diff --git a/AuxillaryTestHarness/AuxillaryTestHarness.vbproj b/AuxillaryTestHarness/AuxillaryTestHarness.vbproj
index 8329c37ea650b2213433ad2d328372c991608dfc..b040a28ae41427cd501eb24ef7a0888f3a126b1d 100644
--- a/AuxillaryTestHarness/AuxillaryTestHarness.vbproj
+++ b/AuxillaryTestHarness/AuxillaryTestHarness.vbproj
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-    <ApplicationRevision>2</ApplicationRevision>
+    <ApplicationRevision>5</ApplicationRevision>
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMap.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMap.vb
index ec88a9b0397b4316c2c2e688540fbbe1c6108cef..ea21ab86ad49cfefa136a81a75696eef60f5f2be 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMap.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMap.vb
@@ -1,312 +1,324 @@
-Imports System.IO
+Imports System.Text
+Imports System.IO
 Namespace Electrics
-    ''' <summary>
-    ''' Alternator Efficiency Map - 
-    ''' </summary>
-    ''' <remarks></remarks>
-    Public Class AlternatorMap
-    Implements IAlternatorMap
-        ''' <summary>
-        ''' path to csv file containing map data
-        ''' expects header row
-        ''' Columns - [rpm - integer], [efficiency float, range 0-1], [max regen power float]
-        ''' </summary>
-        ''' <remarks></remarks>
-        Private ReadOnly filePath As String
-        Private map As Dictionary(Of AlternatorMapKey, AlternatorMapValues)
-        ''' <summary>
-        ''' Creates a new instance of AlternatorMap class
-        ''' </summary>
-        ''' <param name="filePath">full path to csv data</param>
-        ''' <remarks></remarks>
-        Public Sub New(ByVal filePath As String)
-            Me.filePath = filePath
-        End Sub
+Public Class AlternatorMap
+Implements IAlternatorMap
-        ''' <summary>
-        ''' Initialise the map from supplied csv data
-        ''' </summary>
-        ''' <returns>Boolean - true if map is created successfully</returns>
-        ''' <remarks></remarks>
-        Public Function Initialise() As Boolean Implements IAlternatorMap.Initialise
-            If File.Exists(filePath) Then
-                Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filePath)
-                    'get array og lines fron csv
-                    Dim lines() As String = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(CType(Environment.NewLine, Char()), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+    Private ReadOnly filePath As String
-                    'Must have at least 2 entries in map to make it usable [dont forget the header row]
-                    If (lines.Count() < 3) Then
-                        Throw New ArgumentException("Insufficient rows in csv to build a usable map")
-                    End If
+    Public map As New List(Of MapPoint)
+    Public yRange As List(Of Single)
+    Public xRange As List(Of Single)
+    Private minX, minY, maxX, maxY As Single
-                    map = New Dictionary(Of AlternatorMapKey, AlternatorMapValues)()
-                    Dim firstline As Boolean = True
+    'Required Action Test or Interpolation Type
+    Public Function OnBoundaryYInterpolatedX(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean
+        Return yRange.Contains(y) AndAlso Not xRange.Contains(x)
+    End Function
+    Public Function OnBoundaryXInterpolatedY(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean
+        Return Not yRange.Contains(y) AndAlso xRange.Contains(x)
+    End Function
+    Public Function ONBoundaryXY(x As Single, y As Single) As Boolean
+        Return (From sector In map Where sector.Y = y AndAlso sector.x = x).Count = 1
+    End Function
-                    For Each line As String In lines
-                        If Not firstline Then
-                            'split the line
-                            Dim elements() As String = line.Split(New Char() {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
-                            '3 entries per line required
-                            If (elements.Length <> 3) Then
-                                Throw New ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in csv file")
-                            End If
-                            'add values to map
+    'Determine Value Methods
+    Private Function GetOnBoundaryXY(x As Single, y As Single) As Single
+        Return (From sector In map Where sector.Y = y AndAlso sector.x = x).First().v
+    End Function
+    Private Function GetOnBoundaryYInterpolatedX(x As Single, y As Single) As Single
-                            'Create AlternatorKey
-                            Dim aKey As AlternatorMapKey = New AlternatorMapKey(elements(0), elements(1))
-                            Dim aValue As AlternatorMapValues = New AlternatorMapValues()
+        Dim x0, x1, v0, v1, slope, dx As Single
-                            'Add Efficiency Value to Key.
