diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb
index 44659bd7edfb68991573d37152d86c99faae8b6f..271e2854394e786232ec0db8ee97debbb4d31111 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Imports System.Collections.Generic
 Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
+Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
 Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
 Imports System.Text
 Imports System.Xml.Linq
@@ -33,710 +34,748 @@ Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 <CustomValidation(GetType(VectoJob), "ValidateJob")>
 Public Class VectoJob
-	Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider, IDeclarationInputDataProvider, IEngineeringJobInputData, 
-				IDeclarationJobInputData, IDriverEngineeringInputData, IDriverDeclarationInputData, IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData, 
-				IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData
+    Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider, IDeclarationInputDataProvider, IEngineeringJobInputData,
+                IDeclarationJobInputData, IDriverEngineeringInputData, IDriverDeclarationInputData, IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData,
+                IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData, IJSONVehicleComponents
-	'AA-TB
-	'STORES THE Type and version of the chosen or default Auxiliary Type ( Classic/Original or other )
-	Public AuxiliaryAssembly As String
-	Public AuxiliaryVersion As String
-	Public AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath As String
+    'AA-TB
+    'STORES THE Type and version of the chosen or default Auxiliary Type ( Classic/Original or other )
+    Public AuxiliaryAssembly As String
+    Public AuxiliaryVersion As String
+    Public AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath As String
-	Private _sFilePath As String
-	Private _myPath As String
+    Private _sFilePath As String
+    Private _myPath As String
-	'Input parameters
-	Private ReadOnly _vehicleFile As SubPath
-	Private ReadOnly _engineFile As SubPath
-	Private ReadOnly _gearboxFile As SubPath
+    'Input parameters
+    Private ReadOnly _vehicleFile As SubPath
+    Private ReadOnly _engineFile As SubPath
+    Private ReadOnly _gearboxFile As SubPath
-	Private _startStop As Boolean
-	Public StartStopDelay As Double
+    Private _startStop As Boolean
+    Public StartStopDelay As Double
-	Private ReadOnly _driverAccelerationFile As SubPath
+    Private ReadOnly _driverAccelerationFile As SubPath
-	Public ReadOnly AuxPaths As Dictionary(Of String, AuxEntry)
-	'Alle Nebenverbraucher die in der Veh-Datei UND im Zyklus definiert sind
+    Public ReadOnly AuxPaths As Dictionary(Of String, AuxEntry)
+    'Alle Nebenverbraucher die in der Veh-Datei UND im Zyklus definiert sind
-	Public ReadOnly CycleFiles As List(Of SubPath)
+    Public ReadOnly CycleFiles As List(Of SubPath)
-	Public EngineOnly As Boolean
+    Public EngineOnly As Boolean
-	Public VMin As Double
-	Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
-	Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
-	Public OverSpeed As Double
-	Public UnderSpeed As Double
-	Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
+    Public VMin As Double
+    Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
+    Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
+    Public OverSpeed As Double
+    Public UnderSpeed As Double
+    Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
-	Public LookAheadMinSpeed As Double
+    Public LookAheadMinSpeed As Double
-	Public Property StartStopMaxSpeed As Double
+    Public Property StartStopMaxSpeed As Double
-	Public Property StartStopTime As Double
+    Public Property StartStopTime As Double
-	'Private _vehicleInputData As JSONComponentInputData
-	'Private _engineInputData As JSONComponentInputData
-	'Private _gearboxInputData As JSONComponentInputData
+    'Private _vehicleInputData As JSONComponentInputData
+    'Private _engineInputData As JSONComponentInputData
+    'Private _gearboxInputData As JSONComponentInputData
-	Public Class AuxEntry
-		Public Type As AuxiliaryType
-		Public ReadOnly Path As SubPath
-		Public ReadOnly TechnologyList As List(Of String)
+    Public Class AuxEntry
+        Public Type As AuxiliaryType
+        Public ReadOnly Path As SubPath
+        Public ReadOnly TechnologyList As List(Of String)
-		Public Sub New()
-			Path = New SubPath
-			TechnologyList = New List(Of String)()
-		End Sub
-	End Class
+        Public Sub New()
+            Path = New SubPath
+            TechnologyList = New List(Of String)()
+        End Sub
+    End Class
-	Public Sub New()
+    Public Sub New()
-		_myPath = ""
-		_sFilePath = ""
+        _myPath = ""
+        _sFilePath = ""
-		_vehicleFile = New SubPath
-		_engineFile = New SubPath
-		_gearboxFile = New SubPath
+        _vehicleFile = New SubPath
+        _engineFile = New SubPath
+        _gearboxFile = New SubPath
-		_driverAccelerationFile = New SubPath
+        _driverAccelerationFile = New SubPath
-		AuxPaths = New Dictionary(Of String, AuxEntry)
+        AuxPaths = New Dictionary(Of String, AuxEntry)
-		CycleFiles = New List(Of SubPath)
-	End Sub
+        CycleFiles = New List(Of SubPath)
+    End Sub
-	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
-		Dim validationResults As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
-				Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering),
-						Nothing, False)
+    Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
+        Dim validationResults As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+                Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering),
+                        Nothing, False)
-		If validationResults.Count > 0 Then
-			Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
-					validationResults.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
-			MsgBox("Invalid input." + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
-					"Failed to save Vecto Job")
-			Return False
-		End If
+        If validationResults.Count > 0 Then
+            Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
+                    validationResults.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
+            MsgBox("Invalid input." + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+                    "Failed to save Vecto Job")
+            Return False
+        End If
-		Try
-			Dim writer As JSONFileWriter = JSONFileWriter.Instance
-			writer.SaveJob(Me, _sFilePath)
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			MsgBox("Failed to save Job file: " + ex.Message)
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
-	End Function
+        Try
+            Dim writer As JSONFileWriter = JSONFileWriter.Instance
+            writer.SaveJob(Me, _sFilePath)
+        Catch ex As Exception
+            MsgBox("Failed to save Job file: " + ex.Message)
+            Return False
+        End Try
+        Return True
+    End Function
-	'This Sub reads those Input-files that do not have their own class, etc.
+    'This Sub reads those Input-files that do not have their own class, etc.
 #Region "Properties"
-	Public Property FilePath As String
-		Get
-			Return _sFilePath
-		End Get
-		Set(value As String)
-			_sFilePath = value
-			If _sFilePath = "" Then
-				_myPath = ""
-			Else
-				_myPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_sFilePath) & "\"
-			End If
-		End Set
-	End Property
-	Public Property PathVeh(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-		Get
-			If original Then
-				Return _vehicleFile.OriginalPath
-			Else
-				Return _vehicleFile.FullPath
-			End If
-		End Get
-		Set(value As String)
-			_vehicleFile.Init(_myPath, value)
-		End Set
-	End Property
-	Public Property PathEng(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-		Get
-			If original Then
-				Return _engineFile.OriginalPath
-			Else
-				Return _engineFile.FullPath
-			End If
-		End Get
-		Set(value As String)
-			_engineFile.Init(_myPath, value)
-		End Set
-	End Property
-	Public Property PathGbx(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-		Get
-			If original Then
-				Return _gearboxFile.OriginalPath
-			Else
-				Return _gearboxFile.FullPath
-			End If
-		End Get
-		Set(value As String)
-			_gearboxFile.Init(_myPath, value)
-		End Set
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IDriverDeclarationInputData_SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean _
-		Implements IDriverDeclarationInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
-		Get
-			Return Cfg.DeclMode
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	'Public Property StartStop As Boolean
-	'	Get
-	'		Return _startStop
-	'	End Get
-	'	Set(value As Boolean)
-	'		_startStop = value
-	'	End Set
-	'End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IDriverEngineeringInputData_OverSpeedEcoRoll As IOverSpeedEcoRollEngineeringInputData _
-		Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.OverSpeedEcoRoll
-		Get
-			Dim mode As DriverMode = DriverMode.Off
-			If EcoRollOn Then
-				mode = DriverMode.EcoRoll
-			ElseIf OverSpeedOn Then
-				mode = DriverMode.Overspeed
-			End If
-			Return New OverSpeedEcoRollInputData() With {
-				.Mode = mode,
-				.MinSpeed = VMin.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
-				.OverSpeed = OverSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
-				.UnderSpeed = UnderSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()
-				}
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property AccelerationCurve As TableData Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.AccelerationCurve
-		Get
-			If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-			If Not File.Exists(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath) Then
-				Try
-					Dim cycleDataRes As Stream =
-							RessourceHelper.ReadStream(
-								DeclarationData.DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".VACC." + _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath +
-								VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.DriverAccelerationCurve)
-					Return _
-						VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(cycleDataRes,
-												source:=DeclarationData.DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".VACC." + _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath +
-														VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.DriverAccelerationCurve)
-				Catch ex As Exception
-					Return Nothing
-				End Try
-			End If
-			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath)
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property Lookahead As ILookaheadCoastingInputData Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.Lookahead
-		Get
-			Dim lacTargetLookup As TableData =
-					If(File.Exists(LacDfTargetSpeedFile), VectoCSVFile.Read(LacDfTargetSpeedFile), Nothing)
-			Dim lacVdropLookup As TableData =
-					If(File.Exists(LacDfVelocityDropFile), VectoCSVFile.Read(LacDfVelocityDropFile), Nothing)
-			Return New LookAheadCoastingInputData With {
-				.Enabled = LookAheadOn,
-				.MinSpeed = LookAheadMinSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
-				.CoastingDecisionFactorScaling = LacDfScale,
-				.CoastingDecisionFactorOffset = LacDfOffset,
-				.LookaheadDistanceFactor = LacPreviewFactor,
-				.CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup = lacTargetLookup,
-				.CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup = lacVdropLookup
-				}
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public Property DesMaxFile(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-		Get
-			If original Then
-				Return _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath
-			Else
-				Return _driverAccelerationFile.FullPath
-			End If
-		End Get
-		Set(value As String)
-			_driverAccelerationFile.Init(_myPath, value)
-		End Set
-	End Property
-	Public Property LacPreviewFactor As Double
-	Public Property LacDfOffset As Double
-	Public Property LacDfScale As Double
-	Public Property LacDfTargetSpeedFile As String
-	Public Property LacDfVelocityDropFile As String
+    Public Property FilePath As String
+        Get
+            Return _sFilePath
+        End Get
+        Set(value As String)
+            _sFilePath = value
+            If _sFilePath = "" Then
+                _myPath = ""
+            Else
+                _myPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_sFilePath) & "\"
+            End If
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property PathVeh(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
+        Get
+            If original Then
+                Return _vehicleFile.OriginalPath
+            Else
+                Return _vehicleFile.FullPath
+            End If
+        End Get
+        Set(value As String)
+            _vehicleFile.Init(_myPath, value)
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property PathEng(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
+        Get
+            If original Then
+                Return _engineFile.OriginalPath
+            Else
+                Return _engineFile.FullPath
+            End If
+        End Get
+        Set(value As String)
+            _engineFile.Init(_myPath, value)
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property PathGbx(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
+        Get
+            If original Then
+                Return _gearboxFile.OriginalPath
+            Else
+                Return _gearboxFile.FullPath
+            End If
+        End Get
+        Set(value As String)
+            _gearboxFile.Init(_myPath, value)
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IDriverDeclarationInputData_SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean _
+        Implements IDriverDeclarationInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+        Get
+            Return Cfg.DeclMode
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    'Public Property StartStop As Boolean
+    '	Get
+    '		Return _startStop
+    '	End Get
+    '	Set(value As Boolean)
+    '		_startStop = value
+    '	End Set
+    'End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IDriverEngineeringInputData_OverSpeedEcoRoll As IOverSpeedEcoRollEngineeringInputData _
+        Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.OverSpeedEcoRoll
+        Get
+            Dim mode As DriverMode = DriverMode.Off
+            If EcoRollOn Then
+                mode = DriverMode.EcoRoll
+            ElseIf OverSpeedOn Then
+                mode = DriverMode.Overspeed
+            End If
+            Return New OverSpeedEcoRollInputData() With {
+                .Mode = mode,
+                .MinSpeed = VMin.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+                .OverSpeed = OverSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+                .UnderSpeed = UnderSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()
