From ef4da0f7e8e433a93569ccec17a1c2759b786c93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Vliagkoftis <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 12:15:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] enh: jrcmatics test scripts for updates

 vliagth/jrcmatics/        | 166 ++++++++++++++++++
 vliagth/jrcmatics/            |  40 +++--
 vliagth/jrcmatics/                     |  43 +++++
 .../jrcmatics/    | 112 ++++++++++++
 vliagth/jrcmatics/           |  52 ++++++
 vliagth/jrcmatics/ |  45 +++++
 vliagth/jrcmatics/           |  48 +++++
 7 files changed, 491 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 vliagth/jrcmatics/
 create mode 100644 vliagth/jrcmatics/
 create mode 100644 vliagth/jrcmatics/
 create mode 100644 vliagth/jrcmatics/
 create mode 100644 vliagth/jrcmatics/
 create mode 100644 vliagth/jrcmatics/

diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db064ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+tvin = 'JM4BP6HE601165733'  # A0HNZZ33
+dfrom = 'Oct 01 2022'
+dto = 'Nov 08 2022'
+import datetime
+import dateparser
+import pandas
+from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
+list_df = []
+for vin in jrcmatics_data.find({}).distinct('vin'):
+    # if( vin != tvin ): continue
+    pipeline = \
+        [
+            {
+                '$match': {
+                    'vin': vin,
+                    'trip_created_at': {'$gt': dateparser.parse(dfrom),
+                                        '$lt': dateparser.parse(dto) + datetime.timedelta(days=1)}
+                }
+            }, {
+            '$sort': {
+                'trip_created_at': 1,
+                'time': 1,
+            }
+        }, {
+            '$group': {
+                '_id': '$trip_created_at',
+                'vin': {'$first': '$vin'},
+                'dev_id': {'$first': '$dev_id'},
+                'trip_guid': {'$first': '$trip_guid'},
+                'min_time': {'$min': '$time'},
+                'max_time': {'$max': '$time'},
+                'tot_distances': {'$push': '$tot_distance'},
+                'max_tot_distance': {'$max': '$tot_distance'},
+                'tot_fuels': {'$push': '$tot_fuel'},
+                'max_tot_fuel': {'$max': '$tot_fuel'},
+                'min_ambient_temp': {'$min': '$ambient_temp'},
+                'max_ambient_temp': {'$max': '$ambient_temp'},
+                'mean_ambient_temp': {'$avg': '$ambient_temp'},
+                'min_distance_cd_ice_on': {'$min': '$distance_cd_ice_on'},
+                'max_distance_cd_ice_on': {'$max': '$distance_cd_ice_on'},
+                'min_distance_cd_ice_off': {'$min': '$distance_cd_ice_off'},
+                'max_distance_cd_ice_off': {'$max': '$distance_cd_ice_off'},
+                'mean_speed': {'$avg': '$speed'},
+                'std_speed': {'$stdDevPop': '$speed'},
+                'mean_speed_rural': {
+                    '$avg': {
+                        '$cond': [{'$and': [{'$gte': ['$speed', 0.0]}, {'$lte': ['$speed', 60.0]}]}, '$speed', None]}},
+                'mean_speed_urban': {
+                    '$avg': {
+                        '$cond': [{'$and': [{'$gt': ['$speed', 60.0]}, {'$lte': ['$speed', 90.0]}]}, '$speed', None]}},
+                'mean_speed_motorway': {'$avg': {
+                    '$cond': [{'$and': [{'$gt': ['$speed', 90.0]}, {'$lte': ['$speed', 200.0]}]}, '$speed', None]}},
+                'stop_percentage': {'$avg': {'$cond': [{'$eq': ['$speed', 0.0]}, 1.0, 0.0]}},
+                'mean_rpm': {'$avg': '$rpm'},
+                'std_rpm': {'$stdDevPop': '$rpm'},
+                'min_fuel_cd': {'$min': '$fuel_cd'},
+                'max_fuel_cd': {'$max': '$fuel_cd'},
+                'min_fuel_ci': {'$min': '$fuel_ci'},
+                'max_fuel_ci': {'$max': '$fuel_ci'},
+                'coolant_temp_arr': {'$push': '$coolant_temp'},
+                'urban_share': {'$avg': {
+                    '$cond': [
+                        {'$and': [{'$ne': ['$speed', None]}, {'$gte': ['$speed', 0.0]}, {'$lte': ['$speed', 60.0]}]},
+                        1.0, 0.0]}},
+                'rural_share': {'$avg': {
+                    '$cond': [
+                        {'$and': [{'$ne': ['$speed', None]}, {'$gt': ['$speed', 60.0]}, {'$lte': ['$speed', 90.0]}]},
+                        1.0, 0.0]}},
+                'motorway_share': {'$avg': {
+                    '$cond': [
+                        {'$and': [{'$ne': ['$speed', None]}, {'$gt': ['$speed', 90.0]}, {'$lte': ['$speed', 200.0]}]},
+                        1.0, 0.0]}},
+                'mean_acc_pedal_pos_d': {'$avg': '$acc_pedal_pos_d'},
+                'std_acc_pedal_pos_d': {'$stdDevPop': '$acc_pedal_pos_d'},
+                'grid_energy_cd_ice_off_arr': {'$push': '$grid_energy_cd_ice_off'},
