diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/ShiftPolygonTest.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/ShiftPolygonTest.cs
index 83697b9661c0d66e0a0b3216ea3799df59cee5f0..eaa227191974c9720dfb4dd9e2df69dcdd5c0432 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/ShiftPolygonTest.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Declaration/ShiftPolygonTest.cs
@@ -592,16 +592,15 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.Declaration
-		[TestCase]
-		public void ComputeShiftPolygonDeclarationTestConfidentialXMLJob()
+		[TestCase(@"E:\QUAM\Downloads\upshifts-missing_over-revving\FL_curve_orig.xml"),
+			TestCase(@"E:\QUAM\Downloads\VECTO_821\VECTO_lorry_6x2_13L_276kW.vecto")]
+		public void ComputeShiftPolygonDeclarationTestConfidentialXMLJob(string jobFile)
-			var jobFile = @"E:\QUAM\Downloads\upshifts-missing_over-revving\FL_curve_orig.xml";
 			if (!File.Exists(jobFile)) {
 				Assert.Inconclusive("Confidential File not found. Test cannot run without file.");
-			var job = new XMLDeclarationInputDataProvider(jobFile, true);
+			IDeclarationInputDataProvider job = (IDeclarationInputDataProvider)(Path.GetExtension(jobFile) == ".vecto" ? JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonJob(jobFile) :  new XMLDeclarationInputDataProvider(jobFile, true));
 			var gearboxData = job.JobInputData.Vehicle.GearboxInputData;
 			var idlespeed = VectoMath.Max(
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/ShiftPolygonDrawer.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/ShiftPolygonDrawer.cs
index 9bbd9fe882fc2cd58d28b1f125fd266a259c0c29..04e1f5ab4b878b62afbffb304a84fed591916df6 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/ShiftPolygonDrawer.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/ShiftPolygonDrawer.cs
@@ -29,367 +29,367 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Drawing;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox;
-using Point = TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils.Point;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils
-	public class ShiftPolygonDrawer
-	{
-		private static readonly Font AxisLabelFont = new Font("Consolas", 10);
-		private static readonly Font AxisTitleFont = new Font("Verdana", 12);
-		private static readonly Font LegendFont = new Font("Verdana", 14);
-		private static Size _diagramSize = new Size(1000, 800);
-		public static void DrawShiftPolygons(string title, Dictionary<uint, EngineFullLoadCurve> engineFld,
-			List<ShiftPolygon> polygons,
-			string imageFileName, PerSecond speed85kmh, List<List<Point>> upshiftOrig = null,
-			List<List<Point>> downshiftTransformed = null, List<List<Point>> downshiftOrig = null)
-		{
-			var numRows = Math.Ceiling(polygons.Count / 4.0);
-			var numCols = Math.Ceiling(polygons.Count / numRows);
-			var chart = new Chart() {
-				Size = new Size((int)(_diagramSize.Width * numCols), (int)(_diagramSize.Height * numRows))
-			};
-			var maxX = engineFld[0].FullLoadEntries.Last().EngineSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad * 1.1;
-			AddLegend(chart);
-			var i = 0;
-			foreach (var shiftPolygon in polygons) {
-				var chartArea = AddChartArea(chart, "Gear " + (i + 1), "Engine Speed", "Torque", 0, maxX);
-				PlotPower(engineFld[(uint)(i + 1)], chartArea, chart, "engine power " + i);
-				PlotFLD(engineFld[(uint)(i +1)], speed85kmh, chartArea, chart, "Engine Full Load " + i);
-				if (upshiftOrig != null && i < upshiftOrig.Count) {
-					PlotShiftLine("UpshiftOrig " + i, chartArea, chart, Color.Gray,
-						upshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.X / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-						upshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.Y).ToList(), true);
-				}
-				if (downshiftTransformed != null && i < downshiftTransformed.Count) {
-					PlotShiftLine("DownTransformed " + i, chartArea, chart, Color.BlueViolet,
-						downshiftTransformed[i].Select(pt => pt.X / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-						downshiftTransformed[i].Select(pt => pt.Y).ToList(), true);
-				}
-				if (downshiftOrig != null && i < downshiftOrig.Count) {
-					PlotShiftLine("DownshiftOrig" + i, chartArea, chart, Color.Gray,
-						downshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.X / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-						downshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.Y).ToList(), true);