-                            map.Add(aKey, New AlternatorMapValues(elements(2)))
+        x0 = (From p In xRange Order By p Where p < x).Last()
+        x1 = (From p In xRange Order By p Where p > x).First()
+        dx = x1 - x0
-                        Else
-                            firstline = False
-                        End If
-                    Next line
-                End Using
-                Return True
-            Else
-                Throw New ArgumentException("Supplied input file does not exist")
-            End If
-        End Function
+        v0 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x0, y)
+        v1 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x1, y)
-        ''' <summary>
-        ''' Returns the alternator efficiency at given rpm
-        ''' </summary>
-        ''' <param name="rpm">alternator rotation speed</param>
-        ''' <returns>Single</returns>
-        ''' <remarks></remarks>
-        Public Function GetEfficiency(ByVal rpm As Integer, ByVal amps As Integer) As AlternatorMapValues Implements IAlternatorMap.GetEfficiency
+       slope = (v1 - v0) / (x1 - x0)
-            Dim key As New AlternatorMapKey(amps, rpm)
+        Return v0 + ((x - x0) * slope)
-            Return GetValueOrInterpolate(key)
+    End Function
+    Private Function GetOnBoundaryXInterpolatedY(x As Single, y As Single) As Single
-        End Function
+        Dim y0, y1, v0, v1, dy, v, slope As Single
+        y0 = (From p In yRange Order By p Where p < y).Last()
+        y1 = (From p In yRange Order By p Where p > y).First()
+        dy = y1 - y0
-        ''' <summary>
-        ''' Returns a AlternatorMapValues instance containing the entries at a given key, or new interpolated values
-        ''' </summary>
-        ''' <returns>AlternatorMapValues</returns>
-        ''' <remarks>Throws exception if Rpm or Amps are outside the map </remarks>
-        Private Function GetValueOrInterpolate(mapKey As AlternatorMapKey) As AlternatorMapValues
-            'check the rpm is within the map
+        v0 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x, y0)
+        v1 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x, y1)
+        slope = (v1 - v0) / (y1 - y0)
-            Dim min As AlternatorMapKey = map.Keys.Min()
-            Dim max As AlternatorMapKey = map.Keys.Max()
+        v = v0 + ((y - y0) * slope)
-            'If mapKey.amps < min.amps Or mapKey.amps > max.amps Or mapKey.rpm < min.rpm Or mapKey.rpm > max.rpm Then
-            '    Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("Extrapolation - Amp/Rpm Values should should be in the range {0} to {1}", min.ToString(), max.ToString()))
-            'End If
+        Return v
+    End Function
+    Private Function GetBiLinearInterpolatedValue(x As Single, y As Single) As Single
-            'LIMITING
-            If mapKey.amps < min.amps then mapKey.amps=min.amps
-            If mapKey.amps > max.amps then mapKey.amps = max.amps
-            If mapKey.rpm  < min.rpm  then mapKey.rpm = min.rpm
-            If mapKey.rpm  > max.rpm  then mapKey.rpm= max.rpm
+        Dim q11, q12, q21, q22, x1, x2, y1, y2, r1, r2, p As Single
+        y1 = (From mapSector As MapPoint In map Where mapSector.Y < y).Last().Y
+        y2 = (From mapSector As MapPoint In map Where mapSector.Y > y).First().Y
+        x1 = (From mapSector As MapPoint In map Where mapSector.x < x).Last().x
+        x2 = (From mapSector As MapPoint In map Where mapSector.x > x).First().x
+        q11 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x1, y1)
+        q12 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x1, y2)
-            'Check if the rpm is in the current memo
-            'If supplied present key, we can just return the values
-            If map.ContainsKey(mapKey) Then
-                Return map(mapKey)
-            End If
+        q21 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x2, y1)
+        q22 = GetOnBoundaryXY(x2, y2)
+        r1 = ((x2 - x) / (x2 - x1)) * q11 + ((x - x1) / (x2 - x1)) * q21
-            'Get Pre and Post Keys
-            Dim rpmPre As AlternatorMapValues
-            Dim rpmPost As AlternatorMapValues
-            Dim ampsPre As AlternatorMapValues
-            Dim ampsPost As AlternatorMapValues
+        r2 = ((x2 - x) / (x2 - x1)) * q12 + ((x - x1) / (x2 - x1)) * q22
-            'Pre and Post Data Points
-            Dim intRpmPre As Integer
-            Dim intRpmPost As Integer
-            Dim intAmpsPre As Integer
-            Dim intAmpsPost As Integer
+        p = ((y2 - y) / (y2 - y1)) * r1 + ((y - y1) / (y2 - y1)) * r2
-            intRpmPre = (From m In map Where m.Key.rpm <= mapKey.rpm Select m.Key.rpm).Last()
-            intRpmPost = (From m In map Where m.Key.rpm => mapKey.rpm Select m.Key.rpm).First()
-            intAmpsPre = (From m In map Where m.Key.amps <= mapKey.amps Select m.Key.amps).Last()
-            intAmpsPost = (From m In map Where m.Key.amps => mapKey.amps Select m.Key.amps).First()
+        Return p
-            Dim dAmps As Single
-            dim dAmpEfficiency as single
-            Dim ampsEfficiencySlope as single
-            Dim dRpm As Integer 
-            Dim dRpmEfficiency as single
-            Dim rpmEfficiencySlope As Single 
-            Dim interpolatedEfficiency As single
-            Dim ampPreEfficiency As Single
-            Dim ampPostEfficiency As Single
-            Dim rpmPreEfficiency As Single
-            Dim rpmPostEfficiency As Single
+    End Function
-            '***********  IF PRE AND POST RPM  OR PRE AND POST AMPS are the same, the calculation is different. ***********
-            'SO
+    'Utilities
+    Private Sub fillMapWithDefaults()
-            'Case RPM is the same
-            If intRpmPre = intRpmPost then
-              dAmps = intAmpsPost - intAmpsPre
-              ampPreEfficiency =  map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPre, intRpmPre)).Efficiency 
-              ampPostEfficiency = map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPost, intRpmPre)).Efficiency 
-              interpolatedEfficiency = ampPreEfficiency + (  ( ampPostEfficiency-ampPreEfficiency  ) *   (( mapKey.amps - intAmpsPre ) / ( intAmpsPost-intAmpsPre  )))
-              Return New AlternatorMapValues(interpolatedEfficiency)
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(10, 1500, 0.615))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(27, 1500, 0.7))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(53, 1500, 0.1947))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(63, 1500, 0.0))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(68, 1500, 0.0))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(125, 1500, 0.0))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(136, 1500, 0.0))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(10, 2000, 0.62))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(27, 2000, 0.7))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(53, 2000, 0.3))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(63, 2000, 0.1462))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(68, 2000, 0.692))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(125, 2000, 0.0))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(136, 2000, 0.0))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(10, 4000, 0.64))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(27, 4000, 