diff --git a/.changeset/EBSIINT-10955.md b/.changeset/EBSIINT-10955.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..564cbe01a6e27b997d6cb5d4c44cfeffd29269b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/EBSIINT-10955.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"@cef-ebsi/vcdm1.1-vid-natural-person-schema": major
+"@cef-ebsi/vcdm2.0-vid-natural-person-schema": major
+Refactor schema properties, align identifiers with https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2024/2977/oj.
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
index 2327682e78d4cf129945283f062ba98b60d4e0e5..5e8b54be814220a6a4621b378a37f47e807ea488 100644
--- a/manifest.json
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@
     "version": "2.0.0",
     "title": "Person Identification Data for the Natural Person",
     "description": "Reference: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L_202402977",
-    "idBase16": "0xe3e90a1c428ccd10ce9032b36a80a09418d5473ca1360fc74e34c01309e20170",
-    "idBase58": "zGLfedERtyuyRvhGdWHNE3QGx2u42iqGTecswfg6WdrdM",
+    "idBase16": "0x17af0f7ed1b62ce4ca985495e59725e3cb90a3a53eaf7b6e6b70eef9c2d1320c",
+    "idBase58": "z2bTCgjmBDY5kwNWGL3hfSQUZP6d8AZUnLFXe8coTa3zK",
     "file": "schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.json",
     "vcdm": "1.1",
     "verification": "Documents",
@@ -532,8 +532,8 @@
     "version": "2.0.0",
     "title": "Person Identification Data for the Natural Person",
     "description": "Reference: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L_202402977",
-    "idBase16": "0xa6c60f3f2bca61dda2c4e8ff1b4dd1ad16231663f87bb63bc6392b051f8a30fc",
-    "idBase58": "zCE1qsru5EFwBp1xCsLJYi5ZkVw7c9CxywxWA6HPw5E51",
+    "idBase16": "0x1545bf559f8570a0d6789ebdbd29bcd65e3b532b75ac9cf110b30d4b474b085b",
+    "idBase58": "z2S3FJb44vvWZoD9iqBYJ74jwDCHRx8vzPGghpAVn399C",
     "file": "schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/schema.json",
     "vcdm": "2.0",
     "verification": "Documents",
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/README.md b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/README.md
index cf97886d21d56a66357e65711103778930ac47d0..e29ac9a6bd3cdc55c9b419a931c6f3391df030bc 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/README.md
+++ b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/README.md
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 The schema is published to the [Trusted Schemas Registry](https://hub.ebsi.eu/apis/pilot/trusted-schemas-registry) with the IDs:
-- `0xe3e90a1c428ccd10ce9032b36a80a09418d5473ca1360fc74e34c01309e20170` (hexadecimal)
-- `zGLfedERtyuyRvhGdWHNE3QGx2u42iqGTecswfg6WdrdM` (multibase base58btc)
+- `0x17af0f7ed1b62ce4ca985495e59725e3cb90a3a53eaf7b6e6b70eef9c2d1320c` (hexadecimal)
+- `z2bTCgjmBDY5kwNWGL3hfSQUZP6d8AZUnLFXe8coTa3zK` (multibase base58btc)
 ## Table of Contents
@@ -32,642 +32,644 @@ The schema is published to the [Trusted Schemas Registry](https://hub.ebsi.eu/ap
       "type": "object",
-      "required": ["expiryDate"],
       "properties": {
-        "expiryDate": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "format": "date-time",
-          "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
-        },
-        "documentNumber": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
-          "nullable": true
-        },
-        "issuer": {
-          "type": "object",
-          "properties": {
-            "issuingAuthority": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
-              "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingJurisdiction": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
-              "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
-              "nullable": true
-            },
-            "locationStatus": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
-              "nullable": true
-            }
-          },
-          "required": ["issuingAuthority", "issuingCountry"]
-        },
         "credentialSubject": {
           "type": "object",
           "properties": {
-            "familyName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "givenName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "birthDate": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "date",
-              "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "birthPlace": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "nationality": {
-              "type": "array",
-              "items": {
-                "type": "string",
-                "enum": [
-                  "AF",
-                  "AX",
-                  "AL",
-                  "DZ",
-                  "AS",
-                  "AD",
-                  "AO",
-                  "AI",
-                  "AQ",
-                  "AG",
-                  "AR",
-                  "AM",
-                  "AW",
-                  "AU",
-                  "AT",
-                  "AZ",
-                  "BS",
-                  "BH",
-                  "BD",
-                  "BB",
-                  "BY",
-                  "BE",
-                  "BZ",
-                  "BJ",
-                  "BM",
-                  "BT",
-                  "BO",
-                  "BQ",
-                  "BA",
-                  "BW",
-                  "BV",
-                  "BR",
-                  "IO",
-                  "BN",
-                  "BG",
-                  "BF",
-                  "BI",
-                  "CV",
-                  "KH",
-                  "CM",
-                  "CA",
-                  "KY",
-                  "CF",
-                  "TD",
-                  "CL",
-                  "CN",
-                  "CX",
-                  "CC",
-                  "CO",
-                  "KM",
-                  "CD",
-                  "CG",
-                  "CK",
-                  "CR",
-                  "CI",
-                  "HR",
-                  "CU",
-                  "CW",
-                  "CY",
-                  "CZ",
-                  "DK",
-                  "DJ",
-                  "DM",
-                  "DO",
-                  "EC",
-                  "EG",
-                  "SV",
-                  "GQ",
-                  "ER",
-                  "EE",
-                  "SZ",
-                  "ET",
-                  "FK",
-                  "FO",
-                  "FJ",
-                  "FI",
-                  "FR",
-                  "GF",
-                  "PF",
-                  "TF",
-                  "GA",
-                  "GM",
-                  "GE",
-                  "DE",
-                  "GH",
-                  "GI",
-                  "GR",
-                  "GL",
-                  "GD",
-                  "GP",
-                  "GU",
-                  "GT",
-                  "GG",
-                  "GN",
-                  "GW",
-                  "GY",
-                  "HT",
-                  "HM",
-                  "VA",
-                  "HN",
-                  "HK",
-                  "HU",
-                  "IS",
-                  "IN",
-                  "ID",
-                  "IR",
-                  "IQ",
-                  "IE",
-                  "IM",
-                  "IL",
-                  "IT",
-                  "JM",
-                  "JP",
-                  "JE",
-                  "JO",
-                  "KZ",
-                  "KE",
-                  "KI",
-                  "KP",
-                  "KR",
-                  "KW",
-                  "KG",
-                  "LA",
-                  "LV",
-                  "LB",
-                  "LS",
-                  "LR",
-                  "LY",
-                  "LI",
-                  "LT",
-                  "LU",
-                  "MO",
-                  "MG",
-                  "MW",
-                  "MY",
-                  "MV",
-                  "ML",
-                  "MT",
-                  "MH",
-                  "MQ",
-                  "MR",
-                  "MU",
-                  "YT",
-                  "MX",
-                  "FM",
-                  "MD",
-                  "MC",
-                  "MN",
-                  "ME",
-                  "MS",
-                  "MA",
-                  "MZ",
-                  "MM",
-                  "NA",
-                  "NR",
-                  "NP",
-                  "NL",
-                  "NC",
-                  "NZ",
-                  "NI",
-                  "NE",
-                  "NG",
-                  "NU",
-                  "NF",
-                  "MK",
-                  "MP",
-                  "NO",
-                  "OM",
-                  "PK",
-                  "PW",
-                  "PS",
-                  "PA",
-                  "PG",
-                  "PY",
-                  "PE",
-                  "PH",
-                  "PN",
-                  "PL",
-                  "PT",
-                  "PR",
-                  "QA",
-                  "RE",
-                  "RO",
-                  "RU",
-                  "RW",
-                  "BL",
-                  "SH",
-                  "KN",
-                  "LC",
-                  "MF",
-                  "PM",
-                  "VC",
-                  "WS",
-                  "SM",
-                  "ST",
-                  "SA",
-                  "SN",
-                  "RS",
-                  "SC",
-                  "SL",
-                  "SG",
-                  "SX",
-                  "SK",
-                  "SI",
-                  "SB",
-                  "SO",
-                  "ZA",
-                  "GS",
-                  "SS",
-                  "ES",
-                  "LK",
-                  "SD",
-                  "SR",
-                  "SJ",
-                  "SE",
-                  "CH",
-                  "SY",
-                  "TW",
-                  "TJ",
-                  "TZ",
-                  "TH",
-                  "TL",
-                  "TG",
-                  "TK",
-                  "TO",
-                  "TT",
-                  "TN",
-                  "TR",
-                  "TM",
-                  "TC",
-                  "TV",
-                  "UG",
-                  "UA",
-                  "AE",
-                  "GB",
-                  "US",
-                  "UM",
-                  "UY",
-                  "UZ",
-                  "VU",
-                  "VE",
-                  "VN",
-                  "VG",
-                  "VI",
-                  "WF",
-                  "EH",
-                  "YE",
-                  "ZM",
-                  "ZW"
-                ]
+            "personIdentificationData": {
+              "type": "object",
+              "properties": {
+                "family_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "given_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "birth_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date",
+                  "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "birth_place": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "nationality": {
+                  "type": "array",
+                  "items": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "enum": [
+                      "AF",
+                      "AX",
+                      "AL",
+                      "DZ",
+                      "AS",
+                      "AD",
+                      "AO",
+                      "AI",
+                      "AQ",
+                      "AG",
+                      "AR",
+                      "AM",
+                      "AW",
+                      "AU",
+                      "AT",
+                      "AZ",
+                      "BS",
+                      "BH",
+                      "BD",
+                      "BB",
+                      "BY",
+                      "BE",
+                      "BZ",
+                      "BJ",
+                      "BM",
+                      "BT",
+                      "BO",
+                      "BQ",
+                      "BA",
+                      "BW",
+                      "BV",
+                      "BR",
+                      "IO",
+                      "BN",
+                      "BG",
+                      "BF",
+                      "BI",
+                      "CV",
+                      "KH",
+                      "CM",
+                      "CA",
+                      "KY",
+                      "CF",
+                      "TD",
+                      "CL",
+                      "CN",
+                      "CX",
+                      "CC",
+                      "CO",
+                      "KM",
+                      "CD",
+                      "CG",
+                      "CK",
+                      "CR",
+                      "CI",
+                      "HR",
+                      "CU",
+                      "CW",
+                      "CY",
+                      "CZ",
+                      "DK",
+                      "DJ",
+                      "DM",
+                      "DO",
+                      "EC",
+                      "EG",
+                      "SV",
+                      "GQ",
+                      "ER",
+                      "EE",
+                      "SZ",
+                      "ET",
+                      "FK",
+                      "FO",
+                      "FJ",
+                      "FI",
+                      "FR",
+                      "GF",
+                      "PF",
+                      "TF",
+                      "GA",
+                      "GM",
+                      "GE",
+                      "DE",
+                      "GH",
+                      "GI",
+                      "GR",
+                      "GL",
+                      "GD",
+                      "GP",
+                      "GU",
+                      "GT",
+                      "GG",
+                      "GN",
+                      "GW",
+                      "GY",
+                      "HT",
+                      "HM",
+                      "VA",
+                      "HN",
+                      "HK",
+                      "HU",
+                      "IS",
+                      "IN",
+                      "ID",
+                      "IR",
+                      "IQ",
+                      "IE",
+                      "IM",
+                      "IL",
+                      "IT",
+                      "JM",
+                      "JP",
+                      "JE",
+                      "JO",
+                      "KZ",
+                      "KE",
+                      "KI",
+                      "KP",
+                      "KR",
+                      "KW",
+                      "KG",
+                      "LA",
+                      "LV",
+                      "LB",
+                      "LS",
+                      "LR",
+                      "LY",
+                      "LI",
+                      "LT",
+                      "LU",
+                      "MO",
+                      "MG",
+                      "MW",
+                      "MY",
+                      "MV",
+                      "ML",
+                      "MT",
+                      "MH",
+                      "MQ",
+                      "MR",
+                      "MU",
+                      "YT",
+                      "MX",
+                      "FM",
+                      "MD",
+                      "MC",
+                      "MN",
+                      "ME",
+                      "MS",
+                      "MA",
+                      "MZ",
+                      "MM",
+                      "NA",
+                      "NR",
+                      "NP",
+                      "NL",
+                      "NC",
+                      "NZ",
+                      "NI",
+                      "NE",
+                      "NG",
+                      "NU",
+                      "NF",
+                      "MK",
+                      "MP",
+                      "NO",
+                      "OM",
+                      "PK",
+                      "PW",
+                      "PS",
+                      "PA",
+                      "PG",
+                      "PY",
+                      "PE",
+                      "PH",
+                      "PN",
+                      "PL",
+                      "PT",
+                      "PR",
+                      "QA",
+                      "RE",
+                      "RO",
+                      "RU",
+                      "RW",
+                      "BL",
+                      "SH",
+                      "KN",
+                      "LC",
+                      "MF",
+                      "PM",
+                      "VC",
+                      "WS",
+                      "SM",
+                      "ST",
+                      "SA",
+                      "SN",
+                      "RS",
+                      "SC",
+                      "SL",
+                      "SG",
+                      "SX",
+                      "SK",
+                      "SI",
+                      "SB",
+                      "SO",
+                      "ZA",
+                      "GS",
+                      "SS",
+                      "ES",
+                      "LK",
+                      "SD",
+                      "SR",
+                      "SJ",
+                      "SE",
+                      "CH",
+                      "SY",
+                      "TW",
+                      "TJ",
+                      "TZ",
+                      "TH",
+                      "TL",
+                      "TG",
+                      "TK",
+                      "TO",
+                      "TT",
+                      "TN",
+                      "TR",
