From b405c5e5c5eaef77d049f2920e41ff6efef868fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kostis Anagnostopoulos <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 20:42:30 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] FEAT(SETUP) extract CHECK_BEFORE_ACTION funcs; >

+ FEAT: All messages explain how to re-run with effecting changes.
+ REFACT: x3 utility functions emulating GnuMake.
+ refact: split sub-actions into separate ones,
  now that checks are cheaper.
--- | 193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 80f361b..a02d5a0 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,32 +5,65 @@
 set -e
+function _short {
+    ## Return vars relative to PWD, prefixed with "./"
+    #  as conda env needs
+    local path=$(realpath -m --relative-base="$PWD" "$1")
+    ## Does result start with alpha-chars (eg dirname)?.
+    if [[ "/." != *"${path::1}"* ]]; then
+        echo "./$path"
+    else
+        echo "$path"
+    fi
 mydir=$(realpath "${0%/*}")
 cd "$mydir"
+conda_env_prefix=$(_short "$mydir/env")
 function _mute {
     "${@}" &> /dev/null
 function _log {
-    echo -n "${FUNCNAME[1]}: "
-    echo "${@}"
-function _log2 {
-    echo -n "${FUNCNAME[2]}: "
+    echo -n "${FUNCNAME[${lognstack:-1}]}: "
     echo "${@}"
-function upd20_inputrc {
-    if _mute grep -v ':history-search-forward' ~/.inputrc; then
-        _log "already ok"
+function _cmd_before_update {
+    local lognstack=$(( ${lognstack:-1} + 1))
+    if "${@}"; then
+        _log -e "${notrun_msg:-already ok}"
+        return 1
-        _log -n "updating..."
-        cat >> ~/.inputrc <<- "EOF"
+        _log -en "${running_msg:-updating...}"
+        return 0  # true, to run if-body updating stuff.
+    fi
+function _exists_before_update {
+    local lognstack=$(( ${lognstack:-1} + 1))
+    local check_file="$1"
+    local notrun_msg="${notrun_msg:-already ok;
+    'rm  $(_short $check_file)' and re-run, to effect change.}"
+    local running_msg="${running_msg:-updating '$check_file'...}"
+    _cmd_before_update [ -e "$check_file" ]
+function _grep_before_update {
+    local lognstack=$(( ${lognstack:-1} + 1))
+    local check_file="$1" check_text="$2"
+    local notrun_msg="${notrun_msg:-already ok;
+    drop lines containing '$check_file::$check_text' and re-run, to effect change.}"
+    local running_msg="${running_msg:-updating '$check_file'...}"
+    _cmd_before_update _mute grep "$check_text" "$check_file"
+function upd10_inputrc {
+    local check_file="$HOME/.inputrc"
+    if _exists_before_update "$check_file"; then
+        cat >> "$check_file" <<- "EOF"
 $include /etc/inputrc
 ## arrow up
@@ -45,13 +78,11 @@ EOF
 function upd20_bashrc_git_completions {
-    if _mute grep "/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git" ~/.bashrc ; then
-        _log "already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n "updating..."
-        cat >> ~/.bashrc <<- "EOF"
+    local check_file="$HOME/.bashrc"
+    if _grep_before_update "$check_file" "/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git"; then
+        cat >> "$check_file" <<- "EOF"
-## Enable git completions
+## UDS: Enable git completions
 source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git
@@ -59,16 +90,14 @@ EOF
-function upd20_bashrc_history {
-    if _mute grep "PROMPT_COMMAND=\"history -a\"" ~/.bashrc ; then
-        _log "already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n "updating..."
-        cat >> ~/.bashrc <<- "EOF"
+function upd20_bashrc_options {
+    local check_file="$HOME/.bashrc"
+    if _grep_before_update "$check_file" "## UDS SHELL OPTIONS"; then
+        cat >> "$check_file" <<- "EOF"
-## (more options may lie above))
+## (contradicting options may lie above/below)
 ## Save all lines of a multiple-line command in the same history entry.
 shopt -s cmdhist
@@ -91,13 +120,11 @@ EOF
 function upd20_bashrc_ustore_vars {
-    if _mute grep "export USTORE=" ~/.bashrc; then
-        _log "already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n "updating..."
-        cat >> ~/.bashrc <<- EOF
+    local check_file="$HOME/.bashrc"
+    if _grep_before_update "$check_file" "## UDS: BDAP Storage locations"; then
+        cat >> "$check_file" <<- EOF
-## BDAP Storage locations
+## UDS: BDAP Storage locations
 export PSTORE="/eos/jeodpp/data/projects/LEGENT"
 export USTORE="/eos/jeodpp/home/users/${USER}"
 export UTRANS="/eos/jeodpp/home/users/${USER}/transfer"
@@ -109,11 +136,9 @@ EOF
 function upd20_bash_aliases {
-    if _mute grep 'alias lg=' ~/.bash_aliases; then
-        _log "already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n "updating..."