0.6721))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(53, 4000, 0.7211))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(63, 4000, 0.74))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(68, 4000, 0.7352))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(125, 4000, 0.68))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(136, 4000, 0.6694))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(10, 6000, 0.53))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(27, 6000, 0.5798))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(53, 6000, 0.656))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(63, 6000, 0.6853))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(68, 6000, 0.7))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(125, 6000, 0.6329))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(136, 6000, 0.62))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(10, 7000, 0.475))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(27, 7000, 0.5337))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(53, 7000, 0.6235))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(63, 7000, 0.658))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(68, 7000, 0.6824))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(125, 7000, 0.6094))
+        map.Add(New MapPoint(136, 7000, 0.5953))
-            End If
-            If intAmpsPre = intAmpsPost then
-              rpmPreEfficiency =  map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPre, intRpmPre)).Efficiency 
-              rpmPostEfficiency = map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPre, intRpmPost)).Efficiency 
+    End Sub
+    Private Sub getMapRanges()
-              interpolatedEfficiency = rpmPreEfficiency + (  ( rpmPostEfficiency-rpmPreEfficiency  ) *   (( mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre ) / ( intRpmPost-intRpmPre  )))
-             Return New AlternatorMapValues(interpolatedEfficiency)
+        yRange = (From coords As MapPoint In map Order By coords.Y Select coords.Y Distinct).ToList()
+        xRange = (From coords As MapPoint In map Order By coords.x Select coords.x Distinct).ToList()
+        minX = xRange.First
+        maxX = xRange.Last
+        minY = yRange.First
+        maxY = yRange.Last
-            End If
+    End Sub
+    'Single entry point to determine Value on map
+    Public Function GetValue(x As Single, y As Single) As Single
-            rpmPre = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPre, intRpmPre))
-            rpmPost = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPre, intRpmPost))
+        'Limiting
+        If x < minX Then x = minX
+        If x > maxX Then x = maxX
+        If y < minY Then y = minY
+        If y > maxY Then y = maxY
-            ampsPre = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPost, intRpmPre))
-            ampsPost = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPost, intRpmPost))
+        'Satisfies both data points - non interpolated value
+        If ONBoundaryXY(x, y) Then Return GetOnBoundaryXY(x, y)
-            '*************************************************************************
-            'The following biaxial linear interpolation formula was provided
-            'by Engineering. See example below.
-            '
-            '       1500   2000   4000
-            '   10             A-B              <=Interpolated Horizontally
-            '              (C-D)-(A-B)          <=Interpolated Virtically
-            '   27             C-D              <=Interpolated Horizontally
-            '
-            '************************************************************************
-            '
-            '***    A-B  Efficiency  ( Lower Using Lower Amps ) 
-            'get the delta values for rpm and the values
-              dRpm = intRpmPost - intRpmPre
-              dRpmEfficiency  = rpmPost.Efficiency - rpmPre.Efficiency
+        'Satisfies only x or y - single interpolation value
+        If OnBoundaryXInterpolatedY(x, y) Then Return GetOnBoundaryXInterpolatedY(x, y)
+        If OnBoundaryYInterpolatedX(x, y) Then Return GetOnBoundaryYInterpolatedX(x, y)
-            'calculate the slopes
-              rpmEfficiencySlope = dRpmEfficiency / dRpm
+        'satisfies no data points - Bi-Linear interpolation
+        Return GetBiLinearInterpolatedValue(x, y)
-            'calculate the new values
-              'Dim AB_Efficiency As Single = If( drpm=0,rpmPre.Efficiency, ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + rpmPre.Efficiency)
-              Dim AB_Efficiency As Single =  ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + rpmPre.Efficiency
-             '***    C-D Efficiency  ( Using Higher Amps )  
-             'get the delta values for rpm and the values
-             dRpm = intRpmPost - intRpmPre
-             dRpmEfficiency = ampsPost.Efficiency - ampsPre.Efficiency
+    End Function
+    Public Function ReturnDefaultMapValueTests() As String
-            'calculate the slopes
-             rpmEfficiencySlope = dRpmEfficiency / dRpm
+        Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
+        Dim x, y As Single
-            'calculate the new values
-             'Dim CD_Efficiency As Single = If( dRpm=0, rpmPre.Efficiency, ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + ampsPre.Efficiency)
-              Dim CD_Efficiency As Single = ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + ampsPre.Efficiency
+        'All Sector Values
+        sb.AppendLine("All Values From Map")
+        sb.AppendLine("-------------------")
+        For Each x In xRange
-             '(C-D) - (A-B) Efficiency
-             'Deltas
-             dAmps  = intAmpsPost - intAmpsPre
-             dAmpEfficiency  = CD_Efficiency - AB_Efficiency
+            For Each y In yRange
+                sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", x, y, GetValue(x, y)))
+            Next
-             'slopes
-              ampsEfficiencySlope  = dAmpEfficiency / dAmps
+        Next
-             'calculate final Values
-            ' Dim ABCDEfficiency As Single = If( dAmps=0, CD_Efficiency, ((mapKey.amps - intAmpsPre) * ampsEfficiencySlope) + AB_Efficiency)
-              Dim ABCDEfficiency As Single =  ((mapKey.amps - intAmpsPre) * ampsEfficiencySlope) + AB_Efficiency
+        sb.AppendLine("")
+        sb.AppendLine("Four Corners with interpolated other")
+        sb.AppendLine("-------------------")
+        x = 1500 : y = 18.5
+        sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", x, y, GetValue(x, y)))
+        x = 7000 : y = 96.5
+        sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", x, y, GetValue(x, y)))
+        x = 1750 : y = 10
+        sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", x, y, GetValue(x, y)))
+        x = 6500 : y = 10
+        sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", x, y, GetValue(x, y)))
+        sb.AppendLine("")
+        sb.AppendLine("Interpolated both")
+        sb.AppendLine("-------------------")
-             Return New AlternatorMapValues(ABCDEfficiency)
+        Dim mx, my As Single
+        For x = 0 To xRange.Count - 2
+            For y = 0 To yRange.Count - 2
+                mx = xRange(x) + (xRange(x + 1) - xRange(x)) / 2
+                my = yRange(y) + (yRange(y + 1) - yRange(y)) / 2
-        End Function
+                sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", mx, my, GetValue(mx, my)))
