-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file was generated by hibernate for SMP version 5.2-SNAPSHOT. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ create sequence SMP_ALERT_PROP_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_ALERT_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_CREDENTIAL_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOC_PROP_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOCUMENT_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOCVER_EVENT_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOMAIN_CONF_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_DOMAIN_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_EXTENSION_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_GROUP_MEMBER_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_GROUP_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_RESOURCE_DEF_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_RESOURCE_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_REVISION_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_SUBRESOURCE_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create sequence SMP_USER_SEQ start with 1 increment by 1; create table SMP_ALERT ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, ALERT_LEVEL varchar2(255 char), ALERT_STATUS varchar2(255 char), ALERT_STATUS_DESC varchar2(1024 char), ALERT_TYPE varchar2(255 char), MAIL_SUBJECT varchar2(1024 char), MAIL_TO varchar2(1024 char), PROCESSED_TIME timestamp, REPORTING_TIME timestamp, FOR_USERNAME varchar2(64 char), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_ALERT is 'SMP alerts'; comment on column SMP_ALERT.ID is 'Unique alert id'; create table SMP_ALERT_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, ALERT_LEVEL varchar2(255 char), ALERT_STATUS varchar2(255 char), ALERT_STATUS_DESC varchar2(1024 char), ALERT_TYPE varchar2(255 char), MAIL_SUBJECT varchar2(1024 char), MAIL_TO varchar2(1024 char), PROCESSED_TIME timestamp, REPORTING_TIME timestamp, FOR_USERNAME varchar2(64 char), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_ALERT_PROPERTY ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(255 char), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(1024 char), FK_ALERT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on column SMP_ALERT_PROPERTY.ID is 'Unique alert property id'; create table SMP_ALERT_PROPERTY_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(255 char), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(1024 char), FK_ALERT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_CERTIFICATE ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, CERTIFICATE_ID varchar2(1024 char), CRL_URL varchar2(4000 char), ISSUER varchar2(1024 char), PEM_ENCODED_CERT clob, SERIALNUMBER varchar2(128 char), SUBJECT varchar2(1024 char), VALID_FROM timestamp, VALID_TO timestamp, primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_CERTIFICATE is 'SMP user certificates'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.ID is 'Shared primary key with master table SMP_CREDENTIAL'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.CERTIFICATE_ID is 'Formatted Certificate id using tags: cn, o, c:serialNumber'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.CRL_URL is 'URL to the certificate revocation list (CRL)'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.ISSUER is 'Certificate issuer (canonical form)'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.PEM_ENCODED_CERT is 'PEM encoded certificate'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.SERIALNUMBER is 'Certificate serial number'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.SUBJECT is 'Certificate subject (canonical form)'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.VALID_FROM is 'Certificate valid from date.'; comment on column SMP_CERTIFICATE.VALID_TO is 'Certificate valid to date.'; create table SMP_CERTIFICATE_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, CERTIFICATE_ID varchar2(1024 char), CRL_URL varchar2(4000 char), ISSUER varchar2(1024 char), PEM_ENCODED_CERT clob, SERIALNUMBER varchar2(128 char), SUBJECT varchar2(1024 char), VALID_FROM timestamp, VALID_TO timestamp, primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_CONFIGURATION ( PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(512 char) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(4000 char), primary key (PROPERTY_NAME) ); comment