diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/cmd/main.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/cmd/main.go
index b7cb0bbd2c3788f8ee58e5f1e91001fed19ccf5c..311f3cba26bff6879ba60775a96a6196d57a450d 100644
--- a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/cmd/main.go
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/cmd/main.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
+	"net"
@@ -12,9 +13,11 @@ import (
-	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/httplog"
-	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/polling"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/polling"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/foundation/externalapi"
@@ -39,9 +42,14 @@ func run(ctx context.Context, logger *slog.Logger) error {
 	confPath := path.Join("config", "conf.yaml")
 	cfg := struct {
-		Poller struct {
-			TimeInterval    time.Duration `yaml:"time_interval"`
+		Web struct {
+			ReadTimeout     time.Duration `yaml:"read_timeout"`
+			WriteTimeout    time.Duration `yaml:"write_timeout"`
+			IdleTimeout     time.Duration `yaml:"idle_timeout"`
 			ShutdownTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"shutdown_timeout"`
+			APIHost         string        `yaml:"api_host"`
+			EnablePolling   bool          `yaml:"enable_polling"`
+			PollingInterval time.Duration `yaml:"polling_interval"`
 		} `yaml:"as4_message_dispatcher"`
 		Domibus struct {
 			Username   string `yaml:"username"`
@@ -116,44 +124,98 @@ func run(ctx context.Context, logger *slog.Logger) error {
 	// ===================================================================================
-	// Start API Poller
+	// Message processing support
-	logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "initializing poller support")
+	logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "initializing message processing support")
+	msgCfg := &message.Config{
+		HTTPClient:  externalapi.NewHTTPClient(logger),
+		DomibusSOAP: domibusSOAP,
+		TargetURLs:  targetURLs,
+	}
+	// ===================================================================================
+	// Start API Service
+	logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "initializing V1 API support")
 	shutdown := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
 	signal.Notify(shutdown, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
-	pollerErrors := make(chan error, 1)
-	pollerStop := make(chan struct{})
+	muxConfig := handlers.NewAPIMuxConfig(logger, msgCfg)
+	apiMux := handlers.APIMux(muxConfig)
+	serverErrors := make(chan error, 1)
+	_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.Web.APIHost)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("parsing port from %s: %w", cfg.Web.APIHost, err)
+	}
-	pollerConfig := polling.Config{
-		Logger:       logger,
-		HTTPClient:   httplog.New(logger),
-		DomibusSOAP:  domibusSOAP,
-		TimeInterval: cfg.Poller.TimeInterval,
-		Stop:         pollerStop,
-		TargetURLs:   targetURLs,
+	api := http.Server{
+		Addr:         ":" + port,
+		Handler:      apiMux,
+		ReadTimeout:  cfg.Web.ReadTimeout,
+		WriteTimeout: cfg.Web.WriteTimeout,
+		IdleTimeout:  cfg.Web.IdleTimeout,
+		ErrorLog:     slog.NewLogLogger(logger.Handler(), slog.LevelError),
 	go func() {
-		logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "poller started")
-		pollerErrors <- polling.Run(ctx, pollerConfig)
+		logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "api router started", "host", api.Addr)
+		serverErrors <- api.ListenAndServe()
+	// ===================================================================================
+	// Synchronize messages on startup
+	// If polling is disabled, we perform a one-time message synchronization when the application starts.
+	if !cfg.Web.EnablePolling {
+		logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "performing initial message synchronization...")
+		if err := message.Process(ctx, logger, msgCfg); err != nil {
+			logger.ErrorContext(ctx, "initial message synchronization", "SYNC-ERROR", err)
+		}
+	}
+	// ===================================================================================
+	// Start Polling if enabled
+	pollerStop := make(chan struct{})
+	pollerErrors := make(chan error, 1)
+	if cfg.Web.EnablePolling {
+		logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "initializing Polling support")
+		go func() {
+			logger.InfoContext(ctx, "startup", "status", "polling started")
+			pollerErrors <- polling.Run(ctx, logger, cfg.Web.PollingInterval, pollerStop, msgCfg)
+		}()
+	}
 	// ===================================================================================
 	// Shutdown
 	select {
+	case err := <-serverErrors:
+		return fmt.Errorf("server error: %w", err)
 	case err := <-pollerErrors:
 		return fmt.Errorf("poller error: %w", err)
 	case sig := <-shutdown:
 		logger.InfoContext(ctx, "shutdown", "status", "shutdown started", "signal", sig)
-		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, cfg.Poller.ShutdownTimeout)
+		if cfg.Web.EnablePolling {
+			close(pollerStop)
+			logger.InfoContext(ctx, "shutdown", "status", "polling stopped")
+		}
+		defer logger.InfoContext(ctx, "shutdown", "status", "shutdown complete", "signal", sig)
+		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, cfg.Web.ShutdownTimeout)
 		defer cancel()
-		close(pollerStop)
-		logger.InfoContext(ctx, "shutdown", "status", "shutdown complete", "signal", sig)
+		if err := api.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
+			api.Close()
+			return fmt.Errorf("could not stop server gracefully: %w", err)
+		}
 	return nil
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/polling/polling.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message/message.go
similarity index 52%
rename from api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/polling/polling.go
rename to api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message/message.go
index 65a627f4b5df34e5120231ba06b7a3b4a9dd8278..6e7713979806c2b967b7f3fddbb9cf52684295f3 100644
--- a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/polling/polling.go
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message/message.go
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-// Package polling contains polls functionalities of a domibus server.
-package polling
+// Package message provides functionality for retrieving and handling messages using both
+// polling and webhook-triggered methods.
+package message
 import (
+	"bytes"
@@ -10,52 +12,31 @@ import (
-	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handler"
-// Config contains all the mandatory systems required for polling.
+// Config contains all the mandatory systems required for processing a message.
 type Config struct {
-	Logger       *slog.Logger
-	HTTPClient   *http.Client
-	DomibusSOAP  *domibus.SOAP
-	TimeInterval time.Duration
-	Stop         chan struct{}
-	TargetURLs   map[string]*url.URL
+	HTTPClient  *http.Client
+	DomibusSOAP *domibus.SOAP
+	TargetURLs  map[string]*url.URL
-func Run(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) error {
-	ticker := time.NewTicker(cfg.TimeInterval)
-	defer ticker.Stop()
-	for {
-		select {
-		case <-ctx.Done():
-			return ctx.Err()
-		case <-cfg.Stop:
-			return nil
-		case <-ticker.C:
-			if err := process(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
-				cfg.Logger.Error("Polling", "PROCESS-ERROR", err)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// process checks messages in domibus and dispatch them to the right URL.
-func process(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) error {
+// Process checks incoming Domibus messages, reads their content, and dispatches them to
+// the appropriate URL based on the message type.
+func Process(ctx context.Context, logger *slog.Logger, cfg *Config) error {
 	resp, err := cfg.DomibusSOAP.ListPendingMsgRequest(ctx, "", domibus.Party{})
 	if err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("retrieving list pending messages: %w", err)
-	cfg.Logger.Info("checking-messages...",
+	logger.Info("checking-messages...",
 		slog.Int("message-found", len(resp.MessageID)),
 	for _, msgID := range resp.MessageID {
 		if msgID == nil {
-			cfg.Logger.Error("checking-message",
+			logger.Error("checking-message",
 				slog.String("messageID:", "NULL"),
@@ -66,7 +47,7 @@ func process(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) error {
 			return fmt.Errorf("retrieve message: %w", err)
-		cfg.Logger.Info("reading-message",
+		logger.Info("reading-message",
 			slog.String("messageID:", *msgID),
@@ -84,10 +65,6 @@ func process(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) error {
 			endpoint := cfg.TargetURLs[domibusMsg.DataType]
 			endpoint.Path = domibusMsg.OperationType
-			httpClient := handler.Client{
-				HTTPCLient: cfg.HTTPClient,
-			}
 			md := domibus.MessageDispatch{
 				Party:     party,
 				MessageID: *msgID,
@@ -99,7 +76,7 @@ func process(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) error {
 				return fmt.Errorf("marshaling a MessageDispatch")
-			if err := httpClient.Dispatch(ctx, endpoint, payload); err != nil {
+			if err := dispatch(ctx, cfg.HTTPClient, endpoint, payload); err != nil {
 				return fmt.Errorf("dispatch message: %w", err)
@@ -107,3 +84,23 @@ func process(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) error {
 	return nil
+// dispatch sends the payload of a domibus message to the given URL.
