diff --git a/Documentation/VectoHashingTool/Manual.md b/Documentation/VectoHashingTool/Manual.md
index d50be7a686b7f47f231d04f19778f5a3bd324bd9..dbe3cf9943b8a8d74328b3783b9ca46f3b13dd37 100644
--- a/Documentation/VectoHashingTool/Manual.md
+++ b/Documentation/VectoHashingTool/Manual.md
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ If the generated component file validates against the XML schema it can be saved
 6 ... Go back to the main screen
-## Verifying Integrity Component Data
+## Verifying Integrity of Component Data
 ### Functionality
@@ -107,18 +107,58 @@ In case the computed digest value does not equal the digest value read from the
 5 ... Go back to the main screen
-## Verifying Integrity VECTO Job Data
+## Verifying Integrity of VECTO Job Data
 ### Functionality
-The 'Verify VECTO Job' screen allows to verify the integrity of all components in a VECTO Job file. 
+The 'Verify VECTO Job' screen allows to verify the integrity of all components in a VECTO Job file. This means that for every component in the job-data the canonicalization methods and digest methods are read and the digest value for the component is computed in the same way. If the component's digest value of the job-data matches the re-computed digest value, the component is considered valid. If all components in the job-data are valid, the whole job-data is valid.
-ToDo: - File Dialog + Status
-      - General Info output
-      - Components list
-      - Status indicator
+The vehicle identification number and the creation date of the job-data are shown in the user-interface.
+For every component the certification number and certification date as well as the canonicalization methods, digest method and both, the digest value from the job data and the re-conputed digest value are listed. 
+Additionally, the digest value of the job data using the current default canonicalization methods and digest method is displayed for information purposes.
+### UI Elements
+1 ... File selection dialog, see [here fore more details](#file-selection-dialog)
+2 ... Error indicator. Shows more details in case the selected file could not be read correctly (see [error dialgo](#error-dialog)).
+3 ... Vehicle identification number and creation date of the selected job-file
+4 ... List of component identified in the file
+5 ... Indicator if the integrity of the component is valid
+6 ... Detailed information for every component, showing the component's certification number, certification date, canonicalization methods and digest method as well as the digest value from the job-file and the re-computed digest-value.
+7 ... Information area showing the job's digest value using the current default canonicalization methods and digest method.
+8 ... Status indicator. If the digest values match (i.e., the component file is valid)  a green checkmark is shown or a red cross if the component file is not valid. More details can be found in the [error dialgo](#error-dialog).
+9 ... Go back to the main screen
+## Verifying Integrity of VECTO Results
+### Functionality
+The 'Verify Result Data' screen alloss to verify the integrity of the job data and both reports generated by VECTO, the manufacturer's record report and the customer report. Validation is done as described in the following.
+#### Integrity of Job Data
+The job-data is considered valid if the integrity of all containing components is valid, i.e. the digest value in the job-data matches the re-computed digest value. For details see [Verifying Integrity VECTO Job Data](#verifying-integrity-of-vecto-job-data).
+#### Integrity of Manufacturer Report
+The manufacturer report is considered valid if the given digest value matches the re-computed digest value, using the specified canonicalization methods and digest methods.
+#### Integrity of Customer Report
+The customer report is considered valid if the given digest value matches the re-computed digest value, using the specified canonicalization methods and digest methods.
+#### Validation of Manufacturer Report
+If both, the job-data and the manufacturer report are valid, more extensive checks 
+### UI Elements
-## Verifying Integrity VECTO Results
 ## Using the Hashing Library