diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb
index 98fa44ac6c989e7e824dc653ea2807df6f063783..9259aa0a3b24f1e266b812efbbf52762796b983c 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 		If fldOK Then
 			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
+			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.MaxTorqueList)
 			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 			s.BorderWidth = 2
 			s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTqDrag)
+			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.DragTorqueList)
 			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 			s.BorderWidth = 2
 			s.Color = Color.Blue
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb b/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb
index ad5ee67b1a6b17fcbbdb169c94272c3d0c5ec7a8..1806f515bea64057da62e12d8bd05c34b74cf028 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Imports vectolic
 Public Class FileSignDialog
 	'Create signature file
 	Private Sub BtSign_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtSign.Click
-		Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
-		Dim MainDir As String
+		Dim listViewItem As ListViewItem
+		Dim mainDirectory As String
 		If lvFiles.Items.Count = 0 Then
 			MsgBox("No files selected!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ Public Class FileSignDialog
-		MainDir = fPATH(TbSigFile.Text)
+		mainDirectory = fPATH(TbSigFile.Text)
 		Lic.FileSigning.Mode = cFileSigning.tMode.Manual
-		For Each lv0 In lvFiles.Items
-			Lic.FileSigning.AddFile(fFileRepl(lv0.SubItems(0).Text, MainDir))
-			lv0.SubItems(1).Text = ""
-			lv0.ForeColor = Color.Black
+		For Each listViewItem In lvFiles.Items
+			Lic.FileSigning.AddFile(fFileRepl(listViewItem.SubItems(0).Text, mainDirectory))
+			listViewItem.SubItems(1).Text = ""
+			listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.Black
 		If Lic.FileSigning.WriteSigFile(TbSigFile.Text, LicSigAppCode) Then
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ Public Class FileSignDialog
 		LbDateStr.Text = Lic.FileSigning.DateStr
 		If Lic.FileSigning.FilesOK.Count > 0 Then
-			For Each lv0 In lvFiles.Items
-				lv0.SubItems(1).Text = Lic.FileSigning.FilesMsg(lv0.Index)
-				If Lic.FileSigning.FilesOK(lv0.Index) Then
-					lv0.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen
+			For Each listViewItem In lvFiles.Items
+				listViewItem.SubItems(1).Text = Lic.FileSigning.FilesMsg(listViewItem.Index)
+				If Lic.FileSigning.FilesOK(listViewItem.Index) Then
+					listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen
-					lv0.ForeColor = Color.Red
+					listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.Red
 					Exit For
 				End If
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
index 54b713201a5b7a6276b5f915d9449239aa8b84fd..d246fe834aaf3d8ea101cdfbbcc1e4d800e78b5d 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
@@ -251,16 +251,16 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
-		For i = 0 To GBX0.Igetr.Count - 1
+		For i = 0 To GBX0.GearRatios.Count - 1
 			If i = 0 Then
 				'lv0 = New ListViewItem("Axle")
-				LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", "-", GBX0.Igetr(i), GBX0.GetrMap(i, True), GBX0.gsFile(i, True),
+				LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", "-", GBX0.GearRatios(i), GBX0.GearLossMap(i, True), GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i, True),
 				'lv0 = New ListViewItem(i.ToString("00"))
-				LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem(i.ToString("00"), "-", GBX0.Igetr(i), GBX0.GetrMap(i, True),
-													GBX0.gsFile(i, True), GBX0.MaxTorque(i)))
+				LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem(i.ToString("00"), "-", GBX0.GearRatios(i), GBX0.GearLossMap(i, True),
+													GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i, True), GBX0.MaxTorque(i)))
 			End If
@@ -273,10 +273,10 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		TbStartAcc.Text = GBX0.StartAcc.ToString
 		ChShiftInside.Checked = GBX0.ShiftInside
-		TbTCfile.Text = GBX0.TCfile(True)
+		TbTCfile.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterFile(True)
 		TbTCrefrpm.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterReferenceRPM
 		TbTCinertia.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterInertia
-		TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = GBX0.TCshiftFile
+		TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile
 		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = GBX0.UpshiftMinAcceleration
 		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = GBX0.DownshiftAfterUpshift
@@ -341,11 +341,11 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		For i = 0 To LvGears.Items.Count - 1
 			'GBX0.IsTCgear.Add(Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.TorqueConverter).Text = "on" And i > 0)
-			GBX0.Igetr.Add(CSng(LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text))
-			GBX0.GetrMaps.Add(New SubPath)
-			GBX0.GetrMap(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
-			GBX0.gs_files.Add(New SubPath)
-			GBX0.gsFile(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
+			GBX0.GearRatios.Add(CSng(LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text))
+			GBX0.GearLossmaps.Add(New SubPath)
+			GBX0.GearLossMap(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
+			GBX0.GearshiftFiles.Add(New SubPath)
+			GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
 			'GBX0.FldFiles.Add(New cSubPath)
 			'GBX0.FldFile(i) = Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text
@@ -362,10 +362,10 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		GBX0.Type = CbGStype.SelectedValue
 		GBX0.TorqueConverterEnabled = ChTCon.Checked
-		GBX0.TCfile = TbTCfile.Text
+		GBX0.TorqueConverterFile = TbTCfile.Text
 		GBX0.TorqueConverterReferenceRPM = fTextboxToNumString(TbTCrefrpm.Text)
 		GBX0.TorqueConverterInertia = fTextboxToNumString(TbTCinertia.Text)
-		GBX0.TCshiftFile = TBTCShiftPolygon.Text
+		GBX0.TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile = TBTCShiftPolygon.Text
 		GBX0.DownshiftAfterUpshift = fTextboxToNumString(tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text)
 		GBX0.UpshiftAfterDownshift = fTextboxToNumString(tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text)
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 				fldpath = VectoJobForm.FLDfile
-				fldOK = fldpath.Trim <> ""
+				fldOK = Not IsNothing(fldpath) AndAlso fldpath.Trim <> ""
 				If fldOK Then
 					FLD0 = New EngineFullLoadCurve
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		If fldOK AndAlso vectoOk AndAlso vehicleOk Then
 			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
+			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.MaxTorqueList)
 			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 			s.BorderWidth = 2
 			s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
@@ -831,43 +831,43 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 			If VectoJobForm.Visible AndAlso VectoJobForm.n_idle > 0 Then
-				If FLD0.Init(VectoJobForm.n_idle) Then
-					'Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = ConvertToFullLoadCurve(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
-					Dim gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) = ConvertToGears(LvGears.Items)
-					If (CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType).ManualTransmission() AndAlso gears.Count > 1) Then
-						Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(FLD0, VectoJobForm.n_idle)
-						Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = DeclarationData.Gearbox.ComputeShiftPolygon(Gear - 1, engine.FullLoadCurve, gears,
-																									engine,
-																									Double.Parse(LvGears.Items(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
-																									(vehicle.rdyn / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter))
-						s = New Series
-						's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUup, Shiftpoly.gs_TqUp)
-						s.Points.DataBindXY(
-							shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-							shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
-						s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-						s.BorderWidth = 2
-						s.Color = Color.DarkRed
-						s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
-						s.Name = "Upshift curve (generic)"
-						MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-						s = New Series
-						's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUdown, Shiftpoly.gs_TqDown)
-						s.Points.DataBindXY(
-							shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-							shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
-						s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-						s.BorderWidth = 2
-						s.Color = Color.DarkRed
-						s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
-						s.Name = "Downshift curve (generic)"
-						MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-					End If
+				'If FLD0.Init(VectoJobForm.n_idle) Then
+				'Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = ConvertToFullLoadCurve(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
+				Dim gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) = ConvertToGears(LvGears.Items)
+				If (CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType).ManualTransmission() AndAlso gears.Count > 1) Then
+					Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(FLD0, VectoJobForm.n_idle)
+					Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = DeclarationData.Gearbox.ComputeShiftPolygon(Gear - 1, engine.FullLoadCurve, gears,
+																								engine,
+																								Double.Parse(LvGears.Items(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+																								(vehicle.DynamicTyreRadius / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter))
+					s = New Series
+					's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUup, Shiftpoly.gs_TqUp)
+					s.Points.DataBindXY(
+						shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+						shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+					s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+					s.BorderWidth = 2
+					s.Color = Color.DarkRed
+					s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
+					s.Name = "Upshift curve (generic)"
+					MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+					s = New Series
+					's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUdown, Shiftpoly.gs_TqDown)
+					s.Points.DataBindXY(
+						shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+						shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+					s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+					s.BorderWidth = 2
+					s.Color = Color.DarkRed
+					s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
+					s.Name = "Downshift curve (generic)"
+					MyChart.Series.Add(s)
 				End If
+				'End If
 			End If
 		End If
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
index 7111cc421065d78866cb795a2216ec99d5d480d5..047ab9b1e46223469224c5a25788cdbe6d302532 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		ChBStartStop.Checked = VEC0.StartStop
 		TbSSspeed.Text = VEC0.StStV.ToString()
 		TbSStime.Text = VEC0.StStT.ToString()
-		TbSSdelay.Text = VEC0.StStDelay.ToString()
+		TbSSdelay.Text = VEC0.StartStopDelay.ToString()
 		TbDesMaxFile.Text = VEC0.DesMaxFile(True)
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
-		CbEngOnly.Checked = VEC0.EngOnly
+		CbEngOnly.Checked = VEC0.EngineOnly
 		If VEC0.EcoRollOn Then
 			RdEcoRoll.Checked = True
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		vec0.StartStop = ChBStartStop.Checked
 		vec0.StStV = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbSSspeed.Text))
