From 807602654d4986ccea4c43f09ff513d21c2347a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Kalchgruber <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 11:15:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update of Usermanual, spellcheck, removal of obsolete or
 outdated values and text. Addition of some text for consistency between VECTO
 application and in the document

 .../User Manual/1-user-interface/   |  2 +-
 .../1-user-interface/            |  8 ++--
 .../1-user-interface/   | 16 ++++----
 .../1-user-interface/     |  2 +-
 .../1-user-interface/    | 39 ++++++++++--------
 .../1-user-interface/          | 20 ++++-----
 .../1-user-interface/          | 10 ++---
 .../         | 10 ++---
 .../1-user-interface/          | 31 ++++++++------
 .../User Manual/1-user-interface/   |  2 +-
 .../1-user-interface/       |  6 +--
 .../1-user-interface/   | 16 +++++---
 .../User Manual/1-user-interface/    | 22 +++++-----
 .../User Manual/1-user-interface/    | 24 +++++------
 .../2-calculation-modes/        |  4 +-
 .../3-simulation-models/       | 37 ++++++++++-------
 .../3-simulation-models/        |  2 +-
 .../3-simulation-models/     | 41 ++++++++++---------
 .../3-simulation-models/         |  8 ++--
 .../3-simulation-models/     |  4 +-
 .../3-simulation-models/   |  6 +--
 .../3-simulation-models/    |  2 +-
 .../                 |  4 +-
 .../                   | 10 ++---
 .../        |  8 ++--
 .../3-simulation-models/        |  6 +--
 .../3-simulation-models/      |  6 +--
 .../3-simulation-models/       |  6 +--
 .../3-simulation-models/       |  4 +-
 .../3-simulation-models/         |  6 +--
 .../User Manual/3-simulation-models/   |  4 +-
 .../User Manual/3-simulation-models/    |  6 +--
 .../          | 12 +++---
 .../            |  4 +-
 .../User Manual/3-simulation-models/     |  2 +-
 .../                    |  4 +-
 .../            | 14 +++----
 .../3-simulation-models/        |  2 +-
 .../3-simulation-models/         |  2 +-
 .../4-command-line-arguments/           |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/           | 10 ++---
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          | 12 +++---
 .../5-input-and-output-files/     |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/         |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          |  6 +--
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/        |  4 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          | 18 ++++----
 .../5-input-and-output-files/         |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/         |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          | 20 ++++-----
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          |  2 +-
 .../5-input-and-output-files/          |  2 +-
 .../                  |  2 +-
 56 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 241 deletions(-)

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index fd8af9e96b..9de7439ff7 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -46,6 +46,6 @@ This User Manual consists of 4 Parts:
 - [Input and Output](#input-and-output):
     : Describes the input and output file formats.
-This user manual describes verson 3.3.x of Vecto. 
+This user manual describes verson 3.3.x of VECTO. 
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/
index bed13316db..89707eab73 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ In this tab the global calculation settings can be changed.
 :   Toggle output of modal results (.vmod files) in declaration mode. A Summary file (.vsum) is always created.
 ![cb](pics/checkbox.png) Modal results in 1Hz
-:   If selected, the modal results (.vmod file) will be converted into 1Hz after the simulation. This may add certain artefacts in the resulting modal results file.
+:   If selected, the modal results (.vmod file) will be converted into 1Hz after the simulation. This may add certain artifacts in the resulting modal results file.
 Validate Data
 :    Enables or disables internal checks if the model parameters are within a reasonable range. When simulating a new vehicle model it is good to have this option enabled. If the model parameters are from certified components or the model data has only been modified slightly this check may be disabled. The VECTO simulation will abort anyways if there is an error in the model parameters. Enabling this option increases the simulation time by a few seconds.
-Output values in vmod at beginning and end of simulation iterval
-:    By default VECTO writes the simulation results at the middle of every simulation interval. If this option is enabled, the .vmod file will contain two entries for every simulation interval, one at the beginning and one at the end of the simulation interval. Enabling this option may be helpful for analysing the trace of certain signals but can not be used for quantitative analyses of the fuel consumption, average power losses, etc. The generated modal result file has the suffix '_sim'. The picture below shows the difference in the output (top: conventional, bottom: if this option is checked)
+Output values in vmod at beginning and end of simulation interval
+:    By default VECTO writes the simulation results at the middle of every simulation interval. If this option is enabled, the .vmod file will contain two entries for every simulation interval, one at the beginning and one at the end of the simulation interval. Enabling this option may be helpful for analyzing the trace of certain signals but can not be used for quantitative analyses of the fuel consumption, average power losses, etc. The generated modal result file has the suffix '_sim'. The picture below shows the difference in the output (top: conventional, bottom: if this option is checked)
 ![Regular VECTO .vmod output (top) vs. beginning and end of simulation interval (bottom)](pics/VECTO_vmod_vgl.png)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Depending on the colour the following message types are displayed:
 Note that the [message log](#application-files) can be opened in the ![](pics/Misc-Tools-icon.png) Tools menu with **Open Log**.
-In addition to the log messages shown in the message list, Vecto writes more elaborate messages in the subdirectory logs. If multiple simulations are run in parallel (e.g., in declartion mode a vehicle is simulated on different cycles with different loadings) a separate log-file is created for every simulation run.
+In addition to the log messages shown in the message list, VECTO writes more elaborate messages in the subdirectory logs. If multiple simulations are run in parallel (e.g., in declaration mode a vehicle is simulated on different cycles with different loadings) a separate log-file is created for every simulation run.
 : Displays current status and progress of active simulations. When no simulation is executed the current mode is displayed (Engineering or Declaration Mode).
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/
index edf9f190c1..49ec9d294e 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ Filepath to the Vehicle File (.vveh)
 Filepath to the Engine File (.veng)
 :	Files can be created and edited using the [Engine Editor](#engine-editor).
-Filepath ot the Gearbox File(.vgbx)
+Filepath to the Gearbox File(.vgbx)
 :	Files can be created and edited using the [Gearbox Editor](#gearbox-editor).
-Filepath ot the Shift Parameters File(.vtcu)
+Filepath to the Shift Parameters File(.vtcu)
-Filepath ot the Hybrid Strategy Parameters File(.vhctl)
+Filepath to the Hybrid Strategy Parameters File(.vhctl)
 :	Files can be created and edited using the [Hybrid Strategy Parameters Editor](#hybrid-strategy-parameters-editor).
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ Filepath ot the Hybrid Strategy Parameters File(.vhctl)
 <div class="declaration">
 :	This group contains input elements to define the engine's load from the auxiliaries.
-In Declaration Mode only the pre-defined auxiliaries are available and their power-demand is also pre-defined, depending on the vehicle category and driving cycle. 
-The list contains the pre-defined auxiliaries where the concrete technology for each auxiliary can be configured using the [Auxiliary Dialog](#auxiliary-dialog). 
+In Declaration Mode only the predefined auxiliaries are available and their power-demand is also predefined, depending on the vehicle category and driving cycle. 
+The list contains the predefined auxiliaries where the concrete technology for each auxiliary can be configured using the [Auxiliary Dialog](#auxiliary-dialog). 
 **Double-click** entries to edit with the [Auxiliary Dialog](#auxiliary-dialog). No other types of auxiliaries can be used in declaration mode.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ The list contains the pre-defined auxiliaries where the concrete technology for
 :	In Engineering Mode the auxiliary power demand can be defined in three ways. 
-The first option is to define the power demand directly in the driving cycle in the column "Padd" (see [Driving Cycles](#driving-cycles-.vdri). This allows to vary the auxiliary load over distance (or time, for time-based driving cycles).
+The first option is to define the power demand directly in the driving cycle in the column "Padd" (see [Driving Cycles](#driving-cycles-.vdri). This allows to vary the auxiliary load over distance (or time, for time-based driving cycles). TODO: ask for Padd
 The second option is to define a constant power demand over the whole cycle. The auxiliary power demand can be specified depending on whether the combustion engine is on or off and the vehicle is driving. The auxiliary power demand during engine-off phase is corrected in the [post-processing](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ In Engineering Mode the cycles can be freely selected. All declaration cycles ar
 : ![remcycle](pics/minus-circle-icon.png) Remove the selected cycle from the list
-### Driver Assist Tab
+### Driver Model Tab
-In this tab the driver assistance functions are enabled and parameterised. The parameters for overspeed, look-ahead coasting and driver acceleration can only be modified in Engineering Mode.
+In this tab the driver assistance functions are enabled and parameterized. The parameters for overspeed, look-ahead coasting and driver acceleration can only be modified in Engineering Mode.
 :	See [Overspeed](#driver-overspeed) for details.
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index 0193c0ba69..09aee37555 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ In declaration mode the manufacturer's record file needs to be provided. Further
 ### Relative File Paths
-It is recommended to use relative filepaths. This way the Job File and all input files can be moved without having to update the paths. Example: "Vehicles\\Vehicle1.xml" points to the "Vehicles" subdirectory of the Job File's directoy.
+It is recommended to use relative filepaths. This way the Job File and all input files can be moved without having to update the paths. Example: "Vehicles\\Vehicle1.xml" points to the "Vehicles" subdirectory of the Job File's directory.
 VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. Vehicle File) is in the same directory as the Job File. (*Note:* The Job File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
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index dc11fd7f79..4b9bb74e61 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ### Description
-The Auxiliary Dialog is used to configure auxiliaries. In [Declaration Mode](#declaration-mode) the set of auxiliaries and their power demand is pre-defined. For every auxiliary the user has to select the technology from a given list. 
+The Auxiliary Dialog is used to configure auxiliaries. In [Declaration Mode](#declaration-mode) the set of auxiliaries and their power demand is predefined. For every auxiliary the user has to select the technology from a given list. 
 ### Settings
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ For the  steering pump multiple technologies can be defined, one for each steere
 <div class="engineering">
-In Engineering Mode the auxiliary power demand can either be specified in the driving cycle over distance (or time), specified as constant load, or via the bus auxiliaires. For more details see [the Auxiliaries tab in the Job editor](#job-editor).
+In Engineering Mode the auxiliary power demand can either be specified in the driving cycle over distance (or time), specified as constant load, or via the bus auxiliaries. For more details see [the Auxiliaries tab in the Job editor](#job-editor).
@@ -38,59 +38,62 @@ In Engineering Mode the electrical and mechanical power demand for the electric
 #### Electric System
-Current Demand Engine On
+Current Demand Engine On \[A\]
 :   Demand of the electric system when the ICE is on. The current is multiplied with the nominal voltage of 28.3V.
-Current Demand Engine Off Driving
+Current Demand Engine Off Driving \[A\]
 :   Demand of the electric system when the ICE is off and the vehicle is driving. The current is multiplied with the nominal voltage of 28.3V.
-Current Demand Engine Off Standstill
+Current Demand Engine Off Standstill \[A\]
 :   Demand of the electric system when the ICE is off and the vehicle is at standstill. The current is multiplied with the nominal voltage of 28.3V.
-Alternator Efficiency
+Alternator Efficiency  \[-\]
 :   The electric power demand is divided by the alternator efficiency to get the mechanical power demand at the crank shaft
 Alternator Technology
-:   The "conventional alternator" generated exactly the electric power as demanded by the auxiliaries. The "smart alternator" may generate more electric power than needed during braking phases. The exessive electric power is stored in a battery. In case "no alternator" is selected (only available for xEV vehicles) the electric system is supplied from the high voltage REESS via a DC/DC converter.
+:   The "conventional alternator" generated exactly the electric power as demanded by the auxiliaries. The "smart alternator" may generate more electric power than needed during braking phases. The excessive electric power is stored in a battery. In case "no alternator" is selected (only available for xEV vehicles) the electric system is supplied from the high voltage REESS via a DC/DC converter.
-Max Recuperation Power
+Max Recuperation Power \[W\]
 :   In case of a smart alternator, defines the maximum electric power the alternator can generate during braking phases.
-Useable Electric Storage Capacity
+Useable Electric Storage Capacity \[Wh\]
 :   In case of a smart alternator, defines the storage capacity of the battery. In case the battery is not empty, the electric auxiliaries are supplied from the battery. Excessive electric energy from the smart alternator during braking phases is stored in the battery.
-Electric Storage Efficiency
+Electric Storage Efficiency \[-\]
 :   This efficiency is applied when storing electric energy from the alternator in the battery.
 ESS supply from HEV REESS
 :   If selected, the low-voltage electric auxiliaries can be supplied from the high voltage REESS via the DC/DC converter. Needs to be selected in case "no alternator" is chosen as alternator technology. In case of a smart alternator, the low-voltage battery is used first and if empty the energy is drawn from the high voltage system.
+DC/DC Converter Efficiency  \[-]\
 #### Pneumatic System
 Compressor Map
 :   [Compressor map file](#advanced-compressor-map-.acmp) defining the mechanical power demand and the air flow depending on the compressor speed.
-Average Air Demand
-:    Defines the average demand of copressed air througout the cycle.
+Average Air Demand  \[NI/s\]
+:    Defines the average demand of compressed air throughout the cycle.
-Compressor Ratio
-:    Defines the ratio between the air compressor and combustio engine
+Compressor Ratio \[-\]
+:    Defines the ratio between the air compressor and combustion engine
 Smart Air Compressor
 :    If enabled, the air compressor may generate excessive air during braking events. The air consumed and generated are [corrected in post processing](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
 #### HVAC System
-Mechanical Power Demand
+Mechanical Power Demand  \[W\]
 :   Power demand of the HVAC system directly applied at the crank shaft
-Electric Power Demand
+Electric Power Demand  \[W\]
 :   Electric power demand of the HVAC system. This is added to the current demand of the electric system
-Aux Heater Power
+Aux Heater Power  \[W\]
 :   Maximum power of the auxiliary heater
-Average Heating Demand
+Average Heating Demand  \[MJ\]
 :   Heating demand for the passenger compartment. This demand is primary satisfied from the combustion engines waste heat. In case the heating demand is higher, the auxiliary heater may provide additional heating power. The fuel consumption of the aux heater is [corrected in post processing](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
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index dbafd237a9..e37f926f72 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 The [Vehicle File (.vveh)](#vehicle-file-.vveh) defines the main vehicle/chassis parameters like axles including [RRC](#vehicle-rolling-resistance-coefficient)s, air resistance and masses.
-The Vehicle Editor contains up to 6 tabs, depending on the powertrain architecture and simulation mode, to edit all vehicle-related parameters. The 'General' tab allows to input mass, loading, air resistance, vehicle axles, etc. The 'Powertrain' tab allows to define the retarder, an optional angle drive. The third tab is dedicated to all electric components in case of hybrid electric and battery electric vehicles. In the fourth tab the torque limitations for the combustion engine, the electric motor and the whole vehicle can be specified. The fifth tab allows to enable or disable certain advanced driver assistant systems to be considered in the vehicle. The last tab is dedicated to PTOs, either as a basic component or to simulate municipal vehicles such as refuse trucks or road sweepers with dedicated PTO activation either during driving or during standstill. 