+func dispatch(ctx context.Context, httpClient *http.Client, endpoint *url.URL, msg []byte) error {
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
+	defer cancel()
+	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, endpoint.String(), bytes.NewBuffer(msg))
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("create a new request: %w", err)
+	}
+	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	_, err = httpClient.Do(req)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("doing request: %w", err)
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/polling/polling.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/polling/polling.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8610e35222ce226b5986c0ea49c55bcffb693634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/polling/polling.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Package polling contains polls functionalities of a domibus server.
+package polling
+import (
+	"context"
+	"log/slog"
+	"time"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message"
+func Run(ctx context.Context, logger *slog.Logger, timeInterval time.Duration, stop chan struct{}, msgCfg *message.Config) error {
+	ticker := time.NewTicker(timeInterval)
+	defer ticker.Stop()
+	for {
+		select {
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return ctx.Err()
+		case <-stop:
+			return nil
+		case <-ticker.C:
+			if err := message.Process(ctx, logger, msgCfg); err != nil {
+				logger.Error("polling", "PROCESS-ERROR", err)
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handler/handler.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handler/handler.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a3c1023f19fc67526c733917208d9335c72340..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handler/handler.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Package handler provides functionality for routing and handling notifications
-// to specific endpoints based on data type.
-package handler
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"context"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"time"
-// =======================================================================================
-// Client contains an http CLient.
-type Client struct {
-	HTTPCLient *http.Client
-// Dispatch sends the payload of a domibus message to the given URL.
-func (c Client) Dispatch(ctx context.Context, endpoint *url.URL, msg []byte) error {
-	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
-	defer cancel()
-	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, endpoint.String(), bytes.NewBuffer(msg))
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("create a new request: %w", err)
-	}
-	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-	client := c.HTTPCLient
-	_, err = client.Do(req)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("doing request: %w", err)
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/handlers.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/handlers.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..733bb5d375c774515005eca60f8156a0c23ecb9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/handlers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Package handlers manages the different versions of the API.
+package handlers
+import (
+	"log/slog"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message"
+	v1 "code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/foundation/web/mid"
+	"github.com/gorilla/mux"
+// APIMuxConfig contains all the mandatory systems required by handlers.
+type APIMuxConfig struct {
+	Logger        *slog.Logger
+	MessageConfig *message.Config
+// NewAPIMuxConfig constructs a new mux config.
+func NewAPIMuxConfig(logger *slog.Logger, msgCfg *message.Config) APIMuxConfig {
+	return APIMuxConfig{
+		Logger:        logger,
+		MessageConfig: msgCfg,
+	}
+// APIMux constructs a http.Handler with all application routes defined.
+func APIMux(cfg APIMuxConfig) *mux.Router {
+	router := mux.NewRouter()
+	log := mid.Log{
+		Logger: cfg.Logger,
+	}
+	router.Use(log.Middleware)
+	v1.Routes(router, v1.Config{
+		Logger:        cfg.Logger,
+		MessageConfig: cfg.MessageConfig,
+	})
+	return router
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/eventgrp/eventgrp.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/eventgrp/eventgrp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69cd71cac9eb51fd5f73976244f93a19e328d285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/eventgrp/eventgrp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Package eventgrp maintains the group of handlers for domibus webhook.
+package eventgrp
+import (
+	"log/slog"
+	"net/http"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message"
+type Handler struct {
+	logger        *slog.Logger
+	messageConfig *message.Config
+// New constructs a handlers for a route access.
+func New(log *slog.Logger, msgCfg *message.Config) *Handler {
+	return &Handler{
+		logger:        log,
+		messageConfig: msgCfg,
+	}
+// ProcessMessages process messages from domibus when a webhook event is received.