+                      "TM",
+                      "TC",
+                      "TV",
+                      "UG",
+                      "UA",
+                      "AE",
+                      "GB",
+                      "US",
+                      "UM",
+                      "UY",
+                      "UZ",
+                      "VU",
+                      "VE",
+                      "VN",
+                      "VG",
+                      "VI",
+                      "WF",
+                      "EH",
+                      "YE",
+                      "ZM",
+                      "ZW"
+                    ]
+                  },
+                  "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
+                },
+                "resident_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
+                },
+                "resident_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum": [
+                    "AF",
+                    "AX",
+                    "AL",
+                    "DZ",
+                    "AS",
+                    "AD",
+                    "AO",
+                    "AI",
+                    "AQ",
+                    "AG",
+                    "AR",
+                    "AM",
+                    "AW",
+                    "AU",
+                    "AT",
+                    "AZ",
+                    "BS",
+                    "BH",
+                    "BD",
+                    "BB",
+                    "BY",
+                    "BE",
+                    "BZ",
+                    "BJ",
+                    "BM",
+                    "BT",
+                    "BO",
+                    "BQ",
+                    "BA",
+                    "BW",
+                    "BV",
+                    "BR",
+                    "IO",
+                    "BN",
+                    "BG",
+                    "BF",
+                    "BI",
+                    "CV",
+                    "KH",
+                    "CM",
+                    "CA",
+                    "KY",
+                    "CF",
+                    "TD",
+                    "CL",
+                    "CN",
+                    "CX",
+                    "CC",
+                    "CO",
+                    "KM",
+                    "CD",
+                    "CG",
+                    "CK",
+                    "CR",
+                    "CI",
+                    "HR",
+                    "CU",
+                    "CW",
+                    "CY",
+                    "CZ",
+                    "DK",
+                    "DJ",
+                    "DM",
+                    "DO",
+                    "EC",
+                    "EG",
+                    "SV",
+                    "GQ",
+                    "ER",
+                    "EE",
+                    "SZ",
+                    "ET",
+                    "FK",
+                    "FO",
+                    "FJ",
+                    "FI",
+                    "FR",
+                    "GF",
+                    "PF",
+                    "TF",
+                    "GA",
+                    "GM",
+                    "GE",
+                    "DE",
+                    "GH",
+                    "GI",
+                    "GR",
+                    "GL",
+                    "GD",
+                    "GP",
+                    "GU",
+                    "GT",
+                    "GG",
+                    "GN",
+                    "GW",
+                    "GY",
+                    "HT",
+                    "HM",
+                    "VA",
+                    "HN",
+                    "HK",
+                    "HU",
+                    "IS",
+                    "IN",
+                    "ID",
+                    "IR",
+                    "IQ",
+                    "IE",
+                    "IM",
+                    "IL",
+                    "IT",
+                    "JM",
+                    "JP",
+                    "JE",
+                    "JO",
+                    "KZ",
+                    "KE",
+                    "KI",
+                    "KP",
+                    "KR",
+                    "KW",
+                    "KG",
+                    "LA",
+                    "LV",
+                    "LB",
+                    "LS",
+                    "LR",
+                    "LY",
+                    "LI",
+                    "LT",
+                    "LU",
+                    "MO",
+                    "MG",
+                    "MW",
+                    "MY",
+                    "MV",
+                    "ML",
+                    "MT",
+                    "MH",
+                    "MQ",
+                    "MR",
+                    "MU",
+                    "YT",
+                    "MX",
+                    "FM",
+                    "MD",
+                    "MC",
+                    "MN",
+                    "ME",
+                    "MS",
+                    "MA",
+                    "MZ",
+                    "MM",
+                    "NA",
+                    "NR",
+                    "NP",
+                    "NL",
+                    "NC",
+                    "NZ",
+                    "NI",
+                    "NE",
+                    "NG",
+                    "NU",
+                    "NF",
+                    "MK",
+                    "MP",
+                    "NO",
+                    "OM",
+                    "PK",
+                    "PW",
+                    "PS",
+                    "PA",
+                    "PG",
+                    "PY",
+                    "PE",
+                    "PH",
+                    "PN",
+                    "PL",
+                    "PT",
+                    "PR",
+                    "QA",
+                    "RE",
+                    "RO",
+                    "RU",
+                    "RW",
+                    "BL",
+                    "SH",
+                    "KN",
+                    "LC",
+                    "MF",
+                    "PM",
+                    "VC",
+                    "WS",
+                    "SM",
+                    "ST",
+                    "SA",
+                    "SN",
+                    "RS",
+                    "SC",
+                    "SL",
+                    "SG",
+                    "SX",
+                    "SK",
+                    "SI",
+                    "SB",
+                    "SO",
+                    "ZA",
+                    "GS",
+                    "SS",
+                    "ES",
+                    "LK",
+                    "SD",
+                    "SR",
+                    "SJ",
+                    "SE",
+                    "CH",
+                    "SY",
+                    "TW",
+                    "TJ",
+                    "TZ",
+                    "TH",
+                    "TL",
+                    "TG",
+                    "TK",
+                    "TO",
+                    "TT",
+                    "TN",
+                    "TR",
+                    "TM",
+                    "TC",
+                    "TV",
+                    "UG",
+                    "UA",
+                    "AE",
+                    "GB",
+                    "US",
+                    "UM",
+                    "UY",
+                    "UZ",
+                    "VU",
+                    "VE",
+                    "VN",
+                    "VG",
+                    "VI",
+                    "WF",
+                    "EH",
+                    "YE",
+                    "ZM",
+                    "ZW"
+                  ],
+                  "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
+                },
+                "resident_state": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_city": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_postal_code": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_street": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_house_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
+                },
+                "personal_administrative_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
+                },
+                "portrait": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
+                },
+                "family_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "given_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "sex": {
+                  "type": "integer",
+                  "enum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9],
+                  "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
+                },
+                "email_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "email",
+                  "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
+                },
+                "mobile_phone_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
+                  "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+                },
+                "expiry_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date-time",
+                  "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
+                },
+                "document_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "issuing_authority": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
+                  "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_jurisdiction": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
+                  "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "location_status": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                }
-              "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
-            },
-            "residentAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
-            },
-            "residentCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": [
-                "AF",
-                "AX",
-                "AL",
-                "DZ",
-                "AS",
-                "AD",
-                "AO",
-                "AI",
-                "AQ",
-                "AG",
-                "AR",
-                "AM",
-                "AW",
-                "AU",
-                "AT",
-                "AZ",
-                "BS",
-                "BH",
-                "BD",
-                "BB",
-                "BY",
-                "BE",
-                "BZ",
-                "BJ",
-                "BM",
-                "BT",
-                "BO",
-                "BQ",
-                "BA",
-                "BW",
-                "BV",
-                "BR",
-                "IO",
-                "BN",
-                "BG",
-                "BF",
-                "BI",
-                "CV",
-                "KH",
-                "CM",
-                "CA",
-                "KY",
-                "CF",
-                "TD",
-                "CL",
-                "CN",
-                "CX",
-                "CC",
-                "CO",
-                "KM",
-                "CD",
-                "CG",
-                "CK",
-                "CR",
-                "CI",
-                "HR",
-                "CU",
-                "CW",
-                "CY",
-                "CZ",
-                "DK",
-                "DJ",
-                "DM",
-                "DO",
-                "EC",
-                "EG",
-                "SV",
-                "GQ",
-                "ER",
-                "EE",
-                "SZ",
-                "ET",
-                "FK",
-                "FO",
-                "FJ",
-                "FI",
-                "FR",
-                "GF",
-                "PF",
-                "TF",
-                "GA",
-                "GM",
-                "GE",
-                "DE",
-                "GH",
-                "GI",
-                "GR",
-                "GL",
-                "GD",
-                "GP",
-                "GU",
-                "GT",
-                "GG",
-                "GN",
-                "GW",
-                "GY",
-                "HT",
-                "HM",
-                "VA",
-                "HN",
-                "HK",
-                "HU",
-                "IS",
-                "IN",
-                "ID",
-                "IR",
-                "IQ",
-                "IE",
-                "IM",
-                "IL",
-                "IT",
-                "JM",
-                "JP",
-                "JE",
-                "JO",
-                "KZ",
-                "KE",
-                "KI",
-                "KP",
-                "KR",
-                "KW",
-                "KG",
-                "LA",
-                "LV",
-                "LB",
-                "LS",
-                "LR",
-                "LY",
-                "LI",
-                "LT",
-                "LU",
-                "MO",
-                "MG",
-                "MW",
-                "MY",
-                "MV",
-                "ML",
-                "MT",
-                "MH",
-                "MQ",
-                "MR",
-                "MU",
-                "YT",
-                "MX",
-                "FM",
-                "MD",
-                "MC",
-                "MN",
-                "ME",
-                "MS",
-                "MA",
-                "MZ",
-                "MM",
-                "NA",
-                "NR",
-                "NP",
-                "NL",
-                "NC",
-                "NZ",
-                "NI",
-                "NE",
-                "NG",
-                "NU",
-                "NF",
-                "MK",
-                "MP",
-                "NO",
-                "OM",
-                "PK",
-                "PW",
-                "PS",
-                "PA",
-                "PG",
-                "PY",
-                "PE",
-                "PH",
-                "PN",
-                "PL",
-                "PT",
-                "PR",
-                "QA",
-                "RE",
-                "RO",
-                "RU",
-                "RW",
-                "BL",
-                "SH",
-                "KN",
-                "LC",
-                "MF",
-                "PM",
-                "VC",
-                "WS",
-                "SM",
-                "ST",
-                "SA",
-                "SN",
-                "RS",
-                "SC",
-                "SL",
-                "SG",
-                "SX",
-                "SK",
-                "SI",
-                "SB",
-                "SO",
-                "ZA",
-                "GS",
-                "SS",
-                "ES",
-                "LK",
-                "SD",
-                "SR",
-                "SJ",
-                "SE",
-                "CH",
-                "SY",
-                "TW",
-                "TJ",
-                "TZ",
-                "TH",
-                "TL",
-                "TG",
-                "TK",
-                "TO",
-                "TT",
-                "TN",
-                "TR",
-                "TM",
-                "TC",
-                "TV",
-                "UG",
-                "UA",
-                "AE",
-                "GB",
-                "US",
-                "UM",
-                "UY",
-                "UZ",
-                "VU",
-                "VE",
-                "VN",
-                "VG",
-                "VI",
-                "WF",
-                "EH",
-                "YE",
-                "ZM",
-                "ZW"
-              ],
-              "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
-            },
-            "residentState": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentCity": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentPostalCode": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentStreet": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentHouseNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
-            },
-            "personalAdministrativeNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
-            },
-            "portrait": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
-            },
-            "familyNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "givenNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "sex": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "9"],
-              "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
-            },
-            "emailAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "email",
-              "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
-            },
-            "mobilePhoneNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
-              "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+              "required": [
+                "family_name",
+                "given_name",
+                "birth_date",
+                "birth_place",
+                "nationality",
+                "expiry_date",
+                "issuing_authority",
+                "issuing_country"
+              ]
-          "required": [
-            "familyName",
-            "givenName",
-            "birthDate",
-            "birthPlace",
-            "nationality"
-          ]
+          "required": ["personIdentificationData"]
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json
index cc13ffd36144a1643f151639fda9c27064d0c6f9..02333db5c53bbac7299d5e2c40f13bb0b90947cc 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json
+++ b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json
@@ -3,30 +3,32 @@
   "id": "urn:uuid:7419c109-285a-424d-bb69-0babac6bd444",
   "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "VerifiableAttestation", "eIDAS2PID"],
   "issuer": {
-    "id": "did:ebsi:123",
-    "issuingAuthority": "",
-    "issuingCountry": "BE"
+    "id": "did:ebsi:123"