+                'mean_grid_energy_cd_ice_off': {'$avg': '$grid_energy_cd_ice_off'},
+                'grid_energy_cd_ice_on_arr': {'$push': '$grid_energy_cd_ice_on'},
+                'mean_grid_energy_cd_ice_on': {'$avg': '$grid_energy_cd_ice_on'},
+                'grid_energy_into_bat_arr': {'$push': '$grid_energy_into_bat'},
+                'mean_grid_energy_into_bat': {'$avg': '$grid_energy_into_bat'},
+            }
+        }, {
+            '$addFields': {
+                'min_tot_distance': {'$ifNull': [
+                    {
+                        '$min': {
+                            '$filter': {
+                                'input': "$tot_distances",
+                                'cond': {'$gt': ['$$this', 0]}
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    0
+                ]},
+                'min_tot_fuel': {'$ifNull': [
+                    {
+                        '$min': {
+                            '$filter': {
+                                'input': "$tot_fuels",
+                                'cond': {'$gt': ['$$this', 0]}
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    0
+                ]},
+            }
+        }, {
+            '$addFields': {
+                'distance': {'$subtract': ['$max_tot_distance', '$min_tot_distance']},
+                'fuel': {'$subtract': ['$max_tot_fuel', '$min_tot_fuel']},
+                'duration': {'$divide': [{'$subtract': ['$max_time', '$min_time']}, 1000]},
+                'distance_fuel_on': {'$subtract': ['$max_distance_cd_ice_on', '$min_distance_cd_ice_on']},
+                'distance_fuel_off': {'$subtract': ['$max_distance_cd_ice_off', '$min_distance_cd_ice_off']},
+                'fuel_ci': {'$subtract': ['$max_fuel_ci', '$min_fuel_ci']},
+                'fuel_cd': {'$subtract': ['$max_fuel_cd', '$min_fuel_cd']},
+                'start_coolant_temp': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$coolant_temp_arr', 0]},
+                'start_grid_energy_cd_ice_off': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$grid_energy_cd_ice_off_arr', 0]},
+                'end_grid_energy_cd_ice_off': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$grid_energy_cd_ice_off_arr', -1]},
+                'start_grid_energy_cd_ice_on': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$grid_energy_cd_ice_on_arr', 0]},
+                'end_grid_energy_cd_ice_on': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$grid_energy_cd_ice_on_arr', -1]},
+                'start_grid_energy_into_bat': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$grid_energy_into_bat_arr', 0]},
+                'end_grid_energy_into_bat': {'$arrayElemAt': ['$grid_energy_into_bat_arr', -1]},
+            }
+        }, {
+            '$match': {'distance': {'$gt': 0}, 'duration': {'$gt': 0}}
+        }, {
+            '$sort': {
+                '_id': -1
+            }
+        }, {
+            '$project': {
+                # '_id': 0,
+                'min_distance_cd_ice_on': 0,
+                'max_distance_cd_ice_on': 0,
+                'min_distance_cd_ice_off': 0,
+                'max_distance_cd_ice_off': 0,
+                'min_fuel_cd': 0,
+                'max_fuel_cd': 0,
+                'min_fuel_ci': 0,
+                'max_fuel_ci': 0,
+                'coolant_temp_arr': 0,
+                'grid_energy_cd_ice_off_arr': 0,
+                'grid_energy_cd_ice_on_arr': 0,
+                'grid_energy_into_bat_arr': 0,
+            }
+        }
+        ]
+    results_df = pandas.DataFrame(list(jrcmatics_data.aggregate(pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)))
+    if results_df.empty:
+        continue
+    else:
+        list_df.append(results_df)
+final_df = pandas.concat(list_df, ignore_index=True)
+final_df.to_excel("/home/vliagth/aggregated_trips.xlsx", index=False)
+final_df.to_csv("/home/vliagth/aggregated_trips.csv", index=False)
diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
index 0bfbdcc..8f42993 100644
--- a/vliagth/jrcmatics/
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 import multiprocessing as mp
-import pandas as pd
+import uuid
 from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation
 from munch import munchify
@@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
 def set_trip_guid(trip):
     trip = munchify(trip)
-    guid_binary = Binary.from_uuid(trip.guid, UuidRepresentation.STANDARD)
+    guid = uuid.uuid4()
+    guid_binary = Binary.from_uuid(guid, UuidRepresentation.STANDARD)
             'dev_id': trip.device,
-            'trip_created_at': trip.created_at
+            'trip_created_at': trip.trip_created_at
             '$set': {
@@ -24,20 +26,28 @@ def set_trip_guid(trip):