 		vec0.StStT = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbSStime.Text))
-		vec0.StStDelay = CInt(fTextboxToNumString(TbSSdelay.Text))
+		vec0.StartStopDelay = CInt(fTextboxToNumString(TbSSdelay.Text))
 		vec0.DesMaxFile = TbDesMaxFile.Text
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 			vec0.AuxPaths.Add(lv0.SubItems(0).Text, auxEntry)
-		vec0.EngOnly = CbEngOnly.Checked
+		vec0.EngineOnly = CbEngOnly.Checked
 		vec0.EcoRollOn = RdEcoRoll.Checked
 		vec0.OverSpeedOn = RdOverspeed.Checked
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ lbDlog:
 			Dim s0 As Segment = Nothing
-				s0 = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(VEH0.VehCat, VEH0.AxleConf, maxMass, 0.SI(Of Kilogram), True)
+				s0 = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(VEH0.VehicleCategory, VEH0.AxleConfiguration, maxMass, 0.SI(Of Kilogram), True)
 			End Try
 			If Not s0 Is Nothing Then
@@ -1030,9 +1030,9 @@ lbDlog:
 			PicVehicle.Image = ConvPicPath(HDVclass, False)	'Image.FromFile(cDeclaration.ConvPicPath(HDVclass, False))
 			TbHVCclass.Text = "HDV Class " & HDVclass
-			TbVehCat.Text = VEH0.VehCat.GetCategoryName()	'ConvVehCat(VEH0.VehCat, True)
+			TbVehCat.Text = VEH0.VehicleCategory.GetCategoryName()	'ConvVehCat(VEH0.VehCat, True)
 			TbMass.Text = VEH0.MassMax & " t"
-			TbAxleConf.Text = VEH0.AxleConf.GetName() 'ConvAxleConf(VEH0.AxleConf)
+			TbAxleConf.Text = VEH0.AxleConfiguration.GetName() 'ConvAxleConf(VEH0.AxleConf)
 		End If
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ lbDlog:
 			If FLD0.ReadFile(False, False) Then
 				s = New Series
-				s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
+				s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.MaxTorqueList)
 				s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 				s.BorderWidth = 2
 				s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ lbDlog:
 				s = New Series
-				s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTqDrag)
+				s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.DragTorqueList)
 				s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 				s.BorderWidth = 2
 				s.Color = Color.Blue
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ lbDlog:
 				OkCount += 1
-				pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.fnUrated)
+				pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.EngineRatedSpeed)
 			End If
@@ -1122,40 +1122,40 @@ lbDlog:
 						If FLD0.ReadFile(True, False) Then
-							If FLD0.Init(ENG0.Nidle) Then
-								'Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(FLD0, F_VECTO.n_idle)
-								'Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = DeclarationData.Gearbox.ComputeShiftPolygon(Gear - 1,
-								'																			engine.FullLoadCurve, gears,
-								'																			engine,
-								'																			Double.Parse(LvGears.Items(0).SubItems(F_GBX.GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text,
-								'																						CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
-								'																			(.rdyn / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter))
-								's = New Series
-								's.Points.DataBindXY(shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-								'					shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
-								's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-								's.BorderWidth = 2
-								's.Color = Color.DarkRed
-								's.Name = "Upshift curve (" & i & ")"
-								'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-								's = New Series
-								's.Points.DataBindXY(
-								'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-								'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
-								's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-								's.BorderWidth = 2
-								's.Color = Color.DarkRed
-								's.Name = "Downshift curve (" & i & ")"
-								'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-							End If
+							'If FLD0.Init(ENG0.Nidle) Then '' use engine from below...
+							'Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(FLD0, F_VECTO.n_idle)
+							'Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = DeclarationData.Gearbox.ComputeShiftPolygon(Gear - 1,
+							'																			engine.FullLoadCurve, gears,
+							'																			engine,
+							'																			Double.Parse(LvGears.Items(0).SubItems(F_GBX.GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text,
+							'																						CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+							'																			(.rdyn / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter))
+							's = New Series
+							's.Points.DataBindXY(shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+							'					shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+							's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+							's.BorderWidth = 2
+							's.Color = Color.DarkRed
+							's.Name = "Upshift curve (" & i & ")"
+							'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+							's = New Series
+							's.Points.DataBindXY(
+							'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+							'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+							's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+							's.BorderWidth = 2
+							's.Color = Color.DarkRed
+							's.Name = "Downshift curve (" & i & ")"
+							'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+							'End If
 							OkCount += 1
-							pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.fnUrated)
+							pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.EngineRatedSpeed)
 						End If
@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ lbDlog:
 					lup = New List(Of Single)
 					ldown = New List(Of Single)
-					If f.OpenRead(GBX0.gsFile(i)) Then
+					If f.OpenRead(GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i)) Then
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
index 870ded15c8dc7ff4cde99bc69ba9d3ce086e1d2e..cbf0e9c50df149ee3aa9dfa66705498f39066a86 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
@@ -321,20 +321,20 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		TbMass.Text = veh.Mass
 		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra
 		TbLoad.Text = veh.Loading
-		TBrdyn.Text = veh.rdyn
+		TBrdyn.Text = veh.DynamicTyreRadius
-		CbCdMode.SelectedValue = veh.CdMode
-		TbCdFile.Text = veh.CdFile.OriginalPath
+		CbCdMode.SelectedValue = veh.CrossWindCorrectionMode
+		TbCdFile.Text = veh.CrossWindCorrectionFile.OriginalPath
-		CbRtType.SelectedValue = veh.RtType
-		TbRtRatio.Text = veh.RtRatio
-		TbRtPath.Text = veh.RtFile.OriginalPath
+		CbRtType.SelectedValue = veh.RetarderType
+		TbRtRatio.Text = veh.RetarderRatio
+		TbRtPath.Text = veh.RetarderLossMapFile.OriginalPath
 		cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue = veh.AngularGearType
 		tbAngularGearRatio.Text = veh.AngularGearRatio
 		tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text = veh.AngularGearLossMapFile.OriginalPath
-		CbCat.SelectedValue = veh.VehCat
+		CbCat.SelectedValue = veh.VehicleCategory
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		TbMassMass.Text = veh.MassMax
 		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra
-		CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue = veh.AxleConf
+		CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue = veh.AxleConfiguration
 		TBcdA.Text = veh.CdA0
@@ -403,18 +403,18 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		veh.CdA0 = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TBcdA.Text))
-		veh.rdyn = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TBrdyn.Text))
-		veh.CdMode = CbCdMode.SelectedValue
-		veh.CdFile.Init(fPATH(file), TbCdFile.Text)
-		veh.RtType = CbRtType.SelectedValue
-		veh.RtRatio = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbRtRatio.Text))
-		veh.RtFile.Init(fPATH(file), TbRtPath.Text)
+		veh.DynamicTyreRadius = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TBrdyn.Text))
+		veh.CrossWindCorrectionMode = CbCdMode.SelectedValue
+		veh.CrossWindCorrectionFile.Init(fPATH(file), TbCdFile.Text)
+		veh.RetarderType = CbRtType.SelectedValue
+		veh.RetarderRatio = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbRtRatio.Text))
+		veh.RetarderLossMapFile.Init(fPATH(file), TbRtPath.Text)
 		veh.AngularGearType = cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue
 		veh.AngularGearRatio = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(tbAngularGearRatio.Text))
 		veh.AngularGearLossMapFile.Init(fPATH(file), tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text)
-		veh.VehCat = CbCat.SelectedValue 'CType(CbCat.SelectedIndex, tVehCat)
+		veh.VehicleCategory = CbCat.SelectedValue 'CType(CbCat.SelectedIndex, tVehCat)
 		Dim axleShareCheck As Double
 		For Each LV0 In LvRRC.Items
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		veh.MassMax = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassMass.Text))
 		veh.MassExtra = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassExtra.Text))
-		veh.AxleConf = CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue
+		veh.AxleConfiguration = CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb
index e5ed5ff910716cb30531b3cce53d3518899efa59..75ad3e685b52e8c1c04fc32cab6bcd079996f0aa 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb	
@@ -9,110 +9,70 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.Linq
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Full load/motoring curve input file
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
 Public Class EngineFullLoadCurve
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Full file path. Needs to be defined via FilePath property before calling ReadFile or SaveFile.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private sFilePath As String
 	''' <summary>
 	''' List of full load torque values [Nm]
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public LTq As List(Of Single)
+	Public MaxTorqueList As List(Of Single)
 	''' <summary>
 	''' List of motoring torque values [Nm]
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public LTqDrag As List(Of Single)
+	Public DragTorqueList As List(Of Single)
 	''' <summary>
 	''' List of engine speed values [1/min]
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public LnU As List(Of Single)
+	Public EngineSpeedList As List(Of Single)
 	''' <summary>
 	''' List of PT1 values [s]
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private LPT1 As List(Of Single)
+	Private _pt1List As List(Of Single)
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Last index of lists (items count - 1)
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private iDim As Integer
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Nlo [1/min]. Lowest enging speed with 55% of max. power. Defined in Init.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Nlo As Single
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Nhi [1/min]. Highest engine speed with 70% of max. power. Defined in Init.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Nhi As Single
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Npref [1/min]. Speed at 51% torque/speed-integral between idling and N95h. Defined in Init.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Npref As Single
-	''' <summary>
-	''' N95h [1/min]. Highest engine speed with 95% of max. power. Defined in Init.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public N95h As Single
-	''' <summary>
-	''' N80h [1/min]. Highest engine speed with 80% of max. power. Defined in Init.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public N80h As Single
+	'Private _iDim As Integer
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Read file. FilePath must be set before calling. 
