCX.AltPath(i))
+                        logme(9, False, "Altitude correction = on, altitude file doesen´t exist: " & MSCX.AltPath(i))
                         Return False
                     End If
@@ -116,14 +115,14 @@ Public Module input
             'Abort if there's no file
             If Datafile = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(Datafile) Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Weather data file not found (" & Datafile & ") !")
+                logme(9, False, "Weather data file not found (" & Datafile & ") !")
                 Return False
             End If
             'Open file
             If Not FileInWeather.OpenRead(Datafile) Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Failed to open file (" & Datafile & ") !")
+                logme(9, False, "Failed to open file (" & Datafile & ") !")
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ Public Module input
                     ' Check if component is already defined
                     If WeathCheck(Comp) Then
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Component '" & Line(i) & "' already defined! Column " & i + 1)
+                        logme(9, False, "Component '" & Line(i) & "' already defined! Column " & i + 1)
                         Return False
                     End If
@@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ Public Module input
             ' Check if all required data is given
             For Each sKVW In WeathCheck
                 If Not WeathCheck(sKVW.Key) Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "Missing signal for " & fCompName(sKVW.Key))
+                    logme(9, False, "Missing signal for " & fCompName(sKVW.Key))
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ Public Module input
                     Next sKV
             Catch ex As Exception
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tdim + 1 & " (" & Datafile & ")")
+                logme(9, False, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tdim + 1 & " (" & Datafile & ")")
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -240,14 +239,14 @@ Public Module input
             'Abort if there's no file
             If Datafile = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(Datafile) Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Measurement data file not found (" & Datafile & ") !")
+                logme(9, False, "Measurement data file not found (" & Datafile & ") !")
                 Return False
             End If
             'Open file
             If Not FileInMeasure.OpenRead(Datafile) Then
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Failed to open file (" & Datafile & ") !")
+                logme(9, False, "Failed to open file (" & Datafile & ") !")
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -286,7 +285,7 @@ Public Module input
                     ' Check if the component is already defined
                     If InputUndefData.ContainsKey(txt) Then
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Component '" & Line(i) & "' already defined! Column " & i + 1)
+                        logme(9, False, "Component '" & Line(i) & "' already defined! Column " & i + 1)
                         Return False
                     End If
@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ Public Module input
                     ' Check if component is already defined
                     If MeasCheck(Comp) Then
-                        fInfWarErr(9, False, "Component '" & Line(i) & "' already defined! Column " & i + 1)
+                        logme(9, False, "Component '" & Line(i) & "' already defined! Column " & i + 1)
                         Return False
                     End If
@@ -317,7 +316,7 @@ Public Module input
                     Select Case sKVM.Key
                         Case tComp.trigger
                             If MSCX.tUse Then
-                                fInfWarErr(9, False, "No trigger signal detected, but trigger_used in MS config activated!")
+                                logme(9, False, "No trigger signal detected, but trigger_used in MS config activated!")
                                 Return False
                             End If
@@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ Public Module input
                         Case tComp.user_valid
                             valid_set = True
                         Case Else
-                            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Missing signal for " & fCompName(sKVM.Key))
+                            logme(9, False, "Missing signal for " & fCompName(sKVM.Key))
                             Return False
                     End Select
@@ -350,9 +349,9 @@ Public Module input
                             If sKV.Key = tComp.t Then
                                 If tDim >= 2 Then
-                                    If Math.Abs((InputData(sKV.Key)(tDim - 1) - InputData(sKV.Key)(tDim - 2)) / (1 / HzIn) - 1) * 100 > delta_Hz_max Then
+                                    If Math.Abs((InputData(sKV.Key)(tDim - 1) - InputData(sKV.Key)(tDim - 2)) / (1 / HzIn) - 1) * 100 > Crt.delta_Hz_max Then
                                         If ErrDat Then
-                                            fInfWarErr(9, False, "The input data is not recorded at " & HzIn & "Hz at line: " & JumpPoint & " and " & tDim)
+                                            logme(9, False, "The input data is not recorded at " & HzIn & "Hz at line: " & JumpPoint & " and " & tDim)
                                             Return False
@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ Public Module input
                                     If Not ZoneChange Then
                                         If tDim > 1 Then
                                             If CalcData(tCompCali.zone_UTM).Last <> UTMCoord.Zone Then
-                                                fInfWarErr(8, False, "The coordinates lie in different UTM Zones. A zone adjustment will be done!")