+                }
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property AccelerationCurve As TableData Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.AccelerationCurve
+        Get
+            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+            If Not File.Exists(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath) Then
+                Try
+                    Dim cycleDataRes As Stream =
+                            RessourceHelper.ReadStream(
+                                DeclarationData.DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".VACC." + _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath +
+                                VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.DriverAccelerationCurve)
+                    Return _
+                        VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(cycleDataRes,
+                                                source:=DeclarationData.DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".VACC." + _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath +
+                                                        VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.DriverAccelerationCurve)
+                Catch ex As Exception
+                    Return Nothing
+                End Try
+            End If
+            Return VectoCSVFile.Read(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath)
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property Lookahead As ILookaheadCoastingInputData Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.Lookahead
+        Get
+            Dim lacTargetLookup As TableData =
+                    If(File.Exists(LacDfTargetSpeedFile), VectoCSVFile.Read(LacDfTargetSpeedFile), Nothing)
+            Dim lacVdropLookup As TableData =
+                    If(File.Exists(LacDfVelocityDropFile), VectoCSVFile.Read(LacDfVelocityDropFile), Nothing)
+            Return New LookAheadCoastingInputData With {
+                .Enabled = LookAheadOn,
+                .MinSpeed = LookAheadMinSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+                .CoastingDecisionFactorScaling = LacDfScale,
+                .CoastingDecisionFactorOffset = LacDfOffset,
+                .LookaheadDistanceFactor = LacPreviewFactor,
+                .CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup = lacTargetLookup,
+                .CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup = lacVdropLookup
+                }
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public Property DesMaxFile(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
+        Get
+            If original Then
+                Return _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath
+            Else
+                Return _driverAccelerationFile.FullPath
+            End If
+        End Get
+        Set(value As String)
+            _driverAccelerationFile.Init(_myPath, value)
+        End Set
+    End Property
+    Public Property LacPreviewFactor As Double
+    Public Property LacDfOffset As Double
+    Public Property LacDfScale As Double
+    Public Property LacDfTargetSpeedFile As String
+    Public Property LacDfVelocityDropFile As String
 #End Region
-	' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used by Validation
-	Public Shared Function ValidateJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, validationContext As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
-		Dim modeService As VectoValidationModeServiceContainer =
-				TryCast(validationContext.GetService(GetType(VectoValidationModeServiceContainer)), 
-						VectoValidationModeServiceContainer)
-		Dim mode As ExecutionMode = If(modeService Is Nothing, ExecutionMode.Declaration, modeService.Mode)
-		If mode = ExecutionMode.Engineering AndAlso vectoJob.EngineOnly Then
-			Return ValidateEngineOnlyJob(vectoJob, mode)
-		End If
-		Return ValidateVehicleJob(vectoJob, mode)
-	End Function
-	Private Shared Function ValidateEngineOnlyJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, executionMode As ExecutionMode) As ValidationResult
-		Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) = New List(Of ValidationResult)
-		'vectoJob._engineInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._engineFile.FullPath)
-		If vectoJob.Vehicle.EngineInputData Is Nothing Then _
-			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is missing or invalid"))
-		If result.Any() Then
-			Return _
-				New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
-		End If
-		Return ValidationResult.Success
-	End Function
-	Private Shared Function ValidateVehicleJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, mode As ExecutionMode) As ValidationResult
-		Dim jobData As VectoRunData
-		'vectoJob._vehicleInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._vehicleFile.FullPath)
-		'vectoJob._engineInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._engineFile.FullPath)
-		'vectoJob._gearboxInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._gearboxFile.FullPath)
-		Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) = New List(Of ValidationResult)
-		Dim vehicleInputData As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = vectoJob.JobInputData.Vehicle
-		Dim engineInputData As IEngineDeclarationInputData = vectoJob.Vehicle.EngineInputData
-		Dim gearboxInputData As IGearboxDeclarationInputData = vectoJob.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
-		If vehicleInputData Is Nothing Then _
-			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is missing or invalid"))
-		If engineInputData Is Nothing Then _
-			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is missing or invalid"))
-		If gearboxInputData Is Nothing Then _
-			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is missing or invalid"))
-		If result.Any() Then
-			Return _
-				New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
-		End If
-		Try
-			If mode = ExecutionMode.Declaration Then
-				If Not vehicleInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
-					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is not in Declaration Mode"))
-				End If
-				If Not engineInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
-					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is not in Declaration Mode"))
-				End If
-				If Not gearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
-					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Declaration Mode"))
-				End If
-				If result.Any() Then
-					Return _
-						New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
-				End If
-				Dim dataFactory As DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory = New DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory(vectoJob, Nothing)
-				jobData = dataFactory.NextRun().First()
-			Else
-				If vehicleInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
-					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is not in Engineering Mode"))
-				End If
-				If engineInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
-					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is not in Engineering Mode"))
-				End If
-				If gearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
-					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Engineering Mode"))
-				End If
-				If result.Any() Then
-					Return _
-						New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
-				End If
-				Dim dataFactory As EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory = New EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory(vectoJob)
-				jobData = dataFactory.NextRun().FirstOrDefault()