   "issuanceDate": "2024-01-18T08:13:09Z",
   "issued": "2024-01-18T08:13:09Z",
   "validFrom": "2024-01-18T08:13:09Z",
-  "expiryDate": "2024-08-31T23:59:59Z",
   "credentialSubject": {
     "id": "did:key:123",
-    "familyName": "Dubois",
-    "givenName": "Sophie",
-    "birthDate": "1985-05-20",
-    "birthPlace": "BE",
-    "nationality": ["BE"],
-    "residentAddress": "456 Elm Ave, Leuven, VBR 3000, Belgium",
-    "residentCountry": "BE",
-    "residentState": "VBR",
-    "residentCity": "Leuven",
-    "residentPostalCode": "3000",
-    "residentStreet": "Elm Ave",
-    "residentHouseNumber": "456",
-    "personalAdministrativeNumber": "987654321",
-    "sex": "2"
+    "personIdentificationData": {
+      "family_name": "Dubois",
+      "given_name": "Sophie",
+      "birth_date": "1985-05-20",
+      "birth_place": "BE",
+      "nationality": ["BE"],
+      "resident_address": "456 Elm Ave, Leuven, VBR 3000, Belgium",
+      "resident_country": "BE",
+      "resident_state": "VBR",
+      "resident_city": "Leuven",
+      "resident_postal_code": "3000",
+      "resident_street": "Elm Ave",
+      "resident_house_number": "456",
+      "personal_administrative_number": "987654321",
+      "sex": 2,
+      "expiry_date": "2024-08-31T23:59:59Z",
+      "issuing_authority": "",
+      "issuing_country": "BE"
+    }
   "credentialSchema": {
     "id": "https://api.ebsi.eu/tsr",
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.json b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.json
index 76b8e29417f449a372ff99f0f6484ea170bd9b62..f00c5895b7362f4e1a86d033b18d5b1f7236e75e 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.json
+++ b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.json
@@ -9,642 +9,644 @@
       "type": "object",
-      "required": ["expiryDate"],
       "properties": {
-        "expiryDate": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "format": "date-time",
-          "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
-        },
-        "documentNumber": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
-          "nullable": true
-        },
-        "issuer": {
-          "type": "object",
-          "properties": {
-            "issuingAuthority": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
-              "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingJurisdiction": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
-              "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
-              "nullable": true
-            },
-            "locationStatus": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
-              "nullable": true
-            }
-          },
-          "required": ["issuingAuthority", "issuingCountry"]
-        },
         "credentialSubject": {
           "type": "object",
           "properties": {
-            "familyName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "givenName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "birthDate": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "date",
-              "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "birthPlace": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "nationality": {
-              "type": "array",
-              "items": {
-                "type": "string",
-                "enum": [
-                  "AF",
-                  "AX",
-                  "AL",
-                  "DZ",
-                  "AS",
-                  "AD",
-                  "AO",
-                  "AI",
-                  "AQ",
-                  "AG",
-                  "AR",
-                  "AM",
-                  "AW",
-                  "AU",
-                  "AT",
-                  "AZ",
-                  "BS",
-                  "BH",
-                  "BD",
-                  "BB",
-                  "BY",
-                  "BE",
-                  "BZ",
-                  "BJ",
-                  "BM",
-                  "BT",
-                  "BO",
-                  "BQ",
-                  "BA",
-                  "BW",
-                  "BV",
-                  "BR",
-                  "IO",
-                  "BN",
-                  "BG",
-                  "BF",
-                  "BI",
-                  "CV",
-                  "KH",
-                  "CM",
-                  "CA",
-                  "KY",
-                  "CF",
-                  "TD",
-                  "CL",
-                  "CN",
-                  "CX",
-                  "CC",
-                  "CO",
-                  "KM",
-                  "CD",
-                  "CG",
-                  "CK",
-                  "CR",
-                  "CI",
-                  "HR",
-                  "CU",
-                  "CW",
-                  "CY",
-                  "CZ",
-                  "DK",
-                  "DJ",
-                  "DM",
-                  "DO",
-                  "EC",
-                  "EG",
-                  "SV",
-                  "GQ",
-                  "ER",
-                  "EE",
-                  "SZ",
-                  "ET",
-                  "FK",
-                  "FO",
-                  "FJ",
-                  "FI",
-                  "FR",
-                  "GF",
-                  "PF",
-                  "TF",
-                  "GA",
-                  "GM",
-                  "GE",
-                  "DE",
-                  "GH",
-                  "GI",
-                  "GR",
-                  "GL",
-                  "GD",
-                  "GP",
-                  "GU",
-                  "GT",
-                  "GG",
-                  "GN",
-                  "GW",
-                  "GY",
-                  "HT",
-                  "HM",
-                  "VA",
-                  "HN",
-                  "HK",
-                  "HU",
-                  "IS",
-                  "IN",
-                  "ID",
-                  "IR",
-                  "IQ",
-                  "IE",
-                  "IM",
-                  "IL",
-                  "IT",
-                  "JM",
-                  "JP",
-                  "JE",
-                  "JO",
-                  "KZ",
-                  "KE",
-                  "KI",
-                  "KP",
-                  "KR",
-                  "KW",
-                  "KG",
-                  "LA",
-                  "LV",
-                  "LB",
-                  "LS",
-                  "LR",
-                  "LY",
-                  "LI",
-                  "LT",
-                  "LU",
-                  "MO",
-                  "MG",
-                  "MW",
-                  "MY",
-                  "MV",
-                  "ML",
-                  "MT",
-                  "MH",
-                  "MQ",
-                  "MR",
-                  "MU",
-                  "YT",
-                  "MX",
-                  "FM",
-                  "MD",
-                  "MC",
-                  "MN",
-                  "ME",
-                  "MS",
-                  "MA",
-                  "MZ",
-                  "MM",
-                  "NA",
-                  "NR",
-                  "NP",
-                  "NL",
-                  "NC",
-                  "NZ",
-                  "NI",
-                  "NE",
-                  "NG",
-                  "NU",
-                  "NF",
-                  "MK",
-                  "MP",
-                  "NO",
-                  "OM",
-                  "PK",
-                  "PW",
-                  "PS",
-                  "PA",
-                  "PG",
-                  "PY",
-                  "PE",
-                  "PH",
-                  "PN",
-                  "PL",
-                  "PT",
-                  "PR",
-                  "QA",
-                  "RE",
-                  "RO",
-                  "RU",
-                  "RW",
-                  "BL",
-                  "SH",
-                  "KN",
-                  "LC",
-                  "MF",
-                  "PM",
-                  "VC",
-                  "WS",
-                  "SM",
-                  "ST",
-                  "SA",
-                  "SN",
-                  "RS",
-                  "SC",
-                  "SL",
-                  "SG",
-                  "SX",
-                  "SK",
-                  "SI",
-                  "SB",
-                  "SO",
-                  "ZA",
-                  "GS",
-                  "SS",
-                  "ES",
-                  "LK",
-                  "SD",
-                  "SR",
-                  "SJ",
-                  "SE",
-                  "CH",
-                  "SY",
-                  "TW",
-                  "TJ",
-                  "TZ",
-                  "TH",
-                  "TL",
-                  "TG",
-                  "TK",
-                  "TO",
-                  "TT",
-                  "TN",
-                  "TR",
-                  "TM",
-                  "TC",
-                  "TV",
-                  "UG",
-                  "UA",
-                  "AE",
-                  "GB",
-                  "US",
-                  "UM",
-                  "UY",
-                  "UZ",
-                  "VU",
-                  "VE",
-                  "VN",
-                  "VG",
-                  "VI",
-                  "WF",
-                  "EH",
-                  "YE",
-                  "ZM",
-                  "ZW"
-                ]
+            "personIdentificationData": {
+              "type": "object",
+              "properties": {
+                "family_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "given_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "birth_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date",
+                  "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "birth_place": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "nationality": {
+                  "type": "array",
+                  "items": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "enum": [
+                      "AF",
+                      "AX",
+                      "AL",
+                      "DZ",
+                      "AS",
+                      "AD",
+                      "AO",
+                      "AI",
+                      "AQ",
+                      "AG",
+                      "AR",
+                      "AM",
+                      "AW",
+                      "AU",
+                      "AT",
+                      "AZ",
+                      "BS",
+                      "BH",
+                      "BD",
+                      "BB",
+                      "BY",
+                      "BE",
+                      "BZ",
+                      "BJ",
+                      "BM",
+                      "BT",
+                      "BO",
+                      "BQ",
+                      "BA",
+                      "BW",
+                      "BV",
+                      "BR",
+                      "IO",
+                      "BN",
+                      "BG",
+                      "BF",
+                      "BI",
+                      "CV",
+                      "KH",
+                      "CM",
+                      "CA",
+                      "KY",
+                      "CF",
+                      "TD",
+                      "CL",
+                      "CN",
+                      "CX",
+                      "CC",
+                      "CO",
+                      "KM",
+                      "CD",
+                      "CG",
+                      "CK",
+                      "CR",
+                      "CI",
+                      "HR",
+                      "CU",
+                      "CW",
+                      "CY",
+                      "CZ",
+                      "DK",
+                      "DJ",
+                      "DM",
+                      "DO",
+                      "EC",
+                      "EG",
+                      "SV",
+                      "GQ",
+                      "ER",
+                      "EE",
+                      "SZ",
+                      "ET",
+                      "FK",
+                      "FO",
+                      "FJ",
+                      "FI",
+                      "FR",
+                      "GF",
+                      "PF",
+                      "TF",
+                      "GA",
+                      "GM",
+                      "GE",
+                      "DE",
+                      "GH",
+                      "GI",
+                      "GR",
+                      "GL",
+                      "GD",
+                      "GP",
+                      "GU",
+                      "GT",
+                      "GG",
+                      "GN",
+                      "GW",
+                      "GY",
+                      "HT",
+                      "HM",
+                      "VA",
+                      "HN",
+                      "HK",
+                      "HU",
+                      "IS",
+                      "IN",
+                      "ID",
+                      "IR",
+                      "IQ",
+                      "IE",
+                      "IM",
+                      "IL",
+                      "IT",
+                      "JM",
+                      "JP",
+                      "JE",
+                      "JO",
+                      "KZ",
+                      "KE",
+                      "KI",
+                      "KP",
+                      "KR",
+                      "KW",
+                      "KG",
+                      "LA",
+                      "LV",
+                      "LB",
+                      "LS",
+                      "LR",
+                      "LY",
+                      "LI",
+                      "LT",
+                      "LU",
+                      "MO",
+                      "MG",
+                      "MW",
+                      "MY",
+                      "MV",
+                      "ML",
+                      "MT",
+                      "MH",
+                      "MQ",
+                      "MR",
+                      "MU",
+                      "YT",
+                      "MX",
+                      "FM",
+                      "MD",
+                      "MC",
+                      "MN",
+                      "ME",
+                      "MS",
+                      "MA",
+                      "MZ",
+                      "MM",
+                      "NA",
+                      "NR",
+                      "NP",
+                      "NL",
+                      "NC",
+                      "NZ",
+                      "NI",
+                      "NE",
+                      "NG",
+                      "NU",
+                      "NF",
+                      "MK",
+                      "MP",
+                      "NO",
+                      "OM",
+                      "PK",
+                      "PW",
+                      "PS",
+                      "PA",
+                      "PG",
+                      "PY",
+                      "PE",
+                      "PH",
+                      "PN",
+                      "PL",
+                      "PT",
+                      "PR",
+                      "QA",
+                      "RE",
+                      "RO",
+                      "RU",
+                      "RW",
+                      "BL",
+                      "SH",
+                      "KN",
+                      "LC",
+                      "MF",
+                      "PM",
+                      "VC",
+                      "WS",
+                      "SM",
+                      "ST",
+                      "SA",
+                      "SN",
+                      "RS",
+                      "SC",
+                      "SL",
+                      "SG",
+                      "SX",
+                      "SK",
+                      "SI",
+                      "SB",
+                      "SO",
+                      "ZA",
+                      "GS",
+                      "SS",
+                      "ES",
+                      "LK",
+                      "SD",
+                      "SR",
+                      "SJ",
+                      "SE",
+                      "CH",
+                      "SY",
+                      "TW",
+                      "TJ",
+                      "TZ",
+                      "TH",
+                      "TL",
+                      "TG",
+                      "TK",
+                      "TO",
+                      "TT",
+                      "TN",
+                      "TR",
+                      "TM",
+                      "TC",
+                      "TV",
+                      "UG",
+                      "UA",
+                      "AE",
+                      "GB",
+                      "US",
+                      "UM",
+                      "UY",
+                      "UZ",
+                      "VU",
+                      "VE",
+                      "VN",
+                      "VG",
+                      "VI",
+                      "WF",
+                      "EH",
+                      "YE",
+                      "ZM",
+                      "ZW"
+                    ]
+                  },
+                  "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
+                },
+                "resident_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
+                },
+                "resident_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum": [
+                    "AF",
+                    "AX",
+                    "AL",
+                    "DZ",
+                    "AS",
+                    "AD",
+                    "AO",
+                    "AI",
+                    "AQ",
+                    "AG",
+                    "AR",
+                    "AM",
