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+Project Name: Vault Data Retrieval Tool
+This tool is designed to retrieve secrets and secret metadata from HashiCorp Vault using the AppRole authentication method. It provides functions to fetch passwords and key data from a specified path within the Vault.
+- Python 3.x
+- pip (Python package manager)
+1. Clone the repository from https://code.europa.eu/digit-c4/dev/ansible-vault.
+2. Navigate to the project directory.
+3. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
+    ```
+    python3 -m venv venv
+    source venv/bin/activate
+    ```
+4. Install dependencies using the provided requirements.txt file:
+    ```
+    pip install -r requirements.txt
+    ```
+1. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and access to the HashiCorp Vault.
+2. Set up the AppRole authentication method in your Vault instance. Refer to the provided links for detailed instructions.
+3. Modify the code to provide your Vault URL, namespace, role ID, secret ID, mount point, and engine details.
+sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
+from ansible-vault.vault.client import clientV
+password = clientV.getPasswordByAppRole("dev/SNOW/csui", "https://sam-hcavault.cec.eu.int", "EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_ADMIN-ACC", "role_id", "secret_id", "apps-kv", "dev")
+- `getPasswordByAppRole(key, vault_url, namespace_used, role_id, secret_id, mount_point, engine)`: This function retrieves a password from the specified key path in the Vault.
+- `getKeysData(key, vault_url, namespace_used, role_id, secret_id, mount_point, engine)`: This function retrieves key data (secret metadata) from the specified key path in the Vault.
+- Ensure that the AppRole authentication method is correctly configured and enabled in your Vault instance.
+- Modify the code according to your specific Vault configuration and requirements.
+- Handle errors and exceptions appropriately in your code to ensure smooth operation.
+- HashiCorp Vault Documentation: [https://www.vaultproject.io/docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs)
+- HVAC Documentation: [https://hvac.readthedocs.io](https://hvac.readthedocs.io)
+Marcelo teixeira
+Ricardo Silva
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-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use diagnostics;
-use LdapNS;
-my $zboub = SNET::LdapNS::PPControls->new("blah");
-exit 0;
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diff --git a/ansible/library b/ansible/library
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-# https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet/wiki/index.php/Service_Support/Application_Management_Service/Snet_AAA/Account_creation_and_deletion_of_Snet_members
-# ansible-playbook-4.7 playbook-auth-usersldap.yml --extra-vars "username=xxx scrat_user=xxx" -kK --tags "add_user/rm_user, mandatory" -u snet
-# To run specific task:
-# ansible-playbook-4.7 playbook-auth-usersldap.yml --extra-vars "username=xxx" -kK --tags "propagate" -u snet
-- hosts: localhost
-  gather_facts: false
-  connection: local
-  vars:
-    whoami: 'unknown'
-  vars_prompt:
-    - name: username
-      prompt: "Username not specified. Please enter it"
-      private: no
-  pre_tasks:
-    - name: check the playbook run with ansible >= 2.9
-      assert:
-        that:
-          - ansible_version.major >= 2
-          - ansible_version.minor >= 9
-        fail_msg: "Please run this playbook with at least ansible 2.9."
-  tasks:
-    - name: CHECK | User is in LDAP
-      block:
-        - name: debug
-          debug:
-            msg: "The username is {{ username }}"
-        # getent passwd will return an non zero exit code (2), if the account do not exist in the system (ldap)
-        - name: grab passwd
-          shell: "/usr/bin/getent passwd {{ username }}"
-          register: register_username
-          delegate_to: localhost
-          changed_when: False
-          ignore_errors: yes
-        - name: check that user is known
-          fail:
-            msg: "Account {{ username }} is not resolved by the system. Is it created on the LDAP? Did you make a typo?"
-          when: register_username.rc != 0
-        - name: debug
-          debug:
-            msg: "The username is {{ register_username }}"
-      tags: add_user
-    - name: Check | Whoami
-      block:
-        - name: grab whoami
-          shell: /usr/bin/whoami
-          register: register_whoami
-          delegate_to: localhost
-          changed_when: False
-        - name: set whoami var
-          set_fact:
-            whoami: "{{register_whoami.stdout}}"
-          changed_when: False
-        - name: debug
-          debug:
-            msg: "The whoami is {{ whoami }}"
-      tags: always 
-#Add user#
-    - name: Add user on Vshare
-      block:
-        - name: set /opt/home_nas
-          ansible.builtin.file:
-            path: /opt/home_nas
-            state: directory
-            mode: '0755'
-            owner: root
-            group: root
-        - name: mount /opt/home_nas
-          mount:
-            path: /opt/home_nas
-            state: mounted
-            src: unityspb-vshare-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int:/fs_home
-            opts: defaults,rw,soft,nolock,tcp,vers=3
-            boot: false
-            fstype: nfs
-        - name: Create user directory in home
-          ansible.builtin.file:
-            path: /opt/home_nas/{{username}}
-            state: directory
-            mode: '0755'
-            owner: "{{username}}"
-            group: snmc
-        - name: Unmount /opt/home_nas
-          mount:
-            path: /opt/home_nas
-            state: unmounted
-      become: true
-      delegate_to: vshare-bx.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      tags:
-      - add_user
-      - add_user_vshare
-#Remove user#
-    - name: Remove user on Vshare
-      block:
-        - name: set /opt/home_nas
-          ansible.builtin.file:
-            path: /opt/home_nas
-            state: directory
-            mode: '0755'
-            owner: root
-            group: root
-        - name: mount /opt/home_nas
-          mount:
-            path: /opt/home_nas
-            state: mounted
-            src: unityspb-vshare-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int:/fs_home
-            opts: defaults,rw,soft,nolock,tcp,vers=3
-            boot: false
-            fstype: nfs
-        - name: stat /opt/home_nas/{{username}}
-          stat:
-            path: /opt/home_nas/{{username}}
-          register: user_folder
-        - name: Compress and archive
-          shell:
-            cmd: tar -jcf /opt/home_nas/_OLD/{{username}}.tbz /opt/home_nas/{{username}}
-          when: user_folder.stat.exists
-        - name: Delete user directory in home
-          file:
-            path: /opt/home_nas/{{username}}
-            state: absent
-        - name: Unmount /opt/home_nas
-          mount:
-            path: /opt/home_nas
-            state: unmounted
-      become: true
-      delegate_to: vshare-bx.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      tags:
-      - rm_user
-      - rm_user_vshare
-    - name: Launch propagate users from Snet LDAP to SID
-      # 25/07
-      # as seen with Jeremy on 25/07 and confirmed by Ricardo on 25/08, user creation/deletion is ok , but the update fails 
-      # -> while update of users is implemented, the flag --error-stop must not usedi
-      # richeju: changed var whoami to scrat_user, needs to be set in command
-      shell:
-        cmd: "/opt/auth/bin/sid_user.py -e prod --rw-user {{ scrat_user }}"
-        #cmd: "/opt/auth/bin/sid_user.py -e prod --rw-user {{ whoami }} --error-stop"
-      delegate_to: vworker4-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      ignore_errors: yes
-      tags:
-      - mandatory
-      - propagate
-        #when: false    
-    - name: Launch propagate SID groups from EC LDAP to SID
-      shell:
-        cmd: "/opt/auth/bin/sid_groups.py -e prod --rw-user {{ scrat_user }}"
-        #cmd: "/opt/auth/bin/sid_user.py -e prod --rw-user {{ whoami }} --error-stop"
-      delegate_to: vworker4-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      ignore_errors: yes
-      tags:
-      - mandatory
-      - propagate
-    - name: Launch propagate users on leankit
-      shell:
-        cmd: "/opt/auth/bin/leankit_user.py"
-      delegate_to: vworker4-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      ignore_errors: yes
-      tags:
-      - mandatory
-      - propagate
-    - name: Create user on Proteus
-      shell:
-        cmd: "/opt/auth/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl"
-      delegate_to: vworker4-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      ignore_errors: yes
-      tags:
-      - mandatory
-      - propagate
-    - name: Launch redmine LDAP sync
-      shell:
-        cmd: /usr/local/sbin/sync_users
-      become: true
-      become_method: sudo
-      delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
-      loop: "{{ groups['vredmine_prd'] }}"
-      tags:
-      - mandatory
-      - redmine
-    - name: Sync SID users with Wiki phonebook
-      command: "python3 {{item}}"
-      args:
-        chdir: /export/home/snet/
-      with_items:
-        - sid_2_wiki_NMT_users_single_page.py
-        - sid_2_wiki_NTX_users_single_page.py
-        - sid_2_wiki_user.py
-      delegate_to: vworker0-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-      become: "{{ whoami }}"
-      become: true
-      tags:
-      - mandatory
-      - sync_phonebook
-    - name: Remove user from EJBCA
-      block:
-        - name: test presence of entity in ejbca
-          shell: /opt/SNet/EJBCA/ejbca/bin/ejbca.sh ra findendentity --username {{username}}
-          delegate_to: vcertserv-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-          become: yes
-          become_user: snet-pki
-          ignore_errors: yes
-          register: result_ejbca
-        - name: Cert found
-          debug:
-             msg: "There is a certificate, Let's remove it"
-          when: result_ejbca.rc == 0
-        - name: No cert
-          debug:
-            msg: "No entity/cert found, Skipping this action"
-          when: result_ejbca.rc != 0
-        - name: Revocation
-          shell: /opt/SNet/EJBCA/ejbca/bin/ejbca.sh ra revokeendentity --username {{username}} -r 5
-          delegate_to: vcertserv-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-          become: yes
-          become_user: snet-pki
-          when: result_ejbca.rc == 0
-        - name: Deletion
-          shell: /opt/SNet/EJBCA/ejbca/bin/ejbca.sh ra delendentity --username {{username}} -force
-          delegate_to: vcertserv-lu.snmc.cec.eu.int
-          become: yes
-          become_user: snet-pki
-          when: result_ejbca.rc == 0
-      tags:
-      - rm_user
-      - rm_EJBCA
diff --git a/ansible/roles/.keep b/ansible/roles/.keep
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diff --git a/bin/check_password_expiration.pl b/bin/check_password_expiration.pl
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index 668a46c166953098218bb93d9784d54edd7e05b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/check_password_expiration.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $Id$
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Basename;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use DateTime;
-use MIME::Lite;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-use lib ( new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" )->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::snmpd;
-use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
-use DateTime::Format::LDAP;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $force $cli_mode $dry_run );
-$verbose  = 0;
-$debug    = 0;
-$cli_mode = 1;
-my $PROGNAME = basename( $0 );
-$PROGNAME =~ s/\.p[lm]$//;
-my %options = (
-                "help"    => \$help,
-                "debug"   => \$debug,
-                "verbose" => \$verbose,
-                "force"   => \$force,
-                "dry-run" => \$dry_run,
-my $SNMP_OID           = "$SNMP_ENTERPRISEOID";
-my $SNMP_GEN           = "6";
-my $SNMP_SPE           = "1";
-my $msg                = '';
-my $title              = "Check Password";
-help() if !GetOptions( %options ) or $help;
-$verbose = 1 if $debug;
-metaprint( 'warning', "Dry-run is activated, no email." ) if $dry_run;
-# ldap_find_users_and_groups()
-# Read users and groups from SNet LDAP.
-sub ldap_find_users_in_group ($$$$$$$$$$)
-    my (
-         $cfg_ldap_server,              $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd,    $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
-         $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $cfg_ldap_groupname, $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile
-    ) = @_;
-    my %users;
-    # Connect to the LDAP server
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "Initiating connection to LDAP server <$cfg_ldap_server>:" ) if $verbose;
-    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
-        $cfg_ldap_server,
-        async   => 0,
-        onerror => (
-            ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
-                my $message = shift;
-                my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
-                $msg = "Ldap: Unable to process request: $error.";
-                metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg );
-                snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-                return $message;
-            }
-        ),
-    );
-    if ( !$ldap ) {
-        $msg = "LDAP connection to <$cfg_ldap_server> failed.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    my $message;
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
-                                     cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            $msg = "Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $msg = "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->bind(
-                                $cfg_ldap_user,
-                                password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
-                                version  => 3,
-        );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            $msg = "LDAP bind error occurred.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $msg = "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred ('" . $message->error_name . "').";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    # Search AD for objects in a particular group using LDAP
-    metaprint( 'info', "Getting the LDAP member with expiration." ) if $verbose;
-    my %searchargs;
-    $searchargs{base}   = $cfg_ldap_group_search;
-    $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
-    $searchargs{filter} = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-    $searchargs{attrs}  = $cfg_ldap_group_attribute;
-    print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
-    my $results;
-    eval { $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        my $title = "Check Password";
-        my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Users Search.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $results->count() == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-    } else {
-        metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $results->count . " object." ) if $verbose;
-        print Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) if $verbose;
-        my $ldap_hash = $results->as_struct();
-        my $attribute = $searchargs{attrs}[0];
-        if ( defined( $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} ) ) {
-            foreach my $url ( @{ $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} } ) {
-                print "$url\n" if $verbose;
-                push( @{ $users{$url}{'groups'} }, $cfg_ldap_groupname );
-            }
-        } else {
-            metaprint( 'error', "Could not parse the hash result: {" . "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} . "} { " . $attribute . " }" );
-        }
-    }
-    print "\nClosing LDAP connection.\n" if $verbose;
-    $ldap->unbind;
-    return %users;
-sub gen_filter
-    my ( $warningtime ) = @_;
-    my $dt = DateTime->now;
-    $dt->subtract( seconds => $warningtime );
-    my $filtertime = $dt->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ' );
-    return $filtertime;
-sub send_email_template ($$$;$)
-    my ( $uid, $email, $status, $days ) = @_;
-    return if $dry_run;
-    my $subject       = 'Your SNet LDAP password is ';
-    my $template_file = '/opt/etc/template/InfoTemplate.htm';
-    my $text = '';
-    if ( $status !~ /^LOCKED|EXPIRATION$/ ) {
-        return 1;
-    } elsif ( $status eq 'LOCKED' ) {
-        $subject .= 'expired.';
-        $text =
-            'Please note that your SNet LDAP account \''
-          . $uid
-          . '\' is expired. Please change your password using the following URL: <ul><li><a href="https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet/">SNet Portal</a></li><li> -> Authentication</li><li> -> SNet LDAP Manager</li></ul> Without this step, your SNet account is not usable.';
-    } elsif ( ( $status eq 'EXPIRATION' ) && ( $days eq 0 ) ) {
-        $subject .= 'going to expire TODAY.';
-        $text =
-            'Please note that your SNet LDAP account \''
-          . $uid
-          . '\' is going to <b>expire TODAY</b>. Please change your password now using the following URL: <ul><li><a href="https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet/">SNet Portal</a></li><li> -> Authentication</li><li> -> SNet LDAP Manager</li></ul> Without this step, your SNet account will become not usable <b>Today</b>.';
-    } elsif ( $status eq 'EXPIRATION' ) {
-        $subject .= 'going to expire soon.';
-        $text =
-            'Please note that your SNet LDAP account \''
-          . $uid
-          . '\' is going to <b>expire in '
-          . $days . ' day'
-          . ( $days > 1 ? 's' : '' )
-          . '</b>. Please change your password, before it\'s expiration using the following URL: <ul><li><a href="https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet/">SNet Portal</a></li><li> -> Authentication</li><li> -> SNet LDAP Manager</li></ul> Without this step, your SNet account will become not usable in a few days.';
-    }
-    my $real_subject = 'Information - ' . $subject;
-    # Open email template.
-    die "Session date files not found\n" if !-f "$template_file";
-    open( TEMPL, "<$template_file" );
-    my $htmltext = '';
-    while ( my $l = <TEMPL> ) {
-        $l =~ s/\r*//g;
-        chomp( $l );
-        if ( $l =~ /##TITLE##/ ) {
-            $l =~ s/##TITLE##/$subject/;
-        } elsif ( $l =~ /##DESCRIPTION##/ ) {
-            $l =~ s/##DESCRIPTION##/$text/;
-        }
-        $htmltext .= $l;
-    }
-    #
-    my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
-                               From    => 'snet@ec.europa.eu',
-                               To      => $email,
-                               Subject => $real_subject,
-                               Type    => 'multipart/related'
-    );
-    $msg->attach(
-                  Type     => 'text/html',
-                  Data     => $htmltext,
-                  Encoding => 'quoted-printable'
-    );
-    $msg->attach(
-                  Encoding    => 'base64',
-                  Type        => 'image/jpg',
-                  Path        => "/opt/etc/template/snet-banner.jpg",
-                  Id          => "image",
-                  Disposition => 'inline',
-    );
-    $msg->scrub( [ 'x-mailer', 'Content-Disposition' ] );
-    print $msg->as_string if $verbose;
-    $msg->send();
-# Global Declarations
-# load the INI
-metaprint( "info", "Loading INI file Parameters" );
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-my $CiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'RME' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of CiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $CiniFile ) );
-my $outpath = $CiniFile->val( 'GLOBAL', 'OUTPATH' );
-metaprint( "error", "The defined outpath is not valid, please correct-it" ) if ( !defined( $outpath ) );
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of AiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_server = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_server ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_user = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_user ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_passwd = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_passwd ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_people_base = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PEO_SEARCH' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_people_base is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_people_base ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_base = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_base is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_base ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_cafile = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_cafile ) );
-my $hostname = hostname();
-# Main Application
-metaprint( 'info', "Starting password policy check." );
-my $date_now = DateTime->now()->set_time_zone( "Europe/Luxembourg" );
-my $filter = 'bcp';
-$cfg_ldap_group_attribute     = ['memberuid'];
-$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=REPLACE))";
-$cfg_ldap_group_base          = 'ou=posix,' . $cfg_ldap_group_base;
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search_f = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-$cfg_ldap_group_search_f =~ s/REPLACE/$filter/;
-print "$cfg_ldap_group_search_f\n" if $verbose;
-metaprint( 'info', "Checking account '$cfg_ldap_group_base'." ) if $verbose;
-my %ldap_bcp_users = ldap_find_users_in_group( $cfg_ldap_server,         $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd, $cfg_ldap_group_base, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
-                                               $cfg_ldap_group_search_f, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $filter,          $hostname,            $cfg_ldap_cafile );
-metaprint( 'debug', "BCP Users:" . Dumper( \%ldap_bcp_users ) ) if $verbose;
-# -- Create the import file
-my $email_to_send = ();
-metaprint( 'info', "Getting all user with expiration." ) if $verbose;
-my %policies;
-# Connect to the LDAP server
-metaprint( 'verbose', "Initiating connection to LDAP server <$cfg_ldap_server>:" ) if $verbose;
-my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
-    $cfg_ldap_server,
-    async   => 0,
-    onerror => (
-        ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
-            my $message = shift;
-            my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
-            $msg = "Ldap: Unable to process request: $error.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg );
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            return $message;
-        }
-    ),
-    #         debug => 15,
-if ( !$ldap ) {
-    $msg = "LDAP connection to <$cfg_ldap_server> failed.";
-    metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-    snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-    exit 1;
-metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-my $message;
-eval {
-    print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-    $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
-                                 cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
-    if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-        $msg = "Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-if ( $@ ) {
-    $msg = "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-    metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-    snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-    exit 1;
-eval {
-    print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-    $message = $ldap->bind(
-                            $cfg_ldap_user,
-                            password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
-                            version  => 3,
-    );
-    if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-        $msg = "LDAP bind error occurred.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-if ( $@ ) {
-    $msg = "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred ('" . $message->error_name . "').";
-    metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-    snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-    exit 1;
-metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-# Search AD for objects in a particular group using LDAP
-my $basedn = "dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu";
-# TODO: get defaultpolicy from the cn:config
-my %config = (
-               'basedn'        => $basedn,
-               'defaultpolicy' => "documentIdentifier=default,ou=policies,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu",
-               'interval'      => '86400',                                                          # 1d
-metaprint( 'info', "Getting the all password policies." ) if $verbose;
-my %searchargs;
-$searchargs{base}   = $basedn;
-$searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
-$searchargs{filter} = "(objectclass=pwdPolicy)";
-$searchargs{attrs}  = [ 'documentIdentifier', 'pwdMaxAge', 'pwdExpireWarning', 'pwdGraceAuthnLimit' ];
-print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
-my $results;
-eval { $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
-if ( $@ ) {
-    my $title = "Check Password";
-    my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Password Policy Search.";
-    metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-    snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-    exit 1;
-if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-} elsif ( $results->count() == 0 ) {
-    metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-} else {
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $results->count . " objects 'Password Policy'." ) if $verbose;
-    foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-        my $pmaxage    = $entry->get_value( 'pwdMaxAge' ) ? $entry->get_value( 'pwdMaxAge' ) : 0;
-        my $pmaxage_d  = $pmaxage / 60 / 60 / 24;
-        my $pexpire    = $entry->get_value( 'pwdExpireWarning' ) ? $entry->get_value( 'pwdExpireWarning' ) : 0;
-        my $pexpire_d  = $pexpire / 60 / 60 / 24;
-        my $pgrace     = $entry->get_value( 'pwdGraceAuthnLimit' ) ? $entry->get_value( 'pwdGraceAuthnLimit' ) : 0;
-        my $warnage    = $pmaxage - $pexpire;
-        my $warnage_d  = $warnage / 60 / 60 / 24;
-        my $policyname = $entry->get_value( 'documentIdentifier' );
-        my $policydn   = $entry->dn;
-        metaprint( 'info_ok', "Found password policy '" . $policydn . "'." );
-        metaprint(
-                   'info',
-                   "Policy $policyname with MaxAge:'$pmaxage:$pmaxage_d"
-                     . ( $pmaxage / 60 / 60 / 24 )
-                     . "d' ExpireWarning:'$pexpire:$pexpire_d"
-                     . ( $pexpire / 60 / 60 / 24 )
-                     . "d' PwdLife:'$warnage:$warnage_d"
-                     . ( $warnage / 60 / 60 / 24 ) . "d'."
-        );
-        if ( $warnage <= 0 ) {
-            metaprint( 'warn', "Policy $policyname has no warning time set, or no expiry." );
-            next;
-        }
-        my $filterwarn   = gen_filter( $warnage );
-        my $filterexpire = gen_filter( $pmaxage + $config{'interval'} );
-        my $filter;
-        if ( $policydn eq $config{'defaultpolicy'} ) {
-            # objectClass = simpleSecurityObject
-            #
-            $filter = "(&(|(&(objectClass=simpleSecurityObject)(!(pwdPolicySubEntry=*)))(pwdPolicySubEntry=$policydn))(|(!(pwdChangedTime=*))(pwdChangedTime<=$filterwarn)))";
-        } else {
-            $filter = "(&(pwdPolicySubEntry=$policydn)(pwdChangedTime<=$filterwarn))";
-        }
-        metaprint( 'info', "Policy $policyname searching for users about to expire." );
-        my %searchargs;
-        $searchargs{base}   = "ou=SNet,ou=snmc,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu";
-        $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
-        $searchargs{filter} = $filter;
-        $searchargs{attrs}  = [ 'cn', 'uid', 'mail', 'pwdChangedTime', 'pwdGraceUseTime', 'pwdReset', 'createTimestamp' ];
-        print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
-        my $mesg;
-        eval { $mesg = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            my $title = "Check Password";
-            my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Password Policy Search.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-        if ( $mesg->is_error() ) {
-            metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $mesg->error_text );
-            metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $mesg->code );
-            metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $mesg->error );
-        } elsif ( $mesg->count() == 0 ) {
-            metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-        } else {
-            metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $mesg->count . " object users." );
-            foreach my $entry ( $mesg->entries ) {
-                my $changedtime = $entry->get_value( 'pwdChangedTime' )  ? $entry->get_value( 'pwdChangedTime' )  : 0;
-                my $createtime  = $entry->get_value( 'createTimestamp' ) ? $entry->get_value( 'createTimestamp' ) : 0;
-                my @graceuses   = $entry->get_value( 'pwdGraceUseTime' ) ? $entry->get_value( 'pwdGraceUseTime' ) : 0;
-                my $willexpire  = $filterexpire;
-                my $graceleft   = $pgrace - $#graceuses;
-                my $uid         = $entry->get_value( 'uid' );
-                my $email       = $entry->get_value( 'mail' )            ? $entry->get_value( 'mail' )            : 'digit-snet-sup@ec.europa.eu';
-                my $pwdreset    = $entry->get_value( 'pwdReset' );
-                if ( lc( $email ) ne $email ) {
-                    metaprint( 'error', "Email '$email' is not lowercase '" . $email . "'." );
-                }
-                # TODO:  Overwrigth for DVE test
-                # $email = 'david.vernazobres@ext.ec.europa.eu';
-                if ( defined( $ldap_bcp_users{$uid} ) ) {
-                    metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': This is a BCP account, skipping." );
-                    next;
-                } elsif ( defined( $pwdreset )
-                          && ( $pwdreset eq 'TRUE' ) ) {
-                    if ( $createtime =~ m/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\w+)$/x ) {
-                        my $pass_date = DateTime->new(
-                                                       year      => $1,
-                                                       month     => $2,
-                                                       day       => $3,
-                                                       hour      => $4,
-                                                       minute    => $5,
-                                                       second    => $6,
-                                                       time_zone => $7,
-                        )->set_time_zone( 'Europe/Luxembourg' );
-                        my $date_days = $pmaxage_d - ( ( $date_now->local_rd_values )[0] - ( $pass_date->local_rd_values )[0] );
-                        # Activate email for lock accounts every 30 days, based on account creation date.
-                        if ( ( $date_days % 30 ) == 0 ) {
-                            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound is pwdreset enabled, send email ($date_days)." );
-                            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'LOCKED' );
-                        } else {
-                            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': no email has there is not yet 30 days since the last time ($date_days)." );
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound is pwdreset enabled and in createTimestamp is not valid, this should never happends." );
-                    }
-                    next;
-                } elsif ( $changedtime =~ m/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\w+)$/x ) {
-                    my $pass_date = DateTime->new(
-                                                   year      => $1,
-                                                   month     => $2,
-                                                   day       => $3,
-                                                   hour      => $4,
-                                                   minute    => $5,
-                                                   second    => $6,
-                                                   time_zone => $7,
-                    )->set_time_zone( 'Europe/Luxembourg' );
-                    my $date_days = $pmaxage_d - ( ( $date_now->local_rd_values )[0] - ( $pass_date->local_rd_values )[0] );
-                    if ( $date_days > 0 ) {
-                        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is positiv ($date_days)." );
-                        if ( ( $date_days == 30 ) || ( $date_days == 25 ) || ( $date_days == 20 ) ) {
-                            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
-                        } elsif ( $date_days <= 10 ) {
-                            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
-                        }
-                    } elsif ( $date_days == 0 ) {
-                        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is zero ($date_days)." );
-                        send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'EXPIRATION', $date_days );
-                    } elsif ( $date_days < 0 ) {
-                        # If the expiration is bigger than 5, do not worry, nobody care.
-                        if ( $date_days > -5 ) {
-                            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is negativ ($date_days), still trying." );
-                            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'LOCKED' );
-                        } elsif ( ( $date_days % 10 ) == 0 ) {
-                            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is negativ ($date_days), today is going to be a good day!" );
-                            send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'LOCKED' );
-                        } else {
-                            metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity is negativ ($date_days), but no email." );
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        metaprint( 'info', "'$uid': Accound validity error, this should never happends ($date_days)." );
-                    }
-                    next;
-                }
-                metaprint( 'error', "'$uid': Accound has no changedtime, so account is locked." );
-                send_email_template( $uid, $email, 'LOCKED' );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-print "\nClosing LDAP connection.\n" if $verbose;
-metaprint( "info", "--- Process Done ---" );
-exit( 0 );
diff --git a/bin/ldap2sid.pl b/bin/ldap2sid.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index f6daa4b36c0d06d18585459397b15fa08e5949e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/ldap2sid.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use CGI qw/:standard/;
-use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use JSON;
-use utf8;
-# Remove non-breaking space char
-binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );
-use Net::LDAP;
-use Cache::FileCache;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-    my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $global_iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::access;
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::dumper;
-use SNET::html;
-use SNET::libdb;
-use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $env $script $force $cli_mode $stderr);
-$debug   = 0;
-$verbose = 0;
-( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
-$stderr = 1;
-my $title    = "LDAP Group User Check";
-my $function = $title;
-$function =~ s/\s/_/g;
-my $href     = "";
-my $header   = h1( a( { href => "/cgi-bin/nCheck/$script.pl" }, $title ) );
-my $html_msg = "";
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-$env = "test";
-( $html_msg ) = Access_snet_script_head( $script, $global_iniFile, $ENV, $env );
-# Global Declarations
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-$html_msg .= "error value of AiniFile is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
-my $ldapserver = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of ldapserver is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $ldapserver ) );
-my $basedn = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of basedn is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $basedn ) );
-my $ldapuser = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of ldapuser is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $ldapuser ) );
-my $ldappasswd = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of ldappasswd is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $ldappasswd ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_server = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_server ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_user = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_user ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_passwd = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_passwd ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER_posix' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_cafile = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_cafile ) );
-my $all_ldap_group = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SID_GROUP' );
-$html_msg .= "error value of all_ldap_group is undefined" . "\n" if ( !defined( $all_ldap_group ) );
-my $groups = ();
-@$groups = split( ',', $all_ldap_group );
-my $colnames = [ 'uid', 'cn', 'departmentNumber', 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'building', 'dg', 'telephoneNumber' ];
-# Get all the SNet member of NS.
-my $snet_member = {};
-my $off_member  = {};
-my $group = '';
-my $cache_report = new Cache::FileCache(
-                                         {
-                                           'namespace'           => 'nCheck_ldap_group_check',
-                                           'cache_root'          => '/opt/resources_SNet/DGtools',
-                                           'default_expires_in'  => '1h',
-                                           'auto_purge_interval' => '1h'
-                                         }
-metaprint( 'info', "init_cache cache_report" ) if $verbose;
-$force   = 0;
-$force   = 1 if ( ( defined( param( 'force' ) ) ) && ( param( 'force' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'force' ) =~ /^Reload$/ ) );
-$verbose = 1 if ( ( defined( param( 'verbose' ) ) ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) eq 'godmode1' ) );
-my $res = $cache_report->get( 'snet_member' );
-if ( ( !defined $res ) || $force ) {
-    undef( $res );
-    # do action
-    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
-        $cfg_ldap_server,
-        async   => 0,
-        onerror => (
-            ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
-                my $message = shift;
-                my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
-                print STDERR 'Ldap: Unable to process request: ' . $error . "\n";
-                return $message;
-            }
-        ),
-    );
-    if ( !$ldap ) {
-        metaprint 'error', "Could not connect to LDAP: $cfg_ldap_server!";
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'info', "LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    my $message;
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
-                                     cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            metaprint( 'error', "Could not encrypt LDAP connection." );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection." );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->bind(
-                                $cfg_ldap_user,
-                                password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
-                                version  => 3,
-        );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            metaprint( 'error', "LDAP bind error occurred." );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred" );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'info', "LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    my $snetcol = [ 'memberUid', 'cn' ];
-    $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = [ 'memberUid', 'cn' ];
-    $group = '|(cn=com)(cn=ss)(cn=sd)(cn=pm)(cn=net)(cn=sec)(cn=tda)(cn=mgt)(cn=pi)(cn=bcp)';
-    my %searchargs;
-    my $cfg_ldap_group_search_f = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-    $cfg_ldap_group_search_f =~ s/cn=REPLACE/$group/;
-    $searchargs{base}   = $cfg_ldap_group_search;
-    $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
-    $searchargs{filter} = $cfg_ldap_group_search_f;
-    $searchargs{attrs}  = $cfg_ldap_group_attribute;
-    metaprint( 'info', Dumper( \%searchargs ) ) if $verbose;
-    my $results;
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'searching' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs );
-        if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-            metaprint( 'error', "LDAP search error occurred:" . $results->code . " : " . $results->error );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', "Crash - LDAP Users Search." );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    my $count = $results->count;
-    if ( $count >= 1 ) {
-        foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-            foreach my $key ( $entry->get_value( $snetcol->[0] ) ) {
-                push( @{ $snet_member->{"$key"} }, $entry->get_value( $snetcol->[1] ) );
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        $html_msg .= "$group is an empty group.\n" . br;
-    }
-    AD_disconnect( $ldap );
-    print Dumper ( $snet_member ) if ( $debug );
-    $cache_report->set( 'snet_member', $snet_member );
-} else {
-    $snet_member = $res;
-# print html_rendering (Dumper ( $snet_member ) );
-my $fromcache = 1;
-my $data      = [];
-foreach my $group ( @{$groups} ) {
-    my $gdata = $cache_report->get( $group );
-    if ( ( !defined $gdata ) || $force ) {
-        undef( $gdata );
-        # do action
-        my $ldap = AD_connect( $ldapserver, $ldapuser, $ldappasswd );
-        my $searchquery = "(&(objectclass=*)(cudgroup=$group))";
-        my $filter = "cudgroup=$group";
-        my $results = $ldap->search( base => $basedn, filter => $filter, attrs => $colnames );
-        my $count = $results->count;
-        $html_msg .= "Total entries returned for $group: $count." . "\n" if $main::debug;
-        if ( $count >= 1 ) {
-            foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-                my $tmp = ();
-                push( @{$tmp}, $group );
-                foreach my $cln ( @{$colnames} ) {
-                    push( @{$tmp}, ( $entry->get_value( $cln ) ? $entry->get_value( $cln ) : '' ) );
-                }
-                push( @{$gdata}, $tmp );
-            }
-        } else {
-            $html_msg .= "$group is an empty group." . br;
-        }
-        AD_disconnect( $ldap );
-        $cache_report->set( $group, $gdata );
-    }
-    foreach my $dd ( @{$gdata} ) {
-        push( @{$data}, $dd );
-    }
-# taking LDAP group 'DIGIT_NS_TEAM' as reference, for the official list members.
-$group = 'DIGIT_NS_TEAM';
-foreach my $member (
-    grep { !/^$/ } map {
-        if ( $_->[0] eq $group ) { $_->[1] }
-    } map {
-        $_
-    } @$data
-  ) {
-    $off_member->{$member} = 1;
-# print Dumper ( $data );
-my $data_users  = ();
-my $data_groups = ();
-my $cln = ();
-for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$colnames} ; $i++ ) {
-    $cln->{ $colnames->[$i] } = ( $i + 1 );
-print Dumper ( $cln );
-for my $group ( @{$groups} ) {
-    print( "Group is $group\n" );
-    $data_groups->{$group} = ();
-    foreach my $d ( @$data ) {
-        next if ( $d->[0] ne $group );
-        # if ( $d->[1] eq 'alogin' ) {
-        #    print Dumper( $d );
-        # }
-        #$VAR1 = [
-        #          'DIGIT_UNIX',       group
-        #          'gabrigr',          uid
-        #          'GABRIEL Gregory',  cn
-        #          'DIGIT.C.3.004',    departement
-        #          'DRB- D1/007E'      physical delivry Office
-        #        ];
-        #        colnames:  'uid', 'cn', 'departmentNumber', 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'building', 'dg', 'telephoneNumber'
-        my $member = $d->[ $cln->{'uid'} ];
-        if ( $group eq 'DIGIT_SNET' ) {
-            # Could not be part of official and SNet at the same time
-            next if ( defined( $off_member->{$member} ) && ( $off_member->{$member} ) );
-            # Should be declared in Snet LDAP system.
-            next if ( !defined( $snet_member->{$member} ) );
-            foreach my $g ( @{ $snet_member->{$member} } ) {
-                next if ( $g eq 'bcp' );
-                push( @{ $data_groups->{ $group . '_' . uc( $g ) }{'contains'} }, $member );
-                push( @{ $data_users->{$member}{'is_members_of'} },               $group . '_' . uc( $g ) );
-            }
-        } elsif ( $group eq 'DIGIT_SNET_PROX' ) {
-            if ( ( $member !~ /^j/ ) && ( $member !~ /^x/ ) ) {
-                # TODO open a ticket to request removal....
-                next;
-            }
-        }
-        push( @{ $data_groups->{$group}{'contains'} },      $member );
-        push( @{ $data_users->{$member}{'is_members_of'} }, $group );
-        $data_users->{$member}{'departement'}     = $d->[ $cln->{'departmentNumber'} ];
-        $data_users->{$member}{'office'}          = $d->[ $cln->{'physicalDeliveryOfficeName'} ];
-        $data_users->{$member}{'cn'}              = $d->[ $cln->{'cn'} ];
-        $data_users->{$member}{'building'}        = $d->[ $cln->{'building'} ];
-        $data_users->{$member}{'dg'}              = $d->[ $cln->{'dg'} ];
-        $data_users->{$member}{'telephoneNumber'} = $d->[ $cln->{'telephoneNumber'} ];
-        # cleaning stuff
-        $data_users->{$member}{'building'} =~ s/\-$//;
-        $data_users->{$member}{'office'} =~ s/^.+\s//;
-        #  'office' => 'D2/058',$
-        if ( $data_users->{$member}{'office'} =~ /\// ) {
-            $data_users->{$member}{'nop'} = $data_users->{$member}{'office'};
-            if ( $data_users->{$member}{'office'} =~ /^([A-Za-z])/ ) {
-                $data_users->{$member}{'aisle'} = $1;
-            }
-            if ( $data_users->{$member}{'office'} =~ /^[A-Za-z]?(\d+)\// ) {
-                $data_users->{$member}{'floor'} = $1;
-                $data_users->{$member}{'floor'} =~ s/^0//;
-            }
-            $data_users->{$member}{'office'} =~ s/^.*\///;
-        }
-    }
-print Dumper( $data_users );
-my $json;
-my $cert_data;
-print Dumper ( $data_groups );
-$json      = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-$cert_data = $json->pretty->canonical->encode( $data_groups );
-open( OUTFILE, ">/tmp/groups.json" );
-print OUTFILE $cert_data;
-close( OUTFILE );
-print Dumper ( $data_users );
-$json      = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-$cert_data = $json->pretty->canonical->encode( $data_users );
-open( OUTFILE, ">/tmp/users.json" );
-print OUTFILE $cert_data;
-close( OUTFILE );
-exit 0;
diff --git a/bin/ldap_NS.pl b/bin/ldap_NS.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fe541b2843bec1aaaba0796ddfa673a6471ca62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/ldap_NS.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4197 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -T
-use strict;
-use warnings FATAL => 'all';
-use diagnostics;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use CHI;
-use CGI;
-use CGI::Ajax;
-use CGI::Cookie;
-use CGI::FormBuilder;
-use CGI::Session::ID::md5;
-use CGI::Session qw/-ip_match/;
-use CGI::Untaint;
-use HTML::Template;
-use Crypt::CBC;
-use Crypt::Blowfish;
-use Crypt::SmbHash;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use DateTime;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::access;
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::html;
-use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
-use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
-use Net::LDAP::Constant qw(
-use SNET::Magic::MagicHash;
-my $stderr   = 1;
-my $cli_mode = 0;
-my $ldap_snmc;
-my $redis_hostport;
-my $htmlbasedir = '/snet/cgi-bin/auth';
-my $homepage    = $htmlbasedir . '/ldap_NS.pl';
-my $templatedir = '/opt/auth/templates';
-my ( $cgi, $params, $error, $message, $sid, $session, $key );
-my ( $connected, $isAdmin, $userMustChange, $audit_user );
-my $debug;
-my $LOGIN;
-sub reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-sub refresh_posixGroups();
-sub refresh_userInfos();
-sub reset_tab_actions();
-sub display_passwd();
-# used by check_remote_infos
-my $authorized_ip       = [qw(];
-my $authorized_ip_regex = [qw(^(10\.215\.4[0123]\.|10\.134\.240\.|10\.226\.(49|50)\.))];
-# if != 0, synchronize change with snmc-ldapns and nms-nls
-my $mod_synchro;
-    # unbuffered output:
-    $| = 1;
-    # turn on/off debug
-    # if isAdmin is set, will be automatically set to 2
-    $debug    = 1;
-    $stderr   = 1;
-    $cli_mode = 0;
-    $mod_synchro = 0;
-    ( $connected, $isAdmin, $userMustChange ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
-    my $local_server = 'vldap-jmo.snmc.cec.eu.int';
-    my $hostname     = hostname();
-    if ( $hostname =~ /-dev$/ ) {
-        $local_server = 'vldap01.dev.snmc.cec.eu.int';
-    }
-    my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    my $cache_env = 'prod-cache';
-    if ( $hostname =~ /-dev$/ ) {
-        $cache_env = 'dev-cache';
-    }
-    $redis_hostport = $global_iniFile->val( $cache_env, 'Url' );
-    $ldap_snmc = {
-        #'server' => 'ldap.snmc.cec.eu.int',
-        'server'   => $local_server,
-        'label'    => 'ldap_snmc',
-        'starttls' => 1,
-        'debug'    => $debug,
-        'verbose'  => $debug,
-    };
-    reset_tab_actions;
-    # add and overwrite some FormBuilder validation methods
-    my $validate = \%CGI::FormBuilder::Field::VALIDATE;
-    $validate->{'IM'} = '/^IM[0-9]{10}$/';
-    my $uid = '[a-zA-Z][\-a-zA-Z0-9]{6,16}';
-    $validate->{'UID'} = '/^' . $uid . '$/';
-    my $word          = '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]';
-    my $anchored_word = '/^' . $word . '$/';
-    my $peopletree = $SNET::LdapNS::PEOPLE . ',' . $SNET::LdapNS::SNET;
-    $validate->{'USERDN'} = '/^(?i)uid=' . $uid . ',' . $peopletree . '$/';
-    $validate->{'GROUP'} = $anchored_word;
-    $validate->{'UIDNUMBER'}   = '/^[2-9][0-9]{3}$/';
-    $validate->{'GIDNUMBER'}   = '/^[2-9][0-9]{3}$/';
-    $validate->{'EMAIL'}       = '/^[\w\-\+\._]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9\.]*(\.[a-zA-Z]+)+$/';
-    $validate->{'GECOS'}       = '/^\w+(\s+\w+)+$/';
-    $validate->{'FIRSTNAME'}   = '/^\w+(\s+\w+)*$/';
-    $validate->{'DESCRIPTION'} = '/^\w+(\s+\w+)*$/';
-    $validate->{'GROUPCLASS'}  = '/^(posixGroup|groupOfNames|groupOfUniqueNames)$/';
-    $validate->{'PROFILE'}     = '/^(Architect|Compliance|Development|Managment|Network|Noca|Officials|Ois|ProjectManager|Security|System|Videoconference)$/';
-    $validate->{'STATE'}       = '/^(Luxembourg|Belgium)$/';
-    $validate->{'PPOLICY'}   = $anchored_word;
-    $validate->{'PPOLICYDN'} = '/^(?i)documentIdentifier=' . $word . ',' . $SNET::LdapNS::POLICIES . '/';
-    while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{$SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes} ) {
-        my $type = ${$v}[0];
-        if ( $type eq 'bool' ) {
-            $validate->{$k} = '/^(true|false)$/';
-        } elsif ( $type eq 'nbool' ) {
-            $validate->{$k} = '/^(counted|forbidden)$/';
-        } elsif ( $type eq 'extbool' ) {
-            $validate->{$k} = '/^(on|off|strict)$/';
-        } elsif ( ( $type eq 'int' ) || ( $type eq 'second' ) ) {
-            $validate->{$k} = '/^[0-9]+$/';
-        }
-    }
-sub reset_actions()
-    ( $INFO, $PASSWD ) = ( 0, 0 );
-    ( $USERINFOS, $DELUSER, $ADDUSER, $ADDUSERPROFILE, $MODUSER, $RESET ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
-    ( $GROUPINFOS,  $DELGROUP,  $ADDGROUP,  $MODGROUP )  = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
-sub reset_tab_actions()
-    $LOGIN      = 0;
-    $TAB_HOME   = 0;
-    $TAB_USERS  = 0;
-    $TAB_GROUPS = 0;
-    $TAB_POLICY = 0;
-    reset_actions();
-sub parse_messages()
-    if ( defined( $session ) && defined( $session->param( 'error' ) ) ) {
-        $error = $session->param( 'error' );
-        $session->clear( ['error'] );
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session ) && defined( $session->param( 'message' ) ) ) {
-        $message = $session->param( 'message' );
-        $session->clear( ['message'] );
-    }
-    $error =~ s/\s+at\s+(\/|ldap).*//i if ( defined( $error ) && ( $debug < 2 ) );
-sub redirect($)
-    my $params = shift;
-    $params = '?tab=home' unless ( defined( $params ) && ( $params =~ m/^\?.+=.+/ ) );
-    if ( $params =~ m/\?tab=([[:alnum:]]+)/ ) {
-        $session->param( 'tab', $1 );
-    }
-    print $cgi->redirect( $homepage . $params, -status => 302 );
-    exit 0;
-sub redirect_login()
-    redirect( '?login=1' );
-sub redirect_homepage()
-    redirect( '?tab=home' );
-sub ldapns_logout()
-    $session->delete();
-    redirect_login;
-sub synchronize_del_users($$)
-    my ( $uid, $synchronize ) = @_;
-    print STDERR "synchronize_del_users($mod_synchro/$synchronize)\n";
-    return unless ( $mod_synchro && $synchronize );
-    my $error_msg = "unable to delete user from old database: ";
-    my $error     = 0;
-    my $binddn;
-    eval {
-        die "invalid uid" unless ( defined( $uid ) );
-        my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-        my $ldap_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-        my $binddn = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'USER' );
-        my $passwd = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'PASSWORD' );
-        my @servers = split( /,/, $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_SERVER_LIST', 'SERVERS' ) );
-        SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_add_dn_exception( $binddn );
-        foreach my $server ( @servers ) {
-            my $host = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'SERVER' );
-            my $base = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'BASE' );
-            die "invalid host `$host'" unless ( $host =~ m/^(?:ldap:\/\/)?([^:]+)(?::389)?$/i );
-            my $fqdn = $1;
-            SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $fqdn, $binddn, $passwd, $host, 'LDAPISS', 0, 0, 0 );
-            my $connection = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $host );
-            $uid = $connection->clean_dn( $uid );
-            my $res;
-            eval { $res = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixAccount( $host, $uid, 'ou=People,' . $base ); };
-            if ( $@ ) {
-                $error++;
-                $error_msg .= "[uid=$uid]: skipping missing user; ";
-                print STDERR "synchronize_del_users: skipping non-existing user `$uid'\n";
-                next;
-            }
-            print STDERR "synchronize_del_users: deleting user `$uid'\n";
-            my @keys = keys( %{$res} );
-            my $dn   = shift( @keys );
-            die "invalid uid `$uid'" unless ( lc( $dn ) eq lc( 'uid=' . $uid . ',ou=People,' . $base ) );
-            eval {
-                my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( $dn );
-                $entry->delete();
-                my $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                die "[uid=$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                # update automount
-                $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( 'automountKey=' . $uid . ',automountMapName=auto_home,' . $base, );
-                $entry->delete();
-                $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                die "[homedir=$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                # update cn=snmc
-                $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( 'cn=snmc,ou=group,' . $base, );
-                $entry->changetype( 'modify' );
-                $entry->delete( 'memberUid' => [$uid] );
-                $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                die "[cn=snmc:$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                # update cn=NS
-                $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( 'cn=NS,ou=group,' . $base, );
-                $entry->changetype( 'modify' );
-                $entry->delete( 'memberUid' => [$uid] );
-                $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                die "[cn=snmc:$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-            };
-            if ( $@ ) {
-                $error_msg .= '[' . $host . '] ' . $@ . ';';
-                $error++;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $error++;
-        $error_msg .= $@;
-    }
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_del_dn_exception( $binddn ) if ( defined( $binddn ) );
-    $session->param( 'error', $error_msg ) if ( $error );
-sub synchronize_add_users($$)
-    my ( $entry, $synchronize ) = @_;
-    return unless ( $mod_synchro && $synchronize );
-    my $error_msg = "unable to synchronize user with old database: ";
-    my $error     = 0;
-    my $binddn;
-    eval {
-        my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-        my $ldap_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-        my $binddn = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'USER' );
-        my $passwd = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'PASSWORD' );
-        my @servers = split( /,/, $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_SERVER_LIST', 'SERVERS' ) );
-        my $homeserver = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_HOMESERVER', 'SERVER' );
-        SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_add_dn_exception( $binddn );
-        die "invalid entry" unless ( defined( $entry )
-                                     && ( ref( $entry ) eq 'HASH' ) );
-        my %nocasehash;
-        tie %nocasehash, 'MagicHash', { 'KEY' => sub { return lc( $_[0] ) }, };
-        while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{$entry} ) {
-            die 'entry uid undefined' unless ( ( ref( $v ) eq 'HASH' ) && ( defined( $v->{'uid'} ) ) );
-            my %nocasehash_v;
-            tie %nocasehash_v, 'MagicHash', { 'KEY' => sub { return lc( $_[0] ) }, };
-            while ( my ( $kk, $vv ) = each %{$v} ) {
-                $nocasehash_v{$kk} = $vv;
-            }
-            $nocasehash{$k} = \%nocasehash_v;
-            $nocasehash{$k}->{'homeDirectory'}    = [ '/home/' . ${ $v->{'uid'} }[0] ];
-            $nocasehash{$k}->{'shadowLastChange'} = ['11640'];
-            $nocasehash{$k}->{'shadowFlag'}       = [0];
-            $nocasehash{$k}->{'loginShell'}       = ['/bin/ksh'];
-            $nocasehash{$k}->{'cn'}               = [ ${ $v->{'uid'} }[0] ];
-        }
-        foreach my $server ( @servers ) {
-            my $host  = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'SERVER' );
-            my $base  = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'BASE' );
-            my $class = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'MAILCLASS' );
-            die "invalid host `$host'" unless ( $host =~ m/^(?:ldap:\/\/)?([^:]+)(?::389)?$/i );
-            my $fqdn = $1;
-            SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $fqdn, $binddn, $passwd, $host, 'LDAPISS', 0, 0, 0 );
-            my $connection = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $host );
-            while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %nocasehash ) {
-                my $uid = $connection->clean_dn( ${ $v->{'uid'} }[0] );
-                my $res;
-                eval { $res = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixAccount( $host, $uid, 'ou=People,' . $base ); };
-                if ( !$@ ) {
-                    if ( defined( $res ) && ( keys( %{$res} ) >= 1 ) ) {
-                        $error++;
-                        $error_msg .= "[uid=$uid]: skipping existing user; ";
-                        print STDERR "synchronize_add_users: skipping existing user `$uid'\n";
-                        next;
-                    }
-                }
-                print STDERR "synchronize_add_users: synchronizing user `$uid'\n";
-                delete( $v->{'objectclass'} );
-                delete( $v->{'auditinformation'} );
-                delete( $v->{'pwdreset'} );
-                $v->{'objectClass'} = [ qw(top posixAccount shadowAccount account), $class ];
-                my $dn = 'uid=' . $uid . ',ou=People,' . $base;
-                eval {
-                    my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( $dn );
-                    while ( my ( $kk, $vv ) = each %{$v} ) {
-                        $entry->add( $kk => $vv );
-                    }
-                    $entry->changetype( 'add' );
-                    #print STDERR 'uid='.$uid.',ou=People,'.$base.' => '.Dumper($entry)."\n";
-                    my $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                    die "[uid=$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                    # update automount
-                    $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new(
-                                                    'automountKey=' . $uid . ',automountMapName=auto_home,' . $base,
-                                                    'automountkey'         => [$uid],
-                                                    'objectClass'          => [ 'automount', 'top' ],
-                                                    'automountInformation' => [ $homeserver . ':/opt/home/&' ],
-                    );
-                    $entry->changetype( 'add' );
-                    $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                    die "[homedir=$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                    # update cn=snmc
-                    $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( 'cn=snmc,ou=group,' . $base, );
-                    $entry->changetype( 'modify' );
-                    $entry->add( 'memberUid' => [$uid] );
-                    $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                    die "[cn=snmc=$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                    # update cn=NS
-                    $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( 'cn=NS,ou=group,' . $base, );
-                    $entry->changetype( 'modify' );
-                    $entry->add( 'memberUid' => [$uid] );
-                    $result = $entry->update( $connection->{'connection'} );
-                    die "[cn=snmc=$uid]: " . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . '; ' if ( $result->is_error() );
-                };
-                if ( $@ ) {
-                    $error_msg .= '[' . $host . '] ' . $@ . ';';
-                    $error++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $error++;
-        $error_msg .= $@;
-    }
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_del_dn_exception( $binddn ) if ( defined( $binddn ) );
-    $session->param( 'error', $error_msg ) if ( $error );
-sub synchronize_samba_password($$;$)
-    my $error_msg = "unable to synchronize password with samba credential: ";
-    my $error     = 0;
-    eval {
-        my ( $label, $new, $uid ) = @_;
-        die 'missing parameters' unless ( defined( $label ) && defined( $new ) );
-        my $ldap = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $label )
-          or die "invalid connection's label `$label'";
-        if ( defined( $uid ) ) {
-            $uid = $ldap->clean_dn( $uid );
-        } else {
-            $uid = $ldap->clean_dn( $ldap->{'user'} );
-        }
-        $error_msg .= '[uid=' . $uid . '] : ';
-        ### If user NOT is SAMBA compliant:
-        SNET::LdapNS::check_user_smb_ready( $label, $uid );
-        # TODO: inject SAMBA schema.