-        cat >> ~/.bash_aliases <<- "EOF"
+    local check_file="$HOME/.bash_aliases"
+    if _grep_before_update "$check_file" "alias lg="; then
+        cat >> "$check_file" <<- "EOF"
 alias lg='git lg'
@@ -136,28 +161,27 @@ EOF
-function upd30_git_user {
-    if _mute  git config --global --get; then
-        _log " already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n ""
-        read -e -p "+++Enter your git AUTHOR-NAME: " inp
+function upd30_git_user_name {
+    local running_msg="+++Enter your git AUTHOR-NAME: "
+    if _cmd_before_update _mute git config --global --get; then
+        read -e inp
         git config --global "inp"
         echo "UPDATED"
-    if _mute  git config --global --get; then
-        _log " already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n ""
-        read -e -p "+++Enter your git AUTHOR-EMAIL: " inp
+function upd30_git_user_email {
+    local running_msg="+++Enter your git AUTHOR-EMAIL: "
+    if _cmd_before_update _mute git config --global --get; then
+        read -e inp
         git config --global "inp"
         _log "UPDATED"
 function upd20_git_aliases {
-    if _mute  git config --global --get alias.lg; then
+    if _mute git config --global --get alias.lg; then
         _log "already ok"
         _log -n "updating..."
@@ -184,12 +208,10 @@ function upd20_git_aliases {
 function upd20_ipython_ustore_vars {
-    if [ -f "$ipython_startup_ustore_vars" ]; then
-        _log "already ok"
-    else
-        _log -n "updating..."
-        mkdir -p  $(dirname "$ipython_startup_ustore_vars")
-        cat > "$ipython_startup_ustore_vars" <<- EOF
+    local check_file="$HOME/.ipython/profile_default/startup/"
+    if _exists_before_update "$check_file"; then
+        mkdir -p  $(dirname "$check_file")
+        cat > "$check_file" <<- EOF
 ## BDAP Storage locations
@@ -201,11 +223,15 @@ EOF
-function upd40_bashrc_conda_init {
-    if _mute  grep ">>> conda initialize >>>" ~/.bashrc; then
-        _log 'already ok;  delete ">>> conda initialize >>>" section from `~/.bashrc` to re-run.'
-    else
-        _log -n "updating..."
+function upd30_bashrc_condarc {
+    local check_file="$HOME/.condarc"
+    local check_text="## UDS CONFIGS END"
+    if _grep_before_update "$check_file" "$check_text"; then
+        ## Header for new props appended (apart from those already there).
+        local check_text2="## UDS CONFIGS START"
+        if _mute grep -v "$check_text2" "$check_file"; then
+            echo -e "\n$check_text2" >> "$check_file"
+        fi
         # Strict-priority for when using conda-forge, to speedup
         # eg for `conda-bash-completion` package`,
@@ -220,34 +246,42 @@ function upd40_bashrc_conda_init {
         # Stop "conda outdated" message (is `conda env update` faster?).
         conda config --set auto_update_conda False
-        conda init bash  # Effective only if never used conda before.
+        echo "$check_text" >> "$check_file"
+    fi
+function upd40_bashrc_conda_init {
+    local check_file="$HOME/.bashrc"
+    if _grep_before_update "$check_file" ">>> conda initialize >>>"; then
+        ## Will print a message to logout & re-login.
+        conda init bash
         exit 0
 ## This function must be the 1st to run after all `upd_xxx` actions.
 #  The last command of this action, activating conda-env,
-#  will fail if not re-logged in after `conda init bash`.
+#  will fail if not having re-logged in after `conda init bash`.
 function upd50_create_conda_env {
-    if [ -d "$conda_env_prefix" ]; then
-        _log -e "already ok: $conda_env_prefix
-        Reminder, how to (re-)activate your environment: conda activate $conda_env_prefix_rel"
-    else
-        _log "should take ~10' to create a conda-env@$conda_env_prefix..."
-        conda env create -p "$conda_env_prefix" -f environment.yml
+    local check_file="$conda_env_prefix"
+    local running_msg="should take ~5min to create a conda-env@$conda_env_prefix..."
+    local notrun_msg="already created;
+        DELETE it with 'conda env remove $conda_env_prefix' and re-run, to effect change.
+        Reminder for how to (re-)activate your environment: conda activate $conda_env_prefix"
+    if _exists_before_update "$check_file"; then
+        conda env create -p "$conda_env_prefix" -f environment.yml
+function upd60_conda_env_vars {
     ## Setup any conda-env variables:
     #  - make PATH & PYTHONPATH pointing to project-root,
     #    to be able run & import scripts from anywhere.
-    if [ -f "$conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/activate.d/" ]; then
-        _log -e " OVERRIDE env_vars already ok: $conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/activate.d/
-        Delete this to re-run it to be effective."
-    else
-        _log "OVERRIDING env_vars..."
-        mkdir -p $conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/{,de}activate.d
-        cat > $conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/activate.d/ <<- EOF
+    local check_file=$( _short "$conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/activate.d/")
+    if _exists_before_update "$check_file"; then
+        mkdir -p $(dirname "$check_file")
+        cat > "$check_file" <<- EOF
 export _UDS_OLD_PATH="\$PATH"
@@ -255,7 +289,9 @@ export _UDS_OLD_PYTHONPATH="\$PYTHONPATH"
 export PATH="$mydir:\$PATH"
 export PYTHONPATH="$mydir:\$PYTHONPATH"
-        cat > $conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/deactivate.d/ <<- EOF
+        check_file=$( _short "$conda_env_prefix/etc/conda/deactivate.d/")
+        mkdir -p $(dirname "$check_file")
+        cat > "$check_file" <<- EOF
 export PATH="\$_UDS_OLD_PATH"
@@ -263,7 +299,8 @@ export PYTHONPATH="\$_UDS_OLD_PYTHONPATH"
 unset _UDS_OLD_PATH
-          _log "ACTIVATE YOUR ENVIRONMENT with: conda activate $conda_env_prefix_rel"
+        echo "UPDATED
+        RE-ACTIVATE YOUR ENVIRONMENT with: conda activate $conda_env_prefix"