diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3465df3450809b5de0771313c41e45a5bc60f548..802d8393ef028d7fc7c5294ce6ee481b391c67ae 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -202,3 +202,5 @@ Coverage/
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ShiftStrategy/PredictionDurationLookupReader.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ShiftStrategy/PredictionDurationLookupReader.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9d7b69f5a82e24157f5960eece684a41ec47f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ShiftStrategy/PredictionDurationLookupReader.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using System;
+using System.Data;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.ComponentData;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.ShiftStrategy;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.ShiftStrategy
+	public static class PredictionDurationLookupReader
+	{
+		public static PredictionDurationLookup ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
+		{
+			var data = VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(stream);
+			return Create(data);
+		}
+		public static PredictionDurationLookup ReadFromFile(string filename)
+		{
+			try {
+				var data = VectoCSVFile.Read(filename);
+				return Create(data);
+			} catch (Exception e) {
+				throw new VectoException("Error while reading ShiftStrategy PredictionDurationLookup File: " + e.Message);
+			}
+		}
+		private static PredictionDurationLookup Create(TableData data)
+		{
+			if (data.Columns.Count != 2) {
+				throw new VectoException("ShiftStrategy PredictionDuration must consist of 2 columns.");
+			}
+			if (data.Rows.Count < 2) {
+				throw new VectoException("ShiftStrategy PredictionDuration must consist of at least two rows.");
+			}
+			if (!HeaderIsValid(data.Columns)) {
+				LoggingObject.Logger<PredictionDurationLookup>()
+							.Warn(
+								"ShiftStrategy PredictionDuration Curve: Header Line is not valid. Expected: '{0}, {1}', Got: {3}",
+								Fields.SpeedRatio, Fields.PredictionTimeRatio,
+								string.Join(", ", data.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Select(c => c.ColumnName)));
+				data.Columns[0].Caption = Fields.SpeedRatio;
+				data.Columns[1].Caption = Fields.PredictionTimeRatio;
+			}
+			return new PredictionDurationLookup(
+				data.Rows.Cast<DataRow>()
+					.Select(
+						r => new PredictionDurationLookup.Entry() {
+							SpeedRatio = r.ParseDouble(Fields.SpeedRatio),
+							PredictionTimeRatio = r.ParseDouble(Fields.PredictionTimeRatio)
+						})
+					.OrderBy(x => x.SpeedRatio)
+					.ToList());
+		}
+		private static bool HeaderIsValid(DataColumnCollection columns)
+		{
+			return columns.Contains(Fields.SpeedRatio) &&
+					columns.Contains(Fields.PredictionTimeRatio);
+		}
+		public static class Fields
+		{
+			public const string SpeedRatio = "v_post/v_curr";
+			public const string PredictionTimeRatio = "dt_pred/dt_shift";
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/ShiftStrategyParameters.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/ShiftStrategyParameters.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eaa913769f70495058e6eed920bf87bd5fb2d3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/ShiftStrategyParameters.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.ShiftStrategy;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data {
+	public class ShiftStrategyParameters
+	{
+		public PredictionDurationLookup PredictionDurationLookup { get; internal set; }
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/VectoRunData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/VectoRunData.cs
index 21cfcb0a6f79ecf87b4841cdf21d8030ef374f06..68b1d5586697a26691e12d94a11fb0776aab5da3 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/VectoRunData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Data/VectoRunData.cs
@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data
 		public VTPData VTPData { get; set; }
+		public ShiftStrategyParameters GearshiftParameters { get; set; }
 		public class AuxData
 			// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Impl/PowertrainBuilder.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Impl/PowertrainBuilder.cs
index 9bb55807a74ac487f67691393616b506646e8580..84318f94e59223fb3b19dc1f9bf092d95259cb22 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Impl/PowertrainBuilder.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Simulation/Impl/PowertrainBuilder.cs