-				}
-				PlotShiftPolygon(i, shiftPolygon, chartArea, chart);
-				PositionChartArea(chartArea, 5, i, polygons.Count, 7);
-				i++;
-			}
-			AddTitle(chart, title);
-			chart.Invalidate();
-			chart.SaveImage(imageFileName, ChartImageFormat.Png);
-		}
-		private static void PlotPower(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name)
-		{
-			var series = new Series {
-				Name = name,
-				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
-				Color = Color.DarkGoldenrod,
-				BorderWidth = 2,
-				//Legend = legend.Name,
-				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
-				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
-				//YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary
-			};
-			series.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
-			series.BorderWidth = 1;
-			var x = new List<double>();
-			var y = new List<double>();
-			for (var i = engineFld.FullLoadEntries.First().EngineSpeed;
-				i < engineFld.FullLoadEntries.Last().EngineSpeed;
-				i += 5.RPMtoRad()) {
-				x.Add(i.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-				y.Add(engineFld.FullLoadStationaryPower(i).Value() / 1000);
-			}
-			chart.Series.Add(series);
-			chart.Series[series.Name].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);
-		}
-		private static void AddTitle(Chart chart, string titleText)
-		{
-			var title = new Title {
-				Text = titleText,
-				IsDockedInsideChartArea = false,
-				Font = new Font("Verdana", 18, FontStyle.Bold)
-			};
-			//title.DockedToChartArea = dockToChartArea;
-			chart.Titles.Add(title);
-		}
-		private static void PositionChartArea(ChartArea chartArea, float titleHeight, int i, int count, float legendHeight)
-		{
-			var numRows = Math.Ceiling(count / 4.0);
-			var numCols = Math.Ceiling(count / numRows);
-			chartArea.Position.Auto = false;
-			chartArea.Position.Width = (float)((100.0f) / numCols);
-			chartArea.Position.Height = (float)((100.0f - titleHeight) / numRows);
-			chartArea.Position.X = (float)(((i) % numCols) * 100.0f / numCols);
-			chartArea.Position.Y = (float)(titleHeight + (int)((i) / numCols) * (100 - titleHeight - legendHeight) / numRows);
-		}
-		private static void PlotShiftPolygon(int gear, ShiftPolygon shiftPolygon, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart)
-		{
-			var x = new List<double>();
-			var y = new List<double>();
-			foreach (var entry in shiftPolygon.Downshift) {
-				x.Add(entry.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-				y.Add(entry.Torque.Value());
-			}
-			PlotShiftLine("DownShift " + gear, chartArea, chart, Color.DarkRed, x, y);
-			var xUp = new List<double>();
-			var yUp = new List<double>();
-			foreach (var entry in shiftPolygon.Upshift) {
-				xUp.Add(entry.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-				yUp.Add(entry.Torque.Value());
-			}
-			PlotShiftLine("UpShift " + gear, chartArea, chart, Color.DarkRed, xUp, yUp);
-			//return series;
-		}
-		private static void PlotShiftLine(string name, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, Color color, List<double> x,
-			List<double> y, bool dashed = false)
-		{
-			var series = new Series {
-				Name = name,
-				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
-				Color = color,
-				BorderWidth = 2,
-				//Legend = legend.Name,
-				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
-				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
-			};
-			if (dashed) {
-				series.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
-				series.BorderWidth = 1;
-			}
-			chart.Series.Add(series);
-			chart.Series[series.Name].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);
-		}
-		private static void PlotFLD(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, PerSecond speed85kmh, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart,
-			string name)
-		{
-			PlotFullLoad(engineFld, chartArea, chart, name);
-			PlotDragLoad(engineFld, chartArea, chart, name);
-			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "nPref " + name, Color.DeepSkyBlue,
-				engineFld.PreferredSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "n95h " + name, Color.Red,
-				engineFld.N95hSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "n85kmh " + name, Color.LimeGreen,
-				speed85kmh.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "nPmax " + name, Color.Coral,