-				If jobData Is Nothing Then
-					Return New ValidationResult("No cycles selected in Vecto Job.", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
-				End If
-			End If
-			result = jobData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering),
-									jobData.GearboxData.Type, False)
-			If result.Any() Then
-				Return _
-					New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
-			End If
-			Return ValidationResult.Success
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			Return New ValidationResult(ex.Message)
-			'Finally
-			'	vectoJob._vehicleInputData = Nothing
-			'	vectoJob._engineInputData = Nothing
-			'	vectoJob._gearboxInputData = Nothing
-		End Try
-	End Function
+    ' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used by Validation
+    Public Shared Function ValidateJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, validationContext As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
+        Dim modeService As VectoValidationModeServiceContainer =
+                TryCast(validationContext.GetService(GetType(VectoValidationModeServiceContainer)),
+                        VectoValidationModeServiceContainer)
+        Dim mode As ExecutionMode = If(modeService Is Nothing, ExecutionMode.Declaration, modeService.Mode)
+        If mode = ExecutionMode.Engineering AndAlso vectoJob.EngineOnly Then
+            Return ValidateEngineOnlyJob(vectoJob, mode)
+        End If
+        Return ValidateVehicleJob(vectoJob, mode)
+    End Function
+    Private Shared Function ValidateEngineOnlyJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, executionMode As ExecutionMode) As ValidationResult
+        Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) = New List(Of ValidationResult)
+        'vectoJob._engineInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._engineFile.FullPath)
+        If vectoJob.Vehicle.EngineInputData Is Nothing Then _
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is missing or invalid"))
+        If result.Any() Then
+            Return _
+                New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+        End If
+        Return ValidationResult.Success
+    End Function
+    Private Shared Function ValidateVehicleJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, mode As ExecutionMode) As ValidationResult
+        Dim jobData As VectoRunData
+        'vectoJob._vehicleInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._vehicleFile.FullPath)
+        'vectoJob._engineInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._engineFile.FullPath)
+        'vectoJob._gearboxInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._gearboxFile.FullPath)
+        Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) = New List(Of ValidationResult)
+        Dim vehicleInputData As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = vectoJob.JobInputData.Vehicle
+        Dim engineInputData As IEngineDeclarationInputData = vectoJob.JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
+        Dim gearboxInputData As IGearboxDeclarationInputData = vectoJob.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
+        If vehicleInputData Is Nothing Then _
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is missing or invalid"))
+        If engineInputData Is Nothing Then _
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is missing or invalid"))
+        If gearboxInputData Is Nothing Then _
+            result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is missing or invalid"))
+        If result.Any() Then
+            Return _
+                New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+        End If
+        Try
+            If mode = ExecutionMode.Declaration Then
+                If Not vehicleInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is not in Declaration Mode"))
+                End If
+                If Not engineInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is not in Declaration Mode"))
+                End If
+                If Not gearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Declaration Mode"))
+                End If
+                If result.Any() Then
+                    Return _
+                        New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+                End If
+                Dim dataFactory As DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory = New DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory(vectoJob, Nothing)
+                jobData = dataFactory.NextRun().First()
+            Else
+                If vehicleInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is not in Engineering Mode"))
+                End If
+                If engineInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is not in Engineering Mode"))
+                End If
+                If gearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+                    result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Engineering Mode"))
+                End If
+                If result.Any() Then
+                    Return _
+                        New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+                End If
+                Dim dataFactory As EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory = New EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory(vectoJob)
+                jobData = dataFactory.NextRun().FirstOrDefault()
+                If jobData Is Nothing Then
+                    Return New ValidationResult("No cycles selected in Vecto Job.", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+                End If
+            End If
+            result = jobData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering),
+                                    jobData.GearboxData.Type, False)
+            If result.Any() Then
+                Return _
+                    New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+            End If
+            Return ValidationResult.Success
+        Catch ex As Exception
+            Return New ValidationResult(ex.Message)
+            'Finally
+            '	vectoJob._vehicleInputData = Nothing
+            '	vectoJob._engineInputData = Nothing
+            '	vectoJob._gearboxInputData = Nothing
+        End Try
+    End Function
 #Region "IInputData"
-	Public ReadOnly Property JobInputData As IEngineeringJobInputData Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.JobInputData
-		Get
-			Return Me
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_JobInputData As IDeclarationJobInputData _
-		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.JobInputData
-		Get
-			Return Me
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_VehicleInputData As IVehicleDeclarationInputData _
-	'	Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).VehicleInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property VehicleInputData As IVehicleEngineeringInputData _
