diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
index 36231db0426ce74f8714dca3e0f668a0aaf57432..1151983a30e8928e9cf90550119a46592827bfed 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
@@ -820,11 +821,13 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		Dim vectoJob As VectoJob = New VectoJob() With {.FilePath = VectoJobForm.VECTOfile}
 		Dim vectoOk As Boolean = vectoJob.ReadFile()
-		Dim vehicle As Vehicle = New Vehicle() With {.FilePath = vectoJob.PathVeh(False)}
-		Dim vehicleOk As Boolean = vehicle.ReadFile(False)
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(vectoJob.PathVeh(False)), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+		Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = inputData.VehicleInputData
-		If fldOk AndAlso vectoOk AndAlso vehicleOk Then
+		If fldOk AndAlso vectoOk AndAlso Not vehicle Is Nothing Then
 			s = New Series
 			s.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.EngineSpeedList, fullLoadCurve.MaxTorqueList)
@@ -910,13 +913,13 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	End Sub
-	Private Function GetShiftLines(engineFullLoadCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve, vehicle As Vehicle,
+	Private Function GetShiftLines(engineFullLoadCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve, vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData,
 									gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData), gear As Integer) As ShiftPolygon
 		Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(engineFullLoadCurve, VectoJobForm.EngineIdleSpeed)
 		If gears.Count <= 1 Then
 			Return Nothing
 		End If
-		Dim rDyn As Meter = (vehicle.DynamicTyreRadius / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter)()
+		Dim rDyn As Meter = vehicle.DynamicTyreRadius
 		If rDyn.IsEqual(0) Then
 			If (vehicle.Axles.Count < 2) Then
 				Return Nothing
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
index ff84f9c9ecffae0a57a1327654afb0d381ff74c9..6d6bf71c96f77e4124b709e6c7f69ad44dd01f97 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
 Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
 Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 ''' <summary>
@@ -984,7 +986,7 @@ lbDlog:
 #End Region
 	Public Sub UpdatePic()
-		Dim VEH0 As New Vehicle
 		Dim i As Integer
 		Dim pmax As Double
@@ -996,8 +998,7 @@ lbDlog:
 		Dim HDVclass As String
-		'Dim m0 As 
 		Dim s As Series
 		Dim a As ChartArea
 		Dim img As Bitmap
@@ -1013,14 +1014,16 @@ lbDlog:
 		PicVehicle.Image = Nothing
 		PicBox.Image = Nothing
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(TbVEH.Text), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+		Dim vehicle = inputData.VehicleInputData
-		VEH0.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbVEH.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
-		If VEH0.ReadFile(False) Then
-			Dim maxMass = (VEH0.MassMax * 1000).SI(Of Kilogram)()					'CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassMass.Text))
+		If Not vehicle Is Nothing Then
+			Dim maxMass = vehicle.GrossVehicleMassRating					'CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassMass.Text))
 			Dim s0 As Segment = Nothing
-				s0 = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(VEH0.VehicleCategory, VEH0.AxleConfiguration, maxMass, 0.SI(Of Kilogram), True)
+				s0 = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(vehicle.VehicleCategory, vehicle.AxleConfiguration, maxMass, 0.SI(Of Kilogram), True)
 			End Try
 			If Not s0 Is Nothing Then
@@ -1041,9 +1044,9 @@ lbDlog:
 			'Image.FromFile(cDeclaration.ConvPicPath(HDVclass, False))
 			TbHVCclass.Text = "HDV Class " & HDVclass
-			TbVehCat.Text = VEH0.VehicleCategory.GetCategoryName()	'ConvVehCat(VEH0.VehCat, True)
-			TbMass.Text = VEH0.MassMax & " t"
-			TbAxleConf.Text = VEH0.AxleConfiguration.GetName() 'ConvAxleConf(VEH0.AxleConf)
+			TbVehCat.Text = vehicle.VehicleCategory.GetCategoryName()	'ConvVehCat(VEH0.VehCat, True)
+			TbMass.Text = (vehicle.GrossVehicleMassRating.Value() / 1000) & " t"
+			TbAxleConf.Text = vehicle.AxleConfiguration.GetName()	'ConvAxleConf(VEH0.AxleConf)
 		End If
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
index b75b7ab57c148dbfaaf2279ce464ce0ff5771071..07f2c05adfbaf142c2a8bcfb77fc816353bbda9a 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ Option Infer On
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 ''' <summary>
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	'Set HDVclasss
 	Private Sub SetHdVclass()
-		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TbMassMass.Text) Then
+		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TbMassMass.Text) OrElse Not IsNumeric(TbMassMass.Text) Then
 			TbHDVclass.Text = "-"
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
@@ -318,15 +320,14 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		Dim veh = New Vehicle
-		veh.FilePath = file
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(file), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+		Dim veh = inputData.VehicleInputData
+		Dim retarder = inputData.RetarderInputData
+		Dim angularGear = inputData.AngularGearInputData
+		Dim pto = inputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
-		If Not veh.ReadFile Then
-			MsgBox("Cannot read " & file & "!")