-				engineFld.RatedSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-		}
-		private static void PlotEngineSpeedLine(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name,
-			Color color, double n)
-		{
-			var seriesNpref = new Series {
-				Name = name,
-				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
-				Color = color,
-				BorderWidth = 2,
-				//Legend = legend.Name,
-				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
-				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
-			};
-			chart.Series.Add(seriesNpref);
-			var xpref =
-				new[]
-				{ n, n }
-					.ToList();
-			var ypref = new[] { engineFld.MaxDragTorque.Value(), engineFld.MaxTorque.Value() }.ToList();
-			chart.Series[seriesNpref.Name].Points.DataBindXY(xpref, ypref);
-		}
-		private static void PlotDragLoad(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name)
-		{
-			var seriesDrag = new Series {
-				Name = "Drag-" + name,
-				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
-				Color = Color.DarkBlue,
-				BorderWidth = 2,
-				//Legend = legend.Name,
-				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
-				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
-			};
-			chart.Series.Add(seriesDrag);
-			var xDrag = new List<double>();
-			var yDrag = new List<double>();
-			engineFld.FullLoadEntries.ForEach(entry => {
-				xDrag.Add(entry.EngineSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-				yDrag.Add(entry.TorqueDrag.Value());
-			});
-			chart.Series[seriesDrag.Name].Points.DataBindXY(xDrag, yDrag);
-		}
-		private static void PlotFullLoad(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name)
-		{
-			var series = new Series {
-				Name = name,
-				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
-				Color = Color.DarkBlue,
-				BorderWidth = 2,
-				//Legend = legend.Name,
-				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
-				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
-			};
-			chart.Series.Add(series);
-			var x = new List<double>();
-			var y = new List<double>();
-			engineFld.FullLoadEntries.ForEach(entry => {
-				x.Add(entry.EngineSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
-				y.Add(entry.TorqueFullLoad.Value());
-			});
-			chart.Series[series.Name].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);
-		}
-		private static ChartArea AddChartArea(Chart chart, string name, string axisXTitle, string axisYTitle, double xMin,
-			double xMax, bool discreteValues = false)
-		{
-			var chartArea = new ChartArea { Name = name };
-			chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
-			chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
-			chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = AxisLabelFont;
-			chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = AxisLabelFont;
-			chartArea.AxisX.Interval = xMax / 20.0;
-			chartArea.AxisX.Maximum = xMax;
-			chartArea.AxisX.Minimum = xMin;
-			chartArea.AxisX.MinorGrid.Enabled = true;
-			chartArea.AxisX.MinorGrid.Interval = (xMax - xMin) / 100.0;
-			chartArea.AxisX.MinorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
-			chartArea.AxisX.Title = axisXTitle;
-			chartArea.AxisX.TitleFont = AxisTitleFont;
-			chartArea.AxisX.RoundAxisValues();
-			chartArea.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Size = 2 * 100.0f / _diagramSize.Height;
-			chartArea.AxisY.Title = axisYTitle;
-			chartArea.AxisY.TitleFont = AxisTitleFont;
-			chartArea.AxisY.RoundAxisValues();
-			if (discreteValues) {
-				chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.Interval = 1;
-				chartArea.AxisY.MinorGrid.Enabled = false;
-			} else {
-				chartArea.AxisY.MinorGrid.Enabled = true;
-			}
-			chartArea.AxisY.MinorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
-			chartArea.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Size = 5 * 100.0f / _diagramSize.Width;
-			chart.ChartAreas.Add(chartArea);
-			return chartArea;
-		}
-		private static void AddLegend(Chart chart)
-		{
-			var legend = new Legend() {
-				Docking = Docking.Bottom,
-				Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
-				IsDockedInsideChartArea = false,
-				Font = LegendFont,
-				//Title = "Legend",
-			};
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.DarkBlue,
-				Name = "Engine Full Load Curve",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.DarkRed,
