From bdb22a66fc4593bd9ebcec8e402ca3bb3863235a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Luz <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 09:48:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] - Implemented Eco-Roll, Overspeed, Look Ahead Coasting - New
 parameters in .vecto file (F_GEN, cGEN Update) - Minor updates in .gbx editor
 - Some file-specific error messages link to files - More exact Distance

 User Manual/GUI/GBX-Editor.html  |   2 +-
 VECTO Changelog.txt              |   9 +-
 VECTO.sln                        |   6 +
 VECTO/GUI/F_GBX.vb               |  35 ++-
 VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.Designer.vb      | 380 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.vb               |  90 +++++-
 VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.Designer.vb |  10 +-
 VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.vb          |  20 +-
 VECTO/Input Files/cDRI.vb        |   6 +-
 VECTO/Input Files/cFLD.vb        |   2 +-
 VECTO/Input Files/cGEN.vb        |  57 +++-
 VECTO/Input Files/cMAP.vb        |   4 +-
 VECTO/Input Files/cTRS.vb        |   2 +-
 VECTO/Input Files/cVEH.vb        |  12 +-
 VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb          | 469 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb             | 149 ++++++++--
 VECTO/M_Lese.vb                  |  14 +-
 VECTO/M_MAIN.vb                  |  20 +-
 VECTO/VECTO.vbproj               |  24 ++
 VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb            |   2 +-
 VECTO/cDEV.vb                    |  41 ++-
 VECTO/cDelaunayMap.vb            |  28 +-
 22 files changed, 1199 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

diff --git a/User Manual/GUI/GBX-Editor.html b/User Manual/GUI/GBX-Editor.html
index 99fec94775..83c559a487 100644
--- a/User Manual/GUI/GBX-Editor.html	
+++ b/User Manual/GUI/GBX-Editor.html	
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ lines (header, comments,
 etc.) </span><span style="text-decoration: underline; font-style: italic; color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">must</span><span style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(51, 102, 255);"> start
 with "<span style="font-weight: bold;">c</span> "</span><br>
-<img style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" alt="rem" src="../pics/icons/minus-circle-icon.png"><a name="remgear"></a> Remove Gear (i.e. Ratio=0)<br>
+<img style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" alt="rem" src="../pics/icons/minus-circle-icon.png"><a name="remgear"></a> Remove Gear<br>
 <br><br><big><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Gear shift parameters</span></big></big><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br><a name="polyfile"></a>Shift polygons file</span> (.vgbs)<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">This
 file contains the up- and down- shift curves that control the gear
diff --git a/VECTO Changelog.txt b/VECTO Changelog.txt
index 63b8440298..169cf71dc6 100644
--- a/VECTO Changelog.txt	
+++ b/VECTO Changelog.txt	
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 VECTO ?.? (future release)
-- Eco-Roll & Over-/Under-Speed
 - Gearbox Rules must be set when loading .gbx file to aviod invalid settings (e.g. AT with Skip Gears)
-VECTO 1.2 x (current source - next release)
+VECTO 1.3 (current source - next release)
+- Some file-specific error messages link to files
+- Eco-Roll, Overspeed, Look Ahead Coasting
 VECTO 1.2
 - Bugfix: When opening the Gearbox Editor the Gear Shift Settings (e.g. Skip Gears) were not valid for MT
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ VECTO 1.1 beta 3
 - Transmission Type selection in Gearbox (.vgbx) file.
 	- Enables/Disables transmission type-specific options 
 	- In Proof-Of-Concept mode "Custom" type is available with all options enabled.
-- Automatic Transmission mode with Torque converter: Input parameters in Gearbox file !!still being tested!!
+- Automatic Transmission mode with Torque Converter: Input parameters in Gearbox file !!still being tested!!
 - Option to open files with GRAPHi or user-defined tool
 - User Manual updated
 - Bugfix: Files with relative paths were not located correctly
diff --git a/VECTO.sln b/VECTO.sln
index 5568a2e9ef..de4468fc8c 100644
--- a/VECTO.sln
+++ b/VECTO.sln
@@ -6,13 +6,19 @@ EndProject
 	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
 		Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+		Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
 		Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+		Release|x86 = Release|x86
 	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
 		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
 		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86
+		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86
 		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
 		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86
+		{AAC0F132-0A9F-45B3-B682-77AC9B24B352}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86
 	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
 		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/F_GBX.vb b/VECTO/GUI/F_GBX.vb
index 104abdc45c..e4358af042 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/F_GBX.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/F_GBX.vb
@@ -461,18 +461,41 @@
     'Clear Gear
     Private Sub ClearGear()
         Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
+        Dim i0 As Int16
+        Dim i As Int16
         If Me.LvGears.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
-        lv0 = Me.LvGears.SelectedItems(0)
+        i0 = Me.LvGears.SelectedItems(0).Index
+        If i0 = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Must not remove axle
+        Me.LvGears.SelectedItems(0).Remove()
-        lv0.SubItems(1).Text = "0"
-        lv0.SubItems(2).Text = ""
+        lv0 = New ListViewItem("")
+        lv0.SubItems.Add("0")
+        lv0.SubItems.Add("")
         lv0.ForeColor = Color.Gray
+        Me.LvGears.Items.Add(lv0)
+        If Me.ChTCon.Checked Then
+            Me.LvGears.Items(1).SubItems(0).Text = "TC"
+            For i = 2 To 16
+                Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text = (i - 1).ToString("00")
+            Next
+        Else
+            For i = 1 To 16
+                Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text = i.ToString("00")
+            Next
+        End If
-        If lv0.Index < Me.LvGears.Items.Count - 1 Then
-            Me.LvGears.Items(lv0.Index + 1).Selected = True
-            Me.LvGears.Items(lv0.Index + 1).EnsureVisible()
+        If i0 < Me.LvGears.Items.Count Then
+            Me.LvGears.Items(i0).Selected = True
+            Me.LvGears.Items(i0).EnsureVisible()
         End If
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.Designer.vb b/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.Designer.vb
index 3c6980d9e2..585dd372e4 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.Designer.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.Designer.vb
@@ -109,12 +109,33 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
         Me.ComboBoxGearShift = New System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox()
         Me.TabControl1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TabControl()
         Me.TabPgDriver = New System.Windows.Forms.TabPage()
-        Me.ChBStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
+        Me.GroupBox4 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+        Me.Label25 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.CbLookAhead = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
+        Me.TbAlookahead = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+        Me.Label24 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.GroupBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+        Me.Label21 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.Label20 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.Label14 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.TbVmin = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+        Me.TbOverspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+        Me.Label23 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.Label22 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.Label13 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.RdEcoRoll = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
+        Me.RdOverspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
+        Me.RdOff = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
         Me.GrStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+        Me.PnStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+        Me.Label27 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
         Me.TBSSspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
-        Me.TBSStime = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
-        Me.LabelSStime = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
         Me.LabelSSspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.Label26 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.LabelSStime = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.TBSStime = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+        Me.ChBStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
         Me.BtAccOpen = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
         Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
         Me.BtDesMaxBr = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
@@ -176,6 +197,10 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
         Me.OpenWithGRAPHiToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
         Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
         Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
+        Me.PnLookAhead = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+        Me.Label28 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+        Me.TbVminLA = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+        Me.Label29 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
@@ -184,7 +209,10 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
+        Me.GroupBox4.SuspendLayout()
+        Me.GroupBox1.SuspendLayout()
+        Me.PnStartStop.SuspendLayout()
@@ -193,6 +221,7 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
         CType(Me.PictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+        Me.PnLookAhead.SuspendLayout()
@@ -1086,7 +1115,8 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
-        Me.TabPgDriver.Controls.Add(Me.ChBStartStop)
+        Me.TabPgDriver.Controls.Add(Me.GroupBox4)
+        Me.TabPgDriver.Controls.Add(Me.GroupBox1)
@@ -1100,62 +1130,267 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
         Me.TabPgDriver.Text = "Driver"
         Me.TabPgDriver.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-        'ChBStartStop
-        '
-        Me.ChBStartStop.AutoSize = True
-        Me.ChBStartStop.Checked = True
-        Me.ChBStartStop.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked
-        Me.ChBStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(9, 94)
-        Me.ChBStartStop.Name = "ChBStartStop"
-        Me.ChBStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(101, 17)
-        Me.ChBStartStop.TabIndex = 39
-        Me.ChBStartStop.Text = "ICE Start / Stop"
-        Me.ChBStartStop.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+        'GroupBox4
+        '
+        Me.GroupBox4.Controls.Add(Me.PnLookAhead)
+        Me.GroupBox4.Controls.Add(Me.CbLookAhead)
+        Me.GroupBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 331)
+        Me.GroupBox4.Name = "GroupBox4"
+        Me.GroupBox4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(375, 87)
+        Me.GroupBox4.TabIndex = 41
+        Me.GroupBox4.TabStop = False
+        Me.GroupBox4.Text = "Look-Ahead Coasting"
+        '
+        'Label25
+        '
+        Me.Label25.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label25.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(197, 12)
+        Me.Label25.Name = "Label25"
+        Me.Label25.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 13)
+        Me.Label25.TabIndex = 3
+        Me.Label25.Text = "[m/s²]"