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <returns>True if successful.</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>   
-	Public Function ReadFile(ByVal TqOnly As Boolean, Optional ByVal ShowMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Dim file As CsvFile
-		Dim line As String()
-		Dim PT1set As Boolean
-		Dim FirstLine As Boolean
-		Dim nU As Double
-		Dim MsgSrc As String
+	Public Function ReadFile(tqOnly As Boolean, Optional ByVal showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
+		Dim pt1Set As Boolean
-		MsgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/FLD"
+		Const msgSrc As String = "Main/ReadInp/FLD"
-		LTq = Nothing
-		LTqDrag = Nothing
-		LnU = Nothing
-		LPT1 = Nothing
-		iDim = -1
+		MaxTorqueList = Nothing
+		DragTorqueList = Nothing
+		EngineSpeedList = Nothing
+		_pt1List = Nothing
+		Dim lineCount As Integer = -1
 		'Stop if there's no file
-		If sFilePath = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(sFilePath) Then
-			If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "FLD file '" & sFilePath & "' not found!", MsgSrc)
+		If FilePath = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(FilePath) Then
+			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "FLD file '" & FilePath & "' not found!", msgSrc)
 			Return False
 		End If
 		'Open file
-		file = New CsvFile
-		If Not file.OpenRead(sFilePath) Then
-			If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to open file (" & sFilePath & ") !", MsgSrc)
+		Dim file As CsvFile = New CsvFile
+		If Not file.OpenRead(FilePath) Then
+			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to open file (" & FilePath & ") !", msgSrc)
 			Return False
 		End If
@@ -121,53 +81,54 @@ Public Class EngineFullLoadCurve
 		'Initialize Lists
-		LTq = New List(Of Single)
-		LTqDrag = New List(Of Single)
-		LnU = New List(Of Single)
-		LPT1 = New List(Of Single)
+		MaxTorqueList = New List(Of Single)
+		DragTorqueList = New List(Of Single)
+		EngineSpeedList = New List(Of Single)
+		_pt1List = New List(Of Single)
-		FirstLine = True
+		Dim firstLine As Boolean = True
 			Do While Not file.EndOfFile
 				'Read Line
-				line = file.ReadLine
+				Dim line As String() = file.ReadLine
 				'VECTO: M => Pe
-				nU = CDbl(line(0))
+				Dim rpm As Double = CDbl(line(0))
-				LnU.Add(nU)
-				LTq.Add(CDbl(line(1)))
+				EngineSpeedList.Add(rpm)
+				MaxTorqueList.Add(CDbl(line(1)))
-				If TqOnly Then
-					LTqDrag.Add(0)
+				If tqOnly Then
+					DragTorqueList.Add(0)
-					LTqDrag.Add(CDbl(line(2)))
+					DragTorqueList.Add(CDbl(line(2)))
 				End If
-				If FirstLine Then
-					PT1set = (Not TqOnly) AndAlso (UBound(line) > 2)
-					FirstLine = False
+				If firstLine Then
+					pt1Set = (Not tqOnly) AndAlso (UBound(line) > 2)
+					firstLine = False
 				End If
 				'If PT1 not defined, use default value (0)
-				If PT1set Then
-					LPT1.Add(CSng(line(3)))
+				If pt1Set Then
+					_pt1List.Add(CSng(line(3)))
-					LPT1.Add(0)
+					_pt1List.Add(0)
 				End If
 				'Line-counter up (was reset in ResetMe)
-				iDim += 1
+				lineCount += 1
 		Catch ex As Exception
-			If ShowMsg Then _
-				WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & iDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc, sFilePath)
+			If showMsg Then _
+				WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & lineCount + 1 & " (" & FilePath & ")", msgSrc,
+						FilePath)
 			GoTo lbEr
 		End Try
@@ -193,29 +154,32 @@ lbEr:
 	''' <param name="nU">engine speed [1/min]</param>
 	''' <returns>stationary full load power [kW]</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function Pfull(ByVal nU As Single) As Single
+	Public Function Pfull(nU As Single) As Single
 		Dim i As Int32
 		'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
-		If LnU(0) >= nU Then
+		If EngineSpeedList(0) >= nU Then
 			'If LnU(0) > nU Then MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
 			i = 1
 			GoTo lbInt
 		End If
 		i = 0
-		Do While LnU(i) < nU And i < iDim
+		Do While EngineSpeedList(i) < nU And i < EngineSpeedList.Count - 1
 			i += 1
 		'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
-		If LnU(i) < nU Then
+		If EngineSpeedList(i) < nU Then
 			'MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
 		End If
-		Return nMtoPe(nU, (nU - LnU(i - 1)) * (LTq(i) - LTq(i - 1)) / (LnU(i) - LnU(i - 1)) + LTq(i - 1))
+		Return _
+			nMtoPe(nU,
+					(nU - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) * (MaxTorqueList(i) - MaxTorqueList(i - 1)) /
+					(EngineSpeedList(i) - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) + MaxTorqueList(i - 1))
 	End Function
 	''' <summary>
@@ -224,274 +188,154 @@ lbInt:
 	''' <param name="nU">engine speed [1/min]</param>
 	''' <returns>stationary full load torque [Nm]</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function Tq(ByVal nU As Single) As Single
+	Private Function Torque(ByVal nU As Single) As Single
 		Dim i As Int32
 		'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
-		If LnU(0) >= nU Then
+		If EngineSpeedList(0) >= nU Then
 			'If LnU(0) > nU Then MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
 			i = 1
 			GoTo lbInt
 		End If
 		i = 0
-		Do While LnU(i) < nU And i < iDim
+		Do While EngineSpeedList(i) < nU And i < EngineSpeedList.Count - 1
 			i += 1
 		'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
-		If LnU(i) < nU Then
+		If EngineSpeedList(i) < nU Then
 			'MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
 		End If
-		Return (nU - LnU(i - 1)) * (LTq(i) - LTq(i - 1)) / (LnU(i) - LnU(i - 1)) + LTq(i - 1)
-	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Calculates and returns Npref [1/min]. Speed at 51% torque/speed-integral between idling and N95h. Defined in Init.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <returns>Npref [1/min]</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function fNpref(ByVal Nidle As Single) As Single
-		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim Amax As Single
-		Dim N95h As Single
-		Dim n As Single
-		Dim T0 As Single
-		Dim dn As Single
-		Dim A As Single
-		Dim k As Single
-		dn = 0.001
-		N95h = fnUofPfull(0.95 * Pfull(fnUrated), False)
-		If N95h < 0 Then Return -1
-		Amax = Area(Nidle, N95h)
-		For i = 0 To iDim - 1
-			If Area(Nidle, LnU(i + 1)) > 0.51 * Amax Then
-				n = LnU(i)
-				T0 = LTq(i)
-				A = Area(Nidle, n)
-				k = (LTq(i + 1) - LTq(i)) / (LnU(i + 1) - LnU(i))
-				Do While A < 0.51 * Amax
-					n += dn
-					A += dn * (2 * T0 + k * dn) / 2
-				Loop
-				Exit For
-			End If
-		Next
-		Return n
+		Return _
+			(nU - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) * (MaxTorqueList(i) - MaxTorqueList(i - 1)) / (EngineSpeedList(i) - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) +
+			MaxTorqueList(i - 1)
 	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Calculates torque/speed-integral between two engine speed limits. Used for Npref.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="nFrom">lower engine speed limit [1/min]</param>
-	''' <param name="nTo">upper engine speed limit [1/min]</param>
-	''' <returns>torque/speed-integral between nFrom and nTo [Nm/min]</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private Function Area(ByVal nFrom As Single, ByVal nTo As Single) As Single
-		Dim A As Single
-		Dim i As Integer
-		A = 0
-		For i = 1 To iDim
-			If LnU(i - 1) >= nTo Then Exit For
-			If LnU(i - 1) >= nFrom Then
-				If LnU(i) <= nTo Then
-					'Add full segment
-					A += (LnU(i) - LnU(i - 1)) * (LTq(i) + LTq(i - 1)) / 2
-				Else
-					'Add segment till nTo
-					A += (nTo - LnU(i - 1)) * (Tq(nTo) + LTq(i - 1)) / 2
-				End If
-			Else
-				If LnU(i) > nFrom Then
-					'Add segment starting from nFrom
-					A += (LnU(i) - nFrom) * (LTq(i) + Tq(nFrom)) / 2
-				End If
-			End If
-		Next
-		Return A
-	End Function
+	'	''' <summary>
+	'	''' Calculates and returns Npref [1/min]. Speed at 51% torque/speed-integral between idling and N95h. Defined in Init.
