# Service Metadata Publishing

## Continous Integration


## Building SMP
SMP requires Maven 3.0 and Java 1.7. 

Integration tests included into build process require access to DB. By default it is a local instance of MySQL with preconfigured schema:   

Any remote DB with preconfigured schema might be used as well. Sample build command:

    mvn clean install \
    -Djdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver \
    -Djdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:<HOST_AND_PORT_AND_SERVICENAME> \
    -Djdbc.user=<USERNAME> \
    -Djdbc.password=<PASSWORD> \ 
    -Dtarget-database=Oracle \ 
## Source code history
This is a continuation of CIPA SMP Joinup repository, which was migrated here to GIT on 07.12.2016: