diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/HeatingDistributionCasesMapReader.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/HeatingDistributionCasesMapReader.cs
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ad4d1f95e88b1ccdef4bfbf992673d1e068ad66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/HeatingDistributionCasesMapReader.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Data;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.BusAuxiliaries;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.BusAuxiliaries.DownstreamModules.Impl.HVAC;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.ComponentData
+	public static class HeatingDistributionMapReader
+	{
+		public static HeatingDistributionMap ReadFile(string fileName)
+		{
+			if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (!File.Exists(fileName)) {
+				throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName);
+			}
+			return Create(VectoCSVFile.Read(fileName));
+		}
+		public static HeatingDistributionMap ReadStream(Stream stream)
+		{
+			return Create(VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(stream));
+		}
+		public static HeatingDistributionMap Create(TableData data)
+		{
+			var requiredHeatPumps = EnumHelper.GetValues<HeatPumpType>()
+				.Where(x => !x.IsOneOf(HeatPumpType.none, HeatPumpType.not_applicable)).ToList();
+			if (!HeaderIsValid(data.Columns, requiredHeatPumps)) {
+				throw new VectoException("Invalid Header vor heating distribution map");
+			}
+			var map = new Dictionary<Tuple<HeatingDistributionCase, int>, HeatingDistributionMap.Entry>();
+			foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) {
+				var heatPumpContr = new Dictionary<HeatPumpType, double>();
+				foreach (var heatPumpType in requiredHeatPumps) {
+					var value = row.Field<string>(heatPumpType.GetLabel()).ToDouble(double.NaN) / 100.0;
+					if (!double.IsNaN(value)) {
+						heatPumpContr.Add(heatPumpType, value);
+					}
+				}
+				var hdCase = HeatingDistributionCaseHelper.Parse(row.Field<string>(Fields.HeatingDistributionCase));
+				var envId = row.Field<string>(Fields.EnvironmentalId).ToInt();
+				var elHeater = row.Field<string>(Fields.ElectricHeater).ToDouble(double.NaN) / 100.0;
+				var fuelHeater = row.Field<string>(Fields.FuelHeater).ToDouble(double.NaN) / 100.0;
+				map.Add(Tuple.Create(hdCase, envId), new HeatingDistributionMap.Entry(envId, heatPumpContr, elHeater, fuelHeater));
+			}
+			return new HeatingDistributionMap(map);
+		}
+		public static bool HeaderIsValid(DataColumnCollection columns, List<HeatPumpType> requiredHeatPumps)
+		{
+			var header = requiredHeatPumps.Select(x => x.GetLabel())
+				.ToList();
+			header.AddRange(new[] { Fields.HeatingDistributionCase, Fields.ElectricHeater, Fields.FuelHeater });
+			return header.All(h => columns.Contains(h));
+		}
+		public static class Fields
+		{
+			public const string HeatingDistributionCase = "HeatingDistributionCase";
+			public const string EnvironmentalId = "Environmental ID";
+			public const string ElectricHeater = "electric heater";
+			public const string FuelHeater = "fuel heater";
+		}
+	}
+    public static class HeatingDistributionCasesMapReader
+	{
+		public static HeatingDistributionCasesMap ReadFile(string fileName)
+		{
+			if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			if (!File.Exists(fileName)) {
+				throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName);
+			}
+			return Create(VectoCSVFile.Read(fileName));
+		}
+		public static HeatingDistributionCasesMap ReadStream(Stream stream)
+		{
+			return Create(VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(stream));
+		}
+		public static HeatingDistributionCasesMap Create(TableData data)
+		{
+			var requiredHeatPumps = EnumHelper.GetValues<HeatPumpType>()
+				.Where(x => !x.IsOneOf(HeatPumpType.none, HeatPumpType.not_applicable)).ToList();
+			if (!HeaderIsValid(data.Columns, requiredHeatPumps)) {
+				throw new VectoException("Invalid Header vor heating distribution map");
+			}
+			var map = new List<HeatingDistributionCasesMap.Entry>();
+			foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) {
+				var allowedHeatPumps = new List<HeatPumpType>();
+				foreach (var heatPumpType in requiredHeatPumps) {
+					var allowed = row.Field<string>(heatPumpType.GetLabel()).ToBoolean();
+					if (allowed) {
+						allowedHeatPumps.Add(heatPumpType);
+					}
+				}
+				if (allowedHeatPumps.Count > 1) {
+					throw new VectoException("One row shall not contain multiple heatpump technologies!");
+				}
+				if (allowedHeatPumps.Count == 0) {
+					allowedHeatPumps.Add(HeatPumpType.none);
+				}
+				map.Add(new HeatingDistributionCasesMap.Entry() {
+					HeatingDistributionCase = HeatingDistributionCaseHelper.Parse(row.Field<string>(Fields.HeatingDistributionCase)),
+					ElectricHeater = row.Field<string>(Fields.ElectricHeater).ToBoolean(),
+					FuelHeater = row.Field<string>(Fields.FuelHeater).ToBoolean(),
+					HeatPumpType = allowedHeatPumps.First()
+				});
+			}
+			return new HeatingDistributionCasesMap(map);
+		}
+		public static bool HeaderIsValid(DataColumnCollection columns, List<HeatPumpType> requiredHeatPumps)
+		{
+			var header = requiredHeatPumps.Select(x => x.GetLabel())
+				.ToList();
+			header.AddRange(new[] {Fields.HeatingDistributionCase, Fields.ElectricHeater, Fields.FuelHeater});
+			return header.All(h => columns.Contains(h));
+		}
+		public static class Fields
+		{
+			public const string HeatingDistributionCase = "HeatingDistributionCase";
+			public const string ElectricHeater = "electric heater";
+			public const string FuelHeater = "fuel heater";
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionCase.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionCase.cs
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb59edffc02f97bf1decda29fe52069d5269b37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionCase.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.BusAuxiliaries.DownstreamModules.Impl.HVAC
+    public enum HeatingDistributionCase
+    {
+        HeatingDistribution1,
+        HeatingDistribution2,
+        HeatingDistribution3,
+        HeatingDistribution4,
+        HeatingDistribution5,
+        HeatingDistribution6,
+        HeatingDistribution7,
+        HeatingDistribution8,
+        HeatingDistribution9,
+        HeatingDistribution10,
+        HeatingDistribution11,
+        HeatingDistribution12,
+    }
+	public static class HeatingDistributionCaseHelper
+	{
+		public static HeatingDistributionCase Parse(string parse)
+		{
+			return parse.Replace("HD", "HeatingDistribution").ParseEnum<HeatingDistributionCase>();
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionCasesMap.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionCasesMap.cs
