diff --git a/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb b/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb
index 77e3e99522da8c77bbde79eeb0255c09fd8b8ca5..556546d550fd8c23cc0835d9a3da9940b6ef2e7f 100644
--- a/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb
+++ b/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.BusAuxiliaries.Interfaces
+Imports VectoAuxiliaries
 Module AdvancedAuxiliariesModule
 	Public WithEvents AdvancedAuxModel As IAdvancedAuxiliaries
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ Module AdvancedAuxiliariesModule
 			o = Activator.CreateInstance(chosenAssembly.Value.AssemblyName, "VectoAuxiliaries.AdvancedAuxiliaries")
 			iAdvancedAux = DirectCast(o.Unwrap, IAdvancedAuxiliaries)
-			iAdvancedAux.Configure(filePath, vectoFilePath)
+			Configure(filePath, vectoFilePath)
 		Catch ex As Exception
@@ -111,6 +112,31 @@ Module AdvancedAuxiliariesModule
 		Return result
 	End Function
+    Function Configure(filePath As String, vectoFilePath As String) As Boolean
+        Try
+            Dim frmAuxiliaryConfig As New frmAuxiliaryConfig(filePath, vectoFilePath)
+            frmAuxiliaryConfig.Show()
+            If frmAuxiliaryConfig.DialogResult <> DialogResult.OK Then
+                Return True
+            Else
+                Return False
+            End If
+        Catch ex As Exception
+            Return False
+        End Try
+    End Function
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Gets location of Advanced Auxiliaries Directory which contains all the assemblies available.
diff --git a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
index 70ba541d405815b1659726f8dae7f60518df9992..f946f6135fb1819fe792125ee33762294db70518 100644
--- a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+++ b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
@@ -523,6 +523,10 @@
+    <ProjectReference Include="..\VECTOAux\VectoAuxiliaries\VectoAuxiliaries.vbproj">
+      <Project>{FDEEE460-0B8A-4EF6-8D9E-72F203A50F65}</Project>
+      <Name>VectoAuxiliaries</Name>
+    </ProjectReference>
     <ProjectReference Include="..\VectoCommon\VectoCommon\VectoCommon.csproj">
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/BusAuxiliariesAdapter.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/BusAuxiliariesAdapter.cs
index 1fd7136f6bef4e6f917cf7f09c103d52b26d4e19..566210bfa5f9f5af0e1b3fa8bf1ba8358fc402ac 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/BusAuxiliariesAdapter.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/BusAuxiliariesAdapter.cs
@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@
 using System;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Linq;
-using Pneumatics;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.BusAuxiliaries;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.BusAuxiliaries.Interfaces;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.BusAuxiliaries.Interfaces.DownstreamModules.PneumaticSystem;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
@@ -46,254 +47,254 @@ using VectoAuxiliaries;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
-	public class BusAuxiliariesAdapter : LoggingObject, IAuxInProvider, IAuxPort
-	{
-		protected readonly IDataBus DataBus;
-		protected internal BusAuxState CurrentState;
-		protected internal BusAuxState PreviousState;
-		protected internal readonly IAuxPort AdditionalAux;
-		protected IAdvancedAuxiliaries Auxiliaries;
-		private readonly FuelConsumptionAdapter _fcMapAdapter;
-		public BusAuxiliariesAdapter(IDataBus container, string aauxFile, string cycleName, Kilogram vehicleWeight,
-			FuelConsumptionMap fcMap, PerSecond engineIdleSpeed, IAuxPort additionalAux = null)
-		{
-			//	mAAUX_Global.advancedAuxModel.Signals.DeclarationMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			//	mAAUX_Global.advancedAuxModel.Signals.WHTC = Declaration.WHTCcorrFactor
-			CurrentState = new BusAuxState();
-			PreviousState = new BusAuxState { AngularSpeed = engineIdleSpeed };
-			AdditionalAux = additionalAux;
-			DataBus = container;
-			var tmpAux = new AdvancedAuxiliaries {
-				VectoInputs = {
-					Cycle = DetermineCycle(cycleName),
-					VehicleWeightKG = vehicleWeight
-				}
-			};
-			_fcMapAdapter = new FuelConsumptionAdapter() { FcMap = fcMap };
-			tmpAux.VectoInputs.FuelMap = _fcMapAdapter;
-			// TODO: MQ 2019-07-30: how to handle fuel in aaux?