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Impl
 			IShiftStrategy strategy;
 			switch (runData.GearboxData.Type) {
 				case GearboxType.AMT:
-					strategy = new AMTShiftStrategy(runData, container);
+					strategy = new AMTShiftStrategyV2(runData, container);
 				case GearboxType.MT:
 					strategy = new MTShiftStrategy(runData, container);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AccelerationCurve.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AccelerationCurve.cs
index 97aa23fab09fea8b3d5a6f64488cee374ffc280e..d9cd748cd32b25a93a161709900b26fecfddf866 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AccelerationCurve.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AccelerationCurve.cs
@@ -29,140 +29,140 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Linq;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
-	public class AccelerationCurveData : SimulationComponentData
-	{
-		[Required, ValidateObject] private readonly List<KeyValuePair<MeterPerSecond, AccelerationEntry>> _entries;
-		protected internal AccelerationCurveData(List<KeyValuePair<MeterPerSecond, AccelerationEntry>> entries)
-		{
-			_entries = entries;
-			var smallValues = _entries.Where(e => e.Key < 5.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()).OrderBy(e => e.Key).ToList();
-			if (smallValues.Count >= 2) {
-				Log.Error("Found small velocity entries in Driver-Acceleration/Deceleration file. Values dismissed:" +
-						string.Join(", ", smallValues.Skip(1).Select(e => e.Key.AsKmph.ToString("F1"))));
-				foreach (var kv in smallValues.Skip(1)) {
-					_entries.Remove(kv);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		public AccelerationEntry Lookup(MeterPerSecond key)
-		{
-			var index = FindIndex(key);
-			return new AccelerationEntry {
-				Acceleration =
-					VectoMath.Interpolate(_entries[index - 1].Key, _entries[index].Key,
-						_entries[index - 1].Value.Acceleration,
-						_entries[index].Value.Acceleration, key),
-				Deceleration =
-					VectoMath.Interpolate(_entries[index - 1].Key, _entries[index].Key,
-						_entries[index - 1].Value.Deceleration,
-						_entries[index].Value.Deceleration, key)
-			};
-		}
-		protected int FindIndex(MeterPerSecond key)
-		{
-			var index = 1;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+	public class AccelerationCurveData : SimulationComponentData
+	{
+		[Required, ValidateObject] private readonly List<KeyValuePair<MeterPerSecond, AccelerationEntry>> _entries;
+		protected internal AccelerationCurveData(List<KeyValuePair<MeterPerSecond, AccelerationEntry>> entries)
+		{
+			_entries = entries;
+			var smallValues = _entries.Where(e => e.Key < 5.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()).OrderBy(e => e.Key).ToList();
+			if (smallValues.Count >= 2) {
+				Log.Error("Found small velocity entries in Driver-Acceleration/Deceleration file. Values dismissed:" +
+						string.Join(", ", smallValues.Skip(1).Select(e => e.Key.AsKmph.ToString("F1"))));
+				foreach (var kv in smallValues.Skip(1)) {
+					_entries.Remove(kv);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		public AccelerationEntry Lookup(MeterPerSecond key)
+		{
+			var index = FindIndex(key);
+			return new AccelerationEntry {
+				Acceleration =
+					VectoMath.Interpolate(_entries[index - 1].Key, _entries[index].Key,
+						_entries[index - 1].Value.Acceleration,
+						_entries[index].Value.Acceleration, key),
+				Deceleration =
+					VectoMath.Interpolate(_entries[index - 1].Key, _entries[index].Key,
+						_entries[index - 1].Value.Deceleration,
+						_entries[index].Value.Deceleration, key)
+			};
+		}
+		protected int FindIndex(MeterPerSecond key)
+		{
+			var index = 1;
 			if (key < _entries[0].Key) {
 				Log.Error("requested velocity below minimum - extrapolating. velocity: {0}, min: {1}",
                     key.ConvertToKiloMeterPerHour(), _entries[0].Key.ConvertToKiloMeterPerHour());
-			} else {
-				index = _entries.FindIndex(x => x.Key > key);
-				if (index <= 0) {
-					index = key > _entries[0].Key ? _entries.Count - 1 : 1;
-				}
-			}
-			return index;
-		}
-		public MeterPerSquareSecond MaxDeceleration()
-		{
-			return _entries.Min(x => x.Value.Deceleration);
-		}
-		public MeterPerSquareSecond MaxAcceleration()
-		{
-			return _entries.Max(x => x.Value.Acceleration);
-		}
-		[DebuggerDisplay("Acceleration: {Acceleration}, Deceleration: {Deceleration}")]
