diff --git a/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl b/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl
index 4e274e3ec9855ba1e0c6b2cd9a450e242841939a..c055a07ebec57b14a7929fd9170c165a5d60736f 100755
--- a/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl
+++ b/bin/synchronize_proteus_Users.pl
@@ -14,12 +14,30 @@ use Net::LDAP;
 use File::Copy;
 use File::Basename;
 use Sys::Hostname;
+use Sys::Hostname::Long;
+use IO::Socket::SSL;
+no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
+if ( $] eq '5.020002' ) {
+    # jessie
+    $SERVER = 'SERVER';
+} else {
+    # set some variables in order to disable SSL certificate check due to stunnel
+    $ENV{HTTPS_DEBUG} = 1;
+    IO::Socket::SSL::set_ctx_defaults( SSL_verifycn_scheme => 'www',
+                                       SSL_verify_mode     => 0 );
 # unbuffered output:
 $| = 1;
-use lib ( new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" )->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
     my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
     push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
@@ -29,14 +47,20 @@ use SNET::common;
 use SNET::snmpd;
 use SNET::LdapNS qw(:all);
 use SNET::libsoap;
+## load the Proteus API
+use Proteus::API;
+use Proteus::SNET;
-use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $force $cli_mode $dry_run );
+use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $script $cli_mode $force $dry_run );
 $verbose  = 0;
 $debug    = 0;
 $cli_mode = 1;
 my $PROGNAME = basename( $0 );
 $PROGNAME =~ s/\.p[lm]$//;
+( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
+my $hostname = hostname();
+my $fqdn     = hostname_long();
 my %options = (
                 "help"    => \$help,
@@ -270,7 +294,7 @@ my $proteusUser = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', 'USER' );
 print "error value of proteusUser is undefined" if ( !defined( $proteusUser ) );
 my $proteusPass = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', 'PASSWORD' );
 print "error value of proteusPass is undefined" if ( !defined( $proteusPass ) );
-my $proteusServer = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', 'SERVER' );
+my $proteusServer = $PiniFile->val( 'PROTEUS_SOAP', $SERVER );
 print "error value of proteusDbServer is undefined" if ( !defined( $proteusServer ) );
 my $Proteus_cfg_name = $PiniFile->val( 'GLOBAL', 'CONFIG' );
 print "error value of Proteus_cfg_name is undefined" if ( !defined( $Proteus_cfg_name ) );