+        '
+        'CbLookAhead
+        '
+        Me.CbLookAhead.AutoSize = True
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Checked = True
+        Me.CbLookAhead.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 21)
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Name = "CbLookAhead"
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(65, 17)
+        Me.CbLookAhead.TabIndex = 0
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Text = "Enabled"
+        Me.CbLookAhead.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+        '
+        'TbAlookahead
+        '
+        Me.TbAlookahead.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(127, 9)
+        Me.TbAlookahead.Name = "TbAlookahead"
+        Me.TbAlookahead.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+        Me.TbAlookahead.TabIndex = 2
+        '
+        'Label24
+        '
+        Me.Label24.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label24.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(25, 12)
+        Me.Label24.Name = "Label24"
+        Me.Label24.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(96, 13)
+        Me.Label24.TabIndex = 1
+        Me.Label24.Text = "Target Retardation"
+        '
+        'GroupBox1
+        '
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.Label21)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.Label20)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.Label14)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.TbVmin)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.TbUnderSpeed)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.TbOverspeed)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.Label23)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.Label22)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.Label13)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.RdEcoRoll)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.RdOverspeed)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Controls.Add(Me.RdOff)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 192)
+        Me.GroupBox1.Name = "GroupBox1"
+        Me.GroupBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(372, 109)
+        Me.GroupBox1.TabIndex = 40
+        Me.GroupBox1.TabStop = False
+        Me.GroupBox1.Text = "Overspeed / Eco-Roll"
+        '
+        'Label21
+        '
+        Me.Label21.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label21.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(314, 76)
+        Me.Label21.Name = "Label21"
+        Me.Label21.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
+        Me.Label21.TabIndex = 3
+        Me.Label21.Text = "[km/h]"
+        '
+        'Label20
+        '
+        Me.Label20.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label20.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(314, 50)
+        Me.Label20.Name = "Label20"
+        Me.Label20.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
+        Me.Label20.TabIndex = 3
+        Me.Label20.Text = "[km/h]"
+        '
+        'Label14
+        '
+        Me.Label14.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label14.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(314, 24)
+        Me.Label14.Name = "Label14"
+        Me.Label14.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
+        Me.Label14.TabIndex = 3
+        Me.Label14.Text = "[km/h]"
+        '
+        'TbVmin
+        '
+        Me.TbVmin.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(244, 73)
+        Me.TbVmin.Name = "TbVmin"
+        Me.TbVmin.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+        Me.TbVmin.TabIndex = 2
+        '
+        'TbUnderSpeed
+        '
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(244, 47)
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.Name = "TbUnderSpeed"
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.TabIndex = 2
+        '
+        'TbOverspeed
+        '
+        Me.TbOverspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(244, 21)
+        Me.TbOverspeed.Name = "TbOverspeed"
+        Me.TbOverspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+        Me.TbOverspeed.TabIndex = 2
+        '
+        'Label23
+        '
+        Me.Label23.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label23.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(143, 76)
+        Me.Label23.Name = "Label23"
+        Me.Label23.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(95, 13)
+        Me.Label23.TabIndex = 1
+        Me.Label23.Text = "Min. Target Speed"
+        '
+        'Label22
+        '
+        Me.Label22.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label22.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(147, 50)
+        Me.Label22.Name = "Label22"
+        Me.Label22.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(91, 13)
+        Me.Label22.TabIndex = 1
+        Me.Label22.Text = "Max. Underspeed"
+        '
+        'Label13
+        '
+        Me.Label13.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label13.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(153, 24)
+        Me.Label13.Name = "Label13"
+        Me.Label13.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(85, 13)
+        Me.Label13.TabIndex = 1
+        Me.Label13.Text = "Max. Overspeed"
+        '
+        'RdEcoRoll
+        '
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.AutoSize = True
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.Checked = True
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 68)
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.Name = "RdEcoRoll"
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(65, 17)
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.TabIndex = 0
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.TabStop = True
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.Text = "Eco-Roll"
+        Me.RdEcoRoll.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+        '
+        'RdOverspeed
+        '
+        Me.RdOverspeed.AutoSize = True
+        Me.RdOverspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 45)
+        Me.RdOverspeed.Name = "RdOverspeed"
+        Me.RdOverspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(77, 17)
+        Me.RdOverspeed.TabIndex = 0
+        Me.RdOverspeed.Text = "Overspeed"
+        Me.RdOverspeed.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+        '
+        'RdOff
+        '
+        Me.RdOff.AutoSize = True
+        Me.RdOff.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 22)
+        Me.RdOff.Name = "RdOff"
+        Me.RdOff.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(39, 17)
+        Me.RdOff.TabIndex = 0
+        Me.RdOff.Text = "Off"
+        Me.RdOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-        Me.GrStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.TBSSspeed)
-        Me.GrStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.TBSStime)
-        Me.GrStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.LabelSStime)
-        Me.GrStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.LabelSSspeed)
-        Me.GrStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(9, 117)
+        Me.GrStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.PnStartStop)
+        Me.GrStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.ChBStartStop)
+        Me.GrStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(9, 83)
         Me.GrStartStop.Name = "GrStartStop"
-        Me.GrStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(207, 87)
+        Me.GrStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(375, 87)
         Me.GrStartStop.TabIndex = 38
         Me.GrStartStop.TabStop = False
         Me.GrStartStop.Text = "Engine Start Stop"
+        'PnStartStop
+        '
+        Me.PnStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.Label27)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.TBSSspeed)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.LabelSSspeed)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.Label26)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.LabelSStime)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Controls.Add(Me.TBSStime)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(148, 10)
+        Me.PnStartStop.Name = "PnStartStop"
+        Me.PnStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(221, 71)
+        Me.PnStartStop.TabIndex = 0
+        '
+        'Label27
+        '
+        Me.Label27.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label27.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(169, 38)
+        Me.Label27.Name = "Label27"
+        Me.Label27.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(18, 13)
+        Me.Label27.TabIndex = 38
+        Me.Label27.Text = "[s]"
+        '
-        Me.TBSSspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 19)
+        Me.TBSSspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(99, 9)
         Me.TBSSspeed.Name = "TBSSspeed"
         Me.TBSSspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
         Me.TBSSspeed.TabIndex = 34
-        'TBSStime
+        'LabelSSspeed
-        Me.TBSStime.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 45)
-        Me.TBSStime.Name = "TBSStime"
-        Me.TBSStime.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
-        Me.TBSStime.TabIndex = 36
+        Me.LabelSSspeed.AutoSize = True
+        Me.LabelSSspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(32, 12)
+        Me.LabelSSspeed.Name = "LabelSSspeed"
+        Me.LabelSSspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 13)
+        Me.LabelSSspeed.TabIndex = 37
+        Me.LabelSSspeed.Text = "Max Speed"
+        '
+        'Label26
+        '
+        Me.Label26.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label26.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(169, 12)
+        Me.Label26.Name = "Label26"
+        Me.Label26.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
+        Me.Label26.TabIndex = 38
+        Me.Label26.Text = "[km/h]"
         Me.LabelSStime.AutoSize = True
-        Me.LabelSStime.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 48)
+        Me.LabelSStime.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 38)
         Me.LabelSStime.Name = "LabelSStime"
-        Me.LabelSStime.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(101, 13)
+        Me.LabelSStime.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(87, 13)
         Me.LabelSStime.TabIndex = 35
-        Me.LabelSStime.Text = "Min ICE-On Time [s]"
+        Me.LabelSStime.Text = "Min ICE-On Time"
-        'LabelSSspeed
+        'TBSStime
-        Me.LabelSSspeed.AutoSize = True
-        Me.LabelSSspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(19, 21)
-        Me.LabelSSspeed.Name = "LabelSSspeed"
-        Me.LabelSSspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(95, 13)
-        Me.LabelSSspeed.TabIndex = 37
-        Me.LabelSSspeed.Text = "Max Speed [km/h]"
+        Me.TBSStime.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(99, 35)
+        Me.TBSStime.Name = "TBSStime"
+        Me.TBSStime.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+        Me.TBSStime.TabIndex = 36
+        '
+        'ChBStartStop
+        '
+        Me.ChBStartStop.AutoSize = True
+        Me.ChBStartStop.Checked = True
+        Me.ChBStartStop.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked
+        Me.ChBStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 21)
+        Me.ChBStartStop.Name = "ChBStartStop"
+        Me.ChBStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(65, 17)
+        Me.ChBStartStop.TabIndex = 39
+        Me.ChBStartStop.Text = "Enabled"
+        Me.ChBStartStop.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
@@ -1747,6 +1982,44 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
         Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(174, 22)
         Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Show in Folder"
+        'PnLookAhead
+        '