-		public class AccelerationEntry
-		{
-			[Required, SIRange(0.05, 20)]
-			public MeterPerSquareSecond Acceleration { get; set; }
-			[Required, SIRange(-20, -0.05)]
-			public MeterPerSquareSecond Deceleration { get; set; }
-		}
-		/// <summary>
-		/// 
-		/// </summary>
-		/// <param name="v1">current speed of the vehicle</param>
-		/// <param name="v2">desired speed of the vehicle at the end of acceleration/deceleration phase</param>
-		/// <returns>distance required to accelerate/decelerate the vehicle from v1 to v2 according to the acceleration curve</returns>
-		public Meter ComputeAccelerationDistance(MeterPerSecond v1, MeterPerSecond v2)
-		{
-			var index1 = FindIndex(v1);
-			var index2 = FindIndex(v2);
-			var distance = 0.SI<Meter>();
-			for (var i = index2; i <= index1; i++) {
-				distance += ComputeAccelerationSegmentDistance(i, v1, v2);
-			}
-			return distance;
-		}
-		/// <summary>
-		/// 
-		/// </summary>
-		/// <param name="i">segment of the acceleration curve to use [(i-1) ... i]</param>
-		/// <param name="v1">current speed of the vehicle</param>
-		/// <param name="v2">desired speed of the vehicle at the end of acceleration/deceleration phase</param>
-		/// <returns>distance required to accelerate/decelerate the vehicle from v1 to v2 according to the acceleration curve</returns>
-		private Meter ComputeAccelerationSegmentDistance(int i, MeterPerSecond v1, MeterPerSecond v2)
-		{
-			var leftEntry = _entries[i - 1]; // entry with lower velocity
-			var rightEntry = _entries[i]; // entry with higher velocity
-			v2 = VectoMath.Max(v2, leftEntry.Key); // min. velocity within current segment
-			v1 = VectoMath.Min(v1, rightEntry.Key); // max. velocity within current segment
-			if (leftEntry.Value.Deceleration.IsEqual(rightEntry.Value.Deceleration)) {
-				// v(t) = a * t + v1  => t = (v2 - v1) / a
-				// s(t) = a/2 * t^2 + v1 * t + s0  {s0 == 0}  => s(t)
-				var acceleration = v2 > v1 ? leftEntry.Value.Acceleration : leftEntry.Value.Deceleration;
-				return ((v2 - v1) * (v2 - v1) / 2.0 / acceleration + v1 * (v2 - v1) / acceleration).Cast<Meter>();
-			}
-			// a(v) = k * v + d
-			// dv/dt = a(v) = d * v + d  ==> v(t) = sgn(k * v1 + d) * exp(-k * c) / k * exp(t * k) - d / k 
-			// v(0) = v1  => c = - ln(|v1 * k + d|) / k
-			// v(t) = (v1 + d / k) * exp(t * k) - d / k   => t = 1 / k * ln((v2 * k + d) / (v1 * k + d))
-			// s(t) = m / k* exp(t * k) + b * t + c'   {m = v1 + d / k, b = -d / k}
-			var k = (leftEntry.Value.Deceleration - rightEntry.Value.Deceleration) / (leftEntry.Key - rightEntry.Key);
-			var d = leftEntry.Value.Deceleration - k * leftEntry.Key;
-			if (v2 > v1) {
-				k = (leftEntry.Value.Acceleration - rightEntry.Value.Acceleration) / (leftEntry.Key - rightEntry.Key);
-				d = leftEntry.Value.Acceleration - k * leftEntry.Key;
-			}
-			var m = v1 + d / k;
-			var b = -d / k;
-			var c = 0.SI<Meter>() - m / k;
-			var t = Math.Log(((v2 * k + d) / (v1 * k + d)).Cast<Scalar>()) / k;
-			return m / k * Math.Exp((k * t).Value()) + b * t + c;
-		}
-	}
+			} else {
+				index = _entries.FindIndex(x => x.Key > key);
+				if (index <= 0) {
+					index = key > _entries[0].Key ? _entries.Count - 1 : 1;
+				}
+			}
+			return index;
+		}
+		public MeterPerSquareSecond MaxDeceleration()
+		{
+			return _entries.Min(x => x.Value.Deceleration);
+		}
+		public MeterPerSquareSecond MaxAcceleration()
+		{
+			return _entries.Max(x => x.Value.Acceleration);
+		}
+		[DebuggerDisplay("Acceleration: {Acceleration}, Deceleration: {Deceleration}")]
+		public class AccelerationEntry
+		{
+			[Required, SIRange(0.05, 20)]
+			public MeterPerSquareSecond Acceleration { get; set; }
+			[Required, SIRange(-20, -0.05)]
+			public MeterPerSquareSecond Deceleration { get; set; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// 
+		/// </summary>
+		/// <param name="v1">current speed of the vehicle</param>
+		/// <param name="v2">desired speed of the vehicle at the end of acceleration/deceleration phase</param>
+		/// <returns>distance required to accelerate/decelerate the vehicle from v1 to v2 according to the acceleration curve</returns>
+		public Meter ComputeAccelerationDistance(MeterPerSecond v1, MeterPerSecond v2)
+		{
+			var index1 = FindIndex(v1);
+			var index2 = FindIndex(v2);
+			var distance = 0.SI<Meter>();
+			for (var i = index2; i <= index1; i++) {
+				distance += ComputeAccelerationSegmentDistance(i, v1, v2);
+			}
+			return distance;