-			tmpAux.VectoInputs.FuelDensity = FuelData.Instance().Lookup((container as IVehicleContainer).RunData.EngineData.Fuels.First().FuelData.FuelType).FuelDensity;
-			//'Set Signals
-			tmpAux.Signals.EngineIdleSpeed = engineIdleSpeed;
-			tmpAux.Initialise(Path.GetFileName(aauxFile), Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(aauxFile)) + @"\");
-			tmpAux.Signals.TotalCycleTimeSeconds =
-				tmpAux.actuationsMap.GetNumActuations(new ActuationsKey("CycleTime", tmpAux.VectoInputs.Cycle));
-			// call initialize again _after_ setting the cycle time to get the correct consumtions
-			tmpAux.Initialise(Path.GetFileName(aauxFile), Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(aauxFile)) + @"\");
-			Auxiliaries = tmpAux;
-		}
-		private static string DetermineCycle(string cycleName)
-		{
-			var cycle = cycleName.ToLower();
-			if (cycle.Contains("bus")) {
-				if (cycle.Contains("heavy_urban")) {
-					return "Heavy urban";
-				}
-				if (cycle.Contains("suburban")) {
-					return "Suburban";
-				}
-				if (cycle.Contains("interurban")) {
-					return "Interurban";
-				}
-				if (cycle.Contains("urban")) {
-					return "Urban";
-				}
-			}
-			if (cycle.Contains("coach")) {
-				return "Coach";
-			}
-			Logger<BusAuxiliariesAdapter>()
-				.Warn("UnServiced Cycle Name '{0}' in Pneumatics Actuations Map 0 Actuations returned", cycleName);
-			return cycleName;
-		}
-		public IAuxPort Port()
-		{
-			return this;
-		}
-		public NewtonMeter Initialize(NewtonMeter torque, PerSecond angularSpeed)
-		{
-			//PreviousState.TotalFuelConsumption = 0.SI<Kilogram>();
-			PreviousState.AngularSpeed = angularSpeed;
-			CurrentState.AngularSpeed = angularSpeed;
-			if (AdditionalAux != null) {
-				AdditionalAux.Initialize(torque, angularSpeed);
-			}
-			PreviousState.PowerDemand = GetBusAuxPowerDemand(0.SI<Second>(), 1.SI<Second>(), torque, torque, angularSpeed);
-			return PreviousState.PowerDemand / angularSpeed;
-		}
-		public NewtonMeter TorqueDemand(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter torquePowerTrain, NewtonMeter torqueEngine,
-			PerSecond angularSpeed, bool dryRun = false)
-		{
-			CurrentState.AngularSpeed = angularSpeed;
-			CurrentState.dt = dt;
-			CurrentState.PowerDemand = GetBusAuxPowerDemand(absTime, dt, torquePowerTrain, torqueEngine, angularSpeed, dryRun);
-			var avgAngularSpeed = (CurrentState.AngularSpeed + PreviousState.AngularSpeed) / 2.0;
-			return CurrentState.PowerDemand / avgAngularSpeed;
-		}
-		public Watt PowerDemandEngineOn(PerSecond engineSpeed)
-		{
-			throw new NotImplementedException();
-		}
-		public Watt PowerDemandEngineOff()
-		{
-			throw new NotImplementedException();
-		}
-		protected internal void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container)
-		{
-			_fcMapAdapter.AllowExtrapolation = true;
-			// cycleStep has to be called here and not in DoCommit, write is called before Commit!
