diff --git a/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java b/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
index 483343ed1be2979fb54039c8913bcb7cbdb7217b..cd40957483655e39ae71ef9edf708a9fa719c515 100644
--- a/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
+++ b/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
@@ -96,6 +96,14 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_CANCEL_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[text()=' Cancel']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ASSIGNABLE_TO_ROLE_COLUMN_LOCATOR = ".cdk-column-assignableToRoles [data-testid='text-element']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_IN_USE_COLUMN_LOCATOR = ".cdk-column-used [data-testid='text-element']";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_IDENTIFIER_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Identifier')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_CODE_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Code')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ASSIGNABLE_TO_ROLE_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Assignable to Role')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ENABLED_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Enabled')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_IN_USE_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'In use')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_CREATION_DATE_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Creation date')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_LAST_CHANGE_DATE_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Last change date')]";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ACTIONS_HEADER_LOCATOR = "//div[contains(text(),'Actions')]";
     public static final String EMPTY_LIST_MESSAGE_LOCATOR = "div.p-5.text-center";
     public static final String LIST_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_LOCATOR = "//td[@class='mat-mdc-cell mdc-data-table__cell cdk-cell cdk-column-id mat-column-id ng-star-inserted']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[normalize-space()='Edit Attribute']";
@@ -108,6 +116,7 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String COLUMN_HEADING_LOCATOR = "thead th div.mat-sort-header-content";
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_LIST_LOCATOR = "td.mat-mdc-cell.mdc-data-table__cell.cdk-cell.cdk-column-organization.mat-column-organization.ng-star-inserted";
     public static final String REQUEST_STATUS_LOCATOR = "#statusFieldBadge";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_LIST_LOCATOR = "//td[contains(@class, 'mat-mdc-cell mdc-data-table__cell cdk-cell cdk-column-id mat-column-id ng-star-inserted')]/span[@data-testid='text-element']";
     public Authority() {
diff --git a/src/main/java/framework/ui/pages/simplOpen/AuthorityPage.java b/src/main/java/framework/ui/pages/simplOpen/AuthorityPage.java
index fa292e3e403fc12b5dd39c415955e35249ffd2d5..4e94294c046a6ccc359c5aa3ace3ade3c657a7ba 100644
--- a/src/main/java/framework/ui/pages/simplOpen/AuthorityPage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/framework/ui/pages/simplOpen/AuthorityPage.java
@@ -277,17 +277,12 @@ public class AuthorityPage {
      * @param numberValueByPage Number of items expected.
     public void verifyNumberOfResultsDisplayedInTheList(String listType, Integer numberValueByPage) {
-        Locator locatorValue;
-        switch (listType) {
-            case "Dashboard Requests List":
-                locatorValue = page.locator(REQUEST_STATUS_COLUMN_FROM_REQUEST_LIST_TABLE_LOCATOR);
-                break;
-            case "Participant List":
-                locatorValue = page.locator(PARTICIPANT_LIST_LOCATOR);
-                break;
-            default:
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown list type: " + listType);
-        }
+        Locator locatorValue = switch (listType) {
+            case "Dashboard Requests List" -> page.locator(REQUEST_STATUS_COLUMN_FROM_REQUEST_LIST_TABLE_LOCATOR);
+            case "Participant List" -> page.locator(PARTICIPANT_LIST_LOCATOR);
+            case "Identity Attributes List" -> page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_LIST_LOCATOR);
+            default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown list type: " + listType);
+        };
         Utils.verifyTableListDisplayTheResultsExpected(numberValueByPage, locatorValue);
@@ -361,8 +356,8 @@ public class AuthorityPage {
      * Clicks the next or previous page button and/or verifies that the table is updated correctly.
      * @param buttonToPress The button to be pressed ("Next page" or "Previous page").
-     * @param compareLists Whether to compare the lists before and after pagination.
-     * @param listToReview The list in which the review is performed.
+     * @param compareLists  Whether to compare the lists before and after pagination.