+                    "AW",
+                    "AU",
+                    "AT",
+                    "AZ",
+                    "BS",
+                    "BH",
+                    "BD",
+                    "BB",
+                    "BY",
+                    "BE",
+                    "BZ",
+                    "BJ",
+                    "BM",
+                    "BT",
+                    "BO",
+                    "BQ",
+                    "BA",
+                    "BW",
+                    "BV",
+                    "BR",
+                    "IO",
+                    "BN",
+                    "BG",
+                    "BF",
+                    "BI",
+                    "CV",
+                    "KH",
+                    "CM",
+                    "CA",
+                    "KY",
+                    "CF",
+                    "TD",
+                    "CL",
+                    "CN",
+                    "CX",
+                    "CC",
+                    "CO",
+                    "KM",
+                    "CD",
+                    "CG",
+                    "CK",
+                    "CR",
+                    "CI",
+                    "HR",
+                    "CU",
+                    "CW",
+                    "CY",
+                    "CZ",
+                    "DK",
+                    "DJ",
+                    "DM",
+                    "DO",
+                    "EC",
+                    "EG",
+                    "SV",
+                    "GQ",
+                    "ER",
+                    "EE",
+                    "SZ",
+                    "ET",
+                    "FK",
+                    "FO",
+                    "FJ",
+                    "FI",
+                    "FR",
+                    "GF",
+                    "PF",
+                    "TF",
+                    "GA",
+                    "GM",
+                    "GE",
+                    "DE",
+                    "GH",
+                    "GI",
+                    "GR",
+                    "GL",
+                    "GD",
+                    "GP",
+                    "GU",
+                    "GT",
+                    "GG",
+                    "GN",
+                    "GW",
+                    "GY",
+                    "HT",
+                    "HM",
+                    "VA",
+                    "HN",
+                    "HK",
+                    "HU",
+                    "IS",
+                    "IN",
+                    "ID",
+                    "IR",
+                    "IQ",
+                    "IE",
+                    "IM",
+                    "IL",
+                    "IT",
+                    "JM",
+                    "JP",
+                    "JE",
+                    "JO",
+                    "KZ",
+                    "KE",
+                    "KI",
+                    "KP",
+                    "KR",
+                    "KW",
+                    "KG",
+                    "LA",
+                    "LV",
+                    "LB",
+                    "LS",
+                    "LR",
+                    "LY",
+                    "LI",
+                    "LT",
+                    "LU",
+                    "MO",
+                    "MG",
+                    "MW",
+                    "MY",
+                    "MV",
+                    "ML",
+                    "MT",
+                    "MH",
+                    "MQ",
+                    "MR",
+                    "MU",
+                    "YT",
+                    "MX",
+                    "FM",
+                    "MD",
+                    "MC",
+                    "MN",
+                    "ME",
+                    "MS",
+                    "MA",
+                    "MZ",
+                    "MM",
+                    "NA",
+                    "NR",
+                    "NP",
+                    "NL",
+                    "NC",
+                    "NZ",
+                    "NI",
+                    "NE",
+                    "NG",
+                    "NU",
+                    "NF",
+                    "MK",
+                    "MP",
+                    "NO",
+                    "OM",
+                    "PK",
+                    "PW",
+                    "PS",
+                    "PA",
+                    "PG",
+                    "PY",
+                    "PE",
+                    "PH",
+                    "PN",
+                    "PL",
+                    "PT",
+                    "PR",
+                    "QA",
+                    "RE",
+                    "RO",
+                    "RU",
+                    "RW",
+                    "BL",
+                    "SH",
+                    "KN",
+                    "LC",
+                    "MF",
+                    "PM",
+                    "VC",
+                    "WS",
+                    "SM",
+                    "ST",
+                    "SA",
+                    "SN",
+                    "RS",
+                    "SC",
+                    "SL",
+                    "SG",
+                    "SX",
+                    "SK",
+                    "SI",
+                    "SB",
+                    "SO",
+                    "ZA",
+                    "GS",
+                    "SS",
+                    "ES",
+                    "LK",
+                    "SD",
+                    "SR",
+                    "SJ",
+                    "SE",
+                    "CH",
+                    "SY",
+                    "TW",
+                    "TJ",
+                    "TZ",
+                    "TH",
+                    "TL",
+                    "TG",
+                    "TK",
+                    "TO",
+                    "TT",
+                    "TN",
+                    "TR",
+                    "TM",
+                    "TC",
+                    "TV",
+                    "UG",
+                    "UA",
+                    "AE",
+                    "GB",
+                    "US",
+                    "UM",
+                    "UY",
+                    "UZ",
+                    "VU",
+                    "VE",
+                    "VN",
+                    "VG",
+                    "VI",
+                    "WF",
+                    "EH",
+                    "YE",
+                    "ZM",
+                    "ZW"
+                  ],
+                  "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
+                },
+                "resident_state": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_city": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_postal_code": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_street": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_house_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
+                },
+                "personal_administrative_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
+                },
+                "portrait": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
+                },
+                "family_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "given_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "sex": {
+                  "type": "integer",
+                  "enum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9],
+                  "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
+                },
+                "email_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "email",
+                  "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
+                },
+                "mobile_phone_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
+                  "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+                },
+                "expiry_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date-time",
+                  "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
+                },
+                "document_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "issuing_authority": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
+                  "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_jurisdiction": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
+                  "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "location_status": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                }
-              "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
-            },
-            "residentAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
-            },
-            "residentCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": [
-                "AF",
-                "AX",
-                "AL",
-                "DZ",
-                "AS",
-                "AD",
-                "AO",
-                "AI",
-                "AQ",
-                "AG",
-                "AR",
-                "AM",
-                "AW",
-                "AU",
-                "AT",
-                "AZ",
-                "BS",
-                "BH",
-                "BD",
-                "BB",
-                "BY",
-                "BE",
-                "BZ",
-                "BJ",
-                "BM",
-                "BT",
-                "BO",
-                "BQ",
-                "BA",
-                "BW",
-                "BV",
-                "BR",
-                "IO",
-                "BN",
-                "BG",
-                "BF",
-                "BI",
-                "CV",
-                "KH",
-                "CM",
-                "CA",
-                "KY",
-                "CF",
-                "TD",
-                "CL",
-                "CN",
-                "CX",
-                "CC",
-                "CO",
-                "KM",
-                "CD",
-                "CG",
-                "CK",
-                "CR",
-                "CI",
-                "HR",
-                "CU",
-                "CW",
-                "CY",
-                "CZ",
-                "DK",
-                "DJ",
-                "DM",
-                "DO",
-                "EC",
-                "EG",
-                "SV",
-                "GQ",
-                "ER",
-                "EE",
-                "SZ",
-                "ET",
-                "FK",
-                "FO",
-                "FJ",
-                "FI",
-                "FR",
-                "GF",
-                "PF",
-                "TF",
-                "GA",
-                "GM",
-                "GE",
-                "DE",
-                "GH",
-                "GI",
-                "GR",
-                "GL",
-                "GD",
-                "GP",
-                "GU",
-                "GT",
-                "GG",
-                "GN",
-                "GW",
-                "GY",
-                "HT",
-                "HM",
-                "VA",
-                "HN",
-                "HK",
-                "HU",
-                "IS",
-                "IN",
-                "ID",
-                "IR",
-                "IQ",
-                "IE",
-                "IM",
-                "IL",
-                "IT",
-                "JM",
-                "JP",
-                "JE",
-                "JO",
-                "KZ",
-                "KE",
-                "KI",
-                "KP",
-                "KR",
-                "KW",
-                "KG",
-                "LA",
-                "LV",
-                "LB",
-                "LS",
-                "LR",
-                "LY",
-                "LI",
-                "LT",
-                "LU",
-                "MO",
-                "MG",
-                "MW",
-                "MY",
-                "MV",
-                "ML",
-                "MT",
-                "MH",
-                "MQ",
-                "MR",
-                "MU",
-                "YT",
-                "MX",
-                "FM",
-                "MD",
-                "MC",
-                "MN",
-                "ME",
-                "MS",
-                "MA",
-                "MZ",
-                "MM",
-                "NA",
-                "NR",
-                "NP",
-                "NL",
-                "NC",
-                "NZ",
-                "NI",
-                "NE",
-                "NG",
-                "NU",
-                "NF",
-                "MK",
-                "MP",
-                "NO",
-                "OM",
-                "PK",
-                "PW",
-                "PS",
-                "PA",
-                "PG",
-                "PY",
-                "PE",
-                "PH",
-                "PN",
-                "PL",
-                "PT",
-                "PR",
-                "QA",
-                "RE",
-                "RO",
-                "RU",
-                "RW",
-                "BL",
-                "SH",
-                "KN",
-                "LC",
-                "MF",
-                "PM",
-                "VC",
-                "WS",
-                "SM",
-                "ST",
-                "SA",
-                "SN",
-                "RS",
-                "SC",
-                "SL",
-                "SG",
-                "SX",
-                "SK",
-                "SI",
-                "SB",
-                "SO",
-                "ZA",
-                "GS",
-                "SS",
-                "ES",
-                "LK",
-                "SD",
-                "SR",
-                "SJ",
-                "SE",
-                "CH",
-                "SY",
-                "TW",
-                "TJ",
-                "TZ",
-                "TH",
-                "TL",
-                "TG",
-                "TK",
-                "TO",
-                "TT",
-                "TN",
-                "TR",
-                "TM",
-                "TC",
-                "TV",
-                "UG",
-                "UA",
-                "AE",
-                "GB",
-                "US",
-                "UM",
-                "UY",
-                "UZ",
-                "VU",
-                "VE",
-                "VN",
-                "VG",
-                "VI",
-                "WF",
-                "EH",
-                "YE",
-                "ZM",
-                "ZW"
-              ],
-              "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
-            },
-            "residentState": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentCity": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentPostalCode": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentStreet": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentHouseNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
-            },
-            "personalAdministrativeNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
-            },
-            "portrait": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
-            },
-            "familyNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "givenNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "sex": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "9"],
-              "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
-            },
-            "emailAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "email",
-              "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
-            },
-            "mobilePhoneNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
-              "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+              "required": [
+                "family_name",
+                "given_name",
+                "birth_date",
+                "birth_place",
+                "nationality",
+                "expiry_date",
+                "issuing_authority",
+                "issuing_country"
+              ]
-          "required": [
-            "familyName",
-            "givenName",
-            "birthDate",
-            "birthPlace",
-            "nationality"
-          ]
+          "required": ["personIdentificationData"]
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.metadata.json b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.metadata.json
index a0cc04c71b6d86ed4738a8829abe012cb5adb038..e9fcdef87ef9fac001a5fa2896088554b1e6f762 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.metadata.json
+++ b/schemas/vcdm1.1/vid/natural-person/schema.metadata.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
   "vcdm": "1.1",
   "id": {
-    "base16": "0xe3e90a1c428ccd10ce9032b36a80a09418d5473ca1360fc74e34c01309e20170",
-    "multibase_base58btc": "zGLfedERtyuyRvhGdWHNE3QGx2u42iqGTecswfg6WdrdM"
+    "base16": "0x17af0f7ed1b62ce4ca985495e59725e3cb90a3a53eaf7b6e6b70eef9c2d1320c",
+    "multibase_base58btc": "z2bTCgjmBDY5kwNWGL3hfSQUZP6d8AZUnLFXe8coTa3zK"
   "verification": "Documents",
   "context": "General"
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/README.md b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/README.md
index 79617acaf24d4671d4983cd000b3a94376c68fc1..91d1a91b8ac34a18199bf587d7820bdc4ba4161b 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/README.md
+++ b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/README.md
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 The schema is published to the [Trusted Schemas Registry](https://hub.ebsi.eu/apis/pilot/trusted-schemas-registry) with the IDs:
-- `0xa6c60f3f2bca61dda2c4e8ff1b4dd1ad16231663f87bb63bc6392b051f8a30fc` (hexadecimal)
-- `zCE1qsru5EFwBp1xCsLJYi5ZkVw7c9CxywxWA6HPw5E51` (multibase base58btc)
+- `0x1545bf559f8570a0d6789ebdbd29bcd65e3b532b75ac9cf110b30d4b474b085b` (hexadecimal)
+- `z2S3FJb44vvWZoD9iqBYJ74jwDCHRx8vzPGghpAVn399C` (multibase base58btc)
 ## Table of Contents
@@ -32,642 +32,644 @@ The schema is published to the [Trusted Schemas Registry](https://hub.ebsi.eu/ap
       "type": "object",