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Controls.Add(Me.Label29)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Controls.Add(Me.Label25)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Controls.Add(Me.TbAlookahead)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Controls.Add(Me.Label24)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Controls.Add(Me.TbVminLA)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Controls.Add(Me.Label28)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(117, 10)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Name = "PnLookAhead"
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(252, 71)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.TabIndex = 1
+        '
+        'Label28
+        '
+        Me.Label28.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label28.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(26, 38)
+        Me.Label28.Name = "Label28"
+        Me.Label28.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(95, 13)
+        Me.Label28.TabIndex = 1
+        Me.Label28.Text = "Min. Target Speed"
+        '
+        'TbVminLA
+        '
+        Me.TbVminLA.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(127, 35)
+        Me.TbVminLA.Name = "TbVminLA"
+        Me.TbVminLA.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+        Me.TbVminLA.TabIndex = 2
+        '
+        'Label29
+        '
+        Me.Label29.AutoSize = True
+        Me.Label29.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(197, 38)
+        Me.Label29.Name = "Label29"
+        Me.Label29.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
+        Me.Label29.TabIndex = 3
+        Me.Label29.Text = "[km/h]"
+        '
         Me.AcceptButton = Me.ButOK
@@ -1781,8 +2054,14 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
+        Me.GroupBox4.ResumeLayout(False)
+        Me.GroupBox4.PerformLayout()
+        Me.GroupBox1.ResumeLayout(False)
+        Me.GroupBox1.PerformLayout()
+        Me.PnStartStop.ResumeLayout(False)
+        Me.PnStartStop.PerformLayout()
@@ -1796,6 +2075,8 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
         CType(Me.PictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+        Me.PnLookAhead.ResumeLayout(False)
+        Me.PnLookAhead.PerformLayout()
@@ -1952,4 +2233,29 @@ Partial Class F_GEN
     Friend WithEvents TBSStime As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
     Friend WithEvents LabelSStime As System.Windows.Forms.Label
     Friend WithEvents LabelSSspeed As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents GroupBox4 As System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
+    Friend WithEvents Label25 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents CbLookAhead As System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
+    Friend WithEvents TbAlookahead As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+    Friend WithEvents Label24 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents GroupBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
+    Friend WithEvents Label21 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents Label20 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents Label14 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents TbVmin As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+    Friend WithEvents TbUnderSpeed As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+    Friend WithEvents TbOverspeed As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+    Friend WithEvents Label23 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents Label22 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents Label13 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents RdEcoRoll As System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
+    Friend WithEvents RdOverspeed As System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
+    Friend WithEvents RdOff As System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
+    Friend WithEvents PnStartStop As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
+    Friend WithEvents Label27 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents Label26 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents PnLookAhead As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
+    Friend WithEvents Label29 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+    Friend WithEvents TbVminLA As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+    Friend WithEvents Label28 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.vb b/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.vb
index 6b72e993e0..a2630362ef 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/F_GEN.vb
@@ -686,6 +686,22 @@ Public Class F_GEN
         Me.CbEngOnly.Checked = Gfile.EngOnly
+        If Gfile.EcoRollOn Then
+            Me.RdEcoRoll.Checked = True
+        ElseIf Gfile.OverSpeedOn Then
+            Me.RdOverspeed.Checked = True
+        Else
+            Me.RdOff.Checked = True
+        End If
+        Me.TbOverspeed.Text = CStr(Gfile.OverSpeed)
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.Text = CStr(Gfile.UnderSpeed)
+        Me.TbVmin.Text = CStr(Gfile.vMin)
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Checked = Gfile.LookAheadOn
+        Me.TbAlookahead.Text = CStr(Gfile.a_lookahead)
+        Me.TbVminLA.Text = CStr(Gfile.vMinLA)
         Gfile = Nothing
@@ -814,6 +830,16 @@ Public Class F_GEN
         g.EngOnly = Me.CbEngOnly.Checked
+        g.EcoRollOn = RdEcoRoll.Checked
+        g.OverSpeedOn = RdOverspeed.Checked
+        g.OverSpeed = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(Me.TbOverspeed.Text))
+        g.UnderSpeed = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(Me.TbUnderSpeed.Text))
+        g.vMin = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(Me.TbVmin.Text))
+        g.LookAheadOn = Me.CbLookAhead.Checked
+        g.a_lookahead = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(Me.TbAlookahead.Text))
+        g.vMinLA = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(Me.TbVminLA.Text))
@@ -925,6 +951,14 @@ Public Class F_GEN
         Me.CbEngOnly.Checked = False
+        Me.RdOff.Checked = True
+        Me.CbLookAhead.Checked = True
+        Me.TbAlookahead.Text = "-0.5"
+        Me.TbOverspeed.Text = ""
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.Text = ""
+        Me.TbVmin.Text = ""
+        Me.TbVminLA.Text = "50"
         Genfile = ""
@@ -1072,6 +1106,22 @@ Public Class F_GEN
     End Sub
+    Private Sub TbOverspeed_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TbOverspeed.TextChanged
+        Change()
+    End Sub
+    Private Sub TbUnderSpeed_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TbUnderSpeed.TextChanged
+        Change()
+    End Sub
+    Private Sub TbVmin_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TbVmin.TextChanged, TbVminLA.TextChanged
+        Change()
+    End Sub
+    Private Sub TbAlookahead_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TbAlookahead.TextChanged
+        Change()
+    End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -1327,9 +1377,44 @@ lbDlog:
     Private Sub ChBStartStop_CheckedChanged_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChBStartStop.CheckedChanged
-        Me.GrStartStop.Enabled = Me.ChBStartStop.Checked
+        Me.PnStartStop.Enabled = Me.ChBStartStop.Checked
     End Sub
+#Region "Overspeed / Eco-Roll / Look Ahead"
+    Private Sub CbLookAhead_CheckedChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CbLookAhead.CheckedChanged
+        Change()
+        Me.PnLookAhead.Enabled = CbLookAhead.Checked
+    End Sub
+    Private Sub RdOff_CheckedChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RdOff.CheckedChanged, RdOverspeed.CheckedChanged, RdEcoRoll.CheckedChanged
+        Dim EcoR As Boolean
+        Dim Ovr As Boolean
+        Change()
+        EcoR = Me.RdEcoRoll.Checked
+        Ovr = Me.RdOverspeed.Checked
+        Me.TbOverspeed.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+        Me.Label13.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+        Me.Label14.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+        Me.TbUnderSpeed.Enabled = EcoR
+        Me.Label22.Enabled = EcoR
+        Me.Label20.Enabled = EcoR
+        Me.TbVmin.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+        Me.Label23.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+        Me.Label21.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+    End Sub
+#End Region
 #Region "Open File Context Menu"
     Private CmFiles As String()
@@ -1369,7 +1454,6 @@ lbDlog:
 #End Region
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.Designer.vb b/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.Designer.vb
index 0a8d565786..4615895b10 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.Designer.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.Designer.vb
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ Partial Class F_MAINForm
         Me.EngineEditorToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
         Me.GearboxEditorToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
         Me.ADVEditorToolStripMenuItem1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
+        Me.GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
         Me.ToolStripSeparator1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator()
         Me.CreateTEMFileToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
         Me.SplitMODFilesToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
@@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ Partial Class F_MAINForm
-        Me.ToolStripDrDnBtTools.DropDownItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.GENEditorToolStripMenuItem1, Me.VEHEditorToolStripMenuItem, Me.EngineEditorToolStripMenuItem, Me.GearboxEditorToolStripMenuItem, Me.ADVEditorToolStripMenuItem1, Me.ToolStripSeparator1, Me.CreateTEMFileToolStripMenuItem, Me.SplitMODFilesToolStripMenuItem, Me.ToolStripSeparator4, Me.OpenLogToolStripMenuItem, Me.ChangeWorkingDirectoryToolStripMenuItem1, Me.SettingsToolStripMenuItem})
+        Me.ToolStripDrDnBtTools.DropDownItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.GENEditorToolStripMenuItem1, Me.VEHEditorToolStripMenuItem, Me.EngineEditorToolStripMenuItem, Me.GearboxEditorToolStripMenuItem, Me.ADVEditorToolStripMenuItem1, Me.GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem, Me.ToolStripSeparator1, Me.CreateTEMFileToolStripMenuItem, Me.SplitMODFilesToolStripMenuItem, Me.ToolStripSeparator4, Me.OpenLogToolStripMenuItem, Me.ChangeWorkingDirectoryToolStripMenuItem1, Me.SettingsToolStripMenuItem})
         Me.ToolStripDrDnBtTools.Image = Global.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Misc_Tools_icon
         Me.ToolStripDrDnBtTools.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
         Me.ToolStripDrDnBtTools.Name = "ToolStripDrDnBtTools"
@@ -910,6 +911,12 @@ Partial Class F_MAINForm
         Me.ADVEditorToolStripMenuItem1.Text = "ADV Editor"
         Me.ADVEditorToolStripMenuItem1.Visible = False
+        'GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem
+        '
+        Me.GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem.Name = "GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem"
+        Me.GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(214, 22)
+        Me.GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem.Text = "GRAPHi"
+        '
         Me.ToolStripSeparator1.Name = "ToolStripSeparator1"
@@ -1165,5 +1172,6 @@ Partial Class F_MAINForm
     Friend WithEvents OpenWithGRAPHiToolStripMenuItem As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
     Friend WithEvents OpenWithToolStripMenuItem As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
     Friend WithEvents ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
+    Friend WithEvents GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.vb
index 275c7e68d8..658d24fb26 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/F_MAINForm.vb
@@ -40,11 +40,15 @@ Public Class F_MAINForm
     Private Declare Function SetThreadExecutionState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal esFlags As Long) As Long
     Private Sub AllowSleepOFF()
+#If Not PLATFORM = "x86" Then
+#End If
     End Sub
     Private Sub AllowSleepON()
-        SetThreadExecutionState(tEXECUTION_STATE.ES_CONTINUOUS)
+#If Not PLATFORM = "x86" Then
+         SetThreadExecutionState(tEXECUTION_STATE.ES_CONTINUOUS)
+#End If
     End Sub
     Private Enum tEXECUTION_STATE As Integer