+	'	''' </summary>
+	'	''' <returns>Npref [1/min]</returns>
+	'	''' <remarks></remarks>
+	'	Public Function fNpref(ByVal Nidle As Single) As Single
+	'		Dim i As Integer
+	'		Dim Amax As Single
+	'		Dim N95h As Single
+	'		Dim n As Single
+	'		Dim T0 As Single
+	'		Dim dn As Single
+	'		Dim A As Single
+	'		Dim k As Single
+	'
+	'
+	'		dn = 0.001
+	'
+	'		N95h = fnUofPfull(0.95 * Pfull(fnUrated), False)
+	'
+	'		If N95h < 0 Then Return -1
+	'
+	'		Amax = Area(Nidle, N95h)
+	'
+	'		For i = 0 To iDim - 1
+	'
+	'			If Area(Nidle, LnU(i + 1)) > 0.51 * Amax Then
+	'
+	'				n = LnU(i)
+	'				T0 = LTq(i)
+	'				A = Area(Nidle, n)
+	'
+	'				k = (LTq(i + 1) - LTq(i)) / (LnU(i + 1) - LnU(i))
+	'
+	'				Do While A < 0.51 * Amax
+	'					n += dn
+	'					A += dn * (2 * T0 + k * dn) / 2
+	'				Loop
+	'
+	'				Exit For
+	'
+	'			End If
+	'
+	'		Next
+	'
+	'		Return n
+	'	End Function
+	'	''' <summary>
+	'	''' Calculates torque/speed-integral between two engine speed limits. Used for Npref.
+	'	''' </summary>
+	'	''' <param name="nFrom">lower engine speed limit [1/min]</param>
+	'	''' <param name="nTo">upper engine speed limit [1/min]</param>
+	'	''' <returns>torque/speed-integral between nFrom and nTo [Nm/min]</returns>
+	'	''' <remarks></remarks>
+	'	Private Function Area(ByVal nFrom As Single, ByVal nTo As Single) As Single
+	'		Dim A As Single
+	'		Dim i As Integer
+	'
+	'
+	'		A = 0
+	'		For i = 1 To iDim
+	'
+	'			If LnU(i - 1) >= nTo Then Exit For
+	'
+	'			If LnU(i - 1) >= nFrom Then
+	'
+	'
+	'				If LnU(i) <= nTo Then
+	'
+	'					'Add full segment
+	'					A += (LnU(i) - LnU(i - 1)) * (LTq(i) + LTq(i - 1)) / 2
+	'
+	'				Else
+	'
+	'					'Add segment till nTo
+	'					A += (nTo - LnU(i - 1)) * (Tq(nTo) + LTq(i - 1)) / 2
+	'
+	'				End If
+	'
+	'			Else
+	'
+	'				If LnU(i) > nFrom Then
+	'
+	'					'Add segment starting from nFrom
+	'					A += (LnU(i) - nFrom) * (LTq(i) + Tq(nFrom)) / 2
+	'
+	'				End If
+	'
+	'			End If
+	'
+	'		Next
+	'
+	'		Return A
+	'	End Function
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Calculates and returns engine speed at maximum power [1/min]. 
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <returns>engine speed at maximum power [1/min]</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function fnUrated() As Single
-		Dim PeMax As Single
-		Dim nU As Single
-		Dim nUmax As Single
-		Dim nUrated As Single
-		Dim dnU As Single
-		Dim P As Single
-		dnU = 1
-		PeMax = 0
-		nU = LnU(0)
-		nUmax = LnU(iDim)
-		nUrated = nU
+	Public Function EngineRatedSpeed() As Single
+		Dim stepSize As Single = 1
+		Dim maxPower As Single = 0
+		Dim rpm As Single = EngineSpeedList(0)
+		Dim maxSpeed As Single = EngineSpeedList.Last()
+		Dim ratedSpeed As Single = rpm
-			P = nMtoPe(nU, Tq(nU))
-			If P > PeMax Then
-				PeMax = P
-				nUrated = nU
+			Dim power As Single = nMtoPe(rpm, Torque(rpm))
+			If power > maxPower Then
+				maxPower = power
+				ratedSpeed = rpm
 			End If
-			nU += dnU
-		Loop Until nU > nUmax
-		Return nUrated
-	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Calculates and returns lowest or highest engine speed at given full load power [1/min]. 
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="PeTarget">full load power [kW]</param>
-	''' <param name="FromLeft">True= lowest engine speed; False= highest engine speed</param>
-	''' <returns>lowest or highest engine speed at given full load power [1/min]</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function fnUofPfull(ByVal PeTarget As Single, ByVal FromLeft As Boolean) As Single
-		Dim Pe As Single
-		Dim LastPe As Single
-		Dim nU As Single
-		Dim nUmin As Single
-		Dim nUmax As Single
-		Dim nUtarget As Single
-		Dim dnU As Single
-		dnU = 1
-		nUmin = LnU(0)
-		nUmax = LnU(iDim)
-		If FromLeft Then
-			nU = nUmin
-			LastPe = nMtoPe(nU, Tq(nU))
-			nUtarget = nU
-			If LastPe > PeTarget Then Return -1
-			Do
-				Pe = nMtoPe(nU, Tq(nU))
-				If Pe > PeTarget Then
-					If Math.Abs(LastPe - PeTarget) < Math.Abs(Pe - PeTarget) Then
-						Return nU - dnU
-					Else
-						Return nU
-					End If
-				End If
-				LastPe = Pe
-				nU += dnU
-			Loop Until nU > nUmax
-		Else
-			nU = nUmax
-			LastPe = nMtoPe(nU, Tq(nU))
-			nUtarget = nU
-			If LastPe > PeTarget Then Return -1
-			Do
-				Pe = nMtoPe(nU, Tq(nU))
-				If Pe > PeTarget Then
-					If Math.Abs(LastPe - PeTarget) < Math.Abs(Pe - PeTarget) Then
-						Return nU + dnU
-					Else
-						Return nU
-					End If
-				End If
+			rpm += stepSize
+		Loop Until rpm > maxSpeed
-				LastPe = Pe
-				nU -= dnU
-			Loop Until nU < nUmin
-		End If
-		Return nUtarget
+		Return ratedSpeed
 	End Function
-	Public Function Init(ByVal Nidle As Single) As Boolean
-		Dim Pmax As Single
-		Dim MsgSrc As String
-		MsgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/Eng.Init"
-		Pmax = Pfull(fnUrated)
-		Nlo = fnUofPfull(0.55 * Pmax, True)
-		If Nlo < 0 Then
-			WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to calculate Nlo! Expand full load curve!", MsgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		N95h = fnUofPfull(0.95 * Pmax, False)
-		If N95h < 0 Then
-			WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to calculate N95h! Expand full load curve!", MsgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		N80h = fnUofPfull(0.8 * Pmax, False)
-		If N80h < 0 Then
-			WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to calculate N80h! Expand full load curve!", MsgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		Npref = fNpref(Nidle)
-		If Npref < 0 Then
-			WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to calculate Npref! Expand full load curve!", MsgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		Nhi = fnUofPfull(0.7 * Pmax, False)
-		If Nhi < 0 Then
-			WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to calculate Nhi! Expand full load curve!", MsgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		Return True
-	End Function
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Get or set Filepath before calling ReadFile
@@ -499,12 +343,5 @@ lbInt:
 	''' <value></value>
 	''' <returns>Full filepath</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Property FilePath() As String
-		Get
-			Return sFilePath
-		End Get
-		Set(ByVal value As String)
-			sFilePath = value
-		End Set
-	End Property
+	Public Property FilePath As String
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb
index 2b1e55b2fc807bb8cbac798c8b7608c82f671044..2989b09df620a031459389f872ff907ebd0ff371 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb	
@@ -25,29 +25,24 @@ Public Class FuelconsumptionMap
 		_angularSpeedList = Nothing
 	End Sub
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal ShowMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Dim file As CsvFile
-		Dim line As String()
-		Dim nU As Double
-		Dim MsgSrc As String
+	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		MsgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/MAP"
+		Const msgSrc As String = "Main/ReadInp/MAP"
 		'Stop if there's no file
 		If _filePath = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(_filePath) Then
-			If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Map file not found! (" & _filePath & ")", MsgSrc)
+			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Map file not found! (" & _filePath & ")", msgSrc)
 			Return False
 		End If
 		'Open file
-		file = New CsvFile
+		Dim file As CsvFile = New CsvFile
 		If Not file.OpenRead(_filePath) Then
-			If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to open file (" & _filePath & ") !", MsgSrc)
+			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to open file (" & _filePath & ") !", msgSrc)
 			Return False
 		End If
@@ -65,15 +60,15 @@ Public Class FuelconsumptionMap
 			Do While Not file.EndOfFile
 				'Line read
-				line = file.ReadLine
+				Dim line As String() = file.ReadLine
 				'Line counter up (was reset in ResetMe)
 				lineCount += 1
-				nU = CDbl(line(0))
+				Dim rpm As Double = CDbl(line(0))
-				_angularSpeedList.Add(nU)
+				_angularSpeedList.Add(rpm)
@@ -82,7 +77,7 @@ Public Class FuelconsumptionMap
 				'Check sign
 				If CSng(line(2)) < 0 Then
-					If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "FC < 0 in map at " & nU & " [1/min], " & line(1) & " [Nm]", MsgSrc)
