diff --git a/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-orig.txt b/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-orig.txt
index 954505b0e8bf7b94fe8571515baa93fde823e401..8688fec216546a30d29864ef9310219e357751b9 100644
--- a/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-orig.txt
+++ b/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-orig.txt
@@ -1689,10 +1689,11 @@
 4638:                '       Zwischen 1. und 8. gang sowie 9. und 16. Gang:
 4662:                '***Differenzial
 4663:                '   Leistung nach Diff (vor Getriebe)
-4682:                'Pdiff
+4691:                '***Differenzial
 4692:                '   Leistung vor Diff
 4744:    '----------------Getriebe Trägheit----------------
 >>> MODcalc\cVh.vb
+5:    'Aus DRI-Datei
 15:    'Berechnet
 18:    'WegKor
 58:        'Geschwindigkeit
@@ -1700,18 +1701,19 @@
 79:            'Strecke (aus Zwischensekunden sonst passiert Fehler)
 87:        'Steigung
 99:        'Gang - nicht Mittelwert sondern Gang(t) = DRI.Gang(t)
-112:        'Padd
+124:        'Beschl. berechnen
 132:        'Vair-Vorgaben: Nicht in Zwischensekunden!!
 157:        'Geschwindigkeit
 169:            'Strecke 
 177:        'Steigung
 189:        'Gang - nicht Mittelwert sonder Gang(t) = DRI.Gang(t)
-202:        'Padd
+214:        'Beschl. berechnen
 257:        'TODO: Wenn Fzg schneller als Zyklus...
 273:            'Falls Zeitschritt wiederholen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Zeitschritt wiederholen
 279:                'Falls nächsten Zeitschritt löschen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Nächsten Zeitschritt löschen
 291:                'Keine Korrektur
 >>> MODcalc\Em Calc.vb
+54:                            'Normale Interpolation
 101:                'Ersten zwei sekunden keine Korrektur:
 185:        'Dictionaries erstellen
 208:        'Summen ermitteln
@@ -1749,7 +1751,7 @@
 610:            'C         Zwischenrechnung fue Zyklusmittelwert:
 617:            'C       Berechnung der mittleren Amplitude in 3 Sekunden vor Emission (Ampl3s)
 618:            'C       und der Anzahl der Pe-Sekundenschritten ueber 3% der Nennleistung
-619:            'C       (LW3p3s):
+650:            'C     (2) Aenderung der aktuellen Motorleistung (dP_2s):
 664:            'C     Mittelwert 3 sec. vor Emission:
 672:            'C    Gezaehlt nur bei dynamischem betrieb:
 681:            'C     (4) Mittelwert der negativen Motorleistung ("PnegMW"):
@@ -1769,7 +1771,7 @@
 846:    '! Felder für Größen aus PHEM Hauptprogramm
 895:    '**** Einlesen von tgas aus .npi (Projekt HERO) ****
 896:    ' => überschreibt tgas(jz) aus HtMass()
-897:    ' Luz/Rexeis 16.05.2011
+912:    ''' Hauptroutine für EXS Modul
 916:        '! Aufruf von Exs_Main(true) -> Developer Version ohne PHEM Hauptprogramm
 921:        '! Felder für Größen aus exs-File
 951:        'Allgemeine Konstanten
@@ -1785,7 +1787,7 @@
 1006:        'Dimensionieren:
 1025:        'Übergabe der relevanten Größen aus dem PHEM Hauptprogramm
 1026:        'In DEV direkt aus der Datei *.phe eingelesen
-1045:        'Lambda
+1051:            'Wird weiter unten belegt weil mpexh vorhanden sein muss
 1056:        'Anfang exs-File einlesen
 1072:        'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0) 'alte dummy zeilen: auf exs-file kompatibilität achten
 1079:        'Initialisieren der entsprechenden Anzahl an Modulen
@@ -1901,7 +1903,7 @@
 1924:                'Zeitdiskrete Lösung der PT1-Diffgl
 1991:                ''Extrapolation für LastTemp > TempAr(0)
 2003:                'Extrapolation für LastTemp < TempAr(Adim)
-2005:                'lbInt:
+2013:                'Einen Zeitschritt vor ( = 1 Sekunde)
 2041:        'Klasse initialisiert als Unterelement von TempMod
 2047:        'c     Prefix "c" bedeutet: Zykluswert verwendet für Kennlinien-Korrektur
 2049:        'c     Index "cc" bedeutet: Wert aus Kennlinie (-> "c" - "cc" ist die Differenz, mit der Korrigiert wird)
@@ -1958,7 +1960,6 @@
 2543:                'c           Raumgeschwindigkeit aus Kennlinie:
 2561:            'Schreiben der Ergebnisse auf die standardisierten Variablen eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) und Qp_reak(jz)
 2593:    ''' KAT-Modell
-2600:        'Klasse initialisiert als Unterelement von TempMod
 2606:        'Kennfelddaten
 2627:        ''' Erstellen eines neuen KAT-Moduls
 2642:        ''' Interpolationsfunktion
@@ -1995,6 +1996,7 @@
 2879:        'c      Sortieren der 2 Werte nach aufsteigendem n:
 2887:        'c     Interpolation der zugehoerigen Maximalleistung (P/Pnenn)
 >>> My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb
+5:' Allgemeine Informationen über eine Assembly werden über die folgenden 
 6:' Attribute gesteuert. Ändern Sie diese Attributwerte, um die Informationen zu ändern,
 7:' die mit einer Assembly verknüpft sind.
 9:' Die Werte der Assemblyattribute überprüfen
@@ -2003,5 +2005,5 @@
 25:'      Hauptversion
 26:'      Nebenversion 
 27:'      Buildnummer
-28:'      Revision
+30:' Sie können alle Werte angeben oder die standardmäßigen Build- und Revisionsnummern 
 31:' übernehmen, indem Sie "*" eingeben:
diff --git a/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-trans.txt b/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-trans.txt
index 97d62c1c9f6667c7e73cd1e26b3cae2f1e151780..3d49bf6f0a26d3ebae932bb1dd187a32a6c6dd18 100644
--- a/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-trans.txt
+++ b/Tools/TranslateComments/comments2-trans.txt
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 56:            'c         but lightly adapted: Average Nominal-Power of the engines into mep verwursteten
 >>> M_Lese.vb
 16:        'Read GEN
-35:        'VECTO: Defaultwerte für Parameter die nicht mehr in der .GEN/.VECTO sind werden beim Einlesen über SetDefault belegt. |@@| VECTO: Default values for the parameters are no longer in GEN/.VECTO are to be occupied in reading about SetDefault.
+35:        'VECTO: Defaultwerte für Parameter die nicht mehr in der .GEN/.VECTO sind werden beim Einlesen über SetDefault belegt. |@@| VECTO: Default values for the parameters are no longer in GEN/.VECTO but are allocated when Read about SetDefault.
 46:        'Error message in init()
 51:        'Einlesen der KFZ-Spezifikationen aus 'KFZspez' |@@| Read the Vehicle(KFZ)-specifications from 'KFZspez'
 131:        '   FLD muss jetzt vor MAP/MEP eingelesen werden falls dort <DRAG> Einträge sind! |@@| if there are <DRAG> entries, then read FLD before MAP/MEP!
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@
 755:        'Reset von Errors die mit der Leistungsberechnung zu tun haben (nach Schaltmodell durchzuführen) |@@| Reset errors related to Power-calculation (towards performing the Gear-shifting model)
 763:        'Emit Errors
 >>> MODcalc\cPower.vb
-21:    'Data per second
+21:    'Per-second Data
 33:    'Interruption of traction
 87:    'Recuperation
 88:    '   Project HERO - BMW Mini Hybrid
@@ -1541,467 +1541,470 @@
 3465:            'Acceleration-phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
 3486:                'If within 6 seconds it Shifts back to the previous-Gear,
 3487:                'then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
-3499:                    'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden einmal höher und einmal niedriger als voriger Gang |@@| If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
-3500:                    'geschaltet wird, wird voriger Gang durchgehend beibehalten |@@| then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
+3499:                    'If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
+3500:                    'then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
 3517:        '--------------------------------Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
 3518:        'Gear-shift from 2 to 1 are suppressed when v > 2.5 m/s
 3519:        'NEU LUZ 040210: Hochschalten nur wenn im 2. Gang über Kuppeldrehzahl |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshifting only when in 2nd Gear over Cluch-Revolutions
 3524:        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to idle
-3538:        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet
-3545:        'bei Beschleunigungsvorgaengen unter 1,5 m/s wird in 1. Gang geschaltet |@@| If v <0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec then shift to Gear=0
-3552:        'ueberpruefung, ob Drehzahl ueber nenndrehzahl, dann muss immer hochgeschaltet werden |@@| at Beschleunigungsvorgaengen below 1.5 m/s is used in 1 Gear is engaged
-3553:        'checking if Revolutions above Nominal-Revolutions, then always Upshift
-3562:    'otherwise lack the power!
-3592:        '-----------------------------------EV-Gear-shifting model (based on Cars(PKW))
-3593:        'Second 1 --------------------------------------
-3620:        '--------------------------------First second: Find Gear / initialization
-3622:        '---------From second 2 --------------------------------------
-3623:        'Start-values ---------
-3630:        'gangX = Last Gear ie Starting-base for Shifting-model
-3633:        '-------------------Clutch-lock check << already happened in Power.Calc
-3640:            '-----------Calculate Gear for the next 6 seconds ---------------------
-3678:            'Shifting-function ----------
-3681:            'Revolutions-limit for Upshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
-3684:            'Revolutions-limit for Downshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
-3687:            'Convert here of Revolutions units to use (n/n_nominal):
-3691:            ' ''Revolutions with last Gear (gangX)
-3694:            'Maximum permissible Gear-shifting every 2 seconds:
-3703:            'Check whether Downshifting-gear, only when Revolutions decrease or Power increases
-3711:            'Check whether Upshifting-gear, only when Revolutions increase or Power decreases
-3720:            'Correct Gear-selection
-3725:            'Not idle when Power > 0
-3729:            'New Revolutions
-3743:            'Check if Gear within Power/Revolutions limits. Drag-operation is not respected
-3755:        'Save Gears in field for later checks
-3763:        'Accept Gear
-3767:        '--------------------------------Checks Teil 1------------------------------------- |@@| Add to Gang-sequence
-3768:        'Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
-3770:        ''Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
-3780:        '   ============>> Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
-3782:        'Already determined by VehState0
-3793:        'Search by last Gear-change
-3799:            'Max permissible Gear-change every 3 seconds:
-3800:            'Cruise-phases:
-3801:            'Verzoegerungsphasen: Hochschalten wird unterdrückt |@@| As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is under 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6%, do not run:
-3802:            'Deceleration phases: Upshift suppressed
-3823:                'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
-3824:                'durchgehend beibehalten |@@| If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, stick
-3836:                    'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden einmal höher und einmal niedriger als voriger Gang |@@| to the previous Gear
-3837:                    'geschaltet wird, wird voriger Gang durchgehend beibehalten |@@| If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
-3854:        '--------------------------------Checks Teil 2------------------------------------- |@@| then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
-3855:        'Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
-3856:        'Suppress Gear-shift from 2 to 1 when v > 2.5 m/s
-3861:        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshift only when in 2 Gear over Clutch-revolutions
-3875:        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
-3882:        'bei Beschleunigungsvorgaengen unter 1,5 m/s wird in 1. Gang geschaltet |@@| If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
-3889:        'ueberpruefung, ob Drehzahl ueber nenndrehzahl, dann muss immer hochgeschaltet werden |@@| at acceleration processes below 1.5 m/s is used in first Gear is engaged
-3890:        'Check whether Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then should always Upshift,
-3944:        '-----------------------------------otherwise Power not enough!
-3945:        'Second 1 --------------------------------------
-3982:        '--------------------------------First second: Find Gear/Initialization
-3984:        '---------From second 2 --------------------------------------
-4014:        'Start-values ---------
-4027:            '     Compute power from jz to (jz + 6) -----------------
-4030:            '(1) Nach Variante "schnelle Fahrweise" |@@| Calculated towards a Revolutions/Power model
-4032:            '1) "Fast Driving" variant
-4033:            'Gear-shift only if v-change 5% since last Gear-shift
-4045:            'VECTO: Commented out START
-4047:            'VECTO: Commented out END
-4050:            'Bei Aenderung der Steigung kann ebenfalls immer geschaltet werden: |@@| the first 10 seconds of the cycle can always be used for balancing gear-shifting:
-4054:            'A Change in the Slope can always result in Gear-shift:
-4061:            'Downshift:
-4062:            ' Upshift:
-4063:            ' dabei manchmal zu hoher gang -> Drehzahl und P_max viel zu nieder, daher nu bei niederen leistungen |@@| at Sloped-cycles with excessive speed the Gear i +1 is calculated
-4064:            ' hochschalten erlaubt: |@@| sometimes Gear is too high -> Revolutions and P_max too low, so only at low Power
-4083:            '(2) Nach Variante "sparsame Fahrweise" |@@| Upshift allowed:
-4085:            '   2) "Economical Driving" Variant
-4086:            '   Downshift?(Zurueckschalten) happens only when Speed-change > 6%
-4087:            'Always Upshift
-4099:            'VECTO: Commented out START
-4101:            '       VECTO: Commented out END
-4103:            '       Bei Aenderung der Steigung kann ebenfalls immer geschaltet werden: |@@| The first 10 seconds cycle can always be used for balancing Gear-shift:
-4107:            '    When slope changes always may result in Gear-shift:
-4117:            'Downshift:
-4126:                'C     Upshift, only if checked not the highest Gear:
-4137:            ' Relative Revolutions:
-4138:            ' der "sparsamen (..l)" Variante: |@@| Select Revolutions-relationship for the "fast (h ..)" and
-4140:            '   Drehzahlverhhealtnisse nach "Modellmix": |@@| the "economical (.. l)"  Variant:
-4141:            '   anhand der erforderlichen maximalen Motorleistung ueber die |@@| Revolutions-relationship for "Modelmix":
-4142:            '   naechsten 6 Sekunden |@@| according to the required maximum Engine-power over the
-4150:            '     next 6 seconds
-4151:            '      (Determine the proportions between the Fast and the Economical Driving-style
-4158:            '     Hausberger model):
-4159:            '     (pmodell wird aus Eingabefile gelesen, = Anteil, zu der die Drehzahl |@@| Mix the calculated Gears as specified in the input file:
-4160:            '      nach "reales Modell" bestehen soll) |@@| from the Input-file it is read the pmodell = ratios of the revolutions
-4165:            '      Ermittlung des "virtuellen" aktuellen Ganges nach Modell |@@| towards a "real model")
-4170:            '    ueberpruefung, ob Drehzahl ueber nenndrehzahl, dann muss immer hochgeschaltet werden |@@| Determine the "virtual" up-to-date Gears from the Model
-4171:            '    check if Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then must always upshift,
-4181:            '    otherwise Power not enough!
-4182:            '    Check whether required Power is over P_max (s)
-4208:            '    then Downshift?(zurueckgeschaltet):
-4214:            'falls schlechte Vollastkurve ohne Moment in leerlauf wird korrigiert: |@@| Check whether Actual over P_max (s)
-4217:            '    Ueberpruefung, ob hoehere Leistung erforderlich ist als Maximalleistung bei nh |@@| if bad Full-load-curve without Torque, then correct in Idle:
-4218:            '     dann wird zurueckgeschaltet: |@@| Checking whether required Power is higher than maximum power at nh
-4256:        'c     Ende "Modell"-Basisgangwahl |@@| then Gear-shift-back?(zurueckgeschaltet):
-4260:        'Kuppelschleif-check |@@| End "model"-Gear-selection basis
-4263:        '--------------------------------Checks Teil 1------------------------------------- |@@| Clutch-lock check
-4264:        'Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
-4265:        'Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
-4290:        'Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: Acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
-4299:        'Search by last Gear-change
-4304:        'Maximum permissible Gear-shifts every 3 seconds:
-4305:        'Cruise-phases:
-4306:        'As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is below 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6% then do not Gear-shift:
-4307:        'Deceleration-phases: Upshift suppressed
-4326:        'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
-4327:        'If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, then
-4328:        'stick to previous Gear
-4339:        'VECTO: Exception: on Full-load curve
-4340:        'If within the 6 seconds, it shifts once to higher and once to lower-Gear than the previous one, then
-4356:        '--------------------------------stick to the previous Gear.
-4357:        'Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
-4358:        'Shifting from 2nd to 1st Gear is suppressed when v > 1.5 m/s
-4363:        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 1.5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshifting only when in 2nd Gear over the Clutch-revolutions
-4375:        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 1.5 m/s, shift to Idle
-4383:        'If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
-4384:        'Check if Revolutions over Nominal-revolutions, then should always Upshift,
-4424:        'otherwise Power not enough!
-4437:        'Speed look-ahead
-4438:        'Checks Gears for Cars(PKW) ....
-4447:        'Bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| Gear-shifting from 2nd to 1st is suppressed at v > 2.5 m/s
-4456:        'Wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. <0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| At decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
-4461:        'If v < 0.1 m/s for  more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
-4488:    'When Speed?(Beschleunigungsvorgaengen) below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
-4493:    'Function calculating the Power easily for Gear-shift-model
-4508:            'Function calculating the Power easily for EV-shift-model
-4552:    '--------------Revolutions-setting
-4561:    '----------------Power in-front?(vor) of Diff = At Wheel -------------
-4566:    '----------------Rolling-resistance----------------
-4591:    '--------Drag-resistance----------------
-4593:        'Vehicle Acceleration-capability(Beschleunigungsleistung) --------
-4594:        '   Previously (PHEM 10.4.2 and older) the m_raeder was used for Massered instead, with Massered = m_raeder + I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2
-4598:    '----------------The missing part (I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2) is now considered by fPaG(V,a)
-4603:    '----------------Slope resistance ----------------
-4608:    '-------------------Ancillaries(Nebenaggregate) ----------------
-4633:                'Transmission(Getriebe)-------------------
-4636:                'Verluste berechnet (eignet sich nur für Schaltgetriebe) |@@| Power to Transmission (Transmission-output)
-4637:                '       Calculate Losses (suitable only for Manual-transmission(Schaltgetriebe))
-4638:                '       Interpolation of the Transmission-power-loss
-4662:                '***Between 1 and 8 Gear, as well as between 9 and 16 Gear:
-4663:                '   Differential
-4682:                'Power after Differential (before Transmission)
-4692:                '   Differential
-4744:    '----------------Power before Differential
+3538:        'If v <0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec then shift to Gear=0
+3545:        'at Acceleration processes below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
+3552:        'checking if Revolutions above Nominal-Revolutions, then always Upshift
+3553:        'otherwise lack the power!
+3562:    'EV-Gear-shifting model (based on Cars(PKW))
+3592:        '-----------------------------------Second 1 --------------------------------------
+3593:        'First second: Find Gear / initialization
+3620:        '--------------------------------From second 2 --------------------------------------
+3622:        '---------Start-values ---------
+3623:        'gangX = Last Gear ie Starting-base for Shifting-model
+3630:        'Clutch-lock check << already happened in Power.Calc
+3633:        '-------------------Calculate Gear for the next 6 seconds ---------------------
+3640:            '-----------Shifting-function ----------
+3678:            'Revolutions-limit for Upshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
+3681:            'Revolutions-limit for Downshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
+3684:            'Convert here of Revolutions units to use (n/n_nominal):
+3687:            'Revolutions with last Gear (gangX)
+3691:            ' ''Maximum permissible Gear-shifting every 2 seconds:
+3694:            'Check whether Downshifting-gear, only when Revolutions decrease or Power increases
+3703:            'Check whether Upshifting-gear, only when Revolutions increase or Power decreases
+3711:            'Correct Gear-selection
+3720:            'Not idle when Power > 0
+3725:            'New Revolutions
+3729:            'Check if Gear within Power/Revolutions limits. Drag-operation is not respected
+3743:            'Save Gears in field for later checks
+3755:        'Accept Gear
+3763:        'Gang-Verlauf hinzufügen |@@| Add to Gang-sequence
+3767:        '--------------------------------Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
+3768:        'Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
+3770:        ''Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
+3780:        '   ============>> Already determined by VehState0
+3782:        'Search by last Gear-change
+3793:        'Max permissible Gear-change every 3 seconds:
+3799:            'Cruise-phases:
+3800:            'Solange Geschwindigkeitsaenderung seit letztem Gangwechsel unter 6% und Pe/Pnenn aenderung unter 6% wird nicht geschaltet: |@@| As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is under 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6%, do not run:
+3801:            'Deceleration phases: Upshift suppressed
+3802:            'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
+3823:                'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden wieder in vorigen Gang zurueck geschaltet wird, wird der vorige Gang |@@| If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, stick
+3824:                'durchgehend beibehalten |@@| to the previous Gear
+3836:                    'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden einmal höher und einmal niedriger als voriger Gang |@@| If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
+3837:                    'geschaltet wird, wird voriger Gang durchgehend beibehalten |@@| then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
+3854:        '--------------------------------Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
+3855:        'Suppress Gear-shift from 2 to 1 when v > 2.5 m/s
+3856:        'NEU LUZ 040210: Hochschalten nur wenn im 2. Gang über Kuppeldrehzahl |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshift only when in 2 Gear over Clutch-revolutions
+3861:        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
+3875:        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
+3882:        'at Acceleration below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
+3889:        'Check whether Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then should always Upshift,
+3890:        'otherwise Power not enough!
+3944:        '-----------------------------------Second 1 --------------------------------------
+3945:        'First second: Find Gear/Initialization
+3982:        '--------------------------------From second 2 --------------------------------------
+3984:        '---------Start-values ---------
+4014:        'Compute power from jz to (jz + 6) -----------------
+4027:            '     Berechnung nach Drehzahl/Leistung-Modell |@@| Calculated towards a Revolutions/Power model
+4030:            '(1) "Fast Driving" variant
+4032:            'Gear-shift only if v-change 5% since last Gear-shift
+4033:            'VECTO: Commented out START
+4045:            'VECTO: Commented out END
+4047:            'in ersten 10 Zyklussekunden kann zum Einregulieren immer geschlatet werden: |@@| the first 10 seconds of the cycle can always be used for balancing gear-shifting:
+4050:            'A Change in the Slope can always result in Gear-shift:
+4054:            'Downshift:
+4061:            'Upshift:
+4062:            ' bei Steigungszyklen mit zu hohen Geschwindigkeiten wird geschw. i+1 erst nach gangwahl berechnet |@@| at Sloped-cycles with excessive speed the Gear i +1 is calculated
+4063:            ' dabei manchmal zu hoher gang -> Drehzahl und P_max viel zu nieder, daher nu bei niederen leistungen |@@| sometimes Gear is too high -> Revolutions and P_max too low, so only at low Power
+4064:            ' hochschalten erlaubt: |@@| Upshift allowed:
+4083:            '(2) "Economical Driving" Variant
+4085:            '   Downshift?(Zurueckschalten) happens only when Speed-change > 6%
+4086:            '   Always Upshift
+4087:            'VECTO: Commented out START
+4099:            'VECTO: Commented out END
+4101:            '       in ersten 10 Zyklussekunden kann zum einregulieren immer geschlatet werden: |@@| The first 10 seconds cycle can always be used for balancing Gear-shift:
+4103:            '       When slope changes always may result in Gear-shift:
+4107:            '    Downshift:
+4117:            'Upshift, only if checked not the highest Gear:
+4126:                'C     Relative Revolutions:
+4137:            ' Auswahl des Drehzahlverhaeltnisses aus der "schnellen (..h)" und |@@| Select Revolutions-relationship for the "fast (h ..)" and
+4138:            ' der "sparsamen (..l)" Variante: |@@| the "economical (.. l)"  Variant:
+4140:            '   Drehzahlverhhealtnisse nach "Modellmix": |@@| Revolutions-relationship for "Modelmix":
+4141:            '   anhand der erforderlichen maximalen Motorleistung ueber die |@@| according to the required maximum Engine-power over the
+4142:            '   next 6 seconds
+4150:            '     Determine the proportions between the Fast and the Economical Driving-style
+4151:            '      (Hausberger model):
+4158:            '     Mix der berechneten Gaenge gemaess Vorgabe in Eingabefile: |@@| Mix the calculated Gears as specified in the input file:
+4159:            '     (pmodell wird aus Eingabefile gelesen, = Anteil, zu der die Drehzahl |@@| from the Input-file it is read the pmodell = ratios of the revolutions
+4160:            '      nach "reales Modell" bestehen soll) |@@| towards a "real model")
+4165:            '      Ermittlung des "virtuellen" aktuellen Ganges nach Modell |@@| Determine the "virtual" up-to-date Gears from the Model
+4170:            '    check if Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then must always upshift,
+4171:            '    otherwise Power not enough!
