diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/README.md b/Tools/AuxMerge/README.md
index 071ebb833a8aee43673233c556444fdbeb73de72..a8eaf87de150f2d2fdf43d6353dc7eb0f3630b7d 100644
--- a/Tools/AuxMerge/README.md
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/README.md
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 The merging of VECTO-AUX <--> VECTO-Core has happenned in these stages:
-1. Identify fork-point in VECTO-code's history 
-   (see `git-rewrite.sh`): 
-	   milistone/2.0.4-beta 
+1. Identify fork-point in VECTO-code's history
+   (see `git-rewrite.sh`):
-2. FIXUP VECT-AUX sources to be similar to the above VECTO-core sources 
+        milestone/2.0.4-beta
+2. FIXUP VECT-AUX sources to be similar to the above VECTO-core sources
    (see `git-rewrite.sh`).
@@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ The merging of VECTO-AUX <--> VECTO-Core has happenned in these stages:
 5. Append these tools into sources.
-6. NEXT steps: 
+6. NEXT steps:
    - Await Ricardo's fixes (TCs failing, aux-model discrepancy).
    - Merge with later milestones, till latest 2.2.
+- The `del*.sh` files are utilities for other remotes,
+  to delete refs now abandoned (not complete).
 That's it.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/Ricardo-FilelList-jrc-rebase_on_tug-2.0.4-beta.txt b/Tools/AuxMerge/Ricardo-FilelList-jrc-rebase_on_tug-2.0.4-beta.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b8118daa65149dec1fbd1061ef2268a811d81e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/Ricardo-FilelList-jrc-rebase_on_tug-2.0.4-beta.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/Ricardo-FilelList-root_vecto-mv_aux.tree_filter.sh.txt b/Tools/AuxMerge/Ricardo-FilelList-root_vecto-mv_aux.tree_filter.sh.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc92459952af2edab9db8a07048b62bfc436fec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tools/AuxMerge/Ricardo-FilelList-root_vecto-mv_aux.tree_filter.sh.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-./vecto-aux/AUXUITEST/My Project
-./vecto-aux/Launch/My Project
-./vecto-aux/VectoAuxiliaries/My Project
-./vecto-aux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/My Project
-./vecto-sim/AdvancedAuxiliaryInterfaces/My Project
-./vecto-sim/AuxillaryTestHarness/My Project
-./vecto-sim/AuxillaryTestHarness/My Project/DataSources
-./vecto-sim/Developer Guide
-./vecto-sim/HVACTOOL/My Project
-./vecto-sim/Third Party Libraries
-./vecto-sim/Third Party Libraries/itextsharp
-./vecto-sim/Tools/Ricardo/PersistanceTB/Persistance/My Project
-./vecto-sim/Tools/Ricardo/PersistanceTB/PersistanceUnitTesting/My Project
-./vecto-sim/User Manual
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/AAux
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/AAux/Pics
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/fileformat
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/fileformat/pics
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/general
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/general/pics
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/GUI
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/GUI/GUI_Calls
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/GUI/pics
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/GUI/pics/VECTO
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/GUI/VECTO-Editor_files
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/main
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/pics
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/pics/icons
-./vecto-sim/User Manual/pics/misc
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/File Browser
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Input Files
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/My Project
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Declaration
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Declaration/MissionCycles
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Declaration/Reports
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Declaration/VACC
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Declaration/VAUX
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Declaration/VCDV
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles/Declaration Mode
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles/Declaration Mode/12t Delivery Truck
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles/Declaration Mode/40t Long Haul Truck
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles/Engineering Mode
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles/Engineering Mode/12t Delivery Truck
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/Generic Vehicles/Engineering Mode/24t Coach
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/AAux
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/AAux/Pics
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/fileformat
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/fileformat/pics
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/general
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/general/pics
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/GUI
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/GUI/GUI_Calls
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/GUI/pics
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/GUI/pics/VECTO
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/GUI/VECTO-Editor_files
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/main
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/pics
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/pics/icons
-./vecto-sim/VECTO/Release Files/User Manual/pics/misc
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/cleanup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh b/Tools/AuxMerge/cleanup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh
index fc7ae2b0aa2aa61eb7dcdca8bdb03780b6eb7721..51a751ef9b4e3553430b8f4dd664862874914f75 100644
--- a/Tools/AuxMerge/cleanup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/cleanup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ rm -rf "New Folder"
 rm -rf vecto-sim-ricardoaea
-if [ -d "Third Party Libraries" ]; then
-    mkdir -p packages
-    mv "Third Party Libraries/*" packages/.