+                                                logme(8, False, "The coordinates lie in different UTM Zones. A zone adjustment will be done!")
                                                 ZoneChange = True
                                             End If
                                         End If
@@ -385,7 +384,7 @@ Public Module input
                                     If Not ZoneChange Then
                                         If tDim > 1 Then
                                             If CalcData(tCompCali.zone_UTM).Last <> UTMCoord.Zone Then
-                                                fInfWarErr(8, False, "The coordinates lie in different UTM Zones. A zone adjustment will be done!")
+                                                logme(8, False, "The coordinates lie in different UTM Zones. A zone adjustment will be done!")
                                                 ZoneChange = True
                                             End If
                                         End If
@@ -422,7 +421,7 @@ Public Module input
             Catch ex As Exception
-                fInfWarErr(9, False, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tDim + 1 & " (" & Datafile & ")")
+                logme(9, False, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tDim + 1 & " (" & Datafile & ")")
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -445,7 +444,7 @@ Public Module input
                     CalcData(tCompCali.longi_UTM)(i) = UTMCoord.Easting
                 Next i
                 If Zone1CentralMeridian > 180 Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "The adjustment is not possible because the data lie to far away from each other to fit into one UTM stripe")
+                    logme(9, False, "The adjustment is not possible because the data lie to far away from each other to fit into one UTM stripe")
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -474,7 +473,7 @@ Public Module input
             ' Open the shape generic file
             If Not FileInGenShp.OpenRead(GenShpFile) Then
                 ' Falls File nicht vorhanden, abbrechen mit Fehler
-                fInfWarErr(9, True, "Can´t find the generic shape file: " & GenShpFile)
+                logme(9, True, "Can´t find the generic shape file: " & GenShpFile)
                 Return False
             End If
@@ -496,7 +495,7 @@ Public Module input
                 If GenShape.veh_class.Contains(Line(pos)) Then
                     For j = 0 To GenShape.veh_class.Count - 1
                         If GenShape.veh_class(j) = Line(pos) And GenShape.veh_conf(j) = Line2(pos) Then
-                            fInfWarErr(9, True, "The vehicle class with this configuration is already defined. Please control your generic shape file!")
+                            logme(9, True, "The vehicle class with this configuration is already defined. Please control your generic shape file!")