-      "required": ["expiryDate"],
       "properties": {
-        "expiryDate": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "format": "date-time",
-          "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
-        },
-        "documentNumber": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
-          "nullable": true
-        },
-        "issuer": {
-          "type": "object",
-          "properties": {
-            "issuingAuthority": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
-              "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingJurisdiction": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
-              "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
-              "nullable": true
-            },
-            "locationStatus": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
-              "nullable": true
-            }
-          },
-          "required": ["issuingAuthority", "issuingCountry"]
-        },
         "credentialSubject": {
           "type": "object",
           "properties": {
-            "familyName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "givenName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "birthDate": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "date",
-              "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "birthPlace": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "nationality": {
-              "type": "array",
-              "items": {
-                "type": "string",
-                "enum": [
-                  "AF",
-                  "AX",
-                  "AL",
-                  "DZ",
-                  "AS",
-                  "AD",
-                  "AO",
-                  "AI",
-                  "AQ",
-                  "AG",
-                  "AR",
-                  "AM",
-                  "AW",
-                  "AU",
-                  "AT",
-                  "AZ",
-                  "BS",
-                  "BH",
-                  "BD",
-                  "BB",
-                  "BY",
-                  "BE",
-                  "BZ",
-                  "BJ",
-                  "BM",
-                  "BT",
-                  "BO",
-                  "BQ",
-                  "BA",
-                  "BW",
-                  "BV",
-                  "BR",
-                  "IO",
-                  "BN",
-                  "BG",
-                  "BF",
-                  "BI",
-                  "CV",
-                  "KH",
-                  "CM",
-                  "CA",
-                  "KY",
-                  "CF",
-                  "TD",
-                  "CL",
-                  "CN",
-                  "CX",
-                  "CC",
-                  "CO",
-                  "KM",
-                  "CD",
-                  "CG",
-                  "CK",
-                  "CR",
-                  "CI",
-                  "HR",
-                  "CU",
-                  "CW",
-                  "CY",
-                  "CZ",
-                  "DK",
-                  "DJ",
-                  "DM",
-                  "DO",
-                  "EC",
-                  "EG",
-                  "SV",
-                  "GQ",
-                  "ER",
-                  "EE",
-                  "SZ",
-                  "ET",
-                  "FK",
-                  "FO",
-                  "FJ",
-                  "FI",
-                  "FR",
-                  "GF",
-                  "PF",
-                  "TF",
-                  "GA",
-                  "GM",
-                  "GE",
-                  "DE",
-                  "GH",
-                  "GI",
-                  "GR",
-                  "GL",
-                  "GD",
-                  "GP",
-                  "GU",
-                  "GT",
-                  "GG",
-                  "GN",
-                  "GW",
-                  "GY",
-                  "HT",
-                  "HM",
-                  "VA",
-                  "HN",
-                  "HK",
-                  "HU",
-                  "IS",
-                  "IN",
-                  "ID",
-                  "IR",
-                  "IQ",
-                  "IE",
-                  "IM",
-                  "IL",
-                  "IT",
-                  "JM",
-                  "JP",
-                  "JE",
-                  "JO",
-                  "KZ",
-                  "KE",
-                  "KI",
-                  "KP",
-                  "KR",
-                  "KW",
-                  "KG",
-                  "LA",
-                  "LV",
-                  "LB",
-                  "LS",
-                  "LR",
-                  "LY",
-                  "LI",
-                  "LT",
-                  "LU",
-                  "MO",
-                  "MG",
-                  "MW",
-                  "MY",
-                  "MV",
-                  "ML",
-                  "MT",
-                  "MH",
-                  "MQ",
-                  "MR",
-                  "MU",
-                  "YT",
-                  "MX",
-                  "FM",
-                  "MD",
-                  "MC",
-                  "MN",
-                  "ME",
-                  "MS",
-                  "MA",
-                  "MZ",
-                  "MM",
-                  "NA",
-                  "NR",
-                  "NP",
-                  "NL",
-                  "NC",
-                  "NZ",
-                  "NI",
-                  "NE",
-                  "NG",
-                  "NU",
-                  "NF",
-                  "MK",
-                  "MP",
-                  "NO",
-                  "OM",
-                  "PK",
-                  "PW",
-                  "PS",
-                  "PA",
-                  "PG",
-                  "PY",
-                  "PE",
-                  "PH",
-                  "PN",
-                  "PL",
-                  "PT",
-                  "PR",
-                  "QA",
-                  "RE",
-                  "RO",
-                  "RU",
-                  "RW",
-                  "BL",
-                  "SH",
-                  "KN",
-                  "LC",
-                  "MF",
-                  "PM",
-                  "VC",
-                  "WS",
-                  "SM",
-                  "ST",
-                  "SA",
-                  "SN",
-                  "RS",
-                  "SC",
-                  "SL",
-                  "SG",
-                  "SX",
-                  "SK",
-                  "SI",
-                  "SB",
-                  "SO",
-                  "ZA",
-                  "GS",
-                  "SS",
-                  "ES",
-                  "LK",
-                  "SD",
-                  "SR",
-                  "SJ",
-                  "SE",
-                  "CH",
-                  "SY",
-                  "TW",
-                  "TJ",
-                  "TZ",
-                  "TH",
-                  "TL",
-                  "TG",
-                  "TK",
-                  "TO",
-                  "TT",
-                  "TN",
-                  "TR",
-                  "TM",
-                  "TC",
-                  "TV",
-                  "UG",
-                  "UA",
-                  "AE",
-                  "GB",
-                  "US",
-                  "UM",
-                  "UY",
-                  "UZ",
-                  "VU",
-                  "VE",
-                  "VN",
-                  "VG",
-                  "VI",
-                  "WF",
-                  "EH",
-                  "YE",
-                  "ZM",
-                  "ZW"
-                ]
+            "personIdentificationData": {
+              "type": "object",
+              "properties": {
+                "family_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "given_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "birth_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date",
+                  "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "birth_place": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "nationality": {
+                  "type": "array",
+                  "items": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "enum": [
+                      "AF",
+                      "AX",
+                      "AL",
+                      "DZ",
+                      "AS",
+                      "AD",
+                      "AO",
+                      "AI",
+                      "AQ",
+                      "AG",
+                      "AR",
+                      "AM",
+                      "AW",
+                      "AU",
+                      "AT",
+                      "AZ",
+                      "BS",
+                      "BH",
+                      "BD",
+                      "BB",
+                      "BY",
+                      "BE",
+                      "BZ",
+                      "BJ",
+                      "BM",
+                      "BT",
+                      "BO",
+                      "BQ",
+                      "BA",
+                      "BW",
+                      "BV",
+                      "BR",
+                      "IO",
+                      "BN",
+                      "BG",
+                      "BF",
+                      "BI",
+                      "CV",
+                      "KH",
+                      "CM",
+                      "CA",
+                      "KY",
+                      "CF",
+                      "TD",
+                      "CL",
+                      "CN",
+                      "CX",
+                      "CC",
+                      "CO",
+                      "KM",
+                      "CD",
+                      "CG",
+                      "CK",
+                      "CR",
+                      "CI",
+                      "HR",
+                      "CU",
+                      "CW",
+                      "CY",
+                      "CZ",
+                      "DK",
+                      "DJ",
+                      "DM",
+                      "DO",
+                      "EC",
+                      "EG",
+                      "SV",
+                      "GQ",
+                      "ER",
+                      "EE",
+                      "SZ",
+                      "ET",
+                      "FK",
+                      "FO",
+                      "FJ",
+                      "FI",
+                      "FR",
+                      "GF",
+                      "PF",
+                      "TF",
+                      "GA",
+                      "GM",
+                      "GE",
+                      "DE",
+                      "GH",
+                      "GI",
+                      "GR",
+                      "GL",
+                      "GD",
+                      "GP",
+                      "GU",
+                      "GT",
+                      "GG",
+                      "GN",
+                      "GW",
+                      "GY",
+                      "HT",
+                      "HM",
+                      "VA",
+                      "HN",
+                      "HK",
+                      "HU",
+                      "IS",
+                      "IN",
+                      "ID",
+                      "IR",
+                      "IQ",
+                      "IE",
+                      "IM",
+                      "IL",
+                      "IT",
+                      "JM",
+                      "JP",
+                      "JE",
+                      "JO",
+                      "KZ",
+                      "KE",
+                      "KI",
+                      "KP",
+                      "KR",
+                      "KW",
+                      "KG",
+                      "LA",
+                      "LV",
+                      "LB",
+                      "LS",
+                      "LR",
+                      "LY",
+                      "LI",
+                      "LT",
+                      "LU",
+                      "MO",
+                      "MG",
+                      "MW",
+                      "MY",
+                      "MV",
+                      "ML",
+                      "MT",
+                      "MH",
+                      "MQ",
+                      "MR",
+                      "MU",
+                      "YT",
+                      "MX",
+                      "FM",
+                      "MD",
+                      "MC",
+                      "MN",
+                      "ME",
+                      "MS",
+                      "MA",
+                      "MZ",
+                      "MM",
+                      "NA",
+                      "NR",
+                      "NP",
+                      "NL",
+                      "NC",
+                      "NZ",
+                      "NI",
+                      "NE",
+                      "NG",
+                      "NU",
+                      "NF",
+                      "MK",
+                      "MP",
+                      "NO",
+                      "OM",
+                      "PK",
+                      "PW",
+                      "PS",
+                      "PA",
+                      "PG",
+                      "PY",
+                      "PE",
+                      "PH",
+                      "PN",
+                      "PL",
+                      "PT",
+                      "PR",
+                      "QA",
+                      "RE",
+                      "RO",
+                      "RU",
+                      "RW",
+                      "BL",
+                      "SH",
+                      "KN",
+                      "LC",
+                      "MF",
+                      "PM",
+                      "VC",
+                      "WS",
+                      "SM",
+                      "ST",
+                      "SA",
+                      "SN",
+                      "RS",
+                      "SC",
+                      "SL",
+                      "SG",
+                      "SX",
+                      "SK",
+                      "SI",
+                      "SB",
+                      "SO",
+                      "ZA",
+                      "GS",
+                      "SS",
+                      "ES",
+                      "LK",
+                      "SD",
+                      "SR",
+                      "SJ",
+                      "SE",
+                      "CH",
+                      "SY",
+                      "TW",
+                      "TJ",
+                      "TZ",
+                      "TH",
+                      "TL",
+                      "TG",
+                      "TK",
+                      "TO",
+                      "TT",
+                      "TN",
+                      "TR",
+                      "TM",
+                      "TC",
+                      "TV",
+                      "UG",
+                      "UA",
+                      "AE",
+                      "GB",
+                      "US",
+                      "UM",
+                      "UY",
+                      "UZ",
+                      "VU",
+                      "VE",
+                      "VN",
+                      "VG",
+                      "VI",
+                      "WF",
+                      "EH",
+                      "YE",
+                      "ZM",
+                      "ZW"
+                    ]
+                  },
+                  "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
+                },
+                "resident_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
+                },
+                "resident_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum": [
+                    "AF",
+                    "AX",
+                    "AL",
+                    "DZ",
+                    "AS",
+                    "AD",
+                    "AO",
+                    "AI",
+                    "AQ",
+                    "AG",
+                    "AR",
+                    "AM",
+                    "AW",
+                    "AU",
+                    "AT",
+                    "AZ",
+                    "BS",
+                    "BH",
+                    "BD",
+                    "BB",
+                    "BY",
+                    "BE",
+                    "BZ",
+                    "BJ",
+                    "BM",
+                    "BT",
+                    "BO",
+                    "BQ",
+                    "BA",
+                    "BW",
+                    "BV",
+                    "BR",
+                    "IO",
+                    "BN",
+                    "BG",
+                    "BF",
+                    "BI",
+                    "CV",
+                    "KH",
+                    "CM",
+                    "CA",
+                    "KY",
+                    "CF",
+                    "TD",
+                    "CL",
+                    "CN",
+                    "CX",
+                    "CC",
+                    "CO",
+                    "KM",
+                    "CD",
+                    "CG",
+                    "CK",
+                    "CR",
+                    "CI",
+                    "HR",
+                    "CU",
+                    "CW",
+                    "CY",
+                    "CZ",
+                    "DK",
+                    "DJ",
+                    "DM",
+                    "DO",
+                    "EC",
+                    "EG",
+                    "SV",
+                    "GQ",
+                    "ER",
+                    "EE",
+                    "SZ",
+                    "ET",
+                    "FK",
+                    "FO",
+                    "FJ",
+                    "FI",
+                    "FR",
+                    "GF",