-				Name = "Upshift / Downshift",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue,
-				Name = "n_pref",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.Coral,
-				Name = "n_Pmax",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.Red,
-				Name = "n_95h",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.LimeGreen,
-				Name = "n_85km/h",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.BlueViolet,
-				Name = "Downshift next gear",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.Gray,
-				Name = "Downshift/Upshift orig.",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
-				Color = Color.DarkGoldenrod,
-				Name = "P",
-				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
-				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
-				BorderWidth = 3,
-			});
-			chart.Legends.Add(legend);
-		}
-	}
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox;
+using Point = TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils.Point;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils
+	public class ShiftPolygonDrawer
+	{
+		private static readonly Font AxisLabelFont = new Font("Consolas", 10);
+		private static readonly Font AxisTitleFont = new Font("Verdana", 12);
+		private static readonly Font LegendFont = new Font("Verdana", 14);
+		private static Size _diagramSize = new Size(1000, 800);
+		public static void DrawShiftPolygons(string title, Dictionary<uint, EngineFullLoadCurve> engineFld,
+			List<ShiftPolygon> polygons,
+			string imageFileName, PerSecond speed85kmh, List<List<Point>> upshiftOrig = null,
+			List<List<Point>> downshiftTransformed = null, List<List<Point>> downshiftOrig = null)
+		{
+			var numRows = Math.Ceiling(polygons.Count / 4.0);
+			var numCols = Math.Ceiling(polygons.Count / numRows);
+			var chart = new Chart() {
+				Size = new Size((int)(_diagramSize.Width * numCols), (int)(_diagramSize.Height * numRows))
+			};
+			var maxX = engineFld[0].FullLoadEntries.Last().EngineSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad * 1.1;
+			AddLegend(chart);
+			var i = 0;
+			foreach (var shiftPolygon in polygons) {
+				var chartArea = AddChartArea(chart, "Gear " + (i + 1), "Engine Speed", "Torque", 0, maxX);
+				PlotPower(engineFld[(uint)(i + 1)], chartArea, chart, "engine power " + i);
+				PlotFLD(engineFld[(uint)(i +1)], speed85kmh, chartArea, chart, "Engine Full Load " + i);
+				if (upshiftOrig != null && i < upshiftOrig.Count) {
+					PlotShiftLine("UpshiftOrig " + i, chartArea, chart, Color.Gray,
+						upshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.X / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+						upshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.Y).ToList(), true);
+				}
+				if (downshiftTransformed != null && i < downshiftTransformed.Count) {
+					PlotShiftLine("DownTransformed " + i, chartArea, chart, Color.BlueViolet,
+						downshiftTransformed[i].Select(pt => pt.X / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+						downshiftTransformed[i].Select(pt => pt.Y).ToList(), true);
+				}
+				if (downshiftOrig != null && i < downshiftOrig.Count) {
+					PlotShiftLine("DownshiftOrig" + i, chartArea, chart, Color.Gray,
+						downshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.X / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+						downshiftOrig[i].Select(pt => pt.Y).ToList(), true);
+				}
+				PlotShiftPolygon(i, shiftPolygon, chartArea, chart);
+				PositionChartArea(chartArea, 5, i, polygons.Count, 7);
+				i++;
+			}
+			AddTitle(chart, title);
+			chart.Invalidate();
+			chart.SaveImage(imageFileName, ChartImageFormat.Png);
+		}
+		private static void PlotPower(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name)
+		{
+			var series = new Series {
+				Name = name,
+				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
+				Color = Color.DarkGoldenrod,
+				BorderWidth = 2,
+				//Legend = legend.Name,
+				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
+				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
+				//YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary
+			};
+			series.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
+			series.BorderWidth = 1;
+			var x = new List<double>();
+			var y = new List<double>();
+			for (var i = engineFld.FullLoadEntries.First().EngineSpeed;
