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--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -206,3 +206,4 @@ HashingTool/TestData/
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/ADAS_EcoRoll.md b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/ADAS_EcoRoll.md
index 86f592e20c987a58f0804e88bc6d9520a834646a..6d7837a0d1018098f7a9d132e8135c416dac5e69 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/ADAS_EcoRoll.md	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/ADAS_EcoRoll.md	
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ In Engineering Mode the energy demand of all auxiliaries is assumed to be drawn
 Eco-roll is a driver assistant system that automatically decouples the internal combustion engine from the power train during specific downhill driving conditions with low negative slopes. The aim is to save fuel during such phases. VECTO supports eco-roll without engine stop/start and eco-roll with engine stop/start. In the former case, the combustion engine is idling during eco-roll phases while in the latter case the combustion engine is turned off during eco-roll events. For vehicles having eco-roll with engine stop/start the fuel consumption is corrected for the engine stop/start events and the auxiliary power demand during engine-off phases.
+In case of AT gearboxes eco-roll can either be performed by shifting to neutral, i.e., disengaging the gearbox, or opening the torque converter lockup clutch. Which option is supported by the transmission needs to be specified in the vehicle configuration.
 <div class="declaration">
 **Auxiliary energy demand**
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_DualFuel.md b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_DualFuel.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_DualFuel.md	
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+##Dual Fuel Engine
+VECTO supports to simulate vehicles equipped with dual-fuel engines, i.e. two different fuels are used simulateously. Therefore, the engine model contains a second fuel comsumption map and VECTO interpolates the fuel consumtion from both consumption maps. In the .vmod and .vsum files the consumption of every fuel is reported. The CO2 emissions are te sum of CO2 emissions from both fuels.
+In case a WHR system is used with a dual-fuel vehicle the WHR map shall be provided in the fuel consumption map of the primary fuel.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_FC_Correction.md b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_FC_Correction.md
index 4db20a74983328678b2a035bcadffbac263f4851..3df34a0d8a08b9298b57715beb0ae010f2bdb980 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_FC_Correction.md	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/Engine_FC_Correction.md	
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ The final fuel consumption is corrected in a post-processing to reflect systems
 As the energy demand of auxiliaries is modeled as an average power demand over the whole simulated cycle, the energy demand certain auxiliaries during engine-off periods needs to be compensated during engine-on periods. This is done using the [Vehicle-Line approach](##vehicle-line-approach). The energy demand of the auxiliaries that shall be active also during engine-off periods as well as the energy demand for starting the engine is accumulated (see [Engine Stop/Start](#advanced-driver-assistant-systems-engine-stopstart), [Eco-Roll with Engine Stop/Start](#advanced-driver-assistant-systems-eco-roll), and [PCC with Eco-Roll and Engine Stop/Start](#advanced-driver-assistant-systems-predictive-cruise-control)) during the simulation. The final fuel consumption is corrected for this "missing" energy
-###Electric Waste Heat Recovery Systems
-VECTO currently does not model the vehicle's electric system. The power demand of all electric consumers is calculated to the equivalent mechanical power demand considering the alternator's efficiency. Thus, the electric power of an electric WHR system cannot be considered directly but the final fuel consumption is corrected for the generated electric power. During the cycle the electric power generated by the WHR system is accumulated. This electric energy is converted to the equivalent mechanical energy that the combustion engine "does not need to provide" considering the alternator's efficiency.
 ###Vehicle-Line Approach
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/whr_system.md b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/whr_system.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6eb9a6c8065922a5d62266df83f6d6cf7908306b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/whr_system.md	
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+##Engine Waste Heat Recovery Systems
+VECTO is able to consider energy recovered from the combustion engine's waste heat either as mechanical power or as electrical power. The following options for waste-heat recovery system are availabel:
+  * Mechanical WHR system included in the FC measurements
+  * Mechanical WHR system not connected to the crankshaft
+  * Electrical WHR system
+The first type of WHR systems do not require a dedicated simulation as this is already covered in the combustion engine's fuel consumption map. The output power at the crankshaft is usually higher when such a WHR system is active, or for a certain measurement setpoint (torque and engine speed) the fuel consumption is lower compared to an engine without waste-heat recovery system.
+For the other two types of WHR systems where the recovered energy is not directly connected to the engine's crankshaft the generated power needs to be provided in the combustion engine's fuel consumption map (see [.vmap file](#fuel-consumption-map-.vmap). The final fuel consumption is corrected for the latter two WHR systems via the [vehicle-line approach](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction), taking into account  the accumulated power generated by the WHR system During the cycle. In case of an electrical WHR system the electric energy is converted to the equivalent mechanical energy that the combustion engine "does not need to provide" considering the alternator's efficiency.
+The power generated by a WHR system is interpolated from the engine's WHR map (part of the fuel consumption map) multiplied by a correction factor similar to the WHTC correction for the fuel consumption.