+					If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "FC < 0 in map at " & rpm & " [1/min], " & line(1) & " [Nm]", msgSrc)
 					Return False
 				End If
@@ -92,8 +87,8 @@ Public Class FuelconsumptionMap
 		Catch ex As Exception
-			If ShowMsg Then _
-				WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error during file read! Line number " & lineCount + 1 & " (" & _filePath & ")", MsgSrc,
+			If showMsg Then _
+				WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error during file read! Line number " & lineCount + 1 & " (" & _filePath & ")", msgSrc,
 			GoTo lbEr
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb
index 3f8bfd83ddcbe72786647dd6799db50e719b166e..bb60b420ba222a0e3eb19bb5c236f4559c5e57c5 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb	
@@ -25,12 +25,11 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 	Public GbxInertia As Single
 	Public TracIntrSi As Single
-	Public Igetr As List(Of Single)
-	Public GetrMaps As List(Of SubPath)
-	'Public IsTCgear As List(Of Boolean)
+	Public GearRatios As List(Of Single)
+	Public GearLossmaps As List(Of SubPath)
 	'Gear shift polygons
-	Public gs_files As List(Of SubPath)
+	Public GearshiftFiles As List(Of SubPath)
 	Public MaxTorque As List(Of String)
@@ -47,15 +46,15 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 	'Torque Converter Input
 	Public TorqueConverterEnabled As Boolean
 	Public TorqueConverterReferenceRpm As Single
-	Private ReadOnly TorqueConverterFile As New SubPath
+	Private ReadOnly _torqueConverterFile As New SubPath
 	Public TorqueConverterInertia As Single
+	Public TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile As String
 	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
 	Public UpshiftMinAcceleration As Single
 	Public DownshiftAfterUpshift As Single
 	Public UpshiftAfterDownshift As Single
-	Public TCshiftFile As String
 	Public Sub New()
@@ -70,9 +69,9 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		GbxInertia = 0
 		TracIntrSi = 0
-		Igetr = New List(Of Single)
-		GetrMaps = New List(Of SubPath)
-		gs_files = New List(Of SubPath)
+		GearRatios = New List(Of Single)
+		GearLossmaps = New List(Of SubPath)
+		GearshiftFiles = New List(Of SubPath)
 		MaxTorque = New List(Of String)
 		TorqueResv = 0
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		TorqueConverterEnabled = False
 		TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = 0
-		TorqueConverterFile.Clear()
+		_torqueConverterFile.Clear()
 		TorqueConverterInertia = 0
@@ -96,174 +95,171 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
 		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim JSON As New JSONParser
-		Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		Dim dic0 As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		Dim ls As List(Of Object)
+		Dim writer As New JSONParser
+		Dim content As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
-		dic.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
-		dic.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
-		dic.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		JSON.Content.Add("Header", dic)
+		content = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		content.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
+		content.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
+		content.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
+		content.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
+		writer.Content.Add("Header", content)
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		content = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
+		content.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
 		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-		dic.Add("ModelName", ModelName)
+		content.Add("ModelName", ModelName)
-		dic.Add("Inertia", GbxInertia)
-		dic.Add("TracInt", TracIntrSi)
+		content.Add("Inertia", GbxInertia)
+		content.Add("TracInt", TracIntrSi)
-		ls = New List(Of Object)
-		For i = 0 To Igetr.Count - 1
-			dic0 = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-			dic0.Add("Ratio", Igetr(i))
-			If IsNumeric(GetrMap(i, True)) Then
-				dic0.Add("Efficiency", GetrMaps(i).PathOrDummy)
+		Dim ls As New List(Of Object)
+		For i = 0 To GearRatios.Count - 1
+			Dim gearDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+			gearDict.Add("Ratio", GearRatios(i))
+			If IsNumeric(GearLossMap(i, True)) Then
+				gearDict.Add("Efficiency", GearLossmaps(i).PathOrDummy)
-				dic0.Add("LossMap", GetrMaps(i).PathOrDummy)
+				gearDict.Add("LossMap", GearLossmaps(i).PathOrDummy)
 			End If
 			If i > 0 Then
-				dic0.Add("ShiftPolygon", gs_files(i).PathOrDummy)
-				dic0.Add("MaxTorque", MaxTorque(i))
+				gearDict.Add("ShiftPolygon", GearshiftFiles(i).PathOrDummy)
+				gearDict.Add("MaxTorque", MaxTorque(i))
 			End If
-			ls.Add(dic0)
+			ls.Add(gearDict)
-		dic.Add("Gears", ls)
+		content.Add("Gears", ls)
-		dic.Add("TqReserve", TorqueResv)
-		dic.Add("SkipGears", SkipGears)
-		dic.Add("ShiftTime", ShiftTime)
-		dic.Add("EaryShiftUp", ShiftInside)
+		content.Add("TqReserve", TorqueResv)
+		content.Add("SkipGears", SkipGears)
+		content.Add("ShiftTime", ShiftTime)
+		content.Add("EaryShiftUp", ShiftInside)
-		dic.Add("StartTqReserve", TorqueResvStart)
-		dic.Add("StartSpeed", StartSpeed)
-		dic.Add("StartAcc", StartAcc)
+		content.Add("StartTqReserve", TorqueResvStart)
+		content.Add("StartSpeed", StartSpeed)
+		content.Add("StartAcc", StartAcc)
-		dic.Add("GearboxType", Type)
+		content.Add("GearboxType", Type)
-		dic0 = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic0.Add("Enabled", TorqueConverterEnabled)
-		dic0.Add("File", TorqueConverterFile.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("RefRPM", TorqueConverterReferenceRpm)
-		dic0.Add("Inertia", TorqueConverterInertia)
-		dic0.Add("ShiftPolygon", TCshiftFile)
-		dic.Add("TorqueConverter", dic0)
+		Dim torqueConverterDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		torqueConverterDict.Add("Enabled", TorqueConverterEnabled)
+		torqueConverterDict.Add("File", _torqueConverterFile.PathOrDummy)
+		torqueConverterDict.Add("RefRPM", TorqueConverterReferenceRpm)
+		torqueConverterDict.Add("Inertia", TorqueConverterInertia)
+		torqueConverterDict.Add("ShiftPolygon", TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile)
+		content.Add("TorqueConverter", torqueConverterDict)
-		dic.Add("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay", DownshiftAfterUpshift)
-		dic.Add("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay", UpshiftAfterDownshift)
-		dic.Add("UpshiftMinAcceleration", UpshiftMinAcceleration)
+		content.Add("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay", DownshiftAfterUpshift)
+		content.Add("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay", UpshiftAfterDownshift)
+		content.Add("UpshiftMinAcceleration", UpshiftMinAcceleration)
-		JSON.Content.Add("Body", dic)
+		writer.Content.Add("Body", content)
-		Return JSON.WriteFile(_filePath)
+		Return writer.WriteFile(_filePath)
 	End Function
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal ShowMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
+	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
 		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim MsgSrc As String
-		Dim JSON As New JSONParser
+		Dim parser As New JSONParser
 		Dim dic As Object
-		MsgSrc = "GBX/ReadFile"
+		Const msgSrc As String = "GBX/ReadFile"
-		If Not JSON.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
+		If Not parser.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
-			_fileVersion = JSON.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
+			_fileVersion = parser.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
 			If _fileVersion > 3 Then
-				SavedInDeclMode = JSON.Content("Body")("SavedInDeclMode")
+				SavedInDeclMode = parser.Content("Body")("SavedInDeclMode")
 				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
 			End If
-			ModelName = JSON.Content("Body")("ModelName")
-			GbxInertia = JSON.Content("Body")("Inertia")
-			TracIntrSi = JSON.Content("Body")("TracInt")
+			ModelName = parser.Content("Body")("ModelName")
+			GbxInertia = parser.Content("Body")("Inertia")
+			TracIntrSi = parser.Content("Body")("TracInt")