on table SMP_CONFIGURATION is 'SMP user certificates'; comment on column SMP_CONFIGURATION.PROPERTY_NAME is 'Property name/key'; comment on column SMP_CONFIGURATION.DESCRIPTION is 'Property description'; comment on column SMP_CONFIGURATION.PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Property value'; create table SMP_CONFIGURATION_AUD ( PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(512 char) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(4000 char), primary key (PROPERTY_NAME, REV) ); create table SMP_CREDENTIAL ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, CREDENTIAL_ACTIVE number(1,0) not null, ACTIVE_FROM timestamp, CHANGED_ON timestamp, CREDENTIAL_TARGET varchar2(255 char) not null, CREDENTIAL_TYPE varchar2(255 char) not null, CREDENTIAL_DESC varchar2(256 char), LAST_ALERT_ON timestamp, EXPIRE_ON timestamp, LAST_FAILED_LOGIN_ON timestamp, CREDENTIAL_NAME varchar2(256 char) not null, RESET_EXPIRE_ON timestamp, RESET_TOKEN varchar2(256 char), LOGIN_FAILURE_COUNT number(10,0), CREDENTIAL_VALUE varchar2(256 char), FK_USER_ID number(19,0) not null, primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_CREDENTIAL is 'Credentials for the users'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.ID is 'Unique id'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CREDENTIAL_ACTIVE is 'Is credential active'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.ACTIVE_FROM is 'Date when credential starts to be active'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CHANGED_ON is 'Last date when credential was changed'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CREDENTIAL_TARGET is 'Credential target UI, API'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CREDENTIAL_TYPE is 'Credential type: USERNAME, ACCESS_TOKEN, CERTIFICATE, CAS'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CREDENTIAL_DESC is 'Credential description'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.LAST_ALERT_ON is 'Generated last password expire alert'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.EXPIRE_ON is 'Date when password will expire'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.LAST_FAILED_LOGIN_ON is 'Last failed login attempt'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CREDENTIAL_NAME is 'Unique username identifier. The Username must not be null'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.RESET_EXPIRE_ON is 'Date time when reset token will expire'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.RESET_TOKEN is 'Reset token for credential reset'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.LOGIN_FAILURE_COUNT is 'Sequential login failure count'; comment on column SMP_CREDENTIAL.CREDENTIAL_VALUE is 'Credential value - it can be encrypted value'; create table SMP_CREDENTIAL_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, CREDENTIAL_ACTIVE number(1,0), ACTIVE_FROM timestamp, CHANGED_ON timestamp, CREDENTIAL_TARGET varchar2(255 char), CREDENTIAL_TYPE varchar2(255 char), CREDENTIAL_DESC varchar2(256 char), LAST_ALERT_ON timestamp, EXPIRE_ON timestamp, LAST_FAILED_LOGIN_ON timestamp, CREDENTIAL_NAME varchar2(256 char), RESET_EXPIRE_ON timestamp, RESET_TOKEN varchar2(256 char), LOGIN_FAILURE_COUNT number(10,0), CREDENTIAL_VALUE varchar2(256 char), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOCUMENT ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, CURRENT_VERSION number(10,0) not null, MIME_TYPE varchar2(128 char), NAME varchar2(255 char), REF_DOCUMENT_URL varchar2(1024 char), SHARING_ENABLED number(1,0), FK_REF_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_DOCUMENT is 'SMP document entity for resources and subresources'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT.ID is 'Unique document id'; create table SMP_DOCUMENT_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, CURRENT_VERSION number(10,0), MIME_TYPE varchar2(128 char), NAME varchar2(255 char), REF_DOCUMENT_URL varchar2(1024 char), SHARING_ENABLED number(1,0), FK_REF_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(255 char), PROPERTY_TYPE varchar2(64 char), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(4000 char), FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY.ID is 'Unique document property id'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION is 'Property description'; create table SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(255 char), PROPERTY_TYPE varchar2(64 char), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(4000 char), FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DOCUMENT_CONTENT blob, STATUS varchar2(255 char) not null, VERSION number(10,0) not null, FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION is 'Document content for the document version.'