-       Private Structure AlternatorMapKey
-             Implements IComparable
-           Public amps As Integer
-           Public rpm As Integer
+            Next
+        Next
+        sb.AppendLine("")
+        sb.AppendLine("MIKE -> 40 & 1000")
+        sb.AppendLine("-------------------")
+        x = 1000 : y = 40
+        sb.AppendLine(String.Format("X:{0}, Y:{1}, V:{2}", x, y, GetValue(x, y)))
-        Public Sub New(ByVal amps As Integer, ByVal rpm As Integer)
-        Me.amps = amps
-        Me.rpm = rpm
-        End Sub
+        Return sb.ToString()
-        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
+    End Function
-          Return "Amps:" & amps & " / " & "Rpm:" & rpm
+    'Constructors
+    Public Sub New(filepath As String)
-        End Function
+        Me.filePath = filepath
+        Initialise()
+        getMapRanges()
-         Public Function CompareTo(obj As Object) As Integer Implements IComparable.CompareTo
+    End Sub
+    Public Sub New(values As List(Of MapPoint))
+        map = values
+        getMapRanges()
-           Dim compared As AlternatorMapKey = CType(obj, AlternatorMapKey)
+    End Sub
-           Dim otherAlternatorMapKey As AlternatorMapKey = CType(obj, AlternatorMapKey)
+    Public Class MapPoint
-           'Same Place
-           If (Me.amps = otherAlternatorMapKey.amps AndAlso Me.rpm = otherAlternatorMapKey.rpm) Then
+        Public Y As Single
+        Public x As Single
+        Public v As Single
-            Return 0
+        Public Sub New(y As Single, x As Single, v As Single)
-           End If
+            Me.Y = y
+            Me.x = x
+            Me.v = v
-           'smaller
-           If (Me.amps > otherAlternatorMapKey.amps) Or (Me.rpm > otherAlternatorMapKey.rpm) Then
+        End Sub
-           Return 1
+    End Class
-           Else
-           Return -1
+        Public Function GetEfficiency(rpm As single, amps As single) As AlternatorMapValues Implements IAlternatorMap.GetEfficiency
-           End If
+           Return New AlternatorMapValues( GetValue(rpm,amps))
+        End Function
+        Public Function Initialise() As Boolean Implements IAlternatorMap.Initialise
+                    If File.Exists(filePath) Then
+                Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filePath)
+                    'get array og lines fron csv
+                    Dim lines() As String = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(CType(Environment.NewLine, Char()), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+                    'Must have at least 2 entries in map to make it usable [dont forget the header row]
+                    If (lines.Count() < 3) Then
+                        Throw New ArgumentException("Insufficient rows in csv to build a usable map")
+                    End If
-         End Function
+                    map = New List(Of MapPoint)
+                    Dim firstline As Boolean = True
+                    For Each line As String In lines
+                        If Not firstline Then
+                            'split the line
+                            Dim elements() As String = line.Split(New Char() {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+                            '3 entries per line required
+                            If (elements.Length <> 3) Then
+                                Throw New ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in csv file")
+                            End If
+                            'add values to map
-       End Structure
+                            'Create AlternatorKey
+                            Dim newPoint as MapPoint = New  MapPoint(elements(0),elements(1),elements(2))
+                            map.Add(newPoint)
+                        Else
+                            firstline = False
+                        End If
+                    Next line
+                End Using
+                Return True
+            Else
+                Throw New ArgumentException("Supplied input file does not exist")
+            End If
+        End Function
+End Class
+End Namespace
-    End Class
-End Namespace
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMapOLDREMOVELATER.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMapOLDREMOVELATER.vb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4be843238d70322997946a3c71afca320afedc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/AlternatorMapOLDREMOVELATER.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+Imports System.IO
+Namespace Electrics
+    ''' <summary>
+    ''' Alternator Efficiency Map - 
+    ''' </summary>
+    ''' <remarks></remarks>
+    Public Class AlternatorMapX
+    Implements IAlternatorMap
+        ''' <summary>
+        ''' path to csv file containing map data
+        ''' expects header row
+        ''' Columns - [rpm - integer], [efficiency float, range 0-1], [max regen power float]
+        ''' </summary>
+        ''' <remarks></remarks>
+        Private ReadOnly filePath As String
+        Private map As Dictionary(Of AlternatorMapKey, AlternatorMapValues)
+        ''' <summary>
+        ''' Creates a new instance of AlternatorMap class
+        ''' </summary>
+        ''' <param name="filePath">full path to csv data</param>
+        ''' <remarks></remarks>
+        Public Sub New(ByVal filePath As String)
+            Me.filePath = filePath
+        End Sub
+        ''' <summary>
+        ''' Initialise the map from supplied csv data
+        ''' </summary>
+        ''' <returns>Boolean - true if map is created successfully</returns>
+        ''' <remarks></remarks>
+        Public Function Initialise() As Boolean Implements IAlternatorMap.Initialise
+            If File.Exists(filePath) Then
+                Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filePath)
+                    'get array og lines fron csv
+                    Dim lines() As String = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(CType(Environment.NewLine, Char()), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+                    'Must have at least 2 entries in map to make it usable [dont forget the header row]
+                    If (lines.Count() < 3) Then
+                        Throw New ArgumentException("Insufficient rows in csv to build a usable map")
+                    End If
+                    map = New Dictionary(Of AlternatorMapKey, AlternatorMapValues)()
+                    Dim firstline As Boolean = True
+                    For Each line As String In lines
+                        If Not firstline Then
+                            'split the line
+                            Dim elements() As String = line.Split(New Char() {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+                            '3 entries per line required
+                            If (elements.Length <> 3) Then
+                                Throw New ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in csv file")
+                            End If
+                            'add values to map
+                            'Create AlternatorKey
+                            Dim aKey As AlternatorMapKey = New AlternatorMapKey(elements(0), elements(1))
+                            Dim aValue As AlternatorMapValues = New AlternatorMapValues()
+                            'Add Efficiency Value to Key.
