@wizard Feature: Wizard Background: Given the user is on the SD Wizard And the user clicks on get started button @TCW01 @SIMPL-1018 Scenario: The upload widget is visible successfully Then upload widget should be visible And the information select a SHACL shape or Upload should be displayed And the Select Ecosystem dropdown menu options are displayed @TCW02 @SIMPL-1020 @SIMPL-1022 Scenario: File Upload and Displaying of Complete Person Form Given the file selection dialog box is visible And the user clicks the Upload button from the widget And the user clicks the Choose file button And the user selects a .tll file And the file name is visible in the upload widget When the user clicks the upload button from the Upload Shape Then the Complete Person Form is displayed @TCW03 @SIMPL-1023 Scenario: Upload File Using Drag and Drop Given the file selection dialog box is visible And the user clicks the Upload button from the widget And the user clicks the Choose file button And the user selects a .tll file And the user drags and drops the file And the file name is visible in the upload widget When the user clicks the upload button from the Upload Shape Then the Complete Person Form is displayed @TCW04 @SIMPL-1024 @SIMPL-1025 Scenario: Complete The Compliance Review Body Form and The Save Button is Enabled Given the file selection dialog box is visible And the user clicks the Upload button from the widget And the user clicks the Choose file button And the user selects a .tll file And the file name is visible in the upload widget When the user clicks the upload button from the Upload Shape And the Complete Person Form is displayed And the user fills in the Compliance Review Body Form And the Save button is enabled Then the user clicks the Save button @TCW05 @SIMPL-1019 Scenario: Upload a File Using Upload Button Link on Select a SHACL or Upload Format Given the file selection dialog box is visible And the user clicks the Upload button link on Select a SHACL or Upload format And the user clicks the Choose file button And the user selects a .tll file And the file name is visible in the upload widget When the user clicks the upload button from the Upload Shape Then the Complete Person Form is displayed