+4181:            '    Check whether required Power is over P_max (s)
+4182:            '    then Downshift?(zurueckgeschaltet):
+4208:            '    Eigentliche Ueberpruefung ob ueber P_max(n) |@@| Check whether Actual over P_max (s)
+4214:            'falls schlechte Vollastkurve ohne Moment in leerlauf wird korrigiert: |@@| if bad Full-load-curve without Torque, then correct in Idle:
+4217:            '    Ueberpruefung, ob hoehere Leistung erforderlich ist als Maximalleistung bei nh |@@| Checking whether required Power is higher than maximum power at nh
+4218:            '     dann wird zurueckgeschaltet: |@@| then Gear-shift-back?(zurueckgeschaltet):
+4256:        'c     Ende "Modell"-Basisgangwahl |@@| End "model"-Gear-selection basis
+4260:        'Kuppelschleif-check |@@| Clutch-lock check
+4263:        '--------------------------------Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
+4264:        'Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
+4265:        'Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: Acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
+4290:        'Search by last Gear-change
+4299:        'Maximum permissible Gear-shifts every 3 seconds:
+4304:        'Cruise-phases:
+4305:        'As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is below 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6% then do not Gear-shift:
+4306:        'Deceleration-phases: Upshift suppressed
+4307:        'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
+4326:        'If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, then
+4327:        'stick to previous Gear
+4328:        'VECTO: Exception: on Full-load curve
+4339:        'If within the 6 seconds, it shifts once to higher and once to lower-Gear than the previous one, then
+4340:        'stick to the previous Gear.
+4356:        '--------------------------------Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
+4357:        'Shifting from 2nd to 1st Gear is suppressed when v > 1.5 m/s
+4358:        'NEU LUZ 040210: Hochschalten nur wenn im 2. Gang über Kuppeldrehzahl |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshifting only when in 2nd Gear over the Clutch-revolutions
+4363:        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 1.5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 1.5 m/s, shift to Idle
+4375:        'If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
+4383:        'Check if Revolutions over Nominal-revolutions, then should always Upshift,
+4384:        'otherwise Power not enough!
+4424:        'Speed look-ahead
+4437:        'Checks Gears for Cars(PKW) ....
+4438:        'Schalten von 2. in 1. Gang wird bei v>2,5 m/s unterdrueckt |@@| Gear-shifting from 2nd to 1st is suppressed at v > 2.5 m/s
+4447:        'Bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| At decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
+4456:        'If v < 0.1 m/s for  more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
+4461:        'When Acceleration below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
+4488:    'Function calculating the Power easily for Gear-shift-model
+4493:    'Function calculating the Power easily for EV-shift-model
+4508:            'Revolutions-setting
+4552:    '--------------Power in-front?(vor) of Diff = At Wheel -------------
+4561:    '----------------Rolling-resistance----------------
+4566:    '----------------Drag-resistance----------------
+4591:    '--------Vehicle Acceleration-capability(Beschleunigungsleistung) --------
+4593:        'Previously (PHEM 10.4.2 and older) the m_raeder was used for Massered instead, with Massered = m_raeder + I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2
+4594:        '   The missing part (I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2) is now considered by fPaG(V,a)
+4598:    '----------------Slope resistance ----------------
+4603:    '----------------Ancillaries(Nebenaggregate) ----------------
+4608:    '-------------------Transmission(Getriebe)-------------------
+4633:                'Leistung nach Getriebe (Getriebeausgang) |@@| Power to Transmission (Transmission-output)
+4636:                'Calculate Losses (suitable only for Manual-transmission(Schaltgetriebe))
+4637:                '       Interpolation of the Transmission-power-loss
+4638:                '       Between 1 and 8 Gear, as well as between 9 and 16 Gear:
+4662:                '***Differential
+4663:                '   Power after Differential (before Transmission)
+4691:                '***Differential
+4692:                '   Power before Differential
+4744:    '----------------Gearbox inertia ----------------
 >>> MODcalc\cVh.vb
-15:    'From DRI file
-18:    'Calculated
-58:        'Geschwindigkeit |@@| Route(Weg)Correct
-69:            'Speed
-79:            'Original-speed is longer by 1
-87:        'Steigung |@@| Segment (from Intermediate-seconds, otherwise Error)
-99:        'Slope
-112:        'Gear - but not Averaged, rather Gang(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
-132:        'Calculate Acceleration
-157:        'Vair specifications: Not in Intermediate-seconds!
-169:            'Speed
-177:        'Steigung |@@| Segment
-189:        'Slope
-202:        'Gear - not Averaged, rather Gear(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
-257:        'Calculate Acceleration
-273:            'TODO: If veh faster than cycle ...
-279:                'Falls nächsten Zeitschritt löschen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Nächsten Zeitschritt löschen |@@| If the repeating Time-step is closer to the Specified-route than the Actual-route => Repeat Time-step
-291:                'Keine Korrektur |@@| If the next Time-step to Delete closer to specified Route than the Actual-route => Delete Next Time-step
+5:    'From DRI file
+15:    'Calculated
+18:    'WegKor |@@| Route(Weg)Correct
+58:        'Speed
+69:            'Original-speed is longer by 1
+79:            'Strecke (aus Zwischensekunden sonst passiert Fehler) |@@| Segment (from Intermediate-seconds, otherwise Error)
+87:        'Slope
+99:        'Gear - but not Averaged, rather Gang(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
+124:        'Calculate Acceleration
+132:        'Vair specifications: Not in Intermediate-seconds!
+157:        'Speed
+169:            'Strecke  |@@| Segment
+177:        'Slope
+189:        'Gear - not Averaged, rather Gear(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
+214:        'Calculate Acceleration
+257:        'TODO: If veh faster than cycle ...
+273:            'Falls Zeitschritt wiederholen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Zeitschritt wiederholen |@@| If the repeating Time-step is closer to the Specified-route than the Actual-route => Repeat Time-step
+279:                'Falls nächsten Zeitschritt löschen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Nächsten Zeitschritt löschen |@@| If the next Time-step to Delete closer to specified Route than the Actual-route => Delete Next Time-step
+291:                'No correction
 >>> MODcalc\Em Calc.vb
-101:                'Normal interpolation
-185:        'First two seconds, no correction:
-208:        'Create Dictionaries
-220:        'Calculate sums
-243:        '************************************ 'Mean-values
-258:            '***** Cycle Mean-values ************************************
-261:            '***** Measurement-value
-264:            '***** PHEM value
-279:            'Diff - CAUTION: No Pnom normalization! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
-282:                'Average values over x seconds and imediately put au
-286:                'Set to zero
-292:                'Messwert |@@| Accumulate(Aufsummieren)
-295:                'Measurement-value
-311:        '************************************ PHEM-value
-324:            'Dump Modal '************************************
-328:            'Measurement-value
-332:            'PHEM-value
-351:        'Diff - CAUTION: No Pnominal-normalized! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
-355:        'Header and write units
-358:            'Average Values over x seconds and imediately set au
-371:            'to zero
-388:            'Ausgabe |@@| Accumulati(Aufsummieren)
-399:                'Output
-402:                'Measurement-values
-563:            'C      PHEM-value
-564:            'C      Konstantfahrt: |@@| Load-cycle(lastwechsel) (general Qualification(Bedingung ) except for Intervals with
-572:            'C       Damit werden Trapezfoermige Zyklen nicht als lastwechsel erkannt |@@| Constant-traveling:
-573:            'C       da LWje = 0. In diesem fall wird voraus der naechste Wert gesucht, |@@| Thus Trapezoid-Cycles are not recognized as Load-cycle(lastwechsel)
-574:            'C       der nicht gleich Pe(jz) ist. Dieser wird anstelle von Pe(jz+1) |@@| since LWje = 0. In this case, search ahead of next Value,
-575:            'C       gesetzt: |@@| which is not equal to Pe(jz).
-603:            'C      lastwechsel werden nur als solche gezaehlt, wenn sie mehr als 0.05% von |@@| This will replace Pe(jz +1):
-604:            'C      Pnenn betragen (sonst ist Ergebnis viel zu wackelig): |@@| Load-cycles(lastwechsel) are accounted as such only if they exceed 0.05% of Pnom
-605:            'C       (Lastwechsel wird gezaehlt, wenn LWja < 0) |@@| otherwise Outcome is too unstable):
-609:            'C     (1) Mittlere Amplitude vom Pe-Verlauf ("Ampl") |@@| accounted as Load-cycle(lastwechsel) when LWja < 0)
-610:            'C         Zwischenrechnung fue Zyklusmittelwert: |@@| 1) Mean Amplitude of the running(Verlauf) Pe ("Ampl")
-617:            'C       Berechnung der mittleren Amplitude in 3 Sekunden vor Emission (Ampl3s) |@@| Intermediate calculation of Cycle-average:
-618:            'C       und der Anzahl der Pe-Sekundenschritten ueber 3% der Nennleistung |@@| Calculate the mean Amplitude in 3 seconds of(vor) Emissions (Ampl3s)
-619:            'C       (and the number of Second-steps where Pe is 3% above the Nominal-power
-664:            'C     2) Change the current Engine-power (dP_2s):
-672:            'C    Gezaehlt nur bei dynamischem betrieb: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
-681:            'C     (Counted only in dynamic operation:
-687:            'C     4) Average of the negative Engine-power ("PnegMW"):
-695:            'C    Gezaehlt nur bei dynamischem betrieb: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
-707:        'C     Counted only in dynamic operation:
-708:        'C      Addition der Amplituden von Pe (1. Pe-Wert |@@| Calculation of absolute Dynamic-map sizes:
-709:        'C      Addition of Pe Amplitudes (1 Pe-Value
-710:        'C    is counted also for Maxima and for Minima Amplitudes )
-714:            'C     First Second:
-717:                'C        2. Second to End:
-792:        'Absolute-value:
-805:        'Speed/Accel-dependent parameters only when not Eng-Only
-806:        '   ...Dynamic-parameters as the Differential of Dynamics of the Map
-812:    'was here before. Now in its own method because of KF-creation invalidity
-838:''' Dynamic parameters as the Differential of Dynamics in the Map:
-846:    '! Class for calculating the Exhaust-temperatures
-895:    '**** Einlesen von tgas aus .npi (Projekt HERO) **** |@@| Fields for Quantities from PHEM main-program
-896:    ' => Reading about tgas from .npi (Project HERO) ****
-897:    ' Luz/Rexeis 16.05.2011 |@@| overwrites tgas(jz) over(aus) HtMass()
-916:        '! Main-routine for EXS module
-921:        '! Calling from Exs_Main(true) -> Developer Version without PHEM main-program
-951:        'Fields for Quantities from exs-file
-955:        '!General Constants
-956:        '!Exhaust Physical-values:
-958:        'insensitive vs. lambda, see "Stoffwerte_vollständigeVerbrennung_neu.xls"
-964:        '!cp_exh = 1054.0 '!Exhaust heat-capacity [J/(kg*K)] is no longer used because it is now calculated directly in Abh from T and Lambda
-965:        '!Note: Average-value from searching the Internet, found no information in literature
-967:        'Reaktionsenthalpien in J/mol |@@| calibrated based on Test Thermocouple assuming Coating-thickness(Schichtdicke) 0.1mm
-972:        'Molmassen |@@| Reaction-enthalpies in J/mol
-977:        'Molecular-weights
-985:        'Compatibility with old EXS-structure Introduced before the new Concept for Em-components with cMap-class tMAP-class, etc.
-1006:        'References for Emissions: The given, if available, otherwise the calculated
-1025:        'Dimensioning:
-1026:        'In DEV direkt aus der Datei *.phe eingelesen |@@| Return of the relevant Quantities from(aus) the PHEM main-program
-1045:        'Read in DEV directly from the *. phe file
-1056:        'Anfang exs-File einlesen |@@| It is allocated below because there must be further mpexh
-1072:        'Begin readning exs-file
-1079:        'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0) 'old dummy line: caution for exs-file compatibility
-1085:        'Initialize the respective Number of Modules
-1088:                'Reading of the Data-blocks for each Module
-1096:        'Error-message in TempMod(iMod).Read(DatExs)
-1100:            'End reading exs-file
-1121:            'Beginning reading csy-file
-1133:        'End reading csy-file
-1135:            'Calculation loop: Per Time-step / per Module: 1. Temperatures, 2. Conversions
-1139:                    ' Display per-second Results on each iteration Results
-1159:                    ' Write Header *.ter
-1169:            'Write the Header for KonvMods
-1174:            'Start-values ​​for Cooling-system simulation:
-1189:                'Heat transfer into the Cooling-system (Map)
-1191:                    'Cooling-System Simulation
-1195:                    'Heat inputs in Masses 1 and 2
-1199:                    'The Heat-transfer Mass 1 and 2 for Cooling -system
-1205:                    'Bulk-temperatures for the next Time-step
-1208:                    'Heat-loss to the outside
-1218:                        'Total Heat-input into the Cooling-system (Output value of the simulation)
-1219:                        'Calculation of the Exhaust-gas-flow from a given Fuel-consumption and lambda
-1220:                        'Permitted only for engines without EGR
-1221:                        'Unit mpexh ....... [kg/s]
-1222:                        'Unit Vpexh ....... [m3/s]
-1224:                        '!Case 1: Calculation of Consumption and lambda
-1231:                        'Case 2: Calculation of pumped Airflow through engine
-1239:                'Missing: Methodology for Mass-flow calculation for EGR Engines BMW HERO Project
-1252:                'Calculate Lambda  if not explicitly given
-1253:                'The First Module in the Exhausts-system may not be a catalytically active Element,
-1269:                            'therefore, emissions are always equal to the untreated emissions from the PHEM main-program
-1273:                            'Calculate Qp_reak: Mass-flow-rate * Conversion * Reactive-enthalpy / molar-mass
-1277:                            'Compute Pollutant-components
-1291:                        'Conversion of NOx, CO, HC -> old value * (1-conversion-rate)
-1304:                'Zeile in *.ter schreiben |@@| If Module has no Conv-element changes nothing (Note: Module 1 has always ModTyp0)
-1323:            'Write Line in *.ter.
-1326:            'End Calculation-loop
-1338:            '---------- Close all second-by-second Result-files
-1340:                'Abbruchbedingung: Temperatur des Massenelementes "t_m" des in "iter_pos" spezifizierten Moduls |@@| Query return in the iterative Calculation-mode for Starttemp -------------------
-1341:                'am Beginn und am Ende des Zyklus innerhalb vorzugebender Bandbreite "iter_tol" |@@| Termination-condition: Temperature of the Mass-elements "t_M" in the "iter_pos" specified module
-1417:        '--- Ausgabefile *.ter schreiben ---------------------------------------------------------- |@@| at the Beginning and End of the Cycle within vorzugebender bandwidth "iter_tol"
-1419:        '--- Write Output-file *. Ter --------------------------------------------- -------------
-1422:        'End wrtting Output-file *. ter -------------------------------------------- ---------
-1431:    ''' Clean up
-1433:    ''' <Class for Temperature-modules
-1492:        ''' remarks>Type of module is defined with Mod\typ </remarks>
-1494:        ''' <Reading the EXS file
-1512:            'Pfad für Konvertierungsraten bei Modulen mit Konvertierung |@@| param name="Datei"> File-handler </param>
-1520:            'Path to Conversion-rates for Modules with Conversion
-1561:                    'Initialize the modules & Read the Parameter-files, depending on Module
-1563:                    'Heat-transfer factor
-1565:                    'surface of exterior
-1567:                    'Faktoren für Wärmeübergänge nach außen |@@| Emissivity
-1571:                    'Factors for Heat-transfer to the outside
-1574:                    'Factors for Temperature related t_katsubstrat  <-> t_kat_außen
-1576:                    'Cooling-mass curve
-1578:                    'Normalized Cross-sectional area
-1580:                    'Durchmesser Thermoelement |@@| average backpressure(Gegendruck)
-1583:                    'Thermocouple Diameter
-1595:                    'Thermocouple Cooling-curve
-1621:            'Heat-transfer-Factors to the outside
-1629:            'Check whether Tgas given in Cycle:
-1638:                'Zusätzlich berechnete Parameter für Rohrmodule: |@@| Normalize(Entnormierungen) and Calculating other Variables
-1650:            'Additionally calculated parameters for Pipe-module:
-1653:            'Geometrische Größen berechnen |@@| For Flow-calculations in SI-units is Querschnittsfäche converted into m2
-1654:            'Geometrical Quantities calculated
-1655:            'Note: it is assumed that temperature sensors are
-1660:            ' centered in the Pipe
-1661:            ' umströmter Zylinder vernachlässigt |@@| Note: Ball joint on t-sensor tip is neglected
-1663:            'Abkühlkurven einlesen |@@| in the analysis of Airstream-cylinder
-1691:        ''' Read Cooling-curves
-1708:            'Heat-transfer mass
-1711:            'Setting Threshold for Precision of the Temperature-calculation (needed for iterative Calculation-mode)
-1730:            'Return the Inlet-temperature of the Exhaust-gas from the Module above or from the Engine
-1733:                '! Calculation of the current Mass-temperature
-1739:            'Falls Motor Aus wird nach Abkühlkurve gerechnet und Methode verlassen: |@@| at n_iter > 0 the Final-value is already assigned to the last Iteration
-1761:                'Wärmekapazität (vgl. Bogdanic) |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait Cooling-curve and exit method:
-1780:                'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
-1788:                    '                                     Iteration-loop for Heat-transfer
-1794:                    'Termination-criterion below
-1803:                        'Determining the Temperature of the Exhaust-gas at the Center of Mass ("t_gas_mid") consists of a non-linear (logarithmic) Temperature-curve(verlauf)
-1807:                        'Heat-transfer Convection inside all Modules (except for Pipe)
-1809:                        'for Pipe-modules:
-1811:                        'Nusselt Number: Density = 345/t_gas_mid, Term in Parenthesis: mu_Rohr / mu_Mitte
-1815:                    'Heat-transfer (Convection inside) d_pipe, in m: char. Length
-1820:                    'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
-1838:            'Termination-criterion: Change of the Exhaust Outlet-temperature compared to the last Iteration-step smaller than Threshold
-1840:                'Calculate the Heat loss of the "thermal mass" to the outside
-1841:                'Parameters are read from EXS file:
-1842:                '   Data for MuD:
-1843:                '   Oberfl_Kat = 0.12 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
-1846:                'Empirische Formel, passt für alle Rollentests recht gut |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
-1848:                'Anm.: Versuch mit direkter Abhängigkeit von t_m -> funktioniert nicht gut |@@| Empirical formula, suitable for all OK Roll-tests
-1850:                'Note: Tests with direct Dependence on t_m -> does not work well
-1852:                'Heat-loss by Radiation
-1856:                'Heat-loss by Convection
-1857:                'Parameters are read from EXS file:
-1858:                '   Data for MuD:
-1859:                '       Module 3:
-1860:                '       Oberfl_Mod3 = 0.169457508 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
-1863:                '   Modul Nr. 4: |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
-1864:                '       Module 4:
-1865:                '       Emiss = 0.9 'Emissivität |@@| Oberfl_Mod4 = 0.103596481 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
-1869:                'Wärmeverlust durch Strahlung = Sichtfaktor * Emissivität * St.-Boltzm.-Konst * Oberfläche * (T_Rohr^4 - T_Umgebung^4) |@@| Emiss = 0.9 'emissivity
-1871:                'Heat-loss by Radiation = View_factor * Emissivity * St.-Boltzm.-const * Surface * (T_Pipe^4 - T_Environ^4)
-1874:                'Heat-loss by Convection = Heat_transfer_coefficient * Surface * (T_Pipe - T_Environ)
-1879:            'Standard: Crad constant, no Loss by Convection
-1886:        ''' Total-heat-loss
-1899:                'Thermocouple-Heat-transfer
-1912:                '!Formelwerk Berechnung Wärmeübergang am umströmten Zylinder |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait for Cooling-curve and exit method:
-1921:                'Formula Calculating Heat-transfer-flow around the Cylinder
-1922:                'Simplified solution of the Heat-flow-equation for the t-sensor
-1924:                'Zeitdiskrete Lösung der PT1-Diffgl |@@| corresponds to a Diffgl. for a PT1 section(glied)
-1991:                ''Discrete-time Solution of the PT1-Diffgl
-2003:                'Extrapolation for LastTemp > TempAR(0)
-2005:                'Extrapolation for LastTemp < TempAR(Adim)
-2041:        'Klasse initialisiert als Unterelement von TempMod |@@| One Time-step forward(vor)( =1 second)
-2047:        'c     Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
-2049:        'c     Prefix "c" means: use Cycle-value for Characteristic-correction
-2053:        'Index "cc" means: Value of Charachteristic-curve (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
-2105:            'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
-2126:            'Abort if given no NOx
-2149:            ' t-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-Raw), t-upstream (°C), NOx-raw (g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
-2150:            ' Program to simulate SCR-fleet-model
-2151:            '            Note: deNOx values less than zero are possible:
-2162:            '     this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
-2164:            '     1.) Calculation of per-second Values ​​for Input-variables of the SCR-model
-2165:            '     a.) t_SCR: combined-weight of t_upstream and t_downstream
-2166:            '     Temperaturmodelwerte (zB bei Kaltstart) werden nicht überschrieben |@@| SCR-model-internally there are Temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
-2172:            '     Temperature-model-values (eg Cold-start) will not be overwritten
-2173:            '         b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s Moving-average in the past
-2187:            '     Formula applied also to the first 20 seconds
-2188:            '         c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
-2194:            '        Formula applied to the first 60 seconds
-2201:            '     for seconds 1-59 must Extrapolate total-value
-2213:            '     Calculation of deNOxmin value from Characteristic-curves at 50 ° C
-2215:            '        2.) Calculation deNOx
-2225:            'c        a.) deNOx of characteristic:
-2228:                'c           b.) If correction criteria are met: deNOx-correction compared against Characteristic
-2238:                'c           t_up from characteristics:
-2248:                'c           NOx_raw of characteristics:
-2258:                'c           Sum of the NOxraw in the last 60 seconds from characteristics:
-2276:            'Schreiben der Ergebnisse auf die standardisierten Variablen eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) und Qp_reak(jz) |@@| Space/Velocity from(aus) characteristics:
-2312:    ''' SCR Modell |@@| Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak (jz)
-2319:        'SCR model
-2325:        'c     Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
-2327:        'c     Prefix "c" means: use Cycle value for Characteristic-correction
-2331:        'Index "cc" means: Value of Characteristic (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
-2385:            'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
-2405:            'Abort if no NOx given
-2429:            ' Programm zur Simulation SCR-Flottendurchschnitt |@@| t-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-raw), t-upstream (° C), NOx-raw (g/h) / kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
-2430:            ' Program to Simulate SCR-fleet-model
-2431:            '            Note: deNOx with values less than zero are possible:
-2443:            '     this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
-2445:            '     1.) Calculation of per-second Values ​for Input-variables of the SCR model
-2446:            '     a) t_SCR: combined-weight of the t_upstream and t_downstream
-2447:            '     Temperaturmodelwerte (zB bei Kaltstart) werden nicht überschrieben |@@| SCR model internally there are temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
-2453:            '     Temperature-model values (eg cold start) will not be overwritten
-2454:            '         b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s moving average in the past
-2470:            '     Formula applies to the first 20 seconds
-2471:            '         c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
-2479:            '        Formula applies to the first 60 seconds
-2486:            '     For seconds 1 to 59 must sum the projected values
-2498:            '     Calculation of the Characteristic-curves for deNOxmin values at 50 ° C
-2500:            '        2.) Calculation of deNOx
-2510:            'c        a.) Characteristic of deNOx:
-2513:                'c           b.) If Correction-criteria are met: Correct deNOx against the Characteristic
-2523:                'c           Characteristic of t_up:
-2533:                'c           Characteristic-curve of the NOx_raw:
-2543:                'c           Sum of NOxraw in the last 60 seconds of Characteristic-curve:
-2561:            'Characteristic-curve of Distnace-Speed(Raumgeschwindigkeit):
-2593:    ''' Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp(iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak(jz)
-2600:        'KAT-model
-2606:        'Class initialized as a Sub-element of TempMod
-2627:        ''' Mapped-data
-2642:        ''' Creating a new CAT module
-2644:        ''' <Interpolation-Function
-2645:        ''' <param name="x">Mass-flow(Massenstrom)</param>
-2646:        ''' <param name="y"> Temperature before(vor) KAT </param>
-2647:        ''' <param name="MapID">The MapID of the corresponding Exhaust-gas-component</param>
-2648:        ''' <returns>The interpolated value for x and y from the Map</returns>
-2660:        ''' remarks> It calculates the converted rate of the appropriate Exhaust-gas-component from the Mass-flow temperature Map</remarks>
-2662:        ''' <Reading the Maps for Conversion-rates
-2716:            'param name="Name">Filename</param>
-2719:            'Units (are not evaluated)
-2731:                'Values
-2742:            'Set KonvRaten to Zero when no component given
-2750:            'Triangulating
-2763:        ''' define Dic. for modal Konvrate
-2765:        ''' <Calculation of the Conversion-rate from Map
-2766:        ''' <param name="jz">Time</param>
-2768:            'remarks> Used to calculate the temperature of the Thermoelements on Kateingang (corresponds to  Module-number i-1)!</remarks>
-2784:        ''' Conversion-rate calculated from Map
-2796:        ''' Header for Output-file
-2798:        ''' <Data for Output-file
-2819:    ''' param name="jz">Time</param>
-2835:        'C     Interface to Converter-classes cScrMod, cDocMod, etc. ..
