diff --git a/VECTO.sln.DotSettings b/VECTO.sln.DotSettings
index 66ef45c5df209e9a60ecfc57c4ae31f93a21d13a..4f0f609125e85e8f93b0ca187d92c473514fb999 100644
--- a/VECTO.sln.DotSettings
+++ b/VECTO.sln.DotSettings
@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=AMT/@EntryIndexedValue">AMT</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=AT/@EntryIndexedValue">AT</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=CSV/@EntryIndexedValue">CSV</s:String>
+	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=HVAC/@EntryIndexedValue">HVAC</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=MT/@EntryIndexedValue">MT</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=PT/@EntryIndexedValue">PT</s:String>
+	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=PTO/@EntryIndexedValue">PTO</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=RP/@EntryIndexedValue">RP</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=SI/@EntryIndexedValue">SI</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/CSharpNaming/Abbreviations/=WHTC/@EntryIndexedValue">WHTC</s:String>
@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/JavaScriptNaming/UserRules/=TS_005FPUBLIC_005FTYPE_005FFIELD/@EntryIndexedValue">&lt;Policy Inspect="True" Prefix="" Suffix="" Style="aaBb" /&gt;</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/JavaScriptNaming/UserRules/=TS_005FPUBLIC_005FTYPE_005FMETHOD/@EntryIndexedValue">&lt;Policy Inspect="True" Prefix="" Suffix="" Style="aaBb" /&gt;</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/JavaScriptNaming/UserRules/=TS_005FTYPE_005FPARAMETER/@EntryIndexedValue">&lt;Policy Inspect="True" Prefix="T" Suffix="" Style="AaBb" /&gt;</s:String>
+	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/VBNaming/Abbreviations/=JSON/@EntryIndexedValue">JSON</s:String>
+	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/VBNaming/Abbreviations/=WHTC/@EntryIndexedValue">WHTC</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/WebNaming/UserRules/=ASP_005FFIELD/@EntryIndexedValue">&lt;Policy Inspect="True" Prefix="" Suffix="" Style="AaBb" /&gt;</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/WebNaming/UserRules/=ASP_005FHTML_005FCONTROL/@EntryIndexedValue">&lt;Policy Inspect="True" Prefix="" Suffix="" Style="AaBb" /&gt;</s:String>
 	<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeStyle/Naming/WebNaming/UserRules/=ASP_005FTAG_005FNAME/@EntryIndexedValue">&lt;Policy Inspect="True" Prefix="" Suffix="" Style="AaBb" /&gt;</s:String>
diff --git a/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb b/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb
index 0d2bcfc212251226e1ce122c6571b3dfa4d1ef0c..c56ab64f152a8f25212f963f75a0bbb2aa35480a 100644
--- a/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb
+++ b/VECTO/AdvancedAuxiliariesModule.vb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Module AdvancedAuxiliariesModule
 									ByVal messageType As AdvancedAuxiliaryMessageType) Handles advancedAuxModel.AuxiliaryEvent
-		WorkerMsg(messageType, message, "Advanced Auxiliaries")
+		WorkerMsg(CType(messageType, MessageType), message, "Advanced Auxiliaries")
 	End Sub
diff --git a/VECTO/ApplicationEvents.vb b/VECTO/ApplicationEvents.vb
index a701ab081213c977dee07d4b15c684dd33f4d978..fd08ae6d9faa17780a7c47fe5eaf0fee7b982f0f 100644
--- a/VECTO/ApplicationEvents.vb
+++ b/VECTO/ApplicationEvents.vb
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.IO
+Imports System.Text
 Namespace My
 	' The following events are available for MyApplication:
@@ -18,14 +20,14 @@ Namespace My
 	' UnhandledException: Raised if the application encounters an unhandled exception.
 	' StartupNextInstance: Raised when launching a single-instance application, and one is already active.
 	' NetworkAvailabilityChanged: Occurs when connecting or disconnecting to the network.
+	' ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
 	Partial Friend Class MyApplication
-		Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object,
-										ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
+		Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(sender As Object, e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) _
+			Handles Me.Startup
 			Dim s As String
-			Dim i As Int16
-			Dim file As CsvFile
+			Dim i As Integer
 			MyAppPath = Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\"
@@ -34,38 +36,38 @@ Namespace My
 			FileHistoryPath = MyConfPath & "FileHistory\"
-			LogFile = New cLogFile
+			LogFile = New FileLogger
 			If Not LogFile.StartLog() Then
 				MsgBox("Error! Can't access log file. Application folder needs read/write permissions!")
 				e.Cancel = True
 			End If
 			'If folder does not exist: Create!
-			If Not IO.Directory.Exists(MyConfPath) Then
+			If Not Directory.Exists(MyConfPath) Then
-					IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(MyConfPath)
+					Directory.CreateDirectory(MyConfPath)
 				Catch ex As Exception
 					MsgBox("Failed to create directory '" & MyConfPath & "'!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
 					LogFile.WriteToLog(MessageType.Err, "Failed to create directory '" & MyConfPath & "'!")
 					e.Cancel = True
 				End Try
-				IO.File.Create(MyConfPath & "joblist.txt")
-				IO.File.Create(MyConfPath & "cyclelist.txt")
+				File.Create(MyConfPath & "joblist.txt")
+				File.Create(MyConfPath & "cyclelist.txt")
 			End If
-			If Not IO.Directory.Exists(FileHistoryPath) Then
+			If Not Directory.Exists(FileHistoryPath) Then
-					IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FileHistoryPath)
+					Directory.CreateDirectory(FileHistoryPath)
 					'Preconfigure Directories.txt
-						s = IO.Directory.GetParent(Application.Info.DirectoryPath).ToString & "\"
+						s = Directory.GetParent(Application.Info.DirectoryPath).ToString & "\"
 					Catch ex As Exception
 						s = MyAppPath
 					End Try
-						file = New CsvFile
-						file.OpenWrite(FileHistoryPath & "Directories.txt")
+						Dim file As StreamWriter = Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(FileHistoryPath & "Directories.txt", True,
+																						Encoding.UTF8)
 						For i = 2 To 20
 							file.WriteLine(" ")
@@ -89,13 +91,12 @@ Namespace My
 					Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")
 					'MSGtoForm(8, "Set CurrentCulture to 'en-US'", True)
 				Catch ex As Exception
-					GUImsg(MessageType.Err,
+					GUIMsg(MessageType.Err,
 							"Failed to set Application Regional Settings to 'en-US'! Check system decimal- and group- separators!")
 				End Try
 			End If
 			'Initialise Classes
-			sKey = New csKey
 			JobFileList = New List(Of String)
 			'DEV = New cDEV
diff --git a/VECTO/Configuration.vb b/VECTO/Configuration.vb
index 37a05ba47408625c94171e3ba0fab2408c595e27..867e09ff04b597a999d119b3926c76d3fb489210 100644
--- a/VECTO/Configuration.vb
+++ b/VECTO/Configuration.vb
@@ -10,19 +10,21 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
 Imports System.IO
+Imports Newtonsoft.Json
+Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 Public Class Configuration
 	Public FilePath As String
-	Public GnUfromCycle As Boolean
 	Public ModOut As Boolean
 	Public Mod1Hz As Boolean
-	Public LogSize As Single
-	Public AirDensity As Single
+	Public LogSize As Double
+	Public AirDensity As Double
 	Public OpenCmd As String
 	Public OpenCmdName As String
-	Public FuelDens As Single
-	Public CO2perFC As Single
+	Public FuelDens As Double
+	Public Co2PerFc As Double
 	Public FirstRun As Boolean
 	Public DeclMode As Boolean
@@ -36,11 +38,9 @@ Public Class Configuration
 		AirDensity = DeclarationData.Physics.AirDensity.Value()	' cDeclaration.AirDensity
 		FuelDens = DeclarationData.Physics.FuelDensity.Value()	' cDeclaration.FuelDens
 		CO2perFC = DeclarationData.Physics.CO2PerFuelWeight		' cDeclaration.CO2perFC
-		GnUfromCycle = False
 	End Sub
 	Public Sub SetDefault()
-		GnUfromCycle = True
 		ModOut = True
 		Mod1Hz = False
 		LogSize = 2
@@ -60,57 +60,53 @@ Public Class Configuration
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
-		If Not json.ReadFile(FilePath) Then
-			GUImsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to load settings! Using default settings.")
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
-			Try
-				Mod1Hz = json.Content("Body")("Mod1Hz")
-			Catch
-			End Try
+			Using reader As TextReader = File.OpenText(FilePath)
+				Dim content As JToken = JToken.ReadFrom(New JsonTextReader(reader))
-			ModOut = json.Content("Body")("ModOut")
-			GnUfromCycle = json.Content("Body")("UseGnUfromCycle")
-			LogSize = json.Content("Body")("LogSize")
-			AirDensity = json.Content("Body")("AirDensity")
-			FuelDens = json.Content("Body")("FuelDensity")
-			CO2perFC = json.Content("Body")("CO2perFC")
-			OpenCmd = json.Content("Body")("OpenCmd")
-			OpenCmdName = json.Content("Body")("OpenCmdName")
-			FirstRun = json.Content("Body")("FirstRun")
-			DeclMode = json.Content("Body")("DeclMode")
+				Dim body As JToken = content.GetEx("Body")
+				Try
+					Mod1Hz = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("Mod1Hz")
+				Catch
+				End Try
+				ModOut = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("ModOut")
+				LogSize = body.GetEx(Of Double)("LogSize")
+				AirDensity = body.GetEx(Of Double)("AirDensity")
+				FuelDens = body.GetEx(Of Double)("FuelDensity")
+				CO2perFC = body.GetEx(Of Double)("CO2perFC")
+				OpenCmd = body.GetEx(Of String)("OpenCmd")
+				OpenCmdName = body.GetEx(Of String)("OpenCmdName")
+				FirstRun = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("FirstRun")
+				DeclMode = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("DeclMode")
+			End Using
 		Catch ex As Exception
-			GUImsg(MessageType.Err, "Error while loading settings!")
+			GUIMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error while loading settings!")
 		End Try
 	End Sub
 	Public Sub Save()
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
-		Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		Dim json As New JSONWriter
+		Dim header As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		header.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
+		header.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
+		header.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
+		header.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
-		dic.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
-		dic.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
-		dic.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		json.Content.Add("Header", dic)
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic.Add("ModOut", ModOut)
-		dic.Add("Mod1Hz", Mod1Hz)
-		dic.Add("LogSize", LogSize)
-		dic.Add("AirDensity", AirDensity)
-		dic.Add("FuelDensity", FuelDens)
-		dic.Add("CO2perFC", CO2perFC)
-		dic.Add("OpenCmd", OpenCmd)
-		dic.Add("OpenCmdName", OpenCmdName)
-		dic.Add("FirstRun", FirstRun)
-		dic.Add("DeclMode", DeclMode)
-		json.Content.Add("Body", dic)
+		Dim body As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		body.Add("ModOut", ModOut)
+		body.Add("Mod1Hz", Mod1Hz)
+		body.Add("LogSize", LogSize)
+		body.Add("AirDensity", AirDensity)
+		body.Add("FuelDensity", FuelDens)
+		body.Add("CO2perFC", CO2perFC)
+		body.Add("OpenCmd", OpenCmd)
+		body.Add("OpenCmdName", OpenCmdName)
+		body.Add("FirstRun", FirstRun)
+		body.Add("DeclMode", DeclMode)
+		json.Content = JToken.FromObject(New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"Header", header}, {"Body", body}})
 	End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/CsvFile.vb b/VECTO/CsvFile.vb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e36ce149188c9bb4f028945b960d8b3d54bf10c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/VECTO/CsvFile.vb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-' Copyright 2014 European Union.
-' Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
-' * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
-' * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl
-' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-'   software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-'   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Imports System.IO
-Imports System.Text
-Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
-Public Class CsvFile
-	Private _parser As TextFieldParser
-	Private _writer As StreamWriter
-	Private _mode As FileMode
-	Private _path As String
-	Private _separator As String
-	Private _skipComments As Boolean
-	Private _fileOpen As Boolean
-	Private _preLine As String()
-	Private _endOfFile As Boolean
-	Public Sub New()
-		Reset()
-	End Sub
-	Private Sub Reset()
-		_fileOpen = False
-		_mode = FileMode.Undefined
-		_preLine = Nothing
-		_endOfFile = False
-	End Sub
-	Public Function OpenRead(ByVal fileName As String, Optional ByVal separator As String = ",",
-							Optional ByVal skipComment As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Reset()
-		_path = fileName
-		_separator = separator
-		_skipComments = skipComment
-		If Not (_mode = FileMode.Undefined) Then Return False
-		If Not File.Exists(_path) Then Return False
-		_mode = FileMode.Read
-		Try
-			_parser = New TextFieldParser(_path, Encoding.Default)
-			_fileOpen = True
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		_parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
-		_parser.Delimiters = New String() {_separator}
-		'If TxtFldParser.EndOfData Then Return False
-		ReadLine()
-		Return True
-	End Function
-	Public Function ReadLine() As String()
-		Dim line As String()
-		Dim line0 As String
-		line = _preLine
-		If _parser.EndOfData Then
-			_endOfFile = True
-		Else
-			_preLine = _parser.ReadFields
-			line0 = UCase(Trim(_preLine(0)))
-			If _skipComments Then
-				If Left(line0, 1) = "#" Then GoTo lb10
-			End If
-		End If
-		Return line
-	End Function
-	Public Sub Close()
-		Select Case _mode
-			Case FileMode.Read
-				If _fileOpen Then _parser.Close()
-				_parser = Nothing
-			Case FileMode.Write
-				If _fileOpen Then _writer.Close()
-				_writer = Nothing
-		End Select
-		Reset()
-	End Sub
-	Public ReadOnly Property EndOfFile() As Boolean
-		Get
-			Return _endOfFile
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public Function OpenWrite(ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal Separator As String = ",",
-							Optional ByVal AutoFlush As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal Append As Boolean = False) As Boolean
-		Reset()
-		_path = FileName
-		_separator = Separator
-		If Not (_mode = FileMode.Undefined) Then Return False
-		_mode = FileMode.Write
-		Try
-			_writer = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(_path, Append, FileFormat)
-			_fileOpen = True
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		_writer.AutoFlush = AutoFlush
-		Return True
-	End Function
-	Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal ParamArray x() As Object)
-		Dim St As String
-		Dim StB As New StringBuilder
-		Dim Skip As Boolean
-		Skip = True
-		For Each St In x
-			If Skip Then
-				StB.Append(St)
-				Skip = False
-			Else
-				StB.Append(_separator & St)
-			End If
-		Next
-		_writer.WriteLine(StB.ToString)
-	End Sub
-	Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal x As String)
-		_writer.WriteLine(x)
-	End Sub
-	Private Enum FileMode
-		Undefined
-		Read
-		Write
-	End Enum
-End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowser.vb b/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowser.vb
index 6b7fbda4833bf583e2d26e8ac8092a9e0b7fede4..36c2693ecf50aa138c54c6cf0477c8bfd234add2 100644
--- a/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowser.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowser.vb	
@@ -21,28 +21,28 @@
 ''' File history is unique for each ID. Folder history is global.
 ''' </remarks>
 Public Class FileBrowser
-	Private Initialized As Boolean
-	Private ReadOnly MyID As String
-	Private MyExt As String()
-	Private Dlog As FileBrowserDialog
-	Private NoExt As Boolean
-	Private ReadOnly bFolderBrowser As Boolean
-	Private ReadOnly bLightMode As Boolean
+	Private _initialized As Boolean
+	Private ReadOnly _id As String
+	Private _extensionList As String()
+	Private _dialog As FileBrowserDialog
+	Private _noExtension As Boolean
+	Private ReadOnly _folderBrowser As Boolean
+	Private ReadOnly _lightMode As Boolean
 	''' <summary>
 	''' New cFileBrowser instance
 	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="ID">Needed to save the file history when not using LightMode.</param>
-	''' <param name="FolderBrowser">Browse folders instead of files.</param>
-	''' <param name="LightMode">If enabled file history is not saved.</param>
+	''' <param name="id">Needed to save the file history when not using LightMode.</param>
+	''' <param name="folderBrowser">Browse folders instead of files.</param>
+	''' <param name="lightMode">If enabled file history is not saved.</param>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Sub New(ID As String, Optional ByVal FolderBrowser As Boolean = False,
-					Optional ByVal LightMode As Boolean = False)
-		Initialized = False
-		MyID = ID
-		NoExt = True
-		bFolderBrowser = FolderBrowser
-		bLightMode = LightMode
+	Public Sub New(id As String, Optional ByVal folderBrowser As Boolean = False,
+					Optional ByVal lightMode As Boolean = False)
+		_initialized = False
+		_id = ID
+		_noExtension = True
+		_folderBrowser = folderBrowser
+		_lightMode = lightMode
 	End Sub
 	''' <summary>
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public Function OpenDialog(path As String, Optional ByVal multiFile As Boolean = False,
 								Optional ByVal ext As String = "") As Boolean
-		Return CustomDialog(path, True, False, tFbExtMode.MultiExt, multiFile, ext, "Open")
+		Return CustomDialog(path, True, False, FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.MultiExt, multiFile, ext, "Open")
 	End Function
 	''' <summary>
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public Function SaveDialog(path As String, Optional ByVal forceExt As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ext As String = "") _
 		As Boolean
-		Dim x As tFbExtMode
+		Dim x As FileBrowserFileExtensionMode
 		If forceExt Then
-			x = tFbExtMode.ForceExt
+			x = FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.ForceExt
-			x = tFbExtMode.SingleExt
+			x = FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.SingleExt
 		End If
 		Return CustomDialog(path, False, True, x, False, ext, "Save As")
 	End Function
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' <param name="title">Dialog title.</param>
 	''' <returns></returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function CustomDialog(path As String, fileMustExist As Boolean, overwriteCheck As Boolean, extMode As tFbExtMode,
+	Public Function CustomDialog(path As String, fileMustExist As Boolean, overwriteCheck As Boolean, extMode As FileBrowserFileExtensionMode,
 								multiFile As Boolean, ext As String, Optional title As String = "File Browser") As Boolean
-		If Not Initialized Then Init()
-		Return Dlog.Browse(path, fileMustExist, overwriteCheck, extMode, multiFile, ext, title)
+		If Not _initialized Then Init()
+		Return _dialog.Browse(path, fileMustExist, overwriteCheck, extMode, multiFile, ext, title)
 	End Function
 	'Manually update File History
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' <param name="path">File to be added to file history.</param>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public Sub UpdateHistory(path As String)
-		If Not Initialized Then Init()
-		Dlog.UpdateHistory(path)
+		If Not _initialized Then Init()
+		_dialog.UpdateHistory(path)
 	End Sub
 	''' <summary>
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public Sub Close()
-		If Initialized Then
-			Dlog.SaveAndClose()
-			Initialized = False
+		If _initialized Then
+			_dialog.SaveAndClose()
+			_initialized = False
 		End If
-		Dlog = Nothing
+		_dialog = Nothing
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub Init()
-		Dlog = New FileBrowserDialog(bLightMode)
-		Dlog.ID = MyID
-		If Not NoExt Then Dlog.Extensions = MyExt
-		If bFolderBrowser Then Dlog.SetFolderBrowser()
-		Initialized = True
+		_dialog = New FileBrowserDialog(_lightMode)
+		_dialog.ID = _id
+		If Not _noExtension Then _dialog.Extensions = _extensionList
+		If _folderBrowser Then _dialog.SetFolderBrowser()
+		_initialized = True
 	End Sub
 	''' <summary>
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public Property Extensions As String()
-			Return MyExt
+			Return _extensionList
 		End Get
 		Set(value As String())
-			MyExt = value
-			NoExt = False
+			_extensionList = value
+			_noExtension = False
 		End Set
 	End Property
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ Public Class FileBrowser
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public ReadOnly Property Files As String()
-			If Initialized Then
-				Return Dlog.Files
+			If _initialized Then
+				Return _dialog.Files
 				Return New String() {""}
 			End If
diff --git a/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserDialog.vb b/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserDialog.vb
index b1498f0eeae38bf33f3d76bdfbd540a73ac24fd2..d5a31cbd3a6840c5b7c1a122381daa5d564faf07 100644
--- a/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserDialog.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserDialog.vb	
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 					'Single File
 					path = Trim(TextBoxPath.Text)
 					'Primary extension (eg for bForceExt)
-					ext = Trim(ComboBoxExt.Text.Split(",")(0))
+					ext = Trim(ComboBoxExt.Text.Split(","c)(0))
 					'If file without path then append path
 					If Mid(path, 2, 1) <> ":" Then path = _myFolder & path
 					'If instead of File a Folder is entered: Switch to Folder and Abort
@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 	End Sub
 	'Browse - Custom Dialog
-	Public Function Browse(path As String, fileMustExist As Boolean, overwriteCheck As Boolean, extMode As tFbExtMode,
+	Public Function Browse(path As String, fileMustExist As Boolean, overwriteCheck As Boolean,
+							extMode As FileBrowserFileExtensionMode,
 							multiFile As Boolean, ext As String, caption As String) As Boolean
 		If Not _initialized Then Init()
@@ -201,12 +202,12 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 		_bOverwriteCheck = overwriteCheck
 		_bFileMustExist = fileMustExist
-		_bForceExt = (extMode = tFbExtMode.ForceExt)
+		_bForceExt = (extMode = FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.ForceExt)
 		'Form Config
 		ListViewFiles.MultiSelect = multiFile
 		ButtonAll.Visible = multiFile
-		Title = caption
+		_title = caption
 		Text = caption
@@ -216,13 +217,13 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 			ComboBoxExt.SelectedIndex = 0
 			Select Case extMode
-				Case tFbExtMode.ForceExt
+				Case FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.ForceExt
 					If ext = "" Then ext = _extListSingle(0).ToString
 					ComboBoxExt.Text = ext
 					ComboBoxExt.Enabled = False
-				Case tFbExtMode.MultiExt, tFbExtMode.SingleExt
-					If extMode = tFbExtMode.MultiExt Then
+				Case FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.MultiExt, FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.SingleExt
+					If extMode = FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.MultiExt Then
@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 		End If
 	End Function
-	Public Title As String
+	Private _title As String
 	'Close and save File / Folder History
 	Public Sub SaveAndClose()
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 			_extListMulti = New ArrayList
 			For x = 0 To UBound(_myExt)
-				For Each line In _myExt(x).Split(",")
+				For Each line In _myExt(x).Split(","c)
@@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 			TextBoxPath.Text = ""
 			If ListViewFiles.SelectedItems.Count > 1 Then
-				TextBoxPath.Text = "<" & ListViewFiles.SelectedItems.Count & " Files selected>"
+				TextBoxPath.Text = String.Format("<{0} Files selected>", ListViewFiles.SelectedItems.Count)
 				TextBoxPath.Text = ListViewFiles.SelectedItems.Item(0).Text
 				TextBoxPath.SelectionStart = TextBoxPath.Text.Length
@@ -643,8 +644,8 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 		If path = FavText Then
 			Dim favdlog = New FileBrowserFavoritesDialog
 			If favdlog.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
-				For x = 10 To 19
-					path = favdlog.ListBox1.Items(x - 10)
+				For x As Integer = 10 To 19
+					path = favdlog.ListBox1.Items(x - 10).ToString()
 					If path = NoFavString Then
 						FileBrowserFolderHistory(x) = EmptyText
@@ -671,7 +672,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 		Do While x1 > x
 			newpath = path
 			'path = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(path, x1 - 1)
-			path = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(path, path.LastIndexOf("\"))
+			path = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(path, path.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
 			x1 = path.Length
@@ -741,7 +742,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 		_myFolder = path
 		If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(_myFolder, 1) <> "\" Then _myFolder &= "\"
-		Text = Title & " " & _myFolder
+		Text = _title & " " & _myFolder
@@ -758,7 +759,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 	Private Sub FolderUp()
 		If _myFolder <> "" Then
 			Dim path = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(_myFolder, _myFolder.Length - 1)
-			Dim x = path.LastIndexOf("\")
+			Dim x = path.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal)
 			If x > 0 Then SetFolder(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(path, x))
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -811,7 +812,7 @@ Public Class FileBrowserDialog
 		If Trim(ComboBoxExt.Text.ToString) = "" Then
 			extStr = New String() {"*"}
-			extStr = ComboBoxExt.Text.ToString.Split(",")
+			extStr = ComboBoxExt.Text.ToString.Split(","c)
 		End If
 		'Delete File-List
@@ -913,7 +914,7 @@ lb10:
 	End Sub
 	Private Shared Function fPATH(path As String) As String
-		Dim x = path.LastIndexOf("\")
+		Dim x = path.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal)
 		If x = -1 Then
 			Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(path, 0)
diff --git a/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserModule.vb b/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserModule.vb
index 996df743ce804371966cd9890bcbd4dbb9402696..b6c77240153ac9454896fa68f652598b1bfe5332 100644
--- a/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserModule.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/File Browser/FileBrowserModule.vb	
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ Public Module FileBrowserModule
 	Public GearboxShiftPolygonFileBrowser As FileBrowser
 	Public TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser As FileBrowser
-	Public fbPTOLM As FileBrowser
+	Public PtoLossMapFileBrowser As FileBrowser
 	Public RetarderLossMapFileBrowser As FileBrowser
 	Public TorqueConverterFileBrowser As FileBrowser
-	Public fbTCCShift As FileBrowser
-	Public fbCDx As FileBrowser
+	Public TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFileBrowser As FileBrowser
+	Public CrossWindCorrectionFileBrowser As FileBrowser
 	Public ModalResultsFileBrowser As FileBrowser
 End Module
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.Designer.vb b/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.Designer.vb
index c8374d87abd9a2c81e01fab37c19bafbb5a46aef..91a0a19ca83081a4248af307a160fe050e797830 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.Designer.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.Designer.vb
@@ -35,220 +35,228 @@ Partial Class EngineForm
 	'Das Bearbeiten mit dem Code-Editor ist nicht möglich.
 	<DebuggerStepThrough()> _
 	Private Sub InitializeComponent()
-		Me.components = New Container()
-		Dim resources As ComponentResourceManager = New ComponentResourceManager(GetType(EngineForm))
-		Me.TbNleerl = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label11 = New Label()
-		Me.TbInertia = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label41 = New Label()
-		Me.Label40 = New Label()
-		Me.Label5 = New Label()
-		Me.ButCancel = New Button()
-		Me.ButOK = New Button()
-		Me.ToolStrip1 = New ToolStrip()
-		Me.ToolStripBtNew = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripBtOpen = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripBtSave = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripSeparator3 = New ToolStripSeparator()
-		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripSeparator1 = New ToolStripSeparator()
-		Me.ToolStripButton1 = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.StatusStrip1 = New StatusStrip()
-		Me.LbStatus = New ToolStripStatusLabel()
-		Me.Label1 = New Label()
-		Me.Label2 = New Label()
-		Me.TbDispl = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbName = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label3 = New Label()
-		Me.TbMAP = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label6 = New Label()
-		Me.BtMAP = New Button()
-		Me.PictureBox1 = New PictureBox()
-		Me.CmOpenFile = New ContextMenuStrip(Me.components)
-		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem()
-		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem()
-		Me.BtMAPopen = New Button()
-		Me.PnInertia = New Panel()
-		Me.GrWHTC = New GroupBox()
-		Me.BtWHTCimport = New Button()
-		Me.Label13 = New Label()
-		Me.TbWHTCmw = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbWHTCrural = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbWHTCurban = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label8 = New Label()
-		Me.Label7 = New Label()
-		Me.Label4 = New Label()
-		Me.PicBox = New PictureBox()
-		Me.TbFLD = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label14 = New Label()
-		Me.BtFLD = New Button()
-		Me.BtFLDopen = New Button()
+		Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
+		Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(EngineForm))
+		Me.TbNleerl = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label11 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbInertia = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label41 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label40 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.ButCancel = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButOK = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ToolStrip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip()
+		Me.ToolStripBtNew = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripBtSave = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripSeparator3 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator()
+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripSeparator1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator()
+		Me.ToolStripButton1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.StatusStrip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip()
+		Me.LbStatus = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripStatusLabel()
+		Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbDispl = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbName = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbMAP = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.BtMAP = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.PictureBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
+		Me.CmOpenFile = New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip(Me.components)
+		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
+		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
+		Me.BtMAPopen = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.PnInertia = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+		Me.GrWHTC = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+		Me.BtWHTCimport = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.Label4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label13 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label8 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbWHTCmw = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbWHTCurban = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbWHTCrural = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+		Me.TbWHTCEngineering = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.PicBox = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
+		Me.TbFLD = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label14 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.BtFLD = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.BtFLDopen = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbColdHotFactor = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
-		CType(Me.PictureBox1, ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		CType(Me.PictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
-		CType(Me.PicBox, ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.SuspendLayout()
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.SuspendLayout()
+		CType(Me.PicBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
-		Me.TbNleerl.Location = New Point(123, 108)
+		Me.TbNleerl.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(123, 108)
 		Me.TbNleerl.Name = "TbNleerl"
-		Me.TbNleerl.Size = New Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbNleerl.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
 		Me.TbNleerl.TabIndex = 1
 		Me.Label11.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label11.Location = New Point(15, 111)
+		Me.Label11.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(15, 111)
 		Me.Label11.Name = "Label11"
-		Me.Label11.Size = New Size(102, 13)
+		Me.Label11.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(102, 13)
 		Me.Label11.TabIndex = 15
 		Me.Label11.Text = "Idling Engine Speed"
-		Me.TbInertia.Location = New Point(120, 2)
+		Me.TbInertia.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 2)
 		Me.TbInertia.Name = "TbInertia"
-		Me.TbInertia.Size = New Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbInertia.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
 		Me.TbInertia.TabIndex = 3
 		Me.Label41.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label41.Location = New Point(183, 5)
+		Me.Label41.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(183, 5)
 		Me.Label41.Name = "Label41"
-		Me.Label41.Size = New Size(36, 13)
+		Me.Label41.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(36, 13)
 		Me.Label41.TabIndex = 24
 		Me.Label41.Text = "[kgm²]"
 		Me.Label40.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label40.Location = New Point(186, 111)
+		Me.Label40.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(186, 111)
 		Me.Label40.Name = "Label40"
-		Me.Label40.Size = New Size(30, 13)
+		Me.Label40.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(30, 13)
 		Me.Label40.TabIndex = 24
 		Me.Label40.Text = "[rpm]"
 		Me.Label5.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label5.Location = New Point(12, 5)
+		Me.Label5.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 5)
 		Me.Label5.Name = "Label5"
-		Me.Label5.Size = New Size(102, 13)
+		Me.Label5.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(102, 13)
 		Me.Label5.TabIndex = 0
 		Me.Label5.Text = "Inertia incl. Flywheel"
-		Me.ButCancel.Anchor = CType((AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right), AnchorStyles)
-		Me.ButCancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
-		Me.ButCancel.Location = New Point(898, 469)
+		Me.ButCancel.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.ButCancel.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel
+		Me.ButCancel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(898, 469)
 		Me.ButCancel.Name = "ButCancel"
-		Me.ButCancel.Size = New Size(75, 23)
+		Me.ButCancel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
 		Me.ButCancel.TabIndex = 13
 		Me.ButCancel.Text = "Cancel"
 		Me.ButCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.ButOK.Anchor = CType((AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right), AnchorStyles)
-		Me.ButOK.Location = New Point(817, 469)
+		Me.ButOK.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.ButOK.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(817, 469)
 		Me.ButOK.Name = "ButOK"
-		Me.ButOK.Size = New Size(75, 23)
+		Me.ButOK.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
 		Me.ButOK.TabIndex = 12
 		Me.ButOK.Text = "Save"
 		Me.ButOK.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.ToolStrip1.GripStyle = ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden
-		Me.ToolStrip1.Items.AddRange(New ToolStripItem() {Me.ToolStripBtNew, Me.ToolStripBtOpen, Me.ToolStripBtSave, Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs, Me.ToolStripSeparator3, Me.ToolStripBtSendTo, Me.ToolStripSeparator1, Me.ToolStripButton1})
-		Me.ToolStrip1.Location = New Point(0, 0)
+		Me.ToolStrip1.GripStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden
+		Me.ToolStrip1.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.ToolStripBtNew, Me.ToolStripBtOpen, Me.ToolStripBtSave, Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs, Me.ToolStripSeparator3, Me.ToolStripBtSendTo, Me.ToolStripSeparator1, Me.ToolStripButton1})
+		Me.ToolStrip1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
 		Me.ToolStrip1.Name = "ToolStrip1"
-		Me.ToolStrip1.Size = New Size(985, 25)
+		Me.ToolStrip1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(985, 25)
 		Me.ToolStrip1.TabIndex = 30
 		Me.ToolStrip1.Text = "ToolStrip1"
-		Me.ToolStripBtNew.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
-		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Image = My.Resources.Resources.blue_document_icon
-		Me.ToolStripBtNew.ImageTransparentColor = Color.Magenta
+		Me.ToolStripBtNew.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.blue_document_icon
+		Me.ToolStripBtNew.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
 		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Name = "ToolStripBtNew"
-		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Size = New Size(23, 22)
+		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
 		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Text = "ToolStripButton1"
 		Me.ToolStripBtNew.ToolTipText = "New"
-		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
-		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
-		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.ImageTransparentColor = Color.Magenta
+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
 		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Name = "ToolStripBtOpen"
-		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Size = New Size(23, 22)
+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
 		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Text = "ToolStripButton1"
 		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.ToolTipText = "Open..."
-		Me.ToolStripBtSave.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
-		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Actions_document_save_icon
-		Me.ToolStripBtSave.ImageTransparentColor = Color.Magenta
+		Me.ToolStripBtSave.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Actions_document_save_icon
+		Me.ToolStripBtSave.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
 		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Name = "ToolStripBtSave"
-		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Size = New Size(23, 22)
+		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
 		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Text = "ToolStripButton1"
 		Me.ToolStripBtSave.ToolTipText = "Save"
-		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
-		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Actions_document_save_as_icon
-		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.ImageTransparentColor = Color.Magenta
+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Actions_document_save_as_icon
+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
 		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Name = "ToolStripBtSaveAs"
-		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Size = New Size(23, 22)
+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
 		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Text = "ToolStripButton1"
 		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.ToolTipText = "Save As..."
 		Me.ToolStripSeparator3.Name = "ToolStripSeparator3"
-		Me.ToolStripSeparator3.Size = New Size(6, 25)
+		Me.ToolStripSeparator3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25)
-		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
-		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Image = My.Resources.Resources.export_icon
-		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.ImageTransparentColor = Color.Magenta
+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.export_icon
+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
 		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Name = "ToolStripBtSendTo"
-		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Size = New Size(23, 22)
+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
 		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Text = "Send to Job Editor"
 		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.ToolTipText = "Send to Job Editor"
 		Me.ToolStripSeparator1.Name = "ToolStripSeparator1"
-		Me.ToolStripSeparator1.Size = New Size(6, 25)
+		Me.ToolStripSeparator1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25)
-		Me.ToolStripButton1.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
-		Me.ToolStripButton1.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Help_icon
-		Me.ToolStripButton1.ImageTransparentColor = Color.Magenta
+		Me.ToolStripButton1.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripButton1.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Help_icon
+		Me.ToolStripButton1.ImageTransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta
 		Me.ToolStripButton1.Name = "ToolStripButton1"
-		Me.ToolStripButton1.Size = New Size(23, 22)
+		Me.ToolStripButton1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
 		Me.ToolStripButton1.Text = "Help"
-		Me.StatusStrip1.Items.AddRange(New ToolStripItem() {Me.LbStatus})
-		Me.StatusStrip1.Location = New Point(0, 495)
+		Me.StatusStrip1.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.LbStatus})
+		Me.StatusStrip1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 495)
 		Me.StatusStrip1.Name = "StatusStrip1"
-		Me.StatusStrip1.Size = New Size(985, 22)
+		Me.StatusStrip1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(985, 22)
 		Me.StatusStrip1.SizingGrip = False
 		Me.StatusStrip1.TabIndex = 37
 		Me.StatusStrip1.Text = "StatusStrip1"
@@ -256,110 +264,110 @@ Partial Class EngineForm
 		Me.LbStatus.Name = "LbStatus"
-		Me.LbStatus.Size = New Size(39, 17)
+		Me.LbStatus.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(39, 17)
 		Me.LbStatus.Text = "Status"
 		Me.Label1.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label1.Location = New Point(186, 137)
+		Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(186, 137)
 		Me.Label1.Name = "Label1"
-		Me.Label1.Size = New Size(33, 13)
+		Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(33, 13)
 		Me.Label1.TabIndex = 24
 		Me.Label1.Text = "[ccm]"
 		Me.Label2.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label2.Location = New Point(46, 137)
+		Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(46, 137)
 		Me.Label2.Name = "Label2"
-		Me.Label2.Size = New Size(71, 13)
+		Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(71, 13)
 		Me.Label2.TabIndex = 13
 		Me.Label2.Text = "Displacement"
-		Me.TbDispl.Location = New Point(123, 134)
+		Me.TbDispl.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(123, 134)
 		Me.TbDispl.Name = "TbDispl"
-		Me.TbDispl.Size = New Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbDispl.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
 		Me.TbDispl.TabIndex = 2
-		Me.TbName.Location = New Point(123, 82)
+		Me.TbName.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(123, 82)
 		Me.TbName.Name = "TbName"
-		Me.TbName.Size = New Size(370, 20)
+		Me.TbName.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(370, 20)
 		Me.TbName.TabIndex = 0
 		Me.Label3.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label3.Location = New Point(30, 85)
+		Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(30, 85)
 		Me.Label3.Name = "Label3"
-		Me.Label3.Size = New Size(87, 13)
+		Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(87, 13)
 		Me.Label3.TabIndex = 11
 		Me.Label3.Text = "Make and Model"
-		Me.TbMAP.Location = New Point(12, 259)
+		Me.TbMAP.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 259)
 		Me.TbMAP.Name = "TbMAP"
-		Me.TbMAP.Size = New Size(434, 20)
+		Me.TbMAP.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(434, 20)
 		Me.TbMAP.TabIndex = 5
 		Me.Label6.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label6.Location = New Point(12, 243)
+		Me.Label6.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 243)
 		Me.Label6.Name = "Label6"
-		Me.Label6.Size = New Size(115, 13)
+		Me.Label6.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(115, 13)
 		Me.Label6.TabIndex = 38
 		Me.Label6.Text = "Fuel Consumption Map"
-		Me.BtMAP.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
-		Me.BtMAP.Location = New Point(446, 257)
+		Me.BtMAP.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
+		Me.BtMAP.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(446, 257)
 		Me.BtMAP.Name = "BtMAP"
-		Me.BtMAP.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.BtMAP.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.BtMAP.TabIndex = 6
 		Me.BtMAP.TabStop = False
 		Me.BtMAP.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.PictureBox1.BackColor = Color.White
-		Me.PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.Resources.VECTO_ENG
-		Me.PictureBox1.Location = New Point(12, 28)
+		Me.PictureBox1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White
+		Me.PictureBox1.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.VECTO_ENG
+		Me.PictureBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 28)
 		Me.PictureBox1.Name = "PictureBox1"
-		Me.PictureBox1.Size = New Size(481, 40)
+		Me.PictureBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(481, 40)
 		Me.PictureBox1.TabIndex = 39
 		Me.PictureBox1.TabStop = False
-		Me.CmOpenFile.Items.AddRange(New ToolStripItem() {Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem, Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem})
+		Me.CmOpenFile.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem, Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem})
 		Me.CmOpenFile.Name = "CmOpenFile"
-		Me.CmOpenFile.Size = New Size(153, 48)
+		Me.CmOpenFile.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(153, 48)
 		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Name = "OpenWithToolStripMenuItem"
-		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Size = New Size(152, 22)
+		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 22)
 		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open with ..."
 		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Name = "ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem"
-		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Size = New Size(152, 22)
+		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 22)
 		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Show in Folder"
-		Me.BtMAPopen.Image = My.Resources.Resources.application_export_icon_small
-		Me.BtMAPopen.Location = New Point(469, 257)
+		Me.BtMAPopen.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.application_export_icon_small
+		Me.BtMAPopen.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(469, 257)
 		Me.BtMAPopen.Name = "BtMAPopen"
-		Me.BtMAPopen.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.BtMAPopen.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.BtMAPopen.TabIndex = 7
 		Me.BtMAPopen.TabStop = False
 		Me.BtMAPopen.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
@@ -369,147 +377,196 @@ Partial Class EngineForm
-		Me.PnInertia.Location = New Point(264, 106)
+		Me.PnInertia.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(264, 106)
 		Me.PnInertia.Name = "PnInertia"
-		Me.PnInertia.Size = New Size(229, 32)
+		Me.PnInertia.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(229, 32)
 		Me.PnInertia.TabIndex = 3
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.BtWHTCimport)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.Label13)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCmw)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCrural)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCurban)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.Label8)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.Label7)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.Label4)
-		Me.GrWHTC.Enabled = False
-		Me.GrWHTC.Location = New Point(12, 300)
+		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.PnWhtcDeclaration)
+		Me.GrWHTC.Controls.Add(Me.PnWhtcEngineering)
+		Me.GrWHTC.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 300)
 		Me.GrWHTC.Name = "GrWHTC"
-		Me.GrWHTC.Size = New Size(481, 91)
+		Me.GrWHTC.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(481, 153)
 		Me.GrWHTC.TabIndex = 9
 		Me.GrWHTC.TabStop = False
 		Me.GrWHTC.Text = "WHTC Correction"
+		'PnWhtcDeclaration
+		'
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.lblColdHotFactor)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.TbColdHotFactor)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.BtWHTCimport)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.Label4)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.Label7)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.Label13)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.Label8)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCmw)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCurban)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCrural)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 19)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Name = "PnWhtcDeclaration"
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(472, 87)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.TabIndex = 8
+		'
-		Me.BtWHTCimport.Location = New Point(305, 19)
+		Me.BtWHTCimport.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(299, 3)
 		Me.BtWHTCimport.Name = "BtWHTCimport"
-		Me.BtWHTCimport.Size = New Size(170, 28)
+		Me.BtWHTCimport.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(170, 28)
 		Me.BtWHTCimport.TabIndex = 4
 		Me.BtWHTCimport.Text = "Import from VECTO-Engine"
 		Me.BtWHTCimport.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+		'Label4
+		'
+		Me.Label4.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(1, 37)
+		Me.Label4.Name = "Label4"
+		Me.Label4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(36, 13)
+		Me.Label4.TabIndex = 0
+		Me.Label4.Text = "Urban"
+		'
+		'Label7
+		'
+		Me.Label7.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label7.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(156, 37)
+		Me.Label7.Name = "Label7"
+		Me.Label7.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(32, 13)
+		Me.Label7.TabIndex = 0
+		Me.Label7.Text = "Rural"
+		'
 		Me.Label13.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label13.Location = New Point(6, 27)
+		Me.Label13.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(1, 5)
 		Me.Label13.Name = "Label13"
-		Me.Label13.Size = New Size(242, 13)
+		Me.Label13.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(242, 13)
 		Me.Label13.TabIndex = 3
 		Me.Label13.Text = "Correction Factors calculated with VECTO-Engine"
+		'Label8
+		'
+		Me.Label8.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label8.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(284, 37)
+		Me.Label8.Name = "Label8"
+		Me.Label8.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(53, 13)
+		Me.Label8.TabIndex = 0
+		Me.Label8.Text = "Motorway"
+		'
-		Me.TbWHTCmw.Location = New Point(348, 56)
+		Me.TbWHTCmw.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(343, 34)
 		Me.TbWHTCmw.Name = "TbWHTCmw"
-		Me.TbWHTCmw.Size = New Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbWHTCmw.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
 		Me.TbWHTCmw.TabIndex = 2
-		'TbWHTCrural
-		'
-		Me.TbWHTCrural.Location = New Point(192, 56)
-		Me.TbWHTCrural.Name = "TbWHTCrural"
-		Me.TbWHTCrural.Size = New Size(57, 20)
-		Me.TbWHTCrural.TabIndex = 1
-		'
-		Me.TbWHTCurban.Location = New Point(48, 56)
+		Me.TbWHTCurban.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(43, 34)
 		Me.TbWHTCurban.Name = "TbWHTCurban"
-		Me.TbWHTCurban.Size = New Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbWHTCurban.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
 		Me.TbWHTCurban.TabIndex = 0
-		'Label8
+		'TbWHTCrural
-		Me.Label8.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label8.Location = New Point(289, 59)
-		Me.Label8.Name = "Label8"
-		Me.Label8.Size = New Size(53, 13)
-		Me.Label8.TabIndex = 0
-		Me.Label8.Text = "Motorway"
+		Me.TbWHTCrural.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(194, 34)
+		Me.TbWHTCrural.Name = "TbWHTCrural"
+		Me.TbWHTCrural.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbWHTCrural.TabIndex = 1
-		'Label7
+		'PnWhtcEngineering
-		Me.Label7.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label7.Location = New Point(154, 59)
-		Me.Label7.Name = "Label7"
-		Me.Label7.Size = New Size(32, 13)
-		Me.Label7.TabIndex = 0
-		Me.Label7.Text = "Rural"
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.Controls.Add(Me.TbWHTCEngineering)
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.Controls.Add(Me.lblWhtcEngineering)
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 112)
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.Name = "PnWhtcEngineering"
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(472, 30)
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.TabIndex = 7
-		'Label4
+		'TbWHTCEngineering
-		Me.Label4.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label4.Location = New Point(6, 59)
-		Me.Label4.Name = "Label4"
-		Me.Label4.Size = New Size(36, 13)
-		Me.Label4.TabIndex = 0
-		Me.Label4.Text = "Urban"
+		Me.TbWHTCEngineering.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(194, 3)
+		Me.TbWHTCEngineering.Name = "TbWHTCEngineering"
+		Me.TbWHTCEngineering.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbWHTCEngineering.TabIndex = 5
+		'
+		'lblWhtcEngineering
+		'
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering.AutoSize = True
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(125, 6)
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering.Name = "lblWhtcEngineering"
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(63, 13)
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering.TabIndex = 6
+		Me.lblWhtcEngineering.Text = "Engineering"
-		Me.PicBox.BackColor = Color.LightGray
-		Me.PicBox.Location = New Point(499, 28)
+		Me.PicBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray
+		Me.PicBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(499, 28)
 		Me.PicBox.Name = "PicBox"
-		Me.PicBox.Size = New Size(474, 425)
+		Me.PicBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(474, 425)
 		Me.PicBox.TabIndex = 40
 		Me.PicBox.TabStop = False
-		Me.TbFLD.Location = New Point(12, 202)
+		Me.TbFLD.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 202)
 		Me.TbFLD.Name = "TbFLD"
-		Me.TbFLD.Size = New Size(434, 20)
+		Me.TbFLD.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(434, 20)
 		Me.TbFLD.TabIndex = 5
 		Me.Label14.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label14.Location = New Point(12, 186)
+		Me.Label14.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 186)
 		Me.Label14.Name = "Label14"
-		Me.Label14.Size = New Size(128, 13)
+		Me.Label14.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(128, 13)
 		Me.Label14.TabIndex = 38
 		Me.Label14.Text = "Full Load and Drag Curve"
-		Me.BtFLD.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
-		Me.BtFLD.Location = New Point(446, 200)
+		Me.BtFLD.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
+		Me.BtFLD.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(446, 200)
 		Me.BtFLD.Name = "BtFLD"
-		Me.BtFLD.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.BtFLD.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.BtFLD.TabIndex = 6
 		Me.BtFLD.TabStop = False
 		Me.BtFLD.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.BtFLDopen.Image = My.Resources.Resources.application_export_icon_small
-		Me.BtFLDopen.Location = New Point(469, 200)
+		Me.BtFLDopen.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.application_export_icon_small
+		Me.BtFLDopen.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(469, 200)
 		Me.BtFLDopen.Name = "BtFLDopen"
-		Me.BtFLDopen.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.BtFLDopen.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.BtFLDopen.TabIndex = 7
 		Me.BtFLDopen.TabStop = False
 		Me.BtFLDopen.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		'F_ENG
+		'lblColdHotFactor
+		'
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor.AutoSize = True
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 63)
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor.Name = "lblColdHotFactor"
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(185, 13)
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor.TabIndex = 5
+		Me.lblColdHotFactor.Text = "Cold/Hot Emmission Balancing Factor"
+		'
+		'TbColdHotFactor
+		'
+		Me.TbColdHotFactor.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(194, 60)
+		Me.TbColdHotFactor.Name = "TbColdHotFactor"
+		Me.TbColdHotFactor.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(57, 20)
+		Me.TbColdHotFactor.TabIndex = 6
+		'
+		'EngineForm
 		Me.AcceptButton = Me.ButOK
-		Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)
-		Me.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font
 		Me.CancelButton = Me.ButCancel
-		Me.ClientSize = New Size(985, 517)
+		Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(985, 517)
@@ -534,23 +591,25 @@ Partial Class EngineForm
-		Me.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle
-		Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), Icon)
+		Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), System.Drawing.Icon)
 		Me.MaximizeBox = False
 		Me.Name = "EngineForm"
-		Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent
+		Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterParent
 		Me.Text = "F_ENG"
-		CType(Me.PictureBox1, ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		CType(Me.PictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
-		Me.GrWHTC.PerformLayout()
-		CType(Me.PicBox, ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.ResumeLayout(False)
+		Me.PnWhtcDeclaration.PerformLayout()
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.ResumeLayout(False)
+		Me.PnWhtcEngineering.PerformLayout()
+		CType(Me.PicBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
@@ -602,4 +661,10 @@ Partial Class EngineForm
 	Friend WithEvents BtFLD As Button
 	Friend WithEvents BtFLDopen As Button
 	Friend WithEvents BtWHTCimport As Button
+	Friend WithEvents TbWHTCEngineering As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents lblWhtcEngineering As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents PnWhtcDeclaration As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
+	Friend WithEvents PnWhtcEngineering As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
+	Friend WithEvents lblColdHotFactor As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents TbColdHotFactor As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb
index 523ac4287414cd54c5171da37b43c25ab8dfe42f..e041ee0857f5fa2f189ce69689a46dcbbf1f6de7 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/EngineForm.vb
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
 Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
 Imports System.IO
+Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
 Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
 Imports System.Xml.Linq
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
+Imports VectoAuxiliaries
 ' Copyright 2014 European Union.
 ' Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
@@ -40,8 +48,8 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	Private Sub EngineFormLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
 		PnInertia.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
-		GrWHTC.Enabled = Cfg.DeclMode
+		PnWhtcDeclaration.Enabled = Cfg.DeclMode
+		PnWhtcEngineering.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
 		_changed = False
@@ -52,10 +60,8 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 		If Not Cfg.DeclMode Then Exit Sub
-		TbInertia.Text =
-			CStr(
-				DeclarationData.Engine.EngineInertia((fTextboxToNumString(TbDispl.Text) / 1000.0 / 1000.0).SI(Of CubicMeter),
-													GearboxType.AMT).Value())
+		TbInertia.Text = DeclarationData.Engine.EngineInertia((TbDispl.Text.ToDouble(0.0) / 1000.0 / 1000.0).SI(Of CubicMeter),
+															GearboxType.AMT).ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
@@ -92,7 +98,7 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 		If Not VectoJobForm.Visible Then
 			JobDir = ""
-			VectoJobForm.VECTOnew()
+			VectoJobForm.VectoNew()
 			VectoJobForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
 		End If
@@ -102,11 +108,11 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim BrowserRegistryString As String =
+			Dim browserRegistryString As String =
-			Dim DefaultBrowserPath As String =
-					Regex.Match(BrowserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
-			Process.Start(DefaultBrowserPath,
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String =
+					Regex.Match(browserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath,
 						String.Format("""{0}{1}""", MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#engine-editor"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
@@ -142,21 +148,18 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	End Sub
 	'Open VENG file
-	Public Sub OpenEngineFile(ByVal file As String)
-		Dim ENG0 As Engine
+	Public Sub OpenEngineFile(file As String)
+		Dim engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		ENG0 = New Engine
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(file), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
-		ENG0.FilePath = file
+		engine = inputData.EngineInputData
-		If Not ENG0.ReadFile Then
-			MsgBox("Cannot read " & file & "!")
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
-		If Cfg.DeclMode <> ENG0.SavedInDeclMode Then
+		If Cfg.DeclMode <> engine.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
 			Select Case WrongMode()
 				Case 1
@@ -164,21 +167,22 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 				Case -1
 					Exit Sub
-				Case Else '0
-					'Continue...
 			End Select
 		End If
-		TbName.Text = ENG0.ModelName
-		TbDispl.Text = ENG0.Displacement.ToString
-		TbInertia.Text = ENG0.EngineInertia.ToString
-		TbNleerl.Text = ENG0.IdleSpeed.ToString
+		Dim basePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)
+		TbName.Text = engine.ModelName
+		TbDispl.Text = (engine.Displacement * 1000 * 1000).ToGUIFormat()
+		TbInertia.Text = engine.Inertia.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbNleerl.Text = engine.IdleSpeed.AsRPM.ToGUIFormat()
-		TbMAP.Text = ENG0.PathMAP(True)
-		TbFLD.Text = ENG0.PathFLD(True)
-		TbWHTCurban.Text = ENG0.WHTCurban
-		TbWHTCrural.Text = ENG0.WHTCrural
-		TbWHTCmw.Text = ENG0.WHTCmw
+		TbMAP.Text = GetRelativePath(engine.FuelConsumptionMap.Source, basePath)
+		TbFLD.Text = GetRelativePath(engine.FullLoadCurve.Source, basePath)
+		TbWHTCurban.Text = engine.WHTCUrban.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbWHTCrural.Text = engine.WHTCRural.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbWHTCmw.Text = engine.WHTCMotorway.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbWHTCEngineering.Text = engine.WHTCEngineering.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbColdHotFactor.Text = engine.ColdHotBalancingFactor.ToGUIFormat()
@@ -193,8 +197,8 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	End Sub
 	'Save or Save As function = true if file is saved
-	Private Function SaveOrSaveAs(ByVal SaveAs As Boolean) As Boolean
-		If _engFile = "" Or SaveAs Then
+	Private Function SaveOrSaveAs(ByVal saveAs As Boolean) As Boolean
+		If _engFile = "" Or saveAs Then
 			If EngineFileBrowser.SaveDialog(_engFile) Then
 				_engFile = EngineFileBrowser.Files(0)
@@ -212,17 +216,20 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 		engine.ModelName = TbName.Text
 		If Trim(engine.ModelName) = "" Then engine.ModelName = "Undefined"
-		engine.Displacement = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbDispl.Text))
-		engine.EngineInertia = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbInertia.Text))
-		engine.IdleSpeed = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbNleerl.Text))
+		engine.Displacement = TbDispl.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		engine.EngineInertia = TbInertia.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		engine.IdleSpeed = TbNleerl.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		engine.PathFld = TbFLD.Text
+		engine.PathMap = TbMAP.Text
-		engine.PathFLD = TbFLD.Text
-		engine.PathMAP = TbMAP.Text
+		engine.WHTCUrbanInput = TbWHTCurban.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		engine.WHTCRuralInput = TbWHTCrural.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		engine.WHTCMotorwayInput = TbWHTCmw.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		engine.WHTCEngineeringInput = TbWHTCEngineering.Text.ToDouble(0)
-		engine.WHTCurban = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbWHTCurban.Text))
-		engine.WHTCrural = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbWHTCrural.Text))
-		engine.WHTCmw = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbWHTCmw.Text))
+		engine.ColdHotBalancingFactorInput = TbColdHotFactor.Text.ToDouble(0)
 		If Not engine.SaveFile Then
@@ -232,7 +239,7 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 		If AutoSendTo Then
 			If VectoJobForm.Visible Then
-				If UCase(fFileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbENG.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
+				If UCase(FileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbENG.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
 					VectoJobForm.TbENG.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(file, JobDir)
 			End If
@@ -321,7 +328,7 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	'Browse for VMAP file
 	Private Sub BtMAP_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtMAP.Click
-		If FuelConsumptionMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile))) Then _
+		If FuelConsumptionMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile))) Then _
 			TbMAP.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(FuelConsumptionMapFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_engFile))
 	End Sub
@@ -330,12 +337,12 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	Private Sub BtMAPopen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtMAPopen.Click
 		Dim fldfile As String
-		fldfile = fFileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))
+		fldfile = FileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))
-		If fldfile <> sKey.NoFile AndAlso File.Exists(fldfile) Then
-			OpenFiles(fFileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile)), fldfile)
+		If fldfile <> NoFile AndAlso File.Exists(fldfile) Then
+			OpenFiles(FileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile)), fldfile)
-			OpenFiles(fFileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile)))
+			OpenFiles(FileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile)))
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -351,96 +358,94 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub UpdatePic()
+		Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = Nothing
+		Dim fcMap As FuelConsumptionMap = Nothing
-		Dim fldOK As Boolean = False
-		Dim mapOK As Boolean = False
-		Dim fullLoadCurve As New EngineFullLoadCurve
-		Dim fcMap As New FuelconsumptionMap
-		Dim chart As Chart
-		Dim s As Series
-		Dim a As ChartArea
-		Dim img As Image
 		PicBox.Image = Nothing
-		Try
-			'Read Files
-			fullLoadCurve.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))
-			fldOK = fullLoadCurve.ReadFile(False, False)
-			fcMap.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbMAP.Text, GetPath(_engFile))
-			mapOK = fcMap.ReadFile(False)
+		'If Not File.Exists(_engFile) Then Exit Sub
+		Try
+			Dim fldFile As String =
+					If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_engFile), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_engFile), TbFLD.Text), TbFLD.Text)
+			fullLoadCurve = FullLoadCurveReader.Create(VectoCSVFile.Read(fldFile), engineFld:=True)
 		Catch ex As Exception
+		End Try
+		Try
+			Dim fcFile As String =
+					If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_engFile), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_engFile), TbMAP.Text), TbMAP.Text)
+			fcMap = FuelConsumptionMapReader.Create(VectoCSVFile.Read(fcFile))
+		Catch ex As Exception
 		End Try
-		If Not fldOK And Not mapOK Then Exit Sub
+		If fullLoadCurve Is Nothing AndAlso fcMap Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
 		'Create plot
-		chart = New Chart
+		Dim chart As Chart = New Chart
 		chart.Width = PicBox.Width
 		chart.Height = PicBox.Height
-		a = New ChartArea
-		If fldOK Then
-			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.EngineSpeedList, fullLoadCurve.MaxTorqueList)
-			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-			s.BorderWidth = 2
-			s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
-			s.Name = "Full load (" & GetFilenameWithoutPath(fullLoadCurve.FilePath, True) & ")"
-			chart.Series.Add(s)
-			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.EngineSpeedList, fullLoadCurve.DragTorqueList)
-			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-			s.BorderWidth = 2
-			s.Color = Color.Blue
-			s.Name = "Motoring (" & GetFilenameWithoutPath(fullLoadCurve.FilePath, True) & ")"
-			chart.Series.Add(s)
+		Dim chartArea As ChartArea = New ChartArea
+		If Not fullLoadCurve Is Nothing Then
+			Dim series As Series = New Series
+			series.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+									fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.TorqueFullLoad.Value()).ToArray())
+			series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+			series.BorderWidth = 2
+			series.Color = Color.DarkBlue
+			series.Name = "Full load (" & TbFLD.Text & ")"
+			chart.Series.Add(series)
+			series = New Series
+			series.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+									fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.TorqueDrag.Value()).ToArray())
+			series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+			series.BorderWidth = 2
+			series.Color = Color.Blue
+			series.Name = "Motoring (" & Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TbMAP.Text) & ")"
+			chart.Series.Add(series)
 		End If
-		If mapOK Then
-			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(fcMap.nU, fcMap.Tq)
-			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point
-			s.MarkerSize = 3
-			s.Color = Color.Red
-			s.Name = "Map"
-			chart.Series.Add(s)
+		If Not fcMap Is Nothing Then
+			Dim series As Series = New Series
+			series.Points.DataBindXY(fcMap.Entries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+									fcMap.Entries.Select(Function(x) x.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
+			series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point
+			series.MarkerSize = 3
+			series.Color = Color.Red
+			series.Name = "Map"
+			chart.Series.Add(series)
 		End If
-		a.Name = "main"
+		chartArea.Name = "main"
-		a.AxisX.Title = "engine speed [1/min]"
-		a.AxisX.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
-		a.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
-		a.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
-		a.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
+		chartArea.AxisX.Title = "engine speed [1/min]"
+		chartArea.AxisX.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
+		chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
+		chartArea.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
+		chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
-		a.AxisY.Title = "engine torque [Nm]"
-		a.AxisY.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
-		a.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
-		a.AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
-		a.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
+		chartArea.AxisY.Title = "engine torque [Nm]"
+		chartArea.AxisY.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
+		chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
+		chartArea.AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
+		chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
-		a.AxisX.Minimum = 300
-		a.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid
-		a.BorderWidth = 1
+		chartArea.AxisX.Minimum = 300
+		chartArea.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid
+		chartArea.BorderWidth = 1
-		a.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
+		chartArea.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
-		chart.ChartAreas.Add(a)
+		chart.ChartAreas.Add(chartArea)
-		img = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
+		Dim img As Bitmap = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
 		chart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PicBox.Width, PicBox.Height))
@@ -450,13 +455,13 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 #Region "Open File Context Menu"
-	Private CmFiles As String()
+	Private _contextMenuFiles As String()
 	Private Sub OpenFiles(ParamArray files() As String)
 		If files.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
-		CmFiles = files
+		_contextMenuFiles = files
 		OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open with " & Cfg.OpenCmdName
@@ -465,14 +470,14 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	Private Sub OpenWithToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If Not FileOpenAlt(CmFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
+		If Not FileOpenAlt(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If File.Exists(CmFiles(0)) Then
+		If File.Exists(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then
-				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & CmFiles(0) & "")
+				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & _contextMenuFiles(0) & "")
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 			End Try
@@ -485,16 +490,16 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 	Private Sub BtFLD_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtFLD.Click
-		If FullLoadCurveFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))) Then _
+		If FullLoadCurveFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))) Then _
 			TbFLD.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(FullLoadCurveFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_engFile))
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtFLDopen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtFLDopen.Click
 		Dim fldfile As String
-		fldfile = fFileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))
+		fldfile = FileRepl(TbFLD.Text, GetPath(_engFile))
-		If fldfile <> sKey.NoFile AndAlso File.Exists(fldfile) Then
+		If fldfile <> NoFile AndAlso File.Exists(fldfile) Then
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -518,4 +523,10 @@ Public Class EngineForm
 			MsgBox("Failed to load file! " & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
 		End Try
 	End Sub
+	Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TbWHTCEngineering.TextChanged
+	End Sub
+	Private Sub Label9_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblWhtcEngineering.Click
+	End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb b/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb
index 9431398f0b607d11737567a8a38100a12270889f..0e96fa5cc1220fce90cfdbc98f12a53718108a3b 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/FileSignDialog.vb
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Public Class FileSignDialog
 		For Each listViewItem In lvFiles.Items
-			Lic.FileSigning.AddFile(fFileRepl(listViewItem.SubItems(0).Text, mainDirectory))
+			Lic.FileSigning.AddFile(FileRepl(listViewItem.SubItems(0).Text, mainDirectory))
 			listViewItem.SubItems(1).Text = ""
 			listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.Black
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Public Class FileSignDialog
 	End Sub
 	'Clear form
-	Private Sub ClearForm(ClearFileList As Boolean)
+	Private Sub ClearForm(clearFileList As Boolean)
 		If ClearFileList Then lvFiles.Items.Clear()
 		TbLicStr.Text = ""
 		TbPubKey.Text = ""
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Public Class FileSignDialog
 		Dim fb As New FileBrowser("sig", False, True)
 		fb.Extensions = New String() {"vsig"}
-		If fb.CustomDialog(TbSigFile.Text, False, False, tFbExtMode.ForceExt, False, "vsig") Then
+		If fb.CustomDialog(TbSigFile.Text, False, False, FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.ForceExt, False, "vsig") Then
 			TbSigFile.Text = fb.Files(0)
 		End If
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Public Class FileSignDialog
 	'Remove File
 	Private Sub RemoveFile()
-		Dim i0 As Int16
+		Dim i0 As Integer
 		If lvFiles.Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/GUI_Subs.vb b/VECTO/GUI/GUI_Subs.vb
index 43cc81fd325193c22c9de01df02e64d6cfdeab4e..cac6fccedca58d1e7023a27ad86f2c7e5956655e 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/GUI_Subs.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/GUI_Subs.vb
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Methods for GUI interaction
 ''' </summary>
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ Public Module GUI_Subs
 	'Status Message => Msg-Listview
 	Public Sub WorkerMsg(ByVal id As MessageType, ByVal msg As String, ByVal source As String,
 						Optional ByVal link As String = "")
-		Dim workProg As New BackgroundWorkerMessage(tWorkMsgType.StatusListBox)
+		Dim workProg As New BackgroundWorkerMessage(WorkerMessageType.StatusListBox)
 		workProg.ID = id
 		Select Case id
 			Case MessageType.Err
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ Public Module GUI_Subs
 	'Status message
 	' ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
-	Public Sub GUIMsg(ByVal ID As MessageType, ByVal Msg As String)
-		MainForm.MSGtoForm(ID, Msg, "", "")
+	Public Sub GUIMsg(ByVal id As MessageType, ByVal msg As String)
+		MainForm.MSGtoForm(id, msg, "", "")
 	End Sub
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ Public Module GUI_Subs
 	'Class used to pass Messages from BackgroundWorker to GUI
 	Private Class BackgroundWorkerMessage
-		Public Sub New(msgTarget As tWorkMsgType)
+		Public Sub New(msgTarget As WorkerMessageType)
 			Source = ""
 		End Sub
@@ -82,27 +83,26 @@ Public Module GUI_Subs
 #Region "Textbox text conversion for file open/save operations"
-	Public Function fTextboxToNumString(ByVal txt As String) As String
-		If Not IsNumeric(txt) Then
-			Return "0"
-		Else
-			Return txt
-		End If
-	End Function
+	'Public Function ParseNumber(txt As String) As Double
+	'	If Not IsNumeric(txt) Then
+	'		Return 0
+	'	End If
+	'	Return Double.Parse(txt, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
+	'End Function
 #End Region
 	'Open File with software defined in Config
 	Public Function FileOpenAlt(ByVal file As String) As Boolean
-		Dim PSI As New ProcessStartInfo
+		Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo
 		If Not IO.File.Exists(file) Then Return False
-		PSI.FileName = Cfg.OpenCmd
-		PSI.Arguments = ChrW(34) & file & ChrW(34)
+		psi.FileName = Cfg.OpenCmd
+		psi.Arguments = ChrW(34) & file & ChrW(34)
-			Process.Start(PSI)
+			Process.Start(psi)
 			Return True
 		Catch ex As Exception
 			Return False
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
index d2cfded1da87282eb9a8b18f99da2d2c5d2f1609..851ee73589574087809f43e115b4b2bf3aceb29f 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxForm.vb
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
-Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox
 ''' <summary>
@@ -39,14 +41,12 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		MaxTorque = 4
 	End Enum
-	Private GbxFile As String = ""
+	Private _gbxFile As String = ""
 	Public AutoSendTo As Boolean = False
 	Public JobDir As String = ""
-	Private GearDia As GearboxGearDialog
+	Private _gearDialog As GearboxGearDialog
-	Private Init As Boolean = False
-	Private Changed As Boolean = False
+	Private _changed As Boolean = False
 	'Before closing Editor: Check if file was changed and ask to save.
 	Private Sub F_GBX_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	Private Sub F_GBX_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
-		Init = False
-		GearDia = New GearboxGearDialog
+		_gearDialog = New GearboxGearDialog
 		PnInertiaTI.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
 		GrGearShift.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
@@ -81,36 +80,34 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 				.Select(Function(type) New With {Key .Value = type, .Label = type.GetLabel()}).ToList()
 		End If
-		Init = True
-		Changed = False
-		newGBX()
+		_changed = False
+		NewGbx()
 	End Sub
 	'Set generic values for Declaration mode.
 	Private Sub DeclInit()
-		Dim GStype As GearboxType
+		Dim gbxType As GearboxType
 		Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
 		If Not Cfg.DeclMode Then Exit Sub
-		TBI_getr.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.Inertia.Value()	'cDeclaration.GbInertia
+		TBI_getr.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.Inertia.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.GbInertia
-		GStype = CbGStype.SelectedValue	'CType(Me.CbGStype.SelectedIndex, tGearbox)
+		gbxType = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)	'CType(Me.CbGStype.SelectedIndex, tGearbox)
-		TbTracInt.Text = GStype.TractionInterruption().Value()
-		TbShiftTime.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.MinTimeBetweenGearshifts.Value()	'cDeclaration.ShiftTime(GStype)
+		TbTracInt.Text = gbxType.TractionInterruption().ToGUIFormat()
+		TbShiftTime.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.MinTimeBetweenGearshifts.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.ShiftTime(GStype)
-		TbTqResv.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueReserve ' cDeclaration.TqResv
-		TbTqResvStart.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueReserveStart	'cDeclaration.TqResvStart
-		TbStartSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.StartSpeed.Value() 'cDeclaration.StartSpeed
-		TbStartAcc.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.StartAcceleration.Value()	' cDeclaration.StartAcc
+		TbTqResv.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueReserve.ToGUIFormat()	' cDeclaration.TqResv
+		TbTqResvStart.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueReserveStart.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.TqResvStart
+		TbStartSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.StartSpeed.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.StartSpeed
+		TbStartAcc.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.StartAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()	' cDeclaration.StartAcc
-		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration.Value()
-		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay.Value()
-		tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.Value()
+		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
 		'ChTCon.Checked = GStype.AutomaticTransmission()
 		For Each lv0 In LvGears.Items
@@ -121,11 +118,11 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 #Region "Toolbar"
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtNew_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtNew.Click
-		newGBX()
+		NewGbx()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtOpen.Click
-		If GearboxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(GbxFile) Then openGBX(GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0))
+		If GearboxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(_gbxFile) Then OpenGbx(GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0))
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtSave.Click
@@ -140,7 +137,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		If GbxFile = "" Then
+		If _gbxFile = "" Then
 			If MsgBox("Save file now?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
 				If Not SaveOrSaveAs(True) Then Exit Sub
@@ -151,22 +148,22 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		If Not VectoJobForm.Visible Then
 			JobDir = ""
-			VectoJobForm.VECTOnew()
+			VectoJobForm.VectoNew()
 			VectoJobForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
 		End If
-		VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(GbxFile, JobDir)
+		VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(_gbxFile, JobDir)
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim BrowserRegistryString As String =
+			Dim browserRegistryString As String =
-			Dim DefaultBrowserPath As String =
-					Regex.Match(BrowserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
-			Process.Start(DefaultBrowserPath,
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String =
+					Regex.Match(browserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath,
 						String.Format("""{0}{1}""", MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#gearbox-editor"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
@@ -176,7 +173,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 #End Region
 	'New file
-	Private Sub newGBX()
+	Private Sub NewGbx()
 		'Dim lvi As ListViewItem
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
@@ -189,15 +186,19 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
-		LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", "-", 0, 0, "", ""))
+		LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", 1, "1", "", ""))
 		'Me.ChSkipGears.Checked = False         'set by CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
 		'Me.ChShiftInside.Checked = False       'set by CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
-		TbTqResv.Text = ""
-		TbShiftTime.Text = ""
-		TbTqResvStart.Text = ""
-		TbStartSpeed.Text = ""
-		TbStartAcc.Text = ""
+		TbTqResv.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueReserve.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbShiftTime.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.MinTimeBetweenGearshifts.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbTqResvStart.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueReserveStart.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbStartSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.StartSpeed.ToGUIFormat() ' in m/s!
+		TbStartAcc.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.StartAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
 		'ChTCon.Checked = False				'set by CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
 		TbTCfile.Text = ""
@@ -206,32 +207,26 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
-		GbxFile = ""
+		_gbxFile = ""
 		Text = "GBX Editor"
 		LbStatus.Text = ""
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
 	End Sub
 	'Open file
-	Public Sub openGBX(ByVal file As String)
-		Dim GBX0 As Gearbox
-		Dim i As Integer
-		'Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
+	Public Sub OpenGbx(file As String)
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		GBX0 = New Gearbox
-		GBX0.FilePath = file
-		If Not GBX0.ReadFile Then
-			MsgBox("Cannot read " & file & "!")
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(file), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+		Dim gearbox As IGearboxEngineeringInputData = inputData.GearboxInputData
+		Dim axlegear As IAxleGearInputData = inputData.AxleGearInputData
-		If Cfg.DeclMode <> GBX0.SavedInDeclMode Then
+		If Cfg.DeclMode <> gearbox.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
 			Select Case WrongMode()
 				Case 1
@@ -239,57 +234,55 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 				Case -1
 					Exit Sub
-				Case Else '0
-					'Continue...
 			End Select
 		End If
-		TbName.Text = GBX0.ModelName
-		TbTracInt.Text = GBX0.TracIntrSi.ToString
-		TBI_getr.Text = GBX0.GbxInertia.ToString
-		'ChTCon.Checked = GBX0.TorqueConverterEnabled
+		Dim basePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)
+		TbName.Text = gearbox.ModelName
+		TbTracInt.Text = gearbox.TractionInterruption.ToGUIFormat()
+		TBI_getr.Text = gearbox.Inertia.ToGUIFormat()
-		For i = 0 To GBX0.GearRatios.Count - 1
-			If i = 0 Then
-				'lv0 = New ListViewItem("Axle")
-				LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", "-", GBX0.GearRatios(i), GBX0.GearLossMap(i, True),
-													GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i, True),
-													GBX0.MaxTorque(i)))
-			Else
-				'lv0 = New ListViewItem(i.ToString("00"))
-				LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem(i.ToString("00"), "-", GBX0.GearRatios(i), GBX0.GearLossMap(i, True),
-													GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i, True), GBX0.MaxTorque(i)))
-			End If
+		LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", axlegear.Ratio,
+											If(axlegear.LossMap Is Nothing, axlegear.Efficiency.ToGUIFormat(),
+												GetRelativePath(axlegear.LossMap.Source, basePath)), "", ""))
+		For Each gear As ITransmissionInputData In gearbox.Gears
+			LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem(gear.Gear.ToString("00"), gear.Ratio,
+												If(gear.LossMap Is Nothing, gear.Efficiency.ToGUIFormat(), gear.LossMap.Source),
+												If(gear.ShiftPolygon Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(gear.ShiftPolygon.Source, basePath)),
+												If(gear.MaxTorque Is Nothing, "", gear.MaxTorque.ToGUIFormat())))
-		ChSkipGears.Checked = GBX0.SkipGears
-		TbTqResv.Text = GBX0.TorqueResv.ToString
-		TbShiftTime.Text = GBX0.ShiftTime.ToString
-		TbTqResvStart.Text = GBX0.TorqueResvStart.ToString
-		TbStartSpeed.Text = GBX0.StartSpeed.ToString
-		TbStartAcc.Text = GBX0.StartAcc.ToString
-		ChShiftInside.Checked = GBX0.ShiftInside
-		TbTCfile.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterFile(True)
-		TbTCrefrpm.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterReferenceRpm
-		TbTCinertia.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterInertia
-		TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = GBX0.TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile
-		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = GBX0.UpshiftMinAcceleration
-		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = GBX0.DownshiftAfterUpshift
-		tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = GBX0.UpshiftAfterDownshift
-		CbGStype.SelectedValue = GBX0.Type
-		'If CType(GBX0.gs_Type, Integer) <= Me.CbGStype.Items.Count - 1 Then
-		'	Me.CbGStype.SelectedIndex = CType(GBX0.gs_Type, Integer)
-		'Else
-		'	Me.CbGStype.SelectedIndex = 0
-		'End If
+		ChSkipGears.Checked = gearbox.SkipGears
+		TbTqResv.Text = gearbox.TorqueReserve.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbShiftTime.Text = gearbox.ShiftTime.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbTqResvStart.Text = gearbox.StartTorqueReserve.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbStartSpeed.Text = gearbox.StartSpeed.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbStartAcc.Text = gearbox.StartAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
+		ChShiftInside.Checked = gearbox.EarlyShiftUp
+		Dim torqueConverter As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData = gearbox.TorqueConverter
+		If torqueConverter Is Nothing Then
+			TbTCfile.Text = ""
+			TbTCrefrpm.Text = ""
+			TbTCinertia.Text = ""
+			TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = ""
+		Else
+			TbTCfile.Text = If(torqueConverter.TCData Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(torqueConverter.TCData.Source, basePath))
+			TbTCrefrpm.Text = torqueConverter.ReferenceRPM.AsRPM.ToGUIFormat()
+			TbTCinertia.Text = torqueConverter.Inertia.ToGUIFormat()
+			TBTCShiftPolygon.Text =
+				If(torqueConverter.ShiftPolygon Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(torqueConverter.ShiftPolygon.Source, basePath))
+		End If
+		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = gearbox.DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
+		CbGStype.SelectedValue = gearbox.Type
@@ -297,90 +290,90 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		Text = GetFilenameWithoutPath(file, True)
 		LbStatus.Text = ""
-		GbxFile = file
+		_gbxFile = file
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
 	End Sub
-	Private Function CreateListviewItem(gear As String, tc As String, ratio As Single, getrMap As String,
-										shiftPolygon As String, fldFile As String) As ListViewItem
+	Private Function CreateListviewItem(gear As String, ratio As Double, getrMap As String,
+										shiftPolygon As String, maxTorque As String) As ListViewItem
 		Dim retVal As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(gear)
-		retVal.SubItems.Add(ratio)
+		retVal.SubItems.Add(ratio.ToGUIFormat())
-		retVal.SubItems.Add(fldFile)
+		retVal.SubItems.Add(maxTorque)
 		Return retVal
 	End Function
 	'Save or Save As function = true if file is saved
-	Private Function SaveOrSaveAs(ByVal SaveAs As Boolean) As Boolean
-		If GbxFile = "" Or SaveAs Then
-			If GearboxFileBrowser.SaveDialog(GbxFile) Then
-				GbxFile = GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0)
+	Private Function SaveOrSaveAs(saveAs As Boolean) As Boolean
+		If _gbxFile = "" Or saveAs Then
+			If GearboxFileBrowser.SaveDialog(_gbxFile) Then
+				_gbxFile = GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0)
 				Return False
 			End If
 		End If
-		Return saveGBX(GbxFile)
+		Return SaveGbx(_gbxFile)
 	End Function
 	'Save file
-	Private Function saveGBX(ByVal file As String) As Boolean
-		Dim GBX0 As Gearbox
-		Dim i As Int16
+	Private Function SaveGbx(file As String) As Boolean
+		Dim gearbox As Gearbox
+		Dim i As Integer
-		GBX0 = New Gearbox
-		GBX0.FilePath = file
+		gearbox = New Gearbox
+		gearbox.FilePath = file
-		GBX0.ModelName = TbName.Text
-		If Trim(GBX0.ModelName) = "" Then GBX0.ModelName = "Undefined"
+		gearbox.ModelName = TbName.Text
+		If Trim(gearbox.ModelName) = "" Then gearbox.ModelName = "Undefined"
-		GBX0.TracIntrSi = fTextboxToNumString(TbTracInt.Text)
-		GBX0.GbxInertia = fTextboxToNumString(TBI_getr.Text)
+		gearbox.TracIntrSi = TbTracInt.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.GbxInertia = TBI_getr.Text.ToDouble(0)
 		For i = 0 To LvGears.Items.Count - 1
 			'GBX0.IsTCgear.Add(Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.TorqueConverter).Text = "on" And i > 0)
-			GBX0.GearRatios.Add(CSng(LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text))
-			GBX0.GearLossmaps.Add(New SubPath)
-			GBX0.GearLossMap(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
-			GBX0.GearshiftFiles.Add(New SubPath)
-			GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
+			gearbox.GearRatios.Add(CSng(LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text))
+			gearbox.GearLossmaps.Add(New SubPath)
+			gearbox.GearLossMap(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
+			gearbox.GearshiftFiles.Add(New SubPath)
+			gearbox.ShiftPolygonFile(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
 			'GBX0.FldFiles.Add(New cSubPath)
 			'GBX0.FldFile(i) = Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text
-			GBX0.MaxTorque.Add(LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text)
+			gearbox.MaxTorque.Add(LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text)
-		GBX0.TorqueResv = fTextboxToNumString(TbTqResv.Text)
-		GBX0.SkipGears = ChSkipGears.Checked
-		GBX0.ShiftTime = fTextboxToNumString(TbShiftTime.Text)
-		GBX0.TorqueResvStart = fTextboxToNumString(TbTqResvStart.Text)
-		GBX0.StartSpeed = fTextboxToNumString(TbStartSpeed.Text)
-		GBX0.StartAcc = fTextboxToNumString(TbStartAcc.Text)
-		GBX0.ShiftInside = ChShiftInside.Checked
+		gearbox.TorqueResv = TbTqResv.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.SkipGears = ChSkipGears.Checked
+		gearbox.ShiftTime = TbShiftTime.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.TorqueResvStart = TbTqResvStart.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.StartSpeed = TbStartSpeed.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.StartAcc = TbStartAcc.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.ShiftInside = ChShiftInside.Checked
-		GBX0.Type = CbGStype.SelectedValue
+		gearbox.Type = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)
-		GBX0.TorqueConverterEnabled = GBX0.Type.AutomaticTransmission()
-		GBX0.TorqueConverterFile = TbTCfile.Text
-		GBX0.TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = fTextboxToNumString(TbTCrefrpm.Text)
-		GBX0.TorqueConverterInertia = fTextboxToNumString(TbTCinertia.Text)
-		GBX0.TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile = TBTCShiftPolygon.Text
+		gearbox.TorqueConverterEnabled = gearbox.Type.AutomaticTransmission()
+		gearbox.TorqueConverterFile = TbTCfile.Text
+		gearbox.TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = TbTCrefrpm.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.TorqueConverterInertia = TbTCinertia.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile = TBTCShiftPolygon.Text
-		GBX0.DownshiftAfterUpshift = fTextboxToNumString(tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text)
-		GBX0.UpshiftAfterDownshift = fTextboxToNumString(tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text)
-		GBX0.UpshiftMinAcceleration = fTextboxToNumString(tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text)
+		gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshift = tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshift = tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration = tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text.ToDouble(0)
-		If Not GBX0.SaveFile Then
+		If Not gearbox.SaveFile Then
 			MsgBox("Cannot safe to " & file, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
 			Return False
 		End If
 		If AutoSendTo Then
 			If VectoJobForm.Visible Then
-				If UCase(fFileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
+				If UCase(FileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
 					VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(file, JobDir)
 			End If
@@ -390,7 +383,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		Text = GetFilenameWithoutPath(file, True)
 		LbStatus.Text = ""
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
 		Return True
 	End Function
@@ -399,23 +392,23 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	'Change Status ändern |@@| Change Status change
 	Private Sub Change()
-		If Not Changed Then
+		If Not _changed Then
 			LbStatus.Text = "Unsaved changes in current file"
-			Changed = True
+			_changed = True
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	' "Save changes ?" ...liefert True wenn User Vorgang abbricht |@@| Save changes? "... Returns True if user aborts
 	Private Function ChangeCheckCancel() As Boolean
-		If Changed Then
+		If _changed Then
 			Select Case MsgBox("Save changes ?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
 				Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
 					Return Not SaveOrSaveAs(False)
 				Case MsgBoxResult.Cancel
 					Return True
 				Case Else 'MsgBoxResult.No
-					Changed = False
+					_changed = False
 					Return False
 			End Select
@@ -507,14 +500,14 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	'Enable/Disable settings for specific transmission types
 	Private Sub CbGStype_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
-		Dim GStype As GearboxType = CbGStype.SelectedItem.Value
+		Dim gStype As GearboxType = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)
-		ChShiftInside.Enabled = (GStype.EarlyShiftGears())
-		ChSkipGears.Enabled = (GStype.SkipGears())
+		ChShiftInside.Enabled = (gStype.EarlyShiftGears())
+		ChSkipGears.Enabled = (gStype.SkipGears())
 		'ChTCon.Enabled = (GStype.AutomaticTransmission())
-		PnTC.Enabled = GStype.AutomaticTransmission()
+		PnTC.Enabled = gStype.AutomaticTransmission()
 	End Sub
@@ -559,35 +552,35 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 			'GearDia.ChIsTCgear.Enabled = (Me.ChTCon.Checked And Me.LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
-			GearDia.PnShiftPoly.Enabled = (Not Cfg.DeclMode And LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
-			GearDia.PnFld.Enabled = (LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
-			GearDia.GbxPath = GetPath(GbxFile)
-			GearDia.TbGear.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.GearNr).Text
-			GearDia.TbRatio.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text
-			GearDia.TbMapPath.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
+			_gearDialog.PnShiftPoly.Enabled = (Not Cfg.DeclMode And LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
+			_gearDialog.PnFld.Enabled = (LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
+			_gearDialog.GbxPath = GetPath(_gbxFile)
+			_gearDialog.TbGear.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.GearNr).Text
+			_gearDialog.TbRatio.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text
+			_gearDialog.TbMapPath.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
 			If LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
-				GearDia.TbShiftPolyFile.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
-				GearDia.TbMaxTorque.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text
+				_gearDialog.TbShiftPolyFile.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
+				_gearDialog.TbMaxTorque.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text
-				GearDia.TbShiftPolyFile.Text = ""
-				GearDia.TbMaxTorque.Text = ""
+				_gearDialog.TbShiftPolyFile.Text = ""
+				_gearDialog.TbMaxTorque.Text = ""
 			End If
 			If LvGears.SelectedItems(0).Index = 0 Then
-				GearDia.BtPrevious.Enabled = False
+				_gearDialog.BtPrevious.Enabled = False
-				GearDia.BtPrevious.Enabled = True
+				_gearDialog.BtPrevious.Enabled = True
 			End If
-			If GearDia.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
+			If _gearDialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
 				'Me.LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.TorqueConverter).Text = "-"
-				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text = GearDia.TbRatio.Text
-				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text = GearDia.TbMapPath.Text
-				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text = GearDia.TbShiftPolyFile.Text
-				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text = GearDia.TbMaxTorque.Text
+				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text = _gearDialog.TbRatio.Text
+				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text = _gearDialog.TbMapPath.Text
+				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text = _gearDialog.TbShiftPolyFile.Text
+				LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text = _gearDialog.TbMaxTorque.Text
@@ -598,24 +591,24 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 			End If
-			If GearDia.NextGear Then
+			If _gearDialog.NextGear Then
 				If LvGears.Items.Count - 1 = LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) Then AddGear()
 				LvGears.Items(LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) + 1).Selected = True
 			End If
-			If GearDia.PreviousGear AndAlso LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
+			If _gearDialog.PreviousGear AndAlso LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
 				LvGears.Items(LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) - 1).Selected = True
 			End If
-		Loop Until Not (GearDia.NextGear OrElse GearDia.PreviousGear)
+		Loop Until Not (_gearDialog.NextGear OrElse _gearDialog.PreviousGear)
 	End Sub
 	'Add Gear
 	Private Sub AddGear()
 		Dim lvi As ListViewItem
-		lvi = CreateListviewItem(LvGears.Items.Count.ToString("00"), "-", 1, "", "", "")
+		lvi = CreateListviewItem(LvGears.Items.Count.ToString("00"), 1, "", "", "")
@@ -627,9 +620,9 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	End Sub
 	'Remove Gear
-	Private Sub RemoveGear(ByVal NoChange As Boolean)
-		Dim i0 As Int16
-		Dim i As Int16
+	Private Sub RemoveGear(noChange As Boolean)
+		Dim i0 As Integer
+		Dim i As Integer
 		Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
 		If LvGears.Items.Count < 2 Then Exit Sub
@@ -657,7 +650,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
-		If Not NoChange Then Change()
+		If Not noChange Then Change()
 	End Sub
@@ -666,13 +659,13 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 #Region "Open File Context Menu"
-	Private CmFiles As String()
+	Private _contextMenuFiles As String()
 	Private Sub OpenFiles(ParamArray files() As String)
 		If files.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
-		CmFiles = files
+		_contextMenuFiles = files
 		OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open with " & Cfg.OpenCmdName
@@ -681,14 +674,14 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	Private Sub OpenWithToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If Not FileOpenAlt(CmFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
+		If Not FileOpenAlt(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If File.Exists(CmFiles(0)) Then
+		If File.Exists(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then
-				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & CmFiles(0) & "")
+				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & _contextMenuFiles(0) & "")
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 			End Try
@@ -702,144 +695,98 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	Private Sub UpdatePic()
-		Dim f As CsvFile
 		Dim path As String
-		Dim lM As List(Of Single) = Nothing
-		Dim lup As List(Of Single) = Nothing
-		Dim ldown As List(Of Single) = Nothing
-		Dim line As String()
-		Dim MyChart As Chart
+		Dim chart As Chart
 		Dim s As Series
 		Dim a As ChartArea
-		Dim img As Image
-		Dim Gear As Integer
-		Dim fldOK As Boolean
-		Dim fldpath As String
-		Dim FLD0 As EngineFullLoadCurve = Nothing
-		Dim ShiftOK As Boolean
+		Dim img As Bitmap
+		Dim gear As Integer
+		'Dim fullLoadCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve = Nothing
+		'Dim shiftOk As Boolean
 		PicBox.Image = Nothing
-		Try
-			'Check Files
-			If LvGears.Items.Count > 1 Then
-				If LvGears.SelectedItems.Count > 0 AndAlso LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
-					path = fFileRepl(LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text, GetPath(GbxFile))
-					'fldpath = fFileRepl(LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text, fPATH(GbxFile))
-					Gear = LvGears.SelectedIndices(0)
-				Else
-					path = fFileRepl(LvGears.Items(1).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text, GetPath(GbxFile))
-					'fldpath = fFileRepl(Me.LvGears.Items(1).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text, fPATH(GbxFile))
-					Gear = 1
-				End If
-				f = New CsvFile
-				ShiftOK = f.OpenRead(path)
-				fldpath = VectoJobForm.FLDfile
+		Dim shiftPolygon As ShiftPolygon = Nothing
+		'Dim engineFld As FullLoadCurve
-				fldOK = Not IsNothing(fldpath) AndAlso fldpath.Trim <> ""
-				If fldOK Then
-					FLD0 = New EngineFullLoadCurve
-					FLD0.FilePath = fldpath
-					fldOK = FLD0.ReadFile(True, False)
-				End If
+		If LvGears.Items.Count <= 1 Then Exit Sub
+		Try
+			If LvGears.SelectedItems.Count > 0 AndAlso LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
+				path = FileRepl(LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text, GetPath(_gbxFile))
+				gear = LvGears.SelectedIndices(0)
-				Exit Sub
+				path = FileRepl(LvGears.Items(1).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text, GetPath(_gbxFile))
+				gear = 1
 			End If
+			shiftPolygon = ShiftPolygonReader.ReadFromFile(path)
 		Catch ex As Exception
-			Exit Sub
 		End Try
-		'Read ShiftPolygon
-		If ShiftOK Then
-			'Header
-			f.ReadLine()
-			Try
-				lM = New List(Of Single)
-				lup = New List(Of Single)
-				ldown = New List(Of Single)
-				Do While Not f.EndOfFile
-					line = f.ReadLine
-					lM.Add(CSng(line(0)))
-					lup.Add(CSng(line(1)))
-					ldown.Add(CSng(line(2)))
-				Loop
-				f.Close()
-			Catch ex As Exception
-				f.Close()
-				Exit Sub
-			End Try
-			If lM.Count < 2 Then ShiftOK = False
-		End If
-		'Create plot
-		If Not ShiftOK And Not fldOK Then Exit Sub
-		MyChart = New Chart
-		MyChart.Width = PicBox.Width
-		MyChart.Height = PicBox.Height
+		chart = New Chart
+		chart.Width = PicBox.Width
+		chart.Height = PicBox.Height
 		a = New ChartArea
 		'Shiftpolygons from file
-		If ShiftOK Then
+		If Not shiftPolygon Is Nothing Then
 			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(lup, lM)
+			s.Points.DataBindXY(shiftPolygon.Upshift.Select(Function(x) x.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+								shiftPolygon.Upshift.Select(Function(x) x.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
 			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 			s.BorderWidth = 2
 			s.Color = Color.DarkRed
 			s.Name = "Upshift curve"
-			MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+			chart.Series.Add(s)
 			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(ldown, lM)
+			s.Points.DataBindXY(shiftPolygon.Downshift.Select(Function(x) x.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+								shiftPolygon.Downshift.Select(Function(x) x.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
 			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 			s.BorderWidth = 2
 			s.Color = Color.DarkRed
 			s.Name = "Downshift curve"
-			MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+			chart.Series.Add(s)
 		End If
-		Dim vectoJob As VectoJob = New VectoJob() With {.FilePath = VectoJobForm.VECTOfile}
-		Dim vectoOk As Boolean = vectoJob.ReadFile()
-		Dim vehicle As Vehicle = New Vehicle() With {.FilePath = vectoJob.PathVeh(False)}
-		Dim vehicleOk As Boolean = vehicle.ReadFile(False)
+		'Dim vectoJob As VectoJob = New VectoJob() With {.FilePath = VectoJobForm.VECTOfile}
+		'Dim vectoOk As Boolean = vectoJob.ReadFile()
+		Dim jobFile As String = VectoJobForm.VectoFile
+		If Not jobFile Is Nothing AndAlso File.Exists(jobFile) Then
+			Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonJob(jobFile), 
+																	IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+			If (inputData Is Nothing) Then
+				Exit Sub
+			End If
+			Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = inputData.VehicleInputData
+			'inputData = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(vectoJob.PathEng(False)), IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+			Dim engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData = inputData.EngineInputData
+			Dim engineFld As EngineFullLoadCurve = EngineFullLoadCurve.Create(engine.FullLoadCurve)
-		'Fld
-		If fldOK AndAlso vectoOk AndAlso vehicleOk Then
 			s = New Series
-			s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.MaxTorqueList)
+			s.Points.DataBindXY(engineFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+								engineFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.TorqueFullLoad.Value()).ToArray())
 			s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 			s.BorderWidth = 2
 			s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
 			s.Name = "Full load"
-			MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+			chart.Series.Add(s)
-			If VectoJobForm.Visible AndAlso VectoJobForm.n_idle > 0 Then
+			If VectoJobForm.Visible AndAlso engine.IdleSpeed > 0 Then
 				'If FLD0.Init(VectoJobForm.n_idle) Then
 				'Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = ConvertToFullLoadCurve(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
 				Dim gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) = ConvertToGears(LvGears.Items)
-				Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = GetShiftLines(FLD0, vehicle, gears, Gear)
+				Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = GetShiftLines(engine.IdleSpeed, engineFld, vehicle, gears, gear)
 				If (CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType).ManualTransmission() AndAlso Not IsNothing(shiftLines)) Then
@@ -847,33 +794,33 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 					's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUup, Shiftpoly.gs_TqUp)
-						shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-						shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+						shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).
+											ToArray(),
+						shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
 					s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 					s.BorderWidth = 2
 					s.Color = Color.DarkRed
 					s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
 					s.Name = "Upshift curve (generic)"
-					MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+					chart.Series.Add(s)
 					s = New Series
 					's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUdown, Shiftpoly.gs_TqDown)
-						shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-						shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+						shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.AsRPM) _
+											.ToArray(),
+						shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
 					s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 					s.BorderWidth = 2
 					s.Color = Color.DarkRed
 					s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
 					s.Name = "Downshift curve (generic)"
-					MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+					chart.Series.Add(s)
 				End If
 				'End If
 			End If
 		End If
 		a.Name = "main"
 		a.AxisX.Title = "engine speed [1/min]"
@@ -894,27 +841,28 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 		a.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
-		MyChart.ChartAreas.Add(a)
+		chart.ChartAreas.Add(a)
-		MyChart.Titles.Add("Gear " & Gear & " shift polygons")
-		MyChart.Titles(0).Font = New Font("Helvetica", 12)
+		chart.Titles.Add("Gear " & gear & " shift polygons")
+		chart.Titles(0).Font = New Font("Helvetica", 12)
-		MyChart.Update()
+		chart.Update()
-		img = New Bitmap(MyChart.Width, MyChart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
-		MyChart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PicBox.Width, PicBox.Height))
+		img = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
+		chart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PicBox.Width, PicBox.Height))
 		PicBox.Image = img
 	End Sub
-	Private Function GetShiftLines(engineFullLoadCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve, vehicle As Vehicle,
-									gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData), gear As UInteger) As ShiftPolygon
-		Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(engineFullLoadCurve, VectoJobForm.n_idle)
+	Private Function GetShiftLines(ByVal idleSpeed As PerSecond, engineFullLoadCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve,
+									vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData, gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData), ByVal gear As Integer) _
+		As ShiftPolygon
+		Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(engineFullLoadCurve, idleSpeed)
 		If gears.Count <= 1 Then
 			Return Nothing
 		End If
-		Dim rDyn As Meter = (vehicle.DynamicTyreRadius / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter)()
+		Dim rDyn As Meter = vehicle.DynamicTyreRadius
 		If rDyn.IsEqual(0) Then
 			If (vehicle.Axles.Count < 2) Then
 				Return Nothing
@@ -941,7 +889,7 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 					New TransmissionInputData() _
-							With {.Ratio = Double.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})
+							With {.Ratio = value})
 			End If
@@ -954,14 +902,14 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	'Browse TC file
 	Private Sub BtTCfileBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtTCfileBrowse.Click
-		If TorqueConverterFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbTCfile.Text, GetPath(GbxFile))) Then
-			TbTCfile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(TorqueConverterFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(GbxFile))
+		If TorqueConverterFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbTCfile.Text, GetPath(_gbxFile))) Then
+			TbTCfile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(TorqueConverterFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_gbxFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	'Open TC file
 	Private Sub BtTCfileOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtTCfileOpen.Click
-		OpenFiles(fFileRepl(TbTCfile.Text, GetPath(GbxFile)))
+		OpenFiles(FileRepl(TbTCfile.Text, GetPath(_gbxFile)))
 	End Sub
@@ -979,8 +927,11 @@ Public Class GearboxForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtTCShiftFileBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtTCShiftFileBrowse.Click
-		If fbTCCShift.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TBTCShiftPolygon.Text, GetPath(GbxFile))) Then
-			TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(fbTCCShift.Files(0), GetPath(GbxFile))
+		If TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TBTCShiftPolygon.Text, GetPath(_gbxFile))) Then
+			TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFileBrowser.Files(0),
+																GetPath(_gbxFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxGearDialog.vb b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxGearDialog.vb
index b4de37c3b57d2ed84bb65980a61d0ddf754a8f88..f7f89c398e06466813a3f8dd1185479c7f43ea9f 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/GearboxGearDialog.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/GearboxGearDialog.vb
@@ -8,7 +8,16 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
+Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
+Imports System.IO
+Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Windows.Forms
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.ComponentData
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox
 ''' <summary>
@@ -22,18 +31,10 @@ Public Class GearboxGearDialog
 	'Save and Close
 	Private Sub OK_Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK_Button.Click
-		If Not IsNumeric(TbRatio.Text) Then
-			MsgBox("Gear ratio is invalid!")
-			TbRatio.Focus()
-			TbRatio.SelectAll()
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
-		If IsNumeric(TbMapPath.Text) AndAlso (TbMapPath.Text < 0 OrElse TbMapPath.Text > 1) Then
-			MsgBox("Efficiency is invalid! Must be between 0 and 1.")