+The Vehicle Editor contains up to 6 tabs, depending on the powertrain architecture and simulation mode, to edit all vehicle-related parameters. The 'General' tab allows to input mass, loading, air resistance, vehicle axles, etc. The 'Powertrain' tab allows to define the retarder, an optional angle drive. The 'Electric Machine' tab is dedicated to all electric components in case of hybrid electric and battery electric vehicles. In the 'Torque Limits' tab the torque limitations for the combustion engine, the electric motor and the whole vehicle can be specified. The 'ADAS' tab allows to enable or disable certain advanced driver assistant systems to be considered in the vehicle. The 'PTO' tab is dedicated to PTOs, either as a basic component or to simulate municipal vehicles such as refuse trucks or road sweepers with dedicated PTO activation either during driving or during standstill. 
 ### Relative File Paths
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Curb Mass Extra Trailer/Body
 : Specifies additional mass due to superstructures on the vehicle or an additional trailer
-: Speciefies the loading of both, the vehicle and if available the trailer
+: Specifies the loading of both, the vehicle and if available the trailer
 **Max. Loading** displays a hint for the maximum possible loading for the selected vehicle depending on curb mass and TPMLM values (without taking into account the loading capacity of an additional trailer).
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Loading
 In Declaration Mode only the vehicle itself needs to be specified. Depending on the vehicle category and mission the simulation adds a standard trailer for certain missions.
-### Air Resistance and Corss Wind Correction Options
+### Air Resistance and Cross Wind Correction Options
 The product of Drag Coefficient [-] and Cross Sectional Area [m²] (**c~d~ x A**) and **Air Density** [kg/m³] (see [Settings](#settings)) together with the vehicle speed defines the Air Resistance. Vecto uses the combined value **c~d x A** as input. 
 **Note that the Air Drag depends on the chosen [**Cross Wind Correction**](#vehicle-cross-wind-correction).**
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ Use the ![](pics/plus-circle-icon.png) and ![](pics/minus-circle-icon.png) butto
 <div class="declaration">
 In [Declaration mode](#declaration-mode) only the axles of the truck have to be given (e.g., 2 axles for a 4x2 truck). 
-The dynamic tyre radius is derived from the second axle as it is assumed this is the driven axle.
-For missions with a trailer, predefined wheels and load-shares are added by Vecto automatically.
+The dynamic tire radius is derived from the second axle as it is assumed this is the driven axle.
+For missions with a trailer, predefined wheels and load-shares are added by VECTO automatically.
 Doubleclick entries to edit existing axle configurations.
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ The following options are available:
 -   Primary Retarder (before gearbox, transmission input retarder): The rpm ratio is relative to the engine speed.
 -   Secondary Retarder (after gearbox, transmission output retarder): The rpm ratio is relative to the cardan shaft speed.
 -   Engine Retarder: Used this if the engine already includes the retarder losses.
--   Axlegear Input Retarder (after axlegear): The rpm ratio is relative to the axlegear input shaft speed. Only available for battery electric vehicles with E3 motor, serial hybrid with S3 motor, S-IEPC, and E-IEPC.
+-   Axlegear Input Retarder (after axle gear): The rpm ratio is relative to the axle gear input shaft speed. Only available for battery electric vehicles with E3 motor, serial hybrid with S3 motor, IEPC-S, and IEPC-E.
-Primary, secondary and axlegear input retarder require an [Retarder Torque Loss Input File (.vrlm)](#retarder-loss-torque-input-file-.vrlm).
+Primary, secondary and axle gear input retarder require an [Retarder Torque Loss Input File (.vrlm)](#retarder-loss-torque-input-file-.vrlm).
 The retarder ratio defines the ratio between the engine speed/cardan shaft speed and the retarder.
 ### Angledrive
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Three options are available:
-For hybrid vehicles and battery electric vehicles the input elements on the *electric machine* tab is enabled. Here the component file for the eletric motor can be loaded or created (see [Electric Motor Editor](#electric-motor-editor))
+For hybrid vehicles and battery electric vehicles the input elements on the *electric machine* tab is enabled. Here the component file for the electric motor can be loaded or created (see [Electric Motor Editor](#electric-motor-editor))
 The position where the electric machine is located in the powertrain can be selected. It is possible that the electric machine is connected to the powertrain via a fixed gear ratio.
 At the moment electric machines are supported to be present at a single position only. It is not possible to have an electric motor at position P2 and another at position P4!
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ However, it is possible that more than one electric machine is used at a certain
 The *Loss map EM ADC* can be used to consider the losses of a transmission step between drivetrain and electric machine or to consider losses of a summation gear. The loss map has the same format as for all other transmission components (see [Transmission Loss Map (.vtlm)](#transmission-loss-map-.vtlm)). For simplicity or if no such transmission step is used it is possible to enter the efficiency directly (i.e., "1" if no transmission step is used).
-In case of a P2.5 configuration (the electric motor is connected to an internal shaft of the tranmission) the transmission ratio for every single gear of the transmission has to be specified in the list to the right of the electric motor parameters. The ratio is defeined as $n_\textrm{GBX,in} / n_\textrm{EM}$ in case of EM without additional ADC or $n_\textrm{GBX,in} / n_\textrm{ADC,out}$ in case of EM with additional ADC.
+In case of a P2.5 configuration (the electric motor is connected to an internal shaft of the transmission) the transmission ratio for every single gear of the transmission has to be specified in the list to the right of the electric motor parameters. The ratio is defined as $n_\textrm{GBX,in} / n_\textrm{EM}$ in case of EM without additional ADC or $n_\textrm{GBX,in} / n_\textrm{ADC,out}$ in case of EM with additional ADC.
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ In case that the gearbox' maximum torque is lower than the engine's maximum torq
 Next, the maximum available torque for the electric machine can be reduced at the vehicle level, both for propulsion and recuperation. The input file is the same as the maximum drive and maximum recuperation curve (see [Electric Motor Max Torque File](#electric-motor-max-torque-file-.vemp))
-Last, the overall propulsion of the vehicle (i.e., HEV Px, electric motor plus combustion engine) can be limited. The "Propulsion Torque Limit" curve limits the maximum effective torque at the gearbox input shaft over the input speed. This curve is added to the combustion engine's maximum torque curve (only positive values are allowed!). For details on the file format see [Vehicle Boosting Limits](#vehicle-boosting-limits-.vtqp). The propulsion torque limit has to be provided from 0 rpm to the maximum speed of the combustion engine. In case of P3 or P4 configuration, the torque at the gearbox input shaft is calculated assuming that the electric motor does not contribute to propelling the vehicle, considering the increased losses in the transmission components inbetween. For P2.5 powertrain configurations no special calculations are necessary as this architecture is internally anyhow modelled as P2 architecture.
+Last, the overall propulsion of the vehicle (i.e., HEV Px, electric motor plus combustion engine) can be limited. The "Propulsion Torque Limit" curve limits the maximum effective torque at the gearbox input shaft over the input speed. This curve is added to the combustion engine's maximum torque curve (only positive values are allowed!). For details on the file format see [Vehicle Boosting Limits](#vehicle-boosting-limits-.vtqp). The propulsion torque limit has to be provided from 0 rpm to the maximum speed of the combustion engine. In case of P3 or P4 configuration, the torque at the gearbox input shaft is calculated assuming that the electric motor does not contribute to propelling the vehicle, considering the increased losses in the transmission components in between. For P2.5 powertrain configurations no special calculations are necessary as this architecture is internally anyhow modeled as P2 architecture.
 ## Vehicle Editor -- ADAS Tab
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index 02f3eff5c0..6b00492fc4 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. FC Map) is in th
 ### Main Engine Parameters
-Make and Model \[text]\
+Make and Model 
 :   Free text defining the engine model, type, etc.
 Idling Engine Speed \[rpm\]
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ Inertia including Flywheel \[kgm²\]
 Rated Speed \[rpm\]
 : This value represents the characteristic rated speed of the engine. It is not used in the simulation as the rated speed is derived from the full-load curve
-Rated Power \[rpm\]
+Rated Power \[kW\]
 : This value represents the characteristic rated power of the engine. It is not used in the simulation as the rated power is derived from the full-load curve
-Max Torque \[rpm\]
+Max Torque \[Nm\]
 : This value represents the characteristic maximum torque of the engine. It is not used in the simulation as the maximum torque is derived from the full-load curve
-Dual Fuel
+Dual Fuel Engine
 : If enabled, a secondary fuel can be specified. 
 ### Primary/Secondary Fuel
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ In engineering a single correction factor for correcting WHTC, Cold/Hot Balancin
 ### Dual Fuel Engines
-If the engine is operated in dual-fuel mode, enabling the checkbox "Dual Fuel Engine" shows an additional tab for providing the fuel type, fuel consumption map, and fuelconsumption correction factors for the second fuel. For dual-fuel engines the result files (.vmod, .vsum, XML reports) contain the fuel consumption for each fuel separately and the total CO2 emissions.
+If the engine is operated in dual-fuel mode, enabling the checkbox "Dual Fuel Engine" shows an additional tab for providing the fuel type, fuel consumption map, and fuel consumption correction factors for the second fuel. For dual-fuel engines the result files (.vmod, .vsum, XML reports) contain the fuel consumption for each fuel separately and the total CO2 emissions.
 ### Waste Heat Recovery
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index c8e7aeb3cf..bbc1667e91 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ $f_\textrm{SoC} = 1 - \left(\frac{\textrm{SoC} - \textrm{TargetSoC}}{0.5 \cdot (
 The parameters for the cost function can be defined in the hybrid strategy file.
-Evquivalence Factor Discharge
+Equivalence Factor Discharge
 :   $f_{\textrm{equiv}}$ in case the battery is discharged
-Evquivalence Factor Charge
+Equivalence Factor Charge
 :   $f_{\textrm{equiv}}$ in case the battery is charged
 Min SoC
-:   $\textrm{SoC}_\textrm{min}$
+:   $\textrm{SoC}_\textrm{min}$ Minimum allowed state of charge
 Max SoC
-:   $\textrm{SoC}_\textrm{max}$
+:   $\textrm{SoC}_\textrm{max}$ Maximum allowed state of charge
 Target SoC
-:   $\textrm{TargetSoC}$
+:   $\textrm{TargetSoC}$ Targeted State of Charge for the REESS at the end of a drive
 Min ICE On Time
 :   In case the ICE was turned on, it cannot be turned of for this period of time
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index 639d3487ee..c13db21f76 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Furthermore, certain parameters for the gearshift strategy such as the gearshift
 ### Relative File Paths
 It is recommended to use relative filepaths. This way the Job File and all input files can be moved without having to update the paths. \
-Example: "Gears\\Gear1.vtlm" points to the "Gears" subdirectory of the Gearbox File's directoy.
+Example: "Gears\\Gear1.vtlm" points to the "Gears" subdirectory of the Gearbox File's directory.
 VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. Shift Polygons File) is in the same directory as the Gearbox File. (The Gearbox File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Transmission Type
 -   **APT-S**: Automatic Transmission with torque converter - Serial configuration
 -   **APT-P**: Automatic Transmission with torque converter - Power Split configuration
 -   **APT-N**: Automatic Transmission without torque converter, only applicable for pure electric vehicles
+- 	**IHPC**: Transmission for IHPC configuration
+-	**IEPC**: Transmission for IEPC-S and IEPC-E configuration (dummy entry)
 For more details on the automatic transmission please see the [APT-Model](#gearbox-at-gearbox-model)
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ Use the ![add](pics/plus-circle-icon.png) and ![remove](pics/minus-circle-icon.p
 -    **"Loss Map or Efficiency"** allows to define either a constant efficiency value or a [loss map (.vtlm)](#transmission-loss-map-.vtlm). <span class="engineering">Note: efficiency values are only allowed in engineering mode</span>
 -    **"Shift polygons"** defines the [Shift Polygons InputFile (.vgbs)](#shift-polygons-input-file-.vgbs) for each gear. Not allowed in [Declaration Mode](#declaration-mode). See [GearShift Model](#gear-shift-model) for details.
 -	 **"Max Torque"** defines the maximum allowed torque (if applicable) for a gear. It is used for limiting the engine's torque in certain gears. Note: in Declaration mode the [generic shift polygons](#gear-shift-model) are computed from the engine's full-load curve. If the maximum torque is limited by the gearbox, the minimum of the gearbox and engine maximum torque will be used to compute the [generic shift polygons](#gear-shift-model)!
+-	 **"Max Speed"** define the maximum speed for the current gear
 ### Gear shift strategy parameters
@@ -86,30 +88,33 @@ Automatic Transmission (APT-N) - Pure Electric vehicle
 #### Gearshift Parameters
-Torque reserve
+Torque reserve \[%\]
 :   The minimal torque reserve which has to be provided after a gearshift. Only used for MT transmissions.
-Minimum time between gearshifts
+Minimum time between gearshifts \[s\]
 :   Defines the time interval between two consecutive gearshifts. Has to be greater than 0. This time interval is ignored if the engine speed gets too high or too low.
 #### Shift Strategy Parameters
-The user interface contains input fields for the following parameters:
-: - **Downshift after upshift delay**: to prevent frequent (oscilating) up-/down shifts this parameter blocks downshifts for a certain period after an upshift
-- **Upshift after downshift delay**: to prevent frequent (oscilating) up-/down shifts this parameter blocks upshifts for a certain period after a downshift
-- **Min acceleration after upshift**: after an upshift the vehicle must be able to accelerate with at least the given acceleration. The achievable acceleration after an upshift is estimated on the current driving condition and powertrain state.
+Downshift after upshift delay
+:	to prevent frequent (oscillating) up-/down shifts this parameter blocks downshifts for a certain period after an upshift
+Upshift after downshift delay 
+:	to prevent frequent (oscillating) up-/down shifts this parameter blocks upshifts for a certain period after a downshift
+Min acceleration after upshift
+: 	after an upshift the vehicle must be able to accelerate with at least the given acceleration. The achievable acceleration after an upshift is estimated on the current driving condition and powertrain state.
 #### Start Gear
 In order to calculate an appropriate gear for vehicle start (first gear after vehicle standstill) a fictional load case is calculated using a specified **reference vehicle speed** and **reference acceleration** together with the actual road gradient, transmission losses and auxiliary power demand. This way the start gear is independent from the target speed. VECTO uses the highest possible gear which provides the defined **torque reserve**.
+Torque reserve \[%\]
+:   The minimal torque reserve which has to be provided for the start gear. 
 Reference vehicle speed at clutch-in
 :   The reference vehicle speed
-Reference acceleration at clutch-in
-:   The reference acceleration
 ### Torque Converter
@@ -121,10 +126,10 @@ Inertia \[kgm²\]
 :   Rotational inertia of the engine-side part of the torque converter.
 (Gearbox-side inertia is not considered in VECTO.)
-Reference RPM
+Reference RPM \[rpm\]
 :   Defines the reference speed at which the torque converter characteristics file was measured.
-Max. Speed
+Max. Speed \[rpm\]
 :   Defines the maximum input speed the torque converter can handle.