 			i = -1
-			For Each dic In JSON.Content("Body")("Gears")
+			For Each dic In parser.Content("Body")("Gears")
 				i += 1
-				Igetr.Add(dic("Ratio"))
-				GetrMaps.Add(New SubPath)
+				GearRatios.Add(dic("Ratio"))
+				GearLossmaps.Add(New SubPath)
 				If dic("Efficiency") Is Nothing Then
-					GetrMaps(i).Init(_myPath, dic("LossMap"))
+					GearLossmaps(i).Init(_myPath, dic("LossMap"))
-					GetrMaps(i).Init(_myPath, dic("Efficiency"))
+					GearLossmaps(i).Init(_myPath, dic("Efficiency"))
 				End If
-				gs_files.Add(New SubPath)
+				GearshiftFiles.Add(New SubPath)
 				If i = 0 Then
-					gs_files(i).Init(_myPath, sKey.NoFile)
+					GearshiftFiles(i).Init(_myPath, sKey.NoFile)
 					If _fileVersion < 2 Then
-						gs_files(i).Init(_myPath, JSON.Content("Body")("ShiftPolygons"))
+						GearshiftFiles(i).Init(_myPath, parser.Content("Body")("ShiftPolygons"))
-						gs_files(i).Init(_myPath, dic("ShiftPolygon"))
+						GearshiftFiles(i).Init(_myPath, dic("ShiftPolygon"))
 					End If
 				End If
-			TorqueResv = JSON.Content("Body")("TqReserve")
-			SkipGears = JSON.Content("Body")("SkipGears")
-			ShiftTime = JSON.Content("Body")("ShiftTime")
-			TorqueResvStart = JSON.Content("Body")("StartTqReserve")
-			StartSpeed = JSON.Content("Body")("StartSpeed")
-			StartAcc = JSON.Content("Body")("StartAcc")
-			ShiftInside = JSON.Content("Body")("EaryShiftUp")
+			TorqueResv = parser.Content("Body")("TqReserve")
+			SkipGears = parser.Content("Body")("SkipGears")
+			ShiftTime = parser.Content("Body")("ShiftTime")
+			TorqueResvStart = parser.Content("Body")("StartTqReserve")
+			StartSpeed = parser.Content("Body")("StartSpeed")
+			StartAcc = parser.Content("Body")("StartAcc")
+			ShiftInside = parser.Content("Body")("EaryShiftUp")
-			Type = JSON.Content("Body")("GearboxType").ToString.ParseEnum(Of GearboxType)()
+			Type = parser.Content("Body")("GearboxType").ToString.ParseEnum(Of GearboxType)()
-			If JSON.Content("Body")("UpshiftMinAcceleration") Is Nothing Then
+			If parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftMinAcceleration") Is Nothing Then
 				UpshiftMinAcceleration = 0.1
-				UpshiftMinAcceleration = JSON.Content("Body")("UpshiftMinAcceleration")
+				UpshiftMinAcceleration = parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftMinAcceleration")
 			End If
-			If JSON.Content("Body")("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay") Is Nothing Then
+			If parser.Content("Body")("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay") Is Nothing Then
 				DownshiftAfterUpshift = 10
-				DownshiftAfterUpshift = JSON.Content("Body")("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay")
+				DownshiftAfterUpshift = parser.Content("Body")("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay")
 			End If
-			If JSON.Content("Body")("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay") Is Nothing Then
+			If parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay") Is Nothing Then
 				UpshiftAfterDownshift = 10
-				UpshiftAfterDownshift = JSON.Content("Body")("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay")
+				UpshiftAfterDownshift = parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay")
 			End If
-			If JSON.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter") Is Nothing Then
+			If parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter") Is Nothing Then
 				TorqueConverterEnabled = False
-				TorqueConverterEnabled = JSON.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("Enabled")
-				TorqueConverterFile.Init(_myPath, JSON.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("File"))
-				TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = JSON.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("RefRPM")
+				TorqueConverterEnabled = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("Enabled")
+				_torqueConverterFile.Init(_myPath, parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("File"))
+				TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("RefRPM")
 				If _fileVersion > 2 Then
-					TorqueConverterInertia = JSON.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("Inertia")
+					TorqueConverterInertia = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("Inertia")
 				End If
 				If _fileVersion > 5 Then
-					TCshiftFile = JSON.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("ShiftPolygon")
+					TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("ShiftPolygon")
 				End If
 			End If
 		Catch ex As Exception
-			If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, MsgSrc)
+			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, msgSrc)
 			Return False
 		End Try
@@ -272,7 +268,7 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 	Public Function GearCount() As Integer
-		Return Igetr.Count - 1
+		Return GearRatios.Count - 1
 	End Function
@@ -290,42 +286,43 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property GetrMap(ByVal x As Short, Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property GearLossMap(ByVal gearNr As Short, Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If Original Then
-				Return GetrMaps(x).OriginalPath
+				Return GearLossmaps(gearNr).OriginalPath
-				Return GetrMaps(x).FullPath
+				Return GearLossmaps(gearNr).FullPath
 			End If
 		End Get
 		Set(ByVal value As String)
-			GetrMaps(x).Init(_myPath, value)
+			GearLossmaps(gearNr).Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property gsFile(ByVal x As Short, Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property ShiftPolygonFile(ByVal gearNr As Short, Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-			If Original Then
-				Return gs_files(x).OriginalPath
+			If original Then
+				Return GearshiftFiles(gearNr).OriginalPath
-				Return gs_files(x).FullPath
+				Return GearshiftFiles(gearNr).FullPath
 			End If
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String)
-			gs_files(x).Init(_myPath, value)
+			GearshiftFiles(gearNr).Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property TCfile(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property TorqueConverterFile(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If Original Then
-				Return TorqueConverterFile.OriginalPath
+				Return _torqueConverterFile.OriginalPath
-				Return TorqueConverterFile.FullPath
+				Return _torqueConverterFile.FullPath
 			End If
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String)
-			TorqueConverterFile.Init(_myPath, value)
+			_torqueConverterFile.Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb
index bac43a76bbd47b97698c55e5f4f40bf016bb3c0a..d67674d414a9a33dda0ec4f4e5887c29f305e5e1 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	Private _myPath As String
 	'Input parameters
-	Private ReadOnly _stPathVeh As SubPath
-	Private ReadOnly _stPathEng As SubPath
-	Private ReadOnly _stPathGbx As SubPath
+	Private ReadOnly _vehicleFile As SubPath
+	Private ReadOnly _engineFile As SubPath
+	Private ReadOnly _gearboxFile As SubPath
-	Private _boStartStop As Boolean
-	Private _siStStV As Single
-	Private _siStStT As Single
-	Public StStDelay As Integer
+	Private _startStop As Boolean
+	Private _startStopMaxSpeed As Single
+	Private _startStopMinTime As Single
+	Public StartStopDelay As Integer
 	Private ReadOnly _driverAccelerationFile As SubPath
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	Public ReadOnly CycleFiles As List(Of SubPath)
-	Public EngOnly As Boolean
+	Public EngineOnly As Boolean
 	Public VMin As Single
 	Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		_myPath = ""
 		_sFilePath = ""
-		_stPathVeh = New SubPath
-		_stPathEng = New SubPath
-		_stPathGbx = New SubPath
+		_vehicleFile = New SubPath
+		_engineFile = New SubPath
+		_gearboxFile = New SubPath
 		_driverAccelerationFile = New SubPath
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
 		'Main Files
-		dic0.Add("VehicleFile", _stPathVeh.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("EngineFile", _stPathEng.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("GearboxFile", _stPathGbx.PathOrDummy)
+		dic0.Add("VehicleFile", _vehicleFile.PathOrDummy)
+		dic0.Add("EngineFile", _engineFile.PathOrDummy)
+		dic0.Add("GearboxFile", _gearboxFile.PathOrDummy)
 		If CycleFiles.Count > 0 Then
