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+      "Type": "4x2",
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+    },
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+    },
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+      {
+        "Count": 1,
+        "Ratio": 1.0,
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+        "Position": "P2",
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+      }
+    ],
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+    }
+  }
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+          "Inertia": 14.9,
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+          "FzISO": 41690.0,
+          "Type": "Trailer"
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+          "TwinTyres": false,
+          "RRCISO": 0.0055,
+          "FzISO": 41690.0,
+          "Type": "Trailer"
+        }
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+      "Type": "secondary",
+      "Ratio": 1.0,
+      "File": "..\\Transmission\\Default.vrlm"
+    },
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+      "Type": "None",
+      "Ratio": 0.0,
+      "LossMap": ""
+    },
+    "PTO": {
+      "Type": "None",
+      "LossMap": "",
+      "Cycle": ""
+    },
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+      "6": 1900,
+      "7": 1900,
+      "8": 1900,
+      "9": 1900,
+      "10": 1900,
+      "11": 1900
+    },
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+      {
+        "Count": 1,
+        "Ratio": 1.0,
+        "MechanicalEfficiency": 1.0,
+        "Position": "P2",
+        "MotorFile": "..\\ElectricMotor\\Inputdaten P2 Group 5\\Electric components\\GenericEMotor_140kW_936Nm.vem"
+      }
+    ],
+    "Battery": {
+      "NumPacks": 1,
+      "BatteryFile": "..\\ElectricMotor\\Inputdaten P2 Group 5\\Electric components\\GenericBattery_10kWh_658V.vbat"
+    }
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+n [rpm], T_drive [Nm]
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     "TCU": "GearboxPowerSplit.vgbx",
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+    "CreatedBy": "",
+    "Date": "2021-12-17T13:29:44.1894088Z",
+    "AppVersion": "3",
+    "FileVersion": 10
+  },
+  "Body": {
+    "SavedInDeclMode": false,
+    "VehCat": "Tractor",
+    "LegislativeClass": "Unknown",
+    "CurbWeight": 10143.4,
+    "CurbWeightExtra": 7500.0,
+    "MassMax": 18.0,
+    "Loading": 19300.0,
+    "rdyn": 492.20000000000005,
+    "CdCorrMode": "CdofVdecl",
+    "CdCorrFile": "",
+    "Retarder": {
+      "Type": "None",
+      "Ratio": 1.0,
+      "File": ""
+    },
+    "AxleConfig": {
+      "Type": "4x2",
+      "Axles": [
+        {
+          "Inertia": 14.9,
+          "Wheels": "315/70 R22.5",
+          "AxleWeightShare": 0.2,
+          "TwinTyres": false,
+          "RRCISO": 0.0034,
+          "FzISO": 33350.0,
+          "Type": "VehicleNonDriven"
+        },
+        {
+          "Inertia": 14.9,
+          "Wheels": "315/70 R22.5",
+          "AxleWeightShare": 0.25,
+          "TwinTyres": true,
+          "RRCISO": 0.004,
+          "FzISO": 33350.0,
+          "Type": "VehicleDriven"
+        },
+        {
+          "Inertia": 19.2,
+          "Wheels": "385/65 R22.5",
+          "AxleWeightShare": 0.18333,
+          "TwinTyres": false,
+          "RRCISO": 0.0055,
+          "FzISO": 37500.0,
+          "Type": "Trailer"
+        },
+        {
+          "Inertia": 19.2,
+          "Wheels": "385/65 R22.5",
+          "AxleWeightShare": 0.18333,
+          "TwinTyres": false,
+          "RRCISO": 0.0055,
+          "FzISO": 37500.0,
+          "Type": "Trailer"
+        },
+        {
+          "Inertia": 19.2,
+          "Wheels": "385/65 R22.5",
+          "AxleWeightShare": 0.18334,
+          "TwinTyres": false,
+          "RRCISO": 0.0055,
+          "FzISO": 37500.0,
+          "Type": "Trailer"
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "EngineStopStart": false,
+    "EcoRoll": "None",
+    "PredictiveCruiseControl": "None",
+    "ATEcoRollReleaseLockupClutch": false,
+    "CdA": 4.31,
+    "VehicleHeight": 4.0,
+    "InitialSoC": 70,
+    "PowertrainConfiguration": "SerialHybrid",
+    "ElectricMotors": [
+      {
+        "Count": 2,
+        "Ratio": 2.0,
+        "Position": "E2",
+        "MotorFile": "BEV_Group5_EM.vem",
+        "MechanicalEfficiency": 1.0
+      },
+      {
+        "Count": 1,
+        "Ratio": 1,
+        "Position": "GEN",
+        "MotorFile": "GenericGen.vem",
+        "MechanicalEfficiency": 1
+      }
+    ],
+    "Batteries": [
+      {
+        "NumPacks": 1,
+        "BatteryFile": "BEV_Group5_REESS.vreess",
+        "StreamId": 0
+      }