+                            map.Add(aKey, New AlternatorMapValues(elements(2)))
+                        Else
+                            firstline = False
+                        End If
+                    Next line
+                End Using
+                Return True
+            Else
+                Throw New ArgumentException("Supplied input file does not exist")
+            End If
+        End Function
+        ''' <summary>
+        ''' Returns the alternator efficiency at given rpm
+        ''' </summary>
+        ''' <param name="rpm">alternator rotation speed</param>
+        ''' <returns>Single</returns>
+        ''' <remarks></remarks>
+        Public Function GetEfficiency(ByVal rpm As single, ByVal amps As single) As AlternatorMapValues Implements IAlternatorMap.GetEfficiency
+            Dim key As New AlternatorMapKey(amps, rpm)
+            Return GetValueOrInterpolate(key)
+        End Function
+        ''' <summary>
+        ''' Returns a AlternatorMapValues instance containing the entries at a given key, or new interpolated values
+        ''' </summary>
+        ''' <returns>AlternatorMapValues</returns>
+        ''' <remarks>Throws exception if Rpm or Amps are outside the map </remarks>
+        Private Function GetValueOrInterpolate(mapKey As AlternatorMapKey) As AlternatorMapValues
+            'check the rpm is within the map
+            Dim min As AlternatorMapKey = map.Keys.Min()
+            Dim max As AlternatorMapKey = map.Keys.Max()
+            'If mapKey.amps < min.amps Or mapKey.amps > max.amps Or mapKey.rpm < min.rpm Or mapKey.rpm > max.rpm Then
+            '    Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("Extrapolation - Amp/Rpm Values should should be in the range {0} to {1}", min.ToString(), max.ToString()))
+            'End If
+            'LIMITING
+            If mapKey.amps < min.amps then mapKey.amps=min.amps
+            If mapKey.amps > max.amps then mapKey.amps = max.amps
+            If mapKey.rpm  < min.rpm  then mapKey.rpm = min.rpm
+            If mapKey.rpm  > max.rpm  then mapKey.rpm= max.rpm
+            'Check if the rpm is in the current memo
+            'If supplied present key, we can just return the values
+            If map.ContainsKey(mapKey) Then
+                Return map(mapKey)
+            End If
+            'Get Pre and Post Keys
+            Dim rpmPre As AlternatorMapValues
+            Dim rpmPost As AlternatorMapValues
+            Dim ampsPre As AlternatorMapValues
+            Dim ampsPost As AlternatorMapValues
+            'Pre and Post Data Points
+            Dim intRpmPre As Integer
+            Dim intRpmPost As Integer
+            Dim intAmpsPre As Integer
+            Dim intAmpsPost As Integer
+            intRpmPre = (From m In map Where m.Key.rpm <= mapKey.rpm Select m.Key.rpm).Last()
+            intRpmPost = (From m In map Where m.Key.rpm => mapKey.rpm Select m.Key.rpm).First()
+            intAmpsPre = (From m In map Where m.Key.amps <= mapKey.amps Select m.Key.amps).Last()
+            intAmpsPost = (From m In map Where m.Key.amps => mapKey.amps Select m.Key.amps).First()
+            Dim dAmps As Single
+            dim dAmpEfficiency as single
+            Dim ampsEfficiencySlope as single
+            Dim dRpm As Integer 
+            Dim dRpmEfficiency as single
+            Dim rpmEfficiencySlope As Single 
+            Dim interpolatedEfficiency As single
+            Dim ampPreEfficiency As Single
+            Dim ampPostEfficiency As Single
+            Dim rpmPreEfficiency As Single
+            Dim rpmPostEfficiency As Single
+            '***********  IF PRE AND POST RPM  OR PRE AND POST AMPS are the same, the calculation is different. ***********
+            'SO
+            'Case RPM is the same
+            If intRpmPre = intRpmPost then
+              dAmps = intAmpsPost - intAmpsPre
+              ampPreEfficiency =  map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPre, intRpmPre)).Efficiency 
+              ampPostEfficiency = map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPost, intRpmPre)).Efficiency 
+              interpolatedEfficiency = ampPreEfficiency + (  ( ampPostEfficiency-ampPreEfficiency  ) *   (( mapKey.amps - intAmpsPre ) / ( intAmpsPost-intAmpsPre  )))
+              Return New AlternatorMapValues(interpolatedEfficiency)
+            End If
+            If intAmpsPre = intAmpsPost then
+              rpmPreEfficiency =  map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPre, intRpmPre)).Efficiency 
+              rpmPostEfficiency = map( New AlternatorMapKey( intAmpsPre, intRpmPost)).Efficiency 
+              interpolatedEfficiency = rpmPreEfficiency + (  ( rpmPostEfficiency-rpmPreEfficiency  ) *   (( mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre ) / ( intRpmPost-intRpmPre  )))
+             Return New AlternatorMapValues(interpolatedEfficiency)
+            End If
+            rpmPre = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPre, intRpmPre))
+            rpmPost = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPre, intRpmPost))
+            ampsPre = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPost, intRpmPre))
+            ampsPost = map(New AlternatorMapKey(intAmpsPost, intRpmPost))
+            '*************************************************************************
+            'The following biaxial linear interpolation formula was provided
+            'by Engineering. See example below.