-        my ( $lm, $nt ) = ntlmgen $new;
-        my $dt            = DateTime->now()->set_time_zone( "Europe/Luxembourg" );
-        my $current_epoch = $dt->epoch();
-        SNET::LdapNS::smb_passwd( $label, $lm, $nt, $current_epoch, $uid );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $error++;
-        $error_msg .= $@;
-    }
-    $session->param( 'error', $error_msg ) if ( $error );
-sub synchronize_passwords($$$;$$)
-    my $error_msg = "unable to synchronize password with old database: ";
-    my $error     = 0;
-    eval {
-        my ( $synchronize, $label, $new, $uid, $old ) = @_;
-        return unless ( $mod_synchro && $synchronize );
-        die 'missing parameters' unless ( defined( $label ) && defined( $new ) );
-        my $ldap = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $label )
-          or die "invalid connection's label `$label'";
-        if ( defined( $uid ) ) {
-            $uid = $ldap->clean_dn( $uid );
-        } else {
-            $uid = $ldap->clean_dn( $ldap->{'user'} );
-        }
-        $error_msg .= '[uid=' . $uid . '] : ';
-        my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-        my $ldap_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-        my $salt = join '', ( '.', '/', 0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z' )[ rand 64, rand 64 ];
-        my $crypt = '{CRYPT}' . crypt( $new, $salt );
-        my @servers = split( /,/, $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_SERVER_LIST', 'SERVERS' ) );
-        foreach my $server ( @servers ) {
-            my $host = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'SERVER' );
-            my $base = $ldap_iniFile->val( $server, 'BASE' );
-            eval {
-                die "invalid host `$host'" unless ( $host =~ m/^(?:ldap:\/\/)?([^:]+)(?::389)?$/i );
-                my $fqdn = $1;
-                my $dn = 'uid=' . $uid . ',ou=People,' . $base;
-                my $binddn;
-                my $passwd;
-                if ( defined( $old ) ) {
-                    $binddn = 'uid=' . $uid . ',ou=People,' . $base;
-                    $passwd = $old;
-                } else {
-                    $binddn = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'USER' );
-                    $passwd = $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'PASSWORD' );
-                    die "not going to reset $binddn password" if ( lc( $dn ) eq lc( $binddn ) );
-                    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_add_dn_exception( $binddn );
-                }
-                SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $fqdn, $binddn, $passwd, $host, 'LDAPISS', 0, 0, 0 );
-                my $connection = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $host );
-                if ( defined( $old ) ) {
-                    $connection->passwd2( $dn, $old, $crypt );
-                } else {
-                    $connection->passwd2( $dn, $salt, $crypt );
-                }
-            };
-            if ( $@ ) {
-                $error_msg .= '[' . $host . '] ' . $@ . ';';
-                $error++;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $error++;
-        $error_msg .= $@;
-    }
-    $session->param( 'error', $error_msg ) if ( $error );
-sub fetch_net1_userinfos($)
-    my $uid = shift;
-    my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'AD' ) );
-    my $ldap_ad = {
-                    'server'   => $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'SERVER' ),
-                    'user'     => $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'USER' ),
-                    'password' => $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'PASSWORD' ),
-                    'label'    => 'ad',
-                    'starttls' => 0,
-                    'debug'    => 0,
-                    'verbose'  => 0,
-    };
-    die 'missing parameters' unless ( defined( $uid ) && ( $uid =~ m/^[a-z0-9]+$/i ) );
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $ldap_ad->{'server'}, $ldap_ad->{'user'}, $ldap_ad->{'password'}, $ldap_ad->{'label'}, 'LDAPISS', $ldap_ad->{'starttls'}, $ldap_ad->{'debug'}, $ldap_ad->{'verbose'} );
-    my $connection = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $ldap_ad->{'label'} );
-    my $userInfos = $connection->search(
-                                         base   => 'OU=DIGIT,OU=Users,OU=ITIC,DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int',
-                                         scope  => 'sub',
-                                         filter => '(sAMAccountName=' . $uid . ')',
-                                         attrs  => [ 'mail', 'displayName', 'givenName', 'sn', 'co' ]
-    );
-    die "user `$uid' not found in Net1 AD" unless defined( $userInfos );
-    die 'More than 1 entries fetched from the AD Net1' unless ( scalar( keys( %{$userInfos} ) ) == 1 );
-    return $userInfos;
-sub encode_sessionauth($)
-    my $password = shift;
-    my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key    => $key,
-                                  -cipher => 'Blowfish' );
-    my $sessionauth = encode_base64( $cipher->encrypt( $password ) );
-    chomp( $sessionauth );
-    $session->param( 'sessionauth', $sessionauth );
-sub decode_sessionauth()
-    my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key    => $key,
-                                  -cipher => 'Blowfish' );
-    my $password = $cipher->decrypt( decode_base64( $session->param( 'sessionauth' ) ) );
-    return $password;
-sub connect_ldap_snmc($$$)
-    my ( $user, $password, $isAdmin ) = @_;
-    # overwrite debug for admin
-    $ldap_snmc->{'debug'} = $isAdmin;
-    return if ( $connected );
-    $ldap_snmc->{'user'}     = $user;
-    $ldap_snmc->{'password'} = $password;
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: creating connection to " . $ldap_snmc->{'server'} . " ...\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    my $pp = SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $ldap_snmc->{'server'}, $ldap_snmc->{'user'},     $ldap_snmc->{'password'}, $ldap_snmc->{'label'},
-                                        $audit_user,            $ldap_snmc->{'starttls'}, $ldap_snmc->{'debug'},    $ldap_snmc->{'verbose'} );
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: connection established\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    if ( !defined( $session ) ) {
-        $session = new CGI::Session( 'driver:chi', undef, { 'driver' => 'Redis', 'namespace' => 'ldapcgi', 'server' => $redis_hostport, } ) or die CGI::Session->errstr;
-        $sid = $session->id();
-        print STDERR "ldap_NS:connect_ldap_snmc: no session, creating a new one:$sid.\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    }
-    $connected = 1;
-    $session->param( 'user', $user );
-    # $error could have been set to 'invalid empty session'
-    # after a logout/login
-    undef $error;
-    $session->clear( ['error'] );
-    if ( defined( $pp->{'error'} ) ) {
-        print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: ppolicy error!\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-        if ( $pp->{'error'} == LDAP_PP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED ) {
-            $session->param( 'error',          'Your password has expired' );
-            $session->param( 'userMustChange', 1 );
-            $userMustChange = 1;
-            $session->param( 'isAdmin', 0 );
-            $session->clear( ['userInfos'] );
-        } elsif ( $pp->{'error'} == LDAP_PP_CHANGE_AFTER_RESET ) {
-            $session->param( 'error',          'You must change your password immediately' );
-            $session->param( 'userMustChange', 1 );
-            $userMustChange = 1;
-            $session->param( 'isAdmin', 0 );
-            $session->clear( ['userInfos'] );
-        } else {
-            $session->param( 'error',   'Undefined password policy error(' . $pp->{'error'} . ')' );
-            $session->param( 'isAdmin', 0 );
-        }
-    } else {
-        if ( defined( $pp->{'warning'} ) ) {
-            print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: ppolicy warning!\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-            if ( defined( $pp->{'warning'}->{'graceAuthNsRemaining'} ) ) {
-                $session->param( 'error', 'Grace authentications remaining: ' . $pp->{'warning'}->{'graceAuthNsRemaining'} );
-            } elsif ( defined( $pp->{'warning'}->{'timeBeforeExpiration'} ) ) {
-                if ( $pp->{'warning'}->{'timeBeforeExpiration'} > 0 ) {
-                    my ( $days, $hours, $minutes ) = ( gmtime( $pp->{'warning'}->{'timeBeforeExpiration'} ) )[ 7, 2, 1 ];
-                    my @values  = ();
-                    my @formats = ();
-                    if ( $days == 1 ) {
-                        push( @formats, 'one day' );
-                    } elsif ( $days > 1 ) {
-                        push( @values,  $days );
-                        push( @formats, '%d days' );
-                    }
-                    if ( $hours == 1 ) {
-                        push( @formats, 'one hour' );
-                    } elsif ( $hours > 1 ) {
-                        push( @values,  $hours );
-                        push( @formats, '%d hours' );
-                    }
-                    if ( $minutes <= 1 ) {
-                        push( @formats, 'one minute' );
-                    } elsif ( $minutes > 1 ) {
-                        push( @values,  $minutes );
-                        push( @formats, '%d minutes' );
-                    }
-                    my $message = sprintf( 'Your password will expire in ' . join( ', ', @formats ), @values );
-                    if ( $days < 7 ) {
-                        $session->param( 'error', $message );
-                    } else {
-                        $session->param( 'message', $message );
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    # no ppolicy, or no pwdChangedTime
-                    $session->param( 'message', 'Your password never expires' );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $session->param( 'userMustChange', 0 );
-        refresh_userInfos;
-    }
-    encode_sessionauth( $password );
-    if ( $userMustChange ) {
-        reset_tab_actions;
-        display_passwd;
-    }
-    $session->param( 'tab', 'home' ) unless ( defined( $session->param( 'tab' ) ) );
-sub reconnect_ldap_snmc()
-    return if ( $connected );
-    my $user     = $session->param( 'user' );
-    my $password = decode_sessionauth();
-    connect_ldap_snmc( $user, $password, $isAdmin );
-sub refresh_ppolicy()
-    return if defined( $session->param( 'pwdPolicies' ) );
-    eval {
-        reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-        my $pwdPolicies = SNET::LdapNS::getAllPwdPolicies( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-        if ( 1 ) {
-            my $defaultPwdPolicy = SNET::LdapNS::getPwdPolicy( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $SNET::LdapNS::defaultPwdPolicy );
-            my @keys = keys( %{$defaultPwdPolicy} );
-            $pwdPolicies->{ $keys[0] } = $defaultPwdPolicy->{ $keys[0] };
-        }
-        $session->param( 'pwdPolicies', $pwdPolicies );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-sub refresh_posixAccounts()
-    return if defined( $session->param( 'posixAccounts' ) );
-    eval {
-        reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-        my $posixAccounts = SNET::LdapNS::getAllPosixAccounts( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-        $session->param( 'posixAccounts', $posixAccounts );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-sub refresh_posixGroups()
-    return if defined( $session->param( 'posixGroups' ) );
-    eval {
-        reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-        my $posixGroups = SNET::LdapNS::getAllPosixGroups( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-        $session->param( 'posixGroups', $posixGroups );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-sub refresh_groupOfNames()
-    return if defined( $session->param( 'groupOfNames' ) );
-    eval {
-        reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-        my $groupOfNames = SNET::LdapNS::getAllGroupOfNames( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-        $session->param( 'groupOfNames', $groupOfNames );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-sub refresh_userInfos()
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: entering refresh_userInfos\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-    eval {
-        return if ( $session->param( 'userMustChange' ) > 0 );
-        print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: fetching `" . $session->param( 'user' ) . "' posixAccount\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-        my $userInfos = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixAccount( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $session->param( 'user' ) );
-        $session->param( 'userInfos', $userInfos );
-        print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: checking user privileges ...\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-        $isAdmin = SNET::LdapNS::isAdmin( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-        $session->param( 'isAdmin', $isAdmin );
-        print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: user " . ( $isAdmin ? "is admin" : "is not admin" ) . "\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-sub getsize_multipleselect($)
-    my $options = $_[0];
-    my $size    = 0;
-    if ( defined( $options ) ) {
-        if ( ref( $options ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-            $size = scalar( @{$options} );
-        } elsif ( ref( $options ) eq 'HASH' ) {
-            $size = scalar( keys( %{$options} ) );
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $size > 10 ) {
-        $size = 10;
-    } elsif ( $size < 5 ) {
-        $size = 5;
-    }
-    return $size;
-sub print_ns_headers($)
-    my $title = shift;
-    my $header_title = $cgi->h1( $cgi->a( { href => $homepage }, "SNet LdapNS" ) );
-    my $cookies = [];
-    push(
-          @{$cookies},
-          $cgi->cookie(
-                        -name   => "SESSION_ID",
-                        -value  => $session->id(),
-                        -path   => $htmlbasedir,
-                        -secure => 1,
-          )
-    ) if ( defined( $session ) );
-    push(
-          @{$cookies},
-          $cgi->cookie(
-                        -name   => "SESSION_KEY",
-                        -value  => $key,
-                        -path   => $htmlbasedir,
-                        -secure => 1,
-          )
-    );
-    my $template_header = HTML::Template->new( filename => $templatedir . '/ldapns_header.tmpl' );
-    $template_header->param( 'login', $LOGIN );
-    $template_header->param( 'tab_home',       $TAB_HOME );
-    $template_header->param( 'isAdmin',        $isAdmin );
-    $template_header->param( 'userMustChange', $userMustChange );
-    $template_header->param( 'info',           $INFO );
-    $template_header->param( 'passwd',         $PASSWD );
-    $template_header->param( 'tab_users',      $TAB_USERS );
-    $template_header->param( 'userinfos',      $USERINFOS );
-    $template_header->param( 'adduser',        $ADDUSER );
-    $template_header->param( 'adduserprofile', $ADDUSERPROFILE );
-    $template_header->param( 'deluser',        $DELUSER );
-    $template_header->param( 'moduser',        $MODUSER );
-    $template_header->param( 'reset',          $RESET );
-    $template_header->param( 'tab_groups', $TAB_GROUPS );
-    $template_header->param( 'groupinfos', $GROUPINFOS );
-    $template_header->param( 'addgroup',   $ADDGROUP );
-    $template_header->param( 'delgroup',   $DELGROUP );
-    $template_header->param( 'modgroup',   $MODGROUP );
-    $template_header->param( 'tab_policy',  $TAB_POLICY );
-    $template_header->param( 'policyinfos', $POLICYINFOS );
-    $template_header->param( 'addpolicy',   $ADDPOLICY );
-    $template_header->param( 'delpolicy',   $DELPOLICY );
-    $template_header->param( 'modpolicy',   $MODPOLICY );
-    print $cgi->header( -charset => 'UTF-8',
-                        -cookie  => $cookies, );
-    # $title; $js_enable, $xport, $html, $header_title, $jsarray, $cssarray
-    dg_header_html( $title, 0, 0, undef, $header_title, undef, ['/snet/auth/css/ldapns.css'] );
-    print $template_header->output;
-sub print_ns_footers()
-    my $template_footer = HTML::Template->new( filename => $templatedir . '/ldapns_footer.tmpl' );
-    $template_footer->param( 'login', $LOGIN );
-    parse_messages();
-    $template_footer->param( 'error'       => defined( $error ) );
-    $template_footer->param( 'error_msg'   => $error );
-    $template_footer->param( 'message'     => defined( $message ) );
-    $template_footer->param( 'message_msg' => $message );
-    print $template_footer->output;
-    print $cgi->end_html;
-    exit 0;
-sub render_ppolicyinfos($;$)
-    my ( $policyInfos, $audit ) = @_;
-    $audit = 0 unless defined( $audit );
-    my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => $templatedir . '/policyinfos.tmpl' );
-    foreach my $dn ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys( %{$policyInfos} ) ) {
-        my $attrs = $policyInfos->{$dn};
-        my @attrs;
-        delete( $attrs->{'auditinformation'} ) unless ( $audit );
-        $attrs->{'objectclass'} = [qw(pwdPolicy)];
-        foreach my $attr ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys( %{$attrs} ) ) {
-            my $value = $attrs->{$attr};
-            foreach my $val ( @{$value} ) {
-                if ( defined( $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$attr} ) ) {
-                    my $type = ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$attr} }[0];
-                    if ( $type eq 'bool' ) {
-                        $val = lc( "$val" );
-                    } elsif ( $type eq 'extbool' ) {
-                        if ( $val <= 0 ) {
-                            $val = 'false';
-                        } elsif ( $val == 1 ) {
-                            $val = 'true';
-                        } else {
-                            $val = 'strict';
-                        }
-                    } elsif ( $type eq 'second' ) {
-                        $val = $val . "s";
-                    }
-                    #          elsif ($type eq 'int') {
-                    #          }
-                    elsif ( $type eq 'string' ) {
-                        next;
-                    } elsif ( $type eq 'nbool' ) {
-                        $val = ( $val > 0 ) ? 'counted' : 'forbidden';
-                    }
-                }
-                push( @attrs, { 'attr' => $attr, 'value' => $val } );
-            }
-        }
-        $template->param( 'policydn' => $dn );
-        $template->param( 'attrs'    => \@attrs );
-        print $template->output;
-    }
-sub render_userinfos($;$)
-    my ( $userInfos, $audit ) = @_;
-    $audit = 0 unless defined( $audit );
-    my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => $templatedir . '/userinfos.tmpl' );
-    foreach my $dn ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys( %{$userInfos} ) ) {
-        my $attrs = $userInfos->{$dn};
-        my @attrs;
-        if ( defined( $attrs->{'pwdreset'} ) ) {
-            delete( $attrs->{'pwdreset'} );
-            $template->param( 'reset' => 1 );
-        } else {
-            $template->param( 'reset' => 0 );
-        }
-        delete( $attrs->{'auditinformation'} ) unless ( $audit );
-        foreach my $attr ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys( %{$attrs} ) ) {
-            my $value = $attrs->{$attr};
-            foreach ( @{$value} ) {
-                push( @attrs, { 'attr' => $attr, 'value' => $_ } );
-            }
-        }
-        $template->param( 'userdn' => $dn );
-        $template->param( 'attrs'  => \@attrs );
-        print $template->output;
-    }
-sub render_groupinfos($;$)
-    my ( $groupInfos, $audit ) = @_;
-    $audit = 0 unless defined( $audit );
-    my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => $templatedir . '/groupinfos.tmpl' );
-    foreach my $dn ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys( %{$groupInfos} ) ) {
-        my $attrs = $groupInfos->{$dn};
-        my $objectClass;
-        if ( defined( $attrs->{'objectClass'} ) ) {
-            $objectClass = ${ $attrs->{'objectClass'} }[0];
-            delete( $attrs->{'objectClass'} );
-        }
-        delete( $attrs->{'auditinformation'} ) unless ( $audit );
-        my @attrs;
-        foreach my $attr ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys( %{$attrs} ) ) {
-            my $value = $attrs->{$attr};
-            foreach ( @{$value} ) {
-                push( @attrs, { 'attr' => $attr, 'value' => $_ } );
-            }
-        }
-        if ( defined( $objectClass ) ) {
-            unshift( @attrs, { 'attr' => 'objectclass', 'value' => $objectClass } );
-        }
-        $template->param( 'groupdn' => $dn );
-        $template->param( 'attrs'   => \@attrs );
-        print $template->output;
-    }
-sub get_default_description($)
-    my $group = shift;
-    my @description;
-    # if ( $group eq 'sup' ) {
-    #    push( @description, 'CWRA' );
-    #} elsif ( $group eq 'network' ) {
-    #    push( @description, 'CWRW' );
-    #} elsif ( $group eq 'security' ) {
-    #    push( @description, 'CWRW' );
-    #} elsif ( $group eq 'official' ) {
-    #    push( @description, 'CWRO' );
-    #} else {
-    return undef;
-    #}
-    #return \@description;
-sub display_userinfos()
-    $USERINFOS = 1;
-    refresh_posixAccounts();
-    my $userInfos;
-    my $options = {};
-    my $validate = { uid => 'UID', };
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_userinfos_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Display user',
-                                      fields     => [qw(uid audit)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/selectuser.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-                                      required   => 'uid',
-                                      submit     => 'Display',
-    );
-    my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-    foreach my $values ( values( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-        my $uid   = ${ $values->{'uid'} }[0];
-        my $gecos = ${ $values->{'gecos'} }[0];
-        $options->{$uid} = $uid . ' - ' . $gecos;
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Display' ) {
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate;
-            my @uids = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            die 'You must select at least one user' unless ( scalar( @uids ) > 0 );
-            map { die "invalid uid `$_'" unless defined( $options->{$_} ) } @uids;
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            foreach my $uid ( @uids ) {
-                my $infos = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixAccount( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $uid );
-                while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$infos} ) ) {
-                    $userInfos->{$k} = $v;
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            undef $userInfos;
-        }
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'audit',
-                  type     => 'checkbox',
-                  comment  => 'Display auditInformation?',
-                  options  => 'yes',
-                  selected => 0,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'uid',
-                  options  => $options,
-                  sortopts => 'NAME',
-                  type     => 'select',
-                  size     => getsize_multipleselect( $options ),
-                  multiple => 1,
-    );
-    my $audit = ( defined( $form->field( name => 'audit' ) ) );
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS display users" );
-    print $form->render;
-    render_userinfos( $userInfos, $audit ) if defined( $userInfos );
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_adduser()
-    $ADDUSER = 1;
-    refresh_posixAccounts;
-    refresh_posixGroups;
-    my $options = {};
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip js validation if fetching userInfos from Net1
-    if (form._submitted_value.value.match(/^Refresh/)) {
-      var uid = form.elements['uid'].value;
-      var group = form.elements['group'].value;
-      if ((uid == null) && (group == null)) {
-        alert('Please fill uid and/or group prior to Refresh');
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM          => 'IM',
-                     uid         => 'UID',
-                     uidNumber   => 'UIDNUMBER',
-                     mail        => 'EMAIL',
-                     gecos       => 'GECOS',
-                     firstname   => 'FIRSTNAME',
-                     group       => 'GIDNUMBER',
-                     description => 'DESCRIPTION',
-    };
-    my $fields = [qw(IM uid mail gecos firstname group)];
-    my $form_fields = [qw(_submitted_value IM uid uidNumber mail gecos firstname group description)];
-    push( @{$form_fields}, 'synchronize' ) if ( $mod_synchro );
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_adduser_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Add user',
-                                      fields     => $form_fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/adduser.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-                                      required   => $fields,
-                                      reset      => 1,
-    );
-    if ( $mod_synchro ) {
-        $form->field(
-                      name    => 'synchronize',
-                      type    => 'checkbox',
-                      comment => 'Synchronize with old LDAP database?',
-                      options => 'yes',
-        );
-        $form->field(
-                      name  => 'synchronize',
-                      value => 'yes'
-        ) unless ( $form->submitted );
-    }
-    $form->tmpl_param( 'mod_synchro' => $mod_synchro );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'description',
-                  comment  => 'optional',
-                  growable => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'uidNumber',
-                  comment => 'optional [2000..9999]', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'IM',
-                  comment => 'SMT ticket number', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'gecos',
-                  comment => 'LASTNAME Firstname', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'firstname',
-                  comment => 'Firstname', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'group',
-                  comment => 'refresh Description', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'uid',
-                  comment => 'fetch Mail & Gecos', );
-    my $posixGroups = $session->param( 'posixGroups' );
-    foreach my $values ( values( %{$posixGroups} ) ) {
-        my $cn        = ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0];
-        my $gidNumber = ${ $values->{'gidnumber'} }[0];
-        $options->{$gidNumber} = $cn;
-    }
-    if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available posixGroups' );
-        redirect( '?tab=groups&action=addgroup' );
-    }
-    if ( ( $form->submitted eq 'Uid' ) || ( $form->submitted eq 'Group' ) ) {
-        eval {
-            foreach my $field ( @{$fields} ) {
-                $form->field( 'name'   => $field,
-                              required => 0 );
-            }
-            my $valid = 0;
-            $form->field( 'name' => 'uid', required => 1 );
-            $valid += $form->validate;
-            $form->field( 'name' => 'uid',   required => 0 );
-            $form->field( 'name' => 'group', required => 1 );
-            $valid += $form->validate;
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $valid;
-            my $uid = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            if ( defined( $uid ) && length( $uid ) ) {
-                my $userInfos = fetch_net1_userinfos( $uid );
-                my @keys      = keys( %{$userInfos} );
-                my $dn        = $keys[0];
-                $form->field(
-                              name  => 'mail',
-                              force => 1,
-                              value => lc( ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'mail'} }[0] ),
-                ) if defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'mail'} );
-                if ( defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'displayname'} ) ) {
-                    my $gecos = ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'displayname'} }[0];
-                    $gecos =~ s/\s+\(.*$//;
-                    $form->field(
-                                  name  => 'gecos',
-                                  force => 1,
-                                  value => $gecos,
-                    );
-                }
-                $form->field(
-                              name  => 'firstname',
-                              force => 1,
-                              value => ucfirst( ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'givenname'} }[0] ),
-                ) if defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'givenname'} );
-            }
-            my $group = $form->field( name => 'group' );
-            if ( defined( $group ) && length( $group ) ) {
-                my $description = get_default_description( $options->{$group} );
-                $form->field(
-                              name  => 'description',
-                              force => 1,
-                              value => $description,
-                );
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Add' ) {
-        my $entry;
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my $uidNumber = $form->field( name => 'uidNumber' ) || undef;
-            my $uid = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-            foreach my $values ( values( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-                die "user `$uid' already exists" if ( $uid eq ${ $values->{'uid'} }[0] );
-                next unless defined( $uidNumber );
-                die "user id `$uidNumber' already exists" if ( $uidNumber == ${ $values->{'uidnumber'} }[0] );
-            }
-            my $group = $form->field( name => 'group' );
-            my $description = get_default_description( $options->{$group} );
-            $description = [] unless defined( $description );
-            if ( defined( $form->field( name => 'description' ) ) ) {
-                push( @{$description}, $form->field( name => 'description' ) );
-            }
-            my %uniq_description;
-            foreach my $desc ( @{$description} ) {
-                $uniq_description{$desc}++;
-            }
-            $description = [];
-            foreach my $desc ( keys( %uniq_description ) ) {
-                push( @{$description}, $desc ) if ( defined( $desc )
-                                                    && length( $desc ) );
-            }
-            undef $description unless ( scalar( @{$description} ) );
-            print STDERR "description is defined: " . ( defined( $description ) ) . "\n";
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            $entry = SNET::LdapNS::addPosixAccount(
-                                                    $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $form->field( name => 'IM' ), $uid, $group,
-                                                    $form->field( name => 'gecos' ), $form->field( name => 'mail' ), $form->field( name => 'firstname' ), $uidNumber,
-                                                    $description,
-            ) or die "Unable to create LDAP entry for `$uid'";
-            $session->clear( ['posixAccounts'] );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        } else {
-            my @attributes = $entry->attributes( nooptions => 1 );
-            my $dn = $entry->dn;
-            my $userInfos;
-            eval { $userInfos = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixAccount( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $dn ); };
-            if ( $@ ) {
-                print STDERR "unable to fetch userInfos for `$dn': $@\n";
-                $userInfos = { $dn => {}, };
-                foreach my $attr ( @attributes ) {
-                    next if ( $attr =~ m/objectclass/i );
-                    next if ( $attr =~ m/shadow/i );
-                    next if ( $attr =~ m/^cn|sn$/i );
-                    $userInfos->{$dn}->{ lc( $attr ) } = $entry->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 );
-                }
-            } else {
-                print STDERR "looking good, fetched userInfos for `$dn'\n";
-                foreach my $attr ( @attributes ) {
-                    next unless (    ( $attr =~ m/userPassword/i )
-                                  || ( $attr =~ m/auditinformation/i ) );
-                    $userInfos->{$dn}->{ lc( $attr ) } = $entry->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 );
-                }
-            }
-            synchronize_add_users( $userInfos, defined( $form->field( name => 'synchronize' ) ) );
-            $session->param( 'message', 'user added successfully' );
-            print_ns_headers( "LdapNS add users" );
-            render_userinfos( $userInfos );
-            print_ns_footers();
-        }
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name       => 'group',
-                  options    => $options,
-                  type       => 'select',
-                  size       => getsize_multipleselect( $options ),
-                  sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                  selectname => 0,
-                  multiple   => 0,
-    );
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS add users" );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_adduserprofile()
-    refresh_posixAccounts();
-    refresh_posixGroups();
-    refresh_groupOfNames();
-    my $options = ();
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip js validation if fetching userInfos from Net1
-    if (form._submitted_value.value.match(/^Refresh/)) {
-      var uid = form.elements['uid'].value;
-      if (uid == null) {
-        alert('Please fill uid prior to Refresh');
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM          => 'IM',
-                     uid         => 'UID',
-                     uidNumber   => 'UIDNUMBER',
-                     mail        => 'EMAIL',
-                     gecos       => 'GECOS',
-                     firstname   => 'FIRSTNAME',
-                     description => 'DESCRIPTION',
-                     profile     => 'PROFILE',
-                     state       => 'STATE',
-    };
-    my $fields = [qw(IM uid mail gecos firstname profile state)];
-    my $form_fields = [qw(_submitted_value IM uid uidNumber mail gecos firstname profile state bcp description)];
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_adduserprofile_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Add user profile based',
-                                      fields     => $form_fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/adduserprofile.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-                                      required   => $fields,
-                                      reset      => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'description',
-                  comment  => 'optional',
-                  growable => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'uidNumber',
-                  comment => 'optional [2000..9999]', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'IM',
-                  comment => 'SMT ticket number', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'gecos',
-                  comment => 'LASTNAME Firstname', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'firstname',
-                  comment => 'Firstname', );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'bcp',
-                  comment  => 'Is the user belonging to the BCP team',
-                  options  => 'yes',
-                  selected => 0,
-    );
-    $form->field( name    => 'uid',
-                  comment => 'fetch Mail & Gecos', );
-    $options->{'Architect'}       = 'Architect';
-    $options->{'Compliance'}      = 'Compliance';
-    $options->{'Development'}     = 'Development';
-    $options->{'Managment'}       = 'Managment';
-    $options->{'Network'}         = 'Network';
-    $options->{'Officials'}       = 'Officials';
-    $options->{'Ois'}             = 'Ois';
-    $options->{'ProjectManager'}  = 'ProjectManager';
-    $options->{'Security'}        = 'Security';
-    $options->{'Noca'}            = 'Noca';
-    $options->{'System'}          = 'System';
-    $options->{'Videoconference'} = 'Videoconference';
-    my $options_profile = ();
-    $options_profile->{'Architect'}{'description'} = 'profile:Architect';
-    $options_profile->{'Architect'}{'arc'}         = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Architect'}{'bindhg'}      = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'Architect'}{'logs'}        = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'Compliance'}{'description'} = 'profile:compliance';
-    $options_profile->{'Compliance'}{'com'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Development'}{'description'} = 'profile:development';
-    $options_profile->{'Development'}{'dev'}         = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Development'}{'logs'}        = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'Managment'}{'description'} = 'profile:managment';
-    $options_profile->{'Managment'}{'mgt'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Network'}{'description'} = 'profile:network';
-    $options_profile->{'Network'}{'net'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Noca'}{'description'} = 'profile:noca';
-    $options_profile->{'Noca'}{'noca'}        = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Noca'}{'logs'}        = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'Officials'}{'description'} = 'profile:officials';
-    $options_profile->{'Officials'}{'officials'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Ois'}{'description'} = 'profile:ois';
-    $options_profile->{'Ois'}{'ois'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'ProjectManager'}{'description'} = 'profile:projectmanager';
-    $options_profile->{'ProjectManager'}{'pm'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Security'}{'description'} = 'profile:security';
-    $options_profile->{'Security'}{'sec'}         = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'Security'}{'bindhg'}      = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'Security'}{'logs'}        = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'System'}{'description'} = 'profile:system';
-    $options_profile->{'System'}{'sys'}         = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $options_profile->{'System'}{'logs'}        = 'posixGroup';
-    $options_profile->{'Videoconference'}{'description'} = 'profile:videoconference';
-    $options_profile->{'Videoconference'}{'vc'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-    $form->field(
-                  name       => 'profile',
-                  comment    => 'Select the right profile',
-                  options    => $options,
-                  sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                  linebreaks => 1,
-                  type       => 'select',
-                  multiple   => 0,
-    );
-    my $options_st = ();
-    $options_st->{'Luxembourg'} = 'Luxembourg';
-    $options_st->{'Belgium'}    = 'Belgium';
-    $form->field(
-        name     => 'state',
-        comment  => 'Select the right state',
-        options  => $options_st,
-        type     => 'select',
-        multiple => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Uid' ) {
-        eval {
-            foreach my $field ( @{$fields} ) {
-                $form->field( 'name'   => $field,
-                              required => 0 );
-            }
-            my $valid = 0;
-            $form->field( 'name' => 'uid', required => 1 );
-            $valid += $form->validate;
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $valid;
-            my $uid = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            if ( defined( $uid ) && length( $uid ) ) {
-                my $userInfos = fetch_net1_userinfos( $uid );
-                my @keys      = keys( %{$userInfos} );
-                my $dn        = $keys[0];
-                $form->field(
-                              name  => 'mail',
-                              force => 1,
-                              value => lc( ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'mail'} }[0] ),
-                ) if defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'mail'} );
-                if ( defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'displayname'} ) ) {
-                    my $gecos = ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'displayname'} }[0];
-                    $gecos =~ s/\s+\(.*$//;
-                    $form->field(
-                                  name  => 'gecos',
-                                  force => 1,
-                                  value => $gecos,
-                    );
-                }
-                $form->field(
-                              name  => 'firstname',
-                              force => 1,
-                              value => ucfirst( ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'givenname'} }[0] ),
-                ) if defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'givenname'} );
-                $form->field(
-                              name  => 'state',
-                              force => 1,
-                              value => ( ucfirst( ${ $userInfos->{$dn}->{'co'} }[0] ) eq 'LU' ? 'Luxembourg' : 'Belgium' ),
-                ) if defined( $userInfos->{$dn}->{'co'} );
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Add' ) {
-        my $entry;
-        my $tmp_message_string = '';
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters validate' . html_rendering( Dumper( $validate ) ) unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my $uidNumber = $form->field( name => 'uidNumber' ) || undef;
-            my $uid = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-            foreach my $values ( values( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-                die "user `$uid' already exists" if ( $uid eq ${ $values->{'uid'} }[0] );
-                next unless defined( $uidNumber );
-                die "user id `$uidNumber' already exists" if ( $uidNumber == ${ $values->{'uidnumber'} }[0] );
-            }
-            my $profile  = $form->field( name => 'profile' );
-            my $group    = 'snmc';
-            my $group_id = 3500;
-            if ( $options->{$profile} eq 'Officials' ) {
-                $group    = 'officials';
-                $group_id = 3800;
-            }
-            my $description;
-            $description = [] unless defined( $description );
-            push( @{$description}, 'profile:' . $options->{$profile} );
-            if ( defined( $form->field( name => 'description' ) ) ) {
-                push( @{$description}, $form->field( name => 'description' ) );
-            }
-            my %uniq_description;
-            foreach my $desc ( @{$description} ) {
-                $uniq_description{$desc}++;
-            }
-            $description = [];
-            foreach my $desc ( keys( %uniq_description ) ) {
-                push( @{$description}, $desc ) if ( defined( $desc )
-                                                    && length( $desc ) );
-            }
-            undef $description unless ( scalar( @{$description} ) );
-            print STDERR "description is defined: " . ( defined( $description ) ) . "\n";
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            $entry = SNET::LdapNS::addPosixAccount(
-                                                    $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $form->field( name => 'IM' ), $uid, $group_id,
-                                                    $form->field( name => 'gecos' ), $form->field( name => 'mail' ), $form->field( name => 'firstname' ), $uidNumber,
-                                                    $description, undef, $form->field( name => 'state' ),
-            ) or die "Unable to create LDAP entry for `$uid'";
-            $session->clear( ['posixAccounts'] );
-            $tmp_message_string = "
-Please find as requested the new temp password.
-new password for `$uid': " . "
-Please note, that the password is not valid, but allow you to change your
-password on the interface (Authentication > SNet LDAP Manager):
-  https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet
-If you need more information from my side, please do not hesitate to contact the Supporting team,";
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            print STDERR "error: $@\n";
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        } else {
-            my @attributes = $entry->attributes( nooptions => 1 );
-            my $dn = $entry->dn;
-            my $userInfos;
-            eval { $userInfos = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixAccount( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $dn ); };
-            if ( $@ ) {
-                print STDERR "unable to fetch userInfos for `$dn': $@\n";
-                $userInfos = { $dn => {}, };
-                foreach my $attr ( @attributes ) {
-                    next if ( $attr =~ m/objectclass/i );
-                    next if ( $attr =~ m/shadow/i );
-                    next if ( $attr =~ m/^cn|sn$/i );
-                    $userInfos->{$dn}->{ lc( $attr ) } = $entry->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 );
-                }
-            } else {
-                print STDERR "looking good, fetched userInfos for `$dn'\n";
-                foreach my $attr ( @attributes ) {
-                    next unless (    ( $attr =~ m/userPassword/i )
-                                  || ( $attr =~ m/auditinformation/i ) );
-                    $userInfos->{$dn}->{ lc( $attr ) } = $entry->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 );
-                }
-            }
-            synchronize_add_users( $userInfos, defined( $form->field( name => 'synchronize' ) ) );
-            $session->param( 'message', 'user added successfully' );
-            print STDERR "user added successfully\n";
-            print_ns_headers( "LdapNS add users" );
-            render_userinfos( $userInfos );
-            $tmp_message_string = CGI::escapeHTML( $tmp_message_string );
-            $tmp_message_string =~ s/\r\n|\r|\n/<br\/>\n/g;
-            $tmp_message_string =~ s/^(\s+)/"&nbsp;" x length($1)/meg;
-            $session->param( 'message', $tmp_message_string );
-            # user parameters
-            refresh_posixAccounts();
-            # TODO add profile to the group
-            undef $entry;
-            my $profile = $form->field( name => 'profile' );
-            my $IM      = $form->field( name => 'IM' );
-            my $objectClass = '';
-            my $posix_group_to_exclude = 'snmc';
-            if ( $options->{$profile} eq 'Officials' ) {
-                $posix_group_to_exclude = 'officials';
-            }
-            if ( defined( $form->field( name => 'bcp' ) ) ) {
-                print Dumper ( $form->field( name => 'bcp' ) );
-                $options_profile->{$profile}{'bcp'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-            }
-            # $options_profile->{'XX'}{'sd'} = [ 'groupOfNames', 'posixGroup', 'groupOfUniqueNames' ];
-            foreach my $group ( keys %{ $options_profile->{$profile} } ) {
-                next if ( $group eq 'description' );
-                if ( $options_profile->{$profile}{$group} !~ /^ARRAY/ ) {
-                    my $tmp = $options_profile->{$profile}{$group};
-                    undef( $options_profile->{$profile}{$group} );
-                    push( @{ $options_profile->{$profile}{$group} }, $tmp );
-                }
-                foreach $objectClass ( @{ $options_profile->{$profile}{$group} } ) {
-                    next if ( ( $group eq $posix_group_to_exclude ) && ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) );
-                    print STDERR "Searching the $objectClass group '$group' existance.\n";
-                    if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                        print STDERR Dumper( $session->param( 'posixGroups' ) );
-                    } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfNames' ) {
-                        print STDERR Dumper( $session->param( 'groupOfNames' ) );
-                    } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfUniqueNames' ) {
-                        print STDERR Dumper( $session->param( 'groupOfUniqueNames' ) );
-                    } else {
-                        print STDERR "Bad objectClass '$objectClass'\n";
-                        next;
-                    }
-                    my $notfound = 1;
-                    if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                        foreach my $values ( values( %{ $session->param( 'posixGroups' ) } ) ) {
-                            if ( ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0] eq $group ) {
-                                $notfound = 0;
-                                last;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfNames' ) {
-                        foreach my $values ( values( %{ $session->param( 'groupOfNames' ) } ) ) {
-                            if ( ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0] eq $group ) {
-                                $notfound = 0;
-                                last;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfUniqueNames' ) {
-                        foreach my $values ( values( %{ $session->param( 'groupOfNames' ) } ) ) {
-                            if ( ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0] eq $group ) {
-                                $notfound = 0;
-                                last;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ( $notfound ) {
-                        print STDERR "The $objectClass group '$group' doesnot exist, skipping.\n";
-                        next;
-                    }
-                    eval {
-                        my @to_add = ();
-                        push( @to_add, $form->field( name => 'uid' ) );
-                        my $add_function;
-                        my $get_function;
-                        if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                            $add_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::addToPosixGroup;
-                            $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getPosixGroup;
-                        } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfNames' ) {
-                            $add_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::addToGroupOfNames;
-                            $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getGroupOfNames;
-                        } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfUniqueNames' ) {
-                            $add_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::addToGroupOfUniqueNames;
-                            $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getGroupOfUniqueNames;
-                        }
-                        reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-                        print STDERR "user to add '" . Dumper( \@to_add ) . "'.\n";
-                        if ( scalar( @to_add ) ) {
-                            my $rtrn_sts = &{$add_function}( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $group, \@to_add ) or die SNET::LdapNS::error( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-                            print STDERR "after calling '$add_function'.\n";
-                            if ( $rtrn_sts eq '1' ) {
-                                print STDERR "something wrong with the '$add_function'.\n";
-                            }
-                        }
-                        $session->param( 'message', 'group modification successful' );
-                        print STDERR "The user was added successful to the group '$group'.\n";
-                        $entry = &{$get_function}( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $group, );
-                    };
-                    if ( $@ ) {
-                        print STDERR "error: $@\n";
-                        $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-                    }
-                    if ( defined( $entry ) ) {
-                        render_groupinfos( $entry );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS add users" );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_deluser()
-    $DELUSER = 1;
-    refresh_posixAccounts();
-    my $options = {};
-    my $deluser = $session->param( 'deluser' );
-    my $type    = 'select';
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on Cancel
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Cancel') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM  => 'IM',
-                     uid => 'UID',
-    };
-    my $form_fields = [qw(_submitted_value IM uid)];
-    push( @{$form_fields}, 'synchronize' ) if ( $mod_synchro );
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_deluser_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Delete user',
-                                      fields     => $form_fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/deluser.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      required   => [qw(IM uid)],
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      sticky     => 1,
-                                      selectname => 0,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    if ( $mod_synchro ) {
-        $form->field(
-                      name    => 'synchronize',
-                      type    => 'checkbox',
-                      comment => 'Synchronize with old LDAP database?',
-                      options => 'yes',
-        );
-        $form->field(
-                      name  => 'synchronize',
-                      value => 'yes'
-        ) unless ( $form->submitted );
-    }
-    $form->tmpl_param( 'mod_synchro' => $mod_synchro );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'IM',
-                  comment => 'SMT ticket number', );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Delete' ) {
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my @uids = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            die 'You must select a single user' unless ( scalar( @uids ) == 1 );
-            $deluser->{'IM'} = $form->field( name => 'IM' );
-            foreach my $uid ( @uids ) {
-                $options->{$uid} = $deluser->{'options'}->{$uid}
-                  or die "invalid uid `$uid'";
-            }
-            $deluser->{'options'} = $options;
-            $session->param( 'deluser', $deluser );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( "LdapNS delete users" );
-        }
-        $type = 'checkbox';
-        $form->field( name => 'uid', disabled => 1 );
-        $form->field( name => 'IM',  disabled => 1 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1'       => 'Confirm' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2'       => 1 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2_value' => 'Cancel' );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Confirm' ) {
-        my $deluser = $session->param( 'deluser' );
-        my @uids    = keys( %{ $deluser->{'options'} } );
-        my $IM      = $deluser->{'IM'};
-        my @deleted_uid;
-        my $uid;
-        eval {
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            foreach $uid ( @uids ) {
-                SNET::LdapNS::deletePosixAccount( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $uid );
-                push( @deleted_uid, $uid );
-                synchronize_del_users( $uid, defined( $form->field( name => 'synchronize' ) ) );
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-        if ( scalar( @deleted_uid ) ) {
-            print STDERR 'Successful deletion of ' . join( ', ', @deleted_uid ) . "\n";
-            $session->param( 'message', 'Successful deletion of ' . join( ', ', @deleted_uid ) );
-            $session->clear( ['posixAccounts'] );
-        }
-        $session->clear( ['deluser'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS delete users" );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Cancel' ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'delete operation cancelled' );
-        $session->clear( ['deluser'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS delete users" );
-    } else {
-        my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-        foreach my $values ( values( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-            my $uid = ${ $values->{'uid'} }[0];
-            next if ( $uid eq $session->param( 'user' ) );
-            my $gecos = ${ $values->{'gecos'} }[0];
-            $options->{$uid} = $uid . ' - ' . $gecos;
-        }
-        $deluser->{'options'} = $options;
-        $session->param( 'deluser', $deluser );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Delete' );
-    }
-    if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available posixAccounts' );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS delete users" );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name       => 'uid',
-                  options    => $options,
-                  sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                  linebreaks => 1,
-                  type       => $type,
-                  multiple   => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $type eq 'select' ) {
-        $form->field( size => getsize_multipleselect( $options ), );
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS delete users" );
-    print $form->render();
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_moduser()
-    $MODUSER = 1;
-    $session->param( 'error', 'Not yet implemented' );
-    display_blank( "LdapNS modify users" );
-sub display_reset()
-    $RESET = 1;
-    refresh_posixAccounts();
-    my $options = {};
-    my $reset   = $session->param( 'reset' );
-    my $type    = 'select';
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on Cancel
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Cancel') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $validate = { uid => 'UID', };
-    my $form_fields = [qw(_submitted_value uid)];
-    push( @{$form_fields}, 'synchronize' ) if ( $mod_synchro );
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_reset_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Reset password',
-                                      fields     => $form_fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/reset.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      required   => [qw(uid)],
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      selectname => 0,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    if ( $mod_synchro ) {
-        $form->field(
-                      name    => 'synchronize',
-                      type    => 'checkbox',
-                      comment => 'Synchronize with old LDAP database?',
-                      options => 'yes',
-        );
-        $form->field(
-                      name  => 'synchronize',
-                      value => 'yes'
-        ) unless ( $form->submitted );
-    }
-    $form->tmpl_param( 'mod_synchro' => $mod_synchro );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Reset' ) {
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my @uids = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            die 'You must select a single user' unless ( scalar( @uids ) == 1 );
-            my $uid = shift( @uids );
-            $options->{$uid} = $reset->{'options'}->{$uid}
-              or die "invalid uid `$uid'";
-            $reset->{'options'} = $options;
-            $session->param( 'reset', $reset );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( "LdapNS reset passwords" );
-        }
-        $type = 'checkbox';
-        $form->field( name => 'uid', disabled => 1 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1'       => 'Confirm' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2'       => 1 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2_value' => 'Cancel' );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Confirm' ) {
-        my $reset = $session->param( 'reset' );
-        my @uids  = keys( %{ $reset->{'options'} } );
-        my $uid   = shift( @uids );
-        eval {
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            my $pwdinfos = SNET::LdapNS::pwdReset( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $uid ) or die "Unable to reset password for `$uid'";
-            synchronize_passwords( defined( $form->field( name => 'synchronize' ) ), $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $pwdinfos->{'value'}, $uid );
-            $session->param( 'error', $pwdinfos->{'error'} ) if ( defined( $pwdinfos->{'error'} ) );
-            if ( defined( $pwdinfos->{'value'} ) ) {
-                my $tmp_message_string = "
-Please find as requested by your new temp password.