+                    "PF",
+                    "TF",
+                    "GA",
+                    "GM",
+                    "GE",
+                    "DE",
+                    "GH",
+                    "GI",
+                    "GR",
+                    "GL",
+                    "GD",
+                    "GP",
+                    "GU",
+                    "GT",
+                    "GG",
+                    "GN",
+                    "GW",
+                    "GY",
+                    "HT",
+                    "HM",
+                    "VA",
+                    "HN",
+                    "HK",
+                    "HU",
+                    "IS",
+                    "IN",
+                    "ID",
+                    "IR",
+                    "IQ",
+                    "IE",
+                    "IM",
+                    "IL",
+                    "IT",
+                    "JM",
+                    "JP",
+                    "JE",
+                    "JO",
+                    "KZ",
+                    "KE",
+                    "KI",
+                    "KP",
+                    "KR",
+                    "KW",
+                    "KG",
+                    "LA",
+                    "LV",
+                    "LB",
+                    "LS",
+                    "LR",
+                    "LY",
+                    "LI",
+                    "LT",
+                    "LU",
+                    "MO",
+                    "MG",
+                    "MW",
+                    "MY",
+                    "MV",
+                    "ML",
+                    "MT",
+                    "MH",
+                    "MQ",
+                    "MR",
+                    "MU",
+                    "YT",
+                    "MX",
+                    "FM",
+                    "MD",
+                    "MC",
+                    "MN",
+                    "ME",
+                    "MS",
+                    "MA",
+                    "MZ",
+                    "MM",
+                    "NA",
+                    "NR",
+                    "NP",
+                    "NL",
+                    "NC",
+                    "NZ",
+                    "NI",
+                    "NE",
+                    "NG",
+                    "NU",
+                    "NF",
+                    "MK",
+                    "MP",
+                    "NO",
+                    "OM",
+                    "PK",
+                    "PW",
+                    "PS",
+                    "PA",
+                    "PG",
+                    "PY",
+                    "PE",
+                    "PH",
+                    "PN",
+                    "PL",
+                    "PT",
+                    "PR",
+                    "QA",
+                    "RE",
+                    "RO",
+                    "RU",
+                    "RW",
+                    "BL",
+                    "SH",
+                    "KN",
+                    "LC",
+                    "MF",
+                    "PM",
+                    "VC",
+                    "WS",
+                    "SM",
+                    "ST",
+                    "SA",
+                    "SN",
+                    "RS",
+                    "SC",
+                    "SL",
+                    "SG",
+                    "SX",
+                    "SK",
+                    "SI",
+                    "SB",
+                    "SO",
+                    "ZA",
+                    "GS",
+                    "SS",
+                    "ES",
+                    "LK",
+                    "SD",
+                    "SR",
+                    "SJ",
+                    "SE",
+                    "CH",
+                    "SY",
+                    "TW",
+                    "TJ",
+                    "TZ",
+                    "TH",
+                    "TL",
+                    "TG",
+                    "TK",
+                    "TO",
+                    "TT",
+                    "TN",
+                    "TR",
+                    "TM",
+                    "TC",
+                    "TV",
+                    "UG",
+                    "UA",
+                    "AE",
+                    "GB",
+                    "US",
+                    "UM",
+                    "UY",
+                    "UZ",
+                    "VU",
+                    "VE",
+                    "VN",
+                    "VG",
+                    "VI",
+                    "WF",
+                    "EH",
+                    "YE",
+                    "ZM",
+                    "ZW"
+                  ],
+                  "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
+                },
+                "resident_state": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_city": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_postal_code": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_street": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_house_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
+                },
+                "personal_administrative_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
+                },
+                "portrait": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
+                },
+                "family_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "given_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "sex": {
+                  "type": "integer",
+                  "enum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9],
+                  "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
+                },
+                "email_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "email",
+                  "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
+                },
+                "mobile_phone_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
+                  "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+                },
+                "expiry_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date-time",
+                  "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
+                },
+                "document_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "issuing_authority": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
+                  "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_jurisdiction": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
+                  "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "location_status": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                }
-              "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
-            },
-            "residentAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
-            },
-            "residentCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": [
-                "AF",
-                "AX",
-                "AL",
-                "DZ",
-                "AS",
-                "AD",
-                "AO",
-                "AI",
-                "AQ",
-                "AG",
-                "AR",
-                "AM",
-                "AW",
-                "AU",
-                "AT",
-                "AZ",
-                "BS",
-                "BH",
-                "BD",
-                "BB",
-                "BY",
-                "BE",
-                "BZ",
-                "BJ",
-                "BM",
-                "BT",
-                "BO",
-                "BQ",
-                "BA",
-                "BW",
-                "BV",
-                "BR",
-                "IO",
-                "BN",
-                "BG",
-                "BF",
-                "BI",
-                "CV",
-                "KH",
-                "CM",
-                "CA",
-                "KY",
-                "CF",
-                "TD",
-                "CL",
-                "CN",
-                "CX",
-                "CC",
-                "CO",
-                "KM",
-                "CD",
-                "CG",
-                "CK",
-                "CR",
-                "CI",
-                "HR",
-                "CU",
-                "CW",
-                "CY",
-                "CZ",
-                "DK",
-                "DJ",
-                "DM",
-                "DO",
-                "EC",
-                "EG",
-                "SV",
-                "GQ",
-                "ER",
-                "EE",
-                "SZ",
-                "ET",
-                "FK",
-                "FO",
-                "FJ",
-                "FI",
-                "FR",
-                "GF",
-                "PF",
-                "TF",
-                "GA",
-                "GM",
-                "GE",
-                "DE",
-                "GH",
-                "GI",
-                "GR",
-                "GL",
-                "GD",
-                "GP",
-                "GU",
-                "GT",
-                "GG",
-                "GN",
-                "GW",
-                "GY",
-                "HT",
-                "HM",
-                "VA",
-                "HN",
-                "HK",
-                "HU",
-                "IS",
-                "IN",
-                "ID",
-                "IR",
-                "IQ",
-                "IE",
-                "IM",
-                "IL",
-                "IT",
-                "JM",
-                "JP",
-                "JE",
-                "JO",
-                "KZ",
-                "KE",
-                "KI",
-                "KP",
-                "KR",
-                "KW",
-                "KG",
-                "LA",
-                "LV",
-                "LB",
-                "LS",
-                "LR",
-                "LY",
-                "LI",
-                "LT",
-                "LU",
-                "MO",
-                "MG",
-                "MW",
-                "MY",
-                "MV",
-                "ML",
-                "MT",
-                "MH",
-                "MQ",
-                "MR",
-                "MU",
-                "YT",
-                "MX",
-                "FM",
-                "MD",
-                "MC",
-                "MN",
-                "ME",
-                "MS",
-                "MA",
-                "MZ",
-                "MM",
-                "NA",
-                "NR",
-                "NP",
-                "NL",
-                "NC",
-                "NZ",
-                "NI",
-                "NE",
-                "NG",
-                "NU",
-                "NF",
-                "MK",
-                "MP",
-                "NO",
-                "OM",
-                "PK",
-                "PW",
-                "PS",
-                "PA",
-                "PG",
-                "PY",
-                "PE",
-                "PH",
-                "PN",
-                "PL",
-                "PT",
-                "PR",
-                "QA",
-                "RE",
-                "RO",
-                "RU",
-                "RW",
-                "BL",
-                "SH",
-                "KN",
-                "LC",
-                "MF",
-                "PM",
-                "VC",
-                "WS",
-                "SM",
-                "ST",
-                "SA",
-                "SN",
-                "RS",
-                "SC",
-                "SL",
-                "SG",
-                "SX",
-                "SK",
-                "SI",
-                "SB",
-                "SO",
-                "ZA",
-                "GS",
-                "SS",
-                "ES",
-                "LK",
-                "SD",
-                "SR",
-                "SJ",
-                "SE",
-                "CH",
-                "SY",
-                "TW",
-                "TJ",
-                "TZ",
-                "TH",
-                "TL",
-                "TG",
-                "TK",
-                "TO",
-                "TT",
-                "TN",
-                "TR",
-                "TM",
-                "TC",
-                "TV",
-                "UG",
-                "UA",
-                "AE",
-                "GB",
-                "US",
-                "UM",
-                "UY",
-                "UZ",
-                "VU",
-                "VE",
-                "VN",
-                "VG",
-                "VI",
-                "WF",
-                "EH",
-                "YE",
-                "ZM",
-                "ZW"
-              ],
-              "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
-            },
-            "residentState": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentCity": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentPostalCode": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentStreet": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentHouseNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
-            },
-            "personalAdministrativeNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
-            },
-            "portrait": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
-            },
-            "familyNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "givenNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "sex": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "9"],
-              "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
-            },
-            "emailAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "email",
-              "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
-            },
-            "mobilePhoneNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
-              "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+              "required": [
+                "family_name",
+                "given_name",
+                "birth_date",
+                "birth_place",
+                "nationality",
+                "expiry_date",
+                "issuing_authority",
+                "issuing_country"
+              ]
-          "required": [
-            "familyName",
-            "givenName",
-            "birthDate",
-            "birthPlace",
-            "nationality"
-          ]
+          "required": ["personIdentificationData"]
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json
index df10b55251ee6405b43a0dfbc18825f5988b634d..b5de05ced82593f5ea3e41e8cd09618d91bbb156 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json
+++ b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/examples/example-be.json
@@ -3,29 +3,31 @@
   "id": "https://example.com/credentials/456",
   "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "VerifiableAttestation", "VerifiablePID"],
   "issuer": {
-    "id": "did:ebsi:123",
-    "issuingAuthority": "",
-    "issuingCountry": "BE"
+    "id": "did:ebsi:123"
   "validFrom": "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z",
   "validUntil": "2024-08-31T23:59:59Z",
-  "expiryDate": "2024-08-31T23:59:59Z",
   "credentialSubject": {
     "id": "did:key:123",
-    "familyName": "Dubois",
-    "givenName": "Sophie",
-    "birthDate": "1985-05-20",
-    "birthPlace": "BE",
-    "nationality": ["BE"],
-    "residentAddress": "456 Elm Ave, Leuven, VBR 3000, Belgium",
-    "residentCountry": "BE",
-    "residentState": "VBR",
-    "residentCity": "Leuven",
-    "residentPostalCode": "3000",
-    "residentStreet": "Elm Ave",
-    "residentHouseNumber": "456",
-    "personalAdministrativeNumber": "987654321",
-    "sex": "2"
+    "personIdentificationData": {
+      "family_name": "Dubois",
+      "given_name": "Sophie",
+      "birth_date": "1985-05-20",
+      "birth_place": "BE",
+      "nationality": ["BE"],
+      "resident_address": "456 Elm Ave, Leuven, VBR 3000, Belgium",
+      "resident_country": "BE",
+      "resident_state": "VBR",
+      "resident_city": "Leuven",
+      "resident_postal_code": "3000",
+      "resident_street": "Elm Ave",
+      "resident_house_number": "456",
+      "personal_administrative_number": "987654321",
+      "sex": 2,
+      "expiry_date": "2024-08-31T23:59:59Z",
+      "issuing_authority": "",
+      "issuing_country": "BE"
+    }
   "credentialStatus": {
     "id": "https://api.ebsi.eu/csl",
diff --git a/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/schema.json b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/schema.json
index c8a5cb2b5de2a9047b5723821a17ff2506b39776..1350ac949b75a0a8e3005420662d89f5bbc619eb 100644
--- a/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/schema.json
+++ b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/schema.json
@@ -9,642 +9,644 @@
       "type": "object",
-      "required": ["expiryDate"],
       "properties": {
-        "expiryDate": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "format": "date-time",
-          "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
-        },
-        "documentNumber": {
-          "type": "string",
-          "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
-          "nullable": true
-        },
-        "issuer": {
-          "type": "object",
-          "properties": {
-            "issuingAuthority": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
-              "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
-            },
-            "issuingJurisdiction": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
-              "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
-              "nullable": true
-            },
-            "locationStatus": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
-              "nullable": true
-            }
-          },
-          "required": ["issuingAuthority", "issuingCountry"]
-        },
         "credentialSubject": {
           "type": "object",
           "properties": {