-2836:        'C     uebergeben wid "such" als X-Wert, der dann als berechneter Y-Wert wieder zurueck gegeben wird |@@| Subroutine of(zu) PHEM for linear Interpolation of a Polygon (eg called by Vissimzs.for)
-2837:        'C     Zu Belegen sind vorher: |@@| It is given the X-value to "search", and it gives back the calculated Y-value
-2838:        'C     Xis(j) und Yis(j) |@@| for previous Allocation:
-2839:        'c     Xis(j) and Yis(j)
-2850:        'C    Given the desired Value(search) and the Number of the existing Polygon-points (izpl)
-2851:        'c     Search the closest points of the Revolutions from the input Full-load curve:
-2862:        'C      Distance to Input-points and Search those Points with the smallest Distance:
-2868:                '!Fix the second Interpolation-points (only interpolation, no extrapolation)
-2874:                '!Extrapolation up
-2879:        'c      Extrapolation down
-2887:        'c     Sort the 2 Values by ascending n:
+54:                            'Normal interpolation
+101:                'First two seconds, no correction:
+185:        'Create Dictionaries
+208:        'Calculate sums
+220:        'Mean-values
+243:        '************************************ 'Cycle Mean-values ************************************
+258:            '***** Measurement-value
+261:            '***** PHEM value
+264:            '***** Diff - CAUTION: No Pnom normalization! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
+279:            'Average values over x seconds and imediately put au
+282:                'Set to zero
+286:                'Aufsummieren |@@| Accumulate(Aufsummieren)
+292:                'Measurement-value
+295:                'PHEM-value
+311:        '************************************ Dump Modal '************************************
+324:            'Measurement-value
+328:            'PHEM-value
+332:            'Diff - CAUTION: No Pnominal-normalized! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
+351:        'Header and write units
+355:        'Average Values over x seconds and imediately set au
+358:            'to zero
+371:            'Aufsummieren |@@| Accumulati(Aufsummieren)
+388:            'Output
+399:                'Measurement-values
+402:                'PHEM-value
+563:            'C      Lastwechsel (allgemeine Bedingung ausser bei Intervallen mit |@@| Load-cycle(lastwechsel) (general Qualification(Bedingung ) except for Intervals with
+564:            'C      Konstantfahrt: |@@| Constant-traveling:
+572:            'C       Damit werden Trapezfoermige Zyklen nicht als lastwechsel erkannt |@@| Thus Trapezoid-Cycles are not recognized as Load-cycle(lastwechsel)
+573:            'C       da LWje = 0. In diesem fall wird voraus der naechste Wert gesucht, |@@| since LWje = 0. In this case, search ahead of next Value,
+574:            'C       der nicht gleich Pe(jz) ist. Dieser wird anstelle von Pe(jz+1) |@@| which is not equal to Pe(jz).
+575:            'C       gesetzt: |@@| This will replace Pe(jz +1):
+603:            'C      lastwechsel werden nur als solche gezaehlt, wenn sie mehr als 0.05% von |@@| Load-cycles(lastwechsel) are accounted as such only if they exceed 0.05% of Pnom
+604:            'C      Pnenn betragen (sonst ist Ergebnis viel zu wackelig): |@@| otherwise Outcome is too unstable):
+605:            'C       (Lastwechsel wird gezaehlt, wenn LWja < 0) |@@| accounted as Load-cycle(lastwechsel) when LWja < 0)
+609:            'C     (1) Mittlere Amplitude vom Pe-Verlauf ("Ampl") |@@| 1) Mean Amplitude of the running(Verlauf) Pe ("Ampl")
+610:            'C         Zwischenrechnung fue Zyklusmittelwert: |@@| Intermediate calculation of Cycle-average:
+617:            'C       Berechnung der mittleren Amplitude in 3 Sekunden vor Emission (Ampl3s) |@@| Calculate the mean Amplitude in 3 seconds of(vor) Emissions (Ampl3s)
+618:            'C       and the number of Second-steps where Pe is 3% above the Nominal-power
+650:            'C     (2) Change the current Engine-power (dP_2s):
+664:            'C     Mittelwert 3 sec. vor Emission: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
+672:            'C    Counted only in dynamic operation:
+681:            'C     (4) Average of the negative Engine-power ("PnegMW"):
+687:            'C     Mittelwert 3 sec. vor Emission: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
+695:            'C    Counted only in dynamic operation:
+707:        'C     Berechnung der absoluten Dynamikkenngroessen: |@@| Calculation of absolute Dynamic-map sizes:
+708:        'C      Addition of Pe Amplitudes (1 Pe-Value
+709:        'C      is counted also for Maxima and for Minima Amplitudes )
+710:        'C    First Second:
+714:            'C     2. Second to End:
+717:                'C        Absolute-value:
+792:        'Speed/Accel-dependent parameters only when not Eng-Only
+805:        'Dynamic-parameters as the Differential of Dynamics of the Map
+806:        '   ...was here before. Now in its own method because of KF-creation invalidity
+812:    'Dynamic parameters as the Differential of Dynamics in the Map:
+838:''' Class for calculating the Exhaust-temperatures
+846:    '! Felder für Größen aus PHEM Hauptprogramm |@@| Fields for Quantities from PHEM main-program
+895:    '**** Reading about tgas from .npi (Project HERO) ****
+896:    ' => überschreibt tgas(jz) aus HtMass() |@@| overwrites tgas(jz) over(aus) HtMass()
+912:    ''' Main-routine for EXS module
+916:        '! Calling from Exs_Main(true) -> Developer Version without PHEM main-program
+921:        '! Fields for Quantities from exs-file
+951:        'General Constants
+955:        '!Exhaust Physical-values:
+956:        '!insensitive vs. lambda, see "Stoffwerte_vollständigeVerbrennung_neu.xls"
+958:        'cp_exh = 1054.0 '!Exhaust heat-capacity [J/(kg*K)] is no longer used because it is now calculated directly in Abh from T and Lambda
+964:        '!Note: Average-value from searching the Internet, found no information in literature
+965:        '!kalibriert anhand Test an Thermoelement unter Annahme von Schichtdicke 0.1mm |@@| calibrated based on Test Thermocouple assuming Coating-thickness(Schichtdicke) 0.1mm
+967:        'Reaktionsenthalpien in J/mol |@@| Reaction-enthalpies in J/mol
+972:        'Molecular-weights
+977:        'Compatibility with old EXS-structure Introduced before the new Concept for Em-components with cMap-class tMAP-class, etc.
+985:        'References for Emissions: The given, if available, otherwise the calculated
+1006:        'Dimensioning:
+1025:        'Übergabe der relevanten Größen aus dem PHEM Hauptprogramm |@@| Return of the relevant Quantities from(aus) the PHEM main-program
+1026:        'Read in DEV directly from the *. phe file
+1051:            'Wird weiter unten belegt weil mpexh vorhanden sein muss |@@| It is allocated below because there must be further mpexh
+1056:        'Begin readning exs-file
+1072:        'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0) 'old dummy line: caution for exs-file compatibility
+1079:        'Initialize the respective Number of Modules
+1085:        'Reading of the Data-blocks for each Module
+1088:                'Error-message in TempMod(iMod).Read(DatExs)
+1096:        'End reading exs-file
+1100:            'Beginning reading csy-file
+1121:            'End reading csy-file
+1133:        'Calculation loop: Per Time-step / per Module: 1. Temperatures, 2. Conversions
+1135:            'Display per-second Results on each iteration Results
+1139:                    ' Write Header *.ter
+1159:                    ' Write the Header for KonvMods
+1169:            'Start-values ​​for Cooling-system simulation:
+1174:            'Heat transfer into the Cooling-system (Map)
+1189:                'Cooling-System Simulation
+1191:                    'Heat inputs in Masses 1 and 2
+1195:                    'The Heat-transfer Mass 1 and 2 for Cooling -system
+1199:                    'Bulk-temperatures for the next Time-step
+1205:                    'Heat-loss to the outside
+1208:                    'Total Heat-input into the Cooling-system (Output value of the simulation)
+1218:                        'Calculation of the Exhaust-gas-flow from a given Fuel-consumption and lambda
+1219:                        'Permitted only for engines without EGR
+1220:                        'Unit mpexh ....... [kg/s]
+1221:                        'Unit Vpexh ....... [m3/s]
+1222:                        'Case 1: Calculation of Consumption and lambda
+1224:                        '!Case 2: Calculation of pumped Airflow through engine
+1231:                        'Missing: Methodology for Mass-flow calculation for EGR Engines BMW HERO Project
+1239:                'Calculate Lambda  if not explicitly given
+1252:                'The First Module in the Exhausts-system may not be a catalytically active Element,
+1253:                'therefore, emissions are always equal to the untreated emissions from the PHEM main-program
+1269:                            'Calculate Qp_reak: Mass-flow-rate * Conversion * Reactive-enthalpy / molar-mass
+1273:                            'Compute Pollutant-components
+1277:                            'Conversion of NOx, CO, HC -> old value * (1-conversion-rate)
+1291:                        'Falls Modul kein Konv-Element hat ändert sich nix (Anmerkung: Modul 1 hat immer ModTyp0) |@@| If Module has no Conv-element changes nothing (Note: Module 1 has always ModTyp0)
+1304:                'Write Line in *.ter.
+1323:            'End Calculation-loop
+1326:            'Close all second-by-second Result-files
+1338:            '---------- Abfrage Rücksprung im iterativen Berechnungsmodus für Starttemp ------------------- |@@| Query return in the iterative Calculation-mode for Starttemp -------------------
+1340:                'Abbruchbedingung: Temperatur des Massenelementes "t_m" des in "iter_pos" spezifizierten Moduls |@@| Termination-condition: Temperature of the Mass-elements "t_M" in the "iter_pos" specified module
+1341:                'am Beginn und am Ende des Zyklus innerhalb vorzugebender Bandbreite "iter_tol" |@@| at the Beginning and End of the Cycle within vorzugebender bandwidth "iter_tol"
+1417:        '--- Write Output-file *. Ter --------------------------------------------- -------------
+1419:        '--- End wrtting Output-file *. ter -------------------------------------------- ---------
+1422:        'Clean up
+1431:    ''' Class for Temperature-modules
+1433:    ''' <remarks>Type of module is defined with Mod\typ </remarks>
+1492:        ''' Reading the EXS file
+1494:        ''' <param name="Datei">Dateihandler</param> |@@| param name="Datei"> File-handler </param>
+1512:            'Path to Conversion-rates for Modules with Conversion
+1520:            'Initialize the modules & Read the Parameter-files, depending on Module
+1561:                    'Heat-transfer factor
+1563:                    'surface of exterior
+1565:                    'Emissivität |@@| Emissivity
+1567:                    'Factors for Heat-transfer to the outside
+1571:                    'Factors for Temperature related t_katsubstrat  <-> t_kat_außen
+1574:                    'Cooling-mass curve
+1576:                    'Normalized Cross-sectional area
+1578:                    'durchschnittlicher Gegendruck |@@| average backpressure(Gegendruck)
+1580:                    'Thermocouple Diameter
+1583:                    'Thermocouple Cooling-curve
+1595:                    'Heat-transfer-Factors to the outside
+1621:            'Check whether Tgas given in Cycle:
+1629:            'Entnormierungen und Berechnung weiterer Größen |@@| Normalize(Entnormierungen) and Calculating other Variables
+1638:                'Additionally calculated parameters for Pipe-module:
+1650:            'Für Strömungsberechnungen in SI-Einheiten wird Querschnittsfäche in m2 umgerechnet |@@| For Flow-calculations in SI-units is Querschnittsfäche converted into m2
+1653:            'Geometrical Quantities calculated
+1654:            'Note: it is assumed that temperature sensors are
+1655:            'centered in the Pipe
+1660:            ' Anmerkung: Kugelkalotte an t-sensor spitze wird in der Betrachtung als |@@| Note: Ball joint on t-sensor tip is neglected
+1661:            ' umströmter Zylinder vernachlässigt |@@| in the analysis of Airstream-cylinder
+1663:            'Read Cooling-curves
+1691:        ''' Heat-transfer mass
+1708:            'Setting Threshold for Precision of the Temperature-calculation (needed for iterative Calculation-mode)
+1711:            'Return the Inlet-temperature of the Exhaust-gas from the Module above or from the Engine
+1730:            'Calculation of the current Mass-temperature
+1733:                '! bei n_iter > 0 ist bereits der Endwert der letzten Iteration zugewiesen |@@| at n_iter > 0 the Final-value is already assigned to the last Iteration
+1739:            'Falls Motor Aus wird nach Abkühlkurve gerechnet und Methode verlassen: |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait Cooling-curve and exit method:
+1761:                'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
+1780:                'Iteration-loop for Heat-transfer
+1788:                    '                                     Termination-criterion below
+1794:                    'Determining the Temperature of the Exhaust-gas at the Center of Mass ("t_gas_mid") consists of a non-linear (logarithmic) Temperature-curve(verlauf)
+1803:                        'Heat-transfer Convection inside all Modules (except for Pipe)
+1807:                        'for Pipe-modules:
+1809:                        'Nusselt Number: Density = 345/t_gas_mid, Term in Parenthesis: mu_Rohr / mu_Mitte
+1811:                        'Heat-transfer (Convection inside) d_pipe, in m: char. Length
+1815:                    'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
+1820:                    'Termination-criterion: Change of the Exhaust Outlet-temperature compared to the last Iteration-step smaller than Threshold
+1838:            'Calculate the Heat loss of the "thermal mass" to the outside
+1840:                'Parameters are read from EXS file:
+1841:                'Data for MuD:
+1842:                '   Oberfl_Kat = 0.12 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+1843:                '   Emiss = 0.5 'Emissivität |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
+1846:                'Empirische Formel, passt für alle Rollentests recht gut |@@| Empirical formula, suitable for all OK Roll-tests
+1848:                'Note: Tests with direct Dependence on t_m -> does not work well
+1850:                'Heat-loss by Radiation
+1852:                'Heat-loss by Convection
+1856:                'Parameters are read from EXS file:
+1857:                'Data for MuD:
+1858:                '   Module 3:
+1859:                '       Oberfl_Mod3 = 0.169457508 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+1860:                '       Emiss = 0.5 'Emissivität |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
+1863:                '   Module 4:
+1864:                '       Oberfl_Mod4 = 0.103596481 'Oberfläche für Wärmeübergang in m^2 |@@| Oberfl_Mod4 = 0.103596481 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+1865:                '       Emiss = 0.9 'Emissivität |@@| Emiss = 0.9 'emissivity
+1869:                'Heat-loss by Radiation = View_factor * Emissivity * St.-Boltzm.-const * Surface * (T_Pipe^4 - T_Environ^4)
+1871:                'Heat-loss by Convection = Heat_transfer_coefficient * Surface * (T_Pipe - T_Environ)
+1874:                'Standard: Crad constant, no Loss by Convection
+1879:            'Total-heat-loss
+1886:        ''' Thermocouple-Heat-transfer
+1899:                'Falls Motor Aus wird nach Abkühlkurve gerechnet und Methode verlassen: |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait for Cooling-curve and exit method:
+1912:                '!Formula Calculating Heat-transfer-flow around the Cylinder
+1921:                'Simplified solution of the Heat-flow-equation for the t-sensor
+1922:                'entspricht einer Diffgl. für ein PT1 glied |@@| corresponds to a Diffgl. for a PT1 section(glied)
+1924:                'Discrete-time Solution of the PT1-Diffgl
+1991:                ''Extrapolation for LastTemp > TempAR(0)
+2003:                'Extrapolation for LastTemp < TempAR(Adim)
+2013:                'Einen Zeitschritt vor ( = 1 Sekunde) |@@| One Time-step forward(vor)( =1 second)
+2041:        'Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
+2047:        'c     Prefix "c" means: use Cycle-value for Characteristic-correction
+2049:        'c     Index "cc" means: Value of Charachteristic-curve (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
+2053:        'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
+2105:            'Abort if given no NOx
+2126:            't-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-Raw), t-upstream (°C), NOx-raw (g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
+2149:            ' Program to simulate SCR-fleet-model
+2150:            ' Note: deNOx values less than zero are possible:
+2151:            '            this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
+2162:            '     1.) Calculation of per-second Values ​​for Input-variables of the SCR-model
+2164:            '     a.) t_SCR: combined-weight of t_upstream and t_downstream
+2165:            '     SCR-Model-intern werden dabei Temperaturen zwischen 50°C und 500°C begrenzt |@@| SCR-model-internally there are Temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
+2166:            '     Temperature-model-values (eg Cold-start) will not be overwritten
+2172:            '     b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s Moving-average in the past
+2173:            '         Formula applied also to the first 20 seconds
+2187:            '     c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
+2188:            '         Formula applied to the first 60 seconds
+2194:            '        for seconds 1-59 must Extrapolate total-value
+2201:            '     Calculation of deNOxmin value from Characteristic-curves at 50 ° C
+2213:            '     2.) Calculation deNOx
+2215:            '        a.) deNOx of characteristic:
+2225:            'c        b.) If correction criteria are met: deNOx-correction compared against Characteristic
+2228:                'c           t_up from characteristics:
+2238:                'c           NOx_raw of characteristics:
+2248:                'c           Sum of the NOxraw in the last 60 seconds from characteristics:
+2258:                'c           Raumgeschwindigkeit aus Kennlinie: |@@| Space/Velocity from(aus) characteristics:
+2276:            'Schreiben der Ergebnisse auf die standardisierten Variablen eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) und Qp_reak(jz) |@@| Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak (jz)
+2312:    ''' SCR model
+2319:        'Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
+2325:        'c     Prefix "c" means: use Cycle value for Characteristic-correction
+2327:        'c     Index "cc" means: Value of Characteristic (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
+2331:        'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
+2385:            'Abort if no NOx given
+2405:            't-SCR (°C), deNOx(1-NOx-Auspuff/NOx-Roh), -t-upstream(°C), NOx-Roh (g/h)/kW_Nennleistg, Summe NOx ueber 60Sek vorher g/h)/kW_Nennleistg, Raumgeschwindigkeit (1/h) |@@| t-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-raw), t-upstream (° C), NOx-raw (g/h) / kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
+2429:            ' Program to Simulate SCR-fleet-model
+2430:            ' Note: deNOx with values less than zero are possible:
+2431:            '            this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
+2443:            '     1.) Calculation of per-second Values ​for Input-variables of the SCR model
+2445:            '     a) t_SCR: combined-weight of the t_upstream and t_downstream
+2446:            '     SCR-Model-intern werden dabei Temperaturen zwischen 50°C und 500°C begrenzt |@@| SCR model internally there are temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
+2447:            '     Temperature-model values (eg cold start) will not be overwritten
+2453:            '     b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s moving average in the past
+2454:            '         Formula applies to the first 20 seconds
+2470:            '     c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
+2471:            '         Formula applies to the first 60 seconds
+2479:            '        For seconds 1 to 59 must sum the projected values
+2486:            '     Calculation of the Characteristic-curves for deNOxmin values at 50 ° C
+2498:            '     2.) Calculation of deNOx
+2500:            '        a.) Characteristic of deNOx:
+2510:            'c        b.) If Correction-criteria are met: Correct deNOx against the Characteristic
+2513:                'c           Characteristic of t_up:
+2523:                'c           Characteristic-curve of the NOx_raw:
+2533:                'c           Sum of NOxraw in the last 60 seconds of Characteristic-curve:
+2543:                'c           Characteristic-curve of Distnace-Speed(Raumgeschwindigkeit):
+2561:            'Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp(iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak(jz)
+2593:    ''' KAT-model
+2600:        'Class initialized as a Sub-element of TempMod
+2606:        'Mapped-data
+2627:        ''' Creating a new CAT module
+2642:        ''' Interpolation-Function
+2644:        ''' <param name="x">Mass-flow(Massenstrom)</param>
+2645:        ''' <param name="y"> Temperature before(vor) KAT </param>
+2646:        ''' <param name="MapID">The MapID of the corresponding Exhaust-gas-component</param>
+2647:        ''' <returns>The interpolated value for x and y from the Map</returns>
+2648:        ''' <remarks> It calculates the converted rate of the appropriate Exhaust-gas-component from the Mass-flow temperature Map</remarks>
+2660:        ''' Reading the Maps for Conversion-rates
+2662:        ''' <param name="Name">Filename</param>
+2716:            'Units (are not evaluated)
+2719:            'Values
+2731:                'Set KonvRaten to Zero when no component given
+2742:            'Triangulating
+2750:            'define Dic. for modal Konvrate
+2763:        ''' Calculation of the Conversion-rate from Map
+2765:        ''' <param name="jz">Time</param>
+2766:        ''' <remarks> Used to calculate the temperature of the Thermoelements on Kateingang (corresponds to  Module-number i-1)!</remarks>
+2768:            'Conversion-rate calculated from Map
+2784:        ''' Header for Output-file
+2796:        ''' Data for Output-file
+2798:        ''' <param name="jz">Time</param>
+2819:    ''' Interface to Converter-classes cScrMod, cDocMod, etc. ..
+2835:        'C     Unterprogramm zu PHEM zur linearen INterpolation aus einem Polygonzug (z.B. in Vissimzs.for aufgerufen) |@@| Subroutine of(zu) PHEM for linear Interpolation of a Polygon (eg called by Vissimzs.for)
+2836:        'C     uebergeben wid "such" als X-Wert, der dann als berechneter Y-Wert wieder zurueck gegeben wird |@@| It is given the X-value to "search", and it gives back the calculated Y-value
+2837:        'C     Zu Belegen sind vorher: |@@| for previous Allocation:
+2838:        'C     Xis(j) and Yis(j)
+2839:        'c     Given the desired Value(search) and the Number of the existing Polygon-points (izpl)
+2850:        'C    Search the closest points of the Revolutions from the input Full-load curve:
+2851:        'c     Distance to Input-points and Search those Points with the smallest Distance:
+2862:        'C      Fix the second Interpolation-points (only interpolation, no extrapolation)
+2868:                '!Extrapolation up
+2874:                '!Extrapolation down
+2879:        'c      Sort the 2 Values by ascending n:
+2887:        'c     Interpolation of the associated Maximum-power (P/Pnom)
 >>> My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb
-6:' Below is the General Information about the Attributes
-7:' controlling the Assembly. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-9:' associated with the Assembly.
-20:'Review the values of the Assembly Attributes
-23:' The following GUID is for the ID of the Typelib if this project is exposed to COM
-25:'      Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-26:'      Major Release
-27:'      Minor Release
-28:'      Build Number
-31:' You can specify all the values or use the defaults for Build and Revision Numbers
+5:' Below is the General Information about the Attributes
+6:' controlling the Assembly. Change these attribute values to modify the information
+7:' associated with the Assembly.
+9:' Review the values of the Assembly Attributes
+20:'The following GUID is for the ID of the Typelib if this project is exposed to COM
+23:' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
+25:'      Major Release
+26:'      Minor Release
+27:'      Build Number
+30:' You can specify all the values or use the defaults for Build and Revision Numbers
+31:' by entering "*" in them:
diff --git a/Tools/TranslateComments/extract_comments.ps1 b/Tools/TranslateComments/extract_comments.ps1
index 25ae1d302a3c7b7e019dc157d459ffe8bc2147b7..6da08f5a64c2e723a5560cafc78b002235229dec 100644
--- a/Tools/TranslateComments/extract_comments.ps1
+++ b/Tools/TranslateComments/extract_comments.ps1
@@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ cat comments2.txt |
 ## 4a. (MANUAL)Inspect translation and go back to 1 or 4a in case of problems.
 ## 5b. (MANUAL) Store translated-comments into ../translate_to.txt
-$coms=cat comments2.txt
-$from=cat translate_from.txt
-$to=cat translate_to.txt
-$coms.length, $from.length, $to.length
 function isolate-untranslated($coms, $from, $to) {
     for($i=0; $i -lt $coms.length; $i++) {
@@ -74,6 +68,12 @@ function isolate-untranslated($coms, $from, $to) {
 ## 5.a. Merge translated comment-lines with original ones.
+$coms=cat comments2.txt
+$from=cat translate_from.txt
+$to=cat translate_to.txt
+$coms.length, $from.length, $to.length
 $r=for($i=0; $i -lt $coms.length; $i++) {
     $cline = $coms[$i];
     $fline = $from[$i];
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ $r=for($i=0; $i -lt $coms.length; $i++) {
         if (!$tline) {
-            #$nline = $cline;
+            #echo "$nline"; ## UNCOMMENT HERE and delete the rest else-case for producing original.txt
         } elseif ($tline.startsWith('@')) {
             $tline = $tline.Substring(1);
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ function matchTransLine($line) {
-$coms=cat comments2-orig.txt
 filter Patch-Comments() {
-    $basepath = '../../VECTO';
+    # Define it externally, depending on the PWD.