                             Return False
                         End If
diff --git a/CSE/IO/output.vb b/CSE/IO/output.vb
index bb081e0aeb9a6c792804dec3f25ec52a4e596ecf..8fefbc95857d7f18a89a4605bab63584ea7c82ea 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/output.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/output.vb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
             ErgEntriesC = New Dictionary(Of tCompCali, CResult)
             ErgEntryListC = New List(Of tCompCali)
-            If hz_out = 1 Then
+            If Crt.hz_out = 1 Then
                 ConvTo1Hz(InputData(tComp.t), InputUndefData)
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
             End If
             ' Write on GUI
-            fInfWarErr(5, False, "Writing output-file (*.csv)")
+            logme(5, False, "Writing output-file (*.csv)")
             ' Generate the file name
             NameOutFile = ""
-            Select Case hz_out
+            Select Case Crt.hz_out
                 Case 1
                     NameOutFile = OutFolder & fName(Datafile, False) & "_1Hz.csv"
                 Case 100
@@ -80,16 +80,16 @@
         ' Ausgabe bei blockierter Datei
         If BWorker.CancellationPending And FileBlock Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
+            logme(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
         End If
         Return True
     End Function
     ' Function for the output of the result data
-    Function fOutCalcRes(ByVal Datafile() As String, ByVal calibration As Boolean) As Boolean
-        ' Declaration
-        Dim i As Integer
+    Function fOutCalcRes(ByVal calibration As Boolean) As Boolean
+        Dim calibration_fpath = Job.calibration_fpath
+        Dim coasting_fpaths() = Job.coasting_fpaths
         Dim NameOutFile, key As String
         Using FileOut As New cFile_V3
             Dim first As Boolean
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
             End If
             ' Write on GUI
-            fInfWarErr(5, False, "Writing result-file (*.csv)")
+            logme(5, False, "Writing result-file (*.csv)")
             ' Generate the file name
             NameOutFile = OutFolder & fName(JobFile, False) & "_MS_CAL.csv"
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
             ' Filekopf
             FileOut.WriteLine("Resultfile Programm " & AppName & " " & AppVers & " Comp " & AppDate)
             If calibration Then
-                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile: ", Datafile(1))
+                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile: ", calibration_fpath)
-                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS1: ", Datafile(2))
-                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile HS: ", Datafile(3))
-                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS2: ", Datafile(4))
+                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS1: ", coasting_fpaths(0))
+                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile HS: ", coasting_fpaths(1))
+                FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS2: ", coasting_fpaths(2))
             End If
@@ -183,16 +183,15 @@
         ' Ausgabe bei blockierter Datei
         If BWorker.CancellationPending And FileBlock Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
+            logme(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
         End If
         Return True
     End Function
     ' Function for the output of the result data of the regression
-    Function fOutCalcResReg(ByVal Datafile() As String) As Boolean
-        ' Declaration
-        Dim i As Integer
+    Function fOutCalcResReg() As Boolean
+        Dim coasting_fpaths() = Job.coasting_fpaths
         Dim NameOutFile, key As String
         Using FileOut As New cFile_V3
             Dim first As Boolean
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@
             End If
             ' Write on GUI
-            fInfWarErr(5, False, "Writing result-file (*.csv)")
+            logme(5, False, "Writing result-file (*.csv)")
             ' Generate the file name
             NameOutFile = OutFolder & fName(JobFile, False) & "_CSE.csv"
@@ -220,9 +219,9 @@
             ' Filekopf
             FileOut.WriteLine("Resultfile Programm " & AppName & " " & AppVers & " Comp " & AppDate)
-            FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS1: ", Datafile(2))
-            FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile HS: ", Datafile(3))
-            FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS2: ", Datafile(4))
+            FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS1: ", coasting_fpaths(0))
+            FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile HS: ", coasting_fpaths(1))
+            FileOut.WriteLine("Datafile LS2: ", coasting_fpaths(2))
             FileOut.WriteLine("fv_veh:", fv_veh, "[-] calibration factor for vehicle speed")
@@ -277,7 +276,7 @@
         ' Ausgabe bei blockierter Datei
         If BWorker.CancellationPending And FileBlock Then
-            fInfWarErr(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
+            logme(9, False, "Can´t write in file " & NameOutFile & ". File is blocked by another process!")