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// 
+		/// </summary>
+		/// <param name="i">segment of the acceleration curve to use [(i-1) ... i]</param>
+		/// <param name="v1">current speed of the vehicle</param>
+		/// <param name="v2">desired speed of the vehicle at the end of acceleration/deceleration phase</param>
+		/// <returns>distance required to accelerate/decelerate the vehicle from v1 to v2 according to the acceleration curve</returns>
+		private Meter ComputeAccelerationSegmentDistance(int i, MeterPerSecond v1, MeterPerSecond v2)
+		{
+			var leftEntry = _entries[i - 1]; // entry with lower velocity
+			var rightEntry = _entries[i]; // entry with higher velocity
+			v2 = VectoMath.Max(v2, leftEntry.Key); // min. velocity within current segment
+			v1 = VectoMath.Min(v1, rightEntry.Key); // max. velocity within current segment
+			if (leftEntry.Value.Deceleration.IsEqual(rightEntry.Value.Deceleration)) {
+				// v(t) = a * t + v1  => t = (v2 - v1) / a
+				// s(t) = a/2 * t^2 + v1 * t + s0  {s0 == 0}  => s(t)
+				var acceleration = v2 > v1 ? leftEntry.Value.Acceleration : leftEntry.Value.Deceleration;
+				return ((v2 - v1) * (v2 - v1) / 2.0 / acceleration + v1 * (v2 - v1) / acceleration).Cast<Meter>();
+			}
+			// a(v) = k * v + d
+			// dv/dt = a(v) = d * v + d  ==> v(t) = sgn(k * v1 + d) * exp(-k * c) / k * exp(t * k) - d / k 
+			// v(0) = v1  => c = - ln(|v1 * k + d|) / k
+			// v(t) = (v1 + d / k) * exp(t * k) - d / k   => t = 1 / k * ln((v2 * k + d) / (v1 * k + d))
+			// s(t) = m / k* exp(t * k) + b * t + c'   {m = v1 + d / k, b = -d / k}
+			var k = (leftEntry.Value.Deceleration - rightEntry.Value.Deceleration) / (leftEntry.Key - rightEntry.Key);
+			var d = leftEntry.Value.Deceleration - k * leftEntry.Key;
+			if (v2 > v1) {
+				k = (leftEntry.Value.Acceleration - rightEntry.Value.Acceleration) / (leftEntry.Key - rightEntry.Key);
+				d = leftEntry.Value.Acceleration - k * leftEntry.Key;
+			}
+			var m = v1 + d / k;
+			var b = -d / k;
+			var c = 0.SI<Meter>() - m / k;
+			var t = Math.Log(((v2 * k + d) / (v1 * k + d)).Cast<Scalar>()) / k;
+			return m / k * Math.Exp((k * t).Value()) + b * t + c;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Gearbox/GearData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Gearbox/GearData.cs
index 739dd37e2300dd9d3ca20a832a9b932d9f4f0678..602fc709c8b79149e60c470b29adde3f9fb46d6b 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Gearbox/GearData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Gearbox/GearData.cs
@@ -29,70 +29,70 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
-using System.Linq;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox
-	public class TransmissionData
-	{
-		[ValidateObject]
-		public TransmissionLossMap LossMap { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, RangeOrNaN(double.Epsilon, 25)]
-		public double Ratio { get; internal set; }
-	}
-	[CustomValidation(typeof(GearData), "ValidateGearData")]
-	public class GearData : TransmissionData
-	{
-		public GearData()
-		{
-			TorqueConverterRatio = double.NaN;
-		}
-		public bool HasTorqueConverter
-		{
-			get { return !double.IsNaN(TorqueConverterRatio) && TorqueConverterGearLossMap != null; }
-		}
-		public bool HasLockedGear
-		{
-			get { return !double.IsNaN(Ratio) && LossMap != null; }
-		}
-		[ValidateObject]
-		public ShiftPolygon ShiftPolygon { get; internal set; }
-		public double TorqueConverterRatio { get; internal set; }
-		public TransmissionLossMap TorqueConverterGearLossMap { get; internal set; }
-		public PerSecond MaxSpeed { get; internal set; }
-		public ShiftPolygon TorqueConverterShiftPolygon { get; set; }
-		// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used via validation
-		public static ValidationResult ValidateGearData(GearData gearData, ValidationContext context)
-		{
-			var validationService =
-				context.GetService(typeof(VectoValidationModeServiceContainer)) as VectoValidationModeServiceContainer;
-			var mode = validationService != null ? validationService.Mode : ExecutionMode.Declaration;
-			var gbxType = validationService != null ? validationService.GearboxType : GearboxType.MT;
-			var emsMission = validationService != null && validationService.IsEMSCycle;
-			if (gearData.HasTorqueConverter) {
-				if (gearData.TorqueConverterShiftPolygon == null) {
-					return new ValidationResult("Shift Polygon for Torque Converter Gear required!");
-				}
