diff --git a/bin/check_password_expiration.pl b/bin/check_password_expiration.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5021fb7e18d9d24abc6e45e98b01da5b819ad8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/check_password_expiration.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id$
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Config::IniFiles;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use DateTime;
+use MIME::Lite;
+# unbuffered output:
+$| = 1;
+use lib ( new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" )->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
+    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
+    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
+use SNET::common;
+use SNET::snmpd;
+use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
+use DateTime::Format::LDAP;
+use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $force $cli_mode $dry_run );
+$verbose  = 0;
+$debug    = 0;
+$cli_mode = 1;
+my $PROGNAME = basename( $0 );
+$PROGNAME =~ s/\.p[lm]$//;
+my %options = (
+                "help"    => \$help,
+                "debug"   => \$debug,
+                "verbose" => \$verbose,
+                "force"   => \$force,
+                "dry-run" => \$dry_run,
+my $SNMP_OID           = "$SNMP_ENTERPRISEOID";
+my $SNMP_GEN           = "6";
+my $SNMP_SPE           = "1";
+my $msg                = '';
+my $title              = "Check Password";
+help() if !GetOptions( %options ) or $help;
+$verbose = 1 if $debug;
+$dry_run = 1;
+metaprint('warning', "Dry-run is activated") if $dry_run;
+# ldap_find_users_and_groups()
+# Read users and groups from SNet LDAP.
+sub ldap_find_users_in_group ($$$$$$$$$$)
+    my (
+         $cfg_ldap_server,              $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd,    $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
+         $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $cfg_ldap_groupname, $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile
+    ) = @_;
+    my %users;
+    # Connect to the LDAP server
+    metaprint( 'verbose', "Initiating connection to LDAP server <$cfg_ldap_server>:" ) if $verbose;
+    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
+        $cfg_ldap_server,
+        async   => 0,
+        onerror => (
+            ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
+                my $message = shift;
+                my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
+                $msg = "Ldap: Unable to process request: $error.";
+                metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg );
+                snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+                return $message;
+            }
+        ),
+    );
+    if ( !$ldap ) {
+        $msg = "LDAP connection to <$cfg_ldap_server> failed.";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
+    my $message;
+    eval {
+        print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
+        $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
+                                     cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
+        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
+            $msg = "Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
+            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+            exit 1;
+        }
+    };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        $msg = "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    eval {
+        print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
+        $message = $ldap->bind(
+                                $cfg_ldap_user,
+                                password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
+                                version  => 3,
+        );
+        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
+            $msg = "LDAP bind error occurred.";
+            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+            exit 1;
+        }
+    };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        $msg = "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred ('" . $message->error_name . "').";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
+    # Search AD for objects in a particular group using LDAP
+    metaprint( 'info', "Getting the LDAP member with expiration." ) if $verbose;
+    my %searchargs;
+    $searchargs{base}   = $cfg_ldap_group_search;
+    $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
+    $searchargs{filter} = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
+    $searchargs{attrs}  = $cfg_ldap_group_attribute;
+    print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
+    my $results;
+    eval { $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        my $title = "Check Password";
+        my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Users Search.";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
+        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
+        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
+        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
+    } elsif ( $results->count() == 0 ) {
+        metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
+    } else {
+        metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $results->count . " object." ) if $verbose;
+        print Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) if $verbose;
+        my $ldap_hash = $results->as_struct();
+        my $attribute = $searchargs{attrs}[0];
+        if ( defined( $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} ) ) {
+            foreach my $url ( @{ $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} } ) {
+                print "$url\n" if $verbose;
+                push( @{ $users{$url}{'groups'} }, $cfg_ldap_groupname );
+            }
+        } else {
+            metaprint( 'error', "Could not parse the hash result: {" . "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} . "} { " . $attribute . " }" );
+        }
+    }
+    print "\nClosing LDAP connection.\n" if $verbose;
+    $ldap->unbind;
+    return %users;
+sub ldap_find_users ($$$$$$$$$$)
+    my (
+         $cfg_ldap_server,              $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd,    $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
+         $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $cfg_ldap_groupname, $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile
+    ) = @_;
+    my %users;
+    # Connect to the LDAP server
+    metaprint( 'verbose', "Initiating connection to LDAP server <$cfg_ldap_server>:" ) if $verbose;
+    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
+        $cfg_ldap_server,
+        async   => 0,
+        onerror => (
+            ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
+                my $message = shift;
+                my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
+                $msg = "Ldap: Unable to process request: $error.";
+                metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg );
+                snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+                return $message;
+            }
+        ),
+        #         debug => 15,
+    );
+    if ( !$ldap ) {
+        $msg = "LDAP connection to <$cfg_ldap_server> failed.";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
+    my $message;
+    eval {
+        print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
+        $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
+                                     cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
+        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
+            $msg = "Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
+            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+            exit 1;
+        }
+    };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        $msg = "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    eval {
+        print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
+        $message = $ldap->bind(
+                                $cfg_ldap_user,
+                                password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
+                                version  => 3,
+        );