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/209kW_7c7l_WHR.veng b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/209kW_7c7l_WHR.veng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ec6cb6e5d1b545c655592ff68b47ce09a1e65c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/209kW_7c7l_WHR.veng
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  "Header": {
+    "CreatedBy": "",
+    "Date": "2021-06-17T07:29:46.1581600Z",
+    "AppVersion": "3",
+    "FileVersion": 5
+  },
+  "Body": {
+    "SavedInDeclMode": false,
+    "ModelName": "209kW 7.7l Engine",
+    "Displacement": "7700",
+    "IdlingSpeed": 600.0,
+    "Inertia": 3.33,
+    "Fuels": [
+      {
+        "WHTC-Urban": 0.0,
+        "WHTC-Rural": 0.0,
+        "WHTC-Motorway": 0.0,
+        "WHTC-Engineering": 1.0090832895,
+        "ColdHotBalancingFactor": 0.0,
+        "CFRegPer": 1.0,
+        "FuelMap": "209kW_ICE_Map_WHR.vmap",
+        "FuelType": "DieselCI"
+      }
+    ],
+    "RatedPower": 209000,
+    "RatedSpeed": 2550.0,
+    "MaxTorque": 1100,
+    "FullLoadCurve": "209kW_ICE_fld.vfld",
+    "WHRType": [
+      "ElectricalOutput"
+    ],
+    "WHRCorrectionFactors": {
+      "Urban":  1.0,
+      "Rural":  1.0,
+      "Motorway":  1.0,
+      "ColdHotBalancingFactor":  1.0,
+      "CFRegPer" :  1.0,
+      "EngineeringCorrectionFactor":  1.024
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/209kW_ICE_Map_WHR.vmap b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/209kW_ICE_Map_WHR.vmap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2667723f458ada2066351e0799557d90f37debf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/209kW_ICE_Map_WHR.vmap
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+engine speed [rpm] , torque [Nm] , fuel consumption [g/h] , whr power electric [W]
+600.00             , 0.00        , 648.214                , 500
+600.00             , 68.85       , 1626.915               , 500
+600.00             , 98.35       , 2053.103               , 500
+600.00             , 195.48      , 3383.983               , 500
+600.00             , 293.83      , 4726.347               , 500
+600.00             , 392.18      , 6058.504               , 500
+600.00             , 489.31      , 8107.779               , 500
+600.00             , 587.66      , 10186.402              , 500
+600.00             , 684.78      , 12239.042              , 500
+600.00             , 783.14      , 14317.665              , 500
+600.00             , 881.49      , 16396.288              , 500
+600.00             , 978.61      , 18448.929              , 500
+600.00             , 1076.96     , 20527.552              , 500
+600.00             , 1175.32     , 22606.175              , 500
+851.61             , 0.00        , 928.937                , 500
+851.61             , 64.67       , 1892.325               , 500
+851.61             , 92.39       , 2405.282               , 500
+851.61             , 183.63      , 4070.477               , 500
+851.61             , 276.02      , 5758.641               , 500
+851.61             , 368.41      , 7453.185               , 500
+851.61             , 459.65      , 9663.237               , 500
+851.61             , 552.04      , 11837.561              , 500
+851.61             , 643.28      , 13995.297              , 500
+851.61             , 735.67      , 16050.952              , 500
+851.61             , 828.06      , 18103.130              , 500
+851.61             , 919.30      , 20129.657              , 500
+851.61             , 1011.69     , 22181.836              , 500
+851.61             , 1104.09     , 24234.015              , 500
+1103.23            , 0.00        , 1209.659               , 500
+1103.23            , 62.41       , 2157.736               , 500
+1103.23            , 89.15       , 2758.737               , 500
+1103.23            , 177.19      , 4758.248               , 500
+1103.23            , 266.34      , 6792.210               , 500
+1103.23            , 355.49      , 8847.865               , 500
+1103.23            , 443.52      , 11219.971              , 500
+1103.23            , 532.67      , 13488.720              , 500
+1103.23            , 620.71      , 15726.845              , 500
+1103.23            , 709.86      , 17966.245              , 500
+1103.23            , 799.01      , 20229.890              , 500
+1103.23            , 887.05      , 22492.259              , 500
+1103.23            , 976.20      , 24743.508              , 500
+1103.23            , 1065.35     , 26994.757              , 500
+1354.84            , 0.00        , 1490.382               , 500
+1354.84            , 60.98       , 2421.870               , 500
+1354.84            , 87.11       , 3112.193               , 500
+1354.84            , 173.14      , 5444.742               , 500