-				var result = gearData.TorqueConverterShiftPolygon.Validate(mode, gbxType, emsMission);
-				if (result.Any()) {
-					return new ValidationResult("Validation of GearData failed", result.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));
-				}
-			}
-			return ValidationResult.Success;
-		}
-	}
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System.Linq;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox
+	public class TransmissionData
+	{
+		[ValidateObject]
+		public TransmissionLossMap LossMap { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, RangeOrNaN(double.Epsilon, 25)]
+		public double Ratio { get; internal set; }
+	}
+	[CustomValidation(typeof(GearData), "ValidateGearData")]
+	public class GearData : TransmissionData
+	{
+		public GearData()
+		{
+			TorqueConverterRatio = double.NaN;
+		}
+		public bool HasTorqueConverter
+		{
+			get { return !double.IsNaN(TorqueConverterRatio) && TorqueConverterGearLossMap != null; }
+		}
+		public bool HasLockedGear
+		{
+			get { return !double.IsNaN(Ratio) && LossMap != null; }
+		}
+		[ValidateObject]
+		public ShiftPolygon ShiftPolygon { get; internal set; }
+		public double TorqueConverterRatio { get; internal set; }
+		public TransmissionLossMap TorqueConverterGearLossMap { get; internal set; }
+		public PerSecond MaxSpeed { get; internal set; }
+		public ShiftPolygon TorqueConverterShiftPolygon { get; set; }
+		// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used via validation
+		public static ValidationResult ValidateGearData(GearData gearData, ValidationContext context)
+		{
+			var validationService =
+				context.GetService(typeof(VectoValidationModeServiceContainer)) as VectoValidationModeServiceContainer;
+			var mode = validationService != null ? validationService.Mode : ExecutionMode.Declaration;
+			var gbxType = validationService != null ? validationService.GearboxType : GearboxType.MT;
+			var emsMission = validationService != null && validationService.IsEMSCycle;
+			if (gearData.HasTorqueConverter) {
+				if (gearData.TorqueConverterShiftPolygon == null) {
+					return new ValidationResult("Shift Polygon for Torque Converter Gear required!");
+				}
+				var result = gearData.TorqueConverterShiftPolygon.Validate(mode, gbxType, emsMission);
+				if (result.Any()) {
+					return new ValidationResult("Validation of GearData failed", result.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));
+				}
+			}
+			return ValidationResult.Success;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs
index a4eca6c9b870f8defb0ff5006e6023f417d43ef0..552224c3b99b05704bcf2cec4473f4f4c348dc48 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs
@@ -29,108 +29,108 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Runtime.Serialization;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
-	/// <summary>
-	/// Class for Gearbox Data. Gears can be accessed via Gears-Dictionary and range from 1 upwards.
-	/// </summary>
-	/// <remarks>The Axle Gear has its own Property "AxleGearData" and is *not included* in the Gears-Dictionary.</remarks>
-	[DataContract, CustomValidation(typeof(GearboxData), "ValidateGearboxData")]
-	[DebuggerDisplay("GearboxData({Type}, #Gears: {Gears.Count}, ...)")]
-	public class GearboxData : SimulationComponentData
-	{
-		public GearboxType Type { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, ValidateObject] public Dictionary<uint, GearData> Gears = new Dictionary<uint, GearData>();
-		public TorqueConverterData TorqueConverterData { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, SIRange(0, 10)]
-		public KilogramSquareMeter Inertia { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, SIRange(0, 5)]
-		public Second TractionInterruption { get; internal set; }
-		/// <summary>
-		///	[%] (0-1) The torque reserve for shift strategy (early upshift, skipgears)
-		/// </summary>
-		[Required, Range(0, 0.5)]
-		public double TorqueReserve { get; internal set; }
-		/// <summary>
-		/// Gets the minimum time between shifts.
-		/// </summary>
-		[Required, SIRange(0, 5)]
-		public Second ShiftTime { get; internal set; }
-		/// <summary>
-		/// [%] (0-1) The starting torque reserve for finding the starting gear after standstill.
-		/// </summary>
-		[Required, Range(0, 0.5)]
-		public double StartTorqueReserve { get; internal set; }
-		// MQ: TODO: move to Driver Data ?
-		[Required, SIRange(double.Epsilon, 5)]
-		public MeterPerSecond StartSpeed { get; internal set; }
-		// MQ: TODO: move to Driver Data ?