-			TbMapPath.Focus()
-			TbMapPath.SelectAll()
+		Dim results As IList(Of String) = ValidateGear()
+		If results.Any() Then
+			MsgBox("Invalid input:" + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, results), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+					"Failed to save gear")
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
@@ -43,6 +44,45 @@ Public Class GearboxGearDialog
 	End Sub
+	Private Function ValidateGear() As IList(Of String)
+		If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TbMapPath.Text) Then _
+			Return New List(Of String)() From {"Loss-Map or Efficiency required"}
+		Try
+			Dim lossMapFile As String =
+					If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GbxPath), Path.Combine(GbxPath, TbMapPath.Text), TbMapPath.Text)
+			Dim lossmap As TransmissionLossMap
+			If File.Exists(lossMapFile) Then
+				lossmap = TransmissionLossMapReader.ReadFromFile(lossMapFile, TbRatio.Text.ToDouble(0), "gear " + TbGear.Text)
+			Else
+				lossmap = TransmissionLossMapReader.Create(TbMapPath.Text.ToDouble(0), TbRatio.Text.ToDouble(0),
+															"gear " + TbGear.Text)
+			End If
+			Dim shiftPolygon As ShiftPolygon = Nothing
+			If (Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TbShiftPolyFile.Text)) Then
+				Dim shiftPolygonFile As String =
+						If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GbxPath), Path.Combine(GbxPath, TbShiftPolyFile.Text), TbShiftPolyFile.Text)
+				shiftPolygon = ShiftPolygonReader.ReadFromFile(shiftPolygonFile)
+			End If
+			Dim gearData As GearData = New GearData() With {
+					.Ratio = TbRatio.Text.ToDouble(0),
+					.LossMap = lossmap,
+					.ShiftPolygon = shiftPolygon,
+					.MaxTorque =
+					If(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TbMaxTorque.Text), Nothing, TbMaxTorque.Text.ToDouble().SI(Of NewtonMeter))
+					}
+			Dim results As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+					gearData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If (results.Any()) Then
+				Return results.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct())).ToList()
+			End If
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			Return New List(Of String)() From {ex.Message}
+		End Try
+		Return New List(Of String)()
+	End Function
 	Private Sub Cancel_Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Cancel_Button.Click
 		NextGear = False
@@ -61,7 +101,7 @@ Public Class GearboxGearDialog
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
-		If IsNumeric(TbMapPath.Text) AndAlso (TbMapPath.Text < 0 OrElse TbMapPath.Text > 1) Then
+		If IsNumeric(TbMapPath.Text) AndAlso (TbMapPath.Text.ToDouble() < 0 OrElse TbMapPath.Text.ToDouble() > 1) Then
 			MsgBox("Efficiency is invalid! Must be between 0 and 1.")
@@ -76,14 +116,14 @@ Public Class GearboxGearDialog
 	'Browse for transmission loss map
 	Private Sub BtBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtBrowse.Click
-		If TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbMapPath.Text, GbxPath)) Then
+		If TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbMapPath.Text, GbxPath)) Then
 			TbMapPath.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.Files(0), GbxPath)
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	'Browse for shift polygons file
 	Private Sub BtShiftPolyBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtShiftPolyBrowse.Click
-		If GearboxShiftPolygonFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbShiftPolyFile.Text, GbxPath)) Then
+		If GearboxShiftPolygonFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbShiftPolyFile.Text, GbxPath)) Then
 			TbShiftPolyFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(GearboxShiftPolygonFileBrowser.Files(0), GbxPath)
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -96,7 +136,7 @@ Public Class GearboxGearDialog
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
-		If IsNumeric(TbMapPath.Text) AndAlso (TbMapPath.Text < 0 OrElse TbMapPath.Text > 1) Then
+		If IsNumeric(TbMapPath.Text) AndAlso (TbMapPath.Text.ToDouble() < 0 OrElse TbMapPath.Text.ToDouble() > 1) Then
 			MsgBox("Efficiency is invalid! Must be between 0 and 1.")
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/GraphForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/GraphForm.vb
index e577284338b0fc5353b218bf09b640a311931d5a..cf3bd2673f8451ac0654b88d7dbe0febfd0c0ef1 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/GraphForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/GraphForm.vb
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
 Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 Public Class GraphForm
 	Private _filepath As String
@@ -22,10 +25,10 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 	Private _distanceList As List(Of Single)
 	Private _timeList As List(Of Single)
-	Private _xMin As Single
-	Private _xMax As Single
+	Private _xMin As Double
+	Private _xMax As Double
-	Private _xMax0 As Single
+	Private _xMax0 As Double
 	Public Sub New()
@@ -79,70 +82,47 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub LoadFile()
-		Dim file As CsvFile
-		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim sDim As Integer
-		Dim line As String()
-		Dim c0 As Channel
-		Dim l0 As List(Of String)
-		file = New CsvFile
-		If file.OpenRead(_filepath) Then
+		Try
-			Try
+			_channels.Clear()
-				_channels.Clear()
+			Dim data As TableData = VectoCSVFile.Read(_filepath)
+			For Each column As DataColumn In data.Columns
+				Dim values As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
+				For Each row As DataRow In data.Rows
+					values.Add(row(column).ToString())
+				Next
+				_channels.Add(New Channel() With {
+								.Name = column.ColumnName,
+								.Values = values})
+			Next
-				'Header
-				line = file.ReadLine
-				sDim = UBound(line)
+			_timeList = Nothing
+			_distanceList = Nothing
-				For i = 0 To sDim
-					c0 = New Channel
-					c0.Name = line(i)
-					c0.Values = New List(Of String)
-					_channels.Add(c0)
-				Next
+			For Each channel As Channel In _channels
+				If (channel.Name = "time" AndAlso _timeList Is Nothing) Then
+					_timeList = channel.Values.Select(Function(x) CSng(x)).ToList()
+				End If
+				If (channel.Name = "dist" AndAlso _distanceList Is Nothing) Then
+					_distanceList = channel.Values.Select(Function(x) CSng(x)).ToList()
+				End If
+			Next
-				'Values
-				Do While Not file.EndOfFile
-					line = file.ReadLine
-					For i = 0 To sDim
-						_channels(i).Values.Add(line(i))
-					Next
-				Loop
-				file.Close()
-				l0 = _channels(0).Values
-				_timeList = Nothing
-				_distanceList = Nothing
-				For Each channel As Channel In _channels
-					If (channel.Name = "time [s]" AndAlso _timeList Is Nothing) Then
-						_timeList = channel.Values.Select(Function(x) CSng(x)).ToList()
-					End If
-					If (channel.Name = "dist [m]" AndAlso _distanceList Is Nothing) Then
-						_distanceList = channel.Values.Select(Function(x) CSng(x)).ToList()
-					End If
-				Next
+			SetxMax0()
-				SetxMax0()
+			TbXmin.Text = 0.ToGUIFormat()
+			TbXmax.Text = _xMax0.ToGUIFormat()
-				TbXmin.Text = 0
-				TbXmax.Text = _xMax0
+			Text = GetFilenameWithoutPath(_filepath, True)
-				Text = GetFilenameWithoutPath(_filepath, True)
+		Catch ex As Exception
-			Catch ex As Exception
-				file.Close()
-				Exit Sub
-			End Try
+			Exit Sub
+		End Try
-		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -191,9 +171,9 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			Dim chartSeries As Series = New Series
 			If overDist Then
-				chartSeries.Points.DataBindXY(_distanceList, _channels(listViewItem.Tag).Values)
+				chartSeries.Points.DataBindXY(_distanceList, _channels(CType(listViewItem.Tag, Integer)).Values)
-				chartSeries.Points.DataBindXY(_timeList, _channels(listViewItem.Tag).Values)
+				chartSeries.Points.DataBindXY(_timeList, _channels(CType(listViewItem.Tag, Integer)).Values)
 			End If
 			chartSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
@@ -289,18 +269,18 @@ Public Class GraphForm
-		Dim img As Image = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
+		Dim img As Bitmap = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
 		chart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height))
 		PictureBox1.Image = img
 	End Sub
-	Private Function AutoIntervalXAxis() As Single
-		Dim xyd(3) As Single
-		Dim xya(3) As Single
+	Private Function AutoIntervalXAxis() As Double
+		Dim xyd(3) As Double
+		Dim xya(3) As Double
 		Dim i As Int16
-		Dim inv As Single = (_xMax - _xMin) / 10
+		Dim inv As Double = (_xMax - _xMin) / 10
 		Dim grx As Long = 20
 		Do While 10 ^ grx > inv
@@ -315,8 +295,8 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			xya(i) = Math.Abs(inv - xyd(i))
-		Dim xyamin As Single = xya(0)
-		Dim xydmin As Single = xyd(0)
+		Dim xyamin As Double = xya(0)
+		Dim xydmin As Double = xyd(0)
 		For i = 1 To 3
 			If xya(i) < xyamin Then
 				xyamin = xya(i)
@@ -394,7 +374,7 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			dlog.RbRight.Checked = True
 		End If
-		dlog.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = lv0.Tag
+		dlog.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = CType(lv0.Tag, Integer)
 		If dlog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
 			i = dlog.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex
@@ -413,7 +393,7 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub RemoveChannel()
-		Dim i0 As Int16
+		Dim i0 As Integer
 		If ListView1.Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
@@ -459,31 +439,31 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 	Private Sub CbXaxis_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles CbXaxis.SelectedIndexChanged
-		TbXmin.Text = 0
-		TbXmax.Text = _xMax0
+		TbXmin.Text = 0.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbXmax.Text = _xMax0.ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtReset_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtReset.Click
 		_xMin = 0
 		_xMax = _xMax0
-		TbXmin.Text = 0
-		TbXmax.Text = _xMax0
+		TbXmin.Text = 0.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbXmax.Text = _xMax0.ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub TbXmin_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TbXmin.TextChanged
-		If IsNumeric(TbXmin.Text) Then _xMin = TbXmin.Text
+		If IsNumeric(TbXmin.Text) Then _xMin = TbXmin.Text.ToDouble()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub TbXmax_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TbXmax.TextChanged
-		If IsNumeric(TbXmax.Text) Then _xMax = TbXmax.Text
+		If IsNumeric(TbXmax.Text) Then _xMax = TbXmax.Text.ToDouble()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripButton3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton3.Click
-		Dim FGraph As New GraphForm
-		FGraph.Show()
+		Dim graph As New GraphForm
+		graph.Show()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub F_Graph_SizeChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.SizeChanged
@@ -491,7 +471,7 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtZoomIn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtZoomIn.Click
-		Dim d As Single
+		Dim d As Double
 		d = (_xMax - _xMin) / 10
@@ -504,12 +484,12 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			_xMin = Math.Round(_xMin, 0)
 		End If
-		TbXmin.Text = _xMin
-		TbXmax.Text = _xMax
+		TbXmin.Text = _xMin.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbXmax.Text = _xMax.ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtZoomOut_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtZoomOut.Click
-		Dim d As Single
+		Dim d As Double
 		d = (_xMax - _xMin) / 10
@@ -522,12 +502,12 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			_xMin = Math.Round(_xMin, 0)
 		End If
-		TbXmin.Text = _xMin
-		TbXmax.Text = _xMax
+		TbXmin.Text = _xMin.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbXmax.Text = _xMax.ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtMoveL_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtMoveL.Click
-		Dim d As Single
+		Dim d As Double
 		If _xMin <= 0 Then Exit Sub
@@ -541,12 +521,12 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			_xMin = Math.Round(_xMin, 0)
 		End If
-		TbXmin.Text = _xMin
-		TbXmax.Text = _xMax
+		TbXmin.Text = _xMin.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbXmax.Text = _xMax.ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtMoveR_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtMoveR.Click
-		Dim d As Single
+		Dim d As Double
 		If _xMax >= _xMax0 Then Exit Sub
@@ -560,17 +540,17 @@ Public Class GraphForm
 			_xMin = Math.Round(_xMin, 0)
 		End If
-		TbXmin.Text = _xMin
-		TbXmax.Text = _xMax
+		TbXmin.Text = _xMin.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbXmax.Text = _xMax.ToGUIFormat()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim BrowserRegistryString As String =
+			Dim browserRegistryString As String =
-			Dim DefaultBrowserPath As String =
-					Regex.Match(BrowserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
-			Process.Start(DefaultBrowserPath,
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String =
+					Regex.Match(browserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath,
 						String.Format("""{0}{1}""", MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#graph-window"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/MainForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/MainForm.vb
index 89a6b435dde83f021d0c26ed309f14795f59d979..dc4e4a6bfaab3cd51fe86c836b5c13d4df208257 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/MainForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/MainForm.vb
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports System.Text
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
 Imports System.Threading
+Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
@@ -52,38 +53,38 @@ Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
 Public Class MainForm
-	Private JobListView As cFileListView
-	Private CycleListView As cFileListView
+	Private _jobListView As FileListView
+	Private _cycleListView As FileListView
-	Private LastModeName As String
-	Private ConMenTarget As ListView
-	Private ConMenTarJob As Boolean
+	Private _lastModeName As String
+	Private _conMenTarget As ListView
+	Private _conMenTarJob As Boolean
-	Private GUIlocked As Boolean
+	Private _guIlocked As Boolean
-	Private CheckLock As Boolean
-	Private GENchecked As Integer
-	Private GENcheckAllLock As Boolean
+	Private _checkLock As Boolean
+	Private _genChecked As Integer
+	Private _genCheckAllLock As Boolean
-	Private CbDeclLock As Boolean = False
+	Private _cbDeclLock As Boolean = False
 #Region "SLEEP Control - Prevent sleep while VECTO is running"
 	Private Declare Function SetThreadExecutionState Lib "kernel32" (esFlags As Long) As Long
-	Private Sub AllowSleepOFF()
+	Private Shared Sub AllowSleepOff()
 #If Not PLATFORM = "x86" Then
 #End If
 	End Sub
-	Private Sub AllowSleepON()
+	Private Shared Sub AllowSleepOn()
 #If Not PLATFORM = "x86" Then
 #End If
 	End Sub
-	Private Enum tEXECUTION_STATE As Integer
+	Private Enum EXECUTION_STATE As Integer
 		''' Informs the system that the state being set should remain in effect until the next call that uses ES_CONTINUOUS and one of the other state flags is cleared.
 		ES_CONTINUOUS = &H80000000
 		''' Forces the display to be on by resetting the display idle timer.
@@ -119,10 +120,10 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		GearboxShiftPolygonFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vgbs")
 		RetarderLossMapFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vrlm")
 		TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vtlm")
-		fbPTOLM = New FileBrowser("vptol")
+		PtoLossMapFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vptol")
 		TorqueConverterFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vtcc")
-		fbTCCShift = New FileBrowser("vgbs")
-		fbCDx = New FileBrowser("vcdx")
+		TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vgbs")
+		CrossWindCorrectionFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("vcdx")
 		DriverDecisionFactorVelocityDropFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("DfVelocityDrop")
 		DriverDecisionFactorTargetSpeedFileBrowser = New FileBrowser("DfTargetSpeed")
 		DriverDecisionFactorVelocityDropFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"csv"}
@@ -145,10 +146,10 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		GearboxShiftPolygonFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vgbs"}
 		RetarderLossMapFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vrlm"}
 		TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vtlm"}
-		fbPTOLM.Extensions = New String() {"vptol"}
+		PtoLossMapFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vptol"}
 		TorqueConverterFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vtcc"}
-		fbTCCShift.Extensions = New String() {"vgbs"}
-		fbCDx.Extensions = New String() {"vcdv", "vcdb"}
+		TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vgbs"}
+		CrossWindCorrectionFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vcdv", "vcdb"}
 		ModalResultsFileBrowser.Extensions = New String() {"vmod"}
 	End Sub
@@ -168,29 +169,29 @@ Public Class MainForm
-		fbPTOLM.Close()
+		PtoLossMapFileBrowser.Close()
-		fbTCCShift.Close()
-		fbCDx.Close()
+		TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFileBrowser.Close()
+		CrossWindCorrectionFileBrowser.Close()
 	End Sub
 #End Region
 	'Lock certain GUI elements while VECTO is running
-	Private Sub LockGUI(Lock As Boolean)
-		GUIlocked = Lock
+	Private Sub LockGUI(lock As Boolean)
+		_guIlocked = lock
-		PanelOptAllg.Enabled = Not Lock
+		PanelOptAllg.Enabled = Not lock
-		BtGENup.Enabled = Not Lock
-		BtGENdown.Enabled = Not Lock
-		ButtonGENadd.Enabled = Not Lock
-		ButtonGENremove.Enabled = Not Lock
-		LvGEN.LabelEdit = Not Lock
-		ChBoxAllGEN.Enabled = Not Lock
+		BtGENup.Enabled = Not lock
+		BtGENdown.Enabled = Not lock
+		ButtonGENadd.Enabled = Not lock
+		ButtonGENremove.Enabled = Not lock
+		LvGEN.LabelEdit = Not lock
+		ChBoxAllGEN.Enabled = Not lock
-		btStartV3.Enabled = Not Lock
+		btStartV3.Enabled = Not lock
 	End Sub
@@ -200,10 +201,10 @@ Public Class MainForm
 	Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
 		Dim x As Integer
-		GUIlocked = False
-		CheckLock = False
-		GENcheckAllLock = False
-		GENchecked = 0
+		_guIlocked = False
+		_checkLock = False
+		_genCheckAllLock = False
+		_genChecked = 0
 		'Load Tabs properly (otherwise problem with ListViews)
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
-		LastModeName = ""
+		_lastModeName = ""
@@ -219,11 +220,11 @@ Public Class MainForm
-		JobListView = New cFileListView(MyConfPath & "joblist.txt")
-		JobListView.LVbox = LvGEN
-		CycleListView = New cFileListView(MyConfPath & "cyclelist.txt")
+		_jobListView = New FileListView(MyConfPath & "joblist.txt")
+		_jobListView.LVbox = LvGEN
+		_cycleListView = New FileListView(MyConfPath & "cyclelist.txt")
-		JobListView.LoadList()
+		_jobListView.LoadList()
@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 #If DEBUG Then
 		Const LicCheck As Boolean = False
-		Const LicCheck as Boolean = True
+		Const LicCheck As Boolean = True
 #End If
 		'License check
@@ -268,12 +269,13 @@ Public Class MainForm
 	End Sub
+	' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used via Logging Framework!
 	Public Shared Sub LogMethod(level As String, message As String)
 			If level = "Warn" Then
-				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(100, New With {.Target = "ListBoxWarning", .Message = message})
+				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(100, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBoxWarning", .Message = message})
 			ElseIf level = "Error" Or level = "Fatal" Then
-				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(100, New With {.Target = "ListBoxError", .Message = message})
+				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(100, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBoxError", .Message = message})
 			End If
 		Catch e As InvalidOperationException
@@ -292,12 +294,12 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		End If
 		If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-			LastModeName = "Declaration"
+			_lastModeName = "Declaration"
-			LastModeName = "Engineering"
+			_lastModeName = "Engineering"
 		End If
-		Status(LastModeName & " Mode")
+		Status(_lastModeName & " Mode")
@@ -338,16 +340,16 @@ Public Class MainForm
 #End Region
 	'Open file - Job, vehicle, engine, gearbox or signature file
-	Public Sub OpenVectoFile(File As String)
+	Public Sub OpenVectoFile(file As String)
-		If Not IO.File.Exists(File) Then
+		If Not IO.File.Exists(file) Then
-			GUIMsg(MessageType.Err, "File not found! (" & File & ")")
-			MsgBox("File not found! (" & File & ")", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
+			GUIMsg(MessageType.Err, "File not found! (" & file & ")")
+			MsgBox("File not found! (" & file & ")", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
-			Select Case UCase(GetExtension(File))
+			Select Case UCase(GetExtension(file))
 				Case ".VGBX"
 					If Not GearboxForm.Visible Then
@@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 						If GearboxForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then GearboxForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
 					End If
-					GearboxForm.openGBX(File)
+					GearboxForm.OpenGbx(file)
 				Case ".VVEH"
 					If Not VehicleForm.Visible Then
@@ -365,7 +367,11 @@ Public Class MainForm
 						If VehicleForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then VehicleForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
 					End If
-					VehicleForm.OpenVehicle(File)
+					Try
+						VehicleForm.OpenVehicle(file)
+					Catch ex As Exception
+						MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error loading Vehicle File")
+					End Try
 				Case ".VENG"
 					If Not EngineForm.Visible Then
@@ -374,13 +380,13 @@ Public Class MainForm
 						If EngineForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then EngineForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
 					End If
-					EngineForm.OpenEngineFile(File)
+					EngineForm.OpenEngineFile(file)
 				Case ".VECTO"
-					OpenVECTOeditor(File)
+					OpenVECTOeditor(file)
 				Case ".VSIG"
-					OpenSigFile(File)
+					OpenSigFile(file)
 				Case Else
-					MsgBox("Type '" & GetExtension(File) & "' unknown!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
+					MsgBox("Type '" & GetExtension(file) & "' unknown!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
 			End Select
 		End If
@@ -403,7 +409,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		Handles LvGEN.KeyDown
 		Select Case e.KeyCode
 			Case Keys.Delete, Keys.Back
-				If Not GUIlocked Then RemoveJobFile()
+				If Not _guIlocked Then RemoveJobFile()
 			Case Keys.Enter
 		End Select
@@ -420,37 +426,37 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		Handles LvGEN.ItemChecked
 		If e.Item.Checked Then
-			GENchecked += 1
+			_genChecked += 1
-			GENchecked -= 1
+			_genChecked -= 1
 		End If
-		If CheckLock Then Exit Sub
+		If _checkLock Then Exit Sub
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ChBoxAllGEN_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles ChBoxAllGEN.CheckedChanged
-		If GENcheckAllLock And ChBoxAllGEN.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate Then Exit Sub
+		If _genCheckAllLock And ChBoxAllGEN.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate Then Exit Sub
-		CheckAllGEN(ChBoxAllGEN.Checked)
+		CheckAllGen(ChBoxAllGEN.Checked)
 	End Sub
-	Private Sub CheckAllGEN(Check As Boolean)
+	Private Sub CheckAllGen(check As Boolean)
 		Dim x As ListViewItem
-		CheckLock = True
+		_checkLock = True
 		For Each x In LvGEN.Items
-			x.Checked = Check
+			x.Checked = check
-		CheckLock = False
+		_checkLock = False
-		GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+		_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
 	End Sub
@@ -464,7 +470,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 	Private Sub ListGEN_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) _
 		Handles LvGEN.DragDrop
 		Dim f As String()
-		f = CType(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop), Array)
+		f = CType(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop), String())
 	End Sub
@@ -481,7 +487,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 	'Remove selected file(s) from job list
 	Private Sub RemoveJobFile()
 		Dim lastindx As Integer
-		Dim SelIx() As Integer
+		Dim selIx() As Integer
 		Dim i As Integer
 		If LvGEN.SelectedItems.Count < 1 Then
@@ -493,15 +499,15 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		End If
-		CheckLock = True
+		_checkLock = True
-		ReDim SelIx(LvGEN.SelectedItems.Count - 1)
-		LvGEN.SelectedIndices.CopyTo(SelIx, 0)
+		ReDim selIx(LvGEN.SelectedItems.Count - 1)
+		LvGEN.SelectedIndices.CopyTo(selIx, 0)
 		lastindx = LvGEN.SelectedIndices(LvGEN.SelectedItems.Count - 1)
-		For i = UBound(SelIx) To 0 Step -1
-			LvGEN.Items.RemoveAt(SelIx(i))
+		For i = UBound(selIx) To 0 Step -1
+			LvGEN.Items.RemoveAt(selIx(i))
 		If lastindx < LvGEN.Items.Count Then
@@ -511,26 +517,26 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		End If
-		CheckLock = False
+		_checkLock = False
-		GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+		_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
 	End Sub
 	'Browse for job file(s) and add to job list with AddToJobListView
 	Private Sub AddJobFile()
 		Dim x As String()
-		Dim Chck As Boolean = False
+		Dim chck As Boolean = False
 		x = New String() {""}
 		If JobfileFileBrowser.OpenDialog("", True, "vecto") Then
-			Chck = True
+			chck = True
 			x = JobfileFileBrowser.Files
 		End If
-		If Chck Then AddToJobListView(x)
+		If chck Then AddToJobListView(x)
 	End Sub
 	'Open file in list
@@ -546,7 +552,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 		End If
 		f = LvGEN.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(0).Text
-		f = fFileRepl(f)
+		f = FileRepl(f)
 		If Not File.Exists(f) Then
 			MsgBox(f & " not found!")
@@ -555,23 +561,23 @@ Public Class MainForm
 	End Sub
 	'Add File to job listview (multiple files)
-	Private Sub AddToJobListView(Path As String(), Optional ByVal Txt As String = " ")
-		Dim pDim As Int16
-		Dim p As Int16
-		Dim f As Int16
+	Private Sub AddToJobListView(path As String(), Optional ByVal txt As String = " ")
+		Dim pDim As Integer
+		Dim p As Integer
+		Dim f As Integer
 		Dim fList As String()
-		Dim fListDim As Int16 = -1
-		Dim ListViewItem0 As ListViewItem
+		Dim fListDim As Integer = -1
+		Dim listViewItem As ListViewItem
 		'If VECTO runs: Cancel operation (because Mode-change during calculation is not very clever)
 		If VectoWorkerV3.IsBusy Then Exit Sub
-		pDim = UBound(Path)
+		pDim = UBound(path)
 		ReDim fList(0)	   'um Nullverweisausnahme-Warnung zu verhindern
 		'******************************************* Begin Update '*******************************************
-		CheckLock = True
+		_checkLock = True
@@ -579,7 +585,7 @@ Public Class MainForm
 			fListDim = LvGEN.Items.Count - 1
 			ReDim fList(fListDim)
 			For f = 0 To fListDim
-				fList(f) = fFileRepl(LvGEN.Items(f).SubItems(0).Text)
+				fList(f) = FileRepl(LvGEN.Items(f).SubItems(0).Text)
 		End If
@@ -590,10 +596,10 @@ Public Class MainForm
 				For f = 0 To fListDim
 					'If file already exists in the list: Do not append (only when a single file)
-					If UCase(Path(p)) = UCase(fList(f)) Then
+					If UCase(path(p)) = UCase(fList(f)) Then
 						'Status reset
-						LvGEN.Items(f).SubItems(1).Text = Txt
+						LvGEN.Items(f).SubItems(1).Text = txt
 						LvGEN.Items(f).BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Window)
 						LvGEN.Items(f).ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.WindowText)
@@ -609,49 +615,48 @@ Public Class MainForm
 			End If
 			'Otherwise: Add File (without WorkDir)
-			ListViewItem0 = New ListViewItem(Path(p))	'fFileWD(Path(p)))
-			ListViewItem0.SubItems.Add(" ")
-			ListViewItem0.Checked = True
-			ListViewItem0.Selected = True
-			LvGEN.Items.Add(ListViewItem0)
-			ListViewItem0.EnsureVisible()
+			listViewItem = New ListViewItem(path(p))	'fFileWD(Path(p)))
+			listViewItem.SubItems.Add(" ")
+			listViewItem.Checked = True
+			listViewItem.Selected = True
+			LvGEN.Items.Add(listViewItem)
+			listViewItem.EnsureVisible()
-		CheckLock = False
+		_checkLock = False
 		'******************************************* End Update '*******************************************
 		'Number update
-		GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+		_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
 	End Sub
 	'Add File to job listview (single file)
-	Public Sub AddToJobListView(Path As String, Optional ByVal Txt As String = " ")
+	Public Sub AddToJobListView(path As String, Optional ByVal txt As String = " ")
 		Dim p(0) As String
-		p(0) = Path
-		AddToJobListView(p, Txt)
+		p(0) = path
+		AddToJobListView(p, txt)
 	End Sub
 	'Update job files counter in tab titel
 	Private Sub UpdateJobTabText()
-		Dim c As Integer
-		c = LvGEN.Items.Count
+		Dim count As Integer = LvGEN.Items.Count
-		TabPageGEN.Text = "Job Files ( " & GENchecked & " / " & c & " )"
+		TabPageGEN.Text = String.Format("Job Files ( {0} / {1} )", _genChecked, count)
-		GENcheckAllLock = True
+		_genCheckAllLock = True
-		If GENchecked = 0 Then
+		If _genChecked = 0 Then
 			ChBoxAllGEN.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked
-		ElseIf GENchecked = c Then
+		ElseIf _genChecked = count Then
 			ChBoxAllGEN.CheckState = CheckState.Checked
 			ChBoxAllGEN.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate
 		End If
-		GENcheckAllLock = False
+		_genCheckAllLock = False
 	End Sub
@@ -707,8 +712,8 @@ lbFound:
 	Private Sub GraphToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles GraphToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		Dim FGraph As New GraphForm
-		FGraph.Show()
+		Dim graphForm As New GraphForm
+		graphForm.Show()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub SignOrVerifyFilesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
@@ -734,11 +739,11 @@ lbFound:
 	Private Sub UserManualToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles UserManualToolStripMenuItem.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim BrowserRegistryString As String =
+			Dim browserRegistryString As String =
-			Dim DefaultBrowserPath As String =
-					Regex.Match(BrowserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
-			Process.Start(DefaultBrowserPath, Uri.EscapeDataString(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html"))
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String =
+					Regex.Match(browserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath, Uri.EscapeDataString(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
 		End If
@@ -779,53 +784,53 @@ lbFound:
 #End Region
 	'Move job/cycle file up or down in list view
-	Private Sub MoveItem(ByRef ListV As ListView, MoveUp As Boolean)
-		Dim x As Int32
-		Dim y As Int32
-		Dim y1 As Int32
+	Private Sub MoveItem(ByRef listView As ListView, moveUp As Boolean)
+		Dim x As Integer
+		Dim y As Integer
+		Dim y1 As Integer
 		Dim items() As String
 		Dim check() As Boolean
 		Dim index() As Integer
-		Dim ListViewItem0 As ListViewItem
+		Dim listViewItem As ListViewItem
-		If GUIlocked Then Exit Sub
+		If _guIlocked Then Exit Sub
 		'Cache Selected Items
-		y1 = ListV.SelectedItems.Count - 1
+		y1 = listView.SelectedItems.Count - 1
 		ReDim items(y1)
 		ReDim check(y1)
 		ReDim index(y1)
 		y = 0
-		For Each x In ListV.SelectedIndices
-			items(y) = ListV.Items(x).SubItems(0).Text
-			check(y) = ListV.Items(x).Checked
-			If MoveUp Then
+		For Each x In listView.SelectedIndices
+			items(y) = listView.Items(x).SubItems(0).Text
+			check(y) = listView.Items(x).Checked
+			If moveUp Then
 				If x = 0 Then Exit Sub
 				index(y) = x - 1
-				If x = ListV.Items.Count - 1 Then Exit Sub
+				If x = listView.Items.Count - 1 Then Exit Sub
 				index(y) = x + 1
 			End If
 			y += 1
-		ListV.BeginUpdate()
+		listView.BeginUpdate()
 		'Delete Selected Items
-		For Each ListViewItem0 In ListV.SelectedItems
-			ListViewItem0.Remove()
+		For Each listViewItem In listView.SelectedItems
+			listViewItem.Remove()
 		'Items select and Insert
 		For y = 0 To y1
-			If Not check(y) Then GENchecked += 1
-			ListViewItem0 = ListV.Items.Insert(index(y), items(y))
-			ListViewItem0.SubItems.Add(" ")
-			ListViewItem0.Checked = check(y)
-			ListV.SelectedIndices.Add(index(y))
+			If Not check(y) Then _genChecked += 1
+			listViewItem = listView.Items.Insert(index(y), items(y))
+			listViewItem.SubItems.Add(" ")
+			listViewItem.Checked = check(y)
+			listView.SelectedIndices.Add(index(y))
-		ListV.EndUpdate()
+		listView.EndUpdate()
 	End Sub
@@ -835,10 +840,10 @@ lbFound:
 	Private Sub SaveListToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles SaveListToolStripMenuItem.Click
 		If TextFileBrowser.SaveDialog("") Then
-			If ConMenTarJob Then
-				JobListView.SaveList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
+			If _conMenTarJob Then
+				_jobListView.SaveList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
-				CycleListView.SaveList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
+				_cycleListView.SaveList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
 			End If
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -847,17 +852,17 @@ lbFound:
 	Private Sub LoadListToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles LoadListToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If GUIlocked Then Exit Sub
+		If _guIlocked Then Exit Sub
 		If TextFileBrowser.OpenDialog("") Then
-			If ConMenTarJob Then 'GEN
-				JobListView.LoadList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
-				GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+			If _conMenTarJob Then 'GEN
+				_jobListView.LoadList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
+				_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
 			Else 'DRI
 				'Mode toggle 
-				CycleListView.LoadList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
+				_cycleListView.LoadList(TextFileBrowser.Files(0))
 			End If
 		End If
@@ -867,16 +872,16 @@ lbFound:
 	Private Sub LoadDefaultListToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles LoadDefaultListToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If GUIlocked Then Exit Sub
+		If _guIlocked Then Exit Sub
-		If ConMenTarJob Then
+		If _conMenTarJob Then
-			JobListView.LoadList()
+			_jobListView.LoadList()
-			GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+			_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
-			CycleListView.LoadList()
+			_cycleListView.LoadList()
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -885,11 +890,11 @@ lbFound:
 	Private Sub ClearListToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles ClearListToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If GUIlocked Then Exit Sub
+		If _guIlocked Then Exit Sub
-		ConMenTarget.Items.Clear()
-		If ConMenTarJob Then
-			GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+		_conMenTarget.Items.Clear()
+		If _conMenTarJob Then
+			_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -912,7 +917,9 @@ lbFound:
 			Status("Launching VECTO ...")
-			JobFileList.AddRange(From listViewItem In LvGEN.CheckedItems Select fFileRepl(listViewItem.SubItems(0).Text))
+			JobFileList.AddRange(
+				From listViewItem As ListViewItem In LvGEN.CheckedItems.Cast(Of ListViewItem)()
+									Select fFileRepl = FileRepl(listViewItem.SubItems(0).Text))
@@ -936,8 +943,12 @@ lbFound:
 		End If
 	End Sub
-	Private Sub VectoWorkerV3_OnDoWork(sender As BackgroundWorker, e As DoWorkEventArgs)
-		AllowSleepOFF()
+	Private Sub VectoWorkerV3_OnDoWork(theSender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs)
+		Dim sender As BackgroundWorker = TryCast(theSender, BackgroundWorker)
+		If sender Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
+		AllowSleepOff()
 		Dim sumFileWriter As FileOutputWriter = New FileOutputWriter(JobFileList(0))
 		Dim sumWriter As SummaryDataContainer = New SummaryDataContainer(sumFileWriter)
@@ -950,7 +961,7 @@ lbFound:
 			mode = ExecutionMode.Engineering
 			Physics.FuelDensity = New SI(Cfg.FuelDens).Kilo.Gramm.Per.Cubic.Dezi.Meter.Cast(Of KilogramPerCubicMeter)()
 			Physics.AirDensity = New SI(Cfg.AirDensity).Kilo.Gramm.Per.Cubic.Meter.Cast(Of KilogramPerCubicMeter)()
-			Physics.CO2PerFuelWeight = Cfg.CO2perFC
+			Physics.CO2PerFuelWeight = Cfg.Co2PerFc
 		End If
 		'dictionary of run-identifiers to fileWriters (used for output directory of modfile)
@@ -961,7 +972,8 @@ lbFound:
 		For Each jobFile As String In JobFileList
-				sender.ReportProgress(0, New With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = "Reading File " + jobFile, .Link = jobFile})
+				sender.ReportProgress(0,
+									New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = "Reading File " + jobFile, .Link = jobFile})
 				Dim dataProvider As IInputDataProvider = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonJob(jobFile)
 				Dim fileWriter As FileOutputWriter = New FileOutputWriter(jobFile)
@@ -974,11 +986,12 @@ lbFound:
 					fileWriters.Add(runId, fileWriter)
-				sender.ReportProgress(0, New With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = "Finished Reading Data for job: " + jobFile})
+				sender.ReportProgress(0,
+									New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = "Finished Reading Data for job: " + jobFile})
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				MsgBox(String.Format("ERROR running job {0}: {1}", jobFile, ex.Message), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
-				sender.ReportProgress(0, New With {.Target = "ListBoxError", .Message = ex.Message})
+				sender.ReportProgress(0, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBoxError", .Message = ex.Message})
 			End Try
@@ -986,12 +999,11 @@ lbFound:
 		'print detected cycles
 		For Each cycle As JobContainer.CycleTypeDescription In jobContainer.GetCycleTypes()
-								New With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = String.Format("Detected Cycle {0}: {1}", cycle.Name, cycle.CycleType)})
+								New VectoProgress _
+									With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = String.Format("Detected Cycle {0}: {1}", cycle.Name, cycle.CycleType)})
-		sender.ReportProgress(0,
-							New _
-								With {.Target = "ListBox",
+		sender.ReportProgress(0, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox",
 								.Message = _
 								String.Format("Starting Simulation ({0} Jobs, {1} Runs)", JobFileList.Count, jobContainer.GetProgress().Count)})
@@ -1010,7 +1022,8 @@ lbFound:
 			Dim sumProgress As Double = progress.Sum(Function(pair) pair.Value.Progress)
 			Dim duration As Double = (DateTime.Now() - start).TotalSeconds
-			sender.ReportProgress(Int((sumProgress * 100.0) / progress.Count), New With {.Target = "Status",
+			sender.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32((sumProgress * 100.0) / progress.Count),
+								New VectoProgress With {.Target = "Status",
 									.Message = _
 									String.Format("Duration: {0:0}s, Current Progress: {1:P} ({2})", duration, sumProgress / progress.Count,
 												String.Join(", ", progress.Select(Function(pair) String.Format("{0,4:P}", pair.Value.Progress))))})
@@ -1032,14 +1045,15 @@ lbFound:
 		For Each progressEntry As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, JobContainer.ProgressEntry) In jobContainer.GetProgress()
-			sender.ReportProgress(100, New With {.Target = "ListBox",
+			sender.ReportProgress(100, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox",
 									.Message = String.Format("{0,-60} {1,8:P} {2,10:F2}s - {3}",
 															String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", progressEntry.Value.RunName, progressEntry.Value.CycleName,
 															progressEntry.Value.Progress, progressEntry.Value.ExecTime / 1000.0,
 															IIf(progressEntry.Value.Success, "Success", "Aborted"))})
 			If (Not progressEntry.Value.Success) Then
-				sender.ReportProgress(100, New With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = progressEntry.Value.Error.Message})
+				sender.ReportProgress(100,
+									New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = progressEntry.Value.Error.Message})
 			End If
@@ -1047,23 +1061,19 @@ lbFound:
 		For Each job As String In JobFileList
 			Dim report As String = New FileOutputWriter(job).PDFReportName
 			If File.Exists(report) Then
-				sender.ReportProgress(100,
-									New _
-										With {.Target = "ListBox",
+				sender.ReportProgress(100, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox",
 										.Message = String.Format("PDF-Report for '{0}' written to {1}", Path.GetFileName(job), report),
 										.Link = "<RUN>" + report})
 			End If
 		If File.Exists(sumFileWriter.SumFileName) Then
-			sender.ReportProgress(100, New With {.Target = "ListBox",
+			sender.ReportProgress(100, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox",
 									.Message = String.Format("Sum File written to {0}", sumFileWriter.SumFileName),
 									.Link = sumFileWriter.SumFileName})
 		End If
-		sender.ReportProgress(100,
-							New _
-								With {.Target = "ListBox",
+		sender.ReportProgress(100, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox",
 								.Message = String.Format("Simulation Finished in {0:0}s", (DateTime.Now() - start).TotalSeconds)})
 	End Sub
@@ -1072,25 +1082,22 @@ lbFound:
 								fileWriters As Dictionary(Of Integer, FileOutputWriter))
 		For Each p As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, JobContainer.ProgressEntry) In progress
 			Dim modFilename As String = fileWriters(p.Key).GetModDataFileName(p.Value.RunName, p.Value.CycleName,
-																			p.Value.RunSuffix + IIf(Cfg.Mod1Hz, "_1Hz", ""))
+																			p.Value.RunSuffix + If(Cfg.Mod1Hz, "_1Hz", ""))
 			Dim runName As String = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", p.Value.RunName, p.Value.CycleName, p.Value.RunSuffix)
 			If Not p.Value.Error Is Nothing Then
-				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(0,
-											New _
-												With {.Target = "ListBoxError",
+				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(0, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBoxError",
 												.Message = String.Format("Finished Run {0} with ERROR: {1}", runName, p.Value.Error.Message),
 												.Link = modFilename})
-											New With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = String.Format("Finished Run {0} successfully.", runName)})
+											New VectoProgress _
+												With {.Target = "ListBox", .Message = String.Format("Finished Run {0} successfully.", runName)})
 			End If
 			If (File.Exists(modFilename)) Then
-				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(0,
-											New _
-												With {.Target = "ListBox",
+				VectoWorkerV3.ReportProgress(0, New VectoProgress With {.Target = "ListBox",
 												.Message = String.Format("Run {0}: Modal Results written to {1}", runName, modFilename), .Link = modFilename
 			End If
@@ -1098,21 +1105,24 @@ lbFound:
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub VectoWorkerV3_OnProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As ProgressChangedEventArgs)
-		Select Case e.UserState.Target
+		Dim progress As VectoProgress = TryCast(e.UserState, VectoProgress)
+		If progress Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
+		Select Case progress.Target
 			Case "ListBox"
-				If e.UserState.GetType().GetProperty("Link") Is Nothing Then
-					MSGtoForm(MessageType.Normal, e.UserState.Message, "", "")
+				If progress.Link Is Nothing Then
+					MsgToForm(MessageType.Normal, progress.Message, "", "")
-					MSGtoForm(MessageType.Normal, e.UserState.Message, "", e.UserState.Link)
+					MsgToForm(MessageType.Normal, progress.Message, "", progress.Link)
 				End If
 			Case "ListBoxWarning"
-				MSGtoForm(MessageType.Warn, e.UserState.Message, "", "")
+				MsgToForm(MessageType.Warn, progress.Message, "", "")
 			Case "ListBoxError"
-				MSGtoForm(MessageType.Err, e.UserState.Message, "", "")
+				MsgToForm(MessageType.Err, progress.Message, "", "")
 			Case "Status"
-				Status(e.UserState.Message)
+				Status(progress.Message)
 		End Select
 		ToolStripProgBarOverall.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
@@ -1139,112 +1149,114 @@ lbFound:
 		btStartV3.Text = "START"
 		btStartV3.Image = My.Resources.Play_icon
-		Status(LastModeName & " Mode")
+		Status(_lastModeName & " Mode")
 		'SLEEP reactivate
-		AllowSleepON()
+		AllowSleepOn()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ModeUpdate()
 		'Save lists
-		JobListView.SaveList()
+		_jobListView.SaveList()
 		'GUI changes according to current mode
 		If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-			LastModeName = "Declaration"
+			_lastModeName = "Declaration"
-			LastModeName = "Engineering"
+			_lastModeName = "Engineering"
 		End If
 		'Update job counter
-		GENchecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
+		_genChecked = LvGEN.CheckedItems.Count
 		'Status label
-		Status(LastModeName & " Mode")
+		Status(_lastModeName & " Mode")
 	End Sub
 	'Class for ListView control - Job and cycle lists
-	Private Class cFileListView
-		Private ReadOnly FilePath As String
-		Private LoadedDefault As Boolean
+	Private Class FileListView
+		Private ReadOnly _filePath As String
+		Private _loadedDefault As Boolean
 		Public LVbox As ListView
-		Public Sub New(Path As String)
-			FilePath = Path
-			LoadedDefault = False
+		Public Sub New(path As String)
+			_filePath = path
+			_loadedDefault = False
 		End Sub
-		Public Sub SaveList(Optional ByVal Path As String = "")
-			Dim x As Int32
-			Dim file As CsvFile
-			'If LVbox.Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
-			file = New CsvFile
-			If Path = "" Then
-				If Not LoadedDefault Then Exit Sub
-				Path = FilePath
+		Public Sub SaveList(Optional ByVal path As String = "")
+			Dim x As Integer
+			If path = "" Then
+				If Not _loadedDefault Then Exit Sub
+				path = _filePath
 			End If
-			file.OpenWrite(Path, "?")
+			Dim file As StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(path, False, Encoding.UTF8)
 			For x = 1 To LVbox.Items.Count
-				file.WriteLine(LVbox.Items(x - 1).SubItems(0).Text, Math.Abs(CInt(LVbox.Items(x - 1).Checked)))
+				file.WriteLine(String.Join("?", LVbox.Items(x - 1).SubItems(0).Text, Math.Abs(CInt(LVbox.Items(x - 1).Checked))))
 		End Sub
-		Public Sub LoadList(Optional ByVal Path As String = "")
-			Dim line As String()
-			Dim NoCheck As Boolean
-			Dim file As CsvFile
-			Dim ListViewItem0 As ListViewItem
+		Public Sub LoadList(Optional ByVal path As String = "")
+			'Dim line As String()
+			Dim noCheck As Boolean
+			'Dim file As CsvFile
+			Dim listViewItem As ListViewItem
-			If Path = "" Then
-				Path = FilePath
-				LoadedDefault = True
+			If path = "" Then
+				path = _filePath
+				_loadedDefault = True
 			End If
-			file = New CsvFile
+			'file = New CsvFile
-			If Not file.OpenRead(Path, "?") Then
-				If Not LoadedDefault Then GUIMsg(MessageType.Err, "Cannot open file (" & Path & ")!")
+			If Not File.Exists(path) Then
+				If Not _loadedDefault Then GUIMsg(MessageType.Err, "Cannot open file (" & path & ")!")
 				Exit Sub
 			End If
-			MainForm.CheckLock = True
+			MainForm._checkLock = True
-			NoCheck = False
-			Do While Not file.EndOfFile
-				line = file.ReadLine
+			noCheck = False
+			Dim reader As TextFieldParser = New TextFieldParser(path, Encoding.Default)
+			reader.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
+			reader.Delimiters = New String() {"?"}
+			Do While Not reader.EndOfData
+				Dim line As String() = reader.ReadFields()
+				If Strings.Left(Trim(line(0)), 1) = "#" Then Continue Do
-				ListViewItem0 = New ListViewItem(line(0))
-				ListViewItem0.SubItems.Add(" ")
+				listViewItem = New ListViewItem(line(0))
+				listViewItem.SubItems.Add(" ")
-				If NoCheck Then
-					ListViewItem0.Checked = True
+				If noCheck Then
+					listViewItem.Checked = True
 					If UBound(line) < 1 Then
-						NoCheck = True
-						ListViewItem0.Checked = True
+						noCheck = True
+						listViewItem.Checked = True
 						If IsNumeric(line(1)) Then
-							ListViewItem0.Checked = CBool(line(1))
+							listViewItem.Checked = CBool(line(1))
-							ListViewItem0.Checked = True
+							listViewItem.Checked = True
 						End If
 					End If
 				End If
-				LVbox.Items.Add(ListViewItem0)
+				LVbox.Items.Add(listViewItem)
-			file.Close()
+			reader.Close()
-			MainForm.CheckLock = False
+			MainForm._checkLock = False
 			If LVbox.Items.Count > 0 Then LVbox.Items(LVbox.Items.Count - 1).EnsureVisible()
 		End Sub
@@ -1262,7 +1274,7 @@ lbFound:
 		End If
 		If x = "<New>" Then
-			VectoJobForm.VECTOnew()
+			VectoJobForm.VectoNew()
 		End If
@@ -1284,7 +1296,7 @@ lbFound:
 	'Save job and cycle file lists
 	Private Sub SaveFileLists()
-		JobListView.SaveList()
+		_jobListView.SaveList()
 		'If Cfg.BatchMode Then CycleListView.SaveList()
 	End Sub
@@ -1302,8 +1314,8 @@ lbFound:
 	'Timer to update progress bar regularly
 	Private Sub TmProgSec_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TmProgSec.Tick
-		If GUItest0.TestActive Then
-			Call GUItest0.TestTick()
+		If _guItest.TestActive Then
+			Call _guItest.TestTick()
 			Exit Sub
 			If Not ProgBarCtrl.ProgLock Then ProgSecUpdate()
@@ -1358,7 +1370,7 @@ lbFound:
 	'Add message to message list
-	Public Sub MSGtoForm(ID As MessageType, Msg As String, Source As String, Link As String)
+	Public Sub MsgToForm(id As MessageType, msg As String, source As String, link As String)
 		If (InvokeRequired) Then
 			'Me.Invoke(New MsgToFormDelegate(AddressOf MSGtoForm), ID, Msg, Source, Link)
@@ -1367,15 +1379,15 @@ lbFound:
 		Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
 		lv0 = New ListViewItem
-		lv0.Text = Msg
+		lv0.Text = msg
-		lv0.SubItems.Add(Source)
+		lv0.SubItems.Add(source)
 		If LvMsg.Items.Count > 9999 Then LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(0)
-		LogFile.WriteToLog(ID, Msg & vbTab & Source)
+		LogFile.WriteToLog(id, msg & vbTab & source)
-		Select Case ID
+		Select Case id
 			Case MessageType.Err
@@ -1389,17 +1401,17 @@ lbFound:
 			Case Else
-				If ID = MessageType.NewJob Then
+				If id = MessageType.NewJob Then
 					lv0.BackColor = Color.LightGray
 					lv0.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
 				End If
 		End Select
-		If Link <> "" Then
-			If Not ID = MessageType.Err Then lv0.ForeColor = Color.Blue
+		If link <> "" Then
+			If Not id = MessageType.Err Then lv0.ForeColor = Color.Blue
 			lv0.SubItems(0).Font = New Font(LvMsg.Font, FontStyle.Underline)
-			lv0.Tag = Link
+			lv0.Tag = link
 		End If
@@ -1456,7 +1468,7 @@ lbFound:
 			LvMsg.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
 		End If
-		If mouseDownOnListView Then
+		If _mouseDownOnListView Then
 				LvMsg.HitTest(e.Location).Item.Selected = True
@@ -1466,16 +1478,16 @@ lbFound:
 #Region "Open File Context Menu"
-	Private CmFiles As String()
+	Private _contextMenuFiles As String()
 	'Initialise and open context menu
 	Private Sub OpenFiles(ParamArray files() As String)
 		If files.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
-		CmFiles = files
+		_contextMenuFiles = files
-		OpenInGraphWindowToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = (UCase(GetExtension(CmFiles(0))) = ".VMOD")
+		OpenInGraphWindowToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = (UCase(GetExtension(_contextMenuFiles(0))) = ".VMOD")
 		OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open with " & Cfg.OpenCmdName
@@ -1486,22 +1498,22 @@ lbFound:
 	'Open with tool defined in Settings
 	Private Sub OpenWithToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If Not FileOpenAlt(CmFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
+		If Not FileOpenAlt(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub OpenInGraphWindowToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles OpenInGraphWindowToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		Dim FGraph As New GraphForm
-		FGraph.Show()
-		FGraph.LoadNewFile(CmFiles(0))
+		Dim graphForm As New GraphForm
+		graphForm.Show()
+		graphForm.LoadNewFile(_contextMenuFiles(0))
 	End Sub
 	'Show in folder
 	Private Sub ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If File.Exists(CmFiles(0)) Then
+		If File.Exists(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then
-				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & CmFiles(0) & "")
+				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & _contextMenuFiles(0) & "")
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 			End Try
@@ -1514,12 +1526,12 @@ lbFound:
 	'Change Declaraion Mode
 	Private Sub RbDecl_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RbDecl.CheckedChanged
-		If CbDeclLock Then Exit Sub
+		If _cbDeclLock Then Exit Sub
 		If VectoJobForm.Visible Or VehicleForm.Visible Or GearboxForm.Visible Or EngineForm.Visible Then
-			CbDeclLock = True
+			_cbDeclLock = True
 			RbDecl.Checked = Not RbDecl.Checked
-			CbDeclLock = False
+			_cbDeclLock = False
 			MsgBox("Please close all dialog windows (e.g. Job Editor) before changing mode!")