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION.ID is 'Unique version document id'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION.DOCUMENT_CONTENT is 'Document content'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION.STATUS is 'Document version status'; create table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DOCUMENT_CONTENT blob, STATUS varchar2(255 char), VERSION number(10,0), FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DETAILS varchar2(1024 char), EVENT_ON timestamp, EVENT_SOURCE varchar2(255 char) not null, EVENT_TYPE varchar2(255 char) not null, EVENT_STATUS varchar2(255 char) not null, EVENT_BY_USERNAME varchar2(64 char), FK_DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT is 'Document version Events.'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.ID is 'Unique document version event identifier'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.DETAILS is 'Details of the event'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.EVENT_ON is 'Date time of the event'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.EVENT_SOURCE is 'Event source UI, API'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.EVENT_TYPE is 'Document version event type'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.EVENT_STATUS is 'Document version event type'; comment on column SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT.EVENT_BY_USERNAME is 'username identifier of the user who triggered the event'; create table SMP_DOMAIN ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DEFAULT_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER varchar2(255 char), DOMAIN_CODE varchar2(256 char) not null, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM varchar2(256 char), SIGNATURE_DIGEST_METHOD varchar2(256 char), SIGNATURE_KEY_ALIAS varchar2(256 char), SML_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH number(1,0) not null, SML_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS varchar2(256 char), SML_REGISTERED number(1,0) not null, SML_SMP_ID varchar2(256 char), SML_SUBDOMAIN varchar2(256 char), VISIBILITY varchar2(64 char), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_DOMAIN is 'SMP can handle multiple domains. This table contains domain specific data'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.ID is 'Unique domain id'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER is 'Default resourceType code'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.DOMAIN_CODE is 'Domain code used as http parameter in rest webservices'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM is 'Set signature algorithm. Ex.: http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SIGNATURE_DIGEST_METHOD is 'Set signature hash method. Ex.: http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SIGNATURE_KEY_ALIAS is 'Signature key alias used for SML integration'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SML_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH is 'Flag for SML authentication type - use ClientCert header or HTTPS ClientCertificate (key)'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SML_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS is 'Client key alias used for SML integration'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SML_REGISTERED is 'Flag for: Is domain registered in SML'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SML_SMP_ID is 'SMP ID used for SML integration'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.SML_SUBDOMAIN is 'SML subdomain'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN.VISIBILITY is 'The visibility of the domain: PUBLIC, INTERNAL'; create table SMP_DOMAIN_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DEFAULT_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER varchar2(255 char), DOMAIN_CODE varchar2(256 char), SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM varchar2(256 char), SIGNATURE_DIGEST_METHOD varchar2(256 char), SIGNATURE_KEY_ALIAS varchar2(256 char), SML_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH number(1,0), SML_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS varchar2(256 char), SML_REGISTERED number(1,0), SML_SMP_ID varchar2(256 char), SML_SUBDOMAIN varchar2(256 char), VISIBILITY varchar2(64 char), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(512 char) not null, SYSTEM_DEFAULT number(1,0) not null, PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(4000 char), FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0) not null, primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION is 'SMP domain configuration'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION.ID is 'Unique domain configuration id'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION.DESCRIPTION is 'Property description'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION.PROPERTY_NAME is 'Property name/key'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION.SYSTEM_DEFAULT is 'Use system default value'; comment on column SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION.PROPERTY_VALUE is 'Property value'; create table SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), PROPERTY_NAME varchar2(512 char), SYSTEM_DEFAULT number(1,0), PROPERTY_VALUE varchar2(4000 char), FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, MEMBERSHIP_ROLE varchar2(64 char), FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); create table SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, MEMBERSHIP_ROLE varchar2(64 char), FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0), FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); create table SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0), FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_EXTENSION ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(512 char), IDENTIFIER varchar2(128 char), IMPLEMENTATION_NAME varchar2(512 char), NAME varchar2(128 char), VERSION varchar2(128 char), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_EXTENSION is 'SMP extension definitions'; comment on column SMP_EXTENSION.ID is 'Unique extension id'; create table SMP_EXTENSION_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(512 char), IDENTIFIER varchar2(128 char), IMPLEMENTATION_NAME varchar2(512 char), NAME varchar2(128 char), VERSION varchar2(128 char), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_GROUP ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), NAME varchar2(512 char) not null, VISIBILITY varchar2(128 char), FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0) not null, primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_GROUP is 'The group spans the resources belonging to the domain group.'; comment on column SMP_GROUP.ID is 'Unique domain group id'; comment on column SMP_GROUP.DESCRIPTION is 'Domain Group description'; comment on column SMP_GROUP.NAME is 'Domain Group name'; create table SMP_GROUP_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(4000 char), NAME varchar2(512 char), VISIBILITY varchar2(128 char), FK_DOMAIN_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_GROUP_MEMBER ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, MEMBERSHIP_ROLE varchar2(64 char), FK_GROUP_ID number(19,0), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); create table SMP_GROUP_MEMBER_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, MEMBERSHIP_ROLE varchar2(64 char), FK_GROUP_ID number(19,0), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_RESOURCE ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, IDENTIFIER_SCHEME varchar2(256 char), IDENTIFIER_VALUE varchar2(256 char) not null, REVIEW_ENABLED number(1,0), SML_REGISTERED number(1,0), VISIBILITY varchar2(128 char), FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0) not null, FK_DOREDEF_ID number(19,0) not null, FK_GROUP_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_RESOURCE is 'SMP resource Identifier and scheme'; comment on column SMP_RESOURCE.ID is 'Unique ServiceGroup id'; create table SMP_RESOURCE_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, IDENTIFIER_SCHEME varchar2(256 char), IDENTIFIER_VALUE varchar2(256 char), REVIEW_ENABLED number(1,0), SML_REGISTERED number(1,0), VISIBILITY varchar2(128 char), FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), FK_DOREDEF_ID number(19,0), FK_GROUP_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(512 char), HANDLER_IMPL_NAME varchar2(512 char), IDENTIFIER varchar2(128 char), MIME_TYPE varchar2(128 char), NAME varchar2(128 char), URL_SEGMENT