+1354.84            , 260.25      , 7824.504               , 500
+1354.84            , 347.36      , 10242.546              , 500
+1354.84            , 433.39      , 12776.705              , 500
+1354.84            , 520.50      , 15141.155              , 500
+1354.84            , 606.52      , 17457.117              , 500
+1354.84            , 693.63      , 19881.539              , 500
+1354.84            , 780.75      , 22341.689              , 500
+1354.84            , 866.77      , 24801.840              , 500
+1354.84            , 953.88      , 27249.231              , 500
+1354.84            , 1041.00     , 30075.597              , 500
+1606.45            , 0.00        , 1964.218               , 500
+1606.45            , 60.00       , 2898.713               , 500
+1606.45            , 85.71       , 3701.160               , 500
+1606.45            , 170.35      , 6375.138               , 500
+1606.45            , 256.07      , 9132.915               , 500
+1606.45            , 341.78      , 11916.086              , 500
+1606.45            , 426.42      , 14629.424              , 500
+1606.45            , 512.14      , 17373.235              , 500
+1606.45            , 596.78      , 20240.205              , 500
+1606.45            , 682.49      , 23084.322              , 500
+1606.45            , 768.20      , 25784.963              , 500
+1606.45            , 852.85      , 28443.704              , 500
+1606.45            , 938.56      , 31162.121              , 500
+1606.45            , 1024.27     , 33987.192              , 500
+1858.06            , 0.00        , 2405.472               , 500
+1858.06            , 59.28       , 3395.960               , 500
+1858.06            , 84.69       , 4296.748               , 500
+1858.06            , 168.33      , 7298.534               , 500
+1858.06            , 253.02      , 10456.979              , 500
+1858.06            , 337.71      , 13614.161              , 500
+1858.06            , 421.35      , 16806.717              , 500
+1858.06            , 506.04      , 19948.738              , 500
+1858.06            , 589.67      , 23098.339              , 500
+1858.06            , 674.37      , 26265.628              , 500
+1858.06            , 759.06      , 29333.109              , 500
+1858.06            , 842.69      , 32242.669              , 500
+1858.06            , 927.39      , 35435.225              , 500
+1858.06            , 1012.08     , 38645.468              , 500
+2109.68            , 0.00        , 2908.296               , 500
+2109.68            , 58.74       , 4008.698               , 500
+2109.68            , 83.92       , 4995.396               , 500
+2109.68            , 166.78      , 8282.706               , 500
+2109.68            , 250.70      , 11854.275              , 500
+2109.68            , 334.61      , 15399.314              , 500
+2109.68            , 417.48      , 18962.040              , 500
+2109.68            , 501.40      , 22400.954              , 500
+2109.68            , 584.26      , 25903.038              , 500
+2109.68            , 668.18      , 29565.571              , 500
+2109.68            , 752.10      , 33148.511              , 500
+2109.68            , 834.96      , 36787.039              , 500
+2109.68            , 918.88      , 40596.124              , 500
+2109.68            , 1002.79     , 44447.432              , 500
+2361.29            , 0.00        , 3517.244               , 500
+2361.29            , 58.31       , 4836.211               , 500
+2361.29            , 83.30       , 5889.868               , 500
+2361.29            , 165.57      , 9403.322               , 500
+2361.29            , 248.87      , 13398.123              , 500
+2361.29            , 332.18      , 17295.644              , 500
+2361.29            , 414.44      , 21267.704              , 500
+2361.29            , 497.74      , 25214.497              , 500
+2361.29            , 580.01      , 29106.965              , 500
+2361.29            , 663.31      , 33230.630              , 500
+2361.29            , 746.62      , 37409.885              , 500
+2361.29            , 828.88      , 41464.064              , 500
+2361.29            , 912.18      , 45307.994              , 500
+2361.29            , 995.49      , 49151.923              , 500
+2612.90            , 0.00        , 4272.744               , 500
+2612.90            , 57.97       , 5567.707               , 500
+2612.90            , 82.81       , 6727.488               , 500
+2612.90            , 164.59      , 10597.214              , 500
+2612.90            , 247.40      , 14941.971              , 500
+2612.90            , 330.21      , 19262.724              , 500
+2612.90            , 411.98      , 23531.678              , 500
+2612.90            , 494.79      , 27996.455              , 500