 			Cfg.DeclMode = RbDecl.Checked
@@ -1531,352 +1543,351 @@ lbFound:
 #Region "GUI Tests"
-	Private ReadOnly GUItest0 As New GUItest(Me)
-	Private mouseDownOnListView As Boolean
+	Private ReadOnly _guItest As New GUItest(Me)
+	Private _mouseDownOnListView As Boolean
 	Private Class GUItest
-		Private RowLim As Int16 = 9
-		Private ColLim As Int16 = 45
+		Private Const RowLim As Integer = 9
+		Private Const ColLim As Integer = 45
 		Public TestActive As Boolean = False
-		Private TestAborted As Boolean
-		Private xCtrl As Int16
-		Private xPanel As Int16
-		Private Scr As Int32
-		Private PRbAlt As Boolean
-		Private ReadOnly Ctrls(RowLim + 1) As Int16
-		Private ReadOnly Pnls(RowLim + 1) As Int16
-		Private CtrlC As Int16
-		Private CtrlCL As Int16
-		Private PnDir As Int16
-		Private PnDirC As Int16
-		Private PnDirCL As Int16
-		Private PnDirRnd As Int16
-		Private CtrlRnd As Int16
-		Private DiffC As Int16
-		Private DiffLvl As Int16
-		Private bInit As Int16
-		Private ReadOnly MyForm As MainForm
-		Private ReadOnly KeyCode As List(Of Integer)
+		Private _testAborted As Boolean
+		Private _xCtrl As Integer
+		Private _xPanel As Integer
+		Private _scr As Integer
+		Private _pRbAlt As Boolean
+		Private ReadOnly _ctrls(RowLim + 1) As Integer
+		Private ReadOnly _pnls(RowLim + 1) As Integer
+		Private _ctrlC As Integer
+		Private _ctrlCl As Integer
+		Private _pnDir As Integer
+		Private _pnDirC As Integer
+		Private _pnDirCl As Integer
+		Private _pnDirRnd As Integer
+		Private _ctrlRnd As Integer
+		Private _diffC As Integer
+		Private _diffLvl As Integer
+		Private _bInit As Integer
+		Private ReadOnly _mainForm As MainForm
+		Private ReadOnly _keyCode As List(Of Integer)
 		Private Sub TestRun()
-			Dim z As Int16
-			xPanel = ColLim - 10
-			xCtrl = ColLim - 10
-			PRbAlt = False
-			Scr = 0
-			PnDir = 0
-			PnDirCL = 10
-			PnDirC = 0 ' StrDirCL
-			CtrlCL = 5
-			CtrlC = CtrlCL
-			PnDirRnd = 5
-			CtrlRnd = 8
-			DiffC = 0
-			DiffLvl = 1
-			bInit = 0
-			TestAborted = False
+			Dim z As Integer
+			_xPanel = ColLim - 10
+			_xCtrl = ColLim - 10
+			_pRbAlt = False
+			_scr = 0
+			_pnDir = 0
+			_pnDirCl = 10
+			_pnDirC = 0	' StrDirCL
+			_ctrlCl = 5
+			_ctrlC = _ctrlCl
+			_pnDirRnd = 5
+			_ctrlRnd = 8
+			_diffC = 0
+			_diffLvl = 1
+			_bInit = 0
+			_testAborted = False
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Clear()
-			MyForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = "Score: 0000             Press <Esc> to Quit"
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Clear()
+			_mainForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = "Score: 0000             Press <Esc> to Quit"
 			For z = 1 To RowLim - 6
-				PRbAlt = Not PRbAlt
-				If Not PRbAlt Then
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
+				_pRbAlt = Not _pRbAlt
+				If Not _pRbAlt Then
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   |   |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   |   |*")
 				End If
-			PRbAlt = False
+			_pRbAlt = False
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add("  VECTO Interactive Mode" & Space(ColLim - 35) & "*|       |*")
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   |   |*")
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   |   |*")
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   ∆   |*")
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add("  VECTO Interactive Mode" & Space(ColLim - 35) & "*|       |*")
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   |   |*")
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   |   |*")
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Add(Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|   ∆   |*")
 			For z = 1 To RowLim + 1
-				Pnls(z) = ColLim - 10
-				Ctrls(z) = 0
+				_pnls(z) = ColLim - 10
+				_ctrls(z) = 0
-			MyForm.TmProgSec.Interval = 200
+			_mainForm.TmProgSec.Interval = 200
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Focus()
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Focus()
-			MyForm.TmProgSec.Start()
+			_mainForm.TmProgSec.Start()
 		End Sub
 		Public Sub TestStop()
-			MyForm.TmProgSec.Stop()
+			_mainForm.TmProgSec.Stop()
 			TestActive = False
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Clear()
-			CtrlC = 0
-			MyForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = MyForm.LastModeName & " Mode"
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Clear()
+			_ctrlC = 0
+			_mainForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = _mainForm._lastModeName & " Mode"
 		End Sub
 		Public Sub TestTick()
-			If bInit = 24 Then GoTo LbRace
-			bInit += 1
+			If _bInit = 24 Then GoTo LbRace
+			_bInit += 1
-			Select Case bInit
+			Select Case _bInit
 				Case 10
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 6)
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 5)
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 6, Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "  3      " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 6)
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 5)
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 6, Space(ColLim - 11) & "*|       |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "  3      " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
 				Case 14
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "  2      " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "  2      " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
 				Case 18
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "  1      " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "  1      " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
 				Case 22
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & " Go!     " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & " Go!     " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
 				Case 24
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
-					MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "         " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 4)
+					_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 4, Space(ColLim - 30) & "         " & Space(10) & "*|       |*")
 			End Select
 			Exit Sub
-			PRbAlt = Not PRbAlt
+			_pRbAlt = Not _pRbAlt
-			MyForm.LvMsg.BeginUpdate()
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.BeginUpdate()
-			sLists()
+			Lists()
-			sAlign()
+			Align()
-			sSetCtrl()
+			SetCtrl()
-			sSetPanel()
+			SetPanel()
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim)
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim)
-			sUpdateCtrl()
+			UpdateCtrl()
-			MyForm.LvMsg.EndUpdate()
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.EndUpdate()
-			If Math.Abs(xCtrl - Pnls(2)) > 4 Then
-				sAbort()
+			If Math.Abs(_xCtrl - _pnls(2)) > 4 Then
+				Abort()
 				Exit Sub
-			ElseIf Ctrls(2) <> 0 Then
-				If xCtrl = Pnls(2) + Ctrls(2) - 4 Then
-					sAbort()
+			ElseIf _ctrls(2) <> 0 Then
+				If _xCtrl = _pnls(2) + _ctrls(2) - 4 Then
+					Abort()
 					Exit Sub
 				End If
-				Scr += 5 * DiffLvl
+				_scr += 5 * _diffLvl
 			End If
-			Scr += DiffLvl
-			DiffC += 1
+			_scr += _diffLvl
+			_diffC += 1
 			'Erhöhe Schwierigkeitsgrad
-			If DiffC = (DiffLvl + 3) * 4 Then
-				DiffC = 0
-				DiffLvl += 1
-				If DiffLvl > 2 And DiffLvl < 7 Then MyForm.TmProgSec.Interval = 300 - (DiffLvl) * 30
-				Scr += 100
-				Select Case DiffLvl
+			If _diffC = (_diffLvl + 3) * 4 Then
+				_diffC = 0
+				_diffLvl += 1
+				If _diffLvl > 2 And _diffLvl < 7 Then _mainForm.TmProgSec.Interval = 300 - (_diffLvl) * 30
+				_scr += 100
+				Select Case _diffLvl
 					Case 3
-						PnDirCL = 3
-						CtrlCL = 4
-						CtrlRnd = 6
+						_pnDirCl = 3
+						_ctrlCl = 4
+						_ctrlRnd = 6
 					Case 5
-						PnDirCL = 2
-						PnDirRnd = 4
+						_pnDirCl = 2
+						_pnDirRnd = 4
 					Case 8
-						CtrlCL = 2
+						_ctrlCl = 2
 					Case 10
-						CtrlRnd = 4
-						PnDirRnd = 3
+						_ctrlRnd = 4
+						_pnDirRnd = 3
 				End Select
 			End If
 		End Sub
-		Public Sub TestKey(Key0 As Integer)
+		Public Sub TestKey(key As Integer)
 			If TestActive Then
-				Select Case Key0
+				Select Case key
 					Case Keys.Left
-						xCtrl -= 1
-						sUpdateCtrl()
+						_xCtrl -= 1
+						UpdateCtrl()
 					Case Keys.Right
-						xCtrl += 1
-						sUpdateCtrl()
+						_xCtrl += 1
+						UpdateCtrl()
 					Case Keys.Escape
 				End Select
-				If KeyCode(CtrlC) = Key0 Then
-					CtrlC += 1
-					If CtrlC = KeyCode.Count Then
+				If _keyCode(_ctrlC) = key Then
+					_ctrlC += 1
+					If _ctrlC = _keyCode.Count Then
 						TestActive = True
 					End If
-					CtrlC = 0
+					_ctrlC = 0
 				End If
 			End If
 		End Sub
-		Private Sub sAbort()
+		Private Sub Abort()
 			Dim s As String, s1 As String
-			If TestAborted Then Exit Sub
+			If _testAborted Then Exit Sub
-			TestAborted = True
+			_testAborted = True
-			MyForm.TmProgSec.Stop()
+			_mainForm.TmProgSec.Stop()
-			MyForm.LvMsg.BeginUpdate()
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.BeginUpdate()
-			s = MyForm.LvMsg.Items(0).Text
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(0)
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(0, "You crashed!" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(s, Len(s) - 12))
+			s = _mainForm.LvMsg.Items(0).Text
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(0)
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(0, "You crashed!" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(s, Len(s) - 12))
-			s = MyForm.LvMsg.Items(1).Text
-			s1 = "Score: " & Scr & " "
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(1)
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(1, s1 & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(s, Len(s) - Len(s1)))
+			s = _mainForm.LvMsg.Items(1).Text
+			s1 = "Score: " & _scr & " "
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(1)
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(1, s1 & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(s, Len(s) - Len(s1)))
-			MyForm.LvMsg.EndUpdate()
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.EndUpdate()
-			LogFile.WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "*** Race Score: " & Scr.ToString("0000") & " ***")
+			LogFile.WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "*** Race Score: " & _scr.ToString("0000") & " ***")
-			CtrlC = 0
+			_ctrlC = 0
 			TestActive = False
-			MyForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = MyForm.LastModeName & " Mode"
+			_mainForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = _mainForm._lastModeName & " Mode"
 		End Sub
-		Private Sub sSetCtrl()
-			Dim x As Int16
-			If Scr < 10 Then Exit Sub
-			Ctrls(RowLim + 1) = 0
-			CtrlC += 1
-			If CtrlC < CtrlCL Then Exit Sub
-			Select Case CInt(Int((CtrlRnd * Rnd()) + 1))
+		Private Sub SetCtrl()
+			Dim x As Integer
+			If _scr < 10 Then Exit Sub
+			_ctrls(RowLim + 1) = 0
+			_ctrlC += 1
+			If _ctrlC < _ctrlCl Then Exit Sub
+			Select Case CInt(Int((_ctrlRnd * Rnd()) + 1))
 				Case 1, 2
-					CtrlC = 0
+					_ctrlC = 0
 					x = CInt(Int((7 * Rnd()) + 1))
-					Ctrls(RowLim + 1) = x
-				Case Else
+					_ctrls(RowLim + 1) = x
 			End Select
 		End Sub
-		Private Sub sUpdateCtrl()
+		Private Sub UpdateCtrl()
 			Dim s As String
-			If bInit < 21 Then
-				xCtrl = ColLim - 10
+			If _bInit < 21 Then
+				_xCtrl = ColLim - 10
 				Exit Sub
 			End If
-			If Math.Abs(xCtrl - Pnls(1)) > 5 Then
-				sAbort()
+			If Math.Abs(_xCtrl - _pnls(1)) > 5 Then
+				Abort()
 				Exit Sub
 			End If
-			s = Replace(MyForm.LvMsg.Items(RowLim - 1).Text.ToString, "∆", " ") & "   "
+			s = Replace(_mainForm.LvMsg.Items(RowLim - 1).Text.ToString, "∆", " ") & "   "
 			s = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(s, ColLim + 15)
 			's = s.Remove(0, 20)
 			's = "Press <Esc> to Quit " & s
-			If Mid(s, xCtrl + 5, 1) = "X" Then
-				sAbort()
+			If Mid(s, _xCtrl + 5, 1) = "X" Then
+				Abort()
 				Exit Sub
 			End If
-			s = s.Remove(xCtrl + 4, 1)
+			s = s.Remove(_xCtrl + 4, 1)
 			's = Trim(s.Insert(xCar + 4, "∆")) & Space(ColLim + 5 - Streets(2)) & "Pts: " & Pts & " Lv: " & DiffLvl
-			s = Space(Pnls(2) - 1) & Trim(s.Insert(xCtrl + 4, "∆"))
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 1)
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 1, s)
-			MyForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = "Score: " & Scr.ToString("0000") & "             Press <Esc> to Quit"
+			s = Space(_pnls(2) - 1) & Trim(s.Insert(_xCtrl + 4, "∆"))
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.RemoveAt(RowLim - 1)
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(RowLim - 1, s)
+			_mainForm.ToolStripLbStatus.Text = "Score: " & _scr.ToString("0000") & "             Press <Esc> to Quit"
 		End Sub
-		Private Sub sSetPanel()
+		Private Sub SetPanel()
 			Dim s As String
 			s = "*|   |   |*"
-			If PRbAlt Then
+			If _pRbAlt Then
 				s = s.Remove(5, 1)
 				s = s.Insert(5, " ")
 			End If
-			If Ctrls(RowLim + 1) <> 0 Then
-				s = s.Remove(Ctrls(RowLim + 1) + 1, 1)
-				s = s.Insert(Ctrls(RowLim + 1) + 1, "X")
+			If _ctrls(RowLim + 1) <> 0 Then
+				s = s.Remove(_ctrls(RowLim + 1) + 1, 1)
+				s = s.Insert(_ctrls(RowLim + 1) + 1, "X")
 			End If
-			Select Case xPanel - Pnls(RowLim)
+			Select Case _xPanel - _pnls(RowLim)
 				Case -1
 					s = Replace(s, "|", "\")
 				Case 1
 					s = Replace(s, "|", "/")
 			End Select
-			MyForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(0, Space(xPanel - 1) & s)
+			_mainForm.LvMsg.Items.Insert(0, Space(_xPanel - 1) & s)
 		End Sub
-		Private Sub sAlign()
-			PnDirC += 1
-			If PnDirC < PnDirCL Then GoTo Lb1
-			PnDirC = 0
-			Select Case CInt(Int((PnDirRnd * Rnd()) + 1))
+		Private Sub Align()
+			_pnDirC += 1
+			If _pnDirC < _pnDirCl Then GoTo Lb1
+			_pnDirC = 0
+			Select Case CInt(Int((_pnDirRnd * Rnd()) + 1))
 				Case 1
-					PnDir = 1
+					_pnDir = 1
 				Case 2
-					PnDir = -1
+					_pnDir = -1
 				Case Else
-					PnDir = 0
+					_pnDir = 0
 			End Select
-			xPanel += PnDir
-			If xPanel > ColLim Then
-				xPanel = ColLim
-			ElseIf xPanel < 22 Then
-				xPanel = 22
+			_xPanel += _pnDir
+			If _xPanel > ColLim Then
+				_xPanel = ColLim
+			ElseIf _xPanel < 22 Then
+				_xPanel = 22
 			End If
-			Pnls(RowLim + 1) = xPanel
+			_pnls(RowLim + 1) = _xPanel
 		End Sub
-		Private Sub sLists()
-			Dim x As Int16
+		Private Sub Lists()
+			Dim x As Integer
 			For x = 2 To RowLim + 1
-				Ctrls(x - 1) = Ctrls(x)
-				Pnls(x - 1) = Pnls(x)
+				_ctrls(x - 1) = _ctrls(x)
+				_pnls(x - 1) = _pnls(x)
 		End Sub
-		Public Sub New(Form As MainForm)
-			MyForm = Form
-			KeyCode = New List(Of Integer)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Up)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Up)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Down)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Down)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Left)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Right)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Left)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.Right)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.B)
-			KeyCode.Add(Keys.A)
-			CtrlC = 0
+		Public Sub New(form As MainForm)
+			_mainForm = form
+			_keyCode = New List(Of Integer)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Up)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Up)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Down)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Down)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Left)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Right)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Left)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.Right)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.B)
+			_keyCode.Add(Keys.A)
+			_ctrlC = 0
 		End Sub
 	End Class
 	Private Sub LvMsg_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles LvMsg.KeyDown
-		GUItest0.TestKey(e.KeyValue)
-		If GUItest0.TestActive Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True
+		_guItest.TestKey(e.KeyValue)
+		If _guItest.TestActive Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub LvMsg_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LvMsg.LostFocus
-		If GUItest0.TestActive Then GUItest0.TestStop()
+		If _guItest.TestActive Then _guItest.TestStop()
 	End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -1894,22 +1905,22 @@ Lb1:
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub LvMsg_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles LvMsg.MouseDown
-		mouseDownOnListView = True
+		_mouseDownOnListView = True
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub LvMsg_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles LvMsg.MouseUp
-		mouseDownOnListView = False
+		_mouseDownOnListView = False
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub LvGEN_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles LvGEN.MouseUp
 		If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
-			ConMenTarget = LvGEN
-			ConMenTarJob = True
+			_conMenTarget = LvGEN
+			_conMenTarJob = True
 			'Locked functions show/hide
-			LoadListToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = Not GUIlocked
-			LoadDefaultListToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = Not GUIlocked
-			ClearListToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = Not GUIlocked
+			LoadListToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = Not _guIlocked
+			LoadDefaultListToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = Not _guIlocked
+			ClearListToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = Not _guIlocked
 		End If
@@ -1917,4 +1928,13 @@ Lb1:
 	Private Sub RbDev_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RbDev.CheckedChanged
 	End Sub
+	Private Class VectoProgress
+		Public Target As String
+		Public Message As String
+		Public Link As String
+	End Class
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/Settings.vb b/VECTO/GUI/Settings.vb
index 1503e05c3dd4ff3bbb4cfd02dd192edcdd63dfb2..d379733cf07684e89bf0910629d4cbc7c9eddfce 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/Settings.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/Settings.vb
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Settings form
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ Public Class Settings
 	Private Sub LoadSettings()
-		TextBoxLogSize.Text = Cfg.LogSize
+		TextBoxLogSize.Text = Cfg.LogSize.ToGUIFormat()
 		TbAirDensity.Text = CStr(Cfg.AirDensity)
 		TbOpenCmd.Text = Cfg.OpenCmd
 		TbOpenCmdName.Text = Cfg.OpenCmdName
@@ -72,11 +73,11 @@ Public Class Settings
 	'Help button
 	Private Sub BtHelp_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtHelp.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim BrowserRegistryString As String =
+			Dim browserRegistryString As String =
-			Dim DefaultBrowserPath As String =
-					Regex.Match(BrowserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
-			Process.Start(DefaultBrowserPath,
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String =
+					Regex.Match(browserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath,
 											String.Format("""{0}{1}""", MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#settings"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.Designer.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.Designer.vb
index 2cf5335deed16983df889b2386888155cf3d907e..0970652f0169f7261d15f7000d2c3e0918764b11 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.Designer.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.Designer.vb
@@ -25,116 +25,121 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
 	'Das Bearbeiten mit dem Code-Editor ist nicht möglich.
 	<DebuggerStepThrough()> _
 	Private Sub InitializeComponent()
-		Me.components = New Container()
-		Dim resources As ComponentResourceManager = New ComponentResourceManager(GetType(VectoJobForm))
-		Me.TabPgGen = New TabPage()
-		Me.GrCycles = New GroupBox()
-		Me.Label2 = New Label()
-		Me.LvCycles = New ListView()
-		Me.ColumnHeader1 = CType(New ColumnHeader(), ColumnHeader)
-		Me.BtDRIrem = New Button()
-		Me.BtDRIadd = New Button()
-		Me.GrAux = New GroupBox()
-		Me.btnAAUXOpen = New Button()
-		Me.Label1 = New Label()
-		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile = New Button()
-		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile = New TextBox()
-		Me.picAuxInfo = New PictureBox()
-		Me.cboAdvancedAuxiliaries = New ComboBox()
-		Me.lbAdvancedAuxiliaries = New Label()
-		Me.Label32 = New Label()
-		Me.LvAux = New ListView()
-		Me.ColumnHeader4 = CType(New ColumnHeader(), ColumnHeader)
-		Me.ColumnHeader5 = CType(New ColumnHeader(), ColumnHeader)
-		Me.ColumnHeader6 = CType(New ColumnHeader(), ColumnHeader)
-		Me.ButAuxRem = New Button()
-		Me.ButAuxAdd = New Button()
-		Me.TbGBX = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbENG = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbVEH = New TextBox()
-		Me.ButOpenGBX = New Button()
-		Me.ButOpenENG = New Button()
-		Me.ButOpenVEH = New Button()
-		Me.ButtonVEH = New Button()
-		Me.ButtonGBX = New Button()
-		Me.ButtonMAP = New Button()
-		Me.TabControl1 = New TabControl()
-		Me.TabPgDriver = New TabPage()
-		Me.GrVACC = New GroupBox()
-		Me.TbDesMaxFile = New TextBox()
-		Me.BtDesMaxBr = New Button()
-		Me.BtAccOpen = New Button()
-		Me.GrLAC = New GroupBox()
-		Me.Label12 = New Label()
-		Me.tbDfCoastingScale = New TextBox()
-		Me.CbLookAhead = New CheckBox()
-		Me.Label11 = New Label()
-		Me.Label3 = New Label()
-		Me.tbDfCoastingOffset = New TextBox()
-		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label10 = New Label()
-		Me.Label4 = New Label()
-		Me.Label5 = New Label()
-		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed = New Button()
-		Me.tbLacPreviewFactor = New TextBox()
-		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile = New TextBox()
-		Me.GroupBox1 = New GroupBox()
-		Me.PnEcoRoll = New Panel()
-		Me.Label21 = New Label()
-		Me.Label20 = New Label()
-		Me.Label14 = New Label()
-		Me.TbVmin = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbUnderSpeed = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbOverspeed = New TextBox()
-		Me.Label23 = New Label()
-		Me.Label22 = New Label()
-		Me.Label13 = New Label()
-		Me.RdEcoRoll = New RadioButton()
-		Me.RdOverspeed = New RadioButton()
-		Me.RdOff = New RadioButton()
-		Me.GrStartStop = New GroupBox()
-		Me.PnStartStop = New Panel()
-		Me.Label31 = New Label()
-		Me.Label27 = New Label()
-		Me.TbSSspeed = New TextBox()
-		Me.LabelSSspeed = New Label()
-		Me.Label26 = New Label()
-		Me.Label30 = New Label()
-		Me.LabelSStime = New Label()
-		Me.TbSSdelay = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbSStime = New TextBox()
-		Me.ChBStartStop = New CheckBox()
-		Me.StatusStrip1 = New StatusStrip()
-		Me.ToolStripStatusLabelGEN = New ToolStripStatusLabel()
-		Me.ButOK = New Button()
-		Me.ButCancel = New Button()
-		Me.ToolStrip1 = New ToolStrip()
-		Me.ToolStripBtNew = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripBtOpen = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripBtSave = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripSeparator1 = New ToolStripSeparator()
-		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.ToolStripSeparator2 = New ToolStripSeparator()
-		Me.ToolStripButton1 = New ToolStripButton()
-		Me.PictureBox1 = New PictureBox()
-		Me.CbEngOnly = New CheckBox()
-		Me.CmOpenFile = New ContextMenuStrip(Me.components)
-		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem()
-		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem()
-		Me.PicVehicle = New PictureBox()
-		Me.PicBox = New PictureBox()
-		Me.TbEngTxt = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbVehCat = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbAxleConf = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbHVCclass = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbGbxTxt = New TextBox()
-		Me.TbMass = New TextBox()
-		Me.ToolTip1 = New ToolTip(Me.components)
+		Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
+		Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(VectoJobForm))
+		Me.TabPgGen = New System.Windows.Forms.TabPage()
+		Me.GrCycles = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.LvCycles = New System.Windows.Forms.ListView()
+		Me.ColumnHeader1 = CType(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader(), System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader)
+		Me.BtDRIrem = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.BtDRIadd = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.GrAux = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.btnAAUXOpen = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.picAuxInfo = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
+		Me.cboAdvancedAuxiliaries = New System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox()
+		Me.lbAdvancedAuxiliaries = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label32 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.LvAux = New System.Windows.Forms.ListView()
+		Me.ColumnHeader4 = CType(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader(), System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader)
+		Me.ColumnHeader5 = CType(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader(), System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader)
+		Me.ColumnHeader6 = CType(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader(), System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader)
+		Me.ButAuxRem = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButAuxAdd = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.TbGBX = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbENG = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbVEH = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.ButOpenGBX = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButOpenENG = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButOpenVEH = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButtonVEH = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButtonGBX = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButtonMAP = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.TabControl1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TabControl()
+		Me.TabPgDriver = New System.Windows.Forms.TabPage()
+		Me.GrVACC = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.TbDesMaxFile = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.BtDesMaxBr = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.BtAccOpen = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.GrLAC = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.CbLookAhead = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
+		Me.GroupBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.PnEcoRoll = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+		Me.Label21 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label20 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label14 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbVmin = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbUnderSpeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbOverspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label23 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label22 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label13 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.RdEcoRoll = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
+		Me.RdOverspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
+		Me.RdOff = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton()
+		Me.GrStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
+		Me.PnStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+		Me.Label31 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label27 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbSSspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.LabelSSspeed = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label26 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label30 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.LabelSStime = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.TbSSdelay = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbSStime = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.ChBStartStop = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
+		Me.StatusStrip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip()
+		Me.ToolStripStatusLabelGEN = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripStatusLabel()
+		Me.ButOK = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ButCancel = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.ToolStrip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip()
+		Me.ToolStripBtNew = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripBtSave = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripSeparator1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator()
+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.ToolStripSeparator2 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator()
+		Me.ToolStripButton1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton()
+		Me.PictureBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
+		Me.CbEngOnly = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
+		Me.CmOpenFile = New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip(Me.components)
+		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
+		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem()
+		Me.PicVehicle = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
+		Me.PicBox = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox()
+		Me.TbEngTxt = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbVehCat = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbAxleConf = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbHVCclass = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbGbxTxt = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.TbMass = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.ToolTip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(Me.components)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel()
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.Label12 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.tbDfCoastingScale = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label11 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.tbDfCoastingOffset = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label10 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.Label5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
+		Me.tbLacPreviewFactor = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
+		Me.tbLacMinSpeed = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
+		Me.Label7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
-		CType(Me.picAuxInfo, ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		CType(Me.picAuxInfo, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
@@ -145,10 +150,11 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		CType(Me.PictureBox1, ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		CType(Me.PictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
-		CType(Me.PicVehicle, ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
-		CType(Me.PicBox, ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		CType(Me.PicVehicle, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		CType(Me.PicBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.SuspendLayout()
@@ -164,58 +170,58 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		Me.TabPgGen.Location = New Point(4, 22)
+		Me.TabPgGen.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 22)
 		Me.TabPgGen.Name = "TabPgGen"
-		Me.TabPgGen.Padding = New Padding(3)
-		Me.TabPgGen.Size = New Size(527, 534)
+		Me.TabPgGen.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3)
+		Me.TabPgGen.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(527, 534)
 		Me.TabPgGen.TabIndex = 0
 		Me.TabPgGen.Text = "General"
 		Me.TabPgGen.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.GrCycles.Anchor = CType((((AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Bottom) _
-			Or AnchorStyles.Left) _
-			Or AnchorStyles.Right), AnchorStyles)
+		Me.GrCycles.Anchor = CType((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
-		Me.GrCycles.Location = New Point(9, 314)
+		Me.GrCycles.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(9, 314)
 		Me.GrCycles.Name = "GrCycles"
-		Me.GrCycles.Size = New Size(515, 184)
+		Me.GrCycles.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(515, 184)
 		Me.GrCycles.TabIndex = 10
 		Me.GrCycles.TabStop = False
 		Me.GrCycles.Text = "Cycles"
-		Me.Label2.Anchor = CType((AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right), AnchorStyles)
+		Me.Label2.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
 		Me.Label2.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label2.Location = New Point(379, 148)
+		Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(379, 148)
 		Me.Label2.Name = "Label2"
-		Me.Label2.Size = New Size(133, 13)
+		Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(133, 13)
 		Me.Label2.TabIndex = 3
 		Me.Label2.Text = "(Double-Click to Open File)"
-		Me.LvCycles.Anchor = CType(((AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left) _
-			Or AnchorStyles.Right), AnchorStyles)
-		Me.LvCycles.Columns.AddRange(New ColumnHeader() {Me.ColumnHeader1})
+		Me.LvCycles.Anchor = CType(((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.LvCycles.Columns.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader() {Me.ColumnHeader1})
 		Me.LvCycles.FullRowSelect = True
 		Me.LvCycles.GridLines = True
-		Me.LvCycles.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None
+		Me.LvCycles.HeaderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeaderStyle.None
 		Me.LvCycles.HideSelection = False
 		Me.LvCycles.LabelEdit = True
-		Me.LvCycles.Location = New Point(6, 25)
+		Me.LvCycles.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 25)
 		Me.LvCycles.MultiSelect = False
 		Me.LvCycles.Name = "LvCycles"
-		Me.LvCycles.Size = New Size(503, 123)
+		Me.LvCycles.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(503, 123)
 		Me.LvCycles.TabIndex = 0
 		Me.LvCycles.TabStop = False
 		Me.LvCycles.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = False
-		Me.LvCycles.View = View.Details
+		Me.LvCycles.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details
@@ -224,29 +230,29 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		Me.BtDRIrem.Anchor = CType((AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Left), AnchorStyles)
-		Me.BtDRIrem.Image = My.Resources.Resources.minus_circle_icon
-		Me.BtDRIrem.Location = New Point(29, 149)
+		Me.BtDRIrem.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.BtDRIrem.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.minus_circle_icon
+		Me.BtDRIrem.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(29, 149)
 		Me.BtDRIrem.Name = "BtDRIrem"
-		Me.BtDRIrem.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.BtDRIrem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.BtDRIrem.TabIndex = 2
 		Me.BtDRIrem.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.BtDRIadd.Anchor = CType((AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Left), AnchorStyles)
-		Me.BtDRIadd.Image = My.Resources.Resources.plus_circle_icon
-		Me.BtDRIadd.Location = New Point(5, 149)
+		Me.BtDRIadd.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.BtDRIadd.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.plus_circle_icon
+		Me.BtDRIadd.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 149)
 		Me.BtDRIadd.Name = "BtDRIadd"
-		Me.BtDRIadd.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.BtDRIadd.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.BtDRIadd.TabIndex = 1
 		Me.BtDRIadd.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.GrAux.Anchor = CType((((AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Bottom) _
-			Or AnchorStyles.Left) _
-			Or AnchorStyles.Right), AnchorStyles)
+		Me.GrAux.Anchor = CType((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
@@ -258,102 +264,102 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		Me.GrAux.Location = New Point(6, 87)
+		Me.GrAux.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 87)
 		Me.GrAux.Name = "GrAux"
-		Me.GrAux.Size = New Size(515, 221)
+		Me.GrAux.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(515, 221)
 		Me.GrAux.TabIndex = 9
 		Me.GrAux.TabStop = False
 		Me.GrAux.Text = "Auxiliaries"
-		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Image = My.Resources.Resources.application_export_icon_small
-		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Location = New Point(465, 45)
+		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.application_export_icon_small
+		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(465, 45)
 		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Name = "btnAAUXOpen"
-		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.btnAAUXOpen.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.btnAAUXOpen.TabIndex = 41
 		Me.btnAAUXOpen.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
 		Me.Label1.AutoSize = True
-		Me.Label1.Location = New Point(7, 52)
+		Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(7, 52)
 		Me.Label1.Name = "Label1"
-		Me.Label1.Size = New Size(96, 13)
+		Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(96, 13)
 		Me.Label1.TabIndex = 40
 		Me.Label1.Text = "Advanced Aux File"
-		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
-		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Location = New Point(441, 45)
+		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
+		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(441, 45)
 		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Name = "btnBrowseAAUXFile"
-		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Size = New Size(24, 24)
+		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
 		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.TabIndex = 39
 		Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile, "Configure/Browser  Advanced Auxiliary Files")
 		Me.btnBrowseAAUXFile.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
-		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Location = New Point(119, 47)
+		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(119, 47)
 		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Name = "txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile"
-		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Size = New Size(321, 20)
+		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(321, 20)
 		Me.txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.TabIndex = 38
-		Me.picAuxInfo.Image = My.Resources.Resources.Information_icon
-		Me.picAuxInfo.InitialImage = My.Resources.Resources.Information_icon
-		Me.picAuxInfo.Location = New Point(451, 19)
+		Me.picAuxInfo.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Information_icon
+		Me.picAuxInfo.InitialImage = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Information_icon
+		Me.picAuxInfo.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(451, 19)
 		Me.picAuxInfo.Name = "picAuxInfo"
-		Me.picAuxInfo.Size = New Size(16, 16)
-		Me.picAuxInfo.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
+		Me.picAuxInfo.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(16, 16)
+		Me.picAuxInfo.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
 		Me.picAuxInfo.TabIndex = 37
 		Me.picAuxInfo.TabStop = False
 		Me.cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.FormattingEnabled = True
-		Me.cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.Location = New Point(119, 18)
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@@ -372,54 +378,54 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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@@ -427,9 +433,9 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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@@ -497,10 +503,10 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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+		Me.TabPgDriver.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(527, 534)
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@@ -510,193 +516,75 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		Me.Label3.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
-		'
-		'tbDfCoastingOffset
-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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-		'
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@@ -712,83 +600,83 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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+		Me.Label14.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
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-		Me.TbVmin.Location = New Point(108, 58)
+		Me.TbVmin.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(108, 58)
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-		Me.TbVmin.Size = New Size(64, 20)
+		Me.TbVmin.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
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+		Me.TbUnderSpeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(108, 32)
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-		Me.TbUnderSpeed.Size = New Size(64, 20)
+		Me.TbUnderSpeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
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-		Me.TbOverspeed.Location = New Point(108, 6)
+		Me.TbOverspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(108, 6)
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-		Me.TbOverspeed.Size = New Size(64, 20)
+		Me.TbOverspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
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-		Me.Label23.Location = New Point(22, 61)
+		Me.Label23.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(22, 61)
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+		Me.Label23.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 13)
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-		Me.Label22.Location = New Point(11, 35)
+		Me.Label22.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(11, 35)
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+		Me.Label22.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(91, 13)
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-		Me.Label13.Location = New Point(17, 9)
+		Me.Label13.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(17, 9)
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+		Me.Label13.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(85, 13)
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@@ -796,9 +684,9 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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-		Me.RdEcoRoll.Location = New Point(13, 68)
+		Me.RdEcoRoll.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 68)
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+		Me.RdEcoRoll.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(65, 17)
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 		Me.RdEcoRoll.Text = "Eco-Roll"
@@ -807,9 +695,9 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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-		Me.RdOverspeed.Location = New Point(13, 45)
+		Me.RdOverspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 45)
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+		Me.RdOverspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(77, 17)
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@@ -817,9 +705,9 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
 		Me.RdOff.AutoSize = True
-		Me.RdOff.Location = New Point(13, 22)
+		Me.RdOff.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(13, 22)
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-		Me.RdOff.Size = New Size(39, 17)
+		Me.RdOff.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(39, 17)
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 		Me.RdOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
@@ -828,9 +716,9 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		Me.GrStartStop.Location = New Point(6, 6)
+		Me.GrStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 6)
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+		Me.GrStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(515, 137)
 		Me.GrStartStop.TabIndex = 0
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@@ -846,104 +734,104 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		Me.PnStartStop.Location = New Point(87, 21)
+		Me.PnStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(87, 21)
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+		Me.PnStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(422, 95)
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+		Me.Label31.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(228, 58)
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+		Me.Label31.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(18, 13)
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+		Me.Label27.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(228, 32)
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+		Me.Label27.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(18, 13)
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 		Me.Label27.Text = "[s]"
-		Me.TbSSspeed.Location = New Point(158, 3)
+		Me.TbSSspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(158, 3)
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-		Me.TbSSspeed.Size = New Size(64, 20)
+		Me.TbSSspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
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-		Me.LabelSSspeed.Location = New Point(91, 6)
+		Me.LabelSSspeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(91, 6)
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-		Me.LabelSSspeed.Size = New Size(61, 13)
+		Me.LabelSSspeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 13)
 		Me.LabelSSspeed.TabIndex = 37
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-		Me.Label26.Location = New Point(228, 6)
+		Me.Label26.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(228, 6)
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+		Me.Label26.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
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-		Me.Label30.Location = New Point(68, 58)
+		Me.Label30.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(68, 58)
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+		Me.Label30.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(84, 13)
 		Me.Label30.TabIndex = 35
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-		Me.LabelSStime.Location = New Point(65, 32)
+		Me.LabelSStime.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(65, 32)
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+		Me.LabelSStime.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(87, 13)
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-		Me.TbSSdelay.Location = New Point(158, 55)
+		Me.TbSSdelay.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(158, 55)
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-		Me.TbSSdelay.Size = New Size(64, 20)
+		Me.TbSSdelay.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
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-		Me.TbSStime.Location = New Point(158, 29)
+		Me.TbSStime.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(158, 29)
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-		Me.TbSStime.Size = New Size(64, 20)
+		Me.TbSStime.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
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-		Me.ChBStartStop.Location = New Point(16, 21)
+		Me.ChBStartStop.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked
+		Me.ChBStartStop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 21)
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+		Me.ChBStartStop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(65, 17)
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-		Me.StatusStrip1.Location = New Point(0, 672)
+		Me.StatusStrip1.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.ToolStripStatusLabelGEN})
+		Me.StatusStrip1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 672)
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+		Me.StatusStrip1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(944, 22)
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@@ -951,221 +839,386 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
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+		Me.ToolStripStatusLabelGEN.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(121, 17)
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+		Me.ButOK.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
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+		Me.ButCancel.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
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+		Me.ButCancel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
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+		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.blue_document_icon
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+		Me.ToolStripBtNew.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
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+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Open_icon
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+		Me.ToolStripBtOpen.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
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+		Me.ToolStripBtSave.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
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+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Actions_document_save_as_icon
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+		Me.ToolStripBtSaveAs.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
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+		Me.ToolStripSeparator1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25)
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+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.export_icon
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+		Me.ToolStripBtSendTo.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
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+		Me.ToolStripSeparator2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25)
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+		Me.ToolStripButton1.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
+		Me.ToolStripButton1.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.Help_icon
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+		Me.ToolStripButton1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22)
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+		Me.PictureBox1.Image = Global.TUGraz.VECTO.My.Resources.Resources.VECTO_VECTO
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+		Me.PictureBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(920, 40)
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+		Me.CbEngOnly.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(113, 17)
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+		Me.OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 22)
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+		Me.ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 22)
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-		Me.PicVehicle.BackColor = Color.LightGray
-		Me.PicVehicle.Location = New Point(542, 122)
+		Me.PicVehicle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray
+		Me.PicVehicle.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(542, 122)
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+		Me.PicVehicle.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(300, 88)
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+		Me.TbEngTxt.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(390, 20)
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+		Me.TbVehCat.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(848, 126)
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+		Me.TbVehCat.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(87, 20)
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+		Me.TbAxleConf.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(904, 155)
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+		Me.TbAxleConf.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(31, 20)
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+		Me.TbHVCclass.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(848, 184)
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+		Me.TbHVCclass.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(87, 20)
 		Me.TbHVCclass.TabIndex = 5
-		Me.TbGbxTxt.Location = New Point(542, 242)
+		Me.TbGbxTxt.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(542, 242)
 		Me.TbGbxTxt.Name = "TbGbxTxt"
 		Me.TbGbxTxt.ReadOnly = True
-		Me.TbGbxTxt.Size = New Size(390, 20)
+		Me.TbGbxTxt.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(390, 20)
 		Me.TbGbxTxt.TabIndex = 7
-		Me.TbMass.Location = New Point(848, 155)
+		Me.TbMass.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(848, 155)
 		Me.TbMass.Name = "TbMass"
 		Me.TbMass.ReadOnly = True
-		Me.TbMass.Size = New Size(50, 20)
+		Me.TbMass.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(50, 20)
 		Me.TbMass.TabIndex = 3
+		'pnLookAheadCoasting
+		'
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label7)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label6)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.tbLacMinSpeed)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.btnDfVelocityDrop)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label12)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.tbDfCoastingScale)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label11)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label3)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.tbDfCoastingOffset)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label10)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label4)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.Label5)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.btnDfTargetSpeed)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.tbLacPreviewFactor)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Controls.Add(Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 37)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Name = "pnLookAheadCoasting"
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(467, 129)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.TabIndex = 20
+		'
+		'btnDfVelocityDrop
+		'
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("btnDfVelocityDrop.Image"), System.Drawing.Image)
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(435, 78)
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.Name = "btnDfVelocityDrop"
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.TabIndex = 32
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.TabStop = False
+		Me.btnDfVelocityDrop.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+		'
+		'Label12
+		'
+		Me.Label12.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label12.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(269, 110)
+		Me.Label12.Name = "Label12"
+		Me.Label12.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(130, 13)
+		Me.Label12.TabIndex = 31
+		Me.Label12.Text = "* DF_vTarget * DF_vDrop"
+		'
+		'tbDfCoastingScale
+		'
+		Me.tbDfCoastingScale.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(226, 107)
+		Me.tbDfCoastingScale.Name = "tbDfCoastingScale"
+		Me.tbDfCoastingScale.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(37, 20)
+		Me.tbDfCoastingScale.TabIndex = 30
+		'
+		'Label11
+		'
+		Me.Label11.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label11.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(209, 109)
+		Me.Label11.Name = "Label11"
+		Me.Label11.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(13, 13)
+		Me.Label11.TabIndex = 29
+		Me.Label11.Text = "- "
+		'
+		'Label3
+		'
+		Me.Label3.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 31)
+		Me.Label3.Name = "Label3"
+		Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(118, 13)
+		Me.Label3.TabIndex = 20
+		Me.Label3.Text = "Preview distance factor"
+		Me.Label3.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
+		'
+		'tbDfCoastingOffset
+		'
+		Me.tbDfCoastingOffset.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(165, 107)
+		Me.tbDfCoastingOffset.Name = "tbDfCoastingOffset"
+		Me.tbDfCoastingOffset.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(37, 20)
+		Me.tbDfCoastingOffset.TabIndex = 28
+		'
+		'tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile
+		'
+		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Anchor = CType(((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(164, 54)
+		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Name = "tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile"
+		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(264, 20)
+		Me.tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.TabIndex = 22
+		'
+		'Label10
+		'
+		Me.Label10.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label10.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(79, 110)
+		Me.Label10.Name = "Label10"
+		Me.Label10.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(79, 13)
+		Me.Label10.TabIndex = 27
+		Me.Label10.Text = "DF_coasting = "
+		'
+		'Label4
+		'
+		Me.Label4.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 57)
+		Me.Label4.Name = "Label4"
+		Me.Label4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(155, 13)
+		Me.Label4.TabIndex = 24
+		Me.Label4.Text = "Decision Factor - Target Speed"
+		Me.Label4.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
+		'
+		'Label5
+		'
+		Me.Label5.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label5.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 84)
+		Me.Label5.Name = "Label5"
+		Me.Label5.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(153, 13)
+		Me.Label5.TabIndex = 26
+		Me.Label5.Text = "Decision Factor - Velocity Drop"
+		Me.Label5.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
+		'
+		'btnDfTargetSpeed
+		'
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.Anchor = CType((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("btnDfTargetSpeed.Image"), System.Drawing.Image)
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(434, 54)
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.Name = "btnDfTargetSpeed"
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(24, 24)
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.TabIndex = 23
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.TabStop = False
+		Me.btnDfTargetSpeed.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
+		'
+		'tbLacPreviewFactor
+		'
+		Me.tbLacPreviewFactor.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(164, 28)
+		Me.tbLacPreviewFactor.Name = "tbLacPreviewFactor"
+		Me.tbLacPreviewFactor.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+		Me.tbLacPreviewFactor.TabIndex = 21
+		'
+		'tbLacDfVelocityDropFile
+		'
+		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Anchor = CType(((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
+			Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
+		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(164, 81)
+		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Name = "tbLacDfVelocityDropFile"
+		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(264, 20)
+		Me.tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.TabIndex = 25
+		'
+		'Label6
+		'
+		Me.Label6.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label6.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(91, 6)
+		Me.Label6.Name = "Label6"
+		Me.Label6.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(67, 13)
+		Me.Label6.TabIndex = 33
+		Me.Label6.Text = "Min. Velocity"
+		Me.Label6.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
+		'
+		'tbLacMinSpeed
+		'
+		Me.tbLacMinSpeed.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(164, 3)
+		Me.tbLacMinSpeed.Name = "tbLacMinSpeed"
+		Me.tbLacMinSpeed.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 20)
+		Me.tbLacMinSpeed.TabIndex = 34
+		'
+		'Label7
+		'
+		Me.Label7.AutoSize = True
+		Me.Label7.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(234, 6)
+		Me.Label7.Name = "Label7"
+		Me.Label7.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(38, 13)
+		Me.Label7.TabIndex = 4
+		Me.Label7.Text = "[km/h]"
+		'
+		'VectoJobForm
 		Me.AcceptButton = Me.ButOK
-		Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)
-		Me.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font
 		Me.CancelButton = Me.ButCancel
-		Me.ClientSize = New Size(944, 694)
+		Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(944, 694)
@@ -1181,11 +1234,10 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		Me.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle
-		Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), Icon)
+		Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), System.Drawing.Icon)
 		Me.MaximizeBox = False
 		Me.Name = "VectoJobForm"
-		Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent
+		Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterParent
 		Me.Text = "Job Editor"
@@ -1193,7 +1245,7 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		CType(Me.picAuxInfo, ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		CType(Me.picAuxInfo, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
@@ -1212,10 +1264,12 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
-		CType(Me.PictureBox1, ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		CType(Me.PictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
-		CType(Me.PicVehicle, ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
-		CType(Me.PicBox, ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		CType(Me.PicVehicle, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		CType(Me.PicBox, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.ResumeLayout(False)
+		Me.pnLookAheadCoasting.PerformLayout()
@@ -1312,16 +1366,21 @@ Partial Class VectoJobForm
 	Friend WithEvents txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile As TextBox
 	Friend WithEvents lbAdvancedAuxiliaries As Label
 	Friend WithEvents btnAAUXOpen As Button
-	Friend WithEvents Label12 As Label
-	Friend WithEvents tbDfCoastingScale As TextBox
-	Friend WithEvents Label11 As Label
-	Friend WithEvents Label3 As Label
-	Friend WithEvents tbDfCoastingOffset As TextBox
-	Friend WithEvents tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile As TextBox
-	Friend WithEvents Label10 As Label
-	Friend WithEvents Label4 As Label
-	Friend WithEvents Label5 As Label
-	Friend WithEvents btnDfTargetSpeed As Button
-	Friend WithEvents tbLacPreviewFactor As TextBox
-	Friend WithEvents tbLacDfVelocityDropFile As TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents pnLookAheadCoasting As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
+	Friend WithEvents btnDfVelocityDrop As System.Windows.Forms.Button
+	Friend WithEvents Label12 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents tbDfCoastingScale As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents Label11 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents Label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents tbDfCoastingOffset As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents Label10 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents Label4 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents Label5 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents btnDfTargetSpeed As System.Windows.Forms.Button
+	Friend WithEvents tbLacPreviewFactor As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents tbLacDfVelocityDropFile As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents Label6 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
+	Friend WithEvents tbLacMinSpeed As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+	Friend WithEvents Label7 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.resx b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.resx
index 087e6067950a3b7e0a6a1305861d5674430ef6b6..e89a5da4d25ff01ecfa847660f4f5ede2ef06659 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.resx
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.resx
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
   <data name="ButtonVEH.Image" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
   <data name="ButtonGBX.Image" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
@@ -160,7 +160,25 @@
   <data name="ButtonMAP.Image" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
+        0kIrs5JsTOcKRANNEs0827KM0BA1MlSo0G3o1DxkEsso1JqH8rBUSlPzPOfSeajkbu+7NSl/9MD147u/
+        776eF96P0VbB7+6Q8tFZJcCH2gj01wsx0BD5F5+aRFA1iTR99ZERjH+HlKHLxexgEoZao0Geh96mY2FC
+        AkBpYlX7HL3PhBpjbXNIYWP5DjaWDKwv3MKMKomKMHIXGDWikaGu5gw8n3LhUWKXZ6wbBL+0tyk/Fwk5
+        FJKv98Rjo/ca0J9AqakKxr5ye7iU7sCufBuFSfBjIYduXldvQnKdMg5r3fEmQVe1AO7FtkecH1rDvtAK
+        TtnsDCpYmxNjddbIjBgreki+2BELXWccVEoRAqu8EPTEC2Sp03223KqUCbsMSw0VrEzfhG4qG7rJbCwb
+        Ifnsmyt4/1oAX5kHqtUSnKj2pQIHsZWCCKzTLUAFSxNZWBrPwnfCWCa0ekiuaL6As408yNVSxPYI4FbI
+        gWM2u4ybxwIRsJKZBoH2ayYWRzOg+ULQX+HndMikpxDSxINC9wJRyiAcatiJPQUcuBTawOGxQWCZYG4Q
+        kIJ6OA3qoTTMD6bhW08iAmp98GqlBdHKABxrcacCb7kj3CQcKmAVM8G8vE1BBfODqZhTpWJ2IIUevV3C
+        x1HZfkS1+yOk1XOLgFvGgmWcuYYZzvChAlKc7ruBqY/JVNBYEobiB4HgFbnCv9HdJPCs4MIxl43tMWYj
+        zEv6MhlSIMXJnuuY6DL8gTVFoajMP4+68ovg5bvisHw3FXDTWBDn8ehNmKatIlSjehmDcWUSxt4lUkF5
+        znEUpPhBmncStY+CcSDLGT4VzrBPtkJz2TnD5j/TLQ/ndEjD5F01Qgy3XkWnXIj4yIOx+ld7DV8wGLax
+        DI5ltLncQmRWZoy2Tnsl/zQ5DTnBvRQ/b2P8n2EwfgPZDDiygt3V8AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
+  </data>
+  <data name="btnDfVelocityDrop.Image" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
+    <value>
@@ -178,7 +196,7 @@
   <data name="btnDfTargetSpeed.Image" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
index 7469061cbc384b20fcddbca9c04e0fc077082a23..6b3457089f922e33dfe8037aaf487165c48b600e 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VectoJobForm.vb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Option Infer On
+'Option Infer On
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
 Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
@@ -17,26 +17,29 @@ Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
 Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
 Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Job Editor. Create/Edit VECTO job files (.vecto)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
 Public Class VectoJobForm
-	Public VECTOfile As String
-	Private Changed As Boolean = False
+	Public VectoFile As String
+	Private _changed As Boolean = False
-	Private pgDriver As TabPage
+	Private _pgDriver As TabPage
-	Private pgDriverON As Boolean = True
+	Private _pgDriverOn As Boolean = True
-	Private AuxDlog As VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
-	Public n_idle As Single
-	Public FLDfile As String
+	Private _auxDialog As VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
 	'Populate Advanced Auxiliaries
@@ -51,14 +54,11 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 	'Initialise form
 	Private Sub F02_GEN_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
-		Dim x As Int16
-		n_idle = -1
-		FLDfile = ""
+		Dim x As Integer
-		AuxDlog = New VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
+		_auxDialog = New VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
-		pgDriver = TabPgDriver
+		_pgDriver = TabPgDriver
 		For x = 0 To TabControl1.TabCount - 1
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		ButAuxRem.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
 		PnEcoRoll.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
@@ -108,66 +108,68 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		If Not RdEcoRoll.Checked Then RdOverspeed.Checked = True
 		CbLookAhead.Checked = True
-		TbSSspeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.MaxSpeed.AsKmph()	'cDeclaration.SSspeed
-		TbSStime.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.MinTime.Value()   'cDeclaration.SStime
-		TbSSdelay.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.Delay.Value()	 ' cDeclaration.SSdelay
-		tbLacPreviewFactor.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.LookAheadDistanceFactor
+		TbSSspeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.MaxSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.SSspeed
+		TbSStime.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.MinTime.ToGUIFormat()	 'cDeclaration.SStime
+		TbSSdelay.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.Delay.ToGUIFormat()	 ' cDeclaration.SSdelay
+		tbLacPreviewFactor.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.LookAheadDistanceFactor.ToGUIFormat()
 		tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text = ""
 		tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text = ""
-		TbOverspeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.OverSpeed.AsKmph()  'cDeclaration.Overspeed
-		TbUnderSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.UnderSpeed.AsKmph()	' cDeclaration.Underspeed
-		TbVmin.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.MinSpeed.AsKmph()	 'cDeclaration.ECvmin
+		TbOverspeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.OverSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()	 'cDeclaration.Overspeed
+		TbUnderSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.UnderSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat() _
+		' cDeclaration.Underspeed
+		TbVmin.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.MinSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()	 'cDeclaration.ECvmin
 		If _
 			LvAux.Items.Count <> 5 OrElse
-			(LvAux.Items(0).Text <> sKey.AUX.Fan OrElse LvAux.Items(1).Text <> sKey.AUX.SteerPump OrElse
-			LvAux.Items(2).Text <> sKey.AUX.HVAC OrElse LvAux.Items(3).Text <> sKey.AUX.ElecSys OrElse
-			LvAux.Items(4).Text <> sKey.AUX.PneumSys) Then
+			(LvAux.Items(0).Text <> VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.Fan OrElse
+			LvAux.Items(1).Text <> VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.SteeringPump OrElse
+			LvAux.Items(2).Text <> VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.HeatingVentilationAirCondition OrElse
+			LvAux.Items(3).Text <> VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.ElectricSystem OrElse
+			LvAux.Items(4).Text <> VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.PneumaticSystem) Then
-			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(sKey.AUX.Fan, "Fan", DeclarationData.Fan))
+			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(AuxiliaryType.Fan, DeclarationData.Fan))
-			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(sKey.AUX.SteerPump, "Steering pump", DeclarationData.SteeringPump))
+			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(AuxiliaryType.SteeringPump, DeclarationData.SteeringPump))
-			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(sKey.AUX.HVAC, "HVAC", DeclarationData.HeatingVentilationAirConditioning))
+			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(AuxiliaryType.HVAC, DeclarationData.HeatingVentilationAirConditioning))
-			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(sKey.AUX.ElecSys, "Electric System", DeclarationData.ElectricSystem))
+			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(AuxiliaryType.ElectricSystem, DeclarationData.ElectricSystem))
-			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(sKey.AUX.PneumSys, "Pneumatic System", DeclarationData.PneumaticSystem))
+			LvAux.Items.Add(GetTechListForAux(AuxiliaryType.PneumaticSystem, DeclarationData.PneumaticSystem))
 		End If
 	End Sub
-	Protected Function GetTechListForAux(key As String, nameStr As String, aux As IDeclarationAuxiliaryTable) _
+	Protected Function GetTechListForAux(type As AuxiliaryType, aux As IDeclarationAuxiliaryTable) _
 		As ListViewItem
-		Dim LV0 As ListViewItem
+		Dim listViewItem As ListViewItem
-		LV0 = New ListViewItem(key)
-		LV0.SubItems.Add(nameStr)
+		listViewItem = New ListViewItem(type.Key())
+		listViewItem.SubItems.Add(type.Name())
 		Dim auxtech As String() = aux.GetTechnologies()
 		If auxtech.Count > 1 Then
-			LV0.SubItems.Add("")
+			listViewItem.SubItems.Add("")
-			LV0.SubItems.Add(auxtech(0))
+			listViewItem.SubItems.Add(auxtech(0))
 		End If
-		Return LV0
+		Return listViewItem
 	End Function
 	'Show/Hide "Driver Assist" Tab
 	Private Sub SetDrivertab(onOff As Boolean)
 		If onOff Then
-			If Not pgDriverON Then
-				pgDriverON = True
-				TabControl1.TabPages.Insert(1, pgDriver)
+			If Not _pgDriverOn Then
+				_pgDriverOn = True
+				TabControl1.TabPages.Insert(1, _pgDriver)
 			End If
-			If pgDriverON Then
-				pgDriverON = False
-				TabControl1.Controls.Remove(pgDriver)
+			If _pgDriverOn Then
+				_pgDriverOn = False
+				TabControl1.Controls.Remove(_pgDriver)
 			End If
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -176,31 +178,31 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 #Region "Browse Buttons"
 	Private Sub ButtonVEH_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonVEH.Click
-		If VehicleFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbVEH.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))) Then
-			TbVEH.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(VehicleFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		If VehicleFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbVEH.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))) Then
+			TbVEH.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(VehicleFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VectoFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ButtonMAP_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonMAP.Click
-		If EngineFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbENG.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))) Then
-			TbENG.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(EngineFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		If EngineFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbENG.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))) Then
+			TbENG.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(EngineFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VectoFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ButtonGBX_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonGBX.Click
-		If GearboxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbGBX.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))) Then
-			TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		If GearboxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbGBX.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))) Then
+			TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VectoFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtDesMaxBr_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtDesMaxBr.Click
-		If DriverAccelerationFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbDesMaxFile.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))) Then
-			TbDesMaxFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(DriverAccelerationFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		If DriverAccelerationFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbDesMaxFile.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))) Then
+			TbDesMaxFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(DriverAccelerationFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(VectoFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtAccOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtAccOpen.Click
-		OpenFiles(fFileRepl(TbDesMaxFile.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile)))
+		OpenFiles(FileRepl(TbDesMaxFile.Text, GetPath(VectoFile)))
 	End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -210,10 +212,10 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 	'Open Vehicle Editor
 	Private Sub ButOpenVEH_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButOpenVEH.Click
 		Dim f As String
-		f = fFileRepl(TbVEH.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		f = FileRepl(TbVEH.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))
 		'Thus Veh-file is returned
-		VehicleForm.JobDir = GetPath(VECTOfile)
+		VehicleForm.JobDir = GetPath(VectoFile)
 		VehicleForm.AutoSendTo = True
 		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then
@@ -230,16 +232,22 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		End If
-		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then VehicleForm.OpenVehicle(f)
+		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then
+			Try
+				VehicleForm.OpenVehicle(f)
+			Catch ex As Exception
+				MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error loading Vehicle File")
+			End Try
+		End If
 	End Sub
 	'Open Engine Editor
 	Private Sub ButOpenENG_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButOpenENG.Click
 		Dim f As String
-		f = fFileRepl(TbENG.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		f = FileRepl(TbENG.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))
 		'Thus Veh-file is returned
-		EngineForm.JobDir = GetPath(VECTOfile)
+		EngineForm.JobDir = GetPath(VectoFile)
 		EngineForm.AutoSendTo = True
 		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then
@@ -262,10 +270,10 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 	'Open Gearbox Editor
 	Private Sub ButOpenGBX_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButOpenGBX.Click
 		Dim f As String
-		f = fFileRepl(TbGBX.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		f = FileRepl(TbGBX.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))
 		'Thus Veh-file is returned
-		GearboxForm.JobDir = GetPath(VECTOfile)
+		GearboxForm.JobDir = GetPath(VectoFile)
 		GearboxForm.AutoSendTo = True
 		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then
@@ -282,7 +290,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		End If
-		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then GearboxForm.openGBX(f)
+		If Not Trim(f) = "" Then GearboxForm.OpenGbx(f)
 	End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -291,12 +299,12 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtNew_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtNew.Click
-		VECTOnew()
+		VectoNew()
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtOpen.Click
-		If JobfileFileBrowser.OpenDialog(VECTOfile, False, "vecto") Then VECTOload2Form(JobfileFileBrowser.Files(0))
+		If JobfileFileBrowser.OpenDialog(VectoFile, False, "vecto") Then VECTOload2Form(JobfileFileBrowser.Files(0))
 	End Sub
@@ -306,27 +314,27 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 	'Save As
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtSaveAs_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtSaveAs.Click
-		If JobfileFileBrowser.SaveDialog(VECTOfile) Then Call VECTOsave(JobfileFileBrowser.Files(0))
+		If JobfileFileBrowser.SaveDialog(VectoFile) Then Call VECTOsave(JobfileFileBrowser.Files(0))
 	End Sub
 	'Send to Job file list in main form
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtSendTo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtSendTo.Click
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		If VECTOfile = "" Then
+		If VectoFile = "" Then
 			MsgBox("File not found!" & ChrW(10) & ChrW(10) & "Save file and try again.")