-			var message = String.Empty;
-			Auxiliaries.CycleStep(CurrentState.dt, ref message);
-			Log.Warn(message);
-			CurrentState.TotalFuelConsumption = Auxiliaries.TotalFuelGRAMS;
-			container[ModalResultField.P_aux] = CurrentState.PowerDemand;
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_NonSmartAlternatorsEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_NonSmartAlternatorsEfficiency;
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_SmartIdleCurrent_Amps != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartIdleCurrent_Amps] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartIdleCurrent_Amps;
-			}
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartIdleAlternatorsEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartIdleAlternatorsEfficiency;
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_SmartTractionCurrent_Amps != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartTractionCurrent_Amps] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_SmartTractionCurrent_Amps;
-			}
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartTractionAlternatorEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartTractionAlternatorEfficiency;
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_SmartOverrunCurrent_Amps != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartOverrunCurrent_Amps] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartOverrunCurrent_Amps;
-			}
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartOverrunAlternatorEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartOverrunAlternatorEfficiency;
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_CompressorFlowRate_LitrePerSec != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_CompressorFlowRate_LitrePerSec] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_CompressorFlowRate_LitrePerSec;
-			}
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_OverrunFlag] = Auxiliaries.AA_OverrunFlag;
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_EngineIdleFlag] = Auxiliaries.AA_EngineIdleFlag;
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_CompressorFlag] = Auxiliaries.AA_CompressorFlag;
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Grams != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFC_Grams] = Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Grams;
-			}
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Litres != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFC_Litres] = Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Litres;
-			}
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACMechanicals != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACMechanicals] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACMechanicals;
-			}
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACElectricals != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACElectricals] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACElectricals;
-			}
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankElectrics != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankElectrics] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankElectrics;
-			}
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankPneumatics != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankPneumatics] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankPneumatics;
-			}
-			if (Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOff != null) {
-				container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOff] =
-					Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOff;
-			}
-			container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOn] =
-				Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOn;
-		}
-		protected internal void DoCommitSimulationStep()
-		{
-			PreviousState = CurrentState;
-			CurrentState = new BusAuxState();
-		}
-		protected internal KilogramPerSecond AAuxFuelConsumption
-		{
-			get { return (CurrentState.TotalFuelConsumption - PreviousState.TotalFuelConsumption) / CurrentState.dt; }
-		}
-		private Watt GetBusAuxPowerDemand(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter torquePowerTrain, NewtonMeter torqueEngine,
-			PerSecond angularSpeed, bool dryRun = false)
-		{
-			Auxiliaries.ResetCalculations();
-			_fcMapAdapter.AllowExtrapolation = true;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.ClutchEngaged = DataBus.ClutchClosed(absTime);
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineDrivelinePower = torquePowerTrain * angularSpeed;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineDrivelineTorque = torquePowerTrain;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.InternalEnginePower = torqueEngine * angularSpeed - DataBus.BrakePower;
-			if (DataBus.DriverBehavior == DrivingBehavior.Coasting) {
-				// make sure smart aux are _not_ enabled for now
-				// set internal_engine_power a little bit lower so there is no excessive power for smart aux
-				Auxiliaries.Signals.InternalEnginePower = 0.9 * torqueEngine * angularSpeed /*- DataBus.BrakePower*/;
-				// if smart aux should be on during coasting use the following line
-				// set internal_engine_power to a large value (*10) so that there's excessive power for smart aux (alreadin during search operating point)
-				//(float)DataBus.EngineDragPower(angularSpeed).Value() / 100;
-			} else {
-				if (DataBus.DriverBehavior != DrivingBehavior.Braking) {
-					Auxiliaries.Signals.InternalEnginePower = 0.SI<Watt>();
-					//(float)((0.9 * torqueEngine * angularSpeed - DataBus.BrakePower) / 1000).Value();
-				} else {
-					// smart aux should be on during braking
-				}
-			}
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineMotoringPower = -DataBus.EngineDragPower(angularSpeed);
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineSpeed = angularSpeed;
-			var avgAngularSpeed = (PreviousState.AngularSpeed + CurrentState.AngularSpeed) / 2;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.PreExistingAuxPower = AdditionalAux != null
-				? AdditionalAux.TorqueDemand(absTime, dt, torquePowerTrain, torqueEngine, angularSpeed, dryRun) * avgAngularSpeed
-				: 0.SI<Watt>();
-			//mAAUX_Global.PreExistingAuxPower;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.Idle = DataBus.VehicleStopped;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.InNeutral = DataBus.Gear == 0;
-			Auxiliaries.Signals.RunningCalc = true;
-			//mAAUX_Global.Internal_Engine_Power;
-			//'Power coming out of Advanced Model is in Watts.