-	'	Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).VehicleInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AirdragInputData As IAirdragDeclarationInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AirdragInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		Return AirdragInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property AirdragInputData As IAirdragEngineeringInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AirdragInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AirdragInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_GearboxInputData As IGearboxDeclarationInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.GearboxInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property GearboxInputData As IGearboxEngineeringInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.GearboxInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_TorqueConverterInputData As ITorqueConverterDeclarationInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.TorqueConverterInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.TorqueConverterInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property TorqueConverterInputData As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.TorqueConverterInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.TorqueConverterInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AxleGearInputData As IAxleGearInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AxleGearInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AxleGearInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property AxleGearInputData As IAxleGearInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AxleGearInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AxleGearInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property DeclarationInputDataProviderAngledriveInputData As IAngledriveInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AngledriveInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AngledriveInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property AngledriveInputData As IAngledriveInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AngledriveInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AngledriveInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_EngineInputData As IEngineDeclarationInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.EngineInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_engineFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property EngineInputData As IEngineEngineeringInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.EngineInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_engineFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public Function AuxiliaryInputData() As IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryInputData
-	'	Return Me
-	'End Function
-	'Public Function IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AuxiliaryInputData() As IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AuxiliaryInputData
-	'	Return Me
-	'End Function
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_RetarderInputData As IRetarderInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.RetarderInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.RetarderInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property RetarderInputData As IRetarderInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.RetarderInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.RetarderInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property DriverInputData As IDriverEngineeringInputData _
-		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.DriverInputData
-		Get
-			Return Me
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_PTOTransmissionInputData As IPTOTransmissionInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.PTOTransmissionInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	'Public ReadOnly Property PTOTransmissionInputData As IPTOTransmissionInputData _
-	'	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
-	'	Get
-	'		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-	'		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.PTOTransmissionInputData
-	'	End Get
-	'End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property XMLHash As XElement Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.XMLHash
-		Get
-			Return Nothing
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
-		Get
-			Return Cfg.DeclMode
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IEngineeringJobInputData_Vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData _
-		Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.Vehicle
-		Get
-			If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-			Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property Vehicle As IVehicleDeclarationInputData Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.Vehicle
-		Get
-			If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-			Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property Cycles As IList(Of ICycleData) Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.Cycles
-		Get
-			Dim retVal As ICycleData() = New ICycleData(CycleFiles.Count - 1) {}
-			Dim i As Integer = 0
-			For Each cycleFile As SubPath In CycleFiles
-				Dim cycleData As TableData
-				If (File.Exists(cycleFile.FullPath)) Then
-					cycleData = VectoCSVFile.Read(cycleFile.FullPath)
-				Else
-					Try
-						Dim resourceName As String = DeclarationData.DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".MissionCycles." +
-													cycleFile.OriginalPath + TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.CycleFile
-						Dim cycleDataRes As Stream = RessourceHelper.ReadStream(resourceName)
-						cycleData = VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(cycleDataRes, source:=resourceName)
-					Catch ex As Exception
-						Throw New VectoException("Driving Cycle could not be read: " + cycleFile.OriginalPath)
-					End Try
-				End If
-				retVal(i) = New CycleInputData With {
-					.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cycleFile.FullPath),
-					.CycleData = cycleData
-					}
-				i += 1
-			Next
-			Return retVal
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property EngineOnlyMode As Boolean Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.EngineOnlyMode
-		Get
-			Return EngineOnly
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IEngineeringJobInputData_EngineOnly As IEngineEngineeringInputData Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.EngineOnly
-		Get
-			If Not File.Exists(_engineFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
-			Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property JobName As String Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.JobName
-		Get
-			Return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath)
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public Property AuxPAdd As Double
-	Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData_SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean _
-		Implements IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
-		Get
-			Return Cfg.DeclMode
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property Auxiliaries As IList(Of IAuxiliaryEngineeringInputData) _
-		Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.Auxiliaries
-		Get
-			Return AuxData().Cast(Of IAuxiliaryEngineeringInputData).ToList()
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData_AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath As String _
-		Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath
-		Get
-			Return AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData_AuxiliaryVersion As String _
-		Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryVersion
-		Get
-			Return AuxiliaryVersion
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData_AuxiliaryAssembly As AuxiliaryModel _
-		Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryAssembly
-		Get
-			Return AuxiliaryModelHelper.Parse(AuxiliaryAssembly)
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData_Auxiliaries As IList(Of IAuxiliaryDeclarationInputData) _
-		Implements IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData.Auxiliaries
-		Get
-			Return AuxData().Cast(Of IAuxiliaryDeclarationInputData).ToList()
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Protected Function AuxData() As IList(Of AuxiliaryDataInputData)
-		Dim retVal As List(Of AuxiliaryDataInputData) = New List(Of AuxiliaryDataInputData)
-		If AuxPAdd > 0 Then
-			retVal.Add(New AuxiliaryDataInputData() With {