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMAP.md b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMAP.md
index 553fa850acb76efb0e8fc7a4b2e126ee0a235ba8..4a08ed87e6ed8e93c6545dc05a830a7d21a61da5 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMAP.md	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMAP.md	
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ The FC map is used to interpolate the base fuel consumption before corrections
 - Filetype: .vmap
-- Header: **engine speed [rpm], torque [Nm], fuel consumption [g/h]**, *whr power \[W\]* (required only if an electric WHR system is used)
+- Header: **engine speed [rpm], torque [Nm], fuel consumption [g/h]**, *whr power electrical \[W\]*, *whr power mechanical \[W\]* (required only if an electric or mechanical WHR system is used)
 - Requires at least 3 data entries
 - The map must cover the full engine range between full load and motoring curve.
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMOD.md b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMOD.md
index e0fcb211a54649755f9a959bab78b3c98c8e36ca..5fd5810d890fd3726d7ac54f4a5c192ef8cf955b 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMOD.md	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VMOD.md	
@@ -86,17 +86,18 @@ $P_{avg} = \frac{1}{simulation interval} \int{P(t) dt}$.
 | n_TC_out          |   [rpm]   |   Torque converter operating point:  output speed    |  
 | T_TC_in           |   [Nm]    |   Torque converter operating point:  input torque    |    
 | n_TC_in           |   [rpm]   |   Torque converter operating point:  input speed    |     
-| FC-Map			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption interpolated from FC map. |
-| FC-NCVc			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption corrected for different NCV values in VECTO and VECTO Engine (FC-NCVc = FC-Map * LowerHeatingValueVectoEngine(fuel) / LowerHeatingValueVecto(fuel) ) |
-| FC-WHTCc			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption after [WHTC Correction](#engine-fuel-consumption-calculation) (FC-WHTCc = FC-NCVc * WHTCCorrectionFactor(cycle, fuel) ) |
-| FC-AAUX			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption computed by the AAUX module considering smart auxiliaries. (FC-AAUX = FC-WHTCc if the AAUX model is not used, otherwise the fuel consumption as calculated by the AAUX model) |
-| FC-ESS			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption considering engine stop/start not always activated. (FC-ESS = FC-AAUX if the engie is on, FC-ESS = FC(P_aux) * (1 - engine stop/start utility factor) if the combustion engine is off - see [Engine Stop/Start](#advanced-driver-assistant-systems-eco-roll-engine-stopstart) |
-| FC-Final_mod		|	[g/h]	|	Instantaneous final fuel consumption value after all applicable corrections. (FC-Final_mod = FC-ESS) |
+| FC-Map<\_FuelName>			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption interpolated from FC map. |
+| FC-NCVc<\_FuelName>			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption corrected for different NCV values in VECTO and VECTO Engine (FC-NCVc = FC-Map * LowerHeatingValueVectoEngine(fuel) / LowerHeatingValueVecto(fuel) ) |
+| FC-WHTCc<\_FuelName>			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption after [WHTC Correction](#engine-fuel-consumption-calculation) (FC-WHTCc = FC-NCVc * WHTCCorrectionFactor(cycle, fuel) ) |
+| FC-AAUX<\_FuelName>			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption computed by the AAUX module considering smart auxiliaries. (FC-AAUX = FC-WHTCc if the AAUX model is not used, otherwise the fuel consumption as calculated by the AAUX model) |
+| FC-ESS<\_FuelName>			|	[g/h]	|	Fuel consumption considering engine stop/start not always activated. (FC-ESS = FC-AAUX if the engie is on, FC-ESS = FC(P_aux) * (1 - engine stop/start utility factor) if the combustion engine is off - see [Engine Stop/Start](#advanced-driver-assistant-systems-eco-roll-engine-stopstart) |
+| FC-Final_mod<\_FuelName>		|	[g/h]	|	Instantaneous final fuel consumption value after all applicable corrections. (FC-Final_mod = FC-ESS) |
 | EcoRollConditionsMet |        |   0 if the conditions for switching to eco-roll are _not_ met, 1 if the conditions for eco-roll are met - eco roll is activated after the activation delay (2s in declaration mode) |   
 | PCCSegment        |           |   1 if a PCC segment was identified in the pre-processing (gradient below threshold where vehicle accelerates on its own without engine power), 0 otherwise |
 | PCCState          |           |   0: not inside PCC segment, 1: inside PCC segment, 2: PCC use-case 1 active, 3: PCC use-case 2 active |
 | ICE On            |           |   0 if the combustion engine is switched off (either during stand-still or eco-roll), 1 otherwise |
+**Note:** The fuel name is only added to the fuel-consumption signals in case of dual-fuel engines.
