diff --git a/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java b/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java
index 02f8c9d185bc56a92c0d0a9d8d6fc9409e520996..09ec06fb746f324a1e6a35a97cfe218b4ce5ad47 100644
--- a/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java
+++ b/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String ONBOARDING_DATAPARTICIPANT_REQUEST_ACCEPTED_USER = "dataparticipant_request_accepted@automation.com";
     public static final String ONBOARDING_DATAPARTICIPANT_REQUEST_REJECTED_USER = "dataparticipant_request_rejected@automation.com";
     public static final String ONBOARDING_DATAPARTICIPANT_PASSWORD = "Testing2@14";
-    public static final String USER_PSO_SIMPL_3049_IDENTIFIER = "0194b20f-3144-7bd7-acaf-53c966ec82ae";
-    public static final String USER_PSO_SIMPL_3049_ONBOARDING_DATE = "Wed Jan 29 2025";
+    public static final String USER_PSO_SIMPL_3049_IDENTIFIER = "019503b3-5354-7c15-acdb-72cdee021db0";
+    public static final String USER_PSO_SIMPL_3049_ONBOARDING_DATE = "Fri Feb 14 2025";
     public static final String USER_PSO_SIMPL_3049_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRATION_DATE = "-";
     public static final String REQUESTS_LIST_TABLE_REQUEST_STATUS_COLUMN = "Request status";
     public static final String REQUESTS_LIST_TABLE_REQUESTER_EMAIL_COLUMN = "Requester email";
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String ALERT_DISPLAYING_SUCCESSFUL_REJECTED = "You successfully reject this request.";
     public static final String[] PARTICIPANT_TYPES = {
-        "Data Provider",
+        "Data Provider",
         "Infrastructure Provider",
         "Application Provider"
diff --git a/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java b/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
index bc48184a40b3e8added0ce8b8e1ed9b1b57d9329..483343ed1be2979fb54039c8913bcb7cbdb7217b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
+++ b/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 package framework.ui.locators.simplOpen;
 public class Authority {
-    public static final String ONBOARDING_INFO_REGISTER_BUTTON_LOCATOR = ".mdc-button--unelevated.mat-primary";
+    public static final String ONBOARDING_INFO_REGISTER_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[contains(text(), 'Register for this dataspace' )]";
     public static final String ONBOARDING_FORM_LOCATOR = "form[id='applicationForm']";
     public static final String EMAIL_ADDRESS_LOCATOR = "input[id='email']";
     public static final String ORGANISATION_INPUT_LOCATOR = "input[id='organization']";
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String PASSWORD_GENEREATED_LOCATOR = "div.lead:nth-child(2)";
     public static final String SUBMISSION_FORM_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//button[.//span[text()='Go to the application submission form →']]";
     public static final String SUBMIT_APPLICATION_POPUP_LOCATOR = "//*[@id=\"mat-mdc-dialog-title-0\"]";
+    public static final String ACCOUNT_CIRCLE_ICON = "//mat-icon[contains(text(), 'account_circle' )]";
+    public static final String LOGOUT_BUTTON = "//span[contains(text(), 'Logout' )]";
+    public static final String CLOSE_ALERT_MESSAGE = "button[aria-label='Close']";
     public static final String KEYCLOAK_USERNAME_INPUT_LOCATOR = "input[id='username']";
     public static final String KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD_INPUT_LOCATOR = "input[id='password']";
     public static final String KEYCLOAK_SIGN_IN_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "input[id='kc-login']";
@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ASSIGNABLE_TO_ROLE_COLUMN_LOCATOR = ".cdk-column-assignableToRoles [data-testid='text-element']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_IN_USE_COLUMN_LOCATOR = ".cdk-column-used [data-testid='text-element']";
     public static final String EMPTY_LIST_MESSAGE_LOCATOR = "div.p-5.text-center";
-    public static final String LIST_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_LOCATOR = "//td[@class='mat-mdc-cell mdc-data-table__cell cdk-cell cdk-column-id mat-column-id']";
+    public static final String LIST_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_LOCATOR = "//td[@class='mat-mdc-cell mdc-data-table__cell cdk-cell cdk-column-id mat-column-id ng-star-inserted']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[normalize-space()='Edit Attribute']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_DETAILS_COLUMNS_LOCATOR = "div[class='col']";