-new password for `$uid': " . $pwdinfos->{'value'} . "
-Please note, that the password is not valid, but allow you to change your
-password on the interface (Authentication > SNet LDAP Manager):
-  https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/snet
-If you need more information from my side, please do not hesitate to contact the Supporting team,";
-                $tmp_message_string = CGI::escapeHTML( $tmp_message_string );
-                $tmp_message_string =~ s/\r\n|\r|\n/<br\/>\n/g;
-                $tmp_message_string =~ s/^(\s+)/"&nbsp;" x length($1)/meg;
-                $session->param( 'message', $tmp_message_string );
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        } else {
-            print STDERR "Password resetted for `$uid'\n";
-        }
-        $session->clear( ['reset'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS reset passwords" );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Cancel' ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'reset operation cancelled' );
-        $session->clear( ['reset'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS reset passwords" );
-    } else {
-        my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-        foreach my $values ( values( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-            my $uid = ${ $values->{'uid'} }[0];
-            next if ( $uid eq $session->param( 'user' ) );
-            my $gecos = ${ $values->{'gecos'} }[0];
-            $options->{$uid} = $uid . ' - ' . $gecos;
-        }
-        $reset->{'options'} = $options;
-        $session->param( 'reset', $reset );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Reset' );
-    }
-    if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available posixAccounts' );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS reset passwords" );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name       => 'uid',
-                  options    => $options,
-                  sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                  linebreaks => 1,
-                  type       => $type,
-                  multiple   => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $type eq 'select' ) {
-        $form->field( size => getsize_multipleselect( $options ), );
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS reset passwords" );
-    print $form->render();
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub select_group()
-    my $modgroup    = $session->param( 'modgroup' );
-    my $objectClass = $modgroup->{'objectClass'};
-    my $groups;
-    my $options;
-    return 1 if ( defined( $modgroup->{'group'} ) );
-    if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-        $groups = $session->param( 'posixGroups' );
-    } else {
-        $groups = $session->param( 'groupOfNames' );
-    }
-    my $addoptions = {};
-    my $deloptions = {};
-    my $validate = { group => 'GROUP', };
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on back
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Previous') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_selectgroup_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => "Select group",
-                                      fields     => [qw(group)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/selectgroup.tmpl',
-                                      submit     => [qw(Previous Next)],
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      selectname => 0,
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      required   => 'ALL',
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Previous' ) {
-        $session->clear( ['modgroup'] );
-        redirect( '?tab=groups&action=modgroup' );
-    }
-    foreach my $values ( values( %{$groups} ) ) {
-        my $cn = ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0];
-        $options->{$cn} = $cn;
-    }
-    if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-        $session->clear( ['modgroup'] );
-        $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available groups' );
-        redirect( '?tab=groups&action=addgroup' );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'group',
-                  options  => $options,
-                  sortopts => 'NAME',
-                  type     => 'select',
-                  size     => getsize_multipleselect( $options ),
-                  multiple => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Next' ) {
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-            my $cn = $form->field( name => 'group' );
-            my $member_attr;
-            my $group;
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                $group = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixGroup( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $cn );
-                $member_attr = 'memberuid';
-            } else {
-                $group = SNET::LdapNS::getGroupOfNames( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $cn );
-                $member_attr = 'member';
-            }
-            die 'invalid group' unless ( keys( %{$group} ) == 1 );
-            my @keys     = keys( %{$group} );
-            my $group_dn = shift( @keys );
-            while ( my ( $dn, $attrs ) = each( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-                my $uid   = ${ $attrs->{'uid'} }[0];
-                my $gecos = ${ $attrs->{'gecos'} }[0];
-                if ( $member_attr eq 'memberuid' ) {
-                    $addoptions->{$uid} = $uid . ' - ' . $gecos;
-                } else {
-                    $addoptions->{ lc( $dn ) } = $uid . ' - ' . $gecos;
-                }
-            }
-            foreach my $member ( @{ $group->{$group_dn}->{$member_attr} } ) {
-                $member = lc( $member ) if ( $member_attr eq 'member' );
-                my $userinfos = $addoptions->{$member};
-                if ( defined( $userinfos ) ) {
-                    delete( $addoptions->{$member} );
-                    $deloptions->{$member} = $userinfos;
-                } else {
-                    $deloptions->{$member} = $member;
-                }
-            }
-            $modgroup->{'addoptions'} = $addoptions;
-            $modgroup->{'deloptions'} = $deloptions;
-            $modgroup->{'group'}      = $cn;
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-        }
-        $session->param( 'modgroup', $modgroup );
-        return 1;
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub select_group_objectclass($)
-    my $title        = shift;
-    my $sessionparam = $session->param( 'action' );
-    if (    ( $sessionparam ne 'addgroup' )
-         && ( $sessionparam ne 'delgroup' )
-         && ( $sessionparam ne 'modgroup' ) ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', "invalid action $sessionparam" );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session->param( $sessionparam ) ) ) {
-        my $objectClass = $session->param( $sessionparam )->{'objectClass'};
-        if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-            refresh_posixGroups;
-        } else {
-            refresh_groupOfNames;
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM          => 'IM',
-                     objectClass => 'GROUPCLASS',
-    };
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_selectgroupclass_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'select group type',
-                                      fields     => [qw(IM objectClass)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/selectgroupclass.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      submit     => 'Select',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      required   => 'ALL',
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name    => 'objectClass',
-                  options => {
-                               'posixGroup'   => 'posixGroups',
-                               'groupOfNames' => 'groupOfNames'
-                  },
-                  linebreaks => 1,
-                  comment    => 'posixGroups or groupOfNames',
-                  multiple   => 0,
-    );
-    $form->field( name    => 'IM',
-                  comment => 'SMT ticket number', );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Select' ) {
-        my $IM = $form->field( name => 'IM' );
-        my $objectClass = ( $form->field( name => 'objectClass' ) eq 'posixGroup' ) ? 'posixGroup' : 'groupOfNames';
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            $session->param(
-                             $sessionparam,
-                             {
-                               IM          => $IM,
-                               objectClass => $objectClass,
-                             }
-            );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( $title );
-        }
-        if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-            refresh_posixGroups;
-        } else {
-            refresh_groupOfNames;
-        }
-        return 1;
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( $title );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_groupinfos()
-    $GROUPINFOS = 1;
-    refresh_posixGroups;
-    refresh_groupOfNames;
-    my $groupInfos;
-    my $options = [];
-    my $validate = { group => 'GROUP', };
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_groupinfos_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Display group',
-                                      fields     => [qw(group audit)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/selectgroup.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-                                      required   => 'group',
-                                      submit     => 'Display',
-    );
-    $form->tmpl_param( "audit" => 1 );
-    my $groupClass = {};
-    foreach my $values ( values( %{ $session->param( 'groupOfNames' ) } ) ) {
-        my $cn = ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0];
-        $groupClass->{$cn} = 'groupOfNames';
-    }
-    foreach my $k ( sort( keys( %{$groupClass} ) ) ) {
-        push( @{$options}, [ $k, $k, $groupClass->{$k} ] );
-    }
-    foreach my $values ( values( %{ $session->param( 'posixGroups' ) } ) ) {
-        my $cn = ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0];
-        $groupClass->{$cn} = 'posixGroup';
-    }
-    foreach my $k ( sort( keys( %{$groupClass} ) ) ) {
-        push( @{$options}, [ $k, $k, $groupClass->{$k} ] ) unless ( $groupClass->{$k} eq 'groupOfNames' );
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Display' ) {
-        eval {
-            die "invalid parameters" unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my @groups = $form->field( name => 'group' );
-            die 'You must select at least one group' unless ( scalar( @groups ) > 0 );
-            map { die "invalid group `$_'" unless defined( $groupClass->{$_} ) } @groups;
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            foreach my $group ( @groups ) {
-                my $infos;
-                my $class;
-                if ( $groupClass->{$group} eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                    $infos = SNET::LdapNS::getPosixGroup( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $group );
-                    $class = ['posixGroup'];
-                } else {
-                    $infos = SNET::LdapNS::getGroupOfNames( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $group );
-                    $class = ['groupOfNames'];
-                }
-                while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$infos} ) ) {
-                    $v->{'objectClass'} = $class;
-                    $groupInfos->{$k} = $v;
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            undef $groupInfos;
-        }
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'audit',
-                  type     => 'checkbox',
-                  options  => 'yes',
-                  comment  => 'Display auditInformation?',
-                  selected => 0,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name      => 'group',
-                  options   => $options,
-                  optgroups => 1,
-                  type      => 'select',
-                  size      => getsize_multipleselect( $options ),
-                  multiple  => 1,
-    );
-    my $audit = ( defined( $form->field( name => 'audit' ) ) );
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS display groups" );
-    print $form->render;
-    render_groupinfos( $groupInfos, $audit ) if defined( $groupInfos );
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_addgroup()
-    $ADDGROUP = 1;
-    select_group_objectclass( "LdapNS add groups" );
-    my $addgroup    = $session->param( 'addgroup' );
-    my $objectClass = $addgroup->{'objectClass'};
-    my $IM          = $addgroup->{'IM'};
-    my $groups;
-    my $options = {};
-    if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-        $groups = $session->param( 'posixGroups' );
-    } else {
-        $groups = $session->param( 'groupOfNames' );
-        refresh_posixAccounts();
-    }
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on back
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Back') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $fields = [qw(_submitted_value IM objectClass group)];
-    my @required;
-    push( @required, @{$fields} );
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM    => 'IM',
-                     group => 'GROUP',
-    };
-    if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-        push( @{$fields}, 'gidNumber' );
-        $validate->{'gidNumber'} = 'GIDNUMBER';
-    } else {
-        push( @{$fields}, 'member' );
-        push( @required,  'member' );
-        $validate->{'member'} = 'USERDN';
-    }
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_addgroup_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => "Add $objectClass",
-                                      fields     => $fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/addgroup.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      required   => \@required,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Back' ) {
-        $session->clear( ['addgroup'] );
-        redirect( '?tab=groups&action=addgroup' );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'IM',
-                  value    => $IM,
-                  label    => 'IM',
-                  comment  => 'SMT ticket number',
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'objectClass',
-                  value    => $objectClass,
-                  label    => 'objectClass',
-                  comment  => 'posixGroups or groupOfNames',
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'gidNumber',
-                  comment => 'optional [2000..9999]', );
-    $form->field( name    => 'member',
-                  comment => 'required', );
-    if ( $objectClass ne 'posixGroup' ) {
-        my $posixAccounts = $session->param( 'posixAccounts' );
-        while ( my ( $dn, $values ) = each( %{$posixAccounts} ) ) {
-            my $uid   = ${ $values->{'uid'} }[0];
-            my $gecos = ${ $values->{'gecos'} }[0];
-            $options->{$dn} = $uid . ' - ' . $gecos;
-        }
-        if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available posixAccounts' );
-            redirect( '?tab=users&action=adduser' );
-        }
-        $form->field(
-                      name       => 'member',
-                      options    => $options,
-                      selectname => 0,
-                      sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                      label      => 'member',
-                      multiple   => 1,
-        );
-    } else {
-        $form->field(
-                      name    => 'gidNumber',
-                      options => $options,
-                      label   => 'gidNumber',
-        );
-    }
-    $form->tmpl_param( "posix" => ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Add' ) {
-        my $entry;
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            print STDERR "addgroup validation ok\n";
-            my $group = $form->field( name => 'group' );
-            foreach my $dn ( keys( %{$groups} ) ) {
-                $dn =~ s/,.*//;
-                $dn =~ s/^.*=//;
-                die "group `$group' already exists" if ( $group eq $dn );
-            }
-            my $get_function;
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getPosixGroup;
-                my $gidNumber;
-                if ( defined( $form->field( name => 'gidNumber' ) )
-                     && length( $form->field( name => 'gidNumber' ) ) ) {
-                    $gidNumber = $form->field( name => 'gidNumber' );
-                }
-                SNET::LdapNS::addPosixGroup( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $form->field( name => 'IM' ), $group, $gidNumber, ) or die "Unable to create LDAP entry for `$group'";
-            } else {
-                $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getGroupOfNames;
-                my @members = $form->field( name => 'member' );
-                die 'You must select at least one member' unless ( scalar( @members ) );
-                map { die "invalid member `$_'" unless defined( $options->{$_} ) } @members;
-                SNET::LdapNS::addGroupOfNames( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $form->field( name => 'IM' ), $group, \@members, ) or die "Unable to create LDAP entry for `$group'";
-            }
-            $session->param( 'message', "Group added" );
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                $session->clear( [qw(addgroup posixGroups)] );
-            } else {
-                $session->clear( [qw(addgroup groupOfNames)] );
-            }
-            $entry = &{$get_function}( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $group, );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-        reset_actions();
-        if ( defined( $entry ) ) {
-            print_ns_headers( "LdapNS add group" );
-            render_groupinfos( $entry );
-            print_ns_footers();
-        } else {
-            display_blank( "LdapNS add group" );
-        }
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS add group" );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_delgroup()
-    $DELGROUP = 1;
-    select_group_objectclass( "LdapNS delete groups" );
-    my $delgroup    = $session->param( 'delgroup' );
-    my $objectClass = $delgroup->{'objectClass'};
-    my $IM          = $delgroup->{'IM'};
-    my $options     = {};
-    my $type        = 'select';
-    my $groups;
-    if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-        $groups = $session->param( 'posixGroups' );
-    } else {
-        $groups = $session->param( 'groupOfNames' );
-    }
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip js validation if on refresh or on cancel
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Refresh') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Cancel') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM          => 'IM',
-                     objectClass => 'GROUPCLASS',
-                     group       => 'GROUP',
-    };
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_delgroup_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Delete group',
-                                      fields     => [qw(_submitted_value IM group objectClass)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/delgroup.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      required   => 'ALL',
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Back' ) {
-        $session->clear( ['delgroup'] );
-        redirect( '?tab=groups&action=delgroup' );
-    }
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'IM',
-                  value    => $IM,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'objectClass',
-                  value    => $objectClass,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Delete' ) {
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            my @groups = $form->field( name => 'group' );
-            die 'You must select at least one group' unless ( scalar( @groups ) > 0 );
-            foreach my $group ( @groups ) {
-                $group = lc( $group );
-                eval {
-                    foreach my $dn ( keys( %{$groups} ) ) {
-                        $dn =~ s/,.*//;
-                        $dn =~ s/^.*=//;
-                        die 'found' if ( lc( $group ) eq lc( $dn ) );
-                    }
-                };
-                die "invalid group `$group'" unless ( $@ );
-                die "read-only group `$group'" if ( lc( $group ) eq 'admin' );
-                $options->{$group} = $group;
-            }
-            $delgroup->{'options'} = $options;
-            $session->param( 'delgroup', $delgroup );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( "LdapNS delete groups" );
-        }
-        $type = 'checkbox';
-        $form->field( name => 'group', disabled => 1 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Confirm' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2' => 'Cancel' );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Confirm' ) {
-        my @groups = keys( %{ $delgroup->{'options'} } );
-        my @deleted_groups;
-        my $group;
-        eval {
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                foreach $group ( @groups ) {
-                    SNET::LdapNS::deletePosixGroup( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $group );
-                    push( @deleted_groups, $group );
-                }
-            } elsif ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfNames' ) {
-                foreach $group ( @groups ) {
-                    SNET::LdapNS::deleteGroupOfNames( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $group );
-                    push( @deleted_groups, $group );
-                }
-            } else {
-                die "invalid objectClass `$objectClass'";
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-        if ( scalar( @deleted_groups ) ) {
-            print STDERR 'Successful deletion of ' . join( ', ', @deleted_groups ) . "\n";
-            $session->param( 'message', 'Successful deletion of ' . join( ', ', @deleted_groups ) );
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                $session->clear( ['posixGroups'] );
-            } else {
-                $session->clear( ['groupOfNames'] );
-            }
-        }
-        $session->clear( ['delgroup'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS delete groups" );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Cancel' ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'delete operation cancelled' );
-        $session->clear( ['delgroup'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS delete groups" );
-    } else {
-        my $groups;
-        if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-            $groups = $session->param( 'posixGroups' );
-        } else {
-            $groups = $session->param( 'groupOfNames' );
-        }
-        foreach my $values ( values( %{$groups} ) ) {
-            my $cn = ${ $values->{'cn'} }[0];
-            $options->{$cn} = $cn;
-        }
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Delete' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2' => 'Back' );
-    }
-    if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available groups' );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS delete groups" );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name       => 'group',
-                  options    => $options,
-                  sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                  linebreaks => 1,
-                  type       => $type,
-                  selectname => 0,
-                  multiple   => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $type eq 'select' ) {
-        $form->field( size => getsize_multipleselect( $options ), );
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS delete groups" );
-    print $form->render();
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_modgroup()
-    $MODGROUP = 1;
-    refresh_posixAccounts();
-    my $next_step = select_group_objectclass( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-    if ( $next_step < 0 ) {
-        select_group();
-    } else {
-        select_group() if ( $next_step > 0 );
-    }
-    my $modgroup    = $session->param( 'modgroup' );
-    my $IM          = $modgroup->{'IM'};
-    my $objectClass = $modgroup->{'objectClass'};
-    my $group       = $modgroup->{'group'};
-    my $deloptions;
-    my $addoptions;
-    my $type = 'select';
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on back
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Back') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Cancel') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $user_validate = ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) ? 'UID' : 'USERDN';
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM          => 'IM',
-                     group       => 'GROUP',
-                     objectClass => 'GROUPCLASS',
-                     uid         => $user_validate,
-    };
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_modgroup_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => "Modify $objectClass",
-                                      fields     => [qw(_submitted_value IM objectClass group deluser adduser)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/modgroup.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      required   => [qw(IM objectClass group)],
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Back' ) {
-        delete( $modgroup->{'group'} );
-        $session->param( 'modgroup', $modgroup );
-        redirect( '?tab=groups&action=modgroup' );
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Cancel' ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'modify operation cancelled' );
-        $session->clear( ['modgroup'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'IM',
-                  value    => $IM,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'objectClass',
-                  value    => $objectClass,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'group',
-                  value    => $group,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Modify' ) {
-        eval {
-            my $deluser = [];
-            my $adduser = [];
-            $deloptions = {};
-            $addoptions = {};
-            push( @{$deluser}, $form->field( name => 'deluser' ) ) if ( defined( $form->field( name => 'deluser' ) ) );
-            push( @{$adduser}, $form->field( name => 'adduser' ) ) if ( defined( $form->field( name => 'adduser' ) ) );
-            die 'You must select at least one user' unless ( scalar( @{$deluser} ) || scalar( @{$adduser} ) );
-            foreach my $user ( @{$deluser} ) {
-                $deloptions->{$user} = $modgroup->{'deloptions'}->{$user}
-                  or die "invalid user `$user'";
-            }
-            foreach my $user ( @{$adduser} ) {
-                $addoptions->{$user} = $modgroup->{'addoptions'}->{$user}
-                  or die "invalid user `$user'";
-            }
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'groupOfNames' ) {
-                my $members = scalar( keys( %{ $modgroup->{'deloptions'} } ) );
-                $members += scalar( keys( %{$addoptions} ) );
-                $members -= scalar( keys( %{$deloptions} ) );
-                die "groupOfNames must contain at least one member" unless ( $members );
-            }
-            $modgroup->{'deloptions'} = $deloptions;
-            $modgroup->{'addoptions'} = $addoptions;
-            $session->param( 'modgroup', $modgroup );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-        }
-        $type = 'checkbox';
-        $form->field( name => 'adduser', disabled => 1 );
-        $form->field( name => 'deluser', disabled => 1 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Cancel' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2' => 'Confirm' );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Confirm' ) {
-        my $entry;
-        eval {
-            $deloptions = $modgroup->{'deloptions'};
-            $addoptions = $modgroup->{'addoptions'};
-            my @to_delete = keys( %{$deloptions} );
-            my @to_add    = keys( %{$addoptions} );
-            my $add_function;
-            my $del_function;
-            my $get_function;
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                $add_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::addToPosixGroup;
-                $del_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::removeFromPosixGroup;
-                $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getPosixGroup;
-            } else {
-                $add_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::addToGroupOfNames;
-                $del_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::removeFromGroupOfNames;
-                $get_function = \&SNET::LdapNS::getGroupOfNames;
-            }
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            if ( scalar( @to_add ) ) {
-                &{$add_function}( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $group, \@to_add ) or die SNET::LdapNS::error( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-            }
-            if ( scalar( @to_delete ) ) {
-                &{$del_function}( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $group, \@to_delete ) or die SNET::LdapNS::error( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-            }
-            $session->param( 'message', 'group modification successful' );
-            if ( $objectClass eq 'posixGroup' ) {
-                $session->clear( [qw(modgroup posixGroups)] );
-            } else {
-                $session->clear( [qw(modgroup groupOfNames)] );
-            }
-            $entry = &{$get_function}( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $group, );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-        reset_actions();
-        if ( defined( $entry ) ) {
-            print_ns_headers( "LdapNS modify group" );
-            render_groupinfos( $entry );
-            print_ns_footers();
-        } else {
-            display_blank( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-        }
-    } else {
-        $deloptions = $modgroup->{'deloptions'};
-        $addoptions = $modgroup->{'addoptions'};
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Back' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2' => 'Modify' );
-    }
-    if ( keys %{$deloptions} ) {
-        $form->field(
-                      name       => 'deluser',
-                      options    => $deloptions,
-                      sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                      linebreaks => 1,
-                      type       => $type,
-                      multiple   => 1,
-                      disable    => ( scalar( keys( %{$deloptions} ) ) == 0 ),
-        );
-        if ( $type eq 'select' ) {
-            $form->field( size => getsize_multipleselect( $deloptions ), );
-        }
-    } else {
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'disable_deluser' => 1 );
-    }
-    if ( keys( %{$addoptions} ) ) {
-        $form->field(
-                      name       => 'adduser',
-                      options    => $addoptions,
-                      sortopts   => 'NAME',
-                      linebreaks => 1,
-                      type       => $type,
-                      multiple   => 1,
-                      disable    => ( scalar( keys( %{$addoptions} ) ) == 0 ),
-        );
-        if ( $type eq 'select' ) {
-            $form->field( size => getsize_multipleselect( $addoptions ), );
-        }
-    } else {
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'disable_adduser' => 1 );
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS modify groups" );
-    print $form->render();
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_passwd()
-    $PASSWD = 1;
-    my $form_fields = [qw(old new repeat)];
-    push( @{$form_fields}, 'synchronize' ) if ( $mod_synchro );
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_passwd_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Password change',
-                                      fields     => $form_fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/passwd.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      required   => [qw(old new repeat)],
-                                      submit     => 'Change password',
-                                      javascript => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $mod_synchro ) {
-        $form->field(
-                      name    => 'synchronize',
-                      type    => 'checkbox',
-                      comment => 'Synchronize with old LDAP database?',
-                      options => 'yes',
-        );
-        $form->field(
-                      name  => 'synchronize',
-                      value => 'yes'
-        ) unless ( $form->submitted );
-    }
-    $form->tmpl_param( 'mod_synchro' => $mod_synchro );
-    $form->field( name => 'new',
-                  type => 'password', );
-    $form->field( name => 'old',
-                  type => 'password', );
-    $form->field( name => 'repeat',
-                  type => 'password', );
-    $session->param( 'message', "password must be [10..64] characters long, and must contains 3 different character classes" );
-    if ( $form->submitted ) {
-        eval {
-            unless ( $form->validate() ) {
-                print STDERR 'display_passwd: missing parameters';
-                die 'missing parameters';
-            }
-            unless ( $form->field( name => 'new' ) eq $form->field( name => 'repeat' ) ) {
-                print STDERR 'display_passwd: password mismatch';
-                die 'password mismatch';
-            }
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            SNET::LdapNS::passwd( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $form->field( name => 'old' ), $form->field( name => 'new' ) );
-            $session->param( 'message', 'password changed successfully' );
-            $session->clear( [ 'action', 'error' ] );
-            #      synchronize_samba_password(
-            #        $ldap_snmc->{'label'},
-            #        $form->field(name => 'new')
-            #      );
-            synchronize_passwords( defined( $form->field( name => 'synchronize' ) ), $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $form->field( name => 'new' ), undef, $form->field( name => 'old' ) );
-            encode_sessionauth( $form->field( name => 'new' ) );
-            $session->param( 'userMustChange', 0 );
-            $userMustChange = 0;
-            refresh_userInfos;
-            redirect_homepage();
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        } else {
-            display_blank( "LdapNS homepage" );
-        }
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS homepage" );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_blank($)
-    my $title = shift;
-    my $template_blank = HTML::Template->new( filename => $templatedir . '/blank.tmpl' );
-    parse_messages();
-    $template_blank->param( 'br' => ( !( defined( $error ) || defined( $message ) ) ) );
-    reset_actions();
-    print_ns_headers( $title );
-    print $template_blank->output;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_users()
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: entering display_users\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    if ( defined( $params->{'action'} ) ) {
-        if ( $params->{'action'} eq 'reset' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'reset' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'deluser' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'deluser' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'adduser' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'adduser' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'adduserprofile' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'adduserprofile' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'moduser' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'moduser' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'userinfos' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'userinfos' );
-        }
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session->param( 'action' ) ) ) {
-        if ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'adduser' ) {
-            display_adduser;
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'adduserprofile' ) {
-            display_adduserprofile;
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'moduser' ) {
-            display_moduser;
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'deluser' ) {
-            display_deluser;
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'reset' ) {
-            display_reset;
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'userinfos' ) {
-            display_userinfos;
-        } else {
-            $session->clear( ['action'] );
-        }
-    }
-    display_blank( "LdapNS users management" );
-sub display_groups()
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: entering display_groups\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    if ( defined( $params->{'action'} ) ) {
-        if ( $params->{'action'} eq 'modgroup' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'modgroup' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'delgroup' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'delgroup' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'addgroup' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'addgroup' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'groupinfos' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'groupinfos' );
-        }
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session->param( 'action' ) ) ) {
-        if ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'addgroup' ) {
-            display_addgroup();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'delgroup' ) {
-            display_delgroup();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'modgroup' ) {
-            display_modgroup();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'groupinfos' ) {
-            display_groupinfos();
-        } else {
-            $session->clear( ['action'] );
-        }
-    }
-    display_blank( "LdapNS groups management" );
-sub select_policy($)
-    my $title        = shift;
-    my $sessionparam = $session->param( 'action' );
-    if (    ( $sessionparam ne 'modpolicy' )
-         && ( $sessionparam ne 'delpolicy' ) ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', "invalid action $sessionparam" );
-        redirect_homepage();
-    }
-    refresh_ppolicy();
-    if ( defined( $session->param( $sessionparam ) ) ) {
-        return 1 if ( defined( $session->param( $sessionparam )->{'policy'} ) );
-    }
-    my $policies;
-    my $options;
-    my $validate = {
-                     IM     => 'IM',
-                     policy => 'PPOLICYDN',
-    };
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on back
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Cancel') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_selectpolicy_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => "Select policy",
-                                      fields     => [qw(IM policy)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/selectpolicy.tmpl',
-                                      submit     => [qw(Cancel Select)],
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      selectname => 0,
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      required   => 'ALL',
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Cancel' ) {
-        $session->clear( ["$sessionparam"] );
-        $session->clear( ['action'] );
-        redirect( '?tab=ppolicies' );
-    }
-    my $pwdPolicies = $session->param( 'pwdPolicies' );
-    while ( my ( $dn, $values ) = each( %{$pwdPolicies} ) ) {
-        my $did = ${ $values->{'documentidentifier'} }[0];
-        if ( defined( $values->{'description'} )
-             && scalar( @{ $values->{'description'} } ) ) {
-            $options->{$dn} = $did . ' - ' . ${ $values->{'description'} }[0];
-        } else {
-            $options->{$dn} = $did;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( scalar( keys( %{$options} ) ) == 0 ) {
-        $session->clear( ["$sessionparam"] );
-        $session->param( 'error', 'Unable to fetch available policies' );
-        redirect( '?tab=ppolicies&action=addpolicy' );
-    }
-    $form->field( name    => 'IM',
-                  comment => 'SMT ticket number', );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'policy',
-                  options  => $options,
-                  sortopts => 'NAME',
-                  type     => 'select',
-                  size     => getsize_multipleselect( $options ),
-                  multiple => 0,
-    );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Select' ) {
-        my $IM     = $form->field( name => 'IM' );
-        my $policy = $form->field( name => 'policy' );
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate( $validate );
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            my $infos = SNET::LdapNS::getPwdPolicy( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $policy );
-            $session->param(
-                             $sessionparam,
-                             {
-                               'IM'     => $IM,
-                               'policy' => $policy,
-                               'infos'  => $infos->{$policy},
-                             }
-            );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            display_blank( $title );
-        }
-        return 1;
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( $title );
-    print $form->render;
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_addpolicy()
-    $ADDPOLICY = 1;
-    refresh_ppolicy();
-    $session->param( 'error', 'Not yet implemented' );
-    display_blank( "LdapNS passwords policies management" );
-sub display_delpolicy()
-    $DELPOLICY = 1;
-    refresh_ppolicy();
-    $session->param( 'error', 'Not yet implemented' );
-    display_blank( "LdapNS passwords policies management" );
-sub display_modpolicy()
-    $MODPOLICY = 1;
-    select_policy( "LdapNS modify policy" );
-    my $modpolicy = $session->param( 'modpolicy' );
-    my $IM        = $modpolicy->{'IM'};
-    my $policy    = $modpolicy->{'policy'};
-    my $infos     = $modpolicy->{'infos'};
-    my $deloptions;
-    my $addoptions;
-    my $type = 'select';
-    my $add = {};
-    my $del = {};
-    my $jsfunc = <<'EOJS';
-    // skip on back
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Back') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (form._submitted_value.value == 'Cancel') {
-      return true;
-    }
-    my $validate = {
-                     'IM'        => 'IM',
-                     'policy'    => 'PPOLICYDN',
-                     description => 'DESCRIPTION',
-    };
-    my $fields               = [qw(_submitted_value IM description)];
-    my $pwdconstraint_fields = [];
-    my @keys                 = keys( %{$SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes} );
-    foreach my $k ( sort { $a cmp $b } @keys ) {
-        next if ( $k =~ m/checkmodule|constraint.*length|constraintcheckquality/i );
-        if ( $k =~ m/pwdconstraint/i ) {
-            if ( $k =~ m/quality/i ) {
-                unshift( @{$pwdconstraint_fields}, $k );
-            } else {
-                push( @{$pwdconstraint_fields}, $k );
-            }
-        } else {
-            push( @{$fields}, $k );
-        }
-        $validate->{$k} = $CGI::FormBuilder::Field::VALIDATE{$k};
-    }
-    push( @{$fields}, @{$pwdconstraint_fields} );
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_modpolicy_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => "Modify policy",
-                                      fields     => $fields,
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/modpolicy.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      sticky     => 1,
-                                      jsfunc     => $jsfunc,
-                                      required   => [qw(IM policy)],
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-    );
-    $form->field( name => '_submitted_value',
-                  type => 'hidden', );
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Back' ) {
-        delete( $modpolicy->{'policy'} );
-        $session->param( 'modpolicy', $modpolicy );
-        redirect( '?tab=ppolicies&action=modpolicy' );
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Cancel' ) {
-        $session->param( 'error', 'modify operation cancelled' );
-        $session->clear( ['modpolicy'] );
-        display_blank( "LdapNS modify policies" );
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'IM',
-                  value    => $IM,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'policy',
-                  value    => $policy,
-                  disabled => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field( name    => 'description',
-                  comment => 'optional', );
-    $form->field( name => 'description', value => $infos->{'description'} )
-      if defined( $infos->{'description'} );
-    foreach my $k ( @{$fields} ) {
-        next unless ( defined( $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} ) );
-        my $type = ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} }[0];
-        my $val = ( defined( $infos->{$k} ) ? ${ $infos->{$k} }[0] : 0 );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'if_' . $k, 1 );
-        if ( $type eq 'bool' ) {
-            $form->field(
-                          name    => $k,
-                          comment => ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} }[1],
-                          type    => 'checkbox',
-                          options => 'true',
-            );
-            if ( $form->submitted ne 'Modify' ) {
-                $form->field( name => $k, value => 'true' ) if ( "$val" =~ m/true/i );
-            }
-        } elsif ( $type eq 'extbool' ) {
-            $form->field(
-                          name    => $k,
-                          comment => ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} }[1],
-                          type    => 'checkbox',
-                          options => 'strict',
-            );
-            if ( $form->submitted ne 'Modify' ) {
-                $form->field( name => $k, value => 'strict' ) if ( $val > 0 );
-            }
-        } elsif ( $type eq 'nbool' ) {
-            $form->field(
-                          name    => $k,
-                          comment => ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} }[1],
-                          type    => 'checkbox',
-                          options => 'counted',
-            );
-            if ( $form->submitted ne 'Modify' ) {
-                $form->field( name => $k, value => 'counted' ) if ( $val > 0 );
-            }
-        } else {
-            $form->field( name    => $k,
-                          comment => ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} }[1], );
-            if ( $form->submitted ne 'Modify' ) {
-                $form->field( name => $k, value => $val );
-            }
-        }
-        $form->field( name => $k, disabled => ( $form->submitted eq 'Modify' ) );
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Modify' ) {
-        foreach my $k ( @{$fields} ) {
-            next if ( $k eq '_submitted_value' );
-            next if ( $k eq 'IM' );
-            next if ( $k eq 'policy' );
-            if ( $k eq 'description' ) {
-                my $v = $form->field( name => $k ) || undef;
-                if ( defined( $v ) ) {
-                    $add->{$k} = $v;
-                } else {
-                    $del->{$k}++;
-                }
-                next;
-            } elsif ( $k =~ m/pwdCheckQuality/i ) {
-                my $checkquality = $form->field( name => $k ) || undef;
-                if ( defined( $checkquality ) ) {
-                    $add->{'pwdConstraintCheckQuality'} = 2;
-                } else {
-                    $del->{'pwdConstraintCheckQuality'}++;
-                }
-            }
-            next unless ( defined( $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} ) );
-            my $v = $form->field( name => $k ) || undef;
-            if ( !defined( $v ) ) {
-                $del->{$k}++;
-                $form->tmpl_param( 'if_' . $k, 0 );
-                next;
-            }
-            $form->tmpl_param( 'if_' . $k, 1 );
-            my $type = ${ $SNET::LdapNS::pwdPolicyAttributes->{$k} }[0];
-            if ( $type eq 'bool' ) {
-                $add->{$k} = ( ( $v =~ m/true/i ) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' );
-            } elsif ( $type eq 'extbool' ) {
-                $add->{$k} = 2;
-            } elsif ( $type eq 'nbool' ) {
-                $add->{$k} = 1;
-            } else {
-                $add->{$k} = $v;
-            }
-        }
-        $modpolicy->{'add'} = $add;
-        $modpolicy->{'del'} = $del;
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Cancel' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2' => 'Confirm' );
-    } elsif ( $form->submitted eq 'Confirm' ) {
-        my $entry;
-        eval {
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            SNET::LdapNS::updatePwdPolicy( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $IM, $policy, $modpolicy->{'add'}, $modpolicy->{'del'}, ) or die SNET::LdapNS::error( $ldap_snmc->{'label'} );
-            $session->param( 'message', 'policy modification successful' );
-            $session->clear( [qw(modpolicy pwdPolicies)] );
-            $entry = SNET::LdapNS::getPwdPolicy( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $policy, );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-        }
-        reset_actions();
-        if ( defined( $entry ) ) {
-            print_ns_headers( "LdapNS modify policies" );
-            render_ppolicyinfos( $entry, 1 );
-            print_ns_footers();
-        } else {
-            display_blank( "LdapNS modify policies" );
-        }
-    } else {
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit1' => 'Back' );
-        $form->tmpl_param( 'submit2' => 'Modify' );
-    }
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS modify policies" );
-    print $form->render();
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_policyinfos()
-    $POLICYINFOS = 1;
-    refresh_ppolicy();
-    my $policyInfos;
-    my $options = {};
-    my $validate = { policy => 'PPOLICYDN', };
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_policyinfos_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Display ppolicy',
-                                      fields     => [qw(policy audit)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/selectppolicy.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      javascript => 1,
-                                      validate   => $validate,
-                                      required   => 'policy',
-                                      submit     => 'Display',
-    );
-    my $pwdPolicies = $session->param( 'pwdPolicies' );
-    while ( my ( $dn, $values ) = each( %{$pwdPolicies} ) ) {
-        my $did = ${ $values->{'documentidentifier'} }[0];
-        if ( defined( $values->{'description'} )
-             && scalar( @{ $values->{'description'} } ) ) {
-            $options->{$dn} = $did . ' - ' . ${ $values->{'description'} }[0];
-        } else {
-            $options->{$dn} = $did;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted eq 'Display' ) {
-        eval {
-            die 'invalid parameters' unless $form->validate;
-            my @dids = $form->field( name => 'policy' );
-            die 'You must select at least one policy' unless ( scalar( @dids ) > 0 );
-            map { die "invalid policy `$_'" unless defined( $options->{$_} ) } @dids;
-            reconnect_ldap_snmc();
-            foreach my $did ( @dids ) {
-                my $infos = SNET::LdapNS::getPwdPolicy( $ldap_snmc->{'label'}, $did );
-                while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$infos} ) ) {
-                    $policyInfos->{$k} = $v;
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', $@ );
-            undef $policyInfos;
-        }
-    }
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'audit',
-                  type     => 'checkbox',
-                  comment  => 'Display auditInformation?',
-                  options  => 'yes',
-                  selected => 0,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'policy',
-                  options  => $options,
-                  sortopts => 'NAME',
-                  type     => 'select',
-                  size     => getsize_multipleselect( $options ),
-                  multiple => 1,
-    );
-    my $audit = ( defined( $form->field( name => 'audit' ) ) );
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS display password policies" );
-    print $form->render;
-    render_ppolicyinfos( $policyInfos, $audit ) if defined( $policyInfos );
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub display_policies()
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: entering display_policies\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    if ( defined( $params->{'action'} ) ) {
-        if ( $params->{'action'} eq 'modpolicy' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'modpolicy' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'delpolicy' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'delpolicy' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'addpolicy' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'addpolicy' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'policyinfos' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'policyinfos' );
-        }
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session->param( 'action' ) ) ) {
-        if ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'addpolicy' ) {
-            display_addpolicy();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'delpolicy' ) {
-            display_delpolicy();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'modpolicy' ) {
-            display_modpolicy();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'policyinfos' ) {
-            display_policyinfos();
-        } else {
-            $session->clear( ['action'] );
-        }
-    }
-    display_blank( "LdapNS passwords policies management" );
-sub display_homepage()
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: entering display_homepage\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    if ( defined( $params->{'action'} ) ) {
-        if ( $params->{'action'} eq 'passwd' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'passwd' );
-        } elsif ( $params->{'action'} eq 'info' ) {
-            $session->param( 'action', 'info' );
-        }
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session->param( 'action' ) ) ) {
-        if ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'passwd' ) {
-            display_passwd();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'action' ) eq 'info' ) {
-            $INFO = 1;
-            print_ns_headers( "LdapNS homepage" );
-            render_userinfos( $session->param( 'userInfos' ) );
-            print_ns_footers();
-        } else {
-            $session->clear( ['action'] );
-        }
-    }
-    display_blank( "LdapNS homepage" );
-sub dispatch()
-    print STDERR "ldap_NS.pl: entering dispatch\n" if ( $debug > 2 );
-    $session->expire( '+1h' );
-    $LOGIN = 0;
-    $isAdmin = $session->param( 'isAdmin' );
-    $debug = 1 if ( ( $isAdmin ) && ( $debug < 2 ) );
-    if ( defined( $params->{'tab'} ) ) {
-        $session->param( 'tab', $params->{'tab'} );
-    }
-    if ( defined( $session->param( 'tab' ) ) ) {
-        if ( $session->param( 'tab' ) eq 'users' ) {
-            $TAB_USERS = 1;
-            display_users();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'tab' ) eq 'groups' ) {
-            $TAB_GROUPS = 1;
-            display_groups();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'tab' ) eq 'ppolicies' ) {
-            $TAB_POLICY = 1;
-            display_policies();
-        } elsif ( $session->param( 'tab' ) eq 'home' ) {
-            $TAB_HOME = 1;
-            display_homepage();
-        }
-    }
-    display_blank( "LdapNS homage" );
-sub display_login()
-    $LOGIN = 1;
-    my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
-                                      name       => 'ldapns_login_form',
-                                      header     => 0,
-                                      stylesheet => 1,
-                                      styleclass => 'ldapns_fb',
-                                      text       => 'Sign in',
-                                      fields     => [qw(uid password action)],
-                                      template   => $templatedir . '/login.tmpl',
-                                      method     => 'post',
-                                      required   => 'ALL',
-                                      sticky     => 1,
-                                      submit     => 'Sign-up',
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'password',
-                  type     => 'password',
-                  label    => 'password',
-                  required => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name     => 'uid',
-                  label    => 'login',
-                  comment  => 'uid of full dn',
-                  required => 1,
-    );
-    $form->field(
-                  name  => 'action',
-                  type  => 'hidden',
-                  value => 'login'
-    );
-    if ( defined( $session ) ) {
-        if ( defined( $session->param( 'user' ) ) ) {
-            $form->field( name  => 'uid',
-                          value => $session->param( 'user' ), );
-        }
-    } elsif ( defined( $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"} ) ) {
-        my $AuthUser = $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"};
-        $AuthUser =~ s/uid=//;
-        $AuthUser =~ s/,.*$//g;
-        $form->field( name  => 'uid',
-                      value => $AuthUser, );
-    }
-    if ( $form->submitted ) {
-        eval {
-            die "missing required field `login'" unless ( defined( $form->field( name => 'uid' ) ) && ( length( $form->field( name => 'uid' ) ) > 0 ) );
-            $ldap_snmc->{'user'} = $form->field( name => 'uid' );
-            die "missing required field `password'" unless ( defined( $form->field( name => 'password' ) ) && ( length( $form->field( name => 'password' ) ) > 0 ) );
-            $ldap_snmc->{'password'} = $form->field( name => 'password' );
-            die 'invalid or missing parameters' unless $form->validate();
-            connect_ldap_snmc( $ldap_snmc->{'user'}, $ldap_snmc->{'password'}, 0 );
-        };
-        if ( $@ ) {
-            $error = $@;
-        } else {
-            dispatch();
-        }
-    }
-    $key = CGI::Session::ID::md5::generate_id();
-    print_ns_headers( "LdapNS authentication" );
-    parse_messages();
-    $form->tmpl_param( 'error'     => defined( $error ) );
-    $form->tmpl_param( 'error_msg' => $error );
-    print $form->render( sticky => ( $form->submitted ? 1 : 0 ) );
-    print_ns_footers();
-sub check_remote_infos()
-    eval {
-        die 'Unauthorized access from unknown source' unless ( defined( $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} ) && defined( $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"} ) );
-        my $remote_addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} || '';
-        $audit_user = $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"} || '';
-        my $auth_ok = 0;
-        foreach my $auth_ip ( @{$authorized_ip} ) {
-            $auth_ok = 1, last if ( $auth_ip eq $remote_addr );
-        }
-        unless ( $auth_ok ) {
-            foreach my $auth_ip ( @{$authorized_ip_regex} ) {
-                $auth_ok = 1, last if ( $remote_addr =~ /$auth_ip/ );
-            }
-        }
-        die "Unauthorized access from `$remote_addr'" unless $auth_ok;
-        my $client_ip = $ENV{'HTTP_CLIENT_IP'};
-        $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} = $client_ip, return if ( defined( $client_ip ) );
-        my $x_forwarded_for = $ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'};
-        $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} = $x_forwarded_for, return if ( defined( $x_forwarded_for ) );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $error = $@;
-        display_login;
-    }
-eval {
-    $cgi    = CGI->new;
-    $params = $cgi->Vars;
-    if ( $debug > 2 ) {
-        foreach my $hash ( \%ENV, $params ) {
-            while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$hash} ) ) {
-                $v =~ s/./*/g if ( $k =~ m/password|old|new|repeat/ );
-                print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . $k . ', ' . $v . "\n";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    check_remote_infos();
-    my $hash = {};
-    if ( defined( $cgi->cookie( "SESSION_ID" ) ) ) {
-        $hash->{'sid'} = $cgi->cookie( "SESSION_ID" );
-    }
-    if ( defined( $cgi->cookie( "SESSION_KEY" ) ) ) {
-        $hash->{'key'} = $cgi->cookie( "SESSION_KEY" );
-    }
-    my $handler = CGI::Untaint->new( $hash );
-    # no key = no session at all
-    $key = $handler->extract( -as_printable => 'key' );
-    unless ( defined( $key ) ) {
-        print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . 'no session key readable from cookies' . "\n";
-        display_login();
-    }
-    # sid is created after successful connection to ldap
-    $sid = $handler->extract( -as_printable => 'sid' );
-    unless ( defined( $sid ) ) {
-        print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . 'no session id readable from cookies' . "\n";
-        display_login();
-    }
-    # we must load the session before checking logout
-    # for cleaning purpose
-    $session = CGI::Session->load( 'driver:chi', $sid, { 'driver' => 'Redis', 'namespace' => 'ldapcgi', 'server' => $redis_hostport, } ) or die CGI::Session->errstr;
-    if ( defined( $params->{'logout'} ) ) {
-        print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . 'You have been logged out' . "\n";
-        $error = 'You have been logged out' unless ( $session->is_empty );
-        $session->delete();
-        undef $session;
-        display_login();
-    }
-    if ( $session->is_expired ) {
-        print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . 'Your session is no longer valid' . "\n";
-        $session->delete();
-        undef $session;
-        $error = 'Your session is no longer valid';
-        display_login();
-    }
-    # session is empty in 2 cases:
-    # - cookies sent by ua are plain wrong
-    # - user is relogin after logout, thus is sending
-    # expired cookies
-    #
-    # BUG:
-    # Here is also, when logging with expired account,
-    # the session is not created, or not valid.
-    if ( $session->is_empty ) {
-        print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . 'Invalid empty session' . "\n";
-        print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . Dumper( $session );
-        $error = 'Invalid empty session';
-        $session->delete();
-        undef $session;
-        display_login();
-    }
-    # from here we should have a valid session object
-    $userMustChange = $session->param( 'userMustChange' );
-    if ( defined( $session->param( 'userInfos' ) ) ) {
-        $session->expires( 'userInfos', '+15m' );
-    } elsif ( $userMustChange ) {
-        display_passwd();
-    } else {
-        if ( defined( $session->param( 'isAdmin' ) ) ) {
-            $session->param( 'error', 'Your session has expired' );
-            print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: Invalid expired session: ' . Dumper( $session );
-            $error = 'Invalid expired session';
-            $session->delete();
-            undef $session;
-        }
-        display_login();
-    }
-    dispatch();
-if ( $@ ) {
-    print STDERR 'ldap_NS.pl: ' . $@ . "\n";
-exit 0;
-END {
-    if ( defined( $session ) ) {
-        $session->flush();
-    }
-    CGI::Session->find(
-        'driver:chi',
-        sub {
-            my ( $session ) = @_;
-            my $id = $session->id();
-            if ( $session->is_expired ) {
-                print STDERR "cleaning expired session `$id'\n" if ( defined( $id ) );
-                $session->delete();
-            }
-        },
-        { 'driver' => 'Redis', 'namespace' => 'ldapcgi', 'server' => $redis_hostport, }
-    );
diff --git a/bin/leankit_mindmap.py b/bin/leankit_mindmap.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a95d407c4dbe27c1834ad1579c7c7f431336f076..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/leankit_mindmap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import logging
-import argparse
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-from json import dumps as json_dumps
-hostname = os.uname()[1]
-whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-for pylib in list(sys.path):
-    if '/usr/local/lib' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-    elif '/export/home/snet/.local' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-''' BASE CONFIG '''
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-import snet.sloggly
-import library.leankit as leankit
-    logger = snet.sloggly.setup_custom_logger(script, logging.INFO)
-except Exception as e:
-    print("\n=======\n")
-    title = "Something went wrong. Please inform SS team."
-    msg = "Error initializing the snet logger: " + str(e) + " :: " + traceback.format_exc(5)
-    print(msg)
-    whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-    messages = [hostname, script, title, whoami, msg]
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    sys.exit(1)
-def obj_dump(obj):
-    '''
-      Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(obj):
-        if inspect.isclass(data):
-            print('name:%s' % (name))
-            print(data)
-def obj_dump_r(obj, level=0, deepth=2):
-    '''
-       Recursive Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-            print(msg)
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-            print(msg)
-        if level >= deepth:
-            continue
-        try:
-            obj_dump_r(getattr(obj, attr), level=level + 1)
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg += "Dump is stinking... crashed."
-            print(msg)
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-board', type=str, required=False,
-                    help='The leankit board name for the card creation', dest='leankit_board')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-board-id', type=int, required=False,
-                    help='The leankit board id for the card creation', dest='leankit_board_id')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# leankit validation:
-if args.leankit_board is None and args.leankit_board_id is None:
-    logger.error("leankit_board or leankit_board_id is not provided.")
-    logger.error("This is incompatible.")
-    print(parser.format_help())
-    sys.exit(1)
-leankit_board_id = None
-if args.leankit_board_id is not None:
-    leankit_board_id = args.leankit_board_id
-elif args.leankit_board is not None:
-    leankit_res = leankit.get_board(args.leankit_board)
-    # print(leankit_res)
-    '''
-        {'pageMeta': {'totalRecords': 2, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 100, 'startRow': 1, 'endRow': 2}, 'boards': [{'id': '31512088856393', 'title': 'DEV', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 4, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardAdministrator', 'level': {'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}}, {'id': '31512088544453', 'title': 'DEV-NMS3-phasein', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 4, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardAdministrator'}]}
-    '''
-    if leankit_res is None:
-        logger.error("Leankit board '%s': id is not found. Check the board name parameter." % args.leankit_board)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    leankit_board_id = leankit_res['id']
-# check lane
-leankit_res = leankit.get_board_detail(leankit_board_id)
-# print(json_dumps(leankit_res, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-leankit_lanes = dict()
-for ll in leankit_res['lanes']:
-    leankit_lanes[ll['id']] = ll['name']
-# Get Users
-leankit_users = dict()
-for ll in leankit_res['users']:
-    leankit_users[ll['id']] = ll['fullName']
-# Get board contents
-leankit_cards = dict()
-# leankit_res = leankit.get_board_detail(leankit_board_id)
-# limit 500 is max.
-leankit_res = leankit.get_cards(board_id=leankit_board_id, limit=500, offset=0)
-print(json_dumps(leankit_res, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-# print(leankit_res)
diff --git a/bin/leankit_user.py b/bin/leankit_user.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3ec49e8ba4c8323016790b391799f7f077cec4f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/leankit_user.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-from ldap3 import Server, Connection
-import sys
-import os
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import logging
-# import argparse
-from pprint import pformat
-import traceback
-import string
-import random
-hostname = os.uname()[1]
-whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-script = os.path.basename(__file__)
-for pylib in list(sys.path):
-    if '/usr/local/lib' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-    elif '/export/home/snet/.local' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-''' BASE CONFIG '''
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-import snet.sloggly
-import library.leankit as leankit
-    logger = snet.sloggly.setup_custom_logger(script, logging.INFO)
-except Exception as e:
-    print("\n=======\n")
-    title = "Something went wrong. Please inform SS team."
-    msg = "Error initializing the snet logger: " + str(e) + " :: " + traceback.format_exc(5)
-    print(msg)
-    whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-    messages = [hostname, script, title, whoami, msg]
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    sys.exit(1)
-def gen_password_leankit(length):
-    # define data
-    lower = string.ascii_lowercase
-    upper = string.ascii_uppercase
-    num = string.digits
-    # symbols = string.punctuation
-    # !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
-    # symbols = '(){}_-!*@,:=$?'
-    symbols = '_-!@*?'
-    # combine the data
-    all = lower + upper + num + symbols
-    the_dummy = lower + upper
-    # use random
-    temp = random.sample(the_dummy, 1) + random.sample(all, length - 2) + random.sample(the_dummy, 1)
-    # create the password
-    password = "".join(temp)
-    # print the password
-    # print(password)
-    return password
-def snet_ldap_get():
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SSL_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'BASE')
-    bfilter = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER')
-    groups = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'LEANKIT_GROUP').split(',')
-    attributes = ['uid', 'cn', 'member']
-    uattributes = ['uid', 'gecos', 'givenName', 'mail', 'st', 'description']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=True)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['groups'] = dict()
-    users = list()
-    gcn = list()
-    for group in groups:
-        filter = bfilter.replace('REPLACE', group)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=attributes)
-        results['groups'][group] = dict()
-        results['groups'][group]['users'] = list()
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if attributes[2] in entry['attributes']:
-                gcn.append(entry['dn'])
-                for g in entry['attributes'][attributes[2]]:
-                    u = g.split(',')[0].replace('uid=', '')
-                    results['groups'][group]['users'].append(u)
-                    if u not in users:
-                        users.append(u)
-    results['users'] = dict()
-    bfilter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|'
-    for g in gcn:
-        bfilter += '(memberOf=' + g + ')'
-    bfilter += '))'
-    filter = bfilter
-    ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                    search_filter=filter,
-                    attributes=uattributes)
-    for entry in ldap_con.response:
-        if uattributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-            if isinstance(entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]], list):
-                uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]][0]
-            else:
-                uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]]
-            results['users'][uid] = dict()
-            for g in uattributes:
-                if g not in entry['attributes']:
-                    continue
-                if isinstance(entry['attributes'][g], list):
-                    results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g][0]
-                else:
-                    results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g]
-            if 'lastname' not in results['users'][uid]:
-                results['users'][uid]['lastname'] = results['users'][uid]['gecos'].replace(' ' + results['users'][uid]['givenName'], '')
-            results['users'][uid]['membership'] = list()
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    for group in results['groups']:
-        for user in results['groups'][group]['users']:
-            results['users'][user]['membership'].append(group)
-    return results
-def ec_ldap_get_user(users=[]):
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_NAME')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'BASE')
-    uattributes = ['uid', 'building', 'c', 'departmentNumber', 'dg', 'ecInternationalTelephoneNumber', 'employeeType', 'euEmployeeStatusDetail', 'euEmployeeSubtype', 'floor', 'givenName', 'l', 'mail', 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'roomNumber', 'telephoneNumber', 'title', 'sn', 'cn']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=False)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['users'] = dict()
-    for user in users:
-        filter = "(&(objectclass=cudperson)(uid=%s))" % (user)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=uattributes)
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if uattributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-                if isinstance(entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]], list):
-                    uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]][0]
-                else:
-                    uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]]
-                results['users'][uid] = dict()
-                for g in uattributes:
-                    if g not in entry['attributes']:
-                        continue
-                    if isinstance(entry['attributes'][g], list):
-                        if len(entry['attributes'][g]) == 0:
-                            continue
-                        results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g][0]
-                    else:
-                        results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g]
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    return results
-def ec_ldap_get():
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_NAME')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'BASE')
-    groups = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'LEANKIT_GROUP').split(',')
-    attributes = ['uid', 'cn']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=False)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['groups'] = dict()
-    for group in groups:
-        filter = "(&(objectclass=*)(cudgroup=%s))" % (group)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=attributes)
-        results['groups'][group] = dict()
-        results['groups'][group]['description'] = "nothing"
-        results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users'] = list()
-        results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-groups'] = list()
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if attributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-                for g in entry['attributes'][attributes[0]]:
-                    results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users'].append(g)
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    return results
-def main():
-    dryrun = True
-    # note com is no inside for now
-    snet_groups = 'officials,mgt,net,pm,sd,sec,sup,com,tda'.split(',')
-    devnull_user = ['geirnal', 'lehonan', 'perreja', 'rotchri']
-    donotdelete = ['wim.oyen@global.ntt', 'david.deveen@global.ntt']
-    extra_leankit_results = list()
-    '''
-    extra_leankit_results.append({
-            'emailAddress': 'dbox1495@gmail.com',
-            'firstName': 'Daniel',
-            'lastName': 'BOX'
-            })
-    extra_leankit_results.append(
-            {
-            'emailAddress': 'koen.hauwaert@global.ntt',
-            'firstName': 'Koen',
-            'lastName': 'Hauwaert'
-            })
-    '''
-    extra_leankit_results_idx = list()
-    for uu in extra_leankit_results:
-        extra_leankit_results_idx.append(uu['emailAddress'])
-    snet_results = dict()
-    snet_results = snet_ldap_get()
-    print(pformat(snet_results))
-    ec_results = dict()
-    ec_results = ec_ldap_get_user(list(snet_results['users'].keys()))
-    print(pformat(ec_results))
-    '''
-           'yildmes': {'building': 'B-28',
-                       'c': 'BE',
-                       'departmentNumber': 'DIGIT.C.4.006',
-                       'dg': 'DIGIT',
-                       'ecInternationalTelephoneNumber': '+32 229-68623',
-                       'employeeType': 'E',
-                       'euEmployeeStatusDetail': 'A',
-                       'euEmployeeSubtype': 'PPW',
-                       'floor': '01',
-                       'givenName': 'Mesut',
-                       'sn': 'YILDIRIM',
-                       'cn': 'YILDIRIM Mesut',
-                       'l': 'BRU',
-                       'mail': 'Mesut.YILDIRIM@ext.ec.europa.eu',
-                       'physicalDeliveryOfficeName': 'B-28 01/P051',
-                       'roomNumber': 'P051',
-                       'telephoneNumber': '68623',
-                       'title': 'Mr',
-                       'uid': 'yildmes'},
-    '''
-    snet_mail_index = dict()
-    bad_user = list()
-    for user in snet_results['users']:
-        # print(user)
-        if user not in ec_results['users']:
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        if 'dg' not in ec_results['users'][user]:
-            logger.error("%s do not have a dg" % (user))
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        if ec_results['users'][user]['dg'] != 'DIGIT':
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        if ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber'] not in ['DIGIT.C.4', 'DIGIT.C.4.002', 'DIGIT.C.4.003', 'DIGIT.C.4.006', 'DIGIT.C.4.008']:
-            # this is not declared as snet
-            print('skipping ' + user + ' dpt: ' + ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber'])
-            continue
-        real_member = False
-        for gr in snet_results['users'][user]['membership']:
-            if gr in snet_groups:
-                real_member = True
-                break
-        if real_member is False:
-            # this is not declared as snet
-            continue
-        if 'mail' not in ec_results['users'][user]:
-            print('Houston no mail, no mail...')
-            print(pformat(ec_results['users'][user]))
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        snet_mail_index[ec_results['users'][user]['mail']] = user
-    print('Bad User: ' + pformat(bad_user))
-    print('Snet User: ' + pformat(snet_mail_index))
-    leankit_global = list()
-    leankit_results = leankit.get_users()
-    # print(pformat(leankit_results))
-    '''
-           {
-            'accountOwner': False,
-            'administrator': False,
-            'boardCreator': False,
-            'dateFormat': 'dd/MM/yyyy',
-            'deleted': False,
-            'emailAddress': 'Mesut.YILDIRIM@ext.ec.europa.eu',
-            'enabled': True,
-            'externalUserName': None,
-            'firstName': 'Mesut',
-            'fullName': 'Mesut YILDIRIM',
-            'lastAccess': None,
-            'lastName': 'YILDIRIM',
-            'timeZone': 'Europe/Paris',
-            'username': 'Mesut.YILDIRIM@ext.ec.europa.eu'
-           }
-    '''
-    try:
-        leankit_inv_results = leankit.get_invitations()
-    except Exception as e:
-        leankit_inv_results = None
-        logger.error(e)
-    # print(pformat(leankit_inv_results))
-    '''
-           {
-            'acceptDate': None,
-            'creationDate': '2021-10-18T12:32:19.000Z',
-            'emailAddress': 'mihai.stoian@ec.europa.eu',
-            'emailDateSent': '2021-10-18T12:32:19.000Z',
-            'emailSendStatus': 'success',
-            'id': '31512089806391',
-            'invitedUser': None,
-            'invitingUser': {'emailAddress': 'Romain.WISNIEWSKI@ext.ec.europa.eu',
-                             'enabled': True,
-                             'firstName': 'Romain',
-                             'fullName': 'Romain WISNIEWSKI',
-                             'id': '31512085836484',
-                             'isDeleted': False,
-                             'lastName': 'WISNIEWSKI'},
-            'isExpired': False,
-            'isRevoked': False
-           },
-    '''
-    snet_mail_index_lc = {k.lower(): v for k, v in snet_mail_index.items()}
-    print(snet_mail_index_lc)
-    leankit_account = list()
-    for duser in leankit_results['users']:
-        # print(duser)
-        if 'enabled' in duser and duser['enabled'] is False:
-            continue
-        if duser['emailAddress'] not in snet_mail_index and duser['emailAddress'].lower() not in snet_mail_index_lc and duser['emailAddress'] not in donotdelete and duser['emailAddress'].lower() not in donotdelete and duser['emailAddress'].lower() not in extra_leankit_results_idx:
-            print('Leankit user ' + duser['emailAddress'] + ' should be deleted. Doing nothing for now.')
-            continue
-        leankit_account.append(duser['emailAddress'])
-    if leankit_inv_results is not None:
-        for duser in leankit_inv_results['invitations']:
-            # print(duser)
-            if 'isExpired' in duser and duser['isExpired'] is True:
-                continue
-            if 'isRevoked' in duser and duser['isRevoked'] is True:
-                continue
-            if duser['emailAddress'] not in snet_mail_index and duser['emailAddress'].lower() not in snet_mail_index_lc and duser['emailAddress'] not in donotdelete and duser['emailAddress'].lower() not in donotdelete and duser['emailAddress'].lower() not in extra_leankit_results_idx:
-                print('Leankit user ' + duser['emailAddress'] + ' should be deleted.')
-                continue
-            leankit_account.append(duser['emailAddress'])
-    for usermail in snet_mail_index:
-        usermail_lc = usermail.lower()
-        if usermail not in leankit_account and usermail_lc not in leankit_account:
-            print('Leankit user ' + snet_mail_index[usermail] + ' : ' + usermail + ' should be added.')
-            if snet_mail_index[usermail] in devnull_user:
-                continue
-            leankit_user = dict()
-            leankit_user['emailAddress'] = usermail
-            leankit_user['firstName'] = ec_results['users'][snet_mail_index[usermail]]['givenName']
-            leankit_user['lastName'] = ec_results['users'][snet_mail_index[usermail]]['sn']
-            leankit_user['timeZone'] = 'Europe/Paris'
-            leankit_user['password'] = gen_password_leankit(10)
-            leankit_user['dateFormat'] = 'dd/MM/yyyy'
-            print(leankit_user)
-            if not dryrun:
-                leankit_new_result = leankit.create_user(leankit_user)
-                print(pformat(leankit_new_result))
-            else:
-                print('dryrun mode: should be creating the user ' + leankit_user['emailAddress'])
-    for user in extra_leankit_results:
-        usermail = user['emailAddress']
-        usermail_lc = usermail.lower()
-        if usermail not in leankit_account and usermail_lc not in leankit_account:
-            print('Leankit user ' + usermail + ' should be added.')
-            leankit_user = dict()
-            leankit_user['emailAddress'] = usermail
-            leankit_user['firstName'] = user['firstName']
-            leankit_user['lastName'] = user['lastName']
-            leankit_user['timeZone'] = 'Europe/Paris'
-            leankit_user['password'] = gen_password_leankit(10)
-            leankit_user['dateFormat'] = 'dd/MM/yyyy'
-            print(leankit_user)
-            if not dryrun:
-                leankit_new_result = leankit.create_user(leankit_user)
-                print(pformat(leankit_new_result))
-            else:
-                print('dryrun mode: should be creating the user ' + usermail)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/bin/redmine_create_issue b/bin/redmine_create_issue
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f39fdaa3875495d0a5ae97072708b0110723246..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/redmine_create_issue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import argparse
-import pprint
-# import inspect
-# import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-# import requests
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-basedir = '/opt/SNet/scm'
-Tracker_List = ['Bug', 'Feature', 'Service Improvement']
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', type=str, default='local',
-                    help='The project to restrict: ALL for all',
-                    dest='project')
-parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', '--title', type=str, required=True,
-                    help='The issue title and description',
-                    dest='title')
-parser.add_argument('-o', '--owner', type=str, required=True,
-                    help='The owner of the new issue',
-                    dest='owner')
-parser.add_argument('--type', type=str, required=True, choices=Tracker_List,
-                    help='The type of issue', dest='tracker')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# project_filter = 'ALL'
-project_filter = args.project
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-REDMINE_VERSION = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'VERSION')
-redmine = None
-if project_filter == 'local':
-    # cmd = ("pwd")
-    # cmd = ("hg config paths.default || git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    cmds = []
-    # cmds.append('git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || hg root 2>/dev/null || echo "$PWD"')
-    # cmds.append('git rev-parse --show-toplevel || hg root || echo "$PWD"')
-    # cmds.append("hg config paths.default || git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    cmds.append("hg config paths.default")
-    cmds.append("git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    vcs = ''
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        # print("hg-git cmd: %s" % (cmd))
-        # print("hg-git cmd: %s" % (shlex.split(cmd)))
-        try:
-            output = check_output((shlex.split(cmd)),
-                                  stderr=None,
-                                  shell=True)
-        except CalledProcessError as ex:
-            output = ex.output
-        # print("hg-git output: '%s'" % (output))
-        # print('-----------------')
-        # continue
-        if output == '':
-            continue
-        if ':/' in output and '.git' in output:
-            vcs = 'git'
-            break
-        elif '//' in output:
-            vcs = 'hg'
-            break
-    # sys.exit(1)
-    if vcs == '':
-        print("bad repo: %s, abort." % (output))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if vcs == 'hg':
-        match = re.search(r'^.*/(/.*)$', output)
-    elif vcs == 'git':
-        match = re.search(r'^.*:(/.*)$', output)
-    if match:
-        repo = match.group(1)
-    else:
-        print("bad repo: %s, abort." % (output))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print("repo: %s" % (repo))
-    redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME),
-                      key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle},
-                      version=REDMINE_VERSION)
-    red_projects = redmine.project.all(offset=0, limit=1000, include='repositories')
-    for u in red_projects:
-        # print(u)
-        # print('%s' % (u.id))
-        # print('%s' % (u.name))
-        # print('%s' % (u.identifier))
-        if len(u.repositories) == 0:
-            continue
-        elif str(repo) == u.repositories[0]['url']:
-            print("found project %s" % (u.name))
-            project_filter = u.name
-            break
-if redmine is None:
-    redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME),
-                      key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle},
-                      version=REDMINE_VERSION)
-status_id = None
-statuses = redmine.issue_status.all()
-for st in statuses:
-    # print(st.id, st)
-    if str(st) == 'Assigned':
-        # print(st.id, st)
-        status_id = st.id
-        break
-if status_id is None:
-    print("status not found.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-tracker_id = None
-trackers = redmine.tracker.all()
-for tr in trackers:
-    # print(tr.id, tr)
-    if str(tr) == args.tracker:
-        # print(tr.id, tr)
-        tracker_id = tr.id
-        break
-if tracker_id is None:
-    print("tracker not found.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-#priority_id = None
-#priorities = redmine.priority.all()
-#for pr in priorities:
-#    print(pr.id, pr)
-#    continue
-#    if str(pr) == args.priority:
-#        # print(tr.id, tr)
-#        priority_id = tr.id
-#        break
-#if priority_id is None:
-#    print("priority not found.")