+func (h *Handler) ProcessMessages(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	if err := message.Process(r.Context(), h.logger, h.messageConfig); err != nil {
+		h.logger.Error("webhook-notification", "process-messages", err)
+		http.Error(w, "Internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
+		return
+	}
+	w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/healthgrp/healthgrp.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/healthgrp/healthgrp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de9a6fd2868a5e89b2ef9eb4f496330d06f7810f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/healthgrp/healthgrp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Package healthgrp provides readiness and liveness check functions for system health monitoring.
+package healthgrp
+import (
+	"context"
+	"log/slog"
+	"net/http"
+	"os"
+	"time"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/foundation/web"
+type Handler struct {
+	logger *slog.Logger
+func NewHandler(logger *slog.Logger) *Handler {
+	return &Handler{
+		logger: logger,
+	}
+// Readiness checks if the database is ready and if not will return a 500 status.
+// Do not respond by just returning an error because further up in the call
+// stack it will interpret that as a non-trusted error.
+func (h *Handler) Readiness(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(r.Context(), time.Second)
+	defer cancel()
+	status := "ready"
+	statusCode := http.StatusOK
+	data := struct {
+		Status string `json:"status"`
+	}{
+		Status: status,
+	}
+	web.Respond(ctx, w, data, statusCode)
+// Liveness returns simple status info if the service is alive. If the
+// app is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, it will also return pod, node, and
+// namespace details via the Downward API. The Kubernetes environment variables
+// need to be set within your Pod/Deployment manifest.
+func (h *Handler) Liveness(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	status := "alive"
+	_, err := os.Hostname()
+	if err != nil {
+		status = "not alive"
+	}
+	data := struct {
+		Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
+	}{
+		Status: status,
+	}
+	// This handler provides a free timer loop.
+	web.Respond(r.Context(), w, data, http.StatusOK)
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/v1.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/v1.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..348fb22fd7b9a07aaee87ecfd2d48dcc9b251bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/v1.go
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Package v1 contains the full set of handler functions and routes
+// supported by the v1 web api.
+package v1
+import (
+	"log/slog"
+	"net/http"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/core/message"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/eventgrp"
+	"code.europa.eu/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/handlers/v1/healthgrp"
+	"github.com/gorilla/mux"
+// Config contains all the mandatory systems required by handlers.
+type Config struct {
+	Logger        *slog.Logger
+	MessageConfig *message.Config
+// Routes binds all the version 1 routes.
+func Routes(router *mux.Router, cfg Config) {
+	mgh := eventgrp.New(cfg.Logger, cfg.MessageConfig)
+	router.HandleFunc("/events/process-messages", mgh.ProcessMessages).Methods(http.MethodPost)
+	hth := healthgrp.NewHandler(cfg.Logger)
+	// Check API
+	router.HandleFunc("/readiness", hth.Readiness).Methods(http.MethodGet)
+	router.HandleFunc("/liveness", hth.Liveness).Methods(http.MethodGet)
diff --git a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/httplog/httplog.go b/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/httplog/httplog.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e3b73c7fd09b139108eea98e57752ca3169304..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/httplog/httplog.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Package httplog create a clients with specific logs.
-package httplog
-import (
-	"log/slog"
-	"net/http"
-// httpLog contains mandatory data to create an http client.
-type httpLog struct {
-	roundTripper http.RoundTripper
-	logger       *slog.Logger
-// New creates an http client with proper log for this client.
-func New(logger *slog.Logger) *http.Client {
-	return &http.Client{
-		Transport: httpLog{
-			roundTripper: http.DefaultTransport,
-			logger:       logger,
-		},
-	}
-// RoundTrip implements the RoudTripper interface of the http standard library.