+    #$basepath = '../../VECTO';
     $i = -1;
     $file = $Null;
     $isFileOK = $true;
@@ -206,7 +206,10 @@ END {
-cat comments2-trans.txt | Patch-Comments
+$coms=cat ..\Tools\TranslateComments\comments2-orig-EmCalc.txt
+$basepath = '.';
+cat ..\Tools\TranslateComments\comments2-trans-EmCalc.txt| Patch-Comments
+## The last cmd should run without any errors.
 ## DONE
diff --git a/Tools/TranslateComments/translate_to.txt b/Tools/TranslateComments/translate_to.txt
index 35151c1fe390dc163d3918df32949e69f1ac4296..6f403765b76bd1b35a0c81bb72ee2bbe53c8269c 100644
--- a/Tools/TranslateComments/translate_to.txt
+++ b/Tools/TranslateComments/translate_to.txt
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Correction-function for Euro 3 like  ARTEMIS slightly adapted (see FcCorr_Eu3ff.
 @Read GEN
-VECTO: Default values for the parameters are no longer in GEN/.VECTO are to be occupied in reading about SetDefault.
+VECTO: Default values for the parameters are no longer in GEN/.VECTO but are allocated when Read about SetDefault.
 @Error message in init()
 Read the Vehicle(KFZ)-specifications from 'KFZspez'
 if there are <DRAG> entries, then read FLD before MAP/MEP!
@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ Errors/Warnings occuring every second
 Reset errors related to Power-calculation (towards performing the Gear-shifting model)
 @Emit Errors
-@Data per second
+@Per-second Data
 @Interruption of traction
 @Project HERO - BMW Mini Hybrid
@@ -1790,15 +1790,14 @@ Add to Gears-sequence
 @Acceleration-phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
 @If within 6 seconds it Shifts back to the previous-Gear,
 @then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
-If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear, 
-then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
+@If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear, 
+@then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
 @Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
 @Gear-shift from 2 to 1 are suppressed when v > 2.5 m/s
 NEW LUZ 040210: Upshifting only when in 2nd Gear over Cluch-Revolutions
 at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to idle
-wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet
-If v <0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec then shift to Gear=0
-at Beschleunigungsvorgaengen below 1.5 m/s is used in 1 Gear is engaged
+@If v <0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec then shift to Gear=0
+@at Acceleration processes below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
 @checking if Revolutions above Nominal-Revolutions, then always Upshift
 @otherwise lack the power!
 @EV-Gear-shifting model (based on Cars(PKW))
@@ -1843,7 +1842,7 @@ then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
 NEW LUZ 040210: Upshift only when in 2 Gear over Clutch-revolutions
 at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
 If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
-at acceleration processes below 1.5 m/s is used in first Gear is engaged
+@at Acceleration below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
 @Check whether Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then should always Upshift, 
 @otherwise Power not enough!
 @Second 1 --------------------------------------
@@ -1920,7 +1919,7 @@ at decelerations below 1.5 m/s, shift to Idle
 Gear-shifting from 2nd to 1st is suppressed at v > 2.5 m/s
 At decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
 @If v < 0.1 m/s for  more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
-@When Speed?(Beschleunigungsvorgaengen) below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
+@When Acceleration below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
 @Function calculating the Power easily for Gear-shift-model
 @Function calculating the Power easily for EV-shift-model
@@ -2293,3 +2292,4 @@ for previous Allocation:
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/Em Calc.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/Em Calc.vb
index fd4f66bc13dc0487c69580b650e80e7e26aa6666..cb0d8841ccf52e4ef21c0ee3d3ea8fcebe0d2f24 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/Em Calc.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/Em Calc.vb	
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Public Class cEm
                             EmComp(KV.Key).RawVals.Add(MAP.fFCdelaunay_Intp(MODdata.nn(i), MODdata.Pe(i)))
-                            'Normale Interpolation
+                            'Normal interpolation
                         End If
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Public Class cEm
                 EmL = New List(Of Single)
-                'Normal interpolation
+                'First two seconds, no correction:
                 If MODdata.tDim > 0 Then
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Public Class cEm
             Return False
         End If
-        'First two seconds, no correction:
+        'Create Dictionaries
         For Each EmKV0 In DRI.EmComponents
             If EmComp.ContainsKey(EmKV0.Key) Then
                 EmMesMW.Add(EmKV0.Key, 0)
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Public Class cEm
             TCMW.Add(TCKV.Key, 0)
-        'Create Dictionaries
+        'Calculate sums
         For Each EAcomp0 In EAcomp
             DriEmRef = DRI.EmComponents(EAcomp0)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Public Class cEm
-        'Calculate sums
+        'Mean-values
         For Each EAcomp0 In EAcomp
             EmMesMW(EAcomp0) /= MODdata.tDim + 1
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Public Class cEm
         file.WriteLine("Cycle average results")
         file.WriteLine("EmComp,Unit,Meas,Sim,Diff,Delta,R" & ChrW(178))
-        '************************************ 'Mean-values
+        '************************************ 'Cycle Mean-values ************************************
         For Each EAcomp0 In EAcomp
             s.Length = 0
@@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ Public Class cEm
                 s.Append("," & DRI.EmComponents(EAcomp0).Unit)
             End If
-            '***** Cycle Mean-values ************************************
+            '***** Measurement-value
             s.Append("," & EmMesMW(EAcomp0))
-            '***** Measurement-value
+            '***** PHEM value
             s.Append("," & EmSimMW(EAcomp0))
-            '***** PHEM value
+            '***** Diff - CAUTION: No Pnom normalization! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
             s.Append("," & EmSimMW(EAcomp0) - EmMesMW(EAcomp0))
             '***** Delta
@@ -276,23 +276,23 @@ Public Class cEm
             a = New List(Of Double)
             b = New List(Of Double)
-            'Diff - CAUTION: No Pnom normalization! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
+            'Average values over x seconds and imediately put au
             For t = isinterv To MODdata.tDim Step isinterv
-                'Average values over x seconds and imediately put au
+                'Set to zero
                 EmMesMW(EAcomp0) = 0
                 EmSimMW(EAcomp0) = 0
-                'Set to zero
+                'Aufsummieren |@@| Accumulate(Aufsummieren)
                 For t1 = (t - isinterv) To t - 1
                     EmMesMW(EAcomp0) += DRI.EmComponents(EAcomp0).RawVals(t1) / isinterv
                     EmSimMW(EAcomp0) += EmComp(EAcomp0).FinalVals(t1) / isinterv
-                'Messwert |@@| Accumulate(Aufsummieren)
+                'Measurement-value
-                'Measurement-value
+                'PHEM-value
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Public Class cEm
-        '************************************ PHEM-value
+        '************************************ Dump Modal '************************************
         file.WriteLine(" ")
         file.WriteLine("Modal results averaged over " & isinterv & " seconds.")
@@ -321,15 +321,15 @@ Public Class cEm
             DriEmRef = DRI.EmComponents(EAcomp0)
-            'Dump Modal '************************************
+            'Measurement-value
             s.Append("," & DriEmRef.Name & "_Meas")
             sU.Append("," & DriEmRef.Unit)
-            'Measurement-value
+            'PHEM-value
             s.Append("," & EmComp(EAcomp0).Name & "_PHEM")
             sU.Append("," & EmComp(EAcomp0).Unit)
-            'PHEM-value
+            'Diff - CAUTION: No Pnominal-normalized! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
             s.Append("," & DriEmRef.Name & "_Diff")
             If UnitsErr.ContainsKey(EAcomp0) Then
@@ -348,14 +348,14 @@ Public Class cEm
             sU.Append("," & "-")
-        'Diff - CAUTION: No Pnominal-normalized! Beware of the Dynamic-correction!
+        'Header and write units
-        'Header and write units
+        'Average Values over x seconds and imediately set au
         For t = isinterv To MODdata.tDim Step isinterv
-            'Average Values over x seconds and imediately set au
+            'to zero
             For Each EAcomp0 In EAcomp
                 EmMesMW(EAcomp0) = 0
                 EmSimMW(EAcomp0) = 0
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Public Class cEm
                 TCMW(TCKV.Key) = 0
-            'to zero
+            'Aufsummieren |@@| Accumulati(Aufsummieren)
             For t1 = (t - isinterv) To t - 1
                 pe += MODdata.Pe(t1) / isinterv
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Public Class cEm
-            'Ausgabe |@@| Accumulati(Aufsummieren)
+            'Output
             s.Length = 0
             s.Append(CStr(DRI.t0 + t - ((isinterv - 1) / 2) - 1))
@@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ Public Class cEm
             For Each EAcomp0 In EAcomp
-                'Output
+                'Measurement-values
                 s.Append("," & EmMesMW(EAcomp0))
-                'Measurement-values
+                'PHEM-value
                 s.Append("," & EmSimMW(EAcomp0))
@@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ Public Class cTC
         For i = 1 To MODdata.tDim
             Pfind = 0
-            'C      PHEM-value
-            'C      Konstantfahrt: |@@| Load-cycle(lastwechsel) (general Qualification(Bedingung ) except for Intervals with
+            'C      Lastwechsel (allgemeine Bedingung ausser bei Intervallen mit |@@| Load-cycle(lastwechsel) (general Qualification(Bedingung ) except for Intervals with
+            'C      Konstantfahrt: |@@| Constant-traveling:
             If i = MODdata.tDim Then
                 LWja = 0
@@ -569,10 +569,10 @@ Public Class cTC
                 LWja = (Pe(i + 1) - Pe(i)) * (Pe(i) - Pe(i - 1))
             End If
-            'C       Damit werden Trapezfoermige Zyklen nicht als lastwechsel erkannt |@@| Constant-traveling:
-            'C       da LWje = 0. In diesem fall wird voraus der naechste Wert gesucht, |@@| Thus Trapezoid-Cycles are not recognized as Load-cycle(lastwechsel)
-            'C       der nicht gleich Pe(jz) ist. Dieser wird anstelle von Pe(jz+1) |@@| since LWje = 0. In this case, search ahead of next Value,
-            'C       gesetzt: |@@| which is not equal to Pe(jz).
+            'C       Damit werden Trapezfoermige Zyklen nicht als lastwechsel erkannt |@@| Thus Trapezoid-Cycles are not recognized as Load-cycle(lastwechsel)
+            'C       da LWje = 0. In diesem fall wird voraus der naechste Wert gesucht, |@@| since LWje = 0. In this case, search ahead of next Value,
+            'C       der nicht gleich Pe(jz) ist. Dieser wird anstelle von Pe(jz+1) |@@| which is not equal to Pe(jz).
+            'C       gesetzt: |@@| This will replace Pe(jz +1):
             If i = MODdata.tDim Then
                 For js = i + 2 To MODdata.tDim
                     If (Pe(js) <> Pe(i)) Then
@@ -600,23 +600,23 @@ Public Class cTC
             End If
-            'C      lastwechsel werden nur als solche gezaehlt, wenn sie mehr als 0.05% von |@@| This will replace Pe(jz +1):
-            'C      Pnenn betragen (sonst ist Ergebnis viel zu wackelig): |@@| Load-cycles(lastwechsel) are accounted as such only if they exceed 0.05% of Pnom
-            'C       (Lastwechsel wird gezaehlt, wenn LWja < 0) |@@| otherwise Outcome is too unstable):
+            'C      lastwechsel werden nur als solche gezaehlt, wenn sie mehr als 0.05% von |@@| Load-cycles(lastwechsel) are accounted as such only if they exceed 0.05% of Pnom
+            'C      Pnenn betragen (sonst ist Ergebnis viel zu wackelig): |@@| otherwise Outcome is too unstable):
+            'C       (Lastwechsel wird gezaehlt, wenn LWja < 0) |@@| accounted as Load-cycle(lastwechsel) when LWja < 0)
             If (LWja > -0.0005) Then LWja = 0.1
-            'C     (1) Mittlere Amplitude vom Pe-Verlauf ("Ampl") |@@| accounted as Load-cycle(lastwechsel) when LWja < 0)
-            'C         Zwischenrechnung fue Zyklusmittelwert: |@@| 1) Mean Amplitude of the running(Verlauf) Pe ("Ampl")
+            'C     (1) Mittlere Amplitude vom Pe-Verlauf ("Ampl") |@@| 1) Mean Amplitude of the running(Verlauf) Pe ("Ampl")
+            'C         Zwischenrechnung fue Zyklusmittelwert: |@@| Intermediate calculation of Cycle-average:
             If (LWja < 0) Then
                 LWzahl = LWzahl + 1
                 maxmin(LWzahl) = Pe(i)
             End If
-            'C       Berechnung der mittleren Amplitude in 3 Sekunden vor Emission (Ampl3s) |@@| Intermediate calculation of Cycle-average:
-            'C       und der Anzahl der Pe-Sekundenschritten ueber 3% der Nennleistung |@@| Calculate the mean Amplitude in 3 seconds of(vor) Emissions (Ampl3s)
-            'C       (and the number of Second-steps where Pe is 3% above the Nominal-power
+            'C       Berechnung der mittleren Amplitude in 3 Sekunden vor Emission (Ampl3s) |@@| Calculate the mean Amplitude in 3 seconds of(vor) Emissions (Ampl3s)
+            'C       and the number of Second-steps where Pe is 3% above the Nominal-power
+            'C       (LW3p3s):
             LW3p3s(i) = 0
             If (i < 2) Then
                 Ampl3s(i) = Pe(i) - Pe(i - 1)
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ Public Class cTC
         For i = 0 To MODdata.tDim
-            'C     (2) Aenderung der aktuellen Motorleistung (dP_2s):
+            'C     (2) Change the current Engine-power (dP_2s):
             If (i = 0) Then
                 dP_2s(i) = 0
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ Public Class cTC
             If (Ppos(i) <= 0) Then
                 Ppos(i) = 0
             End If
-            'C     2) Change the current Engine-power (dP_2s):
+            'C     Mittelwert 3 sec. vor Emission: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
             If (i >= 2) Then
                 Ppos3s(i) = (Ppos(i) + Ppos(i - 1) + Ppos(i - 2)) / 3
             ElseIf (i = 2) Then
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ Public Class cTC
             ElseIf (i = 1) Then
                 Ppos3s(i) = Ppos(i)
             End If
-            'C    Gezaehlt nur bei dynamischem betrieb: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
+            'C    Counted only in dynamic operation:
             xcheck = dP_2s(i) * dP_2s(i)
             If (xcheck >= 0.0000001) Then
                 Ppos3s(i) = Ppos3s(i)
@@ -678,13 +678,13 @@ Public Class cTC
             End If
-            'C     (Counted only in dynamic operation:
+            'C     (4) Average of the negative Engine-power ("PnegMW"):
             Pneg(i) = Pe(i)
             If (Pneg(i) >= 0) Then
                 Pneg(i) = 0
             End If
-            'C     4) Average of the negative Engine-power ("PnegMW"):
+            'C     Mittelwert 3 sec. vor Emission: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
             If (i >= 2) Then
                 Pneg3s(i) = (Pneg(i) + Pneg(i - 1) + Pneg(i - 2)) / 3
             ElseIf (i = 2) Then
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ Public Class cTC
             ElseIf (i = 1) Then
                 Pneg3s(i) = Pneg(i)
             End If
-            'C    Gezaehlt nur bei dynamischem betrieb: |@@| Average 3 sec of(vor) Emission:
+            'C    Counted only in dynamic operation:
             xcheck = dP_2s(i) * dP_2s(i)
             If (xcheck >= 0.0000001) Then
                 Pneg3s(i) = Pneg3s(i)
@@ -704,17 +704,17 @@ Public Class cTC
-        'C     Counted only in dynamic operation:
-        'C      Addition der Amplituden von Pe (1. Pe-Wert |@@| Calculation of absolute Dynamic-map sizes:
+        'C     Berechnung der absoluten Dynamikkenngroessen: |@@| Calculation of absolute Dynamic-map sizes:
         'C      Addition of Pe Amplitudes (1 Pe-Value
-        'C    is counted also for Maxima and for Minima Amplitudes )
+        'C      is counted also for Maxima and for Minima Amplitudes )
+        'C    First Second:
         If (LWzahl >= 1) Then
-            'C     First Second:
+            'C     2. Second to End:
             For i = 2 To LWzahl
                 Ampl0(i) = maxmin(i) - maxmin(i - 1)
-                'C        2. Second to End:
+                'C        Absolute-value:
                 If (Ampl0(i) < 0) Then
                     Ampl0(i) = Ampl0(i) * (-1)
                 End If
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ Public Class cTC
         Next i
-        'Absolute-value:
+        'Speed/Accel-dependent parameters only when not Eng-Only
         If Not GEN.VehMode = tVehMode.EngineOnly Then
             For i = 0 To MODdata.tDim
                 dynV(i) = MODdata.Vh.V(i)
@@ -802,14 +802,14 @@ Public Class cTC
             Next i
         End If
-        'Speed/Accel-dependent parameters only when not Eng-Only
-        '   ...Dynamic-parameters as the Differential of Dynamics of the Map
+        'Dynamic-parameters as the Differential of Dynamics of the Map
+        '   ...was here before. Now in its own method because of KF-creation invalidity
         Calculated = True
     End Sub
-    'was here before. Now in its own method because of KF-creation invalidity
+    'Dynamic parameters as the Differential of Dynamics in the Map:
     Public Sub CalcDiff()
         Dim i As Integer
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ Public Class cTC
 End Class
 ''' <summary>
-''' Dynamic parameters as the Differential of Dynamics in the Map:
+''' Class for calculating the Exhaust-temperatures
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
 Public Class cEXS
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ Public Class cEXS
     Private TempMod() As cTempMod
     Private ModAnz As Int16
-    '! Class for calculating the Exhaust-temperatures
+    '! Felder für Größen aus PHEM Hauptprogramm |@@| Fields for Quantities from PHEM main-program
     Private vehspe(izykt) As Single
     Private nnorm As List(Of Single)
     Private p_norm As List(Of Single)
@@ -892,9 +892,9 @@ Public Class cEXS
     Public Xis(100) As Single
     Public Yis(100) As Single
-    '**** Einlesen von tgas aus .npi (Projekt HERO) **** |@@| Fields for Quantities from PHEM main-program
-    ' => Reading about tgas from .npi (Project HERO) ****
-    ' Luz/Rexeis 16.05.2011 |@@| overwrites tgas(jz) over(aus) HtMass()
+    '**** Reading about tgas from .npi (Project HERO) ****
+    ' => überschreibt tgas(jz) aus HtMass() |@@| overwrites tgas(jz) over(aus) HtMass()
+    ' Luz/Rexeis 16.05.2011
     Private t_gas1npi() As Single
     Private t_gas2npi() As Single
@@ -909,16 +909,16 @@ Public Class cEXS
     End Function
     ''' <summary>
-    ''' Hauptroutine für EXS Modul
+    ''' Main-routine for EXS module
     ''' </summary>
     ''' <remarks></remarks>
     Public Function Exs_Main() As Boolean 'aufzurufen im PHEM-Ablauf nach Dynamikkorrektur und vor Summenbildung
-        '! Main-routine for EXS module
+        '! Calling from Exs_Main(true) -> Developer Version without PHEM main-program
         Dim ii As Long, ij As Long, Diff As Single
         Dim t1 As Long
-        '! Calling from Exs_Main(true) -> Developer Version without PHEM main-program
+        '! Fields for Quantities from exs-file
         Dim iMod As Int16, iSchad As Int16
         Dim efm_mode As Int16, cap_norm As Single, t_inl As Single, p_rel_inl As Single, fp4_efm As Single
         Dim dummy As String = ""
@@ -948,33 +948,33 @@ Public Class cEXS
         MsgSrc = "EmCalc/EXS/Main"
-        'Fields for Quantities from exs-file
+        'General Constants
         Pi_ = 3.1416
         St_Boltz = 0.0000000567 'Stephan-Boltzmann Konstante
         R_air = 287.0 '!Gaskonstante Luft [J/(kg*K)]
-        '!General Constants
         '!Exhaust Physical-values:
+        '!insensitive vs. lambda, see "Stoffwerte_vollständigeVerbrennung_neu.xls"
         R_exh = 288.2 '!Gaskonstante Abgas [J/(kg*K)]
-        'insensitive vs. lambda, see "Stoffwerte_vollständigeVerbrennung_neu.xls"
+        'cp_exh = 1054.0 '!Exhaust heat-capacity [J/(kg*K)] is no longer used because it is now calculated directly in Abh from T and Lambda
         Pr_exh = 0.73 '!Prandtlzahl [-]
         cp_steel = 460.0 '!Wärmekapazität Edelstahl [J/(kg*K)]
         rho_steel = 7860.0 '!Dichte Edelstahl [[kg/m3]
         hc_soot = 0.15 '!Wärmeleitfähigkeit Russ [W/(mK)] "in loser Schichtung"
-        '!cp_exh = 1054.0 '!Exhaust heat-capacity [J/(kg*K)] is no longer used because it is now calculated directly in Abh from T and Lambda
         '!Note: Average-value from searching the Internet, found no information in literature
+        '!kalibriert anhand Test an Thermoelement unter Annahme von Schichtdicke 0.1mm |@@| calibrated based on Test Thermocouple assuming Coating-thickness(Schichtdicke) 0.1mm
-        'Reaktionsenthalpien in J/mol |@@| calibrated based on Test Thermocouple assuming Coating-thickness(Schichtdicke) 0.1mm
+        'Reaktionsenthalpien in J/mol |@@| Reaction-enthalpies in J/mol
         H_reak_co = 283200.0
         H_reak_nox = 1928000.0
         H_reak_hc = 483000.0
-        'Molmassen |@@| Reaction-enthalpies in J/mol
+        'Molecular-weights
         M_co = 28.0
         M_nox = 46.0
         M_hc = 42.0
-        'Molecular-weights
+        'Compatibility with old EXS-structure Introduced before the new Concept for Em-components with cMap-class tMAP-class, etc.
         eNOxOK = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp.ContainsKey(tMapComp.NOx)
         eHCOK = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp.ContainsKey(tMapComp.HC)
         eCOOK = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp.ContainsKey(tMapComp.CO)
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ Public Class cEXS
         eEk1OK = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp.ContainsKey(tMapComp.PN)
         eEk2OK = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp.ContainsKey(tMapComp.NO)
-        'Compatibility with old EXS-structure Introduced before the new Concept for Em-components with cMap-class tMAP-class, etc.