         End If
         Return True
@@ -653,7 +652,7 @@
         For z = 1 To ValuesX.Item(tCompCali.t).Count - 1
             If fTime(z) < fTime(z - 1) Then
                 If Sprung Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & fTime(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & fTime(z) & "[s]")
+                    logme(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & fTime(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & fTime(z) & "[s]")
                     Return False
                     Sprung = True
@@ -844,7 +843,7 @@
         For z = 1 To ValuesX.Item(tComp.t).Count - 1
             If fTime(z) < fTime(z - 1) Then
                 If Sprung Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & fTime(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & fTime(z) & "[s]")
+                    logme(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & fTime(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & fTime(z) & "[s]")
                     Return False
                     Sprung = True
@@ -1035,7 +1034,7 @@
         For z = 1 To ValuesX.Item(ValuesX.First.Key).Count - 1
             If fTime(z) < fTime(z - 1) Then
                 If Sprung Then
-                    fInfWarErr(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & fTime(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & fTime(z) & "[s]")
+                    logme(9, False, "Time step invalid! t(" & z - 1 & ") = " & fTime(z - 1) & "[s], t(" & z & ") = " & fTime(z) & "[s]")
                     Return False
                     Sprung = True
diff --git a/CSE/declaration_public.vb b/CSE/declaration_public.vb
index 636c22e926236e0b35049951ea58cc9e5b727b60..6c2c72219defe16ca1d314dece85718cf44ee575 100644
--- a/CSE/declaration_public.vb
+++ b/CSE/declaration_public.vb
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
     Public NameFK() As String = ({"", "Vehicle", "Weather", "Altitude", "MS Config calibration", "MS Config test", "Data Calib", "Data LS1", "Data HS", "Data LS2"})
     Public AnzeigeMessage() As String = ({"", "", "", "         + ", "      ~ ", "   * ", " - ", "", "", ""})
+    Public AppFormStarted = False
+    Public PrefsPath As String
+    Public Prefs As cPreferences
+    Public Job As cJob                                          ' The values for the 'Main' tab (and Criteria)
+    Public Crt As cCriteria                                     ' The values for the 'Options' tab 
+    Public Sub installJob(ByVal newJob As cJob)
+        Job = newJob
+        Crt = newJob.Criteria
+    End Sub
     ' General Path variables
     Public MyPath As String                                     ' Path of the *.exe
     Public RestartN As Boolean = False                          ' Restart of the *.exe
@@ -28,68 +38,16 @@
     Public Const f_rollHS = 1                                   ' Constant value for HS rolling resistance
     Public Zone1CentralMeridian = -177                          ' Central UTM zone meridian (Will be changed by zone adjustment)
-    ' Processing params
-    Public rr_corr_factor As Double                             ' Rolling resistance correction factor
-    Public accel_correction As Boolean = False                      ' Variable for the acceleration correction
-    Public gradient_correction As Boolean = False                   ' Variable for the gradient correction
-    Public hz_out As Integer = 1                                 ' Hz result file output
-    Public acc_corr_avg As Single                               ' [s] averaging of vehicle speed for correction of acceleration forces
-    Public dist_float As Single                                 ' [m]; Distance used for calculation of floatinig average signal used for stabilitay criteria in low speed tests
-    Public roh_air_ref As Single                                ' [kg/m^3] Reference air density 
-    ' Criteria
-    Public trigger_delta_x_max As Single                        ' [m]; +/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (driving direction)
-    Public trigger_delta_y_max As Single                        ' [m]; +/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (perpendicular to driving direction)
-    Public delta_head_max As Single                             ' [°]; +/- maximum deviation from heading as read from the csdat-file to the heading from csms-file for a valid dataset
-    Public segruns_min_CAL As Integer                           ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the calibration test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
-    Public segruns_min_LS As Integer                            ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the low speed test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
-    Public segruns_min_HS As Integer                            ' [#]; Minimum number of valid datasets required for the high speed test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)
-    Public segruns_min_head_MS As Integer                       ' [#]; Minimum TOTAL number of valid datasets required for the high speed test per heading
-    Public delta_Hz_max As Single                               ' [%]; maximum allowed deviation of timestep-size in csdat-file from 100Hz
-    Public delta_parallel_max As Single                         ' [°]; maximum heading difference for measurement section (parallelism criteria for test track layout)
-    Public leng_crit As Single                                  ' [m]; maximum absolute difference of distance driven with lenght of section as specified in configuration
-    Public v_wind_avg_max_CAL As Single                         ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during calibration test
-    Public v_wind_1s_max_CAL As Single                          ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during calibration test