     public static final String NEW_ATTRIBUTE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[normalize-space()='New Attribute']";
diff --git a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
index 72175680ac6e17aa610620076a79a83fdb5ff38f..07af6ede94e861e7d5500572c8c16e9a1c51b6db 100644
--- a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
+++ b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ Feature: Authority
       | Data Provider           |
       | Infrastructure Provider |
-  @TCA03 @SIMPL-751 @SIMPL-1034
-  Scenario: Verify applicant dataspace participant user view in progress onboarding status
-    Given the applicant with pdf submitted is in the onboarding status page
-    When the applicant logs in with valid credentials
-    Then the application status summary page shows the status request is "Request submitted" with a "green" icon
-    And the application status summary page shows the status request is "In Progress" with a "green" icon
-    And the application status summary page shows the status request is "Request accepted" with a "grey" icon
-    And the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
-  @TCA04 @SIMPL-752
-  Scenario: Verify applicant dataspace participant user does not view in progress onboarding status
-    Given the applicant with pdf not submitted is in the onboarding status page
-    When the applicant logs in with valid credentials
-    Then the application status summary page shows the status request is "Request submitted" with a "green" icon
-    And the application status summary page does not show the status request is "In Progress" with a "green" icon
-    And the application status summary page does not show the status request is "Request accepted" with a "grey" icon
-    And the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
+#  @TCA03 @SIMPL-751 @SIMPL-1034
+#  Scenario: Verify applicant dataspace participant user view in progress onboarding status
+#    Given the applicant with pdf submitted is in the onboarding status page
+#    When the applicant logs in with valid credentials
+#    Then the application status summary page shows the status request is "Request submitted" with a "green" icon
+#    And the application status summary page shows the status request is "In Progress" with a "green" icon
+#    And the application status summary page shows the status request is "Request accepted" with a "grey" icon
+#    And the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
+#  @TCA04 @SIMPL-752
+#  Scenario: Verify applicant dataspace participant user does not view in progress onboarding status
+#    Given the applicant with pdf not submitted is in the onboarding status page
+#    When the applicant logs in with valid credentials
+#    Then the application status summary page shows the status request is "Request submitted" with a "green" icon
+#    And the application status summary page does not show the status request is "In Progress" with a "green" icon
+#    And the application status summary page does not show the status request is "Request accepted" with a "grey" icon
+#    And the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
   @TCA05 @SIMPL-746 @SIMPL-1132
   Scenario Outline: Access Denied With Invalid Authentication: <page>
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Feature: Authority
       | Filtering by Name                                | Name             | DATA_PROVIDER           |
       | Filtering by Code                                | Code             | DATA_PROVIDER           |
       | Filtering by Date Range for the Last Update Date | Last Update Date | 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025 |
-      | Filtering by Fixed Date for the Last Update Date | Last Update Date | 15/01/2025 - 15/01/2025 |
+      | Filtering by Fixed Date for the Last Update Date | Last Update Date | 14/02/2025 - 14/02/2025 |
   @TCA10 @SIMPL-652 @SIMPL-651 @SIMPL-653 @SIMPL-601 @SIMPL-602 @SIMPL-604
   Scenario Outline: Filter onboarding requests: <caseName>
@@ -163,25 +163,25 @@ Feature: Authority
       | Email with Approved Status    | dataparticipant_request_accepted@automation.com   | Approved    |
       | Email with Rejected Status    | dataparticipant_request_rejected@automation.com   | Rejected    |
-  @TCA12 @SIMPL-1128 @SIMPL-1080
-  # TODO: Check download credentials.