+        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
+            $msg = "LDAP bind error occurred.";
+            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+            exit 1;
+        }
+    };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        $msg = "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred ('" . $message->error_name . "').";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
+    # Search AD for objects in a particular group using LDAP
+    metaprint( 'info', "Getting the LDAP member with expiration." ) if $verbose;
+    my %searchargs;
+    $searchargs{base}   = $cfg_ldap_group_search;
+    $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
+    $searchargs{filter} = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
+    $searchargs{attrs}  = $cfg_ldap_group_attribute;
+    print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
+    my $results;
+    my $ldap_hash;
+    eval { $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+        my $title = "Check Password";
+        my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Users Search.";
+        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
+        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
+        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
+        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
+        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
+    } elsif ( $results->count() == 0 ) {
+        metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
+    } else {
+        metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $results->count . " object." ) if $verbose;
+        print Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) if $verbose;
+        $ldap_hash = $results->as_struct();
+    }
+    print "\nClosing LDAP connection.\n" if $verbose;
+    $ldap->unbind;
+    return $ldap_hash;
+sub send_email_template ($$$;$)
+    my ( $uid, $email, $status, $days ) = @_;
+    return if $dry_run;
+    my $subject       = 'Information - Your SNet LDAP password is ';
+    my $template_file = '/opt/etc/template/InfoTemplate.htm';
+    my $text = '';
+    if ( $status !~ /^LOCKED|EXPIRATION$/ ) {
+        return 1;
+    } elsif ( $status eq 'LOCKED' ) {
+        $subject .= 'expired.';
+        $text =
+            'Please note that your SNet LDAP account \''
+          . $uid
+          . '\' is expired. Please change your password using the following URL: <ul><li><a href="https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet-bxl1/">SNet Portal</a></li><li> -> Authentication</li><li> -> SNet LDAP Manager</li></ul> Without this step, your SNet account is not usable.';
+    } elsif ( ( $status eq 'EXPIRATION' ) && ( $days eq 0 ) ) {
+        $subject .= 'going to expire TODAY.';
+        $text =
+            'Please note that your SNet LDAP account \''
+          . $uid
+          . '\' is going to <b>expire TODAY</b>. Please change your password now using the following URL: <ul><li><a href="https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet-bxl1/">SNet Portal</a></li><li> -> Authentication</li><li> -> SNet LDAP Manager</li></ul> Without this step, your SNet account will become not usable <b>Today</b>.';
+    } elsif ( $status eq 'EXPIRATION' ) {
+        $subject .= 'going to expire soon.';
+        $text =
+            'Please note that your SNet LDAP account \''
+          . $uid
+          . '\' is going to <b>expire in '
+          . $days . ' day'
+          . ( $days > 1 ? 's' : '' )
+          . '</b>. Please change your password, before it\'s expiration using the following URL: <ul><li><a href="https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet-bxl1/">SNet Portal</a></li><li> -> Authentication</li><li> -> SNet LDAP Manager</li></ul> Without this step, your SNet account will become not usable in a few days.';
+    }
+    # Open email template.
+    die "Session date files not found\n" if !-f "$template_file";
+    open( TEMPL, "<$template_file" );
+    my $htmltext = '';
+    while ( my $l = <TEMPL> ) {
+        $l =~ s/\r*//g;
+        chomp( $l );
+        if ( $l =~ /##TITLE##/ ) {
+            $l =~ s/##TITLE##/$subject/;
+        } elsif ( $l =~ /##DESCRIPTION##/ ) {
+            $l =~ s/##DESCRIPTION##/$text/;
+        }
+        $htmltext .= $l;
+    }
+    #
+    my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
+                               From    => 'snet@ec.europa.eu',
+                               To      => $email,
+                               Subject => $subject,
+                               Type    => 'multipart/related'
+    );
+    $msg->attach(
+                  Type     => 'text/html',
+                  Data     => $htmltext,
+                  Encoding => 'quoted-printable'
+    );
+    $msg->attach(
+                  Encoding    => 'base64',
+                  Type        => 'image/jpg',
+                  Path        => "/opt/etc/template/snet-banner.jpg",
+                  Id          => "image",
+                  Disposition => 'inline',
+    );
+    $msg->scrub( [ 'x-mailer', 'Content-Disposition' ] );
+    print $msg->as_string;
+    $msg->send();
+# Global Declarations
+# load the INI
+metaprint( "info", "Loading INI file Parameters" );
+my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
+my $CiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'RME' ) );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of CiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $CiniFile ) );
+my $outpath = $CiniFile->val( 'GLOBAL', 'OUTPATH' );
+metaprint( "error", "The defined outpath is not valid, please correct-it" ) if ( !defined( $outpath ) );
+my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of AiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_server = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_server ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_user = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_user ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_passwd = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_passwd ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_people_base = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PEO_SEARCH' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_people_base is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_people_base ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_group_base = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_base is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_base ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
+my $cfg_ldap_cafile = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
+metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_cafile ) );
+my $hostname = hostname();
+# Main Application
+metaprint( 'info', "Starting password policy check." );
+my $expiration = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+my $warning    = 10 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+my $date_now   = DateTime->now()->set_time_zone( "Europe/Luxembourg" );
+my $date_exp   = DateTime->now()->set_time_zone( "Europe/Luxembourg" )->subtract( seconds => $expiration )->subtract( seconds => $warning );
+my $date_str   = DateTime::Format::LDAP->format_datetime( $date_exp );
+metaprint( 'info', "checking everything with pwdchangedtime age < '$date_str'" );
+# -- Create the import file
+my $email_to_send = ();
+metaprint( 'info', "Checking account '$cfg_ldap_group_base'." );
+my $filter = 'bcp';
+$cfg_ldap_group_attribute     = ['memberuid'];
+$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=REPLACE))";
+my $cfg_ldap_group_search_f = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
+$cfg_ldap_group_search_f =~ s/REPLACE/$filter/;
+print "$cfg_ldap_group_search_f\n" if $verbose;
+metaprint( 'info', "Checking account '$cfg_ldap_group_base'." ) if $verbose;
+my %ldap_bcp_users = ldap_find_users_in_group( $cfg_ldap_server,         $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd, $cfg_ldap_group_base, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
+                                               $cfg_ldap_group_search_f, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $filter,          $hostname,            $cfg_ldap_cafile );
+metaprint( 'debug', "BCP Users:" . Dumper( \%ldap_bcp_users ) ) if $verbose;
+# TODO: This should be working according to RFC, but not...