+# if [ -d "Third Party Libraries" ]; then
+    # mkdir -p packages
+    # mv "Third Party Libraries/*" packages/.
+# fi
 ## /BuildProcessTemplates: Work-files needed once for commencing solution.
 # To be archived in /Tools.
@@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ if [ -d PersistanceTB ]; then
-## /VectoAuxiliaries: Development of `vecto-aux` started in this folder, 
+## /VectoAuxiliaries: Development of `VECTOAux` started in this folder, 
 #	and eventually Dana Nurse moved with 5d6fafd2e5532a@auxmerge/VectoAuxiliariesTB_begin
 #   on Tue Sep 16 13:25:00 2014 +0000: Created Branch.
+#   (But it continued to exist, as a relic).
 #     $ git show-ref --tags |grep VectoAuxiliaries
 #     5d6fafd2e5532ae6ae7554cb8d5375e313ac9be5 refs/tags/auxmerge/VectoAuxiliariesTB_begin
@@ -66,16 +67,33 @@ fi
 #     7ef3936 Added HnacMap tests
 #     538e211 First Check-In ready for working with new contractor
-# So attaching `VectoAuxiliaries` as predecessor of `vecto-aux`, 
+# So attaching `VectoAuxiliaries` as predecessor of `VECTOAux`, 
 # and ignore all later changes.
 # Specifically ignoring 96343b5 where Terry probably resurrected by mistake (temporarily) 
 # development in this folder.
-if [ -d VectoAuxiliaries -a  ! -d vecto-aux ]; then
-    mv VectoAuxiliaries vecto-aux
+if [ -d VectoAuxiliaries -a  ! -d VectoAuxiliaries-TB ]; then
+    mv VectoAuxiliaries VECTOAux
 rm -rf VectoAuxiliaries	
+## /VectoAuxiliaries-TB: The main AdvancedAUX UI and code
+# Rename it as `VECTOAux`.
+if [ -d VectoAuxiliaries-TB ]; then
+	mv VectoAuxiliaries-TB/ VECTOAux
+grep 'VectoAuxiliaries-TB' -rlZ * | xargs -r0I XXX sed 's/..\\VectoAuxiliaries-TB/VECTOAux/g' -i XXX
+## /vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB: VECTO-core modified by Ricardo
+# Move its contents to the root of the project.
+if [ -d vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB ]; then
+	rsync -ma vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB/  .
+    rm -rf vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB
+grep 'vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB' -rlZ * | xargs -r0I XXX sed 's/vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB\\//g' -i XXX
 ## Remove TeamFoundationServer bindings.
 rm -f **/*.vssscc **/*.vspscc
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/del_branches b/Tools/AuxMerge/del_branches
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26659862b146b233b42614954cf60ebf957c7ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/del_branches
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/del_tags b/Tools/AuxMerge/del_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..780b443efd587e03a012559ce9980e6365367e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/del_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/fixup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh b/Tools/AuxMerge/fixup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..994c56b11fe9fb7bc63f1e5880d6965a4d42c053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/fixup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# cleanup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh: 
+#	A git tree-filter bash-script(cygwin) preparing Ricardo's repo to merge with VECTO-2.0 repo (central).
