diff --git a/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java b/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java
index d14b1a1be803c90715d3ad3a7fb7121339e4e9a3..6d030b3ded9c399dc95d980e9532460ae25299f5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java
+++ b/src/main/java/configuration/ui/data/simplOpen/Authority.java
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_DETAILS_HEADER = "Identity attributes details";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_LIST_HEADER = "Attributes list";
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_PAGE_PARTICIPANT_LIST_HEADER = "Participant List";
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_PAGE_FILTER_BUTTON = "Filter";
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_PAGE_RESET_FILTER_BUTTON = "Reset";
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String NEW_ATTRIBUTE_HEADER = "New attribute";
     public static final String SUCCESSFUL_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_ALERT_MESSAGE = "You successfully created an attribute";
     public static final String SUCCESSFUL_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_EDITION_ALERT_MESSAGE = "You successfully edited an attribute";
+    public static final String SUCCESSFUL_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_DELETION_ALERT_MESSAGE = "identityAttributesManagementPage.deleteIdentityAttribueSuccess";
     public static final String SUCCESSFUL_REQUEST_SENT_ALERT_MESSAGE = "Request sent successfully.";
     public static final String ROLE_RESTRICTED = "Role Restricted Access";
     public static final String ACCESS_DENIED = "Access denied. Your role does not grant permission to view this content.";
diff --git a/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/CalendarWidget.java b/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/CalendarWidget.java
index b96b3e553bfa2fc9b4776c11bc43065ec1bb2d9c..16c59dc933b60c8f69b92d3ce9d0090c0bf9d2d4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/CalendarWidget.java
+++ b/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/CalendarWidget.java
@@ -55,5 +55,4 @@ public class CalendarWidget {
diff --git a/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/Utils.java b/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/Utils.java
index 65e1e496582f1805484476526d948ed949f076cf..128eec0186f7c2cef84604da973eba2165ef8b30 100644
--- a/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/Utils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/framework/ui/helpers/Utils.java
@@ -242,5 +242,4 @@ public final class Utils {
diff --git a/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java b/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
index 68a9a2364725c2e873a5e820dec4f6386322fa79..119136522676a80c9e0b74dd6bc919d7fcf149fb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
+++ b/src/main/java/framework/ui/locators/simplOpen/Authority.java
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_LOCATOR = "table[class='mat-mdc-table mdc-data-table__table cdk-table mat-sort ng-star-inserted']";
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_NAME_COLUMN_LOCATOR = "//td[contains(@class, " +
-    public static final String PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_CODE_COLUMN_LOCATOR = "//td[contains(@class, " +
-            "'cdk-column-code')]";
+    public static final String PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_CODE_COLUMN_LOCATOR = "//td[contains(@class,'cdk-column-code')]";
             "(@class, 'cdk-column-updateTimestamp')]";
     public static final String PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_LOCATOR = "tbody[role='rowgroup']";
@@ -123,6 +122,9 @@ public class Authority {
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_DELETE_DIALOG_LOCATOR = "[role=dialog]";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_DELETE_DIALOG_TITLE_LOCATOR = "h2[mat-dialog-title]";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_DELETE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_LOCATOR = "mat-dialog-content p";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//mat-icon[normalize-space()='delete']";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[normalize-space()='Delete']";
+    public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE_CANCEL_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[normalize-space()='Cancel']";
     public static final String EMPTY_LIST_MESSAGE_LOCATOR = "div.p-5.text-center";
     public static final String LIST_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_LOCATOR = "//td[@class='mat-mdc-cell mdc-data-table__cell cdk-cell cdk-column-id mat-column-id ng-star-inserted']";
     public static final String IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "//span[normalize-space()='Edit Attribute']";
diff --git a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
index a9cf439d7f19d5714d80b9eb59238ff5aea510a4..eee745532eca88ce33ad7a65911ee4d3a888309f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
+++ b/src/test/java/features/ui/simplOpen/Authority.feature
@@ -500,6 +500,25 @@ Feature: Authority
       | the user is filtering by Onboarding date  | Onboarding Date  |             |
       #| the user is filtering by Email            | Email            | complete    |
+  @TCA33 @SIMPL-3453
+  Scenario: Cancellation of the Identity Attribute Deletion Process
+    Given the user navigates to the "Identity Attributes" page
+    And the user logs in with a user with "IATTR_M" role
+    And the user filters by "Name" with value "PSO SIMPL-3453 IDENTITY ATTRIBUTE"
+    And the users clicks on the remove button under the Action column
+    And the system prompts the user to confirm the removal action
+    Then the user cancels the removal action
+    And the page displays a table with the following column headings:
+      | Identifier         |
+      | Code               |
+      | Assignable to Role |
+      | Enabled            |
+      | In use             |
+      | Creation date      |
+      | Last change date   |
+      | Actions            |
+    And the list of Identity Attributes is displayed
   @TCA34 @SIMPL-4917
   Scenario: Confirm Participant Detail Information Page displays correct details.
