From 38979c8099a8805d9dc8d5673ed2e3f30a80ffd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Krisper <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 18:00:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] VectoJob.vb: Added Validation that Vehicle File has to be in
 same JobType than jobFile, that cycles must be defined in engineering mode,
 and that ElectricMachines must be defined for HEVs and BEVs.

 VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb | 16 ++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb
index 0e21f7a16e..43fb7e27f3 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
@@ -506,12 +506,21 @@ Public Class VectoJob
         Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) = New List(Of ValidationResult)
         Dim vehicleInputData As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = vectoJob.JobInputData.Vehicle
+        If vehicleInputData Is Nothing Then
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is missing or invalid"))
+            Return New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+        End If
         Dim engineInputData As IEngineDeclarationInputData = vectoJob.JobInputData.Vehicle.Components.EngineInputData
         Dim gearboxInputData As IGearboxDeclarationInputData = vectoJob.Vehicle.Components.GearboxInputData
         Dim gearshiftInputData As IGearshiftEngineeringInputData = vectoJob.DriverInputData.GearshiftInputData
-        If vehicleInputData Is Nothing Then _
-            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is missing or invalid"))
+        If (vehicleInputData.VehicleType <> vectoJob.JobType) Then
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult($"Vehicle type ""{vehicleInputData.VehicleType}"" differs from job type ""{vectoJob.JobType}""."))
+        End If
+        If vectoJob.JobType.IsOneOf(VectoSimulationJobType.BatteryElectricVehicle, VectoSimulationJobType.ParallelHybridVehicle, VectoSimulationJobType.SerialHybridVehicle) _
+           AndAlso (vehicleInputData.Components.ElectricMachines Is Nothing OrElse vehicleInputData.Components.ElectricMachines.Entries.Count = 0) Then _
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Electric machine is missing in vehicle"))
         If Not vectoJob.JobType = VectoSimulationJobType.BatteryElectricVehicle AndAlso engineInputData Is Nothing Then _
             result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is missing or invalid"))
         If (vectoJob.JobType = VectoSimulationJobType.ConventionalVehicle OrElse vectoJob.JobType = VectoSimulationJobType.ParallelHybridVehicle) _
@@ -555,6 +564,9 @@ Public Class VectoJob
                     AndAlso gearboxInputData IsNot Nothing AndAlso gearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
                     result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Engineering Mode"))
                 End If
+                If vectoJob.CycleFiles.Count = 0 Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("At least one cycle must be defined."))
+                End If
                 If result.Any() Then
                     Return _
                         New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())