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40e0fbf3ef088848e84f3062760a304571ccd042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionCasesMap.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.BusAuxiliaries;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.BusAuxiliaries.DownstreamModules.Impl.HVAC
+    public class HeatingDistributionCasesMap
+    {
+        private List<Entry> Map;
+        public HeatingDistributionCasesMap(List<Entry> map)
+        {
+            Map = map;
+        }
+        public HeatingDistributionCase GetHeatingDistributionCase(HeatPumpType heatPump, HeaterType electricHeater,
+            bool fuelHeater)
+        {
+            var matching = Map.Where(x => x.IsEqual(heatPump, electricHeater, fuelHeater)).ToList();
+            if (matching.Count != 1) {
+                throw new VectoException($"Zero or more than one matching entry! {matching.Count}");
+            }
+            return matching.First().HeatingDistributionCase;
+        }
+        public class Entry
+        {
+            public HeatingDistributionCase HeatingDistributionCase;
+            public HeatPumpType HeatPumpType;
+            public bool ElectricHeater;
+            public bool FuelHeater;
+            public bool IsEqual(HeatPumpType heatPump, HeaterType electricHeater, bool fuelHeater)
+            {
+                var hasElectricHeater = electricHeater != HeaterType.None;
+                var otherHeater = ElectricHeater == hasElectricHeater;
+                return HeatPumpType == heatPump && otherHeater && FuelHeater == fuelHeater;
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionMap.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionMap.cs
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcad607036f6366fb021b20763e2a129e9fd965c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/BusAuxiliaries/DownstreamModules/Impl/HVAC/HeatingDistributionMap.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.BusAuxiliaries;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.BusAuxiliaries.DownstreamModules.Impl.HVAC
+	public class HeatingDistributionMap
+	{
+		protected Dictionary<Tuple<HeatingDistributionCase, int>, Entry> HeatingDistribution;
+		public HeatingDistributionMap(Dictionary<Tuple<HeatingDistributionCase, int>, Entry> map)
+		{
+			HeatingDistribution = map;
+		}
+		public Entry Lookup(HeatingDistributionCase hdCase, int environmentalId)
+		{
+			var key = Tuple.Create(hdCase, environmentalId);
+			if (HeatingDistribution.ContainsKey(key)) {
+				return HeatingDistribution[key];
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		public class Entry
+		{
+			protected int EnvironmentID;
+			protected Dictionary<HeatPumpType, double> HeatpumpContribution;
+			protected double ElectricHeaterContribution;
+			protected double FuelHeaterContribution;
+			public Entry(int environmentID, Dictionary<HeatPumpType, double> heatpumpContribution, double electricHeaterContribution, double fuelHeaterContribution)
+			{
+				EnvironmentID = environmentID;
+				HeatpumpContribution = heatpumpContribution;
+				ElectricHeaterContribution = electricHeaterContribution;
+				FuelHeaterContribution = fuelHeaterContribution;
+			}
+			public double GetHeatpumpContribution(HeatPumpType heatPump)
+			{
+				if (HeatpumpContribution.ContainsKey(heatPump)) {
+					return HeatpumpContribution[heatPump];
+				}
+				return 0;
+			}
+			public double GetElectricHeaterContribution(HeaterType heater)
+			{
+				return double.IsNaN(ElectricHeaterContribution) ? 0 : ElectricHeaterContribution;
+			}
+			public double GetFuelHeaterContribution()
+			{
+				return double.IsNaN(FuelHeaterContribution) ? 0 : FuelHeaterContribution;
+			}
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs
index b908450f9818320071d2bbe59819deba600113b8..f4a18a474dcde0ab23373bda2c72189ef720bf22 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs
@@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 			public static BusAlternatorTechnologies AlternatorTechnologies = new BusAlternatorTechnologies();
 			private static HVACCoolingPower hvacMaxCoolingPower;
+			private static HeatingDistributionCasesMap heatingDistributionCasesMap;
+			private static HeatingDistributionMap heatingDistributionMap;
 			public static List<SSMTechnology> SSMTechnologyList =>
 				ssmTechnologies ?? (ssmTechnologies = SSMTechnologiesReader.ReadFromStream(
@@ -256,6 +258,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 				envMap ?? (envMap = EnvironmentalContidionsMapReader.ReadStream(
 					RessourceHelper.ReadStream(DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".Buses.DefaultClimatic.aenv")));
+			public static HeatingDistributionCasesMap HeatingDistributionCases =>
+				heatingDistributionCasesMap ?? (heatingDistributionCasesMap = HeatingDistributionCasesMapReader.ReadStream(
+					RessourceHelper.ReadStream(DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".Buses.HeatingDistributionCases.csv")));
+			public static HeatingDistributionMap HeatingDistribution =>
+				heatingDistributionMap ?? (heatingDistributionMap = HeatingDistributionMapReader.ReadStream(
+					RessourceHelper.ReadStream(DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".Buses.HeatingDistribution.csv")));
 			public static ElectricalConsumerList DefaultElectricConsumerList =>
 				elUserConfig ?? (elUserConfig = ElectricConsumerReader.ReadStream(
 					RessourceHelper.ReadStream(DeclarationDataResourcePrefix + ".Buses.ElectricConsumers.csv")));
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/Buses/HeatingDistribution.csv b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/Buses/HeatingDistribution.csv
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1159aa1a6d46cb16b2d0cbe00390e0d5353e19b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/Buses/HeatingDistribution.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+HeatingDistributionCase , Environmental ID , R-744 , non R-744 2-stage , non R-744 3-stage , non R-744 4-stage , non R-744 continuous , electric heater , fuel heater
+# only R-744
+HD1                     , 1                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 2                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 3                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 4                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 5                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 6                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 7                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 8                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 9                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 10               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD1                     , 11               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+# R-744 + other electric heater