+    print(f"Updated trip. Dev id: {trip.device} created at {trip.trip_created_at}")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    trips = pd.read_csv(
-        '/eos/jeodpp/data/projects/LEGENT/internal/jrcmatics/jrcmatics_trips.csv',
-        delimiter=',',
-        header=0,
-        encoding='utf-8',
-        index_col=False
-    )
-    df = pd.DataFrame(trips, columns=['guid', 'device', 'created_at'])
-    df.to_csv('jrcmatics_trips.csv', index=False)
-    p = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    trips = list(jrcmatics_data.aggregate([
+        {"$match":
+             {'trip_guid': {"$exists": False}}
+         },
+        {"$group":
+            {"_id": {
+                "device": "$dev_id",
+                "trip_created_at": "$trip_created_at"
+            }}
+        },
+        {"$project": {
+            "_id": 0,
+            "device": '$_id.device',
+            "trip_created_at": "$_id.trip_created_at"
+        }}
+    ]))
+    p = mp.Pool(100), trips)
diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905b2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import pandas as pd
+import uuid
+from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation
+from munch import munchify
+from datetime import datetime
+from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    guid = uuid.UUID('f57684b13b4646438fc881a142e7dddf')
+    trip_guid_binary = Binary.from_uuid(guid, UuidRepresentation.STANDARD)
+    trip_created_at = datetime.strptime('2021-11-14 14:56:31', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    rs = pd.DataFrame(list(jrcmatics_data.find(
+        {
+            'dev_id': 'A0HL8M13',
+            'trip_created_at': trip_created_at
+        },
+        {
+            '_id': 1,
+            'trip_guid': 1,
+            'timestamp_corr': 1,
+            'trip_created_at': 1,
+            'created_at': 1,
+            'time': 1,
+            'time_corr': 1,
+        }
+    )))
+    test = 3
+# Example
diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f486662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import datetime
+import uuid
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import pandas as pd
+from munch import Munch
+from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
+from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation
+def update_trip_with_jump(trip):
+    trip = Munch(trip)
+    trip_guid_binary = Binary.from_uuid(trip.trip_guid, UuidRepresentation.STANDARD)
+    delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
+    timestamp_anchor = 0
+    prev_doc = None
+    jump_without_downtime = False
+    time_anchor_point = trip.trip_created_at
+    rs = list(jrcmatics_data.find(
+        {
+            'trip_guid': trip_guid_binary
+        },
+        {
+            '_id': 1,
+            'timestamp_corr': 1,
+            'trip_created_at': 1,
+            'created_at': 1,
+            'time': 1,
+            'time_corr': 1
+        }
+    ))
+    sorted_rs = sorted(rs, key=lambda k: k['_id'])
+    df = pd.DataFrame(sorted_rs)
+    for doc in sorted_rs:
+        doc = Munch(doc)
+        if timestamp_anchor == 0:
+            timestamp_anchor = int(doc.timestamp_corr / 1000)
+        # if the check is True, it means that the device has reset
+        if prev_doc and abs(int(doc.timestamp_corr / 1000) - int(prev_doc.timestamp_corr / 1000)) > 180:
+            reset_downtime = (doc.created_at - prev_doc.created_at).total_seconds()
+            if int(doc.timestamp_corr / 1000) - timestamp_anchor < 0:
+                if reset_downtime:
+                    delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=reset_downtime)
+                    timestamp_anchor = int(doc.timestamp_corr / 1000)
+                else:
+                    jump_without_downtime = True
+                    timestamp_anchor = int(prev_doc.timestamp_corr / 1000 + doc.timestamp_corr / 1000)
+            time_anchor_point = prev_doc.time + delta
+        current_timestamp = int(timestamp_anchor + doc.timestamp_corr / 1000) if jump_without_downtime else int(doc.timestamp_corr / 1000)
+        time = time_anchor_point + datetime.timedelta(seconds=current_timestamp) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=timestamp_anchor)
+        jrcmatics_data.update_one(
+            {
+                '_id': doc._id
+            },
+            {
+                '$set': {
+                    'time_corr': time
+                }
+            }
+        )
+        doc.time = time
+        prev_doc = doc
+    jrcmatics_data.update_many(
+        {
+            'trip_guid': trip_guid_binary
+        },
+        {
+            '$set': {
+                'jump_updated': True
+            }
+        }
+    )