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
-		If Cfg.DeclMode <> veh.SavedInDeclMode Then
+		If Cfg.DeclMode <> veh.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
 			Select Case WrongMode()
 				Case 1
@@ -337,25 +338,27 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			End Select
 		End If
+		Dim basePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)
 		CbCat.SelectedValue = veh.VehicleCategory
 		CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue = veh.AxleConfiguration
-		TbMassMass.Text = veh.MassMax.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbMassMass.Text = (veh.GrossVehicleMassRating.Value() / 1000).ToGUIFormat()
-		TbMass.Text = veh.Mass.ToGUIFormat()
-		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbMass.Text = veh.CurbWeightChassis.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.CurbWeightExtra.ToGUIFormat()
 		TbLoad.Text = veh.Loading.ToGUIFormat()
 		TBrdyn.Text = veh.DynamicTyreRadius.ToGUIFormat()
 		CbCdMode.SelectedValue = veh.CrossWindCorrectionMode
-		TbCdFile.Text = veh.CrossWindCorrectionFile.OriginalPath
+		TbCdFile.Text = GetRelativePath(veh.CrosswindCorrectionMap.Source, basePath)
+		CbRtType.SelectedValue = retarder.Type
+		TbRtRatio.Text = retarder.Ratio.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbRtPath.Text = GetRelativePath(retarder.LossMap.Source, basePath)
-		CbRtType.SelectedValue = veh.RetarderType
-		TbRtRatio.Text = veh.RetarderRatio.ToGUIFormat()
-		TbRtPath.Text = veh.RetarderLossMapFile.OriginalPath
-		cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue = veh.AngularGearType
-		tbAngularGearRatio.Text = veh.AngularGearRatio.ToGUIFormat()
-		tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text = veh.AngularGearLossMapFile.OriginalPath
+		cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue = angularGear.Type
+		tbAngularGearRatio.Text = angularGear.Ratio.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text = GetRelativePath(angularGear.LossMap.Source, basePath)
 		Dim i = 0
@@ -365,22 +368,24 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
 				inertia = DeclarationData.Wheels.Lookup(a0.Wheels).Inertia.Value()
-				LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i, Double.NaN, a0.TwinTire, a0.RRC, a0.FzISO, a0.Wheels, inertia))
+				LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i, Double.NaN, a0.TwinTyres, a0.RollResistanceCoefficient,
+													a0.TyreTestLoad.Value(), a0.Wheels, inertia))
-				LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i, a0.Share, a0.TwinTire, a0.RRC, a0.FzISO, a0.Wheels, a0.Inertia))
+				LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i, a0.AxleWeightShare, a0.TwinTyres, a0.RollResistanceCoefficient,
+													a0.TyreTestLoad.Value(), a0.Wheels, a0.Inertia.Value()))
 			End If
-		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra.ToGUIFormat()
+		'TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra.ToGUIFormat()
-		TBcdA.Text = veh.CdA0.ToGUIFormat()
+		TBcdA.Text = veh.AirDragArea.ToGUIFormat()
-		cbPTOType.SelectedValue = veh.PTOType
-		tbPTOLossMap.Text = veh.PTOLossMap.OriginalPath
-		tbPTOCycle.Text = veh.PTOCycle.OriginalPath
+		cbPTOType.SelectedValue = pto.PTOTransmissionType
+		tbPTOLossMap.Text = GetRelativePath(pto.PTOLossMap.Source, basePath)
+		tbPTOCycle.Text = GetRelativePath(pto.PTOCycle.Source, basePath)
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb
index a9242fbddfae8a3a770f82b9d58510c3d45ec705..d10e06fc86aad64ff1dfc2644c868f7b52ae8661 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb	
@@ -154,137 +154,6 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		SavedInDeclMode = False
 	End Sub
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Const msgSrc = "VEH/ReadFile"
-		SetDefault()
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
-		If Not json.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
-		Try
-			Dim header As JToken = json.Content.GetEx("Header")
-			Dim body As JToken = json.Content.GetEx("Body")
-			_fileVersion = header.GetEx(Of Integer)("FileVersion")
-			If _fileVersion > 4 Then
-				SavedInDeclMode = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("SavedInDeclMode")
-			Else
-				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			End If
-			Mass = body.GetEx(Of Double)("CurbWeight")
-			MassExtra = body.GetEx(Of Double)("CurbWeightExtra")