 Torque converter shift polygon
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index c5421ed552..e92a20fba2 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ### Description
-The Graph Window allows to visualise [modal results files (.vmod)](#modal-results-.vmod). Multiple windows can be open at the same time to display different files.
+The Graph Window allows to visualize [modal results files (.vmod)](#modal-results-.vmod). Multiple windows can be open at the same time to display different files.
 Note that the graph does **not** update automatically if the results file has changed.
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index 77cf5a8152..1d96785780 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The electric motor file defines all parameters relevant for the electric machine
 It is recommended to use relative filepaths. This way the Job File and all input files can be moved without having to update the paths. 
-VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. elctric power map) is in the same directory as the Electric Motor File. (The Electric Motor File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
+VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. electric power map) is in the same directory as the Electric Motor File. (The Electric Motor File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
 ### Main Parameters
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Inertia \[kgm²\]
 Continuous Torque \[Nm\]
 :    The nominal torque the electric machine can provide continuously
-Test Speed Continous Torque \[rpm\]
-:    Angular speed at which the continouos torque can be provided
+Test Speed Continuous Torque \[rpm\]
+:    Angular speed at which the continuous torque can be provided
 Overload Torque \[Nm\]
 :    Maximum torque above the continuous torque the electric motor can provide for a certain time
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index 7779432057..3a8883fce8 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ Make and Model
 Capacity \[Ah\]
 :   Nominal capacity of the battery
-C-Factor \[-\]
-:   Factor defining the battery's maximum current (derived from the capacity)
 SoC min \[%\]
 :   Minimum allowed state of charge
 SoC max \[%\]
 :   Maximum allowed state of charge
-SoC Curve
+Max Current Map
+:	defines the maximum allowed current for a state of charge
+OCV Curve
 :   Battery internal voltage depending on the battery's state of charge (see [Battery Internal Voltage File (.vbatv)](#battery-internal-voltage-file-.vbatv))
 Internal Resistance Curve
@@ -65,9 +65,15 @@ Min Voltage \[V\]
 Max Voltage \[v\]
 :   Maximum allowed state of charge
-Internal Resistance
+Internal Resistance \[Ω\]
 :   Defines the capacitor's internal resistance 
+Max Current Chg \[A\]
+:	Maximum allowed current charge
+Max Current Dischg \[A\]
+:	Maximum allowed current discharge
 ### Controls
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index 13932980c6..785a2def4f 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ### Description
-Integrated electric powertrain component (IEPC) means a combined system of an electric machine system together with the funcitonality of either a single- or multi-speed gearbox or a differential or both. 
+Integrated electric powertrain component (IEPC) means a combined system of an electric machine system together with the functionality of either a single- or multi-speed gearbox or a differential or both. 
 An IEPC can be of design-type wheel motor which means that the output shaft (or two output shafts) are directly connected to the wheel hub(s). The IEPC component file defines all parameters relevant for the electric machine. These are the motor's maximum drive and recuperation torque, the drag torque as well as the electric power map.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ An IEPC may have several shiftable transmission steps or only a single gear stag
 It is recommended to use relative filepaths. This way the Job File and all input files can be moved without having to update the paths. 
-VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. elctric power map) is in the same directory as the Electric Motor File. (The Electric Motor File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
+VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. electric power map) is in the same directory as the Electric Motor File. (The Electric Motor File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
 ### Main Parameters
@@ -32,28 +32,28 @@ Gears
 Continuous Torque \[Nm\]
 :    The nominal torque the electric machine can provide continuously
-Test Speed Continous Torque \[rpm\]
-:    Angular speed at which the continouos torque can be provided
+Continuous Torque Speed \[rpm\]
+:    Angular speed at which the continuous torque can be provided
 Overload Torque \[Nm\]
 :    Maximum torque above the continuous torque the electric motor can provide for a certain time
-Test Speed Overload Torque \[rpm\]
+Overload Torque Speed\[rpm\]
 :    Angular speed at which the overload torque was measured
 Overload Duration \[s\]
 :    The time interval the electric machine can operate at its peak performance
-Thermal Overload Recovery Factor
+Thermal Overload Recovery Factor  \[-\]
 :    The accumulated overload energy has to be below the max. overload capacity multiplied by this factor so that the peak power is available again.
-Drag Torque Curve
-:   The motor's drag torque over engine speed when the motor is not energized. The torque values in the drag curve have to be negative. (see [IEPC Drag Curve File (.viepcd)](#iepc-drag-curve-file-.viepcd))
+Full Load Curve
+:	TODO    
-Max. Drive and Max. Generation Torque Curve
-:   Torque over engine speed the electric motor can apply on its output shaft. (see [IEPC Max Torque File (.vemp)](#iepc-max-torque-file-.viepcp)). The max drive and max generation torque have to be provided for two different voltage levels.
+Drag Curves
+:	The motor's drag torque over engine speed when the motor is not energized. The torque values in the drag curve have to be negative. (see [Electric Motor Drag Curve File (.vemd)](#electric-motor-drag-curve-file-.vemd))
-Electric Power Consumption Map
+Power Map Per Gear
 :   Defines the electric power that is required to provide a certain mechanical power (torque and angular speed) at the motor's shaft. This map is used to calculate the electric power demand. The electric power consumption map shall cover a torque range exceeding the max. drive and max. generation torque and shall cover the speed range from 0 up to the maximum speed. (see [IEPC Map (.viepco)](#iepc-power-map-.viepco)). The power map has to be provided for two different voltage levels and all gears.
 Voltage Level Low/High
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index b4724e77a7..d806661e24 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/1-user-interface/	
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Integrated hybrid electric vehicle powertrain component (IHPC) means a combined
 It is recommended to use relative filepaths. This way the Job File and all input files can be moved without having to update the paths. 
-VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. elctric power map) is in the same directory as the Electric Motor File. (The Electric Motor File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
+VECTO automatically uses relative paths if the input file (e.g. electric power map) is in the same directory as the Electric Motor File. (The Electric Motor File must be saved before browsing for input files.)
 ### Main Parameters
@@ -23,34 +23,28 @@ Make and Model
 Inertia \[kgm²\]
 :   Rotational inertia of the electric machine defined at the output shaft of the EM. (Engineering mode only)
-:   Gear ratios of the transmission steps of the IEPC
 Continuous Torque \[Nm\]
 :    The nominal torque the electric machine can provide continuously
-Test Speed Continous Torque \[rpm\]
-:    Angular speed at which the continouos torque can be provided
+Continuous Torque Speed \[rpm\]
+:    Angular speed at which the continuous torque can be provided
 Overload Torque \[Nm\]
 :    Maximum torque above the continuous torque the electric motor can provide for a certain time
-Test Speed Overload Torque \[rpm\]
+Overload Torque Speed \[rpm\]
 :    Angular speed at which the overload torque was measured
 Overload Duration \[s\]
 :    The time interval the electric machine can operate at its peak performance
-Thermal Overload Recovery Factor
+Thermal Overload Recovery Factor  \[-\]
 :    The accumulated overload energy has to be below the max. overload capacity multiplied by this factor so that the peak power is available again.
-Drag Torque Curve
-:   The motor's drag torque over engine speed when the motor is not energized. The torque values in the drag curve have to be negative. (see [Electric Motor Drag Curve File (.vemd)](#electric-motor-drag-curve-file-.vemd))
-Max. Drive and Max. Generation Torque Curve
-:   Torque over engine speed the electric motor can apply on its output shaft. (see [Electric Motor Max Torque File (.vemp)](#electric-motor-max-torque-file-.vemp)). The max drive and max generation torque have to be provided for two different voltage levels.
+Full Load Curve
+:   TODO 
-Electric Power Consumption Map
+Power Map Per Gear
 :   Defines the electric power that is required to provide a certain mechanical power (torque and angular speed) at the motor's shaft. This map is used to calculate the electric power demand. The electric power consumption map shall cover a torque range exceeding the max. drive and max. generation torque and shall cover the speed range from 0 up to the maximum speed. (see [Electric Motor Map (.viepco)](#electric-motor-power-map-.vemo)). The power map has to be provided for two different voltage levels and all gears.
 Voltage Level Low/High
@@ -58,6 +52,8 @@ Voltage Level Low/High
 ### Controls
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index 13d88e3396..86d4f2dfc0 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/2-calculation-modes/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/2-calculation-modes/	
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ In this mode the given list of job files is simulated with the respective drivin
 ### Options
-The Driving Cycle determines the simulation method in engineering mode. The option depends directly on the driving cycle input and cannot be set explicitely. For more information about the formats see [Driving Cycles](#driving-cycles-.vdri).
+The Driving Cycle determines the simulation method in engineering mode. The option depends directly on the driving cycle input and cannot be set explicitly. For more information about the formats see [Driving Cycles](#driving-cycles-.vdri).
 * [Target speed, distance-based](#engineering-mode-target-speed-distance-based-cycle)
 :   This option is the a target vehicle speed distance based cycle (like in Declaration Mode). With this option experiments can be made by the manufacturer.
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ The Driving Cycle determines the simulation method in engineering mode. The opti
 * [Pwheel (SiCo) Mode, time-based](#engineering-mode-pwheel-sico-time-based)
 :   In Pwheel mode the measured power at the wheels is given, and the simulation takes that as input.
-**Note:** Time-based driving cycles support arbitrary time steps. However, certain actions are simulated within a single simulation interval (e.g. closing the clutch after a gear switch) and may thus result in artefacts during the simulation due to engine inertia, gearbox inertia, etc. Thus **the suggested minimum time interval for time-based cycles is 0.5s!**
+**Note:** Time-based driving cycles support arbitrary time steps. However, certain actions are simulated within a single simulation interval (e.g. closing the clutch after a gear switch) and may thus result in artifacts during the simulation due to engine inertia, gearbox inertia, etc. Thus **the suggested minimum time interval for time-based cycles is 0.5s!**
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/
index 7585b61585..a7251775ab 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Driver: Overspeed
-Overspeed controls the vehicle's behaviour on uneven road sections (slope ≠ 0) and can be configured in the [Job File](#job-file)'s Driver Assist Tab. Overspeed is designed to model an average driver's behaviour without the aid of driver assistance systems. Eco-Roll  represents an optional driver assistance feature. For this reason vehicles without Eco-Roll should always have the Overspeed function enabled.
+Overspeed controls the vehicle's behavior on uneven road sections (slope ≠ 0) and can be configured in the [Job File](#job-file)'s Driver Assist Tab. Overspeed is designed to model an average driver's behavior without the aid of driver assistance systems. Eco-Roll  represents an optional driver assistance feature. For this reason vehicles without Eco-Roll should always have the Overspeed function enabled.
 Overspeed activates as soon as the total power demand at the wheels (Pwheel) falls below zero, i.e. the vehicle accelerates on a negative slope. The clutch remains closed, engine in motoring operation, and the vehicle accelerates beyond the cycle's target speed. When the speed limit (target speed plus **Max. Overspeed**) is reached the mechanical brakes are engaged to prevent further acceleration.
@@ -19,13 +19,18 @@ Parameters in [Job File](#job-file):
 ### Description
-If engine stop/start is enabled in the Vehicle, the engine is turned off during vehicle stops to reduce the fuel consumption. During vehicle stops the energy demand for certain auxiliaires and for starting the engine is accumulated. In a post-processing step the final [fuel consumption is corrected](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction) to consider the energy demand for the auxiliaries and engine start.
+If engine stop/start is enabled in the Vehicle, the engine is turned off during vehicle stops to reduce the fuel consumption. During vehicle stops the energy demand for certain auxiliaries and for starting the engine is accumulated. In a post-processing step the final [fuel consumption is corrected](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction) to consider the energy demand for the auxiliaries and engine start.
 ### Model Parameters
-   - **Delay engine-off:** if the vehicle stops, the engine is switched off after this timespan
-   - **Max engine-off timespan:** if the enine is switched off at a vehicle stand, the engine is turned on again after this timespan. This basically limits the max. time the engine is switched off at a single engine-off event.
-   - **Engine stop/start utility factor:** In practice, the engine is not switched off at every vehicle stop. This is considered with this utility factor (0...1). Further details are provided below.
+Delay engine-off \[s\]
+:   if the vehicle stops, the engine is switched off after this timespan
+Max engine-off timespan \[s\]
+:   if the engine is switched off at a vehicle halt, the engine is turned on again after this timespan. This basically limits the max. time the engine is switched off at a single engine-off event.
+Engine stop/start utility factor \[s\]
+:   In practice, the engine is not switched off at every vehicle stop. This is considered with this utility factor (0...1). Further details are provided below.
 <div class="declaration">
    - delay engine-off: 2 s
@@ -98,10 +103,14 @@ can be specified. When the ICE is on, the auxiliary energy demand is directly ap
 ### Model Parameters
-  - **Minimum speed:** minimum vehicle speed to allow eco-roll to be activated
-  - **Activation delay:** delay between the point in time when all conditions for an eco-roll event are fulfilled until eco-roll is activated
-  - **Underspeed threshold:** Threshold below the target speed to disable eco-roll 
-  - **AT EcoRoll Release Lockup Clutch:** Required only for AT transmissions. If set to true, the lockup clutch is released during eco-roll events and the gear is engaged. If set to false, the gearbox switches to neutral.
+Minimum speed  \[km/h\]
+:  minimum vehicle speed to allow eco-roll to be activated
+Activation delay \[s\]
+:	delay between the point in time when all conditions for an eco-roll event are fulfilled until eco-roll is activated
+Upper Acceleration Limit \[m/s^2\]
 <div class="declaration">
   - Minimum speed: 60 km/h
@@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ can be specified. When the ICE is on, the auxiliary energy demand is directly ap
 ### Eco-Roll Model
-**Calulations during simulation**
+**Calculations during simulation**
 $a_{veh,est} = \frac{F_{grad}(x) + F_{roll}(x) + F_{aero}(v_{veh})}{m_{veh}}$
@@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ The following state diagram depicts when eco-roll is activated during the simula
 ### Description
-Predictive cruise control (PCC): systems which optimise the usage of potential energy during a driving cycle based on an available preview of road gradient data and the use of a GPS system. A PCC system declared in the input to the simulation tool shall have a gradient preview distance longer than 1000 meters and cover all following use cases:
+Predictive cruise control (PCC): systems which optimize the usage of potential energy during a driving cycle based on an available preview of road gradient data and the use of a GPS system. A PCC system declared in the input to the simulation tool shall have a gradient preview distance longer than 1000 meters and cover all following use cases:
 **Use Case 1: Crest Coasting**
@@ -141,7 +150,7 @@ During downhill driving when the vehicle is braking at the overspeed velocity, P
 In VECTO a vehicle may either support use cases 1 and 2 or all three use cases.
-Predictive cruise control is only considered on highway sections of the simulated driving cycle (see [sistance-based driving cycle](#engineering-mode-target-speed-distance-based-cycle).
+Predictive cruise control is only considered on highway sections of the simulated driving cycle (see [distance-based driving cycle](#engineering-mode-target-speed-distance-based-cycle).
