From 996124f4d6b1d40937dfbedc7e51f8b1a05bc902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Zarb, Glenn" <STC\GZ1>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 08:15:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Schematics V11 Change E

git-tfs-id: []$/VECTO;C2012
 .../VectoAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/M10.vb | 272 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/M10.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/M10.vb
index 0e9923af34..b49a305876 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/M10.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/M10.vb
@@ -16,166 +16,162 @@ Imports VectoAuxiliaries.DownstreamModules
 Namespace DownstreamModules
- Public Class M10
-  Implements IM10
-  'Aggregators
-  Private _AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre As Single
-  'Diagnostics
-  Private   Dim x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, xTA,interp1,interp2 As single
-  Public ReadOnly Property P1X as single Implements IM10.P1X
-      Get
-       Return x1
-      End Get
-  End Property        
-  Public ReadOnly Property P1Y as single Implements IM10.P1Y
-      Get
-      Return y1
-      End Get
-  End Property        
-  Public ReadOnly Property P2X as single Implements IM10.P2X
-      Get
-      Return x2
-      End Get
-  End Property        
-  Public ReadOnly Property P2Y  as single Implements IM10.P2Y
-      Get
-      Return y2
-      End Get
-  End Property       
-  Public ReadOnly Property P3X as single Implements IM10.P3X
-      Get
-      Return x3
-      End Get
-  End Property        
-  Public ReadOnly Property P3Y as single Implements IM10.P3Y
-      Get
-      Return y3
-      End Get
-  End Property        
-  Public ReadOnly Property XTAIN  as single Implements IM10.XTAIN
-      Get
-      Return xTA
-      End Get
-  End Property     
-  Public ReadOnly Property INTRP1  as single Implements IM10.INTRP1
-      Get
-      Return interp1
-      End Get
-  End Property    
-  Public ReadOnly Property INTRP2   as single Implements IM10.INTRP2
-      Get
-      Return interp2
-      End Get
-  End Property   
- 'Private
- #Region "Private Fields  = > Constructor Requirements"
-Private m3 As IM3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand
-Private m9 As IM9
-'Not Currently used but there for ease of refactoring in future.
-Private signals As ISignals
+    Public Class M10
+        Implements IM10
+        'Aggregators
+        Private _AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre As Single
+        'Diagnostics
+        Private x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xTA, interp1, interp2 As Single
+        Public ReadOnly Property P1X As Single Implements IM10.P1X
+            Get
+                Return x1
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property P1Y As Single Implements IM10.P1Y
+            Get
+                Return y1
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property P2X As Single Implements IM10.P2X
+            Get
+                Return x2
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property P2Y As Single Implements IM10.P2Y
+            Get
+                Return y2
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property P3X As Single Implements IM10.P3X
+            Get
+                Return x3
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property P3Y As Single Implements IM10.P3Y
+            Get
+                Return y3
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property XTAIN As Single Implements IM10.XTAIN
+            Get
+                Return xTA
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property INTRP1 As Single Implements IM10.INTRP1
+            Get
+                Return interp1
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        Public ReadOnly Property INTRP2 As Single Implements IM10.INTRP2
+            Get
+                Return interp2
+            End Get
+        End Property
+        'Private
+#Region "Private Fields  = > Constructor Requirements"
+        Private m3 As IM3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand
+        Private m9 As IM9
+        'Not Currently used but there for ease of refactoring in future.