-func (h httpLog) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
-	h.logger.Info("request started",
-		slog.Group("poller", "method", r.Method, "URL", r.URL.String()),
-	)
-	resp, err := h.roundTripper.RoundTrip(r)
-	if err != nil {
-		h.logger.Error("request error", slog.Group("poller", "error", err.Error()))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	h.logger.Info("request completed", slog.Group("poller", "statuscode", resp.Status))
-	return resp, nil
diff --git a/compose.yaml b/compose.yaml
index 361c1b1c2daed7984e5c0a8c2d211bcfba7ec91c..ce891898dbbd7a79ae6795559ebf8a469bcba48c 100644
--- a/compose.yaml
+++ b/compose.yaml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ services:
 # Dev profile
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api-gateway:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api-gateway:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["dev"]
     container_name: api-gateway
     mem_limit: 350m
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ services:
         condition: service_started
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/as4-message-dispatcher:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/as4-message-dispatcher:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["dev"]
     container_name: as4-message-dispatcher
     mem_limit: 350m
+    ports: [7900:7900]
       - ./config:/usr/src/app/config
       - ~/.domibuspass:/.domibuspass
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ services:
         condition: service_started
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-discovery:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-discovery:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["dev"]
     container_name: data-discovery
     mem_limit: 350m
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ services:
         condition: service_started
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-permit:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-permit:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["dev"]
     container_name: data-permit
     mem_limit: 350m
@@ -78,25 +79,25 @@ services:
       - /var/lib/postgresql/data/${POSTGRES_DB}:/var/lib/postgresql/data
-      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"]
+      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}"]
       interval: 5s
       timeout: 5s
       retries: 5
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/goose:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/goose:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["dev"]
     container_name: goose
       - .env
     command: >
-      goose postgres "host=postgres user=$POSTGRES_USER password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD dbname=$POSTGRES_DB sslmode=disable" up
+      goose postgres "host=postgres user=${POSTGRES_USER} password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} dbname=${POSTGRES_DB} sslmode=disable" up
         condition: service_healthy  
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/shacl-validator:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/shacl-validator:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["dev"]
     container_name: shacl-validator
     ports: ["7400:8080"]
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ services:
     build: ./api/services/api-gateway/cmd
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api-gateway:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/api-gateway:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["local"]
     container_name: api-gateway
     mem_limit: 350m
@@ -128,10 +129,11 @@ services:
     build: ./api/services/as4-message-dispatcher/cmd
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/as4-message-dispatcher:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/as4-message-dispatcher:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["local"]
     container_name: as4-message-dispatcher
     mem_limit: 350m
+    ports: ["7900:7900"]
       - ./config:/usr/src/app/config
       - ~/.domibuspass:/.domibuspass
@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ services:
     build: ./api/services/data-discovery/cmd
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-discovery:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-discovery:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["local"]
     container_name: data-discovery
     mem_limit: 350m
@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ services:
     build: ./api/services/data-permit/cmd
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-permit:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/data-permit:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["local"]
     container_name: data-permit
     mem_limit: 350m
@@ -185,27 +187,27 @@ services:
       - /var/lib/postgresql/data/${POSTGRES_DB}-local:/var/lib/postgresql/data
-      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"]
+      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}"]
       interval: 5s
       timeout: 5s
       retries: 5
     build: ./api/services/goose
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/goose:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/goose:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["local"]
     container_name: goose
       - .env
     command: >
-      goose postgres "host=postgres user=$POSTGRES_USER password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD dbname=$POSTGRES_DB sslmode=disable" up
+      goose postgres "host=postgres user=${POSTGRES_USER} password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} dbname=${POSTGRES_DB} sslmode=disable" up
         condition: service_healthy  
     build: ./foundation/shacl
-    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/shacl-validator:v2.7.0
+    image: code.europa.eu:4567/healthdataeu-nodes/hdeupoc/shacl-validator:v3.0.0
     profiles: ["local"]
     container_name: shacl-validator
     ports: ["7400:8080"]
diff --git a/config/conf.yaml b/config/conf.yaml
index 1065a6ff87dd3a5719e96e0e1ccacf3ad4bb3d47..11b5b0e93fcd4defc8d3718af6f59ac73e858acf 100644
--- a/config/conf.yaml
+++ b/config/conf.yaml
@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ api_gateway:
   tls_key_file: tmp.ssn.key
-  time_interval: 1s
+  read_timeout: 5s
+  write_timeout: 10s
+  idle_timeout: 2m
   shutdown_timeout: 20s
+  api_host: as4-message-dispatcher:7900
+  enable_polling: false
+  polling_interval: 1s # ingored if enable_polling set to false. 
   read_timeout: 5s
diff --git a/foundation/checkapi/checkapi.go b/foundation/checkapi/checkapi.go
index 320d56b9d429390a9b330279ab0c47955f4a4ed3..f241677cd38d0937c1768f526cadcbb75cbb87df 100644
--- a/foundation/checkapi/checkapi.go
+++ b/foundation/checkapi/checkapi.go
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-// Package checkapi maintains the web based api for system access.