-			Loading = body.GetEx(Of Double)("Loading")
-			VehicleCategory = body("VehCat").ToString.ParseEnum(Of VehicleCategory)() 'ConvVehCat(body("VehCat").ToString)
-			AxleConfiguration = AxleConfigurationHelper.Parse(body("AxleConfig")("Type").ToString)
-			If _fileVersion < 2 Then
-				'convert kg to ton
-				MassMax /= 1000
-			Else
-				MassMax = body.GetEx(Of Double)("MassMax")
-			End If
-			If _fileVersion < 7 Then
-				'calc CdA from Cd and area value
-				CdA0 = (body.GetEx(Of Double)("Cd")) * (body.GetEx(Of Double)("CrossSecArea"))
-			Else
-				CdA0 = body.GetEx(Of Double)("CdA")
-			End If
-			'CdA02 = CdA0
-			CrossWindCorrectionMode = CrossWindCorrectionModeHelper.Parse(body("CdCorrMode").ToString)
-			If Not body("CdCorrFile") Is Nothing Then
-				CrossWindCorrectionFile.Init(_path, body.GetEx(Of String)("CdCorrFile"))
-			End If
-			If body("Retarder") Is Nothing Then
-				RetarderType = RetarderType.None
-			Else
-				RetarderType = RetarderTypeHelper.Parse(body("Retarder")("Type").ToString)
-				Dim retarder As JToken = body.GetEx("Retarder")
-				If Not retarder("Ratio") Is Nothing Then
-					RetarderRatio = retarder.GetEx(Of Double)("Ratio")
-				End If
-				If Not retarder("File") Is Nothing Then
-					RetarderLossMapFile.Init(_path, retarder.GetEx(Of String)("File"))
-				End If
-			End If
-			If body("AngularGear") Is Nothing Then
-				AngularGearType = AngularGearType.None
-			Else
-				AngularGearType = body("AngularGear")("Type").ToString.ParseEnum(Of AngularGearType)()
-				Dim angleDrive As JToken = body("AngularGear")
-				If Not angleDrive("Ratio") Is Nothing Then
-					AngularGearRatio = angleDrive.GetEx(Of Double)("Ratio")
-				End If
-				If Not body("AngularGear")("LossMap") Is Nothing Then
-					AngularGearLossMapFile.Init(_path, angleDrive.GetEx(Of String)("LossMap"))
-				End If
-			End If
-			Dim inertiaTemp As Double
-			If _fileVersion < 3 Then
-				inertiaTemp = body.GetEx(Of Double)("WheelsInertia")
-				DynamicTyreRadius = 1000 * body.GetEx(Of Double)("WheelsDiaEff") / 2
-			Else
-				DynamicTyreRadius = body.GetEx(Of Double)("rdyn")
-			End If
-			Dim axleCount As Integer = body("AxleConfig")("Axles").Count()
-			For Each axleEntry In body.GetEx("AxleConfig").GetEx("Axles")
-				Dim axle = New Axle With {
-						.Share = (axleEntry.GetEx(Of Double)("AxleWeightShare")),
-						.TwinTire = (axleEntry.GetEx(Of Boolean)("TwinTyres")),
-						.RRC = (axleEntry.GetEx(Of Double)("RRCISO")),
-						.FzISO = (axleEntry.GetEx(Of Double)("FzISO"))}
-				If _fileVersion < 3 Then
-					axle.Wheels = "-"
-					Dim numWheels As Integer = 2
-					If axle.TwinTire Then numWheels = 4
-					axle.Inertia = inertiaTemp / (numWheels * axleCount)
-				Else
-					axle.Wheels = (axleEntry.GetEx(Of String)("Wheels")).Replace("R ", "R")
-					axle.Inertia = (axleEntry.GetEx(Of Double)("Inertia"))
-				End If
-				Axles.Add(axle)
-			Next
-			PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-			If Not body("PTO") Is Nothing Then
-				Dim ptoTypeToken = body.GetEx("PTO")("Type")
-				If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ptoTypeToken.Value(Of String)) Then
-					PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-					WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal, "PTO automatically updated to '" + ptoTypeToken.Value(Of String)() + "'", msgSrc)
-				Else
-					Try
-						DeclarationData.PTOTransmission.Lookup(ptoTypeToken.Value(Of String))
-						PTOType = ptoTypeToken.Value(Of String)()
-					Catch ex As Exception
-						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal,
-								"PTO '" + ptoTypeToken.Value(Of String)() + "' not found, automatically updated to '" + PTOTransmission.NoPTO +
-								"'", msgSrc)
-						PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-					End Try
-				End If
-			End If
-			If Not PTOType.Equals(PTOTransmission.NoPTO) Then
-				PTOLossMap.Init(_path, body.GetEx("PTO").GetEx(Of String)("LossMap"))
-				PTOCycle.Init(_path, body.GetEx("PTO").GetEx(Of String)("Cycle"))
-			End If
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read Vehicle file! " & ex.Message, msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
-	End Function
 	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
 		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