+     * @param listToReview  The list in which the review is performed.
     public void clickNextOrPreviousPageButton(String buttonToPress, String listToReview, boolean compareLists) {
         Locator buttonLocator = switch (buttonToPress) {
@@ -376,6 +371,7 @@ public class AuthorityPage {
         String columnLocator = switch (listToReview) {
             case "participant list" -> PARTICIPANT_LIST_PARTICIPANT_NAME_COLUMN_LOCATOR;
+            case "identity attributes list" -> IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_LIST_LOCATOR;
             default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid list provided value: " + listToReview);
@@ -404,7 +400,7 @@ public class AuthorityPage {
-     * This method checks that the approve or reject button is visible and then proceeds with the action
+     * This method checks that the approval or reject button is visible and then proceeds with the action
      * of approving or rejecting the request.
      * If the request was successfully approved, it is checked that the "APPROVED" status is visible
      * If the request was successfully rejected, it is first necessary to fill out the text message,
diff --git a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
index 07af6ede94e861e7d5500572c8c16e9a1c51b6db..b95763b8bac141b7aa46509b157affea6a22c604 100644
--- a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
+++ b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Feature: Authority
       | Assignable Identity Attribute     | Assignable Test Identity Attribute     | assignable_test_identity_attribute     | true       |
       | Non-Assignable Identity Attribute | Non-Assignable Test Identity Attribute | non_assignable_test_identity_attribute | false      |
-  @TCA19 @SIMPL-3466 @SIMPL-3139 @SIMPL-3140 @SIMPL-4127 @SIMPL-3468 @SIMPL-3469
+  @TCA19 @SIMPL-3466 @SIMPL-3139 @SIMPL-3140 @SIMPL-4127 @SIMPL-3468 @SIMPL-3469 @SIMPL-3464 @SIMPL-3470 @SIMPL-3495
   Scenario: Successful Update of an Identity Attribute
     Given the user navigates to the "Identity Attributes" page
     And the user logs in with a user with "IATTR_M" role
@@ -445,4 +445,30 @@ Feature: Authority
       | ascending     | Participant Type |
       | descending    | Participant Type |
       | ascending     | Onboarding Date  |
-      | descending    | Onboarding Date  |
\ No newline at end of file
+      | descending    | Onboarding Date  |
+  @TCA30 @SIMPL-4291
+  Scenario Outline: Display Paginated List of Identity Attributes and with Correct Column Headings : <caseName>
+    Given the user navigates to the "Identity Attributes" page
+    When the user logs in with a user with "IATTR_M" role
+    Then the page displays a table with the following column headings:
+      | Identifier         |
+      | Code               |
+      | Assignable to Role |
+      | Enabled            |
+      | In use             |
+      | Creation date      |
+      | Last change date   |
+      | Actions            |
+    And the list of Identity Attributes is displayed
+    When the user selects <numberValueByPage> items per page from the dropdown list
+    And the "Identity Attributes List" is updated with a maximum of <numberValueByPage> results
+    Then the user updates the identity attributes list by trying to click the "Next page" button
+    And the user updates the identity attributes list by trying to click the "Previous page" button
+    Examples:
+      | caseName                              | numberValueByPage |
+      | The user selects 5 elements by page   | 5                 |
+      | The user selects 10 elements by page  | 10                |
+      | The user selects 25 elements by page  | 25                |
+      | The user selects 100 elements by page | 100               |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java b/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
index 2d38bfbe04c60e2a2ec3cd2daeb227506eb98638..69ab5f01760db04259db2c9f5168ae4f1dde9d42 100644
--- a/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
+++ b/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
@@ -660,6 +660,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
     public void the_successful_message_is_displayed() {
     @Then("the error message is displayed")
     public void the_error_message_is_displayed() {
@@ -708,7 +709,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
-    @Then("^the user updates the (request list|participant list) by trying to click the \"(Next page|Previous page)\" button$")
+    @Then("^the user updates the (request list|participant list|identity attributes list) by trying to click the \"(Next page|Previous page)\" button$")
     public void theUserUpdatesTheRequestListTryingToClickTheButton(String list, String button) {
         authorityPage.clickNextOrPreviousPageButton(button, list, true);
@@ -759,4 +760,16 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
             assertTrue(String.format("Invalid boolean value found"), "true".equals(value) || "false".equals(value));
+    @Then("the list of Identity Attributes is displayed")
+    public void theListOfIdentityAttributesIsDisplayed() {
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_IDENTIFIER_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_CODE_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ASSIGNABLE_TO_ROLE_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ENABLED_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_IN_USE_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_CREATION_DATE_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_LAST_CHANGE_DATE_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ACTIONS_HEADER_LOCATOR));
+    }