diff --git a/smp-docker/images/tomcat-mysql-smp-sml/README.md b/smp-docker/images/tomcat-mysql-smp-sml/README.md
index d739526047db535b0e823cd09d235fb7e153e571..3be5e20ddbe00cf5e39241e0799e47e563775e45 100755
--- a/smp-docker/images/tomcat-mysql-smp-sml/README.md
+++ b/smp-docker/images/tomcat-mysql-smp-sml/README.md
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ example:
     docker run --name smp --rm -it -p 8180:8080 -p 3316:3306  edelivery-docker.devops.tech.ec.europa.eu/edeliverytest/smp-sml-tomcat-mysql:5.0-SNAPSHOT
-## SMP (param: -p 8080:8080 )
-url: http://localhost:8080/smp
+## SMP (param: -p 8180:8080 )
+url: http://localhost:8180/smp
 Default (demo) users are:
  - System admin: system/123456 
  - User:  user/123456
-NOTE: The users (with credentilas) are just for the demonstration purposes. Please change users and its passwords at first login!
+NOTE: The users are configured just for the demonstration purposes. Please change users and its passwords at first login!
 ## MYSQL (param: -p 3306:3306)
 Database client connection (for testing and debugging )
diff --git a/smp-springboot/README.md b/smp-springboot/README.md
index 7a43d9999b5d2ef4838a653f5cc9b7fca9ddede0..29b5140438e7050df3bf897d1d50060c676c256e 100644
--- a/smp-springboot/README.md
+++ b/smp-springboot/README.md
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ In order to build DomiSMP spring-boot build the bdmls project from the root of t
     mvn clean install 
- The build first build the smp-webapp.war which is embedded in to the spring-boot 
- executable jar.
+ The build first build the *smp.war* (The war is here: smp-webapp/target/smp.war) and then embeds in to the spring-boot 
+ executable jar: *smp-springboot-[VERSION]-exec.jar* (The example file path: smp-springboot/target/smp-springboot-5.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar)
 ## Start the application
@@ -36,7 +36,27 @@ with database configuration for the DomiSMP spring-boot application. And the fin
 ### Prepare the DomiSMP database
 For details on how to prepare the database, read the Admin Guide available at: 
 [DomiSMP Release Page](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/DIGITAL/SMP).
-Please find bellow the bash example bash script for creating the DomiSMP database on MysSQL.
+Please find bellow the *Linux OS* command line example script for creating the DomiSMP database on MysSQL.
+To run the script check the following steps
+ - check if you have the correct command line emulator (example uses the /bin/sh)
+ - locally installed MySQL database.
+ - clone (and checkout the right branch: eg. for development checkout development branch) of the DomiSMP. The repo contains the database DDL scripts.
+Before executing the example script set the following variables:
+ - PROJECT_HOME: The DomiSMP code / project home: exp.: /code/smp
+ - DATABASE: the smp database schema 
+ - DB_ADMIN: the mysql database root username
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD: the mysql database root password
+ - DB_USERNAME: the DomiSMP mysql database username
+ - DB_PASSWORD: the DomiSMP mysql database username
+*Explanation if the script:*
+The script connect to mysql database using CLI tool 'mysql' and  deletes database/schema and user defined in variable [DATABASE] and [DB_USERNAME]. The the DomiSMP schema is generated from script 
+and insert the init data from
@@ -44,21 +64,21 @@ Please find bellow the bash example bash script for creating the DomiSMP databas
 PROJECT_HOME=[The DomiSMP project home: exp.: /code/smp]
-# recreate database
-echo "clean the database"
-mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD -e "drop schema if exists $DATABASE;DROP USER IF EXISTS $DB_USERNAME;  create schema $DATABASE;alter database $DATABASE charset=utf8; create user $DB_USERNAME identified by '$DB_PASSWORD';grant all on $DATABASE.* to $DB_USERNAME;"
+# recreate database 
+echo "clean the database $DATABASE if exists "
+mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD -e "drop schema if exists $DATABASE;DROP USER IF EXISTS $DB_USERNAME;  create schema $DATABASE;alter database $DATABASE charset=utf8; create user $DB_USERNAME identified by '$DB_PASSWORD';grant all on $DATABASE.* to $DB_USERNAME;"
 # create new database
 echo "create database"
-mysql -h localhost -u root --password=root $DATABASE < "$SQLFOLDER/mysql5innodb.ddl"
+mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD $DATABASE < "$SQLFOLDER/mysql5innodb.ddl"
 echo "init database for soapui tests"
-mysql -h localhost -u root --password=root $DATABASE < "$PROJECT_HOME/smp-soapui-tests/src/test/resources/init-data/init-test-mysql-soapui.sql"
+mysql -h localhost -u $DB_ADMIN --password=$DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD $DATABASE < "$PROJECT_HOME/smp-soapui-tests/src/test/resources/init-data/init-test-mysql-soapui.sql"
 ### Prepare the DomiSMP database configuration.
@@ -78,6 +98,7 @@ the DomiSMP startup properties, please read the DomiSMP Admin guide.
 Example of the springboot configuration: application.properties:
+NOTE: Please update the properties to meet you local mysql installation configuration
 # the tomcat server port
@@ -86,7 +107,7 @@ server.port=8084
 # Database configuration