-  Scenario: Download credentials from approved user
-    Given the applicant with pdf submitted is in the onboarding status page
-    When the accepted applicant logs in with valid credentials
-    And the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
-    Then the applicant dataspace participant clicks on the "Download your Credentials" button
-  @TCA13 @SIMPL-1130 @SIMPL-615 @SIMPL-1036
-  Scenario Outline: If incomplete or rejected onboarding request, the user does not see Download Your Credentials button
-    Given the applicant with pdf submitted is in the onboarding status page
-    And the <applicantStatus> applicant logs in with valid credentials
-    When the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
-    Then the Download Your Credentials button is not visible
-    Examples:
-      | applicantStatus |
-      |                 |
-      | rejected        |
+#  @TCA12 @SIMPL-1128 @SIMPL-1080
+#  # TODO: Check download credentials.
+#  Scenario: Download credentials from approved user
+#    Given the applicant with pdf submitted is in the onboarding status page
+#    When the accepted applicant logs in with valid credentials
+#    And the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
+#    Then the applicant dataspace participant clicks on the "Download your Credentials" button
+#  @TCA13 @SIMPL-1130 @SIMPL-615 @SIMPL-1036
+#  Scenario Outline: If incomplete or rejected onboarding request, the user does not see Download Your Credentials button
+#    Given the applicant with pdf submitted is in the onboarding status page
+#    And the <applicantStatus> applicant logs in with valid credentials
+#    When the applicant dataspace participant user can open the request status details dialog pressing See request details button
+#    Then the Download Your Credentials button is not visible
+#    Examples:
+#      | applicantStatus |
+#      |                 |
+#      | rejected        |
   @TCA14 @SIMPL-617 @SIMPL-612 @SIMPL-608 @SIMPL-609 @SIMPL-614 @SIMPL-618 @SIMPL-1081 @bug:SIMPL-9887 @bug:SIMPL-9566
   # Check Test. "In Progress status" does no longer show participants with a PDF file submitted.
@@ -193,9 +193,7 @@ Feature: Authority
    #  NOTE: End of extra steps.
     And the user navigates to the "Dashboard Requests List" page
     And the user logs in with a user with "NOTARY" role
-#   NOTE: Status filtering step is "On Pause" while it gets fixed
-    #And the user filters by "status" with value "In progress"
-#   NOTE: The following step should be changed/deleted once the "In_Review" filter is fixed.
+    And the user filters by "status" with value "In review"
     And the user filters by email already created user
     And the user sorts by "<sortDirection>" "<columnToSort>"
     And the user clicks on the first result from "Request List"
@@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ Feature: Authority
       | caseName                                                          | button  | actionValue      | sortDirection | columnToSort | Participant type        |
       | Consumer user confirms and process Approval action                | Approve | Confirm Approval | descending    | Request Date | Consumer                |
-      | Consumer user confirms and process Reject  action                 | Reject  | Reject Request   | descending    | Request Date | Consumer                |
+      | Consumer user confirms and process Reject action                  | Reject  | Reject Request   | descending    | Request Date | Consumer                |
       | Application Provider user confirms and process Approval action    | Approve | Confirm Approval | descending    | Request Date | Application Provider    |
       | Application Provider user confirms and process Reject  action     | Reject  | Reject Request   | descending    | Request Date | Application Provider    |
       | Data Provider user confirms and process Approval action           | Approve | Confirm Approval | descending    | Request Date | Data Provider           |
@@ -325,7 +323,7 @@ Feature: Authority
     Given the user navigates to the "Dashboard Requests List" page
     And the user logs in with a user with "NOTARY" role
     When the user sorts by "<sortDirection>" "<columnToSort>"
-    Then the onboarding request list is sorted successfully by "<columnToSort>"
+    Then the list is sorted successfully by "<columnToSort>"
       | sortDirection | columnToSort     |
       | ascending     | Last change date |
@@ -380,12 +378,12 @@ Feature: Authority
       | The user selects 25 elements by page  | 25                |
       | The user selects 100 elements by page | 100               |
-  @TCA25 @SIMPL-755
- # TODO: T2IAA_M role doesn't have access to Dashboard Requests List. Check if there's a change/bug.
-  Scenario: Accessing Admin Dashboard via Keycloak with role T2IAA_M
-    Given the user navigates to the "Dashboard Requests List" page
-    When the user logs in with a user with "T2IAA_M" role
-    Then the onboarding requests list is displayed
+#  @TCA25 @SIMPL-755
+# # TODO: T2IAA_M role doesn't have access to Dashboard Requests List. Check if there's a change/bug.