+# It is used by the cmd::
+#		git filter-branch ${TMP_DIR:+-d $TMP_DIR} --prune-empty --tree-filter  "$PWD/cleanup_aux_history-tree_filter.sh" Current
+# Assumes a single repo having fetched branches from both repos:
+#	- ricardo: cb11c45@Current
+# by ankostis, 4-Dec-2015
+set -o  errexit
+shopt -s globstar
+## Remove TeamFoundationServer bindings.
+rm -f **/*.vssscc **/*.vspscc
+for f in `find . -name '*.sln'`; do 
+    res="`gawk '
+        START                                           {del=0}
+        /GlobalSection\(TeamFoundationVersionControl/   {del=1}
+        del != 1                                        {print $0}
+        /EndGlobalSection/                              {del=0}
+    ' $f`"
+    echo "$res" | unix2dos > $f
+## Remove compiled artifacts.
+find . -name bin -type d -print0|xargs -0 rm -rf
+## /New Folder: A short-lived experiment.
+# Completely discarded from history.
+rm -rf "New Folder"
+## /vecto-sim-ricardoaea: Original sources, never touched.
+# Completely discarded from history, to use originals.
+rm -rf vecto-sim-ricardoaea
+## WHY??
+# if [ -d "Third Party Libraries" ]; then
+    # mkdir -p packages
+    # mv "Third Party Libraries/*" packages/.
+# fi
+## /BuildProcessTemplates: Work-files needed once for commencing solution.
+# To be archived in /Tools.
+if [ -d BuildProcessTemplates ]; then
+	mkdir -p Tools/Ricardo
+	mv BuildProcessTemplates Tools/Ricardo/.
+## /PersistanceTB: Work-files needed once not sure why?
+# To be archived in /Tools.
+if [ -d PersistanceTB ]; then
+	mkdir -p Tools/Ricardo
+	mv PersistanceTB Tools/Ricardo/.
+## /VectoAuxiliaries: Development of `VECTOAux` started in this folder, 
+#	and eventually Dana Nurse moved with 5d6fafd2e5532a@auxmerge/VectoAuxiliariesTB_begin
+#   on Tue Sep 16 13:25:00 2014 +0000: Created Branch.
+#   (But it continued to exist, as a relic).
+#     $ git show-ref --tags |grep VectoAuxiliaries
+#     5d6fafd2e5532ae6ae7554cb8d5375e313ac9be5 refs/tags/auxmerge/VectoAuxiliariesTB_begin
+#     80fd13a4b739a4cd6f53cfc1689a4b6986c27ce7 refs/tags/auxmerge/VectoAuxiliaries_end
+#     538e211c6566ce7c4a1737fecef24b3112f3cb0c refs/tags/auxmerge/VectoAuxiliaries_begin
+#     $ git log  --oneline Current -- VectoAuxiliaries
+#     9192214 Remove TFS bindings
+#     96343b5 WIP
+#     121916b git-tfs-id: [http://tfs00.element.root.com:8080/tfs/TFSCollection]$/VECTO;C1608
+#     80fd13a Adding HVAC Tests
+#     ca9c088 git-tfs-id: [http://tfs00.element.root.com:8080/tfs/TFSCollection]$/VECTO;C1602
+#     93fe88c Started HVAC Load Demand Tests
+#     7ef3936 Added HnacMap tests
+#     538e211 First Check-In ready for working with new contractor
+# So attaching `VectoAuxiliaries` as predecessor of `VECTOAux`, 
+# and ignore all later changes.
+# Specifically ignoring 96343b5 where Terry probably resurrected by mistake (temporarily) 
+# development in this folder.
+if [ -d VectoAuxiliaries -a  ! -d VectoAuxiliaries-TB ]; then
+    mv VectoAuxiliaries VECTOAux
+rm -rf VectoAuxiliaries	
+## /VectoAuxiliaries-TB: The main AdvancedAUX UI and code
+# Rename it as `VECTOAux`.
+if [ -d VectoAuxiliaries-TB ]; then
+	mv VectoAuxiliaries-TB/ VECTOAux
+grep 'VectoAuxiliaries-TB' -rlZ * | xargs -r0I XXX sed 's/..\\VectoAuxiliaries-TB/VECTOAux/g' -i XXX
+## /vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB: VECTO-core modified by Ricardo
+# Move its contents to the root of the project.
+if [ -d vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB ]; then
+	rsync -ma vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB/  .
+    rm -rf vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB
+grep 'vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB' -rlZ * | xargs -r0I XXX sed 's/vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB\\//g' -i XXX
+## Ensure .gitignore
+if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then
+    cat > .gitignore << EOF
+## From github on 15/5/2014: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore
+## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
+## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
+# User-specific files
+# Build results
+# Roslyn cache directories
+# MSTest test Results
+# Build Results of an ATL Project
+# Chutzpah Test files
+# Visual C++ cache files
+# Visual Studio profiler
+# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
+# Guidance Automation Toolkit
+# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
+# JustCode is a .NET coding addin-in
+# TeamCity is a build add-in
+# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# NCrunch
+# MightyMoose
+# Web workbench (sass)
+# Installshield output folder
+# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
+# Click-Once directory
+# Publish Web Output
+## TODO: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your
+## web deploy settings but do note that will include unencrypted
+## passwords
+# NuGet Packages Directory
+## TODO: If the tool you use requires repositories.config
+## uncomment the next line
+# Enable "build/" folder in the NuGet Packages folder since
+# NuGet packages use it for MSBuild targets.
+# This line needs to be after the ignore of the build folder
+# (and the packages folder if the line above has been uncommented)
+# Windows Azure Build Output
+# Windows Store app package directory
+# Others
+# RIA/Silverlight projects
+# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
+# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
+# because we have git ;-)
+# SQL Server files
+# Business Intelligence projects
+# Microsoft Fakes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/git-rewrite.sh b/Tools/AuxMerge/git-rewrite.sh
index a6133eb3ac1e47799d078812b0017adb4557bd93..f633d02d89a72517b03358763ba46d8849fcdd2d 100644
--- a/Tools/AuxMerge/git-rewrite.sh
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/git-rewrite.sh
@@ -13,25 +13,89 @@ function mark_original_branches {
 	## Mark some important commits.
 	#	See rewrite_aux_history-tree_filter.sh
-	git tag auxmerge/VectoAuxiliariesTB_begin  5d6fafd2e553 -f \
+	git tag auxmerge/ric-VectoAuxiliariesTB_begin  5d6fafd2e553 -f \
         -m "Renaming of 'VectoAuxiliaries' --> 'VectoAuxiliariesTB'. "
-	git tag auxmerge/VectoAuxiliaries_end  80fd13a4b739 -f \
+	git tag auxmerge/ric-VectoAuxiliaries_end  80fd13a4b739 -f \
         -m "Last 'valid' modifications of precursor to 'VectoAuxiliariesTB' folder (without 'TB' suffix)."
-	git tag auxmerge/VectoAuxiliaries_begin  538e211c6566 -f \
+	git tag auxmerge/ric-VectoAuxiliaries_begin  538e211c6566 -f \
         -m "Initial commit of precursor to 'VectoAuxiliariesTB' folder (without 'TB' suffix)."
-	git tag auxmerge/RICARDO_ROOT  57393fe -f
+	git tag auxmerge/ric-RICARDO_ROOT  57393fe -f
         -m "First commit delivered by Ricardo."
-	git tag auxmerge/RICARDO_FORK  ab66a68b7333cd8 -f  \
-        -m "According to Dana@Ricardo email on 30/Apr/2015 they FORKed @2a006e6dacf5e7
-but JRC assumes they meant the next-one, not-merge commit:
-  ab66a68b7333cd8@milestone/2.0.4-beta.2
+    git tag auxmerge/ric-import_vecto_core 414ea89aac15312 -m 'The position where Ricardo first imported VECTO-core code (M2.0.41-beta2@ab66a68b7333cd86).'