 <div class="declaration">
 In declaration mode, the whole long-haul cycle is considered as highway. Moreover, the section from 29760m to 96753m of the regional delivery cycle is considered as highway.
@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ In declaration mode, the whole long-haul cycle is considered as highway. Moreove
 ### Model Parameters
    - **Allowed underspeed:** Threshold below the target speed the vehicle's velocity may be reduced to during a PCC event (use-case 1 & 2, $v_{neg}$)
-   - **Allowed overspeed:** Threshold above the target speed the vehicle's velocity may reach during a PCC event (use-cae 3)
+   - **Allowed overspeed:** Threshold above the target speed the vehicle's velocity may reach during a PCC event (use-case 3)
    - **PCC enabling velocity:** Only highway sections of the driving cycle with a target velocity greater than or equal to the enabling velocity are considered for PCC events.
    - **Minimum speed:** Minimum vehicle speed for allowing PCC use-case 2
    - **Preview distance use case 1:** Preview distance for use-case 1 PCC events. After this distance (estimated) after starting the PCC event the vehicle shall reach the target speed again.
@@ -177,7 +186,7 @@ In declaration mode, the whole long-haul cycle is considered as highway. Moreove
 $E(x_{v_{low}}) = m \cdot g \cdot h(x_{v{low}}) + \frac{m \cdot (v_{target}(x_{v_{low}}) - v_{neg})^2}{2}$
 $E(x_{end, max}) = m \cdot g \cdot h(x_{end, max}) + \frac{m \cdot v_{target}(x_{end, max})^2}{2}$
-**Calulations during simulation**
+**Calculations during simulation**
 If the vehicle enters a potential PCC section, the following calculations are performed to decide on starting a PCC event:
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index 11d69534ba..136682aeaf 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/	
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## Auxiliaries
 <div class="declaration">
-In Declaration mode the auxiliaries are pre-defined and the power demand is defined based on the vehicle category and mission. For every type of auxiliary (fan, steering pump, HVAC, electrig system, pneumatic system) the user can select a technology from a given list.
+In Declaration mode the auxiliaries are predefined and the power demand is defined based on the vehicle category and mission. For every type of auxiliary (fan, steering pump, HVAC, electric system, pneumatic system) the user can select a technology from a given list.
 <div class="engineering">
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index aef6774e53..91ac06ca4e 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/3-simulation-models/	
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 *Note:* Bus auxiliaries in declaration mode are only available via XML input files.
 The general approach for bus auxiliaries is that depending on the simulated driving cycle, number of passengers and selected auxiliary technologies the average power demand is calculated and applied during simulation. 
-In case of smart auxiliaries (smart air compressor or smart alternator) the smart systems are only active during braking events if there is enough exessive power to provide the increased power demand for the smart systems. This reduces the amount of mechanical braking power required. Thus, during braking events the smart air compressor may produce more compressed air than required on average and the smart alternator may generate more electric power than required on average. The final fuel consumption is corrected for the excessive compressed air volume and electric energy in a [post processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
+In case of smart auxiliaries (smart air compressor or smart alternator) the smart systems are only active during braking events if there is enough excessive power to provide the increased power demand for the smart systems. This reduces the amount of mechanical braking power required. Thus, during braking events the smart air compressor may produce more compressed air than required on average and the smart alternator may generate more electric power than required on average. The final fuel consumption is corrected for the excessive compressed air volume and electric energy in a [post processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
 ### Engine Cooling Fan
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Depending on the vehicle group and mission profile a generic electric load is ap
   - HVAC system configuration
   - Number of passengers
   - Fuel saving technologies
-  - Environmental contidions map
+  - Environmental conditions map
-The environmental conditions map contains a list of environmental conditions (environmental temperature, solar factor) and a weighting factor. The power demand for the HVAC system (separated into mechanical and electrical power demand) is calculated for every environmental contition in the map and summed up with the according weighting factor.
+The environmental conditions map contains a list of environmental conditions (environmental temperature, solar factor) and a weighting factor. The power demand for the HVAC system (separated into mechanical and electrical power demand) is calculated for every environmental condition in the map and summed up with the according weighting factor.
 #### Calculation of HVAC Power Demand
@@ -206,59 +206,62 @@ In Engineering Mode the electrical and mechanical power demand for the electric
 #### Electric System
-Current Demand Engine On
+Current Demand Engine On \[A\]
 :   Demand of the electric system when the ICE is on. The current is multiplied with the nominal voltage of 28.3V.
-Current Demand Engine Off Driving
+Current Demand Engine Off Driving \[A\]
 :   Demand of the electric system when the ICE is off and the vehicle is driving. The current is multiplied with the nominal voltage of 28.3V.
-Current Demand Engine Off Standstill
+Current Demand Engine Off Standstill \[A\]
 :   Demand of the electric system when the ICE is off and the vehicle is at standstill. The current is multiplied with the nominal voltage of 28.3V.
-Alternator Efficiency
+Alternator Efficiency \[-\]
 :   The electric power demand is divided by the alternator efficiency to get the mechanical power demand at the crank shaft
 Alternator Technology
-:   The "conventional alternator" generated exactly the electric power as demanded by the auxiliaries. The "smart alternator" may generate more electric power than needed during braking phases. The exessive electric power is stored in a battery. In case "no alternator" is selected (only available for xEV vehicles) the electric system is supplied from the high voltage REESS via a DC/DC converter.
+:   The "conventional alternator" generated exactly the electric power as demanded by the auxiliaries. The "smart alternator" may generate more electric power than needed during braking phases. The excessive electric power is stored in a battery. In case "no alternator" is selected (only available for xEV vehicles) the electric system is supplied from the high voltage REESS via a DC/DC converter.
-Max Recuperation Power
+Max Recuperation Power \[W\]
 :   In case of a smart alternator, defines the maximum electric power the alternator can generate during braking phases.
-Useable Electric Storage Capacity
+Useable Electric Storage Capacity \[Wh\]
 :   In case of a smart alternator, defines the storage capacity of the battery. In case the battery is not empty, the electric auxiliaries are supplied from the battery. Excessive electric energy from the smart alternator during braking phases is stored in the battery.
-Electric Storage Efficiency
+Electric Storage Efficiency  \[-\]
 :   This efficiency is applied when storing electric energy from the alternator in the battery.
 ESS supply from HEV REESS
 :   If selected, the low-voltage electric auxiliaries can be supplied from the high voltage REESS via the DC/DC converter. Needs to be selected in case "no alternator" is chosen as alternator technology. In case of a smart alternator, the low-voltage battery is used first and if empty the energy is drawn from the high voltage system.
+DC/DC Converter Efficiency
 #### Pneumatic System
 Compressor Map
 :   [Compressor map file](#advanced-compressor-map-.acmp) defining the mechanical power demand and the air flow depending on the compressor speed.
-Average Air Demand
-:    Defines the average demand of copressed air througout the cycle.
+Average Air Demand \[NI/s\]
+:    Defines the average demand of compressed air throughout the cycle.
-Compressor Ratio
-:    Defines the ratio between the air compressor and combustio engine
+Compressor Ratio \[-\]
+:    Defines the ratio between the air compressor and combustion engine
 Smart Air Compressor
 :    If enabled, the air compressor may generate excessive air during braking events. The air consumed and generated are [corrected in post processing](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
 #### HVAC System
-Mechanical Power Demand
+Mechanical Power Demand \[W\]
 :   Power demand of the HVAC system directly applied at the crank shaft
-Electric Power Demand
+Electric Power Demand \[W\]
 :   Electric power demand of the HVAC system. This is added to the current demand of the electric system
-Aux Heater Power
+Aux Heater Power \[W\]
 :   Maximum power of the auxiliary heater
-Average Heating Demand
+Average Heating Demand \[MJ\]
 :   Heating demand for the passenger compartment. This demand is primary satisfied from the combustion engines waste heat. In case the heating demand is higher, the auxiliary heater may provide additional heating power. The fuel consumption of the aux heater is [corrected in post processing](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction).
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@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ Look-Ahead Coasting is a function that aims on modelling real driver behaviour.
 At the resulting deceleration start point the model calculates the
 coasting trajectory until it meets the brake deceleration trajectory. The resulting deceleration consists of a coasting phase followed by combined mechanical/engine braking. If Look-Ahead Coasting is disabled only the braking phase according to the [deceleration limit](#driver-acceleration-limiting) will be applied.
-Since Vecto 3.0.4 the coasting strategy according to the ACEA White Book 2016 is implemented. 
+Since VECTO 3.0.4 the coasting strategy according to the ACEA White Book 2016 is implemented. 
 The look ahead coasting functionality represents the driver behavior prior to a deceleration event. Due to information of the route ahead the driver is able to anticipate on the deceleration event by releasing the accelerator pedal.
-This pedal release decision is based on an estimation of kinetical and potential (height) energy gain versus the expected dissipated energy tue to vehicle resistances during the route section ahead.
+This pedal release decision is based on an estimation of kinetic and potential (height) energy gain versus the expected dissipated energy due to vehicle resistances during the route section ahead.
 For an upcoming target speed change the energy level after the speed change is compared to the vehicle's current energy level (kinetic and potential energy). The difference of those energy levels is used to estimate the average deceleration force to reach the next target speed. Coasting starts if the vehicle's (estimated) average resistance force during coasting multiplied by a speed dependent 'Decision Factor' becomes smaller than the average deceleration force. (For details on the equations please see the ACEA White Book 2016, Section 8)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Parameters in [Job File](#job-file):
 : - **PreviewDistanceFactor**
 - **DF_offset**: offset in the equation for DF~coasting~ (default 2.5)
 - **DF_scaling**: factor in the equation for DF~coasting~ (default 1.5)
-- **DF_targetSpeedLookup**: csv file for DF~vel~ lookup (see below)
-- **Df_velocityDropLookup**: csv file for DF~vdrop~ lookup (see below)
+- **Decision Factor - Target Speed**: csv file for DF~vel~ lookup (see below)
+- **Decision Factor - Velocity Drop**: csv file for DF~vdrop~ lookup (see below)
 In engineering mode the parameters can be freely chosen while in declaration mode the default values are used.
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The electric motor is modeled by basically 4 map files:
  - Electric power map ($P_\textrm{map,el}$) for two different voltage levels
  - Drag curve (i.e., the motor is not energized) over motor speed
  - Continuous torque ($T_\textrm{cont}$)
- - Engine speed for continuous torqe ($n_\textrm{T,cont}$)
+ - Engine speed for continuous torque ($n_\textrm{T,cont}$)
  - Overload torque ($T_\textrm{ovl}$)
  - Engine speed for overload torque  ($n_\textrm{T,ovl}$)
  - Maximum overload time ($t_\textrm{ovl}$)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The drag curve is used to add additional drag to the powertrain in case the elec
 The convention for all input files is that positive torque values drive the vehicle while negative torque values apply additional drag and generate electric power.
-The follwing picture shows the signals used in VECTO and provided in the .vmod file. The VECTO convention is that positive torque adds additional drag to the drivetrain. Thus, if the electric motor propells the vehicle it applies negative torque.
+The follwing picture shows the signals used in VECTO and provided in the .vmod file. The VECTO convention is that positive torque adds additional drag to the drivetrain. Thus, if the electric motor propels the vehicle it applies negative torque.
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@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ If the internal resistance is provided for different pulse durations, the actual
 ### Modular Battery System
-VECTO allows to connect multiple batteries togehter to a single battery system. Therefore, every battery has assigned a stream identifier. All batteries with the same stream identifier are connected in series. All battery strins are then connected in parallel.
+VECTO allows to connect multiple batteries together to a single battery system. Therefore, every battery has assigned a stream identifier. All batteries with the same stream identifier are connected in series. All battery strins are then connected in parallel.
 The following picture shows 4 batteries in series (3x Bat A + Bat B) and Bat C parallel to this. So two different streams need to be defined.
-All batteries of a string of the mudular battery system are aggregated to a single "big battery". In the example above, BigBattery1 consists of (Bat A, Bat A, Bat A, Bat B), and BigBattery2 consists of (Bat C). Nevertheless, the state of charge is calculated for each battery module independently.
+All batteries of a string of the modular battery system are aggregated to a single "big battery". In the example above, BigBattery1 consists of (Bat A, Bat A, Bat A, Bat B), and BigBattery2 consists of (Bat C). Nevertheless, the state of charge is calculated for each battery module independently.
-The capacity of a BigBattery is the capacity of the smalles of all modules on a string. The maximum current of a BigBattery is also the lowest maximum current of all modules on a string. The open circuit voltage is the sum of all modules on a string and the internal resistancee is also the sum of all modules on a string.
+The capacity of a BigBattery is the capacity of the smallest of all modules on a string. The maximum current of a BigBattery is also the lowest maximum current of all modules on a string. The open circuit voltage is the sum of all modules on a string and the internal resistance is also the sum of all modules on a string.
 The maximum charge and discharge power of the whole REESS is the sum of the maximum charge/discharge power of all BigBatteries in the system. The actual power demand is distributed to the BigBatteries as follows:
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Dual Fuel Engine
-VECTO supports to simulate vehicles equipped with dual-fuel engines, i.e. two different fuels are used simulateously. Therefore, the engine model contains a second fuel comsumption map and VECTO interpolates the fuel consumtion from both consumption maps. In the .vmod and .vsum files the consumption of every fuel is reported. The CO2 emissions are te sum of CO2 emissions from both fuels.
+VECTO supports to simulate vehicles equipped with dual-fuel engines, i.e. two different fuels are used simultaneously. Therefore, the engine model contains a second fuel consumption map and VECTO interpolates the fuel consumption from both consumption maps. In the .vmod and .vsum files the consumption of every fuel is reported. The CO2 emissions are the sum of CO2 emissions from both fuels.
 In case a WHR system is used with a dual-fuel vehicle the WHR map shall be provided in the fuel consumption map of the primary fuel.
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 ## Engine: Transient Full Load
-The engine implements a PT1 behaviour to model transient torque build up:
+The engine implements a PT1 behavior to model transient torque build up:
 $P_{fld\ dyn_{i}} = \frac{1}{T(n_{i})+1} \cdot \left(P_{fld\ stat}(n_{i})+T(n_{i}) \cdot P_{act_{i-1}}\right)$
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ with:
 * P~act\ i-1~ ... Engine power in previous time step
-Vecto 3.x uses basically the same PT1 behavior to model transient torque build up. However, due to the dynamic time steps the formula is implemented as follows:
+VECTO 3.x uses basically the same PT1 behavior to model transient torque build up. However, due to the dynamic time steps the formula is implemented as follows:
 $P_{fld\ dyn_{i}} = P_{fld\ stat}(n_i) \cdot \left(1 - e^{-\frac{t_i^*}{\mathit{PT1}}}\right)$
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 ## Engine Fuel Consumption Correction
-The final fuel consumption is corrected in a post-processing to reflect systems not directly modeled in VECTO (e.g. electric waste heat recovery sysmtes) or to account for systems not active all the time for different reasons (e.g., engine stop-start).
