From ed459dea2429ed09e8a7f22c0783327e2f95bc48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Quaritsch <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 13:20:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] re-add Padd in fPaux (after merge with aaux code from
 ricardo) [+code formatting]

 VECTO/Input Files/cVECTO.vb                   | 1366 ++++++++---------
 VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb                       |    8 +-
 .../UnitTests/M6Tests.vb                      |  223 ++-
 3 files changed, 780 insertions(+), 817 deletions(-)

diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cVECTO.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cVECTO.vb
index f4746dc0a5..266912af5d 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cVECTO.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cVECTO.vb	
@@ -12,868 +12,848 @@
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
 Public Class cVECTO
+	Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 2
+	Private FileVersion As Short
-    Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 2
-    Private FileVersion As Short
+	'AA-TB
+	'STORES THE Type and version of the chosen or default Auxiliary Type ( Classic/Original or other )
+	Public AuxiliaryAssembly As String
+	Public AuxiliaryVersion As String
+	Public AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath As String
-    'AA-TB
-    'STORES THE Type and version of the chosen or default Auxiliary Type ( Classic/Original or other )
-    public AuxiliaryAssembly As String
-    public AuxiliaryVersion As String
-    Public AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath As String
-    Private sFilePath As String
+	Private sFilePath As String
-    Private MyPath As String
+	Private MyPath As String
-    'Input parameters
-    Private stPathVEH As cSubPath
-    Private stPathENG As cSubPath
-    Private stPathGBX As cSubPath
+	'Input parameters
+	Private stPathVEH As cSubPath
+	Private stPathENG As cSubPath
+	Private stPathGBX As cSubPath
-    Private boStartStop As Boolean
-    Private siStStV As Single
-    Private siStStT As Single
-    Public StStDelay As Integer
+	Private boStartStop As Boolean
+	Private siStStV As Single
+	Private siStStT As Single
+	Public StStDelay As Integer
-    Private stDesMaxFile As cSubPath
-    Private laDesV As List(Of Single)
-    Private laDesMax As List(Of Single)
-    Private laDesMin As List(Of Single)
-    Private DesMaxDim As Integer
+	Private stDesMaxFile As cSubPath
+	Private laDesV As List(Of Single)
+	Private laDesMax As List(Of Single)
+	Private laDesMin As List(Of Single)
+	Private DesMaxDim As Integer
-    Public AuxPaths As Dictionary(Of String, cAuxEntry)
-    Public AuxRefs As Dictionary(Of String, cAux)          'Alle Nebenverbraucher die in der Veh-Datei UND im Zyklus definiert sind
-    Public AuxDef As Boolean                               'True wenn ein oder mehrere Nebenverbraucher definiert sind
-    Public EStechs As List(Of String)
+	Public AuxPaths As Dictionary(Of String, cAuxEntry)
+	Public AuxRefs As Dictionary(Of String, cAux) _
+	'Alle Nebenverbraucher die in der Veh-Datei UND im Zyklus definiert sind
+	Public AuxDef As Boolean							   'True wenn ein oder mehrere Nebenverbraucher definiert sind
+	Public EStechs As List(Of String)
-    Public CycleFiles As List(Of cSubPath)
+	Public CycleFiles As List(Of cSubPath)
-    Public EngOnly As Boolean
+	Public EngOnly As Boolean
-    Public a_lookahead As Single
-    Public vMin As Single
-    Public vMinLA As Single
-    Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
-    Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
-    Public OverSpeed As Single
-    Public UnderSpeed As Single
-    Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
+	Public a_lookahead As Single
+	Public vMin As Single
+	Public vMinLA As Single
+	Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
+	Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
+	Public OverSpeed As Single
+	Public UnderSpeed As Single
+	Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
-    Private MyFileList As List(Of String)
+	Private MyFileList As List(Of String)
-    Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
+	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
-    Public Class cAuxEntry
-        Public Type As String
-        Public Path As cSubPath
-        Public TechStr As String = ""
+	Public Class cAuxEntry
+		Public Type As String
+		Public Path As cSubPath
+		Public TechStr As String = ""
-        Public Sub New()
-            Path = New cSubPath
-        End Sub
+		Public Sub New()
+			Path = New cSubPath
+		End Sub
+	End Class
-    End Class
+	Public Function CreateFileList() As Boolean
+		Dim Aux0 As cAuxEntry
+		Dim sb As cSubPath
+		Dim str As String
-    Public Function CreateFileList() As Boolean
-        Dim Aux0 As cAuxEntry
-        Dim sb As cSubPath
-        Dim str As String
+		MyFileList = New List(Of String)
-        MyFileList = New List(Of String)
+		'.vecto
+		MyFileList.Add(Me.sFilePath)
-        '.vecto
-        MyFileList.Add(Me.sFilePath)
+		'Veh
+		If Not Me.EngOnly Then
+			MyFileList.Add(Me.PathVEH)
-        'Veh
-        If Not Me.EngOnly Then
-            MyFileList.Add(Me.PathVEH)
+			If Not VEH.CreateFileList Then Return False
+			For Each str In VEH.FileList
+				MyFileList.Add(str)
+			Next
+		End If
-            If Not VEH.CreateFileList Then Return False
-            For Each str In VEH.FileList
-                MyFileList.Add(str)
-            Next
-        End If
+		'Eng
+		MyFileList.Add(Me.PathENG)
-        'Eng
-        MyFileList.Add(Me.PathENG)
+		If Not ENG.CreateFileList Then Return False
+		For Each str In ENG.FileList
+			MyFileList.Add(str)
+		Next
+		If Not Me.EngOnly Then
+			'Gbx
+			MyFileList.Add(Me.PathGBX)
+			If Not GBX.CreateFileList Then Return False
+			For Each str In GBX.FileList
+				MyFileList.Add(str)
+			Next
+			'Aux
+			If AuxDef And Not Cfg.DeclMode Then
+				For Each Aux0 In Me.AuxPaths.Values
+					MyFileList.Add(Aux0.Path.FullPath)
+				Next
+			End If
+			'.vacc
+			MyFileList.Add(Me.stDesMaxFile.FullPath)
+		End If
+		'Cycles
+		For Each sb In Me.CycleFiles
+			MyFileList.Add(sb.FullPath)
+		Next
+		Return True
+	End Function
+	Public Sub New()
+		MyPath = ""
+		sFilePath = ""
+		stPathVEH = New cSubPath
+		stPathENG = New cSubPath
+		stPathGBX = New cSubPath
+		stDesMaxFile = New cSubPath
+		laDesV = New List(Of Single)
+		laDesMax = New List(Of Single)
+		laDesMin = New List(Of Single)
+		AuxPaths = New Dictionary(Of String, cAuxEntry)
+		AuxRefs = New Dictionary(Of String, cAux)
+		AuxDef = False