+    git tag auxmerge/jrc_fixup-import_vecto_core 87627329528baf0770 -m 'The position where Ricardo first imported VECTO-core code (M2.0.41-beta2@ab66a68b7333cd86).'
+    git tag  auxmerge/ric-import_vecto_core_invalid1  273e72bd626b1 -m "Copy v2.0.4-beta2 as '/vecto-sim-ricardoaea' but never touched!"
+    git tag  auxmerge/ric-add_vecto-invalid2-TestFolder  ac778435f73a2f431 -m "Ricardo add original VECTO-core in TestFolder"
+    git tag auxmerge/ric-del_12t_mistake 76310dabe2274 -m "Nik's commit containing Manual-updates AND removing the 12t demo-truck mistake."
+    git tag auxmerge/ric-added_ReleaseFiles dc67578df1608645500d029  -m "orig-msg: Schematics V11, vsum output fix - Zarb, Glenn
+Glen Imported 'VECTO/Release Files/', duplicating User-manual and Generic-vehicles.
+NOTE: VS fails, with 27 missing pdfstamper libs, etc
+	git tag auxmerge/tug-ric_fork_byDana  ab66a68b7333cd8 -f  -m "
+This is the fork for unused '/vecto-sim-ricardoaea' folder'.
+According to Dana@Ricardo email on 30/Apr/2015, he FORKed 2a006e6dacf5e7
+  but JRC(ankostis) assumes he meant the next-one, non-merge commit: 
+  tag:milestone/2.0.4-beta2@ab66a68b7333cd8
+Nevertheless, by searching, discovered that:
+  Dana was referring to folder '/vecto-sim-ricardoaea/',
+  imported originally on 16-Sep-2014, and left there almost untouched hereafter
+  (now tagged as 'auxmerge/ric-import_vecto_core_invalid1@273e72bd626b1653d97').
+    "
+	git tag auxmerge/tug-RICARDO_FORK-byDana  f4e6fc911db3fdefda95 -f  \
+        -m "This is 'milestones/2.0.4-beta'.
+According to Dana@Ricardo email on 30/Apr/2015, he FORKed 2a006e6dacf5e7
+  but JRC(ankostis) assumes he meant the next-one, non-merge commit: 
+  tag:milestone/2.0.4-beta2@ab66a68b7333cd8
+Nevertheless, by searching, discovered that:
+  Dana was referring to folder '/vecto-sim-ricardoaea/',
+  imported originally on 16-Sep-2014, and left there almost untouched hereafter
+  (now tagged as 'auxmerge/ric-import_vecto_core_invalid1@273e72bd626b1653d97').
+  BUT Ricardo's code was eventually based on '/vecto-sim-ricardoaeaTB' folder,
+  imported for the 1st time on 30-Sept-2015, 
+  (now tag as 'auxmerge/ric-import_vecto_core@414ea89aac15312',
+  and in JRC's fixup-branch as 'auxmerge/ric-import_vecto_core@87627329528baf0770'.
+  EVEN MORE, the cases was not just like this....
+  By searching tom see which was the actual fork-commit for 'TB' folder
+  I got these results:
+    $ git diff tag auxmerge/jrc_fixup-import_vecto_core  milestones/2.0.4-beta2|wc
+    1104528 1594313 37141033
+    $git diff tag auxmerge/jrc_fixup-import_vecto_core   milestones/2.0.4-beta1|wc
+    1104502 1594153 37139993
+    $ git diff tag auxmerge/jrc_fixup-import_vecto_core  milestones/2.0.4-beta|wc
+    1104461 1593946 37138503
+  The less DIFFS are with '2.0.4-beta'!