-#    sys.exit(1)
-# user = redmine.user.get(args.owner)
-user_id = None
-users = redmine.user.filter(name=args.owner)
-for usr in users:
-    # print(usr.id, usr, usr.login)
-    if str(usr.login) == args.owner:
-        # print(usr.id, usr)
-        user_id = usr.id
-        break
-if user_id is None:
-    print("user not found.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-# issues = redmine.issue.filter(status_id='open', sort='project:asc,id:asc')
-# >>> project = redmine.project.get('vacation')
-# >>> project.issues
-issue = redmine.issue.new()
-issue.project_id = project_filter
-issue.subject = args.title
-issue.description = args.title
-issue.tracker_id = tracker_id
-issue.status_id = status_id
-# issue.priority_id = 7
-issue.assigned_to_id = user_id
-print('#%s' % (str(issue.id)))
-print('%s fixes #%s' % (str(args.title), str(issue.id)))
diff --git a/bin/redmine_create_repo.py b/bin/redmine_create_repo.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 28570c1a0bfa9bbeae14bb384c28bf468400cff5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/redmine_create_repo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import pprint
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-import requests
-import time
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-# find /opt/SNet/scm -path '*/.hg' -prune -o -type d -path '*/.hg' | grep -v '^.hg$' | sed 's/\/\.hg$//' | xargs -n1 -P1 -I% echo % && sudo -u www-data RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner "Repository.find_by_url('%').fetch_changesets"
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME), key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle}, version='3.4.4')
-project_name = "bind9-bindhg-snet"
-repo_url = "/opt/SNet/scm/pkg/bind9-snet/bind9-bindhg-snet"
-u = redmine.project.get(project_name, include='enabled_modules,repositories')
-print('%s:%s:%s' % (u.id, u.identifier, u.name))
-if 'repository' not in u.enabled_modules:
-    print("Repository is not activated for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (u.id, u.identifier, u.name))
-    sys.exit(1)
-#    continue
-elif len(u.repositories) > 0:
-    print("Repository is not defined for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (u.id, u.identifier, u.name))
-    sys.exit(1)
-#    continue
-redmine_url = "%s://%s/sys/projects/%s/repository?key=%s" % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, u.id, REDMINE_WS_KEY)
-# print('curl -s "%s"' % (redmine_url))
-# curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id": "3581", "vendor": "Mercurial", "repository": {"url": "/opt/SNet/scm/pkg/bind9-snet/bind9-bindhg-snet", "identifier":"bind9-bindhg-snet"}}' "https://redmine.snmc.cec.eu.int/sys/projects/3581/repository?key=tU0LvEthIX4cMzCI9YPI"
-print('curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d \'{"id": "%s", "vendor": "Mercurial", "repository": {"identifier": "%s", "url": "%s"}}\' "%s"' % (u.id, u.name, repo_url, redmine_url))
-    time.sleep(120)
-    try:
-        response = requests.get(redmine_url,
-                                allow_redirects=True,
-                                # headers=headers,
-                                verify=CA_bundle)
-    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
-        print('%s: %s' % (redmine_url, str(e)))
-        time.sleep(360)
-        continue
-    except Exception as e:
-        print('Generic: %s' % (str(e)))
-        time.sleep(360)
-        continue
-    if response.status_code == 200:
-        print(response.content)
-    else:
-        print('ERROR')
-        print(response.status_code)
-        print(response.content)
-        time.sleep(360)
diff --git a/bin/redmine_create_sc_projects.py b/bin/redmine_create_sc_projects.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e5395c4ec5511f222926b14e19e3e9792a4b8e58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/redmine_create_sc_projects.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import pprint
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-import requests
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-basedir = '/opt/SNet/scm'
-wanted_membership = {}
-wanted_membership['com'] = 'Reporter'
-wanted_membership['mgt'] = 'Reporter'
-wanted_membership['officials'] = 'Reporter'
-wanted_membership['net'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['pi'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['sd'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['sec'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['sup'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['tda'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['pm'] = 'Manager'
-cmd = ("ssh vcodebox-lu find %s -path '\*/.hg' -prune -o -type d -path '\*/.hg' | grep -v '^.hg$'" % (basedir))
-    output = check_output((shlex.split(cmd)), stderr=STDOUT, shell=False)
-except CalledProcessError as ex:
-    output = ex.output
-# print(output)
-folder_projects = []
-for l in output.splitlines():
-    if not l.startswith(basedir):
-        continue
-    if not l.endswith('/.hg'):
-        continue
-    if l == basedir + '/.hg':
-        continue
-    if 'archive_' in l:
-        continue
-    pat = l.replace('/.hg', '').replace(basedir + '/', '')
-    # print("%s %s" % (l, pat))
-    folder_projects.append(pat)
-def obj_dump(obj):
-    '''
-      Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-        except:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(obj):
-        if inspect.isclass(data):
-            print('name:%s' % (name))
-            print(data)
-def obj_dump_r(obj, level=0, deepth=2):
-    '''
-       Recursive Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-            print(msg)
-        except:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-            print(msg)
-        if level >= deepth:
-            continue
-        try:
-            obj_dump_r(getattr(obj, attr), level=level+1)
-        except:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += "Dump is stinking... crashed."
-            print(msg)
-def redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, pj_id, pj_ident, repository_url):
-    '''
-       curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id": "3581", "vendor": "Mercurial", "repository": {"url": "/opt/SNet/scm/pkg/bind9-snet/bind9-bindhg-snet", "identifier":"bind9-bindhg-snet"}}' "https://redmine.snmc.cec.eu.int/sys/projects/3581/repository?key=tU0LvEthIX4cMzCI9YPI"
-    '''
-    redmine_url = "%s://%s/sys/projects/%s/repository?key=%s" % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, pj_id, REDMINE_WS_KEY)
-    playload = {}
-    playload['id'] = pj_id
-    playload['vendor'] = 'Mercurial'
-    playload['repository'] = {}
-    playload['repository']['identifier'] = pj_ident
-    playload['repository']['url'] = repository_url
-    try:
-        response = requests.post(redmine_url,
-                                 json=playload,
-                                 allow_redirects=True,
-                                 verify=CA_bundle)
-    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
-        self.logger.error('%s: %s' % (redmine_url, str(e)))
-        return None
-    except Exception as e:
-        self.logger.error('Generic: %s' % (str(e)))
-        return None
-    if response.status_code == 201:
-        print('OK')
-        print(response.content)
-        return None
-    else:
-        print('ERROR')
-        print(response.status_code)
-        print(response.content)
-        return None
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME), key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle}, version='3.4.4')
-all_red_parent = {}
-all_red_pj = {}
-all_red_cross_pj = {}
-red_projects = redmine.project.all(offset=0, limit=1000, include='enabled_modules,repositories,trackers')
-for u in red_projects:
-    # print(u)
-    # print('%s' % (u.id))
-    # print('%s' % (u.name))
-    # print('%s' % (u.identifier))
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier] = {}
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['id'] = u.id
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['name'] = u.name
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['identifier'] = u.identifier
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['enabled_modules'] = u.enabled_modules
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['repositories'] = u.repositories
-    if hasattr(u, 'is_public'):
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['is_public'] = u.is_public
-    else:
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['is_public'] = False
-    if 'parent' in dir(u):
-        # print('parent:%s' % (u.parent))
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent'] = {}
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent']['name'] = u.parent.name
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent']['id'] = u.parent.id
-        # all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent']['identifier'] = u.parent.identifier
-        all_red_parent[u.parent.name+'/'+u.name] = u.identifier
-    if u.identifier == 'refconfig':
-        pp.pprint(all_red_pj[u.identifier])
-        # obj_dump(u)
-        # obj_dump_r(u, level=0, deepth=1)
-        print(u.enabled_modules)
-        print(u.repositories)
-        print(u.is_public)
-        print(list(u))
-        # sys.exit(0)
-    if u.name != u.identifier:
-        all_red_cross_pj[u.name] = u.identifier
-        # pp.pprint(all_red_cross_pj[u.name])
-    continue
-    print('%s' % (u.id))
-    print('%s' % (u.name))
-    print('%s' % (u.identifier))
-    if 'parent' in u:
-        print('%s' % (u.parent))
-red_groups = redmine.group.all()
-all_red_grp = {}
-for g in red_groups:
-    all_red_grp[g.name] = {}
-    all_red_grp[g.name]['id'] = g.id
-    all_red_grp[g.id] = {}
-    all_red_grp[g.id]['name'] = g.name
-# print(pp.pformat(all_red_grp))
-red_roles = redmine.role.all()
-all_red_rl = {}
-for r in red_roles:
-    all_red_rl[r.name] = {}
-    all_red_rl[r.name]['id'] = r.id
-    all_red_rl[r.id] = {}
-    all_red_rl[r.id]['name'] = r.name
-# print(pp.pformat(all_red_rl))
-# sys.exit(1)
-limit = 3000
-cpt = 0
-for pj in sorted(folder_projects):
-    if cpt > limit:
-        break
-    cpt += 1
-    print("----%s" % (pj))
-    if '/' in pj:
-        (parent, pjj) = pj.rsplit('/', 1)
-        if '/' in parent:
-            cnt = parent.count('/')
-            if cnt == 1:
-                if parent in all_red_parent:
-                    parent = all_red_parent[parent]
-                else:
-                    print("Parent '%s' with 1/ but not found (%s), creating pre-parent" % (parent, pj))
-                    prepa, ppa = parent.split('/')
-                    prepa_ident = prepa.lower().replace('.', '-')
-                    ppa_ident = ppa.lower().replace('.', '-')
-                    ''' Pre-parent check-up. '''
-                    if prepa_ident in all_red_pj:
-                        print("Pre-Parent '%s' is found" % (prepa))
-                        prepa_id = all_red_pj[prepa_ident]['id']
-                    elif prepa in all_red_cross_pj:
-                        print("Pre-Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (prepa))
-                        prepa_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[prepa]]['id']
-                    else:
-                        print("Pre-Parent '%s:%s' need to be created" % (prepa, prepa_ident))
-                        try:
-                            project = redmine.project.new()
-                            project.name = prepa
-                            project.identifier = prepa_ident
-                            project.description = prepa
-                            project.homepage = None
-                            project.is_public = True
-                            project.inherit_members = False
-                            project.parent_id = None
-                            project.enabled_module_names = []
-                            project.save()
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (parent, str(e)))
-                            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-                            sys.exit(1)
-                        prepa_id = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier] = {}
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['id'] = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['name'] = project.name
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['identifier'] = project.identifier
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['enabled_modules'] = project.enabled_modules
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['repositories'] = project.repositories
-                        if hasattr(project, 'is_public'):
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = project.is_public
-                        else:
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = False
-                    # Preparent membership
-                    print("membership prepa_id is %s." % (prepa_id))
-                    pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-                    pj_membership_del = []
-                    real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=prepa_id)
-                    for mb in real_membership:
-                        if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                            continue
-                        '''
-                        print("------------")
-                        print("membership")
-                        print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-                        print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-                        print("mb.roles")
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-                        '''
-                        if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                            for rl in mb.roles:
-                                if pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                                    del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                                else:
-                                    for rl in mb.roles:
-                                        pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-                        else:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-                    pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-                    for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-                        membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-                        membership.project_id = prepa_id
-                        # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-                        membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-                        membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-                        membership.save()
-                    pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-                    for mb in pj_membership_del:
-                        membership = redmine.project_membership.get(prepa_id)
-                        membership.delete(mb)
-                    ''' Parent check-up. '''
-                    if ppa_ident in all_red_pj:
-                        print("Parent '%s' is found" % (ppa))
-                        ppa_id = all_red_pj[ppa_ident]['id']
-                    elif ppa in all_red_cross_pj:
-                        print("Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (ppa))
-                        ppa_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[ppa]]['id']
-                    else:
-                        print("Parent '%s:%s' need to be created" % (ppa, ppa_ident))
-                        try:
-                            project = redmine.project.new()
-                            project.name = ppa
-                            project.identifier = ppa_ident
-                            project.description = ppa
-                            project.homepage = None
-                            project.is_public = True
-                            project.inherit_members = False
-                            project.parent_id = prepa_id
-                            project.enabled_module_names = []
-                            project.save()
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (ppa, str(e)))
-                            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-                            sys.exit(1)
-                        ppa_id = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier] = {}
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['id'] = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['name'] = project.name
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['identifier'] = project.identifier
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['enabled_modules'] = project.enabled_modules
-                        if hasattr(project, 'is_public'):
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = project.is_public
-                        else:
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = False
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['parent'] = {}
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['parent']['name'] = project.parent.name
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['parent']['id'] = project.parent.id
-                        all_red_parent[project.parent.name+'/'+project.name] = project.identifier
-            else:
-                match = re.search(r'^.*/([^/]+/[^/]+)$', parent)
-                if match.group(1) in all_red_parent:
-                    parent = all_red_parent[match.group(1)]
-                else:
-                    print("Parent '%s' need to be decomposed for %s, skipping for now" % (parent, pj))
-                    continue
-    else:
-        parent = None
-        pjj = pj
-    print("%s:%s" % (parent, pjj))
-    if parent:
-        parent_ident = parent.lower().replace('.', '-')
-    pj_ident = pjj.lower().replace('.', '-')
-    '''
-        PARENT
-    '''
-    if parent and parent_ident in all_red_pj:
-        print("Parent '%s' is found" % (parent))
-        parent_id = all_red_pj[parent_ident]['id']
-    elif parent and parent in all_red_cross_pj:
-        print("Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (parent))
-        parent_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[parent]]['id']
-    elif parent:
-        print("Parent '%s:%s' need to be created" % (parent, parent_ident))
-        try:
-            project = redmine.project.new()
-            project.name = parent
-            project.identifier = parent_ident
-            project.description = parent
-            project.homepage = None
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.parent_id = None
-            project.enabled_module_names = []
-            # project.enabled_modules = [] readonly attribute
-            # project.custom_fields = [{'id': 1, 'value': 'PE'}, {'id': 11, 'value': 'scm'}]
-            # list(project)
-            project.save()
-        except Exception as e:
-            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (parent, str(e)))
-            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-            break
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier] = {}
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['id'] = project.id
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['name'] = project.name
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['identifier'] = project.identifier
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = True
-        parent_id = project.id
-    else:
-        parent_id = None
-    if parent_id is not None:
-        project = redmine.project.get(parent_id)
-        project.is_public = True
-        project.inherit_members = False
-        project.save()
-        if 'enabled_modules' not in all_red_pj[parent_ident]:
-            print("No repository module activated for parent, OK")
-        elif 'repository' not in all_red_pj[parent_ident]['enabled_modules']:
-            print("No repository for parent, OK")
-        elif len(all_red_pj[parent_ident]['repositories']) == 0:
-            print("No repository for parent, OK")
-        else:
-            print("repository activated for parent should not")
-        print("membership parent_id is %s." % (parent_id))
-        pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-        pj_membership_del = []
-        real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=parent_id)
-        for mb in real_membership:
-            if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                continue
-            '''
-            print("------------")
-            print("membership")
-            print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-            print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-            print("mb.roles")
-            for rl in mb.roles:
-                print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-            '''
-            if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                for rl in mb.roles:
-                    if pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                        del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                    else:
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-            else:
-                pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-        pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-        for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-            membership.project_id = parent_id
-            # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-            membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-            membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-            membership.save()
-        pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-        for mb in pj_membership_del:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.get(parent_id)
-            membership.delete(mb)
-    '''
-        ITSELF
-    '''
-    if pjj in all_red_pj:
-        print("The project '%s' is found in all_red_pj." % (pjj))
-        repository_url = os.path.join(basedir, pj)
-        print("hg:%s:%s" % (pj_ident, repository_url))
-        pp.pprint(all_red_pj[pjj])
-        if parent and 'parent' in all_red_pj[pjj]:
-            if parent != all_red_pj[pjj]['parent']['name']:
-                print("Not the same parent %s:%s" % (parent, all_red_pj[pjj]['parent']['name']))
-                project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-                project.parent_id = parent_id
-                project.is_public = True
-                project.inherit_members = False
-                project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-                project.save()
-        elif parent:
-            print("Not the same parent %s:None" % (parent))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            project.parent_id = parent_id
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[pjj]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        if 'repository' not in all_red_pj[pjj]['enabled_modules']:
-            print("Repository is not activated for repo %s:%s" % (pjj, pj_ident))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[pjj]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif len(all_red_pj[pjj]['repositories']) == 0:
-            print("Repository URL is empty for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (pjj, pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj)))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[pjj]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif os.path.join(basedir, pj) != all_red_pj[pjj]['repositories'][0]['url']:
-            print("Repository URL is bad for repo %s:%s (%s <> %s)"
-                  % (pjj, pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj), all_red_pj[pjj]['repositories'][0]['url']))
-        # if all_red_pj[pjj]['is_public']:
-        # reset verything to is_public false
-        project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-        project.is_public = True
-        project.inherit_members = False
-        project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-        project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                        'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-        project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-        project.save()
-        print("membership all_red_pj id %s." % (all_red_pj[pjj]['id']))
-        pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-        pj_membership_del = []
-        real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-        # print('%s' % (pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)))
-        for mb in real_membership:
-            if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                continue
-            '''
-            print("------------")
-            print("membership")
-            print(list(mb))
-            print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-            print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-            print("mb.roles")
-            for rl in mb.roles:
-                print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-            if 'inherited' in mb:
-                if mb.inherited == True:
-                    print("inherited = True")
-                else:
-                    print("inherited = False")
-            '''
-            if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                for rl in mb.roles:
-                    if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership and pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                        del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                    else:
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-            else:
-                pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-        pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-        for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-            membership.project_id = all_red_pj[pjj]['id']
-            # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-            membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-            membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-            membership.save()
-        pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-        for mb in pj_membership_del:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            membership.delete(mb)
-    elif pjj in all_red_cross_pj:
-        print("The project '%s' is found in all_red_cross_pj." % (pjj))
-        repository_url = os.path.join(basedir, pj)
-        print("hg:%s:%s" % (pj_ident, repository_url))
-        pp.pprint(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]])
-        if parent and 'parent' in all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]:
-            if parent != all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['parent']['name']:
-                print("Not the same parent %s:%s" % (parent, all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['parent']['name']))
-        elif parent:
-            print("Not the same parent %s:None" % (parent))
-        elif 'parent' in all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]:
-            print("Not the same parent None:%s" % (all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['parent']['name']))
-        if 'repository' not in all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['enabled_modules']:
-            print("Repository is not activated for repo %s:%s" % (pjj, pj_ident))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif len(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['repositories']) == 0:
-            print("Repository URL is empty for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (pjj, pj_ident, repository_url))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif os.path.join(basedir, pj) != all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['repositories'][0]['url']:
-            print("Repository URL is bad for repo %s:%s (%s <> %s)"
-                  % (pjj, pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj), all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['repositories'][0]['url']))
-        # if all_red_pj[pjj]['is_public']:
-        # reset verything to is_public false
-        project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-        project.is_public = True
-        project.inherit_members = False
-        project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-        project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                        'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-        project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-        project.save()
-        print("membership all_red_cross_pj id %s." % (all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id']))
-        pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-        pj_membership_del = []
-        real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-        for mb in real_membership:
-            if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                continue
-            '''
-            print("------------")
-            print("membership")
-            print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-            print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-            print("mb.roles")
-            for rl in mb.roles:
-                print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-            '''
-            if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                for rl in mb.roles:
-                    if pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                        del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                    else:
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-            else:
-                pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-        pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-        for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-            membership.project_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id']
-            # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-            membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-            membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-            membership.save()
-        pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-        for mb in pj_membership_del:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-            membership.delete(mb)
-        # break
-    else:
-        print("The project '%s' need to be created." % (pj))
-        print("hg:%s:%s" % (pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj)))
-        if parent and parent in all_red_pj:
-            print("Parent '%s' is found" % (parent))
-        elif parent and parent in all_red_cross_pj:
-            print("Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (parent))
-        try:
-            print('id:%s' % (pj_ident))
-            project = redmine.project.new()
-            project.name = pjj
-            project.identifier = pj_ident
-            project.description = pjj
-            project.homepage = None
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.parent_id = parent_id
-            # project.enabled_modules = ['repository'] Readonly attribute
-            # project.custom_fields = [{'id': 1, 'value': 'PE'}, {'id': 11, 'value': 'scm'}]
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-            # list(project)
-            project.save()
-        except Exception as e:
-            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (pjj, str(e)))
-            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-            break
-    # try:
-    #     project = redmine.project.get(pjj)
-    # except ResourceNotFoundError as e:
-    #     print('The ressources is not found')
diff --git a/bin/redmine_fetch_changeset.py b/bin/redmine_fetch_changeset.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b7883ea8546ad80460b2cd5080c60d4cbd86c68b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/redmine_fetch_changeset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import pprint
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-import requests
-import time
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-# find /opt/SNet/scm -path '*/.hg' -prune -o -type d -path '*/.hg' | grep -v '^.hg$' | sed 's/\/\.hg$//' | xargs -n1 -P1 -I% echo % && sudo -u www-data RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner "Repository.find_by_url('%').fetch_changesets"
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME), key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle}, version='3.4.4')
-red_projects = redmine.project.all(offset=0, limit=1000, include='enabled_modules,repositories,trackers')
-for u in red_projects:
-    print('%s:%s:%s' % (u.id, u.identifier, u.name))
-    if 'repository' not in u.enabled_modules:
-        print("Repository is not activated for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (u.id, u.identifier, u.name))
-        continue
-    elif len(u.repositories) == 0:
-        print("Repository is not defined for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (u.id, u.identifier, u.name))
-        continue
-    redmine_url = "%s://%s/sys/fetch_changesets?key=%s&id=%s" % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, u.id)
-    # print('curl -s "%s"' % (redmine_url))
-    time.sleep(120)
-    try:
-        response = requests.get(redmine_url,
-                                allow_redirects=True,
-                                # headers=headers,
-                                verify=CA_bundle)
-    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
-        print('%s: %s' % (redmine_url, str(e)))
-        time.sleep(360)
-        continue
-    except Exception as e:
-        print('Generic: %s' % (str(e)))
-        time.sleep(360)
-        continue
-    if response.status_code == 200:
-        print(response.content)
-    else:
-        print('ERROR')
-        print(response.status_code)
-        print(response.content)
-        time.sleep(360)
diff --git a/bin/redmine_issue b/bin/redmine_issue
deleted file mode 100755
index 088c67b6a5fdc88aac65ab04cbe57f9087769907..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/redmine_issue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import argparse
-import pprint
-import inspect
-# import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-# import requests
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-basedir = '/opt/SNet/scm'
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', type=str, default='local',
-                    help='The project to restrict: ALL for all',
-                    dest='project')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-project_filter = 'ALL'
-project_filter = args.project
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-REDMINE_VERSION = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'VERSION')
-redmine = None
-def obj_dump(obj):
-    '''
-      Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-        except:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(obj):
-        if inspect.isclass(data):
-            print('name:%s' % (name))
-            print(data)
-def obj_dump_r(obj, level=0, deepth=2):
-    '''
-       Recursive Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-            print(msg)
-        except:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-            print(msg)
-        if level >= deepth:
-            continue
-        if isinstance(getattr(obj, attr), (int, str, unicode)):
-            continue
-        try:
-            obj_dump_r(getattr(obj, attr), level=level+1)
-        except:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += "Dump is stinking... crashed."
-            print(msg)
-if project_filter == 'local':
-    # cmd = ("pwd")
-    # cmd = ("hg config paths.default || git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    cmds = []
-    cmds.append("hg config paths.default")
-    cmds.append("git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    vcs = ''
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        # print("hg-git cmd: %s" % (cmd))
-        # print("hg-git cmd: %s" % (shlex.split(cmd)))
-        try:
-            output = check_output((shlex.split(cmd)),
-                                  stderr=STDOUT,
-                                  shell=False)
-        except CalledProcessError as ex:
-            output = ex.output
-        # print("hg-git output: '%s'" % (output))
-        if output == '':
-            continue
-        if ':/' in output and '.git' in output:
-            vcs = 'git'
-            break
-        elif '//' in output:
-            vcs = 'hg'
-            break
-    if vcs == '':
-        print("bad repo: %s, abort." % (output))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if vcs == 'hg':
-        match = re.search(r'^.*/(/.*)$', output)
-    elif vcs == 'git':
-        match = re.search(r'^.*:(/.*)$', output)
-    if match:
-        repo = match.group(1)
-    else:
-        print("bad repo: %s, abort." % (output))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print("repo: %s" % (repo))
-    redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME),
-                      key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle},
-                      version='3.4.4')
-    red_projects = redmine.project.all(offset=0, limit=1000, include='enabled_modules,repositories')
-    for u in red_projects:
-        if 'repository' not in u.enabled_modules:
-            continue
-        if 'issue_tracking' not in u.enabled_modules:
-            continue
-        # if obj.trackers
-        # print(u)
-        pp.pprint(u)
-        # obj_dump(u)
-        # obj_dump_r(u, level=0, deepth=1)
-        print("'%s' '%s' '%s'" % (u.id, u.name, u.identifier))
-        print(u.enabled_modules)
-        try:
-            if len(u.repositories) == 0:
-                continue
-        except Exception as e:
-            print('no repository: %s' % (str(e)))
-            continue
-        if str(repo) == u.repositories[0]['url']:
-            print("found project %s" % (u.name))
-            project_filter = u.name
-            break
-if redmine is None:
-    redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME),
-                      key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle},
-                      version=REDMINE_VERSION)
-if project_filter == 'ALL':
-    issues = redmine.issue.filter(status_id='open', sort='project:asc,id:asc')
-    issues = redmine.issue.filter(status_id='open', project_id=project_filter, sort='project:asc,id:asc')
-for i in issues:
-    msg = ('#%s' % (i.id))
-    if project_filter == 'ALL':
-        msg += (' p:%s\n' % (i.project))
-        msg += ('      status_id:%s\n' % (i.status))
-        msg += ('      priority_id:%s\n' % (i.priority))
-        msg += ('      tracker_id:%s\n' % (i.tracker))
-    else:
-        msg += ('      subject:%s\n' % (i.subject))
-    try:
-        msg += ('      assigned:%s\n' % (i.assigned_to.name))
-    except Exception as e:
-        pass
-    obj_dump(i)
-    print(dir(i))
-    print(i.custom_fields)
-    obj_dump(i.custom_fields)
-    print(redmine.custom_field.all())
-    print('cs:' + str(i.custom_fields.get(41)))
-    for cs in i.custom_fields:
-        print(cs)
-    # print('cs:' + str(i.custom_fields.['leankit']))
-    print(msg)
-    # print('project:%s' % (i.project))
-    # print('category:%s' % (i.category))
-    # i.url
-    # print('%s' % (u.identifier))
diff --git a/bin/redmine_leankit_create_issue b/bin/redmine_leankit_create_issue
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b7771a258324520182ee83092cf42ed98e82c06..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/redmine_leankit_create_issue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import logging
-import argparse
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-from json import dumps as json_dumps
-hostname = os.uname()[1]
-whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-for pylib in list(sys.path):
-    if '/usr/local/lib' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-    elif '/export/home/snet/.local' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-''' BASE CONFIG '''
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-import snet.sloggly
-import library.leankit as leankit
-    logger = snet.sloggly.setup_custom_logger(script, logging.INFO)
-except Exception as e:
-    print("\n=======\n")
-    title = "Something went wrong. Please inform SS team."
-    msg = "Error initializing the snet logger: " + str(e) + " :: " + traceback.format_exc(5)
-    print(msg)
-    whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-    messages = [hostname, script, title, whoami, msg]
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    sys.exit(1)
-def obj_dump(obj):
-    '''
-      Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(obj):
-        if inspect.isclass(data):
-            print('name:%s' % (name))
-            print(data)
-def obj_dump_r(obj, level=0, deepth=2):
-    '''
-       Recursive Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-            print(msg)
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-            print(msg)
-        if level >= deepth:
-            continue
-        try:
-            obj_dump_r(getattr(obj, attr), level=level + 1)
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg = 2 * level * ' '
-            msg += "Dump is stinking... crashed."
-            print(msg)
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-basedir = '/opt/SNet/scm'
-Tracker_List = ['Bug', 'Feature', 'Service Improvement']
-leankit_tracker_conversion = dict()
-leankit_tracker_conversion['Bug'] = 'Task'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['Feature'] = 'Task'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['DEV'] = dict()
-leankit_tracker_conversion['DEV']['Bug'] = 'Task'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['DEV']['Feature'] = 'Task'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['SEC'] = dict()
-leankit_tracker_conversion['SEC']['Bug'] = 'Incident'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['SEC']['Feature'] = 'Request'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['SEC']['Service Improvement'] = 'Improvement'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['NET'] = dict()
-leankit_tracker_conversion['NET']['Bug'] = 'Incident'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['NET']['Feature'] = 'Request'
-leankit_tracker_conversion['NET']['Service Improvement'] = 'Improvement'
-leankit_lane_conversion = dict()
-leankit_lane_conversion['DEV'] = "In Process"
-leankit_lane_conversion['SEC'] = "INPUT"
-leankit_lane_conversion['NET'] = "Input"
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', type=str, default='local',
-                    help='The project to restrict: ALL for all',
-                    dest='project')
-parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', '--title', type=str, required=True,
-                    help='The issue title and description',
-                    dest='title')
-parser.add_argument('-o', '--owner', type=str, required=True,
-                    help='The owner of the new issue',
-                    dest='owner')
-parser.add_argument('--type', type=str, required=True, choices=Tracker_List,
-                    help='The type of issue', dest='tracker')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-id', type=int, required=False,
-                    help='The leankit card id', dest='leankit_id')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-url', type=str, required=False,
-                    help='The leankit card url id', dest='leankit_url')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-create', action="store_true", default=False,
-                    help='The leankit create a card', dest='leankit_create')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-board', type=str, required=False,
-                    help='The leankit board name for the card creation', dest='leankit_board')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-board-id', type=int, required=False,
-                    help='The leankit board id for the card creation', dest='leankit_board_id')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-story-point', type=int, required=False, default=1,
-                    help='The leankit story point associated with the issue', dest='leankit_story_point')
-parser.add_argument('--leankit-header', type=str, required=False, default='',
-                    help='The leankit card header for the card creation', dest='leankit_header')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# leankit validation:
-if (args.leankit_id is not None or args.leankit_url is not None) and (args.leankit_create is True or args.leankit_board is not None or args.leankit_board_id is not None):
-    logger.error("leankit_id is provided with one of th option leankit_create leankit_board leankit_board_id.")
-    logger.error("This is incompatible.")
-    print(parser.format_help())
-    sys.exit(1)
-if args.leankit_id is None and args.leankit_url is None and args.leankit_create is False:
-    logger.error("leankit_id is not provided, but no card creation requested.")
-    logger.error("This is incompatible.")
-    print(parser.format_help())
-    sys.exit(1)
-if args.leankit_id is None and args.leankit_url is None and args.leankit_create is True and args.leankit_board is None and args.leankit_board_id is None:
-    logger.error("leankit_id is not provided, the leankit_create requested, but the leankit_board or leankit_board_id is not provided.")
-    logger.error("This is incompatible.")
-    print(parser.format_help())
-    sys.exit(1)
-if args.leankit_id is None and args.leankit_url is None and args.leankit_create is True and args.leankit_board is not None and args.leankit_board_id is not None:
-    logger.error("leankit_id is not provided, the leankit_create requested, but the leankit_board and leankit_board_id is provided.")
-    logger.error("This is incompatible.")
-    print(parser.format_help())
-    sys.exit(1)
-leankit_board_id = None
-leankit_card_id = None
-leankit_card_type_id = None
-leankit_user_id = None
-leankit_board_lane_id = None
-if args.leankit_url is not None:
-    leankit_card_id = str(args.leankit_url).replace('https://globalntt.leankit.com/card/', '')
-    # https://globalntt.leankit.com/card/31512091272763
-if args.leankit_id is not None:
-    leankit_card_id = str(args.leankit_id)
-if leankit_card_id is not None:
-    leankit_card_res = leankit.get_card(leankit_card_id)
-    print(leankit_card_res)
-    print(json_dumps(leankit_card_res, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-    if leankit_card_res['actualFinish'] is not None:
-        logger.error("Card is finished, so this is not possible")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if leankit_card_res['lane']['laneClassType'] == "archive":
-        logger.error("Card is finished, so this is not possible")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # check assigned
-    '''
-        "assignedUsers": [
-                {
-                    "avatar": "https://globalntt.leankit.com/avatar/show/31512085826382/?s=25",
-                    "emailAddress": "David.VERNAZOBRES@ext.ec.europa.eu",
-                    "firstName": "David",
-                    "fullName": "David VERNAZOBRES",
-                    "id": "31512085826382",
-                    "lastName": "VERNAZOBRES"
-                }
-            ],
-        {
-          "cardIds": ["945202295", "945233018"],
-          "userIdsToAssign": ["478440842", "583458214"],
-          "wipOverrideComment": "This is needed if user WIP is violated on a board"
-        }
-    '''
-if args.leankit_create is True and args.leankit_board_id is not None:
-    leankit_board_id = args.leankit_board_id
-    leankit_res = leankit.get_board_detail(args.leankit_board_id)
-    # print(leankit_res)
-    '''
-        {'pageMeta': {'totalRecords': 2, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 100, 'startRow': 1, 'endRow': 2}, 'boards': [{'id': '31512088856393', 'title': 'DEV', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 4, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardAdministrator', 'level': {'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}}, {'id': '31512088544453', 'title': 'DEV-NMS3-phasein', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 4, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardAdministrator'}]}
-    '''
-    if leankit_res is None:
-        logger.error("Leankit board '%s': id is not found. Check the board name parameter." % args.leankit_board)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    leankit_board_id = leankit_res['id']
-    leankit_board_name = leankit_res['title']
-elif args.leankit_create is True and args.leankit_board is not None:
-    leankit_res = leankit.get_board(args.leankit_board)
-    # print(leankit_res)
-    '''
-        {'pageMeta': {'totalRecords': 2, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 100, 'startRow': 1, 'endRow': 2}, 'boards': [{'id': '31512088856393', 'title': 'DEV', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 4, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardAdministrator', 'level': {'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}}, {'id': '31512088544453', 'title': 'DEV-NMS3-phasein', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 4, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardAdministrator'}]}
-    '''
-    if leankit_res is None:
-        logger.error("Leankit board '%s': id is not found. Check the board name parameter." % args.leankit_board)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    leankit_board_id = leankit_res['id']
-    leankit_board_name = leankit_res['title']
-if args.leankit_create is True:
-    leankit_res = leankit.get_cardtype_from_board(leankit_board_id)
-    # print(leankit_res)
-    # print(json_dumps(leankit_res, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-    if args.tracker not in leankit_tracker_conversion or (leankit_board_name in leankit_tracker_conversion and args.tracker not in leankit_tracker_conversion[leankit_board_name]):
-        logger.error("%s is not a valid leankit type conversion." % (args.tracker))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    for tt in leankit_res['cardTypes']:
-        if tt['name'] == leankit_tracker_conversion[args.tracker]:
-            leankit_card_type_id = tt['id']
-            break
-        elif leankit_board_name in leankit_tracker_conversion and args.tracker in leankit_tracker_conversion[leankit_board_name] and tt['name'] == leankit_tracker_conversion[leankit_board_name][args.tracker]:
-            leankit_card_type_id = tt['id']
-            break
-    if leankit_card_type_id is None:
-        print(leankit_res)
-        print(json_dumps(leankit_res, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-        logger.error("%s is not found in the leankit card type id." % (args.tracker))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # check lane
-    # leankit_board_lane_id
-    leankit_res = leankit.get_board_detail(leankit_board_id)
-    # print(json_dumps(leankit_res, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-    for ll in leankit_res['lanes']:
-        if ll['name'] == "In Process":
-            # print(ll)
-            leankit_board_lane_id = ll['id']
-            break
-        elif leankit_board_name in leankit_lane_conversion and ll['name'] == leankit_lane_conversion[leankit_board_name]:
-            leankit_board_lane_id = ll['id']
-            break
-    if leankit_board_lane_id is None:
-        logger.error('Lane in process is not found')
-        sys.exit(1)
-# project_filter = 'ALL'
-project_filter = args.project
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-REDMINE_VERSION = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'VERSION')
-redmine = None
-if project_filter == 'local':
-    # cmd = ("pwd")
-    # cmd = ("hg config paths.default || git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    cmds = []
-    # cmds.append('git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || hg root 2>/dev/null || echo "$PWD"')
-    # cmds.append('git rev-parse --show-toplevel || hg root || echo "$PWD"')
-    # cmds.append("hg config paths.default || git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    cmds.append("hg config paths.default")
-    cmds.append("git config --get remote.origin.url")
-    vcs = ''
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        # print("hg-git cmd: %s" % (cmd))
-        # print("hg-git cmd: %s" % (shlex.split(cmd)))
-        try:
-            output = check_output((shlex.split(cmd)),
-                                  stderr=None,
-                                  shell=True)
-        except CalledProcessError as ex:
-            output = ex.output
-        # print("hg-git output: '%s'" % (output))
-        # print('-----------------')
-        # continue
-        if output == '':
-            continue
-        if ':/' in output and '.git' in output:
-            vcs = 'git'
-            break
-        elif '//' in output:
-            vcs = 'hg'
-            break
-    # sys.exit(1)
-    if vcs == '':
-        print("bad repo: %s, abort." % (output))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if vcs == 'hg':
-        match = re.search(r'^.*/(/.*)$', output)
-    elif vcs == 'git':
-        match = re.search(r'^.*:(/.*)$', output)
-    if match:
-        repo = match.group(1)
-    else:
-        print("bad repo: %s, abort." % (output))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print("repo: %s" % (repo))
-    redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME),
-                      key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle},
-                      version=REDMINE_VERSION)
-    red_projects = redmine.project.all(offset=0, limit=1000, include='repositories')
-    for u in red_projects:
-        # print(u)
-        # print('%s' % (u.id))
-        # print('%s' % (u.name))
-        # print('%s' % (u.identifier))
-        if len(u.repositories) == 0:
-            continue
-        elif str(repo) == u.repositories[0]['url']:
-            print("found project %s" % (u.name))
-            project_filter = u.name
-            break
-if redmine is None:
-    redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME),
-                      key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle},
-                      version=REDMINE_VERSION)
-status_id = None
-statuses = redmine.issue_status.all()
-for st in statuses:
-    # print(st.id, st)
-    if str(st) == 'Assigned':
-        # print(st.id, st)
-        status_id = st.id
-        break
-if status_id is None:
-    print("status not found.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-tracker_id = None
-trackers = redmine.tracker.all()
-for tr in trackers:
-    # print(tr.id, tr)
-    if str(tr) == args.tracker:
-        # print(tr.id, tr)
-        tracker_id = tr.id
-        break
-if tracker_id is None:
-    print("tracker not found.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-# priority_id = None
-#  priorities = redmine.priority.all()
-# for pr in priorities:
-#    print(pr.id, pr)
-#    continue
-#    if str(pr) == args.priority:
-#        # print(tr.id, tr)
-#        priority_id = tr.id
-#        break
-# if priority_id is None:
-#    print("priority not found.")
-#    sys.exit(1)
-# user = redmine.user.get(args.owner)
-user_id = None
-user_email = None
-users = redmine.user.filter(name=args.owner)
-for usr in users:
-    # print(usr.id, usr, usr.login)
-    if str(usr.login) == args.owner:
-        # print(usr.id, usr)
-        user_id = usr.id
-        user_email = usr.mail
-        break
-if user_id is None:
-    logger.error("user not found.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-# print(user_email)
-leankit_res = leankit.get_user(user_email)
-# print(leankit_res)
-if leankit_res['pageMeta']['totalRecords'] != 1:
-    logger.error('user is not found uniquely in leankit')
-    sys.exit(1)
-leankit_user_id = leankit_res['users'][0]['id']
-if leankit_card_id is not None:
-    # check assigned
-    '''
-        "assignedUsers": [
-                {
-                    "avatar": "https://globalntt.leankit.com/avatar/show/31512085826382/?s=25",
-                    "emailAddress": "David.VERNAZOBRES@ext.ec.europa.eu",
-                    "firstName": "David",
-                    "fullName": "David VERNAZOBRES",
-                    "id": "31512085826382",
-                    "lastName": "VERNAZOBRES"
-                }
-            ],
-        {
-          "cardIds": ["945202295", "945233018"],
-          "userIdsToAssign": ["478440842", "583458214"],
-          "wipOverrideComment": "This is needed if user WIP is violated on a board"
-        }
-        leankit.card_assign
-        leankit_user_id
-    '''
-    if leankit_card_res['assignedUsers'] is None:
-        logger.error('missing assigned user check')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    assignee = False
-    logger.info(leankit_user_id)
-    for lean_user in leankit_card_res['assignedUsers']:
-        print(json_dumps(lean_user, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-        if lean_user['id'] == leankit_user_id:
-            assignee = True
-            break
-    if assignee is False:
-        logger.error('leankit card is not assigned to the current user.')
-        sys.exit(1)
-# issues = redmine.issue.filter(status_id='open', sort='project:asc,id:asc')
-# >>> project = redmine.project.get('vacation')
-# >>> project.issues
-issue = redmine.issue.new()
-issue.project_id = project_filter
-issue.subject = args.title
-issue.description = args.title
-issue.tracker_id = tracker_id
-issue.status_id = status_id
-# issue.priority_id = 7
-issue.assigned_to_id = user_id
-redmine_id = str(issue.id)
-if args.leankit_create is True:
-    leankit_card = dict()
-    leankit_card["boardId"] = str(leankit_board_id)
-    leankit_card["title"] = args.title
-    leankit_card["typeId"] = leankit_card_type_id
-    leankit_card["assignedUserIds"] = list()
-    leankit_card["assignedUserIds"].append(leankit_user_id)
-    leankit_card["description"] = args.title
-    leankit_card["laneId"] = leankit_board_lane_id
-    leankit_card["priority"] = "normal"
-    leankit_card["size"] = args.leankit_story_point
-    if leankit_board_name == 'DEV':
-        if args.tracker == 'Bug':
-            leankit_card["customIconId"] = "31512101365737"
-        # leankit_card["customId"] = dict()
-        # leankit_card["customId"]["value"] = args.leankit_header
-        # leankit_card["customId"]["prefix"] = '[' + leankit_board_name + '] '
-        # leankit_card["customId"]["url"] = None
-        leankit_card["customId"] = args.leankit_header
-    leankit_card["customFields"] = list()
-    # Custums field redmine_id
-    if leankit_board_name == 'DEV':
-        t = dict()
-        t["fieldId"] = "31512088868633"
-        t["value"] = int(redmine_id)
-        leankit_card["customFields"].append(t)
-    # print(json_dumps(leankit_card, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
-    leankit_res = leankit.create_card(leankit_card)
-    print(leankit_res)
-    leankit_id = leankit_res['id']
-    print(leankit_id)
-    # if leankit_card_id is not None:
-    leankit_path = [
-            {"op": "replace",
-             "path": "/customFields/0",
-             "value": {
-                 "fieldId": "31512088868633",
-                 "value": int(redmine_id)
-                 }
-             }]
-    leankit_res = leankit.update_card(leankit_card_id, leankit_path)
-    print(leankit_res)
-    leankit_id = leankit_card_id
-issue = redmine.issue.get(int(redmine_id))
-# print('redmine_issue:' + str(issue))
-issue.custom_fields = [{'id': 41, 'value': leankit_id}]
-# print('redmine_issue:' + str(issue.custom_fields))
-# print(issue.custom_field.all())
-# print(issue.custom_fields.get(41))
-print('#Redmine %s' % (redmine_id))
-print('#Leankit %s' % (leankit_id))
-print('%s lk:%s fixes #%s' % (str(args.title), str(leankit_id), redmine_id))
diff --git a/bin/sid_groups.py b/bin/sid_groups.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d1da025a07004690abc2223c8f296a1f49685e4e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/sid_groups.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-from ldap3 import Server, Connection
-import sys
-import os
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import logging
-import argparse
-import socket
-# import json
-from pprint import pformat
-import traceback
-hostname = os.uname()[1]
-whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-script = os.path.basename(__file__)
-for pylib in list(sys.path):
-    if '/usr/local/lib' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-    elif '/export/home/snet/.local' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-''' BASE CONFIG '''
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-import snet.sloggly
-from snet.diego import Diego
-from snet.scrat import Scrat
-    logger = snet.sloggly.setup_custom_logger(script, logging.INFO)
-except Exception as e:
-    print("\n=======\n")
-    title = "Something went wrong. Please inform SS team."
-    msg = "Error initializing the snet logger: " + str(e) + " :: " + traceback.format_exc(5)
-    print(msg)
-    whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-    messages = [hostname, script, title, whoami, msg]
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    sys.exit(1)
-def ec_ldap_get():
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_NAME')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'BASE')
-    groups = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SID_GROUP').split(',')
-    attributes = ['uid', 'cn']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=False)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['groups'] = dict()
-    for group in groups:
-        filter = "(&(objectclass=*)(cudgroup=%s))" % (group)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=attributes)
-        results['groups'][group] = dict()
-        results['groups'][group]['description'] = "nothing"
-        results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users'] = list()
-        results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-groups'] = list()
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if attributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-                for g in entry['attributes'][attributes[0]]:
-                    results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users'].append(g)
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    return results
-def sid_create_user_group(dfqdn, res_rw_user, block_to_update, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify)
-    (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratQuery(block_to_update, Full=True)
-    if str(scratres) != '200':
-        '''Scrat just add the vlan to the trunked list'''
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        to_print = '%s: %s' % (str(scratres), str(scrat_json))
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        if error_stop is True:
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.debug('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-                                     description='Script to synchronize the CUCM videoconference endpoints'
-                                                 'to SID')
-    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="increase output verbosity", dest='verbose')
-    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="increase output verbosity a lot", dest='debug')
-    parser.add_argument('--parameter', default=False,
-                        help="the login parameter to debug", dest='param')
-    parser.add_argument('-e', '--env', default=False, help="Set the wanted env", dest='env', nargs='?',
-                        choices=('dev', 'acc', 'prod'))
-    parser.add_argument('--dryrun', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="print but do nothing", dest='dryrun')
-    parser.add_argument('--error-stop', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="stop at the first errors", dest='error_stop')
-    parser.add_argument('--rw-user', default=False, required=True, help="Set the user doing the action in SID", dest='rw_user')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    dryrun = args.dryrun
-    debug = args.debug
-    logindebug = args.param
-    res_rw_user = args.rw_user
-    error_stop = args.error_stop
-    if debug:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    verify = True
-    if args.env is False:
-        logger.debug('Using the automatic env.')
-        fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
-    elif args.env == 'prod':
-        fqdn = ''
-        verify = False
-    elif args.env == 'acc':
-        fqdn = 'vworker0-lu.acc.snmc.cec.eu.int'
-    elif args.env == 'dev':
-        fqdn = 'vworker-dev.dev.snmc.cec.eu.int'
-    else:
-        logger.error('should not happen')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print('Using the SID backend: ' + fqdn)
-    diego = Diego(fqdn=fqdn, verify=verify)
-    snet_results = dict()
-    snet_results = ec_ldap_get()    
-    if debug:
-        logger.debug(pformat(snet_results))
-    context_uid = 666000002
-    (header,sid_groups) = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('list_user_groups', {})
-    if debug:
-        logger.debug(sid_groups)
-    for group in snet_results['groups']:
-        need_to_create = False   
-        block_to_update = {
-                        'name': group,
-                        'context': context_uid,
-                        'type': 'user group',
-                        'properties': {
-                        }
-                    }
-        if group not in sid_groups:
-            need_to_create = True
-        if debug:
-            logger.debug("GROUP -> " + group + " is to create: " + str(need_to_create))
-        if not dryrun and need_to_create is True:
-            sid_create_user_group(fqdn, res_rw_user, block_to_update, verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-        else:
-            logger.debug('dryrun')
-            to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-            for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-                logger.info('scrat %s cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-    sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/bin/sid_user.py b/bin/sid_user.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 82c751c076edd675f19552c3ea036ebcd0f765af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/sid_user.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1352 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-from ldap3 import Server, Connection
-import sys
-import os
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import logging
-import argparse
-import socket
-# import json
-from pprint import pformat
-import traceback
-hostname = os.uname()[1]
-whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-script = os.path.basename(__file__)
-for pylib in list(sys.path):
-    if '/usr/local/lib' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-    elif '/export/home/snet/.local' in pylib:
-        sys.path.remove(pylib)
-        continue
-''' BASE CONFIG '''
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-import snet.sloggly
-from snet.diego import Diego
-from snet.scrat import Scrat
-    logger = snet.sloggly.setup_custom_logger(script, logging.INFO)
-except Exception as e:
-    print("\n=======\n")
-    title = "Something went wrong. Please inform SS team."
-    msg = "Error initializing the snet logger: " + str(e) + " :: " + traceback.format_exc(5)
-    print(msg)
-    whoami = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-    messages = [hostname, script, title, whoami, msg]
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    sys.exit(1)
-def snet_ldap_get():
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SSL_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'BASE')
-    bfilter = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER')
-    groups = ldap_config.get('LDAP_SNET_NG', 'LEANKIT_GROUP').split(',')
-    attributes = ['uid', 'cn', 'member']
-    uattributes = ['uid', 'gecos', 'givenName', 'mail', 'st', 'description']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=True)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['groups'] = dict()
-    users = list()
-    gcn = list()
-    for group in groups:
-        filter = bfilter.replace('REPLACE', group)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=attributes)
-        results['groups'][group] = dict()
-        results['groups'][group]['users'] = list()
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if attributes[2] in entry['attributes']:
-                gcn.append(entry['dn'])
-                for g in entry['attributes'][attributes[2]]:
-                    u = g.split(',')[0].replace('uid=', '')
-                    results['groups'][group]['users'].append(u)
-                    if u not in users:
-                        users.append(u)
-    results['users'] = dict()
-    bfilter = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|'
-    for g in gcn:
-        bfilter += '(memberOf=' + g + ')'
-    bfilter += '))'
-    filter = bfilter
-    ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                    search_filter=filter,
-                    attributes=uattributes)
-    for entry in ldap_con.response:
-        # print(entry)
-        if uattributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-            if isinstance(entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]], list):
-                uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]][0]
-            else:
-                uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]]
-            results['users'][uid] = dict()
-            for g in uattributes:
-                if g not in entry['attributes']:
-                    continue
-                if isinstance(entry['attributes'][g], list):
-                    results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g][0]
-                else:
-                    results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g]
-            if 'lastname' not in results['users'][uid]:
-                results['users'][uid]['lastname'] = results['users'][uid]['gecos'].replace(' ' + results['users'][uid]['givenName'], '')
-            results['users'][uid]['membership'] = list()
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    for group in results['groups']:
-        for user in results['groups'][group]['users']:
-            results['users'][user]['membership'].append(group)
-    return results
-def ec_ldap_get_user(users=[]):
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_NAME')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'BASE')
-    uattributes = ['uid', 'building', 'c', 'departmentNumber', 'dg', 'ecInternationalTelephoneNumber', 'employeeType', 'euEmployeeStatusDetail', 'euEmployeeSubtype', 'floor', 'givenName', 'l', 'mail', 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'roomNumber', 'telephoneNumber', 'title', 'sn', 'cn']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=False)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['users'] = dict()
-    for user in users:
-        filter = "(&(objectclass=cudperson)(uid=%s))" % (user)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=uattributes)
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if uattributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-                if isinstance(entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]], list):
-                    uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]][0]
-                else:
-                    uid = entry['attributes'][uattributes[0]]
-                results['users'][uid] = dict()
-                for g in uattributes:
-                    if g not in entry['attributes']:
-                        continue
-                    if isinstance(entry['attributes'][g], list):
-                        if len(entry['attributes'][g]) == 0:
-                            continue
-                        results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g][0]
-                    else:
-                        results['users'][uid][g] = entry['attributes'][g]
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    return results
-def ec_ldap_get():
-    ldap_config_file = config_global.get('INI', 'LDAP')
-    ldap_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    ldap_config.optionxform(str())
-    ldap_config.optionxform = str
-    ldap_config.read(ldap_config_file)
-    server_name = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_NAME')
-    server_port = int(ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SERVER_PORT'))
-    user = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'USER')
-    password = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD')
-    basedn = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'BASE')
-    #groups = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'LEANKIT_GROUP').split(',')
-    groups = ldap_config.get('LDAP_EC', 'SID_GROUP').split(',')
-    attributes = ['uid', 'cn']
-    ldap_server = Server(server_name, port=server_port, use_ssl=False)
-    ldap_con = Connection(ldap_server, user, password, auto_bind=True)
-    results = dict()
-    results['groups'] = dict()
-    for group in groups:
-        filter = "(&(objectclass=*)(cudgroup=%s))" % (group)
-        ldap_con.search(search_base=basedn,
-                        search_filter=filter,
-                        attributes=attributes)
-        results['groups'][group] = dict()
-        results['groups'][group]['description'] = "nothing"
-        results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users'] = list()
-        results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-groups'] = list()
-        for entry in ldap_con.response:
-            if attributes[0] in entry['attributes']:
-                for g in entry['attributes'][attributes[0]]:
-                    results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users'].append(g)
-    ldap_con.unbind()
-    return results
-def sid_create_user(diego, dfqdn, res_rw_user, user, block_to_update, context_uid=666000002, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    try:
-        (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratQuery(block_to_update, Full=True)
-    except Exception as e:
-        scratres = '409'
-        scrat_json = 'Creation failed'
-    if str(scratres) != '200':
-        '''Scrat just add the vlan to the trunked list'''
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        to_print = '%s: %s' % (str(scratres), str(scrat_json))
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        if error_stop is True:
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.debug('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-def sid_associate_user_to_group(diego, user, ec_ldap_sid_results, scrat, logger):
-    """
-        Function that happen one user to the member of any group.