+		EStechs = New List(Of String)
+		CycleFiles = New List(Of cSubPath)
+	End Sub
+	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
+		Dim AuxEntryKV As KeyValuePair(Of String, cAuxEntry)
+		'Dim s As String
+		Dim sb As cSubPath
+		Dim JSON As New cJSON
+		Dim ls As List(Of Object)
+		Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		Dim dic0 As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		'Header
+		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		dic.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
+		dic.Add("Date", Now.ToString)
+		dic.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
+		dic.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
+		JSON.Content.Add("Header", dic)
+		'Body
+		dic0 = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		dic0.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
+		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
+		'Main Files
+		dic0.Add("VehicleFile", stPathVEH.PathOrDummy)
+		dic0.Add("EngineFile", stPathENG.PathOrDummy)
+		dic0.Add("GearboxFile", stPathGBX.PathOrDummy)
+		'Cycles
+		If CycleFiles.Count > 0 Then
+			ls = New List(Of Object)
+			For Each sb In CycleFiles
+				ls.Add(sb.PathOrDummy)
+			Next
+			dic0.Add("Cycles", ls)
+		End If
+		'AA-TB
+		dic0.Add("AuxiliaryAssembly", AuxiliaryAssembly)
+		dic0.Add("AuxiliaryVersion", AuxiliaryVersion)
+		dic0.Add("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath", AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath)
+		'Aux
+		If AuxPaths.Count > 0 Then
+			ls = New List(Of Object)
+			For Each AuxEntryKV In AuxPaths
+				dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+				dic.Add("ID", Trim(UCase(AuxEntryKV.Key)))
+				dic.Add("Type", AuxEntryKV.Value.Type)
+				dic.Add("Path", AuxEntryKV.Value.Path.PathOrDummy)
+				dic.Add("Technology", AuxEntryKV.Value.TechStr)
+				If AuxEntryKV.Key = sKey.AUX.ElecSys Then
+					dic.Add("TechList", EStechs)
+				End If
+				ls.Add(dic)
+			Next
+			dic0.Add("Aux", ls)
+		End If
+		'VACC
+		dic0.Add("VACC", stDesMaxFile.PathOrDummy)
+		'EngineOnlyMode
+		dic0.Add("EngineOnlyMode", EngOnly)
+		'Start Stop
+		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		dic.Add("Enabled", boStartStop)
+		dic.Add("MaxSpeed", siStStV)
+		dic.Add("MinTime", siStStT)
+		dic.Add("Delay", StStDelay)
+		dic0.Add("StartStop", dic)
+		'LAC
+		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		dic.Add("Enabled", LookAheadOn)
+		dic.Add("Dec", a_lookahead)
+		dic.Add("MinSpeed", vMinLA)
+		dic0.Add("LAC", dic)
+		'Overspeed / EcoRoll
+		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		If EcoRollOn Then
+			dic.Add("Mode", "EcoRoll")
+		ElseIf OverSpeedOn Then
+			dic.Add("Mode", "OverSpeed")
+		Else
+			dic.Add("Mode", "Off")
+		End If
+		dic.Add("MinSpeed", vMin)
+		dic.Add("OverSpeed", OverSpeed)
+		dic.Add("UnderSpeed", UnderSpeed)
+		dic0.Add("OverSpeedEcoRoll", dic)
+		'
+		JSON.Content.Add("Body", dic0)
+		Return JSON.WriteFile(sFilePath)
+	End Function
+	Public Function ReadFile() As Boolean
+		Dim AuxEntry As cAuxEntry
+		Dim AuxID As String
+		Dim MsgSrc As String
+		Dim SubPath As cSubPath
+		Dim JSON As New cJSON
+		Dim str As String
+		Dim dic As Object
+		MsgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/GEN"
+		SetDefault()
+		If Not JSON.ReadFile(sFilePath) Then Return False
+		Try
+			FileVersion = JSON.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
+			If FileVersion > 1 Then
+				SavedInDeclMode = JSON.Content("Body")("SavedInDeclMode")
+			Else
+				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
+			End If
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("VehicleFile") Is Nothing Then _
+				stPathVEH.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("VehicleFile"))
+			stPathENG.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("EngineFile"))
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("GearboxFile") Is Nothing Then _
+				stPathGBX.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("GearboxFile"))
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("Cycles") Is Nothing Then
+				For Each str In JSON.Content("Body")("Cycles")
+					SubPath = New cSubPath
+					SubPath.Init(MyPath, str)
+					CycleFiles.Add(SubPath)
+				Next
+			End If
-        If Not ENG.CreateFileList Then Return False
-        For Each str In ENG.FileList
-            MyFileList.Add(str)
-        Next
+			'AA-TB
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryAssembly") Is Nothing AndAlso
+				Not JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryVersion") Is Nothing Then
-        If Not Me.EngOnly Then
+				AuxiliaryAssembly = JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryAssembly").ToString()
+				AuxiliaryVersion = JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryVersion").ToString()
-            'Gbx
-            MyFileList.Add(Me.PathGBX)
+			End If
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath") Is Nothing Then
+				AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = JSON.Content("Body")("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath").ToString()
+			End If
-            If Not GBX.CreateFileList Then Return False
-            For Each str In GBX.FileList
-                MyFileList.Add(str)
-            Next
-            'Aux
-            If AuxDef And Not Cfg.DeclMode Then
-                For Each Aux0 In Me.AuxPaths.Values
-                    MyFileList.Add(Aux0.Path.FullPath)
-                Next
-            End If
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("Aux") Is Nothing Then
+				For Each dic In JSON.Content("Body")("Aux")
-            '.vacc
-            MyFileList.Add(Me.stDesMaxFile.FullPath)
+					AuxID = UCase(Trim(dic("ID").ToString))
-        End If
+					If AuxPaths.ContainsKey(AuxID) Then
+						WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Multiple definitions of the same auxiliary type (" & AuxID & ")!", MsgSrc)
+						Return False
+					End If
-        'Cycles
-        For Each sb In Me.CycleFiles
-            MyFileList.Add(sb.FullPath)
-        Next
+					AuxEntry = New cAuxEntry
+					AuxEntry.Type = dic("Type")
+					AuxEntry.Path.Init(MyPath, dic("Path"))
-        Return True
-    End Function
-    Public Sub New()
-        MyPath = ""
-        sFilePath = ""
-        stPathVEH = New cSubPath
-        stPathENG = New cSubPath
-        stPathGBX = New cSubPath
-        stDesMaxFile = New cSubPath
-        laDesV = New List(Of Single)
-        laDesMax = New List(Of Single)
-        laDesMin = New List(Of Single)
-        AuxPaths = New Dictionary(Of String, cAuxEntry)
-        AuxRefs = New Dictionary(Of String, cAux)