+  So clearly this is the FORK COMMIT
+ "
 function remove_git_backup {
 	rm -rf  .git/refs/original # Clear git-backup to continue re-writting.
+function fixup_ricardo_sources 
+	#git checkout auxmerge/ricardo_original
+	#git checkout -b auxmerge/aux-fixup
+	git filter-branch ${TMP_DIR:+-d $TMP_DIR} \
+			--prune-empty \
+			--tree-filter  "$PWD/fixup_aux_history.tree_filter.sh"
 ## Eliminate duplicate folders (mostly safe stuff).
 # The TMP_DIR may point to some RAMDisk (i.e. for windows see ImDisk).
@@ -59,11 +123,18 @@ function reroot_vecto_sources {
 #git checkout Current
 ##  JOIN the 2 unrelated branches and
diff --git a/Tools/AuxMerge/rebase_aux.sh b/Tools/AuxMerge/rebase_aux.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50f408bf0245a751ee47dc33bd234e9cab359c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/AuxMerge/rebase_aux.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+git merge milestones/2.0.4-beta  -s recursive  -X renormalize -Xignore-space-at-eol
+git checkout milestones/2.0.4-beta -- VECTO/GUI/{F_VEH_AuxDlog.vb,F_VEH_AuxDlog.resx,F_VEH_AuxDlog.Designer.vb,F_MAINForm.vb,F_VECTO.vb} \
+        VECTO/Input\ Files/cVECTO.vb
+#### Manual merge .sln & .vbproj. ####
+git commit -m 'Merge Ricardo initial-VECTO-core with forked point `milestones/2.0.4-beta`. 
++ All conflicts replaced with `2/0/4-beta`,
+  apart from .sln & .vbproj.
++ Synthesize next artifical commit with Ricardo changes on original VECTO-core.
+## Synthesize next artifical commit with RIcardo's changes on original VECTO-core.
+git checkout auxmerge/jrc_fixup-import_vecto_core -- VECTO/GUI/{F_VEH_AuxDlog.vb,F_VEH_AuxDlog.resx,F_VEH_AuxDlog.Designer.vb,F_MAINForm.vb,F_V ECTO.vb} VECTO/Input\ Files/cVECTO.vb
+git commit -m 'Synthesize an artifical commit with Ricardo changes on top of original VECTO-core.'
+git checkout -b auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug auxmerge/aux-fixup
+git rebase auxmerge/aux-fixup auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug --onto=auxmerge/jrc_fixup-import_vecto_core  --ignore-whitespace
+## User-Manual conflicts on  b7a8675fe271c29e "ADDING USER MANUAL - FIRST AS IS CHECKIN":
+#  because manual already there.
+git checkout b7a8675fe271c29e -- User\ Manual/GUI/{ENG-Editor.html,GBX-Editor.html,VECTO-Editor.html,VECTO-Editor_Aux.html,VEH-Editor.html,mainform.html,settings.html} \
+		User\ Manual/fileformat/{VDRI.html,VMOD.html,VSUM.html,index.html}
+## VETO.vbproj conflict on  74cc5f17b046992 "WIP - FILE VIEWERS ADDED":
+#  MANUALLY Delete vscc parts of ricardo's file.
+## Conflicts on 35f1fa6564b1 "DOCS DONE":
+#  Just added modified files
+## VETO.vbproj & MORE(!) conflicts on   4b779d2323ece680 "Schematics V11, vsum output fix":
+#  Glenn added 'VECTO/Release Files/*'
+#  ABORT REBASE to rewrite rest commits properly distributing 'VECTO/Release Files/'
+git tag tag auxmerge/aux_fixup-added_ReleaseFiles 4b779d2323ece6806470c8e -m "orig-msg: Schematics V11, vsum output fix - Zarb, Glenn
+Glen Imported 'VECTO/Release Files/', replicating manual and generic Vehicles
+NOTE: VS fails, with 27 missing pdfstamper libs, etc
+git cherry-pick auxmerge/aux_fixup-added_ReleaseFiles
+function move_to_root_ReleaseFiles() {
+	rsync -ma VECTO/Release\ Files/ .