+The final fuel consumption is corrected in a post-processing to reflect systems not directly modeled in VECTO (e.g. electric waste heat recovery systems) or to account for systems not active all the time for different reasons (e.g., engine stop-start).
 ### Engine Stop/Start Correction
 As the energy demand of auxiliaries is modeled as an average power demand over the whole simulated cycle, the demand of certain auxiliaries during engine-off periods needs to be compensated during engine-on periods. This is done using the [Engine-Line approach](#engine-line-approach).
-When either the driver model (eco-roll, engine stop/start) or the hybrid controller decides to turn off the combustion engine, it is fully off, i.e. the fuel consumption is 0 and no auxiliary power is provided. In this phases the "missing" auxiliary demand is balanced in separate colums for the cases a) the ICE is really off, and b) the ICE would be on. This allows for an accurate correction of the fuel consumption taking into account that ESS is in reality not active in all possible cases due to e.g. auxiliary power demand, environmental conditions, etc.
+When either the driver model (eco-roll, engine stop/start) or the hybrid controller decides to turn off the combustion engine, it is fully off, i.e. the fuel consumption is 0 and no auxiliary power is provided. In this phases the "missing" auxiliary demand is balanced in separate columns for the cases a) the ICE is really off, and b) the ICE would be on. This allows for an accurate correction of the fuel consumption taking into account that ESS is in reality not active in all possible cases due to e.g. auxiliary power demand, environmental conditions, etc.
 A general goal is that the actual auxiliary demand matches the target auxiliary demand over the cycle. So in case the ICE is off, some systems still consume electric energy but no electric energy is generated during ICE-off phases. Or in case of bus auxiliaries the total air demand is pre-calculated and thus leading to an average air demand over the cycle. During ICE-off phases, however, no compressed air is generated. This 'missing' compressed air is corrected in the post-processing.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ $\textbf{\textrm{FC\_DCDCMissing}} = \textrm{E\_DCDC\_missing\_mech} \cdot k_\te
 For the pneumatic system the goal of the post-processing correction is that the correct amount of compressed air is generated, even when the ICE is off. As the average
 air demand is calculated with an estimated cycle driving time, the first step is to correct the air demand using the actual cycle driving time.
-The missing (or excessive) amout of air is transferred into mechanical energy demand using $k_\textrm{Air}$. This value depicts the delta energy demand for a certain delta compressed air.
+The missing (or excessive) amount of air is transferred into mechanical energy demand using $k_\textrm{Air}$. This value depicts the delta energy demand for a certain delta compressed air.
 $k_\textrm{Air}$ is derived from two points. on the one hand the compressor runs in idle mode, applying only the drag load and producing no compressed air and the second point is that the compressor 
 is always on, applying the always-on mechanical power demand and generating the maximum possible amount of compressed air.
 The mechanical energy is then corrected using the [engineline](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction) (below).
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ $$
 #### Bus Auxiliaries Correction -- Aux Heater
-The power demand for an additional fuel-fired heater is calculated in the post-processing. The HVAC steaty state model calculates the heating demand (weighted sum of different climatic conditions) and based on the engine's average waste heat over the cycle the power demand for the aux heater is calculated. The fuel consumption for the aux heater is only added for the primary fuel:
+The power demand for an additional fuel-fired heater is calculated in the post-processing. The HVAC steady state model calculates the heating demand (weighted sum of different climatic conditions) and based on the engine's average waste heat over the cycle the power demand for the aux heater is calculated. The fuel consumption for the aux heater is only added for the primary fuel:
 $E_\textrm{ice,waste heat} = \sum_\textrm{fuels} FC_\textrm{final,sum}(fuel) * NCV_\textrm{fuel}$
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ where $FC_\textrm{gen,optimal}$ and $E_\textrm{gen,el,optimal}$ are the fuel con
 ### Corrected Total Fuel Consumption
-The final fuel consumption after all corrections are applied is calcualted as follows:
+The final fuel consumption after all corrections are applied is calculated as follows:
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@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ The torque and speeds in the powertrain can be limited by different components s
 Some additional limits can be defined in the vehicle configuration as described below.
-### Combustion engine limitations / Transmission Limiations
+### Combustion engine limitations / Transmission Limitations
 The engine's maximum speed and maximum torque may be limited by either the gearbox (due to mechanical constraints) or the vehicle control.
 Engine torque limitations are modeled by limiting the engine full-load curve to the defined maximum torque, i.e., the original engine full-load curve is cropped at the defined maximum torque for a certain gear. Limits regarding the gearbox' maximum input speed are modeled by intersecting (and limiting) the upshift line with the max. input speed. In the last gear, where no upshifts are possible, the engine speed is limited to the gearbox' maximum input speed.
-Gear shift polygons are calculated by VECTO based on the overall (i.e. from gearbox and vehicle control) cropped engine fullload curve.
+Gear shift polygons are calculated by VECTO based on the overall (i.e. from gearbox and vehicle control) cropped engine full load curve.
 <div class="engineering">
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ In Declaration Mode, the following rules restrict the limitations of engine torq
-### Electric Motor Limiations
+### Electric Motor Limitations
-The electric motor's maximum drive and maximum recuperation curve can be overridden in the vehicle. Therefore, the same map for maximum drive and maximum recuperation needs to be provided. Such a limit directly overrides the eletric motors model parameters.
+The electric motor's maximum drive and maximum recuperation curve can be overridden in the vehicle. Therefore, the same map for maximum drive and maximum recuperation needs to be provided. Such a limit directly overrides the electric motors model parameters.
 ### Vehicle Propulsion Limitations
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <div class="declaration">
 In declaration mode the fuel consumption is corrected as follows:
-To prevent inconsistencies of regulated emissions and fuel consumption between the WHTC (hot part) test and the steady state fuel map as well as considering effects of transient engine behaviour a "WHTC correction factor" is used.
+To prevent inconsistencies of regulated emissions and fuel consumption between the WHTC (hot part) test and the steady state fuel map as well as considering effects of transient engine behavior a "WHTC correction factor" is used.
 Based on the target engine operation points of the particular engine in WHTC the fuel consumption is interpolated from the steady state fuel map (“backward calculation”) in each of the three parts of the WHTC separately. The measured specific fuel consumption per WHTC part in [g/kWh] is then divided by the interpolated specific fuel consumption to obtain the "WHTC correction factors" CF~urb~ (Urban), CF~rur~ (Rural), CF~mot~ (Motorway). For the interpolation the same method as for interpolation in VECTO is applied (Delauney triangulation).
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ with the correction factor CF~urb~, CF~rur~, CF~mot~ coming from the [Engine](#e
 | Long haul          | 11%     | 0%      | 89%     |
 | Regional delivery  | 17%     | 30%     | 53%     |
 | Urban delivery     | 69%     | 27%     | 4%      |
-| Municipial utility | 98%     | 0%      | 2%      |
+| Municipal utility | 98%     | 0%      | 2%      |
 | Construction       | 62%     | 32%     | 6%      |
 | Citybus            | 100%    | 0%      | 0%      |
 | Interurban bus     | 45%     | 36%     | 19%     |
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The WHTC-corrected fuel consumption is then calculated with: $FC_{final} = FC \c
 <div class="engineering">
-In engineering mode a single correction is applied by Vecto. The fuel consumption interpolated from the FC map is multiplied by the engineering correction factor. 
+In engineering mode a single correction is applied by VECTO. The fuel consumption interpolated from the FC map is multiplied by the engineering correction factor. 
 $FC_{final} = FC \cdot CF_{Engineering}$
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@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ The general gearshift conditions for downshifting are:
 The general gearshift conditions for upshifting are:
-  * Driver behaviour is accelerating or driving 
+  * Driver behavior is accelerating or driving 
   * $t_{lastshift} + t_{between shifts} < t_{act}$ 
   * $t_{lastDownshift} + Upshift delay < t_{act}$
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ Upshift conditions:
 The second level of the gearshift algorithm is the polygon shift rule. If the current operating point is outside of the shift polygons, the polygon shift rule applies:
-Downshift behaviour: 
+Downshift behavior: 
   * If the operating point (Teng, neng) is left the downshift line, shift to the next lower gear
-Upshift behaviour:
+Upshift behavior:
   * If the operating point (Teng, neng) is right to the upshift line, shift to the highest gear which is right to the downshift line and below the full load torque considering similar engine power output.
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@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ The search algorithm for the next gear is as follows:
   $FC_{gear} = min(FC_{gear + i})   \forall i \in \textrm{Allowed gear range}$
-Additionally the candidate gear has to fulfil the boundary conditions below for an efficiency upshift.  
+Additionally the candidate gear has to fulfill the boundary conditions below for an efficiency upshift.  
   * $i_{gear + axle} \leq  \textrm{RatioEarlyDownshift}$ 
   * Not left to downshift line 
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ For an efficiency downshift following conditions are met for the potential gear:
 **Shift rules for C -> L shifts (Efficiency shifts):**
-The used algorithm can be summarised as follows:
+The used algorithm can be summarized as follows:
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ In each time-step a target post-shift engine speed from the shift strategy is ca
   * For the current engine load stage and the current slope each a rpm value is interpolated from a parameter table
   * The final value for target post-shift engine speed is interpolated for the current value of a_curr from the results of the previous step
-If the estimated engine speed after a C -> L shift is calculated to be equal or higher than the target engine speed as calculated above, the gear shift is initiated. This approach in combination with the proposed parameters as shown below reflects the strategy that shifts from C -> L are performed with absolute priority in order to minimise driveline losses from torque converter operation.
+If the estimated engine speed after a C -> L shift is calculated to be equal or higher than the target engine speed as calculated above, the gear shift is initiated. This approach in combination with the proposed parameters as shown below reflects the strategy that shifts from C -> L are performed with absolute priority in order to minimize driveline losses from torque converter operation.
 Boundary values between engine load stages (values for torque ratio in [%]) (relevant for C -> L shifts)
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@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This section describes the gearshift rules for manual transmission models. When
 #### 3. Exception 1: Margin to Max-Torque line (Downshift)
-Note: Line L1 is shiftet parallel so that it satisfies the max-torque margin condition, not intersected.
+Note: Line L1 is shifted parallel so that it satisfies the max-torque margin condition, not intersected.
 #### 4. Exception 2: Minimal Distance between Downshift and Upshift Lines
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ and limited to the gear's maximum input speed.
 - Gearshift lines
 - Engine idle speed
 - Gearbox max. input speed
-- Engien n_{95h} speed
+- Engine n_{95h} speed
 - Min. time between two consecutive gearshifts.
 - Min. time for upshift after a downshift
 - Min. time for downshift after an upshift
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 ## Gearbox: AT Gearbox Model
-Vecto supports both, AT gearboxes with serial torque converter and AT gearboxes with power split. Internally, both gearbox types are simulated using a power train architecture with the torque converter in series.
+VECTO supports both, AT gearboxes with serial torque converter and AT gearboxes with power split. Internally, both gearbox types are simulated using a power train architecture with the torque converter in series.
 ![Automatic transmission with torque converter in series](pics/AT-S.svg)
 ![Automatic transmission with parallel torque converter](pics/AT-P.svg)
-In the input data [Gearbox File](#gearbox-file-.vgbx) **only the mechanical gears need to be specified**. Depending on the gearbox type (AT-S or AT-P) Vecto adds the correct virtual 'torque converter gear'.
+In the input data [Gearbox File](#gearbox-file-.vgbx) **only the mechanical gears need to be specified**. Depending on the gearbox type (AT-S or AT-P) VECTO adds the correct virtual 'torque converter gear'.
 For AT gearbox with serial torque converter, the torque converter uses the same ratio and mechanical losses as the first gear (and second, depending on the gear ratios), and adds the torque converter.
-For AT gearboxes using power split the torque converter characteristics already takes the transmission ratio and mechanical losses into account. Hence, Vecto sets the ratio for the mechanical gear to 1 without additional losses.
+For AT gearboxes using power split the torque converter characteristics already takes the transmission ratio and mechanical losses into account. Hence, VECTO sets the ratio for the mechanical gear to 1 without additional losses.
 The .vmod file for vehicles with AT gearboxes contains an additional column that indicates if the torque converter is locked or not.
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 ## Integrated Electric Powertrain Component (IEPC)
-Integrated electric powertrain component (IEPC) means a combined system of an electric machine system together with the funcitonality of either a single- or multi-speed gearbox or a differential or both. 
+Integrated electric powertrain component (IEPC) means a combined system of an electric machine system together with the functionality of either a single- or multi-speed gearbox or a differential or both. 
 An IEPC can be of design-type wheel motor which means that the output shaft (or two output shafts) are directly connected to the wheel hub(s).
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ The IEPC is modeled by the following parameters and map files:
 The first two curves are read from a .viepcp file (see [IEPC Max Torque File (.viepcp)](#iepc-max-torque-file-.viepcp)). The drag curve(s) are provided in .viepcd file(s) (see [IEPC Drag Curve File (.viepcd)](#iepc-drag-curve-file-.viepcd)) and the electric power maps in .viepco file(s) (see [IEPC Power Map (.viepco)](#iepc-power-map-.viepco)). It is important to note that for the IEPC all maps are related to the output shaft speed (including all integrated components of the IEPC).
-In the VECTO simulation, the IEPC component is virtually split up into the electric machine (with gear-dependent electric power maps), an APT-N gearbox in case of a multi-speed gearbox or a single-speed gearbox in case the IEPC has only a single fixed transmission ratio, and optionally an axle gear. All virtual powertrain components (gearbox, axlegear) are modeled as loss-less components. Thus, the simulation of an IEPC is similar to E2 vehicles in case of a multi-speed gearbox or an E3 vehicle in case of a single-speed gearbox.
+In the VECTO simulation, the IEPC component is virtually split up into the electric machine (with gear-dependent electric power maps), an APT-N gearbox in case of a multi-speed gearbox or a single-speed gearbox in case the IEPC has only a single fixed transmission ratio, and optionally an axle gear. All virtual powertrain components (gearbox, axle gear) are modeled as loss-less components. Thus, the simulation of an IEPC is similar to E2 vehicles in case of a multi-speed gearbox or an E3 vehicle in case of a single-speed gearbox.
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@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ This is considered by constant power consumption as a function of the PTO type.
 #### Idling losses of the PTO "Consumer" (red)
-The idling losses are a function of speed as determined by the DIN 30752-1 procedure. If the PTO transmission includes a shifting element (i.e. declutching of consumer part possible) the torque losses of the consumer in VECTO input shall be defined with zero. This is only used outside of PTO cycles, since the PTO cycles already include these losses. The idling losses are defined as a lossmap dependend on speed which is configurable in the [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-pto-tab). The file format is described in [PTO Idle Consumption Map](#pto-idle-consumption-map-.vptoi).
+The idling losses are a function of speed as determined by the DIN 30752-1 procedure. If the PTO transmission includes a shifting element (i.e. declutching of consumer part possible) the torque losses of the consumer in VECTO input shall be defined with zero. This is only used outside of PTO cycles, since the PTO cycles already include these losses. The idling losses are defined as a lossmap dependent on speed which is configurable in the [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-pto-tab). The file format is described in [PTO Idle Consumption Map](#pto-idle-consumption-map-.vptoi).