+HD2                     , 1                , 50    ,                   ,                   ,                   ,                      , 50              ,
+HD2                     , 2                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 3                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 4                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 5                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 6                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 7                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 8                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 9                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 10               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+HD2                     , 11               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , -
+# R-744 + other electric heater + fuel heater
+HD3                     , 1                , 40    , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 20              , 40
+HD3                     , 2                , 70    , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 30
+HD3                     , 3                , 80    , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 20
+HD3                     , 4                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 5                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 6                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 7                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 8                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 9                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 10               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+HD3                     , 11               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 0
+# R-744 + fuel heater
+HD4                     , 1                , 40    , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 60
+HD4                     , 2                , 70    , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 30
+HD4                     , 3                , 80    , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 20
+HD4                     , 4                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 5                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 6                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 7                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 8                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 9                , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 10               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+HD4                     , 11               , 100   , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 0
+# Non R744 only
+HD5                     , 1                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 2                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 3                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 4                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 5                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 6                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 7                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 8                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 9                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 10               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+HD5                     , 11               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , -
+# Non R-744 + other electric heater
+HD6                     , 1                , -     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 100             , -
+HD6                     , 2                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 3                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 4                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 5                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 6                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 7                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 8                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 9                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 10               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+HD6                     , 11               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , -
+# Non R-744 + other electric heater + fuel heater
+HD7                     , 1                , -     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 20              , 80
+HD7                     , 2                , -     , 70                , 70                , 70                , 70                   , 0               , 30
+HD7                     , 3                , -     , 80                , 80                , 80                , 80                   , 0               , 20
+HD7                     , 4                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 5                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 6                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 7                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 8                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 9                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 10               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+HD7                     , 11               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , 0               , 0
+# Non R-744 + fuel heater
+HD8                     , 1                , -     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , -               , 100
+HD8                     , 2                , -     , 70                , 70                , 70                , 70                   , -               , 30
+HD8                     , 3                , -     , 80                , 80                , 80                , 80                   , -               , 20
+HD8                     , 4                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 5                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 6                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 7                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 8                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 9                , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 10               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+HD8                     , 11               , -     , 100               , 100               , 100               , 100                  , -               , 0
+# Other electric heater only
+HD9                     , 1                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 2                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 3                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 4                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 5                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 6                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 7                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 8                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 9                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 10               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+HD9                     , 11               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 100             ,
+# Ohter electric heater + fuel heater
+HD10                    , 1                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 20              , 80
+HD10                    , 2                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 3                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 4                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 5                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 6                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 7                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 8                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 9                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 10               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+HD10                    , 11               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , 0               , 100
+# fuel heater only
+HD11                    , 1                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 2                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 3                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 4                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 5                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 6                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 7                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 8                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 9                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 10               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+HD11                    , 11               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , 100
+# no heating
+HD12                    , 1                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 2                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 3                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 4                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 5                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 6                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 7                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 8                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 9                , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 10               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
+HD12                    , 11               , -     , -                 , -                 , -                 , -                    , -               , -
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/Buses/HeatingDistributionCases.csv b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/Buses/HeatingDistributionCases.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09fcf3a726b120b5ad9f89bebfb4b6efb38002c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Resources/Declaration/Buses/HeatingDistributionCases.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+HeatingDistributionCase , R-744 , non R-744 2-stage , non R-744 3-stage , non R-744 4-stage , non R-744 continuous , electric heater , fuel heater
+HD1                     , 1     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 0
+HD2                     , 1     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 0
+HD3                     , 1     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 1
+HD4                     , 1     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 1
+HD5                     , 0     , 1                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 0
+HD5                     , 0     , 0                 , 1                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 0
+HD5                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 1                 , 0                    , 0               , 0
+HD5                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 1                    , 0               , 0
+HD6                     , 0     , 1                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 0
+HD6                     , 0     , 0                 , 1                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 0
+HD6                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 1                 , 0                    , 1               , 0
+HD6                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 1                    , 1               , 0
+HD7                     , 0     , 1                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 1
+HD7                     , 0     , 0                 , 1                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 1
+HD7                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 1                 , 0                    , 1               , 1
+HD7                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 1                    , 1               , 1
+HD8                     , 0     , 1                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 1
+HD8                     , 0     , 0                 , 1                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 1
+HD8                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 1                 , 0                    , 0               , 1
+HD8                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 1                    , 0               , 1
+HD9                     , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 0
+HD10                    , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 1               , 1
+HD11                    , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 1