-        Args:
-            diego: Diego Object
-            user: User to assiciate
-            ec_ldap_sid_results: Data content related to LDAP
-            scrat: Scrat Object
-            logger: To print things.
-        Returns:
-            Void
-        Raises:
-            Scrat error, when appending wont work.
-    """
-    context_uid = 779000000
-    context_name = "AAA"
-    d_get = "auth_get_teams"
-    (h, d_grp_list) = diego._dieget(d_get, {})
-    d_grp_list = list(
-        {
-          "uid": x[0],
-          "name": x[1],
-          "properties": { "has as description": x[3]}
-        } for x in d_grp_list
-    )
-    # For non-existent group : Add-it manually or add the specific feature.
-    # Right to the top of this command.
-    for group in ec_ldap_sid_results['groups']:
-        if user in ec_ldap_sid_results['groups'][group]["mapped-ldap-users"]:
-            # Case : User in the current group. should be changed.
-            if list(x for x in d_grp_list if x["name"] == group):
-                # Case : Group exist in SID, ok for the edit.
-                group_uid = list(x["uid"] for x in d_grp_list if x["name"] == group)[0]
-                new_member = {
-                    "uid": group_uid,
-                    "name": group,
-                    "type": "team",
-                    "context": context_name,
-                    "properties": {
-                        "has as member": user
-                    }
-                }
-                logger.info(f"Try to update {group}...")
-                (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat.scratUpdate(new_member, overwrite_mode=False, line_only=False, Full=True)
-                if str(scratres) != '200':
-                    logger.error(f"Error when trying to add new member '{new_member}' in '{group}':")
-                    logger.error(f"{scrat_json}")
-                else:
-                    logger.info(f"Success !")
-def sid_update_user(diego, dfqdn, res_rw_user, user, block_to_update, context_uid=666000002, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    """
-        Update (petjere) : Remove useless error print format to have quick and simple error returned.
-        Also: Block the script if error returned from Scrat (should not happen at all)
-        2nd update : Workaround of the input.
-        --> The usage of dict format as value is not stable, use simple string as much as possible !
-    """
-    ''' delete: need to check the line exist if not 409'''
-    scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    try:
-        # logger.info(f"Before {block_to_update}...")
-        # logger.info('\n')
-        block_to_update = reformat_values(block_to_update, logger)
-        logger.info(f"Try to update {block_to_update}...")
-        (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratUpdate(block_to_update, overwrite_mode=True, Full=True)
-    except Exception as e:
-        scratres = '409'
-        scrat_json = 'Update Failed'
-        raise Exception(e)
-    if str(scratres) != '200':
-        raise Exception(f"{scrat_json}")
-    else:
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.debug('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-def reformat_values(scrat_req, logger):
-    """
-        Reformat scrat request to use as much as possible values in string.
-        Args:
-            scrat_req: Scrat request about to be reformat.
-        Returns:
-            Reformatted scrat request.
-        Raises:
-            Format error, if a case is not managed.
-    """
-    new_format = dict()
-    if "properties" not in scrat_req:
-        raise Exception(f"Missing properties on scrat request : '{scrat_req}'")
-    new_format["properties"] = dict()
-    for meta_prop in scrat_req:
-        if meta_prop == "properties":
-            continue
-        new_format[meta_prop] = scrat_req[meta_prop]
-    for prop in scrat_req["properties"]:
-        if isinstance(scrat_req["properties"][prop], str):
-            if not scrat_req["properties"][prop].strip():
-                continue
-            new_format["properties"][prop] = scrat_req["properties"][prop]
-        elif isinstance(scrat_req["properties"][prop], list):
-            if prop not in new_format["properties"]:
-                new_format["properties"][prop] = list()
-            for elt in scrat_req["properties"][prop]:
-                if isinstance(elt, str):
-                    if not elt.strip():
-                        continue
-                    new_format["properties"][prop].append(elt)
-                elif isinstance(elt, dict):
-                    new_format["properties"][prop].append(elt["name"])
-                else:
-                    raise Exception(f"Unmanaged case, yet: {elt}")
-            # Info : To remove duplicate.
-            new_format["properties"][prop] = list(set(new_format["properties"][prop]))
-        elif isinstance(scrat_req["properties"][prop], dict):
-            new_format["properties"][prop] = scrat_req["properties"][prop]["name"]
-        else:
-            raise Exception(f"Unmanaged case, yet: {scrat_req['properties'][prop]}")
-    return new_format
-def sid_add_user_to_department(diego, dfqdn, res_rw_user, user, uid, department, context_uid=666000002, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    results = diego.diegoGetObject(uid, context_uid)
-    logger.debug(results)
-    '''Scrat just add the vlan to the trunked list'''
-    block_to_update = {
-        'uid': uid,
-        'name': department,
-        'context': context_uid,
-        'type': results['type'],
-        'properties': {'has as member': user}
-    }
-    to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-    for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-        logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-    ''' delete: need to check the line exist if not 409'''
-    scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    try:
-        (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratUpdate(block_to_update, overwrite_mode=False, line_only=False, Full=True)
-    except Exception as e:
-        scrat_json = 'e'
-        scratres = '409'
-    if str(scratres) != '200':
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        to_print = '%s: %s' % (str(scratres), str(scrat_json))
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        if error_stop is True:
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.debug('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-def sid_update_user_to_resigned(diego, dfqdn, res_rw_user, user, uid, context_uid=666000002, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    results = diego.diegoGetObject(uid, context_uid)
-    logger.debug(results)
-    '''Scrat just add the vlan to the trunked list'''
-    block_to_update = {
-        'uid': uid,
-        'name': user,
-        'context': context_uid,
-        'type': results['type'],
-        'properties': {'has as status': 'resigned'}
-    }
-    to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-    for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-        logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-    ''' delete: need to check the line exist if not 409'''
-    scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    try:
-        (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratUpdate(block_to_update, overwrite_mode='exclusive', line_only=False, Full=True)
-    except Exception as e:
-        scrat_json = e
-        scratres = '409'
-    if str(scratres) != '200':
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        to_print = '%s: %s' % (str(scratres), str(scrat_json))
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.error('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        if error_stop is True:
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.debug('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-def sid_update_user_exlude_approver_scheduler_change_management(diego, dfqdn, res_rw_user, user, uid, typeExclude, context_uid=778000000, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    results = diego.diegoGetObject(uid, context_uid)
-    logger.debug(results)
-    logger.debug('Type: ' + typeExclude)
-    block_to_update = {
-        'uid': uid,
-        'name': user,
-        'context': context_uid,
-        'type': typeExclude,
-        'properties': {'is a': typeExclude}
-    }
-    to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-    #print(block_to_update)
-    #pass
-    for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-        logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-    ''' delete: need to check the line exist if not 409'''
-    scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    try:
-        (scratres) = scrat_inst.deleteLine(block_to_update)
-    except Exception as e:
-        scratres = '409'
-    if str(scratres) != '200':
-         print("not removed " + user + " from " + typeExclude)
-         if error_stop is True:
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        print("removed " + user + " from " + typeExclude)
-def sid_create_update_user_approver_scheduler_change_management(diego, dfqdn, res_rw_user, user, uid, typeAdd, need_to_update, context_uid=666000002, verify=True, error_stop=False):
-    create = True
-    results = diego.diegoGetObject(uid)
-    ty = []
-    ty2 = []
-    #print(results) 666060597
-    if 'has as act' in results['properties'] :
-        if (isinstance(results['properties']['has as act'], list)):
-           for act in results['properties']['has as act'] :
-               ty.append(act['name'])
-        else :
-            ty.append(results['properties']['has as act']['name'])
-    if typeAdd not in  ty :
-        ty.append(typeAdd)
-    #new relation to workaround Polymorphism
-    if create :
-        block_to_update = {
-            'uid': uid,
-            'name': user,
-            'context': 778000000,
-            "is applicable in the context of" : 778000000,
-            'is a specialization of' : typeAdd,
-            'type': typeAdd,
-        }
-        #new version "has as act"
-        block_to_update = {
-            'uid': uid,
-            'name': user,
-            'context': 666000002,
-            'type': 'user',
-            'properties': {'has as act': ty}
-        }
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        #print(to_print)
-        #pass
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        ''' delete: need to check the line exist if not 409'''
-        scrat_inst = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=dfqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-        #(scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratUpdate(block_to_update,  overwrite_mode=True, line_only=True, Full=True)
-        #(scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratQuery(block_to_update, Full=True)
-        #(scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratQuery(scratter, Full=True)
-        (scrat_json, scratres) = scrat_inst.scratUpdate(block_to_update, overwrite_mode='exclusive', line_only=False, Full=True)
-        if str(scratres) != '200':
-            '''Scrat add new user relation in diferent context'''
-            to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-            for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-                logger.info('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-            for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-                logger.error('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-                # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            to_print = '%s: %s' % (str(scratres), str(scrat_json))
-            for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-                logger.error('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-                # print('scrat %s update failed: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-            if error_stop is True:
-                sys.exit(1)
-        else:
-            to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-            for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-                logger.debug('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-                # print('scrat %s update cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-    else :
-        logger.error('the ' + typeAdd + ' role. is already defined for this user')
-        pass
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-                                     description='Script to synchronize the CUCM videoconference endpoints'
-                                                 'to SID')
-    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="increase output verbosity", dest='verbose')
-    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="increase output verbosity a lot", dest='debug')
-    parser.add_argument('--parameter', default=False,
-                        help="the login parameter to debug", dest='param')
-    parser.add_argument('-e', '--env', default=False, help="Set the wanted env", dest='env', nargs='?',
-                        choices=('dev', 'acc', 'prod'))
-    parser.add_argument('--dryrun', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="print but do nothing", dest='dryrun')
-    parser.add_argument('--error-stop', action="store_true", default=False,
-                        help="stop at the first errors", dest='error_stop')
-    parser.add_argument('--rw-user', default=False, required=True, help="Set the user doing the action in SID", dest='rw_user')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    dryrun = args.dryrun
-    debug = args.debug
-    logindebug = args.param
-    res_rw_user = args.rw_user
-    error_stop = args.error_stop
-    if debug:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    verify = True
-    if args.env is False:
-        logger.debug('Using the automatic env.')
-        fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
-    elif args.env == 'prod':
-        fqdn = ''
-        verify = False
-    elif args.env == 'acc':
-        fqdn = 'vworker0-lu.acc.snmc.cec.eu.int'
-    elif args.env == 'dev':
-        fqdn = 'vworker-dev.dev.snmc.cec.eu.int'
-    else:
-        logger.error('should not happen')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print('Using the SID backend: ' + fqdn)
-    snet_groups = 'com,mgt,net,pm,sd,sec,dev,sys,tda,sup'.split(',')
-    official_groups = ['officials']
-    devnull_del_user = ['systemac']
-    devnull_user = ['geirnal', 'lehonan', 'perreja', 'rotchri', 'stoiama']
-    # DIGIT C4 Official satic whitelist, as they refuse to follow the PUMA process.
-    # They are all members of C4-TA. So do not add someone not member of C4-TA. The C4-TA is hard-coded below.
-    # first_request before 10/2021
-    # last reminder request: 01/2022
-    # last reminder request: 04/2022 : used to remove the relations for others users
-    official_broken_leg = ['tsigref', 'wagnejl', 'hautari', 'durmeda', 'stoiama']
-    departments = ['DIGIT.C.4', 'DIGIT.C.4.001', 'DIGIT.C.4.002', 'DIGIT.C.4.003', 'DIGIT.C.4.004','DIGIT.C.4.006', 'DIGIT.C.4.007', 'DIGIT.C.4.008']
-    # Suggestion done : Put a dieget instead.
-    diego = Diego(fqdn=fqdn, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    approver_scheduler_list = ['ventufa', 'houinbe', 'devijea']
-    # Info : Scheduler should also be approver by default.
-    d_get = "auth_get_scheduler_users"
-    (h, scheduler_results) = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name(d_get, dict())
-    print(f"{scheduler_results}")
-    if scheduler_results:
-        approver_scheduler_list = list()
-        for sch in scheduler_results:
-            approver_scheduler_list.append(sch)
-    print(f"{approver_scheduler_list}")
-    snet_results = dict()
-    snet_results = snet_ldap_get()
-    ec_ldap_sid_results = dict()
-    ec_ldap_sid_results = ec_ldap_get()
-    snet_prox = list()
-    for group in ec_ldap_sid_results['groups']:
-        if group == "DIGIT_SNET_PROX":
-            snet_prox = ec_ldap_sid_results['groups'][group]['mapped-ldap-users']
-    if debug:
-        if logindebug:
-            logger.debug("debuging " + logindebug)
-            if 'users' in snet_results and logindebug in snet_results['users']:
-                logger.debug(pformat(snet_results['users'][logindebug]))
-            else:
-                logger.debug(logindebug + " not found in snet_results.")
-        else:
-            logger.debug(pformat(snet_results))
-    ec_results = dict()
-    ec_ldap_users = list(snet_results['users'].keys())
-    ec_ldap_users += snet_prox
-    ec_ldap_users += official_broken_leg
-    ec_results = ec_ldap_get_user(ec_ldap_users)
-    if debug:
-        if logindebug:
-            logger.debug("debuging " + logindebug)
-            if 'users' in snet_results and logindebug in snet_results['users']:
-                logger.debug(pformat(ec_results['users'][logindebug]))
-            else:
-                logger.debug(logindebug + " not found in snet_results.")
-        else:
-            logger.debug(pformat(ec_results))
-    '''
-           'yildmes': {'building': 'B-28',
-                       'c': 'BE',
-                       'departmentNumber': 'DIGIT.C.4.006',
-                       'dg': 'DIGIT',
-                       'ecInternationalTelephoneNumber': '+32 229-68623',
-                       'employeeType': 'E',
-                       'euEmployeeStatusDetail': 'A',
-                       'euEmployeeSubtype': 'PPW',
-                       'floor': '01',
-                       'givenName': 'Mesut',
-                       'sn': 'YILDIRIM',
-                       'cn': 'YILDIRIM Mesut',
-                       'l': 'BRU',
-                       'mail': 'Mesut.YILDIRIM@ext.ec.europa.eu',
-                       'physicalDeliveryOfficeName': 'B-28 01/P051',
-                       'roomNumber': 'P051',
-                       'telephoneNumber': '68623',
-                       'title': 'Mr',
-                       'uid': 'yildmes'},
-    '''
-    snet_mail_index = dict()
-    snet_account_index = dict()
-    bad_user = list()
-    for user in snet_results['users']:
-        # print(user)
-        if user not in ec_results['users']:
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        if 'dg' not in ec_results['users'][user]:
-            logger.error("%s do not have a dg" % (user))
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        if ec_results['users'][user]['dg'] != 'DIGIT':
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        if ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber'] not in departments:
-            # this is not declared as snet
-            logger.error('skipping ' + user + ' dpt: ' + ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber'])
-            continue
-        real_member = False
-        for gr in snet_results['users'][user]['membership']:
-            if gr in snet_groups:
-                real_member = True
-                break
-            elif gr in official_groups:
-                real_member = True
-                break
-        if real_member is False:
-            # this is not declared as snet
-            continue
-        if 'mail' not in ec_results['users'][user]:
-            logger.error('Houston no mail, no mail...')
-            logger.error(pformat(ec_results['users'][user]))
-            bad_user.append(user)
-            continue
-        snet_mail_index[ec_results['users'][user]['mail']] = user
-        snet_account_index[user] = ec_results['users'][user]['mail']
-    for user in official_broken_leg:
-        if user not in snet_account_index:
-            if user not in ec_results['users']:
-                logger.error("user '%s' is a real broken leg, too bad for him. There is no rescue." % (user))
-            else:
-                snet_mail_index[ec_results['users'][user]['mail']] = user
-                snet_account_index[user] = ec_results['users'][user]['mail']
-                snet_results['users'][user] = dict()
-                snet_results['users'][user]['membership'] = list()
-                snet_results['users'][user]['membership'].append('officials')
-    for user in snet_prox:
-        if user not in ec_results['users']:
-            logger.error("proxy user '%s' not found in ec ldap." % (user))
-        else:
-            ec_results['users'][user]['mail'] = 'proxy user, no email'
-            snet_mail_index[ec_results['users'][user]['mail']] = user
-            snet_account_index[user] = ec_results['users'][user]['mail']
-            snet_results['users'][user] = dict()
-            snet_results['users'][user]['membership'] = list()
-            snet_results['users'][user]['membership'].append('proxy')
-    logger.info('Bad User: ' + pformat(bad_user))
-    logger.info('Snet User snet_mail_index: ' + pformat(snet_mail_index))
-    logger.info('Snet User snet_account_index: ' + pformat(snet_account_index))
-    scrat = Scrat(res_rw_user, '', fqdn=fqdn, version=2, verify=verify, group="DIGIT_SNET_PROX")
-    params = {'name': '","'.join(departments)}
-    sid_results = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('sid_user_check', params)
-    params = {'name': '","'.join(departments)}
-    sid_resigned_results = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('sid_user_resigned_check', params)
-    context_uid = 666000002
-    if debug:
-        if logindebug:
-            logger.debug("debuging " + logindebug)
-            if sid_results and logindebug in sid_results[1]:
-                logger.debug(pformat(sid_results[1][logindebug]))
-            else:
-                logger.debug(logindebug + " not found in sid_results.")
-            if sid_resigned_results and logindebug in sid_resigned_results[1]:
-                logger.debug(pformat(sid_resigned_results[1][logindebug]))
-            else:
-                logger.debug(logindebug + " not found in sid_resigned_results.")
-        else:
-            logger.debug('SID User: ' + pformat(sid_results[1]))
-    '''
-          'yildmes': {'belongs to': 'SNet NET',
-              'has as directorate general': 'DIGIT',
-              'has as long name': 'Mesut YILDIRIM',
-              'has as role': 'Network Engineer',
-              'has as short name': 'MYI',
-              'has as status': 'active',
-              'has e-mail address': 'Mesut.YILDIRIM@ext.ec.europa.eu',
-              'has telephone number': '+32 229-68623',
-              'is a member of': 'DIGIT.C.4.006',
-              'is located in': 'Brussels',
-              'type': 'user',
-              'uid': 666060176,
-              'value': 'yildmes'}})
-    '''
-    for user in sid_results[1]:
-        if user in devnull_del_user:
-            continue
-        if debug and logindebug and logindebug != user:
-            continue
-        if user not in snet_account_index:
-            logger.info('SID user ' + user + ' should be updated to resigned. User missing from the snet_account_index.')
-            if not dryrun:
-                sid_update_user_to_resigned(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, sid_results[1][user]['uid'], verify=verify)
-            else:
-                logger.debug('dry run, user not updated to resigned.')
-            continue
-    sid_need_approver = list()
-    sid_need_scheduler = list()
-    for user in snet_account_index:
-        if user in devnull_user:
-            continue
-        if debug and logindebug and logindebug != user:
-            continue
-        params = {'name': user}
-        user_exists = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('sid_check_user_exists', params)
-        need_to_create = False
-        need_to_update = False
-        if user in sid_results[1]:
-            logger.debug('SID user ' + user + ' should be updated.')
-            need_to_update = True
-            block_to_update = diego.diegoGetObject(sid_results[1][user]['uid'], context_uid)
-        elif user in user_exists[1] and user not in sid_results[1] and user not in sid_resigned_results[1]:
-            logger.debug('SID user ' + user + ' is incomplete and should be updated.')
-            need_to_update = True
-            block_to_update = diego.diegoGetObject(user_exists[1][user]['uid'], context_uid)
-        elif user not in sid_results[1] and user not in sid_resigned_results[1] and user not in user_exists[1]:
-            need_to_create = True
-            logger.debug('SID user ' + user + ' should be addded.')
-            logger.debug(pformat(snet_results['users'][user]))
-            block_to_update = {
-                    'name': user,
-                    'context': context_uid,
-                    'type': 'user',
-                    'properties': {
-                    }
-                  }
-        elif user in sid_resigned_results[1]:
-            logger.error('user %s in in resigned, skipping.' % user)
-            continue
-        if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-            if 'has as role' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-                block_to_update['properties']['has as role'] = list()
-            elif 'has as role' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has as role'], list):
-                t = block_to_update['properties']['has as role']
-                block_to_update['properties']['has as role'] = list()
-                block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append(t)
-            if 'has write access to' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'] = list()
-            elif 'has write access to' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'], list):
-                t = block_to_update['properties']['has write access to']
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'] = list()
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'].append(t)
-            if 'belongs to' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-                block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'] = list()
-            elif 'belongs to' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'], list):
-                t = block_to_update['properties']['belongs to']
-                block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'] = list()
-                block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append(t)
-        else:
-            if 'has write access to' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'] = list()
-            elif 'has write access to' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'], list):
-                t = block_to_update['properties']['has write access to']
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'] = list()
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'].append(t)
-            if 'has as role' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-                block_to_update['properties']['has as role'] = list()
-            elif 'has as role' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has as role'], list):
-                t = block_to_update['properties']['has as role']
-                block_to_update['properties']['has as role'] = list()
-                block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append(t)
-            if 'belongs to' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-                block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'] = list()
-            elif 'belongs to' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'], list):
-                t = block_to_update['properties']['belongs to']
-                block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'] = list()
-                block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append(t)
-        if 'has as short name' not in block_to_update['properties'] or block_to_update['properties']['has as short name'] is None or '':
-            block_to_update['properties']['has as short name'] = ec_results['users'][user]['givenName'][0] + ec_results['users'][user]['sn'][:2]
-        if 'is authorized to' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-            block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'] = list()
-        elif 'is authorized to' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'], list):
-            t = block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']
-            block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'] = list()
-            block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append(t)
-        if 'has access to application program' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'] = list()
-        elif 'has access to application program' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'], list):
-            t = block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'] = list()
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append(t)
-        if 'has access to easiCAPs feature' not in block_to_update['properties']:
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature'] = list()
-        elif 'has access to easiCAPs feature' in block_to_update['properties'] and not isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature'], list):
-            t = block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature']
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature'] = list()
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature'].append(t)
-        if 'dg' in ec_results['users'][user] :
-            block_to_update['properties']['has as directorate general'] = ec_results['users'][user]['dg']
-        block_to_update['properties']['has as long name'] = ec_results['users'][user]['givenName'] + ' ' + ec_results['users'][user]['sn']
-        block_to_update['properties']['has as status'] = 'active'
-        block_to_update['properties']['has e-mail address'] = ec_results['users'][user]['mail']
-        if 'ecInternationalTelephoneNumber' in ec_results['users'][user] :
-            block_to_update['properties']['has telephone number'] = ec_results['users'][user]['ecInternationalTelephoneNumber']
-        if 'departmentNumber' in ec_results['users'][user] :
-            block_to_update['properties']['is a member of'] = ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber']
-        if 'c' in ec_results['users'][user] and ec_results['users'][user]['c'] == 'BE':
-            block_to_update['properties']['is located in'] = 'Brussels'
-        elif 'c' in ec_results['users'][user] and ec_results['users'][user]['c'] == 'LU':
-            block_to_update['properties']['is located in'] = 'Luxembourg'
-        # 'com,mgt,net,pm,sd,sec,sup,tda'
-        # 'belongs to': 'SNet MGT' 'SNet TDA' 'SNet NET' 'SNet COM' 'SNet PM' 'SNet SEC' 'SNet SUP'
-        # 'has as role': 'Team Leader' 'Architect' 'Network Engineer'
-        # "is authorized to" should be edited to contain "configure (easiCAPs action)", "manage job (easiCAPs action)" and "patch (easiCAPs action)"
-        # "has access to application program" should be edited to include "easiCAPs"
-        # "has access to easiCAPs feature" should be edited to contain "Port History" and "Profile Support".
-        for mb in snet_results['users'][user]['membership']:
-            # 'com,mgt,net,pm,sd,sec,sup,tda,officials'
-            if mb == 'com':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    if 'SNet COM' not in block_to_update['properties']['belongs to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet COM')
-                #Delete the security policy role if its in a dict inside the list
-                for i in range(len(block_to_update['properties']['has as role'])):
-                    if isinstance(block_to_update['properties']['has as role'][i], dict):
-                        if block_to_update['properties']['has as role'][i]['name'] == 'Security Policy':
-                            del block_to_update['properties']['has as role'][i]
-                            break
-                if 'Security Policy' in block_to_update['properties']['has as role']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].remove('Security Policy')
-                #if 'ISMS' not in block_to_update['properties']['has as role']:
-                #    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('ISMS')
-                #if 'SMPM' not in block_to_update['properties']['has as role']:
-                #    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('SMPM')
-            elif mb == 'dev':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    if 'SNet SUP' not in block_to_update['properties']['belongs to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet SUP')
-                    if 'Developer' not in block_to_update['properties']['has as role']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Developer')
-                if 'edit object (Visual action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit object (Visual action)')
-                if 'edit relation (SID action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit relation (SID action)')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                if 'SnetInventory' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('SnetInventory')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'mgt':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet MGT')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Team Leader')
-                block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('SnetInventory')
-                block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                if 'SnetInventory' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('SnetInventory')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'net':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet NET')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Network Engineer')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'pm':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet PM')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Project Manager')
-                if 'SnetInventory' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('SnetInventory')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'sd':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('Snet NOC/SD')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Service Desk Agent')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'sec':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('Snet SEC')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Security Engineer')
-                block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit object (Visual action)')
-                block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit relation (SID action)')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'sup':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet SUP')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Supporting Serivces Engineer')
-                block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit object (Visual action)')
-                block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit relation (SID action)')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                if 'SnetInventory' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('SnetInventory')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'tda':
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet TDA')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Architect')
-                block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit object (Visual action)')
-                block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit relation (SID action)')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-            elif mb == 'officials':
-                '''
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    if 'SNet SUP' not in block_to_update['properties']['belongs to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet SUP')
-                    if 'Developer' not in block_to_update['properties']['has as role']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Developer')
-                if 'edit object (Visual action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit object (Visual action)')
-                if 'edit relation (SID action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit relation (SID action)')
-                if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                '''
-                if 'Diego' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Diego')
-                if 'Visual' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('Visual')
-                if 'is a member of' in block_to_update['properties'] and block_to_update['properties']['is a member of'] == 'DIGIT.C.4.003':
-                    # network team member
-                    if 'SnetInventory' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('SnetInventory')
-                    if 'CRUD' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'].append('CRUD')
-                    if 'edit object (Visual action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('edit object (Visual action)')
-                    if 'patch (easiCAPs action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('patch (easiCAPs action)')
-                    if 'configure (easiCAPs action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('configure (easiCAPs action)')
-                    if 'manage job (easiCAPs action)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('manage job (easiCAPs action)')
-                    if 'trunk (network function)' not in block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'].append('trunk (network function)')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has access to domain'] = 'All Domains'
-                    if 'Port History' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature'].append('Port History')
-                    if 'Profile Support' not in block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature']:
-                        block_to_update['properties']['has access to easiCAPs feature'].append('Profile Support')
-            elif mb == 'proxy':
-                #For proxy users, in case more fields are to be added in the future
-                if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True:
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('SNet Prox')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'].append('Proxy User')
-            # Cleanup the properties
-            if need_to_update is False and need_to_create is True and 'departmentNumber' in ec_results['users'][user]:
-                if ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber'] == 'DIGIT.C.4.007':
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('NIS')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'].append('OIS')
-                    block_to_update['properties']['has as role'] = 'OIS'
-            if 'OIS' in block_to_update['properties']['has as role']:
-                # authorised OIS to update the wireless access point.
-                block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'].append('wireless access point')
-        if 'belongs to' in block_to_update['properties'] and len(block_to_update['properties']['belongs to']) == 1:
-            block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'] = block_to_update['properties']['belongs to'][0]
-        if 'has as role' in block_to_update['properties'] and len(block_to_update['properties']['has as role']) == 1:
-            block_to_update['properties']['has as role'] = block_to_update['properties']['has as role'][0]
-        if 'has write access to' in block_to_update['properties'] and len(block_to_update['properties']['has write access to']) == 1:
-            block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'] = block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'][0]
-        if len(block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to']) == 1:
-            block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'] = block_to_update['properties']['is authorized to'][0]
-        if len(block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program']) == 1:
-            block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'] = block_to_update['properties']['has access to application program'][0]
-        if len(block_to_update['properties']['has write access to']) == 1:
-            block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'] = block_to_update['properties']['has write access to'][0]
-        # has as role (OQM, Product Owner, SDM
-        # print("This '%s' is a PM -> also need to add a 'is a' 'approver' + 'scheduler'" % user)
-        if user in sid_results[1] and 'has as role' in sid_results[1][user] :
-             if isinstance(sid_results[1][user]['has as role'], list):
-                for role in sid_results[1][user]['has as role']:
-                    if role == 'OQM' or role ==  'Product Owner' or role == 'SDM' :
-                        sid_need_approver.append(user)
-                        sid_need_scheduler.append(user)
-             else :
-                role = sid_results[1][user]['has as role']
-                if role == 'OQM' or role ==  'Product Owner' or role == 'SDM' :
-                    sid_need_approver.append(user)
-                    sid_need_scheduler.append(user)
-        # check and cleanup the data before scrat
-        dict_keys = list(block_to_update['properties'].keys())
-        for prop in dict_keys:
-            # has mobile telephone number
-            if isinstance(block_to_update['properties'][prop], list) and len(block_to_update['properties'][prop]) > 1:
-                pass
-            elif isinstance(block_to_update['properties'][prop], list) and len(block_to_update['properties'][prop]) == 0:
-                # empty dictionary
-                del block_to_update['properties'][prop]
-            elif isinstance(block_to_update['properties'][prop], dict):
-                if block_to_update['properties'][prop]['uid'] == 0 and block_to_update['properties'][prop]['name'] is None:
-                    # delete prop
-                    del block_to_update['properties'][prop]
-            elif block_to_update['properties'][prop] is None:
-                del block_to_update['properties'][prop]
-        '''
-        to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-        for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-            logger.info('scrat %s create cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-        '''
-        if not dryrun and need_to_create is True:
-            sid_create_user(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, block_to_update, verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-            # New action : Add any new user into their corresponding EC LDAP group.
-            # Warn : Only impact currently existent group.
-            sid_associate_user_to_group(diego, user, ec_ldap_sid_results, scrat, logger)
-        elif not dryrun and need_to_update is True:
-            # New workaround : Do not touch "active" scheduler until next design (it is a broken update for them).
-            if user not in approver_scheduler_list:
-                sid_update_user(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, block_to_update, verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-            # Action : Add any new user into their corresponding EC LDAP group.
-            # Warn : Only impact currently existent group.
-            sid_associate_user_to_group(diego, user, ec_ldap_sid_results, scrat, logger)
-        else:
-            logger.debug('dryrun')
-            to_print = pformat(block_to_update)
-            for i in list(range(0, int(round(len(to_print) / 250)) + 1)):
-                logger.info('scrat %s cmd: %s' % (str(i), to_print[250 * i:250 * (i + 1)]))
-    logger.info('Finished Synchronization')
-    sys.exit(0)
-    params = {}
-    sid_s_results = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('sid_sheduler_check', params)
-    for user in sid_s_results[1]:
-        if user in devnull_del_user:
-            continue
-        if user not in sid_need_scheduler or user not in approver_scheduler_list:
-            logger.error('SID user ' + user + ' should not be an scheduler.')
-            if not dryrun:
-                if user in sid_results[1] :
-                    sid_update_user_exlude_approver_scheduler_change_management(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, sid_results[1][user]['uid'], 'scheduler')
-                #pass
-            else:
-                logger.error('dry run, user not removed from the scheduler role.')
-            continue
-    print(sid_need_scheduler, "SCHEDULERS-LIST")
-    for user in sid_need_scheduler:
-        if user in devnull_user:
-            continue
-        need_to_create = False
-        need_to_update = False
-        if user in sid_s_results[1]:
-            need_to_update = True
-        elif user not in sid_s_results[1]:
-            need_to_create = True
-            logger.debug('SID user ' + user + ' should be addded to scheduler.')
-            #create the relation if not exists
-        if not dryrun :
-            sid_create_update_user_approver_scheduler_change_management(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, sid_results[1][user]['uid'], 'scheduler', need_to_update, verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-            #pass
-        else:
-            logger.error('dry run, user not add/update from the scheduler role in "has as act"')
-        continue
-    params = {}
-    sid_a_results = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('sid_approver_check', params)
-    for user in sid_a_results[1]:
-        if user in devnull_del_user:
-            continue
-        if user not in sid_need_approver or user not in approver_scheduler_list:
-            logger.error('SID user ' + user + ' should not be an approver.')
-            if not dryrun :
-                if user in  sid_results[1] :
-                    sid_update_user_exlude_approver_scheduler_change_management(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, sid_results[1][user]['uid'], 'approver', verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-            else:
-                logger.error('dry run, user not removed from the approver role.')
-            continue
-    print(sid_need_approver, "APRROVERS-LIST")
-    for user in sid_need_approver:
-        if user in devnull_user:
-            continue
-        need_to_create = False
-        need_to_update = False
-        if user in sid_a_results[1]:
-            need_to_update = True
-        elif user not in sid_a_results[1]:
-            need_to_create = True
-            logger.debug('SID user ' + user + ' should be addded to approver.')
-        #create the relation if not exists
-        if not dryrun:
-            sid_create_update_user_approver_scheduler_change_management(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, sid_results[1][user]['uid'], 'approver', need_to_update, verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-        else:
-            logger.error('dry run, user not add/update from the approver role in "has as act".')
-        continue
-    '''
-    * scrat department
-    DIGIT.C.4.006 is a departement
-      --> has as member
-    '''
-    for department in departments:
-        params = {'name': department}
-        sid_d_results = diego.diego_run_dieget_by_name('sid_department_check', params)
-        logger.info(sid_d_results[1])
-        if 'has as member' in sid_d_results[1][department] and sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member'] is not None:
-            if not isinstance(sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member'], list):
-                # This is not a list, so this is a single value:
-                t = sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member']
-                sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member'] = list()
-                sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member'].append(t)
-                logger.info(sid_d_results[1])
-            for user in sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member']:
-                if user in devnull_del_user:
-                    logger.debug("Skipping the user in the dev_null:" + user)
-                    continue
-                if user not in snet_account_index:
-                    logger.error('SID user ' + user + ' should be deleted. Need to ask SEE ?')
-        for user in snet_account_index:
-            if user in devnull_user:
-                continue
-            if 'departmentNumber' in ec_results['users'][user] and ec_results['users'][user]['departmentNumber'] != department:
-                continue
-            if 'has as member' in sid_d_results[1][department] and sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member'] is not None and user not in sid_d_results[1][department]['has as member']:
-                logger.info('SID user ' + user + ' should be addded to department ' + department + '.')
-                if not dryrun:
-                    logger.info('dryrun')
-                    continue
-                    sid_add_user_to_department(diego, fqdn, res_rw_user, user, sid_d_results[1]['DIGIT.C.4.006']['uid'], department, verify=verify, error_stop=error_stop)
-                else:
-                    logger.info('dryrun')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/bin/synchronize_home_Users.pl b/bin/synchronize_home_Users.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 139252a9093c51115b11684395ae3b5a8fe3f70f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/synchronize_home_Users.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $Id$
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Basename;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use Cwd;
-#use Net::OpenSSH::Compat 'Net::SSH2';
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-use lib ( new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" )->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::snmpd;
-use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
-#use SNET::SSHDeviceInterfacer::Linux;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $force $cli_mode $dry_run );
-$verbose  = 0;
-$debug    = 0;
-$cli_mode = 1;
-my $PROGNAME = basename( $0 );
-$PROGNAME =~ s/\.p[lm]$//;
-my %options = (
-                "help"    => \$help,
-                "debug"   => \$debug,
-                "verbose" => \$verbose,
-                "force"   => \$force,
-                "dry-run" => \$dry_run,
-my $SNMP_OID           = "$SNMP_ENTERPRISEOID";
-my $SNMP_GEN           = "6";
-my $SNMP_SPE           = "1";
-my $msg                = '';
-my $title              = "Cacti ImportUser";
-help() if !GetOptions( %options ) or $help;
-$verbose = 1 if $debug;
-# ldap_find_users_and_groups()
-# Read users and groups from SNet LDAP.
-sub ldap_find_users_and_groups ($$$$$$$$$$)
-    my (
-         $cfg_ldap_server,              $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd,    $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
-         $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $cfg_ldap_groupname, $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile
-    ) = @_;
-    my %users;
-    # Connect to the LDAP server
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "Initiating connection to LDAP server <$cfg_ldap_server>:" ) if $verbose;
-    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
-        $cfg_ldap_server,
-        async   => 0,
-        onerror => (
-            ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
-                my $message = shift;
-                my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
-                $msg = "Ldap: Unable to process request: $error.";
-                metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg );
-                snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-                return $message;
-            }
-        ),
-    );
-    if ( !$ldap ) {
-        $msg = "LDAP connection to <$cfg_ldap_server> failed.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    my $message;
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
-                                     cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            $msg = "Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $msg = "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->bind(
-                                $cfg_ldap_user,
-                                password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
-                                version  => 3,
-        );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            $msg = "LDAP bind error occurred.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $msg = "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred ('" . $message->error_name . "').";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    # Search AD for objects in a particular group using LDAP
-    metaprint( 'info', "Getting the LDAP member with expiration." ) if $verbose;
-    my %searchargs;
-    $searchargs{base}   = 'ou=posix,' . $cfg_ldap_group_search;
-    $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
-    $searchargs{filter} = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-    $searchargs{attrs}  = $cfg_ldap_group_attribute;
-    print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
-    my $results;
-    eval { $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        my $title = "Check Password";
-        my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Users Search.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $results->count() == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-    } else {
-        metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $results->count . " object." ) if $verbose;
-        print Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) if $verbose;
-        my $ldap_hash = $results->as_struct();
-        my $attribute = $searchargs{attrs}[0];
-        if ( defined( $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} ) ) {
-            foreach my $url ( @{ $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} } ) {
-                print "$url\n" if $verbose;
-                push( @{ $users{$url}{'groups'} }, $cfg_ldap_groupname );
-                # fetch the user gecos
-                my %usersearch;
-                $usersearch{base} = $cfg_ldap_group_search;
-                $usersearch{base} =~ s/groups/people/;
-                $usersearch{attrs}  = [ 'gecos', 'uid' ];
-                $usersearch{scope}  = 'sub';
-                $usersearch{filter} = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=' . $url . '))';
-                print Dumper( \%usersearch ) if $verbose;
-                my $userresults;
-                eval { $userresults = $ldap->search( %usersearch ); };
-                if ( $@ ) {
-                    my $title = "Check Password";
-                    my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Mail Users Search.";
-                    metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-                    snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-                    exit 1;
-                }
-                if ( $userresults->is_error() ) {
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $userresults->error_text );
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $userresults->code );
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $userresults->error );
-                } elsif ( $userresults->count() == 0 ) {
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-                } else {
-                    metaprint( 'info', "* Search returned " . $userresults->count . " url for '$url'." ) if $verbose;
-                    print Dumper ( $userresults ) if $verbose;
-                    foreach my $uid ( $userresults->entries ) {
-                        print "'" . $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) . "'\n" if $verbose;
-                        if ( !defined( $uid->get_value( 'gecos' ) ) ) {
-                            $users{ $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) } = '';
-                        } else {
-                            $users{ $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) }{'gecos'} = $uid->get_value( 'gecos' );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            metaprint( 'error', "Could not parse the hash result: {" . "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} . "} { " . $attribute . " }" );
-        }
-    }
-    print "\nClosing LDAP connection.\n" if $verbose;
-    $ldap->unbind;
-    return %users;
-# Global Declarations
-# load the INI
-metaprint( "info", "Loading INI file Parameters" );
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-my $CiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'RME' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of CiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $CiniFile ) );
-my $outpath = $CiniFile->val( 'GLOBAL', 'OUTPATH' );
-metaprint( "error", "The defined outpath is not valid, please correct-it" ) if ( !defined( $outpath ) );
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of AiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_server = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_server ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_user = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_user ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_passwd = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_passwd ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
-$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=REPLACE))";
-my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
-$cfg_ldap_group_attribute = ["memberuid"];
-my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_cafile = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_cafile ) );
-# vSHARE credentails configuration
-my $LiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'RME' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of LiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $LiniFile ) );
-my $vshare_servers = $LiniFile->val( 'vshare', 'SERVERS' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of vshare_servers is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $vshare_servers ) );
-my $vshare_user = $LiniFile->val( 'vshare', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of vshare_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $vshare_user ) );
-my $vshare_passwd = $LiniFile->val( 'vshare', 'PASSWD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of vshare_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $vshare_passwd ) );
-my @filters;
-push( @filters, 'com' );
-push( @filters, 'mgt' );
-push( @filters, 'net' );
-push( @filters, 'pi' );
-push( @filters, 'pm' );
-push( @filters, 'sd' );
-push( @filters, 'sec' );
-push( @filters, 'sup' );
-push( @filters, 'tda' );
-push( @filters, 'officials' );
-my $hostname = hostname();
-# Main Application
-metaprint( "info", "Starting users synchro" );
-my $errors = 0;
-my $already_defined_users = {};
-my $ssh;
-my $out;
-metaprint( 'info', "processing vshare servers..." );
-foreach my $server ( split( /,/, $vshare_servers ) ) {
-    # SSH to server.
-    metaprint 'info', 'Working on ' . $server . '...';
-    $ssh = new SNET::SSHDeviceInterfacer::Linux( $debug, $server, $vshare_user, $vshare_passwd );
-    if ( !$cli_mode ) {
-        $ssh->set_webmode( 1 );
-    }
-    if ( $ssh->openSSHConnection() ) {
-        metaprint 'info', "-> ok connected";
-    } else {
-        metaprint 'error', "-> connection failed";
-        $errors++;
-        next;
-    }
-    my $cln = ();
-    $cln->{'uid'}  = 3;
-    $cln->{'gid'}  = 4;
-    $cln->{'name'} = 9;
-    $out = $ssh->sendCMD( "/bin/ls -aildn /opt/home/*" );
-    if ( $out =~ m/\s\/opt\/home\/\w+/i ) {
-        foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $out ) ) {
-            chomp $line;
-            next if ( $line =~ /ls -aildn/ );
-            next if ( $line =~ /\/export\/home\/snet/ );
-            next if ( $line =~ /lost\+found/ );
-            $line =~ s/^\s*//;
-            print Dumper ( $line ) if $debug;
-            my $tmp = ();
-            @$tmp = split( /\s+/, $line );
-            $tmp->[ $cln->{'name'} ] =~ s/\/*$//g;
-            $tmp->[ $cln->{'name'} ] =~ s/^\/.*\///;
-            print Dumper ( $tmp ) if $debug;
-            # 3 : uid
-            # 4 : gid
-            # 9 : name
-            foreach my $pos ( keys %$cln ) {
-                $already_defined_users->{ $tmp->[ $cln->{'name'} ] }{$pos} = $tmp->[ $cln->{$pos} ];
-            }
-        }
-        last;
-    } else {
-        $errors++;
-        next;
-    }
-if ( $errors ) {
-    metaprint( 'error', "Some errors have been found, please contact SS Team!" . nl() . "Please copy/paste the output to the email!" );
-    exit 1;
-#Print Users from Cacti
-print Dumper ( $already_defined_users ) if $verbose;
-# -- Create the import file
-my $cpt     = 0;
-my $cpt_del = 0;
-foreach my $filter ( @filters ) {
-    metaprint "info", "Checking groups '$filter'.";
-    my $cfg_ldap_group_search_f = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-    $cfg_ldap_group_search_f =~ s/REPLACE/$filter/;
-    print "$cfg_ldap_group_search_f\n" if $verbose;
-    my %ldap_users = ldap_find_users_and_groups( $cfg_ldap_server,         $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd, $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
-                                                 $cfg_ldap_group_search_f, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $filter,          $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile );
-    print Dumper ( \%ldap_users ) if $verbose;
-    foreach my $u ( keys %ldap_users ) {
-        if ( defined( $already_defined_users->{$u} ) && ( $already_defined_users->{$u} ) ) {
-            metaprint( "info", "Skipping user $u import, user is already defined, but user need to be checked." ) if $verbose;
-            # TODO check uid:gid
-            $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} = 1;
-            next;
-        }
-        next if ( $ldap_users{$u} =~ /^$/ );
-        my $cmd = "sudo mkdir /mnt/home/$u && sudo chown $u:snmc /mnt/home/$u";
-        metaprint( "info", "$u need to be created: '$cmd'." );
-        if ( !$dry_run ) {
-            eval { $out = $ssh->sendCMD( $cmd ); };
-            if ( $out =~ m/password/i ) {
-                $out = $ssh->sendCMD( $vshare_passwd );
-            }
-            print $out;
-        }
-        $cpt++;
-    }
-my $local_user_no_del = ();
-$local_user_no_del->{'snet'}       = 1;
-$local_user_no_del->{'quotas'}     = 1;
-$local_user_no_del->{'casuser'}    = 1;
-# $local_user_no_del->{'ns-alogin'} = 1;
-metaprint "info", "Checking all others vshare home directory users defined.";
-foreach my $u ( keys %$already_defined_users ) {
-    if (    defined( $already_defined_users->{$u} )
-         && ( $already_defined_users->{$u} )
-         && defined( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} )
-         && ( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} ) ) {
-        next;
-    } elsif ( defined( $local_user_no_del->{$u} ) ) {
-        next;
-    } else {
-        metaprint( "error", "User $u need to be deleted manually." );
-        metaprint( "error", "MANUAL: sudo tar -jcf /mnt/home/_OLD/$u.tbz /mnt/home/$u ; sudo rm -rf /mnt/home/$u" );
-        $cpt_del++;
-    }
-eval { $out = $ssh->sendCMD( "exit" ); };
-metaprint( "info", "$cpt user(s) created." );
-metaprint( "info", "$cpt_del user(s) need to be deleted." );
-metaprint( "info", "--- Process Done ---" );
-exit( 0 );
diff --git a/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl b/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index f2f54b4a237defe4b31b3c922ef0df534fd6fb94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $Id$
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Basename;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use Sys::Hostname::Long;
-use IO::Socket::SSL;
-no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
-if ( $] eq '5.020002' ) {
-    # jessie
-    $SERVER = 'SERVER';
-} else {
-    # set some variables in order to disable SSL certificate check due to stunnel
-    $ENV{HTTPS_DEBUG} = 1;
-    IO::Socket::SSL::set_ctx_defaults( SSL_verifycn_scheme => 'www',
-                                       SSL_verify_mode     => 0 );
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::snmpd;
-use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
-use SNET::libsoap;
-## load the Proteus API
-use Proteus::API;
-use Proteus::SNET;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $script $cli_mode $force $dry_run );
-$verbose  = 0;
-$debug    = 0;
-$cli_mode = 1;
-my $PROGNAME = basename( $0 );
-$PROGNAME =~ s/\.p[lm]$//;
-( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
-my $hostname = hostname();
-my $fqdn     = hostname_long();
-my %options = (
-                "help"    => \$help,
-                "debug"   => \$debug,
-                "verbose" => \$verbose,
-                "force"   => \$force,
-                "dry-run" => \$dry_run,
-my $SNMP_OID           = "$SNMP_ENTERPRISEOID";
-my $SNMP_GEN           = "6";
-my $SNMP_SPE           = "1";
-my $msg                = '';
-my $title              = "Proteus ImportUser";
-help() if !GetOptions( %options ) or $help;
-$verbose = 1 if $debug;
-# ldap_find_users_and_groups()
-# Read users and groups from SNet LDAP.
-sub ldap_find_users_and_groups ($$$$$$$$$$)
-    my (
-         $cfg_ldap_server,              $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd,    $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
-         $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $cfg_ldap_groupname, $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile
-    ) = @_;
-    my %users;
-    # Connect to the LDAP server
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "Initiating connection to LDAP server <$cfg_ldap_server>:" ) if $verbose;
-    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
-        $cfg_ldap_server,
-        async   => 0,
-        onerror => (
-            ( $debug == 0 ) ? sub { return $_[0] } : sub {
-                my $message = shift;
-                my $error = defined( $message->error_desc ) ? $message->error_desc : $message->error();
-                $msg = "Ldap: Unable to process request: $error.";
-                metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg );
-                snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-                return $message;
-            }
-        ),
-    );
-    if ( !$ldap ) {
-        $msg = "LDAP connection to <$cfg_ldap_server> failed.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP connection completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    my $message;
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'Starting tls' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
-                                     cafile => $cfg_ldap_cafile, );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            $msg = "Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $msg = "Crash - Could not encrypt LDAP connection.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    eval {
-        print STDERR 'binding' . "\n" if ( $debug );
-        $message = $ldap->bind(
-                                $cfg_ldap_user,
-                                password => $cfg_ldap_passwd,
-                                version  => 3,
-        );
-        if ( $message->is_error() ) {
-            $msg = "LDAP bind error occurred.";
-            metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-            snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-            exit 1;
-        }
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        $msg = "Crash - LDAP bind error occurred ('" . $message->error_name . "').";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'verbose', "* LDAP bind operation completed successfully." ) if $verbose;
-    # Search AD for objects in a particular group using LDAP
-    metaprint( 'info', "Getting the LDAP member with expiration." ) if $verbose;
-    my %searchargs;
-    $searchargs{base}   = 'ou=posix,' . $cfg_ldap_group_search;
-    $searchargs{scope}  = $cfg_ldap_search_scope;
-    $searchargs{filter} = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-    $searchargs{attrs}  = $cfg_ldap_group_attribute;
-    print Dumper( \%searchargs ) if $verbose;
-    my $results;
-    eval { $results = $ldap->search( %searchargs ); };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        my $title = "Check Password";
-        my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Users Search.";
-        metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-        snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $results->count() == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-    } else {
-        metaprint( 'verbose', "* Search returned " . $results->count . " object." ) if $verbose;
-        print Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) if $verbose;
-        my $ldap_hash = $results->as_struct();
-        my $attribute = $searchargs{attrs}[0];
-        if ( defined( $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} ) ) {
-            foreach my $url ( @{ $ldap_hash->{ "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} }{$attribute} } ) {
-                print "$url\n" if $verbose;
-                push( @{ $users{$url}{'groups'} }, $cfg_ldap_groupname );
-                # fetch the user gecos
-                my %usersearch;
-                $usersearch{base} = $cfg_ldap_group_search;
-                $usersearch{base} =~ s/groups/people/;
-                $usersearch{attrs}  = [ 'gecos', 'uid', 'mail' ];
-                $usersearch{scope}  = 'sub';
-                $usersearch{filter} = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=' . $url . '))';
-                print Dumper( \%usersearch ) if $verbose;
-                my $userresults;
-                eval { $userresults = $ldap->search( %usersearch ); };
-                if ( $@ ) {
-                    my $title = "Check Password";
-                    my $msg   = "Crash - LDAP Mail Users Search.";
-                    metaprint( 'error', $title . ": " . $msg ) if $verbose;
-                    snmp_trap_send_multi_vars( $SNMP_OID, $SNMP_GEN, $SNMP_SPE, [ $hostname, $title, $msg ] );
-                    exit 1;
-                }
-                if ( $userresults->is_error() ) {
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $userresults->error_text );
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $userresults->code );
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $userresults->error );
-                } elsif ( $userresults->count() == 0 ) {
-                    metaprint( 'error', 'no result' );
-                } else {
-                    metaprint( 'info', "* Search returned " . $userresults->count . " url for '$url'." ) if $verbose;
-                    print Dumper ( $userresults ) if $verbose;
-                    foreach my $uid ( $userresults->entries ) {
-                        print "'" . $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) . "'\n" if $verbose;
-                        if ( !defined( $uid->get_value( 'gecos' ) ) ) {
-                            $users{ $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) } = '';
-                        } else {
-                            $users{ $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) }{'gecos'} = $uid->get_value( 'gecos' );
-                        }
-                        if ( !defined( $uid->get_value( 'mail' ) ) ) {
-                            $users{ $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) } = '';
-                        } else {
-                            $users{ $uid->get_value( 'uid' ) }{'mail'} = $uid->get_value( 'mail' );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            metaprint( 'error', "Could not parse the hash result: {" . "cn=$cfg_ldap_groupname," . $searchargs{base} . "} { " . $attribute . " }" );
-        }
-    }
-    print "\nClosing LDAP connection.\n" if $verbose;
-    $ldap->unbind;
-    return %users;
-# Global Declarations
-# load the INI
-metaprint( "info", "Loading INI file Parameters" );
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-my $CiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'RME' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of CiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $CiniFile ) );
-my $outpath = $CiniFile->val( 'GLOBAL', 'OUTPATH' );
-metaprint( "error", "The defined outpath is not valid, please correct-it" ) if ( !defined( $outpath ) );
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of AiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_server = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_server ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_user = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_user ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_passwd = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_passwd ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
-$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=REPLACE))";
-my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
-$cfg_ldap_group_attribute = ["memberuid"];
-my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
-my $cfg_ldap_cafile = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_cafile ) );
-my $PiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'Proteus' ) );
-print "error value of PiniFile is undefined" if ( !defined( $PiniFile ) );
-# Proteus SOAP credentials
-my $proteusUser = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', 'USER' );
-print "error value of proteusUser is undefined" if ( !defined( $proteusUser ) );
-my $proteusPass = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', 'PASSWORD' );
-print "error value of proteusPass is undefined" if ( !defined( $proteusPass ) );
-my $proteusServer = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', $SERVER );
-print "error value of proteusDbServer is undefined" if ( !defined( $proteusServer ) );
-my $Proteus_cfg_name = $PiniFile->val( 'GLOBAL', 'CONFIG' );
-print "error value of Proteus_cfg_name is undefined" if ( !defined( $Proteus_cfg_name ) );
-my @filters;
-push( @filters, 'com' );
-push( @filters, 'mgt' );
-push( @filters, 'net' );
-push( @filters, 'pi' );
-push( @filters, 'pm' );
-push( @filters, 'sd' );
-push( @filters, 'sec' );
-push( @filters, 'sup' );
-push( @filters, 'tda' );
-push( @filters, 'officials' );
-my %attr;
-$attr{'mgt'} = 'snmc';
-$attr{'net'} = 'snmc';
-$attr{'pi'}  = 'snmc';
-$attr{'sd'}  = 'snmc';
-$attr{'sec'} = 'snmc';
-$attr{'sup'} = 'snmc';
-$attr{'tda'} = 'snmc';
-$attr{'pm'}        = 'cn=pm,ou=posix,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=snmc,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
-$attr{'com'}       = 'cn=com,ou=posix,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=snmc,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
-$attr{'officials'} = 'cn=officials,ou=posix,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=snmc,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
-my $local_jrc = ();
-$local_jrc->{'bossifa'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'cacerja'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'ceccman'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'fotisva'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'gysenpa'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'meysjoh'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'michojm'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'peizean'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'sowaraf'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'tomasje'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'torreja'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'vegthan'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'watkipr'} = 1;
-$local_jrc->{'wawakfa'} = 1;
-my $autogroup = ();
-$autogroup->{'officials'} = 1;
-$autogroup->{'com'}       = 1;
-$autogroup->{'pm'}        = 1;
-my $authlocal = ();
-$authlocal->{'admin'} = 1;
-$authlocal->{'snet'}  = 1;
-$authlocal->{'dave'}  = 1;
-my $hostname = hostname();
-# my $proteus_uid = ();
-=head2 initialise soap and SQL handlers
-Etablished the SOAP connection needed to connect to all the data.