-    Public beta_avg_max_CAL As Single                           ' [°]; maximum average beta during calibration test
-    Public v_wind_avg_max_LS As Single                          ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during low speed test
-    Public v_wind_1s_max_LS As Single                           ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during low speed test
-    Public v_veh_avg_max_LS As Single                           ' [km/h]; maximum average vehicle speed for low speed test
-    Public v_veh_avg_min_LS As Single                           ' [km/h]; minimum average vehicle speed for low speed test
-    Public v_veh_float_delta_LS As Single                       ' [km/h]; +/- maximum deviation of floating average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (low speed test)
-    Public tq_sum_float_delta_LS As Single                      ' [-]; +/- maximum relative deviation of floating average torque from average torque over entire section (low speed test)
-    Public v_wind_avg_max_HS As Single                          ' [m/s]; maximum average wind speed during high speed test
-    Public v_wind_1s_max_HS As Single                           ' [m/s]; maximum gust wind speed during high speed test
-    Public v_veh_avg_min_HS As Single                           ' [km/h]; minimum average vehicle speed for high speed test
-    Public beta_avg_max_HS As Single                            ' [°]; maximum average beta during high speed test
-    Public v_veh_1s_delta_HS As Single                          ' [km/h]; +/- maximum deviation of 1s average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (high speed test)
-    Public tq_sum_1s_delta_HS As Single                         ' [-]; +/- maximum relative deviation of 1s average torque from average torque over entire section (high speed test)
-    Public delta_t_tyre_max As Single                           ' [°C]; maximum variation of tyre temperature between high speed tests and low speed tests
-    Public delta_rr_corr_max As Single                          ' [kg/t]; maximum difference of RRC from the two low speed runs 
-    Public t_amb_var As Single                                  ' [°C]; maximum variation of ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)
-    Public t_amb_max As Single                                  ' [°C]; Maximum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only) 
-    Public t_amb_tarmac As Single                               ' [°C]; Maximum temperature below which no documentation of tarmac conditions is necessary
-    Public t_amb_min As Single                                  ' [°C]; Minimum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)
     ' Constances for the array declaration
     Public JumpPoint As Integer = -1                            ' Point at that a jump in the time-resolved data is detected
     Public OptPar() As Boolean = ({True, True, True})           ' Array to identify if optional parameters are given
-    ' Spezification files
-    Public Vehspez As String                                    ' Vehicle specification file
-    Public AnemIC(3) As Single                                  ' Anemometer instrument calibration factors
-    Public Ambspez As String                                    ' Ambient conditions file
-    Public DataSpez(3) As String                                ' Data specification file
-    Public MSCCSpez As String                                   ' Measurement section configuration file (Calibration run)
-    Public MSCTSpez As String                                   ' Measurement section configuration file (Test run)
     ' Boolean for the programm control
     Public endofall As Boolean = False                          ' Variable if enough input data in the files
     Public FileBlock As Boolean = False                         ' Variable if a file is blocked by an other process
-    Public PreferencesPath As String
-    Public AppPreferences As cPreferences
     'File browser
     Public FB_Drives() As String
     Public FB_Init As Boolean = False
diff --git a/CSE/utils.vb b/CSE/utils.vb
index 8320d7f08d1b2cc8457cd97cd47930987b9d477b..b8f1defb99c78959262de5dff7b3b80aa716754b 100644
--- a/CSE/utils.vb
+++ b/CSE/utils.vb
@@ -90,16 +90,54 @@ Module utils
         Return obj.Aggregate(Function(x, y) IO.Path.Combine(x.ToString(), y.ToString()))
     End Function
-    Function StripBackslash(ByVal path As String) As String
+    Function StripFinalBackslash(ByVal path As String) As String
         If path Is Nothing Then
             Return Nothing
-        ElseIf (path.Last = "\"c) Then
-            Return path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1)
+        ElseIf (path.EndsWith("\")) Then
+            Return path.Remove(path.Length - 1)
             Return path
         End If
     End Function
+    ''' <summary>Add root to the path if it is a relative one</summary>
+    ''' <returns>the root if path null/empty</returns>
+    Function getRootedPath(ByVal pathToRoot, ByVal root)
+        If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pathToRoot) Then
+            Return root
+        ElseIf IO.Path.IsPathRooted(pathToRoot) Then
+            Return pathToRoot
+        End If
+        Return joinPaths(root, pathToRoot)
+    End Function
+    ''' <summary>Check if path has the specified as parent and return it as relative then</summary>
+    ''' <returns>the parent if path null/empty/invalid, null if path = parent</returns>
+    ''' <exception cref="ArgumentException">if parent not a valid path</exception>
+    Function getAnySubPath(ByVal pathToCheck As String, ByVal parent As String)
+        If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pathToCheck) Then Return parent
+        '' Prepare Absolute-paths for comparison, and 
+        ''  scream if parent invalid.