     Given the user navigates to the "Participant Management" page
@@ -528,4 +547,4 @@ Feature: Authority
       | caseName                                                         | filter1 | filterValue1 | filter2 | filterValue2                                    |
-      | the user filtering by status and by email, then reset the filter | status  | Approved     | email   | dataparticipant_request_accepted@automation.com |
+      | the user filtering by status and by email, then reset the filter | status  | Approved     | email   | dataparticipant_request_accepted@automation.com |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java b/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
index 3b89e3eaae56b90c99081266bfc138f01bb12934..e2dc941f68d1147068eaea5b13cf388788fcd11a 100644
--- a/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
+++ b/src/test/java/stepDefinitions/ui/simplOpen/AuthoritySteps.java
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
     private static String participantDetailTypeValue = null;
     private static String participantDetailOnboardingValue = null;
     private static String datePasedToString = null;
+    private static String getCodeValueToDelete = null;
     @Given("the user clicks the register for this dataspace button")
@@ -368,6 +369,34 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
         participantDetailOnboardingValue = authorityPage.parseDate(participantDetailOnboardingValue);
+    @When("the users clicks on the remove button under the Action column")
+    public void theUsersClicksOnTheRemoveButtonUnderTheActionColumn() {
+        getCodeValueToDelete = "Confirm deletion of " + page.locator((PARTICIPANT_DETAILS_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES_CODE_COLUMN_LOCATOR)).innerText();
+        page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE_BUTTON_LOCATOR).click();
+    }
+    @When("the system prompts the user to confirm the removal action")
+    public void theSystemPromptsTheUserToConfirmTheRemovalAction() {
+        String getCodeValueToDelete = "Confirm deletion of " + page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_DELETE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_LOCATOR).innerText();
+        assertEquals(getCodeValueToDelete, getCodeValueToDelete);
+    }
+    @When("^the user (confirms|cancels) the removal action$")
+    public void theUserConfirmsTheRemovalAction(String action) {
+        String locator = action.equals("confirms")
+        clickButtonByLocator(locator);
+    }
+    @When("a success message is displayed")
+    public void aSuccessMessageIsDisplayed() {
+        Locator successMessage = page.getByRole(AriaRole.ALERT);
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(successMessage);
+    }
     @Then("the {string} is updated with a maximum of {int} results")
     public void theRequestListIsUpdatedShowingAMaximumNumberOfResultsPerPage(String listType, Integer numberValueByPage) {
@@ -636,11 +665,18 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
         Locator identityAttributeDetailsColumns = page.locator(IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_DETAILS_COLUMNS_LOCATOR);
-        List<String> expectedValues = new ArrayList<>(details.values());
         List<String> realValues = identityAttributeDetailsColumns.allTextContents();
-        for (String expectedValue : expectedValues) {
-            assertElementIsPresentInCollection(expectedValue, realValues);
+        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : details.entrySet()) {
+            String key = entry.getKey();
+            String expectedValue = entry.getValue();
+            if (key.equals("Code")) {
+                assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s to contain %s, but was %s", key, expectedValue, realValues),
+                        realValues.stream().anyMatch(value -> value.contains(expectedValue)));
+            } else {
+                assertElementIsPresentInCollection(expectedValue, realValues);
+            }
@@ -811,4 +847,9 @@ public class AuthoritySteps {
     public void theUserVerifiesTheElementsInParticipantDetailsPage(DataTable dataTable) {
         authorityPage.verifyTheValuesObtainedMatchWithValueDisplayed(dataTable, participantDetailNameValue, participantDetailTypeValue, participantDetailOnboardingValue);
+    @Then("the system removes the Identity Attribute from the list")
+    public void theSystemRemovesTheIdentityAttributeFromTheList() {
+        assertElementIsVisibleByLocator(page.locator(EMPTY_LIST_MESSAGE_LOCATOR));
+    }