 #### Cycle losses during the PTO cycle of the PTO "Consumer" (red)
-A specific PTO cycle (time-based, engine speed and torque from PTO consumer as determined by the DIN 30752-1 procedure) is simulated during vehicle stops labelled as "with PTO activation". The execution of the driving cycle stops during this time and the pto cycle is executed. Afterwards the normal driving cycle continues.
+A specific PTO cycle (time-based, engine speed and torque from PTO consumer as determined by the DIN 30752-1 procedure) is simulated during vehicle stops labeled as "with PTO activation". The execution of the driving cycle stops during this time and the pto cycle is executed. Afterwards the normal driving cycle continues.
 Power consumption in the PTO transmission part added to power demand from the PTO cycle. The cycle is configurable in the [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-pto-tab) and follows the file format described in [PTO-Cycle (.vptoc)](#pto-cycle-.vptoc). The timings in the PTO cycle get shifted to start at 0.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ The following image shows the behavior of running PTO cycles during a normal dri
 ### Additional PTO activations in Engineering mode
-In engineering mode additonal PTO activations are available to simulate different types of municipal vehicles. It is possible to add a certain PTO load during driving while the engine speed and gear is fixed (to simulate for example roadsweepers), or to add PTO activation while driving (to simulate side loader refuse trucks for example). In both cases the PTO activation is indicated in the driving cycle.
+In engineering mode additional PTO activations are available to simulate different types of municipal vehicles. It is possible to add a certain PTO load during driving while the engine speed and gear is fixed (to simulate for example roadsweepers), or to add PTO activation while driving (to simulate side loader refuse trucks for example). In both cases the PTO activation is indicated in the driving cycle.
 The .vmod file file contains additional columns with the PTO power applied during driving (P_PTO_RoadSweeping, P_PTO_DuringDrive) and is also included in P_PTO_CONSUM. In the .vsum file the energy demand for both PTO modes is provided in the columns E_aux_PTO_RoadSweeping and E_aux_PTO_DuringDrive.
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@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The hybrid control is located in the simulated power train right after the wheel
 ### Evaluation of different options
-Note: The convention is that for all powertrain components (except te ICE) a positive torque loss means an additional drag while a negative torque loss means the component contributes to propel the vehicle. So all passive components can only apply positive torque losses and only active components such as electric motors can propel the vehicle which means it has a negative torque loss.
+Note: The convention is that for all powertrain components (except the ICE) a positive torque loss means an additional drag while a negative torque loss means the component contributes to propel the vehicle. So all passive components can only apply positive torque losses and only active components such as electric motors can propel the vehicle which means it has a negative torque loss.
 The variable u is used to identify the different evaluated options. The value of u denotes the factor how much of the torque at the output shaft of the electric motor is applied by the electric motor. A u value of -1 thus means the electric motor provides the full torque demanded at its output shaft and the torque at the input shaft is 0. A positive value of u means that the electric motor acts as generator and applies a torque demand in addition. 
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ In case the driver's action is to accelerate the vehicle, the hybrid control str
 2.  Evaluate options where the electric motor contributes to propel the vehicle.
     i.  Iterate over all negative u values with a certain step size (typically 0.1) up to u_maxDrive
-        u_maxDrive is detemined by the torque demanded at the out shaft of the electric motor and the maximum drive torque of the electric motor -- whichever is lower.
+        u_maxDrive is determined by the torque demanded at the out shaft of the electric motor and the maximum drive torque of the electric motor -- whichever is lower.
     ii. If the case where the electric motor applies its maximum drive torque is not already covered by the  
         iteration of u values in the previous step, calculate the maximum drive configuration explicitly
     iii. If it is allowed to turn off the electric motor or the electric motor can propel during gear shifts, 
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ In case the driver's action is to accelerate the vehicle, the hybrid control str
      i. Iterate over all positive u values with a certain step size (typically 0.1) up to the electric 
         motor's maximum generation torque.
     ii. For vehicles of configuration P2 evaluate the configuration where the electric motor's generation 
-        torque equals the torque demanded at the electric motor's output shaft (i.e., the torue at the electric motor's input shaft is 0) if it is allowed to turn of the ICE.
+        torque equals the torque demanded at the electric motor's output shaft (i.e., the torque at the electric motor's input shaft is 0) if it is allowed to turn of the ICE.
     iii. For vehicles of configuration P3 and P4 search for the torque the electric motor has to apply as 
          a generator so that the resulting torque at the combustion engine is 0. If this torque value is within the limits of the electric motor, calculate the corresponding u value and add this option to the list of evaluated configurations.
 In case of a coast or roll action (e.g. during look-ahead coasting dur during traction interruption) the electric motor is turned off.
-In case the driver performs a brake aktion the following options are considered
+In case the driver performs a brake action the following options are considered
 1. In case of vehicle configurations P3 or P4, or vehicle configuration P2 and the gearbox is engaged:
    (1) If the combustion engine is on and the torque demand at the combustion engine is above the drag 
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Depending on the last gearshift the allowed gear range for upshifts and downshif
 ### Cost Function
-A cost value is calculated for every evaluated solution described above. In case the configurration results in an invalid operating point the cost value is set to invalid. Reasons for invalid configurations are that the engine operating point is outside the shift polygons, the engine speed is too high or too low, the electric power demand is too high or too low, the battery's SoC would go below the $\textrm{SoC}_{low}$ threshold, etc.
+A cost value is calculated for every evaluated solution described above. In case the configuration results in an invalid operating point the cost value is set to invalid. Reasons for invalid configurations are that the engine operating point is outside the shift polygons, the engine speed is too high or too low, the electric power demand is too high or too low, the battery's SoC would go below the $\textrm{SoC}_{low}$ threshold, etc.
 If a configuration is not valid because for example the ICE speed is too high or too low, or the torque demand is too high, or too low the corresponding value of the cost function is set to 'NaN' (not a number) and thus the total score is invalid. In addition, certain flags indicating why a certain configuration is considered invalid are set. These flags are used for the selection of a hybrid configuration to be used as described below. *Note: the calculated  score may be a valid number but certain ignore flags may be set. For example if the engine speed is slightly too high or the battery SoC is
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ From the list of possible hybrid powertrain configurations with its cost value t
 2. Select all configurations with a valid score and the engine speed is valid (i.e., not too high, nor too low and within the shift lines) and order by score
 3. Select all configurations with a valid score and order by score
 4. If the driver is accelerating and in all evaluated configurations the engine's torque demand is above the engine's maximum torque filter the possible configurations according to the following criteria
-    (1) If the electric motor can propell during traction interruptions (i.e., P4 and P3 configurations) or the gearbox is engaged (P2 configuration) select all configurations where the battery SoC is within the allowed range, order the configurations by difference in gear to the current gear and then order the configurations by the mecanical torque the electric motor can provide
+    (1) If the electric motor can propel during traction interruptions (i.e., P4 and P3 configurations) or the gearbox is engaged (P2 configuration) select all configurations where the battery SoC is within the allowed range, order the configurations by difference in gear to the current gear and then order the configurations by the mechanical torque the electric motor can provide
 5. If the driver is accelerating and in all evaluated configurations the engine's torque demand is below the engine's drag torque filter the possible configurations according to the following criteria. If the electric motor can propel during traction interruptions (i.e., P4 and P3 configurations) or the gearbox is engaged (P2 configuration) 
     (1) Select all configurations where the engine speed is valid and the battery's SoC is within the allowed range and order the configurations by the difference in gear to the current gear and then by the mechanical torque the motor can provide
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@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The following picture illustrates the basic idea. If the SoC is above the target
-The statemachine for the serial hybrid control strategy is depicted here:
+The state machine for the serial hybrid control strategy is depicted here:
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ The statemachine for the serial hybrid control strategy is depicted here:
 ### GenSet Pre-Processing
-The optimal and maximal GenSet operating points are calculated in a pre-processing step. The fuel consumption and generated electric power is calculated for 400 different operating points: from ICE idle speed up to the maximum speed (minimum of ICE and electric motor), and from 0 mechanical power up to the maximum mechanical power of the ICE. Out of this set of operating points the one with the highest electrical power and the operating point with the best fuel efficiency is selected. This is done for the GenSet operating in de-rating or not. 
\ No newline at end of file
+The optimal and maximal GenSet operating points are calculated in a preprocessing step. The fuel consumption and generated electric power is calculated for 400 different operating points: from ICE idle speed up to the maximum speed (minimum of ICE and electric motor), and from 0 mechanical power up to the maximum mechanical power of the ICE. Out of this set of operating points the one with the highest electrical power and the operating point with the best fuel efficiency is selected. This is done for the GenSet operating in de-rating or not. 
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Torque Converter Model
-The torque converter is defined as (virtual) separate gear. Independent of the chosen AT gearbox type (serial or power split), Vecto uses a powertrain architecture with a serial torque converter. The mechanical gear ratios and gears with torque converter are created by Vecto depending on the gearbox type and gear configuration.
+The torque converter is defined as (virtual) separate gear. Independent of the chosen AT gearbox type (serial or power split), VECTO uses a powertrain architecture with a serial torque converter. The mechanical gear ratios and gears with torque converter are created by VECTO depending on the gearbox type and gear configuration.
 While the torque converter is active engine torque and speed are computed based on TC characteristic. 
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Transmission Losses
-Every transmission component (gearbox, angledrive, axlegear, ...) uses the following formula for calculating the torques at input and output side of the component:
+Every transmission component (gearbox, angledrive, axle gear, ...) uses the following formula for calculating the torques at input and output side of the component:
 $T_{output} = (T_{input} - T_{loss}) * r_{gear}$
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ with:
 * T~output~ ... Output torque
 * T~input~ ... Input torque
 * T~loss~ ... Torque loss (from e.g. a loss map or efficiency for that component)
-* r~gear~ ... The tranmission ratio for the gurrent gear (if the component has ratios)
+* r~gear~ ... The transmission ratio for the current gear (if the component has ratios)
 The following components are accounted as transmission components (see [Powertrain and Components Structure](#powertrain-and-components-structure) for a complete overview over all components in the powertrain):
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@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
 VECTO offers three different modes to consider cross wind influence on the drag coefficient. It is configured in the [Vehicle File](#vehicle-file-.vveh).
-The aerodymanic force is calculated according to the following equation:
+The aerodynamic force is calculated according to the following equation:
 $F_{aero}=1/2 \rho_{air}(C_{d,v}A(v_{veh})) v_{veh}^2$
-The speed dependecy of the $C_dA$ value allows for consideration of average cross widn conditions.
+The speed dependency of the $C_dA$ value allows for consideration of average cross wind conditions.
 ### Speed dependent correction (Declaration Mode)
 This is the mode which is used in [Declaration Mode](#declaration-mode).
-The crossind correction is based on the following boundary conditions:
+The crosswind correction is based on the following boundary conditions:
-1 Average wind conditions: The typical conditions are defined with 3m/s of wind at a height of 4m above ground level, blowin uniformly distributed from all directions.
+1 Average wind conditions: The typical conditions are defined with 3m/s of wind at a height of 4m above ground level, blowing uniformly distributed from all directions.
 2 Dependency of $C_dA$ value on yaw angle: The dependency of the $CdA$ value on yaw angle is described by generic $3^{rd}$ order polynomial functions of the form: 
 $C_dA(\beta) - C_dA(0) = a_1\beta + a_2\beta^2 + a_3\beta^3$ 
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The following table gives the coefficients per vehicle type:
 | bus, coach	         | -0.000794 | 	0.021090 |  -0.001090 |
-In a pre-processing step VECTO calculates the function for $C_dA$ value as a function of vehicle speed. This is done by integration of all possible directions of the ambient wind from ground level to maximum vehicle height considering the boundary layer effect based on the following formulas: 
+In a preprocessing step VECTO calculates the function for $C_dA$ value as a function of vehicle speed. This is done by integration of all possible directions of the ambient wind from ground level to maximum vehicle height considering the boundary layer effect based on the following formulas: 
 $C_{d,v}A(v_{veh}) = \frac{1}{2 \pi v_{veh}^2 h_{veh}}\int_{\alpha = 0^{\circ}}^{\alpha = 360^{\circ}}{\int_{h=0}^{h=h_{veh}}{C_dA(\beta)\cdot v_{air}(h, \alpha)^2} \textit{d}h\ \textit{d}\alpha}$
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $\alpha \ldots \text{direction of ambient wind relative to the vehicle x-axis}$
 $h \ldots \text{height above ground}$
-$h_{ref} \ldots \text{reference heigth, 4m, for 3m/s average ambient wind}$
+$h_{ref} \ldots \text{reference height, 4m, for 3m/s average ambient wind}$
 $v_{air} \ldots \text{resulting air flow velocity from vehicle speed and ambient wind}$
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ $C_dA(v_{veh}) = C_dA * F_C_d(v_{veh})$
 ### Correction using Vair & Beta Input
-The actual (measured) air speed and direction can be used to correct cross-wid influence if available. A [vcdb-File](#vair-beta-cross-wind-correction-input-file-.vcdb) is needed for this calculation. This file defines a ΔC~d~A value in \[m²\] depending on the wind angle. The [driving cycle](#driving-cycles-.vdri) must include the air speed relative to the vehicle v~air~ (\<vair\_res\>) and the wind yaw angle (\<vair\_beta\>).
+The actual (measured) air speed and direction can be used to correct cross-wind influence if available. A [vcdb-File](#vair-beta-cross-wind-correction-input-file-.vcdb) is needed for this calculation. This file defines a ΔC~d~A value in \[m²\] depending on the wind angle. The [driving cycle](#driving-cycles-.vdri) must include the air speed relative to the vehicle v~air~ (\<vair\_res\>) and the wind yaw angle (\<vair\_beta\>).
 The C~d~A value given in the vehicle configuration is corrected depending on the wind speed and wind angle (given in the driving cycle) using the input file as follows:
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 The rolling resistance is calculated using a speed-independent rolling resistance coefficient (RRC).
-In order to consider that the RRC depends on the vehicle's mass it is modelled as a function of the total vehicle mass. The total RRC is calculated in VECTO using the following equation (the index i refers to the vehicle's axle (truck and trailer)):
+In order to consider that the RRC depends on the vehicle's mass it is modeled as a function of the total vehicle mass. The total RRC is calculated in VECTO using the following equation (the index i refers to the vehicle's axle (truck and trailer)):
 $RRC = \sum_{i=1}^{n} s_{(i)} \cdot RRC_{ISO(i)} \cdot \left( \frac{s_{(i)} \cdot m \cdot g }{w_{(i)} \cdot F_{zISO(i)} } \right)^{\beta-1}$
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Engine Waste Heat Recovery Systems
-VECTO is able to consider energy recovered from the combustion engine's waste heat either as mechanical power or as electrical power. The following options for waste-heat recovery system are availabel:
+VECTO is able to consider energy recovered from the combustion engine's waste heat either as mechanical power or as electrical power. The following options for waste-heat recovery system are available:
   * Mechanical WHR system included in the FC measurements
   * Mechanical WHR system not connected to the crankshaft
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+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/4-command-line-arguments/	
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-The Vecto 3.x commandline tool can be used to start simulations from the command line and  runs without  graphical user interface. If multiple job-files are specified or a job-file contains multiple simulation runs (i.e., multiple cycles and/or loadings) these simulations are executed in parallel.
