From 0a9c8f5a95e5f5d1423f77559431f4e0f3305170 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Krisper <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2016 13:55:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ATShiftStrategy: Corrected Emergency Upshift Behavior when
 InAngularVelocity >= EngineRatedSpeed

 .../Impl/ATShiftStrategy.cs                    | 18 +++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/ATShiftStrategy.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/ATShiftStrategy.cs
index 5773929f18..84585fab8f 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/ATShiftStrategy.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/ATShiftStrategy.cs
@@ -140,10 +140,22 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
 					Log.Debug("engine speed would fall below idle speed - shift down");
 					return true;
-				if (inAngularVelocity.IsGreater(DataBus.EngineRatedSpeed) && Data.Gears.ContainsKey(gear + 1)) {
-					NextGear.SetState(absTime, false, gear + 1, Data.Gears[gear + 1].HasLockedGear);
+				if (inAngularVelocity.IsGreaterOrEqual(DataBus.EngineRatedSpeed)) {
 					Log.Debug("engine speed would be above rated speed - shift up");
-					return true;
+					if (Data.Gears.ContainsKey(gear + 1) && (_gearbox.TorqueConverterLocked || Data.Gears[gear + 1].HasTorqueConverter)) {
+						// 1L -> 2C/L  OR  1C -> 2C
+						NextGear.SetState(absTime, false, gear + 1, !Data.Gears[gear + 1].HasTorqueConverter);
+						return true;
+					}
+					if (Data.Gears[gear].HasLockedGear) {
+						// 1C -> 1L
+						NextGear.SetState(absTime, false, gear, true);
+						return true;
+					}
+					// 1C -> ?
+					throw new VectoSimulationException(
+						"AngularVelocity is higher than EngineRatedSpeed, Current gear has active torque converter (1C) but no locked gear (no 1L) and shifting directly to 2L is not allowed.");