-			MainForm.AddToJobListView(VECTOfile)
+			MainForm.AddToJobListView(VectoFile)
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim BrowserRegistryString As String =
+			Dim browserRegistryString As String =
-			Dim DefaultBrowserPath As String =
-					Regex.Match(BrowserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
-			Process.Start(DefaultBrowserPath,
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String =
+					Regex.Match(browserRegistryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath,
 						String.Format("""{0}{1}""", MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#job-editor"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
@@ -338,36 +346,34 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 	'Save ("Save" or "Save As" when new file)
 	Private Function Save() As Boolean
-		If VECTOfile = "" Then
+		If VectoFile = "" Then
 			If JobfileFileBrowser.SaveDialog("") Then
-				VECTOfile = JobfileFileBrowser.Files(0)
+				VectoFile = JobfileFileBrowser.Files(0)
 				Return False
 			End If
 		End If
-		Return VECTOsave(VECTOfile)
+		Try
+			Return VECTOsave(VectoFile)
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			MsgBox("Error when saving file" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
+			Return False
+		End Try
 	End Function
 	'Open file
 	Public Sub VECTOload2Form(file As String)
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		VECTOnew()
+		VectoNew()
 		'Read GEN
-		Dim VEC0 = New VectoJob
-		VEC0.FilePath = file
-		Try
-			If Not VEC0.ReadFile() Then
-				MsgBox("Failed to load " & GetFilenameWithoutPath(file, True) & "!")
-				Exit Sub
-			End If
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			MsgBox("Failed to load " & GetFilenameWithoutPath(file, True) & "!")
-			Exit Sub
-		End Try
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(file), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+		Dim vectoJob As IEngineeringJobInputData = inputData.JobInputData()
-		If Cfg.DeclMode <> VEC0.SavedInDeclMode Then
+		If Cfg.DeclMode <> vectoJob.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
 			Select Case WrongMode()
 				Case 1
@@ -375,82 +381,104 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 				Case -1
 					Exit Sub
-				Case Else '0
-					'Continue...
 			End Select
 		End If
+		VectoFile = file
+		_basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)
 		'Update Form
 		'Files -----------------------------
-		TbVEH.Text = VEC0.PathVeh(True)
-		TbENG.Text = VEC0.PathEng(True)
-		TbGBX.Text = VEC0.PathGbx(True)
+		TbVEH.Text = GetRelativePath(inputData.VehicleInputData.Source, _basePath)
+		TbENG.Text = GetRelativePath(inputData.EngineInputData.Source, _basePath)
+		TbGBX.Text = GetRelativePath(inputData.GearboxInputData.Source, _basePath)
-		ChBStartStop.Checked = VEC0.StartStop
-		TbSSspeed.Text = VEC0.StStV.ToString()
-		TbSStime.Text = VEC0.StStT.ToString()
-		TbSSdelay.Text = VEC0.StartStopDelay.ToString()
+		Dim driver As IDriverEngineeringInputData = inputData.DriverInputData
+		ChBStartStop.Checked = driver.StartStop.Enabled
+		TbSSspeed.Text = driver.StartStop.MaxSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbSStime.Text = driver.StartStop.MinTime.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbSSdelay.Text = driver.StartStop.Delay.ToGUIFormat()
-		'VACC
-		TbDesMaxFile.Text = VEC0.DesMaxFile(True)
+		If (Cfg.DeclMode) Then
+			TbDesMaxFile.Text = ""
+			'AA-TB
+			'Try and Select any previously selected Auxiliary Type
+			Dim declarationInput As IDeclarationInputDataProvider = CType(inputData, IDeclarationInputDataProvider)
+			Dim auxInput As IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData = declarationInput.AuxiliaryInputData()
+			cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedIndex = 0
-		'AA-TB
-		'Try and Select any previously selected Auxiliary Type
-		For Each item As AdvancedAuxiliary In cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.Items
-			If item.AssemblyName = VEC0.AuxiliaryAssembly AndAlso VEC0.AuxiliaryVersion = item.AuxiliaryVersion Then
-				cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem = item
-				Exit For
-			End If
-		Next
-		'AA-TB
-		'Assign any previously saved Axiliary FilePath
-		txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text = VEC0.AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath
+			LvAux.Items.Clear()
+			Dim entry As IAuxiliaryDeclarationInputData
+			For Each entry In auxInput.Auxiliaries
+				Dim lv0 As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem
+				lv0.SubItems(0).Text = AuxiliaryTypeHelper.GetAuxKey(entry.Type)
+				lv0.SubItems.Add(AuxiliaryTypeHelper.ToString(entry.Type))
+				lv0.SubItems.Add(String.Join(", ", entry.Technology))
+				LvAux.Items.Add(lv0)
+			Next
+		Else
+			'VACC
+			TbDesMaxFile.Text =
+				If(driver.AccelerationCurve Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(driver.AccelerationCurve.Source, _basePath))
+			Dim auxInput As IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData = inputData.AuxiliaryInputData()
+			For Each item As AdvancedAuxiliary In cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.Items
+				If _
+					item.AssemblyName = auxInput.AuxiliaryAssembly.ToString() AndAlso auxInput.AuxiliaryVersion = item.AuxiliaryVersion _
+					Then
+					cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem = item
+					Exit For
+				End If
+			Next
+			'AA-TB
+			'Assign any previously saved Axiliary FilePath
+			txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text = auxInput.AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath
+			LvAux.Items.Clear()
+			For Each entry As IAuxiliaryEngineeringInputData In auxInput.Auxiliaries
+				Dim lv0 As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem
+				lv0.SubItems(0).Text = entry.ID
+				lv0.SubItems.Add(entry.AuxiliaryType.ToString())
+				lv0.SubItems.Add(If(entry.DemandMap Is Nothing, "", entry.DemandMap.Source))
+				LvAux.Items.Add(lv0)
+			Next
-		LvAux.Items.Clear()
-		For Each AuxEntryKV In VEC0.AuxPaths
-			Dim lv0 = New ListViewItem
-			lv0.SubItems(0).Text = AuxEntryKV.Key
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(AuxEntryKV.Value.Type)
-			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-				lv0.SubItems.Add(AuxEntryKV.Value.TechStr)
-			Else
-				lv0.SubItems.Add(AuxEntryKV.Value.Path.OriginalPath)
-			End If
-			LvAux.Items.Add(lv0)
-		Next
+		End If
-		For Each sb In VEC0.CycleFiles
-			Dim lv0 = New ListViewItem
-			lv0.Text = sb.OriginalPath
+		Dim sb As ICycleData
+		For Each sb In vectoJob.Cycles
+			Dim lv0 As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem
+			lv0.Text = sb.Name
-		CbEngOnly.Checked = VEC0.EngineOnly
+		CbEngOnly.Checked = vectoJob.EngineOnlyMode
-		If VEC0.EcoRollOn Then
+		If driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.Mode = DriverMode.EcoRoll Then
 			RdEcoRoll.Checked = True
-		ElseIf VEC0.OverSpeedOn Then
+		ElseIf driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.Mode = DriverMode.Overspeed Then
 			RdOverspeed.Checked = True
 			RdOff.Checked = True
 		End If
-		TbOverspeed.Text = CStr(VEC0.OverSpeed)
-		TbUnderSpeed.Text = CStr(VEC0.UnderSpeed)
-		TbVmin.Text = CStr(VEC0.VMin)
-		CbLookAhead.Checked = VEC0.LookAheadOn
+		TbOverspeed.Text = driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.OverSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbUnderSpeed.Text = driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.UnderSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbVmin.Text = driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.MinSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		CbLookAhead.Checked = driver.Lookahead.Enabled
 		'TbAlookahead.Text = CStr(VEC0.ALookahead)
+		tbLacMinSpeed.Text = driver.Lookahead.MinSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
 		'TbVminLA.Text = CStr(VEC0.VMinLa)
-		tbLacPreviewFactor.Text = CStr(VEC0.LacPreviewFactor)
-		tbDfCoastingOffset.Text = CStr(VEC0.LacDfOffset)
-		tbDfCoastingScale.Text = CStr(VEC0.LacDfScale)
+		tbLacPreviewFactor.Text = driver.Lookahead.LookaheadDistanceFactor.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDfCoastingOffset.Text = driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorOffset.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDfCoastingScale.Text = driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorScaling.ToGUIFormat()
-		tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text = VEC0.LacDfTargetSpeedFile
-		tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text = VEC0.LacDfVelocityDropFile
+		tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text = If(driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup Is Nothing, "",
+										GetRelativePath(driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup.Source, _basePath))
+		tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text = If(driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup Is Nothing, "",
+										GetRelativePath(driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup.Source, _basePath))
@@ -462,14 +490,12 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		VehicleForm.AutoSendTo = False
-		VECTOfile = file
-		Dim x As Short = Len(file)
+		Dim x As Integer = Len(file)
 		While Mid(file, x, 1) <> "\" And x > 0
 			x = x - 1
 		End While
 		Text = Mid(file, x + 1, Len(file) - x)
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
 		ToolStripStatusLabelGEN.Text = ""	'file & " opened."
@@ -487,10 +513,10 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		If cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedIndex > 0 Then
 			'resolve absolute path for auxiliary file.
-			Dim absoluteAAUxFile = ResolveAAUXFilePath(GetPath(VECTOfile), txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text)
+			Dim absoluteAAUxFile As String = ResolveAAUXFilePath(GetPath(VectoFile), txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text)
-			Dim aaAssemblyName = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AssemblyName
-			Dim aaAssemblyVersion = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AuxiliaryVersion
+			Dim aaAssemblyName As String = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AssemblyName
+			Dim aaAssemblyVersion As String = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AuxiliaryVersion
 			If Not ValidateAAUXFile(absoluteAAUxFile, aaAssemblyName, aaAssemblyVersion, message) Then
@@ -503,96 +529,94 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		End If
-		Dim vec0 = New VectoJob
-		vec0.FilePath = file
+		Dim vectoJob As VectoJob = New VectoJob
+		vectoJob.FilePath = file
 		'Files ------------------------------------------------- -----------------
-		vec0.PathVeh = TbVEH.Text
-		vec0.PathEng = TbENG.Text
+		vectoJob.PathVeh = TbVEH.Text
+		vectoJob.PathEng = TbENG.Text
 		For Each lv0 As ListViewItem In LvCycles.Items
-			Dim sb = New SubPath
+			Dim sb As SubPath = New SubPath
 			sb.Init(GetPath(file), lv0.Text)
-			vec0.CycleFiles.Add(sb)
+			vectoJob.CycleFiles.Add(sb)
-		vec0.PathGbx = TbGBX.Text
+		vectoJob.PathGbx = TbGBX.Text
-		vec0.StartStop = ChBStartStop.Checked
-		vec0.StStV = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbSSspeed.Text))
-		vec0.StStT = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbSStime.Text))
-		vec0.StartStopDelay = CInt(fTextboxToNumString(TbSSdelay.Text))
+		vectoJob.StartStop = ChBStartStop.Checked
+		vectoJob.StartStopMaxSpeed = TbSSspeed.Text.ToDouble()
+		vectoJob.StartStopTime = TbSStime.Text.ToDouble()
+		vectoJob.StartStopDelay = TbSSdelay.Text.ToDouble()
-		vec0.DesMaxFile = TbDesMaxFile.Text
+		vectoJob.DesMaxFile = TbDesMaxFile.Text
-		vec0.AuxiliaryAssembly = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AssemblyName
-		vec0.AuxiliaryVersion = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AuxiliaryVersion
-		vec0.AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text
+		vectoJob.AuxiliaryAssembly = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AssemblyName
+		vectoJob.AuxiliaryVersion = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary).AuxiliaryVersion
+		vectoJob.AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text
 		For Each lv0 As ListViewItem In LvAux.Items
-			Dim auxEntry = New VectoJob.AuxEntry
+			Dim auxEntry As VectoJob.AuxEntry = New VectoJob.AuxEntry
 			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-				auxEntry.TechStr = lv0.SubItems(2).Text
+				auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+				auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add(lv0.SubItems(2).Text)
 				auxEntry.Path.Init(GetPath(file), lv0.SubItems(2).Text)
 			End If
 			auxEntry.Type = lv0.SubItems(1).Text
-			vec0.AuxPaths.Add(lv0.SubItems(0).Text, auxEntry)
+			vectoJob.AuxPaths.Add(lv0.SubItems(0).Text, auxEntry)
-		vec0.EngineOnly = CbEngOnly.Checked
+		vectoJob.EngineOnly = CbEngOnly.Checked
-		vec0.EcoRollOn = RdEcoRoll.Checked
-		vec0.OverSpeedOn = RdOverspeed.Checked
-		vec0.OverSpeed = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbOverspeed.Text))
-		vec0.UnderSpeed = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbUnderSpeed.Text))
-		vec0.VMin = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbVmin.Text))
-		vec0.LookAheadOn = CbLookAhead.Checked
+		vectoJob.EcoRollOn = RdEcoRoll.Checked
+		vectoJob.OverSpeedOn = RdOverspeed.Checked
+		vectoJob.OverSpeed = TbOverspeed.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.UnderSpeed = TbUnderSpeed.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.VMin = TbVmin.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.LookAheadOn = CbLookAhead.Checked
 		'vec0.ALookahead = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbAlookahead.Text))
 		'vec0.VMinLa = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbVminLA.Text))
-		vec0.LacPreviewFactor = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(tbLacPreviewFactor.Text))
-		vec0.LacDfOffset = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(tbDfCoastingOffset.Text))
-		vec0.LacDfScale = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(tbDfCoastingScale.Text))
-		vec0.LacDfTargetSpeedFile = tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text
-		vec0.LacDfVelocityDropFile = tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text
+		vectoJob.LookAheadMinSpeed = tbLacMinSpeed.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.LacPreviewFactor = tbLacPreviewFactor.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.LacDfOffset = tbDfCoastingOffset.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.LacDfScale = tbDfCoastingScale.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		vectoJob.LacDfTargetSpeedFile = tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text
+		vectoJob.LacDfVelocityDropFile = tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text
-		If Not vec0.SaveFile Then
+		If Not vectoJob.SaveFile Then
 			MsgBox("Cannot safe to " & file, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
 			Return False
 		End If
-		VECTOfile = file
+		VectoFile = file
-		file = GetFilenameWithoutPath(VECTOfile, True)
+		file = GetFilenameWithoutPath(VectoFile, True)
 		Text = file
 		ToolStripStatusLabelGEN.Text = ""
-		MainForm.AddToJobListView(VECTOfile)
+		MainForm.AddToJobListView(VectoFile)
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
 		Return True
 	End Function
 	'New file
-	Public Sub VECTOnew()
+	Public Sub VectoNew()
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		n_idle = -1
-		FLDfile = ""
 		TbVEH.Text = ""
 		TbENG.Text = ""
@@ -601,8 +625,9 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		TbDesMaxFile.Text = ""
-		TbSSspeed.Text = "5"
-		TbSStime.Text = "5"
+		TbSSspeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.MaxSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbSStime.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.MinTime.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbSSdelay.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.StartStop.Delay.ToGUIFormat()
 		ChBStartStop.Checked = False
@@ -612,13 +637,15 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		RdOff.Checked = True
 		CbLookAhead.Checked = True
 		'TbAlookahead.Text = "-0.5"
-		TbOverspeed.Text = ""
-		TbUnderSpeed.Text = ""
-		TbVmin.Text = ""
+		TbOverspeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.OverSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbUnderSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.UnderSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbVmin.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.OverSpeedEcoRoll.MinSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
 		'TbVminLA.Text = "50"
-		tbLacPreviewFactor.Text = "10"
-		tbDfCoastingOffset.Text = "2.5"
-		tbDfCoastingScale.Text = "1.5"
+		tbLacMinSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.MinimumSpeed.AsKmph.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbLacPreviewFactor.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.LookAheadDistanceFactor.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDfCoastingOffset.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.DecisionFactorCoastingOffset.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbDfCoastingScale.Text = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.DecisionFactorCoastingScaling.ToGUIFormat()
 		tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text = ""
 		tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text = ""
@@ -628,10 +655,10 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 		EngineForm.AutoSendTo = False
-		VECTOfile = ""
+		VectoFile = ""
 		Text = "Job Editor"
 		ToolStripStatusLabelGEN.Text = ""
-		Changed = False
+		_changed = False
 	End Sub
@@ -694,16 +721,16 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 #End Region
 	Private Sub Change()
-		If Not Changed Then
+		If Not _changed Then
 			ToolStripStatusLabelGEN.Text = "Unsaved changes in current file"
-			Changed = True
+			_changed = True
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	' "Save changes? "... Returns True if User aborts
 	Private Function ChangeCheckCancel() As Boolean
-		If Changed Then
+		If _changed Then
 			Select Case MsgBox("Save changes ?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
 				Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
@@ -711,7 +738,7 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 				Case MsgBoxResult.Cancel
 					Return True
 				Case Else 'MsgBoxResult.No
-					Changed = False
+					_changed = False
 					Return False
 			End Select
@@ -727,33 +754,33 @@ Public Class VectoJobForm
 #Region "Aux Listview"
 	Private Sub ButAuxAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButAuxAdd.Click
-		Dim ID As String
+		Dim id As String
-		AuxDlog.VehPath = GetPath(VECTOfile)
-		AuxDlog.TbPath.Text = ""
-		AuxDlog.CbType.SelectedIndex = -1
-		AuxDlog.CbType.Text = ""
-		AuxDlog.TbID.Text = "" '!!! Set Type before ID, because changing the type will overwrite the id !!!
+		_auxDialog.VehPath = GetPath(VectoFile)
+		_auxDialog.TbPath.Text = ""
+		_auxDialog.CbType.SelectedIndex = -1
+		_auxDialog.CbType.Text = ""
+		_auxDialog.TbID.Text = ""	'!!! Set Type before ID, because changing the type will overwrite the id !!!
-		If AuxDlog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
+		If _auxDialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
-			ID = UCase(Trim(AuxDlog.TbID.Text))
+			id = UCase(Trim(_auxDialog.TbID.Text))
 			Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
 			For Each lv0 In LvAux.Items
-				If lv0.SubItems(0).Text = ID Then
-					MsgBox("ID '" & ID & "' already defined!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
-					AuxDlog.TbID.SelectAll()
-					AuxDlog.TbID.Focus()
+				If lv0.SubItems(0).Text = id Then
+					MsgBox("ID '" & id & "' already defined!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
+					_auxDialog.TbID.SelectAll()
+					_auxDialog.TbID.Focus()
 					GoTo lbDlog
 				End If
 			lv0 = New ListViewItem
-			lv0.SubItems(0).Text = UCase(Trim(AuxDlog.TbID.Text))
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(AuxDlog.CbType.Text))
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(AuxDlog.TbPath.Text))
+			lv0.SubItems(0).Text = UCase(Trim(_auxDialog.TbID.Text))
+			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_auxDialog.CbType.Text))
+			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_auxDialog.TbPath.Text))
 		End If
@@ -781,29 +808,29 @@ lbDlog:
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
-		Dim selItem = LvAux.SelectedItems(0)
+		Dim selItem As ListViewItem = LvAux.SelectedItems(0)
-		AuxDlog.VehPath = GetPath(VECTOfile)
-		AuxDlog.CbType.SelectedIndex = -1
-		AuxDlog.CbType.Text = selItem.SubItems(1).Text
-		AuxDlog.TbID.Text = selItem.SubItems(0).Text	'After Type-set!
+		_auxDialog.VehPath = GetPath(VectoFile)
+		_auxDialog.CbType.SelectedIndex = -1
+		_auxDialog.CbType.Text = selItem.SubItems(1).Text
+		_auxDialog.TbID.Text = selItem.SubItems(0).Text	'After Type-set!
 		If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-			AuxDlog.CbTech.Text = selItem.SubItems(2).Text
-			AuxDlog.TbPath.Text = ""
+			_auxDialog.CbTech.Text = selItem.SubItems(2).Text
+			_auxDialog.TbPath.Text = ""
-			AuxDlog.CbTech.SelectedIndex = -1
-			AuxDlog.TbPath.Text = selItem.SubItems(2).Text
+			_auxDialog.CbTech.SelectedIndex = -1
+			_auxDialog.TbPath.Text = selItem.SubItems(2).Text
 		End If
-		If AuxDlog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
-			selItem.SubItems(0).Text = UCase(Trim(AuxDlog.TbID.Text))
-			selItem.SubItems(1).Text = Trim(AuxDlog.CbType.Text)
+		If _auxDialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
+			selItem.SubItems(0).Text = UCase(Trim(_auxDialog.TbID.Text))
+			selItem.SubItems(1).Text = Trim(_auxDialog.CbType.Text)
 			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-				selItem.SubItems(2).Text = Trim(AuxDlog.CbTech.Text)
+				selItem.SubItems(2).Text = Trim(_auxDialog.CbTech.Text)
-				selItem.SubItems(2).Text = Trim(AuxDlog.TbPath.Text)
+				selItem.SubItems(2).Text = Trim(_auxDialog.TbPath.Text)
 			End If
@@ -854,7 +881,7 @@ lbDlog:
 	Private Sub LvCycles_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LvCycles.DoubleClick
 		If LvCycles.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then _
-			OpenFiles(fFileRepl(LvCycles.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(0).Text, GetPath(VECTOfile)))
+			OpenFiles(FileRepl(LvCycles.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(0).Text, GetPath(VectoFile)))
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub LvCycles_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles LvCycles.KeyDown
@@ -867,9 +894,10 @@ lbDlog:
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub BtDRIadd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtDRIadd.Click
-		Dim genDir As String = GetPath(VECTOfile)
+		Dim genDir As String = GetPath(VectoFile)
 		If DrivingCycleFileBrowser.OpenDialog("", True) Then
+			Dim s As String
 			For Each s In DrivingCycleFileBrowser.Files
 				LvCycles.Items.Add(GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(s, genDir))
@@ -920,19 +948,19 @@ lbDlog:
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub CheckEngOnly()
-		Dim OnOff As Boolean
+		Dim onOff As Boolean
-		OnOff = Not CbEngOnly.Checked
+		onOff = Not CbEngOnly.Checked
-		SetDrivertab(OnOff)
+		SetDrivertab(onOff)
-		ButOpenVEH.Enabled = OnOff
-		TbVEH.Enabled = OnOff
-		ButtonVEH.Enabled = OnOff
-		ButOpenGBX.Enabled = OnOff
-		TbGBX.Enabled = OnOff
-		ButtonGBX.Enabled = OnOff
-		GrAux.Enabled = OnOff
+		ButOpenVEH.Enabled = onOff
+		TbVEH.Enabled = onOff
+		ButtonVEH.Enabled = onOff
+		ButOpenGBX.Enabled = onOff
+		TbGBX.Enabled = onOff
+		ButtonGBX.Enabled = onOff
+		GrAux.Enabled = onOff
 	End Sub
 	'Start/Stop changed 
@@ -946,54 +974,38 @@ lbDlog:
 	Private Sub CbLookAhead_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles CbLookAhead.CheckedChanged
+		pnLookAheadCoasting.Enabled = CbLookAhead.Checked
 	End Sub
 	'EcoRoll / Overspeed changed
 	Private Sub RdOff_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles RdOff.CheckedChanged, RdOverspeed.CheckedChanged, RdEcoRoll.CheckedChanged
-		Dim EcoR As Boolean
-		Dim Ovr As Boolean
+		Dim ecoRoll As Boolean
+		Dim overspeed As Boolean
-		EcoR = RdEcoRoll.Checked
-		Ovr = RdOverspeed.Checked
+		ecoRoll = RdEcoRoll.Checked
+		overspeed = RdOverspeed.Checked
-		TbOverspeed.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
-		Label13.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
-		Label14.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+		TbOverspeed.Enabled = overspeed Or ecoRoll
+		Label13.Enabled = overspeed Or ecoRoll
+		Label14.Enabled = overspeed Or ecoRoll
-		TbUnderSpeed.Enabled = EcoR
-		Label22.Enabled = EcoR
-		Label20.Enabled = EcoR
+		TbUnderSpeed.Enabled = ecoRoll
+		Label22.Enabled = ecoRoll
+		Label20.Enabled = ecoRoll
-		TbVmin.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
-		Label23.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
-		Label21.Enabled = Ovr Or EcoR
+		TbVmin.Enabled = overspeed Or ecoRoll
+		Label23.Enabled = overspeed Or ecoRoll
+		Label21.Enabled = overspeed Or ecoRoll
 	End Sub
 #End Region
 	Public Sub UpdatePic()
-		Dim VEH0 As New Vehicle
-		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim pmax As Single
-		Dim f As CsvFile
-		Dim lM As List(Of Single)
-		Dim lup As List(Of Single)
-		Dim ldown As List(Of Single)
-		Dim line As String()
-		Dim HDVclass As String
-		'Dim m0 As 
-		Dim s As Series
-		Dim a As ChartArea
-		Dim img As Image
-		Dim EngOK = False
 		TbHVCclass.Text = ""
 		TbVehCat.Text = ""
@@ -1004,278 +1016,272 @@ lbDlog:
 		PicVehicle.Image = Nothing
 		PicBox.Image = Nothing
+		UpdateVehiclePic()
-		VEH0.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbVEH.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
-		If VEH0.ReadFile(False) Then
-			Dim maxMass = (VEH0.MassMax * 1000).SI(Of Kilogram)()				'CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassMass.Text))
+		Dim chart As Chart = Nothing
+		UpdateEnginePic(chart)
-			Dim s0 As Segment = Nothing
-			Try
-				s0 = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(VEH0.VehicleCategory, VEH0.AxleConfiguration, maxMass, 0.SI(Of Kilogram), True)
-			Catch
-			End Try
-			If Not s0 Is Nothing Then
-				HDVclass = s0.VehicleClass.GetClassNumber()
-				If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-					LvCycles.Items.Clear()
-					For Each m0 In s0.Missions
-						LvCycles.Items.Add(m0.MissionType.ToString())
-					Next
-				End If
-			Else
-				HDVclass = "-"
-			End If
+		UpdateGearboxPic(chart)
-			PicVehicle.Image = ConvPicPath(HDVclass, False)	'Image.FromFile(cDeclaration.ConvPicPath(HDVclass, False))
+		If chart Is Nothing Then Return
-			TbHVCclass.Text = "HDV Class " & HDVclass
-			TbVehCat.Text = VEH0.VehicleCategory.GetCategoryName()	'ConvVehCat(VEH0.VehCat, True)
-			TbMass.Text = VEH0.MassMax & " t"
-			TbAxleConf.Text = VEH0.AxleConfiguration.GetName() 'ConvAxleConf(VEH0.AxleConf)
+		Dim chartArea As ChartArea = New ChartArea()
+		chartArea.Name = "main"
-		End If
+		chartArea.AxisX.Title = "engine speed [1/min]"
+		chartArea.AxisX.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
+		chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
+		chartArea.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
+		chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
+		chartArea.AxisY.Title = "engine torque [Nm]"
+		chartArea.AxisY.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
+		chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
+		chartArea.AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
+		chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
-		Dim OkCount = 0
+		chartArea.AxisX.Minimum = 300
+		chartArea.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid
+		chartArea.BorderWidth = 1
-		Dim ENG0 = New Engine
-		ENG0.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbENG.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
+		chartArea.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
-		'Create plot
-		Dim MyChart = New Chart
-		MyChart.Width = PicBox.Width
-		MyChart.Height = PicBox.Height
+		chart.ChartAreas.Add(chartArea)
+		chart.Update()
-		a = New ChartArea
+		Dim img As Bitmap = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
+		chart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PicBox.Width, PicBox.Height))
-		Dim FLD0 = New EngineFullLoadCurve
+		PicBox.Image = img
+	End Sub
-		If ENG0.ReadFile(False) Then
+	Private Sub UpdateGearboxPic(ByRef chartArea As Chart)
+		Dim s As Series
+		Dim i As Integer
-			n_idle = ENG0.IdleSpeed
-			FLDfile = ENG0.PathFLD
+		Dim gearbox As IGearboxEngineeringInputData = Nothing
+		Dim gearboxFile As String =
+				If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VectoFile), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(VectoFile), TbGBX.Text), TbGBX.Text)
+		If File.Exists(gearboxFile) Then
+			Try
+				Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(gearboxFile), 
+																		IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+				gearbox = inputData.GearboxInputData
+			Catch
+			End Try
+		End If
-			EngOK = True
-			FLD0.FilePath = ENG0.PathFLD
+		If gearbox Is Nothing Then Return
-			If FLD0.ReadFile(False, False) Then
+		TbGbxTxt.Text = String.Format("{0}-Speed {1} {2}", gearbox.Gears.Count, gearbox.Type.ShortName(), gearbox.ModelName)
+		If Cfg.DeclMode Then
+			For i = 1 To gearbox.Gears.Count
+				'If FLD0.Init(ENG0.Nidle) Then '' use engine from below...
+				'Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(FLD0, F_VECTO.n_idle)
+				'Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = DeclarationData.Gearbox.ComputeShiftPolygon(Gear - 1,
+				'																			engine.FullLoadCurve, gears,
+				'																			engine,
+				'																			Double.Parse(LvGears.Items(0).SubItems(F_GBX.GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text,
+				'																						CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+				'																			(.rdyn / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter))
+				's = New Series
+				's.Points.DataBindXY(shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+				'					shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+				's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+				's.BorderWidth = 2
+				's.Color = Color.DarkRed
+				's.Name = "Upshift curve (" & i & ")"
+				'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+				's = New Series
+				's.Points.DataBindXY(
+				'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
+				'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
+				's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+				's.BorderWidth = 2
+				's.Color = Color.DarkRed
+				's.Name = "Downshift curve (" & i & ")"
+				'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+				'End If
+				'	OkCount += 1
+				'	pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.EngineRatedSpeed)
+				'End If
+			Next
+		Else
+			For Each gear As ITransmissionInputData In gearbox.Gears
+				If gear.ShiftPolygon Is Nothing OrElse gear.ShiftPolygon.Rows.Count = 0 Then Continue For
+				Dim shiftPolygon As ShiftPolygon = ShiftPolygonReader.Create(gear.ShiftPolygon)
 				s = New Series
-				s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.MaxTorqueList)
+				s.Points.DataBindXY(shiftPolygon.Upshift.Select(Function(x) x.AngularSpeed),
+									shiftPolygon.Upshift.Select(Function(x) x.Torque))
 				s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 				s.BorderWidth = 2
-				s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
-				s.Name = "Full load"
-				MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+				s.Color = Color.DarkRed
+				s.Name = "Upshift curve"
+				' MyChart.Series.Add(s) 'MQ 2016-06-20: do not plot shift lines in engine dialog
 				s = New Series
-				s.Points.DataBindXY(FLD0.EngineSpeedList, FLD0.DragTorqueList)
+				s.Points.DataBindXY(shiftPolygon.Downshift.Select(Function(x) x.AngularSpeed),
+									shiftPolygon.Downshift.Select(Function(x) x.Torque))
 				s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
 				s.BorderWidth = 2
-				s.Color = Color.Blue
-				s.Name = "Motoring"
-				MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-				OkCount += 1
-				pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.EngineRatedSpeed)
-			End If
-			TbEngTxt.Text = (ENG0.Displacement / 1000).ToString("0.0") & " l " & pmax.ToString("#") & " kW  " & ENG0.ModelName
-			Dim MAP0 = New FuelconsumptionMap
-			MAP0.FilePath = ENG0.PathMAP
-			If MAP0.ReadFile(False) Then
-				s = New Series
-				s.Points.DataBindXY(MAP0.nU, MAP0.Tq)
-				s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point
-				s.MarkerSize = 3
-				s.Color = Color.Red
-				s.Name = "Map"
-				MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-				OkCount += 1
-			End If
+				s.Color = Color.DarkRed
+				s.Name = "Downshift curve"
+				'MyChart.Series.Add(s) 'MQ 2016-06-20:do not plot shift lines in engine dialog
+			Next
 		End If
+	End Sub
-		Dim GBX0 = New Gearbox
-		GBX0.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbGBX.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
-		If GBX0.ReadFile(False) Then
-			TbGbxTxt.Text = GBX0.GearCount & "-Speed " & GBX0.Type.ShortName() & "  " & GBX0.ModelName
-			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-				If EngOK Then
-					For i = 1 To GBX0.GearCount
-						FLD0.FilePath = ENG0.PathFLD
-						If FLD0.ReadFile(True, False) Then
-							'If FLD0.Init(ENG0.Nidle) Then '' use engine from below...
+	Private Sub UpdateEnginePic(ByRef chart As Chart)
+		Dim s As Series
+		Dim pmax As Double
-							'Dim engine As CombustionEngineData = ConvertToEngineData(FLD0, F_VECTO.n_idle)
-							'Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = DeclarationData.Gearbox.ComputeShiftPolygon(Gear - 1,
-							'																			engine.FullLoadCurve, gears,
-							'																			engine,
-							'																			Double.Parse(LvGears.Items(0).SubItems(F_GBX.GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text,
-							'																						CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
-							'																			(.rdyn / 1000.0).SI(Of Meter))
+		Dim engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData = Nothing
+		Dim engineFile As String =
+				If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VectoFile), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(VectoFile), TbENG.Text), TbENG.Text)
+		If File.Exists(engineFile) Then
+			Try
+				Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(engineFile), 
+																		IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+				engine = inputData.EngineInputData
+			Catch
+				Return
+			End Try
+		End If
-							's = New Series
-							's.Points.DataBindXY(shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-							'					shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
-							's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-							's.BorderWidth = 2
-							's.Color = Color.DarkRed
-							's.Name = "Upshift curve (" & i & ")"
-							'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
+		'engine.FilePath = fFileRepl(TbENG.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))
-							's = New Series
-							's.Points.DataBindXY(
-							'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.Value() / Constants.RPMToRad).ToList(),
-							'	shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToList())
-							's.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-							's.BorderWidth = 2
-							's.Color = Color.DarkRed
-							's.Name = "Downshift curve (" & i & ")"
-							'MyChart.Series.Add(s)
-							'End If
+		'Create plot
+		chart = New Chart
+		chart.Width = PicBox.Width
+		chart.Height = PicBox.Height
-							OkCount += 1
+		'Dim FLD0 As EngineFullLoadCurve = New EngineFullLoadCurve
-							pmax = FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.EngineRatedSpeed)
+		If engine Is Nothing Then Return
-						End If
-					Next
+		engine.IdleSpeed.Value()
-				End If
+		Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = EngineFullLoadCurve.Create(engine.FullLoadCurve)
-			Else
+		s = New Series
+		s.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+							fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.TorqueFullLoad.Value()).ToArray())
+		s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+		s.BorderWidth = 2
+		s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
+		s.Name = "Full load"
+		chart.Series.Add(s)
-				f = New CsvFile
-				For i = 1 To GBX0.GearCount
+		s = New Series
+		s.Points.DataBindXY(fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+							fullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.TorqueDrag.Value()).ToArray())
+		s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
+		s.BorderWidth = 2
+		s.Color = Color.Blue
+		s.Name = "Motoring"
+		chart.Series.Add(s)
-					lM = New List(Of Single)
-					lup = New List(Of Single)
-					ldown = New List(Of Single)
+		pmax = fullLoadCurve.MaxPower.Value() / 1000 'FLD0.Pfull(FLD0.EngineRatedSpeed)
-					If f.OpenRead(GBX0.ShiftPolygonFile(i)) Then
-						f.ReadLine()
+		TbEngTxt.Text = String.Format("{0} l {1} kw {2}", (engine.Displacement.Value() * 1000).ToString("0.0"), pmax.ToString("#"), engine.ModelName)
-						Try
+		Dim fuelConsumptionMap As FuelConsumptionMap = FuelConsumptionMapReader.Create(engine.FuelConsumptionMap)
-							Do While Not f.EndOfFile
-								line = f.ReadLine
-								lM.Add(CSng(line(0)))
-								lup.Add(CSng(line(1)))
-								ldown.Add(CSng(line(2)))
-							Loop
+		s = New Series
+		s.Points.DataBindXY(fuelConsumptionMap.Entries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
+							fuelConsumptionMap.Entries.Select(Function(x) x.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
+		s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point
+		s.MarkerSize = 3
+		s.Color = Color.Red
+		s.Name = "Map"
+		chart.Series.Add(s)
+	End Sub
-							s = New Series
-							s.Points.DataBindXY(lup, lM)
-							s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-							s.BorderWidth = 2
-							s.Color = Color.DarkRed
-							s.Name = "Upshift curve"
-							' MyChart.Series.Add(s) 'MQ 2016-06-20: do not plot shift lines in engine dialog
+	Private Sub UpdateVehiclePic()
+		Dim HDVclass As String
-							s = New Series
-							s.Points.DataBindXY(ldown, lM)
-							s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
-							s.BorderWidth = 2
-							s.Color = Color.DarkRed
-							s.Name = "Downshift curve"
-							'MyChart.Series.Add(s) 'MQ 2016-06-20:do not plot shift lines in engine dialog
+		Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = Nothing
-							OkCount += 1
+		Dim vehicleFile As String =
+				If(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VectoFile), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(VectoFile), TbVEH.Text), TbVEH.Text)
+		If File.Exists(vehicleFile) Then
+			Try
+				Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(vehicleFile), 
+																		IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+				vehicle = inputData.VehicleInputData
+			Catch
+			End Try
+		End If
-							f.Close()
+		If vehicle Is Nothing Then Return
-						Catch ex As Exception
-							f.Close()
-						End Try
+		Dim maxMass As Kilogram = vehicle.GrossVehicleMassRating					'CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassMass.Text))
-					End If
+		Dim s0 As Segment = Nothing
+		Try
+			s0 = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(vehicle.VehicleCategory, vehicle.AxleConfiguration, maxMass, 0.SI(Of Kilogram),
+												True)
+		Catch
+		End Try
+		If s0 Is Nothing Then
+			HDVclass = "-"
+		Else
+			HDVclass = s0.VehicleClass.GetClassNumber()
+			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
+				LvCycles.Items.Clear()
+				Dim m0 As Mission
+				For Each m0 In s0.Missions
+					LvCycles.Items.Add(m0.MissionType.ToString())
 			End If
 		End If
-		If OkCount > 0 Then
-			a.Name = "main"
+		PicVehicle.Image = ConvPicPath(If(s0 Is Nothing, -1, HDVclass.ToInt()), False) _
+		'Image.FromFile(cDeclaration.ConvPicPath(HDVclass, False))
-			a.AxisX.Title = "engine speed [1/min]"
-			a.AxisX.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
-			a.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
-			a.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
-			a.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
-			a.AxisY.Title = "engine torque [Nm]"
-			a.AxisY.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
-			a.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
-			a.AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
-			a.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot
-			a.AxisX.Minimum = 300
-			a.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid
-			a.BorderWidth = 1
-			a.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
-			MyChart.ChartAreas.Add(a)
-			MyChart.Update()
-			img = New Bitmap(MyChart.Width, MyChart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
-			MyChart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PicBox.Width, PicBox.Height))
-			PicBox.Image = img
-		End If
+		TbHVCclass.Text = String.Format("HDV Class {0}", HDVclass)
+		TbVehCat.Text = vehicle.VehicleCategory.GetCategoryName()	'ConvVehCat(VEH0.VehCat, True)
+		TbMass.Text = (vehicle.GrossVehicleMassRating.Value() / 1000) & " t"
+		TbAxleConf.Text = vehicle.AxleConfiguration.GetName()	'ConvAxleConf(VEH0.AxleConf)
 	End Sub
 #Region "Open File Context Menu"
-	Private CmFiles As String()
+	Private _contextMenuFiles As String()
+	Private _basePath As String = ""
 	Private Sub OpenFiles(ParamArray files() As String)
 		If files.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
-		CmFiles = files
+		_contextMenuFiles = files
 		OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open with " & Cfg.OpenCmdName
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub OpenWithToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If Not FileOpenAlt(CmFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
+		If Not FileOpenAlt(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
 		Handles ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
-		If File.Exists(CmFiles(0)) Then
+		If File.Exists(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then
-				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & CmFiles(0) & "")
+				Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & _contextMenuFiles(0) & "")
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
 			End Try
@@ -1314,14 +1320,14 @@ lbDlog:
 	Private Sub btnBrowseAAUXFile_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBrowseAAUXFile.Click
-		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(VECTOfile) Then
+		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(VectoFile) Then
 				"Please complete and save a valid new .vecto file before adding/configuring advanced bus auxiliaries.")
 		End If
 		Dim aauxFileValidated As Boolean = False
-		Dim fbAux As New FileBrowser(True, False)
+		Dim fbAux As New FileBrowser("aaux", True, False)
 		Dim message As String = String.Empty
 		Dim absoluteAuxPath As String
 		Dim assembly As AdvancedAuxiliary
@@ -1330,7 +1336,7 @@ lbDlog:
 		If cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedIndex = 0 Then Return
 		'Get Absolute Path for AAUX FILE.
-		absoluteAuxPath = ResolveAAUXFilePath(GetPath(VECTOfile), txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text)
+		absoluteAuxPath = ResolveAAUXFilePath(GetPath(VectoFile), txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text)
 		'Set Extensions
 		fbAux.Extensions = New String() {"AAUX"}
@@ -1345,7 +1351,7 @@ lbDlog:
 			If fileExists AndAlso validAAUXFile Then
 				ConfigureAdvancedAuxiliaries(assembly.AssemblyName, assembly.AuxiliaryVersion,
-											txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text, VECTOfile)
+											txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text, VectoFile)
 				Dim needToFindOrCreateFile As Boolean = True
@@ -1353,16 +1359,17 @@ lbDlog:
 				While needToFindOrCreateFile
 					'Find / Create  file and configure.
-					If fbAux.CustomDialog(absoluteAuxPath, False, False, tFbExtMode.ForceExt, False, String.Empty) Then
-						txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(fbAux.Files(0), GetPath(VECTOfile))
+					If fbAux.CustomDialog(absoluteAuxPath, False, False, FileBrowserFileExtensionMode.ForceExt, False, String.Empty) _
+						Then
+						txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(fbAux.Files(0), GetPath(VectoFile))
 						assembly = DirectCast(cboAdvancedAuxiliaries.SelectedItem, AdvancedAuxiliary)
 						If _
-							File.Exists(ResolveAAUXFilePath(GetPath(VECTOfile), txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text)) OrElse
+							File.Exists(ResolveAAUXFilePath(GetPath(VectoFile), txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text)) OrElse
 							MsgBox("Do you want to create a new .AAUX file?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
 							needToFindOrCreateFile = False
 							ConfigureAdvancedAuxiliaries(assembly.AssemblyName, assembly.AuxiliaryVersion,
-														txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text, VECTOfile)
+														txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text, VectoFile)
 						End If
 						needToFindOrCreateFile = False
@@ -1399,14 +1406,25 @@ lbDlog:
 	Private Sub btnAAUXOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAAUXOpen.Click
-		OpenFiles(fFileRepl(txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile)))
+		OpenFiles(FileRepl(txtAdvancedAuxiliaryFile.Text, GetPath(VectoFile)))
 	End Sub
-	Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDfTargetSpeed.Click
-		If DriverDecisionFactorTargetSpeedFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text, GetPath(VECTOfile))) _
+	Private Sub btnDfTargetSpeed_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDfTargetSpeed.Click
+		If DriverDecisionFactorTargetSpeedFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))) _
 			Then _
 			tbLacDfTargetSpeedFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(DriverDecisionFactorTargetSpeedFileBrowser.Files(0),
-																	GetPath(VECTOfile))
+																	GetPath(VectoFile))
+	End Sub
+	Private Sub btnDfVelocityDrop_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDfVelocityDrop.Click
+		If DriverDecisionFactorVelocityDropFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text, GetPath(VectoFile))) _
+			Then _
+			tbLacDfVelocityDropFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(DriverDecisionFactorVelocityDropFileBrowser.Files(0),
+																		GetPath(VectoFile))
+	End Sub
+	Private Sub Label6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label6.Click
 	End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAuxiliariesDialog.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAuxiliariesDialog.vb
index 831bc43416450ca7b9dd03daed98936eb9a6e6fc..3e25d287e0604a46f01216acb4d4437e8f561e1c 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAuxiliariesDialog.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAuxiliariesDialog.vb
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ Public Class VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
 	Private Sub DeclInit()
 		Select Case TbID.Text
-			Case sKey.AUX.Fan
+			Case VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.Fan
-			Case sKey.AUX.SteerPump
+			Case VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.SteeringPump
-			Case sKey.AUX.HVAC
+			Case VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.HeatingVentilationAirCondition
-			Case sKey.AUX.ElecSys
+			Case VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.ElectricSystem
-			Case sKey.AUX.PneumSys
+			Case VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.PneumaticSystem
 		End Select
 		If CbTech.Items.Count > 0 Then
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ Public Class VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
 	'Browse for .vaux files
 	Private Sub BtBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtBrowse.Click
-		If AuxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbPath.Text, VehPath)) Then TbPath.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(AuxFileBrowser.Files(0), VehPath)
+		If AuxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbPath.Text, VehPath)) Then _
+			TbPath.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(AuxFileBrowser.Files(0), VehPath)
 	End Sub
 	'Update ID when Aux Type was changed
@@ -106,12 +107,12 @@ Public Class VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
 			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
 				Select Case CbType.SelectedIndex
 					Case 0
-						TbID.Text = sKey.AUX.Fan
+						TbID.Text = VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.Fan
 					Case 1
-						TbID.Text = sKey.AUX.SteerPump
+						TbID.Text = VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.SteeringPump
 					Case Else '2
-						TbID.Text = sKey.AUX.HVAC
+						TbID.Text = VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.HeatingVentilationAirCondition
 				End Select
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ Public Class VehicleAuxiliariesDialog
 		If Trim(TbID.Text) = "" Or Cfg.DeclMode Then
 			LbIDhelp.Text = ""
-			LbIDhelp.Text = "Header in Driving cycle: <AUX_" & Trim(TbID.Text) & ">"
+			LbIDhelp.Text = String.Format("Header in Driving cycle: <AUX_{1}>", Trim(TbID.Text))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAxleDialog.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAxleDialog.vb
index 43a6468b5273d0f3d11592c440f5e1f35695bb7f..9763d04bccfbd73f058342edf08d3e4a5da96632 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAxleDialog.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleAxleDialog.vb
@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ Option Infer On
 Option Strict On
 Option Explicit On
+Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
+Imports System.Linq
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
@@ -43,20 +49,23 @@ Public Class VehicleAxleDialog
 	'Save and close
 	Private Sub OK_Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK_Button.Click
-		If Not Cfg.DeclMode Then
-			If Not IsNumeric(TbAxleShare.Text) OrElse Trim(TbAxleShare.Text) = "" Then
-				MsgBox("Weight input is not valid!")
-				Exit Sub
-			End If
-		End If
+		Dim axleData As Axle = New Axle With {
+				.AxleWeightShare = TbAxleShare.Text.ToDouble(0),
+				.RollResistanceCoefficient = TbRRC.Text.ToDouble(0),
+				.TyreTestLoad = TbFzISO.Text.ToDouble(0).SI(Of Newton)(),
+				.TwinTyres = CbTwinT.Checked,
+				.WheelsDimension = CbWheels.SelectedItem.ToString(),
+				.Inertia = TbI_wheels.Text.ToDouble(0).SI(Of KilogramSquareMeter)()
+				}
-		If Not IsNumeric(TbRRC.Text) OrElse Trim(TbRRC.Text) = "" Then
-			MsgBox("RRC input is not valid!")
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
+		Dim results As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+				axleData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
-		If Not IsNumeric(TbFzISO.Text) OrElse Trim(TbFzISO.Text) = "" Then
-			MsgBox("Fz ISO input is not valid!")
+		If results.Any() Then
+			Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
+					results.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
+			MsgBox("Invalid input:" + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+					"Failed to save axle gear")
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
diff --git a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
index 28d309b0149914ddce063fc4409f6f041e158816..d17350647b9b7e7880a7f573c2488dc458c70851 100644
--- a/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
+++ b/VECTO/GUI/VehicleForm.vb
@@ -8,19 +8,31 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Option Infer On
+'Option Infer On
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Vehicle Editor.
 ''' </summary>
 Public Class VehicleForm
+	Private Enum AxleTbl
+		AxleNumber = 0
+		RelativeLoad = 1
+		TwinTyres = 2
+		RRC = 3
+		FzISO = 4
+		WheelsDimension = 5
+		Inertia = 6
+	End Enum
 	Private _axlDlog As VehicleAxleDialog
 	Private _hdVclass As String
 	Private _vehFile As String
@@ -31,14 +43,14 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	Public JobDir As String = ""
 	'Close - Check for unsaved changes
-	Private Sub F_VEH_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
+	Private Sub VehicleFormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
 		If e.CloseReason <> CloseReason.ApplicationExitCall And e.CloseReason <> CloseReason.WindowsShutDown Then
 			e.Cancel = ChangeCheckCancel()
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	'Initialise form
-	Private Sub F05_VEH_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
+	Private Sub VehicleFormLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
 		TbLoadingMax.Text = "-"
 		PnLoad.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
 		ButAxlAdd.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
@@ -90,12 +102,12 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	'Set HDVclasss
 	Private Sub SetHdVclass()
-		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TbMassMass.Text) Then
+		If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TbMassMass.Text) OrElse Not IsNumeric(TbMassMass.Text) Then
 			TbHDVclass.Text = "-"
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
-		Dim vehC As VehicleCategory = CbCat.SelectedValue
-		Dim axlC As AxleConfiguration = CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue
+		Dim vehC As VehicleCategory = CType(CbCat.SelectedValue, VehicleCategory)
+		Dim axlC As AxleConfiguration = CType(CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue, AxleConfiguration)
 		Dim maxMass As Kilogram = (TbMassMass.Text.ToDouble() * 1000).SI(Of Kilogram)()
 		_hdVclass = "-"
@@ -107,12 +119,12 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			' no segment found - ignore
 		End Try
 		If Not s0 Is Nothing Then
-			_hdVclass = s0.VehicleClass
+			_hdVclass = s0.VehicleClass.GetClassNumber()
 		End If
 		TbHDVclass.Text = _hdVclass
-		PicVehicle.Image = ConvPicPath(_hdVclass, False)
+		PicVehicle.Image = ConvPicPath(If(s0 Is Nothing, -1, _hdVclass.ToInt()), False)
 	End Sub
@@ -124,9 +136,9 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			TbHDVclass.Text = "-"
 			Exit Sub
 		End If
-		Dim vehC = CbCat.SelectedValue
-		Dim axlC = CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue
-		Dim maxMass = (TbMassMass.Text.ToDouble() * 1000).SI(Of Kilogram)()
+		Dim vehC As VehicleCategory = CType(CbCat.SelectedValue, VehicleCategory)
+		Dim axlC As AxleConfiguration = CType(CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue, AxleConfiguration)
+		Dim maxMass As Kilogram = (TbMassMass.Text.ToDouble() * 1000).SI(Of Kilogram)()
 		Dim s0 As Segment = Nothing
@@ -135,21 +147,14 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			' no segment found - ignore
 		End Try
 		If Not s0 Is Nothing Then
-			_hdVclass = s0.VehicleClass
-			Dim axleCount As Short = s0.Missions(0).AxleWeightDistribution.Count()
-			Dim i0 = LvRRC.Items.Count
+			_hdVclass = s0.VehicleClass.GetClassNumber()
+			Dim axleCount As Integer = s0.Missions(0).AxleWeightDistribution.Count()
+			Dim i0 As Integer = LvRRC.Items.Count
+			Dim i As Integer
 			If axleCount > i0 Then
 				For i = 1 To axleCount - LvRRC.Items.Count
-					Dim lvi = New ListViewItem
-					lvi.SubItems(0).Text = (i + i0).ToString
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("-")
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("no")
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("")
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("")
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("-")
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("-")
-					LvRRC.Items.Add(lvi)
+					LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i + i0, Double.NaN, False, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, "", Double.NaN))
 			ElseIf axleCount < LvRRC.Items.Count Then
@@ -170,13 +175,13 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		CbCdMode.SelectedValue = CrossWindCorrectionMode.DeclarationModeCorrection
 		TbCdFile.Text = ""
-		Dim rdyn As Single
+		Dim rdyn As Double
 		rdyn = -1
 		If rdyn < 0 Then
 			TBrdyn.Text = "-"
-			TBrdyn.Text = rdyn
+			TBrdyn.Text = rdyn.ToGUIFormat()
 		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -190,7 +195,14 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	Private Sub ToolStripBtOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtOpen.Click
-		If VehicleFileBrowser.OpenDialog(_vehFile) Then OpenVehicle(VehicleFileBrowser.Files(0))
+		If VehicleFileBrowser.OpenDialog(_vehFile) Then
+			Try
+				OpenVehicle(VehicleFileBrowser.Files(0))
+			Catch ex As Exception
+				MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error loading Vehicle File")
+			End Try
+		End If
 	End Sub
@@ -220,7 +232,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		If Not VectoJobForm.Visible Then
 			JobDir = ""
-			VectoJobForm.VECTOnew()
+			VectoJobForm.VectoNew()
 			VectoJobForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
 		End If
@@ -231,8 +243,9 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
 		If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "User Manual\help.html") Then
-			Dim registryString = My.Computer.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("\http\shell\open\command\").GetValue("").ToString
-			Dim defaultBrowserPath = Regex.Match(registryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
+			Dim registryString As String =
+					My.Computer.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("\http\shell\open\command\").GetValue("").ToString
+			Dim defaultBrowserPath As String = Regex.Match(registryString, "(\"".*?\"")").Captures(0).ToString
 			Process.Start(defaultBrowserPath, String.Format("""{0}{1}""", MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#vehicle-editor"))
 			MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
@@ -305,19 +318,17 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	'Open VEH
 	Sub OpenVehicle(file As String)
-		Dim inertia As Single
 		If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
-		Dim veh = New Vehicle
-		veh.FilePath = file
-		If Not veh.ReadFile Then
-			MsgBox("Cannot read " & file & "!")
-			Exit Sub
-		End If
+		Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(file), 
+																IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+		Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = inputData.VehicleInputData
+		Dim retarder As IRetarderInputData = inputData.RetarderInputData
+		Dim angularGear As IAngularGearInputData = inputData.AngularGearInputData
+		Dim pto As IPTOTransmissionInputData = inputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
-		If Cfg.DeclMode <> veh.SavedInDeclMode Then
+		If Cfg.DeclMode <> vehicle.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
 			Select Case WrongMode()
 				Case 1
@@ -328,71 +339,57 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			End Select
 		End If
-		TbMass.Text = veh.Mass
-		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra
-		TbLoad.Text = veh.Loading
-		TBrdyn.Text = veh.DynamicTyreRadius
+		Dim basePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)
+		CbCat.SelectedValue = vehicle.VehicleCategory
+		CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue = vehicle.AxleConfiguration
+		TbMassMass.Text = (vehicle.GrossVehicleMassRating.Value() / 1000).ToGUIFormat()
-		CbCdMode.SelectedValue = veh.CrossWindCorrectionMode
-		TbCdFile.Text = veh.CrossWindCorrectionFile.OriginalPath
+		TbMass.Text = vehicle.CurbWeightChassis.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbMassExtra.Text = vehicle.CurbWeightExtra.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbLoad.Text = vehicle.Loading.ToGUIFormat()
+		TBrdyn.Text = (vehicle.DynamicTyreRadius.Value() * 1000).ToGUIFormat()
-		CbRtType.SelectedValue = veh.RetarderType
-		TbRtRatio.Text = veh.RetarderRatio
-		TbRtPath.Text = veh.RetarderLossMapFile.OriginalPath
+		CbCdMode.SelectedValue = vehicle.CrossWindCorrectionMode
+		TbCdFile.Text =
+			If(vehicle.CrosswindCorrectionMap Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(vehicle.CrosswindCorrectionMap.Source, basePath))
-		cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue = veh.AngularGearType
-		tbAngularGearRatio.Text = veh.AngularGearRatio
-		tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text = veh.AngularGearLossMapFile.OriginalPath
+		CbRtType.SelectedValue = retarder.Type
+		TbRtRatio.Text = retarder.Ratio.ToGUIFormat()
+		TbRtPath.Text = If(retarder.LossMap Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(retarder.LossMap.Source, basePath))
-		CbCat.SelectedValue = veh.VehicleCategory
+		cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue = angularGear.Type
+		tbAngularGearRatio.Text = angularGear.Ratio.ToGUIFormat()
+		tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text =
+			If(angularGear.LossMap Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(angularGear.LossMap.Source, basePath))
-		Dim i = 0
-		For Each a0 In veh.Axles
+		Dim i As Integer = 0
+		Dim a0 As IAxleEngineeringInputData
+		For Each a0 In vehicle.Axles
 			i += 1
-			Dim lvi = New ListViewItem
-			lvi.SubItems(0).Text = i.ToString
-			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-				lvi.SubItems.Add("-")
-			Else
-				lvi.SubItems.Add(a0.Share)
-			End If
-			If a0.TwinTire Then
-				lvi.SubItems.Add("yes")
-			Else
-				lvi.SubItems.Add("no")
-			End If
-			lvi.SubItems.Add(a0.RRC)
-			lvi.SubItems.Add(a0.FzISO)
-			lvi.SubItems.Add(a0.Wheels)
 			If Cfg.DeclMode Then
-				inertia = DeclarationData.Wheels.Lookup(a0.Wheels).Inertia.Value()
-				If inertia < 0 Then
-					lvi.SubItems.Add("-")
-				Else
-					lvi.SubItems.Add(inertia)
-				End If
+				Dim inertia As Double = DeclarationData.Wheels.Lookup(a0.Wheels).Inertia.Value()
+				LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i, Double.NaN, a0.TwinTyres, a0.RollResistanceCoefficient,
+													a0.TyreTestLoad.Value(), a0.Wheels, inertia))
-				lvi.SubItems.Add(a0.Inertia)
+				LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(i, a0.AxleWeightShare, a0.TwinTyres, a0.RollResistanceCoefficient,
+													a0.TyreTestLoad.Value(), a0.Wheels, a0.Inertia.Value()))
 			End If
-			LvRRC.Items.Add(lvi)
-		TbMassMass.Text = veh.MassMax
-		TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra
-		CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue = veh.AxleConfiguration
+		'TbMassExtra.Text = veh.MassExtra.ToGUIFormat()
-		TBcdA.Text = veh.CdA0
+		TBcdA.Text = vehicle.AirDragArea.ToGUIFormat()
-		cbPTOType.SelectedValue = veh.PTOType
-		tbPTOLossMap.Text = veh.PTOLossMap.OriginalPath
-		tbPTOCycle.Text = veh.PTOCycle.OriginalPath
+		cbPTOType.SelectedValue = pto.PTOTransmissionType
+		tbPTOLossMap.Text = If(pto.PTOLossMap Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(pto.PTOLossMap.Source, basePath))
+		tbPTOCycle.Text = If(pto.PTOCycle Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(pto.PTOCycle.Source, basePath))
@@ -405,56 +402,71 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		_changed = False
 	End Sub
+	Private Function CreateListViewItem(axleNumber As Integer, share As Double, twinTire As Boolean, rrc As Double,
+										fzIso As Double, wheels As String, inertia As Double) As ListViewItem
+		Dim retVal As New ListViewItem
+		retVal.SubItems(0).Text = axleNumber.ToGUIFormat()
+		FillDoubleValue(retVal, share, "-")
+		retVal.SubItems.Add(If(twinTire, "yes", "no"))
+		FillDoubleValue(retVal, rrc)
+		FillDoubleValue(retVal, fzIso)
+		retVal.SubItems.Add(wheels)
+		FillDoubleValue(retVal, inertia)
+		Return retVal
+	End Function
+	Private Sub FillDoubleValue(listViewItem As ListViewItem, share As Double, Optional defaultValue As String = "")
+		If Double.IsNaN(share) Then
+			listViewItem.SubItems.Add(defaultValue)
+		Else
+			listViewItem.SubItems.Add(share.ToGUIFormat())
+		End If
+	End Sub
 	'Save VEH
 	Private Function SaveVehicle(file As String) As Boolean
-		Dim veh = New Vehicle
+		Dim veh As Vehicle = New Vehicle
 		veh.FilePath = file
-		veh.Mass = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMass.Text))
-		veh.MassExtra = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassExtra.Text))
-		veh.Loading = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbLoad.Text))
+		veh.Mass = TbMass.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		veh.MassExtra = TbMassExtra.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		veh.Loading = TbLoad.Text.ToDouble(0)
-		veh.CdA0 = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TBcdA.Text))
+		veh.CdA0 = TBcdA.Text.ToDouble(0)
-		veh.DynamicTyreRadius = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TBrdyn.Text))
-		veh.CrossWindCorrectionMode = CbCdMode.SelectedValue
+		veh.DynamicTyreRadius = TBrdyn.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		veh.CrossWindCorrectionMode = CType(CbCdMode.SelectedValue, CrossWindCorrectionMode)
 		veh.CrossWindCorrectionFile.Init(GetPath(file), TbCdFile.Text)
-		veh.RetarderType = CbRtType.SelectedValue
-		veh.RetarderRatio = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbRtRatio.Text))
+		veh.RetarderType = CType(CbRtType.SelectedValue, RetarderType)
+		veh.RetarderRatio = TbRtRatio.Text.ToDouble(0)
 		veh.RetarderLossMapFile.Init(GetPath(file), TbRtPath.Text)
-		veh.AngularGearType = cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue
-		veh.AngularGearRatio = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(tbAngularGearRatio.Text))
+		veh.AngularGearType = CType(cbAngularGearType.SelectedValue, AngularGearType)
+		veh.AngularGearRatio = tbAngularGearRatio.Text.ToDouble(0)
 		veh.AngularGearLossMapFile.Init(GetPath(file), tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text)
-		veh.VehicleCategory = CbCat.SelectedValue 'CType(CbCat.SelectedIndex, tVehCat)
-		Dim axleShareCheck As Double
-		For Each LV0 In LvRRC.Items
-			Dim a0 = New Vehicle.Axle
-			a0.Share = fTextboxToNumString(LV0.SubItems(1).Text)
-			axleShareCheck += a0.Share
-			a0.TwinTire = (LV0.SubItems(2).Text = "yes")
-			a0.RRC = fTextboxToNumString(LV0.SubItems(3).Text)
-			a0.FzISO = fTextboxToNumString(LV0.SubItems(4).Text)
-			a0.Wheels = LV0.SubItems(5).Text
-			a0.Inertia = fTextboxToNumString(LV0.SubItems(6).Text)
+		veh.VehicleCategory = CType(CbCat.SelectedValue, VehicleCategory) 'CType(CbCat.SelectedIndex, tVehCat)
+		For Each entry As ListViewItem In LvRRC.Items
+			Dim a0 As Vehicle.Axle = New Vehicle.Axle
+			a0.Share = entry.SubItems(AxleTbl.RelativeLoad).Text.ToDouble(0)
+			a0.TwinTire = (entry.SubItems(AxleTbl.TwinTyres).Text = "yes")
+			a0.RRC = entry.SubItems(AxleTbl.RRC).Text.ToDouble(0)
+			a0.FzISO = entry.SubItems(AxleTbl.FzISO).Text.ToDouble(0)
+			a0.Wheels = entry.SubItems(AxleTbl.WheelsDimension).Text
+			a0.Inertia = entry.SubItems(AxleTbl.Inertia).Text.ToDouble(0)
-		veh.PTOType = cbPTOType.SelectedValue
-		veh.PTOLossMap.Init(GetPath(file), tbPTOLossMap.Text)
-		veh.PTOCycle.Init(GetPath(file), tbPTOCycle.Text)
-		If Not Cfg.DeclMode AndAlso Math.Abs(axleShareCheck - 1) > 0.000001 Then
-			MsgBox("Relative axle loads must sum up to 1.0. Current value: " & axleShareCheck, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
-			Return False
-		End If
+		veh.PtoType = CType(cbPTOType.SelectedValue, String)
+		veh.PtoLossMap.Init(GetPath(file), tbPTOLossMap.Text)
+		veh.PtoCycle.Init(GetPath(file), tbPTOCycle.Text)
-		veh.MassMax = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassMass.Text))
-		veh.MassExtra = CSng(fTextboxToNumString(TbMassExtra.Text))
-		veh.AxleConfiguration = CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue
+		veh.MassMax = TbMassMass.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		veh.MassExtra = TbMassExtra.Text.ToDouble(0)
+		veh.AxleConfiguration = CType(CbAxleConfig.SelectedValue, AxleConfiguration)
@@ -465,7 +477,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 		If AutoSendTo Then
 			If VectoJobForm.Visible Then
-				If UCase(fFileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbVEH.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
+				If UCase(FileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbVEH.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
 					VectoJobForm.TbVEH.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(file, JobDir)
 			End If
@@ -523,13 +535,13 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			ex = "vcdb"
 		End If
-		If fbCDx.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbCdFile.Text, GetPath(_vehFile)), False, ex) Then _
-			TbCdFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(fbCDx.Files(0), GetPath(_vehFile))
+		If CrossWindCorrectionFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbCdFile.Text, GetPath(_vehFile)), False, ex) Then _
+			TbCdFile.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(CrossWindCorrectionFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_vehFile))
 	End Sub
 	'Open Cd File
 	Private Sub BtCdFileOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtCdFileOpen.Click
-		OpenFiles(fFileRepl(TbCdFile.Text, GetPath(_vehFile)))
+		OpenFiles(FileRepl(TbCdFile.Text, GetPath(_vehFile)))
 	End Sub
 #End Region
@@ -558,7 +570,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	'Rt File Browse
 	Private Sub BtRtBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtRtBrowse.Click
-		If RetarderLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbRtPath.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then _
+		If RetarderLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbRtPath.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then _
 			TbRtPath.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(RetarderLossMapFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_vehFile))
 	End Sub
@@ -647,27 +659,11 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 #Region "Axle Configuration"
 	Private Sub ButAxlAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButAxlAdd.Click
-		Dim lv0 As ListViewItem
 		If _axlDlog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
-			lv0 = New ListViewItem
-			lv0.SubItems(0).Text = LvRRC.Items.Count + 1
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_axlDlog.TbAxleShare.Text))
-			If _axlDlog.CbTwinT.Checked Then
-				lv0.SubItems.Add("yes")
-			Else
-				lv0.SubItems.Add("no")
-			End If
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_axlDlog.TbRRC.Text))
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_axlDlog.TbFzISO.Text))
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_axlDlog.CbWheels.Text))
-			lv0.SubItems.Add(Trim(_axlDlog.TbI_wheels.Text))
-			LvRRC.Items.Add(lv0)
+			LvRRC.Items.Add(CreateListViewItem(LvRRC.Items.Count + 1, _axlDlog.TbAxleShare.Text.ToDouble(0),
+												_axlDlog.CbTwinT.Checked, _axlDlog.TbRRC.Text.ToDouble(0), _axlDlog.TbFzISO.Text.ToDouble(0),
+												_axlDlog.CbWheels.Text, _axlDlog.TbI_wheels.Text.ToDouble(0)))
@@ -710,7 +706,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 			i = 0
 			For Each lv0 In LvRRC.Items
 				i += 1
-				lv0.SubItems(0).Text = i.ToString
+				lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.AxleNumber).Text = i.ToString
 			LvRRC.Items(LvRRC.Items.Count - 1).Selected = True
@@ -723,26 +719,26 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	Private Sub EditAxleItem()
 		If LvRRC.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
-		Dim lv0 = LvRRC.SelectedItems(0)
+		Dim lv0 As ListViewItem = LvRRC.SelectedItems(0)
-		_axlDlog.TbAxleShare.Text = lv0.SubItems(1).Text
-		_axlDlog.CbTwinT.Checked = (lv0.SubItems(2).Text = "yes")
-		_axlDlog.TbRRC.Text = lv0.SubItems(3).Text
-		_axlDlog.TbFzISO.Text = lv0.SubItems(4).Text
-		_axlDlog.TbI_wheels.Text = lv0.SubItems(6).Text
-		_axlDlog.CbWheels.Text = lv0.SubItems(5).Text
+		_axlDlog.TbAxleShare.Text = lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.RelativeLoad).Text
+		_axlDlog.CbTwinT.Checked = (lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.TwinTyres).Text = "yes")
+		_axlDlog.TbRRC.Text = lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.RRC).Text
+		_axlDlog.TbFzISO.Text = lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.FzISO).Text
+		_axlDlog.TbI_wheels.Text = lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.Inertia).Text
+		_axlDlog.CbWheels.Text = lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.WheelsDimension).Text
 		If _axlDlog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
-			lv0.SubItems(1).Text = _axlDlog.TbAxleShare.Text
+			lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.RelativeLoad).Text = _axlDlog.TbAxleShare.Text
 			If _axlDlog.CbTwinT.Checked Then
-				lv0.SubItems(2).Text = "yes"
+				lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.TwinTyres).Text = "yes"
-				lv0.SubItems(2).Text = "no"
+				lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.TwinTyres).Text = "no"
 			End If
-			lv0.SubItems(3).Text = _axlDlog.TbRRC.Text
-			lv0.SubItems(4).Text = _axlDlog.TbFzISO.Text
-			lv0.SubItems(5).Text = _axlDlog.CbWheels.Text
-			lv0.SubItems(6).Text = _axlDlog.TbI_wheels.Text
+			lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.RRC).Text = _axlDlog.TbRRC.Text
+			lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.FzISO).Text = _axlDlog.TbFzISO.Text
+			lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.WheelsDimension).Text = _axlDlog.CbWheels.Text
+			lv0.SubItems(AxleTbl.Inertia).Text = _axlDlog.TbI_wheels.Text
@@ -800,7 +796,7 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub btAngularGearLossMapBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btAngularGearLossMapBrowse.Click
-		If TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(TbRtPath.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then _
+		If TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(TbRtPath.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then _
 			tbAngularGearLossMapPath.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(TransmissionLossMapFileBrowser.Files(0),
 	End Sub
@@ -820,13 +816,13 @@ Public Class VehicleForm
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub btPTOLossMapBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btPTOLossMapBrowse.Click
-		If fbPTOLM.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(tbPTOLossMap.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then
-			tbPTOLossMap.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(fbPTOLM.Files(0), GetPath(_vehFile))
+		If PtoLossMapFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(tbPTOLossMap.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then
+			tbPTOLossMap.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(PtoLossMapFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_vehFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
 	Private Sub btPTOCycle_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btPTOCycle.Click
-		If DrivingCycleFileBrowser.OpenDialog(fFileRepl(tbPTOCycle.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then
+		If DrivingCycleFileBrowser.OpenDialog(FileRepl(tbPTOCycle.Text, GetPath(_vehFile))) Then
 			tbPTOCycle.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(DrivingCycleFileBrowser.Files(0), GetPath(_vehFile))
 		End If
 	End Sub
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/Engine.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/Engine.vb
index 464e0898b92a8194920559f02a76c02da64ab756..68a7383b55da3e4374002c8b12ccb3d1c959b9e2 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/Engine.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/Engine.vb	
@@ -9,26 +9,33 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
 Imports System.IO
+Imports System.Linq
+Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
 Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Engine input file
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
+<CustomValidation(GetType(Engine), "ValidateEngine")>
 Public Class Engine
+	Implements IEngineEngineeringInputData, IEngineDeclarationInputData
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Current format version
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 3
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Format version of input file. Defined in ReadFile.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private _fileVersion As Short
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Engine description (model, type, etc.). Saved in input file.
 	''' </summary>
@@ -39,19 +46,19 @@ Public Class Engine
 	''' Engine displacement [ccm]. Saved in input file.
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Displacement As Single
+	Public Displacement As Double
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Idling speed [1/min]. Saved in input file.
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public IdleSpeed As Single
+	Public IdleSpeed As Double
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Rotational inertia including flywheel [kgm²]. Saved in input file. Overwritten by generic value in Declaration mode.
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public EngineInertia As Single
+	Public EngineInertia As Double
 	''' <summary>
 	''' List of full load/motoring curve files (.vfld)
@@ -82,22 +89,24 @@ Public Class Engine
 	''' WHTC Urban test results. Saved in input file. 
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public WHTCurban As Single
+	Public WHTCUrbanInput As Double
 	''' <summary>
 	''' WHTC Rural test results. Saved in input file. 
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public WHTCrural As Single
+	Public WHTCRuralInput As Double
 	''' <summary>
 	''' WHTC Motorway test results. Saved in input file. 
 	''' </summary>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public WHTCmw As Single
+	Public WHTCMotorwayInput As Double
+	Public WHTCEngineeringInput As Double
-	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
+	Public ColdHotBalancingFactorInput As Double
 	''' <summary>
@@ -126,11 +135,10 @@ Public Class Engine
-		WHTCurban = 0
-		WHTCrural = 0
-		WHTCmw = 0
-		SavedInDeclMode = False
+		WHTCUrbanInput = 0
+		WHTCRuralInput = 0
+		WHTCMotorwayInput = 0
+		WHTCEngineeringInput = 1
 	End Sub
 	''' <summary>
@@ -139,96 +147,50 @@ Public Class Engine
 	''' <returns>True if successful.</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
 	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
-		Dim JSON As New JSONParser
-		Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		'Header
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
-		dic.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
-		dic.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
-		dic.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		JSON.Content.Add("Header", dic)
-		'Body
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
-		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-		dic.Add("ModelName", ModelName)
-		dic.Add("Displacement", Displacement)
-		dic.Add("IdlingSpeed", IdleSpeed)
-		dic.Add("Inertia", EngineInertia)
-		dic.Add("FullLoadCurve", _fullLoadCurvePath.PathOrDummy)
-		dic.Add("FuelMap", _fuelConsumptionMapPath.PathOrDummy)
-		dic.Add("WHTC-Urban", WHTCurban)
-		dic.Add("WHTC-Rural", WHTCrural)
-		dic.Add("WHTC-Motorway", WHTCmw)
-		JSON.Content.Add("Body", dic)
+		Dim validationResults As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+				Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+		If validationResults.Count > 0 Then
+			Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
+					validationResults.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
+			MsgBox("Invalid input." + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+					"Failed to save gearbox")
+			Return False
+		End If
-		Return JSON.WriteFile(_filePath)
-	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Read file. <see cref="P:VECTO.cENG.FilePath" /> must be set before calling.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <returns>True if successful.</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal ShowMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Dim MsgSrc As String
-		Dim JSON As New JSONParser
-		MsgSrc = "ENG/ReadFile"
-		SetDefault()
+		Dim json As New JSONWriter
+		'Header
+		Dim header As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		header.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
+		header.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
+		header.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
+		header.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		If Not JSON.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
+		'Body
+		Dim body As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		Try
+		body.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
-			_fileVersion = JSON.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
+		body.Add("ModelName", ModelName)
-			If _fileVersion > 1 Then
-				SavedInDeclMode = JSON.Content("Body")("SavedInDeclMode")
-			Else
-				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			End If
+		body.Add("Displacement", Displacement)
+		body.Add("IdlingSpeed", IdleSpeed)
+		body.Add("Inertia", EngineInertia)
-			ModelName = JSON.Content("Body")("ModelName")
+		body.Add("FullLoadCurve", _fullLoadCurvePath.PathOrDummy)
-			Displacement = JSON.Content("Body")("Displacement")
-			IdleSpeed = JSON.Content("Body")("IdlingSpeed")
-			EngineInertia = JSON.Content("Body")("Inertia")
+		body.Add("FuelMap", _fuelConsumptionMapPath.PathOrDummy)
-			If _fileVersion < 3 Then
-				_fullLoadCurvePath.Init(_myPath, JSON.Content("Body")("FullLoadCurves")(0)("Path"))
-			Else
-				_fullLoadCurvePath.Init(_myPath, JSON.Content("Body")("FullLoadCurve"))
-			End If
+		body.Add("WHTC-Urban", WHTCUrbanInput)
+		body.Add("WHTC-Rural", WHTCRuralInput)
+		body.Add("WHTC-Motorway", WHTCMotorwayInput)
+		body.Add("ColdHotBalancingFactor", ColdHotBalancingFactorInput)
-			_fuelConsumptionMapPath.Init(_myPath, JSON.Content("Body")("FuelMap"))
+		json.Content = JToken.FromObject(New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"Header", header}, {"Body", body}})
-			If _fileVersion > 2 AndAlso Not JSON.Content("Body")("WHTC-Urban") Is Nothing Then
-				WHTCurban = CSng(JSON.Content("Body")("WHTC-Urban"))
-				WHTCrural = CSng(JSON.Content("Body")("WHTC-Rural"))
-				WHTCmw = CSng(JSON.Content("Body")("WHTC-Motorway"))
-			End If
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			If ShowMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, MsgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
+		Return json.WriteFile(_filePath)
 	End Function
@@ -253,9 +215,9 @@ Public Class Engine
 	End Property
-	Public Property PathFLD(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property PathFld(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-			If Original Then
+			If original Then
 				Return _fullLoadCurvePath.OriginalPath
 				Return _fullLoadCurvePath.FullPath
@@ -269,13 +231,13 @@ Public Class Engine
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Get or set file path (cSubPath) to FC map (.vmap)
 	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="Original">True= (relative) file path as saved in file; False= full file path</param>
+	''' <param name="original">True= (relative) file path as saved in file; False= full file path</param>
 	''' <value></value>
 	''' <returns>Relative or absolute file path to FC map</returns>
 	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Property PathMAP(Optional ByVal Original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property PathMap(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-			If Original Then
+			If original Then
 				Return _fuelConsumptionMapPath.OriginalPath
 				Return _fuelConsumptionMapPath.FullPath
@@ -285,4 +247,165 @@ Public Class Engine
 			_fuelConsumptionMapPath.Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
+	' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global  -- used for Validation
+	Public Shared Function ValidateEngine(engine As Engine, validationContext As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
+		Dim engineData As CombustionEngineData
+		Dim modeService As ExecutionModeServiceContainer = TryCast(validationContext.GetService(GetType(ExecutionMode)), 
+																	ExecutionModeServiceContainer)
+		Dim mode As ExecutionMode = If(modeService Is Nothing, ExecutionMode.Declaration, modeService.Mode)
+		Try
+			If mode = ExecutionMode.Declaration Then
+				Dim doa As DeclarationDataAdapter = New DeclarationDataAdapter()
+				engineData = doa.CreateEngineData(engine, GearboxType.AMT)
+			Else
+				Dim doa As EngineeringDataAdapter = New EngineeringDataAdapter()
+				engineData = doa.CreateEngineData(engine, Nothing)
+			End If
+			Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+					engineData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If Not result.Any() Then Return ValidationResult.Success
+			Return New ValidationResult("Engine Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			Return New ValidationResult(ex.Message)
+		End Try
+	End Function
+#Region "IInputData"
+	Public ReadOnly Property SourceType As DataSourceType Implements IComponentInputData.SourceType
+		Get
+			Return DataSourceType.JSONFile
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Source As String Implements IComponentInputData.Source
+		Get
+			Return FilePath
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean Implements IComponentInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+		Get
+			Return Cfg.DeclMode
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Vendor As String Implements IComponentInputData.Vendor
+		Get
+			Return "N.A." ' TODO: MQ 20160919
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Creator As String Implements IComponentInputData.Creator
+		Get
+			Return Lic.LicString
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property [Date] As String Implements IComponentInputData.[Date]
+		Get
+			Return Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TypeId As String Implements IComponentInputData.TypeId
+		Get
+			Return "N.A." ' Todo: MQ 20160919
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property DigestValue As String Implements IComponentInputData.DigestValue
+		Get
+			Return ""
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IntegrityStatus As IntegrityStatus Implements IComponentInputData.IntegrityStatus
+		Get
+			Return IntegrityStatus.NotChecked
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IComponentInputData_ModelName As String Implements IComponentInputData.ModelName
+		Get
+			Return ModelName
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IEngineDeclarationInputData_Displacement As CubicMeter _
+		Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.Displacement
+		Get
+			Return (Displacement / 1000.0 / 1000.0).SI(Of CubicMeter)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IEngineDeclarationInputData_IdleSpeed As PerSecond _
+		Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.IdleSpeed
+		Get
+			Return IdleSpeed.RPMtoRad()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property WHTCMotorway As Double Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.WHTCMotorway
+		Get
+			Return WHTCMotorwayInput
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property WHTCRural As Double Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.WHTCRural
+		Get
+			Return WHTCRuralInput
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property WHTCUrban As Double Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.WHTCUrban
+		Get
+			Return WHTCUrbanInput
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property ColdHotBalancingFactor As Double Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.ColdHotBalancingFactor
+		Get
+			Return ColdHotBalancingFactorInput
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property FuelConsumptionMap As TableData Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.FuelConsumptionMap
+		Get
+			If Not File.Exists(_fuelConsumptionMapPath.FullPath) Then _
+				Throw New VectoException("FuelConsumptionMap is missing or invalid")
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(_fuelConsumptionMapPath.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property FullLoadCurve As TableData Implements IEngineDeclarationInputData.FullLoadCurve
+		Get
+			If Not File.Exists(_fullLoadCurvePath.FullPath) Then _
+				Throw New VectoException("Full-Load Curve is missing or invalid")
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(_fullLoadCurvePath.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Inertia As KilogramSquareMeter Implements IEngineEngineeringInputData.Inertia
+		Get
+			Return EngineInertia.SI(Of KilogramSquareMeter)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property WHTCEngineering As Double Implements IEngineEngineeringInputData.WHTCEngineering
+		Get
+			Return WHTCEngineeringInput
+		End Get
+	End Property
+#End Region
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb
deleted file mode 100644
index da6b43cd41f7320d1fc80b310237d718ebd5157e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/EngineFullLoadCurve.vb	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-' Copyright 2014 European Union.
-' Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
-' * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
-' * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl
-' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-'   software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-'   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Imports System.Collections.Generic
-Imports System.Linq
-''' <summary>
-''' Full load/motoring curve input file
-''' </summary>
-''' <remarks></remarks>
-Public Class EngineFullLoadCurve
-	''' <summary>
-	''' List of full load torque values [Nm]
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public MaxTorqueList As List(Of Single)
-	''' <summary>
-	''' List of motoring torque values [Nm]
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public DragTorqueList As List(Of Single)
-	''' <summary>
-	''' List of engine speed values [1/min]
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public EngineSpeedList As List(Of Single)
-	''' <summary>
-	''' List of PT1 values [s]
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private _pt1List As List(Of Single)
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Read file. FilePath must be set before calling. 
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <returns>True if successful.</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>   
-	Public Function ReadFile(tqOnly As Boolean, Optional ByVal showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Dim pt1Set As Boolean
-		Const msgSrc As String = "Main/ReadInp/FLD"
-		'Reset
-		MaxTorqueList = Nothing
-		DragTorqueList = Nothing
-		EngineSpeedList = Nothing
-		_pt1List = Nothing
-		Dim lineCount As Integer = -1
-		'Stop if there's no file
-		If FilePath = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(FilePath) Then
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "FLD file '" & FilePath & "' not found!", msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		'Open file
-		Dim file As CsvFile = New CsvFile
-		If Not file.OpenRead(FilePath) Then
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to open file (" & FilePath & ") !", msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		'Skip Header
-		file.ReadLine()
-		'Initialize Lists
-		MaxTorqueList = New List(Of Single)
-		DragTorqueList = New List(Of Single)
-		EngineSpeedList = New List(Of Single)
-		_pt1List = New List(Of Single)
-		Dim firstLine As Boolean = True
-		Try
-			Do While Not file.EndOfFile
-				'Read Line
-				Dim line As String() = file.ReadLine
-				'VECTO: M => Pe
-				Dim rpm As Double = CDbl(line(0))
-				EngineSpeedList.Add(rpm)
-				MaxTorqueList.Add(CDbl(line(1)))
-				If tqOnly Then
-					DragTorqueList.Add(0)
-				Else
-					DragTorqueList.Add(CDbl(line(2)))
-				End If
-				If firstLine Then
-					pt1Set = (Not tqOnly) AndAlso (UBound(line) > 2)
-					firstLine = False
-				End If
-				'If PT1 not defined, use default value (0)
-				If pt1Set Then
-					_pt1List.Add(CSng(line(3)))
-				Else
-					_pt1List.Add(0)
-				End If
-				'Line-counter up (was reset in ResetMe)
-				lineCount += 1
-			Loop
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			If showMsg Then _
-				WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error during file read! Line number: " & lineCount + 1 & " (" & FilePath & ")", msgSrc,
-						FilePath)
-			GoTo lbEr
-		End Try
-		'Close file
-		file.Close()
-		Return True
-		'ERROR-label for clean Abort
-		file.Close()
-		Return False
-	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Returns stationary full load power [kW] at given engine speed.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="nU">engine speed [1/min]</param>
-	''' <returns>stationary full load power [kW]</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function Pfull(nU As Single) As Single
-		Dim i As Int32
-		'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
-		If EngineSpeedList(0) >= nU Then
-			'If LnU(0) > nU Then MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
-			i = 1
-			GoTo lbInt
-		End If
-		i = 0
-		Do While EngineSpeedList(i) < nU And i < EngineSpeedList.Count - 1
-			i += 1
-		Loop
-		'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
-		If EngineSpeedList(i) < nU Then
-			'MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
-		End If
-		'Interpolation
-		Return _
-			nMtoPe(nU,
-					(nU - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) * (MaxTorqueList(i) - MaxTorqueList(i - 1)) /
-					(EngineSpeedList(i) - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) + MaxTorqueList(i - 1))
-	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Returns stationary full load torque [Nm] at given engine speed.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="nU">engine speed [1/min]</param>
-	''' <returns>stationary full load torque [Nm]</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Private Function Torque(ByVal nU As Single) As Single
-		Dim i As Int32
-		'Extrapolation for x < x(1)
-		If EngineSpeedList(0) >= nU Then
-			'If LnU(0) > nU Then MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
-			i = 1
-			GoTo lbInt
-		End If
-		i = 0
-		Do While EngineSpeedList(i) < nU And i < EngineSpeedList.Count - 1
-			i += 1
-		Loop
-		'Extrapolation for x > x(imax)
-		If EngineSpeedList(i) < nU Then
-			'MODdata.ModErrors.FLDextrapol = "n= " & nU & " [1/min]"
-		End If
-		'Interpolation
-		Return _
-			(nU - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) * (MaxTorqueList(i) - MaxTorqueList(i - 1)) / (EngineSpeedList(i) - EngineSpeedList(i - 1)) +
-			MaxTorqueList(i - 1)
-	End Function
-	'	''' <summary>
-	'	''' Calculates and returns Npref [1/min]. Speed at 51% torque/speed-integral between idling and N95h. Defined in Init.
-	'	''' </summary>
-	'	''' <returns>Npref [1/min]</returns>
-	'	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	'	Public Function fNpref(ByVal Nidle As Single) As Single
-	'		Dim i As Integer
-	'		Dim Amax As Single
-	'		Dim N95h As Single
-	'		Dim n As Single
-	'		Dim T0 As Single
-	'		Dim dn As Single
-	'		Dim A As Single
-	'		Dim k As Single
-	'
-	'
-	'		dn = 0.001
-	'
-	'		N95h = fnUofPfull(0.95 * Pfull(fnUrated), False)
-	'
-	'		If N95h < 0 Then Return -1
-	'
-	'		Amax = Area(Nidle, N95h)
-	'
-	'		For i = 0 To iDim - 1
-	'
-	'			If Area(Nidle, LnU(i + 1)) > 0.51 * Amax Then
-	'
-	'				n = LnU(i)
-	'				T0 = LTq(i)
-	'				A = Area(Nidle, n)
-	'
-	'				k = (LTq(i + 1) - LTq(i)) / (LnU(i + 1) - LnU(i))
-	'
-	'				Do While A < 0.51 * Amax
-	'					n += dn
-	'					A += dn * (2 * T0 + k * dn) / 2
-	'				Loop
-	'
-	'				Exit For
-	'
-	'			End If
-	'
-	'		Next
-	'
-	'		Return n
-	'	End Function
-	'	''' <summary>
-	'	''' Calculates torque/speed-integral between two engine speed limits. Used for Npref.
-	'	''' </summary>
-	'	''' <param name="nFrom">lower engine speed limit [1/min]</param>
-	'	''' <param name="nTo">upper engine speed limit [1/min]</param>
-	'	''' <returns>torque/speed-integral between nFrom and nTo [Nm/min]</returns>
-	'	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	'	Private Function Area(ByVal nFrom As Single, ByVal nTo As Single) As Single
-	'		Dim A As Single
-	'		Dim i As Integer
-	'
-	'
-	'		A = 0
-	'		For i = 1 To iDim
-	'
-	'			If LnU(i - 1) >= nTo Then Exit For
-	'
-	'			If LnU(i - 1) >= nFrom Then
-	'
-	'
-	'				If LnU(i) <= nTo Then
-	'
-	'					'Add full segment
-	'					A += (LnU(i) - LnU(i - 1)) * (LTq(i) + LTq(i - 1)) / 2
-	'
-	'				Else
-	'
-	'					'Add segment till nTo
-	'					A += (nTo - LnU(i - 1)) * (Tq(nTo) + LTq(i - 1)) / 2
-	'
-	'				End If
-	'
-	'			Else
-	'
-	'				If LnU(i) > nFrom Then
-	'
-	'					'Add segment starting from nFrom
-	'					A += (LnU(i) - nFrom) * (LTq(i) + Tq(nFrom)) / 2
-	'
-	'				End If
-	'
-	'			End If
-	'
-	'		Next
-	'
-	'		Return A
-	'	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Calculates and returns engine speed at maximum power [1/min]. 