-            "familyName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "givenName": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
-              "minLength": 1
-            },
-            "birthDate": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "date",
-              "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "birthPlace": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
-            },
-            "nationality": {
-              "type": "array",
-              "items": {
-                "type": "string",
-                "enum": [
-                  "AF",
-                  "AX",
-                  "AL",
-                  "DZ",
-                  "AS",
-                  "AD",
-                  "AO",
-                  "AI",
-                  "AQ",
-                  "AG",
-                  "AR",
-                  "AM",
-                  "AW",
-                  "AU",
-                  "AT",
-                  "AZ",
-                  "BS",
-                  "BH",
-                  "BD",
-                  "BB",
-                  "BY",
-                  "BE",
-                  "BZ",
-                  "BJ",
-                  "BM",
-                  "BT",
-                  "BO",
-                  "BQ",
-                  "BA",
-                  "BW",
-                  "BV",
-                  "BR",
-                  "IO",
-                  "BN",
-                  "BG",
-                  "BF",
-                  "BI",
-                  "CV",
-                  "KH",
-                  "CM",
-                  "CA",
-                  "KY",
-                  "CF",
-                  "TD",
-                  "CL",
-                  "CN",
-                  "CX",
-                  "CC",
-                  "CO",
-                  "KM",
-                  "CD",
-                  "CG",
-                  "CK",
-                  "CR",
-                  "CI",
-                  "HR",
-                  "CU",
-                  "CW",
-                  "CY",
-                  "CZ",
-                  "DK",
-                  "DJ",
-                  "DM",
-                  "DO",
-                  "EC",
-                  "EG",
-                  "SV",
-                  "GQ",
-                  "ER",
-                  "EE",
-                  "SZ",
-                  "ET",
-                  "FK",
-                  "FO",
-                  "FJ",
-                  "FI",
-                  "FR",
-                  "GF",
-                  "PF",
-                  "TF",
-                  "GA",
-                  "GM",
-                  "GE",
-                  "DE",
-                  "GH",
-                  "GI",
-                  "GR",
-                  "GL",
-                  "GD",
-                  "GP",
-                  "GU",
-                  "GT",
-                  "GG",
-                  "GN",
-                  "GW",
-                  "GY",
-                  "HT",
-                  "HM",
-                  "VA",
-                  "HN",
-                  "HK",
-                  "HU",
-                  "IS",
-                  "IN",
-                  "ID",
-                  "IR",
-                  "IQ",
-                  "IE",
-                  "IM",
-                  "IL",
-                  "IT",
-                  "JM",
-                  "JP",
-                  "JE",
-                  "JO",
-                  "KZ",
-                  "KE",
-                  "KI",
-                  "KP",
-                  "KR",
-                  "KW",
-                  "KG",
-                  "LA",
-                  "LV",
-                  "LB",
-                  "LS",
-                  "LR",
-                  "LY",
-                  "LI",
-                  "LT",
-                  "LU",
-                  "MO",
-                  "MG",
-                  "MW",
-                  "MY",
-                  "MV",
-                  "ML",
-                  "MT",
-                  "MH",
-                  "MQ",
-                  "MR",
-                  "MU",
-                  "YT",
-                  "MX",
-                  "FM",
-                  "MD",
-                  "MC",
-                  "MN",
-                  "ME",
-                  "MS",
-                  "MA",
-                  "MZ",
-                  "MM",
-                  "NA",
-                  "NR",
-                  "NP",
-                  "NL",
-                  "NC",
-                  "NZ",
-                  "NI",
-                  "NE",
-                  "NG",
-                  "NU",
-                  "NF",
-                  "MK",
-                  "MP",
-                  "NO",
-                  "OM",
-                  "PK",
-                  "PW",
-                  "PS",
-                  "PA",
-                  "PG",
-                  "PY",
-                  "PE",
-                  "PH",
-                  "PN",
-                  "PL",
-                  "PT",
-                  "PR",
-                  "QA",
-                  "RE",
-                  "RO",
-                  "RU",
-                  "RW",
-                  "BL",
-                  "SH",
-                  "KN",
-                  "LC",
-                  "MF",
-                  "PM",
-                  "VC",
-                  "WS",
-                  "SM",
-                  "ST",
-                  "SA",
-                  "SN",
-                  "RS",
-                  "SC",
-                  "SL",
-                  "SG",
-                  "SX",
-                  "SK",
-                  "SI",
-                  "SB",
-                  "SO",
-                  "ZA",
-                  "GS",
-                  "SS",
-                  "ES",
-                  "LK",
-                  "SD",
-                  "SR",
-                  "SJ",
-                  "SE",
-                  "CH",
-                  "SY",
-                  "TW",
-                  "TJ",
-                  "TZ",
-                  "TH",
-                  "TL",
-                  "TG",
-                  "TK",
-                  "TO",
-                  "TT",
-                  "TN",
-                  "TR",
-                  "TM",
-                  "TC",
-                  "TV",
-                  "UG",
-                  "UA",
-                  "AE",
-                  "GB",
-                  "US",
-                  "UM",
-                  "UY",
-                  "UZ",
-                  "VU",
-                  "VE",
-                  "VN",
-                  "VG",
-                  "VI",
-                  "WF",
-                  "EH",
-                  "YE",
-                  "ZM",
-                  "ZW"
-                ]
+            "personIdentificationData": {
+              "type": "object",
+              "properties": {
+                "family_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current last name(s) or surname(s) of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "given_name": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Current first name(s), including middle name(s) where applicable, of the user to whom the person identification data relates.",
+                  "minLength": 1
+                },
+                "birth_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date",
+                  "description": "Day, month, and year on which the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "birth_place": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The country as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1, or the state, province, district, or local area or the municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates was born."
+                },
+                "nationality": {
+                  "type": "array",
+                  "items": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "enum": [
+                      "AF",
+                      "AX",
+                      "AL",
+                      "DZ",
+                      "AS",
+                      "AD",
+                      "AO",
+                      "AI",
+                      "AQ",
+                      "AG",
+                      "AR",
+                      "AM",
+                      "AW",
+                      "AU",
+                      "AT",
+                      "AZ",
+                      "BS",
+                      "BH",
+                      "BD",
+                      "BB",
+                      "BY",
+                      "BE",
+                      "BZ",
+                      "BJ",
+                      "BM",
+                      "BT",
+                      "BO",
+                      "BQ",
+                      "BA",
+                      "BW",
+                      "BV",
+                      "BR",
+                      "IO",
+                      "BN",
+                      "BG",
+                      "BF",
+                      "BI",
+                      "CV",
+                      "KH",
+                      "CM",
+                      "CA",
+                      "KY",
+                      "CF",
+                      "TD",
+                      "CL",
+                      "CN",
+                      "CX",
+                      "CC",
+                      "CO",
+                      "KM",
+                      "CD",
+                      "CG",
+                      "CK",
+                      "CR",
+                      "CI",
+                      "HR",
+                      "CU",
+                      "CW",
+                      "CY",
+                      "CZ",
+                      "DK",
+                      "DJ",
+                      "DM",
+                      "DO",
+                      "EC",
+                      "EG",
+                      "SV",
+                      "GQ",
+                      "ER",
+                      "EE",
+                      "SZ",
+                      "ET",
+                      "FK",
+                      "FO",
+                      "FJ",
+                      "FI",
+                      "FR",
+                      "GF",
+                      "PF",
+                      "TF",
+                      "GA",
+                      "GM",
+                      "GE",
+                      "DE",
+                      "GH",
+                      "GI",
+                      "GR",
+                      "GL",
+                      "GD",
+                      "GP",
+                      "GU",
+                      "GT",
+                      "GG",
+                      "GN",
+                      "GW",
+                      "GY",
+                      "HT",
+                      "HM",
+                      "VA",
+                      "HN",
+                      "HK",
+                      "HU",
+                      "IS",
+                      "IN",
+                      "ID",
+                      "IR",
+                      "IQ",
+                      "IE",
+                      "IM",
+                      "IL",
+                      "IT",
+                      "JM",
+                      "JP",
+                      "JE",
+                      "JO",
+                      "KZ",
+                      "KE",
+                      "KI",
+                      "KP",
+                      "KR",
+                      "KW",
+                      "KG",
+                      "LA",
+                      "LV",
+                      "LB",
+                      "LS",
+                      "LR",
+                      "LY",
+                      "LI",
+                      "LT",
+                      "LU",
+                      "MO",
+                      "MG",
+                      "MW",
+                      "MY",
+                      "MV",
+                      "ML",
+                      "MT",
+                      "MH",
+                      "MQ",
+                      "MR",
+                      "MU",
+                      "YT",
+                      "MX",
+                      "FM",
+                      "MD",
+                      "MC",
+                      "MN",
+                      "ME",
+                      "MS",
+                      "MA",
+                      "MZ",
+                      "MM",
+                      "NA",
+                      "NR",
+                      "NP",
+                      "NL",
+                      "NC",
+                      "NZ",
+                      "NI",
+                      "NE",
+                      "NG",
+                      "NU",
+                      "NF",
+                      "MK",
+                      "MP",
+                      "NO",
+                      "OM",
+                      "PK",
+                      "PW",
+                      "PS",
+                      "PA",
+                      "PG",
+                      "PY",
+                      "PE",
+                      "PH",
+                      "PN",
+                      "PL",
+                      "PT",
+                      "PR",
+                      "QA",
+                      "RE",
+                      "RO",
+                      "RU",
+                      "RW",
+                      "BL",
+                      "SH",
+                      "KN",
+                      "LC",
+                      "MF",
+                      "PM",
+                      "VC",
+                      "WS",
+                      "SM",
+                      "ST",
+                      "SA",
+                      "SN",
+                      "RS",
+                      "SC",
+                      "SL",
+                      "SG",
+                      "SX",
+                      "SK",
+                      "SI",
+                      "SB",
+                      "SO",
+                      "ZA",
+                      "GS",
+                      "SS",
+                      "ES",
+                      "LK",
+                      "SD",
+                      "SR",
+                      "SJ",
+                      "SE",
+                      "CH",
+                      "SY",
+                      "TW",
+                      "TJ",
+                      "TZ",
+                      "TH",
+                      "TL",
+                      "TG",
+                      "TK",
+                      "TO",
+                      "TT",
+                      "TN",
+                      "TR",
+                      "TM",
+                      "TC",
+                      "TV",
+                      "UG",
+                      "UA",
+                      "AE",
+                      "GB",
+                      "US",
+                      "UM",
+                      "UY",
+                      "UZ",
+                      "VU",
+                      "VE",
+                      "VN",
+                      "VG",
+                      "VI",
+                      "WF",
+                      "EH",
+                      "YE",
+                      "ZM",
+                      "ZW"
+                    ]
+                  },
+                  "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
+                },
+                "resident_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
+                },
+                "resident_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "enum": [
+                    "AF",
+                    "AX",
+                    "AL",
+                    "DZ",
+                    "AS",
+                    "AD",
+                    "AO",
+                    "AI",
+                    "AQ",
+                    "AG",
+                    "AR",
+                    "AM",
+                    "AW",
+                    "AU",
+                    "AT",
+                    "AZ",
+                    "BS",
+                    "BH",
+                    "BD",
+                    "BB",
+                    "BY",
+                    "BE",
+                    "BZ",
+                    "BJ",
+                    "BM",
+                    "BT",
+                    "BO",
+                    "BQ",
+                    "BA",
+                    "BW",
+                    "BV",
+                    "BR",
+                    "IO",
+                    "BN",
+                    "BG",
+                    "BF",
+                    "BI",
+                    "CV",
+                    "KH",
+                    "CM",
+                    "CA",
+                    "KY",
+                    "CF",
+                    "TD",
+                    "CL",
+                    "CN",
+                    "CX",
+                    "CC",
+                    "CO",
+                    "KM",
+                    "CD",
+                    "CG",
+                    "CK",
+                    "CR",
+                    "CI",
+                    "HR",
+                    "CU",
+                    "CW",
+                    "CY",
+                    "CZ",
+                    "DK",
+                    "DJ",
+                    "DM",
+                    "DO",
+                    "EC",
+                    "EG",
+                    "SV",
+                    "GQ",
+                    "ER",
+                    "EE",
+                    "SZ",
+                    "ET",
+                    "FK",
+                    "FO",
+                    "FJ",
+                    "FI",
+                    "FR",
+                    "GF",
+                    "PF",
+                    "TF",
+                    "GA",
+                    "GM",
+                    "GE",
+                    "DE",
+                    "GH",
+                    "GI",
+                    "GR",
+                    "GL",
+                    "GD",
+                    "GP",
+                    "GU",
+                    "GT",
+                    "GG",
+                    "GN",