-        AuxDef = False
-        EStechs = New List(Of String)
-        CycleFiles = New List(Of cSubPath)
-    End Sub
-    Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
-        Dim AuxEntryKV As KeyValuePair(Of String, cAuxEntry)
-        'Dim s As String
-        Dim sb As cSubPath
-        Dim JSON As New cJSON
-        Dim ls As List(Of Object)
-        Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        Dim dic0 As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        'Header
-        dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        dic.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
-        dic.Add("Date", Now.ToString)
-        dic.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
-        dic.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-        JSON.Content.Add("Header", dic)
-        'Body
-        dic0 = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        dic0.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
-        SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
+					If Not dic("Technology") Is Nothing Then AuxEntry.TechStr = dic("Technology")
-        'Main Files
-        dic0.Add("VehicleFile", stPathVEH.PathOrDummy)
-        dic0.Add("EngineFile", stPathENG.PathOrDummy)
-        dic0.Add("GearboxFile", stPathGBX.PathOrDummy)
+					AuxPaths.Add(AuxID, AuxEntry)
-        'Cycles
-        If CycleFiles.Count > 0 Then
-            ls = New List(Of Object)
-            For Each sb In CycleFiles
-                ls.Add(sb.PathOrDummy)
-            Next
-            dic0.Add("Cycles", ls)
-        End If
+					AuxDef = True
-        'AA-TB
-        dic0.Add("AuxiliaryAssembly",AuxiliaryAssembly)
-        dic0.Add("AuxiliaryVersion",AuxiliaryVersion)
-        dic0.Add("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath",AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath)
+					If AuxID = sKey.AUX.ElecSys Then
+						If Not dic("TechList") Is Nothing Then
+							For Each str In dic("TechList")
+								EStechs.Add(str)
+							Next
+						End If
+					End If
-        'Aux
-        If AuxPaths.Count > 0 Then
-            ls = New List(Of Object)
-            For Each AuxEntryKV In AuxPaths
-                dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-                dic.Add("ID", Trim(UCase(AuxEntryKV.Key)))
-                dic.Add("Type", AuxEntryKV.Value.Type)
-                dic.Add("Path", AuxEntryKV.Value.Path.PathOrDummy)
-                dic.Add("Technology", AuxEntryKV.Value.TechStr)
+				Next
+			End If
-                If AuxEntryKV.Key = sKey.AUX.ElecSys Then
-                    dic.Add("TechList", EStechs)
-                End If
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("VACC") Is Nothing Then stDesMaxFile.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("VACC"))
-                ls.Add(dic)
-            Next
-            dic0.Add("Aux", ls)
-        End If
+			EngOnly = JSON.Content("Body")("EngineOnlyMode")
-        'VACC
-        dic0.Add("VACC", stDesMaxFile.PathOrDummy)
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("StartStop") Is Nothing Then
+				dic = JSON.Content("Body")("StartStop")
+				boStartStop = dic("Enabled")
+				siStStV = dic("MaxSpeed")
+				siStStT = dic("MinTime")
+				StStDelay = dic("Delay")
+			Else
+				boStartStop = False
+			End If
-        'EngineOnlyMode
-        dic0.Add("EngineOnlyMode", EngOnly)
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("LAC") Is Nothing Then
+				dic = JSON.Content("Body")("LAC")
+				LookAheadOn = dic("Enabled")
+				a_lookahead = dic("Dec")
+				vMinLA = dic("MinSpeed")
+			Else
+				LookAheadOn = False
+			End If
-        'Start Stop
-        dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        dic.Add("Enabled", boStartStop)
-        dic.Add("MaxSpeed", siStStV)
-        dic.Add("MinTime", siStStT)
-        dic.Add("Delay", StStDelay)
-        dic0.Add("StartStop", dic)
+			If Not JSON.Content("Body")("OverSpeedEcoRoll") Is Nothing Then
-        'LAC
-        dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        dic.Add("Enabled", LookAheadOn)
-        dic.Add("Dec", a_lookahead)
-        dic.Add("MinSpeed", vMinLA)
-        dic0.Add("LAC", dic)
+				dic = JSON.Content("Body")("OverSpeedEcoRoll")
-        'Overspeed / EcoRoll
-        dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-        If EcoRollOn Then
-            dic.Add("Mode", "EcoRoll")
-        ElseIf OverSpeedOn Then
-            dic.Add("Mode", "OverSpeed")
-        Else
-            dic.Add("Mode", "Off")
-        End If
-        dic.Add("MinSpeed", vMin)
-        dic.Add("OverSpeed", OverSpeed)
-        dic.Add("UnderSpeed", UnderSpeed)
-        dic0.Add("OverSpeedEcoRoll", dic)
+				Select Case UCase(dic("Mode").ToString).Trim
+					Case "ECOROLL"
+						OverSpeedOn = False
+						EcoRollOn = True
-        '
+					Case "OVERSPEED"
+						OverSpeedOn = True
+						EcoRollOn = False
+					Case "OFF"
+						OverSpeedOn = False
+						EcoRollOn = False
-        JSON.Content.Add("Body", dic0)
+					Case Else
+						WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Value '" & dic("Mode") & "' is not valid for OverSpeedEcoRoll/Mode!", MsgSrc)
+						Return False
+				End Select
-        Return JSON.WriteFile(sFilePath)
+				vMin = dic("MinSpeed")
+				OverSpeed = dic("OverSpeed")
+				If Not dic("UnderSpeed") Is Nothing Then UnderSpeed = dic("UnderSpeed")
-    End Function
+			Else
+				OverSpeedOn = False
+				EcoRollOn = False
+			End If
-    Public Function ReadFile() As Boolean
-        Dim AuxEntry As cAuxEntry
-        Dim AuxID As String
-        Dim MsgSrc As String
-        Dim SubPath As cSubPath
-        Dim JSON As New cJSON
-        Dim str As String
-        Dim dic As Object
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, MsgSrc)
+			Return False
+		End Try
+		Return True
+	End Function
-        MsgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/GEN"
+	Private Sub SetDefault()
-        SetDefault()
+		AuxiliaryAssembly = "CLASSIC"
+		AuxiliaryVersion = "CLASSIC"
+		AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = String.Empty
-        If Not JSON.ReadFile(sFilePath) Then Return False
-        Try
+		boStartStop = False
+		siStStV = 5
+		siStStT = 5
+		StStDelay = 0
+		FileVersion = 0
-            FileVersion = JSON.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
+		stPathVEH.Clear()
+		stPathENG.Clear()
+		CycleFiles.Clear()
+		stPathGBX.Clear()
-            If FileVersion > 1 Then
-                SavedInDeclMode = JSON.Content("Body")("SavedInDeclMode")
-            Else