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		End If
 		dic0.Add("VACC", _driverAccelerationFile.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("EngineOnlyMode", EngOnly)
+		dic0.Add("EngineOnlyMode", EngineOnly)
 		dic0.Add("StartStop", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-					{"Enabled", _boStartStop},
-					{"MaxSpeed", _siStStV},
-					{"MinTime", _siStStT},
-					{"Delay", StStDelay}})
+					{"Enabled", _startStop},
+					{"MaxSpeed", _startStopMaxSpeed},
+					{"MinTime", _startStopMinTime},
+					{"Delay", StartStopDelay}})
 		dic0.Add("LAC", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 					{"Enabled", LookAheadOn},
 					{"PreviewDistanceFactor", LacPreviewFactor},
@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 			End If
 			If Not body("VehicleFile") Is Nothing Then _
-				_stPathVeh.Init(_myPath, body("VehicleFile"))
+				_vehicleFile.Init(_myPath, body("VehicleFile"))
-			_stPathEng.Init(_myPath, body("EngineFile"))
+			_engineFile.Init(_myPath, body("EngineFile"))
 			If Not body("GearboxFile") Is Nothing Then _
-				_stPathGbx.Init(_myPath, body("GearboxFile"))
+				_gearboxFile.Init(_myPath, body("GearboxFile"))
 			If Not body("Cycles") Is Nothing Then
 				For Each str As String In body("Cycles")
@@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 								auxEntry.TechStr = "Standard technology - LED headlights, all"
 							End If
-							WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal, "Aux: Automatically Upgraded Electric System to new format: '" + auxEntry.TechStr + "'",
+							WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal,
+									"Aux: Automatically Upgraded Electric System to new format: '" + auxEntry.TechStr + "'",
 						End If
 					End If
@@ -294,16 +295,16 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 				_driverAccelerationFile.Init(_myPath, body("VACC"))
 			End If
-			EngOnly = body("EngineOnlyMode")
+			EngineOnly = body("EngineOnlyMode")
 			If Not body("StartStop") Is Nothing Then
 				Dim dic = body("StartStop")
-				_boStartStop = dic("Enabled")
-				_siStStV = dic("MaxSpeed")
-				_siStStT = dic("MinTime")
-				StStDelay = dic("Delay")
+				_startStop = dic("Enabled")
+				_startStopMaxSpeed = dic("MaxSpeed")
+				_startStopMinTime = dic("MinTime")
+				StartStopDelay = dic("Delay")
-				_boStartStop = False
+				_startStop = False
 			End If
 			If Not body("LAC") Is Nothing Then
@@ -335,7 +336,8 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 						EcoRollOn = False
 					Case Else
-						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Value '" & dic("Mode").ToString() & "' is not valid for OverSpeedEcoRoll/Mode!", msgSrc)
+						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Value '" & dic("Mode").ToString() & "' is not valid for OverSpeedEcoRoll/Mode!",
+								msgSrc)
 						Return False
 				End Select
@@ -365,20 +367,20 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = String.Empty
-		_boStartStop = False
-		_siStStV = 5
-		_siStStT = 5
-		StStDelay = 0
+		_startStop = False
+		_startStopMaxSpeed = 5
+		_startStopMinTime = 5
+		StartStopDelay = 0
-		_stPathVeh.Clear()
-		_stPathEng.Clear()
+		_vehicleFile.Clear()
+		_engineFile.Clear()
-		_stPathGbx.Clear()
+		_gearboxFile.Clear()
-		EngOnly = False
+		EngineOnly = False
 		VMin = 0
 		LookAheadOn = True
@@ -414,67 +416,67 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	Public Property PathVeh(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If original Then
-				Return _stPathVeh.OriginalPath
+				Return _vehicleFile.OriginalPath
-				Return _stPathVeh.FullPath
+				Return _vehicleFile.FullPath
 			End If
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String)
-			_stPathVeh.Init(_myPath, value)
+			_vehicleFile.Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
 	Public Property PathEng(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If original Then
-				Return _stPathEng.OriginalPath
+				Return _engineFile.OriginalPath
-				Return _stPathEng.FullPath
+				Return _engineFile.FullPath
 			End If
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String)
-			_stPathEng.Init(_myPath, value)
+			_engineFile.Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
 	Public Property PathGbx(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If original Then
-				Return _stPathGbx.OriginalPath
+				Return _gearboxFile.OriginalPath
-				Return _stPathGbx.FullPath
+				Return _gearboxFile.FullPath
 			End If
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String)
-			_stPathGbx.Init(_myPath, value)
+			_gearboxFile.Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
 	Public Property StartStop As Boolean
-			Return _boStartStop
+			Return _startStop
 		End Get
 		Set(value As Boolean)
-			_boStartStop = value
+			_startStop = value
 		End Set
 	End Property
 	Public Property StStV As Single
-			Return _siStStV
+			Return _startStopMaxSpeed
 		End Get
 		Set(value As Single)
-			_siStStV = value
+			_startStopMaxSpeed = value
 		End Set
 	End Property
 	Public Property StStT As Single
-			Return _siStStT
+			Return _startStopMinTime
 		End Get
 		Set(value As Single)
-			_siStStT = value
+			_startStopMinTime = value
 		End Set
 	End Property
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb
index 236bf0dd6b5ccd5b614772be5541cc2a7dbe4886..c4c9b04062eaf967fac3ef73ff71dba1b1eb62aa 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb	
@@ -21,39 +21,34 @@ Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 Public Class Vehicle
 	'V2 MassMax is now saved in [t] instead of [kg]
 	Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 7
-	Private FileVersion As Short
+	Private _fileVersion As Short
-	Private sFilePath As String
-	Private MyPath As String
+	Private _filePath As String
+	Private _path As String
 	Public Mass As Single
 	Public Loading As Single
 	Public CdA0 As Single
-	Public CdMode As CrossWindCorrectionMode
-	Public ReadOnly CdFile As SubPath
-	Private ReadOnly CdX As List(Of Single)
-	Private ReadOnly CdY As List(Of Single)
+	Public CrossWindCorrectionMode As CrossWindCorrectionMode
+	Public ReadOnly CrossWindCorrectionFile As SubPath
+	Public RetarderType As RetarderType
+	Public RetarderRatio As Single = 0
+	Public ReadOnly RetarderLossMapFile As SubPath
-	Public RtType As RetarderType 'tRtType '0=None, 1=Primary, 2=Secondary
-	Public RtRatio As Single = 0
-	Public ReadOnly RtFile As SubPath
-	Private ReadOnly RtnU As List(Of Single)
-	Private ReadOnly RtM As List(Of Single)
-	Public rdyn As Single
+	Public DynamicTyreRadius As Single
 	Public ReadOnly Axles As List(Of Axle)
-	Public VehCat As VehicleCategory
+	Public VehicleCategory As VehicleCategory
 	Public MassExtra As Single
 	Public MassMax As Single
-	Public AxleConf As AxleConfiguration
+	Public AxleConfiguration As AxleConfiguration
 	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
-	Public AngularGearType As AngularGearType '0=None, 1=Separate, 2=Included
+	Public AngularGearType As AngularGearType
 	Public AngularGearRatio As Single
 	Public ReadOnly AngularGearLossMapFile As SubPath
@@ -69,15 +64,13 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 	Public Sub New()
-		MyPath = ""
-		sFilePath = ""
-		CdFile = New SubPath
-		CdX = New List(Of Single)
-		CdY = New List(Of Single)
-		RtFile = New SubPath
+		_path = ""
+		_filePath = ""
+		CrossWindCorrectionFile = New SubPath
+		RetarderLossMapFile = New SubPath
 		AngularGearLossMapFile = New SubPath()
-		RtnU = New List(Of Single)
-		RtM = New List(Of Single)
 		Axles = New List(Of Axle)
 	End Sub
@@ -89,18 +82,14 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		CdA0 = 0
 		'		CdA0Act = CdA0
 		'		CdA02 = 0
-		CdFile.Clear()
-		CdMode = CrossWindCorrectionMode.NoCorrection
-		CdX.Clear()
-		CdY.Clear()
-		rdyn = 0
-		RtType = RetarderType.None
-		RtRatio = 1
-		RtnU.Clear()
-		RtM.Clear()
-		RtFile.Clear()
+		CrossWindCorrectionFile.Clear()
+		CrossWindCorrectionMode = CrossWindCorrectionMode.NoCorrection
+		DynamicTyreRadius = 0
+		RetarderType = RetarderType.None
+		RetarderRatio = 1
+		RetarderLossMapFile.Clear()
 		AngularGearType = AngularGearType.None
@@ -108,9 +97,9 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		AngularGearRatio = 1