-			return Auxiliaries.AuxiliaryPowerAtCrankWatts + Auxiliaries.Signals.PreExistingAuxPower;
-		}
-		protected class FuelConsumptionAdapter : IFuelConsumptionMap
-		{
-			protected internal FuelConsumptionMap FcMap;
-			public bool AllowExtrapolation { get; set; }
-			public KilogramPerSecond GetFuelConsumption(NewtonMeter torque, PerSecond angularVelocity)
-			{
-				return FcMap.GetFuelConsumption(torque, angularVelocity, AllowExtrapolation).Value;
-			}
-		}
-		public class BusAuxState
-		{
-			public Second dt;
-			public PerSecond AngularSpeed;
-			public Watt PowerDemand;
-			public Kilogram TotalFuelConsumption = 0.SI<Kilogram>();
-		}
-	}
+    public class BusAuxiliariesAdapter : LoggingObject, IAuxInProvider, IAuxPort
+    {
+        protected readonly IDataBus DataBus;
+        protected internal BusAuxState CurrentState;
+        protected internal BusAuxState PreviousState;
+        protected internal readonly IAuxPort AdditionalAux;
+        protected IAdvancedAuxiliaries Auxiliaries;
+        private readonly FuelConsumptionAdapter _fcMapAdapter;
+        public BusAuxiliariesAdapter(IDataBus container, string aauxFile, string cycleName, Kilogram vehicleWeight,
+            FuelConsumptionMap fcMap, PerSecond engineIdleSpeed, IAuxPort additionalAux = null)
+        {
+            //	mAAUX_Global.advancedAuxModel.Signals.DeclarationMode = Cfg.DeclMode
+            //	mAAUX_Global.advancedAuxModel.Signals.WHTC = Declaration.WHTCcorrFactor
+            CurrentState = new BusAuxState();
+            PreviousState = new BusAuxState { AngularSpeed = engineIdleSpeed };
+            AdditionalAux = additionalAux;
+            DataBus = container;
+            var tmpAux = new AdvancedAuxiliaries {
+                VectoInputs = {
+                    Cycle = DetermineCycle(cycleName),
+                    VehicleWeightKG = vehicleWeight
+                }
+            };
+            _fcMapAdapter = new FuelConsumptionAdapter() { FcMap = fcMap };
+            tmpAux.VectoInputs.FuelMap = _fcMapAdapter;
+            // TODO: MQ 2019-07-30: how to handle fuel in aaux?