-						.ID = "ConstantAux",
-						.AuxiliaryType = AuxiliaryDemandType.Constant,
-						.ConstantPowerDemand = AuxPAdd.SI(Of Watt)()
-						})
-		End If
-		For Each auxEntry As KeyValuePair(Of String, AuxEntry) In AuxPaths
-			Dim theAuxData As AuxiliaryDataInputData = New AuxiliaryDataInputData() With {
-					.Type = auxEntry.Value.Type,
-					.Technology = auxEntry.Value.TechnologyList,
-					.ID = auxEntry.Key
-					}
-			retVal.Add(theAuxData)
-			If Not File.Exists(auxEntry.Value.Path.FullPath) Then Continue For
-			Dim stream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(auxEntry.Value.Path.FullPath)
-			stream.ReadLine() ' skip header "Transmission ration to engine rpm [-]"
-			theAuxData.TransmissionRatio = stream.ReadLine().IndulgentParse()
-			stream.ReadLine() ' skip header "Efficiency to engine [-]"
-			theAuxData.EfficiencyToEngine = stream.ReadLine().IndulgentParse()
-			stream.ReadLine() ' skip header "Efficiency auxiliary to supply [-]"
-			theAuxData.EfficiencyToSupply = stream.ReadLine().IndulgentParse()
-			theAuxData.DemandMap = VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(New MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stream.ReadToEnd())),
-															source:=auxEntry.Value.Path.FullPath)
-		Next
-		Return retVal
-	End Function
+    Public ReadOnly Property JobInputData As IEngineeringJobInputData Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.JobInputData
+        Get
+            Return Me
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_JobInputData As IDeclarationJobInputData _
+        Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.JobInputData
+        Get
+            Return Me
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_VehicleInputData As IVehicleDeclarationInputData _
+    '	Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).VehicleInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property VehicleInputData As IVehicleEngineeringInputData _
+    '	Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).VehicleInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AirdragInputData As IAirdragDeclarationInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AirdragInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		Return AirdragInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property AirdragInputData As IAirdragEngineeringInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AirdragInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AirdragInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_GearboxInputData As IGearboxDeclarationInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.GearboxInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property GearboxInputData As IGearboxEngineeringInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.GearboxInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_TorqueConverterInputData As ITorqueConverterDeclarationInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.TorqueConverterInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.TorqueConverterInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property TorqueConverterInputData As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.TorqueConverterInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.TorqueConverterInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AxleGearInputData As IAxleGearInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AxleGearInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AxleGearInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property AxleGearInputData As IAxleGearInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AxleGearInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_gearboxFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AxleGearInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property DeclarationInputDataProviderAngledriveInputData As IAngledriveInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AngledriveInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AngledriveInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property AngledriveInputData As IAngledriveInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AngledriveInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.AngledriveInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_EngineInputData As IEngineDeclarationInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.EngineInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_engineFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property EngineInputData As IEngineEngineeringInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.EngineInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_engineFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public Function AuxiliaryInputData() As IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryInputData
+    '	Return Me
+    'End Function
+    'Public Function IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AuxiliaryInputData() As IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AuxiliaryInputData
+    '	Return Me
+    'End Function
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_RetarderInputData As IRetarderInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.RetarderInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.RetarderInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property RetarderInputData As IRetarderInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.RetarderInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.RetarderInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property DriverInputData As IDriverEngineeringInputData _
+        Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.DriverInputData
+        Get
+            Return Me
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_PTOTransmissionInputData As IPTOTransmissionInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.PTOTransmissionInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    'Public ReadOnly Property PTOTransmissionInputData As IPTOTransmissionInputData _
+    '	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
+    '	Get
+    '		If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+    '		Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath).JobInputData.Vehicle.PTOTransmissionInputData
+    '	End Get
+    'End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property XMLHash As XElement Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.XMLHash
+        Get
+            Return Nothing
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+        Get
+            Return Cfg.DeclMode
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IEngineeringJobInputData_Vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData _
+        Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.Vehicle
+        Get
+            If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property Vehicle As IVehicleDeclarationInputData Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.Vehicle
+        Get
+            If Not File.Exists(_vehicleFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_vehicleFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property Cycles As IList(Of ICycleData) Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.Cycles
+        Get
+            Dim retVal As ICycleData() = New ICycleData(CycleFiles.Count - 1) {}
+            Dim i As Integer = 0
+            For Each cycleFile As SubPath In CycleFiles
+                Dim cycleData As TableData
+                If (File.Exists(cycleFile.FullPath)) Then
+                    cycleData = VectoCSVFile.Read(cycleFile.FullPath)
+                Else
+                    Try
+                        Dim resourceName As String = DeclarationData.DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".MissionCycles." +