+    print(f"time_corr values generated for trip {str(trip.trip_guid)}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    guid = uuid.UUID('81ea5d4429f54b619b88c29eee21145f')
+    trip_guid_binary = Binary.from_uuid(guid, UuidRepresentation.STANDARD)
+    trips = list(jrcmatics_data.aggregate([
+        {"$match": {
+            'trip_guid': trip_guid_binary
+        }},
+        {"$group": {
+            "_id": {"trip_guid": "$trip_guid"},
+            "trip_created_at": {"$first": "$trip_created_at"}
+        }},
+        {"$project": {
+            "_id": 0,
+            "trip_guid": '$_id.trip_guid',
+            "trip_created_at": "$trip_created_at"
+        }}
+    ]))
+    p = mp.Pool(1)
+, trips)
diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b825110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import pandas as pd
+import uuid
+from bson.binary import Binary, UuidRepresentation
+from munch import munchify
+from datetime import datetime
+from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    csv_trips = pd.read_csv(
+        '/eos/jeodpp/data/projects/LEGENT/internal/jrcmatics/jrcmatics_trips.csv',
+        delimiter=',',
+        header=0,
+        encoding='utf-8',
+        index_col=False
+    )
+    csv_trips.created_at = pd.to_datetime(csv_trips.created_at)
+    # csv_trips = csv_trips.drop(columns=['guid'])
+    db_trips = pd.DataFrame(list(jrcmatics_data.aggregate([
+        {"$match":
+             {'trip_guid': {"$exists": False}}
+        },
+        {"$group":
+            {"_id": {
+                "device": "$dev_id",
+                "trip_created_at": "$trip_created_at"
+            }}
+        },
+        {"$project": {
+            "_id": 0,
+            "device": '$_id.device',
+            "trip_created_at": "$_id.trip_created_at"
+        }}
+    ])))
+    s1 = pd.merge(db_trips, csv_trips, how='inner', on=['device', 'trip_created_at'])
+    test = 2
+# Example
diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f1852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from munch import Munch
+from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
+ABS_MIN_INT_32 = 2147483648
+# copy values of positive timestamp in new field
+    {
+        "timestamp": {"$gte": 0}
+    },
+    [{
+        "$set": {
+            "timestamp_corr": "$timestamp"
+        }
+    }]
+# find and update the negative timestamp values using the newly generated field
+docs = jrcmatics_data.find(
+    {
+        'timestamp': {'$lt': 0}
+    },
+    {
+        '_id': 1,
+        'timestamp': 1
+    }
+for doc in docs:
+    doc = Munch(doc)
+    jrcmatics_data.update_one(
+        {
+            '_id': doc._id
+        },
+        {
+            '$set': {
+                'timestamp_corr': 2 * ABS_MIN_INT_32 + doc.timestamp,
+                'had_negative_timestamp': True
+            }
+        }
+    )
diff --git a/vliagth/jrcmatics/ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31ec108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vliagth/jrcmatics/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from src.uds4jrc.db import jrcmatics_data
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+vin_correction_filepath = "/eos/jeodpp/home/users/tansial/vin_correction.xlsx"
+for vin in jrcmatics_data.distinct('vin'):
+    print(vin)
+    x = jrcmatics_data.update_many({"vin": {"$eq":vin}}, {"$set": {"vin_corr": vin}})
+    print(x.modified_count, " documents copied.\n")
+vin_correction = pd.read_excel(vin_correction_filepath)
+dev_ids = vin_correction['dev_id'].values
+list_to_get = ['time', 'dev_id', 'trip_created_at', 'vin']
+select_cl = {key: 1 for key in list_to_get}
+data = {}
+for dev_id in dev_ids:
+    rawData = jrcmatics_data.find({'dev_id': dev_id}, select_cl)
+    data[dev_id] = pd.DataFrame(rawData)
+for idx, row in vin_correction.iterrows():
+    dev_id = row.dev_id
+    print("ID: ", dev_id)
+    if not data[dev_id].empty:
+        if 'vin' in data[dev_id].columns:
+            vin =
+            start = pd.to_datetime(np.datetime64(row.date_start))
+            end = pd.to_datetime((np.datetime64(row.date_end) if pd.notnull(row.date_end) else np.datetime64('now')) + np.timedelta64(1, 'D'))
+            vin_missing = pd.isnull(data[dev_id]['vin'])
+            dates_ok = (data[dev_id]['trip_created_at'] > start) & (data[dev_id]['trip_created_at'] < end)
+            select = vin_missing & dates_ok
+            ids = list(data[dev_id][select]['_id'].values)
+            where_cl = {
+                "_id": {"$in": ids},
+            }
+            update_cl = {"$set": {"vin_corr": vin}}
+            x = jrcmatics_data.update_many(where_cl, update_cl)
+            print(x.modified_count, " documents updated.")
+        else:
+            print("VIN not available, skipping.")
+        print("\n")
\ No newline at end of file