+        'References for Emissions: The given, if available, otherwise the calculated
         If DRI.EmComponents.ContainsKey(sKey.MAP.HC) Then
             HC = DRI.EmComponents(sKey.MAP.HC).FinalVals
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ Public Class cEXS
         t1 = MODdata.tDim
-        'References for Emissions: The given, if available, otherwise the calculated
+        'Dimensioning:
         ReDim vehspe(t1)
@@ -1022,8 +1022,8 @@ Public Class cEXS
         n_iter = 0 'Zählvariable für Iterationen zur Berechnung der zyklusrepräsentativen Starttemperaturen
-        'Dimensioning:
-        'In DEV direkt aus der Datei *.phe eingelesen |@@| Return of the relevant Quantities from(aus) the PHEM main-program
+        'Übergabe der relevanten Größen aus dem PHEM Hauptprogramm |@@| Return of the relevant Quantities from(aus) the PHEM main-program
+        'Read in DEV directly from the *. phe file
         PathTer = MODdata.ModOutpName & ".ter"   'Left(JobFile, Len(JobFile) - 4) & ".ter"
         p_rated = VEH.Pnenn
@@ -1042,18 +1042,18 @@ Public Class cEXS
         rpm = MODdata.nU
         tqs = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.ExhTemp).FinalVals
-        'Read in DEV directly from the *. phe file
+        'Lambda
         If MAP.EmDefRef.ContainsKey(tMapComp.Lambda) Then
             LambdaGegJa = True
             lambda = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.Lambda).FinalVals
             LambdaGegJa = False
-            'Wird weiter unten belegt weil mpexh vorhanden sein muss
+            'Wird weiter unten belegt weil mpexh vorhanden sein muss |@@| It is allocated below because there must be further mpexh
             lambda = New List(Of Single)
         End If
-        'Anfang exs-File einlesen |@@| It is allocated below because there must be further mpexh
+        'Begin readning exs-file
         If Not DatExs.OpenRead(GEN.PathExs) Then
             WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to open file '" & GEN.PathExs & "'!", MsgSrc)
             DatExs = Nothing
@@ -1069,23 +1069,23 @@ Public Class cEXS
         cap_norm = CSng(DatExs.ReadLine(0))
         t_inl = CSng(DatExs.ReadLine(0))
         p_rel_inl = CSng(DatExs.ReadLine(0))
-        'Begin readning exs-file
+        'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0) 'old dummy line: caution for exs-file compatibility
         'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0)
         'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0)
         fp4_efm = CSng(DatExs.ReadLine(0))
         cap = cap_norm * p_rated    'Hubraum in [liter]
-        'dummy = DatExs.ReadLine(0) 'old dummy line: caution for exs-file compatibility
+        'Initialize the respective Number of Modules
         ReDim TempMod(ModAnz)
         For iMod = 1 To ModAnz
             TempMod(iMod) = New cTempMod(iMod, Me)
-        'Initialize the respective Number of Modules
+        'Reading of the Data-blocks for each Module
         For iMod = 1 To ModAnz
             If Not TempMod(iMod).Read(DatExs) Then 'Dabei werden auch KonvMods initialisiert & Fileköpfe der entsprechenden Ausgabefiles geschrieben
-                'Reading of the Data-blocks for each Module
+                'Error-message in TempMod(iMod).Read(DatExs)
                 DatExs = Nothing
                 Return False
@@ -1093,11 +1093,11 @@ Public Class cEXS
-        'Error-message in TempMod(iMod).Read(DatExs)
+        'End reading exs-file
         If GEN.CoolantsimJa Then
-            'End reading exs-file
+            'Beginning reading csy-file
             If Not DatCsy.OpenRead(GEN.CoolantSimPath) Then
                 WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to open file '" & GEN.CoolantSimPath & "'!", MsgSrc)
                 Return False
@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ Public Class cEXS
             t_start_m1_m2 = CSng(DatCsy.ReadLine(0)) 'Starttemperatur für Masse 1 und 2
-            'Beginning reading csy-file
+            'End reading csy-file
         End If
@@ -1130,13 +1130,13 @@ Public Class cEXS
 lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-        'End reading csy-file
+        'Calculation loop: Per Time-step / per Module: 1. Temperatures, 2. Conversions
         While True
-            'Calculation loop: Per Time-step / per Module: 1. Temperatures, 2. Conversions
+            'Display per-second Results on each iteration Results
             If Not (PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeADVANCE) Then
                 If Not (PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeBATCH) Or Cfg.ModOut Then
-                    ' Display per-second Results on each iteration Results
+                    ' Write Header *.ter
                     DatTer.OpenWrite(PathTer, ",")
                     DatTer.WriteLine("result-file for temperatures in the exhaust system")
                     DatTer.WriteLine("VECTO " & VECTOvers)
@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-                    ' Write Header *.ter
+                    ' Write the Header for KonvMods
                     For ii = 1 To ModAnz
                         If TempMod(ii).ModTyp = 1 Or TempMod(ii).ModTyp = 2 Then
@@ -1166,12 +1166,12 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 End If
             End If
-            'Write the Header for KonvMods
+            'Start-values ​​for Cooling-system simulation:
             t_mass1(0) = t_start_m1_m2
             t_mass2(0) = t_start_m1_m2
-            'Start-values ​​for Cooling-system simulation:
+            'Heat transfer into the Cooling-system (Map)
             If GEN.CoolantsimJa Then
                 If MODdata.Em.EmDefComp.ContainsKey(tMapComp.Qp_coolant) Then
                     qp_coolant = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.Qp_coolant).FinalVals
@@ -1186,26 +1186,26 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             For jz = 0 To t1
-                'Heat transfer into the Cooling-system (Map)
+                'Cooling-System Simulation
                 If GEN.CoolantsimJa Then
-                    'Cooling-System Simulation
+                    'Heat inputs in Masses 1 and 2
                     qp_coolant1(jz) = ratio_h_to_m1 * qp_coolant(jz)
                     qp_coolant2(jz) = ratio_h_to_m2 * qp_coolant(jz)
-                    'Heat inputs in Masses 1 and 2
+                    'The Heat-transfer Mass 1 and 2 for Cooling -system
                     qp_loss1(jz) = alpha_A1 * (t_mass1(jz) - t_coolant)
                     qp_loss2(jz) = alpha_A2 * (t_mass2(jz) - t_coolant)
-                    'The Heat-transfer Mass 1 and 2 for Cooling -system
+                    'Bulk-temperatures for the next Time-step
                     If jz <> t1 Then
                         t_mass1(jz + 1) = t_mass1(jz) + (qp_coolant1(jz) - qp_loss1(jz)) / (eng_mass1 * h_cap_mass1)
                         t_mass2(jz + 1) = t_mass2(jz) + (qp_coolant2(jz) - qp_loss2(jz)) / (eng_mass2 * h_cap_mass2)
                     End If
-                    'Bulk-temperatures for the next Time-step
+                    'Heat-loss to the outside
                     qp_out(jz) = 0.21 * vehspe(jz) * surf_engine * (surf_temp_eng - t_amb)
-                    'Heat-loss to the outside
+                    'Total Heat-input into the Cooling-system (Output value of the simulation)
                     qp_loss(jz) = qp_loss1(jz) + qp_loss2(jz) - qp_out(jz)
                 End If
@@ -1215,20 +1215,20 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     mpexh(jz) = 0
                     If efm_mode = 0 Then
-                        'Total Heat-input into the Cooling-system (Output value of the simulation)
                         'Calculation of the Exhaust-gas-flow from a given Fuel-consumption and lambda
                         'Permitted only for engines without EGR
                         'Unit mpexh ....... [kg/s]
                         'Unit Vpexh ....... [m3/s]
+                        'Case 1: Calculation of Consumption and lambda
                         mpexh_fc = ((14.7 * lambda(jz)) + 1) * fc(jz) / 3600000
-                        '!Case 1: Calculation of Consumption and lambda
+                        '!Case 2: Calculation of pumped Airflow through engine
                         Vpexh_mot = ((cap / 1000) / 2) * (rpm(jz) / 60)
                         zaehler = ((1 + (p_rel_inl / 1000)) * 100000) * Vpexh_mot
                         nenner = (R_air * (t_inl + 273.15))
                         mpexh_mot = zaehler / nenner
                         mpexh(jz) = Math.Max(mpexh_fc, mpexh_mot)
                     ElseIf efm_mode = 1 Then
-                        'Case 2: Calculation of pumped Airflow through engine
+                        'Missing: Methodology for Mass-flow calculation for EGR Engines BMW HERO Project
                         mpexh(jz) = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.MassFlow).FinalVals(jz)
                         WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Ungültige Auswahl für Abgasmassenstromberechnung", MsgSrc)
@@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     End If
                 End If
-                'Missing: Methodology for Mass-flow calculation for EGR Engines BMW HERO Project
+                'Calculate Lambda  if not explicitly given
                 If Not LambdaGegJa Then
                     If fc(jz) < 1 Then
@@ -1249,8 +1249,8 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-                'Calculate Lambda  if not explicitly given
                 'The First Module in the Exhausts-system may not be a catalytically active Element,
+                'therefore, emissions are always equal to the untreated emissions from the PHEM main-program
                 If eNOxOK Then TempMod(1).eEmKomp(2, jz) = NOx(jz)
                 If eHCOK Then TempMod(1).eEmKomp(3, jz) = HC(jz)
                 If eCOOK Then TempMod(1).eEmKomp(4, jz) = CO(jz)
@@ -1266,15 +1266,15 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                         TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.Konv(jz) 'Berechnung Konvertierung der Emissionskomponenten
                         If (TempMod(iMod).ModTyp = 2) Then
-                            'therefore, emissions are always equal to the untreated emissions from the PHEM main-program
+                            'Calculate Qp_reak: Mass-flow-rate * Conversion * Reactive-enthalpy / molar-mass
                             TempMod(iMod).Qp_reak(jz) = CO(jz) / 3600 * TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.KonvRate(tMapComp.CO)(jz) * H_reak_co / M_co + _
                                 HC(jz) / 3600 * TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.KonvRate(tMapComp.HC)(jz) * H_reak_hc / M_hc + _
                                 NOx(jz) / 3600 * TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.KonvRate(tMapComp.NOx)(jz) * H_reak_nox / M_nox
-                            'Calculate Qp_reak: Mass-flow-rate * Conversion * Reactive-enthalpy / molar-mass
+                            'Compute Pollutant-components
                             For iSchad = 2 To 8
                                 TempMod(iMod).eEmKomp(iSchad, jz) = TempMod(iMod - 1).eEmKomp(iSchad, jz)
                             Next iSchad
-                            'Compute Pollutant-components
+                            'Conversion of NOx, CO, HC -> old value * (1-conversion-rate)
                             TempMod(iMod).eEmKomp(2, jz) = TempMod(iMod - 1).eEmKomp(2, jz) * (1 - TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.KonvRate(tMapComp.NOx)(jz))
                             TempMod(iMod).eEmKomp(3, jz) = TempMod(iMod - 1).eEmKomp(3, jz) * (1 - TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.KonvRate(tMapComp.HC)(jz))
                             TempMod(iMod).eEmKomp(4, jz) = TempMod(iMod - 1).eEmKomp(4, jz) * (1 - TempMod(iMod).KonvMod.KonvRate(tMapComp.CO)(jz))
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                         End If
-                        'Conversion of NOx, CO, HC -> old value * (1-conversion-rate)
+                        'Falls Modul kein Konv-Element hat ändert sich nix (Anmerkung: Modul 1 hat immer ModTyp0) |@@| If Module has no Conv-element changes nothing (Note: Module 1 has always ModTyp0)
                         If iMod > 1 Then
                             TempMod(iMod).Qp_reak(jz) = 0
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-                'Zeile in *.ter schreiben |@@| If Module has no Conv-element changes nothing (Note: Module 1 has always ModTyp0)
+                'Write Line in *.ter.
                 If Not (PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeADVANCE) Then
                     If Not (PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeBATCH) Or Cfg.ModOut Then
                         line1 = jz & "," & vehspe(jz) & "," & nnorm(jz) & "," & p_norm(jz) & "," & rpm(jz) & "," & fc(jz) & "," & lambda(jz) & "," & mpexh(jz) & "," & tqs(jz)
@@ -1320,10 +1320,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-            'Write Line in *.ter.
+            'End Calculation-loop
-            'End Calculation-loop
+            'Close all second-by-second Result-files
             If Not (PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeADVANCE) Then
                 If Not (PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeBATCH) Or Cfg.ModOut Then
@@ -1335,10 +1335,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 End If
             End If
-            '---------- Close all second-by-second Result-files
+            '---------- Abfrage Rücksprung im iterativen Berechnungsmodus für Starttemp ------------------- |@@| Query return in the iterative Calculation-mode for Starttemp -------------------
             If (iter_mode = True) Then
-                'Abbruchbedingung: Temperatur des Massenelementes "t_m" des in "iter_pos" spezifizierten Moduls |@@| Query return in the iterative Calculation-mode for Starttemp -------------------
-                'am Beginn und am Ende des Zyklus innerhalb vorzugebender Bandbreite "iter_tol" |@@| Termination-condition: Temperature of the Mass-elements "t_M" in the "iter_pos" specified module
+                'Abbruchbedingung: Temperatur des Massenelementes "t_m" des in "iter_pos" spezifizierten Moduls |@@| Termination-condition: Temperature of the Mass-elements "t_M" in the "iter_pos" specified module
+                'am Beginn und am Ende des Zyklus innerhalb vorzugebender Bandbreite "iter_tol" |@@| at the Beginning and End of the Cycle within vorzugebender bandwidth "iter_tol"
                 Diff = Math.Abs(TempMod(iter_pos).t_m(t1) - TempMod(iter_pos).t_m(0))
                 If (Diff > iter_tol) Then
                     n_iter = n_iter + 1
@@ -1414,12 +1414,12 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.NO).FinalVals = Em0
         End If
-        '--- Ausgabefile *.ter schreiben ---------------------------------------------------------- |@@| at the Beginning and End of the Cycle within vorzugebender bandwidth "iter_tol"
         '--- Write Output-file *. Ter --------------------------------------------- -------------
+        '--- End wrtting Output-file *. ter -------------------------------------------- ---------
-        'End wrtting Output-file *. ter -------------------------------------------- ---------
+        'Clean up
         TempMod = Nothing
         Return True
@@ -1428,9 +1428,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
     ''' <summary>
-    ''' Clean up
+    ''' Class for Temperature-modules
     ''' </summary>
-    ''' <Class for Temperature-modules
+    ''' <remarks>Type of module is defined with Mod\typ </remarks>
     Class cTempMod
         Dim Id As Int16
         Public ModTyp As Int16, PathConv As String, m_norm As Single, heat_cap_m As Single, t_m_init As Single 'Normierte Masse, Wärmekapazität Masse, Starttemp. Masse
@@ -1489,9 +1489,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         End Sub
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' remarks>Type of module is defined with Mod\typ </remarks>
+        ''' Reading the EXS file
         ''' </summary>
-        ''' <Reading the EXS file
+        ''' <param name="Datei">Dateihandler |@@| param name="Datei"> File-handler </param>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
         Public Function Read(ByVal Datei As cFile_V3) As Boolean
             Dim TmAbkPfad As String = ""
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 ModTyp = CShort(Datei.ReadLine(0))
             End If
-            'Pfad für Konvertierungsraten bei Modulen mit Konvertierung |@@| param name="Datei"> File-handler </param>
+            'Path to Conversion-rates for Modules with Conversion
             If ModTyp = 1 Or ModTyp = 2 Then
                 PathConv = Datei.ReadLine(0)
                 PathConv = fFileRepl(PathConv, fPATH(GEN.PathExs))
@@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 PathConv = ""
             End If
-            'Path to Conversion-rates for Modules with Conversion
+            'Initialize the modules & Read the Parameter-files, depending on Module
             Select Case ModTyp
                 Case 0 'nach Turbolader
                     m_norm = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
@@ -1558,29 +1558,29 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     heat_cap_m = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     t_m_init = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     FlowTyp = CShort(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Initialize the modules & Read the Parameter-files, depending on Module
-                    cht_norm = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     'Heat-transfer factor
-                    ext_surface = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
+                    cht_norm = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     'surface of exterior
+                    ext_surface = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
+                    'Emissivität |@@| Emissivity
                     emissivity = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Faktoren für Wärmeübergänge nach außen |@@| Emissivity
+                    'Factors for Heat-transfer to the outside
                     A_fak = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     B_fak = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     C_fak = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Factors for Heat-transfer to the outside
+                    'Factors for Temperature related t_katsubstrat  <-> t_kat_außen
                     T_relation_k = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     T_relation_d = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Factors for Temperature related t_katsubstrat  <-> t_kat_außen
-                    TmAbkPfad = Datei.ReadLine(0)
                     'Cooling-mass curve
-                    cs_norm = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
+                    TmAbkPfad = Datei.ReadLine(0)
                     'Normalized Cross-sectional area
+                    cs_norm = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
+                    'durchschnittlicher Gegendruck |@@| average backpressure(Gegendruck)
                     p_rel_bk = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Durchmesser Thermoelement |@@| average backpressure(Gegendruck)
+                    'Thermocouple Diameter
                     d_tc = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     d_soot = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Thermocouple Diameter
+                    'Thermocouple Cooling-curve
                     TtcAbkPfad = Datei.ReadLine(0)
                 Case 3 'Rohrmodul
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     t_m_init = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     cht_norm = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     emissivity = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
-                    'Thermocouple Cooling-curve
+                    'Heat-transfer-Factors to the outside
                     A_fak = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     B_fak = CSng(Datei.ReadLine(0))
                     TmAbkPfad = Datei.ReadLine(0)
@@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     TtcAbkPfad = Datei.ReadLine(0)
             End Select
-            'Heat-transfer-Factors to the outside
+            'Check whether Tgas given in Cycle:
             If Id > 1 Then
                 bTgasGegJa = DRI.ExsCompDef(tExsComp.Tgas, Id)
                 If bTgasGegJa = True Then
@@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 End If
             End If
-            'Check whether Tgas given in Cycle:
+            'Entnormierungen und Berechnung weiterer Größen |@@| Normalize(Entnormierungen) and Calculating other Variables
             If ModTyp <> 3 Then
@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 d_pipe = ((4 * cs_pipe) / myEXS.Pi_) ^ 0.5 'Rohrdurchmesser in mm
                 Cht = cht_norm * d_pipe 'WÜ-Faktor prop. Rohrdurchmesser
-                'Zusätzlich berechnete Parameter für Rohrmodule: |@@| Normalize(Entnormierungen) and Calculating other Variables
+                'Additionally calculated parameters for Pipe-module:
                 ext_surface = d_pipe * 0.001 * myEXS.Pi_ * l_pipe * 0.001 'Oberfläche in m^2
                 mass = ext_surface * thickness_pipe * 0.001 * density 'Masse in kg
                 cs_pipe = (d_pipe * 0.5) ^ 2 * myEXS.Pi_ 'Querschnitt in mm^2
@@ -1647,20 +1647,20 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Crad = crad_norm * myEXS.p_rated 'Abstrahlung prop. Nennleistung (Begründung siehe Diss)
             End If
-            'Additionally calculated parameters for Pipe-module:
+            'Für Strömungsberechnungen in SI-Einheiten wird Querschnittsfäche in m2 umgerechnet |@@| For Flow-calculations in SI-units is Querschnittsfäche converted into m2
             cs_pipe = cs_pipe * (0.001 ^ 2)
-            'Geometrische Größen berechnen |@@| For Flow-calculations in SI-units is Querschnittsfäche converted into m2
             'Geometrical Quantities calculated
             'Note: it is assumed that temperature sensors are
+            'centered in the Pipe
             cl_cyl = (d_tc * 0.001) * myEXS.Pi_ * 0.5 'char. Länge umström Zyl
             cs_tc = (((d_tc * 0.001) / 2) ^ 2) * myEXS.Pi_ 'QS-Fläche t-sensor [m2]
             m_tc = cs_tc * ((d_pipe / 2) * 0.001) * myEXS.rho_steel 'Masse t_sensor [kg]
             surf_tc = (d_tc * 0.001) * myEXS.Pi_ * (d_pipe * 0.001) / 2 'Oberfläche t-sensor
-            ' centered in the Pipe
-            ' umströmter Zylinder vernachlässigt |@@| Note: Ball joint on t-sensor tip is neglected
+            ' Anmerkung: Kugelkalotte an t-sensor spitze wird in der Betrachtung als |@@| Note: Ball joint on t-sensor tip is neglected
+            ' umströmter Zylinder vernachlässigt |@@| in the analysis of Airstream-cylinder
-            'Abkühlkurven einlesen |@@| in the analysis of Airstream-cylinder
+            'Read Cooling-curves
             If Trim(UCase(TmAbkPfad)) = sKey.NoFile Then
                 If myEXS.n_iter = 0 And PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeSTANDARD Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Warn, "EXS-Module " & Id & ": No cool down curve for mass component defined. Cool down calculation disabled.", MsgSrc)
                 NoCoolDown = True
@@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         End Function
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' Read Cooling-curves
+        ''' Heat-transfer mass
         ''' </summary>
         ''' <param name="jz">Zeit</param>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
@@ -1705,10 +1705,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             Dim T_aussen As Single
             Dim Nus_exh As Single, Re_exh As Single
-            'Heat-transfer mass
+            'Setting Threshold for Precision of the Temperature-calculation (needed for iterative Calculation-mode)
             dt_schwell = 0.01
-            'Setting Threshold for Precision of the Temperature-calculation (needed for iterative Calculation-mode)
+            'Return the Inlet-temperature of the Exhaust-gas from the Module above or from the Engine
             If Id = 1 Then
                 t_gas_in = myEXS.tqs(jz) 'Motor
@@ -1727,16 +1727,16 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 ht_exp = 0.8  'Turbulente Strömung. Keine Abhängigkeit Wärmeübergang von Volume Flow 
             End If
-            'Return the Inlet-temperature of the Exhaust-gas from the Module above or from the Engine
+            'Calculation of the current Mass-temperature
             If ((jz = 0) And (myEXS.n_iter = 0)) Then
                 t_m(jz) = t_m_init '!Sekunde 1: Temperatur auf Startwert setzen
-                '! Calculation of the current Mass-temperature
+                '! bei n_iter > 0 ist bereits der Endwert der letzten Iteration zugewiesen |@@| at n_iter > 0 the Final-value is already assigned to the last Iteration
             ElseIf (jz > 0) Then
                 dt_m = (Qp_exh(jz - 1) + Qp_loss(jz - 1) - Qp_reak(jz - 1)) / (mass * heat_cap_m) 'Reaktionswärme geht derzeit zu 100% in die Katmasse
                 t_m(jz) = t_m(jz - 1) - dt_m
             End If
-            'Falls Motor Aus wird nach Abkühlkurve gerechnet und Methode verlassen: |@@| at n_iter > 0 the Final-value is already assigned to the last Iteration
+            'Falls Motor Aus wird nach Abkühlkurve gerechnet und Methode verlassen: |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait Cooling-curve and exit method:
             If MODdata.EngState(jz) = tEngState.Stopped Then
                 t_gas(jz) = -1
                 Qp_exh(jz) = -1
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 t_gas_out = 0.5 * (t_gas_in + t_m(jz))
                 t_gas_mid = 0.5 * (t_gas_in + t_gas_out)
-                'Wärmekapazität (vgl. Bogdanic) |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait Cooling-curve and exit method:
+                'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
                 cp_exh = 144.7 * (-3 * (0.0975 + (0.0485 / myEXS.lambda(jz) ^ 0.75)) * (t_gas_mid) ^ 2 / (10 ^ 6) + 2 * (7.768 + 3.36 / (myEXS.lambda(jz) ^ 0.8)) * (t_gas_mid) / (10 ^ 4) + (4.896 + 0.464 / (myEXS.lambda(jz) ^ 0.93))) + 287.7
                 Qp_exh(jz) = myEXS.mpexh(jz) * cp_exh * (t_gas_out - t_gas_in)
                 t_gas(jz) = t_gas_out
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     t_unter = t_gas_in
                 End If
-                'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
+                'Iteration-loop for Heat-transfer
                 While True
                     i_iter = i_iter + 1
                     If i_iter > 1 Then
@@ -1785,13 +1785,13 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     End If
                     t_gas_out = 0.5 * (t_ober + t_unter) 'Solver halbiert fortschreitend Intervall, in dem die Temperatur des aus der Masse austretenden Abgases sein muss
-                    '                                     Iteration-loop for Heat-transfer
+                    '                                     Termination-criterion below
                     If i_iter > 1 Then
                         dt_konv = Math.Abs(t_gas_out - t_gas_out_alt)
                     End If
-                    'Termination-criterion below
+                    'Determining the Temperature of the Exhaust-gas at the Center of Mass ("t_gas_mid") consists of a non-linear (logarithmic) Temperature-curve(verlauf)
                     delta_tin = t_m(jz) - t_gas_in
                     delta_tout = t_m(jz) - t_gas_out
                     delta_t = (delta_tin - delta_tout) / Math.Log(delta_tin / delta_tout)
@@ -1800,24 +1800,24 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     vp_exh_mid = (myEXS.mpexh(jz) * myEXS.R_exh * (t_gas_mid + 273.15)) / ((1 + (p_rel_bk / 1000)) * 100000)
                     If ModTyp <> 3 Then
-                        'Determining the Temperature of the Exhaust-gas at the Center of Mass ("t_gas_mid") consists of a non-linear (logarithmic) Temperature-curve(verlauf)
+                        'Heat-transfer Convection inside all Modules (except for Pipe)
                         ht_factor = myEXS.hc_exh(t_gas_mid) * ((vp_exh_mid / myEXS.kv_exh(t_gas_mid)) ^ ht_exp)
                         Qp_ht = Cht * ht_factor * delta_t 'Cht -> hier: Faktor für Wärmeübergang
-                        'Heat-transfer Convection inside all Modules (except for Pipe)
-                        Re_exh = d_pipe * 0.001 * (vp_exh_mid / cs_pipe) / myEXS.kv_exh(t_gas_mid) 'd_pipe in m
                         'for Pipe-modules:
-                        Nus_exh = 0.027 * Re_exh ^ 0.8 * myEXS.Pr_exh ^ 0.333 * ((myEXS.kv_exh(t_gas_mid) * 345 / t_gas_mid) / (myEXS.kv_exh(t_m(jz)) * 345 / t_m(jz))) ^ 0.14
+                        Re_exh = d_pipe * 0.001 * (vp_exh_mid / cs_pipe) / myEXS.kv_exh(t_gas_mid) 'd_pipe in m
                         'Nusselt Number: Density = 345/t_gas_mid, Term in Parenthesis: mu_Rohr / mu_Mitte
+                        Nus_exh = 0.027 * Re_exh ^ 0.8 * myEXS.Pr_exh ^ 0.333 * ((myEXS.kv_exh(t_gas_mid) * 345 / t_gas_mid) / (myEXS.kv_exh(t_m(jz)) * 345 / t_m(jz))) ^ 0.14
+                        'Heat-transfer (Convection inside) d_pipe, in m: char. Length
                         Qp_ht = Cht * Nus_exh * ext_surface * (myEXS.hc_exh(t_gas_mid) / (d_pipe * 0.001)) * delta_t 'Cht -> hier: Faktor für Rohrkrümmung
                     End If
-                    'Heat-transfer (Convection inside) d_pipe, in m: char. Length
+                    'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
                     cp_exh = 144.7 * (-3 * (0.0975 + (0.0485 / myEXS.lambda(jz) ^ 0.75)) * (t_gas_mid) ^ 2 / 10 ^ 6 + 2 * (7.768 + 3.36 / myEXS.lambda(jz) ^ 0.8) * (t_gas_mid) / 10 ^ 4 + (4.896 + 0.464 / myEXS.lambda(jz) ^ 0.93)) + 287.7
                     Qp_thd = myEXS.mpexh(jz) * cp_exh * (t_gas_out - t_gas_in)
                     diffQp = Qp_ht - Qp_thd
-                    'Heat-capacity (see Bogdanic)