+	git rm -rf VECTO/Release\ Files
+	rm ./User Manual/pics/Thumbs.db
+	git add 'User Manual' 'Generic Vehicles' 
+	patch VECTO/VECTO.vbproj << EOF ## FAILS!!! Do it manually
+	--- a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+	+++ b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+	@@ -765,9 +765,6 @@
+	   </ItemGroup>
+	   <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.VisualBasic.targets" />
+	   <PropertyGroup>
+	-    <PostBuildEvent>XCOPY "$(ProjectDir)Release Files" "$(TargetDir)" /Y /E</PostBuildEvent>
+	+    <PostBuildEvent>XCOPY "$(ProjectDir)\..\Generic Vehicles" "$(TargetDir)" /Y /E</PostBuildEvent>
+	+    <PostBuildEvent>XCOPY "$(ProjectDir)\..\User Manual" "$(TargetDir)" /Y /E</PostBuildEvent>
+	   </PropertyGroup>
+	sed -i 's/Release Files\\/..\\/' VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+	git add VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+git commit -m 'JRC-rewrite: Schematics V11, vsum output fix - Zarb, Glenn
+Move all `VECTO/Release Files` to root, and resolve conflict in `VECTO/VECTO.vbproj`.
+git cherry-pick 4f494692f4cac435b970497b..auxmerge/aux-fixup
+## EMPTY COMMIT on  bf441b7 "Add referenced file"
+#  SKIP IT, `itextsharp.dll` already there!
+git reset && git cherry-pick --continue
+## SKIP almost empty e7d7b7dd5dbddc4d"Remove TFS bindings"
+#  Bindings havebeen removed during "fixup" rewrite - this commits contains 
+#  just a space after `global` in VECTO.sln.
+## MISSING FILE IN a6ec62ecdc98f9 "Remove 12t Delivery Truck from \Generic Vehicles\Engineering Mode as per Nik's email."
+move_to_root_ReleaseFiles ## AND manually merge .gitignore.
+git commit -m 'JRC-reqrite: Remove 12t Delivery Truck from \Generic Vehicles\Engineering Mode as per Nik's email.
+Move all `VECTO/Release Files` to root, and resolve conflict in `VECTO/VECTO.vbproj`.
+REST MSG: Remove 12t Delivery Truck from \Generic Vehicles\Engineering Mode as per Nik's email.
+Replace User Manual folder with one the from Q driver as per Nik's email.
+Added files to Developer Guide as per Nik's email.
+## finished!
+#  to see which one looks close to rebased AUX-sources.
+# Run output of next cmd manually.
+git tag -l | grep '/2' | xargs -n1 -I XXX echo git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles XXX \| wc
+ git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.1-beta0 | wc
+1034241 3210452 42918389
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.1-beta1 | wc
+1034238 3210511 42919218
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.3-beta0 | wc
+1033716 3209932 42894253
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.4-beta | wc
+1033766 3210095 42895849
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.4-beta1 | wc
+1033853 3210421 42898237
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.4-beta2 | wc
+1033879 3210581 42899277
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.4-beta3 | wc
+1034039 3211275 42905464
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.0.4-beta4_Test | wc
+1034054 3211400 42906211
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.1 | wc
+1128574 3307768 45464517
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.1.1 | wc
+1128908 3308727 45470878
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.1.2 | wc
+1128948 3308371 45463333
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.1.3 | wc
+1129453 3310111 45466143
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.1.4 | wc
+1129473 3310203 45466678
+git diff auxmerge/jrc-merge_tug3-ok_BeforeReleaseFiles milestones/2.2 | wc
+1130178 3312744 45465377
\ No newline at end of file