varchar2(128 char), FK_EXTENSION_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF is 'SMP extension resource definitions'; comment on column SMP_RESOURCE_DEF.ID is 'Unique id'; comment on column SMP_RESOURCE_DEF.URL_SEGMENT is 'resources are published under url_segment.'; create table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(512 char), HANDLER_IMPL_NAME varchar2(512 char), IDENTIFIER varchar2(128 char), MIME_TYPE varchar2(128 char), NAME varchar2(128 char), URL_SEGMENT varchar2(128 char), FK_EXTENSION_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, PERMISSION_REVIEW number(1,0), MEMBERSHIP_ROLE varchar2(64 char), FK_RESOURCE_ID number(19,0), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on column SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER.PERMISSION_REVIEW is 'User permission to review the resource document'; create table SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, PERMISSION_REVIEW number(1,0), MEMBERSHIP_ROLE varchar2(64 char), FK_RESOURCE_ID number(19,0), FK_USER_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_REV_INFO ( id number(19,0) not null, REVISION_DATE timestamp, timestamp number(19,0) not null, USERNAME varchar2(255 char), primary key (id) ); create table SMP_SUBRESOURCE ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, IDENTIFIER_SCHEME varchar2(500 char), IDENTIFIER_VALUE varchar2(500 char) not null, FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), FK_RESOURCE_ID number(19,0) not null, FK_SUREDEF_ID number(19,0) not null, primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_SUBRESOURCE is 'Service metadata'; comment on column SMP_SUBRESOURCE.ID is 'Shared primary key with master table SMP_SUBRESOURCE'; create table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, IDENTIFIER_SCHEME varchar2(500 char), IDENTIFIER_VALUE varchar2(500 char), FK_DOCUMENT_ID number(19,0), FK_RESOURCE_ID number(19,0), FK_SUREDEF_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, DESCRIPTION varchar2(128 char), HANDLER_IMPL_NAME varchar2(512 char), IDENTIFIER varchar2(128 char), MIME_TYPE varchar2(128 char), NAME varchar2(128 char), URL_SEGMENT varchar2(64 char), FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF is 'SMP extension subresource definitions'; comment on column SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF.ID is 'Unique id'; comment on column SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF.URL_SEGMENT is 'Subresources are published under url_segment. It must be unique for resource type'; create table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, DESCRIPTION varchar2(128 char), HANDLER_IMPL_NAME varchar2(512 char), IDENTIFIER varchar2(128 char), MIME_TYPE varchar2(128 char), NAME varchar2(128 char), URL_SEGMENT varchar2(64 char), FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID number(19,0), primary key (ID, REV) ); create table SMP_USER ( ID number(19,0) not null, CREATED_ON timestamp not null, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp not null, ACTIVE number(1,0) not null, APPLICATION_ROLE varchar2(256 char), EMAIL varchar2(128 char), FULL_NAME varchar2(128 char), SMP_LOCALE varchar2(64 char), SMP_THEME varchar2(64 char), USERNAME varchar2(64 char) not null, primary key (ID) ); comment on table SMP_USER is 'SMP can handle multiple domains. This table contains domain specific data'; comment on column SMP_USER.ID is 'Unique user id'; comment on column SMP_USER.ACTIVE is 'Is user active'; comment on column SMP_USER.APPLICATION_ROLE is 'User application role as USER, SYSTEM_ADMIN'; comment on column SMP_USER.EMAIL is 'User email'; comment on column SMP_USER.FULL_NAME is 'User full name (name and lastname)'; comment on column SMP_USER.SMP_LOCALE is 'DomiSMP settings: locale for the user'; comment on column SMP_USER.SMP_THEME is 'DomiSMP settings: theme for the user'; comment on column SMP_USER.USERNAME is 'Unique username identifier. The Username must not be null'; create table SMP_USER_AUD ( ID number(19,0) not null, REV number(19,0) not null, REVTYPE number(3,0), CREATED_ON timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_ON timestamp, ACTIVE number(1,0), APPLICATION_ROLE varchar2(256 char), EMAIL varchar2(128 char), FULL_NAME varchar2(128 char), SMP_LOCALE varchar2(64 char), SMP_THEME varchar2(64 char), USERNAME varchar2(64 char), primary key (ID, REV) ); alter table SMP_CERTIFICATE add constraint UK_3x3rvf6hkim9fg16caurkgg6f