+        ''
+        parent = IO.Path.GetFullPath(StripFinalBackslash(parent))
+        Try
+            pathToCheck = IO.Path.GetFullPath(pathToCheck)
+        Catch ex As Exception
+            Return parent
+        End Try
+        If pathToCheck.StartsWith(parent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
+            pathToCheck = pathToCheck.Substring(parent.Length)
+            If pathToCheck.StartsWith(IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) Then pathToCheck = pathToCheck.Substring(1)
+            If pathToCheck.Length = 0 OrElse pathToCheck = IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar Then
+                pathToCheck = Nothing
+            End If
+        End If
+        Return pathToCheck
+    End Function
 #End Region ' File paths'
     ' Function for a linear interpolation
@@ -163,7 +201,7 @@ Module utils
     ' Functions for the information depiction on the GUI with the backgroundworker (Info, Warning, Error)
 #Region "Logging"
     ''' <summary>Output from Informations\Warnings\Errors on the GUI, even from within the Backgoundworker</summary>
-    Sub fInfWarErr(ByVal logLevel As Integer, ByVal MsgBoxOut As Boolean, _
+    Sub logme(ByVal logLevel As Integer, ByVal MsgBoxOut As Boolean, _
                    ByVal text As String, Optional ByVal ex As Exception = Nothing)
         ' Declaration
@@ -175,14 +213,14 @@ Module utils
         Select Case logLevel
             Case 5 To 7 ' Info
                 logFileLevel = 1
-                tabLabel = "Info"
+                tabLabel = "Messages"
             Case 8 ' Warning
                 logFileLevel = 2
-                tabLabel = "Warning"
+                tabLabel = "Warnings"
                 StyleOut = MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation
             Case 9 ' Error
                 logFileLevel = 3
-                tabLabel = "Error"
+                tabLabel = "Errors"
                 StyleOut = MsgBoxStyle.Critical
         End Select
@@ -191,7 +229,7 @@ Module utils
         '' Print only filtered msgs in log-window
-        If logLevel >= AppPreferences.logLevel Then
+        If logLevel >= Prefs.logLevel Then
             Dim wintext = AnzeigeMessage(logLevel) & text
             If BWorker.IsBusy Then
                 '' If in Worker-thread, update GUI through a ProgressChanged event
@@ -229,20 +267,18 @@ Module utils
         ' Write to Log-windows
         Select Case logFileLevel
-            Case 1 ' Info
-                F_Main.ListBoxMSG.Items.Add(text)
             Case 2 ' Warning
-                F_Main.TabPageWar.Text = tabLabel & " (" & F_Main.ListBoxWar.Items.Count & ")"
+                F_Main.TabPageWar.Text = format("Warnings({0})", F_Main.ListBoxWar.Items.Count)
             Case 3 ' Error
-                F_Main.ListBoxMSG.Items.Add(text)
-                F_Main.TabPageErr.Text = tabLabel & " (" & F_Main.ListBoxErr.Items.Count & ")"
-                F_Main.TabControlOutMsg.SelectTab(2)
+                F_Main.TabPageErr.Text = format("Errors({0})", F_Main.ListBoxErr.Items.Count)
             Case Else
                 '' ignored
         End Select
+        F_Main.ListBoxMSG.Items.Add(text)