-# initiallise the SOAP connection :
-my $service = soap_connect( $proteusServer, $proteusUser, $proteusPass );
-if ( !$service ) {
-    metaprint( 'info', "Soap connection errors" );
-    exit 1;
-# # get group id
-# foreach my $a ( keys %attr ) {
-#     if ( !defined( $proteus_uid->{ $attr{$a} } ) ) {
-#         $proteus_uid->{$a} = soap_get_group( $service, $attr{$a} );
-#         $proteus_uid->{ $attr{$a} } = $proteus_uid->{$a};
-#     }
-# }
-# $proteus_uid->{'alogin'} = soap_get_user( $service, 'alogin' );
-# metaprint( 'info', "proteus_uid:" . Dumper( $proteus_uid ) );
-# Main Application
-metaprint( "info", "Starting users synchro" );
-my $already_defined_users = ();
-my $already_defined_auth  = ();
-my $already_defined_group = ();
-# get all existing ldap (up to 100)
-my $proteus_authenticator;
-eval {
-    @$proteus_authenticator = $service->getEntities(
-                                                     SOAP::Data->type( 'long' )->name( 'parentId' )->value( 0 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                                     SOAP::Data->type( 'string' )->name( 'type' )->value( ObjectTypes::LDAP )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                                     SOAP::Data->type( 'int' )->name( 'start' )->value( 0 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                                     SOAP::Data->type( 'int' )->name( 'count' )->value( 100 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } )
-    )->valueof( '//getEntitiesResponse/return/item' );
-if ( ( $@ ) || !defined( $proteus_authenticator ) ) {
-    print "get all users failed: " . Dumper( $@ );
-} else {
-    print Dumper ( $proteus_authenticator ) if ( $debug );
-    #   list configurations
-    foreach my $eachConfiguration ( @$proteus_authenticator ) {
-        my $obj = Service->blessAPIEntity( "object" => $eachConfiguration );
-        my $tmp_name = $obj->get_name();
-        $already_defined_auth->{$tmp_name}{'properties'} = $obj->get_properties();
-        $already_defined_auth->{$tmp_name}{'id'}         = $obj->get_id();
-    }
-print Dumper ( $already_defined_auth );
-# get all existing group (up to 10)
-my $proteus_group;
-eval {
-    @$proteus_group = $service->getEntities(
-                                             SOAP::Data->type( 'long' )->name( 'parentId' )->value( 0 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                             SOAP::Data->type( 'string' )->name( 'type' )->value( ObjectTypes::UserGroup )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                             SOAP::Data->type( 'int' )->name( 'start' )->value( 0 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                             SOAP::Data->type( 'int' )->name( 'count' )->value( 100 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } )
-    )->valueof( '//getEntitiesResponse/return/item' );
-if ( ( $@ ) || !defined( $proteus_group ) ) {
-    print "get all groups failed: " . Dumper( $@ );
-} else {
-    print Dumper ( $proteus_group ) if ( $debug );
-    #   list configurations
-    foreach my $eachConfiguration ( @$proteus_group ) {
-        my $obj = Service->blessAPIEntity( "object" => $eachConfiguration );
-        my $tmp_name = $obj->get_name();
-        $already_defined_group->{$tmp_name}{'properties'} = $obj->get_properties();
-        $already_defined_group->{$tmp_name}{'id'}         = $obj->get_id();
-    }
-print Dumper ( $already_defined_group );
-# get all existing user (up to 10)
-my $configurations;
-eval {
-    @$configurations = $service->getEntities(
-                                              SOAP::Data->type( 'long' )->name( 'parentId' )->value( 0 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                              SOAP::Data->type( 'string' )->name( 'type' )->value( ObjectTypes::User )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                              SOAP::Data->type( 'int' )->name( 'start' )->value( 0 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } ),
-                                              SOAP::Data->type( 'int' )->name( 'count' )->value( 100 )->attr( { xmlns => '' } )
-    )->valueof( '//getEntitiesResponse/return/item' );
-if ( ( $@ ) || !defined( $configurations ) ) {
-    print "get all users failed: " . Dumper( $@ );
-} else {
-    print Dumper ( $configurations ) if ( $debug );
-    #   list configurations
-    foreach my $eachConfiguration ( @$configurations ) {
-        my $obj = Service->blessAPIEntity( "object" => $eachConfiguration );
-        my $tmp_user = $obj->get_name();
-        $already_defined_users->{$tmp_user}{'properties'} = $obj->get_properties();
-        $already_defined_users->{$tmp_user}{'id'}         = $obj->get_id();
-        foreach my $auth ( keys %$already_defined_auth ) {
-            my $snet_auth = "\\\|authenticator=" . $already_defined_auth->{$auth}{'id'} . "\\\|";
-            if ( $already_defined_users->{$tmp_user}{'properties'} =~ /$snet_auth/ ) {
-                $already_defined_users->{$tmp_user}{'realm'} = $auth;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#Print Users from Proteus
-metaprint( 'info', Dumper( $already_defined_users ) )              if $debug;
-metaprint( 'info', Dumper( $already_defined_users->{'snet'} ) )    if $verbose;
-# metaprint( 'info', Dumper( $already_defined_users->{'alogin'} ) ) if $verbose;
-# -- Create the import file
-my $cpt     = 0;
-my $cpt_del = 0;
-foreach my $filter ( @filters ) {
-    metaprint "info", "Checking groups '$filter'.";
-    my $cfg_ldap_group_search_f = $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter;
-    $cfg_ldap_group_search_f =~ s/REPLACE/$filter/;
-    print "$cfg_ldap_group_search_f\n" if $verbose;
-    my %ldap_users = ldap_find_users_and_groups( $cfg_ldap_server,         $cfg_ldap_user,            $cfg_ldap_passwd, $cfg_ldap_group_search, $cfg_ldap_search_scope,
-                                                 $cfg_ldap_group_search_f, $cfg_ldap_group_attribute, $filter,          $hostname,              $cfg_ldap_cafile );
-    print Dumper ( \%ldap_users ) if $verbose;
-    foreach my $u ( keys %ldap_users ) {
-        if (    defined( $already_defined_users->{$u} )
-             && ( $already_defined_users->{$u} )
-             && defined( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'realm'} )
-             && ( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'realm'} eq 'LDAP' ) ) {
-            metaprint( "info", "Skipping user $u import, user is already defined." ) if $verbose;
-            $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} = 1;
-            next;
-        } elsif ( defined( $already_defined_users->{$u} ) && ( $already_defined_users->{$u} ) ) {
-            metaprint( "info", "Skipping user $u import, user is already defined, but user need to be checked." );
-            $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} = 1;
-            next;
-        }
-        next if ( $ldap_users{$u} =~ /^$/ );
-        # autogroup are ldap group, so user are added at the first connection.
-        next if ( defined( $autogroup->{$filter} ) && ( $autogroup->{$filter} ) );
-        if ( defined( $attr{$filter} ) && defined( $ldap_users{$u}{'gecos'} ) ) {
-            metaprint( "info", "$u '" . $ldap_users{$u}{'gecos'} . "' '" . $ldap_users{$u}{'mail'} . "' need to be created in group '" . $attr{$filter} . "'" );
-            if ( !$dry_run ) {
-                # email=david.vernazobres@ext.ec.europa.eu|authenticator=3816318|userType=ADMIN|userAccessType=GUI|
-                # my $prop = 'email=' . $ldap_users{$u}{'mail'} . '|authenticator=' . $already_defined_auth->{'nldap'}{'id'} . '|userType=UserType::ADMIN|userAccessType=UserAccessType::GUI|';
-                my $prop = 'email=' . $ldap_users{$u}{'mail'} . '|authenticator=' . $already_defined_auth->{'nldap'}{'id'} . '|userType=ADMIN|userAccessType=GUI|';
-                soap_add_user( $service, $prop, $u );
-            }
-        } elsif ( !defined( $attr{$filter} ) ) {
-            metaprint( "error", "checking user '$u': attr" );
-        } elsif ( !defined( $ldap_users{$u}{'gecos'} ) ) {
-            metaprint( "error", "checking user '$u': ldap_users" );
-            print Dumper ( \%ldap_users );
-        } else {
-            metaprint( "error", "checking user '$u'" );
-        }
-        # set user enabled + description of the user.
-        $cpt++;
-    }
-soap_disconnect( $service );
-metaprint "info", "Checking all other Proteus users defined.";
-foreach my $u ( keys %$already_defined_users ) {
-    if ( defined( $already_defined_users->{$u} ) && ( $already_defined_users->{$u} ) && ( defined( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'realm'} ) && ( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'realm'} !~ /LDAP/i ) )
-         || ( !defined( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'realm'} ) ) ) {
-        if ( defined( $authlocal->{$u} ) && ( $authlocal->{$u} ) ) {
-            metaprint( "info", "User '$u' localy authorised." );
-            next;
-        } else {
-            metaprint( "error", "User $u is defined locally and is not authorised? Please check-it manually." );
-            next;
-        }
-    } elsif (    defined( $already_defined_users->{$u} )
-              && ( $already_defined_users->{$u} )
-              && defined( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} )
-              && ( $already_defined_users->{$u}{'found'} ) ) {
-        next;
-    } elsif ( defined( $local_jrc->{$u} ) && ( $local_jrc->{$u} ) ) {
-        metaprint( "warn", "User $u belong to JRC." );
-        next;
-    } else {
-        metaprint( "error", "User $u need to be checked manually." );
-        $cpt_del++;
-    }
-metaprint( "info", "$cpt user(s) created." );
-metaprint( "info", "$cpt_del user(s) need to be deleted." );
-metaprint( "info", "--- Process Done ---" );
-exit( 0 );
diff --git a/bin/synchronize_redmine_projects.py b/bin/synchronize_redmine_projects.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e5395c4ec5511f222926b14e19e3e9792a4b8e58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/synchronize_redmine_projects.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import pprint
-import inspect
-import traceback
-import shlex
-import re
-import requests
-from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-basedir = '/opt/SNet/scm'
-wanted_membership = {}
-wanted_membership['com'] = 'Reporter'
-wanted_membership['mgt'] = 'Reporter'
-wanted_membership['officials'] = 'Reporter'
-wanted_membership['net'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['pi'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['sd'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['sec'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['sup'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['tda'] = 'Developer'
-wanted_membership['pm'] = 'Manager'
-cmd = ("ssh vcodebox-lu find %s -path '\*/.hg' -prune -o -type d -path '\*/.hg' | grep -v '^.hg$'" % (basedir))
-    output = check_output((shlex.split(cmd)), stderr=STDOUT, shell=False)
-except CalledProcessError as ex:
-    output = ex.output
-# print(output)
-folder_projects = []
-for l in output.splitlines():
-    if not l.startswith(basedir):
-        continue
-    if not l.endswith('/.hg'):
-        continue
-    if l == basedir + '/.hg':
-        continue
-    if 'archive_' in l:
-        continue
-    pat = l.replace('/.hg', '').replace(basedir + '/', '')
-    # print("%s %s" % (l, pat))
-    folder_projects.append(pat)
-def obj_dump(obj):
-    '''
-      Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-        except:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(obj):
-        if inspect.isclass(data):
-            print('name:%s' % (name))
-            print(data)
-def obj_dump_r(obj, level=0, deepth=2):
-    '''
-       Recursive Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-            print(msg)
-        except:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += ("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-            print(msg)
-        if level >= deepth:
-            continue
-        try:
-            obj_dump_r(getattr(obj, attr), level=level+1)
-        except:
-            msg = 2*level*' '
-            msg += "Dump is stinking... crashed."
-            print(msg)
-def redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, pj_id, pj_ident, repository_url):
-    '''
-       curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id": "3581", "vendor": "Mercurial", "repository": {"url": "/opt/SNet/scm/pkg/bind9-snet/bind9-bindhg-snet", "identifier":"bind9-bindhg-snet"}}' "https://redmine.snmc.cec.eu.int/sys/projects/3581/repository?key=tU0LvEthIX4cMzCI9YPI"
-    '''
-    redmine_url = "%s://%s/sys/projects/%s/repository?key=%s" % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, pj_id, REDMINE_WS_KEY)
-    playload = {}
-    playload['id'] = pj_id
-    playload['vendor'] = 'Mercurial'
-    playload['repository'] = {}
-    playload['repository']['identifier'] = pj_ident
-    playload['repository']['url'] = repository_url
-    try:
-        response = requests.post(redmine_url,
-                                 json=playload,
-                                 allow_redirects=True,
-                                 verify=CA_bundle)
-    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
-        self.logger.error('%s: %s' % (redmine_url, str(e)))
-        return None
-    except Exception as e:
-        self.logger.error('Generic: %s' % (str(e)))
-        return None
-    if response.status_code == 201:
-        print('OK')
-        print(response.content)
-        return None
-    else:
-        print('ERROR')
-        print(response.status_code)
-        print(response.content)
-        return None
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-REDMINE_WS_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'WS_KEY')
-redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME), key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle}, version='3.4.4')
-all_red_parent = {}
-all_red_pj = {}
-all_red_cross_pj = {}
-red_projects = redmine.project.all(offset=0, limit=1000, include='enabled_modules,repositories,trackers')
-for u in red_projects:
-    # print(u)
-    # print('%s' % (u.id))
-    # print('%s' % (u.name))
-    # print('%s' % (u.identifier))
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier] = {}
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['id'] = u.id
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['name'] = u.name
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['identifier'] = u.identifier
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['enabled_modules'] = u.enabled_modules
-    all_red_pj[u.identifier]['repositories'] = u.repositories
-    if hasattr(u, 'is_public'):
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['is_public'] = u.is_public
-    else:
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['is_public'] = False
-    if 'parent' in dir(u):
-        # print('parent:%s' % (u.parent))
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent'] = {}
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent']['name'] = u.parent.name
-        all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent']['id'] = u.parent.id
-        # all_red_pj[u.identifier]['parent']['identifier'] = u.parent.identifier
-        all_red_parent[u.parent.name+'/'+u.name] = u.identifier
-    if u.identifier == 'refconfig':
-        pp.pprint(all_red_pj[u.identifier])
-        # obj_dump(u)
-        # obj_dump_r(u, level=0, deepth=1)
-        print(u.enabled_modules)
-        print(u.repositories)
-        print(u.is_public)
-        print(list(u))
-        # sys.exit(0)
-    if u.name != u.identifier:
-        all_red_cross_pj[u.name] = u.identifier
-        # pp.pprint(all_red_cross_pj[u.name])
-    continue
-    print('%s' % (u.id))
-    print('%s' % (u.name))
-    print('%s' % (u.identifier))
-    if 'parent' in u:
-        print('%s' % (u.parent))
-red_groups = redmine.group.all()
-all_red_grp = {}
-for g in red_groups:
-    all_red_grp[g.name] = {}
-    all_red_grp[g.name]['id'] = g.id
-    all_red_grp[g.id] = {}
-    all_red_grp[g.id]['name'] = g.name
-# print(pp.pformat(all_red_grp))
-red_roles = redmine.role.all()
-all_red_rl = {}
-for r in red_roles:
-    all_red_rl[r.name] = {}
-    all_red_rl[r.name]['id'] = r.id
-    all_red_rl[r.id] = {}
-    all_red_rl[r.id]['name'] = r.name
-# print(pp.pformat(all_red_rl))
-# sys.exit(1)
-limit = 3000
-cpt = 0
-for pj in sorted(folder_projects):
-    if cpt > limit:
-        break
-    cpt += 1
-    print("----%s" % (pj))
-    if '/' in pj:
-        (parent, pjj) = pj.rsplit('/', 1)
-        if '/' in parent:
-            cnt = parent.count('/')
-            if cnt == 1:
-                if parent in all_red_parent:
-                    parent = all_red_parent[parent]
-                else:
-                    print("Parent '%s' with 1/ but not found (%s), creating pre-parent" % (parent, pj))
-                    prepa, ppa = parent.split('/')
-                    prepa_ident = prepa.lower().replace('.', '-')
-                    ppa_ident = ppa.lower().replace('.', '-')
-                    ''' Pre-parent check-up. '''
-                    if prepa_ident in all_red_pj:
-                        print("Pre-Parent '%s' is found" % (prepa))
-                        prepa_id = all_red_pj[prepa_ident]['id']
-                    elif prepa in all_red_cross_pj:
-                        print("Pre-Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (prepa))
-                        prepa_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[prepa]]['id']
-                    else:
-                        print("Pre-Parent '%s:%s' need to be created" % (prepa, prepa_ident))
-                        try:
-                            project = redmine.project.new()
-                            project.name = prepa
-                            project.identifier = prepa_ident
-                            project.description = prepa
-                            project.homepage = None
-                            project.is_public = True
-                            project.inherit_members = False
-                            project.parent_id = None
-                            project.enabled_module_names = []
-                            project.save()
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (parent, str(e)))
-                            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-                            sys.exit(1)
-                        prepa_id = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier] = {}
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['id'] = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['name'] = project.name
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['identifier'] = project.identifier
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['enabled_modules'] = project.enabled_modules
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['repositories'] = project.repositories
-                        if hasattr(project, 'is_public'):
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = project.is_public
-                        else:
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = False
-                    # Preparent membership
-                    print("membership prepa_id is %s." % (prepa_id))
-                    pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-                    pj_membership_del = []
-                    real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=prepa_id)
-                    for mb in real_membership:
-                        if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                            continue
-                        '''
-                        print("------------")
-                        print("membership")
-                        print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-                        print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-                        print("mb.roles")
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-                        '''
-                        if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                            for rl in mb.roles:
-                                if pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                                    del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                                else:
-                                    for rl in mb.roles:
-                                        pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-                        else:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-                    pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-                    for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-                        membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-                        membership.project_id = prepa_id
-                        # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-                        membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-                        membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-                        membership.save()
-                    pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-                    for mb in pj_membership_del:
-                        membership = redmine.project_membership.get(prepa_id)
-                        membership.delete(mb)
-                    ''' Parent check-up. '''
-                    if ppa_ident in all_red_pj:
-                        print("Parent '%s' is found" % (ppa))
-                        ppa_id = all_red_pj[ppa_ident]['id']
-                    elif ppa in all_red_cross_pj:
-                        print("Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (ppa))
-                        ppa_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[ppa]]['id']
-                    else:
-                        print("Parent '%s:%s' need to be created" % (ppa, ppa_ident))
-                        try:
-                            project = redmine.project.new()
-                            project.name = ppa
-                            project.identifier = ppa_ident
-                            project.description = ppa
-                            project.homepage = None
-                            project.is_public = True
-                            project.inherit_members = False
-                            project.parent_id = prepa_id
-                            project.enabled_module_names = []
-                            project.save()
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (ppa, str(e)))
-                            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-                            sys.exit(1)
-                        ppa_id = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier] = {}
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['id'] = project.id
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['name'] = project.name
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['identifier'] = project.identifier
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['enabled_modules'] = project.enabled_modules
-                        if hasattr(project, 'is_public'):
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = project.is_public
-                        else:
-                            all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = False
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['parent'] = {}
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['parent']['name'] = project.parent.name
-                        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['parent']['id'] = project.parent.id
-                        all_red_parent[project.parent.name+'/'+project.name] = project.identifier
-            else:
-                match = re.search(r'^.*/([^/]+/[^/]+)$', parent)
-                if match.group(1) in all_red_parent:
-                    parent = all_red_parent[match.group(1)]
-                else:
-                    print("Parent '%s' need to be decomposed for %s, skipping for now" % (parent, pj))
-                    continue
-    else:
-        parent = None
-        pjj = pj
-    print("%s:%s" % (parent, pjj))
-    if parent:
-        parent_ident = parent.lower().replace('.', '-')
-    pj_ident = pjj.lower().replace('.', '-')
-    '''
-        PARENT
-    '''
-    if parent and parent_ident in all_red_pj:
-        print("Parent '%s' is found" % (parent))
-        parent_id = all_red_pj[parent_ident]['id']
-    elif parent and parent in all_red_cross_pj:
-        print("Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (parent))
-        parent_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[parent]]['id']
-    elif parent:
-        print("Parent '%s:%s' need to be created" % (parent, parent_ident))
-        try:
-            project = redmine.project.new()
-            project.name = parent
-            project.identifier = parent_ident
-            project.description = parent
-            project.homepage = None
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.parent_id = None
-            project.enabled_module_names = []
-            # project.enabled_modules = [] readonly attribute
-            # project.custom_fields = [{'id': 1, 'value': 'PE'}, {'id': 11, 'value': 'scm'}]
-            # list(project)
-            project.save()
-        except Exception as e:
-            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (parent, str(e)))
-            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-            break
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier] = {}
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['id'] = project.id
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['name'] = project.name
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['identifier'] = project.identifier
-        all_red_pj[project.identifier]['is_public'] = True
-        parent_id = project.id
-    else:
-        parent_id = None
-    if parent_id is not None:
-        project = redmine.project.get(parent_id)
-        project.is_public = True
-        project.inherit_members = False
-        project.save()
-        if 'enabled_modules' not in all_red_pj[parent_ident]:
-            print("No repository module activated for parent, OK")
-        elif 'repository' not in all_red_pj[parent_ident]['enabled_modules']:
-            print("No repository for parent, OK")
-        elif len(all_red_pj[parent_ident]['repositories']) == 0:
-            print("No repository for parent, OK")
-        else:
-            print("repository activated for parent should not")
-        print("membership parent_id is %s." % (parent_id))
-        pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-        pj_membership_del = []
-        real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=parent_id)
-        for mb in real_membership:
-            if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                continue
-            '''
-            print("------------")
-            print("membership")
-            print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-            print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-            print("mb.roles")
-            for rl in mb.roles:
-                print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-            '''
-            if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                for rl in mb.roles:
-                    if pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                        del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                    else:
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-            else:
-                pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-        pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-        for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-            membership.project_id = parent_id
-            # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-            membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-            membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-            membership.save()
-        pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-        for mb in pj_membership_del:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.get(parent_id)
-            membership.delete(mb)
-    '''
-        ITSELF
-    '''
-    if pjj in all_red_pj:
-        print("The project '%s' is found in all_red_pj." % (pjj))
-        repository_url = os.path.join(basedir, pj)
-        print("hg:%s:%s" % (pj_ident, repository_url))
-        pp.pprint(all_red_pj[pjj])
-        if parent and 'parent' in all_red_pj[pjj]:
-            if parent != all_red_pj[pjj]['parent']['name']:
-                print("Not the same parent %s:%s" % (parent, all_red_pj[pjj]['parent']['name']))
-                project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-                project.parent_id = parent_id
-                project.is_public = True
-                project.inherit_members = False
-                project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-                project.save()
-        elif parent:
-            print("Not the same parent %s:None" % (parent))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            project.parent_id = parent_id
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[pjj]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        if 'repository' not in all_red_pj[pjj]['enabled_modules']:
-            print("Repository is not activated for repo %s:%s" % (pjj, pj_ident))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[pjj]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif len(all_red_pj[pjj]['repositories']) == 0:
-            print("Repository URL is empty for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (pjj, pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj)))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[pjj]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif os.path.join(basedir, pj) != all_red_pj[pjj]['repositories'][0]['url']:
-            print("Repository URL is bad for repo %s:%s (%s <> %s)"
-                  % (pjj, pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj), all_red_pj[pjj]['repositories'][0]['url']))
-        # if all_red_pj[pjj]['is_public']:
-        # reset verything to is_public false
-        project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-        project.is_public = True
-        project.inherit_members = False
-        project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': repository_url}]
-        project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                        'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-        project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-        project.save()
-        print("membership all_red_pj id %s." % (all_red_pj[pjj]['id']))
-        pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-        pj_membership_del = []
-        real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-        # print('%s' % (pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)))
-        for mb in real_membership:
-            if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                continue
-            '''
-            print("------------")
-            print("membership")
-            print(list(mb))
-            print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-            print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-            print("mb.roles")
-            for rl in mb.roles:
-                print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-            if 'inherited' in mb:
-                if mb.inherited == True:
-                    print("inherited = True")
-                else:
-                    print("inherited = False")
-            '''
-            if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                for rl in mb.roles:
-                    if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership and pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                        del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                    else:
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-            else:
-                pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-        pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-        for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-            membership.project_id = all_red_pj[pjj]['id']
-            # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-            membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-            membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-            membership.save()
-        pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-        for mb in pj_membership_del:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.get(all_red_pj[pjj]['id'])
-            membership.delete(mb)
-    elif pjj in all_red_cross_pj:
-        print("The project '%s' is found in all_red_cross_pj." % (pjj))
-        repository_url = os.path.join(basedir, pj)
-        print("hg:%s:%s" % (pj_ident, repository_url))
-        pp.pprint(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]])
-        if parent and 'parent' in all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]:
-            if parent != all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['parent']['name']:
-                print("Not the same parent %s:%s" % (parent, all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['parent']['name']))
-        elif parent:
-            print("Not the same parent %s:None" % (parent))
-        elif 'parent' in all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]:
-            print("Not the same parent None:%s" % (all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['parent']['name']))
-        if 'repository' not in all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['enabled_modules']:
-            print("Repository is not activated for repo %s:%s" % (pjj, pj_ident))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif len(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['repositories']) == 0:
-            print("Repository URL is empty for repo %s:%s (%s)" % (pjj, pj_ident, repository_url))
-            project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-            project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                            'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-            project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-            project.save()
-            redmine_create_repository(REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME, REDMINE_WS_KEY, all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'], pj_ident, repository_url)
-        elif os.path.join(basedir, pj) != all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['repositories'][0]['url']:
-            print("Repository URL is bad for repo %s:%s (%s <> %s)"
-                  % (pjj, pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj), all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['repositories'][0]['url']))
-        # if all_red_pj[pjj]['is_public']:
-        # reset verything to is_public false
-        project = redmine.project.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-        project.is_public = True
-        project.inherit_members = False
-        project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-        project.enabled_module_names = ['repository', 'issue_tracking', 'time_tracking',
-                                        'calendar', 'gantt', 'agile', 'scrum', 'easy_gantt']
-        project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
-        project.save()
-        print("membership all_red_cross_pj id %s." % (all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id']))
-        pj_wanted_membership = dict(wanted_membership)
-        pj_membership_del = []
-        real_membership = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-        for mb in real_membership:
-            if hasattr(mb, 'user'):
-                continue
-            '''
-            print("------------")
-            print("membership")
-            print("mb.project: %s %s" % (mb.project.id, mb.project.name))
-            print("mb.group: %s %s" % (mb.group.id, mb.group.name))
-            print("mb.roles")
-            for rl in mb.roles:
-                print("%s %s" % (rl.id, rl.name))
-            '''
-            if mb.group.name in pj_wanted_membership:
-                for rl in mb.roles:
-                    if pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name] == rl.name:
-                        del(pj_wanted_membership[mb.group.name])
-                    else:
-                        for rl in mb.roles:
-                            pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-            else:
-                pj_membership_del.append(mb.id)
-        pp.pprint(pj_wanted_membership)
-        for gr in pj_wanted_membership:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
-            membership.project_id = all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id']
-            # http://www.redmine.org/issues/17904 group is user...
-            membership.user_id = all_red_grp[gr]['id']
-            membership.role_ids = [all_red_rl[pj_wanted_membership[gr]]['id']]
-            membership.save()
-        pp.pprint(pj_membership_del)
-        for mb in pj_membership_del:
-            membership = redmine.project_membership.get(all_red_pj[all_red_cross_pj[pjj]]['id'])
-            membership.delete(mb)
-        # break
-    else:
-        print("The project '%s' need to be created." % (pj))
-        print("hg:%s:%s" % (pj_ident, os.path.join(basedir, pj)))
-        if parent and parent in all_red_pj:
-            print("Parent '%s' is found" % (parent))
-        elif parent and parent in all_red_cross_pj:
-            print("Parent '%s' is found in the bad list" % (parent))
-        try:
-            print('id:%s' % (pj_ident))
-            project = redmine.project.new()
-            project.name = pjj
-            project.identifier = pj_ident
-            project.description = pjj
-            project.homepage = None
-            project.is_public = True
-            project.inherit_members = False
-            project.parent_id = parent_id
-            # project.enabled_modules = ['repository'] Readonly attribute
-            # project.custom_fields = [{'id': 1, 'value': 'PE'}, {'id': 11, 'value': 'scm'}]
-            project.custom_fields = [{'id': 11, 'value': os.path.join(basedir, pj)}]
-            # list(project)
-            project.save()
-        except Exception as e:
-            print('The creation of the ressources project "%s" did not suceed: %s' % (pjj, str(e)))
-            print(traceback.format_exc(5))
-            break
-    # try:
-    #     project = redmine.project.get(pjj)
-    # except ResourceNotFoundError as e:
-    #     print('The ressources is not found')
diff --git a/bin/synchronize_redmine_users.py b/bin/synchronize_redmine_users.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e7e9d6c74c0dfa59a6eedd664c1328829e3f581b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/synchronize_redmine_users.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import configparser as ConfigParser
-import pprint
-import inspect
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-PROGNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split(".")[0]
-script = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
-global_iniFile = '/opt/etc/ini/global.ini'
-config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-config_global.optionxform = str
-sys.path.append(config_global.get('APPLICATION', 'PYTHON-LIBRARY'))
-from redminelib import Redmine
-if 'http_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['http_proxy']
-if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
-    del os.environ['https_proxy']
-CA_bundle = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/snetroot/SNetRootCA_device_bundle.pem'
-CA_bundle = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
-def obj_dump(obj):
-    '''
-      Object dumper
-    '''
-    for attr in dir(obj):
-        if '_' in attr:
-            continue
-        try:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, str(getattr(obj, attr))))
-        except:
-            print("obj.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(obj):
-        if inspect.isclass(data):
-            print('name:%s' % (name))
-            print(data)
-redmine_config_global = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-redmine_config_global.read(config_global.get('INI', 'Redmine'))
-# Parse config
-REDMINE_HOSTNAME = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'HOST')
-REDMINE_PROTO = redmine_config_global.get('GLOBAL', 'PROTO')
-REDMINE_KEY = redmine_config_global.get('CREDENTIAL', 'APIkey')
-redmine = Redmine('%s://%s' % (REDMINE_PROTO, REDMINE_HOSTNAME), key=REDMINE_KEY, requests={'verify': CA_bundle})
-users = redmine.user.all(offset=0, limit=100)
-for u in users:
-    # print(u)
-    # print '%s' % (u.id)
-    # print '%s' % (u.login)
-    # print '%s' % (u.firstname)
-    # print '%s' % (u.lastname)
-    # print '%s' % (u.mail)
-    # print '%s' % (u.auth_source_id)
-    # print '%s' % (u.mail_notification)
-    print('%s %s %s <%s> (%s)' % (u.login, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.mail, u.id))
-    obj_dump(u)
-    # obj_dump(u.contacts)
-    # obj_dump(u.deals)
-    obj_dump(u.groups)
-    obj_dump(u.memberships)
-    break
diff --git a/bin/synchronize_users.pl b/bin/synchronize_users.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 4685de82a24601711e2f766fb0ae013d2f266652..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/synchronize_users.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -T
-use strict;
-use warnings FATAL => 'all';
-use diagnostics;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use lib (
-          new Config::IniFiles(
-                                -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini"
-          )->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' )
-use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-my $ldap_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-my $ldap_server = {
-                    'uri'      => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET',        'SERVER' ),
-                    'base'     => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET',        'BASE' ),
-                    'user'     => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'USER' ),
-                    'password' => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_CREDENTIALS', 'PASSWORD' ),
-my $ldap_server_ng = {
-                       'uri'      => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_NG',             'SERVER' ),
-                       'base'     => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_NG',             'BASE' ),
-                       'user'     => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_NG_CREDENTIALS', 'USER' ),
-                       'password' => $ldap_iniFile->val( 'LDAP_NG_CREDENTIALS', 'PASSWORD' ),
-sub synchronize($$)
-    my ( $cfrom, $cto ) = @_;
-    die 'missing parameters' unless (    ( defined( $cfrom ) && defined( $cto ) )
-                                      && ( ref( $cfrom ) eq 'HASH' )
-                                      && ( ref( $cto ) eq 'HASH' ) );
-    my $from = $cfrom->{'userInfos'};
-    my $to   = $cto->{'userInfos'};
-    die 'missing userInfos' unless (    defined( $from )
-                                     && defined( $to ) );
-    while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{$from} ) {
-        my $uid = $cfrom->{'connection'}->clean_dn( $k );
-        my $dn  = 'uid=' . $uid . ',ou=People,' . $cto->{'base'};
-        if ( !defined( $to->{$dn} ) ) {
-            print STDERR "$0: [warning] user `$dn' not found\n";
-            next;
-        }
-        my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( $dn );
-        $entry->changetype( 'modify' );
-        my $changes = 0;
-        foreach my $attr ( 'userpassword', 'uidnumber' ) {
-            next unless (    defined( $v->{$attr} )
-                          && defined( $to->{$dn}->{$attr} ) );
-            my $from_attr = ${ $v->{$attr} }[0];
-            my $to_attr   = ${ $to->{$dn}->{$attr} }[0];
-            if ( $from_attr ne $to_attr ) {
-                $changes++;
-                $entry->replace( $attr => $from_attr );
-            }
-        }
-        if ( $changes > 0 ) {
-            my $result = $entry->update( $cto->{'connection'}->{'connection'} );
-            if ( $result->is_error() ) {
-                print STDERR "$0: [error] unable to synchronize $uid:" . ( defined( $result->error_desc ) ? $result->error_desc : $result->error() ) . "\n";
-            } else {
-                print STDERR "$0: [success] $uid synchronized\n";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-eval {
-    foreach my $server ( $ldap_server, $ldap_server_ng ) {
-        my $uri = $server->{'uri'};
-        die "invalid uri `$uri'" unless ( $uri =~ m/^(?:ldap:\/\/)?([^:]+)(?::389)?$/i );
-        $server->{'server'} = $1;
-    }
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_add_dn_exception( $ldap_server->{'user'} );
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $ldap_server->{'server'}, $ldap_server->{'user'}, $ldap_server->{'password'}, $ldap_server->{'uri'}, 'LDAPISS', 0, 0, 0 );
-    $ldap_server->{'connection'} = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $ldap_server->{'uri'} );
-    $ldap_server->{'userInfos'} = $ldap_server->{'connection'}->search(
-                                                                        base   => 'ou=People,' . $ldap_server->{'base'},
-                                                                        scope  => 'sub',
-                                                                        filter => '(objectClass=posixAccount)',
-                                                                        attrs  => [ 'uid', 'uidNumber', 'userPassword' ]
-    );
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_del_dn_exception( $ldap_server->{'user'} );
-    SNET::LdapNS::ldapns_bind( $ldap_server_ng->{'server'}, $ldap_server_ng->{'user'}, $ldap_server_ng->{'password'}, $ldap_server_ng->{'uri'}, 'LDAPISS', 1, 0, 0 );
-    $ldap_server_ng->{'connection'} = SNET::LdapNS::get_connection( $ldap_server_ng->{'uri'} );
-    $ldap_server_ng->{'userInfos'} = $ldap_server_ng->{'connection'}->search(
-                                                                              base   => 'ou=People,' . $ldap_server_ng->{'base'},
-                                                                              scope  => 'sub',
-                                                                              filter => '(objectClass=posixAccount)',
-                                                                              attrs  => [ 'uid', 'uidNumber', 'userPassword' ]
-    );
-    synchronize( $ldap_server, $ldap_server_ng );
-if ( $@ ) {
-    print STDERR $@;
-    exit 1;
-exit 0;
diff --git a/cgi-bin/check_users_in_AD_group.pl b/cgi-bin/check_users_in_AD_group.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 515d8a6fac5b5ef77f5ee544dbb56e76e462b896..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cgi-bin/check_users_in_AD_group.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# Check if user is member of an AD's group (up to 3 group of group deep)
-# 1. check if user is a direct member of the group
-# 2. check recursively in each user's group to find if a member's group is included in the target group
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use CGI qw/:standard start_ol/;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use Net::LDAP;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-sub is_memberOf ($$$);
-sub get_memberOf ($$);
-sub get_dn ($$$);
-sub found ($$);
-sub search_rec ($$$$$$);
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::access;
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::html;
-use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $env $script $cli_mode);
-$debug   = 0;
-$verbose = 0;
-( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
-my $title    = "AD Group Checker";
-my $function = "AD_Group_Checker";
-my $href     = "";
-my $header   = "";
-my $html_msg = "";
-my $AuthGroup = $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHGROUP"};
-my $AuthUser  = $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"};
-$env = $ENV{"ENV"};
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-if ( !defined( $env ) || ( $env =~ /^$/ ) ) {
-    $env = "test";
-if (    !defined( $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} )
-     && !defined( $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} )
-     && !defined( $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} )
-     && !defined( $ENV{'HTTP_CLIENT_IP'} )
-     && !defined( $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} )
-     && !defined( $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} )
-     && ( $env eq "test" ) ) {
-    $cli_mode = 1;
-} else {
-    $cli_mode = 0;
-    if ( ( ( !defined( $AuthGroup ) ) || ( $AuthGroup =~ /^$/ ) ) && ( $AuthUser =~ /^NET1\\(.*)$/ ) ) {
-        $AuthUser = $1;
-        my $html_msg_temp = '';
-        ( $AuthGroup, $html_msg_temp ) = Access_LDAP_Get_User_Group( $global_iniFile, $AuthUser );
-        $html_msg .= $html_msg_temp;
-        undef $html_msg_temp;
-        $html_msg .= "AuthGroup:$AuthGroup" . br if $verbose;
-    } elsif ( $AuthGroup =~ /^cudgroup==/ ) {
-        $AuthGroup =~ s/cudgroup==//g;
-    }
-    if ( Access_Check_Script_Authorisation( $global_iniFile, $AuthGroup, $script ) != 1 ) {
-        $html_msg .= "AuthGroup:$AuthGroup" . br;
-        $html_msg .= "AuthUser:$AuthUser" . br;
-        Access_barf 401, "Not Authorized User", "Not Authorized User", $html_msg;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-print header( -type    => "text/html",
-              -charset => 'UTF-8', );
-dg_header_html( $title, 1, 0, $href, $header );
-print $html_msg;
-print "Loading INI file Parameters" . br . "\n" if $verbose;
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'AD' ) );
-my $adserver = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'SERVER' );
-print "error value of adserver is undefined" if ( !defined( $adserver ) );
-my $aduser = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'USER' );
-print "error value of aduser is undefined" if ( !defined( $aduser ) );
-my $adpasswd = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'PASSWORD' );
-print "error value of adpasswd is undefined" if ( !defined( $adpasswd ) );
-my $searchbase = 'DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int';
-############ Get user name, group
-my $action = '';
-$action = param( 'action' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'action' ) ) ) && ( param( 'action' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'action' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-my $groupname = '';
-$groupname = param( 'groupname' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'groupname' ) ) ) && ( param( 'groupname' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'groupname' ) =~ /^[\w\.-]+$/ ) );
-my $uid = '';
-$uid = param( 'uid' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'uid' ) ) ) && ( param( 'uid' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'uid' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-if ( ( $action eq 'Search' ) && ( $uid =~ /^\w+$/ ) && ( $groupname =~ /^[\w\.-]+$/ ) ) {
-    my $ad_net1 = AD_connect( $adserver, $aduser, $adpasswd );
-    # TODO check for bind errors
-    #print "bind: ldap_error_text($mesg->code) \n";
-    #print Dumper($mesg);
-##################################### MAIN ###########################################
-## Get DN for user and goup
-    my $user_dn = get_dn( $ad_net1, $searchbase, $uid );
-    if ( $user_dn eq "Not found" ) {
-        print "uid $uid not found in AD !" . br;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    print "User  DN: $user_dn" . br;
-    my $grp_dn = get_dn( $ad_net1, $searchbase, $groupname );
-    if ( $grp_dn eq "Not found" ) {
-        print "group $groupname not found in AD !" . br;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    print "Group DN: $grp_dn" . br;
-    my $grp_cn = "CN=" . substr( $grp_dn, 3 );
-    print "Group CN: $grp_cn" . br;
-##  Simple match (user is part of group)
-    print br. "Searching using Fast path." . br;
-    my $fp = is_memberOf( $ad_net1, $user_dn, $grp_dn );
-    if ( 1 == $fp ) {
-        found( $uid, $groupname );
-    } else {
-## Recursive check
-        print "Not found using Fast path." . br;
-        print "Searching using Slow path." . br;
-        $fp = search_rec( $ad_net1, $user_dn, $grp_dn, $fp, 1, $user_dn );
-        if ( 0 == $fp ) {
-            printf "User '$uid' NOT found in '$groupname'." . br;
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    print "Check if user is member of an AD's group (up to 3 group of group deep)" . br;
-    print start_ol();
-    print li( [ "Check if user is a direct member of the group.", "Check recursively in each user's group to find if a member's group is included in the target group." ] );
-    print end_ol();
-    print "Most of the groups are in the form of &lt;DG&gt;-IAP-Users" . br;
-    print start_form( -enctype => &CGI::URL_ENCODED );
-    print "<em>Username:</em>" . br;
-    print textfield( -name => 'uid', -value => $uid ) . br;
-    print "<em>Groupname:</em>" . br;
-    print textfield( -name => 'groupname', -value => $groupname ) . br . br . br;
-    print submit( -name => 'action', -value => 'Search' );
-    print endform;
-print '</div>';
-################ Some functions ###############################
-sub is_memberOf ($$$)
-    my ( $ad, $user, $grp ) = @_;
-    my $attrs   = ['memberOf'];
-    my $filter  = "memberOf=$grp";
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $user, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'base' );
-    my $count   = $results->count;
-    if ( $count == 1 ) {
-        return 1;
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        print "Should not happen\n";
-        print Dumper( $results );
-        return -1;
-    }
-sub get_memberOf ($$)
-    my ( $ad, $grp ) = @_;
-    my @memberOf = ();
-    my $attrs    = ['memberOf'];
-    my $filter   = "objectclass=*";
-    my $results  = $ad->search( base => $grp, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'base' );
-    my $count    = $results->count;
-    if ( $count == 1 ) {
-        my $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
-        #print Dumper($entry);
-        @memberOf = $entry->get_value( 'memberOf' );
-    }
-    return @memberOf;
-sub get_dn ($$$)
-    my ( $ad, $searchbase, $user ) = @_;
-    my $attrs   = ['cn'];
-    my $filter  = "sAMAccountName=$user";
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs );
-    my $count   = $results->count;
-    if ( $count == 1 ) {
-        my $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
-        print "dn-> " . $entry->dn . "\n" if ( $main::debug );
-        return $entry->dn;
-    } else {
-        return "Not found";
-    }
-sub found ($$)
-    my ( $uid, $groupname ) = @_;
-    printf br. "User '$uid' found in '$groupname'" . br;
-sub search_rec ($$$$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $user_dn, $grp_dn, $fp, $level, $base ) = @_;
-    if ( 0 == $fp ) {
-        my @memberOf = get_memberOf( $ad, $base );
-        foreach my $grp ( @memberOf ) {
-            next if ( $grp =~ /Distribution|Resource/ );
-            #print ".";
-            $grp =~ /^CN=(.+?),OU=/;
-            print "$level: search in $1 \n" if ( $main::debug );
-            $fp = is_memberOf( $ad, $grp, $grp_dn );
-            if ( 1 == $fp ) {
-                found( $uid, $groupname );
-                last;
-            } elsif ( 0 == $fp && $level < 3 ) {
-                $level = $level + 1;
-                $grp =~ /^CN=(.+?),OU=/;
-                print "\tgoing to $1\n" if ( $main::debug );
-                $fp = search_rec( $ad, $user_dn, $grp_dn, $fp, $level, $grp );
-                $level = $level - 1;
-            }
-            last if ( 1 == $fp );
-        }
-    }
-    return $fp;
-exit 0;
diff --git a/cgi-bin/get_groups_content_from_AD.pl b/cgi-bin/get_groups_content_from_AD.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 18984a6b081c7d5a9c193e933519bbc7e3282bf7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cgi-bin/get_groups_content_from_AD.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-# Check if user is member of an AD's group (up to 3 group of group deep)
-# 1. check if user is a direct member of the group
-# 2. check recursively in each user's group to find if a member's group is included in the target group
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use CGI qw/:standard start_ol/;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use Net::LDAP;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-sub is_memberOf ($$$);
-sub get_memberOf ($$$$$);
-sub get_ldap_memberOf ($$$$$);
-sub get_dn ($$$$$;$);
-sub search_rec ($$$$);
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::access;
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::html;
-use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $env $script $cli_mode);
-$debug   = 0;
-$verbose = 0;
-( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
-my $title    = "Group Dump";
-my $function = $title;
-$function =~ s/\s/_/g;
-my $href     = "";
-my $header   = h1( a( { href => "/snet/cgi-bin/auth/$script.pl" }, $title ) );
-my $html_msg = "";
-$env = $ENV{"ENV"};
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-if ( !defined( $env ) || ( $env =~ /^$/ ) ) {
-    $env = "test";
-( $html_msg ) = Access_snet_script_head( $script, $global_iniFile, $ENV, $env );
-print header( -type => "text/html", -charset => 'UTF-8', );
-dg_header_html( $title, 1, 0, $href, $header );
-print $html_msg;
-print "Loading INI file Parameters" . br . "\n" if $verbose;
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of AiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
-my $credential = ();
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of adserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'NET1'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of aduser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'NET1'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of adpasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'NET1'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'base'}   = 'DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int';
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'attrs'}  = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'filter'} = "sAMAccountName=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapuser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldappasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_basedn is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'attrs'}       = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'attrs_gon'}   = ['cudgroup'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'filter'}      = "(&(objectClass=cudperson)(cudgroup=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'filter_post'} = "))";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapuser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldappasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_basedn is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'attrs'}       = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'attrs_gon'}   = ['cudgroup'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'filter'}      = "(&(objectClass=cudperson)(cudgroup=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'filter_post'} = "))";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapuser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldappasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_basedn is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'attrs'}       = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'attrs_gon'}   = ['cudgroup'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'filter'}      = "(&(objectClass=cudperson)(cudgroup=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'filter_post'} = "))";
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'cafile'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'cafile'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'attrs'}     = [ 'cn', 'memberOf' ];
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'attrs_gon'} = ['memberOf'];
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'filter'}    = "uid=";
-#my $cfg_ldap_group_search = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search ) );
-#my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
-#$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=REPLACE))";
-#my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
-#$cfg_ldap_group_attribute = ["memberuid"];
-#my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
-############ Get user name, group
-my $action = '';
-$action = param( 'action' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'action' ) ) ) && ( param( 'action' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'action' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-my $uid = '';
-$uid = param( 'uid' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'uid' ) ) ) && ( param( 'uid' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'uid' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-my $type = 'NET1';
-$type = param( 'type' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'type' ) ) ) && ( param( 'type' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'type' ) =~ /^((EC|SNMC)_LDAP(_Proxy|RP)?|NET1)$/ ) );
-my $format = '';
-$format = param( 'format' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'format' ) ) ) && ( param( 'format' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'format' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-$verbose = 1 if ( ( defined( param( 'verbose' ) ) ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) eq 'godmode1' ) );
-$debug   = 1 if ( ( defined( param( 'debug' ) ) )   && ( param( 'debug' ) !~ /^$/ )   && ( param( 'debug' ) =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ )   && ( param( 'debug' ) eq 'godmode1' ) );
-if ( ( $action eq 'Search' ) && ( $uid =~ /^\w+$/ ) && ( $type =~ /^((EC|SNMC)_LDAP(_Proxy|RP)?|NET1)$/ ) ) {
-    print '<div class="preview">';
-    my ( $status, $connection ) =
-      AD_connect( $credential->{$type}{'server'}, $credential->{$type}{'user'}, $credential->{$type}{'passwd'}, ( $credential->{$type}{'cafile'} ? $credential->{$type}{'cafile'} : '' ) );
-    if ( !$status ) {
-        print "ERROR: $connection." . nl();
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    my $searchbase = $credential->{$type}{'base'};
-    # TODO check for bind errors
-    #print "bind: ldap_error_text($mesg->code) \n";
-    #print Dumper($mesg);
-##################################### MAIN ###########################################
-    print "Searching for group '$uid' in $type !" . nl();
-## Get DN for user and goup
-    my $user_dn = undef;
-    if ( defined( $credential->{$type}{'filter_post'} ) && $credential->{$type}{'filter_post'} ) {
-        $user_dn = get_dn( $connection, $searchbase, $uid, $credential->{$type}{'attrs'}, $credential->{$type}{'filter'}, $credential->{$type}{'filter_post'} );
-    } else {
-        $user_dn = get_dn( $connection, $searchbase, $uid, $credential->{$type}{'attrs'}, $credential->{$type}{'filter'} );
-    }
-    if ( $user_dn eq "Not found" ) {
-        print "uid $uid not found in $type ($searchbase) with query (" . $credential->{$type}{'filter'} . ")!" . nl();
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    print "User  DN: $user_dn" . nl();
-## Recursive check
-    print "Searching all group recursivly." . nl();
-    if ( defined( $credential->{$type}{'attrs_gon'} ) ) {
-        print "Searching for groupOfName membership." . nl();
-        my @ldap_group = get_ldap_memberOf( $connection, $searchbase, $uid, $credential->{$type}{'attrs_gon'}, $credential->{$type}{'filter'} );
-        foreach ( @ldap_group ) {
-            print "level 0 groupname: '$_'" . nl();
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $type eq 'SNMC_LDAP' ) {
-        print "Searching for PosixGroup membership." . nl();
-        my $attrs  = ['cn'];
-        my $filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(memberuid=$uid))";
-        my $base   = 'sub';
-        my @ldap_group = get_memberOf( $connection, $searchbase, $attrs, $filter, $base );
-        foreach ( @ldap_group ) {
-            print "level 0 groupname: '$_'" . nl();
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $type eq 'NET1' ) {
-        my $known = ();
-        search_rec( $connection, $user_dn, 1, $known );
-    }
-    print '</div>';
-} else {
-    print "Display the group membership" . nl();
-    print start_ol();
-    print "Please fill the groupname in lower case." . nl();
-    print "Please choose the authorisation to perform the audit." . nl();
-    print end_ol();
-    print start_form( -enctype => &CGI::URL_ENCODED );
-    print "<em>Groupname:</em>" . nl();
-    print textfield( -name => 'uid', -value => $uid ) . nl();
-    print popup_menu( 'type', [ 'EC_LDAP', 'SNMC_LDAP', 'NET1', 'EC_LDAP_Proxy', 'EC_LDAP_RP' ], 'NET1' );
-    print submit( -name => 'action', -value => 'Search' );
-    print end_form();
-print '</div>';
-################ Some functions ###############################
-sub is_memberOf ($$$)
-    my ( $ad, $user, $grp ) = @_;
-    my $attrs   = ['memberOf'];
-    my $filter  = "memberOf=$grp";
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $user, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'base' );
-    my $count   = $results->count;
-    if ( $count == 1 ) {
-        return 1;
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        print "Should not happen\n";
-        print Dumper( $results );
-        return -1;
-    }
-sub get_memberOf ($$$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $grp, $attrs, $filter, $base ) = @_;
-    my @memberOf = ();
-    my $results  = $ad->search( base => $grp, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => $base );
-    my $count    = $results->count;
-    # print html_rendering ( Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) );    # if $verbose;
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'Not found' );
-    } elsif ( $count >= 1 ) {
-        foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-            # print html_rendering( Dumper( $entry ) );
-            foreach my $key ( @$attrs ) {
-                my @tmp = $entry->get_value( lc( $key ) );
-                foreach my $v ( @tmp ) {
-                    push( @memberOf, $v );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return @memberOf;
-sub get_ldap_memberOf ($$$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $searchbase, $user, $attrs, $filter ) = @_;
-    $filter = $filter . $user;
-    my @memberOf = ();
-    my $results  = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'sub' );
-    my $count    = $results->count;
-    # print html_rendering ( Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) ) if $verbose;
-    if ( $count >= 1 ) {
-        foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-            # print html_rendering( Dumper( $entry ) );
-            foreach my $key ( @$attrs ) {
-                my @tmp = $entry->get_value( lc( $key ) );
-                foreach my $v ( @tmp ) {
-                    push( @memberOf, $v );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return @memberOf;
-sub get_dn ($$$$$;$)
-    my ( $ad, $searchbase, $user, $attrs, $filter, $filter_post ) = @_;
-    $filter = $filter . $user;
-    if ( defined( $filter_post ) ) {
-        $filter = $filter . $filter_post;
-    }
-    metaprint( 'error', $filter);
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'sub' );
-    my $count = $results->count;
-    print html_rendering ( Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) ) if $verbose;
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'Not found' );
-    } elsif ( $count == 1 ) {
-        my $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
-        print "dn-> " . $entry->dn . "\n" if ( $main::debug );
-        return $entry->dn;
-    } else {
-        return "Not found";
-    }
-sub search_rec ($$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $user_dn, $level, $known ) = @_;
-    my $attrs    = ['memberOf'];
-    my $filter   = "objectclass=*";
-    my $base     = 'base';
-    my @memberOf = get_memberOf( $ad, $user_dn, $attrs, $filter, $base );
-    foreach my $grp ( @memberOf ) {
-        print "'$grp'<br>";
-        next if ( $grp =~ /Distribution|Resource/ );
-        print "level $level groupname: '$grp'" . nl();
-        if ( ( !defined( $known->{$grp} ) ) && ( $grp =~ /^CN=(.+?),OU=/ ) ) {
-            $known->{$grp} = $1;
-            $level++;
-            search_rec( $ad, $grp, $level, $known );
-            $level--;
-        }
-    }
-exit 0;
diff --git a/cgi-bin/get_users_in_AD_group.pl b/cgi-bin/get_users_in_AD_group.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ea55539105848ddb6f2e702fa6990a8a25ca6ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cgi-bin/get_users_in_AD_group.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-# Check if user is member of an AD's group (up to 3 group of group deep)
-# 1. check if user is a direct member of the group
-# 2. check recursively in each user's group to find if a member's group is included in the target group
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use CGI qw/:standard start_ol/;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use Net::LDAP;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-sub is_memberOf ($$$);
-sub get_memberOf ($$$$$);
-sub get_ldap_memberOf ($$$$$);
-sub get_dn ($$$$$);
-sub search_rec ($$$$);
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::access;
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::html;
-use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $env $script $cli_mode);
-$debug   = 0;
-$verbose = 0;
-( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
-my $title    = "User Dump";
-my $function = $title;
-$function =~ s/\s/_/g;
-my $href     = "";
-my $header   = h1( a( { href => "/snet/cgi-bin/auth/$script.pl" }, $title ) );
-my $html_msg = "";
-$env = $ENV{"ENV"};
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-if ( !defined( $env ) || ( $env =~ /^$/ ) ) {
-    $env = "test";
-( $html_msg ) = Access_snet_script_head( $script, $global_iniFile, $ENV, $env );
-print header( -type => "text/html", -charset => 'UTF-8', );
-dg_header_html( $title, 1, 0, $href, $header );
-print $html_msg;
-print "Loading INI file Parameters" . br . "\n" if $verbose;
-my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'LDAP' ) );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of AiniFile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $AiniFile ) );
-my $credential = ();
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of adserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'NET1'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of aduser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'NET1'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of adpasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'NET1'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'base'}   = 'DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int';
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'attrs'}  = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'NET1'}{'filter'} = "sAMAccountName=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapuser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldappasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_basedn is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'attrs'}     = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'attrs_gon'} = ['cudgroup'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'filter'}    = "uid=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapuser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldappasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_basedn is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'attrs'}     = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'attrs_gon'} = ['cudgroup'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_Proxy'}{'filter'}    = "uid=";
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapserver is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldapuser is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_ldappasswd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_EC', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of ec_basedn is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'EC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'attrs'}     = ['cn'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'attrs_gon'} = ['cudgroup'];
-$credential->{'EC_LDAP_RP'}{'filter'}    = "uid=";
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'server'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SERVER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_server is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'server'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'user'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'USER' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_user is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'user'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'PASSWORD' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_passwd is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'passwd'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'base'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'BASE' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'base'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'cafile'} = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'CA' );
-metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_cafile is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'cafile'} ) );
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'attrs'}     = [ 'cn', 'memberOf' ];
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'attrs_gon'} = ['memberOf'];
-$credential->{'SNMC_LDAP'}{'filter'}    = "uid=";
-#my $cfg_ldap_group_search = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_SEARCH' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search ) );
-#my $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'FILTER' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_search_filter is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_search_filter ) );
-#$cfg_ldap_group_search_filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=REPLACE))";
-#my $cfg_ldap_group_attribute = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'GRP_ATTRIBUTE' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_group_attribute is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_group_attribute ) );
-#$cfg_ldap_group_attribute = ["memberuid"];
-#my $cfg_ldap_search_scope = $AiniFile->val( 'LDAP_SNET_NG', 'SEARCH_SCOPE' );
-#metaprint( "error", "error value of cfg_ldap_search_scope is undefined" ) if ( !defined( $cfg_ldap_search_scope ) );
-############ Get user name, group
-my $action = '';
-$action = param( 'action' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'action' ) ) ) && ( param( 'action' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'action' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-my $uid = '';
-$uid = param( 'uid' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'uid' ) ) ) && ( param( 'uid' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'uid' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-my $type = 'NET1';
-$type = param( 'type' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'type' ) ) ) && ( param( 'type' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'type' ) =~ /^((EC|SNMC)_LDAP(_Proxy|RP)?|NET1)$/ ) );
-my $format = '';
-$format = param( 'format' ) if ( ( defined( param( 'format' ) ) ) && ( param( 'format' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'format' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-$verbose = 1 if ( ( defined( param( 'verbose' ) ) ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ ) && ( param( 'verbose' ) eq 'godmode1' ) );
-$debug   = 1 if ( ( defined( param( 'debug' ) ) )   && ( param( 'debug' ) !~ /^$/ )   && ( param( 'debug' ) =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ )   && ( param( 'debug' ) eq 'godmode1' ) );
-if ( ( $action eq 'Search' ) && ( $uid =~ /^\w+$/ ) && ( $type =~ /^((EC|SNMC)_LDAP(_Proxy|RP)?|NET1)$/ ) ) {
-    print '<div class="preview">';
-    my ( $status, $connection ) =
-      AD_connect( $credential->{$type}{'server'}, $credential->{$type}{'user'}, $credential->{$type}{'passwd'}, ( $credential->{$type}{'cafile'} ? $credential->{$type}{'cafile'} : '' ) );
-    if ( !$status ) {
-        print "ERROR: $connection." . nl();
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    my $searchbase = $credential->{$type}{'base'};
-    # TODO check for bind errors
-    #print "bind: ldap_error_text($mesg->code) \n";
-    #print Dumper($mesg);
-##################################### MAIN ###########################################
-    print "Searching for uid '$uid' in $type !" . nl();
-## Get DN for user and goup
-    my $user_dn = get_dn( $connection, $searchbase, $uid, $credential->{$type}{'attrs'}, $credential->{$type}{'filter'} );
-    if ( $user_dn eq "Not found" ) {
-        print "uid $uid not found in $type ($searchbase)!" . nl();
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    print "User  DN: $user_dn" . nl();
-## Recursive check
-    print "Searching all group recursivly." . nl();
-    if ( defined( $credential->{$type}{'attrs_gon'} ) ) {
-        print "Searching for groupOfName membership." . nl();
-        my @ldap_group = get_ldap_memberOf( $connection, $searchbase, $uid, $credential->{$type}{'attrs_gon'}, $credential->{$type}{'filter'} );
-        foreach ( @ldap_group ) {
-            print "level 0 groupname: '$_'" . nl();
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $type eq 'SNMC_LDAP' ) {
-        print "Searching for PosixGroup membership." . nl();
-        my $attrs  = ['cn'];
-        my $filter = "(&(objectclass=posixGroup)(memberuid=$uid))";
-        my $base   = 'sub';
-        my @ldap_group = get_memberOf( $connection, $searchbase, $attrs, $filter, $base );
-        foreach ( @ldap_group ) {
-            print "level 0 groupname: '$_'" . nl();
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $type eq 'NET1' ) {
-        my $known = ();
-        search_rec( $connection, $user_dn, 1, $known );
-    }
-    print '</div>';
-} else {
-    print "Display the user membership" . nl();
-    print start_ol();
-    print "Please fill the username in lower case." . nl();
-    print "Please choose the authorisation to perform the audit." . nl();
-    print end_ol();
-    print start_form( -enctype => &CGI::URL_ENCODED );
-    print "<em>Username:</em>" . nl();
-    print textfield( -name => 'uid', -value => $uid ) . nl();
-    print popup_menu( 'type', [ 'EC_LDAP', 'SNMC_LDAP', 'NET1', 'EC_LDAP_Proxy', 'EC_LDAP_RP' ], 'NET1' );
-    print submit( -name => 'action', -value => 'Search' );
-    print end_form();
-print '</div>';
-################ Some functions ###############################
-sub is_memberOf ($$$)
-    my ( $ad, $user, $grp ) = @_;
-    my $attrs   = ['memberOf'];
-    my $filter  = "memberOf=$grp";
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $user, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'base' );
-    my $count   = $results->count;
-    if ( $count == 1 ) {
-        return 1;
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        print "Should not happen\n";
-        print Dumper( $results );
-        return -1;
-    }
-sub get_memberOf ($$$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $grp, $attrs, $filter, $base ) = @_;
-    my @memberOf = ();
-    my $results  = $ad->search( base => $grp, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => $base );
-    my $count    = $results->count;
-    # print html_rendering ( Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) );    # if $verbose;
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'Not found' );
-    } elsif ( $count >= 1 ) {
-        foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-            # print html_rendering( Dumper( $entry ) );
-            foreach my $key ( @$attrs ) {
-                my @tmp = $entry->get_value( lc( $key ) );
-                foreach my $v ( @tmp ) {
-                    push( @memberOf, $v );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return @memberOf;
-sub get_ldap_memberOf ($$$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $searchbase, $user, $attrs, $filter ) = @_;
-    $filter = $filter . $user;
-    my @memberOf = ();
-    my $results  = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'sub' );
-    my $count    = $results->count;
-    # print html_rendering ( Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) ) if $verbose;
-    if ( $count >= 1 ) {
-        foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-            # print html_rendering( Dumper( $entry ) );
-            foreach my $key ( @$attrs ) {
-                my @tmp = $entry->get_value( lc( $key ) );
-                foreach my $v ( @tmp ) {
-                    push( @memberOf, $v );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return @memberOf;
-sub get_dn ($$$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $searchbase, $user, $attrs, $filter ) = @_;
-    $filter = $filter . $user;
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs, scope => 'sub' );
-    my $count = $results->count;
-    print html_rendering ( Dumper( $results->as_struct() ) ) if $verbose;
-    if ( $results->is_error() ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error_text );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->code );
-        metaprint( 'error', 'search failed: ' . $results->error );
-    } elsif ( $count == 0 ) {
-        metaprint( 'error', 'Not found' );
-    } elsif ( $count == 1 ) {
-        my $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
-        print "dn-> " . $entry->dn . "\n" if ( $main::debug );
-        return $entry->dn;
-    } else {
-        return "Not found";
-    }
-sub search_rec ($$$$)
-    my ( $ad, $user_dn, $level, $known ) = @_;
-    my $attrs    = ['memberOf'];
-    my $filter   = "objectclass=*";
-    my $base     = 'base';
-    my @memberOf = get_memberOf( $ad, $user_dn, $attrs, $filter, $base );
-    foreach my $grp ( @memberOf ) {
-        print "'$grp'<br>";
-        next if ( $grp =~ /Distribution|Resource/ );
-        print "level $level groupname: '$grp'" . nl();
-        if ( ( !defined( $known->{$grp} ) ) && ( $grp =~ /^CN=(.+?),OU=/ ) ) {
-            $known->{$grp} = $1;
-            $level++;
-            search_rec( $ad, $grp, $level, $known );
-            $level--;
-        }
-    }
-exit 0;
diff --git a/cgi-bin/ldap_NS.pl b/cgi-bin/ldap_NS.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a6997155bd252cf4224e4a37b4403f65b779c93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cgi-bin/ldap_NS.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-exec '/usr/bin/perl', '-T', '/opt/auth/bin/ldap_NS.pl';
diff --git a/cgi-bin/ldap_NS_adduser.pl b/cgi-bin/ldap_NS_adduser.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index df49fc3faa58eec4faa2688423233ce3ef01985a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cgi-bin/ldap_NS_adduser.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use CGI qw/:standard start_ol/;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use File::Basename;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use Data::Dumper;
-# unbuffered output:
-$| = 1;
-    my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-    push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
-use SNET::access;
-use SNET::common;
-use SNET::html;
-use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $env $script $cli_mode $action $IM $username $belongs_iss3 $belongs_network $belongs_security $ldap_admin $ldap_passwd);
-$debug   = 0;
-$verbose = 0;
-( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
-my $title    = "LDAP Add User";
-my $function = $title;
-$function =~ s/\s/_/g;
-my $href     = "";
-my $header   = "";
-my $html_msg = "";
-my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
-$env = "test";    # "prod";
-( $html_msg ) = Access_snet_script_head( $script, $global_iniFile, $ENV, $env );
-# Get current user
-my $run_user = '';
-if ( defined( $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"} ) ) {
-    $run_user = $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"};
-if ( $cli_mode && ( $run_user eq '' ) ) {
-    $run_user = $ENV{"USERNAME"};
-$run_user =~ s/uid=//;
-$run_user =~ s/,.*$//g;
-=head1 print_prompt - HTML Form
-  Display the HTML Form parameters.