@@ -1316,6 +1320,17 @@ lbFound:
         End If
     End Sub
+    Private Sub GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles GRAPHiToolStripMenuItem.Click
+        Dim PSI As New ProcessStartInfo
+        Dim fileStr As String = ""
+        PSI.FileName = ChrW(34) & MyAppPath & "GRAPHi\GRAPHi.exe" & ChrW(34)
+        Try
+            Process.Start(PSI)
+        Catch ex As Exception
+            MsgBox("Failed to open GRAPHi!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
+        End Try
+    End Sub
     Private Sub CreateTEMFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateTEMFileToolStripMenuItem.Click
@@ -2124,7 +2139,7 @@ lbFound:
         If Link <> "" Then
-            If ID = tMsgID.Normal Then lv0.ForeColor = Color.Blue
+            lv0.ForeColor = Color.Blue
             lv0.SubItems(0).Font = New Font(Me.LvMsg.Font, FontStyle.Underline)
             lv0.Tag = Link
@@ -2203,4 +2218,5 @@ lbFound:
 #End Region
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cDRI.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cDRI.vb
index 87f6f98895..7787c1795f 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cDRI.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cDRI.vb	
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Public Class cDRI
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc, sFilePath)
             GoTo lbEr
         End Try
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ lbEr:
                 If GNok Then GNlist.Add(CDbl(line(3)))
                 If PaddVorg Then Values(tDriComp.Padd).Add(CDbl(line(4)))
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & tDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc, sFilePath)
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -807,6 +807,7 @@ lbEr:
         '*********************************** Create Time-sequence '***********************************
         t = 0
         s = Dist(0)
@@ -994,6 +995,7 @@ lbEr:
         Values = hzValues
         VoglS = hzSpeedOgl
+        MODdata.Vh.Weg = hzDist
         If bExsCompDef Then ExsComponents = hzExsValues
         If bAuxDef Then AuxComponents = hzAuxValues
         tDim = Values(tDriComp.V).Count - 1
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cFLD.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cFLD.vb
index ececd0ba77..42aa692848 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cFLD.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cFLD.vb	
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ Public Class cFLD
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & iDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & iDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc, sFilePath)
             GoTo lbEr
         End Try
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cGEN.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cGEN.vb
index 163649c19c..14fc94eaa8 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cGEN.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cGEN.vb	
@@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ Public Class cGEN
     Public EngOnly As Boolean
+    Public a_lookahead As Single
+    Public vMin As Single
+    Public vMinLA As Single
+    Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
+    Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
+    Public OverSpeed As Single
+    Public UnderSpeed As Single
+    Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
     Public Sub New()
@@ -354,6 +363,17 @@ Public Class cGEN
         siStStV = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
         siStStT = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
+        If file.EndOfFile Then GoTo lbClose
+        a_lookahead = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
+        vMin = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
+        LookAheadOn = CBool(file.ReadLine(0))
+        OverSpeedOn = CBool(file.ReadLine(0))
+        EcoRollOn = CBool(file.ReadLine(0))
+        OverSpeed = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
+        UnderSpeed = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
+        vMinLA = CSng(file.ReadLine(0))
@@ -716,6 +736,26 @@ lbClose:
         fGEN.WriteLine("c Start/Stop Min ICE-On Time [s]")
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Look Ahead reference deceleration [m/2²]")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(a_lookahead))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Minimum target speed for Overspeed/Eco-Roll [km/h]")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(vMin))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Look-Ahead with Coasting 1/0")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(Math.Abs(CInt(LookAheadOn))))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Overspeed 1/0")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(Math.Abs(CInt(OverSpeedOn))))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Eco-Roll 1/0")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(Math.Abs(CInt(EcoRollOn))))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Allowed OverSpeed [km/h]")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(OverSpeed))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Allowed UnderSpeed [km/h]")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(UnderSpeed))
+        fGEN.WriteLine("c Minimum target speed for Look-Ahead with Coasting [km/h]")
+        fGEN.WriteLine(CStr(vMinLA))
         fGEN = Nothing
@@ -798,6 +838,15 @@ lbClose:
         EngOnly = False
+        a_lookahead = 0
+        vMin = 0
+        LookAheadOn = True
+        OverSpeedOn = False
+        EcoRollOn = False
+        OverSpeed = 0
+        UnderSpeed = 0
+        vMinLA = 0
     End Sub
     'This Sub reads those Input-files that do not have their own class, etc.
@@ -1339,7 +1388,7 @@ lbClose:
         'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
         If laDesV(0) >= v Then
-            If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v
+            If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
             i = 1
             GoTo lbInt
         End If
@@ -1351,7 +1400,7 @@ lbClose:
         'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
         If laDesV(i) < v Then
-            MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v
+            MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
         End If
@@ -1365,7 +1414,7 @@ lbInt:
         'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
         If laDesV(0) >= v Then
-            If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v
+            If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
             i = 1
             GoTo lbInt
         End If
@@ -1377,7 +1426,7 @@ lbInt:
         'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
         If laDesV(i) < v Then
-            MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v
+            MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
         End If
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cMAP.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cMAP.vb
index 88f64af355..2f29f8dc53 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cMAP.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cMAP.vb	
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ Public Class cMAP
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file input! Line number " & iMapDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file input! Line number " & iMapDim + 1 & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc, sFilePath)
             GoTo lbEr
         End Try
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ lbEr:
             Return FuelMap.Intpol(nnorm, Pnorm)
         Catch ex As Exception
             WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Cannot extrapolate FC map! n= " & nnormTonU(nnorm).ToString("0") & " [U/min], Me= " & PnormToM(nnorm, Pnorm).ToString("0.0") & " [Nm]", "MAP/FC_Intp")
-            Return -1000
+            Return -10000
         End Try
     End Function
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cTRS.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cTRS.vb
index 4cf5ad20c3..fe24513f04 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cTRS.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cTRS.vb	
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & l & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & l & " (" & sFilePath & ")", MsgSrc, sFilePath)
             GoTo lbEr
         End Try
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cVEH.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cVEH.vb
index 386cacc167..1fe83e6d5d 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cVEH.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cVEH.vb	
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ lbError:
                         'old version: Power instead of torque: GBmap0.AddPoints(nU, nMtoPe(nU, M_out), nMtoPe(nU, M_in))
                         GBmap0.AddPoints(nU, M_out, M_in)
                     Catch ex As Exception
-                        WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & l & " (" & path & ")", MsgSrc)
+                        WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & l & " (" & path & ")", MsgSrc, path)
                         MyGBmaps = Nothing
                         Return False
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ lbError:
                 If Not GBmap0.Triangulate Then
-                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Map triangulation failed! File: " & path, MsgSrc)
+                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Map triangulation failed! File: " & path, MsgSrc, path)
                     MyGBmaps = Nothing
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ lbAuxError:
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & CdDim + 1 & " (" & CdFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & CdDim + 1 & " (" & CdFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc, CdFile.FullPath)
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ lbAuxError:
         If CdDim < 1 Then
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Cd input file invalid! Two or more lines required! (" & CdFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Cd input file invalid! Two or more lines required! (" & CdFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc, CdFile.FullPath)
             Return False
         End If
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ lbInt:
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & RtDim + 1 & " (" & RtFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & RtDim + 1 & " (" & RtFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc, RtFile.FullPath)
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ lbInt:
         If RtDim < 1 Then
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Retarder input file invalid! Two or more lines required! (" & RtFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Retarder input file invalid! Two or more lines required! (" & RtFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc, RtFile.FullPath)
             Return False
         End If
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
index fa1204de0e..26c0325182 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
@@ -390,6 +390,339 @@ lb10:
 #End Region
+    Public Function PreRun() As Boolean
+        Dim i As Integer
+        Dim i0 As Integer
+        Dim Vh As cVh
+        Dim P As Single
+        Dim Pmin As Single
+        Dim Pmax As Single
+        Dim PlossGB As Single
+        Dim PlossDiff As Single
+        Dim PlossRt As Single
+        Dim PaMot As Single
+        Dim PaGetr As Single
+        Dim Pkup As Single
+        Dim Paux As Single
+        Dim Gear As Integer
+        Dim nU As Single
+        Dim nn As Single
+        Dim vCoasting As Single
+        Dim Positions As New List(Of Short)
+        Dim Vmax As Single
+        Dim Vmin As Single
+        Dim Tlookahead As Integer
+        Dim vset1 As Single
+        Dim vset2 As Single
+        Dim j As Integer
+        Dim t As Integer
+        Dim adec As Single
+        Dim LookAheadDone As Boolean
+        Dim aCoasting As Single
+        Dim aRollout As Single
+        Dim Gears As New List(Of Integer)
+        Dim vRollout As Single