+        F_Main.TabPageMSG.Text = format("Messages({0})", F_Main.ListBoxMSG.Items.Count)
         ' Set the Scrollbars in the Listboxes at the end
         F_Main.ListBoxMSG.TopIndex = F_Main.ListBoxMSG.Items.Count - 1
@@ -281,7 +317,7 @@ Module utils
     Function fWriteLog(ByVal eventType As Integer, Optional ByVal logLevel As Integer = 4, Optional ByVal text As String = "", _
                        Optional ByVal ex As Exception = Nothing) As Boolean
-        If Not AppPreferences.writeLog Then Return True
+        If Not Prefs.writeLog Then Return True
         Dim LogFilenam As String = joinPaths(MyPath, "log.txt")
@@ -292,7 +328,7 @@ Module utils
             '' Truncate log-file if size exceeded on session-start.
             Dim fInf As New System.IO.FileInfo(LogFilenam)
-            If fInf.Exists AndAlso fInf.Length > AppPreferences.logSize * Math.Pow(10, 6) Then
+            If fInf.Exists AndAlso fInf.Length > Prefs.logSize * Math.Pow(10, 6) Then
                 fLoeschZeilen(LogFilenam, System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(LogFilenam).Length / 2)
             End If
         ElseIf eventType = 3 Then
@@ -545,35 +581,11 @@ Module utils
 #Region "GUI"
-    Sub fControlPath(ByVal fpath As String, ByVal fileKindNumber As Integer)
-        Dim fileKind = NameFK(fileKindNumber)
-        If (fpath = Nothing) Then
-            Throw New ArgumentException(format("Unspecified {0} Input-file!", fileKind))
-        ElseIf Not IO.File.Exists(fpath) Then '' TODO: Drop this needless check after all files are read with bubbling exceptions.
-            Throw New ArgumentException(format("Cannot find {0} Input-file({1})!", fileKind, fpath))
-        End If
-        fWriteLog(2, 4, fileKind & " File: " & fpath)
-    End Sub
-    ' Polling after the right fileending
-    Function fControlInput(ByVal File As String, ByVal position As Integer, ByVal endung As String) As Boolean
-        ' If no file, file with the wrong ending or the default is given then writes a warning
-        If (File = Nothing) Then
-            fInfWarErr(8, False, "The " & NameFK(position) & "-Inputfile is not a regular " & NameFK(position) & "-File")
-            Return False
-        ElseIf (Not File.EndsWith(endung, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
-            fInfWarErr(8, False, "The " & NameFK(position) & "-Inputfile is not a regular " & NameFK(position) & "-File")
-            Return False
-        End If
-        Return True
-    End Function
     Sub updateControlsFromSchema(ByVal schema As JObject, ByVal ctrl As Control, ByVal label As Control)
             Dim pschema = schema.SelectToken(".properties." & ctrl.Name)
             If pschema Is Nothing Then
-                fInfWarErr(8, False, format("Schema2GUI: Could not find schema for Control({0})!\n\iSchema: {1}", ctrl.Name, schema))
+                logme(8, False, format("Schema2GUI: Could not find schema for Control({0})!\n\iSchema: {1}", ctrl.Name, schema))
             End If
@@ -610,7 +622,7 @@ Module utils
         Catch ex As Exception
-            fInfWarErr(8, False, format("Schema2GUI: Skipped exception: {0} ", ex.Message), ex)
+            logme(8, False, format("Schema2GUI: Skipped exception: {0} ", ex.Message), ex)
         End Try
     End Sub