+#  Scenario: Accessing Admin Dashboard via Keycloak with role T2IAA_M
+#    Given the user navigates to the "Dashboard Requests List" page
+#    When the user logs in with a user with "T2IAA_M" role
+#    Then the onboarding requests list is displayed
   @TCA26 @SIMPL-650 @SIMPL-521
   Scenario Outline: Denied Access To Admin Dashboard of Public Dataspace Onboarding Site : <caseName>
@@ -435,12 +433,12 @@ Feature: Authority
       | Assignable to Role |
       | In use             |
-  @TCA29 @SIMPL-3106, @SIMPL-3107, @SIMPL-3108, @SIMPL-3109
+  @TCA29 @SIMPL-3106 @SIMPL-3107 @SIMPL-3108 @SIMPL-3109
   Scenario Outline: User sorts Participant List requests by <columnToSort> in <sortDirection> order
     Given the user navigates to the "Participant Management" page
     And the user logs in with a user with "IATTR_M" role
     When the user sorts by "<sortDirection>" "<columnToSort>"
-    Then the Participant List requests is sorted successfully by "<columnToSort>"
+    Then the list is sorted successfully by "<columnToSort>"
       | sortDirection | columnToSort     |
diff --git a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Participant.feature b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Participant.feature
index e412676458110adb6d3684e1c1b87faf22944bbc..64e3684d1039475c46ba4882aefc7b14a4e7ac90 100644
--- a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Participant.feature
+++ b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Participant.feature
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ Feature: Participant
     And the mTLS status is "SECURED"
-      | caseName                                    | participantUtility                | keycloak      | role                      | buttonVisibility | username                           | emailAddress                                | commonName                 | organisation | participantType | assignedIdentityAttributes |
-      | Consumer - User with role: ONBOARDER_M      | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | CONSUMER_ONBOARDER_M      | sees             | consumer_role_onboarder_m_auto     | consumer_role_onboarder_m_auto@test.com     | ONBOARDED_CONSUMER_ID      | PSO          | CONSUMER        | CONSUMER                   |
-      | Consumer - User with role: CATALOG_R        | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | CONSUMER_CATALOG_R        | does not see     | consumer_role_catalog_r_auto       | consumer_role_catalog_r_auto@test.com       |                            |              |                 |                            |
-      | Consumer - User with role: T1UAR_M          | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | CONSUMER_T1UAR_M          | does not see     | consumer_role_t1uar_m_auto         | consumer_role_t1uar_m_auto@test.com         |                            |              |                 |                            |
-      | Consumer - User with no roles assigned      | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | NO ROLE                   | does not see     | no_roles_user_auto                 | no_roles_user_auto@test.com                 |                            |              |                 |                            |
-      | Data Provider - User with role: ONBOARDER_M | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | DATA_PROVIDER_ONBOARDER_M | sees             | dataprovider_role_onboarder_m_auto | dataprovider_role_onboarder_m_auto@test.com | ONBOARDED_DATA_PROVIDER_ID | PSO          | DATA PROVIDER   | DATA_PROVIDER              |
-      | Data Provider - User with role: CATALOG_R   | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | DATA_PROVIDER_CATALOG_R   | does not see     | dataprovider_role_catalog_r_auto   | dataprovider_role_catalog_r_auto@test.com   |                            |              |                 |                            |
-      | Data Provider - User with role: T1UAR_M     | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | DATA_PROVIDER_T1UAR_M     | does not see     | dataprovider_role_t1uar_m_auto     | dataprovider_role_t1uar_m_auto@test.com     |                            |              |                 |                            |
-      | Data Provider - User with no roles assigned | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | NO ROLE                   | does not see     | no_roles_user_auto                 | no_roles@test.com                           |                            |              |                 |                            |
+      | caseName                                    | participantUtility                | keycloak      | role                      | buttonVisibility | username                           | emailAddress                               | commonName                 | organisation | participantType | assignedIdentityAttributes |