+        Dim MsgSrc As String
+        MsgSrc = "Power/PreRun"
+        'Check Input
+        If GEN.a_lookahead >= 0 Then
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Lookahead deceleration invalid! Value must be below zero.", MsgSrc)
+            Return False
+        End If
+        If GEN.OverSpeedOn And GEN.EcoRollOn Then
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Overrun and Ecoroll can't be enabled both at the same time!", MsgSrc)
+            Return False
+        End If
+        '   Initialize
+        Vh = MODdata.Vh
+        Gvorg = DRI.Gvorg
+        Nvorg = DRI.Nvorg
+        'Generate Positions List
+        For i = 0 To MODdata.tDim
+            Positions.Add(0)
+        Next
+        '*** Positions ***
+        '0... Normal (Cruise/Acc)
+        '1... Brake or Coasting
+        '2... Brake corrected with v(a) (.vacc file)
+        '3... Coasting
+        '4... Eco-Roll
+        'Overspeed / Eco-Roll Loop (Forward)
+        i = -1
+        Do
+            i += 1
+            Vist = Vh.V(i)
+            aist = Vh.a(i)
+            'Determine Driving-state  -------------------------
+            Pplus = False
+            Pminus = False
+            If Vist < 0.0001 Then
+                VehState0 = tVehState.Stopped
+            Else
+                If aist >= 0.01 Then
+                    VehState0 = tVehState.Acc
+                ElseIf aist < -0.01 Then
+                    VehState0 = tVehState.Dec
+                Else
+                    VehState0 = tVehState.Cruise
+                End If
+            End If
+            'Wheel-Power
+            PvorD = fPvD(i)
+            Select Case PvorD
+                Case Is > 0.0001
+                    Pplus = True
+                Case Is < -0.0001
+                    Pminus = True
+                Case Else
+                    P = 0
+            End Select
+            'Gear
+            If VehState0 = tVehState.Stopped Then
+                Gear = 0
+            Else
+                If Gvorg Then
+                    Gear = Math.Min(Vh.GearVorg(i), VEH.ganganz)
+                Else
+                    Gear = fFastGearCalc(Vist, PvorD)
+                End If
+            End If
+            'Engine Speed
+            'ICE-inertia   
+            If Nvorg Then
+                nU = MODdata.nUvorg(i)
+                PaMot = (VEH.I_mot * MODdata.dnUvorg(i) * 0.01096 * MODdata.nUvorg(i)) * 0.001
+            Else
+                nU = fnU(Vist, Gear, False)
+                PaMot = ((VEH.I_mot * (VEH.AchsI * VEH.Igetr(Gear) / (0.5 * VEH.Dreifen)) ^ 2) * aist * Vist) * 0.001
+            End If
+            nn = (nU - VEH.nLeerl) / (VEH.nNenn - VEH.nLeerl)
+            'Aux Demand
+            Paux = fPaux(i, nU)
+            'Engine Power (at Clutch)
+            If Pplus Or Pminus Then
+                PlossGB = fPlossGB(PvorD, Vist, Gear)
+                PlossDiff = fPlossDiff(PvorD, Vist)
+                PlossRt = fPlossRt(Vist, Gear)
+                PaGetr = fPaG(Vist, aist)
+                Pkup = PvorD + PlossGB + PlossDiff + PaGetr + PlossRt
+                P = Pkup + Paux + PaMot
+            Else
+                Pkup = 0
+                P = Paux + PaMot
+            End If
+            'Full load / motoring
+            Pmax = FLD.Pfull(nn)
+            Pmin = FLD.Pdrag(nn)
+            If Vh.Vsoll(i) >= GEN.vMin / 3.6 Then
+                If GEN.EcoRollOn Then
+                    If Vh.Grad(i) < 0 Then
+                        Vmax = MODdata.Vh.Vsoll(i) + GEN.OverSpeed / 3.6
+                        Vmin = Math.Max(0, MODdata.Vh.Vsoll(i) - GEN.UnderSpeed / 3.6)
+                        vRollout = fRolloutSpeed(i, 1)
+                        aRollout = (2 * vRollout - Vh.V0(i)) - Vh.V0(i)
+                        If vRollout <= Vmax Then
+                            If 2 * vRollout - Vh.V0(i) > Vmax Then
+                                Vh.SetSpeed0(i, Vmax)
+                            ElseIf 2 * vRollout - Vh.V0(i) < Vmin Then
+                                Vh.SetSpeed0(i, Vmin)
+                            Else
+                                Vh.SetSpeed(i, vRollout)
+                                'Vh.SetAcc(i, aRollout)
+                            End If
+                            Positions(i) = 4
+                            Vh.EcoRoll(i) = True
+                        Else
+                            If 2 * Vmax - Vh.V0(i) >= Vmax Then
+                                Vh.SetSpeed0(i, Vmax)
+                            Else
+                                Vh.SetSpeed(i, Vmax)
+                            End If
+                            Positions(i) = 1
+                        End If
+                    End If
+                Else
+                    If P < Pmin Then
+                        If GEN.OverSpeedOn Then
+                            vCoasting = fCoastingSpeed(i, Gear, False)
+                            Vmax = MODdata.Vh.Vsoll(i) + GEN.OverSpeed / 3.6
+                            If vCoasting <= Vmax Then
+                                If 2 * vCoasting - Vh.V0(i) > Vmax Then
+                                    Vh.SetSpeed0(i, Vmax)
+                                Else
+                                    Vh.SetSpeed(i, vCoasting)
+                                End If
+                            Else
+                                If 2 * Vmax - Vh.V0(i) > Vmax Then
+                                    Vh.SetSpeed0(i, Vmax)
+                                Else
+                                    Vh.SetSpeed(i, Vmax)
+                                End If
+                            End If
+                        End If
+                    End If
+                End If
+            End If
+            Gears.Add(Gear)
+        Loop Until i >= MODdata.tDim
+        'Look Ahead & Limit Acc (Backward)
+        'Mark Brake Positions
+        For i = MODdata.tDim To 1 Step -1
+            If Vh.V(i - 1) - Vh.V(i) > 0.0001 And Not Positions(i) = 4 Then Positions(i) = 1
+        Next
+        'Mark Look-Ahead Coasting Positions
+        i = MODdata.tDim + 1
+        Do
+            i -= 1
+            If Positions(i) = 1 Then
+                vset2 = Vh.V(i)
+                For j = i To 0 Step -1
+                    If Positions(j) = 0 Or Positions(j) = 4 Then
+                        vset1 = Vh.V(j)
+                        Exit For
+                    End If
+                Next
+                Tlookahead = CInt((vset2 - vset1) / GEN.a_lookahead)
+                t = Math.Max(0, i - Tlookahead)
+                LookAheadDone = False
+                adec = GEN.aDesMin(Vist)
+                If Vh.a(i) < adec Then Vh.SetAccBackw(i, adec)
+                i0 = i
+                Do
+                    i -= 1
+                    aist = Vh.a(i)
+                    Vist = Vh.V(i)
+                    adec = GEN.aDesMin(Vist)
+                    If aist < adec Then
+                        Vh.SetAccBackw(i, adec)
+                        Positions(i) = 2
+                    Else
+                        'Coasting (Forward)
+                        If GEN.LookAheadOn And Vh.Vsoll(i) >= GEN.vMinLA / 3.6 Then
+                            For j = t To i0
+                                Vist = Vh.V(j)
+                                vCoasting = fCoastingSpeed(j, Gears(j), True)
+                                aCoasting = (2 * vCoasting - Vh.V0(j)) - Vh.V0(j)
+                                If vCoasting < Vist And aCoasting >= GEN.aDesMin(Vist) Then
+                                    'If Vrollout < Vist Then
+                                    Vh.SetSpeed(j, vCoasting)
+                                    Positions(j) = 3
+                                Else
+                                    Exit For
+                                End If
+                            Next
+                        End If
+                        LookAheadDone = True
+                    End If
+                Loop Until LookAheadDone
+                'Correct distance error
+                'If t - 1 > 0 Then
+                '    DistError = 0
+                '    For i = t To i0
+                '        DistError += (Vh.Vsoll(i) - Vh.V(i))
+                '    Next
+                '    DistError0 = DistError
+                '    Do While DistError - Vh.V(t) > 0 'Math.Abs(DistError - Vh.V(t - 1)) < Math.Abs(DistError)
+                '        Vh.DuplicatePreRun(t - 1)
+                '        DistError -= Vh.V(t)
+                '        MODdata.tDim += 1
+                '    Loop
+                '    'Vh.Weg(i0) += DistError0
+                '    'For i = t To i0
+                '    '    Vh.NoDistCorr(i) = True
+                '    'Next
+                '    'For i = i0 To 0 Step -1
+                '    '    Vh.Weg(i) -= DistError0
+                '    'Next
+                'End If
+                i = i0
+            End If
+        Loop Until i = 0
+        Return True
+    End Function
     Public Function Calc() As Boolean
         Dim i As Integer
@@ -439,10 +772,6 @@ lb10:
         Dim LastPmax As Single
-        Dim Vcoasting As Single
         Dim MsgSrc As String
         MsgSrc = "Power/Calc"
@@ -561,6 +890,7 @@ lb10:
             'Secondary Progressbar
             If NotAdvMode Then ProgBarCtrl.ProgJobInt = CInt(100 * jz / MODdata.tDim)
             '   Determine State
@@ -748,6 +1078,12 @@ lbGschw:
                 Return False
             End If
+            'Eco-Roll
+            If Vh.EcoRoll(jz) AndAlso Math.Abs(PvorD) < 0.01 * VEH.Pnenn Then
+                Clutch = tEngClutch.Opened
+                Gear = 0
+            End If
             ' Important checks
@@ -1040,10 +1376,10 @@ lb_nOK:
                 'If Pmax < 0 or Pmin > 0 then Abort with Error!
                 If Pmin >= 0 And P < 0 Then
-                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_drag > 0! n_norm= " & nn, MsgSrc & "/t= " & jz + 1)
+                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_drag > 0! n= " & nU & " [1/min]", MsgSrc & "/t= " & jz + 1, FLD.FilePath)
                     Return False
                 ElseIf Pmax <= 0 And P > 0 Then
-                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_full < 0! n_norm= " & nn, MsgSrc & "/t= " & jz + 1)
+                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_full < 0! n= " & nU & " [1/min]", MsgSrc & "/t= " & jz + 1, FLD.FilePath)
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -1068,16 +1404,24 @@ lb_nOK:
                     If P < Pmin Then
-                        If DEV.OverSpeedOn Then
-                            Vcoasting = fCoastingSpeed(jz, Gear, nU, Pmin)
+                        'If Not OvrSpeed AndAlso Not VehState0 = tVehState.Dec Then
+                        '    OvrSpeed = True
+                        '    If DEV.OverSpeedOn And (Pmin - P) / VEH.Pnenn > DEV.SpeedPeEps Then
-                        End If
+                        '        Vcoasting = fCoastingSpeed(jz, Gear)
+                        '        If Vcoasting <= MODdata.Vh.Vsoll(jz) + DEV.OverSpeed / 3.6 Then
+                        '            Vh.SetSpeed(jz, Vcoasting)
+                        '            GoTo lbGschw
+                        '        ElseIf Vist < 0.999 * (MODdata.Vh.Vsoll(jz) + DEV.OverSpeed / 3.6) Then
+                        '            Vh.SetSpeed(jz, MODdata.Vh.Vsoll(jz) + DEV.OverSpeed / 3.6)
+                        '            GoTo lbGschw
+                        '        End If
+                        '    End If
+                        'End If
                         MODdata.ModErrors.TrLossMapExtr = ""
@@ -1301,7 +1645,7 @@ lb_nOK:
         If NotAdvMode Then
             If Cfg.WegKorJa Then
-                If MODdata.tDim > MODdata.tDimOgl Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Cycle extended by " & MODdata.tDim - MODdata.tDimOgl & " seconds.", MsgSrc)
+                If MODdata.tDim > MODdata.tDimOgl Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Cycle extended by " & MODdata.tDim - MODdata.tDimOgl & " seconds to meet target distance.", MsgSrc)
             End If
             If SecSpeedRed > 0 Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Speed reduction > 1.5 m/s in " & SecSpeedRed & " time steps.", MsgSrc)
@@ -1388,10 +1732,10 @@ lb_nOK:
                 'If Pmax < 0 or Pmin >  0 then Abort with Error!