-  Arguments:
-    - Login name:
-        - Text field to write the new login name to be created. The username should already exist in Net1.
-    - IM:
-        - Text field to write the SMT IM associated with the request.
-    - Options:
-        - iss3,network,security: select only one where the user belong to.
-        - verbose: active the verbose output.
-        - debug: active the debug output.
-sub print_prompt ($$$$)
-    my ( $ldap_admin, $ldap_passwd, $username, $IM ) = @_;
-    print start_form( -enctype => &CGI::MULTIPART );
-    print "<em>Administrator dn: </em>";
-    print textfield(
-                     -name    => 'ldap_admin',
-                     -default => (
-                                     $ldap_admin
-                                   ? $ldap_admin
-                                   : 'cn=administrator,ou=admin,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int'
-                     ),
-                     -size      => 50,
-                     -maxlength => 80
-    );
-    print nl();
-    print nl();
-    print "<em>Administrator password: </em>";
-    print password_field(
-                          -name      => 'ldap_passwd',
-                          -default   => ( $ldap_passwd ? $ldap_passwd : '' ),
-                          -size      => 50,
-                          -maxlength => 100
-    );
-    print nl();
-    print nl();
-    print "<em>Login name (same as net1): </em>";
-    print textfield(
-                     -name      => 'username',
-                     -default   => ( $username ? $username : '' ),
-                     -size      => 50,
-                     -maxlength => 80
-    );
-    print nl();
-    print nl();
-    print "<em>IM (Full SMT ticket number): </em>";
-    print textfield(
-                     -name      => 'IM',
-                     -default   => ( $IM ? $IM : '' ),
-                     -override  => 1,
-                     -size      => 50,
-                     -maxlength => 100
-    );
-    print nl();
-    print nl();
-    print "<em>Options: </em>" . nl();
-    print checkbox_group(
-                          -name      => 'belongs',
-                          -values    => [ 'iss3', 'network', 'security', 'verbose', 'debug' ],
-                          -linebreak => 'true'
-    );
-    print nl();
-    print "<p>", submit( 'action', 'Submit' ), reset;
-    print end_form();
-=head1 do_work - HTML Parameters
-    display the parameters passed to the web interface.
-    Arguments: None
-sub do_work ()
-    my ( @values, $key );
-    return if ( !param );
-    print "<h2>Here are the current settings used for the $title processor</h2>";
-    foreach $key ( param ) {
-        next if ( $key =~ /passw/i );
-        print "<strong>$key</strong> -> ";
-        @values = param( $key );
-        print join( ", ", @values ) . nl();
-    }
-    print nl() . nl();
-$action = '';
-$IM         = param( 'IM' )         if ( defined( param( 'IM' ) )         && ( param( 'IM' ) !~ /^$/ )         && ( param( 'IM' ) =~ /^IM\d+$/ ) );
-$action     = param( 'action' )     if ( defined( param( 'action' ) )     && ( param( 'action' ) !~ /^$/ )     && ( param( 'action' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
-$username   = param( 'username' )   if ( defined( param( 'username' ) )   && ( param( 'username' ) !~ /^$/ )   && ( param( 'username' ) =~ /^[\w-]+$/ ) );
-$ldap_admin = param( 'ldap_admin' ) if ( defined( param( 'ldap_admin' ) ) && ( param( 'ldap_admin' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'ldap_admin' ) =~ /^[\w,-]+$/ ) );
-$ldap_passwd = param( 'ldap_passwd' ) if ( defined( param( 'ldap_passwd' ) ) && ( param( 'ldap_passwd' ) !~ /^$/ ) );
-$belongs_iss3     = 0;
-$belongs_network  = 0;
-$belongs_security = 0;
-my $pcount = 0;
-if ( ( defined( param( 'belongs' ) ) && ( param( 'belongs' ) !~ /^$/ ) ) ) {
-    my @values = param( 'belongs' );
-    my $belongs = join( ", ", @values );
-    $belongs =~ s/\n//;
-    $belongs =~ s/\r//;
-    $belongs =~ s/\s+//;
-    if ( $belongs =~ /iss3/ ) {
-        $belongs_iss3 = 1;
-        $pcount++;
-    }
-    if ( $belongs =~ /network/ ) {
-        $belongs_network = 1;
-        $pcount++;
-    }
-    if ( $belongs =~ /security/ ) {
-        $belongs_security = 1;
-        $pcount++;
-    }
-    $verbose = 1 if ( $belongs =~ /verbose/ );
-    $debug   = 1 if ( $belongs =~ /debug/ );
-print header( -charset => 'UTF-8', );
-dg_header_html( $title, 1, 0, $href, $header );
-print $html_msg . nl();
-# TODO add only one belongs_* stuff
-#$belongs_iss3 = 0;
-#$belongs_network = 0;
-#$belongs_security = 0;
-if (    defined( $username )
-     && ( $username !~ /^$/ )
-     && ( $username =~ /^[\w-]+$/ )
-     && defined( $IM )
-     && ( $IM !~ /^$/ )
-     && ( $IM =~ /^IM\d{10}$/ )
-     && ( defined( $action ) )
-     && ( $action eq "Submit" )
-     && ( $pcount == 1 ) ) {
-    do_work();
-    my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'AD' ) );
-    my $adserver = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'SERVER' );
-    print "error value of adserver is undefined" if ( !defined( $adserver ) );
-    my $aduser = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'USER' );
-    print "error value of aduser is undefined" if ( !defined( $aduser ) );
-    my $adpasswd = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'PASSWORD' );
-    print "error value of adpasswd is undefined" if ( !defined( $adpasswd ) );
-    my $homeserver = "home.snmc.cec.eu.int";
-    #my $ldap_server = 'vldap02.dev.snmc.cec.eu.int';
-    my $ldap_server = 'ldap.snmc.cec.eu.int';
-    #my $ldap_admin = 'cn=administrator,ou=admin,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int';
-    my $ldap_min_uid = 2000;
-    my $ldap_max_uid = 10000;
-    my $attrs = [ 'displayName', 'mail' ];
-    my ( $mail, $name ) = ( '', '' );
-    print "Searching Net1 for userlogin : '$username'" . nl();
-    my $ad = Net::LDAP->new( $adserver )
-      or die "Could not connect to AD: $adserver!";
-    $ad->bind( $aduser, password => $adpasswd );
-    my $searchbase = 'OU=Users_ITIC,OU=DIGIT,OU=DGs,DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int';
-    my $filter     = "sAMAccountName=$username";
-    my $results = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs );
-    if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
-        print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
-        $ad->unbind;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    my $count = $results->count;
-    if ( $count != 1 ) {
-        print "More than 1 entries fetched from the AD Net1. Do not know what to do. One and only one entry should be found." . nl();
-        $ad->unbind;
-        exit;
-    } else {
-        print "'$count' record fetched from Net1." . nl();
-    }
-    my $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
-    $mail = $entry->get_value( 'mail' );
-    $name = $entry->get_value( 'displayName' );
-    $name =~ s/\s\(.*$//;
-    $mail = lc( $mail );
-    $ad->unbind;
-    undef $results;
-    print "Pursuing the addition of user '$username' with parameters:" . nl();
-    print " - Realname: '$name'" . nl();
-    print " - Email: '$mail'" . nl();
-    print br;
-    # Check if username already exist
-    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldap_server ) or die "$@";
-    $ldap->bind;
-    $results = $ldap->search( base => "ou=people,o=snet,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", filter => "(uid=$username)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
-    $results->code && die $results->error;
-    $count = $results->count;
-    if ( $count != 0 ) {
-        print "Account already exist ('$count') in SNet LDAP. stopping process." . nl();
-        $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
-        print "cn: " . $entry->get_value( 'cn' ) . " uid " . $entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' ) . nl();
-        $ldap->unbind;
-        exit;
-    } else {
-        print "Did not found any existing entry in the LDAP SNet directory." . nl();
-    }
-    undef $results;
-    $results = $ldap->search( base => "ou=people,o=dead,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", filter => "(uid=$username)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
-    # TODO: branch does not yet exist...
-    if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
-        print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
-        $ldap->unbind;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    $count = $results->count;
-    if ( $count != 0 ) {
-        print "Account already exist in SNet LDAP for the old members! stopping process." . nl();
-        $ldap->unbind;
-        exit;
-    } else {
-        print "Did not found any existing entry in the LDAP SNet old members directory." . nl();
-    }
-    undef $results;
-    # fetching all the uid, to find the next available uid
-    # first tree... the living one...
-    $results = $ldap->search( base => "ou=people,o=snet,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", filter => "(uid=*)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
-    if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
-        print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
-        $ldap->unbind;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    my %blah;
-    foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-        #  $entry->dump;
-        my $uid       = $entry->get_value( 'cn' );
-        my $uidnumber = $entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' );
-        if ( defined( $blah{$uidnumber} ) ) {
-            $blah{$uidnumber} = $blah{$uidnumber} + 1;
-        } else {
-            if ( ( $uidnumber >= $ldap_min_uid ) && ( $uidnumber < 10000 ) ) {
-                $blah{$uidnumber} = 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    undef $results;
-    # searching the dead one...
-    $results = $ldap->search( base => "ou=people,o=dead,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", filter => "(uid=*)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
-    if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
-        print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
-        $ldap->unbind;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
-        #  $entry->dump;
-        my $uid       = $entry->get_value( 'cn' );
-        my $uidnumber = $entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' );
-        if ( defined( $blah{$uidnumber} ) ) {
-            $blah{$uidnumber} = $blah{$uidnumber} + 1;
-        } else {
-            if ( ( $uidnumber >= $ldap_min_uid ) && ( $uidnumber < $ldap_max_uid ) ) {
-                $blah{$uidnumber} = 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    $ldap->unbind;
-    undef $results;
-    foreach my $key ( sort { $a <=> $b } ( keys( %blah ) ) ) {
-        if ( $blah{$key} > 1 ) {
-            print "WARNING : uid number $key is used several time!" . nl();
-        }
-    }
-    my $next_free_uidnumber;
-    for ( $next_free_uidnumber = $ldap_min_uid ; $next_free_uidnumber <= $ldap_max_uid ; $next_free_uidnumber++ ) {
-        if ( !defined( $blah{$next_free_uidnumber} ) ) {
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( $next_free_uidnumber < $ldap_max_uid ) {
-        print "next free uid number : $next_free_uidnumber" . nl();
-    } else {
-        print "No more uid number available!" . nl();
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    my $uidn = $next_free_uidnumber;
-    my $gidn = 3500;                   # gid is snmc...
-    my $description = ();
-    my $folder      = '';
-    if ( $belongs_network ) {
-        push( @$description, 'RPRO' );
-        push( @$description, 'PSRO' );
-        push( @$description, 'CWRW' );
-        $folder = 'network';
-    } elsif ( $belongs_security ) {
-        push( @$description, 'RPRW' );
-        push( @$description, 'PSRW' );
-        push( @$description, 'CWRO' );
-        $folder = 'security';
-    } elsif ( $belongs_iss3 ) {
-        push( @$description, 'RPRW' );
-        push( @$description, 'PSRW' );
-        push( @$description, 'CWRA' );
-        $folder = 'iss3';
-    }
-    my $uid_dn = "uid=${username},ou=${folder},ou=people,o=snet,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int";
-    print "Creating user '$username' using the following parameters:" . nl();
-    print " - Realname: '$name'" . nl();
-    print " - Email: '$mail'" . nl();
-    print " - UID number: '$uidn'" . nl();
-    print " - GID number: '$gidn'" . nl();
-    print " - description: " . Dumper( $description ) . nl();
-    print " - uid_dn: '$uid_dn'" . nl();
-    print " - AUDIT: '$IM;$run_user;A;" . time . "'" . nl();
-    print br;
-    # Need to SSH to home.snmc.cec.eu.int
-    #        if ( ! -d "/opt/home/$username" ) {
-    #            print "Creation directory";
-    #            system "mkdir /opt/home/$username";
-    #            system "chown $next_free_uidnumber:3500 /opt/home/$username";
-    #        }
-    my $word = 'P@ssword01';
-    # password is sha1 automatically on server side.
-    #
-    # srand(time ^ $$);
-    # my @saltchars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9,'.','/');
-    # my $salt=$saltchars[int(rand($#saltchars+1))];
-    # $salt.=$saltchars[int(rand($#saltchars+1))];
-    # my $pass = crypt($word,$salt);
-    my $pass = $word;
-    print "Adding to the SNet LDAP server '$ldap_server'" . nl();
-    $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldap_server ) or die "$@";
-    $ldap->bind( $ldap_admin, password => $ldap_passwd );
-    $results = $ldap->add(
-        $uid_dn,
-        attr => [
-            'cn'            => $username,
-            'sn'            => $username,
-            'uid'           => $username,
-            'uidNumber'     => $uidn,
-            'gidNumber'     => $gidn,
-            'description'   => $description,
-            'mail'          => $mail,
-            'gecos'         => $name,
-            'homeDirectory' => "/home/$username",
-            'loginShell'    => '/bin/ksh',
-            'userPassword'  => '{CLEARTXT}' . $pass,
-            #'shadowLastChange' => '11640',
-            #'shadowFlag' => '0',
-            'auditInformation' => "$IM;$run_user;A;" . time,
-            'objectClass'      => [ 'inetOrgPerson', 'organizationalPerson', 'person', 'posixAccount', 'simpleSecurityObject', 'SNetPerson', 'top' ],
-        ]
-    );
-    if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
-        print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
-        $ldap->unbind;
-        exit 1;
-    }
-    $results->code && warn "failed to add entry: ", $results->error;
-    undef $results;
-    #            $result = $ldap->modify( "cn=snmc,ou=group,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", add => { memberUid => $username } );
-    #            $result->code && warn "failed to modify group snmc: ", $result->error ;
-    #            $result = $ldap->modify( "cn=NS,ou=group,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", add => { memberUid => $username } );
-    #            $result->code && warn "failed to modify group: ", $result->error ;
-    print "User '$username' created." . nl();
-} else {
-    if ( ( defined( $action ) ) && ( $action eq "Submit" ) ) {
-        if ( $pcount > 1 ) {
-            print "ERROR: only 1 group is valid" . nl();
-        } elsif ( $pcount < 1 ) {
-            print "ERROR: at least 1 group is needed" . nl();
-        }
-        if ( defined( $username ) && ( $username !~ /^$/ ) && ( $username !~ /^[\w-]+$/ ) ) {
-            print "ERROR: username contains some unsupported characters." . nl();
-        }
-        if ( defined( $IM ) && ( $IM !~ /^$/ ) && ( $IM !~ /^IM\d{10}$/ ) ) {
-            print "ERROR: IM is not a valid IM number." . nl();
-        }
-        if ( defined( $ldap_admin ) && ( $ldap_admin !~ /^$/ ) && ( $ldap_admin !~ /^[\w,-]+$/ ) ) {
-            print "ERROR: admin dn contains some unsupported characters." . nl();
-        }
-    }
-    print_prompt( $ldap_admin, $ldap_passwd, $username, $IM );
-print '</div>';
-print "<hr> <address>Snet NS Team</address><br> <a href=\"\">Home Page</a>";
-print end_html;
-exit 1;
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-  clear:both;
-  width: 99%;
-  overflow:hidden;
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-.ldapns_groupinfos table,
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-  width: 100%;
-  line-height:1.5em;
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-.ldapns_groupinfos thead,
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-  overflow:hidden;
-  width: 30em;
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diff --git a/library/leankit/__init__.py b/library/leankit/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f1b9c0c9f57e70bc97b025606c1f5c4342ab75cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-from logging import getLogger
-from library.leankit.models.Card import Card
-from library.leankit.models.ListResponse import BoardListResponse
-#from library.leankit.connector.Card import api
-from  .connector import api
-# from .connector import api
-__author__ = "DVE"
-__email__ = "david.vernazobres@ext.ec.europa.eu"
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__version__ = "1.0.0"
-def get_users(limit=200):
-    log.debug('Getting users')
-    return api._get('/io/user?limit=' + str(200))
-def get_user(user_info):
-    log.debug('Getting user')
-    return api._get('/io/user?search=' + user_info)
-def create_user(duser):
-    log.debug('Creating users')
-    return api._post('/io/user', duser)
-def get_invitations(limit=200):
-    log.debug('Getting intation user pending')
-    return api._get('/io/invitation?limit=' + str(limit))
-def get_boards(limit=100):
-    log.debug('Getting boards')
-    return api._get('/io/board?limit=' + str(limit))
-def get_board_by_name(board_name: str, limit=100) -> dict:
-    search_results = search_board(board_name)
-    for result in search_results.boards:
-        if result["title"] == board_name:
-            return result
-    return None
-def get_board(board_name: str, limit=100):
-    return get_board_by_name(board_name, limit)
-#necessary check the  import 
-def search_board(board_name, limit=100) -> BoardListResponse:
-    log.debug('Getting board')
-    results = api._get('/io/board', url_params={'limit': str(limit), 'search': board_name})
-    # print(results)
-    list_result = BoardListResponse.decode(results)
-    return list_result
-def get_board_detail(board_id):
-    log.debug('Getting board')
-    return api._get('/io/board/' + str(board_id))
-def get_cards(board_id=None, limit=100, offset=0):
-    log.debug('Getting cards')
-    params={}
-    if board_id is not None:
-        params['board'] = str(board_id)
-    if limit is not None:
-        params['limit'] = str(limit)
-    if offset is not None:
-        params['offset'] = str(offset)
-    return api._get('/io/card/', params)
-def get_card(card_id):
-    log.debug('Getting card')
-    return api._get('/io/card/' + str(card_id))
-#necessary check the import
-def create_card(card: Card, returnFullRecord=False):
-    """
-    see https://success.planview.com/Planview_LeanKit/LeanKit_API/01_v2/card/create
-    :param card: Card-class instance
-    :param returnFullRecord: Returns the full card record
-    :return: full card object
-    """
-    log.debug('Assigning card')
-    return api._post(f'/io/card/?returnFullRecord={str(bool(returnFullRecord)).lower}', dict(card))
-def card_assign(assign_card):
-    log.debug('Assigning card')
-    return api._post('/io/card/assign', assign_card)
-def get_cardtype_from_board(board_id):
-    log.debug('Getting card')
-    return api._get('/io/board/' + str(board_id) + '/cardType')
-def update_card(card_id, dcard):
-    log.debug('Updating card')
-    return api._patch('/io/card/' + str(card_id), dcard)
-def add_comment(card_id, dcard):
-    log.debug('add comment to card')
-    return api._post('/io/card/' + str(card_id) + '/comment', dcard)    
-# get boards ids
-def get_boards_ids(boards: dict = None) -> object:
-    """
-    Helper method to enumerate boardname and id only as a list of tuples
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        boards : dict
-            use data from leankit.get_boards()
-        Returns
-        -------
-        eg. [('31512086836591', '[SEC]'), ('31512089953496', 'Compliance'), ('31512089554405', 'Coordination [NET]'),...]
-    """
-    if not boards:
-        boards = get_boards()
-    return [(board['id'], board['title']) for board in boards['boards']]
-def get_cards_by_board(board_id):
-    request_params = {
-        'board': board_id,  # sets the board ID to be queried - filled in later by the program
-        'limit': '100000',  # sets the limit on the number of cards that can be queried at a time
-    }
-    leankitData = api._get(f'/io/card', url_params=request_params)
-    return leankitData
-def get_parent_cards(card_id, board_id):
-    """
-    https://success.planview.com/Planview_LeanKit/LeanKit_API/01_v2/connections/parents
-    Method to list the parent cards of a specific card
-    :param card_id: the id of the card to list its parents
-    :param board_id: the id of the board to which the card belongs to
-    :return: list of card objects  
-    """
-    request_params = {
-       'board': board_id,  
-        'limit': '100000'
-    }
-    leankitData = api._get(f'/io/card/{card_id}/connection/parents', url_params = request_params)
-    return leankitData
-def add_parent(card_id, parent_id):
-    """
-    https://success.planview.com/Planview_LeanKit/LeanKit_API/01_v2/connections/create
-    Method to add a parent connection to a card
-    :param card_id: the id of card to add the parent connection
-    :param parent_id: the id of the parent to be added as a connection
-    :return 201 Created
-    """
-    request_params = {
-        "cardIds":[card_id],
-        "connections":{
-            "parents":[parent_id]
-        }
-    }
-    return api._post(f'/io/card/connections', request_params)
-def get_newer_if_exists(board_id, version, timezone='UTC'):
-    """ Downloads a board if a newer version number exists """
-    url = '/Board/{}/BoardVersion/{}/GetNewerIfExists'
-    log.debug('Getting board {} version >{}'.format(board_id, version))
-    board = api._get(url.format(board_id, version))
-    if board:
-        return Board(board, timezone)
-    else:
-        return None
-log = getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/library/leankit/connector.py b/library/leankit/connector.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a9bbf4b5e725d4fc6e2cc6a3b06531c3778bbf17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/connector.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import requests
-from requests import Response, Request
-from pprint import pformat
-from json import dumps as json_dumps
-from datetime import datetime
-import pandas as pd
-import time
-from . import env_user
-class Leankit(object):
-    # see https://success.planview.com/Planview_LeanKit/LeanKit_API/01_v2/01-overview/rate-limiting
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.session = requests.Session()
-        self.proxies = {'http': env_user.http_proxy, 'https': env_user.http_proxy}
-        self.base = 'https://{}.leankit.com'.format(env_user.domain)
-        self.session_token = env_user.bearer
-        self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'bearer ' + self.session_token}
-    def _get(self, url, url_params={}, **json_kwargs):
-        log.debug('GET {}'.format(url))
-        try:
-            request = self.session.get(self.base + url, params=url_params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json(**json_kwargs)
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            if request.status_code == 429:
-                if "Retry-After" in request.headers:
-                    retry_after = request.headers['Retry-After']#Fri, 10 Jun 2022 08:32:14 GMT
-                    time_diff = pd.to_datetime(retry_after.rsplit(" ",1)[0])  - datetime.utcnow()
-                    time.sleep(time_diff.total_seconds())
-                    return self._get(url, url_params)
-            msg += ' ' + str(request.text)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-    def _post(self, url, params):
-        log.debug('POST {}'.format(url))
-        print('POST {}'.format(url))
-        print(params)
-        try:
-            request = self.session.post(self.base + url, json=params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json()
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            print(request.status_code)
-            print(request.content)
-            print('Playload:%s' % (json_dumps(params, sort_keys=True, indent=4)))
-            try:
-                print('HEADERS:' % (pformat(request.headers)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                print('TEXT:' % (pformat(request.text)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-    def _patch(self, url, params):
-        log.debug('PATCH {}'.format(url))
-        print('PATCH {}'.format(url))
-        print(params)
-        try:
-            request = self.session.patch(self.base + url, json=params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json()
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            print(request.status_code)
-            print(request.content)
-            print('Playload:%s' % (json_dumps(params, sort_keys=True, indent=4)))
-            try:
-                print('HEADERS:' % (pformat(request.headers)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                print('TEXT:' % (pformat(request.text)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-    def check_api_limits(self, response: Response):
-        # see https://success.planview.com/Planview_LeanKit/LeanKit_API/01_v2/01-overview/rate-limiting
-        x_ratelimit_limit = response.headers["X-RateLimit-Limit"]
-        x_ratelimit_remaining = response.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"]
-        x_ratelimit_reset = response.headers["X-RateLimit-Reset"]
-        retry_after = response.headers["Retry-After"]
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-api = Leankit()
diff --git a/library/leankit/env_user.py b/library/leankit/env_user.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 67131ac21325b899fb8c77d402f522dfff604461..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/env_user.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# User Input
-http_proxy = 'http://x50l002:x52503@vip-proxy-l4s.snmc.cec.eu.int:8012'
-domain = 'globalntt'
-bearer = '081defc59e8ddf15a9083dde53942dd906484c40e683a7403f54777998127b759e7cfdff713adee1bba1e23feed7d3712ad70d3e136fb8a6f76737154b7eec09'
-# End User Input
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/ApiObjBase.py b/library/leankit/models/ApiObjBase.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e6a2a14d6dea112fb4e9eb980379b58be41a5cbd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/ApiObjBase.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations  #ApiObjBase
-class ApiObjBase(object):
-    _data: dict
-    def __init__(self, data: dict = {}):
-        """ constructor """
-        self._data = data
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """ add support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method"""
-        for key in self._data:
-            yield key, self._data[key]
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/Board.py b/library/leankit/models/Board.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ef3bf8b3050463a6b99c36f92831cc5f12053b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/Board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-from library.leankit.models.User import User
-from library.leankit.models.ClassOfService  import ClassOfService
-from library.leankit.models.CardType import CardType
-from library.leankit.models.Lane import Lane, LaneType, LaneClassType
-from library.leankit.models.Priority import Priority
-from library.leankit.models.BoardLevel import BoardLevel
-class BoardCustomFieldChoiceConfiguration:
-    choices: list
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'choices', self.choises
-class BoardCustomField(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088420962'
-    index: int  # eg. '0'
-    type: str  # eg. 'choice'
-    label: str  # eg. 'PM'
-    helpText: str  # eg. ''
-    choiceConfiguration: BoardCustomFieldChoiceConfiguration  # eg. '{'choices': ['CEUPPENS Olivier (DIGIT-EXT)', 'CHEVALIER Julie (DIGIT-EXT)', 'VANHOUT Chris (DIGIT-EXT)', 'DEDONIS Vytis (DIGIT-EXT)']}'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'index', self.index
-        yield 'type', self.type
-        yield 'label', self.label
-        yield 'helpText', self.helpText
-        yield 'choiceConfiguration', self.choiceConfiguration
-class Board(object):
-    '''
-    id 	string 	The board id
-    title 	string 	The board title
-    description 	string 	The board description
-    boardRoleId 	integer 	The board role id
-    isWelcome 	boolean 	Indicates if the board is a welcome board
-    boardRole 	string 	The string representation of the board role
-    '''
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088061881'
-    title: str  # eg. 'testing'
-    description: str  # eg. 'Board for Project Managers during the interim period until Planview is ready'
-    boardRoleId: str  # eg. 'boardUser'
-    isWelcome: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    boardRole: str  # eg. 'boardUser'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'title', self.title
-        yield 'description', self.description
-        yield 'boardRoleId', self.boardRoleId
-        yield 'isWelcome', self.isWelcome
-        yield 'boardRole', self.boardRole
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return getattr(self, key)
-    def get_lane_by_name(self, lane_name: str):
-        return next(lane for lane in self.lanes if lane.name == lane_name)
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        newBoard = Board()
-        print(obj)
-        # {'id': '31512097494387', 'title': 'DEV HLP', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 2, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardUser', 'level': {'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}}
-        newBoard.id = str(obj["id"])
-        newBoard.title = str(obj["title"])
-        newBoard.description = str(obj["description"])
-        newBoard.boardRoleId = str(obj["boardRoleId"])
-        newBoard.isWelcome = bool(obj["isWelcome"])
-        newBoard.boardRole = str(obj["boardRole"])
-        return newBoard
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/BoardLevel.py b/library/leankit/models/BoardLevel.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1099d47b41890ba2b00831fbc28f84e9935944ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/BoardLevel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-class BoardLevel(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512085971730'
-    depth: int  # eg. '3'
-    maxDepth: int  # eg. '3'
-    label: str  # eg. 'Team'
-    color: str  # eg. '#ff841f'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'depth', self.depth
-        yield 'maxDepth', self.maxDepth
-        yield 'label', self.label
-        yield 'color', self.color
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        boardLevel = BoardLevel()
-        boardLevel.id = str(obj["id"])
-        boardLevel.depth = int(obj["depth"])
-        boardLevel.maxDepth = int(obj["maxDepth"])
-        boardLevel.label = str(obj["label"])
-        boardLevel.color = str(obj["color"])
-        return boardLevel
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/Board_bad.py b/library/leankit/models/Board_bad.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b9384387ec1d3663c79bf64ec1eb8866a56fbb1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/Board_bad.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-from library.leankit.models.User import User
-from library.leankit.models.ClassOfService  import ClassOfService
-from library.leankit.models.CardType import CardType
-from library.leankit.models.Lane import Lane, LaneType, LaneClassType
-from library.leankit.models.Priority import Priority
-from library.leankit.models.BoardLevel import BoardLevel
-class BoardCustomFieldChoiceConfiguration:
-    choices: list
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'choices', self.choises
-class BoardCustomField(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088420962'
-    index: int  # eg. '0'
-    type: str  # eg. 'choice'
-    label: str  # eg. 'PM'
-    helpText: str  # eg. ''
-    choiceConfiguration: BoardCustomFieldChoiceConfiguration  # eg. '{'choices': ['CEUPPENS Olivier (DIGIT-EXT)', 'CHEVALIER Julie (DIGIT-EXT)', 'VANHOUT Chris (DIGIT-EXT)', 'DEDONIS Vytis (DIGIT-EXT)']}'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'index', self.index
-        yield 'type', self.type
-        yield 'label', self.label
-        yield 'helpText', self.helpText
-        yield 'choiceConfiguration', self.choiceConfiguration
-class Board(object):
-    users: list  # eg. '[{'id': '31512085836488', 'username': 'Olivier.CEUPPENS@ext.ec.europa.eu', 'firstName': 'Olivier', 'lastName': 'CEUPPENS', 'fullName': 'Olivier CEUPPENS', 'emailAddress': 'Olivier.CEUPPENS@ext.ec.europa.eu', 'gravatarLink': None, 'avatar': None, 'lastAccess': '2021-11-09T08:57:39.286Z', 'dateFormat': 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'organizationId': '31512084678944', 'boardId': '31512088061881', 'wip': 0, 'roleTypeId': 5, 'settings': {}, 'boardRoles': []}]'
-    classesOfService: list  # eg. '[{'id': '31512088061890', 'name': 'Date Dependent', 'iconPath': '/customicons/24/212121/lk_icons_final_01-13.png', 'policy': ''}, {'id': '31512088061891', 'name': 'Expedite', 'iconPath': '/customicons/24/e35027/lk_icons_final_01-03.png', 'policy': ''}, {'id': '31512088061892', 'name': 'Regulatory', 'iconPath': '/customicons/24/49bbd6/lk_icons_final_05-11.png', 'policy': ''}, {'id': '31512088061893', 'name': 'Standard', 'iconPath': '/customicons/24/212121/blank_icon.png', 'policy': ''}, {'id': '31512088468643', 'name': 'PM Project Task', 'iconPath': '/customicons/24/e35027/lk_icons_final_18-12.png', 'policy': ''}]'
-    tags: list  # eg. '[['firewall', 'proxy']]'
-    customFields: list  # eg. '[{'id': '31512088420962', 'index': 0, 'type': 'choice', 'label': 'PM', 'helpText': '', 'choiceConfiguration': {'choices': ['CEUPPENS Olivier (DIGIT-EXT)', 'CHEVALIER Julie (DIGIT-EXT)', 'VANHOUT Chris (DIGIT-EXT)', 'DEDONIS Vytis (DIGIT-EXT)']}}, {'id': '31512088421162', 'index': 1, 'type': 'choice', 'label': 'Project Domain', 'helpText': '', 'choiceConfiguration': {'choices': ['Security', 'Network', 'Network Deployments', 'Development', 'Supporting Services', 'Compliance']}}]'
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088061881'
-    title: str  # eg. 'testing'
-    description: str  # eg. 'Board for Project Managers during the interim period until Planview is ready'
-    creationDate: str  # eg. '2021-08-30T15:24:39.296Z'
-    classOfServiceEnabled: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    customIconFieldLabel: str  # eg. 'Class of Service'
-    organizationId: str  # eg. '31512084678944'
-    version: int  # eg. '1176'
-    cardColorField: int  # eg. '1'
-    isCardIdEnabled: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    isHeaderEnabled: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    isHyperlinkEnabled: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    isPrefixEnabled: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    prefix: None  # eg. 'None'
-    format: None  # eg. 'None'
-    isPrefixIncludedInHyperlink: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    baseWipOnCardSize: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    excludeCompletedAndArchiveViolations: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    isDuplicateCardIdAllowed: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    isAutoIncrementCardIdEnabled: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    currentExternalCardId: str  # eg. '0'
-    isWelcome: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    isShared: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    isArchived: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    sharedBoardRole: str  # eg. '2'
-    customBoardMoniker: None  # eg. 'None'
-    isPermalinkEnabled: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    isExternalUrlEnabled: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    allowUsersToDeleteCards: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    allowPlanviewIntegration: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    subscriptionId: None  # eg. 'None'
-    boardRole: str  # eg. 'boardUser'
-    effectiveBoardRole: str  # eg. 'boardUser'
-    cardTypes: list  # eg. '[{'id': '31512088061883', 'name': 'Other Work', 'colorHex': '#FFFFFF', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512088061884', 'name': 'Defect', 'colorHex': '#F1C7C5', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512088061885', 'name': 'Documentation', 'colorHex': '#D0CCE0', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512088061886', 'name': 'Improvement', 'colorHex': '#BFDFC2', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512088061887', 'name': 'New Feature', 'colorHex': '#B8CFDF', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512088061888', 'name': 'Risk / Issue', 'colorHex': '#FAD7B2', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512088061889', 'name': 'Subtask', 'colorHex': '#FFF8DF', 'isCardType': False, 'isTaskType': True}, {'id': '31512088223250', 'name': 'PM Project Task', 'colorHex': '#02FE1F', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': True}, {'id': '31512088468400', 'name': 'PM Project Subtask', 'colorHex': '#FFF1BF', 'isCardType': False, 'isTaskType': True}, {'id': '31512088679692', 'name': 'Project', 'colorHex': '#FFFFFF', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': True}, {'id': '31512088679694', 'name': 'Change', 'colorHex': '#FFFFFF', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': True}, {'id': '31512089937452', 'name': 'NTX Global Project', 'colorHex': '#FFFFFF', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': False}, {'id': '31512089940077', 'name': 'Project Task', 'colorHex': '#FFFFFF', 'isCardType': True, 'isTaskType': True}]'
-    laneClassTypes: list  # eg. '[{'id': 0, 'name': 'active'}, {'id': 1, 'name': 'backlog'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'archive'}]'
-    lanes: list  # eg. '[{'id': '31512088061894', 'name': 'Not Started - Future Work', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'notStarted', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 0, 'parentLaneId': None, 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 3, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 6, 'cardSize': 6, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'backlog', 'laneType': 'ready', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088061899', 'name': 'New Requests', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'notStarted', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 0, 'parentLaneId': '31512088061894', 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': True, 'columns': 1, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 6, 'cardSize': 6, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'backlog', 'laneType': 'ready', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088066548', 'name': 'Finished As Planned', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'finished', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 0, 'parentLaneId': '31512088061895', 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'horizontal', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 3, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'archive', 'laneType': 'untyped', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088061896', 'name': 'Doing Now', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'started', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 1, 'parentLaneId': None, 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 2, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'active', 'laneType': 'inProcess', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088066547', 'name': 'Started but not Finished', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'finished', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 1, 'parentLaneId': '31512088061895', 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'horizontal', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 3, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'archive', 'laneType': 'untyped', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088061898', 'name': 'Approved', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'notStarted', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 2, 'parentLaneId': '31512088061894', 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 1, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'backlog', 'laneType': 'ready', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088066546', 'name': 'Discarded Requests / Ideas', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'finished', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 2, 'parentLaneId': '31512088061895', 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'horizontal', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 3, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'archive', 'laneType': 'untyped', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088066549', 'name': 'Under Review', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'started', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 2, 'parentLaneId': None, 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 2, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'active', 'laneType': 'inProcess', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088061897', 'name': 'Recently Finished', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'finished', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 3, 'parentLaneId': None, 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': True, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 2, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 1, 'cardSize': 1, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'active', 'laneType': 'completed', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088066550', 'name': 'Ready to Start', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'notStarted', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 3, 'parentLaneId': '31512088061894', 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 1, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'backlog', 'laneType': 'ready', 'isCollapsed': False}, {'id': '31512088061895', 'name': 'Finished - Ready to Archive', 'description': None, 'cardStatus': 'finished', 'active': True, 'cardLimit': 0, 'creationDate': '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z', 'index': 4, 'parentLaneId': None, 'activityId': None, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'isConnectionDoneLane': False, 'isDefaultDropLane': False, 'columns': 3, 'wipLimit': 0, 'cardCount': 0, 'cardSize': 0, 'archiveCardCount': 0, 'sortBy': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'laneClassType': 'archive', 'laneType': 'completed', 'isCollapsed': True}]'
-    laneTypes: list  # eg. '[{'id': 1, 'name': 'ready'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'inProcess'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'completed'}, {'id': 99, 'name': 'untyped'}]'
-    userSettings: dict  # eg. '{}'
-    level: BoardLevel  # eg. '{'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}'
-    priorities: list  # eg. '[{'id': 3, 'name': 'critical'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'high'}, {'id': 1, 'name': 'normal'}, {'id': 0, 'name': 'low'}]'
-    layoutChecksum: str  # eg. '4634ab4f64013c1b83ad63f3571c20ba'
-    defaultCardTypeId: str  # eg. '31512088061883'
-    defaultTaskTypeId: str  # eg. '31512088061889'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'users', self.users
-        yield 'classesOfService', self.classesOfService
-        yield 'tags', self.tags
-        yield 'customFields', self.customFields
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'title', self.title
-        yield 'description', self.description
-        yield 'creationDate', self.creationDate
-        yield 'classOfServiceEnabled', self.classOfServiceEnabled
-        yield 'customIconFieldLabel', self.customIconFieldLabel
-        yield 'organizationId', self.organizationId
-        yield 'version', self.version
-        yield 'cardColorField', self.cardColorField
-        yield 'isCardIdEnabled', self.isCardIdEnabled
-        yield 'isHeaderEnabled', self.isHeaderEnabled
-        yield 'isHyperlinkEnabled', self.isHyperlinkEnabled
-        yield 'isPrefixEnabled', self.isPrefixEnabled
-        yield 'prefix', self.prefix
-        yield 'format', self.format
-        yield 'isPrefixIncludedInHyperlink', self.isPrefixIncludedInHyperlink
-        yield 'baseWipOnCardSize', self.baseWipOnCardSize
-        yield 'excludeCompletedAndArchiveViolations', self.excludeCompletedAndArchiveViolations
-        yield 'isDuplicateCardIdAllowed', self.isDuplicateCardIdAllowed
-        yield 'isAutoIncrementCardIdEnabled', self.isAutoIncrementCardIdEnabled
-        yield 'currentExternalCardId', self.currentExternalCardId
-        yield 'isWelcome', self.isWelcome
-        yield 'isShared', self.isShared
-        yield 'isArchived', self.isArchived
-        yield 'sharedBoardRole', self.sharedBoardRole
-        yield 'customBoardMoniker', self.customBoardMoniker
-        yield 'isPermalinkEnabled', self.isPermalinkEnabled
-        yield 'isExternalUrlEnabled', self.isExternalUrlEnabled
-        yield 'allowUsersToDeleteCards', self.allowUsersToDeleteCards
-        yield 'allowPlanviewIntegration', self.allowPlanviewIntegration
-        yield 'subscriptionId', self.subscriptionId
-        yield 'boardRole', self.boardRole
-        yield 'effectiveBoardRole', self.effectiveBoardRole
-        yield 'cardTypes', self.cardTypes
-        yield 'laneClassTypes', self.laneClassTypes
-        yield 'lanes', self.lanes
-        yield 'laneTypes', self.laneTypes
-        yield 'userSettings', self.userSettings
-        yield 'level', self.level
-        yield 'priorities', self.priorities
-        yield 'layoutChecksum', self.layoutChecksum
-        yield 'defaultCardTypeId', self.defaultCardTypeId
-        yield 'defaultTaskTypeId', self.defaultTaskTypeId
-    def get_lane_by_name(self, lane_name: str):
-        return next(lane for lane in self.lanes if lane.name == lane_name)
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        newBoard = Board()
-        print(obj)
-        # {'id': '31512097494387', 'title': 'DEV HLP', 'description': '', 'boardRoleId': 2, 'isWelcome': False, 'boardRole': 'boardUser', 'level': {'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}}
-        if 'users' in obj:
-            newBoard.users = list(map(lambda user: User.decode(user), obj['users']))
-        if 'classesOfService' in obj:
-            newBoard.classesOfService = list(map(lambda classOfService: ClassOfService.decode(classOfService), obj['classesOfService']))
-        if 'tags' in obj:
-            newBoard.tags = obj["tags"]  # a list of strings
-        if 'customFields' in obj:
-            newBoard.customFields = list(map(lambda customField: BoardCustomField.decode(customField), obj['customFields']))
-        if 'id' in obj:
-            newBoard.id = str(obj["id"])
-        if 'title' in obj:
-            newBoard.title = str(obj["title"])
-        if 'description' in obj:
-            newBoard.description = str(obj["description"])
-        newBoard.creationDate = str(obj["creationDate"])
-        newBoard.classOfServiceEnabled = bool(obj["classOfServiceEnabled"])
-        newBoard.customIconFieldLabel = str(obj["customIconFieldLabel"])
-        newBoard.organizationId = str(obj["organizationId"])
-        newBoard.version = int(obj["version"])
-        newBoard.cardColorField = int(obj["cardColorField"])
-        newBoard.isCardIdEnabled = bool(obj["isCardIdEnabled"])
-        newBoard.isHeaderEnabled = bool(obj["isHeaderEnabled"])
-        newBoard.isHyperlinkEnabled = bool(obj["isHyperlinkEnabled"])
-        newBoard.isPrefixEnabled = bool(obj["isPrefixEnabled"])
-        newBoard.prefix = obj["prefix"]
-        newBoard.format = obj["format"]
-        newBoard.isPrefixIncludedInHyperlink = bool(obj["isPrefixIncludedInHyperlink"])
-        newBoard.baseWipOnCardSize = bool(obj["baseWipOnCardSize"])
-        newBoard.excludeCompletedAndArchiveViolations = bool(obj["excludeCompletedAndArchiveViolations"])
-        newBoard.isDuplicateCardIdAllowed = bool(obj["isDuplicateCardIdAllowed"])
-        newBoard.isAutoIncrementCardIdEnabled = bool(obj["isAutoIncrementCardIdEnabled"])
-        newBoard.currentExternalCardId = str(obj["currentExternalCardId"])
-        newBoard.isWelcome = bool(obj["isWelcome"])
-        newBoard.isShared = bool(obj["isShared"])
-        newBoard.isArchived = bool(obj["isArchived"])
-        newBoard.sharedBoardRole = str(obj["sharedBoardRole"])
-        newBoard.customBoardMoniker = obj["customBoardMoniker"]
-        newBoard.isPermalinkEnabled = bool(obj["isPermalinkEnabled"])
-        newBoard.isExternalUrlEnabled = bool(obj["isExternalUrlEnabled"])
-        newBoard.allowUsersToDeleteCards = bool(obj["allowUsersToDeleteCards"])
-        newBoard.allowPlanviewIntegration = bool(obj["allowPlanviewIntegration"])
-        newBoard.subscriptionId = str(obj["subscriptionId"])
-        newBoard.boardRole = str(obj["boardRole"])
-        newBoard.effectiveBoardRole = str(obj["effectiveBoardRole"])
-        newBoard.cardTypes = list(map(lambda cardType: CardType.decode(cardType), obj['cardTypes']))
-        # todo, continue conversion from here
-        newBoard.laneClassTypes = list[laneClassTypes_class](obj["laneClassTypes"])
-        newBoard.lanes = list[lanes_class](obj["lanes"])
-        newBoard.laneTypes = list[laneTypes_class](obj["laneTypes"])
-        newBoard.userSettings = dict(obj["userSettings"])
-        newBoard.level = dict(obj["level"])
-        newBoard.priorities = list[priorities_class](obj["priorities"])
-        newBoard.layoutChecksum = str(obj["layoutChecksum"])
-        newBoard.defaultCardTypeId = str(obj["defaultCardTypeId"])
-        newBoard.defaultTaskTypeId = str(obj["defaultTaskTypeId"])
-        return newBoard
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/Card.py b/library/leankit/models/Card.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1cef5817cebb9e4e6df6fdbfa520f8671529d8b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/Card.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-from multipledispatch import dispatch
-# from library.leankit.models.User import User
-class CardConnection():
-    parents: list
-    children: list
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'parents', self.parents
-        yield 'children', self.children
-class CardExternalLink():
-    label: str
-    url: str
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'label', self.label
-        yield 'url', self.url
-class CardCustomField(object):
-    fieldId: str
-    value: str
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'fieldId', self.fieldId
-        yield 'value', self.value
-class Card(object):
-    boardId: str
-    title: str
-    typeId: str
-    assignedUserIds: list
-    description: str
-    size: int
-    laneId: str
-    connections: dict
-    mirrorSourceCardId: str
-    copiedFromCardId: str
-    blockReason: str
-    priority: str
-    customIconId: str
-    customId: str
-    externalLink: list
-    index: int
-    plannedStart: str
-    plannedFinish: str
-    tags: list
-    wipOverrideComment: str
-    customFields: list
-    @dispatch()
-    def __init__(self):
-        """parameterless constructor for json deserialization support"""
-        pass
-    @dispatch(str, str)
-    def __init__(self, boardId: str, title: str):
-        self.boardId = boardId
-        self.title = title
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for attr_name in dir(self):
-            if not attr_name.startswith("__"):
-                print(attr_name)
-                yield attr_name, getattr(self, attr_name)
-    # @dispatch(User)
-    # def assign_user(self, user: User):
-    #     self.assign_user(user.id)
-    @dispatch(str)
-    def assign_user(self, userid: str):
-        if userid not in self.assignedUserIds:
-            self.assignedUserIds.append(userid)
-    # @dispatch(User)
-    # def unassign_user(self, user: User):
-    #     self.unassign_user(user.id)
-    @dispatch(str)
-    def unassign_user(self, userid: str):
-        if userid in self.assignedUserIds:
-            self.assignedUserIds.remove(userid)
-# def card_decoder(obj):
-#     if 'boardId' in obj and 'title' in obj:
-#         new_card = Card(obj['boardId'], obj['title'])
-#         if 'typeId' in obj:
-#             new_card['typeId'] = obj['typeId']
-#         if 'assignedUserIds' in obj:
-#             new_card['assignedUserIds'] = obj['assignedUserIds']
-#         # TODO set others, or generate using inspection/reflection
-#         return new_card
-#     return obj
-# cardObj = json.loads('{"__type__": "Card", "rollNumber":1, "name": "Ault kelly", "marks": 78}', object_hook=studentDecoder)
-# {
-#     "boardId": "944576308",
-#     "title": "The title of the card",
-#     "typeId": "944576314",
-#     "assignedUserIds": [ "478440842" ],
-#     "description": "The card description",
-#     "size": 1,
-#     "laneId": "944576326",
-#     "connections": {
-#       "parents": ["945202295"],
-#       "children": ["945250930"]
-#     },
-#     "mirrorSourceCardId": "945202295",
-#     "copiedFromCardId": "945261794",
-#     "blockReason": "The block reason",
-#     "priority": "normal",
-#     "customIconId": "944576317",
-#     "customId": "Card header text",
-#     "externalLink": {
-#         "label": "The link label",
-#         "url": "https://www.leankit.com"
-#     },
-#     "index": 1,
-#     "plannedStart": "2020-01-20",
-#     "plannedFinish": "2020-02-01",
-#     "tags": [
-#         "tagOne",
-#         "tagTwo"
-#     ],
-#     "wipOverrideComment": "The override reason",
-#     "customFields": [ {
-#       "fieldId": "945250752",
-#       "value": "This is the field value"
-#     } ]
-# }
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/CardType.py b/library/leankit/models/CardType.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c36fcf46890e17105eb5c16488899ee27899e36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/CardType.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-class CardType(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088061883'
-    name: str  # eg. 'Other Work'
-    colorHex: str  # eg. '#FFFFFF'
-    isCardType: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    isTaskType: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'name', self.name
-        yield 'colorHex', self.colorHex
-        yield 'isCardType', self.isCardType
-        yield 'isTaskType', self.isTaskType
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/ClassOfService.py b/library/leankit/models/ClassOfService.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d8cf3d8cc33c99dca2e3dd31ab4782596cdefcf3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/ClassOfService.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-class ClassOfService(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088061890'
-    name: str  # eg. 'Date Dependent'
-    iconPath: str  # eg. '/customicons/24/212121/lk_icons_final_01-13.png'
-    policy: str  # eg. ''
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'name', self.name
-        yield 'iconPath', self.iconPath
-        yield 'policy', self.policy
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/Lane.py b/library/leankit/models/Lane.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b9749e0288e16537506c64710cedb3449f9525..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/Lane.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-class LaneClassType(object):
-    id: int  # eg. '0'
-    name: str  # eg. 'active'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'name', self.name
-class LaneType(object):
-    id: int  # eg. '1'
-    name: str  # eg. 'ready'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'name', self.name
-class Lane(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088061894'
-    name: str  # eg. 'Not Started - Future Work'
-    description: None  # eg. 'None'
-    cardStatus: str  # eg. 'notStarted'
-    active: bool  # eg. 'True'
-    cardLimit: int  # eg. '0'
-    creationDate: str  # eg. '2021-08-30T15:24:39.263Z'
-    index: int  # eg. '0'
-    parentLaneId: None  # eg. 'None'
-    activityId: None  # eg. 'None'
-    orientation: str  # eg. 'vertical'
-    isConnectionDoneLane: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    isDefaultDropLane: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    columns: int  # eg. '3'
-    wipLimit: int  # eg. '0'
-    cardCount: int  # eg. '6'
-    cardSize: int  # eg. '6'
-    archiveCardCount: int  # eg. '0'
-    sortBy: None  # eg. 'None'
-    subscriptionId: None  # eg. 'None'
-    laneClassType: str  # eg. 'backlog'
-    laneType: str  # eg. 'ready'
-    isCollapsed: bool  # eg. 'False'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'name', self.name
-        yield 'description', self.description
-        yield 'cardStatus', self.cardStatus
-        yield 'active', self.active
-        yield 'cardLimit', self.cardLimit
-        yield 'creationDate', self.creationDate
-        yield 'index', self.index
-        yield 'parentLaneId', self.parentLaneId
-        yield 'activityId', self.activityId
-        yield 'orientation', self.orientation
-        yield 'isConnectionDoneLane', self.isConnectionDoneLane
-        yield 'isDefaultDropLane', self.isDefaultDropLane
-        yield 'columns', self.columns
-        yield 'wipLimit', self.wipLimit
-        yield 'cardCount', self.cardCount
-        yield 'cardSize', self.cardSize
-        yield 'archiveCardCount', self.archiveCardCount
-        yield 'sortBy', self.sortBy
-        yield 'subscriptionId', self.subscriptionId
-        yield 'laneClassType', self.laneClassType
-        yield 'laneType', self.laneType
-        yield 'isCollapsed', self.isCollapsed
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/ListResponse.py b/library/leankit/models/ListResponse.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c67caa53fc93589981fa9fd565c8a13a45a35df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/ListResponse.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-from library.leankit.models.BoardLevel import BoardLevel
-from library.leankit.models.Card import Card
-from library.leankit.models.Board import Board
-class PageMeta:
-    totalRecords: int
-    offset: int
-    limit: int
-    startRow: int
-    endRow: int
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return getattr(self, key)
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        newPageMeta = PageMeta()
-        newPageMeta.totalRecords = int(obj["totalRecords"])
-        newPageMeta.offset = int(obj["offset"])
-        newPageMeta.limit = int(obj["limit"])
-        newPageMeta.startRow = int(obj["startRow"])
-        newPageMeta.endRow = int(obj["endRow"])
-        return newPageMeta
-class BoardRef:
-    id: str  # eg. '31512088856393'
-    title: str  # eg. 'DEV'
-    description: str  # eg. ''
-    boardRoleId: int  # eg. 2
-    isWelcome: bool  # eg. False
-    boardRole: str  # eg. 'boardUser'
-    level: BoardLevel  # eg. '{'id': '31512085971730', 'depth': 3, 'maxDepth': 3, 'label': 'Team', 'color': '#ff841f'}'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'title', self.title
-        yield 'description', self.description
-        yield 'boardRoleId', self.boardRoleId
-        yield 'isWelcome', self.isWelcome
-        yield 'boardRole', self.boardRole
-        yield 'level', self.level
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return getattr(self, key)
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        newBoardRef = BoardRef()
-        newBoardRef.id = str(obj["id"])
-        newBoardRef.title = str(obj["title"])
-        newBoardRef.description = str(obj["description"])
-        newBoardRef.boardRoleId = int(obj["boardRoleId"])
-        newBoardRef.isWelcome = bool(obj["isWelcome"])
-        newBoardRef.boardRole = str(obj["boardRole"])
-        newBoardRef.level = BoardLevel.decode(obj["level"])
-        return newBoardRef
-class BoardListResponse:
-    pageMeta: PageMeta
-    boards: list
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'pageMeta', self.pageMeta
-        yield 'boards', self.boards
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return getattr(self, key)
-    @staticmethod
-    def decode(obj: dict):
-        newListResponse = BoardListResponse()
-        newListResponse.pageMeta = PageMeta.decode(obj['pageMeta'])
-        print(newListResponse.pageMeta)
-        newListResponse.boards = list(map(lambda board: Board.decode(board), obj['boards']))
-        return newListResponse
-class CardListResponse:
-    pageMeta: PageMeta
-    cards: list
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return getattr(self, key)
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'pageMeta', self.pageMeta
-        yield 'cards', self.cards
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/Priority.py b/library/leankit/models/Priority.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d66bccd6c8ef71f2f0a9dc344e3e7bfc9be234ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/Priority.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-class Priority(object):
-    id: int  # eg. '3'
-    name: str  # eg. 'critical'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'name', self.name
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/User.py b/library/leankit/models/User.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 98ce8658c0c0ff5ef45d352c9ea3001e127be190..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/leankit/models/User.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-class User(object):
-    id: str  # eg. '31512085836488'
-    username: str  # eg. 'Olivier.CEUPPENS@ext.ec.europa.eu'