+            '
+            '       1500   2000   4000
+            '   10             A-B              <=Interpolated Horizontally
+            '              (C-D)-(A-B)          <=Interpolated Virtically
+            '   27             C-D              <=Interpolated Horizontally
+            '
+            '************************************************************************
+            '
+            '***    A-B  Efficiency  ( Lower Using Lower Amps ) 
+            'get the delta values for rpm and the values
+              dRpm = intRpmPost - intRpmPre
+              dRpmEfficiency  = rpmPost.Efficiency - rpmPre.Efficiency
+            'calculate the slopes
+              rpmEfficiencySlope = dRpmEfficiency / dRpm
+            'calculate the new values
+              'Dim AB_Efficiency As Single = If( drpm=0,rpmPre.Efficiency, ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + rpmPre.Efficiency)
+              Dim AB_Efficiency As Single =  ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + rpmPre.Efficiency
+             '***    C-D Efficiency  ( Using Higher Amps )  
+             'get the delta values for rpm and the values
+             dRpm = intRpmPost - intRpmPre
+             dRpmEfficiency = ampsPost.Efficiency - ampsPre.Efficiency
+            'calculate the slopes
+             rpmEfficiencySlope = dRpmEfficiency / dRpm
+            'calculate the new values
+             'Dim CD_Efficiency As Single = If( dRpm=0, rpmPre.Efficiency, ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + ampsPre.Efficiency)
+              Dim CD_Efficiency As Single = ((mapKey.rpm - intRpmPre) * rpmEfficiencySlope) + ampsPre.Efficiency
+             '(C-D) - (A-B) Efficiency
+             'Deltas
+             dAmps  = intAmpsPost - intAmpsPre
+             dAmpEfficiency  = CD_Efficiency - AB_Efficiency
+             'slopes
+              ampsEfficiencySlope  = dAmpEfficiency / dAmps
+             'calculate final Values
+            ' Dim ABCDEfficiency As Single = If( dAmps=0, CD_Efficiency, ((mapKey.amps - intAmpsPre) * ampsEfficiencySlope) + AB_Efficiency)
+              Dim ABCDEfficiency As Single =  ((mapKey.amps - intAmpsPre) * ampsEfficiencySlope) + AB_Efficiency
+             Return New AlternatorMapValues(ABCDEfficiency)
+        End Function
+       Private Structure AlternatorMapKey
+             Implements IComparable
+           Public amps As Integer
+           Public rpm As Integer
+        Public Sub New(ByVal amps As Integer, ByVal rpm As Integer)
+        Me.amps = amps
+        Me.rpm = rpm
+        End Sub
+        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
+          Return "Amps:" & amps & " / " & "Rpm:" & rpm
+        End Function
+         Public Function CompareTo(obj As Object) As Integer Implements IComparable.CompareTo
+           Dim compared As AlternatorMapKey = CType(obj, AlternatorMapKey)
+           Dim otherAlternatorMapKey As AlternatorMapKey = CType(obj, AlternatorMapKey)
+           'Same Place
+           If (Me.amps = otherAlternatorMapKey.amps AndAlso Me.rpm = otherAlternatorMapKey.rpm) Then
+            Return 0
+           End If
+           'smaller
+           If (Me.amps > otherAlternatorMapKey.amps) Or (Me.rpm > otherAlternatorMapKey.rpm) Then
+           Return 1
+           Else
+           Return -1
+           End If
+         End Function
+       End Structure
+    End Class
+End Namespace
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/IAlternatorMap.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/IAlternatorMap.vb
index f29f4b327e17e26d618e725e9c5372458ab0c239..54371ce9b654351aea5fc7efe5f1d65c276f9adc 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/IAlternatorMap.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Electrics/IAlternatorMap.vb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Namespace Electrics
         ''' <param name="rpm">alternator rotation speed</param>
         ''' <returns>Single</returns>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
-        Function GetEfficiency(ByVal rpm As Integer, ByVal amps As Integer) As AlternatorMapValues
+        Function GetEfficiency(ByVal rpm As single, ByVal amps As single) As AlternatorMapValues
     End Interface
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Pneumatics/PneumaticsAuxilliariesConfig.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Pneumatics/PneumaticsAuxilliariesConfig.vb
index 6349d1b4778d8d2fa8b390e57e69019bcf1da9b7..224fa052a76596f76728490e47b059b10a32d0f2 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Pneumatics/PneumaticsAuxilliariesConfig.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/Pneumatics/PneumaticsAuxilliariesConfig.vb
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ End Sub
 Public Sub SetDefaults()
      OverrunUtilisationForCompressionFraction = 0.97
-     BrakingWithRetarderNIperKG = 0.0006
+     BrakingWithRetarderNIperKG = 0.0005
      BrakingNoRetarderNIperKG = 0.00081
      BreakingPerKneelingNIperKGinMM = 0.000066
      PerDoorOpeningNI = 12.7
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/VectoAuxiliaries.vbproj b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/VectoAuxiliaries.vbproj
index d9301ef5ac41b6ad4dad2a0424e6860d23375fb7..542ab82cf5ea72d0242b6ff84ec91c99715da484 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/VectoAuxiliaries.vbproj
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/VectoAuxiliaries.vbproj
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
     <Compile Include="AuxillaryEnvironment.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Electrics\AlternatorMapValues.vb" />
+    <Compile Include="Electrics\AlternatorMap.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Electrics\ElectricsUserInputsConfig.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Electrics\IElectricsUserInputsConfig.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Electrics\IM0_5_SmartAlternatorSetEfficiency.vb" />
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Pneumatics\ActuationsKey.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Pneumatics\IM3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Pneumatics\M4_AirCompressor.vb" />
-    <Compile Include="Electrics\AlternatorMap.vb" />