+The VECTO 3.x commandline tool can be used to start simulations from the command line and  runs without  graphical user interface. If multiple job-files are specified or a job-file contains multiple simulation runs (i.e., multiple cycles and/or loadings) these simulations are executed in parallel.
 ### General Notes
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 ## CSV
-Many data files in Vecto use CSV (Comma Separated Values) as common file format. They consist of a header which defines the columns and data entries which are separated by a comma (",").
+Many data files in VECTO use CSV (Comma Separated Values) as common file format. They consist of a header which defines the columns and data entries which are separated by a comma (",").
-In Vecto 3 the order of the columns is arbitrary if the column header matches the header definitions described in this user manual. If the column header does not match, a warning is written to the log file and the columns are parsed in the sequence as described in this manual as a fall-back.
+In VECTO 3 the order of the columns is arbitrary if the column header matches the header definitions described in this user manual. If the column header does not match, a warning is written to the log file and the columns are parsed in the sequence as described in this manual as a fall-back.
 ### Definition###
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ In Vecto 3 the order of the columns is arbitrary if the column header matches th
 |                         |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| **Header:**             | Vecto CSV needs exactly one header line with the definition of the columns at the beginning of the file. <br>Columns can be surrounded with "\<" and "\>" to mark them as identifiers (which makes them position independent). In Vecto 3.x every column is seen as identifier, regardless of "\<\>". <br>Columns may be succeded with unit information (enclosed in "[" and "]") for documentation purposes. |
+| **Header:**             | VECTO CSV needs exactly one header line with the definition of the columns at the beginning of the file. <br>Columns can be surrounded with "\<" and "\>" to mark them as identifiers (which makes them position independent). In VECTO 3.x every column is seen as identifier, regardless of "\<\>". <br>Columns may be succeded with unit information (enclosed in "[" and "]") for documentation purposes. |
 | **Column Separator:**   | **,** (Comma. Separates the columns of a data line.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 | **Decimal-Mark:**       | **.** (Dot. Splits numbers into integer part and decimal part.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| **Thousand-Separator:** | Vecto CSV does not allow a thousand-separator.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+| **Thousand-Separator:** | VECTO CSV does not allow a thousand-separator.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
 | **Comments:**           | **#** (Number sign. Declares text coming afterwards in the current line as comment.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 | **Whitespace:**         | Whitespaces between columns will be stripped away. Therefore it is possible to align the columns for better readability, if desired.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 **Note:** All column headers are case insensitive.
-**Note:** Unit information in the column header (enclosed in "[" and "]") are only information for the user. Vecto does **not** read the unit string nor convert between units. The values are expected to be in the units as specified in the user manual. 
+**Note:** Unit information in the column header (enclosed in "[" and "]") are only information for the user. VECTO does **not** read the unit string nor convert between units. The values are expected to be in the units as specified in the user manual. 
 Following files use the csv:
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 ## JSON
-Configuration and component files in Vecto use [JSON]( ![](pics/external-icon%2012x12.png) as common file format.
+Configuration and component files in VECTO use [JSON]( ![](pics/external-icon%2012x12.png) as common file format.
 Following files use JSON:
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 ## Driving Cycles (.vdri)
-A Driving Cycle defines the parameters of a simulated route in Vecto. It is either time-based or distance-based and has different fields depending on the driving cycle type.
-The basic file format is [Vecto-CSV](#csv) and the file type ending is ".vdri". A Job must have at least one driving cycle (except in Declaration mode, where the driving cycles are predefined).
+A Driving Cycle defines the parameters of a simulated route in VECTO. It is either time-based or distance-based and has different fields depending on the driving cycle type.
+The basic file format is [VECTO-CSV](#csv) and the file type ending is ".vdri". A Job must have at least one driving cycle (except in Declaration mode, where the driving cycles are predefined).
 ### Driving Cycle Types
 - **Declaration Mode**: [Target speed, distance-based](#declaration-mode-cycles)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ t [s]              , v [km/h]    , n_eng [rpm] , n_fan [rpm] , tq_left [Nm] , tq
 ### Engineering Mode: Target-Speed, Distance-Based Cycle
-This driving cycle defines the target speed over distance. Vecto tries to achieve and maintain this target speed.
+This driving cycle defines the target speed over distance. VECTO tries to achieve and maintain this target speed.
 Header: **s, v, stop***\[, Padd]\[, grad]\[, PTO]\[, vair\_res, vair\_beta]*
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ t [s]     v [km/h] , grad [%]    , Padd [kW]
 ### Engineering Mode: Measured-Speed With Gear, Time-Based Cycle
 This driving cycle defines the actual measured speed of the vehicle, the gear, and the engine speed over time.
-It overrides the shift strategy of Vecto and also directly sets the engine speed.
+It overrides the shift strategy of VECTO and also directly sets the engine speed.
 Header: **t, v, gear***\[, tc\_active, grad]\[, Padd]\[, vair\_res, vair\_beta]\[, Aux\_ID\]*
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ t [s]              , v [km/h]    , gear [-]    , grad [%]    , Padd [kW]
 ### Engineering Mode: Pwheel (SiCo), Time-Based
-This driving cycle defines the power measured at the wheels over time. Vecto tries to simulate the vehicle with this power requirement.
+This driving cycle defines the power measured at the wheels over time. VECTO tries to simulate the vehicle with this power requirement.
 Header: **t, Pwheel, gear, n***\[, Padd]*
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ t [s]              , Pwheel [kW] , gear [-]    , n [rpm]     , Padd [kW]
 ### Engine Only Mode: Engine Only Driving Cycle
-This driving cycle directly defines the engine's power or torque at the output shaft over time. Vecto adds the engine's inertia to the given power demand and simulates the engine.
+This driving cycle directly defines the engine's power or torque at the output shaft over time. VECTO adds the engine's inertia to the given power demand and simulates the engine.
 Header: **t, n, (Pe|Me)***\[, Padd]*
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 ## VTP-Job File
-File for the definition of a verification test job in vecto. A job contains everything what is needed to run a simulation. Can be created with the [Verifcation Test Job Editor](#vtp-job-editor).
+File for the definition of a verification test job in VECTO. A job contains everything what is needed to run a simulation. Can be created with the [Verification Test Job Editor](#vtp-job-editor).
 - File format is [JSON](#json).
 - Filetype ending is ".vecto"
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 ## Job File
-File for the definition of an job in vecto. A job contains everything what is needed to run a simulation. Can be created with the [Job Editor](#job-editor).
+File for the definition of an job in VECTO. A job contains everything what is needed to run a simulation. Can be created with the [Job Editor](#job-editor).
 - File format is [JSON](#json).
 - Filetype ending is ".vecto"
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--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Electric Motor Max Torque File (.vemp)
-This file contains the electric motor's maximum drive torque and maximum recuperation torque depending on the motor's angluar speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
+This file contains the electric motor's maximum drive torque and maximum recuperation torque depending on the motor's angular speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
 - Filetype: .vemp
 - Header: **n [rpm] , T_drive [Nm] , T_recuperation [Nm]**
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ n [rpm] , T_drive [Nm] , T_recuperation [Nm]
 ## Electric Motor Drag Curve File (.vemd)
-This file contains the electric motor's drag torque (i.e. the eletric motor is not energized) depending on the motor's angluar speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
+This file contains the electric motor's drag torque (i.e. the electric motor is not energized) depending on the motor's angular speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
 - Filetype: .vemd
 - Header: **n [rpm] , T_drag [Nm]**
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ n [rpm] , T_drag [Nm]
 ## Electric Motor Power Map (.vemo)
-This file is used to interpolate the electric power required for a certain mechanical power at the eletric motor's shaft.  The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
+This file is used to interpolate the electric power required for a certain mechanical power at the electric motor's shaft.  The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
 - Filetype: .vemo
 - Header: **n [rpm] , T [Nm] , P_el [kW]**
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--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Engine File (.veng)
-File for the definition of an engine in Vecto. Can be created with the [Engine Editor](#engine-editor).
+File for the definition of an engine in VECTO. Can be created with the [Engine Editor](#engine-editor).
 - File format is [JSON](#json).
 - Filetype ending is ".veng"
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index 81368e1cc5..b22b250e55 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Gearbox File (.vgbx)
-File for the definition of a gearbox in Vecto. Can be created with the [Gearbox Editor](#gearbox-editor).
+File for the definition of a gearbox in VECTO. Can be created with the [Gearbox Editor](#gearbox-editor).
 - File format is [JSON](#json).
 - Filetype ending is ".vgbx"
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index e6812cd30f..bdef5a9cd8 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## IEPC Max Torque File (.viepcp)
-This file contains the IEPC's maximum drive torque and maximum recuperation torque depending on the motor's angluar speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
+This file contains the IEPC's maximum drive torque and maximum recuperation torque depending on the motor's angular speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
 - Filetype: .viepcp
 - Header: **n_out [rpm] , T_drive_out [Nm] , T_recuperation_out [Nm]**
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ n_out   , T_drive_out , T_recuperation_out
 ## IEPC Drag Curve File (.viepcd)
-This file contains the IEPC's drag torque (i.e. the eletric motor is not energized) depending on the motor's angluar speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
+This file contains the IEPC's drag torque (i.e. the electric motor is not energized) depending on the motor's angular speed. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
 - Filetype: .viepcd
 - Header: **n_out [rpm] , T_drag_out [Nm]**
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index 0a4beef52a..73e36d46c2 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Modal results are only created if enabled in the [Options](#main-form) tab. One file is created for each calculation and stored in the same directory as the .vecto file.
-In Vecto 3 the structure of the modal data output has been revised and re-structured. Basically for every powertrain component the .vmod file contains the power at the input shaft and the individual power losses for every component. For the engine the power, torque and engine speed at the output shaft is given along with the internal power and torque used for computing the fuel consumption. See [Powertrain and Components Structure](#powertrain-and-components-structure) for schematics how the powertrain looks like and which positions in the powertrain the values represent.
+In VECTO 3 the structure of the modal data output has been revised and re-structured. Basically for every powertrain component the .vmod file contains the power at the input shaft and the individual power losses for every component. For the engine the power, torque and engine speed at the output shaft is given along with the internal power and torque used for computing the fuel consumption. See [Powertrain and Components Structure](#powertrain-and-components-structure) for schematics how the powertrain looks like and which positions in the powertrain the values represent.
 Every line in the .vmod file represents the simulation interval from time - dt/2 to time + dt/2. All values represent the average power/torque/angular velocity during this simulation interval. If a certain power value can be described as function of the vehicle's acceleration the average power is calculated by
 $P_{avg} = \frac{1}{simulation interval} \int{P(t) dt}$. 
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ $P_{avg} = \frac{1}{simulation interval} \int{P(t) dt}$.
 | P_\<POS>-em_inertia_loss   | [kW]      | Inertia loses of the electric machine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | P_\<POS>-em_mech_map       | [kW]      | Mechanical powerthe electric motor at position *POS* applies for driving or recuperation, including the electric motor's inertia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 | P_\<POS>-em_loss           | [kW]      | Losses in the electric machine due to converting electric power to mechanical power                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
-| P_\<POS>-em_el             | [kW]      | Electric power generated or consumed by the elctric machine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| P_\<POS>\_loss             | [kW]      | The total sum of losses of the electric motor at position *POS*. Calcualted as the difference of mecanical power applied at the drivetrain and the electrical power drawn from the REESS.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
+| P_\<POS>-em_el             | [kW]      | Electric power generated or consumed by the electric machine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| P_\<POS>\_loss             | [kW]      | The total sum of losses of the electric motor at position *POS*. Calculated as the difference of mechanical power applied at the drivetrain and the electrical power drawn from the REESS.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 | n_\<POS>-em_avg            | [rpm]     | Angular speed of the electric motor at position *POS*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | T_\<POS>-em                | [Nm]      | Torque at the shaft of  electric motor at position *POS*. Positive values mean that the electric motor acts as generator, negative torque values mean that the electric motor propels the vehicle                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
-| T_\<POS>-em_map            | [Nm]      | Torque internal torque of the electric motor at posision *POS*. Takes into account the electric motor's intertia. Positive values mean that the electric motor acts as generator, negative torque values mean that the electric motor propels the vehicle                                                                                                                                                      |
+| T_\<POS>-em_map            | [Nm]      | Torque internal torque of the electric motor at position *POS*. Takes into account the electric motor's inertia. Positive values mean that the electric motor acts as generator, negative torque values mean that the electric motor propels the vehicle                                                                                                                                                      |
 | T_\<POS>-em_drive_max      | [Nm]      | Maximum torque the electric machine can apply to propel the vehicle. This already considers the maximum current the battery can provide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
 | T_\<POS>-em_gen_max        | [Nm]      | Maximum torque the electric machine can apply to generate electric power. This already considers the maximum charge current the battery can handle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
 | P_\<POS>-em_drive_max      | [kW]      | Maximum power the electric motor can provide to drive the vehicle. This already considers the maximum electric power the battery can provide.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ $P_{avg} = \frac{1}{simulation interval} \int{P(t) dt}$.
 | P_gbx_inertia              | [kW]      | Power loss due to the gearbox' inertia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
 | P_ret_in                   | [kW]      | Power at the retarder's input shaft. P_ret_in = P_gbx_in - P_gbx_loss - P_gbx_inertia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | P_ret_loss                 | [kW]      | Power loss at the retarder, interpolated from the loss-map.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| P_angle_in                 | [kW]      | Power at the anglegear's input shaft. Empty if no Anglegear is used.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
-| P_angle_loss               | [kW]      | Power loss at the anglegear, interpolated from the loss-map. Empty if no Anglegear is used.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| P_angle_in                 | [kW]      | Power at the angle gear's input shaft. Empty if no angle gear is used.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
+| P_angle_loss               | [kW]      | Power loss at the angle gear, interpolated from the loss-map. Empty if no angle gear is used.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | P_axle_in                  | [kW]      | Power at the axle-gear input shaft. P_axle_in = P_ret_in - P_ret_loss ( - P_angle_loss if an Angulargear is used).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
 | P_axle_loss                | [kW]      | Power loss at the axle gear, interpolated from the loss-map.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 | P_brake_in                 | [kW]      | Power at the brake input shaft (definition: serially mounted into the drive train between wheels and axle). P_brake_in = P_axle_in - P_axle_loss                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ $P_{avg} = \frac{1}{simulation interval} \int{P(t) dt}$.