                 If PminN >= 0 AndAlso MODdata.Pe(t) < 0 Then
-                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_drag > 0! n_norm= " & MODdata.nn(t), MsgSrc & "/t= " & t + 1)
+                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_drag > 0! n= " & MODdata.nU(t) & " [1/min]", MsgSrc & "/t= " & t + 1, FLD.FilePath)
                     Return False
                 ElseIf PmaxN <= 0 AndAlso MODdata.Pe(t) > 0 Then
-                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_full < 0! n_norm= " & MODdata.nn(t), MsgSrc & "/t= " & t + 1)
+                    WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Pe_full < 0! n= " & MODdata.nU(t) & " [1/min]", MsgSrc & "/t= " & t + 1, FLD.FilePath)
                     Return False
                 End If
@@ -1455,7 +1799,7 @@ lb_nOK:
         If v <= vMin Then Return vMin
         vstep = 0.1
-        eps = 0.001
+        eps = 0.00005
         a = MODdata.Vh.a(t)
         PvD = fPvD(t, v, a)
@@ -1482,7 +1826,7 @@ lb_nOK:
             v += vVorz * vstep
-            If v < vmin Then
+            If v < vMin Then
                 LastPvD = 0
                 v -= vVorz * vstep
@@ -1503,52 +1847,54 @@ lb_nOK:
     End Function
-    Private Function fCoastingSpeed(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal Gear As Integer, ByVal nU As Single, ByVal Pdrag As Single) As Single
+    Private Function fCoastingSpeed(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal Gear As Integer, ByVal NoPosGrad As Boolean) As Single
         Dim vstep As Double
         Dim vVorz As Integer
         Dim Pe As Single
         Dim a As Single
         Dim v As Single
-        Dim eps As Single
         Dim PvD As Single
         Dim LastDiff As Single
         Dim Diff As Single
+        Dim nU As Single
+        Dim Pdrag As Single
+        Dim Grad As Single
         v = MODdata.Vh.V(t)
         vstep = 0.1
-        eps = 0.001
         a = MODdata.Vh.a(t)
+        nU = fnU(v, Gear, False)
+        Pdrag = FLD.Pdrag((nU - VEH.nLeerl) / (VEH.nNenn - VEH.nLeerl))
-        'PlossGB = fPlossGBfwd(Pkup, v, Gear)
-        'Pe = fPvD(t, v, a) + PlossGB + fPlossDiffFwd(Pkup - PlossGB, Vist) + fPaG(v, a) + fPlossRt(v, Gear)
+        'Do not allow positive road gradients
+        If NoPosGrad Then
+            Grad = Math.Min(MODdata.Vh.Grad(t), 0)
+        Else
+            Grad = MODdata.Vh.Grad(t)
+        End If
-        PvD = fPvD(t, v, a)
-        Pe = PvD + fPlossGB(PvD, v, Gear) + fPlossDiff(PvD, v) + fPaG(v, a) + fPlossRt(v, Gear) + fPaux(t, nU) + fPaMot(t, Gear)
+        PvD = fPvD(t, v, a, Grad)
+        Pe = PvD + fPlossGB(PvD, v, Gear) + fPlossDiff(PvD, v) + fPaG(v, a) + fPlossRt(v, Gear) + fPaux(t, nU) + fPaMot(t, Gear, v, a)
         Diff = Math.Abs(Pdrag - Pe) / VEH.Pnenn
-        If Diff > eps Then
-            vVorz = -1
-        ElseIf PvD < -eps Then
+        If Diff > DEV.SpeedPeEps Then
             vVorz = 1
             Return v
         End If
-        LastDiff = Math.Abs(Pdrag - Pe) / VEH.Pnenn
+        LastDiff = Diff + 10 * DEV.SpeedPeEps
-        Do While Diff > eps And Math.Abs(LastDiff - Diff) > eps
+        Do While Diff > DEV.SpeedPeEps 'And Math.Abs(LastDiff - Diff) > eps
-            If LastDiff < Diff Then
+            If LastDiff < Diff Or v + vVorz * vstep <= 0.0001 Then
                 vVorz *= -1
                 vstep *= 0.5
-                If vstep = 0 Then Exit Do
+                If vstep < 0.00001 Then Exit Do
             End If
@@ -1556,10 +1902,13 @@ lb_nOK:
             a = 2 * (v - MODdata.Vh.V0(t)) / 1  'dt = 1[s]
+            nU = fnU(v, Gear, False)
+            Pdrag = FLD.Pdrag((nU - VEH.nLeerl) / (VEH.nNenn - VEH.nLeerl))
             LastDiff = Diff
-            PvD = fPvD(t, v, a)
-            Pe = PvD + fPlossGB(PvD, v, Gear) + fPlossDiff(PvD, v) + fPaG(v, a) + fPlossRt(v, Gear) + fPaux(t, nU) + fPaMot(t, Gear)
+            PvD = fPvD(t, v, a, Grad)
+            Pe = PvD + fPlossGB(PvD, v, Gear) + fPlossDiff(PvD, v) + fPaG(v, a) + fPlossRt(v, Gear) + fPaux(t, nU) + fPaMot(t, Gear, v, a)
             Diff = Math.Abs(Pdrag - Pe) / VEH.Pnenn
@@ -1572,6 +1921,36 @@ lb_nOK:
 #Region "Schaltmodelle"
+    Private Function fFastGearCalc(ByVal V As Single, ByVal Pe As Single) As Integer
+        Dim Gear As Integer
+        Dim Md As Single
+        Dim nU As Single
+        Dim nn As Single
+        Dim nnUp As Single
+        Dim nnDown As Single
+        For Gear = VEH.ganganz To 1 Step -1
+            nU = CSng(Vist * 60.0 * VEH.AchsI * VEH.Igetr(Gear) / (VEH.Dreifen * Math.PI))
+            nn = (nU - VEH.nLeerl) / (VEH.nNenn - VEH.nLeerl)
+            'Current torque demand with previous gear
+            Md = Pe * 1000 / (nU * 2 * Math.PI / 60)
+            'Up/Downshift rpms
+            nnUp = GBX.fGSnnUp(Md)
+            nnDown = GBX.fGSnnDown(Md)
+            If nn > nnDown Then Return Gear
+        Next
+        Return 1
+        MODdata.ModErrors.GSextrapol = ""
+    End Function
     Private Function fStartGear(ByVal t As Integer) As Integer
         Dim Gear As Integer
         Dim nn As Single
@@ -1652,7 +2031,7 @@ lb_nOK:
                 nnUp = GBX.fGSnnUp(Md)
                 nnDown = GBX.fGSnnDown(Md)
-                Debug.Print(CurrentCycleFile & "," & Gear & "," & Md & "," & MdMax & "," & nn & "," & nnDown & "," & nnUp)
+                '   Debug.Print(CurrentCycleFile & "," & Gear & "," & Md & "," & MdMax & "," & nn & "," & nnDown & "," & nnUp)
                 If nn > nnDown And nU >= VEH.nLeerl And (1 - Md / MdMax >= GBX.gs_TorqueResvStart / 100 Or Md < 0) Then Exit For
@@ -3374,6 +3753,10 @@ lb20:
         Return fPr(v) + fPair(v, t) + fPaFZ(v, a) + fPs(v, t)
     End Function
+    Private Function fPvD(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal v As Single, ByVal a As Single, ByVal Grad As Single) As Single
+        Return fPr(v) + fPair(v, t) + fPaFZ(v, a) + fPs(v, Grad)
+    End Function
     Private Function fPr(ByVal v As Single) As Single
         Return CSng((VEH.Loading + VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra) * 9.81 * (VEH.Fr0 + VEH.Fr1 * v + VEH.Fr2 * v ^ 2 + VEH.Fr3 * v ^ 3 + VEH.Fr4 * v ^ 4) * v * 0.001)
@@ -3419,9 +3802,21 @@ lb20:
         End If
     End Function
+    Private Function fPaMot(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal Gear As Integer, ByVal v As Single, ByVal a As Single) As Single
+        If Nvorg Then
+            Return (VEH.I_mot * MODdata.dnUvorg(t) * 0.01096 * MODdata.nUvorg(t)) * 0.001
+        Else
+            Return ((VEH.I_mot * (VEH.AchsI * VEH.Igetr(Gear) / (0.5 * VEH.Dreifen)) ^ 2) * a * v) * 0.001
+        End If
+    End Function
     '----------------Slope resistance ----------------
     Private Function fPs(ByVal v As Single, ByVal t As Integer) As Single
-        fPs = CSng(((VEH.Loading + VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra) * 9.81 * MODdata.Vh.Grad(t) * 0.01 * v) * 0.001)
+        Return CSng(((VEH.Loading + VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra) * 9.81 * MODdata.Vh.Grad(t) * 0.01 * v) * 0.001)
+    End Function
+    Private Function fPs(ByVal v As Single, ByVal Grad As Single) As Single
+        Return CSng(((VEH.Loading + VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra) * 9.81 * Grad * 0.01 * v) * 0.001)
     End Function
     '----------------Ancillaries(Nebenaggregate) ----------------
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
index 3d9df9be24..f80e1fe9fa 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
@@ -11,14 +11,16 @@ Public Class cVh
     Private lPadd As List(Of Single)
     Private lVairVres As List(Of Single)
     Private lVairBeta As List(Of Single)
+    Public EcoRoll As List(Of Boolean)
     Private la As List(Of Single)
     'WegKor |@@| Route(Weg)Correct
-    Private WegIst As Single
-    Private Weg As List(Of Single)
+    Private WegIst As Double
+    Public Weg As List(Of Double)
     Private WegX As Integer
+    Private WegV As List(Of Single)
     Public Sub Init()
@@ -29,11 +31,10 @@ Public Class cVh
         lGears = New List(Of Short)
         lPadd = New List(Of Single)
         la = New List(Of Single)
-        Weg = New List(Of Single)
+        Weg = New List(Of Double)
         lVairVres = New List(Of Single)
         lVairBeta = New List(Of Single)
-        WegX = 0
-        WegIst = 0
+        EcoRoll = New List(Of Boolean)
     End Sub
     Public Sub CleanUp()
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         Weg = Nothing
         lVairVres = Nothing
         lVairBeta = Nothing
+        EcoRoll = Nothing
     End Sub
     Public Sub VehCylceInit()
@@ -77,10 +79,12 @@ Public Class cVh
             End If
             'Strecke (aus Zwischensekunden sonst passiert Fehler) |@@| Segment (from Intermediate-seconds, otherwise Error)
-            Weg.Add(lV(0))
-            For s = 1 To MODdata.tDim
-                Weg.Add(Weg(s - 1) + lV(s))
-            Next
+            If Not DRI.Scycle Then
+                Weg.Add(lV(0))
+                For s = 1 To MODdata.tDim
+                    Weg.Add(Weg(s - 1) + lV(s))