+            tmpAux.VectoInputs.FuelDensity = FuelData.Instance().Lookup((container as IVehicleContainer).RunData.EngineData.Fuels.First().FuelData.FuelType).FuelDensity;
+            //'Set Signals
+            tmpAux.Signals.EngineIdleSpeed = engineIdleSpeed;
+            tmpAux.Initialise(Path.GetFileName(aauxFile), Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(aauxFile)) + @"\");
+            tmpAux.Signals.TotalCycleTimeSeconds =
+                tmpAux.actuationsMap.GetNumActuations(new ActuationsKey("CycleTime", tmpAux.VectoInputs.Cycle));
+            // call initialize again _after_ setting the cycle time to get the correct consumtions
+            tmpAux.Initialise(Path.GetFileName(aauxFile), Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(aauxFile)) + @"\");
+            Auxiliaries = tmpAux;
+        }
+        private static string DetermineCycle(string cycleName)
+        {
+            var cycle = cycleName.ToLower();
+            if (cycle.Contains("bus")) {
+                if (cycle.Contains("heavy_urban")) {
+                    return "Heavy urban";
+                }
+                if (cycle.Contains("suburban")) {
+                    return "Suburban";
+                }
+                if (cycle.Contains("interurban")) {
+                    return "Interurban";
+                }
+                if (cycle.Contains("urban")) {
+                    return "Urban";
+                }
+            }
+            if (cycle.Contains("coach")) {
+                return "Coach";
+            }
+            Logger<BusAuxiliariesAdapter>()
+                .Warn("UnServiced Cycle Name '{0}' in Pneumatics Actuations Map 0 Actuations returned", cycleName);
+            return cycleName;
+        }
+        public IAuxPort Port()
+        {
+            return this;
+        }
+        public NewtonMeter Initialize(NewtonMeter torque, PerSecond angularSpeed)
+        {
+            //PreviousState.TotalFuelConsumption = 0.SI<Kilogram>();
+            PreviousState.AngularSpeed = angularSpeed;
+            CurrentState.AngularSpeed = angularSpeed;
+            if (AdditionalAux != null) {
+                AdditionalAux.Initialize(torque, angularSpeed);
+            }
+            PreviousState.PowerDemand = GetBusAuxPowerDemand(0.SI<Second>(), 1.SI<Second>(), torque, torque, angularSpeed);
+            return PreviousState.PowerDemand / angularSpeed;
+        }
+        public NewtonMeter TorqueDemand(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter torquePowerTrain, NewtonMeter torqueEngine,
+            PerSecond angularSpeed, bool dryRun = false)
+        {
+            CurrentState.AngularSpeed = angularSpeed;
+            CurrentState.dt = dt;
+            CurrentState.PowerDemand = GetBusAuxPowerDemand(absTime, dt, torquePowerTrain, torqueEngine, angularSpeed, dryRun);
+            var avgAngularSpeed = (CurrentState.AngularSpeed + PreviousState.AngularSpeed) / 2.0;
+            return CurrentState.PowerDemand / avgAngularSpeed;
+        }
+        public Watt PowerDemandEngineOn(PerSecond engineSpeed)
+        {
+            throw new NotImplementedException();
+        }
+        public Watt PowerDemandEngineOff()
+        {
+            throw new NotImplementedException();
+        }
+        protected internal void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container)
+        {
+            _fcMapAdapter.AllowExtrapolation = true;
+            // cycleStep has to be called here and not in DoCommit, write is called before Commit!
+            var message = String.Empty;
+            Auxiliaries.CycleStep(CurrentState.dt, ref message);
+            Log.Warn(message);
+            CurrentState.TotalFuelConsumption = Auxiliaries.TotalFuelGRAMS;
+            container[ModalResultField.P_aux] = CurrentState.PowerDemand;
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_NonSmartAlternatorsEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_NonSmartAlternatorsEfficiency;
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_SmartIdleCurrent_Amps != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartIdleCurrent_Amps] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartIdleCurrent_Amps;
+            }
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartIdleAlternatorsEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartIdleAlternatorsEfficiency;
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_SmartTractionCurrent_Amps != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartTractionCurrent_Amps] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_SmartTractionCurrent_Amps;
+            }
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartTractionAlternatorEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartTractionAlternatorEfficiency;
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_SmartOverrunCurrent_Amps != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartOverrunCurrent_Amps] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartOverrunCurrent_Amps;
+            }
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_SmartOverrunAlternatorEfficiency] = Auxiliaries.AA_SmartOverrunAlternatorEfficiency;
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_CompressorFlowRate_LitrePerSec != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_CompressorFlowRate_LitrePerSec] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_CompressorFlowRate_LitrePerSec;
+            }
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_OverrunFlag] = Auxiliaries.AA_OverrunFlag;
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_EngineIdleFlag] = Auxiliaries.AA_EngineIdleFlag;
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_CompressorFlag] = Auxiliaries.AA_CompressorFlag;