-		[Required, SIRange(double.Epsilon, 2)]
-		public MeterPerSquareSecond StartAcceleration { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
-		public Second UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
-		public Second DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
-		public MeterPerSquareSecond UpshiftMinAcceleration { get; internal set; }
-		[SIRange(0.5, 1)]
-		public Second PowershiftShiftTime { get; internal set; }
-		// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used via Validation
-		public static ValidationResult ValidateGearboxData(GearboxData gearboxData, ValidationContext validationContext)
-		{
-			var mode = GetExecutionMode(validationContext);
-			//var gbxType = GetGearboxType(validationContext);
-			var emsMission = GetEmsMode(validationContext);
-			var result = new List<ValidationResult>();
-			if (gearboxData.Gears.Any(g => g.Value.HasTorqueConverter)) {
-				if (!gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
-					return new ValidationResult("Torque Converter can only be used with AT gearbox model");
-				}
-			} else {
-				if (gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
-					return new ValidationResult("AT gearbox model requires torque converter");
-				}
-			}
-			if (gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
-				gearboxData.TorqueConverterData.RequiredSpeedRatio =
-					Math.Round(gearboxData.Gears[1].TorqueConverterRatio / gearboxData.Gears[1].Ratio, 4) * 0.95;
-				result.AddRange(gearboxData.TorqueConverterData.Validate(mode, gearboxData.Type, emsMission));
-				//result.AddRange(gearboxData.PowershiftShiftTime.Validate(mode, gearboxData.Type));
-				//result.AddRange(gearboxData.PowershiftInertiaFactor.Validate(mode, gearboxData.Type));
-				validationContext.MemberName = "PowershiftShiftTime";
-				Validator.TryValidateProperty(gearboxData.PowershiftShiftTime, validationContext, result);
-			}
-			if (result.Any()) {
-				return new ValidationResult("Validation of Gearbox Data failed", result.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));
-			}
-			return ValidationResult.Success;
-		}
-	}
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+	/// <summary>
+	/// Class for Gearbox Data. Gears can be accessed via Gears-Dictionary and range from 1 upwards.
+	/// </summary>
+	/// <remarks>The Axle Gear has its own Property "AxleGearData" and is *not included* in the Gears-Dictionary.</remarks>
+	[DataContract, CustomValidation(typeof(GearboxData), "ValidateGearboxData")]
+	[DebuggerDisplay("GearboxData({Type}, #Gears: {Gears.Count}, ...)")]
+	public class GearboxData : SimulationComponentData
+	{
+		public GearboxType Type { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, ValidateObject] public Dictionary<uint, GearData> Gears = new Dictionary<uint, GearData>();
+		public TorqueConverterData TorqueConverterData { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, SIRange(0, 10)]
+		public KilogramSquareMeter Inertia { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, SIRange(0, 5)]
+		public Second TractionInterruption { get; internal set; }
+		/// <summary>
+		///	[%] (0-1) The torque reserve for shift strategy (early upshift, skipgears)
+		/// </summary>
+		[Required, Range(0, 0.5)]
+		public double TorqueReserve { get; internal set; }
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Gets the minimum time between shifts.
+		/// </summary>
+		[Required, SIRange(0, 5)]
+		public Second ShiftTime { get; internal set; }
+		/// <summary>
+		/// [%] (0-1) The starting torque reserve for finding the starting gear after standstill.
+		/// </summary>
+		[Required, Range(0, 0.5)]
+		public double StartTorqueReserve { get; internal set; }
+		// MQ: TODO: move to Driver Data ?
+		[Required, SIRange(double.Epsilon, 5)]
+		public MeterPerSecond StartSpeed { get; internal set; }
+		// MQ: TODO: move to Driver Data ?
+		[Required, SIRange(double.Epsilon, 2)]
+		public MeterPerSquareSecond StartAcceleration { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
+		public Second UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
+		public Second DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
+		public MeterPerSquareSecond UpshiftMinAcceleration { get; internal set; }
+		[SIRange(0.5, 1)]
+		public Second PowershiftShiftTime { get; internal set; }
+		// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used via Validation
+		public static ValidationResult ValidateGearboxData(GearboxData gearboxData, ValidationContext validationContext)
+		{
+			var mode = GetExecutionMode(validationContext);
+			//var gbxType = GetGearboxType(validationContext);
+			var emsMission = GetEmsMode(validationContext);
+			var result = new List<ValidationResult>();
+			if (gearboxData.Gears.Any(g => g.Value.HasTorqueConverter)) {
+				if (!gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
+					return new ValidationResult("Torque Converter can only be used with AT gearbox model");
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
+					return new ValidationResult("AT gearbox model requires torque converter");
+				}
+			}
+			if (gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
+				gearboxData.TorqueConverterData.RequiredSpeedRatio =
+					Math.Round(gearboxData.Gears[1].TorqueConverterRatio / gearboxData.Gears[1].Ratio, 4) * 0.95;
+				result.AddRange(gearboxData.TorqueConverterData.Validate(mode, gearboxData.Type, emsMission));
+				//result.AddRange(gearboxData.PowershiftShiftTime.Validate(mode, gearboxData.Type));
+				//result.AddRange(gearboxData.PowershiftInertiaFactor.Validate(mode, gearboxData.Type));
+				validationContext.MemberName = "PowershiftShiftTime";
+				Validator.TryValidateProperty(gearboxData.PowershiftShiftTime, validationContext, result);