+// Package checkapi provides readiness and liveness check functions for system health monitoring
+// for API with db.
 package checkapi
 import (
diff --git a/k8s/Chart.yaml b/k8s/Chart.yaml
index 650ea1d417ea181b42893a926af48180c505c799..fb963d1ea6ccb5c60e665d133bda0c60296f3fc5 100644
--- a/k8s/Chart.yaml
+++ b/k8s/Chart.yaml
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ name: national-connector
 description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
 type: application
 version: 0.5.0
-appVersion: "v2.7.0"
+appVersion: "v3.0.0"
diff --git a/k8s/templates/as4-message-dispatcher.yaml b/k8s/templates/as4-message-dispatcher.yaml
index 44cda9597e30ecfa0be29f0cd5c6cf51ce72701b..d24a88861c4835ff4198a87a0b4529a371f452c8 100644
--- a/k8s/templates/as4-message-dispatcher.yaml
+++ b/k8s/templates/as4-message-dispatcher.yaml
@@ -39,4 +39,51 @@ spec:
           subPath: .domibuspass
           readOnly: true
         securityContext: {{ toYaml .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
+        ports:
+        - containerPort: 7900
+        readinessProbe:
+          httpGet:
+            path: /readiness
+            port: 7900
+          initialDelaySeconds: 15
+          periodSeconds: 3
+          failureThreshold: 3
+        livenessProbe:
+          httpGet:
+            path: /liveness
+            port: 7900
+          initialDelaySeconds: 15
+          periodSeconds: 3
+          failureThreshold: 3
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-as4-message-dispatcher
+  selector:
+    app: as4-message-dispatcher
+  {{- if .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.nodePort }}
+  type: NodePort
+  {{- else if or .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.loadBalancerIP .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.loadBalancerSourceRanges }}
+  type: LoadBalancer
+  {{- with .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.loadBalancerIP }}
+  loadBalancerIP: {{ . }}    
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- with .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.loadBalancerSourceRanges }}
+  loadBalancerSourceRanges: {{ . }}
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- else }}
+  type: ClusterIP
+  {{- with .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.clusterIP }}
+  clusterIP: {{ . }}
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- end }}
+  ports:
+    - protocol: TCP
+      port: 7900
+      targetPort: 7900
+      {{- with .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.nodePort }}
+      nodePort: {{ . }}
+      {{- end }}
 {{- end }}
diff --git a/k8s/templates/configmap.yaml b/k8s/templates/configmap.yaml
index f52d0ff3364c26cfe3cc8f5ecf7db14835b3cf90..944d763968daff7548188ae948716afa1b111093 100644
--- a/k8s/templates/configmap.yaml
+++ b/k8s/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ metadata:
   conf.yaml: |-
-      time_interval: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.timeInterval }}
+      read_timeout: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.readTimeout }}
+      write_timeout: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.writeTimeout }}
+      idle_timeout: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.idleTimeout }}
       shutdown_timeout: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.shutdownTimeout }}
+      api_host: {{ .Release.Name }}-as4-message-dispatcher.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:7900
+      enable_polling: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.enablePolling }}
+      polling_interval: {{ .Values.as4MessageDispatcher.connectorConfig.pollingInterval }}
       read_timeout: {{ .Values.apiGateway.connectorConfig.readTimeout }}
diff --git a/k8s/templates/external-secret.example.yaml b/k8s/templates/external-secret.example.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f346bef0face82ef7d77aadfa55cf6550da85015..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/k8s/templates/external-secret.example.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
-kind: ExternalSecret
-    name: secret
-    refreshInterval: 20s
-    secretStoreRef:
-        kind: SecretStore
-        name: secret-store
-    target:
-        name: connector-secrets
-        creationPolicy: Owner
-    data:
-      - secretKey: env
-        remoteRef:
-          key: # Provide the key that identifies your secret.