+                Next
+            End If
         End If
@@ -146,6 +150,10 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
+        For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
+            EcoRoll.Add(False)
+        Next
     End Sub
@@ -166,7 +174,7 @@ Public Class cVh
                 If lV(s) < 0.001 Then lV(s) = 0 '<= aus Leistg
-            'Strecke  |@@| Segment
+            'Distance
             For s = 1 To MODdata.tDim
                 Weg.Add(Weg(s - 1) + lV(s))
@@ -233,6 +241,9 @@ Public Class cVh
     End Sub
     Public Sub SetSpeed(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal v As Single)
+        If 2 * v - lV0(t) < 0 Then v = lV0(t) / 2
         lV0(t + 1) = 2 * v - lV0(t)
         lV(t) = v
         la(t) = lV0(t + 1) - lV0(t)
@@ -252,53 +263,96 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
     End Sub
-    Public Sub DistCorrection(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal VehState As tVehState)
+    Public Sub SetAcc(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal a As Single)
+        la(t) = a
+        lV0(t + 1) = lV0(t) + a
+        lV(t) = (lV0(t + 1) + lV0(t)) / 2
+        If t < MODdata.tDim Then
+            lV(t + 1) = (lV0(t + 2) + lV0(t + 1)) / 2
+            la(t + 1) = lV0(t + 2) - lV0(t + 1)
+        End If
+    End Sub
+    Public Sub SetAccBackw(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal a As Single)
+        la(t) = a
+        lV0(t) = lV0(t + 1) - a
+        lV(t) = (lV0(t + 1) + lV0(t)) / 2
+        If t > 0 Then
+            lV(t - 1) = (lV0(t) + lV0(t - 1)) / 2
+            la(t - 1) = lV0(t) - lV0(t - 1)
+        End If
+    End Sub
+    Public Sub DistCorrInit()
+        Dim i As Int16
+        WegX = 0
+        WegIst = 0
+        WegV = New List(Of Single)
+        For i = 0 To MODdata.tDim + 1
+            WegV.Add(lV0(i))
+        Next
-        'TODO: If veh faster than cycle ...
+    End Sub
+    Public Function DistCorrection(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal VehState As tVehState) As Boolean
         Dim v As Single
-        Dim a As Single
-        If t + 1 > MODdata.tDim Then Exit Sub
+        If t + 1 > MODdata.tDim Then Return False
         v = lV(t)
-        a = la(t)
         WegIst += v
         If WegX < MODdata.tDimOgl Then
-            'Falls Zeitschritt wiederholen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Zeitschritt wiederholen |@@| If the repeating Time-step is closer to the Specified-route than the Actual-route => Repeat Time-step
-            If (VehState = tVehState.Acc Or VehState = tVehState.Cruise) AndAlso (Math.Abs(WegIst + Vsoll(t) - Weg(WegX)) < Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX))) And v > 0.1 Then
+            'If repeating of current time-step is closer to the target distance => Repeat time-step
+            If (Math.Abs(WegIst + Vsoll(t) - Weg(WegX)) < Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX))) And v > 1 Then
                 Duplicate(t + 1)
                 MODdata.tDim += 1
+                'Debug.Print("Duplicate," & t & "," & WegIst & "," & Weg(WegX))
+                Return True
-                'Falls nächsten Zeitschritt löschen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Nächsten Zeitschritt löschen |@@| If the next Time-step to Delete closer to specified Route than the Actual-route => Delete Next Time-step
-                'ElseIf WegX < MODdata.tDimOgl - 1 AndAlso t < MODdata.tDim - 1 AndAlso WegIst > Weg(WegX + 1) AndAlso Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX + 1)) <= Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX)) Then
+                'If deleting the next time-step is closer to target distance => Delete Next Time-step
+            ElseIf WegX < MODdata.tDimOgl - 1 AndAlso t < MODdata.tDim - 1 AndAlso Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX + 1)) <= Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX)) AndAlso v > 1 Then
-                '    Do
-                '        Cut(t + 1)
-                '        MODdata.tDim -= 1
-                '        WegX += 1
-                '    Loop While WegX < MODdata.tDimOgl - 1 AndAlso t < MODdata.tDim - 1 AndAlso WegIst > Weg(WegX + 1) AndAlso Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX + 1)) <= Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX))
-                '    WegX += 1
+                Cut(t + 1)
+                MODdata.tDim -= 1
+                'Debug.Print("Cut," & t & "," & WegIst & "," & Weg(WegX))
+                WegX += 2
+                Return True
                 'No correction
                 WegX += 1
+                Return False
             End If
         End If
-    End Sub
+        Return False
+    End Function
     Private Sub Duplicate(ByVal t As Integer)
-        lV0.Insert(t + 1, lV0ogl(t + 1))
+        lV0.Insert(t + 1, (WegV(t + 1) + WegV(t)) / 2)
+        WegV.Insert(t + 1, (WegV(t + 1) + WegV(t)) / 2)
+        'If t + 1 < MODdata.tDim Then
+        '    lV0.Insert(t + 1, (WegV(t + 1) + WegV(t + 2)) / 2)
+        '    WegV.Insert(t + 1, (WegV(t + 1) + WegV(t + 2)) / 2)
+        'Else
+        '    lV0.Insert(t + 1, WegV(t + 1))
+        '    WegV.Insert(t + 1, WegV(t + 1))
+        'End If
         lV0ogl.Insert(t + 1, lV0ogl(t + 1))
         lV.Insert(t, (lV0(t + 1) + lV0(t)) / 2)
         la.Insert(t, lV0(t + 1) - lV0(t))
@@ -311,6 +365,41 @@ Public Class cVh
         lGrad.Insert(t, lGrad(t))
         lGears.Insert(t, lGears(t))
         lPadd.Insert(t, lPadd(t))
+        EcoRoll.Insert(t, EcoRoll(t))
+        If DRI.VairVorg Then
+            lVairVres.Insert(t, lVairVres(t))
+            lVairBeta.Insert(t, lVairBeta(t))
+        End If
+        MODdata.Duplicate(t)
+        If PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeADVANCE Then
+            ADV.aWorldX.Insert(t, ADV.aWorldX(t))
+            ADV.aWorldY.Insert(t, ADV.aWorldY(t))
+            ADV.aStrId.Insert(t, ADV.aStrId(t))
+        End If
+    End Sub
+    Public Sub DuplicatePreRun(ByVal t As Integer)
+        lV0.Insert(t, lV0(t))
+        lV0ogl.Insert(t, lV0ogl(t))
+        lV.Insert(t, (lV0(t + 1) + lV0(t)) / 2)
+        la.Insert(t, lV0(t + 1) - lV0(t))
+        If t > 0 Then
+            lV(t - 1) = (lV0(t) + lV0(t - 1)) / 2
+            la(t - 1) = lV0(t) - lV0(t - 1)
+        End If
+        lGrad.Insert(t, lGrad(t))
+        lGears.Insert(t, lGears(t))
+        lPadd.Insert(t, lPadd(t))
+        EcoRoll.Insert(t, EcoRoll(t))
         If DRI.VairVorg Then
             lVairVres.Insert(t, lVairVres(t))
@@ -332,6 +421,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         lV0.RemoveAt(t + 1)
         lV0ogl.RemoveAt(t + 1)
+        WegV.RemoveAt(t + 1)
@@ -348,6 +438,7 @@ Public Class cVh
+        EcoRoll.RemoveAt(t)
         If DRI.VairVorg Then
diff --git a/VECTO/M_Lese.vb b/VECTO/M_Lese.vb
index 9a1f892dce..5dd6983acb 100644
--- a/VECTO/M_Lese.vb
+++ b/VECTO/M_Lese.vb
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Module M_Lese
                 Return False
             End If
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GenFile & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GenFile & ")", MsgSrc, GenFile)
             Return False
         End Try
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Module M_Lese
                 If Not VEH.ReadFile Then Return False
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.PathVEH & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.PathVEH & ")", MsgSrc, GEN.PathVEH)
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Module M_Lese
             If Not ENG.ReadFile Then Return False
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.PathENG & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.PathENG & ")", MsgSrc, GEN.PathENG)
             Return False
         End Try
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Module M_Lese
                 If Not GBX.ReadFile Then Return False
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.PathGBX & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.PathGBX & ")", MsgSrc, GEN.PathGBX)
                 Return False
             End Try
         End If
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Module M_Lese
             If Not FLD.ReadFile Then Return False 'Fehlermeldung hier nicht notwendig weil schon von in ReadFile
         Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & ENG.PathFLD & ")", MsgSrc)
+            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & ENG.PathFLD & ")", MsgSrc, ENG.PathFLD)
             Return False
         End Try
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Module M_Lese
                 If Not MAP.ReadFile Then Return False 'Fehlermeldung hier nicht notwendig weil schon von in ReadFile
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & ENG.PathMAP & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & ENG.PathMAP & ")", MsgSrc, ENG.PathMAP)
                 Return False
             End Try
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ Module M_Lese
                 If Not TRS.ReadFile Then Return False