+HD12                    , 0     , 0                 , 0                 , 0                 , 0                    , 0               , 0
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/BusDeclarationDataTest.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/BusDeclarationDataTest.cs
index efce6d6a22350be1dfc6637581d663e391219306..b3ff35a7597fac68e5408c0eb6bbcc3d664544b7 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/BusDeclarationDataTest.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/BusDeclarationDataTest.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-using NUnit.Framework;
+using System.Linq;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.BusAuxiliaries;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.BusAuxiliaries.DownstreamModules.Impl.HVAC;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.Declaration;
@@ -84,4 +87,95 @@ public class BusDeclarationDataTest
 		var len = DeclarationData.BusAuxiliaries.CorrectionLengthDrivetrainVolume(vc, lowEntry, numAxles, articulated);
 		Assert.AreEqual(expectedLength, len.Value());
+	[
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.None, false, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution1),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, false, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution2),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.AirElectricHeater, true, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution3),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.None, true, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution4),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.non_R_744_2_stage, HeaterType.None, false, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution5),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.non_R_744_3_stage, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, false, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution6),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.non_R_744_4_stage, HeaterType.AirElectricHeater, true, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution7),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.non_R_744_2_stage, HeaterType.None, true, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution8),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.OtherElectricHeating, false, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution9),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, true, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution10),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.None, true, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution11),
+	TestCase(HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.None, false, HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution12),
+	]
+	public void TestBusAuxHeatingDistributionCase(HeatPumpType heatPump, HeaterType heater, bool fuelHeater,
+		HeatingDistributionCase expectedCase)
+	{
+		var heatingCase =
+			DeclarationData.BusAuxiliaries.HeatingDistributionCases.GetHeatingDistributionCase(heatPump, heater,
+				fuelHeater);
+		Assert.AreEqual(expectedCase, heatingCase);
+	}
+	[
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution1, HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.None, false),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution2, HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, false),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution3, HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, true),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution4, HeatPumpType.R_744, HeaterType.None, true),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution5, HeatPumpType.non_R_744_2_stage, HeaterType.None, false),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution6, HeatPumpType.non_R_744_3_stage, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, false),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution7, HeatPumpType.non_R_744_4_stage, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, true),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution8, HeatPumpType.non_R_744_2_stage, HeaterType.None, true),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution9, HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, false),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution10, HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.WaterElectricHeater, true),
+	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution11, HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.None, true),
+//	TestCase(HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution12, HeatPumpType.none, HeaterType.None, false),
+	]
+	public void TestBusAuxHeatingDistribution(HeatingDistributionCase hdCase, HeatPumpType hpType, HeaterType heater, bool fuelHeater)
+	{
+		for (var environmentalId = 1; environmentalId <= 11; environmentalId++) {
+			var entry = DeclarationData.BusAuxiliaries.HeatingDistribution.Lookup(hdCase, environmentalId);
+			Assert.IsNotNull(entry);
+			var hp = entry.GetHeatpumpContribution(hpType);
+			var elHeater = entry.GetElectricHeaterContribution(heater);
+			var fuel = entry.GetFuelHeaterContribution();
+			if (hdCase == HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution12) {
+				// in case 12 no heaters are present!
+				Assert.AreEqual(0, hp + elHeater + fuel);
+			} else {
+				Assert.AreEqual(1, hp + elHeater + fuel,
+					$"contributions do not sum up to 1 for configuration {hdCase}, {environmentalId}");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	[Test]
+	public void TestBusAusHeatingDistribution_ALL()
+	{
+		var heatpumps = EnumHelper.GetValues<HeatPumpType>().Where(x => !x.IsOneOf(HeatPumpType.not_applicable))
+			.ToList();
+		var electricHeater = EnumHelper.GetValues<HeaterType>().Where(x => x != HeaterType.FuelHeater).ToList();
+		var fuelHeater = new[] { true, false };
+		foreach (var heatpump in heatpumps) {
+			foreach (var heater in electricHeater) {
+				foreach (var auxHeater in fuelHeater) {
+					var heatingCase =
+						DeclarationData.BusAuxiliaries.HeatingDistributionCases.GetHeatingDistributionCase(heatpump,
+							heater, auxHeater);
+					for (var envId = 1; envId <= 11; envId++) {
+						var entry = DeclarationData.BusAuxiliaries.HeatingDistribution.Lookup(heatingCase, envId);
+						var hp = entry.GetHeatpumpContribution(heatpump);
+						var elHeater = entry.GetElectricHeaterContribution(heater);
+						var fuel = entry.GetFuelHeaterContribution();
+						if (heatingCase == HeatingDistributionCase.HeatingDistribution12) {
+							// in case 12 no heaters are present!
+							Assert.AreEqual(0, hp + elHeater + fuel);
+						} else {
+							Assert.AreEqual(1, hp + elHeater + fuel,
+								$"contributions do not sum up to 1 for configuration. {heatpump}, {heater}, {auxHeater} {heatingCase}, {envId}");
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file