-		VehCat = VehicleCategory.RigidTruck	'tVehCat.Undef
+		VehicleCategory = VehicleCategory.RigidTruck	'tVehCat.Undef
 		MassMax = 0
-		AxleConf = AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_4x2	 'tAxleConf.Undef
+		AxleConfiguration = AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_4x2	 'tAxleConf.Undef
 		SavedInDeclMode = False
 	End Sub
@@ -120,14 +109,14 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		Dim json As New JSONParser
-		If Not json.ReadFile(sFilePath) Then Return False
+		If Not json.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
 			Dim header = json.Content("Header")
 			Dim body = json.Content("Body")
-			FileVersion = header("FileVersion")
-			If FileVersion > 4 Then
+			_fileVersion = header("FileVersion")
+			If _fileVersion > 4 Then
 				SavedInDeclMode = body("SavedInDeclMode")
 				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
@@ -136,16 +125,16 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 			Mass = body("CurbWeight")
 			MassExtra = body("CurbWeightExtra")
 			Loading = body("Loading")
-			VehCat = body("VehCat").ToString.ParseEnum(Of VehicleCategory)() 'ConvVehCat(body("VehCat").ToString)
-			AxleConf = AxleConfigurationHelper.Parse(body("AxleConfig")("Type").ToString)
-			If FileVersion < 2 Then
+			VehicleCategory = body("VehCat").ToString.ParseEnum(Of VehicleCategory)() 'ConvVehCat(body("VehCat").ToString)
+			AxleConfiguration = AxleConfigurationHelper.Parse(body("AxleConfig")("Type").ToString)
+			If _fileVersion < 2 Then
 				'convert kg to ton
 				MassMax /= 1000
 				MassMax = body("MassMax")
 			End If
-			If FileVersion < 7 Then
+			If _fileVersion < 7 Then
 				'calc CdA from Cd and area value
 				CdA0 = CSng(body("Cd")) * CSng(body("CrossSecArea"))
@@ -154,20 +143,20 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 			'CdA02 = CdA0
-			CdMode = CrossWindCorrectionModeHelper.Parse(body("CdCorrMode").ToString)
+			CrossWindCorrectionMode = CrossWindCorrectionModeHelper.Parse(body("CdCorrMode").ToString)
 			If Not body("CdCorrFile") Is Nothing Then
-				CdFile.Init(MyPath, body("CdCorrFile"))
+				CrossWindCorrectionFile.Init(_path, body("CdCorrFile"))
 			End If
 			If body("Retarder") Is Nothing Then
-				RtType = RetarderType.None
+				RetarderType = RetarderType.None
-				RtType = RetarderTypeHelper.Parse(body("Retarder")("Type").ToString)
+				RetarderType = RetarderTypeHelper.Parse(body("Retarder")("Type").ToString)
 				If Not body("Retarder")("Ratio") Is Nothing Then
-					RtRatio = body("Retarder")("Ratio")
+					RetarderRatio = body("Retarder")("Ratio")
 				End If
 				If Not body("Retarder")("File") Is Nothing Then
-					RtFile.Init(MyPath, body("Retarder")("File"))
+					RetarderLossMapFile.Init(_path, body("Retarder")("File"))
 				End If
 			End If
@@ -179,16 +168,16 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 					AngularGearRatio = body("AngularGear")("Ratio")
 				End If
 				If Not body("AngularGear")("LossMap") Is Nothing Then
-					AngularGearLossMapFile.Init(MyPath, body("AngularGear")("LossMap"))
+					AngularGearLossMapFile.Init(_path, body("AngularGear")("LossMap"))
 				End If
 			End If
 			Dim inertiaTemp As Single
-			If FileVersion < 3 Then
+			If _fileVersion < 3 Then
 				inertiaTemp = body("WheelsInertia")
-				rdyn = 1000 * body("WheelsDiaEff") / 2
+				DynamicTyreRadius = 1000 * body("WheelsDiaEff") / 2
-				rdyn = body("rdyn")
+				DynamicTyreRadius = body("rdyn")
 			End If
 			Dim axleCount = body("AxleConfig")("Axles").Count()
@@ -199,7 +188,7 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 						.RRC = CSng(axleEntry("RRCISO")),
 						.FzISO = CSng(axleEntry("FzISO"))}
-				If FileVersion < 3 Then
+				If _fileVersion < 3 Then
 					axle.Wheels = "-"
 					axle.Inertia = inertiaTemp / (IIf(axle.TwinTire, 4, 2) * axleCount)
@@ -232,25 +221,25 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 			{"SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode},
-			{"VehCat", VehCat.ToString()},
+			{"VehCat", VehicleCategory.ToString()},
 			{"CurbWeight", Mass},
 			{"CurbWeightExtra", MassExtra},
 			{"Loading", Loading},
 			{"MassMax", MassMax},
 			{"CdA", CdA0},
-			{"rdyn", rdyn},
-			{"CdCorrMode", CdMode.GetName()},
-			{"CdCorrFile", CdFile.PathOrDummy},
+			{"rdyn", DynamicTyreRadius},
+			{"CdCorrMode", CrossWindCorrectionMode.GetName()},
+			{"CdCorrFile", CrossWindCorrectionFile.PathOrDummy},
 			{"Retarder", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-				{"Type", RtType.GetName()},
-				{"Ratio", RtRatio},
-				{"File", RtFile.PathOrDummy}}},
+				{"Type", RetarderType.GetName()},
+				{"Ratio", RetarderRatio},
+				{"File", RetarderLossMapFile.PathOrDummy}}},
 			{"AngularGear", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 				{"Type", AngularGearType.ToString()},
 				{"Ratio", AngularGearRatio},
 				{"LossMap", AngularGearLossMapFile.PathOrDummy}}},
 			{"AxleConfig", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-				{"Type", AxleConf.GetName()},
+				{"Type", AxleConfiguration.GetName()},
 				{"Axles", (From axle In Axles Select New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 					{"Inertia", axle.Inertia},
 					{"Wheels", axle.Wheels},
@@ -261,7 +250,7 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		json.Content.Add("Body", dic)
-		Return json.WriteFile(sFilePath)
+		Return json.WriteFile(_filePath)
 	End Function
@@ -270,14 +259,14 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 	Public Property FilePath() As String
-			Return sFilePath
+			Return _filePath
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String)
-			sFilePath = value
-			If sFilePath = "" Then
-				MyPath = ""
+			_filePath = value
+			If _filePath = "" Then
+				_path = ""
-				MyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sFilePath) & "\"
+				_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(_filePath) & "\"
 			End If
 		End Set
 	End Property
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cAdvancedAuxiliary.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cAdvancedAuxiliary.vb
index c38fb317a0e433eb2a4cc060302f1a80ad30dd9b..f2d123221e28ec1d646ec0f6fef8b1030106ebb1 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cAdvancedAuxiliary.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cAdvancedAuxiliary.vb	
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ Public Class cAdvancedAuxiliary
 		_AssemblyName = "CLASSIC"
 	End Sub
-	Public Sub New(AuxiliaryName As String, AuxiliaryVersion As String, FileName As String, AssemblyName As String)
+	Public Sub New(auxiliaryName As String, auxiliaryVersion As String, fileName As String, assemblyName As String)
-		_AuxiliaryName = AuxiliaryName
-		_AuxiliaryVersion = AuxiliaryVersion
-		_FileName = FileName
-		_AssemblyName = AssemblyName
+		_auxiliaryName = auxiliaryName
+		_auxiliaryVersion = auxiliaryVersion
+		_fileName = fileName
+		_assemblyName = assemblyName
 	End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/MainModule.vb b/VECTO/MainModule.vb
index 7ffac9567ecb55b109190e9b04a4efcf6a8afa10..8796e1298553b7520b48b49a300fcbc98ab9a69b 100644
--- a/VECTO/MainModule.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MainModule.vb
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ Module MainModule
 		Dim retVal As CombustionEngineData = New CombustionEngineData()
 		retVal.FullLoadCurve = New TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine.EngineFullLoadCurve()
 		retVal.FullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries = New List(Of FullLoadCurve.FullLoadCurveEntry)
-		For i As Integer = 0 To fld.LnU.Count - 1
+		For i As Integer = 0 To fld.EngineSpeedList.Count - 1
 				New FullLoadCurve.FullLoadCurveEntry() _
-														With {.EngineSpeed = CType(fld.LnU(i), Double).RPMtoRad(),
-														.TorqueFullLoad = CType(fld.LTq(i), Double).SI(Of NewtonMeter)(),
-														.TorqueDrag = CType(fld.LTqDrag(i), Double).SI(Of NewtonMeter)()})
+														With {.EngineSpeed = CType(fld.EngineSpeedList(i), Double).RPMtoRad(),
+														.TorqueFullLoad = CType(fld.MaxTorqueList(i), Double).SI(Of NewtonMeter)(),
+														.TorqueDrag = CType(fld.DragTorqueList(i), Double).SI(Of NewtonMeter)()})
 		retVal.IdleSpeed = CType(nIdle, Double).RPMtoRad()