+    <Compile Include="Electrics\AlternatorMapOLDREMOVELATER.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Electrics\M2_AverageElectricalLoadDemand.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Hvac\M1_AverageHVACLoadDemand.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Pneumatics\M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand.vb" />
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/Mocks/AlternatorMapMock.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/Mocks/AlternatorMapMock.vb
index b3b2873eeb8b431ac2a31412322a1cc537f2977f..e224c8d29b2d9215913e20c64f8416f67e098004 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/Mocks/AlternatorMapMock.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/Mocks/AlternatorMapMock.vb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Namespace Mocks
             End If
         End Function
-        Public Function GetEfficiency(ByVal rpm As Integer, ByVal amps As Integer) As AlternatorMapValues Implements IAlternatorMap.GetEfficiency
+        Public Function GetEfficiency(ByVal rpm As single, ByVal amps As single) As AlternatorMapValues Implements IAlternatorMap.GetEfficiency
             Return New AlternatorMapValues()
         End Function
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AlternatorMapTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AlternatorMapTests.vb
index 455e7d6396de519bf7fd031c213e74595a99c70a..1421d4c399b5d749b78a2106ac826a555e939c78 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AlternatorMapTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AlternatorMapTests.vb
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ End Sub
 <TestCase(55,7000,0.6304f)> _
 <TestCase(10,3000,0.63f)> _
 <TestCase(136,3000,0.3347f)> _
-Public sub FourCornerWithInterpolatedOtherTest(ByVal amps as integer, ByVal  rpm as integer,  ByVal expected as single)
+Public sub FourCornerWithInterpolatedOtherTest(ByVal amps as single, ByVal  rpm as single,  ByVal expected as single)
    Dim map As IAlternatorMap = GetInitialisedMap()
    Dim target As IAlternatorMap = GetInitialisedMap( )
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ End Sub
 <TestCase(18,1750,0.656323552f)>   _
 <TestCase(18,6500,0.5280294f)>   _
 <TestCase(130,1750,0.0f)>  _
-<TestCase(130,6500,0.6150136f)>  _
-Public sub InterpolatedCornersBothMidPreviousTest(ByVal amps as integer, ByVal  rpm as integer,  ByVal expected as single)
+<TestCase(130.5f,6500,0.6144f)>  _
+Public sub InterpolatedCornersBothMidPreviousTest(ByVal amps as single, ByVal  rpm as single,  ByVal expected as single)
    Dim map As IAlternatorMap = GetInitialisedMap()
    Dim target As IAlternatorMap = GetInitialisedMap( )
@@ -62,6 +62,46 @@ Public sub InterpolatedCornersBothMidPreviousTest(ByVal amps as integer, ByVal
 End Sub
+<Test()> _
+<TestCase(18.5f,  1750, 0.6587500f)>   _
+<TestCase(40,     1750, 0.4736750f)>   _
+<TestCase(58,     1750, 0.1602250f)>   _
+<TestCase(65.5f,  1750, 0.2095500f)>   _
+<TestCase(96.5f,  1750, 0.1730000f)>   _
+<TestCase(130.5f, 1750, 0.0000000f)>   _
+<TestCase(18.5f,  3000, 0.6580250f)>   _
+<TestCase(40,     3000, 0.5983000f)>   _
+<TestCase(58,     3000, 0.4768250f)>   _
+<TestCase(65.5f,  3000, 0.5783500f)>   _
+<TestCase(96.5f,  3000, 0.5268000f)>   _
+<TestCase(130.5f, 3000, 0.3373500f)>   _
+<TestCase(18.5f,  5000, 0.6054750f)>   _
+<TestCase(40,     5000, 0.6572500f)>   _
+<TestCase(58,     5000, 0.7006000f)>   _
+<TestCase(65.5f,  5000, 0.7151250f)>   _
+<TestCase(96.5f,  5000, 0.6870250f)>   _
+<TestCase(130.5f, 5000, 0.6505750f)>   _
+<TestCase(18.5f,  6500, 0.5296250f)>   _
+<TestCase(40,     6500, 0.5982500f)>   _
+<TestCase(58,     6500, 0.6557000f)>   _
+<TestCase(65.5f,  6500, 0.6814250f)>   _		
+<TestCase(96.5f,  6500, 0.6561750f)>   _
+<TestCase(130.5f, 6500, 0.6144000f)>   _
+Public Sub InterpolatedAllMidPointsTest( byval amps As Single, byval rpm As Single, byval expected As single)
+   Dim map As IAlternatorMap = GetInitialisedMap()
+   Dim target As IAlternatorMap = GetInitialisedMap( )
+   Dim actual As Single = map.GetEfficiency( rpm,amps).Efficiency
+   Assert.AreEqual(expected, CType(Math.Round(actual,6),Single))
+End Sub
 #Region "Helpers"
@@ -79,6 +119,11 @@ End Sub
 #End Region
-    End Class
+End Class
 End Namespace
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AveragePneumaticLoadDemandTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AveragePneumaticLoadDemandTests.vb
index fabd004ac20e1ada68ff3aa007f51b98332dfd0b..aa111c805c1f0df1431bdc5dfcaf404dbf469a58 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AveragePneumaticLoadDemandTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/AveragePneumaticLoadDemandTests.vb
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
          Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-         Dim expected As Single = 7947.684
+         Dim expected As Single = 7664.94
          Dim actual As Single = target.TotalAirDemand()
          Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 31.9030322
+            Dim expected As Single = 30.7680626
             Dim actual As Single = target.GetAveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromPneumatics()
             Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 25.78023
+            Dim expected As Single = 24.863081
             Dim actual As Single = target.GetAveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromPneumatics()
             Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 7947.684
+            Dim expected As Single = 7664.94
             Dim actual As Single = target.TotalAirConsumedPerCycle()
             Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 8863.295
+            Dim expected As Single = 8545.207
             Dim actual As Single = target.TotalAirConsumedPerCycle()
             Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 8557.52
+            Dim expected As Single = 8274.78
             Dim actual As Single = Math.Round(target.TotalAirConsumedPerCycle(), 2)
@@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ Namespace UnitTests
-            _defaultInputConfig.AirSuspensionControl = "mechanically"
+            _defaultInputConfig.AirSuspensionControl = "Mechanically"