+$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = '(|(&(!(pwdChangedTime=\*))(userPassword=\*))(!(pwdChangedTime<' . $date_str . ')))';
+$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = '(&(!(pwdChangedTime=*))(userPassword=*))';
+# $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = '(&(!(pwdChangedTime))(userPassword))';
+$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = '(objectClass=posixAccount)';
+$cfg_ldap_group_attribute = [ 'uid', 'pwdchangedtime', 'pwdreset', 'mail' ];
+$filter = '';
+metaprint( 'info', "Checking account '$cfg_ldap_people_base'." ) if $verbose;
+my $ldap_users = ldap_find_users( $cfg_ldap_server,              $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd, $cfg_ldap_people_base, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
+                                  $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $filter,          $hostname,             $cfg_ldap_cafile );
+metaprint( 'debug', "Matched Users:" . Dumper( $ldap_users ) ) if $verbose;
+foreach my $u ( keys %$ldap_users ) {
+    my $uid = $u;
+    $uid =~ s/^uid=//;
+    $uid =~ s/,.*$//;
+    my $email = $ldap_users->{$u}{'mail'}[0];
+    if ( lc( $email ) ne $email ) {
+        metaprint( 'error', "Email '$u' is not lowercase '" . $email . "'." );
+    }
+    # Overwrigth for DVE  test
+    # $email = 'david.vernazobres@ext.ec.europa.eu';
+    #if ( lc( $email ) ne 'david.vernazobres@ext.ec.europa.eu' ) {
+    #    next;
+    #}
+    if ( defined( $ldap_bcp_users{$uid} ) ) {
+        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': This is a BCP account, skipping." );
+        next;
+    } elsif (    defined( $ldap_users->{$u}{'pwdreset'} )
+              && defined( $ldap_users->{$u}{'pwdreset'}[0] )
+              && ( $ldap_users->{$u}{'pwdreset'}[0] eq 'TRUE' ) ) {
+        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound is locked." );
+        send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'LOCKED' )
+    } elsif (    defined( $ldap_users->{$u}{'pwdchangedtime'} )
+              && defined( $ldap_users->{$u}{'pwdchangedtime'}[0] )
+              && ( $ldap_users->{$u}{'pwdchangedtime'}[0] =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})Z$/ ) ) {
+        my $pass_date = DateTime->new(
+                                       year      => $1,
+                                       month     => $2,
+                                       day       => $3,
+                                       hour      => $4,
+                                       minute    => $5,
+                                       second    => $6,
+                                       time_zone => 'Europe/Luxembourg',
+        );
+        my $date_duration = $date_now->subtract_datetime( $pass_date )->add( seconds => $expiration )->subtract( seconds => $warning );
+        my $date_days = $date_duration->in_units( 'days' );
+        if ( $date_duration->is_positive() ) {
+            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is positiv ($date_days)." );
+            if ( $date_days == 10 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            } elsif ( $date_days == 7 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            } elsif ( $date_days == 5 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            } elsif ( $date_days == 3 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            } elsif ( $date_days == 2 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            } elsif ( $date_days == 1 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            } elsif ( $date_days == 0 ) {
+                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+            }
+        } elsif ( $date_duration->is_zero() ) {
+            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is zero ($date_days)." );
+            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
+        } elsif ( $date_duration->is_negative() ) {
+            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is negativ ($date_days)." );
+            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'LOCKED' );
+        } else {
+            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is should never happends ($date_days)." );
+        }
+    } else {
+        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound is really locked, or not parsable." );
+    }
+#if ( defined( $email_to_send ) && ( ( keys $email_to_send )++ > 0 ) ) {
+#    metaprint 'info', "some account are expired. Email need to be send." );
+metaprint( "info", "--- Process Done ---" );
+exit( 0 );