 | P_busAux_PS_gen_drag       | [kW]      | Mechanical power demand for the air compressor if no air is produced (compressor is in drag only, used for correcting the total fuel consumption in case of smart pneumatic system) *(only in .vmod file if bus auxiliaries are used)*                                                                                                                                                                         |
 | P_DC/DC_In                 | [kW]      | Electrical power at the input (REESS side) of the DC/DC converter. *(only applicable in case the electric auxiliaries are connected to the high-voltage REESS, output is delayed by one simulation step)*                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 | P_DC/DC_Out                | [kW]      | Electrical power at the output (REESS side) of the DC/DC converter. *(only applicable in case the electric auxiliaries are connected to the high-voltage REESS, output is delayed by one simulation step)*                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-| P_DC/DC_missing            | [kW]      | Electrical power the DC/DC converter could not provide to the low-voltage auxiliaries becuase the REESS was already at its minimum SoC. This column is used in post-processing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
+| P_DC/DC_missing            | [kW]      | Electrical power the DC/DC converter could not provide to the low-voltage auxiliaries because the REESS was already at its minimum SoC. This column is used in post-processing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
 | P_aux_<XXX>                | [kW]      | Mechanical power demand for every individual auxiliary. Only if the run has auxiliaries. In case of fully electrical auxiliaries for trucks the electrical power demand is converted to mechanical power using the alternator efficiency. For Buses with fully electrical auxiliaries the consumer is connected to the electrical system and thus the according column reports 0 power demand.                 |
 | T_max_propulsion           | [Nm]      | Maximum allowed propulsion torque at gearbox input shaft                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
 | P_WHR_el                   | [kW]      | Power generated by an electric WHR system, interpolated from WHR map.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | P_WHR_el_corr              | [kW]      | Power generated by an electric WHR system after applying                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
 | P_WHR_mech                 | [kW]      | Power generated by an mechanical WHR system, interpolated from WHR map.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
 | P_WHR_mech_corr            | [kW]      | Power generated by an mechanical WHR system after applying                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-| P_aux_ESS_mech_ICE_off     | [kW]      | Power demand of the auxiliaries 'missing' if the ICE is off.T he final fuel consumption (.vsum) is correctedd for this power demand in a [post-processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction). This power demand has no influence on FC-Map.                                                                                                                                                            |
-| P_aux_ESS_mech_ICE_on      | [kW]      | Power demand of the auxiliaries 'missing' in case the ICE would be on during actual ICE off periods. The final fuel consumption (.vsum) is correctedd for this power demand in a [post-processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction). This power demand has no influence on FC-Map.                                                                                                                    |
+| P_aux_ESS_mech_ICE_off     | [kW]      | Power demand of the auxiliaries 'missing' if the ICE is off.T he final fuel consumption (.vsum) is corrected for this power demand in a [post-processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction). This power demand has no influence on FC-Map.                                                                                                                                                            |
+| P_aux_ESS_mech_ICE_on      | [kW]      | Power demand of the auxiliaries 'missing' in case the ICE would be on during actual ICE off periods. The final fuel consumption (.vsum) is corrected for this power demand in a [post-processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction). This power demand has no influence on FC-Map.                                                                                                                    |
 | P_ice_start                | [kW]      | Power demand for starting the engine after an engine-off period multiplied by the engine start/stop utility factor. P_ice_start = [E_ice_start](#advanced-driver-assistant-systems-engine-stopstart) / dt. The final fuel consumption (.vmod) is corrected for this power demand in a [post-processing step](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction). This power demand has no influence on FC-Map.      |
 | P_PTO_consum               | [kW]      | Power demand from the PTO consumer. Only if the vehicle has a PTO consumer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | P_PTO_transmission         | [kW]      | Power demand from the PTO transmission. Only if the vehicle has a PTO consumer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
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--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## PTO Cycle (.vptoc)
-The PTO cycle defines the power demands during standing still and doing a pto operation. This can only be used in [Engineering Mode](#engineering-mode) when a pto transmission is defined. It can be set in the [Vehicle-Editor](#vehicle-editor-pto-tab). The basic file format is [Vecto-CSV](#csv) and the file type ending is ".vptoc". A PTO cycle is time-based and may have variable time steps, but it is recommended to use a resolution between 1[Hz] and 2[Hz]. Regardless of starting time, VECTO shifts it to always begin at 0[s].
+The PTO cycle defines the power demands during standing still and doing a pto operation. This can only be used in [Engineering Mode](#engineering-mode) when a pto transmission is defined. It can be set in the [Vehicle-Editor](#vehicle-editor-pto-tab). The basic file format is [VECTO-CSV](#csv) and the file type ending is ".vptoc". A PTO cycle is time-based and may have variable time steps, but it is recommended to use a resolution between 1[Hz] and 2[Hz]. Regardless of starting time, VECTO shifts it to always begin at 0[s].
 Header: **\<t>, \<Engine speed>, \<PTO Torque>**
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--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 The pto idle consumption map defines the speed-dependent power demand when the pto cycle is not active. This is only be used in [Engineering Mode](#engineering-mode) when a pto transmission is defined.
 The exact demand is interpolated based on the engine speed. PTO consumer idling losses are added to engine loads during any parts of the vehicle operation except the "PTO cycle". It can be defined in the [Vehicle-File](#vehicle-file-.vveh) and set via the [Vehicle-Editor](#vehicle-editor-pto-tab).
-The basic file format is [Vecto-CSV](#csv) and the file type ending is ".vptoi".
+The basic file format is [VECTO-CSV](#csv) and the file type ending is ".vptoi".
 Header: **\<Engine speed>, \<PTO Torque>**
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--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | Input File                             | [-]                                                | Name of the input job file (.vecto)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
 | Cycle                                  | [-]                                                | Name of the cycle file (or cycle name in declaration mode)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | Status                                 | [-]                                                | The result status of the run (Success, Aborted)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
-| Mass                                   | [kg]                                               | Vehicle mass (**Corected Actual Curb Mass Vehicle** + **Curb Mass Extra Trailer/Body**, see [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-general-tab))                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| Mass                                   | [kg]                                               | Vehicle mass (**Corrected Actual Curb Mass Vehicle** + **Curb Mass Extra Trailer/Body**, see [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-general-tab))                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | Loading                                | [kg]                                               | Vehicle loading (see [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-general-tab))                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
 | Cargo Volume                           | [m^3]                                              | Vehicle cargo volume (Declaration Mode only!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
 | time                                   | [s]                                                | Total simulation time                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | FC-BusAux_PS_Corr<\_FuelName>          | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption corrected for the excessive/missing energy for the smart pneumatic system, also corrected for the air demand according to the correct driving time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
 | FC-BusAux_ES_Corr<\_FuelName>          | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption corrected for the excessive/missing energy for the smart electric system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
 | FC-WHR_Corr<\_FuelName>                | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption including fuel consumption deduction due to electric power generated by an electric WHR system (FC-WHR_Corr = FC-ESS - E_WHR_el / eta_alternator * k_vehline)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
-| FC-SoC<\_FuelName>                     | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption to correct the REESS SoC so that the SoC at the end of the cycle mathces the SoC at the beginning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| FC-SoC<\_FuelName>                     | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption to correct the REESS SoC so that the SoC at the end of the cycle matches the SoC at the beginning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | FC-SoC_Corr<\_FuelName>                | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption including the correction for the REESS SoC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-| FC-BusAux\_AuxHeater<\_FuelName>       | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption of the additionalheater. In case of dual-fuel vehicles the aux heater is fueled with the primary fuel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
-| FC-BusAux\_AuxHeater\_Corr<\_FuelName> | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumptioncorrected for the aux heater fuel demand                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| FC-BusAux\_AuxHeater<\_FuelName>       | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption of the additional heater. In case of dual-fuel vehicles the aux heater is fueled with the primary fuel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| FC-BusAux\_AuxHeater\_Corr<\_FuelName> | [g/h], [g/km]                                      | Average fuel consumption corrected for the aux heater fuel demand                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
 | FC-Final<\_FuelName>                   | [g/h], [g/km], [l/100km], [l/100tkm], [l/100m^3km] | Final average fuel consumption after ALL corrections (FC-Final = FC-ESS_Corr). Fuel consumption for calculation of CO~2~ value. If Loading = 0[kg] the column [l/100tkm] is left empty.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
 | k_vehline                              | [g/kWh]                                            | Slope of the regression line derived from all operating points P_wheel vs. FC_final_mod where P_wheel > 0 and FC_final_mod > 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | k_engline                              | [g/kWh]                                            | Slope of the regression line used for the [fuel consumption correction](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | P_fcmap_pos                            | [kW]                                               | Average power at engine (both, positive and negative values, averaged over the whole cycle duration)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | E_fcmap_pos                            | [kWh]                                              | Total positive work provided by the combustion engine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
 | E_fcmap_neg                            | [kWh]                                              | Total energy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
-| E_powertrain_inertia                   | [kWh]                                              | Total work of engine, torqueconverter, and gearbox inertia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| E_powertrain_inertia                   | [kWh]                                              | Total work of engine, torque converter, and gearbox inertia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | E_aux_xxx                              | [kWh]                                              | Energy demand of auxiliary with ID xxx applied as torque demand to the engine (i.e. mechanical energy demand). See also [Aux Dialog](#auxiliary-dialog) and [Driving Cycle](#driving-cycles-.vdri). In Declaration Mode the following auxiliaries always exists: E_aux_FAN (Fan), E_aux_PS (Pneumatic System), E_aux_STP (Steering Pump), E_aux_ES (Electrical System), E_aux_AC (Air Condition). In case of fully electrical auxiliaries for trucks the electrical power demand is converted to mechanical power using the alternator efficiency. For Buses with fully electrical auxiliaries the consumer is connected to the electrical system and thus the according column reports 0 power demand. |
-| E_aux_sum                              | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of all auxiliaries. This is the sum for all E_aux_xxx columns and the bus auxiliaires.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| E_aux_sum                              | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of all auxiliaries. This is the sum for all E_aux_xxx columns and the bus auxiliaries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | E_aux_el(HV)                           | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of the electric auxiliaries connected directly to the REESS.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
 | E_clutch_loss                          | [kWh]                                              | Total energy loss in the clutch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
 | E_tc_loss                              | [kWh]                                              | Total torque converter energy loss                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | E_shift_loss                           | [kWh]                                              | Total energy losses due to gearshifts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 | E_ret_loss                             | [kWh]                                              | Total retarder energy loss                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | E_angle_loss                           | [kWh]                                              | Total torque converter energy loss                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
-| E_axl_loss                             | [kWh]                                              | Total transmission energy losses at the axlegear                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| E_brake                                | [kWh]                                              | Total work dissipated in mechanical braking (sum of service brakes, retader and additional engine exhaust brakes)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
+| E_axl_loss                             | [kWh]                                              | Total transmission energy losses at the axle gear                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| E_brake                                | [kWh]                                              | Total work dissipated in mechanical braking (sum of service brakes, retarder and additional engine exhaust brakes)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
 | E_vehicle_inertia                      | [kWh]                                              | Total work of wheels inertia and vehicle mass                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
 | E_air                                  | [kWh]                                              | Total work of air resistance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
 | E_roll                                 | [kWh]                                              | Total work of rolling resistance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | ΔE_BusAux_Bat                          | [kWh]                                              | In case of smart electrics, the difference of energy stored in the RESS between the beginning and end of the driving cycle. This energy difference is corrected in the post-processing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
 | E_BusAux_PS_corr                       | [kWh]                                              | Mechanical energy of the pneumatic system that needs to be considered in the post-processing to [correct the total fuel consumption](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 | E_BusAux_ES_mech_corr                  | [kWh]                                              | Mechanical energy of the electric system that needs to be considered in the post-processing to [correct the total fuel consumption](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
-| E_BusAux_HVAC_mech                     | [kWh]                                              | Mechancial energy demand of the HVAC system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
+| E_BusAux_HVAC_mech                     | [kWh]                                              | Mechanical energy demand of the HVAC system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
 | E_BusAux_HVAC_el                       | [kWh]                                              | Electrical energy demand of the HVAC system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
 | E_BusAux_AuxhHeater                    | [kWh]                                              | Energy demand of an additional aux heater.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | E_WHR_el                               | [kWh]                                              | Energy from the electric WHR system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ The .vsum file includes total / average results for each calculation run in one
 | E_PTO_TRANSM                           | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of the pto transmission (if a pto transmission was used).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
 | E_WHR_el                               | [kWh]                                              | Total electric energy generated by an electrical WHR system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
 | E_WHR_mech                             | [kWh]                                              | Total electric energy generated by an electrical WHR system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
-| E_aux_PTO_RoadSweeping                 | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of the pto acitvation in mode 2 (engineering mode only).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| E_aux_PTO_RoadSweeping                 | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of the pto activation in mode 2 (engineering mode only).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
 | E_aux_PTO_DuringDrive                  | [kWh]                                              | Total energy demand of the pto activation in mode 3 (engineering mode only.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
 | E_aux_ess_mech                         | [kWh]                                              | Total work of auxiliaries during engine stop and thus not considered in FC-Map and FC-AAUX. Considered in FC-ESS_Corr via [fuel consumption correction](#engine-fuel-consumption-correction) (Based on P_aux_ESS_mech in .vmod)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
 | a                                      | [m/s^2^]                                           | Average acceleration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/
index f91b5db3e3..3b19371e0a 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Transmission Loss Map (.vtlm)
-This file defines losses in transmission components, i.e. every gear, axlegear, angledrive. See [Transmission Losses](#transmission-losses) for the formula how the losses are accounted in the components. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
+This file defines losses in transmission components, i.e. every gear, axle gear, angledrive. See [Transmission Losses](#transmission-losses) for the formula how the losses are accounted in the components. The file uses the [VECTO CSV format](#csv).
 - Filetype: .vtlm
 - Header: **Input Speed [rpm], Input Torque [Nm], Torque Loss [Nm]**
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/
index 5df666c48f..22e4d78417 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Vehicle File (.vveh)
-File for the definition of a vehicle in vecto. Can be created with the [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-general-tab).
+File for the definition of a vehicle in VECTO. Can be created with the [Vehicle Editor](#vehicle-editor-general-tab).
 - File format is [JSON](#json).
 - Filetype ending is ".vveh"
diff --git a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/
index 8f0e18722c..9eaddd8ef1 100644
--- a/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
+++ b/Documentation/User Manual/5-input-and-output-files/	
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ Both reports are in XML format and contain a description of the simulated vehicl
 Sample reports are distributed with the generic vehicles.
-**Note: ** For better readability and improved presentation, the XML has attached a stylesheet that allows nice rendering in web-browsers. If you open an XML report in your browser, you may be asked the credentials for the CITnet SVN server (same credentials as you need for downloading VECTO) as the CSS is hosted on CITnet.
+**Note: ** For better readability and improved presentation, the XML has attached a style sheet that allows nice rendering in web-browsers. If you open an XML report in your browser, you may be asked the credentials for the CITnet SVN server (same credentials as you need for downloading VECTO) as the CSS is hosted on CITnet.