diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 977ec0b475d60f128162b5df3c5996c6c53cc51d..b5e01ce68085a46f56e400c763ec27bf2ac3adec 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ netbox-docker-plugin == 1.*
 --extra-index-url https://code.europa.eu/api/v4/projects/662/packages/pypi/simple
 netbox-cert-plugin == 0.3.*
 --extra-index-url https://code.europa.eu/api/v4/projects/623/packages/pypi/simple
-netbox-rps-plugin == 0.25.*
+netbox-rps-plugin == 0.26.*
 supervisor == 4.2.5
 netbox-mac-address-plugin == 1.0.*
 --extra-index-url https://code.europa.eu/api/v4/projects/921/packages/pypi/simple
diff --git a/tests/robot/netbox_rps_plugin/redirect.robot b/tests/robot/netbox_rps_plugin/redirect.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..245495ca99b653b9025680dece9802d448201459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/robot/netbox_rps_plugin/redirect.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Test Tags  mac
+Library  RequestsLibrary
+Library    OperatingSystem    
+Library    Collections
+Library    DateTime
+Variables    ../variables.yaml
+*** Variables ***
+${BASE_URL}       http://${HOST}:${PORT}
+${MAPPING_ENDPOINT}    /api/plugins/rps/mapping/
+${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    /api/plugins/rps/redirect/
+${TOKEN}    Token ${API_TOKEN}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Create Mapping for testing
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com    target    http://testtarget.com
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${MAPPING_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=201
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${MAPPING_ID}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    id
+    Set Global Variable    ${MAPPING_ID}
+Create Valid Mapping Redirect
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/A    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=201
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${REDIRECT_ID}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    id
+    Set Global Variable    ${REDIRECT_ID}
+Create 2nd Valid Mapping Redirect
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/Z    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}    deactivation_date    2999-01-01T15:53:01.622818Z    
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=201
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${REDIRECT_ID}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    id
+    Set Global Variable    ${REDIRECT_ID}
+Create Duplicaded Redirect
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/A    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=400
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${ERROR}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    source
+    Should Contain    ${ERROR}    A Redirect with the same source and overlapping timespan already exists.
+Create Incomplete Redirect- Missing Source
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=400
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${ERROR}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    source
+    Should Contain    ${ERROR}    This field is required.
+Create Incomplete Redirect- Missing Target
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/C    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=400
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${ERROR}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    target
+    Should Contain    ${ERROR}    This field is required.
+Create Incomplete Redirect- Missing Mapping
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/C    target    http://testtarget.com/B    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=400
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${ERROR}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    mapping
+    Should Contain    ${ERROR}    This field is required.
+Create Incomplete Redirect- Check Date Default
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/datedefault    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=201
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${DATE_DEFAULT}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    activation_date
+    ${CONVERTED_DATE_DEFAULT}    Convert Date    ${DATE_DEFAULT}    result_format=%d %b %Y %I:%M %p
+    ${CONVERTED_NOW}    Convert Date    ${NOW}    result_format=%d %b %Y %I:%M %p
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${CONVERTED_DATE_DEFAULT}    ${CONVERTED_NOW}
+Create Incomplete Redirect- Check Type Default
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/typedefault    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=201
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${TYPE_DEFAULT}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    redirect_type
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${TYPE_DEFAULT}    1-1    
+Create Invalid (Not the same source) Redirect
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource_wrong.com/A    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=400
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${ERROR}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    source
+    Should Contain    ${ERROR}    Redirect source must start with the mapping's source.
+Create Overlaped Dates Redirect
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${NOW}=    get time
+    ${payload}       Create Dictionary    source    http://testsource.com/Z    target    http://testtarget.com/B    mapping    ${MAPPING_ID}    redirect_type    1-1    activation_date    ${NOW}    deactivation_date    2500-01-01T15:53:01.622818Z    
+    ${response}=  POST  ${BASE_URL}${REDIRECT_ENDPOINT}    json=${payload}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=400
+    ${json}  Set Variable    ${response.json()}
+    Convert to Dictionary    ${json}
+    ${ERROR}    Get From Dictionary    ${json}    source
+    Should Contain    ${ERROR}    A Redirect with the same source and overlapping timespan already exists.
+# Clean up
+Delete Mapping
+    ${HEADERS}       Create Dictionary    Content-Type    ${CONTENT_TYPE}    Authorization    ${TOKEN}
+    ${response}=  DELETE  ${BASE_URL}${MAPPING_ENDPOINT}${MAPPING_ID}    headers=${HEADERS}  expected_status=204