@@ -483,7 +352,7 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		End Get
 	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property CrosswindCorrectionMap As DataTable _
+	Public ReadOnly Property CrosswindCorrectionMap As TableData _
 		Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.CrosswindCorrectionMap
 			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(CrossWindCorrectionFile.FullPath)
diff --git a/VECTO/MainModule.vb b/VECTO/MainModule.vb
index b068a602c4d80d9275300220150540665642c2c5..896b037bc845ac0be50c1b8f31414795dc7e0370 100644
--- a/VECTO/MainModule.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MainModule.vb
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.IO
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
@@ -61,4 +62,14 @@ Module MainModule
 				Return My.Resources.Undef  ' resourcePath & "Undef.png"
 		End Select
 	End Function
+	Public Function GetRelativePath(filePath As String, basePath As String) As String
+		If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(basePath)) Then
+			Return ""
+		End If
+		If (Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath).Equals(basePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
+			Return Path.GetFileName(filePath)
+		End If
+		Return filePath
+	End Function
 End Module
diff --git a/VectoConsole/Program.cs b/VectoConsole/Program.cs
index d6bd3f87c8ab7b189d6a28a0898cf4ca7334bc47..493c3c14e6c8e03f778807199aaa210930bb8a29 100644
--- a/VectoConsole/Program.cs
+++ b/VectoConsole/Program.cs
@@ -64,29 +64,29 @@ namespace VectoConsole
 Commandline Interface for Vecto.
-    vectocmd.exe [-h] [-v] FILE1.(vecto|xml) [FILE2.(vecto|xml) ...]
+	vectocmd.exe [-h] [-v] FILE1.(vecto|xml) [FILE2.(vecto|xml) ...]
-    FILE1.vecto [FILE2.vecto ...]: A list of vecto-job files (with the 
-       extension: .vecto). At least one file must be given. Delimited by 
-       whitespace.
-    -t: output information about execution times
-    -mod: write mod-data in addition to sum-data
-    -1Hz: convert mod-data to 1Hz resolution
-    -eng: switch to engineering mode (implies -mod)
-    -v: Shows verbose information (errors and warnings will be displayed)
+	FILE1.vecto [FILE2.vecto ...]: A list of vecto-job files (with the 
+	   extension: .vecto). At least one file must be given. Delimited by 
+	   whitespace.
+	-t: output information about execution times
+	-mod: write mod-data in addition to sum-data
+	-1Hz: convert mod-data to 1Hz resolution
+	-eng: switch to engineering mode (implies -mod)
+	-v: Shows verbose information (errors and warnings will be displayed)
 	-vv: Shows more verbose information (infos will be displayed)
 	-vvv: Shows debug messages (slow!)
 	-vvvv: Shows all verbose information (everything, slow!)
-    -V: show version information
-    -h: Displays this help.
+	-V: show version information
+	-h: Displays this help.
-    vecto.exe ""12t Delivery Truck.vecto"" 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
-    vecto.exe 24tCoach.vecto 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
-    vecto.exe -v 24tCoach.vecto
-    vecto.exe -v jobs\40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
+	vecto.exe ""12t Delivery Truck.vecto"" 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
+	vecto.exe 24tCoach.vecto 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
+	vecto.exe -v 24tCoach.vecto
+	vecto.exe -v jobs\40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
 	vecto.exe -h
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
index bbe30049c62d65b3b805d04dab6dae20cab20574..4d0cf7cb515046439d8e257c23f40cdd3acac2b8 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+using System;
 using Newtonsoft.Json;
 using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
 using System.IO;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
@@ -50,10 +52,19 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+		public static IInputDataProvider ReadComponentData(string filename)
+		{
+			if (Constants.FileExtensions.VectoJobFile.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
+				return ReadJsonJob(filename);
+			}
+			return new JSONComponentInputData(filename);
+		}
 		public static IInputDataProvider ReadJsonJob(string filename)
 			var json = ReadFile(filename);
 			var version = ReadVersion(json);
 			switch (version) {
 				case 2:
 					return new JSONInputDataV2(json, filename);