+2612.90            , 576.57      , 32694.958              , 500
+2612.90            , 659.38      , 37346.716              , 500
+2612.90            , 742.19      , 41862.028              , 500
+2612.90            , 823.97      , 46367.264              , 500
+2612.90            , 906.78      , 50929.527              , 500
+2612.90            , 989.59      , 55491.791              , 500
+2864.52            , 0.00        , 4975.182               , 500
+2864.52            , 57.68       , 6271.408               , 500
+2864.52            , 82.40       , 7570.161               , 500
+2864.52            , 163.78      , 11901.020              , 500
+2864.52            , 246.18      , 16541.408              , 500
+2864.52            , 328.59      , 21435.734              , 500
+2864.52            , 409.96      , 26482.929              , 500
+2864.52            , 492.36      , 31523.807              , 500
+2864.52            , 573.74      , 36936.118              , 500
+2864.52            , 656.14      , 42358.536              , 500
+2864.52            , 738.54      , 47310.978              , 500
+2864.52            , 819.92      , 52201.514              , 500
+2864.52            , 902.32      , 57153.955              , 500
+2864.52            , 984.73      , 62106.397              , 500
+535.00             , -48.25      , 0.000                  , 500
+795.00             , -53.16      , 0.000                  , 500
+1055.00            , -59.37      , 0.000                  , 500
+1315.00            , -66.29      , 0.000                  , 500
+1575.00            , -73.79      , 0.000                  , 500
+1835.00            , -81.42      , 0.000                  , 500
+2095.00            , -88.73      , 0.000                  , 500
+2355.00            , -95.54      , 0.000                  , 500
+2615.00            , -102.74     , 0.000                  , 500
+2875.00            , -110.97     , 0.000                  , 500
+3005.00            , -115.10     , 0.000                  , 500
+535.00             , -117.19     , 0.000                  , 500
+795.00             , -115.02     , 0.000                  , 500
+1055.00            , -117.63     , 0.000                  , 500
+1315.00            , -122.38     , 0.000                  , 500
+1575.00            , -128.43     , 0.000                  , 500
+1835.00            , -135.02     , 0.000                  , 500
+2095.00            , -141.54     , 0.000                  , 500
+2355.00            , -147.74     , 0.000                  , 500
+2615.00            , -154.45     , 0.000                  , 500
+2875.00            , -162.29     , 0.000                  , 500
+3005.00            , -166.24     , 0.000                  , 500
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/SerialHybrid_S2_WHR.vecto b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/SerialHybrid_S2_WHR.vecto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c635724b1359856a424222478c104d0630df138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Hybrids/GenericVehicle_S2_Job/SerialHybrid_S2_WHR.vecto
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  "Header": {
+    "CreatedBy": "",
+    "Date": "2022-02-08T08:23:21.5081224Z",
+    "AppVersion": "3",
+    "FileVersion": 11
+  },
+  "Body": {
+    "SavedInDeclMode": false,
+    "EngineOnlyMode": false,
+    "VehicleFile": "SerialHybrid_S2.vveh",
+    "GearboxFile": "Transmission\\AMT_12.vgbx",
+    "TCU": "Transmission\\AMT_12.vgbx",
+    "EngineFile": "209kW_7c7l_WHR.veng",
+    "HybridStrategyParams": "Hybrid_Parameters.vhctl",
+    "Padd_electric": 0.0,
+    "VACC": "Truck.vacc",
+    "EngineStopStartAtVehicleStopThreshold": 2.0,
+    "EngineStopStartMaxOffTimespan": 120.0,
+    "EngineStopStartUtilityFactor": 0.8,
+    "EngineStopStartUtilityFactorDriving": 0.8,
+    "EcoRollMinSpeed": 60.000000000000007,
+    "EcoRollActivationDelay": 2.0,
+    "EcoRollUnderspeedThreshold": 0.0,
+    "EcoRollMaxAcceleration": 0.1,
+    "PCCEnableSpeed": 80.0,
+    "PCCMinSpeed": 50.0,
+    "PCCUnderspeed": 8.0,
+    "PCCOverSpeed": 5.0,
+    "PCCPreviewDistanceUC1": 1500.0,
+    "PCCPreviewDistanceUC2": 1000.0,
+    "LAC": {
+      "Enabled": true,
+      "PreviewDistanceFactor": 10.0,
+      "DF_offset": 2.5,
+      "DF_scaling": 1.5,
+      "DF_targetSpeedLookup": "",
+      "Df_velocityDropLookup": "",
+      "MinSpeed": 50.0
+    },
+    "OverSpeedEcoRoll": {
+      "Mode": "Overspeed",
+      "MinSpeed": 50.0,
+      "OverSpeed": 2.5
+    },
+    "Cycles": [
+      "LongHaul",
+      "RegionalDelivery",
+      "UrbanDelivery",
+      "Construction",
+      "Urban",
+      "Suburban",
+      "Interurban",
+      "Coach"
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file