+                    "GW",
+                    "GY",
+                    "HT",
+                    "HM",
+                    "VA",
+                    "HN",
+                    "HK",
+                    "HU",
+                    "IS",
+                    "IN",
+                    "ID",
+                    "IR",
+                    "IQ",
+                    "IE",
+                    "IM",
+                    "IL",
+                    "IT",
+                    "JM",
+                    "JP",
+                    "JE",
+                    "JO",
+                    "KZ",
+                    "KE",
+                    "KI",
+                    "KP",
+                    "KR",
+                    "KW",
+                    "KG",
+                    "LA",
+                    "LV",
+                    "LB",
+                    "LS",
+                    "LR",
+                    "LY",
+                    "LI",
+                    "LT",
+                    "LU",
+                    "MO",
+                    "MG",
+                    "MW",
+                    "MY",
+                    "MV",
+                    "ML",
+                    "MT",
+                    "MH",
+                    "MQ",
+                    "MR",
+                    "MU",
+                    "YT",
+                    "MX",
+                    "FM",
+                    "MD",
+                    "MC",
+                    "MN",
+                    "ME",
+                    "MS",
+                    "MA",
+                    "MZ",
+                    "MM",
+                    "NA",
+                    "NR",
+                    "NP",
+                    "NL",
+                    "NC",
+                    "NZ",
+                    "NI",
+                    "NE",
+                    "NG",
+                    "NU",
+                    "NF",
+                    "MK",
+                    "MP",
+                    "NO",
+                    "OM",
+                    "PK",
+                    "PW",
+                    "PS",
+                    "PA",
+                    "PG",
+                    "PY",
+                    "PE",
+                    "PH",
+                    "PN",
+                    "PL",
+                    "PT",
+                    "PR",
+                    "QA",
+                    "RE",
+                    "RO",
+                    "RU",
+                    "RW",
+                    "BL",
+                    "SH",
+                    "KN",
+                    "LC",
+                    "MF",
+                    "PM",
+                    "VC",
+                    "WS",
+                    "SM",
+                    "ST",
+                    "SA",
+                    "SN",
+                    "RS",
+                    "SC",
+                    "SL",
+                    "SG",
+                    "SX",
+                    "SK",
+                    "SI",
+                    "SB",
+                    "SO",
+                    "ZA",
+                    "GS",
+                    "SS",
+                    "ES",
+                    "LK",
+                    "SD",
+                    "SR",
+                    "SJ",
+                    "SE",
+                    "CH",
+                    "SY",
+                    "TW",
+                    "TJ",
+                    "TZ",
+                    "TH",
+                    "TL",
+                    "TG",
+                    "TK",
+                    "TO",
+                    "TT",
+                    "TN",
+                    "TR",
+                    "TM",
+                    "TC",
+                    "TV",
+                    "UG",
+                    "UA",
+                    "AE",
+                    "GB",
+                    "US",
+                    "UM",
+                    "UY",
+                    "UZ",
+                    "VU",
+                    "VE",
+                    "VN",
+                    "VG",
+                    "VI",
+                    "WF",
+                    "EH",
+                    "YE",
+                    "ZM",
+                    "ZW"
+                  ],
+                  "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
+                },
+                "resident_state": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_city": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_postal_code": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_street": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
+                },
+                "resident_house_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
+                },
+                "personal_administrative_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
+                },
+                "portrait": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
+                },
+                "family_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "given_name_birth": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
+                },
+                "sex": {
+                  "type": "integer",
+                  "enum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9],
+                  "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
+                },
+                "email_address": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "email",
+                  "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
+                },
+                "mobile_phone_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
+                  "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+                },
+                "expiry_date": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "format": "date-time",
+                  "description": "Date (and if possible time) when the person identification data will expire."
+                },
+                "document_number": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "A number for the person identification data, assigned by the provider of person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "issuing_authority": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "Name of the administrative authority that issued the person identification data, or the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the respective Member State if there is no separate authority entitled to issue person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_country": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
+                  "description": "Alpha-2 country code, as specified in ISO 3166-1, of the country or territory of the provider of the person identification data."
+                },
+                "issuing_jurisdiction": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3})?$",
+                  "description": "Country subdivision code of the jurisdiction that issued the person identification data, as specified in ISO 3166-2:2020, Clause 8. The first part of the code shall be the same as the value for the issuing country.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                },
+                "location_status": {
+                  "type": "string",
+                  "description": "The location of validity status information on the person identification data where the providers of person identification data revoke person identification data.",
+                  "nullable": true
+                }
-              "description": "One or more alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, representing the nationality of the user to whom the person identification data relates."
-            },
-            "residentAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The full address of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides or can be contacted (street name, house number, city etc.)."
-            },
-            "residentCountry": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": [
-                "AF",
-                "AX",
-                "AL",
-                "DZ",
-                "AS",
-                "AD",
-                "AO",
-                "AI",
-                "AQ",
-                "AG",
-                "AR",
-                "AM",
-                "AW",
-                "AU",
-                "AT",
-                "AZ",
-                "BS",
-                "BH",
-                "BD",
-                "BB",
-                "BY",
-                "BE",
-                "BZ",
-                "BJ",
-                "BM",
-                "BT",
-                "BO",
-                "BQ",
-                "BA",
-                "BW",
-                "BV",
-                "BR",
-                "IO",
-                "BN",
-                "BG",
-                "BF",
-                "BI",
-                "CV",
-                "KH",
-                "CM",
-                "CA",
-                "KY",
-                "CF",
-                "TD",
-                "CL",
-                "CN",
-                "CX",
-                "CC",
-                "CO",
-                "KM",
-                "CD",
-                "CG",
-                "CK",
-                "CR",
-                "CI",
-                "HR",
-                "CU",
-                "CW",
-                "CY",
-                "CZ",
-                "DK",
-                "DJ",
-                "DM",
-                "DO",
-                "EC",
-                "EG",
-                "SV",
-                "GQ",
-                "ER",
-                "EE",
-                "SZ",
-                "ET",
-                "FK",
-                "FO",
-                "FJ",
-                "FI",
-                "FR",
-                "GF",
-                "PF",
-                "TF",
-                "GA",
-                "GM",
-                "GE",
-                "DE",
-                "GH",
-                "GI",
-                "GR",
-                "GL",
-                "GD",
-                "GP",
-                "GU",
-                "GT",
-                "GG",
-                "GN",
-                "GW",
-                "GY",
-                "HT",
-                "HM",
-                "VA",
-                "HN",
-                "HK",
-                "HU",
-                "IS",
-                "IN",
-                "ID",
-                "IR",
-                "IQ",
-                "IE",
-                "IM",
-                "IL",
-                "IT",
-                "JM",
-                "JP",
-                "JE",
-                "JO",
-                "KZ",
-                "KE",
-                "KI",
-                "KP",
-                "KR",
-                "KW",
-                "KG",
-                "LA",
-                "LV",
-                "LB",
-                "LS",
-                "LR",
-                "LY",
-                "LI",
-                "LT",
-                "LU",
-                "MO",
-                "MG",
-                "MW",
-                "MY",
-                "MV",
-                "ML",
-                "MT",
-                "MH",
-                "MQ",
-                "MR",
-                "MU",
-                "YT",
-                "MX",
-                "FM",
-                "MD",
-                "MC",
-                "MN",
-                "ME",
-                "MS",
-                "MA",
-                "MZ",
-                "MM",
-                "NA",
-                "NR",
-                "NP",
-                "NL",
-                "NC",
-                "NZ",
-                "NI",
-                "NE",
-                "NG",
-                "NU",
-                "NF",
-                "MK",
-                "MP",
-                "NO",
-                "OM",
-                "PK",
-                "PW",
-                "PS",
-                "PA",
-                "PG",
-                "PY",
-                "PE",
-                "PH",
-                "PN",
-                "PL",
-                "PT",
-                "PR",
-                "QA",
-                "RE",
-                "RO",
-                "RU",
-                "RW",
-                "BL",
-                "SH",
-                "KN",
-                "LC",
-                "MF",
-                "PM",
-                "VC",
-                "WS",
-                "SM",
-                "ST",
-                "SA",
-                "SN",
-                "RS",
-                "SC",
-                "SL",
-                "SG",
-                "SX",
-                "SK",
-                "SI",
-                "SB",
-                "SO",
-                "ZA",
-                "GS",
-                "SS",
-                "ES",
-                "LK",
-                "SD",
-                "SR",
-                "SJ",
-                "SE",
-                "CH",
-                "SY",
-                "TW",
-                "TJ",
-                "TZ",
-                "TH",
-                "TL",
-                "TG",
-                "TK",
-                "TO",
-                "TT",
-                "TN",
-                "TR",
-                "TM",
-                "TC",
-                "TV",
-                "UG",
-                "UA",
-                "AE",
-                "GB",
-                "US",
-                "UM",
-                "UY",
-                "UZ",
-                "VU",
-                "VE",
-                "VN",
-                "VG",
-                "VI",
-                "WF",
-                "EH",
-                "YE",
-                "ZM",
-                "ZW"
-              ],
-              "description": "The country where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, as an alpha-2 country code as specified in ISO 3166-1."
-            },
-            "residentState": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The state, province, district, or local area where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentCity": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The municipality, city, town, or village where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentPostalCode": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The postal code of the place where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentStreet": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The name of the street where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides."
-            },
-            "residentHouseNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "The house number where the user to whom the person identification data relates currently resides, including any affix or suffix."
-            },
-            "personalAdministrativeNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "A value assigned to the natural person that is unique among all personal administrative numbers issued by the provider of person identification data. Where Member States opt to include this attribute, they shall describe in their electronic identification schemes under which the person identification data is issued, the policy that they apply to the values of this attribute, including, where applicable, specific conditions for the processing of this value."
-            },
-            "portrait": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Facial image of the wallet user compliant with ISO 19794-5 or ISO 39794 specifications."
-            },
-            "familyNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "Last name(s) or surname(s) of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "givenNameBirth": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "description": "First name(s), including middle name(s), of the person identification data user at the time of birth."
-            },
-            "sex": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "enum": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "9"],
-              "description": "Sex of the user. Values: 0 = not known, 1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other, 4 = inter, 5 = diverse, 6 = open, 9 = not applicable. For values 0, 1, 2 and 9, ISO/IEC 5218 applies."
-            },
-            "emailAddress": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "format": "email",
-              "description": "Electronic mail address of the user to whom the person identification data relates [in conformance with RFC 5322]."
-            },
-            "mobilePhoneNumber": {
-              "type": "string",
-              "pattern": "^\\+\\d+$",
-              "description": "Mobile telephone number of the user to whom the person identification data relates, starting with the ‘+’ symbol as the international code prefix and the country code, followed by numbers only."
+              "required": [
+                "family_name",
+                "given_name",
+                "birth_date",
+                "birth_place",
+                "nationality",
+                "expiry_date",
+                "issuing_authority",
+                "issuing_country"
+              ]
-          "required": [
-            "familyName",
-            "givenName",
-            "birthDate",
-            "birthPlace",
-            "nationality"
-          ]
+          "required": ["personIdentificationData"]
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+++ b/schemas/vcdm2.0/vid/natural-person/schema.metadata.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
   "vcdm": "2.0",
   "id": {
-    "base16": "0xa6c60f3f2bca61dda2c4e8ff1b4dd1ad16231663f87bb63bc6392b051f8a30fc",
-    "multibase_base58btc": "zCE1qsru5EFwBp1xCsLJYi5ZkVw7c9CxywxWA6HPw5E51"
+    "base16": "0x1545bf559f8570a0d6789ebdbd29bcd65e3b532b75ac9cf110b30d4b474b085b",
+    "multibase_base58btc": "z2S3FJb44vvWZoD9iqBYJ74jwDCHRx8vzPGghpAVn399C"
   "verification": "Documents",
   "context": "General"