             Catch ex As Exception
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.dynspez & ")", MsgSrc)
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "File read error! (" & GEN.dynspez & ")", MsgSrc, GEN.dynspez)
                 Return False
             End Try
diff --git a/VECTO/M_MAIN.vb b/VECTO/M_MAIN.vb
index 49446e08de..1912d5de8b 100644
--- a/VECTO/M_MAIN.vb
+++ b/VECTO/M_MAIN.vb
@@ -431,8 +431,18 @@ lbADV:
+                            If DEV.PreRun Then
+                                If MsgOut Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Driving Cycle Preprocessing", MsgSrc)
+                                If Not MODdata.Px.PreRun Then
+                                    CyclAbrtedByErr = True
+                                    GoTo lbAusg
+                                End If
+                            End If
                             If MsgOut Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Vehicle Calc", MsgSrc)
+                            MODdata.Vh.DistCorrInit()
                             If Not MODdata.Px.Calc() Then
                                 CyclAbrtedByErr = True
                                 GoTo lbAusg
@@ -472,13 +482,15 @@ lbADV:
                         End If
-                        If MsgOut Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Em Calc: Raw", MsgSrc)
+                        If MsgOut Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "FC Interpolation", MsgSrc)
                         'Calculate Raw emissions
                         If Not MODdata.Em.Raw_Calc() Then
-                            CyclAbrtedByErr = True
-                            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Calculation aborted!", MsgSrc)
-                            GoTo lbAusg
+                            If Not DEV.IgnoreFCextrapol Then
+                                CyclAbrtedByErr = True
+                                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Calculation aborted!", MsgSrc)
+                                GoTo lbAusg
+                            End If
                         End If
                         'TC Parameter umrechnen in Differenz zu Kennfeld-TC-Parameter |@@| Convert TC parameters to differences with Map-TC-parameters
diff --git a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
index 976a53a489..16700c5f46 100644
--- a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+++ b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
@@ -57,6 +57,30 @@
     <ApplicationManifest>My Project\app.manifest</ApplicationManifest>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86'">
+    <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
+    <DefineDebug>true</DefineDebug>
+    <DefineTrace>true</DefineTrace>
+    <OutputPath>bin\x86\Debug\</OutputPath>
+    <DocumentationFile>VECTO.xml</DocumentationFile>
+    <NoWarn>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42032,42036</NoWarn>
+    <DebugType>full</DebugType>
+    <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget>
+    <CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRuleSets>false</CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRuleSets>
+    <CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRules>false</CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRules>
+    <CodeAnalysisFailOnMissingRules>false</CodeAnalysisFailOnMissingRules>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86'">
+    <DefineTrace>true</DefineTrace>
+    <OutputPath>bin\x86\Release\</OutputPath>
+    <DocumentationFile>VECTO.xml</DocumentationFile>
+    <NoWarn>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42032,42036</NoWarn>
+    <DebugType>None</DebugType>
+    <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget>
+    <CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRuleSets>false</CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRuleSets>
+    <CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRules>false</CodeAnalysisIgnoreBuiltInRules>
+    <CodeAnalysisFailOnMissingRules>false</CodeAnalysisFailOnMissingRules>
+  </PropertyGroup>
     <Reference Include="System" />
     <Reference Include="System.Data" />
diff --git a/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb b/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb
index 83727f4029..871f411504 100644
--- a/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb
+++ b/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Module VECTO_Global
-    Public Const VECTOvers As String = "1.2"
+    Public Const VECTOvers As String = "1.3 beta"
     Public MyAppPath As String
     Public MyConfPath As String
     Public MyDeclPath As String
diff --git a/VECTO/cDEV.vb b/VECTO/cDEV.vb
index 8343fa0ff0..7544b6bef2 100644
--- a/VECTO/cDEV.vb
+++ b/VECTO/cDEV.vb
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ Public Class cDEV
     Public TCnUstep As Single
     Public TCnUstepMin As Single
-    Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
-    Public OverSpeed As Single
-    Public UnderSpeed As Single
-    Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
+    Public SpeedPeEps As Single
+    Public PreRun As Boolean
+    Public IgnoreFCextrapol As Boolean
@@ -141,22 +142,17 @@ Public Class cDEV
         MyOptions.Add("TCnUstepMin", Conf0)
-        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tBoolean, "OverSpeed", False)
-        Conf0.BoolVal = False
-        MyOptions.Add("OverSpeedOn", Conf0)
-        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tBoolean, "EcoRoll", False)
-        Conf0.BoolVal = False
-        MyOptions.Add("EcoRollOn", Conf0)
+        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tSingleVal, "Epsilon for Iteration Abort Criterion: eps >= |Pdrag - Pe| / VEH.Pnenn [-]")
+        Conf0.SingleVal = 0.0001
+        MyOptions.Add("SpeedPeEps", Conf0)
-        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tSingleVal, "OverSpeed [km/h]")
-        Conf0.SingleVal = 10
-        MyOptions.Add("OverSpeed", Conf0)
-        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tSingleVal, "UnderSpeed [km/h]")
-        Conf0.SingleVal = 10
-        MyOptions.Add("UnderSpeed", Conf0)
+        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tBoolean, "PreRun", False)
+        Conf0.BoolVal = True
+        MyOptions.Add("PreRun", Conf0)
+        Conf0 = New cDEVoption(tDEVconfType.tBoolean, "Don't abort calculation if extrapolation in FC map. FC output is not valid!!", False)
+        Conf0.BoolVal = False
+        MyOptions.Add("IgnoreFCextrapol", Conf0)
         '**************************** END: Parameters Configuration '*****************************
@@ -173,10 +169,11 @@ Public Class cDEV
         TCnUstep = MyOptions("TCnUstep").SingleVal
         TCnUstepMin = MyOptions("TCnUstepMin").SingleVal
-        OverSpeedOn = MyOptions("OverSpeedOn").BoolVal
-        OverSpeed = MyOptions("EcoRollOn").BoolVal
-        UnderSpeed = MyOptions("OverSpeed").SingleVal
-        EcoRollOn = MyOptions("UnderSpeed").SingleVal
+        SpeedPeEps = MyOptions("SpeedPeEps").SingleVal
+        PreRun = MyOptions("PreRun").BoolVal
+        IgnoreFCextrapol = MyOptions("IgnoreFCextrapol").BoolVal
     End Sub
     'Demo for Delegate Function
diff --git a/VECTO/cDelaunayMap.vb b/VECTO/cDelaunayMap.vb
index e30874864a..307b75ecda 100644
--- a/VECTO/cDelaunayMap.vb
+++ b/VECTO/cDelaunayMap.vb
@@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ Public Class cDelaunayMap
-#If DEBUG Then
-        Dim i As Int16
-        Debug.Print("#,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2")
-        i = -1
-        For Each tr In lDT
-            i += 1
-            Debug.Print(i & "," & tr.P1.X & "," & tr.P1.Y & "," & tr.P1.Z & "," & tr.P2.X & "," & tr.P2.Y & "," & tr.P2.Z)
-            Debug.Print(i & "," & tr.P3.X & "," & tr.P3.Y & "," & tr.P3.Z & "," & tr.P2.X & "," & tr.P2.Y & "," & tr.P2.Z)
-            Debug.Print(i & "," & tr.P1.X & "," & tr.P1.Y & "," & tr.P1.Z & "," & tr.P3.X & "," & tr.P3.Y & "," & tr.P3.Z)
-        Next
-#End If
+        '#If DEBUG Then
+        '        Dim i As Int16
+        '        Debug.Print("#,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2")
+        '        i = -1
+        '        For Each tr In lDT
+        '            i += 1
+        '            Debug.Print(i & "," & tr.P1.X & "," & tr.P1.Y & "," & tr.P1.Z & "," & tr.P2.X & "," & tr.P2.Y & "," & tr.P2.Z)
+        '            Debug.Print(i & "," & tr.P3.X & "," & tr.P3.Y & "," & tr.P3.Z & "," & tr.P2.X & "," & tr.P2.Y & "," & tr.P2.Z)
+        '            Debug.Print(i & "," & tr.P1.X & "," & tr.P1.Y & "," & tr.P1.Z & "," & tr.P3.X & "," & tr.P3.Y & "," & tr.P3.Z)
+        '        Next
+        '#End If
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ Public Class cDelaunayMap
         'ERROR: Extrapolation
-#If DEBUG Then
-        Debug.Print(x & "," & y)
-#End If
+        '#If DEBUG Then
+        '        Debug.Print(x & "," & y)
+        '#End If
         Throw New ArgumentException("Extrapolation not possible!")