unique (CERTIFICATE_ID); alter table SMP_CREDENTIAL add constraint SMP_CRD_USER_NAME_TYPE_IDX unique (CREDENTIAL_NAME, CREDENTIAL_TYPE, CREDENTIAL_TARGET); alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY add constraint SMP_DOC_PROP_IDX unique (FK_DOCUMENT_ID, PROPERTY_NAME); create index SMP_DOCVER_DOCUMENT_IDX on SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION (FK_DOCUMENT_ID); alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION add constraint SMP_DOCVER_UNIQ_VERSION_IDX unique (FK_DOCUMENT_ID, VERSION); create index SMP_DOCVEREVNT_DOCVER_IDX on SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT (FK_DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID); alter table SMP_DOMAIN add constraint UK_djrwqd4luj5i7w4l7fueuaqbj unique (DOMAIN_CODE); alter table SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION add constraint SMP_DOMAIN_CONF_IDX unique (ID, PROPERTY_NAME, FK_DOMAIN_ID); alter table SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER add constraint SMP_DOM_MEM_IDX unique (FK_DOMAIN_ID, FK_USER_ID); alter table SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint SMP_DOREDEF_UNIQ_DOM_RD_IDX unique (FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID, FK_DOMAIN_ID); alter table SMP_EXTENSION add constraint SMP_EXT_UNIQ_NAME_IDX unique (IMPLEMENTATION_NAME); alter table SMP_EXTENSION add constraint UK_p4vfhgs7fvuo6uebjsuqxrglg unique (IDENTIFIER); alter table SMP_GROUP add constraint SMP_GRP_UNIQ_DOM_IDX unique (NAME, FK_DOMAIN_ID); alter table SMP_GROUP_MEMBER add constraint SMP_GRP_MEM_IDX unique (FK_GROUP_ID, FK_USER_ID); create index SMP_RS_ID_IDX on SMP_RESOURCE (IDENTIFIER_VALUE); create index SMP_RS_SCH_IDX on SMP_RESOURCE (IDENTIFIER_SCHEME); alter table SMP_RESOURCE add constraint SMP_RS_UNIQ_IDENT_DOREDEF_IDX unique (IDENTIFIER_SCHEME, IDENTIFIER_VALUE, FK_DOREDEF_ID); alter table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint SMP_RESDEF_UNIQ_EXTID_CODE_IDX unique (FK_EXTENSION_ID, IDENTIFIER); alter table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint UK_k7l5fili2mmhgslv77afg4myo unique (IDENTIFIER); alter table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint UK_jjbctkhd4h0u9whb1i9wbxwoe unique (URL_SEGMENT); alter table SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER add constraint SMP_RES_MEM_IDX unique (FK_RESOURCE_ID, FK_USER_ID); create index SMP_SMD_DOC_ID_IDX on SMP_SUBRESOURCE (IDENTIFIER_VALUE); create index SMP_SMD_DOC_SCH_IDX on SMP_SUBRESOURCE (IDENTIFIER_SCHEME); alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE add constraint SMP_SRS_UNIQ_ID_RES_SRT_IDX unique (FK_RESOURCE_ID, IDENTIFIER_VALUE, IDENTIFIER_SCHEME); alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF add constraint SMP_RD_UNIQ_RDID_UCTX_IDX unique (FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID, URL_SEGMENT); alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF add constraint UK_pmdcnfwm5in2q9ky0b6dlgqvi unique (IDENTIFIER); alter table SMP_USER add constraint UK_rt1f0anklfo05lt0my05fqq6 unique (USERNAME); alter table SMP_ALERT_AUD add constraint FKrw0qnto448ojlirpfmfntd8v2 foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_ALERT_PROPERTY add constraint FK15r37w3r5ty5f6074ykr2o4i6 foreign key (FK_ALERT_ID) references SMP_ALERT; alter table SMP_ALERT_PROPERTY_AUD add constraint FKod33qjx87ih1a0skxl2sgddar foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_CERTIFICATE add constraint FK25b9apuupvmjp18wnn2b2gfg8 foreign key (ID) references SMP_CREDENTIAL; alter table SMP_CERTIFICATE_AUD add constraint FKnrwm8en8vv10li8ihwnurwd9e foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_CONFIGURATION_AUD add constraint FKd4yhbdlusovfbdti1fjkuxp9m foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_CREDENTIAL add constraint FK89it2lyqvi2bl9bettx66n8n1 foreign key (FK_USER_ID) references SMP_USER; alter table SMP_CREDENTIAL_AUD add constraint FKqjh6vxvb5tg0tvbkvi3k3xhe6 foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT add constraint FKbytp2kp8g3pj8qfp1g6a2g7p foreign key (FK_REF_DOCUMENT_ID) references SMP_DOCUMENT; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_AUD add constraint FKh9epnme26i271eixtvrpqejvi foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY add constraint FKfag3795e9mrvfvesd00yis9yh foreign key (FK_DOCUMENT_ID) references SMP_DOCUMENT; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY_AUD add constraint