+				i < engineFld.FullLoadEntries.Last().EngineSpeed;
+				i += 5.RPMtoRad()) {
+				x.Add(i.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+				y.Add(engineFld.FullLoadStationaryPower(i).Value() / 1000);
+			}
+			chart.Series.Add(series);
+			chart.Series[series.Name].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);
+		}
+		private static void AddTitle(Chart chart, string titleText)
+		{
+			var title = new Title {
+				Text = titleText,
+				IsDockedInsideChartArea = false,
+				Font = new Font("Verdana", 18, FontStyle.Bold)
+			};
+			//title.DockedToChartArea = dockToChartArea;
+			chart.Titles.Add(title);
+		}
+		private static void PositionChartArea(ChartArea chartArea, float titleHeight, int i, int count, float legendHeight)
+		{
+			var numRows = Math.Ceiling(count / 4.0);
+			var numCols = Math.Ceiling(count / numRows);
+			chartArea.Position.Auto = false;
+			chartArea.Position.Width = (float)((100.0f) / numCols);
+			chartArea.Position.Height = (float)((100.0f - titleHeight) / numRows);
+			chartArea.Position.X = (float)(((i) % numCols) * 100.0f / numCols);
+			chartArea.Position.Y = (float)(titleHeight + (int)((i) / numCols) * (100 - titleHeight - legendHeight) / numRows);
+		}
+		private static void PlotShiftPolygon(int gear, ShiftPolygon shiftPolygon, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart)
+		{
+			var x = new List<double>();
+			var y = new List<double>();
+			foreach (var entry in shiftPolygon.Downshift) {
+				x.Add(entry.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+				y.Add(entry.Torque.Value());
+			}
+			PlotShiftLine("DownShift " + gear, chartArea, chart, Color.DarkRed, x, y);
+			var xUp = new List<double>();
+			var yUp = new List<double>();
+			foreach (var entry in shiftPolygon.Upshift) {
+				xUp.Add(entry.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+				yUp.Add(entry.Torque.Value());
+			}
+			PlotShiftLine("UpShift " + gear, chartArea, chart, Color.DarkRed, xUp, yUp);
+			//return series;
+		}
+		private static void PlotShiftLine(string name, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, Color color, List<double> x,
+			List<double> y, bool dashed = false)
+		{
+			var series = new Series {
+				Name = name,
+				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
+				Color = color,
+				BorderWidth = 2,
+				//Legend = legend.Name,
+				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
+				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
+			};
+			if (dashed) {
+				series.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
+				series.BorderWidth = 1;
+			}
+			chart.Series.Add(series);
+			chart.Series[series.Name].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);
+		}
+		private static void PlotFLD(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, PerSecond speed85kmh, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart,
+			string name)
+		{
+			PlotFullLoad(engineFld, chartArea, chart, name);
+			PlotDragLoad(engineFld, chartArea, chart, name);
+			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "nPref " + name, Color.DeepSkyBlue,
+				engineFld.PreferredSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "n95h " + name, Color.Red,
+				engineFld.N95hSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "n85kmh " + name, Color.LimeGreen,
+				speed85kmh.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+			PlotEngineSpeedLine(engineFld, chartArea, chart, "nPmax " + name, Color.Coral,
+				engineFld.RatedSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+		}
+		private static void PlotEngineSpeedLine(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name,
+			Color color, double n)
+		{
+			var seriesNpref = new Series {
+				Name = name,
+				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
+				Color = color,
+				BorderWidth = 2,
+				//Legend = legend.Name,
+				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
+				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
+			};
+			chart.Series.Add(seriesNpref);
+			var xpref =
+				new[]
+				{ n, n }
+					.ToList();
+			var ypref = new[] { engineFld.MaxDragTorque.Value(), engineFld.MaxTorque.Value() }.ToList();
+			chart.Series[seriesNpref.Name].Points.DataBindXY(xpref, ypref);
+		}
+		private static void PlotDragLoad(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name)
+		{
+			var seriesDrag = new Series {