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <returns>engine speed at maximum power [1/min]</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function EngineRatedSpeed() As Single
-		Dim stepSize As Single = 1
-		Dim maxPower As Single = 0
-		Dim rpm As Single = EngineSpeedList(0)
-		Dim maxSpeed As Single = EngineSpeedList.Last()
-		Dim ratedSpeed As Single = rpm
-		Do
-			Dim power As Single = nMtoPe(rpm, Torque(rpm))
-			If power > maxPower Then
-				maxPower = power
-				ratedSpeed = rpm
-			End If
-			rpm += stepSize
-		Loop Until rpm > maxSpeed
-		Return ratedSpeed
-	End Function
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Get or set Filepath before calling ReadFile
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <value></value>
-	''' <returns>Full filepath</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Property FilePath As String
-End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2989b09df620a031459389f872ff907ebd0ff371..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/FuelconsumptionMap.vb	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-' Copyright 2014 European Union.
-' Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
-' * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
-' * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl
-' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-'   software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-'   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Imports System.Collections.Generic
-Public Class FuelconsumptionMap
-	'Implements IFuelConsumptionMap
-	Private _angularSpeedList As List(Of Single)
-	Private _torqueList As List(Of Single)
-	Private _fuelconsumptionList As List(Of Single)
-	Private _filePath As String
-	Private Sub ResetMe()
-		_fuelconsumptionList = Nothing
-		_torqueList = Nothing
-		_angularSpeedList = Nothing
-	End Sub
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Const msgSrc As String = "Main/ReadInp/MAP"
-		'Reset
-		ResetMe()
-		'Stop if there's no file
-		If _filePath = "" OrElse Not IO.File.Exists(_filePath) Then
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Map file not found! (" & _filePath & ")", msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		'Open file
-		Dim file As CsvFile = New CsvFile
-		If Not file.OpenRead(_filePath) Then
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to open file (" & _filePath & ") !", msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End If
-		'Skip Header
-		file.ReadLine()
-		'Initi Lists (before version check so ReadOldFormat works)
-		_fuelconsumptionList = New List(Of Single)
-		_torqueList = New List(Of Single)
-		_angularSpeedList = New List(Of Single)
-		Dim lineCount As Integer = -1
-		Try
-			Do While Not file.EndOfFile
-				'Line read
-				Dim line As String() = file.ReadLine
-				'Line counter up (was reset in ResetMe)
-				lineCount += 1
-				'Revolutions
-				Dim rpm As Double = CDbl(line(0))
-				_angularSpeedList.Add(rpm)
-				'Power
-				_torqueList.Add(line(1))
-				'FC
-				'Check sign
-				If CSng(line(2)) < 0 Then
-					file.Close()
-					If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "FC < 0 in map at " & rpm & " [1/min], " & line(1) & " [Nm]", msgSrc)
-					Return False
-				End If
-				_fuelconsumptionList.Add(CSng(line(2)))
-			Loop
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			If showMsg Then _
-				WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Error during file read! Line number " & lineCount + 1 & " (" & _filePath & ")", msgSrc,
-						_filePath)
-			GoTo lbEr
-		End Try
-		'Close file
-		file.Close()
-		Return True
-		'ERROR-label for clean Abort
-		file.Close()
-		Return False
-	End Function
-#Region "Properties"
-	Public Property FilePath() As String
-		Get
-			Return _filePath
-		End Get
-		Set(ByVal value As String)
-			_filePath = value
-		End Set
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property Tq As List(Of Single)
-		Get
-			Return _torqueList
-		End Get
-	End Property
-	Public ReadOnly Property nU As List(Of Single)
-		Get
-			Return _angularSpeedList
-		End Get
-	End Property
-#End Region
-End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb
index bb60b420ba222a0e3eb19bb5c236f4559c5e57c5..6f5deab06803de468c26d83e0cd895dc2de554f4 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/Gearbox.vb	
@@ -9,23 +9,38 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
 Imports System.IO
+Imports System.Linq
+Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
+Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
 Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
+<CustomValidation(GetType(Gearbox), "ValidateGearbox")>
 Public Class Gearbox
+	Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData, IGearboxDeclarationInputData, IAxleGearInputData, 
+				ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData, 
+				ITorqueConverterDeclarationInputData
 	Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 6
-	Private _fileVersion As Short
 	Private _myPath As String
 	Private _filePath As String
 	Public ModelName As String
-	Public GbxInertia As Single
-	Public TracIntrSi As Single
+	Public GbxInertia As Double
+	Public TracIntrSi As Double
-	Public GearRatios As List(Of Single)
+	Public GearRatios As List(Of Double)
 	Public GearLossmaps As List(Of SubPath)
 	'Gear shift polygons
@@ -33,28 +48,27 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 	Public MaxTorque As List(Of String)
-	Public TorqueResv As Single
+	Public TorqueResv As Double
 	Public SkipGears As Boolean
-	Public ShiftTime As Integer
-	Public TorqueResvStart As Single
-	Public StartSpeed As Single
-	Public StartAcc As Single
+	Public ShiftTime As Double
+	Public TorqueResvStart As Double
+	Public StartSpeed As Double
+	Public StartAcc As Double
 	Public ShiftInside As Boolean
 	Public Type As GearboxType
 	'Torque Converter Input
 	Public TorqueConverterEnabled As Boolean
-	Public TorqueConverterReferenceRpm As Single
+	Public TorqueConverterReferenceRpm As Double
 	Private ReadOnly _torqueConverterFile As New SubPath
-	Public TorqueConverterInertia As Single
+	Public TorqueConverterInertia As Double
 	Public TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile As String
-	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
-	Public UpshiftMinAcceleration As Single
-	Public DownshiftAfterUpshift As Single
-	Public UpshiftAfterDownshift As Single
+	Public UpshiftMinAcceleration As Double
+	Public DownshiftAfterUpshift As Double
+	Public UpshiftAfterDownshift As Double
 	Public Sub New()
@@ -69,7 +83,7 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		GbxInertia = 0
 		TracIntrSi = 0
-		GearRatios = New List(Of Single)
+		GearRatios = New List(Of Double)
 		GearLossmaps = New List(Of SubPath)
 		GearshiftFiles = New List(Of SubPath)
 		MaxTorque = New List(Of String)
@@ -89,35 +103,43 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		TorqueConverterInertia = 0
-		SavedInDeclMode = False
 	End Sub
 	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
+		Dim validationResults As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+				Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+		If validationResults.Count > 0 Then
+			Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
+					validationResults.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
+			MsgBox("Invalid input." + Environment.NewLine + String.Join("; ", messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+					"Failed to save gearbox")
+			Return False
+		End If
 		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim writer As New JSONParser
-		Dim content As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		Dim json As New JSONWriter
-		content = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		content.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
-		content.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
-		content.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
-		content.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		writer.Content.Add("Header", content)
+		Dim header As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		header.Add("CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")")
+		header.Add("Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
+		header.Add("AppVersion", VECTOvers)
+		header.Add("FileVersion", FormatVersion)
-		content = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		Dim body As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		content.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
-		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
+		body.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
-		content.Add("ModelName", ModelName)
+		body.Add("ModelName", ModelName)
-		content.Add("Inertia", GbxInertia)
-		content.Add("TracInt", TracIntrSi)
+		body.Add("Inertia", GbxInertia)
+		body.Add("TracInt", TracIntrSi)
-		Dim ls As New List(Of Object)
+		Dim ls As New List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))
 		For i = 0 To GearRatios.Count - 1
 			Dim gearDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 			gearDict.Add("Ratio", GearRatios(i))
@@ -133,18 +155,18 @@ Public Class Gearbox
-		content.Add("Gears", ls)
+		body.Add("Gears", ls)
-		content.Add("TqReserve", TorqueResv)
-		content.Add("SkipGears", SkipGears)
-		content.Add("ShiftTime", ShiftTime)
-		content.Add("EaryShiftUp", ShiftInside)
+		body.Add("TqReserve", TorqueResv)
+		body.Add("SkipGears", SkipGears)
+		body.Add("ShiftTime", ShiftTime)
+		body.Add("EaryShiftUp", ShiftInside)
-		content.Add("StartTqReserve", TorqueResvStart)
-		content.Add("StartSpeed", StartSpeed)
-		content.Add("StartAcc", StartAcc)
+		body.Add("StartTqReserve", TorqueResvStart)
+		body.Add("StartSpeed", StartSpeed)
+		body.Add("StartAcc", StartAcc)
-		content.Add("GearboxType", Type)
+		body.Add("GearboxType", Type)
 		Dim torqueConverterDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 		torqueConverterDict.Add("Enabled", TorqueConverterEnabled)
@@ -152,123 +174,16 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		torqueConverterDict.Add("RefRPM", TorqueConverterReferenceRpm)
 		torqueConverterDict.Add("Inertia", TorqueConverterInertia)
 		torqueConverterDict.Add("ShiftPolygon", TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile)
-		content.Add("TorqueConverter", torqueConverterDict)
-		content.Add("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay", DownshiftAfterUpshift)
-		content.Add("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay", UpshiftAfterDownshift)
-		content.Add("UpshiftMinAcceleration", UpshiftMinAcceleration)
-		writer.Content.Add("Body", content)
-		Return writer.WriteFile(_filePath)
-	End Function
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional ByVal showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Dim i As Integer
-		Dim parser As New JSONParser
-		Dim dic As Object
-		Const msgSrc As String = "GBX/ReadFile"
-		SetDefault()
-		If Not parser.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
-		Try
-			_fileVersion = parser.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
-			If _fileVersion > 3 Then
-				SavedInDeclMode = parser.Content("Body")("SavedInDeclMode")
-			Else
-				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			End If
-			ModelName = parser.Content("Body")("ModelName")
-			GbxInertia = parser.Content("Body")("Inertia")
-			TracIntrSi = parser.Content("Body")("TracInt")
-			i = -1
-			For Each dic In parser.Content("Body")("Gears")
-				i += 1
+		body.Add("TorqueConverter", torqueConverterDict)
-				GearRatios.Add(dic("Ratio"))
-				GearLossmaps.Add(New SubPath)
-				If dic("Efficiency") Is Nothing Then
-					GearLossmaps(i).Init(_myPath, dic("LossMap"))
-				Else
-					GearLossmaps(i).Init(_myPath, dic("Efficiency"))
-				End If
-				MaxTorque.Add(dic("MaxTorque"))
-				GearshiftFiles.Add(New SubPath)
-				If i = 0 Then
-					GearshiftFiles(i).Init(_myPath, sKey.NoFile)
-				Else
-					If _fileVersion < 2 Then
-						GearshiftFiles(i).Init(_myPath, parser.Content("Body")("ShiftPolygons"))
-					Else
-						GearshiftFiles(i).Init(_myPath, dic("ShiftPolygon"))
-					End If
-				End If
-			Next
-			TorqueResv = parser.Content("Body")("TqReserve")
-			SkipGears = parser.Content("Body")("SkipGears")
-			ShiftTime = parser.Content("Body")("ShiftTime")
-			TorqueResvStart = parser.Content("Body")("StartTqReserve")
-			StartSpeed = parser.Content("Body")("StartSpeed")
-			StartAcc = parser.Content("Body")("StartAcc")
-			ShiftInside = parser.Content("Body")("EaryShiftUp")
-			Type = parser.Content("Body")("GearboxType").ToString.ParseEnum(Of GearboxType)()
-			If parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftMinAcceleration") Is Nothing Then
-				UpshiftMinAcceleration = 0.1
-			Else
-				UpshiftMinAcceleration = parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftMinAcceleration")
-			End If
-			If parser.Content("Body")("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay") Is Nothing Then
-				DownshiftAfterUpshift = 10
-			Else
-				DownshiftAfterUpshift = parser.Content("Body")("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay")
-			End If
-			If parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay") Is Nothing Then
-				UpshiftAfterDownshift = 10
-			Else
-				UpshiftAfterDownshift = parser.Content("Body")("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay")
-			End If
-			If parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter") Is Nothing Then
-				TorqueConverterEnabled = False
-			Else
-				TorqueConverterEnabled = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("Enabled")
-				_torqueConverterFile.Init(_myPath, parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("File"))
-				TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("RefRPM")
-				If _fileVersion > 2 Then
-					TorqueConverterInertia = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("Inertia")
-				End If
-				If _fileVersion > 5 Then
-					TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile = parser.Content("Body")("TorqueConverter")("ShiftPolygon")
-				End If
-			End If
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
-	End Function
+		body.Add("DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay", DownshiftAfterUpshift)
+		body.Add("UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay", UpshiftAfterDownshift)
+		body.Add("UpshiftMinAcceleration", UpshiftMinAcceleration)
+		json.Content = JToken.FromObject(New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"Header", header}, {"Body", body}})
-	Public Function GearCount() As Integer
-		Return GearRatios.Count - 1
+		Return json.WriteFile(_filePath)
 	End Function
@@ -286,9 +201,9 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property GearLossMap(ByVal gearNr As Short, Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property GearLossMap(ByVal gearNr As Integer, Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-			If Original Then
+			If original Then
 				Return GearLossmaps(gearNr).OriginalPath
 				Return GearLossmaps(gearNr).FullPath
@@ -299,7 +214,7 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property ShiftPolygonFile(ByVal gearNr As Short, Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
+	Public Property ShiftPolygonFile(ByVal gearNr As Integer, Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If original Then
 				Return GearshiftFiles(gearNr).OriginalPath
@@ -314,7 +229,7 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 	Public Property TorqueConverterFile(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
-			If Original Then
+			If original Then
 				Return _torqueConverterFile.OriginalPath
 				Return _torqueConverterFile.FullPath
@@ -324,5 +239,307 @@ Public Class Gearbox
 			_torqueConverterFile.Init(_myPath, value)
 		End Set
 	End Property
+	' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used by Validation
+	Public Shared Function ValidateGearbox(gearbox As Gearbox, validationContext As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
+		Dim modeService As ExecutionModeServiceContainer = TryCast(validationContext.GetService(GetType(ExecutionMode)), 
+																	ExecutionModeServiceContainer)
+		Dim mode As ExecutionMode = If(modeService Is Nothing, ExecutionMode.Declaration, modeService.Mode)
+		Dim axlegearData As AxleGearData
+		Dim gearboxData As GearboxData
+		Try
+			'Dim vectoJob As VectoJob = New VectoJob() With {.FilePath = VectoJobForm.VECTOfile}
+			Dim vectoFile As String = VectoJobForm.VectoFile
+			Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider =
+					TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(vectoFile), 
+							IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
+			'Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = inputData.VehicleInputData
+			Dim engine As CombustionEngineData
+			Dim rdyn As Meter = 0.5.SI(Of Meter)()
+			If mode = ExecutionMode.Declaration Then
+				Dim doa As DeclarationDataAdapter = New DeclarationDataAdapter()
+				Try
+					engine = doa.CreateEngineData(inputData.EngineInputData, gearbox.Type)
+				Catch
+					engine = GetDefaultEngine()
+				End Try
+				axlegearData = doa.CreateAxleGearData(gearbox, False)
+				gearboxData = doa.CreateGearboxData(gearbox, engine, axlegearData.AxleGear.Ratio, rdyn, False)
+			Else
+				Dim doa As EngineeringDataAdapter = New EngineeringDataAdapter()
+				Try
+					engine = doa.CreateEngineData(inputData.EngineInputData, gearbox)
+				Catch
+					engine = GetDefaultEngine()
+				End Try
+				axlegearData = doa.CreateAxleGearData(gearbox, True)
+				gearboxData = doa.CreateGearboxData(gearbox, engine, axlegearData.AxleGear.Ratio, rdyn, True)
+			End If
+			Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+					gearboxData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If result.Any() Then
+				Return _
+					New ValidationResult("Gearbox Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+			End If
+			result = axlegearData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If result.Any() Then
+				Return _
+					New ValidationResult("Axlegear Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+			End If
+			Return ValidationResult.Success
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			Return New ValidationResult(ex.Message)
+		End Try
+	End Function
+	Private Shared Function GetDefaultEngine() As CombustionEngineData
+		Dim fldData As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
+		Dim writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(fldData)
+		writer.WriteLine("engine speed, full load torque, motoring torque")
+		writer.WriteLine(" 500, 2000, -500")
+		writer.WriteLine("2500, 2000, -500")
+		writer.Flush()
+		fldData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
+		Dim fldCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve = EngineFullLoadCurve.Create(VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(fldData))
+		Return New CombustionEngineData() With {
+			.IdleSpeed = 600.RPMtoRad(),
+			.FullLoadCurve = fldCurve
+			}
+	End Function
+	Public ReadOnly Property SourceType As DataSourceType Implements IComponentInputData.SourceType
+		Get
+			Return DataSourceType.JSONFile
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Source As String Implements IComponentInputData.Source
+		Get
+			Return FilePath
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean Implements IComponentInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+		Get
+			Return Cfg.DeclMode
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Vendor As String Implements IComponentInputData.Vendor
+		Get
+			Return "N.A."  ' Todo MQ 20160915
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Creator As String Implements IComponentInputData.Creator
+		Get
+			Return Lic.LicString
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property [Date] As String Implements IComponentInputData.[Date]
+		Get
+			Return Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TypeId As String Implements IComponentInputData.TypeId
+		Get
+			Return "N.A." ' todo MQ 20160915
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property DigestValue As String Implements IComponentInputData.DigestValue
+		Get
+			Return ""
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IntegrityStatus As IntegrityStatus Implements IComponentInputData.IntegrityStatus
+		Get
+			Return IntegrityStatus.NotChecked
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IComponentInputData_ModelName As String Implements IComponentInputData.ModelName
+		Get
+			Return "N.A." ' todo MQ 20160915
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IGearboxDeclarationInputData_Type As GearboxType Implements IGearboxDeclarationInputData.Type
+		Get
+			Return Type
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) Implements IGearboxDeclarationInputData.Gears
+		Get
+			Dim ls As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) = New List(Of ITransmissionInputData)
+			Dim i As Integer
+			For i = 1 To GearRatios.Count - 1
+				Dim gearDict As New TransmissionInputData With {
+						.Ratio = GearRatios(i)
+						}
+				If File.Exists(GearshiftFiles(i).OriginalPath) Then
+					gearDict.ShiftPolygon = VectoCSVFile.Read(GearshiftFiles(i).OriginalPath)
+				End If
+				If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MaxTorque(i)) AndAlso IsNumeric(MaxTorque(i)) Then
+					gearDict.MaxTorque = MaxTorque(i).ToDouble().SI(Of NewtonMeter)()
+				End If
+				If IsNumeric(GearLossMap(i, True)) Then
+					gearDict.Efficiency = GearLossMap(i, True).ToDouble()
+				Else
+					gearDict.LossMap = VectoCSVFile.Read(GearLossmaps(i).PathOrDummy)
+				End If
+				ls.Add(gearDict)
+			Next
+			Return ls
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property ReferenceRPM As PerSecond Implements ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData.ReferenceRPM
+		Get
+			Return TorqueConverterReferenceRpm.RPMtoRad()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData_Inertia As KilogramSquareMeter _
+		Implements ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData.Inertia
+		Get
+			Return TorqueConverterInertia.SI(Of KilogramSquareMeter)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Inertia As KilogramSquareMeter Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.Inertia
+		Get
+			Return GbxInertia.SI(Of KilogramSquareMeter)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property ShiftPolygon As TableData Implements ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData.ShiftPolygon
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TractionInterruption As Second Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.TractionInterruption
+		Get
+			Return TracIntrSi.SI(Of Second)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property EarlyShiftUp As Boolean Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.EarlyShiftUp
+		Get
+			Return ShiftInside
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TorqueReserve As Double Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.TorqueReserve
+		Get
+			Return TorqueResv
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property StartAcceleration As MeterPerSquareSecond _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.StartAcceleration
+		Get
+			Return StartAcc.SI(Of MeterPerSquareSecond)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property StartTorqueReserve As Double Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.StartTorqueReserve
+		Get
+			Return TorqueResvStart
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TorqueConverter As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.TorqueConverter
+		Get
+			Return Me
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay As Second _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.DownshiftAferUpshiftDelay
+		Get
+			Return DownshiftAfterUpshift.SI(Of Second)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay As Second _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay
+		Get
+			Return UpshiftAfterDownshift.SI(Of Second)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IGearboxEngineeringInputData_UpshiftMinAcceleration As MeterPerSquareSecond _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.UpshiftMinAcceleration
+		Get
+			Return UpshiftMinAcceleration.SI(Of MeterPerSquareSecond)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IGearboxEngineeringInputData_SkipGears As Boolean _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.SkipGears
+		Get
+			Return SkipGears
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IGearboxEngineeringInputData_StartSpeed As MeterPerSecond _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.StartSpeed
+		Get
+			Return StartSpeed.SI(Of MeterPerSecond)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IGearboxEngineeringInputData_ShiftTime As Second _
+		Implements IGearboxEngineeringInputData.ShiftTime
+		Get
+			Return ShiftTime.SI(Of Second)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TCData As TableData Implements ITorqueConverterDeclarationInputData.TCData
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(_torqueConverterFile.OriginalPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Ratio As Double Implements IAxleGearInputData.Ratio
+		Get
+			Return GearRatios(0)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property LossMap As TableData Implements IAxleGearInputData.LossMap
+		Get
+			If Not File.Exists(GearLossmaps(0).FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(GearLossmaps(0).FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Efficiency As Double Implements IAxleGearInputData.Efficiency
+		Get
+			Return GearLossMap(0, True).ToDouble(0)
+		End Get
+	End Property
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/SubPath.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/SubPath.vb
index 011151ed1664eb1de9d91eb406f55e209ead9d2c..24c7cdf0e801ff5535d65d78e789382ad2fa12c7 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/SubPath.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/SubPath.vb	
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Namespace Input_Files
 				_valid = True
 				_originalPath = path
-				_fullPath = fFileRepl(path, parentDir)
+				_fullPath = FileRepl(path, parentDir)
 			End If
 		End Sub
 		Private Function CheckFilenameGiven(f As String) As String
-			If Trim(UCase(f)) = sKey.NoFile Then
+			If Trim(UCase(f)) = NoFile Then
 				Return ""
 				Return f
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Namespace Input_Files
 				If _valid Then
 					Return _originalPath
-					Return sKey.NoFile
+					Return NoFile
 				End If
 			End Get
 		End Property
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb
index d67674d414a9a33dda0ec4f4e5887c29f305e5e1..7eb0020e01eff8e2256136933653c9b2e72ec87a 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/VectoJob.vb	
@@ -8,16 +8,30 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Option Infer On
-Option Explicit On
+'Option Infer On
+'Option Explicit On
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
 Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
 Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.Impl
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
+<CustomValidation(GetType(VectoJob), "ValidateJob")>
 Public Class VectoJob
+	Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider, IDeclarationInputDataProvider, IEngineeringJobInputData, 
+				IDeclarationJobInputData, IDriverEngineeringInputData, IDriverDeclarationInputData
 	Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 3
@@ -35,9 +49,7 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	Private ReadOnly _gearboxFile As SubPath
 	Private _startStop As Boolean
-	Private _startStopMaxSpeed As Single
-	Private _startStopMinTime As Single
-	Public StartStopDelay As Integer
+	Public StartStopDelay As Double
 	Private ReadOnly _driverAccelerationFile As SubPath
@@ -48,22 +60,31 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	Public EngineOnly As Boolean
-	Public VMin As Single
+	Public VMin As Double
 	Public LookAheadOn As Boolean
 	Public OverSpeedOn As Boolean
-	Public OverSpeed As Single
-	Public UnderSpeed As Single
+	Public OverSpeed As Double
+	Public UnderSpeed As Double
 	Public EcoRollOn As Boolean
 	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
+	Private _vehicleInputData As JSONComponentInputData
+	Private _engineInputData As JSONComponentInputData
+	Private _gearboxInputData As JSONComponentInputData
+	Public LookAheadMinSpeed As Double
+	Public Property StartStopMaxSpeed As Double
+	Public Property StartStopTime As Double
 	Public Class AuxEntry
 		Public Type As String
 		Public ReadOnly Path As SubPath
-		Public TechStr As String = ""
+		Public ReadOnly TechnologyList As List(Of String)
 		Public Sub New()
 			Path = New SubPath
+			TechnologyList = New List(Of String)()
 		End Sub
 	End Class
@@ -84,54 +105,65 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	End Sub
 	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
+		Dim json As New JSONWriter
+		Dim validationResults As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+				Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+		If validationResults.Count > 0 Then
+			Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
+					validationResults.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
+			MsgBox("Invalid input." + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+					"Failed to save Vecto Job")
+			Return False
+		End If
-		json.Content.Add("Header", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-							{"CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")"},
-							{"Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")},
-							{"AppVersion", VECTOvers},
-							{"FileVersion", FormatVersion}})
+		Dim header As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+				{"CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")"},
+				{"Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")},
+				{"AppVersion", VECTOvers},
+				{"FileVersion", FormatVersion}}
-		Dim dic0 = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		Dim body As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic0.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
+		body.Add("SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode)
 		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
 		'Main Files
-		dic0.Add("VehicleFile", _vehicleFile.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("EngineFile", _engineFile.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("GearboxFile", _gearboxFile.PathOrDummy)
+		body.Add("VehicleFile", _vehicleFile.PathOrDummy)
+		body.Add("EngineFile", _engineFile.PathOrDummy)
+		body.Add("GearboxFile", _gearboxFile.PathOrDummy)
 		If CycleFiles.Count > 0 Then
-			dic0.Add("Cycles", CycleFiles.Select(Function(sb) sb.PathOrDummy))
+			body.Add("Cycles", CycleFiles.Select(Function(sb) sb.PathOrDummy))
 		End If
-		dic0.Add("AuxiliaryAssembly", AuxiliaryAssembly)
-		dic0.Add("AuxiliaryVersion", AuxiliaryVersion)
-		dic0.Add("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath", AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath)
+		body.Add("AuxiliaryAssembly", AuxiliaryAssembly)
+		body.Add("AuxiliaryVersion", AuxiliaryVersion)
+		body.Add("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath", AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath)
 		If AuxPaths.Any() Then
-			dic0.Add("Aux", AuxPaths.Select(Function(kv) New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+			body.Add("Aux", AuxPaths.Select(Function(kv) New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 												{"ID", Trim(UCase(kv.Key))},
 												{"Type", kv.Value.Type},
 												{"Path", kv.Value.Path.PathOrDummy},
-												{"Technology", IIf(kv.Value.TechStr = "", New List(Of String), New List(Of String) From {kv.Value.TechStr})}
+												{"Technology", kv.Value.TechnologyList}
 		End If
-		dic0.Add("VACC", _driverAccelerationFile.PathOrDummy)
-		dic0.Add("EngineOnlyMode", EngineOnly)
-		dic0.Add("StartStop", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+		body.Add("VACC", _driverAccelerationFile.PathOrDummy)
+		body.Add("EngineOnlyMode", EngineOnly)
+		body.Add("StartStop", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 					{"Enabled", _startStop},
-					{"MaxSpeed", _startStopMaxSpeed},
-					{"MinTime", _startStopMinTime},
+					{"MaxSpeed", StartStopMaxSpeed},
+					{"MinTime", StartStopTime},
 					{"Delay", StartStopDelay}})
-		dic0.Add("LAC", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+		body.Add("LAC", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 					{"Enabled", LookAheadOn},
 					{"PreviewDistanceFactor", LacPreviewFactor},
 					{"DF_offset", LacDfOffset},
@@ -140,7 +172,7 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 					{"Df_velocityDropLookup", LacDfVelocityDropFile}})
 		'Overspeed / EcoRoll
-		Dim overspeedDic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		Dim overspeedDic As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 		If EcoRollOn Then
 			overspeedDic.Add("Mode", "EcoRoll")
 		ElseIf OverSpeedOn Then
@@ -151,214 +183,221 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		overspeedDic.Add("MinSpeed", VMin)
 		overspeedDic.Add("OverSpeed", OverSpeed)
 		overspeedDic.Add("UnderSpeed", UnderSpeed)
-		dic0.Add("OverSpeedEcoRoll", overspeedDic)
+		body.Add("OverSpeedEcoRoll", overspeedDic)
-		json.Content.Add("Body", dic0)
+		json.Content = JToken.FromObject(New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"Header", header}, {"Body", body}})
 		Return json.WriteFile(_sFilePath)
 	End Function
-	Public Function ReadFile() As Boolean
-		Const msgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/GEN"
-		SetDefault()
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
-		If Not json.ReadFile(_sFilePath) Then Return False
-		Try
-			Dim fileVersion = json.Content("Header")("FileVersion")
-			Dim body As JObject = json.Content("Body")
-			If fileVersion > 1 Then
-				SavedInDeclMode = body("SavedInDeclMode")
-			Else
-				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			End If
-			If Not body("VehicleFile") Is Nothing Then _
-				_vehicleFile.Init(_myPath, body("VehicleFile"))
-			_engineFile.Init(_myPath, body("EngineFile"))
-			If Not body("GearboxFile") Is Nothing Then _
-				_gearboxFile.Init(_myPath, body("GearboxFile"))
-			If Not body("Cycles") Is Nothing Then
-				For Each str As String In body("Cycles")
-					Dim subPath = New SubPath
-					subPath.Init(_myPath, str)
-					CycleFiles.Add(subPath)
-				Next
-			End If
-			'AA-TB
-			If Not body("AuxiliaryAssembly") Is Nothing AndAlso
-				Not body("AuxiliaryVersion") Is Nothing Then
-				AuxiliaryAssembly = body("AuxiliaryAssembly").ToString()
-				AuxiliaryVersion = body("AuxiliaryVersion").ToString()
-			End If
-			If Not body("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath") Is Nothing Then
-				AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = body("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath").ToString()
-			End If
-			If Not body("Aux") Is Nothing Then
-				For Each dic In body("Aux")
-					Dim auxId As String = UCase(Trim(dic("ID").ToString))
-					If AuxPaths.ContainsKey(auxId) Then
-						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Multiple definitions of the same auxiliary type (" & auxId & ")!", msgSrc)
-						Return False
-					End If
-					Dim auxEntry = New AuxEntry
-					auxEntry.Type = dic("Type")
-					auxEntry.Path.Init(_myPath, dic("Path"))
-					If Not dic("Technology") Is Nothing Then
-						If fileVersion = 2 Then
-							auxEntry.TechStr = dic("Technology")
-						End If
-						If fileVersion = 3 Then
-							auxEntry.TechStr = dic("Technology").FirstOrDefault()
-						End If
-					End If
-					If (auxId = sKey.AUX.HVAC) Then
-						If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(auxEntry.TechStr) Then
-							auxEntry.TechStr = ""
-							WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal, "Aux: Automatically Upgraded HVAC to new format.", msgSrc)
-						End If
-					End If
-					If auxId = sKey.AUX.ElecSys Then
-						If auxEntry.TechStr = "Custom Technology List" OrElse String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(auxEntry.TechStr) Then
-							Dim hasTech = False
-							If Not dic("TechList") Is Nothing Then
-								For Each t In dic("TechList")
-									hasTech = True
-								Next
-							End If
-							If Not hasTech Then
-								auxEntry.TechStr = "Standard technology"
-							Else
-								auxEntry.TechStr = "Standard technology - LED headlights, all"
-							End If
-							WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal,
-									"Aux: Automatically Upgraded Electric System to new format: '" + auxEntry.TechStr + "'",
-									msgSrc)
-						End If
-					End If
-					If auxId = sKey.AUX.SteerPump Then
-						Select Case auxEntry.TechStr
-							Case "Variable displacement"
-								WorkerMsg(MessageType.Warn, "Aux: Steering Pump Technology not automatically convertible. Please set new value.",
-										msgSrc)
-							Case "Hydraulic supported by electric"
-								WorkerMsg(MessageType.Warn, "Aux: Steering Pump Technology not automatically convertible. Please set new value.",
-										msgSrc)
-						End Select
-					End If
-					If auxId = sKey.AUX.Fan Then
-						Select Case auxEntry.TechStr
-							Case "Crankshaft mounted - Electronically controlled visco clutch (Default)"
-								auxEntry.TechStr = "Crankshaft mounted - Electronically controlled visco clutch"
-							Case "Crankshaft mounted - On/Off clutch"
-								auxEntry.TechStr = "Crankshaft mounted - On/off clutch"
-							Case "Belt driven or driven via transm. - On/Off clutch"
-								auxEntry.TechStr = "Belt driven or driven via transm. - On/off clutch"
-						End Select
-					End If
-					If fileVersion = 2 AndAlso auxId = sKey.AUX.PneumSys Then
-						auxEntry.TechStr = ""
-						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Warn, "Aux: Pneumatic System must be updated. Please set new value.",
-								msgSrc)
-					End If
-					AuxPaths.Add(auxId, auxEntry)
-				Next
-			End If
-			If Not body("VACC") Is Nothing Then
-				_driverAccelerationFile.Init(_myPath, body("VACC"))
-			End If
-			EngineOnly = body("EngineOnlyMode")
-			If Not body("StartStop") Is Nothing Then
-				Dim dic = body("StartStop")
-				_startStop = dic("Enabled")
-				_startStopMaxSpeed = dic("MaxSpeed")
-				_startStopMinTime = dic("MinTime")
-				StartStopDelay = dic("Delay")
-			Else
-				_startStop = False
-			End If
-			If Not body("LAC") Is Nothing Then
-				Dim dic = body("LAC")
-				LookAheadOn = dic("Enabled")
-				LacPreviewFactor = If(dic("PreviewDistanceFactor") Is Nothing, 10, dic("PreviewDistanceFactor"))
-				LacDfOffset = If(dic("DF_offset") Is Nothing, 2.5, dic("DF_offset"))
-				LacDfScale = If(dic("DF_scaling") Is Nothing, 1.5, dic("DF_scaling"))
-				LacDfTargetSpeedFile = If(Not dic("DF_targetSpeedLookup") Is Nothing, dic("DF_targetSpeedLookup"), "")
-				LacDfVelocityDropFile = If(Not dic("Df_velocityDropLookup") Is Nothing, dic("Df_velocityDropLookup"), "")
-			Else
-				LookAheadOn = False
-			End If
-			If Not body("OverSpeedEcoRoll") Is Nothing Then
-				Dim dic = body("OverSpeedEcoRoll")
+	'Public Function ReadFile() As Boolean
+	'	Const msgSrc = "Main/ReadInp/GEN"
-				Select Case UCase(dic("Mode").ToString).Trim
-					Case "ECOROLL"
-						OverSpeedOn = False
-						EcoRollOn = True
+	'	SetDefault()
-					Case "OVERSPEED"
-						OverSpeedOn = True
-						EcoRollOn = False
-					Case "OFF"
-						OverSpeedOn = False
-						EcoRollOn = False
-					Case Else
-						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Value '" & dic("Mode").ToString() & "' is not valid for OverSpeedEcoRoll/Mode!",
-								msgSrc)
-						Return False
-				End Select
-				VMin = dic("MinSpeed")
-				OverSpeed = dic("OverSpeed")
-				If Not dic("UnderSpeed") Is Nothing Then UnderSpeed = dic("UnderSpeed")
-			Else
-				OverSpeedOn = False
-				EcoRollOn = False
-			End If
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, msgSrc)
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
-	End Function
+	'	Dim json As New JSONParser
+	'	If Not json.ReadFile(_sFilePath) Then Return False
+	'	Try
+	'		Dim fileVersion As Integer = json.Content.GetEx("Header").GetEx(Of Integer)("FileVersion")
+	'		Dim body As JToken = json.Content.GetEx("Body")
+	'		If fileVersion > 1 Then
+	'			SavedInDeclMode = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("SavedInDeclMode")
+	'		Else
+	'			SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
+	'		End If
+	'		If Not body("VehicleFile") Is Nothing Then _
+	'			_vehicleFile.Init(_myPath, body.GetEx(Of String)("VehicleFile"))
+	'		_engineFile.Init(_myPath, body.GetEx(Of String)("EngineFile"))
+	'		If Not body("GearboxFile") Is Nothing Then _
+	'			_gearboxFile.Init(_myPath, body.GetEx(Of String)("GearboxFile"))
+	'		If Not body("Cycles") Is Nothing Then
+	'			For Each entry As JToken In body.GetEx("Cycles")
+	'				Dim subPath = New SubPath
+	'				subPath.Init(_myPath, entry.Value(Of String))
+	'				CycleFiles.Add(subPath)
+	'			Next
+	'		End If
+	'		'AA-TB
+	'		If Not body("AuxiliaryAssembly") Is Nothing AndAlso
+	'			Not body("AuxiliaryVersion") Is Nothing Then
+	'			AuxiliaryAssembly = body("AuxiliaryAssembly").ToString()
+	'			AuxiliaryVersion = body("AuxiliaryVersion").ToString()
+	'		End If
+	'		If Not body("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath") Is Nothing Then
+	'			AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath = body("AdvancedAuxiliaryFilePath").ToString()
+	'		End If
+	'		If Not body("Aux") Is Nothing Then
+	'			For Each dic As JToken In body.GetEx("Aux")
+	'				Dim auxId As String = UCase(Trim(dic.GetEx(Of String)("ID")))
+	'				If AuxPaths.ContainsKey(auxId) Then
+	'					WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Multiple definitions of the same auxiliary type (" & auxId & ")!", msgSrc)
+	'					Return False
+	'				End If
+	'				Dim auxEntry = New AuxEntry
+	'				auxEntry.Type = dic.GetEx(Of String)("Type")
+	'				auxEntry.Path.Init(_myPath, dic.GetEx(Of String)("Path"))
+	'				If Not dic("Technology") Is Nothing Then
+	'					If fileVersion = 2 Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add(dic.GetEx(Of String)("Technology"))
+	'					End If
+	'					If fileVersion = 3 Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList = dic.GetEx("Technology").ToObject(Of List(Of String))() '.FirstOrDefault()
+	'					End If
+	'				End If
+	'				If (auxId = Constants.AuxiliaryKey.HVAC) Then
+	'					If auxEntry.TechnologyList.Count > 0 Then ' Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(auxEntry.TechStr) Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal, "Aux: Automatically Upgraded HVAC to new format.", msgSrc)
+	'					End If
+	'				End If
+	'				If auxId = Constants.AuxiliaryKey.ElecSys Then
+	'					If auxEntry.TechnologyList.Contains("Custom Technology List") OrElse auxEntry.TechnologyList.Count > 0 Then
+	'						Dim hasTech = False
+	'						If Not dic("TechList") Is Nothing Then
+	'							For Each t In dic("TechList")
+	'								hasTech = True
+	'							Next
+	'						End If
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'						If Not hasTech Then
+	'							auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add("Standard technology")
+	'						Else
+	'							auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add("Standard technology - LED headlights, all")
+	'						End If
+	'						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal,
+	'								"Aux: Automatically Upgraded Electric System to new format: '" + auxEntry.TechnologyList.FirstOrDefault() + "'",
+	'								msgSrc)
+	'					End If
+	'				End If
+	'				If auxId = Constants.AuxiliaryKey.SteerPump Then
+	'					If _
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Contains("Variable displacement") OrElse
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Contains("Hydraulic supported by electric") Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Warn, "Aux: Steering Pump Technology not automatically convertible. Please set new value.",
+	'								msgSrc)
+	'					End If
+	'				End If
+	'				If auxId = Constants.AuxiliaryKey.Fan Then
+	'					If auxEntry.TechnologyList.Contains("Crankshaft mounted - Electronically controlled visco clutch (Default)") Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add("Crankshaft mounted - Electronically controlled visco clutch")
+	'					End If
+	'					If auxEntry.TechnologyList.Contains("Crankshaft mounted - On/Off clutch") Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add("Crankshaft mounted - On/off clutch")
+	'					End If
+	'					If auxEntry.TechnologyList.Contains("Belt driven or driven via transm. - On/Off clutch") Then
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'						auxEntry.TechnologyList.Add("Belt driven or driven via transm. - On/off clutch")
+	'					End If
+	'				End If
+	'				If fileVersion = 2 AndAlso auxId = Constants.AuxiliaryKey.PneumSys Then
+	'					auxEntry.TechnologyList.Clear()
+	'					WorkerMsg(MessageType.Warn, "Aux: Pneumatic System must be updated. Please set new value.",
+	'							msgSrc)
+	'				End If
+	'				AuxPaths.Add(auxId, auxEntry)
+	'			Next
+	'		End If
+	'		If Not body("VACC") Is Nothing Then
+	'			_driverAccelerationFile.Init(_myPath, body.GetEx(Of String)("VACC"))
+	'		End If
+	'		EngineOnly = body.GetEx(Of Boolean)("EngineOnlyMode")
+	'		If Not body("StartStop") Is Nothing Then
+	'			Dim startStop As JToken = body.GetEx("StartStop")
+	'			_startStop = startStop.GetEx(Of Boolean)("Enabled")
+	'			_startStopMaxSpeed = startStop.GetEx(Of Double)("MaxSpeed")
+	'			_startStopMinTime = startStop.GetEx(Of Double)("MinTime")
+	'			StartStopDelay = startStop.GetEx(Of Double)("Delay")
+	'		Else
+	'			_startStop = False
+	'		End If
+	'		If Not body("LAC") Is Nothing Then
+	'			Dim lac = body.GetEx("LAC")
+	'			LookAheadOn = lac.GetEx(Of Boolean)("Enabled")
+	'			LacPreviewFactor = If(lac("PreviewDistanceFactor") Is Nothing, 10, lac.GetEx(Of Double)("PreviewDistanceFactor"))
+	'			LacDfOffset = If(lac("DF_offset") Is Nothing, 2.5, lac.GetEx(Of Double)("DF_offset"))
+	'			LacDfScale = If(lac("DF_scaling") Is Nothing, 1.5, lac.GetEx(Of Double)("DF_scaling"))
+	'			LacDfTargetSpeedFile =
+	'				If(Not lac("DF_targetSpeedLookup") Is Nothing, lac.GetEx(Of String)("DF_targetSpeedLookup"), "")
+	'			LacDfVelocityDropFile =
+	'				If(Not lac("Df_velocityDropLookup") Is Nothing, lac.GetEx(Of String)("Df_velocityDropLookup"), "")
+	'		Else
+	'			LookAheadOn = False
+	'		End If
+	'		If Not body("OverSpeedEcoRoll") Is Nothing Then
+	'			Dim dic = body("OverSpeedEcoRoll")
+	'			Select Case UCase(dic("Mode").ToString).Trim
+	'				Case "ECOROLL"
+	'					OverSpeedOn = False
+	'					EcoRollOn = True
+	'				Case "OVERSPEED"
+	'					OverSpeedOn = True
+	'					EcoRollOn = False
+	'				Case "OFF"
+	'					OverSpeedOn = False
+	'					EcoRollOn = False
+	'				Case Else
+	'					WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Value '" & dic("Mode").ToString() & "' is not valid for OverSpeedEcoRoll/Mode!",
+	'							msgSrc)
+	'					Return False
+	'			End Select
+	'			VMin = dic.GetEx(Of Double)("MinSpeed")
+	'			OverSpeed = dic.GetEx(Of Double)("OverSpeed")
+	'			If Not dic("UnderSpeed") Is Nothing Then UnderSpeed = dic.GetEx(Of Double)("UnderSpeed")
+	'		Else
+	'			OverSpeedOn = False
+	'			EcoRollOn = False
+	'		End If
+	'	Catch ex As Exception
+	'		WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read VECTO file! " & ex.Message, msgSrc)
+	'		Return False
+	'	End Try
+	'	Return True
+	'End Function
 	Private Sub SetDefault()
@@ -368,8 +407,8 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		_startStop = False
-		_startStopMaxSpeed = 5
-		_startStopMinTime = 5
+		StartStopMaxSpeed = 5
+		StartStopTime = 5
 		StartStopDelay = 0
@@ -453,6 +492,13 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDriverDeclarationInputData_SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean _
+		Implements IDriverDeclarationInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+		Get
+			Return SavedInDeclMode
+		End Get
+	End Property
 	Public Property StartStop As Boolean
 			Return _startStop
@@ -462,24 +508,81 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property StStV As Single
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDriverEngineeringInputData_OverSpeedEcoRoll As IOverSpeedEcoRollEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.OverSpeedEcoRoll
-			Return _startStopMaxSpeed
+			Dim mode As DriverMode = DriverMode.Off
+			If EcoRollOn Then
+				mode = DriverMode.EcoRoll
+			ElseIf OverSpeedOn Then
+				mode = DriverMode.Overspeed
+			End If
+			Return New OverSpeedEcoRollInputData() With {
+				.Mode = mode,
+				.MinSpeed = VMin.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+				.OverSpeed = OverSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+				.UnderSpeed = UnderSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()
+				}
 		End Get
-		Set(value As Single)
-			_startStopMaxSpeed = value
-		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property StStT As Single
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDriverEngineeringInputData_StartStop As IStartStopEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.StartStop
-			Return _startStopMinTime
+			Return New StartStopInputData With {
+				.Enabled = _startStop,
+				.MaxSpeed = StartStopMaxSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+				.MinTime = StartStopTime.SI(Of Second)(),
+				.Delay = StartStopDelay.SI(Of Second)()
+				}
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property OverSpeedEcoRoll As IOverSpeedEcoRollDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDriverDeclarationInputData.OverSpeedEcoRoll
+		Get
+			Return IDriverEngineeringInputData_OverSpeedEcoRoll
 		End Get
-		Set(value As Single)
-			_startStopMinTime = value
-		End Set
 	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property AccelerationCurve As TableData Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.AccelerationCurve
+		Get
+			If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath) Then Return Nothing
+			If Not File.Exists(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath) Then
+				Try
+					Dim cycleDataRes As Stream =
+							RessourceHelper.ReadStream(
+								RessourceHelper.Namespace + "VACC." + _driverAccelerationFile.OriginalPath +
+								VectoCore.Configuration.Constants.FileExtensions.DriverAccelerationCurve)
+					Return VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(cycleDataRes)
+				Catch ex As Exception
+					Return Nothing
+				End Try
+			End If
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(_driverAccelerationFile.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Lookahead As ILookaheadCoastingInputData Implements IDriverEngineeringInputData.Lookahead
+		Get
+			Dim lacTargetLookup As TableData =
+					If(File.Exists(LacDfTargetSpeedFile), VectoCSVFile.Read(LacDfTargetSpeedFile), Nothing)
+			Dim lacVdropLookup As TableData =
+					If(File.Exists(LacDfVelocityDropFile), VectoCSVFile.Read(LacDfVelocityDropFile), Nothing)
+			Return New LookAheadCoastingInputData With {
+				.Enabled = LookAheadOn,
+				.MinSpeed = LookAheadMinSpeed.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+				.CoastingDecisionFactorScaling = LacDfScale,
+				.CoastingDecisionFactorOffset = LacDfOffset,
+				.LookaheadDistanceFactor = LacPreviewFactor,
+				.CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup = lacTargetLookup,
+				.CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup = lacVdropLookup
+				}
+		End Get
+	End Property
 	Public Property DesMaxFile(Optional ByVal original As Boolean = False) As String
 			If original Then
@@ -493,13 +596,305 @@ Public Class VectoJob
 		End Set
 	End Property
-	Public Property LacPreviewFactor As Single
-	Public Property LacDfOffset As Single
-	Public Property LacDfScale As Single
+	Public Property LacPreviewFactor As Double
+	Public Property LacDfOffset As Double
+	Public Property LacDfScale As Double
 	Public Property LacDfTargetSpeedFile As String
 	Public Property LacDfVelocityDropFile As String
+#End Region
+	' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used by Validation
+	Public Shared Function ValidateJob(vectoJob As VectoJob, validationContext As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
+		Dim modeService As ExecutionModeServiceContainer = TryCast(validationContext.GetService(GetType(ExecutionMode)), 
+																	ExecutionModeServiceContainer)
+		Dim mode As ExecutionMode = If(modeService Is Nothing, ExecutionMode.Declaration, modeService.Mode)
+		Dim jobData As IEnumerable(Of VectoRunData)
+		vectoJob._vehicleInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._vehicleFile.FullPath)
+		vectoJob._engineInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._engineFile.FullPath)
+		vectoJob._gearboxInputData = New JSONComponentInputData(vectoJob._gearboxFile.FullPath)
+		Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) = New List(Of ValidationResult)
+		If vectoJob._vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData Is Nothing Then _
+			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is missing or invalid"))
+		If vectoJob._engineInputData.EngineInputData Is Nothing Then _
+			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is missing or invalid"))
+		If vectoJob._gearboxInputData.GearboxInputData Is Nothing Then _
+			result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is missing or invalid"))
+		If result.Any() Then
+			Return _
+				New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+		End If
+		Try
+			If mode = ExecutionMode.Declaration Then
+				If Not vectoJob._vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is not in Declaration Mode"))
+				End If
+				If Not vectoJob._engineInputData.EngineInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is not in Declaration Mode"))
+				End If
+				If Not vectoJob._gearboxInputData.GearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Declaration Mode"))
+				End If
+				If result.Any() Then
+					Return _
+						New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+				End If
+				Dim dataFactory As DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory = New DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory(vectoJob, Nothing)
+				jobData = dataFactory.NextRun()
+			Else
+				If vectoJob._vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Vehicle File is not in Engineering Mode"))
+				End If
+				If vectoJob._engineInputData.EngineInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Engine File is not in Engineering Mode"))
+				End If
+				If vectoJob._gearboxInputData.GearboxInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
+					result.Add(New ValidationResult("Gearbox File is not in Engineering Mode"))
+				End If
+				If result.Any() Then
+					Return _
+						New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+				End If
+				Dim dataFactory As EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory = New EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory(vectoJob)
+				jobData = dataFactory.NextRun()
+			End If
+			jobData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If result.Any() Then
+				Return _
+					New ValidationResult("Vecto Job Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+			End If
+			Return ValidationResult.Success
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			Return New ValidationResult(ex.Message)
+		Finally
+			vectoJob._vehicleInputData = Nothing
+			vectoJob._engineInputData = Nothing
+			vectoJob._gearboxInputData = Nothing
+		End Try
+	End Function
+#Region "IInputData"
+	Public Function JobInputData() As IEngineeringJobInputData Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.JobInputData
+		Return Me
+	End Function
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_VehicleInputData As IVehicleDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public Function IDeclarationInputDataProvider_JobInputData() As IDeclarationJobInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.JobInputData
+		Throw New NotImplementedException
+	End Function
+	Public ReadOnly Property VehicleInputData As IVehicleEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_GearboxInputData As IGearboxDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.GearboxInputData
+		Get
+			Return _gearboxInputData.GearboxInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property GearboxInputData As IGearboxEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.GearboxInputData
+		Get
+			Return _gearboxInputData.GearboxInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_TorqueConverterInputData As ITorqueConverterDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.TorqueConverterInputData
+		Get
+			Return _gearboxInputData.TorqueConverterInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TorqueConverterInputData As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.TorqueConverterInputData
+		Get
+			Return _gearboxInputData.TorqueConverterInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AxleGearInputData As IAxleGearInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.AxleGearInputData
+		Get
+			Return _gearboxInputData.AxleGearInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property AxleGearInputData As IAxleGearInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.AxleGearInputData