+                                                    cycleFile.OriginalPath + TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.CycleFile
+                        Dim cycleDataRes As Stream = RessourceHelper.ReadStream(resourceName)
+                        cycleData = VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(cycleDataRes, source:=resourceName)
+                    Catch ex As Exception
+                        Throw New VectoException("Driving Cycle could not be read: " + cycleFile.OriginalPath)
+                    End Try
+                End If
+                retVal(i) = New CycleInputData With {
+                    .Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cycleFile.FullPath),
+                    .CycleData = cycleData
+                    }
+                i += 1
+            Next
+            Return retVal
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property EngineOnlyMode As Boolean Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.EngineOnlyMode
+        Get
+            Return EngineOnly
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IEngineeringJobInputData_EngineOnly As IEngineEngineeringInputData Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.EngineOnly
+        Get
+            If Not File.Exists(_engineFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property JobName As String Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.JobName
+        Get
+            Return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath)
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public Property AuxPAdd As Double
+    Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData_SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean _
+        Implements IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+        Get
+            Return Cfg.DeclMode
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property Auxiliaries As IList(Of IAuxiliaryEngineeringInputData) _
+        Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.Auxiliaries
+        Get
+            Return AuxData().Cast(Of IAuxiliaryEngineeringInputData).ToList()
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData_AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath As String _
+        Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath
+        Get
+            Return AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData_AuxiliaryVersion As String _
+        Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryVersion
+        Get
+            Return AuxiliaryVersion
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData_AuxiliaryAssembly As AuxiliaryModel _
+        Implements IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryAssembly
+        Get
+            Return AuxiliaryModelHelper.Parse(AuxiliaryAssembly)
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData_Auxiliaries As IList(Of IAuxiliaryDeclarationInputData) _
+        Implements IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData.Auxiliaries
+        Get
+            Return AuxData().Cast(Of IAuxiliaryDeclarationInputData).ToList()
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Protected Function AuxData() As IList(Of AuxiliaryDataInputData)
+        Dim retVal As List(Of AuxiliaryDataInputData) = New List(Of AuxiliaryDataInputData)
+        If AuxPAdd > 0 Then
+            retVal.Add(New AuxiliaryDataInputData() With {
+                        .ID = "ConstantAux",
+                        .AuxiliaryType = AuxiliaryDemandType.Constant,
+                        .ConstantPowerDemand = AuxPAdd.SI(Of Watt)()
+                        })
+        End If
+        For Each auxEntry As KeyValuePair(Of String, AuxEntry) In AuxPaths
+            Dim theAuxData As AuxiliaryDataInputData = New AuxiliaryDataInputData() With {
+                    .Type = auxEntry.Value.Type,
+                    .Technology = auxEntry.Value.TechnologyList,
+                    .ID = auxEntry.Key
+                    }
+            retVal.Add(theAuxData)
+            If Not File.Exists(auxEntry.Value.Path.FullPath) Then Continue For
+            Dim stream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(auxEntry.Value.Path.FullPath)
+            stream.ReadLine() ' skip header "Transmission ration to engine rpm [-]"
+            theAuxData.TransmissionRatio = stream.ReadLine().IndulgentParse()
+            stream.ReadLine() ' skip header "Efficiency to engine [-]"
+            theAuxData.EfficiencyToEngine = stream.ReadLine().IndulgentParse()
+            stream.ReadLine() ' skip header "Efficiency auxiliary to supply [-]"
+            theAuxData.EfficiencyToSupply = stream.ReadLine().IndulgentParse()
+            theAuxData.DemandMap = VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(New MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stream.ReadToEnd())),
+                                                            source:=auxEntry.Value.Path.FullPath)
+        Next
+        Return retVal
+    End Function
 #End Region
+    Public ReadOnly Property Gearbox As IGearboxEngineeringInputData Implements IJSONVehicleComponents.Gearbox
+        Get
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle.GearboxInputData
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property TorqueConverter As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData Implements IJSONVehicleComponents.TorqueConverter
+        Get
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle.TorqueConverterInputData
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property AxleGear As IAxleGearInputData Implements IJSONVehicleComponents.AxleGear
+        Get
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_gearboxFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle.AxleGearInputData
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property Engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData Implements IJSONVehicleComponents.Engine
+        Get
+            Return New JSONComponentInputData(_engineFile.FullPath, Me).JobInputData.Vehicle.EngineInputData
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property DeclarationAuxiliaries As IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData Implements IJSONVehicleComponents.DeclarationAuxiliaries
+        Get
+            Return Me
+        End Get
+    End Property
+    Public ReadOnly Property EngineeringAuxiliaries As IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData Implements IJSONVehicleComponents.EngineeringAuxiliaries
+        Get
+            Return Me
+        End Get
+    End Property
 End Class
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/IJSONVehicleComponents.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/IJSONVehicleComponents.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5b32d8cf456998afa0247ab559a0ce0b715af4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/IJSONVehicleComponents.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON {
+    public interface IJSONVehicleComponents  {
+        IGearboxEngineeringInputData Gearbox { get;  }
+        ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData TorqueConverter { get;  }
+        IAxleGearInputData AxleGear { get;  }
+        IEngineEngineeringInputData Engine { get;  }
+        IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData EngineeringAuxiliaries { get;  }
+        IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData DeclarationAuxiliaries { get; }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs
index ad8bd0bfa3dfcd6473836dee33ad65cad6fa5379..47245ca263b79172af4204253e91176e3916d9a7 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 		private string _filename;
-		public JSONComponentInputData(string filename, bool tolerateMissing = false)