+      | Consumer - User with role: ONBOARDER_M      | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | CONSUMER_ONBOARDER_M      | sees             | consumer_role_onboarder_m_auto     | consumer_role_onboarder_m_auto@pso.com     | ONBOARDED_CONSUMER_ID      | PSO          | CONSUMER        | CONSUMER                   |
+      | Consumer - User with role: CATALOG_R        | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | CONSUMER_CATALOG_R        | does not see     | consumer_role_catalog_r_auto       | consumer_role_catalog_r_auto@pso.com       |                            |              |                 |                            |
+      | Consumer - User with role: T1UAR_M          | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | CONSUMER_T1UAR_M          | does not see     | consumer_role_t1uar_m_auto         | consumer_role_t1uar_m_auto@pso.com         |                            |              |                 |                            |
+      | Consumer - User with no roles assigned      | Consumer Participant Utility      | Consumer      | NO ROLE                   | does not see     | no_roles_user_auto                 | no_roles_user_auto@pso.com                 |                            |              |                 |                            |
+      | Data Provider - User with role: ONBOARDER_M | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | DATA_PROVIDER_ONBOARDER_M | sees             | dataprovider_role_onboarder_m_auto | dataprovider_role_onboarder_m_auto@pso.com | ONBOARDED_DATA_PROVIDER_ID | PSO          | DATA PROVIDER   | DATA_PROVIDER              |
+      | Data Provider - User with role: CATALOG_R   | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | DATA_PROVIDER_CATALOG_R   | does not see     | dataprovider_role_catalog_r_auto   | dataprovider_role_catalog_r_auto@pso.com   |                            |              |                 |                            |
+      | Data Provider - User with role: T1UAR_M     | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | DATA_PROVIDER_T1UAR_M     | does not see     | dataprovider_role_t1uar_m_auto     | dataprovider_role_t1uar_m_auto@pso.com     |                            |              |                 |                            |
+      | Data Provider - User with no roles assigned | Data Provider Participant Utility | Data Provider | NO ROLE                   | does not see     | no_roles_user_auto                 | no_roles_user_auto@pso.com                 |                            |              |                 |                            |
   @TCP02 @SIMPL-1100
   Scenario Outline: Unauthorized user navigates to the Participant Utility Page: <caseName>
diff --git a/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java b/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
index cac8b254d91a434c89c45d1b2cd59f6649dfd420..2d38bfbe04c60e2a2ec3cd2daeb227506eb98638 100644
--- a/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
+++ b/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
-        theUserClicksTheButton();
+        theUserClicksTheLogoutButton();
     @Given("the user enters the email address")
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
     @Then("the list of Identity Attributes for the participant is displayed")
     public void theListOfIdentityAttributesForTheParticipantIsDisplayed() {
-        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_LOCATOR));
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_HEADER_LOCATOR));
         List<String> tableHeaders =
@@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
         Locator alert = page.getByRole(AriaRole.ALERT);
+        clickButtonByLocator(CLOSE_ALERT_MESSAGE);
     @Then("the user is redirected to the Identity Attributes Details page")
@@ -652,6 +653,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
         Locator updateAlert = page.getByRole(AriaRole.ALERT);
+        clickButtonByLocator(CLOSE_ALERT_MESSAGE);
     @Then("the successful message is displayed")
@@ -691,7 +693,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
         Utils.checkInputFieldHasText(page, ORGANISATION_INPUT_LOCATOR, participantType);
-    @Then("the Participant List requests is sorted successfully by {string}")
+    @Then("the list is sorted successfully by {string}")
     public void verify_the_dates_values_of_the_column_were_sorted(String columnToSort) {
@@ -737,8 +739,9 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
     @Then("the user clicks the Logout button")
-    public void theUserClicksTheButton() {
-        Utils.clickButtonByAriaText("Logout");
+    public void theUserClicksTheLogoutButton() {
+        clickButtonByLocator(ACCOUNT_CIRCLE_ICON);
+        clickButtonByLocator(LOGOUT_BUTTON);
     @Then("the list displays a boolean value for each Identity Attribute in the {string} column")