+                    'Termination-criterion: Change of the Exhaust Outlet-temperature compared to the last Iteration-step smaller than Threshold
                     If dt_konv < dt_schwell Then AbbruchIter = True
                     If AbbruchIter Then
@@ -1835,55 +1835,55 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             End If
-            'Termination-criterion: Change of the Exhaust Outlet-temperature compared to the last Iteration-step smaller than Threshold
+            'Calculate the Heat loss of the "thermal mass" to the outside
             If ModTyp = 2 Then '3-W Kat
-                'Calculate the Heat loss of the "thermal mass" to the outside
                 'Parameters are read from EXS file:
-                '   Data for MuD:
+                'Data for MuD:
                 '   Oberfl_Kat = 0.12 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+                '   Emiss = 0.5 'Emissivität |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
                 '   A = 7, B = 0.21, C = 8, k = 1, d = -340
-                'Empirische Formel, passt für alle Rollentests recht gut |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
+                'Empirische Formel, passt für alle Rollentests recht gut |@@| Empirical formula, suitable for all OK Roll-tests
                 T_aussen = t_m(jz) - 340
-                'Anm.: Versuch mit direkter Abhängigkeit von t_m -> funktioniert nicht gut |@@| Empirical formula, suitable for all OK Roll-tests
                 'Note: Tests with direct Dependence on t_m -> does not work well
-                Qp_loss_rad = C_fak * ext_surface * myEXS.St_Boltz * emissivity * ((T_aussen + 273.15) ^ 4 - (myEXS.t_amb + 273.15) ^ 4)
                 'Heat-loss by Radiation
+                Qp_loss_rad = C_fak * ext_surface * myEXS.St_Boltz * emissivity * ((T_aussen + 273.15) ^ 4 - (myEXS.t_amb + 273.15) ^ 4)
+                'Heat-loss by Convection
                 Qp_loss_konv = (B_fak * myEXS.vehspe(jz) + A_fak) * ext_surface * (T_aussen - myEXS.t_amb)
             ElseIf ModTyp = 3 Then 'Rohr
-                'Heat-loss by Convection
                 'Parameters are read from EXS file:
-                '   Data for MuD:
-                '       Module 3:
+                'Data for MuD:
+                '   Module 3:
                 '       Oberfl_Mod3 = 0.169457508 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+                '       Emiss = 0.5 'Emissivität |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
                 '       A = 7
                 '       B = 0.42
-                '   Modul Nr. 4: |@@| Emiss = 0.5 'emissivity
-                '       Module 4:
-                '       Emiss = 0.9 'Emissivität |@@| Oberfl_Mod4 = 0.103596481 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+                '   Module 4:
+                '       Oberfl_Mod4 = 0.103596481 'Oberfläche für Wärmeübergang in m^2 |@@| Oberfl_Mod4 = 0.103596481 'Surface for Heat-transfer in m^2
+                '       Emiss = 0.9 'Emissivität |@@| Emiss = 0.9 'emissivity
                 '       A = 7
                 '       B = 0
-                'Wärmeverlust durch Strahlung = Sichtfaktor * Emissivität * St.-Boltzm.-Konst * Oberfläche * (T_Rohr^4 - T_Umgebung^4) |@@| Emiss = 0.9 'emissivity
-                Qp_loss_rad = emissivity * myEXS.St_Boltz * ext_surface * ((t_m(jz) + 273.15) ^ 4 - (myEXS.t_amb + 273.15) ^ 4)
                 'Heat-loss by Radiation = View_factor * Emissivity * St.-Boltzm.-const * Surface * (T_Pipe^4 - T_Environ^4)
+                Qp_loss_rad = emissivity * myEXS.St_Boltz * ext_surface * ((t_m(jz) + 273.15) ^ 4 - (myEXS.t_amb + 273.15) ^ 4)
+                'Heat-loss by Convection = Heat_transfer_coefficient * Surface * (T_Pipe - T_Environ)
                 Qp_loss_konv = (B_fak * myEXS.vehspe(jz) + A_fak) * ext_surface * (t_m(jz) - myEXS.t_amb)
-                'Heat-loss by Convection = Heat_transfer_coefficient * Surface * (T_Pipe - T_Environ)
+                'Standard: Crad constant, no Loss by Convection
                 Qp_loss_rad = Crad * (((t_m(jz) + 273.15) ^ 4) - ((myEXS.t_amb + 273.15) ^ 4))
                 Qp_loss_konv = 0
             End If
-            'Standard: Crad constant, no Loss by Convection
+            'Total-heat-loss
             Qp_loss(jz) = Qp_loss_rad + Qp_loss_konv
         End Sub
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' Total-heat-loss
+        ''' Thermocouple-Heat-transfer
         ''' </summary>
         ''' <param name="jz">Zeit</param>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 t_tc(0) = t_m(0) 'Als Startwert für das Thermoelement wird die Temperatur der thermischen Masse verwendet
-                'Thermocouple-Heat-transfer
+                'Falls Motor Aus wird nach Abkühlkurve gerechnet und Methode verlassen: |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait for Cooling-curve and exit method:
                 If MODdata.EngState(jz) = tEngState.Stopped Then
                     If NoCoolDown Then
                         t_tc(jz) = t_tc(jz - 1)
@@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 vp_exh_tc = (myEXS.mpexh(jz) * myEXS.R_exh * (t_gas(jz) + 273.15)) / ((1 + (p_rel_bk / 1000)) * 100000) '!lokaler Volumenstrom im [m3/s]
                 vms = vp_exh_tc / cs_pipe '!lokale Strömungsgeschwindigkeit [m/s]
-                '!Formelwerk Berechnung Wärmeübergang am umströmten Zylinder |@@| If Engine-OFF, wait for Cooling-curve and exit method:
+                '!Formula Calculating Heat-transfer-flow around the Cylinder
                 Re = (cl_cyl * vms) / myEXS.kv_exh(t_gas(jz))
                 Nu_lam = 0.664 * (Re ^ 0.5) * (myEXS.Pr_exh ^ 0.333) 'Nusselt laminar
                 Nu_turb = 0.037 * ((Re ^ 0.8) * myEXS.Pr_exh) / (1 + 2.443 * (Re ^ (-0.1)) * ((myEXS.Pr_exh ^ 0.667) - 1)) 'Nusselt turbulent
@@ -1918,10 +1918,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 alpha_conv = Nu_ave * myEXS.hc_exh(t_gas(jz)) / cl_cyl
                 alpha_tot = 1 / ((1 / alpha_conv) + ((d_soot * 0.001) / myEXS.hc_soot))
-                'Formula Calculating Heat-transfer-flow around the Cylinder
                 'Simplified solution of the Heat-flow-equation for the t-sensor
+                'entspricht einer Diffgl. für ein PT1 glied |@@| corresponds to a Diffgl. for a PT1 section(glied)
                 k_pt1 = (m_tc * myEXS.cp_steel) / (alpha_tot * surf_tc)
-                'Zeitdiskrete Lösung der PT1-Diffgl |@@| corresponds to a Diffgl. for a PT1 section(glied)
+                'Discrete-time Solution of the PT1-Diffgl
                 t_tc(jz) = (1 / (k_pt1 + 1)) * (t_gas(jz) + (k_pt1 * t_tc(jz - 1)))
             End If
@@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     i = 1
                 End If
-                ''Discrete-time Solution of the PT1-Diffgl
+                ''Extrapolation for LastTemp > TempAR(0)
                 'If TempAr(0) < LastTemp Then
                 '    'TODO: StatusMSG(8, "Extrapolation of Cool Down Temperature! t = " & jz & ", Temp(t-1) = " & LastTemp)
                 '    i = 1
@@ -2000,9 +2000,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 '    i += 1
-                'Extrapolation for LastTemp > TempAR(0)
                 'Extrapolation for LastTemp < TempAR(Adim)
+                'lbInt:
                 If TempAr(i) - TempAr(i - 1) = 0 Then
                     t = tAr(i - 1)
@@ -2010,7 +2010,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     t = (LastTemp - TempAr(i - 1)) * (tAr(i) - tAr(i - 1)) / (TempAr(i) - TempAr(i - 1)) + tAr(i - 1)
                 End If
-                'Einen Zeitschritt vor ( = 1 Sekunde)
+                'Einen Zeitschritt vor ( = 1 Sekunde) |@@| One Time-step forward(vor)( =1 second)
                 t += 1
                 i = 0
@@ -2038,19 +2038,19 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         Implements KonvInterf
-        'Klasse initialisiert als Unterelement von TempMod |@@| One Time-step forward(vor)( =1 second)
+        'Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
         Dim DatKonvOut As New cFile_V3    'PHEM SCR model result file
         Dim PathKonvOut As String = ""
         Dim t_SCR As Single
-        'c     Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
-        Dim ct_up As Single, cNOxraw As Single, cNOx60s As Single, cSV As Single
         'c     Prefix "c" means: use Cycle-value for Characteristic-correction
+        Dim ct_up As Single, cNOxraw As Single, cNOx60s As Single, cSV As Single
+        'c     Index "cc" means: Value of Charachteristic-curve (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
         Dim denox_cc As Single, t_up_cc As Single, NOxraw_cc As Single, NOx60s_cc As Single, SV_cc As Single, deNOxmin As Single
         Dim deNOx_cor As Single '! deNOx-Wert nach Korrektur as single, vor End-Filterung as single
         Dim deNOx As Single '! Endwert zur Berechnung von NOx-tailpipe as single
-        'Index "cc" means: Value of Charachteristic-curve (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
+        'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
         Dim pt_SCR(izykt) As Single
         Dim pdeNOx(izykt) As Single
@@ -2102,7 +2102,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Return False
             End If
-            'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
+            'Abort if given no NOx
             If Not MAP.EmDefRef.ContainsKey(tMapComp.NOx) Then
                 WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "'NOx' not defined in emission map!", MsgSrc)
                 Return False
@@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             iz = 0
-            'Abort if given no NOx
+            't-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-Raw), t-upstream (°C), NOx-raw (g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
             Do While Not DatKonvIn.EndOfFile
                 iz = iz + 1
                 line = DatKonvIn.ReadLine
@@ -2146,9 +2146,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         Public Sub Konv(ByVal jz As Integer) Implements KonvInterf.Konv
             ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-            ' t-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-Raw), t-upstream (°C), NOx-raw (g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
             ' Program to simulate SCR-fleet-model
-            '            Note: deNOx values less than zero are possible:
+            ' Note: deNOx values less than zero are possible:
+            '            this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
             ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
             Dim is0 As Long
@@ -2159,18 +2159,18 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             eNOx = MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.NOx).FinalVals
             '     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '     this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
-            '
             '     1.) Calculation of per-second Values ​​for Input-variables of the SCR-model
+            '
             '     a.) t_SCR: combined-weight of t_upstream and t_downstream
-            '     Temperaturmodelwerte (zB bei Kaltstart) werden nicht überschrieben |@@| SCR-model-internally there are Temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
+            '     SCR-Model-intern werden dabei Temperaturen zwischen 50°C und 500°C begrenzt |@@| SCR-model-internally there are Temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
+            '     Temperature-model-values (eg Cold-start) will not be overwritten
             t_SCR = ((1 - Sharetdown) * myEXS.TempMod(id - 1).t_tc(jz)) + (Sharetdown * myEXS.TempMod(id).t_tc(jz))
             t_SCR = Math.Max(50.001, t_SCR)
             t_SCR = Math.Min(499.999, t_SCR)
-            '     Temperature-model-values (eg Cold-start) will not be overwritten
-            '         b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s Moving-average in the past
+            '     b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s Moving-average in the past
+            '         Formula applied also to the first 20 seconds
             ct_up = 0
             cNOxraw = 0
@@ -2184,21 +2184,21 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             cNOxraw = cNOxraw / (jz - Math.Max(0, jz - 19) + 1)
             cSV = cSV / (jz - Math.Max(0, jz - 19) + 1)
-            '     Formula applied also to the first 20 seconds
-            '         c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
+            '     c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
+            '         Formula applied to the first 60 seconds
             cNOx60s = 0
             For is0 = Math.Max(0, jz - 59) To jz
                 cNOx60s = cNOx60s + (eNOx(is0) / myEXS.p_rated)
             Next is0
-            '        Formula applied to the first 60 seconds
+            '        for seconds 1-59 must Extrapolate total-value
             cNOx60s = cNOx60s / (Math.Min(60, jz + 1) / 60.0)
             '     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '     for seconds 1-59 must Extrapolate total-value
+            '     Calculation of deNOxmin value from Characteristic-curves at 50 ° C
             For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                 myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                 myEXS.Yis(is0) = pdeNOx(is0)
@@ -2210,9 +2210,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             '     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '     Calculation of deNOxmin value from Characteristic-curves at 50 ° C
+            '     2.) Calculation deNOx
-            '        2.) Calculation deNOx
+            '        a.) deNOx of characteristic:
             For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                 myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                 myEXS.Yis(is0) = pdeNOx(is0)
@@ -2222,10 +2222,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
             denox_cc = such
-            'c        a.) deNOx of characteristic:
+            'c        b.) If correction criteria are met: deNOx-correction compared against Characteristic
             If ((t_SCR > tminCor) And (t_SCR < tmaxCor)) Then
-                'c           b.) If correction criteria are met: deNOx-correction compared against Characteristic
+                'c           t_up from characteristics:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pt_up(is0)
@@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
                 t_up_cc = such
-                'c           t_up from characteristics:
+                'c           NOx_raw of characteristics:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pNOxraw(is0)
@@ -2245,7 +2245,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
                 NOxraw_cc = such
-                'c           NOx_raw of characteristics:
+                'c           Sum of the NOxraw in the last 60 seconds from characteristics:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pNOx60s(is0)
@@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
                 NOx60s_cc = such
-                'c           Sum of the NOxraw in the last 60 seconds from characteristics:
+                'c           Raumgeschwindigkeit aus Kennlinie: |@@| Space/Velocity from(aus) characteristics:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pSV(is0)
@@ -2273,7 +2273,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 deNOx = Math.Max(Math.Min(denox_cc, DeNOxMax), deNOxmin)
             End If
-            'Schreiben der Ergebnisse auf die standardisierten Variablen eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) und Qp_reak(jz) |@@| Space/Velocity from(aus) characteristics:
+            'Schreiben der Ergebnisse auf die standardisierten Variablen eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) und Qp_reak(jz) |@@| Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak (jz)
             For iSchad = 2 To 8
                 KonvRate(iSchad) = 0
             Next iSchad
@@ -2309,26 +2309,26 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
     ''' <summary>
-    ''' SCR Modell |@@| Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp (iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak (jz)
+    ''' SCR model
     ''' </summary>
     ''' <remarks></remarks>
     Class cScrMod_10sMW 'SCR Modell
         Implements KonvInterf
-        'SCR model
+        'Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
         Dim DatKonvOut As New cFile_V3    'PHEM SCR model result file
         Dim PathKonvOut As String = ""
         Dim t_SCR As Single
-        'c     Class initialized as a Subelement of TempMod
-        Dim ct_up As Single, cNOxraw As Single, cNOx30s As Single, cSV As Single
         'c     Prefix "c" means: use Cycle value for Characteristic-correction
+        Dim ct_up As Single, cNOxraw As Single, cNOx30s As Single, cSV As Single
+        'c     Index "cc" means: Value of Characteristic (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
         Dim denox_cc As Single, t_up_cc As Single, NOxraw_cc As Single, NOx30s_cc As Single, SV_cc As Single, deNOxmin As Single
         Dim deNOx_cor As Single '! deNOx-Wert nach Korrektur as single, vor End-Filterung as single
         Dim deNOx As Single '! Endwert zur Berechnung von NOx-tailpipe as single
-        'Index "cc" means: Value of Characteristic (-> "c" - "cc" is the Derivative, corrected)
+        'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
         Dim pt_SCR(izykt) As Single
         Dim pdeNOx(izykt) As Single
@@ -2382,7 +2382,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Return False
             End If
-            'Specify Filename for per-second Output-file
+            'Abort if no NOx given
             If Not MAP.EmDefRef.ContainsKey(tMapComp.NOx) Then
                 WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "'NOx' not defined in emission map!", MsgSrc)
                 Return False
@@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             iz = 0
-            'Abort if no NOx given
+            't-SCR (°C), deNOx(1-NOx-Auspuff/NOx-Roh), -t-upstream(°C), NOx-Roh (g/h)/kW_Nennleistg, Summe NOx ueber 60Sek vorher g/h)/kW_Nennleistg, Raumgeschwindigkeit (1/h) |@@| t-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-raw), t-upstream (° C), NOx-raw (g/h) / kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
             Do While Not DatKonvIn.EndOfFile
                 iz = iz + 1
                 line = DatKonvIn.ReadLine
@@ -2426,9 +2426,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         Public Sub Konv(ByVal jz As Integer) Implements KonvInterf.Konv
             ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-            ' Programm zur Simulation SCR-Flottendurchschnitt |@@| t-SCR (° C), deNOx (1-NOx-Exhaust/NOx-raw), t-upstream (° C), NOx-raw (g/h) / kW_Nominal-power, total NOx over 60sec before g/h)/kW_Nominal-power, space velocity (1/h)
             ' Program to Simulate SCR-fleet-model
-            '            Note: deNOx with values less than zero are possible:
+            ' Note: deNOx with values less than zero are possible:
+            '            this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
             ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
             Dim is0 As Long
@@ -2440,18 +2440,18 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             '     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '     this corresponds to higher NOx-raw level than in the Base-map
-            '
             '     1.) Calculation of per-second Values ​for Input-variables of the SCR model
+            '
             '     a) t_SCR: combined-weight of the t_upstream and t_downstream
-            '     Temperaturmodelwerte (zB bei Kaltstart) werden nicht überschrieben |@@| SCR model internally there are temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
+            '     SCR-Model-intern werden dabei Temperaturen zwischen 50°C und 500°C begrenzt |@@| SCR model internally there are temperatures between 50 ° C and 500 ° C limits
+            '     Temperature-model values (eg cold start) will not be overwritten
             t_SCR = ((1 - Sharetdown) * myEXS.TempMod(id - 1).t_tc(jz)) + (Sharetdown * myEXS.TempMod(id).t_tc(jz))
             t_SCR = Math.Max(50.001, t_SCR)
             t_SCR = Math.Min(499.999, t_SCR)
-            '     Temperature-model values (eg cold start) will not be overwritten
-            '         b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s moving average in the past
+            '     b.) t_up, NOxraw, SV. 20s moving average in the past
+            '         Formula applies to the first 20 seconds
             ct_up = 0
             cNOxraw = 0
@@ -2467,8 +2467,8 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             cNOxraw = cNOxraw / (jz - Math.Max(1, jz - 9) + 1)
             cSV = cSV / (jz - Math.Max(1, jz - 9) + 1)
-            '     Formula applies to the first 20 seconds
-            '         c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
+            '     c.) NOx60s: Sum over the last 60s of the specific NOx-raw emissions
+            '         Formula applies to the first 60 seconds
             cNOx30s = 0
             For is0 = Math.Max(0, jz - 29) To jz
@@ -2476,14 +2476,14 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     cNOx30s = cNOx30s + (eNOx(is0) / myEXS.p_rated)
                 End If
             Next is0
-            '        Formula applies to the first 60 seconds
+            '        For seconds 1 to 59 must sum the projected values
             cNOx30s = cNOx30s / (Math.Min(30, jz + 1) / 30.0)
             '     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '     For seconds 1 to 59 must sum the projected values
+            '     Calculation of the Characteristic-curves for deNOxmin values at 50 ° C
             For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                 myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                 myEXS.Yis(is0) = pdeNOx(is0)
@@ -2495,9 +2495,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             '     -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '     Calculation of the Characteristic-curves for deNOxmin values at 50 ° C
+            '     2.) Calculation of deNOx
-            '        2.) Calculation of deNOx
+            '        a.) Characteristic of deNOx:
             For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                 myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                 myEXS.Yis(is0) = pdeNOx(is0)
@@ -2507,10 +2507,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
             denox_cc = such
-            'c        a.) Characteristic of deNOx:
+            'c        b.) If Correction-criteria are met: Correct deNOx against the Characteristic
             If ((t_SCR > tminCor) And (t_SCR < tmaxCor)) Then
-                'c           b.) If Correction-criteria are met: Correct deNOx against the Characteristic
+                'c           Characteristic of t_up:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pt_up(is0)
@@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
                 t_up_cc = such
-                'c           Characteristic of t_up:
+                'c           Characteristic-curve of the NOx_raw:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pNOxraw(is0)
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
                 NOxraw_cc = such
-                'c           Characteristic-curve of the NOx_raw:
+                'c           Sum of NOxraw in the last 60 seconds of Characteristic-curve:
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pNOx60s(is0)
@@ -2540,7 +2540,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 Call myEXS.Intlin(such, izpl)
                 NOx30s_cc = such
-                'c           Sum of NOxraw in the last 60 seconds of Characteristic-curve:
+                'c           Characteristic-curve of Distnace-Speed(Raumgeschwindigkeit):
                 For is0 = 1 To iSCRAnz
                     myEXS.Xis(is0) = pt_SCR(is0)
                     myEXS.Yis(is0) = pSV(is0)
@@ -2558,7 +2558,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 deNOx = Math.Max(Math.Min(denox_cc, DeNOxMax), deNOxmin)
             End If
-            'Characteristic-curve of Distnace-Speed(Raumgeschwindigkeit):
+            'Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp(iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak(jz)
             For iSchad = 2 To 8
                 KonvRate(iSchad) = 0
             Next iSchad
@@ -2590,20 +2590,20 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
     ''' <summary>
-    ''' Write the results on the standardized variables eEmKomp(iSchad, jz) and Qp_reak(jz)
+    ''' KAT-model
     ''' </summary>
     ''' <remarks></remarks>
     Class c3WayCatMod 'DOC Modell
         Implements KonvInterf
-        'KAT-model
+        'Class initialized as a Sub-element of TempMod
         Dim iSchad As Long
         Dim id As Int16
         Private myEXS As cEXS
-        'Class initialized as a Sub-element of TempMod
+        'Mapped-data
         'Private Massflow As List(Of Single)
         'Private Temp_KAT As List(Of Single)
         'Private Massflow_Norm As List(Of Single)
@@ -2624,7 +2624,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' Mapped-data
+        ''' Creating a new CAT module
         ''' </summary>
         ''' <param name="i">ID</param>
         ''' <param name="EXSref">EXS-Klasse</param>
@@ -2639,13 +2639,13 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' Creating a new CAT module
+        ''' Interpolation-Function
         ''' </summary>
-        ''' <Interpolation-Function
         ''' <param name="x">Mass-flow(Massenstrom)</param>
         ''' <param name="y"> Temperature before(vor) KAT </param>
         ''' <param name="MapID">The MapID of the corresponding Exhaust-gas-component</param>
         ''' <returns>The interpolated value for x and y from the Map</returns>
+        ''' <remarks> It calculates the converted rate of the appropriate Exhaust-gas-component from the Mass-flow temperature Map</remarks>
         Private Function Intpol(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal MapID As tMapComp) As Double
                 Return KonvRateMap(MapID).Intpol(x, y)
@@ -2657,9 +2657,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' remarks> It calculates the converted rate of the appropriate Exhaust-gas-component from the Mass-flow temperature Map</remarks>
+        ''' Reading the Maps for Conversion-rates
         ''' </summary>
-        ''' <Reading the Maps for Conversion-rates
+        ''' <param name="Name">Filename</param>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
         Public Function Read(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean Implements KonvInterf.Read
             Dim DatKonv As New cFile_V3
@@ -2713,10 +2713,10 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-            'param name="Name">Filename</param>
+            'Units (are not evaluated)
             line = DatKonv.ReadLine
-            'Units (are not evaluated)
+            'Values
             Do While Not DatKonv.EndOfFile
                 line = DatKonv.ReadLine
@@ -2728,7 +2728,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                     KonvRateMap(Sp0.Key).AddPoints(Massflow, Temp_KAT, CDbl(line(Sp0.Value)))
-                'Values
+                'Set KonvRaten to Zero when no component given
                 For Each KonvRate0 In KonvRateMap
                     If Not Spalten.ContainsKey(KonvRate0.Key) Then
                         KonvRate0.Value.AddPoints(Massflow, Temp_KAT, 0)
@@ -2739,7 +2739,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
-            'Set KonvRaten to Zero when no component given
+            'Triangulating
             For Each KonvRate0 In KonvRateMap
                 If Not KonvRate0.Value.Triangulate() Then
                     WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Triangulation-ERROR", MsgSrc)
@@ -2747,7 +2747,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
                 End If
-            'Triangulating
+            'define Dic. for modal Konvrate
             KonvRate = New Dictionary(Of tMapComp, List(Of Single))
             KonvRate.Add(tMapComp.NOx, New List(Of Single))
             KonvRate.Add(tMapComp.HC, New List(Of Single))
@@ -2760,12 +2760,12 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' define Dic. for modal Konvrate
+        ''' Calculation of the Conversion-rate from Map
         ''' </summary>
-        ''' <Calculation of the Conversion-rate from Map
         ''' <param name="jz">Time</param>
+        ''' <remarks> Used to calculate the temperature of the Thermoelements on Kateingang (corresponds to  Module-number i-1)!</remarks>
         Public Sub Konv(ByVal jz As Integer) Implements KonvInterf.Konv
-            'remarks> Used to calculate the temperature of the Thermoelements on Kateingang (corresponds to  Module-number i-1)!</remarks>
+            'Conversion-rate calculated from Map
             Dim massflow As Single
             Dim temp As Single
@@ -2781,7 +2781,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         End Sub
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' Conversion-rate calculated from Map
+        ''' Header for Output-file
         ''' </summary>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
         Public Sub Header() Implements KonvInterf.Header
@@ -2793,9 +2793,9 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         End Sub
         ''' <summary>
-        ''' Header for Output-file
+        ''' Data for Output-file
         ''' </summary>
-        ''' <Data for Output-file
+        ''' <param name="jz">Time</param>
         ''' <remarks></remarks>
         Public Sub Write(ByVal jz As Integer) Implements KonvInterf.Write
             DatKonvOut.WriteLine(jz & "," & MODdata.Em.EmDefComp(tMapComp.MassFlow).FinalVals(jz) & "," _
@@ -2816,7 +2816,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
     End Class
     ''' <summary>
-    ''' param name="jz">Time</param>
+    ''' Interface to Converter-classes cScrMod, cDocMod, etc. ..