-          version: latest_enabled
-      - secretKey: .domibuspass
-        remoteRef:
-          key: # Provide the key that identifies your secret.
-          version: latest_enabled
diff --git a/k8s/templates/migration.yaml b/k8s/templates/migration.yaml
index b61861b419fabaa8c0c5a22da5672b6c4b789dfd..2e6415c68de3ae9d0f1e06e61d316d932370df58 100644
--- a/k8s/templates/migration.yaml
+++ b/k8s/templates/migration.yaml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ spec:
               name: {{ .Release.Name }}-envfrom-secret
           - name: GOOSE_DBSTRING
-            value: "host={{ include "db-hostname" . }} port={{ include "db-port" . }} user=$(POSTGRES_USER) password=$(POSTGRES_PASSWORD) dbname=$(POSTGRES_DB) sslmode=disable"
+            value: "host={{ include "db-hostname" . }} port={{ include "db-port" . }} user=${POSTGRES_USER} password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} dbname=${POSTGRES_DB} sslmode=disable"
             - goose
             - postgres
diff --git a/k8s/templates/postgres.yaml b/k8s/templates/postgres.yaml
index 4dbf219351564b7073651c7203f4df3df96e149d..b0ceb95a181040d07fdd6c510f06343891db872b 100644
--- a/k8s/templates/postgres.yaml
+++ b/k8s/templates/postgres.yaml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ spec:
               - /bin/sh
               - -c
-              - exec pg_isready -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB
+              - exec pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}
           initialDelaySeconds: 15
           periodSeconds: 3
           failureThreshold: 5
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ spec:
               - /bin/sh
               - -c
-              - exec pg_isready -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB
+              - exec pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}
           initialDelaySeconds: 15
           periodSeconds: 3
           failureThreshold: 5
diff --git a/k8s/templates/secret-store.example.yaml b/k8s/templates/secret-store.example.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f0a1225c5d31c80d335f52e097e703e89b0ec5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/k8s/templates/secret-store.example.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
-kind: SecretStore
-  name: secret-store
-  provider: # Specify the fields required by your secrets provider. 
-  # Refer to https://external-secrets.io/latest/api/spec/ for the complete API specification
diff --git a/k8s/values.yaml b/k8s/values.yaml
index 4cfa5562eaae2025b81b9f563f67c4c050146104..9df42eacc23d15c289a7fdd49bb2992eb04cd7c7 100644
--- a/k8s/values.yaml
+++ b/k8s/values.yaml
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ as4MessageDispatcher:
   enabled: true
     name: as4-message-dispatcher
-    tag: v2.7.0
+    tag: v3.0.0
+  clusterIP: #8080
+  nodePort: 31500
+  loadBalancerIP: #
+  loadBalancerSourceRanges: #[""]
       memory: 512Mi
@@ -20,15 +24,19 @@ as4MessageDispatcher:
     runAsUser: 10000
     runAsGroup: 10000
-    timeInterval: 1s
+    readTimeout: 5s
+    writeTimeout: 10s
+    idleTimeout: 2m
     shutdownTimeout: 20s
+    enablePolling: false
+    pollingInterval: 1s # ingored if enable_polling set to false.
   enabled: true
   replicas: 1
     name: api-gateway
-    tag: v2.7.0
+    tag: v3.0.0
   clusterIP: #8080
   nodePort: 31000
   loadBalancerIP: #
@@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ dataDiscovery:
   replicas: 1
     name: data-discovery
-    tag: v2.7.0
+    tag: v3.0.0
       memory: 512Mi
@@ -71,7 +79,7 @@ dataPermit:
   replicas: 1
     name: data-permit
-    tag: v2.7.0
+    tag: v3.0.0
       memory: 512Mi
@@ -116,7 +124,7 @@ migration:
   enabled: true
     name: goose
-    tag: v2.7.0
+    tag: v3.0.0
   username: ""
@@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ shaclValidator:
   replicas: 1
     name: shacl-validator
-    tag: v2.7.0
+    tag: v3.0.0
       memory: 512Mi