-                SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-            End If
+		stDesMaxFile.Clear()
+		laDesV.Clear()
+		laDesMax.Clear()
+		laDesMin.Clear()
+		DesMaxDim = -1
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("VehicleFile") Is Nothing Then stPathVEH.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("VehicleFile"))
+		AuxPaths.Clear()
+		AuxRefs.Clear()
+		AuxDef = False
+		EStechs.Clear()
-            stPathENG.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("EngineFile"))
+		EngOnly = False
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("GearboxFile") Is Nothing Then stPathGBX.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("GearboxFile"))
+		a_lookahead = 0
+		vMin = 0
+		LookAheadOn = True
+		OverSpeedOn = False
+		EcoRollOn = False
+		OverSpeed = 0
+		UnderSpeed = 0
+		vMinLA = 0
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("Cycles") Is Nothing Then
-                For Each str In JSON.Content("Body")("Cycles")
-                    SubPath = New cSubPath
-                    SubPath.Init(MyPath, str)
-                    CycleFiles.Add(SubPath)
-                Next
-            End If
+		SavedInDeclMode = False
+	End Sub
-            'AA-TB
-            If  Not JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryAssembly") is Nothing  AndAlso 
-                NOT JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryVersion") is nothing   
+	Public Function DeclInit() As Boolean
-              AuxiliaryAssembly =  JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryAssembly").ToString()
-              AuxiliaryVersion  =  JSON.Content("Body")("AuxiliaryVersion").ToString()
+		Dim cl As List(Of String)
+		Dim s As String
+		Dim SubPath As cSubPath
+		Dim MsgSrc As String
-            End If
-            If  NOT JSON.Content("Body")("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath") is nothing then 
-               AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath =   JSON.Content("Body")("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath").ToString()
-            end if
+		MsgSrc = "VECTO/DeclInit"
+		EngOnly = False
+		CycleFiles.Clear()
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("Aux") Is Nothing Then
-                For Each dic In JSON.Content("Body")("Aux")
+		cl = Declaration.SegRef.GetCycles
-                    AuxID = UCase(Trim(dic("ID").ToString))
+		For Each s In cl
+			SubPath = New cSubPath
+			SubPath.Init(MyPath, s)
+			CycleFiles.Add(SubPath)
+		Next
-                    If AuxPaths.ContainsKey(AuxID) Then
-                        WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Multiple definitions of the same auxiliary type (" & AuxID & ")!", MsgSrc)
-                        Return False
-                    End If
+		stDesMaxFile.Init(MyPath, Declaration.SegRef.VACCfile)
-                    AuxEntry = New cAuxEntry
+		siStStV = cDeclaration.SSspeed
+		siStStT = cDeclaration.SStime
+		StStDelay = cDeclaration.SSdelay
-                    AuxEntry.Type = dic("Type")
-                    AuxEntry.Path.Init(MyPath, dic("Path"))
+		If Not EcoRollOn Then OverSpeedOn = True
-                    If Not dic("Technology") Is Nothing Then AuxEntry.TechStr = dic("Technology")
+		OverSpeed = cDeclaration.Overspeed
+		UnderSpeed = cDeclaration.Underspeed
+		vMin = cDeclaration.ECvmin
-                    AuxPaths.Add(AuxID, AuxEntry)
+		LookAheadOn = True
+		a_lookahead = cDeclaration.LACa
+		vMinLA = cDeclaration.LACvmin
-                    AuxDef = True
+		'No need to check Aux (AuxDef). Will be checked in cDeclaration.CalcInitLoad
-                    If AuxID = sKey.AUX.ElecSys Then
-                        If Not dic("TechList") Is Nothing Then
-                            For Each str In dic("TechList")
-                                EStechs.Add(str)
-                            Next
-                        End If
-                    End If
+		Return True
+	End Function
-                Next
-            End If
+	'This Sub reads those Input-files that do not have their own class, etc.
+	Public Function Init() As Boolean
+		Dim file As cFile_V3
+		Dim line As String()
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("VACC") Is Nothing Then stDesMaxFile.Init(MyPath, JSON.Content("Body")("VACC"))
+		Dim MsgSrc As String
-            EngOnly = JSON.Content("Body")("EngineOnlyMode")
+		MsgSrc = "VECTO/Init"
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("StartStop") Is Nothing Then
-                dic = JSON.Content("Body")("StartStop")
-                boStartStop = dic("Enabled")
-                siStStV = dic("MaxSpeed")
-                siStStT = dic("MinTime")
-                StStDelay = dic("Delay")
-            Else
-                boStartStop = False
-            End If
+		If Not EngOnly Then
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("LAC") Is Nothing Then
-                dic = JSON.Content("Body")("LAC")
-                LookAheadOn = dic("Enabled")
-                a_lookahead = dic("Dec")
-                vMinLA = dic("MinSpeed")
-            Else
-                LookAheadOn = False
-            End If
+			file = New cFile_V3
-            If Not JSON.Content("Body")("OverSpeedEcoRoll") Is Nothing Then
+			If Not file.OpenRead(stDesMaxFile.FullPath) Then
+				WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Can't read .vacc file (" & stDesMaxFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc)
+				Return False
+			End If
-                dic = JSON.Content("Body")("OverSpeedEcoRoll")
+			'Skip Header
+			file.ReadLine()
-                Select Case UCase(dic("Mode").ToString).Trim
-                    Case "ECOROLL"
-                        OverSpeedOn = False
-                        EcoRollOn = True
+			laDesV.Clear()
+			laDesMax.Clear()
+			laDesMin.Clear()
+			DesMaxDim = -1
+			Try
-                    Case "OVERSPEED"
-                        OverSpeedOn = True
-                        EcoRollOn = False
+				Do While Not file.EndOfFile
-                    Case "OFF"
-                        OverSpeedOn = False
-                        EcoRollOn = False
+					DesMaxDim += 1
-                    Case Else
-                        WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Value '" & dic("Mode") & "' is not valid for OverSpeedEcoRoll/Mode!", MsgSrc)
-                        Return False
-                End Select
+					line = file.ReadLine
-                vMin = dic("MinSpeed")
-                OverSpeed = dic("OverSpeed")
-                If Not dic("UnderSpeed") Is Nothing Then UnderSpeed = dic("UnderSpeed")
+					laDesV.Add(CSng(line(0)) / 3.6)	  'km/h => m/s !!!!
+					laDesMax.Add(CSng(line(1)))
+					laDesMin.Add(CSng(line(2)))
-            Else
-                OverSpeedOn = False
-                EcoRollOn = False
-            End If
+				Loop
+			Catch ex As Exception
+				file.Close()
+				WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error in .vacc file. " & ex.Message & " (" & stDesMaxFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc,
+						stDesMaxFile.FullPath)
+				Return False
+			End Try
+			file.Close()
-        Catch ex As Exception
-            WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, MsgSrc)
-            Return False
-        End Try
+		End If
-        Return True
-    End Function
-    Private Sub SetDefault()
-        AuxiliaryAssembly ="CLASSIC"
-        AuxiliaryVersion ="CLASSIC"
-        AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath=String.Empty
-        boStartStop = False
-        siStStV = 5
-        siStStT = 5
-        StStDelay = 0
-        FileVersion = 0
-        stPathVEH.Clear()
-        stPathENG.Clear()
-        CycleFiles.Clear()
-        stPathGBX.Clear()
-        stDesMaxFile.Clear()
-        laDesV.Clear()
-        laDesMax.Clear()
-        laDesMin.Clear()
-        DesMaxDim = -1
-        AuxPaths.Clear()
-        AuxRefs.Clear()
-        AuxDef = False
-        EStechs.Clear()
-        EngOnly = False
-        a_lookahead = 0
-        vMin = 0
-        LookAheadOn = True
-        OverSpeedOn = False
-        EcoRollOn = False
-        OverSpeed = 0
-        UnderSpeed = 0
-        vMinLA = 0
-        SavedInDeclMode = False
-    End Sub
-    Public Function DeclInit() As Boolean
-        Dim cl As List(Of String)
-        Dim s As String
-        Dim SubPath As cSubPath
-        Dim MsgSrc As String
-        MsgSrc = "VECTO/DeclInit"
-        EngOnly = False
-        CycleFiles.Clear()
-        cl = Declaration.SegRef.GetCycles
-        For Each s In cl
-            SubPath = New cSubPath
-            SubPath.Init(MyPath, s)
-            CycleFiles.Add(SubPath)
-        Next
-        stDesMaxFile.Init(MyPath, Declaration.SegRef.VACCfile)
-        siStStV = cDeclaration.SSspeed
-        siStStT = cDeclaration.SStime
-        StStDelay = cDeclaration.SSdelay
-        If Not EcoRollOn Then OverSpeedOn = True
-        OverSpeed = cDeclaration.Overspeed
-        UnderSpeed = cDeclaration.Underspeed
-        vMin = cDeclaration.ECvmin
-        LookAheadOn = True
-        a_lookahead = cDeclaration.LACa
-        vMinLA = cDeclaration.LACvmin
-        'No need to check Aux (AuxDef). Will be checked in cDeclaration.CalcInitLoad
-        Return True
-    End Function
-    'This Sub reads those Input-files that do not have their own class, etc.
-    Public Function Init() As Boolean
-        Dim file As cFile_V3
-        Dim line As String()
-        Dim MsgSrc As String
-        MsgSrc = "VECTO/Init"
-        If Not EngOnly Then
-            file = New cFile_V3
-            If Not file.OpenRead(stDesMaxFile.FullPath) Then
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Can't read .vacc file (" & stDesMaxFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc)
-                Return False
-            End If
-            'Skip Header
-            file.ReadLine()
-            laDesV.Clear()
-            laDesMax.Clear()
-            laDesMin.Clear()
-            DesMaxDim = -1
-            Try
-                Do While Not file.EndOfFile
-                    DesMaxDim += 1
-                    line = file.ReadLine
-                    laDesV.Add(CSng(line(0)) / 3.6)   'km/h => m/s !!!!
-                    laDesMax.Add(CSng(line(1)))
-                    laDesMin.Add(CSng(line(2)))
-                Loop
-            Catch ex As Exception
-                file.Close()
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Error in .vacc file. " & ex.Message & " (" & stDesMaxFile.FullPath & ")", MsgSrc, stDesMaxFile.FullPath)
-                Return False
-            End Try
-            file.Close()
-        End If
-        Return True
-    End Function
+		Return True
+	End Function
 #Region "Aux"
-    Public Function AuxInit() As Boolean
-        Dim Aux0 As cAux
-        Dim AuxPathKV As KeyValuePair(Of String, cAuxEntry)
-        Dim DRIauxcheck As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
-        Dim AuxID As String
+	Public Function AuxInit() As Boolean
-        Dim MsgSrc As String
+		Dim Aux0 As cAux
+		Dim AuxPathKV As KeyValuePair(Of String, cAuxEntry)
+		Dim DRIauxcheck As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
+		Dim AuxID As String
-        MsgSrc = "VEH/AuxInit"
+		Dim MsgSrc As String
-        AuxRefs = New Dictionary(Of String, cAux)
+		MsgSrc = "VEH/AuxInit"
-        If Cfg.DeclMode Then
+		AuxRefs = New Dictionary(Of String, cAux)
-            For Each AuxPathKV In AuxPaths
-                AuxRefs.Add(AuxPathKV.Key, Nothing)
-            Next
+		If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-            Return True
+			For Each AuxPathKV In AuxPaths
+				AuxRefs.Add(AuxPathKV.Key, Nothing)
+			Next
-        End If
+			Return True
+		End If
-        If DRI.AuxDef Xor AuxDef Then
-            If AuxDef Then
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "No auxiliary input defined in driving cycle!", MsgSrc)
-                Return False
-            Else
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Warn, "No auxiliary defined in vehicle file! Psupply input will be ignored!", MsgSrc)
-                Return True
-            End If
+		If DRI.AuxDef Xor AuxDef Then
-        End If
+			If AuxDef Then
+				WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "No auxiliary input defined in driving cycle!", MsgSrc)
+				Return False
+			Else
+				WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Warn, "No auxiliary defined in vehicle file! Psupply input will be ignored!", MsgSrc)
+				Return True
+			End If
-        If Not (DRI.AuxDef Or AuxDef) Then Return True
+		End If
+		If Not (DRI.AuxDef Or AuxDef) Then Return True
-        For Each AuxID In DRI.AuxComponents.Keys
-            DRIauxcheck.Add(AuxID, False)
-        Next
-        For Each AuxPathKV In AuxPaths
+		For Each AuxID In DRI.AuxComponents.Keys
+			DRIauxcheck.Add(AuxID, False)
+		Next
-            MsgSrc = "VEH/AuxInit/" & AuxPathKV.Key
+		For Each AuxPathKV In AuxPaths
-            If Not DRI.AuxComponents.ContainsKey(AuxPathKV.Key) Then
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "No Psupply input defined in driving cycle for auxiliary '" & AuxPathKV.Key & "'!", MsgSrc)
-                Return False
-            End If
+			MsgSrc = "VEH/AuxInit/" & AuxPathKV.Key
-            Aux0 = New cAux
-            Aux0.Filepath = AuxPathKV.Value.Path.FullPath
+			If Not DRI.AuxComponents.ContainsKey(AuxPathKV.Key) Then
+				WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "No Psupply input defined in driving cycle for auxiliary '" & AuxPathKV.Key & "'!", MsgSrc)
+				Return False
+			End If
-            If Not Aux0.Readfile Then
-                'Notificationin ReadFile()
-                Return False
-            End If
+			Aux0 = New cAux
+			Aux0.Filepath = AuxPathKV.Value.Path.FullPath
-            AuxRefs.Add(AuxPathKV.Key, Aux0)
+			If Not Aux0.Readfile Then
+				'Notificationin ReadFile()
+				Return False
+			End If
-            DRIauxcheck(AuxPathKV.Key) = True
+			AuxRefs.Add(AuxPathKV.Key, Aux0)
-        Next
+			DRIauxcheck(AuxPathKV.Key) = True
-        MsgSrc = "VEH/AuxInit"
+		Next
-        For Each AuxID In DRI.AuxComponents.Keys
-            If Not DRIauxcheck(AuxID) Then WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Warn, "Auxiliary '" & AuxID & "' not found! Psupply input will be ignored!", MsgSrc)
-        Next
+		MsgSrc = "VEH/AuxInit"
-        Return True
+		For Each AuxID In DRI.AuxComponents.Keys
+			If Not DRIauxcheck(AuxID) Then _
+				WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Warn, "Auxiliary '" & AuxID & "' not found! Psupply input will be ignored!", MsgSrc)
+		Next
-    End Function
+		Return True
+	End Function
-    Public Function Paux(ByVal AuxID As String, ByVal t As Integer, ByVal nU As Single) As Single
-        Dim Psupply As Single
-        Dim Px As Single
-        Dim Aux0 As cAux
+	Public Function Paux(ByVal AuxID As String, ByVal t As Integer, ByVal nU As Single) As Single
+		Dim Psupply As Single
+		Dim Px As Single
+		Dim Aux0 As cAux
-        Dim MsgSrc As String
+		Dim MsgSrc As String
-        MsgSrc = "VEH/Paux"
+		MsgSrc = "VEH/Paux"
-        If Cfg.DeclMode Then Return Declaration.AuxPower(AuxID)
+		If Cfg.DeclMode Then Return Declaration.AuxPower(AuxID)
-        If AuxDef Then
+		If AuxDef Then
-            Aux0 = AuxRefs(AuxID)
+			Aux0 = AuxRefs(AuxID)
-            Psupply = DRI.AuxComponents(AuxID)(t)
+			Psupply = DRI.AuxComponents(AuxID)(t)
-            If Psupply < 0 Then GoTo lbAuxError
+			If Psupply < 0 Then GoTo lbAuxError
-            Px = Aux0.Paux(nU, Psupply)
+			Px = Aux0.Paux(nU, Psupply)
-            If Px < 0 Then GoTo lbAuxError
+			If Px < 0 Then GoTo lbAuxError
-            Return Px
+			Return Px
-        Else
+		Else
-            Return 0
+			Return 0
-        End If
+		End If
-        MODdata.ModErrors.AuxNegative = AuxID
-        Return 0
+		MODdata.ModErrors.AuxNegative = AuxID
+		Return 0
+	End Function
+	Public Function PauxSum(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal nU As Single) As Single
+		Dim sum As Single
+		Dim AuxID As String
-    End Function
+		Dim MsgSrc As String
-    Public Function PauxSum(ByVal t As Integer, ByVal nU As Single) As Single
-        Dim sum As Single
-        Dim AuxID As String
+		MsgSrc = "VEH/Paux"
-        Dim MsgSrc As String
+		If AuxDef Then
-        MsgSrc = "VEH/Paux"
+			sum = 0
-        If AuxDef Then
+			For Each AuxID In AuxRefs.Keys
-            sum = 0
+				sum += Paux(AuxID, t, nU)
-            For Each AuxID In AuxRefs.Keys
+			Next
-                sum += Paux(AuxID, t, nU)
+			Return sum
-            Next
+		Else
-            Return sum
+			Return 0
-        Else
-            Return 0
-        End If
-    End Function
+		End If
+	End Function
 #End Region
 #Region "Properties"
-    Public ReadOnly Property FileList As List(Of String)
-        Get
-            Return MyFileList
-        End Get
-    End Property
-    Public Property FilePath() As String
-        Get
-            Return sFilePath
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As String)
-            sFilePath = value
-            If sFilePath = "" Then
-                MyPath = ""
-            Else
-                MyPath = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sFilePath) & "\"
-            End If
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property PathVEH(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
-        Get
-            If Original Then
-                Return stPathVEH.OriginalPath
-            Else
-                Return stPathVEH.FullPath
-            End If
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As String)
-            stPathVEH.Init(MyPath, value)
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property PathENG(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
-        Get
-            If Original Then
-                Return stPathENG.OriginalPath
-            Else
-                Return stPathENG.FullPath
-            End If
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As String)
-            stPathENG.Init(MyPath, value)
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property PathGBX(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
-        Get
-            If Original Then
-                Return stPathGBX.OriginalPath
-            Else
-                Return stPathGBX.FullPath
-            End If
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As String)
-            stPathGBX.Init(MyPath, value)
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property StartStop() As Boolean
-        Get
-            Return boStartStop
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
-            boStartStop = value
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property StStV() As Single
-        Get
-            Return siStStV
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As Single)
-            siStStV = value
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property StStT() As Single
-        Get
-            Return siStStT
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As Single)
-            siStStT = value
-        End Set
-    End Property
-    Public Property DesMaxFile(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
-        Get
-            If Original Then
-                Return stDesMaxFile.OriginalPath
-            Else
-                Return stDesMaxFile.FullPath
-            End If
-        End Get
-        Set(ByVal value As String)
-            stDesMaxFile.Init(MyPath, value)
-        End Set
-    End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property FileList As List(Of String)
+		Get
+			Return MyFileList
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public Property FilePath() As String
+		Get
+			Return sFilePath
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As String)
+			sFilePath = value
+			If sFilePath = "" Then
+				MyPath = ""
+			Else
+				MyPath = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sFilePath) & "\"
+			End If
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property PathVEH(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+		Get
+			If Original Then
+				Return stPathVEH.OriginalPath
+			Else
+				Return stPathVEH.FullPath
+			End If
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As String)
+			stPathVEH.Init(MyPath, value)
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property PathENG(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+		Get
+			If Original Then
+				Return stPathENG.OriginalPath
+			Else
+				Return stPathENG.FullPath
+			End If
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As String)
+			stPathENG.Init(MyPath, value)
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property PathGBX(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+		Get
+			If Original Then
+				Return stPathGBX.OriginalPath
+			Else
+				Return stPathGBX.FullPath
+			End If
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As String)
+			stPathGBX.Init(MyPath, value)
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property StartStop() As Boolean
+		Get
+			Return boStartStop
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
+			boStartStop = value
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property StStV() As Single
+		Get
+			Return siStStV
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As Single)
+			siStStV = value
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property StStT() As Single
+		Get
+			Return siStStT
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As Single)
+			siStStT = value
+		End Set
+	End Property
+	Public Property DesMaxFile(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+		Get
+			If Original Then
+				Return stDesMaxFile.OriginalPath
+			Else
+				Return stDesMaxFile.FullPath
+			End If
+		End Get
+		Set(ByVal value As String)
+			stDesMaxFile.Init(MyPath, value)
+		End Set
+	End Property
 #End Region
-    Public Function aDesMax(ByVal v As Single) As Single
-        Dim i As Int32
+	Public Function aDesMax(ByVal v As Single) As Single
+		Dim i As Int32
-        'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
-        If laDesV(0) >= v Then
-            If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
-            i = 1
-            GoTo lbInt
-        End If
+		'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
+		If laDesV(0) >= v Then
+			If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
+			i = 1
+			GoTo lbInt
+		End If
-        i = 0
-        Do While laDesV(i) < v And i < DesMaxDim
-            i += 1
-        Loop
+		i = 0
+		Do While laDesV(i) < v And i < DesMaxDim
+			i += 1
+		Loop
-        'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
-        If laDesV(i) < v Then
-            MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
-        End If
+		'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
+		If laDesV(i) < v Then
+			MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
+		End If
-        'Interpolation
-        Return (v - laDesV(i - 1)) * (laDesMax(i) - laDesMax(i - 1)) / (laDesV(i) - laDesV(i - 1)) + laDesMax(i - 1)
-    End Function
-    Public Function aDesMin(ByVal v As Single) As Single
-        Dim i As Int32
-        'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
-        If laDesV(0) >= v Then
-            If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
-            i = 1
-            GoTo lbInt
-        End If
-        i = 0
-        Do While laDesV(i) < v And i < DesMaxDim
-            i += 1
-        Loop
-        'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
-        If laDesV(i) < v Then
-            MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
-        End If
+		'Interpolation
+		Return (v - laDesV(i - 1)) * (laDesMax(i) - laDesMax(i - 1)) / (laDesV(i) - laDesV(i - 1)) + laDesMax(i - 1)
+	End Function
+	Public Function aDesMin(ByVal v As Single) As Single
+		Dim i As Int32
+		'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
+		If laDesV(0) >= v Then
+			If laDesV(0) > v Then MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
+			i = 1
+			GoTo lbInt
+		End If
+		i = 0
+		Do While laDesV(i) < v And i < DesMaxDim
+			i += 1
+		Loop
+		'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
+		If laDesV(i) < v Then
+			MODdata.ModErrors.DesMaxExtr = "v= " & v * 3.6 & "[km/h]"
+		End If
-        'Interpolation
-        Return (v - laDesV(i - 1)) * (laDesMin(i) - laDesMin(i - 1)) / (laDesV(i) - laDesV(i - 1)) + laDesMin(i - 1)
-    End Function
+		'Interpolation
+		Return (v - laDesV(i - 1)) * (laDesMin(i) - laDesMin(i - 1)) / (laDesV(i) - laDesV(i - 1)) + laDesMin(i - 1)
+	End Function
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
index 05038adeba..1e0fd56f4d 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ Public Class cPower
 			'Total aux power
-			Paux = PreExistingAuxPower + fPaux(t, EngineSpeed)
+			Paux = fPaux(t, EngineSpeed)
 			'Internal Engine Power (Pclutch plus Aux plus Inertia)
 			P = Pkup + Paux + PaMot
@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ lb_nOK:
 			'Total aux power
-			Paux = PreExistingAuxPower + fPaux(jz, EngineSpeed)
+			Paux = fPaux(jz, EngineSpeed)
 			'*****************     ADVANCED AUXILIARIES END   ********************************************************
@@ -2735,7 +2735,7 @@ lb10:
 		If VECTO_Global.VEC.AuxiliaryAssembly = "CLASSIC" Then
-			Return CSng(VEC.PauxSum(t, nU))
+			Return CSng(MODdata.Vh.Padd(t) + VEC.PauxSum(t, nU))
@@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@ lb10:
 				mAAUX_Global.advancedAuxModel.Signals.Internal_Engine_Power = mAAUX_Global.Internal_Engine_Power
 				'Power coming out of Advanced Model is in Watts.
-				power = (advancedAuxModel.AuxiliaryPowerAtCrankWatts / 1000)
+				power = PreExistingAuxPower + (advancedAuxModel.AuxiliaryPowerAtCrankWatts / 1000)
 				'Glenn: Comment the previous line and uncomment the next line to include the classic auxilaries power togeher with the advanced auxiliary power.
 				'power = VEC.PauxSum(t, nU) + (advancedAuxModel.AuxiliaryPowerAtCrankWatts / 1000)
diff --git a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M6Tests.vb b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M6Tests.vb
index 832e3de2a6..846171d3ad 100644
--- a/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M6Tests.vb
+++ b/VECTOAux/VectoAuxiliariesTests/UnitTests/M6Tests.vb
@@ -7,126 +7,109 @@ Imports VectoAuxiliaries
 Imports Moq
 Namespace UnitTests
-Public Class M6Test
-Private M1 As New M1_Mock(100, 200, 300, 50)
-Private M2 As New M2_Mock(120, 130)
-Private M3 As New M3_Mock(200, 5000)
-Private M4 As New M4_Mock(100, 2, 200, 100, 100)
-Private M5 As New M5_Mock(200, 50, 80)
-Private Signals As New Signals()
-Private Function GetStandardInstanceM6() As IM6
- M1 = New M1_Mock(100, 200, 300, 50)
- M2 = New M2_Mock(120, 130)
- M3 = New M3_Mock(200, 5000)
- M4 = New M4_Mock(100, 2, 200, 100, 100)
- M5 = New M5_Mock(200, 50, 80)
- Return   New M6(M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,Signals)
-End Function
-Public Sub new ()
-End Sub
-Public Sub CreateNewM6Instance()
-Dim target As IM6 = GetStandardInstanceM6()
-Assert.IsNotNull( target)
-End Sub
-'Test Cases Supplied by Mike Preston.
-        <Test()> _
-        <TestCase(100, 100, 100, 100, 20, 20, 40, 100, 100, 100, 0.1F, -0.55F, False, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 100, 20, 200, 0)> _
-        <TestCase(100, 100, 100, 100, 20, 20, 40, 100, 100, 100, 100, -550, True, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 100, 20, 200, 0)> _
-        Public Sub MikesConditionsTest(M1_1 As Single, _
-                                M1_2 As Single, _
-                                M2_1 As Single, _
-                                M3_1 As Single, _
-                                M4_1 As Single, _
-                                M4_2 As Single, _
-                                M4_3 As Single, _
-                                M5_1 As Single, _
-                                M5_2 As Single, _
-                                AUX As Single, _
-                                EMP As Single, _
-                                EDP As Single, _
-                                SM As Boolean, _
-                                OUT1 As Single, _
-                                OUT2 As Single, _
-                                OUT3 As Single, _
-                                OUT4 As Single, _
-                                OUT5 As Single, _
-                                OUT6 As Single, _
-                                OUT7 As Single, _
-                                OUT8 As Single, _
-                                OUT9 As Single)
-            Dim M1 = New M1_Mock()
-            Dim M2 = New M2_Mock()
-            Dim M3 = New M3_Mock()
-            Dim M4 = New M4_Mock()
-            Dim M5 = New M5_Mock()
-            Dim signals As New Signals()
-            M1._AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromHVACMechanicalsWatts = M1_1
-            M1._AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromHVACElectricsWatts = M1_2
-            M2._GetAveragePowerAtCrankFromElectrics = M2_1
-            M3._GetAveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromPneumatics = M3_1
-            M4._PowerCompressorOff = M4_1
-            M4._PowerDifference = M4_2
-            M4._PowerCompressorOn = M4_3
-            M5._AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankTractionOnWatts = M5_1
-            M5._AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankOverrunWatts = M5_2
-            signals.EngineMotoringPower = EMP
-            signals.PreExistingAuxPower = AUX
-            signals.EngineDrivelinePower = EDP
-            signals.SmartElectrics = SM
-            Dim target As New M6(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, signals)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT1, target.OverrunFlag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT2, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticsCompressorFlag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT3, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticAltPowerGenAtCrank)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT4, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticAirCompPowerGenAtCrank)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT5, target.SmartElecOnlyAltPowerGenAtCrank)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT6, target.AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromPneumatics)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT7, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticAirCompPowerGenAtCrank)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT8, target.AvgPowerDemandAtCrankFromElectricsIncHVAC)
-            Assert.AreEqual(OUT9, target.SmartPneumaticsOnlyCompressorFlag)
-        End Sub
-End Class
+	<TestFixture()>
+	Public Class M6Test
+		Private M1 As New M1_Mock(100, 200, 300, 50)
+		Private M2 As New M2_Mock(120, 130)
+		Private M3 As New M3_Mock(200, 5000)
+		Private M4 As New M4_Mock(100, 2, 200, 100, 100)
+		Private M5 As New M5_Mock(200, 50, 80)
+		Private Signals As New Signals()
+		Private Function GetStandardInstanceM6() As IM6
+			M1 = New M1_Mock(100, 200, 300, 50)
+			M2 = New M2_Mock(120, 130)
+			M3 = New M3_Mock(200, 5000)
+			M4 = New M4_Mock(100, 2, 200, 100, 100)
+			M5 = New M5_Mock(200, 50, 80)
+			Return New M6(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, Signals)
+		End Function
+		Public Sub New()
+			Signals.EngineMotoringPower = 100
+			Signals.EngineDrivelinePower = 150
+			Signals.PreExistingAuxPower = 30
+		End Sub
+		<Test()>
+		Public Sub CreateNewM6Instance()
+			Dim target As IM6 = GetStandardInstanceM6()
+			Assert.IsNotNull(target)
+		End Sub
+		'Test Cases Supplied by Mike Preston.
+		<Test()> _
+		<TestCase(100, 100, 100, 100, 20, 20, 40, 100, 100, 100, 0.1F, -0.55F, False, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 100, 20, 200, 0)> _
+		<TestCase(100, 100, 100, 100, 20, 20, 40, 100, 100, 100, 100, -550, True, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 100, 20, 200, 0)>
+		Public Sub MikesConditionsTest(M1_1 As Single,
+										M1_2 As Single,
+										M2_1 As Single,
+										M3_1 As Single,
+										M4_1 As Single,
+										M4_2 As Single,
+										M4_3 As Single,
+										M5_1 As Single,
+										M5_2 As Single,
+										AUX As Single,
+										EMP As Single,
+										EDP As Single,
+										SM As Boolean,
+										OUT1 As Single,
+										OUT2 As Single,
+										OUT3 As Single,
+										OUT4 As Single,
+										OUT5 As Single,
+										OUT6 As Single,
+										OUT7 As Single,
+										OUT8 As Single,
+										OUT9 As Single)
+			Dim M1 = New M1_Mock()
+			Dim M2 = New M2_Mock()
+			Dim M3 = New M3_Mock()
+			Dim M4 = New M4_Mock()
+			Dim M5 = New M5_Mock()
+			Dim signals As New Signals()
+			M1._AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromHVACMechanicalsWatts = M1_1
+			M1._AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromHVACElectricsWatts = M1_2
+			M2._GetAveragePowerAtCrankFromElectrics = M2_1
+			M3._GetAveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromPneumatics = M3_1
+			M4._PowerCompressorOff = M4_1
+			M4._PowerDifference = M4_2
+			M4._PowerCompressorOn = M4_3
+			M5._AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankTractionOnWatts = M5_1
+			M5._AlternatorsGenerationPowerAtCrankOverrunWatts = M5_2
+			signals.EngineMotoringPower = EMP
+			signals.PreExistingAuxPower = AUX
+			signals.EngineDrivelinePower = EDP
+			signals.SmartElectrics = SM
+			Dim target As New M6(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, signals)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT1, target.OverrunFlag)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT2, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticsCompressorFlag)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT3, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticAltPowerGenAtCrank)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT4, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticAirCompPowerGenAtCrank)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT5, target.SmartElecOnlyAltPowerGenAtCrank)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT6, target.AveragePowerDemandAtCrankFromPneumatics)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT7, target.SmartElecAndPneumaticAirCompPowerGenAtCrank)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT8, target.AvgPowerDemandAtCrankFromElectricsIncHVAC)
+			Assert.AreEqual(OUT9, target.SmartPneumaticsOnlyCompressorFlag)
+		End Sub
+	End Class
 End Namespace