     ''' </summary>
     ''' <remarks></remarks>
     Interface KonvInterf
@@ -2832,11 +2832,11 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
     Sub Intlin(ByRef such As Single, ByVal izpl As Long)
-        'C     Interface to Converter-classes cScrMod, cDocMod, etc. ..
-        'C     uebergeben wid "such" als X-Wert, der dann als berechneter Y-Wert wieder zurueck gegeben wird |@@| Subroutine of(zu) PHEM for linear Interpolation of a Polygon (eg called by Vissimzs.for)
-        'C     Zu Belegen sind vorher: |@@| It is given the X-value to "search", and it gives back the calculated Y-value
-        'C     Xis(j) und Yis(j) |@@| for previous Allocation:
-        'c     Xis(j) and Yis(j)
+        'C     Unterprogramm zu PHEM zur linearen INterpolation aus einem Polygonzug (z.B. in Vissimzs.for aufgerufen) |@@| Subroutine of(zu) PHEM for linear Interpolation of a Polygon (eg called by Vissimzs.for)
+        'C     uebergeben wid "such" als X-Wert, der dann als berechneter Y-Wert wieder zurueck gegeben wird |@@| It is given the X-value to "search", and it gives back the calculated Y-value
+        'C     Zu Belegen sind vorher: |@@| for previous Allocation:
+        'C     Xis(j) and Yis(j)
+        'c     Given the desired Value(search) and the Number of the existing Polygon-points (izpl)
         ' INCLUDE "com.inc"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
@@ -2847,8 +2847,8 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
         Dim x As Single
-        'C    Given the desired Value(search) and the Number of the existing Polygon-points (izpl)
-        'c     Search the closest points of the Revolutions from the input Full-load curve:
+        'C    Search the closest points of the Revolutions from the input Full-load curve:
+        'c     Distance to Input-points and Search those Points with the smallest Distance:
         aminabst = Math.Abs(such - Xis(1)) + 1
         For ji = 1 To izpl
             x = such - Xis(ji)
@@ -2859,24 +2859,24 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             End If
         Next ji
-        'C      Distance to Input-points and Search those Points with the smallest Distance:
+        'C      Fix the second Interpolation-points (only interpolation, no extrapolation)
         x = such - Xis(i1min)
         If (x >= 0) Then
             i2min = i1min + 1
             If (i2min > izpl) Then
-                '!Fix the second Interpolation-points (only interpolation, no extrapolation)
+                '!Extrapolation up
                 i2min = izpl - 1
             End If
             i2min = i1min - 1
             If (i2min < 1) Then
-                '!Extrapolation up
+                '!Extrapolation down
                 i2min = 2
             End If
         End If
-        'c      Extrapolation down
+        'c      Sort the 2 Values by ascending n:
         If (Xis(i2min) < Xis(i1min)) Then
             igel = i2min
@@ -2884,7 +2884,7 @@ lb100:  'Rücksprunglabel für iterativen Berechnungsmodus
             i1min = igel
         End If
-        'c     Sort the 2 Values by ascending n:
+        'c     Interpolation of the associated Maximum-power (P/Pnom)
         If ((Xis(i2min) - Xis(i1min)) = 0) Then
             Xis(i2min) = Xis(i2min) + 0.000001
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
index e3df71518b51f42fcf8914cae2a31269020c0151..6651d2b8276faef2ece029edee9db15e83196a4f 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Public Class cPower
     Private Bobi As Single
     Private Cobi As Single
-    'Data per second
+    'Per-second Data
     Private Clutch As tEngClutch
     Private VehState0 As tVehState
     Private EngState0 As tEngState
@@ -3496,8 +3496,8 @@ lb10:
                 If bCheck Then
                     Gear = LastGear
-                    'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden einmal höher und einmal niedriger als voriger Gang |@@| If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
-                    'geschaltet wird, wird voriger Gang durchgehend beibehalten |@@| then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
+                    'If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
+                    'then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
                     a = 0
                     b = 0
                     For ix = t To t + 6
@@ -3535,22 +3535,22 @@ lb10:
             Return 0  '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
         End If
-        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet
+        'If v <0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec then shift to Gear=0
         If t < t1 Then
             If (Vist < 0.1 And MODdata.Vh.V(t + 1) < 0.1) Then
                 Return 0    '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
             End If
         End If
-        'bei Beschleunigungsvorgaengen unter 1,5 m/s wird in 1. Gang geschaltet |@@| If v <0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec then shift to Gear=0
+        'at Acceleration processes below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
         If Vist < 1.5 And t < t1 Then
             If (Vist > 0.01 + MODdata.Vh.V(t - 1) And MODdata.Vh.V(t + 1) > 0.01 + Vist) Then
                 Gear = 1
             End If
         End If
-        'ueberpruefung, ob Drehzahl ueber nenndrehzahl, dann muss immer hochgeschaltet werden |@@| at Beschleunigungsvorgaengen below 1.5 m/s is used in 1 Gear is engaged
         'checking if Revolutions above Nominal-Revolutions, then always Upshift
+        'otherwise lack the power!
         Do While fnn(Vist, Gear, Clutch = tEngClutch.Slipping) > 1 And Gear < VEH.ganganz
             Gear += 1
@@ -3559,7 +3559,7 @@ lb10:
     End Function
-    'otherwise lack the power!
+    'EV-Gear-shifting model (based on Cars(PKW))
     Private Function fGearEV(ByVal t As Integer) As Integer
         Dim gangX As Int16
@@ -3589,8 +3589,8 @@ lb10:
         Dim nx As Single
         Dim Vist0 As Single
-        '-----------------------------------EV-Gear-shifting model (based on Cars(PKW))
-        'Second 1 --------------------------------------
+        '-----------------------------------Second 1 --------------------------------------
+        'First second: Find Gear / initialization
         If t = 0 Then
             gangX = -1
             If (Vist <= 1.5) Then
@@ -3617,27 +3617,27 @@ lb10:
             Return Gear
         End If
-        '--------------------------------First second: Find Gear / initialization
+        '--------------------------------From second 2 --------------------------------------
-        '---------From second 2 --------------------------------------
-        'Start-values ---------
+        '---------Start-values ---------
+        'gangX = Last Gear ie Starting-base for Shifting-model
         LastGear = MODdata.Gear(t - 1)
         gangX = LastGear
         Gear = LastGear
         t1 = MODdata.tDim
         itgangwL = -1
-        'gangX = Last Gear ie Starting-base for Shifting-model
+        'Clutch-lock check << already happened in Power.Calc
         ''If bPplus And fn_norm(1) < Kuppln_norm Then bKupplSchleif = True
-        '-------------------Clutch-lock check << already happened in Power.Calc
+        '-------------------Calculate Gear for the next 6 seconds ---------------------
         Pvorher = MODdata.Pe(t - 1)
         tx = t
-            '-----------Calculate Gear for the next 6 seconds ---------------------
+            '-----------Shifting-function ----------
             Vist0 = MODdata.Vh.V(t)
             V_norm = Vist0 / GVmax
             nx = fnU(Vist0, gangX, False) / VEH.nNenn
@@ -3675,23 +3675,23 @@ lb10:
             Loop Until ix = 11 Or t > t1
             t = t - ix + jpm + 1
-            'Shifting-function ----------
+            'Revolutions-limit for Upshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
             nnsaufi = Aaufi + Baufi * V_norm + Caufi * AP10
             If (nnsaufi > 0.95) Then nnsaufi = 0.95
-            'Revolutions-limit for Upshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
+            'Revolutions-limit for Downshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
             nnsobi = Aobi + Bobi * V_norm + Cobi * AP10
             'Gelöscht LUZ 13.07.10: If (nnsaufi > 0.85) Then nnsaufi = 0.85
-            'Revolutions-limit for Downshift, n_normiert (Idle = 0, Nominal-Revolutions = 1)
+            'Convert here of Revolutions units to use (n/n_nominal):
             nsa = (VEH.nLeerl / VEH.nNenn) + nnsaufi * (1 - (VEH.nLeerl / VEH.nNenn))
             nsd = (VEH.nLeerl / VEH.nNenn) + nnsobi * (1 - (VEH.nLeerl / VEH.nNenn))
-            'Convert here of Revolutions units to use (n/n_nominal):
+            'Revolutions with last Gear (gangX)
             'nx = fnU(Vist, gangX, Clutch = tEngClutch.Slipping) / VEH.nNenn
-            ' ''Revolutions with last Gear (gangX)
+            ' ''Maximum permissible Gear-shifting every 2 seconds:
             If (t - itgangwL) < 3 And itgangwL > -1 Then GoTo lb10
-            'Maximum permissible Gear-shifting every 2 seconds:
+            'Check whether Downshifting-gear, only when Revolutions decrease or Power increases
             bCheck = False
             Pjetzt = fPeGearEV(gangX, t)
             If Vist0 < Valt Then bCheck = True
@@ -3700,7 +3700,7 @@ lb10:
                 If nx < nsd Then gangX -= 1
             End If
-            'Check whether Downshifting-gear, only when Revolutions decrease or Power increases
+            'Check whether Upshifting-gear, only when Revolutions increase or Power decreases
             bCheck = False
             If (Vist0 > Valt) Then bCheck = True
             If (Pjetzt < Pvorher) Then bCheck = True
@@ -3708,7 +3708,7 @@ lb10:
                 If nx > nsa Then gangX += 1
             End If
-            'Check whether Upshifting-gear, only when Revolutions increase or Power decreases
+            'Correct Gear-selection
             If gangX > VEH.ganganz Then
                 gangX = VEH.ganganz
             ElseIf gangX < 1 Then
@@ -3717,16 +3717,16 @@ lb10:
-            'Correct Gear-selection
+            'Not idle when Power > 0
             If gangX = 0 Then
                 If Pjzx > 0.001 Then gangX = 1
             End If
-            'Not idle when Power > 0
+            'New Revolutions
             ''nn = fnn(Vist, gangX, Clutch = tEngClutch.Slipping)
             nn = fnn(Vist0, gangX, False)
-            'New Revolutions
+            'Check if Gear within Power/Revolutions limits. Drag-operation is not respected
             Select Case nn
                 Case Is < Kuppln_norm
                     If gangX > 1 Then
@@ -3740,7 +3740,7 @@ lb10:
                     End If
             End Select
-            'Check if Gear within Power/Revolutions limits. Drag-operation is not respected
+            'Save Gears in field for later checks
             Gcheck(t - tx) = gangX
             If gangX <> Gear Then itgangwL = t
@@ -3752,7 +3752,7 @@ lb10:
         Loop Until t = tx + 11 Or t > t1
         t = tx
-        'Save Gears in field for later checks
+        'Accept Gear
         gangX = Gcheck(0)
         For ix = t To t + 10
             Gears(ix - t) = Gcheck(ix - t)
@@ -3760,14 +3760,14 @@ lb10:
         Gear = Gears(0)
-        'Accept Gear
+        'Gang-Verlauf hinzufügen |@@| Add to Gang-sequence
-        '--------------------------------Checks Teil 1------------------------------------- |@@| Add to Gang-sequence
-        'Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
+        '--------------------------------Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
+        'Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
-        ''Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
+        ''Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
         'iphase = 0
         'Select Case (beschl(jz - 2) + beschl(jz - 1) + beschl(jz)) / 3
         '    Case Is >= 0.125
@@ -3777,9 +3777,9 @@ lb10:
         '    Case Else
         '        iphase = 3
         'End Select
-        '   ============>> Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
+        '   ============>> Already determined by VehState0
-        'Already determined by VehState0
+        'Search by last Gear-change
         itgangwL = -1
         If t > 2 Then
             For ix = t - 1 To 1 Step -1
@@ -3790,16 +3790,16 @@ lb10:
         End If
-        'Search by last Gear-change
+        'Max permissible Gear-change every 3 seconds:
         If t - itgangwL <= 2 And t > 2 And LastGear <> 0 Then
             Return LastGear    '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
         End If
         If Gear <> LastGear Then
-            'Max permissible Gear-change every 3 seconds:
-            'Verzoegerungsphasen: Hochschalten wird unterdrückt |@@| As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is under 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6%, do not run:
+            'Solange Geschwindigkeitsaenderung seit letztem Gangwechsel unter 6% und Pe/Pnenn aenderung unter 6% wird nicht geschaltet: |@@| As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is under 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6%, do not run:
             'Deceleration phases: Upshift suppressed
+            'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
             If itgangwL = -1 Then itgangwL = 0
             bCheck = False
             Pjetzt = fPeGearEV(Gear, t)
@@ -3820,8 +3820,8 @@ lb10:
             If bCheck Then
                 Gear = LastGear
-                'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
-                'durchgehend beibehalten |@@| If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, stick
+                'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden wieder in vorigen Gang zurueck geschaltet wird, wird der vorige Gang |@@| If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, stick
+                'durchgehend beibehalten |@@| to the previous Gear
                 bCheck = False
                 For ix = t + 1 To t + 6
                     If ix > t1 Then Exit For
@@ -3833,8 +3833,8 @@ lb10:
                 If bCheck Then
                     Gear = LastGear
-                    'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden einmal höher und einmal niedriger als voriger Gang |@@| to the previous Gear
-                    'geschaltet wird, wird voriger Gang durchgehend beibehalten |@@| If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
+                    'Wenn innerhalb von 6 Sekunden einmal höher und einmal niedriger als voriger Gang |@@| If within 6 seconds it Shifts once above and once below the previous-Gear,
+                    'geschaltet wird, wird voriger Gang durchgehend beibehalten |@@| then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
                     a = 0
                     b = 0
                     For ix = t To t + 6
@@ -3851,14 +3851,14 @@ lb10:
             End If
         End If
-        '--------------------------------Checks Teil 2------------------------------------- |@@| then maintain the previous-Gear throughout.
-        'Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
+        '--------------------------------Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
         'Suppress Gear-shift from 2 to 1 when v > 2.5 m/s
+        'NEU LUZ 040210: Hochschalten nur wenn im 2. Gang über Kuppeldrehzahl |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshift only when in 2 Gear over Clutch-revolutions
         If Gear = 1 And LastGear > 1 And Vist >= 2.5 Then
             If fnn(Vist, 2, False) > Kuppln_norm Then Gear = 2
         End If
-        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshift only when in 2 Gear over Clutch-revolutions
+        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
         bCheck = True
         For ix = t To t + 2
             If ix > t1 Then Exit For
@@ -3872,22 +3872,22 @@ lb10:
             Return 0  '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
         End If
-        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
+        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
         If t < t1 Then
             If (Vist < 0.1 And MODdata.Vh.V(t + 1) < 0.1) Then
                 Return 0    '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
             End If
         End If
-        'bei Beschleunigungsvorgaengen unter 1,5 m/s wird in 1. Gang geschaltet |@@| If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
+        'at Acceleration below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
         If Vist < 1.5 And t < t1 Then
             If (Vist > 0.01 + MODdata.Vh.V(t - 1) And MODdata.Vh.V(t + 1) > 0.01 + Vist) Then
                 Gear = 1
             End If
         End If
-        'ueberpruefung, ob Drehzahl ueber nenndrehzahl, dann muss immer hochgeschaltet werden |@@| at acceleration processes below 1.5 m/s is used in first Gear is engaged
         'Check whether Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then should always Upshift,
+        'otherwise Power not enough!
         Do While fnn(Vist, Gear, Clutch = tEngClutch.Slipping) > 1 And Gear < VEH.ganganz
             Gear += 1
@@ -3941,8 +3941,8 @@ lb10:
-        '-----------------------------------otherwise Power not enough!
-        'Second 1 --------------------------------------
+        '-----------------------------------Second 1 --------------------------------------
+        'First second: Find Gear/Initialization
         If t = 0 Then
             gangX = -1
             If (MODdata.Vh.V(t) <= 1.5) Then
@@ -3979,9 +3979,9 @@ lb10:
         End If
-        '--------------------------------First second: Find Gear/Initialization
+        '--------------------------------From second 2 --------------------------------------
-        '---------From second 2 --------------------------------------
+        '---------Start-values ---------
         gangX = MODdata.Gear(t - 1)
         LastGear = gangX
         GangXl = GangL(t - 1)
@@ -4011,7 +4011,7 @@ lb10:
-        'Start-values ---------
+        'Compute power from jz to (jz + 6) -----------------
         tx = t
         For t = tx To tx + 6
             If t > t1 Then Exit For
@@ -4024,13 +4024,13 @@ lb10:
-            '     Compute power from jz to (jz + 6) -----------------
+            '     Berechnung nach Drehzahl/Leistung-Modell |@@| Calculated towards a Revolutions/Power model
             '    --------------------------------------------------------------
-            '(1) Nach Variante "schnelle Fahrweise" |@@| Calculated towards a Revolutions/Power model
+            '(1) "Fast Driving" variant
-            '1) "Fast Driving" variant
             'Gear-shift only if v-change 5% since last Gear-shift
+            'VECTO: Commented out START
             'achek = 1
             'If (MODdata.Vh.V(itgangwH) <> 0) Then
             '    avchek = Math.Abs(Vist0 / MODdata.Vh.V(itgangwH) - 1)
@@ -4042,26 +4042,26 @@ lb10:
             '    achek = 1
             'End If
-            'VECTO: Commented out START
             'VECTO: Commented out END
+            'in ersten 10 Zyklussekunden kann zum Einregulieren immer geschlatet werden: |@@| the first 10 seconds of the cycle can always be used for balancing gear-shifting:
             If (t <= 9) Then achek = -1
-            'Bei Aenderung der Steigung kann ebenfalls immer geschaltet werden: |@@| the first 10 seconds of the cycle can always be used for balancing gear-shifting:
+            'A Change in the Slope can always result in Gear-shift:
             achstg = Math.Abs(MODdata.Vh.Grad(t) - MODdata.Vh.Grad(itgangwH))
             If (achstg > 0.001) Then achek = -1
-            'A Change in the Slope can always result in Gear-shift:
+            'Downshift:
             If (n0 <= VEH.hinunter) Then
                 If (achek < 0.9) Then
                     gangX = gangX - 1
                 End If
             End If
-            'Downshift:
-            ' Upshift:
-            ' dabei manchmal zu hoher gang -> Drehzahl und P_max viel zu nieder, daher nu bei niederen leistungen |@@| at Sloped-cycles with excessive speed the Gear i +1 is calculated
-            ' hochschalten erlaubt: |@@| sometimes Gear is too high -> Revolutions and P_max too low, so only at low Power
+            'Upshift:
+            ' bei Steigungszyklen mit zu hohen Geschwindigkeiten wird geschw. i+1 erst nach gangwahl berechnet |@@| at Sloped-cycles with excessive speed the Gear i +1 is calculated
+            ' dabei manchmal zu hoher gang -> Drehzahl und P_max viel zu nieder, daher nu bei niederen leistungen |@@| sometimes Gear is too high -> Revolutions and P_max too low, so only at low Power
+            ' hochschalten erlaubt: |@@| Upshift allowed:
             If (Pe0 > 0.8) Then
                 If (n0 < 0.9) Then
                     achek = 1
@@ -4080,11 +4080,11 @@ lb10:
             GangH(t) = gangX
             '   -----------------------------------------------------------------
-            '(2) Nach Variante "sparsame Fahrweise" |@@| Upshift allowed:
+            '(2) "Economical Driving" Variant
-            '   2) "Economical Driving" Variant
             '   Downshift?(Zurueckschalten) happens only when Speed-change > 6%
-            'Always Upshift
+            '   Always Upshift
+            'VECTO: Commented out START
             'achek = 1
             'If (MODdata.Vh.V(itgangwL) <> 0) Then
             '    avchek = Math.Abs(Vist0 / MODdata.Vh.V(itgangwL) - 1)
@@ -4096,15 +4096,15 @@ lb10:
             '    achek = 1
             'End If
-            'VECTO: Commented out START
+            'VECTO: Commented out END
-            '       VECTO: Commented out END
+            '       in ersten 10 Zyklussekunden kann zum einregulieren immer geschlatet werden: |@@| The first 10 seconds cycle can always be used for balancing Gear-shift:
             If (t <= 9) Then achek = -1
-            '       Bei Aenderung der Steigung kann ebenfalls immer geschaltet werden: |@@| The first 10 seconds cycle can always be used for balancing Gear-shift:
+            '       When slope changes always may result in Gear-shift:
             achstg = Math.Abs(MODdata.Vh.Grad(t) - MODdata.Vh.Grad(itgangwL))
             If (achstg > 0.001) Then achek = -1
-            '    When slope changes always may result in Gear-shift:
+            '    Downshift:
             If (GangXl > 1) Then
                 cnl = fnU(Vist0, GangXl, False) / VEH.nNenn
                 If (cnl <= VEH.lhinunter) Then
@@ -4114,7 +4114,7 @@ lb10:
                 End If
             End If
-            'Downshift:
+            'Upshift, only if checked not the highest Gear:
             If (GangXl < VEH.ganganz) Then
                 If (Pe0 > 0.8) Then
@@ -4123,7 +4123,7 @@ lb10:
                     End If
                 End If
-                'C     Upshift, only if checked not the highest Gear:
+                'C     Relative Revolutions:
                 cnl = fnU(Vist0, GangXl + 1, False) / VEH.nNenn
@@ -4134,12 +4134,12 @@ lb10:
             GangL(t) = GangXl
-            ' Relative Revolutions:
-            ' der "sparsamen (..l)" Variante: |@@| Select Revolutions-relationship for the "fast (h ..)" and
+            ' Auswahl des Drehzahlverhaeltnisses aus der "schnellen (..h)" und |@@| Select Revolutions-relationship for the "fast (h ..)" and
+            ' der "sparsamen (..l)" Variante: |@@| the "economical (.. l)"  Variant:
-            '   Drehzahlverhhealtnisse nach "Modellmix": |@@| the "economical (.. l)"  Variant:
-            '   anhand der erforderlichen maximalen Motorleistung ueber die |@@| Revolutions-relationship for "Modelmix":
-            '   naechsten 6 Sekunden |@@| according to the required maximum Engine-power over the
+            '   Drehzahlverhhealtnisse nach "Modellmix": |@@| Revolutions-relationship for "Modelmix":
+            '   anhand der erforderlichen maximalen Motorleistung ueber die |@@| according to the required maximum Engine-power over the
+            '   next 6 seconds
             P_maxg = Pe0
             For ix = t To t + 5
                 If ix > t1 Then Exit For
@@ -4147,28 +4147,28 @@ lb10:
                 If (PeX > P_maxg) Then P_maxg = PeX
-            '     next 6 seconds
-            '      (Determine the proportions between the Fast and the Economical Driving-style
+            '     Determine the proportions between the Fast and the Economical Driving-style
+            '      (Hausberger model):
             pschnellm = 3.3333 * P_maxg - 1.6667
             If (pschnellm > 1) Then pschnellm = 1
             If (pschnellm < 0) Then pschnellm = 0
             psparm = 1.0 - pschnellm
-            '     Hausberger model):
-            '     (pmodell wird aus Eingabefile gelesen, = Anteil, zu der die Drehzahl |@@| Mix the calculated Gears as specified in the input file:
-            '      nach "reales Modell" bestehen soll) |@@| from the Input-file it is read the pmodell = ratios of the revolutions
+            '     Mix der berechneten Gaenge gemaess Vorgabe in Eingabefile: |@@| Mix the calculated Gears as specified in the input file:
+            '     (pmodell wird aus Eingabefile gelesen, = Anteil, zu der die Drehzahl |@@| from the Input-file it is read the pmodell = ratios of the revolutions
+            '      nach "reales Modell" bestehen soll) |@@| towards a "real model")
             psparist = VEH.pspar + psparm * VEH.pmodell
             pschist = 1.0 - psparist
-            '      Ermittlung des "virtuellen" aktuellen Ganges nach Modell |@@| towards a "real model")
+            '      Ermittlung des "virtuellen" aktuellen Ganges nach Modell |@@| Determine the "virtual" up-to-date Gears from the Model
             Gear = Math.Round((pschist) * GangH(t) + (psparist) * GangL(t), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
             If (Gear > VEH.ganganz) Then Gear = VEH.ganganz
             If (Gear < 1) Then Gear = 1
-            '    ueberpruefung, ob Drehzahl ueber nenndrehzahl, dann muss immer hochgeschaltet werden |@@| Determine the "virtual" up-to-date Gears from the Model
             '    check if Revolutions over Nominal-Revolutions, then must always upshift,
+            '    otherwise Power not enough!
             n0 = fnU(Vist0, Gear, False) / VEH.nNenn
             If (n0 > 1) Then
@@ -4178,8 +4178,8 @@ lb88:
                 End If
             End If
-            '    otherwise Power not enough!
             '    Check whether required Power is over P_max (s)
+            '    then Downshift?(zurueckgeschaltet):
             For ix = 1 To VEH.ganganz
                 n0 = fnU(Vist0, ix, False) / VEH.nNenn
@@ -4205,17 +4205,17 @@ lb88:
                 End If
-            '    then Downshift?(zurueckgeschaltet):
+            '    Eigentliche Ueberpruefung ob ueber P_max(n) |@@| Check whether Actual over P_max (s)
             Pivoll = FLD.Pfull(fnn(MODdata.Vh.V(t), Gear, ClutchSlip), LastPe) / VEH.Pnenn
-            'falls schlechte Vollastkurve ohne Moment in leerlauf wird korrigiert: |@@| Check whether Actual over P_max (s)
+            'falls schlechte Vollastkurve ohne Moment in leerlauf wird korrigiert: |@@| if bad Full-load-curve without Torque, then correct in Idle:
             If (Pivoll < 0.06) Then Pivoll = 0.06
-            '    Ueberpruefung, ob hoehere Leistung erforderlich ist als Maximalleistung bei nh |@@| if bad Full-load-curve without Torque, then correct in Idle:
-            '     dann wird zurueckgeschaltet: |@@| Checking whether required Power is higher than maximum power at nh
+            '    Ueberpruefung, ob hoehere Leistung erforderlich ist als Maximalleistung bei nh |@@| Checking whether required Power is higher than maximum power at nh
+            '     dann wird zurueckgeschaltet: |@@| then Gear-shift-back?(zurueckgeschaltet):
             If (Pe0 > Pivoll) Then
                 If t = tx Then OverPfull = True
@@ -4253,16 +4253,16 @@ lb909:
         ''    Exit Function
         ''End If
-        'c     Ende "Modell"-Basisgangwahl |@@| then Gear-shift-back?(zurueckgeschaltet):
+        'c     Ende "Modell"-Basisgangwahl |@@| End "model"-Gear-selection basis
-        'Kuppelschleif-check |@@| End "model"-Gear-selection basis
+        'Kuppelschleif-check |@@| Clutch-lock check
         ''If bPplus And fn_norm(1) < Kuppln_norm Then bKupplSchleif = True
-        '--------------------------------Checks Teil 1------------------------------------- |@@| Clutch-lock check
-        'Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
+        '--------------------------------Checks Part 1 -------------------------------------
         'Checks to Purge non-sensible Gear-shift:
+        'Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: Acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
         iphase = 0
         If t > 1 Then
             Select Case (MODdata.Vh.a(t - 2) + MODdata.Vh.a(t - 1) + MODdata.Vh.a(t)) / 3
@@ -4287,7 +4287,7 @@ lb909:
             End Select
         End If
-        'Division into "IPhase(j)" stages: Acceleration(=1), Deceleration(=2) and Cruise(=3):
+        'Search by last Gear-change
         itgangwL = 0
         For ix = t - 1 To 1 Step -1
             If MODdata.Gear(ix) <> MODdata.Gear(ix - 1) Then
@@ -4296,15 +4296,15 @@ lb909:
             End If
-        'Search by last Gear-change
+        'Maximum permissible Gear-shifts every 3 seconds:
         If t - itgangwL <= 3 And t > 2 Then
             Return LastGear    '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
         End If
-        'Maximum permissible Gear-shifts every 3 seconds:
         'As long Speed-change since last Gear-shift is below 6% and Pe/Pnom below 6% then do not Gear-shift:
         'Deceleration-phases: Upshift suppressed
+        'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
         bCheck = False
         Pjetzt = fPeGearMod(Gear, t)
         Pvorher = MODdata.Pe(itgangwL)
@@ -4323,9 +4323,9 @@ lb909:
         If (iphase = 2) And Gear > MODdata.Gear(t - 1) Then bCheck = True
         If bCheck Then Gear = LastGear
-        'Acceleration phases: Downshift?(Zurückschalten) suppressed
         'If within 6 seconds switched back again to the previous Gear, then
         'stick to previous Gear
+        'VECTO: Exception: on Full-load curve
         If Not OverPfull Then
             bCheck = False
             For ix = t + 1 To t + 6
@@ -4336,8 +4336,8 @@ lb909:
         End If
-        'VECTO: Exception: on Full-load curve
         'If within the 6 seconds, it shifts once to higher and once to lower-Gear than the previous one, then
+        'stick to the previous Gear.
         a = 0
         b = 0
         If (Gear <> LastGear) Then
@@ -4353,14 +4353,14 @@ lb909:
             End If
         End If
-        '--------------------------------stick to the previous Gear.
-        'Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
+        '--------------------------------Checks Part 2 -------------------------------------
         'Shifting from 2nd to 1st Gear is suppressed when v > 1.5 m/s
+        'NEU LUZ 040210: Hochschalten nur wenn im 2. Gang über Kuppeldrehzahl |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshifting only when in 2nd Gear over the Clutch-revolutions
         If Gear = 1 And LastGear > 1 And Vist >= 1.5 Then
             If fnn(Vist, 2, False) > Kuppln_norm Then Gear = 2
         End If
-        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 1.5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| NEW LUZ 040210: Upshifting only when in 2nd Gear over the Clutch-revolutions
+        'bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 1.5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 1.5 m/s, shift to Idle
         bCheck = False
         For ix = t To t + 2
             If ix > t1 Then Exit For
@@ -4372,7 +4372,7 @@ lb20:
             Return 0    '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
         End If
-        'wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. < 0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| at decelerations below 1.5 m/s, shift to Idle
+        'If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
         If t < t1 Then
             If (Vist < 0.1 And MODdata.Vh.V(t + 1) < 0.1) Then
                 Return 0    '<<< keine weiteren Checks!!!
@@ -4380,8 +4380,8 @@ lb20:
         End If
-        'If v < 0.1 m/s for more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
         'Check if Revolutions over Nominal-revolutions, then should always Upshift,
+        'otherwise Power not enough!
         Do While fnn(Vist, Gear, ClutchSlip) > 1 And Gear < VEH.ganganz
             Gear += 1
@@ -4421,7 +4421,7 @@ lb20:
             End If
         End If
-        'otherwise Power not enough!
+        'Speed look-ahead
         If t = MODdata.tDim Then
             v1 = v
             v2 = v
@@ -4434,8 +4434,8 @@ lb20:
             End If
         End If
-        'Speed look-ahead
         'Checks Gears for Cars(PKW) ....
+        'Schalten von 2. in 1. Gang wird bei v>2,5 m/s unterdrueckt |@@| Gear-shifting from 2nd to 1st is suppressed at v > 2.5 m/s
         If (g = 1) Then
             If (g0 > g) Then
                 If (v >= 2.5) Then
@@ -4444,7 +4444,7 @@ lb20:
             End If
         End If
-        'Bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| Gear-shifting from 2nd to 1st is suppressed at v > 2.5 m/s
+        'Bei verzoegerungsvorgaengen unter 2,5 m/s wird in Leerlauf geschaltet |@@| At decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
         If (v < 2.5) Then
             If (v <= v0 And v1 <= v) Then
                 If (v2 <= v1) Then
@@ -4453,12 +4453,12 @@ lb20:
             End If
         End If
-        'Wenn v mehr als 1 Sek. <0.1 m/s wird auf Gang=0 geschaltet |@@| At decelerations below 2.5 m/s, shift to Idle
+        'If v < 0.1 m/s for  more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
         If (v < 0.1 And v1 < 0.1) Then
             g = 0
         End If
-        'If v < 0.1 m/s for  more than 1 sec, then shift to Gear=0
+        'When Acceleration below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
         If (v < 1.5) Then
             If v > v0 And v1 > v Then
                 g = 1
@@ -4485,12 +4485,12 @@ lb20:
         Return g0
     End Function
-    'When Speed?(Beschleunigungsvorgaengen) below 1.5 m/s, then shift to 1st Gear
+    'Function calculating the Power easily for Gear-shift-model
     Private Function fPeGearMod(ByVal Gear As Integer, ByVal t As Integer) As Single
         Return fPvD(t) / VEH.Pnenn
     End Function
-    'Function calculating the Power easily for Gear-shift-model
+    'Function calculating the Power easily for EV-shift-model
     Private Function fPeGearEV(ByVal Gear As Integer, ByVal t As Integer) As Single
         Dim PaM As Single
         Dim nU As Single
@@ -4505,7 +4505,7 @@ lb20:
         nU = fnU(V, Gear, False)
         If Nvorg Then
-            'Function calculating the Power easily for EV-shift-model
+            'Revolutions-setting
             PaM = (VEH.I_mot * MODdata.dnUvorg(t) * 0.01096 * MODdata.nUvorg(t)) * 0.001
             PaM = ((VEH.I_mot * (VEH.AchsI * VEH.Igetr(Gear) / (0.5 * VEH.Dreifen)) ^ 2) * a * V) * 0.001
@@ -4549,7 +4549,7 @@ lb20:
 #Region "Leistungsberechnung"
-    '--------------Revolutions-setting
+    '--------------Power in-front?(vor) of Diff = At Wheel -------------
     Private Function fPvD(ByVal t As Integer) As Single
         Return fPr(MODdata.Vh.V(t)) + fPair(MODdata.Vh.V(t), t) + fPaFZ(MODdata.Vh.V(t), MODdata.Vh.a(t)) + fPs(MODdata.Vh.V(t), t)
     End Function
@@ -4558,12 +4558,12 @@ lb20:
         Return fPr(v) + fPair(v, t) + fPaFZ(v, a) + fPs(v, t)
     End Function
-    '----------------Power in-front?(vor) of Diff = At Wheel -------------
+    '----------------Rolling-resistance----------------
     Private Function fPr(ByVal v As Single) As Single
         Return CSng((VEH.Loading + VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra) * 9.81 * (VEH.Fr0 + VEH.Fr1 * v + VEH.Fr2 * v ^ 2 + VEH.Fr3 * v ^ 3 + VEH.Fr4 * v ^ 4) * v * 0.001)
     End Function
-    '----------------Rolling-resistance----------------
+    '----------------Drag-resistance----------------
     Private Function fPair(ByVal v As Single, ByVal t As Integer) As Single
         Dim vair As Single
         Dim Cd As Single
@@ -4588,24 +4588,24 @@ lb20:
     End Function
-    '--------Drag-resistance----------------
+    '--------Vehicle Acceleration-capability(Beschleunigungsleistung) --------
     Private Function fPaFZ(ByVal v As Single, ByVal a As Single) As Single
-        'Vehicle Acceleration-capability(Beschleunigungsleistung) --------
-        '   Previously (PHEM 10.4.2 and older) the m_raeder was used for Massered instead, with Massered = m_raeder + I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2
+        'Previously (PHEM 10.4.2 and older) the m_raeder was used for Massered instead, with Massered = m_raeder + I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2
+        '   The missing part (I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2) is now considered by fPaG(V,a)
         Return CSng(((VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra + VEH.m_raeder_red + VEH.Loading) * a * v) * 0.001)
     End Function
-    '----------------The missing part (I_Getriebe * (Iachs / (0.5 * Dreifen)) ^ 2) is now considered by fPaG(V,a)
+    '----------------Slope resistance ----------------
     Private Function fPs(ByVal v As Single, ByVal t As Integer) As Single
         fPs = CSng(((VEH.Loading + VEH.Mass + VEH.MassExtra) * 9.81 * MODdata.Vh.Grad(t) * 0.01 * v) * 0.001)
     End Function
-    '----------------Slope resistance ----------------
+    '----------------Ancillaries(Nebenaggregate) ----------------
     Private Function fPaux(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal nU As Single) As Single
         Return CSng(VEH.Paux0 * VEH.Pnenn + MODdata.Vh.Padd(t) + VEH.PauxSum(t, nU))
     End Function
-    '-------------------Ancillaries(Nebenaggregate) ----------------
+    '-------------------Transmission(Getriebe)-------------------
     Private Function fPlossGB(ByVal PvD As Single, ByVal V As Single, ByVal Gear As Integer) As Single
         Dim Pdiff As Single
         Dim P As Single
@@ -4630,12 +4630,12 @@ lb20:
                 n = nU / VEH.nNenn
-                'Transmission(Getriebe)-------------------
+                'Leistung nach Getriebe (Getriebeausgang) |@@| Power to Transmission (Transmission-output)
                 P = Math.Abs(PvD) + Pdiff
-                'Verluste berechnet (eignet sich nur für Schaltgetriebe) |@@| Power to Transmission (Transmission-output)
-                '       Calculate Losses (suitable only for Manual-transmission(Schaltgetriebe))
+                'Calculate Losses (suitable only for Manual-transmission(Schaltgetriebe))
                 '       Interpolation of the Transmission-power-loss
+                '       Between 1 and 8 Gear, as well as between 9 and 16 Gear:
                 If (Gear <= 8) Then
                     iTemp = VEH.Igetr(1)
                     P1_getr = VEH.Pnenn * 0.0025F * (-0.45F + 36.03F * (n / iTemp) + 14.97F * (P / VEH.Pnenn))
@@ -4659,8 +4659,8 @@ lb20:
             Case Else 'tTransLossModel.Detailed
-                '***Between 1 and 8 Gear, as well as between 9 and 16 Gear:
-                '   Differential
+                '***Differential
+                '   Power after Differential (before Transmission)
                 P = PvD + Pdiff
                 Return Math.Max(VEH.IntpolPeLoss(Gear, nU, P), 0)
@@ -4679,7 +4679,7 @@ lb20:
             Case tTransLossModel.Basic
-                'Power after Differential (before Transmission)
+                'Pdiff
                 anrad = (60 * V) / (VEH.Dreifen * Math.PI)
                 Pdiff = VEH.fGetr * VEH.Pnenn * 0.0025 * (-0.47 + 8.34 * (anrad / VEH.nNenn) + 9.53 * (Math.Abs(PvD) / VEH.Pnenn))
                 If (Pdiff <= 0) Then Pdiff = 0
@@ -4688,8 +4688,8 @@ lb20:
             Case Else 'tTransLossModel.Detailed
-                '***Differenzial
-                '   Differential
+                '***Differential
+                '   Power before Differential
                 Return Math.Max(VEH.IntpolPeLoss(0, (60 * V) / (VEH.Dreifen * Math.PI) * VEH.Igetr(0), PvD), 0)
         End Select
@@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ lb20:
         Return VEH.RtPeLoss(Vist, Gear)
     End Function
-    '----------------Power before Differential
+    '----------------Gearbox inertia ----------------
     Private Function fPaG(ByVal V As Single, ByVal a As Single) As Single
         Dim Mred As Single
         Mred = CSng(VEH.I_Getriebe * (VEH.AchsI / (0.5 * VEH.Dreifen)) ^ 2)
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
index 3156c26e7668faa9e0e251d7df2515b1363fd29d..458f52bce2f48998009bb621c36511edbfd97375 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Public Class cVh
-    'Aus DRI-Datei
+    'From DRI file
     Private lV As List(Of Single)       'Ist-Geschw. in Zwischensekunden.
     Private lV0ogl As List(Of Single)   'Original DRI-Geschwindigkeit. Wird nicht geändert.
     Private lV0 As List(Of Single)      'DRI-Geschwindigkeit. Bei Geschw.-Reduktion in Zeitschritt t wird LV0(t+1) reduziert.
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ Public Class cVh
     Private lVairVres As List(Of Single)
     Private lVairBeta As List(Of Single)
-    'From DRI file
+    'Calculated
     Private la As List(Of Single)
-    'Calculated
+    'WegKor |@@| Route(Weg)Correct
     Private WegIst As Single
     Private Weg As List(Of Single)
     Private WegX As Integer
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         Dim L As List(Of Double)
         Dim Val As Single
-        'Geschwindigkeit |@@| Route(Weg)Correct
+        'Speed
         If DRI.Vvorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Public Class cVh
                 If lV(s) < 0.001 Then lV(s) = 0 '<= aus Leistg
-            'Speed
+            'Original-speed is longer by 1
             lV0.Add(DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)(MODdata.tDim + 1))
             If DRI.Scycle Then
                 For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim + 1
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Public Class cVh
                 lV0ogl.Add(DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)(MODdata.tDim + 1))
             End If
-            'Original-speed is longer by 1
+            'Strecke (aus Zwischensekunden sonst passiert Fehler) |@@| Segment (from Intermediate-seconds, otherwise Error)
             For s = 1 To MODdata.tDim
                 Weg.Add(Weg(s - 1) + lV(s))
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Steigung |@@| Segment (from Intermediate-seconds, otherwise Error)
+        'Slope
         If DRI.GradVorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.Grad)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Slope
+        'Gear - but not Averaged, rather Gang(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
         If DRI.Gvorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.Gears)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Gear - but not Averaged, rather Gang(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
+        'Padd
         If DRI.PaddVorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.Padd)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Beschl. berechnen
+        'Calculate Acceleration
         If DRI.Vvorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Calculate Acceleration
+        'Vair specifications: Not in Intermediate-seconds!
         If DRI.VairVorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.VairVres)
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         Dim s As Integer
         Dim L As List(Of Double)
-        'Vair specifications: Not in Intermediate-seconds!
+        'Speed
         If DRI.Vvorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Public Class cVh
                 If lV(s) < 0.001 Then lV(s) = 0 '<= aus Leistg
-            'Speed
+            'Strecke  |@@| Segment
             For s = 1 To MODdata.tDim
                 Weg.Add(Weg(s - 1) + lV(s))
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Steigung |@@| Segment
+        'Slope
         If DRI.GradVorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.Grad)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Slope
+        'Gear - not Averaged, rather Gear(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
         If DRI.Gvorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.Gears)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Gear - not Averaged, rather Gear(t) = DRI.Gear(t)
+        'Padd
         If DRI.PaddVorg Then
             L = DRI.Values(tDriComp.Padd)
             For s = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
-        'Beschl. berechnen
+        'Calculate Acceleration
         If DRI.Vvorg Then
             la.Add(DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)(1) - DRI.Values(tDriComp.V)(0))
             For s = 1 To MODdata.tDim - 1
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Public Class cVh
     Public Sub DistCorrection(ByVal t As Integer)
-        'Calculate Acceleration
+        'TODO: If veh faster than cycle ...
         Dim v As Single
         Dim a As Single
@@ -270,13 +270,13 @@ Public Class cVh
-            'TODO: If veh faster than cycle ...
+            'Falls Zeitschritt wiederholen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Zeitschritt wiederholen |@@| If the repeating Time-step is closer to the Specified-route than the Actual-route => Repeat Time-step
             If (Math.Abs(WegIst + Vsoll(t) - Weg(WegX)) < Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX))) And v > 0.1 Then
                 Duplicate(t + 1)
                 MODdata.tDim += 1
-                'Falls nächsten Zeitschritt löschen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Nächsten Zeitschritt löschen |@@| If the repeating Time-step is closer to the Specified-route than the Actual-route => Repeat Time-step
+                'Falls nächsten Zeitschritt löschen näher an Wegvorgabe als aktueller Weg => Nächsten Zeitschritt löschen |@@| If the next Time-step to Delete closer to specified Route than the Actual-route => Delete Next Time-step
                 'ElseIf WegX < MODdata.tDimOgl - 1 AndAlso t < MODdata.tDim - 1 AndAlso WegIst > Weg(WegX + 1) AndAlso Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX + 1)) <= Math.Abs(WegIst - Weg(WegX)) Then
                 '    Do
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Public Class cVh
-                'Keine Korrektur |@@| If the next Time-step to Delete closer to specified Route than the Actual-route => Delete Next Time-step
+                'No correction
                 WegX += 1
             End If
diff --git a/VECTO/M_Lese.vb b/VECTO/M_Lese.vb
index ebd305814c9320bba925701b2d35d311dcdba888..28d0d7f9f77ec0ad8b0f4b7b679d4a525a423980 100644
--- a/VECTO/M_Lese.vb
+++ b/VECTO/M_Lese.vb
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Module M_Lese
             Return False
         End Try
-        'VECTO: Defaultwerte für Parameter die nicht mehr in der .GEN/.VECTO sind werden beim Einlesen über SetDefault belegt. |@@| VECTO: Default values for the parameters are no longer in GEN/.VECTO are to be occupied in reading about SetDefault.
+        'VECTO: Defaultwerte für Parameter die nicht mehr in der .GEN/.VECTO sind werden beim Einlesen über SetDefault belegt. |@@| VECTO: Default values for the parameters are no longer in GEN/.VECTO but are allocated when Read about SetDefault.
diff --git a/VECTO/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb b/VECTO/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
index ce2c78cdc97e865c3b5bb632a5d49b40405a28d4..9deeb8d7a99ea443f91bb8d2aecb4174c3ec0abe 100644
--- a/VECTO/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb	
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 Imports System.Reflection
 Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
-' Allgemeine Informationen über eine Assembly werden über die folgenden 
 ' Below is the General Information about the Attributes
 ' controlling the Assembly. Change these attribute values to modify the information
 ' associated with the Assembly.
+' Review the values of the Assembly Attributes
 <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("VECTO")> 
 <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> 
 <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("TUG")> 
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
 <Assembly: ComVisible(False)>
-'Review the values of the Assembly Attributes
+'The following GUID is for the ID of the Typelib if this project is exposed to COM
 <Assembly: Guid("175c31e7-2d95-4afb-afec-c4d7719177db")> 
-' The following GUID is for the ID of the Typelib if this project is exposed to COM
+' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-'      Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
 '      Major Release
 '      Minor Release
 '      Build Number
+'      Revision
-' Sie können alle Werte angeben oder die standardmäßigen Build- und Revisionsnummern 
 ' You can specify all the values or use the defaults for Build and Revision Numbers
+' by entering "*" in them:
 ' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> 
 <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>