-    firstName: str  # eg. 'Olivier'
-    lastName: str  # eg. 'CEUPPENS'
-    fullName: str  # eg. 'Olivier CEUPPENS'
-    emailAddress: str  # eg. 'Olivier.CEUPPENS@ext.ec.europa.eu'
-    gravatarLink: None  # eg. 'None'
-    avatar: None  # eg. 'None'
-    lastAccess: str  # eg. '2021-11-09T08:57:39.286Z'
-    dateFormat: str  # eg. 'dd/MM/yyyy'
-    organizationId: str  # eg. '31512084678944'
-    boardId: str  # eg. '31512088061881'
-    wip: int  # eg. '0'
-    roleTypeId: int  # eg. '5'
-    settings: dict  # eg. '{}'
-    boardRoles: list  # eg. '[]'
-    # support for json serialization by implementing the __iter__ method
-    def __iter__(self):
-        yield 'id', self.id
-        yield 'username', self.username
-        yield 'firstName', self.firstName
-        yield 'lastName', self.lastName
-        yield 'fullName', self.fullName
-        yield 'emailAddress', self.emailAddress
-        yield 'gravatarLink', self.gravatarLink
-        yield 'avatar', self.avatar
-        yield 'lastAccess', self.lastAccess
-        yield 'dateFormat', self.dateFormat
-        yield 'organizationId', self.organizationId
-        yield 'boardId', self.boardId
-        yield 'wip', self.wip
-        yield 'roleTypeId', self.roleTypeId
-        yield 'settings', self.settings
-        yield 'boardRoles', self.boardRoles
diff --git a/library/leankit/models/__init__.py b/library/leankit/models/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/library/servicenow/__init__.py b/library/servicenow/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f72cd1dbcdd5b2eca0fe23cfb8531fbb6adbd3a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/servicenow/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-from logging import getLogger
-from  .connector import api
-#from library.servicenow.models.Incident import Incident
-__author__ = "MTF"
-__email__ = "marcelo.teixeira@ext.ec.europa.eu"
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__version__ = "1.0.0"
-#Retrieve User GET /sys_user /api/emdig/itsm/sys_user v1
-def get_user(user_info):
-    log.debug('Getting user')
-    return api._get('/sys_user?user_name=' + user_info)
-#Create Incident POST /incident /api/emdig/itsm/incident
-def create_incident(incident_info):
-    log.debug('Create Incident')
-    print(incident_info)
-    return api._post('/incident', incident_info)
-#Retrieve Incident(s) GET /incident /api/emdig/itsm/incident
-def get_incident(incident_number):
-    log.debug('Retrieve Incident(s)')
-    return api._get('/incident?number=' + incident_number)
-#Update Incident PUT /incident /api/emdig/itsm/incident
-def update_incident(data):
-    log.debug('Update Incident')
-    return api._put('/incident', data)
-#Create Incident Task POST /incident_task /api/emdig/itsm/incident_task
-def create_incident_task(data):
-    log.debug('Create Incident')
-    return api._post('/incident_task' , data)
-#Retrieve Incident Task GET /incident_task /api/emdig/itsm/incident_task
-def get_incident_task(user_info):
-    log.debug('Retrieve Incident')
-    return api._get('/incident_task' + user_info)
-#Update Incident Task PUT /incident_task /api/emdig/itsm/incident_task
-def update_incident_task(user_info):
-    log.debug('Update Incident')
-    return api._put('/incident_task' + user_info)
-#Set Incident to Restricted PUT /incident_restricted /api/emdig/itsm/incident_restricted
-def incident_restricted(user_info):
-    log.debug('Set Incident')
-    return api._put('/incident_restricted' + user_info)
-log = getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/library/servicenow/connector.py b/library/servicenow/connector.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b66da604084789762f38d78405f9573dabbd6d47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/servicenow/connector.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import requests
-from requests import Response, Request
-from pprint import pformat
-from json import dumps as json_dumps
-from datetime import datetime
-import time
-from . import env_user
-class ServiceNow(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.session = requests.Session()
-        self.proxies = {'http': env_user.http_proxy, 'https': env_user.http_proxy}
-        self.base = env_user.base_url
-        self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': env_user.authorization}
-    def _get(self, url, url_params={}, **json_kwargs):
-        print('GET {}'.format(url))
-        log.debug('GET {}'.format(url))
-        try:
-            request = self.session.get(self.base + url, params=url_params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json(**json_kwargs)
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            if request.status_code == 429:
-                if "Retry-After" in request.headers:
-                    retry_after = request.headers['Retry-After']
-                    time_diff = pd.to_datetime(retry_after.rsplit(" ",1)[0])  - datetime.utcnow()
-                    time.sleep(time_diff.total_seconds())
-                    return self._get(url, url_params)
-            msg += ' ' + str(request.text)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-    def _post(self, url, params):
-        log.debug('POST {}'.format(url))
-        print('POST {}'.format(url))
-        print(params)
-        try:
-            request = self.session.post(self.base + url, json=params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json()
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            print(request.status_code)
-            print(request.content)
-            print('Playload:%s' % (json_dumps(params, sort_keys=True, indent=4)))
-            try:
-                print('HEADERS:' % (pformat(request.headers)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                print('TEXT:' % (pformat(request.text)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-    def _patch(self, url, params):
-        log.debug('PATCH {}'.format(url))
-        print('PATCH {}'.format(url))
-        print(params)
-        try:
-            request = self.session.patch(self.base + url, json=params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json()
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            print(request.status_code)
-            print(request.content)
-            print('Playload:%s' % (json_dumps(params, sort_keys=True, indent=4)))
-            try:
-                print('HEADERS:' % (pformat(request.headers)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                print('TEXT:' % (pformat(request.text)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-    def _put(self, url, params):
-        log.debug('PUT {}'.format(url))
-        print('PUT {}'.format(url))
-        print(params)
-        try:
-            request = self.session.put(self.base + url, json=params, verify=True, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies)
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise ConnectionError("Unable to make request: {}".format(error))
-        if request.ok:
-            try:
-                response = request.json()
-                return response
-                '''
-                else:
-                    msg = "Error {ReplyCode}: {ReplyText}".format(**response)
-                    raise ConnectionError(msg)
-                '''
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IOError("Invalid response")
-        else:
-            print(request.status_code)
-            print(request.content)
-            print('Playload:%s' % (json_dumps(params, sort_keys=True, indent=4)))
-            try:
-                print('HEADERS:' % (pformat(request.headers)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                print('TEXT:' % (pformat(request.text)))
-            except:
-                pass
-            msg = 'Server responded with code {0.status_code}'.format(request)
-            raise ConnectionError(msg)
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-api = ServiceNow()
diff --git a/library/servicenow/env_user.py b/library/servicenow/env_user.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ebe4f1de7559acd362af7c332ab4d83c0bd22e97..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/servicenow/env_user.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env /opt/gvenv/venv_csui/bin/python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import requests
-import base64
-import socket
-from library.vault.client import clientV
-#approle:    csui-change-mgmt-dev
-#role_id     a3b2fdf3-8e8a-55d9-2688-13409145c7b2
-#secret_id   fc9674f1-5187-51e8-f8c8-29273b5f6951
-#read access to: apps-kv/dev/SNOW/*
-#approle:    csui-change-mgmt-acc
-#role_id     0743cc2f-ee65-3bf8-fe3d-27550db27d00
-#secret_id   225cc7f7-1e02-aca8-d84b-45da9a605012
-#read access to: apps-kv/acc/SNOW/*
-#approle:    csui-change-mgmt-prod
-#role_id     041f50d0-ece2-f9d7-8155-cbe2377081a8
-#secret_id   d83c9e67-98d0-9d51-afa0-0a4c680aa0ad
-#read access to: apps-kv/prod/SNOW/*
-HOSTNAME = socket.getfqdn()
-IS_DEV = ('.dev.' in HOSTNAME)
-IS_ACC = ('.acc.' in HOSTNAME)
-IS_PRODUCTION = (not IS_DEV and not IS_ACC)
-# User Input
-http_proxy = 'http://x50l002:x52503@vip-proxy-l4s.snmc.cec.eu.int:8012'
-#TODO -> necessary check via ini files the enviorment - create a specofic ini file for that
-username = 'DIGIT-WS-SNET-SMART'
-namespace_used = "EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_ADMIN-ACC"
-base_url = "https://digituat.service-now.com/api/emdig/v1/itsm"
-vault_url = "https://sam-hcavault.cec.eu.int"
-#In namespace dev/acc :
-#approle:    csui-change-mgmt-dev
-#role_id     a3b2fdf3-8e8a-55d9-2688-13409145c7b2
-#secret_id   fc9674f1-5187-51e8-f8c8-29273b5f6951
-#read access to: apps-kv/dev/SNOW/*
-#approle:    csui-change-mgmt-acc
-#role_id     0743cc2f-ee65-3bf8-fe3d-27550db27d00
-#secret_id   225cc7f7-1e02-aca8-d84b-45da9a605012
-#read access to: apps-kv/acc/SNOW/*
-#approle:    csui-change-mgmt-prod
-#role_id     041f50d0-ece2-f9d7-8155-cbe2377081a8
-#secret_id   d83c9e67-98d0-9d51-afa0-0a4c680aa0ad
-#read access to: apps-kv/prod/SNOW/*
-#In namespace production :
-#approle:   csui-change-mgmt-dev
-#role_id    cdbb378a-54fe-b0f1-4fcf-d0fa2d60417e
-#secret_id  a43be6c0-ddbe-fe4a-3fb5-8091cb893121
-#approle:   csui-change-mgmt-acc
-#role_id    3ae94e71-b1c8-49e5-49dd-6786b6221868
-#secret_id  19c45327-c8c2-ff49-3fef-addb533c90ea
-#approle:   csui-change-mgmt-prod
-#role_id    331d3f1d-2361-e30b-9ac0-3a48a0f1e473
-#secret_id  b741c6c9-5536-6a8e-32a2-159be4a4297c
-#IS_DEV = False
-#IS_ACC = False
-if IS_DEV:
-    print('IS DEV')
-    engine = "dev"
-    role_id_read = 'a3b2fdf3-8e8a-55d9-2688-13409145c7b2'
-    secret_approle_read = 'fc9674f1-5187-51e8-f8c8-29273b5f6951'
-elif IS_ACC :
-    print('IS ACC')
-    engine = "acc"
-    role_id_read = '0743cc2f-ee65-3bf8-fe3d-27550db27d00'
-    secret_approle_read = '225cc7f7-1e02-aca8-d84b-45da9a605012'
-else :
-    print('IS PROD')
-    namespace_used = "EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_ADMIN-PROD"
-    base_url = "https://digit.service-now.com/api/emdig/v1/itsm"
-    vault_url = "https://sam-hcpvault.cec.eu.int"
-    engine = 'prod'
-    role_id_read = '331d3f1d-2361-e30b-9ac0-3a48a0f1e473'
-    secret_approle_read = 'b741c6c9-5536-6a8e-32a2-159be4a4297c'
-password = clientV.getPasswordByAppRole(engine+"/SNOW/csui", vault_url, namespace_used, role_id_read, secret_approle_read, "apps-kv", engine)
-credentials = f"{username}:{password}"
-encoded_credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
-authorization = f"Basic {encoded_credentials}"
-# End User Input
diff --git a/library/vault/examples/alternative.py b/library/vault/examples/alternative.py
deleted file mode 100755
index dbff150a4056824e4da1d92363d5f98432734530..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/vault/examples/alternative.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import requests
-VAULT_DIEGO_URL = "https://sam-hcavault.cec.eu.int/v1/kv/data/dev-DIEGO"
-headers = {
-    "X-Vault-Namespace": "EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_DEV_ACC-ENV",
-    "X-Vault-Token": "hvs.CAESIKnpu_C6vTlQmblBTIwzNkWYnKIzIwO40yMAKNnHaq1aGikKImh2cy5WVGxaS1R3bUFKajF0Sm03MTNHR1lEVkUuYTQ5SVAQ277IAg",
-    "accept": "*/*"
-r = requests.get(VAULT_DIEGO_URL, headers=headers, verify=False)
-json = r.json()
-data = json["data"]["data"]
-print(f"Data: {data}")
diff --git a/library/vault/examples/configure_jwt.py b/library/vault/examples/configure_jwt.py
deleted file mode 100755
index deffb355fd14de369cd5f7b224d749666995bd85..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/vault/examples/configure_jwt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import hvac
-client = hvac.Client(
-    url='https://sam-hcavault.cec.eu.int',
-    token='hvs.CAESIKnpu_C6vTlQmblBTIwzNkWYnKIzIwO40yMAKNnHaq1aGikKImh2cy5WVGxaS1R3bUFKajF0Sm03MTNHR1lEVkUuYTQ5SVAQ277IAg',
-    namespace="EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_DEV_ACC-ENV",
-    verify=False
-print(f"Auth ok? {client.is_authenticated()}")
-r = client.auth.jwt.configure(
-    jwks_url="https://code.europa.eu/-/jwks",
-    bound_issuer="code.europa.eu"
diff --git a/library/vault/examples/main.py b/library/vault/examples/main.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 38a31a432480eb529275420e2b42ac3f45ac7b84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/vault/examples/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import hvac
-client = hvac.Client(
-    url='https://sam-hcavault.cec.eu.int',
-    token='hvs.CAESIKnpu_C6vTlQmblBTIwzNkWYnKIzIwO40yMAKNnHaq1aGikKImh2cy5WVGxaS1R3bUFKajF0Sm03MTNHR1lEVkUuYTQ5SVAQ277IAg',
-    namespace="EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_DEV_ACC-ENV",
-    verify=False
-print(f"Auth ok? {client.is_authenticated()}")
-secret = 'kv/dev-DIEGO'
-mount_point, secret_path = secret.split('/', 1)
-read_response = client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version(
-    mount_point=mount_point,
-    path=secret_path,
-    version=1
-print('Value under path "dev-DIEGO": {val}'.format(
-    val=read_response['data']['data'],
diff --git a/library/vault/examples/requirement.txt b/library/vault/examples/requirement.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bc13b292c8d46c476150674c9647721a99b1dc8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/library/vault/examples/requirement.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55dbbb8b41a8e5900c09002af08dc42b40bf15e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/addgroup.tmpl b/templates/addgroup.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2bcba74ef548d8a71b0f47e938f0669ca9ad71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/addgroup.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_addgroup" class="ldapns_addgroup">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_disabled_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-IM>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="objectClass">
-        <tmpl_var label-objectClass>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-objectClass>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="group">
-        <tmpl_var label-group>
-        <tmpl_var comment-group>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-group>
-    </div>
-  </div> <!-- class="ldapns_disabled_field" -->
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <tmpl_if name="posix">
-        <label for="gidNumber">
-          <tmpl_var label-gidNumber>
-          <tmpl_var comment-gidNumber>
-        </label>
-        <tmpl_var field-gidNumber>
-      <tmpl_else>
-        <label for="member">
-          <tmpl_var label-member>
-          <tmpl_var comment-member>
-        </label>
-        <tmpl_var field-member>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="Back" />
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_2" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="Add" />
-  </div>
-  <!-- <tmpl_var form-submit> -->
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_addgroup" class="ldapns_addgroup" -->
diff --git a/templates/addpolicy.tmpl b/templates/addpolicy.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e409928498c84c553a88e09f862934967bec7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/addpolicy.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_addpolicy" class="ldapns_addpolicy">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-        <tmpl_var comment-IM>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="docid">
-        <tmpl_var label-docid>
-        <tmpl_var comment-docid>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-docid>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="description">
-        <tmpl_var label-description>
-        <tmpl_var comment-description>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-description>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_loop name="attrs">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <tmpl_var label-labelfor>
-          <tmpl_var name="attr">
-          <tmpl_var name="value">
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <tmpl_var
-  </tmpl_loop>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit> 
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_addpolicy" class="ldapns_addpolicy" -->
diff --git a/templates/adduser.tmpl b/templates/adduser.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8721c622f30652eb1ada726d4e6059a6b0c5d4e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/adduser.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_adduser" class="ldapns_adduser">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-        <tmpl_var comment-IM>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="uid">
-        <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = 'Refresh';" type="submit" value="Uid" />
-        <tmpl_var comment-uid>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-uid>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="uidNumber">
-        <tmpl_var label-uidNumber>
-        <tmpl_var comment-uidNumber>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-uidNumber>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="mail">
-      <tmpl_var label-mail>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-mail>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="gecos">
-        <tmpl_var label-gecos>
-        <tmpl_var comment-gecos>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-gecos>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="firstname">
-        <tmpl_var label-firstname>
-        <tmpl_var comment-firstname>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-firstname>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="group">
-        <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_2" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = 'Refresh';" type="submit" value="Group" />
-        <tmpl_var comment-group>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-group>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="description">
-        <tmpl_var label-description>
-        <tmpl_var comment-description>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field_description">
-      <tmpl_var field-description>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_if name='mod_synchro'>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="synchronize">
-          <tmpl_var label-synchronize>
-          <tmpl_var comment-synchronize>
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="ldapns_list">
-        <tmpl_var field-synchronize>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </tmpl_if>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_3" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="Add" />
-    <tmpl_var form-reset>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_adduser" class="ldapns_adduser" -->
diff --git a/templates/adduserprofile.tmpl b/templates/adduserprofile.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index c8cd44f5809326081aa1469445db4c0a0cef6f28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/adduserprofile.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_adduserprofile" class="ldapns_adduserprofile">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-        <tmpl_var comment-IM>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="uid">
-        <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = 'Refresh';" type="submit" value="Uid" />
-        <tmpl_var comment-uid>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-uid>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="uidNumber">
-        <tmpl_var label-uidNumber>
-        <tmpl_var comment-uidNumber>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-uidNumber>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="mail">
-      <tmpl_var label-mail>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-mail>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="gecos">
-        <tmpl_var label-gecos>
-        <tmpl_var comment-gecos>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-gecos>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="firstname">
-        <tmpl_var label-firstname>
-        <tmpl_var comment-firstname>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-firstname>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-     <label for="profile">
-       <tmpl_var label-profile>
-     </label>
-     <div class="ldapns_list">
-       <tmpl_var field-profile>
-     </div>
-   </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-     <label for="state">
-       <tmpl_var label-state>
-     </label>
-     <div class="ldapns_list">
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-     </div>
-   </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
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-    <div class="ldapns_list">
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-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="description">
-        <tmpl_var label-description>
-        <tmpl_var comment-description>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field_description">
-      <tmpl_var field-description>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_3" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="Add" />
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-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_adduserprofile" class="ldapns_adduserprofile" -->
diff --git a/templates/blank.tmpl b/templates/blank.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae3df07b1794eeb95c67ca6dad7ad038c25d025..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/blank.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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-    <p>
-      <br>
-    </p>
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diff --git a/templates/delgroup.tmpl b/templates/delgroup.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7d632099d134ca5ea08131b362b50b898a6fc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/delgroup.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_delgroup" class="ldapns_delgroup">
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-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
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-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="objectClass">
-      <tmpl_var label-objectClass>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-objectClass>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="group">
-      <tmpl_var label-group>
-    </label>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-group>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
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-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_delgroup" class="ldapns_delgroup" -->
diff --git a/templates/deluser.tmpl b/templates/deluser.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a54554f7512212b62fdad46cd3cdbd52e073b50..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/deluser.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_deluser" class="ldapns_deluser">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
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-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
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-      <label for="IM">
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-        <tmpl_var comment-IM>
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-      </div>
-    </tmpl_unless>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="uid">
-      <tmpl_var label-uid>
-    </label>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-uid>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_if name='mod_synchro'>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="synchronize">
-          <tmpl_var label-synchronize>
-          <tmpl_var comment-synchronize>
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-      <div class="ldapns_list">
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-      <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_2" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit2_value'>" />
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-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_deluser" class="ldapns_deluser" -->
diff --git a/templates/fields_policy.tmpl b/templates/fields_policy.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f32e71eb39408a668ff1ab86f34b33dbeca715..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/fields_policy.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-  <tr>
-    <td>
-      <tmpl_if name='if_pwdAllowUserChange'>
-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdAllowUserChange">
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-          </div>
-          <div class="ldapns_list">
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-          </div>
-        </div>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
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-        </div>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdMustChange">
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-          <div class="ldapns_list">
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-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdInHistory">
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-            </label>
-          </div>
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-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdMinAge">
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-            </label>
-          </div>
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-        </div>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
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-              <tmpl_var comment-pwdMaxAge>
-            </label>
-          </div>
-          <tmpl_var field-pwdMaxAge>
-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdExpireWarning">
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-            </label>
-          </div>
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-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdGraceAuthNLimit">
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-          </div>
-          <tmpl_var field-pwdGraceAuthNLimit>
-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdLockout">
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-          <div class="ldapns_list">
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-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdMaxFailure">
-              <tmpl_var label-pwdMaxFailure>
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-            </label>
-          </div>
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-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdLockoutDuration">
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-              <tmpl_var comment-pwdLockoutDuration>
-            </label>
-          </div>
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-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
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-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdFailureCountInterval">
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-          </div>
-          <tmpl_var field-pwdFailureCountInterval>
-        </div>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </td>
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-      <td>
-        <div class="ldapns_field">
-          <div class=ldapns_comment>
-            <label for="pwdCheckQuality">
-              <tmpl_var label-pwdCheckQuality>
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-          </div>
-          <div class="ldapns_list">
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-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintQuality'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintQuality">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintQuality>
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-            <div class="ldapns_list">
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-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
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-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdMinLength">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdMinLength>
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-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintAlnum">
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-            <div class="ldapns_list">
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-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintAlpha'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintAlpha">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintAlpha>
-                <tmpl_var comment-pwdConstraintAlpha>
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-            <div class="ldapns_list">
-              <tmpl_var field-pwdConstraintAlpha>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintDigit'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintDigit">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintDigit>
-                <tmpl_var comment-pwdConstraintDigit>
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-            </div>
-            <div class="ldapns_list">
-              <tmpl_var field-pwdConstraintDigit>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintLower'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintLower">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintLower>
-                <tmpl_var comment-pwdConstraintLower>
-              </label>
-            </div>
-            <div class="ldapns_list">
-              <tmpl_var field-pwdConstraintLower>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintPunct'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintPunct">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintPunct>
-                <tmpl_var comment-pwdConstraintPunct>
-              </label>
-            </div>
-            <div class="ldapns_list">
-              <tmpl_var field-pwdConstraintPunct>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintSpace'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintSpace">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintSpace>
-                <tmpl_var comment-pwdConstraintSpace>
-              </label>
-            </div>
-            <div class="ldapns_list">
-              <tmpl_var field-pwdConstraintSpace>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-        <tmpl_if name='if_pwdConstraintUpper'>
-          <div class="ldapns_field">
-            <div class=ldapns_comment>
-              <label for="pwdConstraintUpper">
-                <tmpl_var label-pwdConstraintUpper>
-                <tmpl_var comment-pwdConstraintUpper>
-              </label>
-            </div>
-            <div class="ldapns_list">
-              <tmpl_var field-pwdConstraintUpper>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </tmpl_if>
-      </td>
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </tr>
diff --git a/templates/groupinfos.tmpl b/templates/groupinfos.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index b760d42fff6cd3fecb94ea6f6768bfad0c1ddc5d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/groupinfos.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<div class="ldapns_groupinfos">
-  <thead>
-    <tr>
-      <td colspan="2"><tmpl_var name='groupdn'></td>
-    </tr>
-  </thead>
-  <tbody>
-    <tmpl_loop name="attrs">
-      <tr>
-       <th><tmpl_var name="attr"></th>
-       <td><tmpl_var name="value"></td>
-      </tr>
-    </tmpl_loop>
-  </tbody>
-</div> <!-- class="ldapns_groupinfos" -->
diff --git a/templates/ldapns_footer.tmpl b/templates/ldapns_footer.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 57a3cce2a8e81986322c211e8f9d71fc679d5a9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/ldapns_footer.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
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-          <tmpl_if name='error'>
-            <div id="ldapns_footer_msg">
-              <hr>
-          <tmpl_else>
-            <tmpl_if name='message'>
-              <div id="ldapns_footer_msg">
-                <hr>
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-          </tmpl_if>
-          <tmpl_if name='error'>
-            <div id="ldapns_error" class="ldapns_error">
-              <p class="ldapns_error">
-                <tmpl_var name='error_msg'>
-              </p>
-            </div> <!-- id="ldapns_error" class="ldapns_error" -->
-          </tmpl_if>
-          <tmpl_if name='message'>
-            <div id="ldapns_message" class="ldapns_message">
-              <p class="ldapns_message">
-                <tmpl_var name='message_msg'>
-              </p>
-            </div> <!-- id="ldapns_message" class="ldapns_message" -->
-          </tmpl_if>
-          <tmpl_if name='error'>
-            </div> <!-- id="ldapns_footer_msg" -->
-          <tmpl_else>
-            <tmpl_if name='message'>
-              </div> <!-- id="ldapns_footer_msg" -->
-            </tmpl_if>
-          </tmpl_if>
-        </div> <!-- id="ldapns_right_content" class="ldapns_right_content" -->
-      </div> <!-- id="ldapns_right_pannel" class="ldapns_right_pannel" -->
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-  </tmpl_unless>
-  </div> <!-- id="ldapns_body" class="ldapns_body"  -->
-  <div id="ldapns_footer" class="ldapns_footer">
-    <hr>
-    <address>Snet NS Team</address>
-    <br>
-    <tmpl_unless name='login'>
-      <a href="?tab=home&action=blank">Home Page</a>
-    </tmpl_unless>
-  </div> <!-- id="ldapns_footer" class="ldapns_footer" -->
-</div> <!-- class="Body" -->
diff --git a/templates/ldapns_header.tmpl b/templates/ldapns_header.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index ca0393362249ce5088e0d4893edf6af378b4fa41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/ldapns_header.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_header" class="ldapns_header"> 
-  <hr>
-<div id="ldapns_body" class="ldapns_body">
-  <tmpl_unless name='login'>
-    <div id="ldapns_columns" class="ldapns_columns">
-      <!-- left_pannel.tmpl -->
-      <tmpl_include name='left_pannel.tmpl'>
-      <!-- /left_pannel.tmpl -->
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-        <!-- tab.tmpl -->
-        <tmpl_include name='tab.tmpl'>
-        <!-- /tab.tmpl -->
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diff --git a/templates/left_groups.tmpl b/templates/left_groups.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4cb8ff2fdf213bf173ba30bbbcf2fe79191903..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/left_groups.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<tmpl_if name='groupinfos'>
-  <li><span class="ldapns_current">display groups</span></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=addgroup">add groups</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=delgroup">del groups</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=modgroup">modify groups</a></li>
-  <tmpl_if name='delgroup'>
-    <li><a href="?action=groupinfos">display groups</a></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=addgroup">add groups</a></li>
-    <li><span class="ldapns_current">del groups</span></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=modgroup">modify groups</a></li>
-  <tmpl_else>
-    <tmpl_if name='modgroup'>
-      <li><a href="?action=groupinfos">display groups</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=addgroup">add groups</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=delgroup">del groups</a></li>
-      <li><span class="ldapns_current">modify groups</span></li>
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <tmpl_if name='addgroup'>
-        <li><a href="?action=groupinfos">display groups</a></li>
-        <li><span class="ldapns_current">add groups</span></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=delgroup">del groups</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=modgroup">modify groups</a></li>
-      <tmpl_else>
-        <li><a href="?action=groupinfos">display groups</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=addgroup">add groups</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=delgroup">del groups</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=modgroup">modify groups</a></li>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </tmpl_if>
diff --git a/templates/left_home.tmpl b/templates/left_home.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3711a8afc86e6b21fac59907c65e2d7dd778f613..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/left_home.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<tmpl_if name='userMustChange'>
-  <li><span class="ldapns_current">change password</span></li>
-  <tmpl_if name='passwd'>
-    <li><a href="?action=info">user details</a></li>
-    <li><span class="ldapns_current">change password</span></li>
-  <tmpl_else>
-    <tmpl_if name='info'>
-      <li><span class="ldapns_current">user details</span></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=passwd">change password</a></li>
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <li><a href="?action=info">user details</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=passwd">change password</a></li>
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </tmpl_if>
diff --git a/templates/left_pannel.tmpl b/templates/left_pannel.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe909859d5e0b35afc6f1442979aa24c796db42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/left_pannel.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<div class="ldapns_left_pannel">
-  <ul>
-    <tmpl_if name='tab_users'>
-      <!-- left_users.tmpl -->
-      <tmpl_include name='left_users.tmpl'>
-      <!-- /left_users.tmpl -->
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <tmpl_if name='tab_groups'>
-        <!-- left_groups.tmpl -->
-        <tmpl_include name='left_groups.tmpl'>
-        <!-- /left_groups.tmpl -->
-      <tmpl_else>
-        <tmpl_if name='tab_policy'>
-          <!-- left_policy.tmpl -->
-          <tmpl_include name='left_policy.tmpl'>
-          <!-- /left_policy.tmpl -->
-        <tmpl_else>
-          <!-- left_home.tmpl -->
-          <tmpl_include name='left_home.tmpl'>
-          <!-- /left_home.tmpl -->
-        </tmpl_if>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </tmpl_if>
-    <li><a href="/snet/cgi-bin/auth/ldap_NS.pl?logout=1">logout</a></li>
-  </ul>
-</div> <!-- div class="ldapns_left_pannel" -->
diff --git a/templates/left_policy.tmpl b/templates/left_policy.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a638012ae45d9d5701d642bc87c230faeca5daf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/left_policy.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<tmpl_if name='policyinfos'>
-  <li><span class="ldapns_current">display policies</span></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=addpolicy">add policies</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=delpolicy">del policies</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=modpolicy">modify policies</a></li>
-  <tmpl_if name='delpolicy'>
-    <li><a href="?action=policyinfos">display policies</a></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=addpolicy">add policies</a></li>
-    <li><span class="ldapns_current">del policies</span></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=modpolicy">modify policies</a></li>
-  <tmpl_else>
-    <tmpl_if name='modpolicy'>
-      <li><a href="?action=policyinfos">display policies</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=addpolicy">add policies</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=delpolicy">del policies</a></li>
-      <li><span class="ldapns_current">modify policies</span></li>
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <tmpl_if name='addpolicy'>
-        <li><a href="?action=policyinfos">display policies</a></li>
-        <li><span class="ldapns_current">add policies</span></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=delpolicy">del policies</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=modpolicy">modify policies</a></li>
-      <tmpl_else>
-        <li><a href="?action=policyinfos">display policies</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=addpolicy">add policies</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=delpolicy">del policies</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=modpolicy">modify policies</a></li>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </tmpl_if>
diff --git a/templates/left_users.tmpl b/templates/left_users.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c24eff0ba713a90ee781bbbdedc11f599ccc690..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/left_users.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<tmpl_if name='userinfos'>
-  <li><span class="ldapns_current">display user</span></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=adduser">add users</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=adduserprofile">add users profile</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=deluser">del users</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=moduser">modify users</a></li>
-  <li><a href="?action=reset">reset passwords</a></li>
-  <tmpl_if name='deluser'>
-    <li><a href="?action=userinfos">display user</a></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=adduser">add users</a></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=adduserprofile">add users profile</a></li>
-    <li><span class="ldapns_current">del users</span></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=moduser">modify users</a></li>
-    <li><a href="?action=reset">reset passwords</a></li>
-  <tmpl_else>
-    <tmpl_if name='reset'>
-      <li><a href="?action=userinfos">display user</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=adduser">add users</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=adduserprofile">add users profile</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=deluser">del users</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?action=moduser">modify users</a></li>
-      <li><span class="ldapns_current">reset passwords</span></li>
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <tmpl_if name='adduser'>
-        <li><a href="?action=userinfos">display user</a></li>
-        <li><span class="ldapns_current">add users</span></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=adduserprofile">add users profile</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=deluser">del users</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=moduser">modify users</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?action=reset">reset passwords</a></li>
-      <tmpl_else>
-        <tmpl_if name='moduser'>
-          <li><a href="?action=userinfos">display user</a></li>
-          <li><a href="?action=adduser">add users</a></li>
-          <li><a href="?action=adduserprofile">add users profile</a></li>
-          <li><a href="?action=deluser">del users</a></li>
-          <li><span class="ldapns_current">modify users</span></li>
-          <li><a href="?action=reset">reset passwords</a></li>
-        <tmpl_else>
-          <tmpl_if name='adduserprofile'>
-            <li><a href="?action=userinfos">display user</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=adduser">add users</a></li>
-            <li><span class="ldapns_current">add users profile</span></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=deluser">del users</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=moduser">modify users</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=reset">reset passwords</a></li>
-          <tmpl_else>
-            <li><a href="?action=userinfos">display user</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=adduser">add users</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=adduserprofile">add users profile</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=deluser">del users</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=moduser">modify users</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?action=reset">reset passwords</a></li>
-          </tmpl_if>
-        </tmpl_if>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </tmpl_if>
diff --git a/templates/login.tmpl b/templates/login.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index a0fd9d84f7f0193f2f2156c80349fa0fbbffd7bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/login.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_login" class="ldapns_login">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="uid">
-        <tmpl_var label-uid>
-        <tmpl_var comment-uid>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-uid>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="password">
-      <tmpl_var label-password>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-password>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit>
-  </div>
-    <tmpl_if name='error'>
-      <hr>
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <tmpl_if name='message'>
-        <hr>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </tmpl_if>
-    <tmpl_if name='error'>
-      <div id="ldapns_error" class="ldapns_error">
-        <p class="ldapns_error"> <tmpl_var name='error_msg'> </p>
-      </div> <!-- id="ldapns_error" class="ldapns_error" -->
-    </tmpl_if>
-    <tmpl_if name='message'>
-      <div id="ldapns_message" class="ldapns_message">
-        <p class="ldapns_message"> <tmpl_var name='message_msg'> </p>
-      </div> <!-- id="ldapns_message" class="ldapns_message" -->
-    </tmpl_if>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_login" class="ldapns_login" -->
diff --git a/templates/modgroup.tmpl b/templates/modgroup.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9543d930cd81ab64a2b4e319ea9487409aadfb65..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/modgroup.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_modgroup" class="ldapns_modgroup">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_disabled_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-IM>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="objectClass">
-        <tmpl_var label-objectClass>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-objectClass>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="group">
-        <tmpl_var label-group>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-group>
-    </div>
-  </div> <!-- class="ldapns_disabled_field" -->
-  <tmpl_unless name="disable_deluser">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="deluser">
-          <tmpl_var label-deluser>
-          <tmpl_var comment-deluser>
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="ldapns_list">
-        <tmpl_var field-deluser>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </tmpl_unless>
-  <tmpl_unless name="disable_adduser">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="adduser">
-          <tmpl_var label-adduser>
-          <tmpl_var comment-adduser>
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="ldapns_list">
-        <tmpl_var field-adduser>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </tmpl_unless>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit1'>" />
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_2" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit2'>" />
-    <tmpl_var form-reset>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_modgroup" class="ldapns_modgroup" -->
diff --git a/templates/modpolicy.tmpl b/templates/modpolicy.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3255f437d9ab5d7691c440f57ba1eccf0332a317..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/modpolicy.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_modpolicy" class="ldapns_modpolicy">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_disabled_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-IM>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="policy">
-        <tmpl_var label-policy>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-policy>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <label for="description">
-        <tmpl_var label-description>
-      </label>
-      <tmpl_var field-description>
-    </div>
-  </div> <!-- class="ldapns_disabled_field" -->
-  <tmpl_include name='fields_policy.tmpl'>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit1'>" />
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_2" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit2'>" />
-    <tmpl_var form-reset>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_modpolicy" class="ldapns_modpolicy" -->
diff --git a/templates/passwd.tmpl b/templates/passwd.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 26d74f0feea516e7019c9f08fdaf25042306832e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/passwd.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_passwd" class="ldapns_passwd">
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="old">
-      <tmpl_var label-old>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-old>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="new">
-      <tmpl_var label-new>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-new>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="repeat">
-      <tmpl_var label-repeat>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-repeat>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_if name='mod_synchro'>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="synchronize">
-          <tmpl_var label-synchronize>
-          <tmpl_var comment-synchronize>
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="ldapns_list">
-        <tmpl_var field-synchronize>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </tmpl_if>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_passwd" class="ldapns_passwd" -->
diff --git a/templates/policyinfos.tmpl b/templates/policyinfos.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ceba938dd3570dafb0f4df65fd6b15f513d6876..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/policyinfos.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<div class="ldapns_policyinfos">
-  <thead>
-    <tr>
-      <td colspan="2">dn: <tmpl_var name='policydn'></td>
-    </tr>
-  </thead>
-  <tbody>
-    <tmpl_loop name="attrs">
-      <tr>
-       <th><tmpl_var name="attr"></th>
-       <td><tmpl_var name="value"></td>
-      </tr>
-    </tmpl_loop>
-  <tbody>
-<tmpl_if name='reset'>
-  </tfoot>
-    <tr>
-     <th>pwdreset</th>
-     <td><span class="ldapns_error">TRUE</span></td>
-    </tr>
-  </tfoot>
-</div> <!-- class="ldapns_policyinfos" -->
diff --git a/templates/reset.tmpl b/templates/reset.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index bb413ad05b2273f42dec394e92bc6096ab7c3a83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/reset.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_reset" class="ldapns_reset">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <tmpl_var field-_submitted_value>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="uid">
-      <tmpl_var label-uid>
-    </label>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-uid>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_if name='mod_synchro'>
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="synchronize">
-          <tmpl_var label-synchronize>
-          <tmpl_var comment-synchronize>
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="ldapns_list">
-        <tmpl_var field-synchronize>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </tmpl_if>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit1'>" />
-    <tmpl_if name='submit2'>
-      <input class="ldapns_fb_button" id="_submit_2" name="_submit" onclick="this.form._submitted_value.value = this.value;" type="submit" value="<tmpl_var name='submit2_value'>" />
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_reset" class="ldapns_reset" -->
diff --git a/templates/selectgroup.tmpl b/templates/selectgroup.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d3781a350d4cd42b722d2e806020ae2b5d3ffd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/selectgroup.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_selectgroup" class="ldapns_selectgroup">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="group">
-      <tmpl_var label-group>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-group>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_if name="audit">
-    <div class="ldapns_field">
-      <div class="ldapns_comment">
-        <label for="audit">
-          <tmpl_var label-audit>
-          <tmpl_var comment-audit>
-        </label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="ldapns_list">
-        <tmpl_var field-audit>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </tmpl_if>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit> 
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_selectgroup" class="ldapns_selectgroup" -->
diff --git a/templates/selectgroupclass.tmpl b/templates/selectgroupclass.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 664d6e906d1724708dcaade77c2006be0ad410e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/selectgroupclass.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_selectgroupclass" class="ldapns_selectgroupclass">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-        <tmpl_var comment-IM>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="objectClass">
-      <tmpl_var label-objectClass>
-    </label>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-objectClass>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_selectgroupclass" class="ldapns_selectgroupclass" -->
diff --git a/templates/selectpolicy.tmpl b/templates/selectpolicy.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index abedb31bb5670af55fb7e0f0a107eaa5d18c2fb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/selectpolicy.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_selectpolicy" class="ldapns_selectpolicy">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="IM">
-        <tmpl_var label-IM>
-        <tmpl_var comment-IM>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <tmpl_var field-IM>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="policy">
-      <tmpl_var label-policy>
-    </label>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-policy>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit>
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_selectpolicy" class="ldapns_selectpolicy" -->
diff --git a/templates/selectppolicy.tmpl b/templates/selectppolicy.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4e5736c79f57347db07181a0632981a5e1ff8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/selectppolicy.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_selectppolicy" class="ldapns_selectppolicy">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="policy">
-      <tmpl_var label-policy>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-policy>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="audit">
-        <tmpl_var label-audit>
-        <tmpl_var comment-audit>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-audit>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit> 
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_selectppolicy" class="ldapns_selectppolicy" -->
diff --git a/templates/selectuser.tmpl b/templates/selectuser.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a605c9525309ad99b3986d50cb5ad023ba05a11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/selectuser.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ldapns_selectuser" class="ldapns_selectuser">
-  <tmpl_var js-head>
-  <tmpl_var form-start>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <label for="uid">
-      <tmpl_var label-uid>
-    </label>
-    <tmpl_var field-uid>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_field">
-    <div class="ldapns_comment">
-      <label for="audit">
-        <tmpl_var label-audit>
-        <tmpl_var comment-audit>
-      </label>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ldapns_list">
-      <tmpl_var field-audit>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="ldapns_submit">
-    <tmpl_var form-submit> 
-  </div>
-  <tmpl_var form-end>
-</div> <!-- id="ldapns_selectuser" class="ldapns_selectuser" -->
diff --git a/templates/tab.tmpl b/templates/tab.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2116b2f60401e8d4528c1db5989cd6d425af2d56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/tab.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<div class="ldapns_tab" id="ldapns_tab">
-  <ul>
-  <tmpl_unless name='isAdmin'>
-    <li><span class="ldapns_current">Home</span></li>
-  <tmpl_else>
-    <tmpl_if name='tab_users'>
-      <li><a href="?tab=home">Home</a></li>
-      <li><span class="ldapns_current">Users</span></li>
-      <li><a href="?tab=groups">Groups</a></li>
-      <li><a href="?tab=ppolicies">Password policies</a></li>
-    <tmpl_else>
-      <tmpl_if name='tab_groups'>
-        <li><a href="?tab=home">Home</a></li>
-        <li><a href="?tab=users">Users</a></li>
-        <li><span class="ldapns_current">Groups</span></li>
-        <li><a href="?tab=ppolicies">Password policies</a></li>
-      <tmpl_else>
-        <tmpl_if name='tab_policy'>
-          <li><a href="?tab=home">Home</a></li>
-          <li><a href="?tab=users">Users</a></li>
-          <li><a href="?tab=groups">Groups</a></li>
-          <li><span class="ldapns_current">Passwords policies</span></li>
-        <tmpl_else>
-          <tmpl_if name='tab_home'>
-            <li><span class="ldapns_current">Home</span></li>
-            <li><a href="?tab=users">Users</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?tab=groups">Groups</a></li>
-            <li><a href="?tab=ppolicies">Password policies</a></li>
-          </tmpl_if>
-        </tmpl_if>
-      </tmpl_if>
-    </tmpl_if>
-  </tmpl_unless>
-  </ul>
-</div> <!-- class="ldapns_tab" id="ldapns_tab" -->
diff --git a/templates/userinfos.tmpl b/templates/userinfos.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3465c50e87448ce6eba6e61927e7eaf9db8a74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/userinfos.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<div class="ldapns_userinfos">
-  <thead>
-    <tr>
-      <td colspan="2">dn: <tmpl_var name='userdn'></td>
-    </tr>
-  </thead>
-  <tbody>
-    <tmpl_loop name="attrs">
-      <tr>
-       <th><tmpl_var name="attr"></th>
-       <td><tmpl_var name="value"></td>
-      </tr>
-    </tmpl_loop>
-  <tbody>
-<tmpl_if name='reset'>
-  </tfoot>
-    <tr>
-     <th>pwdreset</th>
-     <td><span class="ldapns_error">TRUE</span></td>
-    </tr>
-  </tfoot>
-</div> <!-- class="ldapns_userinfos" -->
diff --git a/library/vault/client.py b/vault/client.py
similarity index 61%
rename from library/vault/client.py
rename to vault/client.py
index 6c20e1ca8f110bfc92b3cca1111532e075d0f64a..3ef21e149125553370b21d44d91cdcb4d6def89f 100755
--- a/library/vault/client.py
+++ b/vault/client.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 import logging
 import requests
 from requests import Response, Request
@@ -8,12 +7,11 @@ from datetime import datetime
 import time
 import sys
 import hvac
-from library.servicenow import env_user
-#curl -H "X-Vault-Namespace: EC/DIGIT_C4_SNET_ADMIN-ACC" -X POST --tlsv1.2 --data '{"password": "password"}' https://sam-hcavault.cec.eu.int/v1/auth/userpass/login/fandrem
 class Vault(object):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -21,18 +19,34 @@ class Vault(object):
     def getPasswordByAppRole(self, key, vault_url, namespace_used, role_id, secret_id, mount_point, engine):
         # Create a client instance
-        #verify="/etc/ssl/certs/"
         client = hvac.Client(url=vault_url, namespace=namespace_used,  verify=False)
         response = client.auth.approle.login(role_id=role_id, secret_id=secret_id)
         # Extract the client token from the response
         client.token = response['auth']['client_token']
         #TODO : Acc using version 1 in the past now all is uniform
-        #secret = client.secrets.kv.v1.read_secret(path=key,mount_point=mount_point)
         secret = client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version(path=key ,mount_point=mount_point)
         secret_data = False
         if secret is not None  and 'data' in secret and secret['data'] is not None:
             secret_data =secret['data']['data']['data']['password']
-            #print(secret_data)
+        else:
+            print(secret, "secret")
+            print("Failed to retrieve the secret.")
+        client.logout()
+        return secret_data
+    def getKeysData(self, key, vault_url, namespace_used, role_id, secret_id, mount_point, engine):
+        # Create a client instance
+        client = hvac.Client(url=vault_url, namespace=namespace_used,  verify=False)
+        response = client.auth.approle.login(role_id=role_id, secret_id=secret_id)
+        # Extract the client token from the response
+        client.token = response['auth']['client_token']
+        #TODO : Acc using version 1 in the past now all is uniform
+        secret = client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version(path=key ,mount_point=mount_point)
+        secret_data = False
+        if secret is not None  and 'data' in secret and secret['data'] is not None:
+            secret_data =secret['data']['data']
             print(secret, "secret")
             print("Failed to retrieve the secret.")