From e13195680d52b064dfdc8e9a28d7b5c9739c5179 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Krisper <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 13:47:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] unified comparison tests

 .../Integration/BusAuxiliaries/AAuxTests.cs   |   6 +-
 .../DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestCoach.cs | 467 -----------------
 .../DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestTruck.cs | 469 ------------------
 .../DriverStrategy/SimpleCycles.cs            | 408 +++++++++++++++
 ...cle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod |  82 +++
 ...ycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod | 174 +++++++
 VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/VectoCoreTest.csproj  |   9 +-
 7 files changed, 674 insertions(+), 941 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestCoach.cs
 delete mode 100644 VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestTruck.cs
 create mode 100644 VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/SimpleCycles.cs
 create mode 100644 VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod
 create mode 100644 VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod

diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/BusAuxiliaries/AAuxTests.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/BusAuxiliaries/AAuxTests.cs
index bd85252d52..799de98ff3 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/BusAuxiliaries/AAuxTests.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/BusAuxiliaries/AAuxTests.cs
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Integration.BusAuxiliaries
 		TestCase(20, 85, -15), TestCase(20, 85, -20), TestCase(20, 85, -25),
 		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
-		public void Coach_Accelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		public void Coach_Accelerate_AAux(double v1, double v2, double slope)
 			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
 				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Integration.BusAuxiliaries
 		TestCase(80, 0, 5), TestCase(80, 0, 15), TestCase(80, 0, 25),
 		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
-		public void Coach_Decelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		public void Coach_Decelerate_AAux(double v1, double v2, double slope)
 			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
 				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Integration.BusAuxiliaries
 		TestCase(85, 85, -1), TestCase(85, 85, -5), TestCase(85, 85, -10),
 		TestCase(85, 85, -15), TestCase(85, 85, -20), TestCase(85, 85, -25),
-		public void Coach_Drive(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		public void Coach_Drive_AAux(double v1, double v2, double slope)
 			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
 				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestCoach.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestCoach.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4181219cc3..0000000000
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestCoach.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of VECTO.
-* Copyright © 2012-2016 European Union
-* Developed by Graz University of Technology,
-*              Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics,
-*              Institute of Technical Informatics
-* VECTO is licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved
-* by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
-* You may not use VECTO except in compliance with the Licence.
-* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, VECTO
-* distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-* See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the Licence.
-* Authors:
-*   Stefan Hausberger,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-*   Christian Kreiner,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
-*   Michael Krisper,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
-*   Raphael Luz,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-*   Markus Quaritsch,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-*   Martin Rexeis,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
-using System.Globalization;
-using NUnit.Framework;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Integration.DriverStrategy
-	[TestFixture]
-	public class DriverStrategyTestCoach
-	{
-		[TestFixtureSetUp]
-		public void Init()
-		{
-			//LogManager.DisableLogging();
-#if TRACE
-			GraphWriter.Enable();
-			GraphWriter.Disable();
-			GraphWriter.Xfields = new[] { ModalResultField.time, ModalResultField.dist };
-			GraphWriter.Yfields = new[] {
-				ModalResultField.v_act, ModalResultField.acc, ModalResultField.n_eng_avg, ModalResultField.Gear,
-				ModalResultField.P_eng_out, ModalResultField.T_eng_fcmap, ModalResultField.FCMap
-			};
-			GraphWriter.Series1Label = "Vecto 3";
-			GraphWriter.Series2Label = "Vecto 2.2";
-		}
-		[TestCase, Category("ComparisonV2")]
-		public void TestGraph()
-		{
-			var imgV3 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod";
-			var imgv22 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod";
-			GraphWriter.Write(imgV3, imgv22);
-		}
-		[TestCase, Category("ComparisonV2")]
-		public void TestSingleGraph()
-		{
-			var imgV3 = @"..\..\..\VectoCoreTest\bin\Debug\Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod";
-			GraphWriter.Write(imgV3);
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(0, 20, -5), TestCase(0, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 25), TestCase(0, 40, 20), TestCase(0, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 10), TestCase(0, 40, 5), TestCase(0, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -1), TestCase(0, 40, -5), TestCase(0, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -15), TestCase(0, 40, -20), TestCase(0, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 25), TestCase(0, 60, 20), TestCase(0, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 10), TestCase(0, 60, 5), TestCase(0, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -1), TestCase(0, 60, -5), TestCase(0, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -15), TestCase(0, 60, -20), TestCase(0, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 25), TestCase(0, 85, 20), TestCase(0, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 10), TestCase(0, 85, 5), TestCase(0, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 0), TestCase(0, 85, 2),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -1), TestCase(0, 85, -5), TestCase(0, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -15), TestCase(0, 85, -20), TestCase(0, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 25), TestCase(20, 40, 20), TestCase(20, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 10), TestCase(20, 40, 5), TestCase(20, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -1), TestCase(20, 40, -5), TestCase(20, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -15), TestCase(20, 40, -20), TestCase(20, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 25), TestCase(20, 60, 20), TestCase(20, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 10), TestCase(20, 60, 5), TestCase(20, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -1), TestCase(20, 60, -5), TestCase(20, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -15), TestCase(20, 60, -20), TestCase(20, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 25), TestCase(20, 85, 20), TestCase(20, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 10), TestCase(20, 85, 5), TestCase(20, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -1), TestCase(20, 85, -5), TestCase(20, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -15), TestCase(20, 85, -20), TestCase(20, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Accelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = GetSlopeString(slope);
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Coach_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
-			Coach_Special(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 25), TestCase(40, 0, 20), TestCase(40, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 10), TestCase(40, 0, 5), TestCase(40, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -1), TestCase(40, 0, -5), TestCase(40, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -15), TestCase(40, 0, -20), TestCase(40, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 25), TestCase(60, 0, 20), TestCase(60, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 10), TestCase(60, 0, 5), TestCase(60, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -1), TestCase(60, 0, -5), TestCase(60, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -15), TestCase(60, 0, -20), TestCase(60, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 25), TestCase(85, 0, 20), TestCase(85, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 10), TestCase(85, 0, 5), TestCase(85, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -1), TestCase(85, 0, -5), TestCase(85, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -15), TestCase(85, 0, -20), TestCase(85, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 25), TestCase(40, 20, 20), TestCase(40, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 10), TestCase(40, 20, 5), TestCase(40, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -1), TestCase(40, 20, -5), TestCase(40, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -15), TestCase(40, 20, -20), TestCase(40, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(45, 0, -5),
-		TestCase(45, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(45, 0, 5),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 25), TestCase(60, 20, 20), TestCase(60, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 10), TestCase(60, 20, 5), TestCase(60, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -1), TestCase(60, 20, -5), TestCase(60, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -15), TestCase(60, 20, -20), TestCase(60, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 25), TestCase(85, 20, 20), TestCase(85, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 10), TestCase(85, 20, 5), TestCase(85, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -1), TestCase(85, 20, -5), TestCase(85, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -15), TestCase(85, 20, -20), TestCase(85, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Decelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = GetSlopeString(slope);
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Coach_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
-			Coach_Special(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Decelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 25), TestCase(10, 10, 20), TestCase(10, 10, 15),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 10), TestCase(10, 10, 5), TestCase(10, 10, 1),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 0),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -1), TestCase(10, 10, -5), TestCase(10, 10, -10),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -15), TestCase(10, 10, -20), TestCase(10, 10, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 25), TestCase(20, 20, 20), TestCase(20, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 10), TestCase(20, 20, 5), TestCase(20, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -1), TestCase(20, 20, -5), TestCase(20, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -15), TestCase(20, 20, -20), TestCase(20, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 25), TestCase(30, 30, 20), TestCase(30, 30, 15),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 10), TestCase(30, 30, 5), TestCase(30, 30, 1),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 0),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -1), TestCase(30, 30, -5), TestCase(30, 30, -10),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -15), TestCase(30, 30, -20), TestCase(30, 30, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 25), TestCase(40, 40, 20), TestCase(40, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 10), TestCase(40, 40, 5), TestCase(40, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -1), TestCase(40, 40, -5), TestCase(40, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -15), TestCase(40, 40, -20), TestCase(40, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 25), TestCase(50, 50, 20), TestCase(50, 50, 15),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 10), TestCase(50, 50, 5), TestCase(50, 50, 1),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 0),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -1), TestCase(50, 50, -5), TestCase(50, 50, -10),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -15), TestCase(50, 50, -20), TestCase(50, 50, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 25), TestCase(60, 60, 20), TestCase(60, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 10), TestCase(60, 60, 5), TestCase(60, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -1), TestCase(60, 60, -5), TestCase(60, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -15), TestCase(60, 60, -20), TestCase(60, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 25), TestCase(80, 80, 20), TestCase(80, 80, 15),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 10), TestCase(80, 80, 5), TestCase(80, 80, 1),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 0),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -1), TestCase(80, 80, -5), TestCase(80, 80, -10),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -15), TestCase(80, 80, -20), TestCase(80, 80, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 25), TestCase(85, 85, 20), TestCase(85, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 10), TestCase(85, 85, 5), TestCase(85, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -1), TestCase(85, 85, -5), TestCase(85, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -15), TestCase(85, 85, -20), TestCase(85, 85, -25),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Drive(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = GetSlopeString(slope);
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Coach_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
-			Coach_Special(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 25), TestCase(0, 40, 20), TestCase(0, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 10), TestCase(0, 40, 5), TestCase(0, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 0), TestCase(0, 40, -3),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -1), TestCase(0, 40, -5), TestCase(0, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -15), TestCase(0, 40, -20), TestCase(0, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 25), TestCase(0, 60, 20), TestCase(0, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 10), TestCase(0, 60, 5), TestCase(0, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 0), TestCase(0, 60, -3),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -1), TestCase(0, 60, -5), TestCase(0, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -15), TestCase(0, 60, -20), TestCase(0, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 25), TestCase(0, 85, 20), TestCase(0, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 10), TestCase(0, 85, 5), TestCase(0, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 0), TestCase(0, 85, -3),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -1), TestCase(0, 85, -5), TestCase(0, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -15), TestCase(0, 85, -20), TestCase(0, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 25), TestCase(20, 40, 20), TestCase(20, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 10), TestCase(20, 40, 5), TestCase(20, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -1), TestCase(20, 40, -5), TestCase(20, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -15), TestCase(20, 40, -20), TestCase(20, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 25), TestCase(20, 60, 20), TestCase(20, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 10), TestCase(20, 60, 5), TestCase(20, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -1), TestCase(20, 60, -5), TestCase(20, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -15), TestCase(20, 60, -20), TestCase(20, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 25), TestCase(20, 85, 20), TestCase(20, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 10), TestCase(20, 85, 5), TestCase(20, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -1), TestCase(20, 85, -5), TestCase(20, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -15), TestCase(20, 85, -20), TestCase(20, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Accelerate_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = GetSlopeString(slope);
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Coach_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
-			Coach_Special_Overspeed(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 25), TestCase(40, 0, 20), TestCase(40, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 10), TestCase(40, 0, 5), TestCase(40, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -1), TestCase(40, 0, -5), TestCase(40, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -15), TestCase(40, 0, -20), TestCase(40, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 25), TestCase(60, 0, 20), TestCase(60, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 10), TestCase(60, 0, 5), TestCase(60, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -1), TestCase(60, 0, -5), TestCase(60, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -15), TestCase(60, 0, -20), TestCase(60, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 25), TestCase(85, 0, 20), TestCase(85, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 10), TestCase(85, 0, 5), TestCase(85, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -1), TestCase(85, 0, -5), TestCase(85, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -15), TestCase(85, 0, -20), TestCase(85, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 25), TestCase(40, 20, 20), TestCase(40, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 10), TestCase(40, 20, 5), TestCase(40, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -1), TestCase(40, 20, -5), TestCase(40, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -15), TestCase(40, 20, -20), TestCase(40, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 25), TestCase(60, 20, 20), TestCase(60, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 10), TestCase(60, 20, 5), TestCase(60, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -1), TestCase(60, 20, -5), TestCase(60, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -15), TestCase(60, 20, -20), TestCase(60, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 25), TestCase(85, 20, 20), TestCase(85, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 10), TestCase(85, 20, 5), TestCase(85, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -1), TestCase(85, 20, -5), TestCase(85, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -15), TestCase(85, 20, -20), TestCase(85, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Decelerate_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = GetSlopeString(slope);
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Coach_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
-			Coach_Special_Overspeed(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Decelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		private static string GetSlopeString(double slope)
-		{
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0
-				? Math.Abs(slope).ToString("uphill_#")
-				: slope < 0
-					? Math.Abs(slope).ToString("downhill_#")
-					: "level";
-			return slopeStr;
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 25), TestCase(10, 10, 20), TestCase(10, 10, 15),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 10), TestCase(10, 10, 5), TestCase(10, 10, 1),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 0),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -1), TestCase(10, 10, -5), TestCase(10, 10, -10),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -15), TestCase(10, 10, -20), TestCase(10, 10, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 25), TestCase(20, 20, 20), TestCase(20, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 10), TestCase(20, 20, 5), TestCase(20, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -1), TestCase(20, 20, -5), TestCase(20, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -15), TestCase(20, 20, -20), TestCase(20, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 25), TestCase(30, 30, 20), TestCase(30, 30, 15),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 10), TestCase(30, 30, 5), TestCase(30, 30, 1),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 0),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -1), TestCase(30, 30, -5), TestCase(30, 30, -10),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -15), TestCase(30, 30, -20), TestCase(30, 30, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 25), TestCase(40, 40, 20), TestCase(40, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 10), TestCase(40, 40, 5), TestCase(40, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -1), TestCase(40, 40, -5), TestCase(40, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -15), TestCase(40, 40, -20), TestCase(40, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 25), TestCase(50, 50, 20), TestCase(50, 50, 15),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 10), TestCase(50, 50, 5), TestCase(50, 50, 1),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 0),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -1), TestCase(50, 50, -5), TestCase(50, 50, -10),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -15), TestCase(50, 50, -20), TestCase(50, 50, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 25), TestCase(60, 60, 20), TestCase(60, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 10), TestCase(60, 60, 5), TestCase(60, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -1), TestCase(60, 60, -5), TestCase(60, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -15), TestCase(60, 60, -20), TestCase(60, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 25), TestCase(80, 80, 20), TestCase(80, 80, 15),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 10), TestCase(80, 80, 5), TestCase(80, 80, 1),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 0),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -1), TestCase(80, 80, -5), TestCase(80, 80, -10),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -15), TestCase(80, 80, -20), TestCase(80, 80, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 25), TestCase(85, 85, 20), TestCase(85, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 10), TestCase(85, 85, 5), TestCase(85, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -1), TestCase(85, 85, -5), TestCase(85, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -15), TestCase(85, 85, -20), TestCase(85, 85, -25),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Drive_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = GetSlopeString(slope);
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Coach_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
-			Coach_Special_Overspeed(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod"
-			),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_stop_85_stop_85_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod"),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Special(string cycleData, string modFileName, string compareFileName)
-		{
-			var cycle = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycleData);
-			var run = CoachPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycle, modFileName);
-			run.Run();
-			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
-			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName, @"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\Coach\" + compareFileName);
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod"
-			),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_stop_85_stop_85_level,
-			"Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod", "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod"),
-		]
-		public void Coach_Special_Overspeed(string cycleData, string modFileName, string compareFileName)
-		{
-			var cycle = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycleData);
-			var run = CoachPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycle, modFileName, true);
-			run.Run();
-			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
-			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName,
-				@"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\Coach_Overspeed\" + compareFileName);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestTruck.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestTruck.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 487bdd2867..0000000000
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/DriverStrategyTestTruck.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of VECTO.
-* Copyright © 2012-2016 European Union
-* Developed by Graz University of Technology,
-*              Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics,
-*              Institute of Technical Informatics
-* VECTO is licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved
-* by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
-* You may not use VECTO except in compliance with the Licence.
-* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, VECTO
-* distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-* See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the Licence.
-* Authors:
-*   Stefan Hausberger,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-*   Christian Kreiner,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
-*   Michael Krisper,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
-*   Raphael Luz,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-*   Markus Quaritsch,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-*   Martin Rexeis,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
-using System.Globalization;
-using NUnit.Framework;
-using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
-using TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils;
-namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Integration.DriverStrategy
-	[TestFixture]
-	public class DriverStrategyTestTruck
-	{
-		[TestFixtureSetUp]
-		public void Init()
-		{
-			//LogManager.DisableLogging();
-#if TRACE
-			GraphWriter.Enable();
-			GraphWriter.Disable();
-			GraphWriter.Xfields = new[] { ModalResultField.time, ModalResultField.dist };
-			GraphWriter.Yfields = new[] {
-				ModalResultField.v_act, ModalResultField.acc, ModalResultField.n_eng_avg, ModalResultField.Gear,
-				ModalResultField.P_eng_out, ModalResultField.T_eng_fcmap, ModalResultField.FCMap
-			};
-			GraphWriter.Series1Label = "Vecto 3";
-			GraphWriter.Series2Label = "Vecto 2.2";
-		}
-		[TestCase, Category("ComparisonV2")]
-		public void TestGraph()
-		{
-			var imgV3 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod";
-			var imgv22 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod";
-			GraphWriter.Write(imgV3, imgv22);
-		}
-		[TestCase, Category("ComparisonV2")]
-		public void TestSingleGraph()
-		{
-			var imgV3 = @"..\..\..\VectoCoreTest\bin\Debug\Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod";
-			GraphWriter.Write(imgV3);
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(0, 20, -5), TestCase(0, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 25), TestCase(0, 40, 20), TestCase(0, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 10), TestCase(0, 40, 5), TestCase(0, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -1), TestCase(0, 40, -5), TestCase(0, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -15), TestCase(0, 40, -20), TestCase(0, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 25), TestCase(0, 60, 20), TestCase(0, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 10), TestCase(0, 60, 5), TestCase(0, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -1), TestCase(0, 60, -5), TestCase(0, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -15), TestCase(0, 60, -20), TestCase(0, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 25), TestCase(0, 85, 20), TestCase(0, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 10), TestCase(0, 85, 5), TestCase(0, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 0), TestCase(0, 85, 2),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -1), TestCase(0, 85, -5), TestCase(0, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -15), TestCase(0, 85, -20), TestCase(0, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 25), TestCase(20, 40, 20), TestCase(20, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 10), TestCase(20, 40, 5), TestCase(20, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -1), TestCase(20, 40, -5), TestCase(20, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -15), TestCase(20, 40, -20), TestCase(20, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 25), TestCase(20, 60, 20), TestCase(20, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 10), TestCase(20, 60, 5), TestCase(20, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -1), TestCase(20, 60, -5), TestCase(20, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -15), TestCase(20, 60, -20), TestCase(20, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 25), TestCase(20, 85, 20), TestCase(20, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 10), TestCase(20, 85, 5), TestCase(20, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -1), TestCase(20, 85, -5), TestCase(20, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -15), TestCase(20, 85, -20), TestCase(20, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Accelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Truck_{0}_{1}_{3}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, Math.Abs(slope),
-				slopeStr);
-			Truck_Special(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Truck_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 25), TestCase(40, 0, 20), TestCase(40, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 10), TestCase(40, 0, 5), TestCase(40, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -1), TestCase(40, 0, -5), TestCase(40, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -15), TestCase(40, 0, -20), TestCase(40, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 25), TestCase(60, 0, 20), TestCase(60, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 10), TestCase(60, 0, 5), TestCase(60, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -1), TestCase(60, 0, -5), TestCase(60, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -15), TestCase(60, 0, -20), TestCase(60, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 25), TestCase(85, 0, 20), TestCase(85, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 10), TestCase(85, 0, 5), TestCase(85, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -1), TestCase(85, 0, -5), TestCase(85, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -15), TestCase(85, 0, -20), TestCase(85, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 25), TestCase(40, 20, 20), TestCase(40, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 10), TestCase(40, 20, 5), TestCase(40, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -1), TestCase(40, 20, -5), TestCase(40, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -15), TestCase(40, 20, -20), TestCase(40, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(45, 0, -5),
-		TestCase(45, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(45, 0, 5),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 25), TestCase(60, 20, 20), TestCase(60, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 10), TestCase(60, 20, 5), TestCase(60, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -1), TestCase(60, 20, -5), TestCase(60, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -15), TestCase(60, 20, -20), TestCase(60, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 25), TestCase(85, 20, 20), TestCase(85, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 10), TestCase(85, 20, 5), TestCase(85, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -1), TestCase(85, 20, -5), TestCase(85, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -15), TestCase(85, 20, -20), TestCase(85, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Decelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Truck_{0}_{1}_{3}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, Math.Abs(slope),
-				slopeStr);
-			Truck_Special(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Truck_Cycle_Decelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 25), TestCase(10, 10, 20), TestCase(10, 10, 15),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 10), TestCase(10, 10, 5), TestCase(10, 10, 1),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 0),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -1), TestCase(10, 10, -5), TestCase(10, 10, -10),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -15), TestCase(10, 10, -20), TestCase(10, 10, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 25), TestCase(20, 20, 20), TestCase(20, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 10), TestCase(20, 20, 5), TestCase(20, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -1), TestCase(20, 20, -5), TestCase(20, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -15), TestCase(20, 20, -20), TestCase(20, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 25), TestCase(30, 30, 20), TestCase(30, 30, 15),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 10), TestCase(30, 30, 5), TestCase(30, 30, 1),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 0),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -1), TestCase(30, 30, -5), TestCase(30, 30, -10),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -15), TestCase(30, 30, -20), TestCase(30, 30, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 25), TestCase(40, 40, 20), TestCase(40, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 10), TestCase(40, 40, 5), TestCase(40, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -1), TestCase(40, 40, -5), TestCase(40, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -15), TestCase(40, 40, -20), TestCase(40, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 25), TestCase(50, 50, 20), TestCase(50, 50, 15),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 10), TestCase(50, 50, 5), TestCase(50, 50, 1),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 0),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -1), TestCase(50, 50, -5), TestCase(50, 50, -10),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -15), TestCase(50, 50, -20), TestCase(50, 50, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 25), TestCase(60, 60, 20), TestCase(60, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 10), TestCase(60, 60, 5), TestCase(60, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -1), TestCase(60, 60, -5), TestCase(60, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -15), TestCase(60, 60, -20), TestCase(60, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 25), TestCase(80, 80, 20), TestCase(80, 80, 15),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 10), TestCase(80, 80, 5), TestCase(80, 80, 1),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 0),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -1), TestCase(80, 80, -5), TestCase(80, 80, -10),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -15), TestCase(80, 80, -20), TestCase(80, 80, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 25), TestCase(85, 85, 20), TestCase(85, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 10), TestCase(85, 85, 5), TestCase(85, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -1), TestCase(85, 85, -5), TestCase(85, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -15), TestCase(85, 85, -20), TestCase(85, 85, -25),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Drive(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Truck_{0}_{1}_{3}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, Math.Abs(slope),
-				slopeStr);
-			Truck_Special(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 25), TestCase(0, 40, 20), TestCase(0, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 10), TestCase(0, 40, 5), TestCase(0, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 40, 0), TestCase(0, 40, -3),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -1), TestCase(0, 40, -5), TestCase(0, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 40, -15), TestCase(0, 40, -20), TestCase(0, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 25), TestCase(0, 60, 20), TestCase(0, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 10), TestCase(0, 60, 5), TestCase(0, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 60, 0), TestCase(0, 60, -3),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -1), TestCase(0, 60, -5), TestCase(0, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 60, -15), TestCase(0, 60, -20), TestCase(0, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 25), TestCase(0, 85, 20), TestCase(0, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 10), TestCase(0, 85, 5), TestCase(0, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(0, 85, 0), TestCase(0, 85, -3),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -1), TestCase(0, 85, -5), TestCase(0, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(0, 85, -15), TestCase(0, 85, -20), TestCase(0, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 25), TestCase(20, 40, 20), TestCase(20, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 10), TestCase(20, 40, 5), TestCase(20, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -1), TestCase(20, 40, -5), TestCase(20, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 40, -15), TestCase(20, 40, -20), TestCase(20, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 25), TestCase(20, 60, 20), TestCase(20, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 10), TestCase(20, 60, 5), TestCase(20, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -1), TestCase(20, 60, -5), TestCase(20, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 60, -15), TestCase(20, 60, -20), TestCase(20, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 25), TestCase(20, 85, 20), TestCase(20, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 10), TestCase(20, 85, 5), TestCase(20, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -1), TestCase(20, 85, -5), TestCase(20, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 85, -15), TestCase(20, 85, -20), TestCase(20, 85, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Accelerate_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Truck_{0}_{1}_{3}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, Math.Abs(slope),
-				slopeStr);
-			Truck_Special_Overspeed(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Truck_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 25), TestCase(40, 0, 20), TestCase(40, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 10), TestCase(40, 0, 5), TestCase(40, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -1), TestCase(40, 0, -5), TestCase(40, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 0, -15), TestCase(40, 0, -20), TestCase(40, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 25), TestCase(60, 0, 20), TestCase(60, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 10), TestCase(60, 0, 5), TestCase(60, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -1), TestCase(60, 0, -5), TestCase(60, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 0, -15), TestCase(60, 0, -20), TestCase(60, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 25), TestCase(85, 0, 20), TestCase(85, 0, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 10), TestCase(85, 0, 5), TestCase(85, 0, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 0, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -1), TestCase(85, 0, -5), TestCase(85, 0, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 0, -15), TestCase(85, 0, -20), TestCase(85, 0, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 25), TestCase(40, 20, 20), TestCase(40, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 10), TestCase(40, 20, 5), TestCase(40, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -1), TestCase(40, 20, -5), TestCase(40, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 20, -15), TestCase(40, 20, -20), TestCase(40, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 25), TestCase(60, 20, 20), TestCase(60, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 10), TestCase(60, 20, 5), TestCase(60, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -1), TestCase(60, 20, -5), TestCase(60, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 20, -15), TestCase(60, 20, -20), TestCase(60, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 25), TestCase(85, 20, 20), TestCase(85, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 10), TestCase(85, 20, 5), TestCase(85, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -1), TestCase(85, 20, -5), TestCase(85, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 20, -15), TestCase(85, 20, -20), TestCase(85, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Decelerate_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Truck_{0}_{1}_{3}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, Math.Abs(slope),
-				slopeStr);
-			Truck_Special_Overspeed(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Truck_Cycle_Decelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 25), TestCase(10, 10, 20), TestCase(10, 10, 15),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 10), TestCase(10, 10, 5), TestCase(10, 10, 1),
-		TestCase(10, 10, 0),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -1), TestCase(10, 10, -5), TestCase(10, 10, -10),
-		TestCase(10, 10, -15), TestCase(10, 10, -20), TestCase(10, 10, -25),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 25), TestCase(20, 20, 20), TestCase(20, 20, 15),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 10), TestCase(20, 20, 5), TestCase(20, 20, 1),
-		TestCase(20, 20, 0),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -1), TestCase(20, 20, -5), TestCase(20, 20, -10),
-		TestCase(20, 20, -15), TestCase(20, 20, -20), TestCase(20, 20, -25),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 25), TestCase(30, 30, 20), TestCase(30, 30, 15),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 10), TestCase(30, 30, 5), TestCase(30, 30, 1),
-		TestCase(30, 30, 0),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -1), TestCase(30, 30, -5), TestCase(30, 30, -10),
-		TestCase(30, 30, -15), TestCase(30, 30, -20), TestCase(30, 30, -25),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 25), TestCase(40, 40, 20), TestCase(40, 40, 15),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 10), TestCase(40, 40, 5), TestCase(40, 40, 1),
-		TestCase(40, 40, 0),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -1), TestCase(40, 40, -5), TestCase(40, 40, -10),
-		TestCase(40, 40, -15), TestCase(40, 40, -20), TestCase(40, 40, -25),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 25), TestCase(50, 50, 20), TestCase(50, 50, 15),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 10), TestCase(50, 50, 5), TestCase(50, 50, 1),
-		TestCase(50, 50, 0),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -1), TestCase(50, 50, -5), TestCase(50, 50, -10),
-		TestCase(50, 50, -15), TestCase(50, 50, -20), TestCase(50, 50, -25),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 25), TestCase(60, 60, 20), TestCase(60, 60, 15),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 10), TestCase(60, 60, 5), TestCase(60, 60, 1),
-		TestCase(60, 60, 0),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -1), TestCase(60, 60, -5), TestCase(60, 60, -10),
-		TestCase(60, 60, -15), TestCase(60, 60, -20), TestCase(60, 60, -25),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 25), TestCase(80, 80, 20), TestCase(80, 80, 15),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 10), TestCase(80, 80, 5), TestCase(80, 80, 1),
-		TestCase(80, 80, 0),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -1), TestCase(80, 80, -5), TestCase(80, 80, -10),
-		TestCase(80, 80, -15), TestCase(80, 80, -20), TestCase(80, 80, -25),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 25), TestCase(85, 85, 20), TestCase(85, 85, 15),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 10), TestCase(85, 85, 5), TestCase(85, 85, 1),
-		TestCase(85, 85, 0),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -1), TestCase(85, 85, -5), TestCase(85, 85, -10),
-		TestCase(85, 85, -15), TestCase(85, 85, -20), TestCase(85, 85, -25),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Drive_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
-		{
-			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
-				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
-			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
-			var modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"Truck_{0}_{1}_{3}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, Math.Abs(slope),
-				slopeStr);
-			Truck_Special_Overspeed(cycle, modFileName,
-				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr));
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod"
-			),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_stop_85_stop_85_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_SlopeChangeBeforeStop, "Truck_DriverStrategy_SlopeChangeBeforeStop.vmod", null
-			),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDriver_FrequentSlopChange, "Truck_DriverStrategy_SlopeChangeBeforeStop.vmod", null),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Special(string cycleData, string modFileName, string compareFileName = null)
-		{
-			var cycle = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycleData);
-			var run = Truck40tPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycle, modFileName);
-			run.Run();
-			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
-			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName,
-				compareFileName != null ? @"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\Truck\" + compareFileName : null);
-		}
-		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Decreasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_80_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_30_slope_dec-inc.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod"
-			),
-		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_stop_85_stop_85_level,
-			"Truck_DriverStrategy_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod", "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod"),
-		]
-		public void Truck_Special_Overspeed(string cycleData, string modFileName, string compareFileName = null)
-		{
-			var cycle = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycleData);
-			var run = Truck40tPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycle, modFileName, true);
-			run.Run();
-			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
-			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName,
-				compareFileName != null
-					? @"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\Truck_Overspeed\" + compareFileName
-					: null);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/SimpleCycles.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/SimpleCycles.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7407d62c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/DriverStrategy/SimpleCycles.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+* This file is part of VECTO.
+* Copyright © 2012-2016 European Union
+* Developed by Graz University of Technology,
+*              Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics,
+*              Institute of Technical Informatics
+* VECTO is licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved
+* by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
+* You may not use VECTO except in compliance with the Licence.
+* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, VECTO
+* distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+* See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the Licence.
+* Authors:
+*   Stefan Hausberger,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+*   Christian Kreiner,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
+*   Michael Krisper,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
+*   Raphael Luz,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+*   Markus Quaritsch,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+*   Martin Rexeis,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Integration.DriverStrategy
+	[TestFixture]
+	public class SimpleCycles
+	{
+		[TestFixtureSetUp]
+		public void Init()
+		{
+			//LogManager.DisableLogging();
+#if TRACE
+			GraphWriter.Enable();
+			GraphWriter.Disable();
+			GraphWriter.Xfields = new[] { ModalResultField.time, ModalResultField.dist };
+			GraphWriter.Yfields = new[] {
+				ModalResultField.v_act, ModalResultField.acc, ModalResultField.n_eng_avg, ModalResultField.Gear,
+				ModalResultField.P_eng_out, ModalResultField.T_eng_fcmap, ModalResultField.FCMap
+			};
+			GraphWriter.Series1Label = "Vecto 3";
+			GraphWriter.Series2Label = "Vecto 2.2";
+		}
+		private static string GetSlopeString(double slope)
+		{
+			var slopeStr = slope > 0
+				? Math.Abs(slope).ToString("uphill_#")
+				: slope < 0
+					? Math.Abs(slope).ToString("downhill_#")
+					: "level";
+			return slopeStr;
+		}
+		[TestCase, Category("ComparisonV2")]
+		public void TestGraph()
+		{
+			var imgV3 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod";
+			var imgv22 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod";
+			GraphWriter.Write(imgV3, imgv22);
+		}
+		[TestCase, Category("ComparisonV2")]
+		public void TestSingleGraph()
+		{
+			var imgV3 = @"TestData\Results\Integration\40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod";
+			GraphWriter.Write(imgV3);
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(0, 20, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 20, 0),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -15),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -25),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 0),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 1),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 10),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 2),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 25),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 5),
+		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
+		TestCase(20, 60, -15),
+		TestCase(20, 60, -25),
+		TestCase(20, 60, -5),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 0),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 15),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 25),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 5),
+		]
+		public void Truck_Accelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			Truck_Special(cycle,
+				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod",
+					v1, v2, GetSlopeString(slope)));
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
+		TestCase(45, 0, -5),
+		TestCase(45, 0, 0),
+		TestCase(45, 0, 5),
+		TestCase(60, 20, -15),
+		TestCase(60, 20, -25),
+		TestCase(60, 20, -5),
+		TestCase(60, 20, 0),
+		TestCase(60, 20, 15),
+		TestCase(60, 20, 5),
+		TestCase(80, 0, -15),
+		TestCase(80, 0, -25),
+		TestCase(80, 0, -5),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 0),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 20),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 15),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 3),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 5),
+		]
+		public void Truck_Decelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			Truck_Special(cycle,
+				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Decelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod",
+					v1, v2, GetSlopeString(slope)));
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(10, 10, -15),
+		TestCase(10, 10, -25),
+		TestCase(10, 10, -5),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 0),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 15),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 25),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 5),
+		TestCase(20, 20, -15),
+		TestCase(30, 30, -15),
+		TestCase(50, 50, -15),
+		TestCase(80, 80, -15),
+		TestCase(80, 80, -5),
+		TestCase(80, 80, 0),
+		TestCase(80, 80, 15),
+		TestCase(80, 80, 5),
+		]
+		public void Truck_Drive(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			Truck_Special(cycle, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod",
+				v1, v2, GetSlopeString(slope)));
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Increasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Increasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Increasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Decreasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Decreasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Decreasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level,
+			"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_stop_85_stop_85_level, "24t Truck_Cycle_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_SlopeChangeBeforeStop, "Truck_DriverStrategy_SlopeChangeBeforeStop.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDriver_FrequentSlopChange, "Truck_DriverStrategy_SlopeChangeBeforeStop.vmod"),
+		]
+		public void Truck_Special(string cycleData, string modFileName)
+		{
+			var cycle = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycleData);
+			var run = Truck40tPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycle, modFileName);
+			run.Run();
+			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
+			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName, @"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\40t Truck\" + modFileName);
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(0, 40, -1),
+		TestCase(0, 40, -3),
+		TestCase(0, 40, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 60, -1),
+		TestCase(0, 60, -3),
+		TestCase(0, 60, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -1),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -3),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -5),
+		]
+		public void Truck_Accelerate_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
+			string modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+				"40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
+			var cycleData = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycle);
+			var run = Truck40tPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycleData, modFileName, true);
+			run.Run();
+			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
+			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName,
+				@"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\40t Truck_Overspeed\" + modFileName);
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(0, 20, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 20, 0),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -15),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -25),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 0),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 1),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 10),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 2),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 25),
+		TestCase(0, 85, 5),
+		TestCase(20, 22, 5),
+		TestCase(20, 60, -15),
+		TestCase(20, 60, -25),
+		TestCase(20, 60, -5),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 0),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 15),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 25),
+		TestCase(20, 60, 5),
+		]
+		public void Coach_Accelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			Coach_Special(cycle,
+				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod",
+					v1, v2, GetSlopeString(slope)));
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(22, 20, -5),
+		TestCase(45, 0, -5),
+		TestCase(45, 0, 0),
+		TestCase(45, 0, 5),
+		TestCase(60, 20, -15),
+		TestCase(60, 20, -25),
+		TestCase(60, 20, -5),
+		TestCase(60, 20, 0),
+		TestCase(60, 20, 15),
+		TestCase(60, 20, 5),
+		TestCase(80, 0, -15),
+		TestCase(80, 0, -25),
+		TestCase(80, 0, -5),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 0),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 20),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 15),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 3),
+		TestCase(80, 0, 5),
+		]
+		public void Coach_Decelerate(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			Coach_Special(cycle,
+				string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Decelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod",
+					v1, v2, GetSlopeString(slope)));
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(10, 10, -15),
+		TestCase(10, 10, -25),
+		TestCase(10, 10, -5),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 0),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 15),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 25),
+		TestCase(10, 10, 5),
+		TestCase(20, 20, -15),
+		TestCase(30, 30, -15),
+		TestCase(50, 50, -15),
+		TestCase(80, 80, -15),
+		TestCase(80, 80, -5),
+		TestCase(80, 80, 0),
+		TestCase(80, 80, 15),
+		TestCase(80, 80, 5),
+		]
+		public void Coach_Drive(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			Coach_Special(cycle, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod",
+				v1, v2, GetSlopeString(slope)));
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Increasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Increasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Increasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Decreasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Decreasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Decreasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Decreasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_80_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_30_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_DecelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateWhileBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateAtBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleAccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level,
+			"24t Coach_Cycle_AccelerateBeforeBrake_80_0_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_stop_85_stop_85_level, "24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_stop_85_stop_85_level.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDrive_SlopeChangeBeforeStop, "24t Coach_DriverStrategy_SlopeChangeBeforeStop.vmod"),
+		TestCase(SimpleDrivingCycles.CycleDriver_FrequentSlopChange, "24t Coach_DriverStrategy_SlopeChangeBeforeStop.vmod"),
+		]
+		public void Coach_Special(string cycleData, string modFileName)
+		{
+			var cycle = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycleData);
+			var run = CoachPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycle, modFileName);
+			run.Run();
+			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
+			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName, @"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\Coach\" + modFileName);
+		}
+		[Category("ComparisonV2"),
+		TestCase(0, 40, -1),
+		TestCase(0, 40, -3),
+		TestCase(0, 40, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 60, -1),
+		TestCase(0, 60, -3),
+		TestCase(0, 60, -5),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -1),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -3),
+		TestCase(0, 85, -5),
+		]
+		public void Coach_Accelerate_Overspeed(double v1, double v2, double slope)
+		{
+			var cycle = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0, {0}, {1}, {2}\n1000, {3}, {4}, {5}", v1, slope,
+				v1.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0, v2, slope, v2.IsEqual(0) ? 2 : 0);
+			var slopeStr = slope > 0 ? "uhpill" : slope < 0 ? "downhill" : "level";
+			string modFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+				"24t Coach_Cycle_Accelerate_{0}_{1}_{2}.vmod", v1, v2, slopeStr);
+			var cycleData = SimpleDrivingCycles.CreateCycleData(cycle);
+			var run = CoachPowerTrain.CreateEngineeringRun(cycleData, modFileName, true);
+			run.Run();
+			Assert.IsTrue(run.FinishedWithoutErrors);
+			GraphWriter.Write(modFileName,
+				@"..\..\TestData\Integration\DriverStrategy\Vecto2.2\Coach_Overspeed\" + modFileName);
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e99b27d25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+time [s],dist [m],v_act [km/h],v_targ [km/h],acc [m/s²],grad [%],n [1/min],Tq_eng [Nm],Tq_clutch [Nm],Tq_full [Nm],Tq_drag [Nm],Pe_eng [kW],Pe_full [kW],Pe_drag [kW],Pe_clutch [kW],Pa Eng [kW],Paux [kW],Gear [-],Ploss GB [kW],Ploss Diff [kW],Ploss Retarder [kW],Pa GB [kW],Pa Veh [kW],Proll [kW],Pair [kW],Pgrad [kW],Pwheel [kW],Pbrake [kW],FC-Map [g/h],FC-AUXc [g/h],FC-WHTCc [g/h]
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78ac2e7b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/TestData/Results/Integration/40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+time [s],dt [s],dist [m],v_act [km/h],v_targ [km/h],acc [m/s^2],grad [%],Gear [-],n_eng_avg [1/min],T_eng_fcmap [Nm],Tq_full [Nm],Tq_drag [Nm],P_eng_fcmap [kW],P_eng_full [kW],P_eng_drag [kW],P_eng_inertia [kW],P_eng_out [kW],P_clutch_loss [kW],P_clutch_out [kW],P_aux [kW],P_gbx_in [kW],P_gbx_loss [kW],P_gbx_inertia [kW],P_ret_in [kW],P_ret_loss [kW],P_axle_in [kW],P_axle_loss [kW],P_brake_in [kW],P_brake_loss [kW],P_wheel_in [kW],P_wheel_inertia [kW],P_trac [kW],P_slope [kW],P_air [kW],P_roll [kW],P_veh_inertia [kW],FC-Map [g/h],FC-AUXc [g/h],FC-WHTCc [g/h]
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/VectoCoreTest.csproj b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/VectoCoreTest.csproj
index 5777e8e036..3809b81cb4 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/VectoCoreTest.csproj
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/VectoCoreTest.csproj
@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Integration\CoachAdvancedAuxPowertrain.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Integration\CoachPowerTrain.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Integration\DriverStrategy\CoastingTests.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="Integration\DriverStrategy\DriverStrategyTestCoach.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="Integration\DriverStrategy\DriverStrategyTestTruck.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Integration\DriverStrategy\SimpleCycles.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Integration\FullCycleDeclarationTest.cs">
@@ -1302,6 +1301,12 @@
     <None Include="TestData\Results\Integration\24t Coach_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope.vmod">
+    <None Include="TestData\Results\Integration\40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v22.vmod">
+      <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
+    </None>
+    <None Include="TestData\Results\Integration\40t_Long_Haul_Truck_Cycle_Drive_50_Dec_Increasing_Slope_v3.vmod">
+      <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
+    </None>
     <None Include="TestData\Results\Integration\Coach_DriverStrategy_Drive_50_slope_dec-inc.vmod">