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 8726.18
+            Dim expected As Single = 8443.44
             Dim actual As Single = Math.Round(target.TotalAirConsumedPerCycle(), 2)
@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ Namespace UnitTests
-            _defaultInputConfig.AdBlueDosing = "Electric"
+            _defaultInputConfig.AdBlueDosing = "Pneumatic"
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 7490.96
+            Dim expected As Single = 7664.94
             Dim actual As Single = Math.Round(target.TotalAirConsumedPerCycle(), 2)
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
             Dim target As New M3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand(_defaultInputConfig, psAuxConfig, psActuationsMap, psCompressorMap, _vehicleMassKG, "Urban", _cycleDurationMinutes)
-            Dim expected As Single = 6880.88
+            Dim expected As Single = 6598.14
             Dim actual As Single = Math.Round(target.TotalAirConsumedPerCycle(), 2)
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_5_SmartAlternatorSetEfficiencyTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_5_SmartAlternatorSetEfficiencyTests.vb
index d09d9b6991c732e3e7891df0301e779470c2a003..ef815e4c3235059e40d11cf97843757f0b29b3f6 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_5_SmartAlternatorSetEfficiencyTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_5_SmartAlternatorSetEfficiencyTests.vb
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ End Sub
 Public Sub AlternatorsEfficiencyIdle2000rpmTest()
-   Dim expected As Single = 0.5769231
+   Dim expected As Single = 0.577212
    Dim actual As Single = target.AlternatorsEfficiencyIdleResultCard()
    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ End Sub
 Public Sub AlternatorsEfficiencyTraction2000rpmTest()
-   Dim expected As Single = 0.5769231
+   Dim expected As Single = 0.577212
    Dim actual As Single = target.AlternatorsEfficiencyTractionOnResultCard()
    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ End Sub
 Public Sub AlternatorsEfficiencyOverrun2000rpmTest()
-   Dim expected As Single = 0.5769231
+   Dim expected As Single = 0.577212
    Dim actual As Single = target.AlternatorsEfficiencyOverrunResultCard()
    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_NonSmart_AlternatorsSetEfficiencyTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_NonSmart_AlternatorsSetEfficiencyTests.vb
index 7b7bd682ed78d2db1f47332e0535bfc9616a61d1..377583515b46a8beb2388612f9ae154c8236f891 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_NonSmart_AlternatorsSetEfficiencyTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M0_NonSmart_AlternatorsSetEfficiencyTests.vb
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Public Sub EfficiencyValueTest()
        Dim actual As Single = target.AlternatorsEfficiency
-       Dim expected As Single = 0.6388235
+       Dim expected As Single = 0.6378931
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M1_AverageHVACLoadDemandTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M1_AverageHVACLoadDemandTests.vb
index cb2da531c58ed5b63494cba1f2c279e25eb8bdff..00ffbd425194afc1739e6c99d2398d82668b35fa 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M1_AverageHVACLoadDemandTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M1_AverageHVACLoadDemandTests.vb
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Public Sub AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromHVACElectricsWattsTest()
    Dim target As IM1_AverageHVACLoadDemand = GETM1Instance()
-   Dim expected As Single = 194.029846
+   Dim expected As Single = 196.576889
    dim actual as Single = target.AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromHVACElectricsWatts
    Assert.AreEqual( expected , actual)
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M2_AverageElectricalLoadTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M2_AverageElectricalLoadTests.vb
index 5feb1fd4972d4a01da1a05551c5ee8bed8ab51fb..348a2d66599b875d4a5b734bb1778ce78f896c8b 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M2_AverageElectricalLoadTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M2_AverageElectricalLoadTests.vb
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Namespace UnitTests
         Public Sub GetAveragePowerAtCrankTest()
             Dim target As M2_AverageElectricalLoadDemand = GetAverageElectricalDemandInstance()
-            Dim expected As Single = 2272.85522
+            Dim expected As Single = 2302.69116
             Dim actual As Single = target.GetAveragePowerAtCrank()
             Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
         End Sub
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M5_SmartAlternatorSetGenerationTests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M5_SmartAlternatorSetGenerationTests.vb
index 3bdf78ffe9f4bd639ca81ac92c1d927f0e4f34d2..d0df61a764d30dfda0e3d573eb35fbc79f260558 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M5_SmartAlternatorSetGenerationTests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M5_SmartAlternatorSetGenerationTests.vb
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Public Sub  PowerAtCrankIdleWatts()
  _target = New M5__SmartAlternatorSetGeneration(_m05,_powerNetVoltage,_altGearPullyEfficiency)
- Dim expected As Single =1993.34644
+ Dim expected As Single =1992.34875
  Dim actual As Single = _target.AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankIdleWatts()
  Assert.AreEqual( expected,  actual)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Public Sub  PowerAtCrankTractionWatts()
  _target = New M5__SmartAlternatorSetGeneration(_m05,_powerNetVoltage,_altGearPullyEfficiency)
- Dim expected As Single =1993.34644
+ Dim expected As Single =1992.34875
  Dim actual As Single = _target.AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankTractionOnWatts()
  Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Public Sub  PowerAtCrankOverrunWatts()
  _target = New M5__SmartAlternatorSetGeneration(_m05,_powerNetVoltage,_altGearPullyEfficiency)
- Dim expected As Single =1993.34644
+ Dim expected As Single =1992.34875
  Dim actual As Single = _target.AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankOverrunWatts()