Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class cVECTO
    Public Mode As tVECTOmode
    Public CurrentMission As cMission
    Public Missions As Dictionary(Of tMission, cMission)
    Public SegmentTable As cSegmentTable

    Public Sub New()
        Mode = tVECTOmode.Declaration
    End Sub

    Public Function Init() As Boolean

        Dim file As New cFile_V3
        Dim m0 As cMission
        Dim s0 As cSegmentTableEntry
        Dim line As String()
        Dim i As Integer

        Missions = New Dictionary(Of tMission, cMission)
        SegmentTable = New cSegmentTable

        If Not IO.Directory.Exists(MyDeclPath) Then
            GUImsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to load Declaration Config!")
            Return False
        End If

        If Not file.OpenRead(MyDeclPath & "Missions.csv") Then
            GUImsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to load Declaration Config (Mission Definitions)!")
            Return False
        End If

            line = file.ReadLine
            Do While Not file.EndOfFile
                m0 = New cMission
                line = file.ReadLine
                m0.MissionID = CType(CInt(line(0)), tMission)
                m0.NameStr = line(1)
                m0.CyclePath = MyDeclPath & line(2)
                Missions.Add(m0.MissionID, m0)
        Catch ex As Exception
            GUImsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to load Declaration Config (Mission Definitions)!")
            Return False
        End Try


        'Segment Table
        If Not file.OpenRead(MyDeclPath & "SegmentTable.csv") Then
            GUImsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to load Declaration Config (Segment Table)!")
            Return False
        End If

            line = file.ReadLine
            Do While Not file.EndOfFile
                line = file.ReadLine
                s0 = New cSegmentTableEntry
                s0.VehCat = CType(CInt(line(0)), tVehCat)
                s0.AxleConf = CType(CInt(line(1)), tAxleConf)
                s0.MaxGVW = CSng(line(2))
                s0.VehClass = line(3)
                For i = 4 To 13
                    If Trim(UCase(line((i)))) = "X" Or Trim(UCase(line((i)))) = "XX" Then
                        s0.MissionList.Add(CType(CInt(i - 4), tMission))
                    End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            GUImsg(tMsgID.Err, "Failed to load Declaration Config (Segment Table)!")
            Return False
        End Try

        GUImsg(tMsgID.Normal, "Declaration Config loaded.")

        Return True

    End Function

End Class

Public Class cMission
    Public MissionID As tMission
    Public NameStr As String
    Public CyclePath As String
End Class

Public Class cSegmentTable
    Public SegTableEntries As New List(Of cSegmentTableEntry)

    Public Function ConfigIsValid(ByVal VehCat As tVehCat, ByVal AxleConf As tAxleConf, ByVal MaxGVW As Single) As Boolean
        Dim s0 As cSegmentTableEntry

        For Each s0 In SegTableEntries
            If s0.VehCat = VehCat And s0.AxleConf = AxleConf And s0.MaxGVW > MaxGVW Then
                Return True
            End If

        Return False

    End Function

    Public Function SetRef(ByRef SegTableEntryRef As cSegmentTableEntry, ByVal VehCat As tVehCat, ByVal AxleConf As tAxleConf, ByVal MaxGVW As Single) As Boolean
        Dim s0 As cSegmentTableEntry

        For Each s0 In SegTableEntries
            If s0.VehCat = VehCat And s0.AxleConf = AxleConf And s0.MaxGVW > MaxGVW Then
                SegTableEntryRef = s0
                Return True
            End If

        SegTableEntryRef = Nothing
        Return False

    End Function

End Class

Public Class cSegmentTableEntry
    Public VehCat As tVehCat
    Public AxleConf As tAxleConf
    Public MaxGVW As Single
    Public VehClass As String
    Public MissionList As New List(Of tMission)

End Class