+		public JSONComponentInputData(string filename, IJSONVehicleComponents job, bool tolerateMissing = false)
 			var extension = Path.GetExtension(filename);
 			object tmp = null;
 			switch (extension) {
 				case Constants.FileExtensions.VehicleDataFile:
-					tmp = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonVehicle(filename, null, tolerateMissing);
+					tmp = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonVehicle(filename, job, tolerateMissing);
 				case Constants.FileExtensions.EngineDataFile:
 					tmp = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadEngine(filename, tolerateMissing);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs
index 31209c93caa73197a2bcd5a8514773f3d64340c3..f50231f228b62cd01348a250258eba31d7b14acd 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs
@@ -124,38 +124,50 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 	/// </summary>
 	public class JSONInputDataV2 : JSONFile, IEngineeringInputDataProvider, IDeclarationInputDataProvider,
 		IEngineeringJobInputData, IDriverEngineeringInputData, IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData,
-		IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData
+		IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData, IJSONVehicleComponents
-		public IGearboxEngineeringInputData Gearbox { get; internal set; }
+        public JSONInputDataV2(JObject data, string filename, bool tolerateMissing = false)
+            : base(data, filename, tolerateMissing)
+        {
+            _jobname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
+            Engine = ReadEngine();
+            if (Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Job_EngineOnlyMode).Value<bool>())
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            Gearbox = ReadGearbox();
+            AxleGear = Gearbox as IAxleGearInputData;
+            TorqueConverter = Gearbox as ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData;
+            VehicleData = ReadVehicle();
+        }
+        public IGearboxEngineeringInputData Gearbox { get; internal set; }
 		public IAxleGearInputData AxleGear { get; internal set; }
 		public ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData TorqueConverter { get; internal set; }
 		public IEngineEngineeringInputData Engine { get; internal set; }
-		protected readonly IVehicleEngineeringInputData VehicleData;
+        protected readonly IVehicleEngineeringInputData VehicleData;
 		private readonly string _jobname;
-		public JSONInputDataV2(JObject data, string filename, bool tolerateMissing = false)
-			: base(data, filename, tolerateMissing)
-		{
-			_jobname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
-			Engine = ReadEngine();
-			if (Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Job_EngineOnlyMode).Value<bool>()) {
-				return;
-			}
-			Gearbox = ReadGearbox();
-			AxleGear = Gearbox as IAxleGearInputData;
-			TorqueConverter = Gearbox as ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData;
+        public IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData EngineeringAuxiliaries
+        {
+            get { return this; }
+        }
-			VehicleData = ReadVehicle();
-		}
+        public IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData DeclarationAuxiliaries
+        {
+            get { return this; }
+        }
-		private IVehicleEngineeringInputData ReadVehicle()
+        private IVehicleEngineeringInputData ReadVehicle()
 			try {
 				var vehicleFile = Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_VehicleFile).Value<string>();
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
index 43f42130cdc55c2faae84ada2b63520a188b71a7..4741c7fd594c3756bacb6a50a0a174ada5fef68b 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			if (Constants.FileExtensions.VectoJobFile.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
 				return ReadJsonJob(filename, true);
-			return new JSONComponentInputData(filename, true);
+			return new JSONComponentInputData(filename, null, true);
 		public static IInputDataProvider ReadJsonJob(string filename, bool tolerateMissing = false)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		public static IVehicleEngineeringInputData ReadJsonVehicle(string filename, JSONInputDataV2 job,  bool tolerateMissing = false)
+		public static IVehicleEngineeringInputData ReadJsonVehicle(string filename, IJSONVehicleComponents job,  bool tolerateMissing = false)
 			var json = ReadFile(filename);
 			var version = ReadVersion(json);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs
index 30b734744f688b112378bd19c6bd41d011c6fab3..9d2c7ef09077cadb4fbc1f8a1b0ac3e1cfa45787 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 	public class JSONVehicleDataV7 : JSONFile, IVehicleEngineeringInputData, IRetarderInputData, IAngledriveInputData,
 		IPTOTransmissionInputData, IAirdragEngineeringInputData
-		public JSONVehicleDataV7(JObject data, string fileName, JSONInputDataV2 job, bool tolerateMissing = false)
+		public JSONVehicleDataV7(JObject data, string fileName, IJSONVehicleComponents job, bool tolerateMissing = false)
 			: base(data, fileName, tolerateMissing)
 			Job = job;
-		private JSONInputDataV2 Job;
+		private IJSONVehicleComponents Job;
 		#region IVehicleInputData
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 		IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AuxiliaryInputData()
-			return Job;
+			return Job.DeclarationAuxiliaries;
 		IRetarderInputData IVehicleEngineeringInputData.RetarderInputData
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 		IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData IVehicleEngineeringInputData.AuxiliaryInputData()
-			return Job;
+			return Job.EngineeringAuxiliaries;
 		IRetarderInputData IVehicleDeclarationInputData.RetarderInputData
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs
index e8f80acb30f780639f56d9ae6246bfe0a8ea99ed..0b8477558c073d8a439dca0df9cf70e0bb17c8f1 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs
@@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ using System.Data;
 using System.Globalization;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
index 5287618a7740a1d87572b08bd2672d8b40aca299..d705d3cab6d15894029e87dbee259834a51d2f7c 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Configuration\Constants.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\AuxiliaryFileHelper.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\JSON\IJSONVehicleComponents.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\JSON\JSONComponentInputData.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\JSON\JsonExtensionMethods.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\XML\Declaration\AbstractDeclarationXMLComponentDataProvider.cs" />
@@ -312,9 +313,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\IWheels.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\VectoSimulationComponent.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\PowertrainDrivingCycle.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\Data\ModalResult.cs">
-      <SubType>Component</SubType>
-    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\Data\ModalResult.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\IVectoRun.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\Impl\SimulatorFactory.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Models\Simulation\Impl\VectoRun.cs" />
@@ -337,11 +336,6 @@
     <Compile Include="Utils\XmlResourceResolver.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Utils\XPathHelper.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="VersionNumber1.cs">
-      <AutoGen>True</AutoGen>
-      <DesignTime>True</DesignTime>
-      <DependentUpon>VersionNumber.t4</DependentUpon>
-    </Compile>
     <None Include="app.config" />