+			}
+			if (result.Any()) {
+				return new ValidationResult("Validation of Gearbox Data failed", result.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));
+			}
+			return ValidationResult.Success;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/ShiftStrategy/PredictionDurationLookup.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/ShiftStrategy/PredictionDurationLookup.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..828ecdf5330a11905c8cef8695eae6304ba437ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/ShiftStrategy/PredictionDurationLookup.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.ShiftStrategy
+	public class PredictionDurationLookup : SimulationComponentData
+	{
+		private List<KeyValuePair<double, double>> _entries;
+		protected internal PredictionDurationLookup(List<KeyValuePair<double, double>> entries)
+		{
+			_entries = entries;
+		}
+		public double Lookup(double speedRatio)
+		{
+			var index = FindIndex(speedRatio);
+			return VectoMath.Interpolate(
+				_entries[index - 1].Key, _entries[index].Key,
+				_entries[index - 1].Value, _entries[index].Value, speedRatio);
+		}
+		private int FindIndex(double speedRatio)
+		{
+			var index = 1;
+			if (speedRatio < _entries[0].Key) {
+				Log.Error("requested speed ratio below minimum - extrapolating. speed ratio: {0}, min: {1}",
+					speedRatio, _entries[0].Key);
+			} else {
+				index = _entries.FindIndex(x => x.Key > speedRatio);
+				if (index <= 0) {
+					index = speedRatio > _entries[0].Key ? _entries.Count - 1 : 1;
+				}
+			}
+			return index;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/AbstractGearbox.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/AbstractGearbox.cs
index c5fc0df602aa043c92b8e4b9d2d43132097d7cd4..4922c5827d9f9334ee33e471e783b81eec4c741b 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/AbstractGearbox.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/AbstractGearbox.cs
@@ -29,132 +29,132 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.DataBus;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
-	public abstract class AbstractGearbox<TStateType> :
-		StatefulProviderComponent<TStateType, ITnOutPort, ITnInPort, ITnOutPort>, ITnOutPort, ITnInPort, IGearbox,
-		IClutchInfo
-		where TStateType : GearboxState, new()
-	{
-		/// <summary>
-		/// The data and settings for the gearbox.
-		/// </summary>
-		[Required, ValidateObject] internal readonly GearboxData ModelData;
-		protected AbstractGearbox(IVehicleContainer container, VectoRunData runData) : base(container)
-		{
-			ModelData = runData.GearboxData;
-		}
-		#region ITnOutPort
-		public abstract IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity,
-			bool dryRun = false);
-		public abstract IResponse Initialize(NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity);
-		#endregion
-		#region IGearboxCockpit
-		public GearboxType GearboxType
-		{
-			get { return ModelData.Type; }
-		}
-		/// <summary>
-		/// The current gear.
-		/// </summary>
-		public uint Gear { get; protected internal set; }
-		[DebuggerHidden]
-		public MeterPerSecond StartSpeed
-		{
-			get { return ModelData.StartSpeed; }
-		}
-		[DebuggerHidden]
-		public MeterPerSquareSecond StartAcceleration
-		{
-			get { return ModelData.StartAcceleration; }
-		}
-		public Watt GearboxLoss()
-		{
-			var ratio = ModelData.Gears[PreviousState.Gear].HasLockedGear
-				? ModelData.Gears[PreviousState.Gear].Ratio
-				: ModelData.Gears[PreviousState.Gear].TorqueConverterRatio;
-			return (PreviousState.TransmissionTorqueLoss +
-					PreviousState.InertiaTorqueLossOut) / ratio * PreviousState.InAngularVelocity;
-		}
-		public Second LastShift { get; protected set; }
-		public GearData GetGearData(uint gear)
-		{
-			return ModelData.Gears[gear];
-		}
-		public abstract GearInfo NextGear { get; }
-		public virtual Second TractionInterruption
-		{
-			get { return ModelData.TractionInterruption; }
-		}
-		public uint NumGears
-		{
-			get { return (uint)ModelData.Gears.Count; }
-		}
-		#endregion
-		public abstract bool ClutchClosed(Second absTime);
-		protected bool ConsiderShiftLosses(GearInfo nextGear, NewtonMeter torqueOut)
-		{
-			if (ModelData.Type.ManualTransmission()) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (torqueOut.IsSmaller(0)) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (nextGear.Gear == 0) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (ModelData.Gears[2].HasTorqueConverter) {
-				return nextGear.TorqueConverterLocked; // || nextGear.Gear == 2;
-			}
-			return nextGear.TorqueConverterLocked;
-		}
-		protected internal WattSecond ComputeShiftLosses(NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity)
-		{
-			var torqueGbxIn = outTorque / ModelData.Gears[Gear].Ratio;
-			var deltaClutchSpeed = (DataBus.EngineSpeed - PreviousState.OutAngularVelocity * ModelData.Gears[Gear].Ratio) / 2;
-			var shiftLossEnergy = torqueGbxIn * deltaClutchSpeed * ModelData.PowershiftShiftTime;
-			return shiftLossEnergy.Abs();
-		}
-	}
-	public class GearboxState : SimpleComponentState
-	{
-		public NewtonMeter InertiaTorqueLossOut = 0.SI<NewtonMeter>();
-		public NewtonMeter TransmissionTorqueLoss = 0.SI<NewtonMeter>();
-		public uint Gear;
-		public TransmissionLossMap.LossMapResult TorqueLossResult;
-	}
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.DataBus;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
+	public abstract class AbstractGearbox<TStateType> :
+		StatefulProviderComponent<TStateType, ITnOutPort, ITnInPort, ITnOutPort>, ITnOutPort, ITnInPort, IGearbox,
+		IClutchInfo
+		where TStateType : GearboxState, new()
+	{
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The data and settings for the gearbox.