 P_eng_FCmap = T_eng_fcmap * n_eng_avg
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VSUM.md b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VSUM.md
index affb346718576170f56e91abde034756a1adb669..e2f8d99f850153e4c1f42904c3690ec261c8789f 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VSUM.md	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/VSUM.md	
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | distance              | [km]                                 | Total traveled distance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 | speed                 | [km/h]                               | Average vehicle speed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
 | altitudeDelta         | [m]                                  | Altitude difference between start and end of cycle                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| FC-Map                | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption before all corrections, interpolated from [Fuel Map](#engine-fuel-consumption-calculation), based on torque and engine speed.                                                                                                                                                                           |
-| FC-NCVc               | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption after correcting for the [net calorific value](#engine-correction-factors) (Based on FC-Map from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
-| FC-WHTCc              | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption after [WHTC Correction](#engine-fuel-consumption-calculation) (Based on FC-NCVc from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| FC-AAUX               | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption after Smart Auxiliary Correction (*still in development*) (Based on FC-WHTCc from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| FC-ESS                | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption during engine-off periods  (Based on FC-ESS from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| FC-WHR_Corr           | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption deduction due to electric power generated by an electric WHR system (FC-WHR_Corr = FC-ESS - E_WHR_el / eta_alternator * k_vehline)
-| FC-ESS_Corr           | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption during engine-off periods corrected for energy demand during engine-off periods not accounted  (FC-ESS_Corr = FC-WHR_Corr + (E_aux_ess_mech + E_ice_start) * k_vehline)                                                                                                         |
-| FC-Final              | [g/h], [g/km], [l/100km], [l/100tkm], [l/100m^3km] | Final average fuel consumption after ALL corrections (FC-Final = FC-ESS_Corr). Fuel consumption for calculation of CO~2~ value. If Loading = 0[kg] the column [l/100tkm] is left empty.                                                                                                                                                                       |
+| FC-Map<\_FuelName>                | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption before all corrections, interpolated from [Fuel Map](#engine-fuel-consumption-calculation), based on torque and engine speed.                                                                                                                                                                           |
+| FC-NCVc<\_FuelName>               | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption after correcting for the [net calorific value](#engine-correction-factors) (Based on FC-Map from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
+| FC-WHTCc<\_FuelName>              | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption after [WHTC Correction](#engine-fuel-consumption-calculation) (Based on FC-NCVc from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| FC-AAUX<\_FuelName>               | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption after Smart Auxiliary Correction (*still in development*) (Based on FC-WHTCc from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| FC-ESS<\_FuelName>                | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption during engine-off periods  (Based on FC-ESS from .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| FC-WHR_Corr<\_FuelName>           | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption deduction due to electric power generated by an electric WHR system (FC-WHR_Corr = FC-ESS - E_WHR_el / eta_alternator * k_vehline)
+| FC-ESS_Corr<\_FuelName>           | [g/h], [g/km]                        | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption during engine-off periods corrected for energy demand during engine-off periods not accounted  (FC-ESS_Corr = FC-WHR_Corr + (E_aux_ess_mech + E_ice_start) * k_vehline)                                                                                                         |
+| FC-Final<\_FuelName>              | [g/h], [g/km], [l/100km], [l/100tkm], [l/100m^3km] | Final average fuel consumption after ALL corrections (FC-Final = FC-ESS_Corr). Fuel consumption for calculation of CO~2~ value. If Loading = 0[kg] the column [l/100tkm] is left empty.                                                                                                                                                                       |
 | CO2                   | [g/km], [g/tkm], [g/m^3km]           | Average CO~2~ emissions (based on FC-Final value). Output for [l/100tkm] is empty when Loading = 0[kg].                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 | P_wheel_in_pos        | [kW]                                 | Average positive power at the wheels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 | P_fcmap_pos           | [kW]                                 | Average positive power at engine (all non-negative values averaged over the whole cycle duration)                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | CruiseTimeShare       | [%]                                  | Time share of cruise phases (-0.125 ≤ a~3s~ ≤ 0.125 \[m/s^2^\])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
 | StopTimeShare         | [%]                                  | Time share of stop phases (v \< 0.1 \[m/s\])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
+**Note:** The fuel name is only added to the fuel consumption signals for vehicles with dual-fuel engines. In case single-fuel and dual-fuel vehicles are simulated in one simulation run, the fuel consumption for single-fuel vehicles is reported without the fuel name suffix while the fuel consumption of dual fuel vehicles contains the fuel name suffix!
 ***Energy Bilance***
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/files.txt b/Documentation/User Manual/files.txt
index 51b21fa03169b8ec8ac6f8bf5ed54089bac795e6..04a827750111832fcbdc38ef263c801e7a4285fd 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/files.txt	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/files.txt	
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
index 449d8528e24eeaf152b2bf5f8f91b758f0afddae..834a496cd57b1d62628fb5644cdc9bd3e2113bda 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
@@ -560,11 +560,6 @@
     <Compile Include="Utils\XMLValidator.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Utils\XPathHelper.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Ninject\VectoNinjectModule.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="VersionNumber1.cs">
-      <AutoGen>True</AutoGen>
-      <DesignTime>True</DesignTime>
-      <DependentUpon>VersionNumber.t4</DependentUpon>
-    </Compile>
     <None Include="app.config" />