+				Name = "Drag-" + name,
+				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
+				Color = Color.DarkBlue,
+				BorderWidth = 2,
+				//Legend = legend.Name,
+				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
+				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
+			};
+			chart.Series.Add(seriesDrag);
+			var xDrag = new List<double>();
+			var yDrag = new List<double>();
+			engineFld.FullLoadEntries.ForEach(entry => {
+				xDrag.Add(entry.EngineSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+				yDrag.Add(entry.TorqueDrag.Value());
+			});
+			chart.Series[seriesDrag.Name].Points.DataBindXY(xDrag, yDrag);
+		}
+		private static void PlotFullLoad(EngineFullLoadCurve engineFld, ChartArea chartArea, Chart chart, string name)
+		{
+			var series = new Series {
+				Name = name,
+				ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
+				Color = Color.DarkBlue,
+				BorderWidth = 2,
+				//Legend = legend.Name,
+				IsVisibleInLegend = false,
+				ChartArea = chartArea.Name,
+			};
+			chart.Series.Add(series);
+			var x = new List<double>();
+			var y = new List<double>();
+			engineFld.FullLoadEntries.ForEach(entry => {
+				x.Add(entry.EngineSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad);
+				y.Add(entry.TorqueFullLoad.Value());
+			});
+			chart.Series[series.Name].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);
+		}
+		private static ChartArea AddChartArea(Chart chart, string name, string axisXTitle, string axisYTitle, double xMin,
+			double xMax, bool discreteValues = false)
+		{
+			var chartArea = new ChartArea { Name = name };
+			chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
+			chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
+			chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = AxisLabelFont;
+			chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = AxisLabelFont;
+			chartArea.AxisX.Interval = xMax / 20.0;
+			chartArea.AxisX.Maximum = xMax;
+			chartArea.AxisX.Minimum = xMin;
+			chartArea.AxisX.MinorGrid.Enabled = true;
+			chartArea.AxisX.MinorGrid.Interval = (xMax - xMin) / 100.0;
+			chartArea.AxisX.MinorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
+			chartArea.AxisX.Title = axisXTitle;
+			chartArea.AxisX.TitleFont = AxisTitleFont;
+			chartArea.AxisX.RoundAxisValues();
+			chartArea.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Size = 2 * 100.0f / _diagramSize.Height;
+			chartArea.AxisY.Title = axisYTitle;
+			chartArea.AxisY.TitleFont = AxisTitleFont;
+			chartArea.AxisY.RoundAxisValues();
+			if (discreteValues) {
+				chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.Interval = 1;
+				chartArea.AxisY.MinorGrid.Enabled = false;
+			} else {
+				chartArea.AxisY.MinorGrid.Enabled = true;
+			}
+			chartArea.AxisY.MinorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
+			chartArea.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Size = 5 * 100.0f / _diagramSize.Width;
+			chart.ChartAreas.Add(chartArea);
+			return chartArea;
+		}
+		private static void AddLegend(Chart chart)
+		{
+			var legend = new Legend() {
+				Docking = Docking.Bottom,
+				Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
+				IsDockedInsideChartArea = false,
+				Font = LegendFont,
+				//Title = "Legend",
+			};
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.DarkBlue,
+				Name = "Engine Full Load Curve",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.DarkRed,
+				Name = "Upshift / Downshift",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue,
+				Name = "n_pref",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.Coral,
+				Name = "n_Pmax",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.Red,
+				Name = "n_95h",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.LimeGreen,
+				Name = "n_85km/h",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.BlueViolet,
+				Name = "Downshift next gear",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.Gray,
+				Name = "Downshift/Upshift orig.",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			legend.CustomItems.Add(new LegendItem() {
+				Color = Color.DarkGoldenrod,
+				Name = "P",
+				MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None,
+				ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Line,
+				BorderWidth = 3,
+			});
+			chart.Legends.Add(legend);
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file