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Grams != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFC_Grams] = Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Grams;
+            }
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Litres != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFC_Litres] = Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFC_Litres;
+            }
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACMechanicals != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACMechanicals] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACMechanicals;
+            }
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACElectricals != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACElectricals] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankHVACElectricals;
+            }
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankElectrics != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankElectrics] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankElectrics;
+            }
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankPneumatics != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankPneumatics] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_AveragePowerDemandCrankPneumatics;
+            }
+            if (Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOff != null) {
+                container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOff] =
+                    Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOff;
+            }
+            container[ModalResultField.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOn] =
+                Auxiliaries.AA_TotalCycleFuelConsumptionCompressorOn;
+        }
+        protected internal void DoCommitSimulationStep()
+        {
+            PreviousState = CurrentState;
+            CurrentState = new BusAuxState();
+        }
+        protected internal KilogramPerSecond AAuxFuelConsumption
+        {
+            get { return (CurrentState.TotalFuelConsumption - PreviousState.TotalFuelConsumption) / CurrentState.dt; }
+        }
+        private Watt GetBusAuxPowerDemand(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter torquePowerTrain, NewtonMeter torqueEngine,
+            PerSecond angularSpeed, bool dryRun = false)
+        {
+            Auxiliaries.ResetCalculations();
+            _fcMapAdapter.AllowExtrapolation = true;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.ClutchEngaged = DataBus.ClutchClosed(absTime);
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineDrivelinePower = torquePowerTrain * angularSpeed;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineDrivelineTorque = torquePowerTrain;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.InternalEnginePower = torqueEngine * angularSpeed - DataBus.BrakePower;
+            if (DataBus.DriverBehavior == DrivingBehavior.Coasting) {
+                // make sure smart aux are _not_ enabled for now
+                // set internal_engine_power a little bit lower so there is no excessive power for smart aux
+                Auxiliaries.Signals.InternalEnginePower = 0.9 * torqueEngine * angularSpeed /*- DataBus.BrakePower*/;
+                // if smart aux should be on during coasting use the following line
+                // set internal_engine_power to a large value (*10) so that there's excessive power for smart aux (alreadin during search operating point)
+                //(float)DataBus.EngineDragPower(angularSpeed).Value() / 100;
+            } else {
+                if (DataBus.DriverBehavior != DrivingBehavior.Braking) {
+                    Auxiliaries.Signals.InternalEnginePower = 0.SI<Watt>();
+                    //(float)((0.9 * torqueEngine * angularSpeed - DataBus.BrakePower) / 1000).Value();
+                } else {
+                    // smart aux should be on during braking
+                }
+            }
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineMotoringPower = -DataBus.EngineDragPower(angularSpeed);
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.EngineSpeed = angularSpeed;
+            var avgAngularSpeed = (PreviousState.AngularSpeed + CurrentState.AngularSpeed) / 2;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.PreExistingAuxPower = AdditionalAux != null
+                ? AdditionalAux.TorqueDemand(absTime, dt, torquePowerTrain, torqueEngine, angularSpeed, dryRun) * avgAngularSpeed
+                : 0.SI<Watt>();
+            //mAAUX_Global.PreExistingAuxPower;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.Idle = DataBus.VehicleStopped;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.InNeutral = DataBus.Gear == 0;
+            Auxiliaries.Signals.RunningCalc = true;
+            //mAAUX_Global.Internal_Engine_Power;
+            //'Power coming out of Advanced Model is in Watts.
+            return Auxiliaries.AuxiliaryPowerAtCrankWatts + Auxiliaries.Signals.PreExistingAuxPower;
+        }
+        protected class FuelConsumptionAdapter : IFuelConsumptionMap
+        {
+            protected internal FuelConsumptionMap FcMap;
+            public bool AllowExtrapolation { get; set; }
+            public KilogramPerSecond GetFuelConsumption(NewtonMeter torque, PerSecond angularVelocity)
+            {
+                return FcMap.GetFuelConsumption(torque, angularVelocity, AllowExtrapolation).Value;
+            }
+        }
+        public class BusAuxState
+        {
+            public Second dt;
+            public PerSecond AngularSpeed;
+            public Watt PowerDemand;
+            public Kilogram TotalFuelConsumption = 0.SI<Kilogram>();
+        }
+    }
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