FK81057kcrugb1cfm0io5vkxtin foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION add constraint FKalsuoqx4csyp9mygvng911do foreign key (FK_DOCUMENT_ID) references SMP_DOCUMENT; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_AUD add constraint FK4glqiu73939kpyyb6bhw822k3 foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION_EVENT add constraint FK6es2svpoxyrnt1h05c9junmdn foreign key (FK_DOCUMENT_VERSION_ID) references SMP_DOCUMENT_VERSION; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_AUD add constraint FK35qm8xmi74kfenugeonijodsg foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION add constraint FK4303vstoigqtmeo3t2i034gm3 foreign key (FK_DOMAIN_ID) references SMP_DOMAIN; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_AUD add constraint FKkelcga805bleh5x256hy5e1xb foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER add constraint FK1tdwy9oiyrk6tl4mk0fakhkf5 foreign key (FK_DOMAIN_ID) references SMP_DOMAIN; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER add constraint FKino2nvj74wc755nyn5mo260qi foreign key (FK_USER_ID) references SMP_USER; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_MEMBER_AUD add constraint FKijiv1avufqo9iu5u0cj4v3pv7 foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint FK563xw5tjw4rlr32va9g17cdsq foreign key (FK_DOMAIN_ID) references SMP_DOMAIN; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint FKtppp16v40ll2ch3ly8xusb8hi foreign key (FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID) references SMP_RESOURCE_DEF; alter table SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF_AUD add constraint FKpujj9vb097i5w4loa3dxww2nj foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_EXTENSION_AUD add constraint FKke7f9wbwvp1bmnlqh9hrfm0r foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_GROUP add constraint FKjeomxyxjueaiyt7f0he0ls7vm foreign key (FK_DOMAIN_ID) references SMP_DOMAIN; alter table SMP_GROUP_AUD add constraint FKeik3quor2dxho7bmyoxc2ug9o foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_GROUP_MEMBER add constraint FK3y21chrphgx1dytux0p19btxe foreign key (FK_GROUP_ID) references SMP_GROUP; alter table SMP_GROUP_MEMBER add constraint FK8ue5gj1rx6gyiqp19dscp85ut foreign key (FK_USER_ID) references SMP_USER; alter table SMP_GROUP_MEMBER_AUD add constraint FK5pmorcyhwkaysh0a8xm99x6a8 foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_RESOURCE add constraint FKkc5a6okrvq7dv87itfp7i1vmv foreign key (FK_DOCUMENT_ID) references SMP_DOCUMENT; alter table SMP_RESOURCE add constraint FK24mw8fiua39nh8rnobhgmujri foreign key (FK_DOREDEF_ID) references SMP_DOMAIN_RESOURCE_DEF; alter table SMP_RESOURCE add constraint FKft55kasui36i77inf0wh8utv5 foreign key (FK_GROUP_ID) references SMP_GROUP; alter table SMP_RESOURCE_AUD add constraint FKlbbfltxw6qmph5w3i8c9qf6kb foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF add constraint FKruu7v6uig9h333ihv34haw3ob foreign key (FK_EXTENSION_ID) references SMP_EXTENSION; alter table SMP_RESOURCE_DEF_AUD add constraint FKapswkgbdm9s4wwhx2cjduoniw foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER add constraint FKrci5jlgnckwo1mhq2rvmfaptw foreign key (FK_RESOURCE_ID) references SMP_RESOURCE; alter table SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER add constraint FKs6jx68jxlx4xfdtxy20f3s6lu foreign key (FK_USER_ID) references SMP_USER; alter table SMP_RESOURCE_MEMBER_AUD add constraint FKknykp2wcby9fxk234yaaix1pe foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE add constraint FK7y1ydnq350mbs3c8yrq2fhnsk foreign key (FK_DOCUMENT_ID) references SMP_DOCUMENT; alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE add constraint FK7clbsapruvhkcqgekfxs8prex foreign key (FK_RESOURCE_ID) references SMP_RESOURCE; alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE add constraint FKq3wmyy4ieoenuu1s55237qu9k foreign key (FK_SUREDEF_ID) references SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF; alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_AUD add constraint FKffihyo233ldee8nejbkyclrov foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF add constraint FKbjqilcym6p3pptva2s4d1gw8o foreign key (FK_RESOURCE_DEF_ID) references SMP_RESOURCE_DEF; alter table SMP_SUBRESOURCE_DEF_AUD add constraint FK1dd2l0ujtncg9u7hl3c4rte63 foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO; alter table SMP_USER_AUD add constraint FK2786r5minnkai3d22b191iiiq foreign key (REV) references SMP_REV_INFO;