+        Private signals As ISignals
 #End Region
- Private Enum InterpolationType
- NonSmartPneumtaics
- SmartPneumtaics
-End Enum
- Private Function Interpolate(  interpType As InterpolationType) As Single
-  Dim returnValue As Single
- ' Dim x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, xTA As Single
-  x1=m9.LitresOfAirCompressorOnContinually
-  y1=m9.TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOnContinuously
-  x2=0
-  y2=m9.TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOffContinuously
-  x3=m9.LitresOfAirCompressorOnOnlyInOverrun
-  y3=m9.TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOffContinuously
-  xTA   = _AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre  'm3.AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre
-  Select Case  interpType
-      'Non-Smart Pneumatics ( OUT 1 )
-      Case InterpolationType.NonSmartPneumtaics
-      returnValue = y2 + ( ((y1-y2) * xTA) / x1)
-      interp1=returnValue
-      'Smart Pneumatics ( OUT 2 )
-      Case InterpolationType.SmartPneumtaics 
-      ReturnValue = y3 + (((y1-y3) /( x1-x3)) * ( xTA - x3))
-      interp2= returnValue
-  End Select
-  Return returnValue
-End Function
- 'Public 
- #Region "Public Properties"
- Public ReadOnly Property AverageLoadsFuelConsumptionInterpolatedForPneumatics As Single Implements IM10.AverageLoadsFuelConsumptionInterpolatedForPneumatics
+        Private Enum InterpolationType
+            NonSmartPneumtaics
+            SmartPneumtaics
+        End Enum
+        Private Function Interpolate(interpType As InterpolationType) As Single
+            Dim returnValue As Single
+            ' Dim x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, xTA As Single
+            x1 = m9.LitresOfAirCompressorOnContinually
+            y1 = m9.TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOnContinuously
+            x2 = 0
+            y2 = m9.TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOffContinuously
+            x3 = m9.LitresOfAirCompressorOnOnlyInOverrun
+            y3 = m9.TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOffContinuously
+            xTA = _AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre  'm3.AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre
+            Select Case interpType
+                'Non-Smart Pneumatics ( OUT 1 )
+                Case InterpolationType.NonSmartPneumtaics
+                    returnValue = y2 + (((y1 - y2) * xTA) / x1)
+                    interp1 = returnValue
+                    'Smart Pneumatics ( OUT 2 )
+                Case InterpolationType.SmartPneumtaics
+                    ReturnValue = y3 + (((y1 - y3) / (x1 - x3)) * (xTA - x3))
+                    interp2 = returnValue
+            End Select
+            Return returnValue
+        End Function
+        'Public 
+#Region "Public Properties"
+        Public ReadOnly Property AverageLoadsFuelConsumptionInterpolatedForPneumatics As Single Implements IM10.AverageLoadsFuelConsumptionInterpolatedForPneumatics
-            'SCHM 3_02
-            Dim intrp1 As Single=Interpolate(InterpolationType.NonSmartPneumtaics)
-            intrp1 = If( Not Single.IsNaN( intrp1)  andalso m9.LitresOfAirCompressorOnContinually>0, intrp1,0)            
-            Return  intrp1
+                'SCHM 3_02
+                Dim intrp1 As Single = Interpolate(InterpolationType.NonSmartPneumtaics)
+                intrp1 = If(Not Single.IsNaN(intrp1), intrp1, 0)
+                Return intrp1
             End Get
         End Property
- Public ReadOnly Property FuelConsumptionSmartPneumaticsAndAverageElectricalPowerDemand As Single Implements IM10.FuelConsumptionSmartPneumaticsAndAverageElectricalPowerDemand
+        Public ReadOnly Property FuelConsumptionSmartPneumaticsAndAverageElectricalPowerDemand As Single Implements IM10.FuelConsumptionSmartPneumaticsAndAverageElectricalPowerDemand
-            'SCHM 3_02
-            Dim intrp2 As Single=Interpolate(InterpolationType.SmartPneumtaics)
-            intrp2 = If( Not Single.IsNaN( intrp2)  andalso m9.LitresOfAirCompressorOnContinually>0, intrp2,0)            
-            Return  intrp2
+                'SCHM 3_02
+                Dim intrp2 As Single = Interpolate(InterpolationType.SmartPneumtaics)
+                intrp2 = If(Not Single.IsNaN(intrp2), intrp2, 0)
+                Return intrp2
             End Get
         End Property
 #End Region
- #Region "Contructors"
-  Public sub new( m3 As IM3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand, m9 As IM9, signals As ISignals)
+#Region "Contructors"
+        Public Sub New(m3 As IM3_AveragePneumaticLoadDemand, m9 As IM9, signals As ISignals)
-   Me.m3=m3
-   Me.m9=m9
-   Me.signals= signals
-End Sub
- #end region
- Public Sub CycleStep(Optional stepTimeInSeconds As Single = 0.0) Implements IM10.CycleStep
+            Me.m3 = m3
+            Me.m9 = m9
+            Me.signals = signals
-  _AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre+= If( Single.IsNaN(m3.AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre),0,m3.AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre )
+        End Sub
- End Sub
+#End Region
+        Public Sub CycleStep(Optional stepTimeInSeconds As Single = 0.0) Implements IM10.CycleStep
+            _AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre += If(Single.IsNaN(m3.AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre), 0, m3.AverageAirConsumedPerSecondLitre)
+        End Sub
- End Class
+    End Class
 End Namespace