+		/// </summary>
+		[Required, ValidateObject] internal readonly GearboxData ModelData;
+		protected AbstractGearbox(IVehicleContainer container, VectoRunData runData) : base(container)
+		{
+			ModelData = runData.GearboxData;
+		}
+		#region ITnOutPort
+		public abstract IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity,
+			bool dryRun = false);
+		public abstract IResponse Initialize(NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity);
+		#endregion
+		#region IGearboxCockpit
+		public GearboxType GearboxType
+		{
+			get { return ModelData.Type; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The current gear.
+		/// </summary>
+		public uint Gear { get; protected internal set; }
+		[DebuggerHidden]
+		public MeterPerSecond StartSpeed
+		{
+			get { return ModelData.StartSpeed; }
+		}
+		[DebuggerHidden]
+		public MeterPerSquareSecond StartAcceleration
+		{
+			get { return ModelData.StartAcceleration; }
+		}
+		public Watt GearboxLoss()
+		{
+			var ratio = ModelData.Gears[PreviousState.Gear].HasLockedGear
+				? ModelData.Gears[PreviousState.Gear].Ratio
+				: ModelData.Gears[PreviousState.Gear].TorqueConverterRatio;
+			return (PreviousState.TransmissionTorqueLoss +
+					PreviousState.InertiaTorqueLossOut) / ratio * PreviousState.InAngularVelocity;
+		}
+		public Second LastShift { get; protected set; }
+		public GearData GetGearData(uint gear)
+		{
+			return ModelData.Gears[gear];
+		}
+		public abstract GearInfo NextGear { get; }
+		public virtual Second TractionInterruption
+		{
+			get { return ModelData.TractionInterruption; }
+		}
+		public uint NumGears
+		{
+			get { return (uint)ModelData.Gears.Count; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		public abstract bool ClutchClosed(Second absTime);
+		protected bool ConsiderShiftLosses(GearInfo nextGear, NewtonMeter torqueOut)
+		{
+			if (ModelData.Type.ManualTransmission()) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (torqueOut.IsSmaller(0)) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (nextGear.Gear == 0) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (ModelData.Gears[2].HasTorqueConverter) {
+				return nextGear.TorqueConverterLocked; // || nextGear.Gear == 2;
+			}
+			return nextGear.TorqueConverterLocked;
+		}
+		protected internal WattSecond ComputeShiftLosses(NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity)
+		{
+			var torqueGbxIn = outTorque / ModelData.Gears[Gear].Ratio;
+			var deltaClutchSpeed = (DataBus.EngineSpeed - PreviousState.OutAngularVelocity * ModelData.Gears[Gear].Ratio) / 2;
+			var shiftLossEnergy = torqueGbxIn * deltaClutchSpeed * ModelData.PowershiftShiftTime;
+			return shiftLossEnergy.Abs();
+		}
+	}
+	public class GearboxState : SimpleComponentState
+	{
+		public NewtonMeter InertiaTorqueLossOut = 0.SI<NewtonMeter>();
+		public NewtonMeter TransmissionTorqueLoss = 0.SI<NewtonMeter>();
+		public uint Gear;
+		public TransmissionLossMap.LossMapResult TorqueLossResult;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/GearshiftParameters/PredictionTimeLookup.csv b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/GearshiftParameters/PredictionTimeLookup.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2a33c8b7f40e29da1ae61e14e7a838a922c3d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/GearshiftParameters/PredictionTimeLookup.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+v_post/v_curr, dt_pred/dt_shift
+0.0          , 1.0
+0.8          , 1.0
+0.9          , 0.5
+2.0          , 0.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
index fa0105351100d5e92cc8020092c99fa84e6171ad..5333e84a473a842461bb6721b457dbe5e61eb0af 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\AngledriveData.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\Engine\FuelConsumptionMapReader.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\PTOData.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\ShiftStrategy\PredictionDurationLookup.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\ILossMap.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\PTOLossMap.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\AbstractGearbox.cs" />
@@ -199,6 +200,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\Data\ModalResultField.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\Reader\Impl\EngineeringVTPModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\VTPCycle.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\Data\ShiftStrategyParameters.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\ISimulationPreprocessor.cs" />
     <Compile Include="OutputData\XML\XMLVTPReport.cs" />
     <Compile Include="OutputData\VTPReport.cs" />