+		Get
+			Return _gearboxInputData.AxleGearInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AngularGearInputData As IAngularGearInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.AngularGearInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.AngularGearInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property AngularGearInputData As IAngularGearInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.AngularGearInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.AngularGearInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_EngineInputData As IEngineDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.EngineInputData
+		Get
+			Return _engineInputData.EngineInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property EngineInputData As IEngineEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.EngineInputData
+		Get
+			Return _engineInputData.EngineInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public Function AuxiliaryInputData() As IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.AuxiliaryInputData
+		Throw New NotImplementedException
+	End Function
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_RetarderInputData As IRetarderInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.RetarderInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.RetarderInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public Function IDeclarationInputDataProvider_AuxiliaryInputData() As IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.AuxiliaryInputData
+		Throw New NotImplementedException
+	End Function
+	Public ReadOnly Property RetarderInputData As IRetarderInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.RetarderInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.RetarderInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDeclarationInputDataProvider_DriverInputData As IDriverDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDeclarationInputDataProvider.DriverInputData
+		Get
+			Return Me
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property DriverInputData As IDriverEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.DriverInputData
+		Get
+			Return Me
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property PTOTransmissionInputData As IPTOTransmissionInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringInputDataProvider.PTOTransmissionInputData
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.PTOTransmissionInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+		Get
+			Return SavedInDeclMode
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IDriverDeclarationInputData_StartStop As IStartStopDeclarationInputData _
+		Implements IDriverDeclarationInputData.StartStop
+		Get
+			Return IDriverEngineeringInputData_StartStop
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IEngineeringJobInputData_Vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData _
+		Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.Vehicle
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Vehicle As IVehicleDeclarationInputData Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.Vehicle
+		Get
+			Return _vehicleInputData.VehicleInputData
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Cycles As IList(Of ICycleData) Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.Cycles
+		Get
+			Dim retVal As ICycleData() = New ICycleData(CycleFiles.Count) {}
+			Dim i As Integer = 0
+			For Each cycleFile As SubPath In CycleFiles
+				Dim cycleData As TableData
+				If (File.Exists(cycleFile.FullPath)) Then
+					cycleData = VectoCSVFile.Read(cycleFile.FullPath)
+				Else
+					Try
+						Dim cycleDataRes As Stream =
+								RessourceHelper.ReadStream(RessourceHelper.Namespace + "MissionCycles." + cycleFile.OriginalPath + ".vdri")
+						cycleData = VectoCSVFile.ReadStream(cycleDataRes)
+					Catch ex As Exception
+						Throw New VectoException("Driving Cycle could not be read: " + cycleFile.OriginalPath)
+					End Try
+				End If
+				retVal(i) = New CycleInputData With {
+					.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cycleFile.FullPath),
+					.CycleData = cycleData
+					}
+				i += 1
+			Next
+			Return retVal
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property EngineOnlyMode As Boolean Implements IEngineeringJobInputData.EngineOnlyMode
+		Get
+			Return EngineOnly
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property JobName As String Implements IDeclarationJobInputData.JobName
+		Get
+			Return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
 #End Region
 End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb
index e8eccb79de762b051d96c1ae6f6f1fc9c9c77d6a..d67e58fa65e4fd3b123b451ca14b0a4533e5c18a 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/Vehicle.vb	
@@ -8,62 +8,70 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Option Infer On
+'Option Infer On
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Linq
+Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
 Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
+Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
+<CustomValidation(GetType(Vehicle), "ValidateVehicle")>
 Public Class Vehicle
+	Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData, IVehicleDeclarationInputData, IRetarderInputData, IPTOTransmissionInputData, 
+				IAngularGearInputData
 	'V2 MassMax is now saved in [t] instead of [kg]
 	Private Const FormatVersion As Short = 7
-	Private _fileVersion As Short
 	Private _filePath As String
 	Private _path As String
-	Public Mass As Single
-	Public Loading As Single
+	Public Mass As Double
+	Public Loading As Double
-	Public CdA0 As Single
+	Public CdA0 As Double
 	Public CrossWindCorrectionMode As CrossWindCorrectionMode
 	Public ReadOnly CrossWindCorrectionFile As SubPath
-	Public RetarderType As RetarderType
-	Public RetarderRatio As Single = 0
+	<ValidateObject()> Public RetarderType As RetarderType
+	Public RetarderRatio As Double = 0
 	Public ReadOnly RetarderLossMapFile As SubPath
-	Public DynamicTyreRadius As Single
+	Public DynamicTyreRadius As Double
 	Public ReadOnly Axles As List(Of Axle)
 	Public VehicleCategory As VehicleCategory
-	Public MassExtra As Single
-	Public MassMax As Single
+	Public MassExtra As Double
+	Public MassMax As Double
 	Public AxleConfiguration As AxleConfiguration
 	Public SavedInDeclMode As Boolean
 	Public AngularGearType As AngularGearType
-	Public AngularGearRatio As Single
+	Public AngularGearRatio As Double
 	Public ReadOnly AngularGearLossMapFile As SubPath
-	Public PTOType As String
-	Public PTOLossMap As SubPath
-	Public PTOCycle As SubPath
+	Public PtoType As String
+	Public ReadOnly PtoLossMap As SubPath
+	Public ReadOnly PtoCycle As SubPath
 	Public Class Axle
-		Public RRC As Single
-		Public Share As Single
+		Public RRC As Double
+		Public Share As Double
 		Public TwinTire As Boolean
-		Public FzISO As Single
+		Public FzISO As Double
 		Public Wheels As String
-		Public Inertia As Single
+		Public Inertia As Double
 	End Class
@@ -76,11 +84,77 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		AngularGearLossMapFile = New SubPath()
 		Axles = New List(Of Axle)
-		PTOLossMap = New SubPath()
-		PTOCycle = New SubPath()
+		PtoLossMap = New SubPath()
+		PtoCycle = New SubPath()
 	End Sub
+	' ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global  -- used for Validation
+	Public Shared Function ValidateVehicle(vehicle As Vehicle, validationContext As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
+		Dim vehicleData As VehicleData
+		Dim retarderData As RetarderData
+		Dim ptoData As PTOData = Nothing
+		Dim angledriveData As AngularGearData
+		Dim modeService As ExecutionModeServiceContainer = TryCast(validationContext.GetService(GetType(ExecutionMode)), 
+																	ExecutionModeServiceContainer)
+		Dim mode As ExecutionMode = If(modeService Is Nothing, ExecutionMode.Declaration, modeService.Mode)
+		Try
+			If mode = ExecutionMode.Declaration Then
+				Dim doa As DeclarationDataAdapter = New DeclarationDataAdapter()
+				Dim segment As Segment = DeclarationData.Segments.Lookup(vehicle.VehicleCategory, vehicle.AxleConfiguration,
+																		vehicle.GrossVehicleMassRating, vehicle.CurbWeightChassis)
+				vehicleData = doa.CreateVehicleData(vehicle, segment.Missions.First(),
+													segment.Missions.First().Loadings.First().Value)
+				retarderData = doa.CreateRetarderData(vehicle)
+				angledriveData = doa.CreateAngularGearData(vehicle, False)
+			Else
+				Dim doa As EngineeringDataAdapter = New EngineeringDataAdapter()
+				vehicleData = doa.CreateVehicleData(vehicle)
+				retarderData = doa.CreateRetarderData(vehicle)
+				angledriveData = doa.CreateAngularGearData(vehicle, True)
+				ptoData = doa.CreatePTOTransmissionData(vehicle)
+			End If
+			Dim result As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+					vehicleData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If result.Any() Then
+				Return _
+					New ValidationResult("Vehicle Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+			End If
+			result = retarderData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+			If result.Any() Then
+				Return _
+					New ValidationResult("Retarder Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+			End If
+			If vehicle.AngularGearType = AngularGearType.SeparateAngularGear Then
+				result = angledriveData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+				If result.Any() Then
+					Return _
+						New ValidationResult("AngleDrive Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+				End If
+			End If
+			If Not vehicle.PTOTransmissionType = "None" Then
+				result = ptoData.Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
+				If result.Any() Then
+					Return _
+						New ValidationResult("PTO Configuration is invalid. ", result.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage).ToList())
+				End If
+			End If
+			Return ValidationResult.Success
+		Catch ex As Exception
+			Return New ValidationResult(ex.Message)
+		End Try
+	End Function
 	Private Sub SetDefault()
 		Mass = 0
 		MassExtra = 0
@@ -102,9 +176,9 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		AngularGearRatio = 1
-		PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-		PTOLossMap.Clear()
-		PTOCycle.Clear()
+		PtoType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
+		PtoLossMap.Clear()
+		PtoCycle.Clear()
 		VehicleCategory = VehicleCategory.RigidTruck	'tVehCat.Undef
@@ -114,180 +188,69 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 		SavedInDeclMode = False
 	End Sub
-	Public Function ReadFile(Optional showMsg As Boolean = True) As Boolean
-		Const msgSrc = "VEH/ReadFile"
-		SetDefault()
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
-		If Not json.ReadFile(_filePath) Then Return False
-		Try
-			Dim header = json.Content("Header")
-			Dim body = json.Content("Body")
-			_fileVersion = header("FileVersion")
-			If _fileVersion > 4 Then
-				SavedInDeclMode = body("SavedInDeclMode")
-			Else
-				SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			End If
-			Mass = body("CurbWeight")
-			MassExtra = body("CurbWeightExtra")
-			Loading = body("Loading")
-			VehicleCategory = body("VehCat").ToString.ParseEnum(Of VehicleCategory)() 'ConvVehCat(body("VehCat").ToString)
-			AxleConfiguration = AxleConfigurationHelper.Parse(body("AxleConfig")("Type").ToString)
-			If _fileVersion < 2 Then
-				'convert kg to ton
-				MassMax /= 1000
-			Else
-				MassMax = body("MassMax")
-			End If
-			If _fileVersion < 7 Then
-				'calc CdA from Cd and area value
-				CdA0 = CSng(body("Cd")) * CSng(body("CrossSecArea"))
-			Else
-				CdA0 = body("CdA")
-			End If
-			'CdA02 = CdA0
-			CrossWindCorrectionMode = CrossWindCorrectionModeHelper.Parse(body("CdCorrMode").ToString)
-			If Not body("CdCorrFile") Is Nothing Then
-				CrossWindCorrectionFile.Init(_path, body("CdCorrFile"))
-			End If
-			If body("Retarder") Is Nothing Then
-				RetarderType = RetarderType.None
-			Else
-				RetarderType = RetarderTypeHelper.Parse(body("Retarder")("Type").ToString)
-				If Not body("Retarder")("Ratio") Is Nothing Then
-					RetarderRatio = body("Retarder")("Ratio")
-				End If
-				If Not body("Retarder")("File") Is Nothing Then
-					RetarderLossMapFile.Init(_path, body("Retarder")("File"))
-				End If
-			End If
-			If body("AngularGear") Is Nothing Then
-				AngularGearType = AngularGearType.None
-			Else
-				AngularGearType = body("AngularGear")("Type").ToString.ParseEnum(Of AngularGearType)()
-				If Not body("AngularGear")("Ratio") Is Nothing Then
-					AngularGearRatio = body("AngularGear")("Ratio")
-				End If
-				If Not body("AngularGear")("LossMap") Is Nothing Then
-					AngularGearLossMapFile.Init(_path, body("AngularGear")("LossMap"))
-				End If
-			End If
-			Dim inertiaTemp As Single
-			If _fileVersion < 3 Then
-				inertiaTemp = body("WheelsInertia")
-				DynamicTyreRadius = 1000 * body("WheelsDiaEff") / 2
-			Else
-				DynamicTyreRadius = body("rdyn")
-			End If
-			Dim axleCount = body("AxleConfig")("Axles").Count()
-			For Each axleEntry In body("AxleConfig")("Axles")
-				Dim axle = New Axle With {
-						.Share = CSng(axleEntry("AxleWeightShare")),
-						.TwinTire = CBool(axleEntry("TwinTyres")),
-						.RRC = CSng(axleEntry("RRCISO")),
-						.FzISO = CSng(axleEntry("FzISO"))}
-				If _fileVersion < 3 Then
-					axle.Wheels = "-"
-					axle.Inertia = inertiaTemp / (IIf(axle.TwinTire, 4, 2) * axleCount)
-				Else
-					axle.Wheels = CStr(axleEntry("Wheels")).Replace("R ", "R")
-					axle.Inertia = CSng(axleEntry("Inertia"))
-				End If
-				Axles.Add(axle)
-			Next
-			PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-			If Not body("PTO") Is Nothing Then
-				Dim ptoStr = body("PTO")("Type")
-				If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ptoStr) Then
-					PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-					WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal, "PTO automatically updated to '" + PTOType + "'", msgSrc)
-				Else
-					Try
-						DeclarationData.PTOTransmission.Lookup(ptoStr)
-						PTOType = ptoStr
-					Catch ex As Exception
-						PTOType = PTOTransmission.NoPTO
-						WorkerMsg(MessageType.Normal, "PTO '" + ptoStr + "' not found, automatically updated to '" + PTOType + "'", msgSrc)
-					End Try
-				End If
-			End If
+	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
+		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-			If Not PTOType.Equals(PTOTransmission.NoPTO) Then
-				PTOLossMap.Init(_path, body("PTO")("LossMap"))
-				PTOCycle.Init(_path, body("PTO")("Cycle"))
-			End If
+		Dim validationResults As IList(Of ValidationResult) =
+				Validate(If(Cfg.DeclMode, ExecutionMode.Declaration, ExecutionMode.Engineering))
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			If showMsg Then WorkerMsg(MessageType.Err, "Failed to read Vehicle file! " & ex.Message, msgSrc)
+		If validationResults.Count > 0 Then
+			Dim messages As IEnumerable(Of String) =
+					validationResults.Select(Function(r) r.ErrorMessage + String.Join(", ", r.MemberNames.Distinct()))
+			MsgBox("Invalid input." + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
+					"Failed to save vehicle")
 			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
-	End Function
+		End If
-	Public Function SaveFile() As Boolean
-		SavedInDeclMode = Cfg.DeclMode
-		Dim json As New JSONParser
+		Dim json As New JSONWriter
-		json.Content.Add("Header", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-							{"CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")"},
-							{"Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")},
-							{"AppVersion", VECTOvers},
-							{"FileVersion", FormatVersion}})
+		Dim header As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+				{"CreatedBy", Lic.LicString & " (" & Lic.GUID & ")"},
+				{"Date", Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")},
+				{"AppVersion", VECTOvers},
+				{"FileVersion", FormatVersion}}
-		Dim dic As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
-		dic = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-			{"SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode},
-			{"VehCat", VehicleCategory.ToString()},
-			{"CurbWeight", Mass},
-			{"CurbWeightExtra", MassExtra},
-			{"Loading", Loading},
-			{"MassMax", MassMax},
-			{"CdA", CdA0},
-			{"rdyn", DynamicTyreRadius},
-			{"CdCorrMode", CrossWindCorrectionMode.GetName()},
-			{"CdCorrFile", CrossWindCorrectionFile.PathOrDummy},
-			{"Retarder", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+		Dim body As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+				{"SavedInDeclMode", Cfg.DeclMode},
+				{"VehCat", VehicleCategory.ToString()},
+				{"CurbWeight", Mass},
+				{"CurbWeightExtra", MassExtra},
+				{"Loading", Loading},
+				{"MassMax", MassMax},
+				{"CdA", CdA0},
+				{"rdyn", DynamicTyreRadius},
+				{"CdCorrMode", CrossWindCorrectionMode.GetName()},
+				{"CdCorrFile", CrossWindCorrectionFile.PathOrDummy},
+				{"Retarder", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 				{"Type", RetarderType.GetName()},
 				{"Ratio", RetarderRatio},
 				{"File", RetarderLossMapFile.PathOrDummy}}},
-			{"AngularGear", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+				{"AngularGear", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 				{"Type", AngularGearType.ToString()},
 				{"Ratio", AngularGearRatio},
 				{"LossMap", AngularGearLossMapFile.PathOrDummy}}},
-			{"PTO", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-				{"Type", PTOType},
-				{"LossMap", PTOLossMap.PathOrDummy},
-				{"Cycle", PTOCycle.PathOrDummy}}},
-			{"AxleConfig", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+				{"PTO", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
+				{"Type", PtoType},
+				{"LossMap", PtoLossMap.PathOrDummy},
+				{"Cycle", PtoCycle.PathOrDummy}}},
+				{"AxleConfig", New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
 				{"Type", AxleConfiguration.GetName()},
 				{"Axles", (From axle In Axles Select New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
-					{"Inertia", axle.Inertia},
-					{"Wheels", axle.Wheels},
-					{"AxleWeightShare", axle.Share},
-					{"TwinTyres", axle.TwinTire},
-					{"RRCISO", axle.RRC},
-					{"FzISO", axle.FzISO}})}}}
-			}
-		json.Content.Add("Body", dic)
+				{"Inertia", axle.Inertia},
+				{"Wheels", axle.Wheels},
+				{"AxleWeightShare", axle.Share},
+				{"TwinTyres", axle.TwinTire},
+				{"RRCISO", axle.RRC},
+				{"FzISO", axle.FzISO}
+				}
+				)}
+				}
+				}
+				}
+		json.Content = JToken.FromObject(New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"Header", header}, {"Body", body}})
 		Return json.WriteFile(_filePath)
 	End Function
@@ -310,4 +273,224 @@ Public Class Vehicle
 	End Property
 #End Region
+#Region "IInputData"
+	Public ReadOnly Property SourceType As DataSourceType Implements IComponentInputData.SourceType
+		Get
+			Return DataSourceType.JSONFile
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Source As String Implements IComponentInputData.Source
+		Get
+			Return FilePath
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property SavedInDeclarationMode As Boolean Implements IComponentInputData.SavedInDeclarationMode
+		Get
+			Return Cfg.DeclMode
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Vendor As String Implements IComponentInputData.Vendor
+		Get
+			Return "N.A."  ' TODO: MQ  20160908
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property ModelName As String Implements IComponentInputData.ModelName
+		Get
+			Return "N.A."  ' Todo: MQ 20160908
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Creator As String Implements IComponentInputData.Creator
+		Get
+			Return Lic.LicString
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property [Date] As String Implements IComponentInputData.[Date]
+		Get
+			Return Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property TypeId As String Implements IComponentInputData.TypeId
+		Get
+			Return "N.A."	' ToDo: MQ 20160908
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property DigestValue As String Implements IComponentInputData.DigestValue
+		Get
+			Return ""
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IntegrityStatus As IntegrityStatus Implements IComponentInputData.IntegrityStatus
+		Get
+			Return IntegrityStatus.NotChecked
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleDeclarationInputData_VehicleCategory As VehicleCategory _
+		Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.VehicleCategory
+		Get
+			Return VehicleCategory
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleDeclarationInputData_AxleConfiguration As AxleConfiguration _
+		Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AxleConfiguration
+		Get
+			Return AxleConfiguration
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property CurbWeightChassis As Kilogram Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.CurbWeightChassis
+		Get
+			Return MassExtra.SI(Of Kilogram)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property GrossVehicleMassRating As Kilogram _
+		Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.GrossVehicleMassRating
+		Get
+			Return MassMax.SI().Ton.Cast(Of Kilogram)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property AirDragArea As SquareMeter Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.AirDragArea
+		Get
+			Return CdA0.SI(Of SquareMeter)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleEngineeringInputData_Axles As IList(Of IAxleEngineeringInputData) _
+		Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.Axles
+		Get
+			Return AxleWheels().Cast(Of IAxleEngineeringInputData)().ToList()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleDeclarationInputData_Axles As IList(Of IAxleDeclarationInputData) _
+		Implements IVehicleDeclarationInputData.Axles
+		Get
+			Return AxleWheels().Cast(Of IAxleDeclarationInputData)().ToList()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Private Function AxleWheels() As IEnumerable(Of AxleInputData)
+		Return Axles.Select(Function(axle) New AxleInputData With {
+								.SourceType = DataSourceType.JSONFile,
+								.Source = FilePath,
+								.Inertia = axle.Inertia.SI(Of KilogramSquareMeter)(),
+								.Wheels = axle.Wheels,
+								.AxleWeightShare = axle.Share,
+								.TwinTyres = axle.TwinTire,
+								.RollResistanceCoefficient = axle.RRC,
+								.TyreTestLoad = axle.FzISO.SI(Of Newton)()
+								})
+	End Function
+	Public ReadOnly Property CurbWeightExtra As Kilogram Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.CurbWeightExtra
+		Get
+			Return Mass.SI(Of Kilogram)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property CrosswindCorrectionMap As TableData _
+		Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.CrosswindCorrectionMap
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(CrossWindCorrectionFile.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleEngineeringInputData_CrossWindCorrectionMode As CrossWindCorrectionMode _
+		Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.CrossWindCorrectionMode
+		Get
+			Return CrossWindCorrectionMode.DeclarationModeCorrection
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleEngineeringInputData_DynamicTyreRadius As Meter _
+		Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.DynamicTyreRadius
+		Get
+			Return DynamicTyreRadius.SI().Milli.Meter.Cast(Of Meter)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IVehicleEngineeringInputData_Loading As Kilogram _
+		Implements IVehicleEngineeringInputData.Loading
+		Get
+			Return Loading.SI(Of Kilogram)()
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Type As RetarderType Implements IRetarderInputData.Type
+		Get
+			Return RetarderType
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IAngularGearInputData_Ratio As Double Implements IAngularGearInputData.Ratio
+		Get
+			Return AngularGearRatio
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IAngularGearInputData_Type As AngularGearType Implements IAngularGearInputData.Type
+		Get
+			Return AngularGearType
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Ratio As Double Implements IRetarderInputData.Ratio
+		Get
+			Return RetarderRatio
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IAngularGearInputData_LossMap As TableData Implements IAngularGearInputData.LossMap
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(AngularGearLossMapFile.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property LossMap As TableData Implements IRetarderInputData.LossMap
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(RetarderLossMapFile.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property Efficiency As Double Implements IAngularGearInputData.Efficiency
+		Get
+			Return If(IsNumeric(AngularGearLossMapFile.OriginalPath), AngularGearLossMapFile.OriginalPath.ToDouble(), -1.0)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+#End Region
+	Public ReadOnly Property PTOTransmissionType As String Implements IPTOTransmissionInputData.PTOTransmissionType
+		Get
+			Return PTOType
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IPTOTransmissionInputData_PTOCycle As TableData Implements IPTOTransmissionInputData.PTOCycle
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(PTOCycle.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
+	Public ReadOnly Property IPTOTransmissionInputData_PTOLossMap As TableData _
+		Implements IPTOTransmissionInputData.PTOLossMap
+		Get
+			Return VectoCSVFile.Read(PTOLossMap.FullPath)
+		End Get
+	End Property
 End Class
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VECTO/JSONparser.vb b/VECTO/JSONWriter.vb
similarity index 59%
rename from VECTO/JSONparser.vb
rename to VECTO/JSONWriter.vb
index 8a4cbcf7972a17e5af2c96cfac13cd12ff8824d6..7cabc5ab5db7e3e219dc9313429509710961bafe 100644
--- a/VECTO/JSONparser.vb
+++ b/VECTO/JSONWriter.vb
@@ -8,61 +8,23 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Imports System.Collections.Generic
 Imports System.IO
-Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
+Imports System.Linq
 Imports Newtonsoft.Json
+Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
 ''' <summary>
 ''' uses JSON.NET http://json.codeplex.com/
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
-Public Class JSONParser
-	Public Content As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+Public Class JSONWriter
+	Public Content As JToken 'Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 	Public Sub New()
-		Content = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
+		'Content = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 	End Sub
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Reads a JSON File into the Content variable.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="path"></param>
-	''' <returns></returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function ReadFile(path As String) As Boolean
-		Dim file As TextFieldParser
-		Dim str As String
-		Content.Clear()
-		If Not IO.File.Exists(path) Then
-			Return False
-		End If
-		Try
-			file = New TextFieldParser(path)
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		If file.EndOfData Then
-			file.Close()
-			Return False
-		End If
-		str = file.ReadToEnd
-		file.Close()
-		Try
-			Content = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(str, Content.GetType)
-		Catch ex As Exception
-			Return False
-		End Try
-		Return True
-	End Function
 	''' <summary>
 	''' Writes the Content variable into a JSON file.
diff --git a/VECTO/MainModule.vb b/VECTO/MainModule.vb
index 8796e1298553b7520b48b49a300fcbc98ab9a69b..2c751604f661e67da22b4e450aa02083a5055bb1 100644
--- a/VECTO/MainModule.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MainModule.vb
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
 Imports System.Collections.Generic
+Imports System.IO
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
@@ -20,35 +21,20 @@ Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
 Module MainModule
 	Public JobFileList As List(Of String)
-	Public Function ConvertToEngineData(fld As EngineFullLoadCurve, nIdle As Single) As CombustionEngineData
+	Public Function ConvertToEngineData(fld As EngineFullLoadCurve, nIdle As PerSecond) As CombustionEngineData
 		Dim retVal As CombustionEngineData = New CombustionEngineData()
-		retVal.FullLoadCurve = New TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine.EngineFullLoadCurve()
-		retVal.FullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries = New List(Of FullLoadCurve.FullLoadCurveEntry)
-		For i As Integer = 0 To fld.EngineSpeedList.Count - 1
-			retVal.FullLoadCurve.FullLoadEntries.Add(
-				New FullLoadCurve.FullLoadCurveEntry() _
-														With {.EngineSpeed = CType(fld.EngineSpeedList(i), Double).RPMtoRad(),
-														.TorqueFullLoad = CType(fld.MaxTorqueList(i), Double).SI(Of NewtonMeter)(),
-														.TorqueDrag = CType(fld.DragTorqueList(i), Double).SI(Of NewtonMeter)()})
-		Next
-		retVal.IdleSpeed = CType(nIdle, Double).RPMtoRad()
+		retVal.FullLoadCurve = fld
+		retVal.IdleSpeed = nIdle
 		Return retVal
 	End Function
-	Public Function ConvPicPath(hdVclass As String, isLongHaul As Boolean) As Bitmap
-		Dim longHaulFlag As String = ""
-		If isLongHaul Then
-			longHaulFlag = "t"
-		End If
+	Public Function ConvPicPath(hdVclass As Integer, isLongHaul As Boolean) As Bitmap
 		Select Case hdVclass
 			Case 1, 2, 3
 				Return My.Resources._4x2r ' resourcePath & "4x2r.png"
 			Case 4
 				If isLongHaul Then Return My.Resources._4x2rt
 				Return My.Resources._4x2r 'resourcePath & "4x2r" & longHaulFlag & ".png"
 			Case 5
 				Return My.Resources._4x2tt ' resourcePath & "4x2tt.png"
@@ -62,4 +48,13 @@ Module MainModule
 		End Select
 	End Function
+	Public Function GetRelativePath(filePath As String, basePath As String) As String
+		If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(basePath)) Then
+			Return ""
+		End If
+		If (Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath).Equals(basePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
+			Return Path.GetFileName(filePath)
+		End If
+		Return filePath
+	End Function
 End Module
diff --git a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
index db7fea4f09c165e2c734ca51ac73364d39df7116..7343c3210e32bddf930e2a33abc75cf098c4a15c 100644
--- a/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
+++ b/VECTO/VECTO.vbproj
@@ -47,11 +47,13 @@
-    <NoWarn>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42032,42036</NoWarn>
+    <NoWarn>
+    </NoWarn>
+    <WarningsAsErrors>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42020,42021,42022,42032,42036</WarningsAsErrors>
   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
@@ -60,11 +62,13 @@
-    <NoWarn>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42032,42036</NoWarn>
+    <NoWarn>
+    </NoWarn>
+    <WarningsAsErrors>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42020,42021,42022,42032,42036</WarningsAsErrors>
     <ApplicationManifest>My Project\app.manifest</ApplicationManifest>
@@ -75,7 +79,8 @@
-    <NoWarn>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42032,42036</NoWarn>
+    <NoWarn>
+    </NoWarn>
@@ -83,12 +88,14 @@
+    <WarningsAsErrors>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42020,42021,42022,42032,42036</WarningsAsErrors>
   <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86'">
-    <NoWarn>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42032,42036</NoWarn>
+    <NoWarn>
+    </NoWarn>
@@ -96,6 +103,7 @@
+    <WarningsAsErrors>41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42020,42021,42022,42032,42036</WarningsAsErrors>
@@ -115,11 +123,15 @@
+  <PropertyGroup>
+    <OptionStrict>On</OptionStrict>
+  </PropertyGroup>
     <Reference Include="itextsharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8354ae6d2174ddca, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
+    <Reference Include="Microsoft.Build.Framework" />
     <Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
@@ -129,6 +141,7 @@
     <Reference Include="System" />
+    <Reference Include="System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" />
     <Reference Include="System.Data" />
     <Reference Include="System.Deployment" />
     <Reference Include="System.Design" />
@@ -156,7 +169,7 @@
     <Compile Include="ApplicationEvents.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Input Files\AdvancedAuxiliary.vb" />
-    <Compile Include="JSONparser.vb" />
+    <Compile Include="JSONWriter.vb" />
     <Compile Include="GUI\FileSignDialog.Designer.vb">
@@ -228,8 +241,6 @@
     <Compile Include="File Browser\FileBrowserFavoritesDialog.vb">
-    <Compile Include="Input Files\EngineFullLoadCurve.vb" />
-    <Compile Include="Input Files\FuelconsumptionMap.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Input Files\VectoJob.vb" />
     <Compile Include="Input Files\Vehicle.vb" />
     <Compile Include="GUI\GearboxGearDialog.Designer.vb">
@@ -245,7 +256,6 @@
     <Compile Include="GUI\VectoJobForm.vb">
-    <Compile Include="CsvFile.vb" />
     <Compile Include="VECTO_Global.vb" />
     <Compile Include="VECTO_Types.vb" />
     <Compile Include="GUI\GUI_Subs.vb" />
diff --git a/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb b/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb
index 06fd0798aac2774cb3bb759725b9366e358166f0..c6c48b3deda86246944c20bddeb1b6b12578e40f 100644
--- a/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb
+++ b/VECTO/VECTO_Global.vb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 	Public MyConfPath As String
-	Public LogFile As cLogFile
+	Public LogFile As FileLogger
 	'to ensure correct format for backgroundworker thread
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 	Public Cfg As Configuration
-	Public sKey As csKey
+	'Public sKey As csKey
 	Public ReadOnly FileFormat As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
@@ -41,25 +41,14 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 	Public ProgBarCtrl As ProgressbarControl
-	''' <summary>
-	''' Converts engine speed and torque to power.
-	''' </summary>
-	''' <param name="nU">engine speed</param>
-	''' <param name="M">Torque</param>
-	''' <returns>Power</returns>
-	''' <remarks></remarks>
-	Public Function nMtoPe(nU As Double, M As Double) As Double
-		Return (nU * 2 * Math.PI / 60) * M / 1000
-	End Function
-	Public Class cLogFile
-		Private LOGstream As StreamWriter
+	Public Class FileLogger
+		Private _logStream As StreamWriter
 		Public Function StartLog() As Boolean
-				LOGstream = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(MyAppPath & "LOG.txt", True, FileFormat)
-				LOGstream.AutoFlush = True
+				_logStream = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(MyAppPath & "LOG.txt", True, FileFormat)
+				_logStream.AutoFlush = True
 				WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "Starting Session " & Now)
 				WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "VECTO " & VECTOvers)
 			Catch ex As Exception
@@ -71,7 +60,7 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 		Public Function SizeCheck() As Boolean
 			Dim logfDetail As FileInfo
-			Dim BackUpError As Boolean
+			Dim backUpError As Boolean
 			'Start new log if file size limit reached
 			If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "LOG.txt") Then
@@ -83,20 +72,20 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 				If logfDetail.Length / (2 ^ 20) > Cfg.LogSize Then
 					WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "Starting new logfile")
-					LOGstream.Close()
+					_logStream.Close()
-					BackUpError = False
+					backUpError = False
 						If File.Exists(MyAppPath & "LOG_backup.txt") Then File.Delete(MyAppPath & "LOG_backup.txt")
 						File.Move(MyAppPath & "LOG.txt", MyAppPath & "LOG_backup.txt")
 					Catch ex As Exception
-						BackUpError = True
+						backUpError = True
 					End Try
 					If Not StartLog() Then Return False
-					If BackUpError Then
+					If backUpError Then
 						WriteToLog(MessageType.Err, "Failed to backup logfile! (" & MyAppPath & "LOG_backup.txt)")
 						WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "Logfile restarted. Old log saved to LOG_backup.txt")
@@ -112,7 +101,7 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 		Public Function CloseLog() As Boolean
 				WriteToLog(MessageType.Normal, "Closing Session " & Now)
-				LOGstream.Close()
+				_logStream.Close()
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				Return False
 			End Try
@@ -121,20 +110,20 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 		End Function
-		Public Function WriteToLog(MsgType As MessageType, Msg As String) As Boolean
-			Dim MsgTypeStr As String
+		Public Function WriteToLog(msgType As MessageType, msg As String) As Boolean
+			Dim msgTypeStr As String
-			Select Case MsgType
+			Select Case msgType
 				Case MessageType.Err
-					MsgTypeStr = "Error"
+					msgTypeStr = "Error"
 				Case MessageType.Warn
-					MsgTypeStr = "Warning"
+					msgTypeStr = "Warning"
 				Case Else
-					MsgTypeStr = "-"
+					msgTypeStr = "-"
 			End Select
-				LOGstream.WriteLine(Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss") & vbTab & MsgTypeStr & vbTab & Msg)
+				_logStream.WriteLine(Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss") & vbTab & msgTypeStr & vbTab & msg)
 				Return True
 			Catch ex As Exception
 				Return False
@@ -145,9 +134,9 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 #Region "File path functions"
 	'When no path is specified, then insert either HomeDir or MainDir   Special-folders
-	Public Function fFileRepl(file As String, Optional ByVal MainDir As String = "") As String
+	Public Function FileRepl(file As String, Optional ByVal mainDir As String = "") As String
-		Dim ReplPath As String
+		Dim replPath As String
 		'Trim Path
 		file = Trim(file)
@@ -156,20 +145,20 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 		If file = "" Then Return ""
 		'Replace sKeys
-		file = Replace(file, sKey.DefVehPath & "\", MyAppPath & "Default Vehicles\", 1, -1,
+		file = Replace(file, DefVehPath & "\", MyAppPath & "Default Vehicles\", 1, -1,
-		file = Replace(file, sKey.HomePath & "\", MyAppPath, 1, -1, CompareMethod.Text)
+		file = Replace(file, HomePath & "\", MyAppPath, 1, -1, CompareMethod.Text)
 		'Replace - Determine folder
-		If MainDir = "" Then
-			ReplPath = MyAppPath
+		If mainDir = "" Then
+			replPath = MyAppPath
-			ReplPath = MainDir
+			replPath = mainDir
 		End If
 		' "..\" => One folder-level up
-		Do While ReplPath.Length > 0 AndAlso Left(file, 3) = "..\"
-			ReplPath = fPathUp(ReplPath)
+		Do While replPath.Length > 0 AndAlso Left(file, 3) = "..\"
+			replPath = PathUp(replPath)
 			file = file.Substring(3)
@@ -177,7 +166,7 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 		'Supplement Path, if not available
 		If GetPath(file) = "" Then
-			Return ReplPath & file
+			Return replPath & file
 			Return file
@@ -185,22 +174,22 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 	End Function
 	'Path one-level-up      "C:\temp\ordner1\"  >>  "C:\temp\"
-	Private Function fPathUp(Pfad As String) As String
-		Dim x As Int16
+	Private Function PathUp(pfad As String) As String
+		Dim x As Integer
-		Pfad = Pfad.Substring(0, Pfad.Length - 1)
+		pfad = pfad.Substring(0, pfad.Length - 1)
-		x = Pfad.LastIndexOf("\")
+		x = pfad.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal)
 		If x = -1 Then Return ""
-		Return Pfad.Substring(0, x + 1)
+		Return pfad.Substring(0, x + 1)
 	End Function
 	'File name without the path    "C:\temp\TEST.txt"  >>  "TEST.txt" oder "TEST"
 	Public Function GetFilenameWithoutPath(file As String, includeFileExtension As Boolean) As String _
-		Dim x As Int16
+		Dim x As Integer
 		x = file.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1
 		file = Right(file, Len(file) - x)
 		If Not includeFileExtension Then
@@ -239,7 +228,7 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 	'Extension alone      "C:\temp\TEST.txt" >> ".txt"
 	Public Function GetExtension(file As String) As String 'GetExtension
-		Dim x As Int16
+		Dim x As Integer
 		x = file.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)
 		If x = -1 Then
 			Return ""
@@ -253,26 +242,42 @@ Public Module VECTO_Global
 End Module
-Public Class csKey
-	Public ReadOnly AUX As csKeyAux
+Module Constants
+	'Public ReadOnly AUX As AuxiliaryKey
+	Public Const HomePath As String = "<HOME>"
+	Public Const DefVehPath As String = "<VEHDIR>"
+	Public Const NoFile As String = "<NOFILE>"
+	'Public Sub New()
+	'	AUX = New AuxiliaryKey
+	'End Sub
+	' ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
+End Module
-	Public HomePath As String = "<HOME>"
-	Public DefVehPath As String = "<VEHDIR>"
-	Public NoFile As String = "<NOFILE>"
-	Public Sub New()
-		AUX = New csKeyAux
-	End Sub
-	Public Class csKeyAux
-		Public Fan As String = "FAN"
-		Public SteerPump As String = "STP"
-		Public HVAC As String = "AC"
-		Public ElecSys As String = "ES"
-		Public PneumSys As String = "PS"
-	End Class
-End Class
diff --git a/VECTO/VECTO_Types.vb b/VECTO/VECTO_Types.vb
index f3bddb403e9c8de3c4bf71e78a20766a12a30e16..76140e455fcea745bba9f75b580334715a3357cf 100644
--- a/VECTO/VECTO_Types.vb
+++ b/VECTO/VECTO_Types.vb
@@ -8,22 +8,20 @@
 '   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
-Option Infer On
+'Option Infer On
-Imports System.Collections.Generic
-Imports System.Linq
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Determines how file extensions are set in the File Browser
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks></remarks>
-Public Enum tFbExtMode As Integer
+Public Enum FileBrowserFileExtensionMode As Integer
 	ForceExt = 0
 	MultiExt = 1
 	SingleExt = 2
 End Enum
-Public Enum tWorkMsgType
+Public Enum WorkerMessageType
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Exceptions/VectoSimulationException.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Exceptions/VectoSimulationException.cs
index 502b8e1b8c22b349c5534b3794b3b59566ee201a..8dd07914048d2566ef171fbaa9cb9b7720836f7a 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Exceptions/VectoSimulationException.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Exceptions/VectoSimulationException.cs
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions
 			Response = (IResponse)info.GetValue("Response", typeof(IResponse));
-		public IResponse Response;
+		public readonly IResponse Response;
 		public UnexpectedResponseException(string message, IResponse resp)
 			: base(message + Environment.NewLine + "{0}", resp)
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/DeclarationInputData.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/DeclarationInputData.cs
index 7820aa09230cd7d82924e8a1745d928af7141a40..bbc06175f338f3274c583030474c2d43f37ca4ea 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/DeclarationInputData.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/DeclarationInputData.cs
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Data;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
@@ -47,6 +46,10 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 	public interface IComponentInputData
+		DataSourceType SourceType { get; }
+		string Source { get; }
 		bool SavedInDeclarationMode { get; }
 		string Vendor { get; }
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P057, P058
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable LossMap { get; }
+		TableData LossMap { get; }
 	public interface IAngularGearInputData : IComponentInputData
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P173, P174, P175
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable LossMap { get; }
+		TableData LossMap { get; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P177
@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P096, P097, P098
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable LossMap { get; }
+		TableData LossMap { get; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P079
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P093, P094, P095
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable ShiftPolygon { get; }
+		TableData ShiftPolygon { get; }
 		///// <summary>
 		///// P077
@@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P096, P097, P098
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable LossMap { get; }
+		TableData LossMap { get; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P079
@@ -278,7 +281,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
 		// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
-		DataTable TCData { get; }
+		TableData TCData { get; }
 	public interface IEngineDeclarationInputData : IComponentInputData
@@ -313,20 +316,25 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// </summary>
 		double WHTCUrban { get; }
+		/// <summary>
+		/// P159
+		/// </summary>
+		double ColdHotBalancingFactor { get; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P067
 		/// P072, P073, P074
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// engine speed in rpm, torque in NM, fuel consumption in g/h
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable FuelConsumptionMap { get; }
+		TableData FuelConsumptionMap { get; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P144
 		/// P068, P069, P70, P71
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable FullLoadCurve { get; }
+		TableData FullLoadCurve { get; }
 	public interface IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData
@@ -344,7 +352,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P028, P029, P030, P031, P032, P119, P120, P121, P122, P123, P124, P125, P126
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable CycleData { get; }
+		TableData CycleData { get; }
 	public interface IDriverDeclarationInputData
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/EngineeringInputData.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/EngineeringInputData.cs
index e8c7d4a14eb7bb77b80c2f9a1bfc6d59b49c35ce..538ed4e621c1cc252cb7fc9c17b13da03ea84143 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/EngineeringInputData.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/EngineeringInputData.cs
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
-using System.Data;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P055, P056
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable CrosswindCorrectionMap { get; }
+		TableData CrosswindCorrectionMap { get; }
 	public interface IPTOTransmissionInputData
@@ -105,9 +104,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// <summary>
 		/// The PTO Loss map for idling losses of the "consumer" part.
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable PTOLossMap { get; }
+		TableData PTOLossMap { get; }
-		DataTable PTOCycle { get; }
+		TableData PTOCycle { get; }
 	public interface IAxleEngineeringInputData : IAxleDeclarationInputData
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// </summary>
 		KilogramSquareMeter Inertia { get; }
-		DataTable ShiftPolygon { get; }
+		TableData ShiftPolygon { get; }
 	public interface IEngineEngineeringInputData : IEngineDeclarationInputData
@@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P009; P033, P034, P035
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable AccelerationCurve { get; }
+		TableData AccelerationCurve { get; }
 		ILookaheadCoastingInputData Lookahead { get; }
@@ -322,16 +321,17 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P021
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		//MeterPerSecond MinSpeed { get; }
+		MeterPerSecond MinSpeed { get; }
 		double CoastingDecisionFactorOffset { get; }
 		double CoastingDecisionFactorScaling { get; }
 		double LookaheadDistanceFactor { get; }
-		DataTable CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup { get; }
+		TableData CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup { get; }
-		DataTable CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup { get; }
+		TableData CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup { get; }
 	public interface IAuxiliaryEngineeringInputData
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
 		/// P025, P026, P027  Aux-InputFile: map
 		/// cf. VECTO Input Parameters.xlsx
 		/// </summary>
-		DataTable DemandMap { get; }
+		TableData DemandMap { get; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// P178
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/TableData.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/TableData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..218a4f67a3f2047322a64e879e65d585113c9022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/InputData/TableData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System.Data;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
+	public class TableData : DataTable
+	{
+		public TableData(string fileName)
+		{
+			SourceType = DataSourceType.CSVFile;
+			Source = fileName;
+		}
+		public TableData()
+		{
+			SourceType = DataSourceType.Embedded;
+			Source = "";
+		}
+		public DataSourceType SourceType { get; protected set; }
+		public string Source { get; protected set; }
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AuxiliaryModel.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AuxiliaryModel.cs
index e7b39dc8d5589eb98a3e2b3c958730a4357bfaa6..f86b29c2a24cb9e36267f4e880474afbe2858538 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AuxiliaryModel.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AuxiliaryModel.cs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
-	public class AuxiliaryModelHelper
+	public static class AuxiliaryModelHelper
 		public static AuxiliaryModel Parse(string auxAssemblyStr)
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AxleConfiguration.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AxleConfiguration.cs
index 031f88e587ce326875103705f7417bb873d91e4f..7317e3aa7af5f7278b44a57dd5a503f6b92e245c 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AxleConfiguration.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/AxleConfiguration.cs
@@ -68,5 +68,24 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 			return (Prefix + typeString).ParseEnum<AxleConfiguration>();
+		public static int NumAxles(this AxleConfiguration self)
+		{
+			switch (self) {
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_4x2:
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_4x4:
+					return 2;
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_6x2:
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_6x4:
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_6x6:
+					return 3;
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_8x2:
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_8x4:
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_8x6:
+				case AxleConfiguration.AxleConfig_8x8:
+					return 4;
+			}
+			return 0;
+		}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/IResponse.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/IResponse.cs
index ce8922fc0c44e63638861fd0c81a2fe6ace2e5b1..f2252936aae39d16abd00544e7393fb1a8e0e9d1 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/IResponse.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/IResponse.cs
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/VehicleCategory.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/VehicleCategory.cs
index 609a21b2efc6b32ceb6b27b949b186910ed269b8..0b8bf3e37789f94e201675cfeb4ca6b1ffeabeb9 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/VehicleCategory.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Models/VehicleCategory.cs
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
-using System;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
 	public enum VehicleCategory
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/DoubleExtensionMethods.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/DoubleExtensionMethods.cs
index fb05531236dd1278e35c5803fe0fee2b32b168de..57684ac528cd3fb360efae0e70725d651bd5612f 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/DoubleExtensionMethods.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/DoubleExtensionMethods.cs
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Globalization;
 using System.Linq;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
@@ -184,11 +185,6 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			return SI<MeterPerSecond>(self / 3.6);
-		public static PerSecond RadToRPM(this double self)
-		{
-			return SI<PerSecond>(self * 60.0 / (2 * Math.PI));
-		}
 		public static double ToDegree(this double self)
 			return self * 180.0 / Math.PI;
@@ -215,6 +211,11 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			return self.Select(x => x.SI<T>());
+		public static string ToGUIFormat(this double self)
+		{
+			return self.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+		}
 	public static class FloatExtensionMethods
@@ -225,4 +226,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			return SIBase<T>.Create(value);
+	public static class IntegerExtensionMethods
+	{
+		public static string ToGUIFormat(this int self)
+		{
+			return self.ToString();
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/EnumerableExtensionMethods.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/EnumerableExtensionMethods.cs
index 6ccdbe2f4b6aedad66ecf7758064e3d1747acdcd..666526060e53e3b4a7479f161d1c7d9021159985 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/EnumerableExtensionMethods.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/EnumerableExtensionMethods.cs
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 				return false;
+			// ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
 			for (var i = 0; i < self.Length; i++) {
 				if (self[i].CompareTo(other[i]) != 0) {
 					return self.OrderBy(x => x).SequenceEqual(other.OrderBy(x => x));
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/SI.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/SI.cs
index 30bfd20894b3e46a461c4433e519d547fe80678e..c51e9f87f2489d9535db969240c1bdb28d0f66f8 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/SI.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/SI.cs
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 	/// <summary>
 	/// SI Class for one per second [1/s].
 	/// </summary>
-	[DebuggerDisplay("rad/s: {this} | rpm: {ConvertTo().Rounds.Per.Minute}")]
+	[DebuggerDisplay("rad/s: {Val} | rpm: {AsRPM}")]
 	public class PerSecond : SIBase<PerSecond>
 		private static readonly Unit[] DenominatorDefault = { Unit.s };
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 	/// <summary>
 	/// SI Class for Meter per second [m/s].
 	/// </summary>
-	[DebuggerDisplay("{this} | {ConvertTo().Kilo.Meter.Per.Hour}")]
+	[DebuggerDisplay("{Val} | {AsKmph}")]
 	public class MeterPerSecond : SIBase<MeterPerSecond>
 		private static readonly Unit[] NumeratorDefault = { Unit.m };
@@ -637,10 +637,11 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		private MeterPerSecond(double val) : base(val, NumeratorDefault, DenominatorDefault) {}
-		public double AsKmph()
+		public double AsKmph
-			return Val * 3.6;
+			get { return Val * 3.6; }
 		/// <summary>
 		/// Implements the operator /.
 		/// </summary>
@@ -833,8 +834,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		/// <param name="val">The value of the SI object.</param>
 		public static T Create(double val)
-			if (val == 0)
+			if (val == 0) {
 				return ZeroPrototype;
+			}
 			return Constructor(val);
@@ -1905,18 +1907,27 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		/// <summary>
 		///     Returns the Unit Part of the SI Unit Expression.
 		/// </summary>
-		private string GetUnitString()
+		public string GetUnitString()
 			if (Denominator.Any()) {
 				if (Numerator.Any()) {
-					return string.Concat(Numerator) + "/" + string.Concat(Denominator);
-				} else {
-					return "1/" + string.Concat(Denominator);
+					return string.Concat(
+						Numerator.GroupBy(x => x)
+							.Select(x => x.Count() == 1 ? x.Key.ToString() : string.Format("{0}^{1}", x.Key, x.Count())))
+							+ "/"
+							+ string.Concat(
+								Denominator.GroupBy(x => x)
+									.Select(x => x.Count() == 1 ? x.Key.ToString() : string.Format("{0}^{1}", x.Key, x.Count())));
+				return "1/" + string.Concat(
+					Denominator.GroupBy(x => x)
+						.Select(x => x.Count() == 1 ? x.Key.ToString() : string.Format("{0}^{1}", x.Key, x.Count())));
 			if (Numerator.Any()) {
-				return string.Concat(Numerator);
+				return string.Concat(
+					Numerator.GroupBy(x => x)
+						.Select(x => x.Count() == 1 ? x.Key.ToString() : string.Format("{0}^{1}", x.Key, x.Count())));
 			return "-";
@@ -2183,7 +2194,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		/// </returns>
 		public int CompareTo(object obj)
-			var si = (obj as SI);
+			var si = obj as SI;
 			if (si == null) {
 				return 1;
@@ -2249,5 +2260,10 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			return (Val * outputFactor.Value).ToString("F" + decimals.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+		public string ToGUIFormat()
+		{
+			return Val.ToGUIFormat();
+		}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/StringExtensionMethods.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/StringExtensionMethods.cs
index 5c56ba1f5587541588b11ebd3a6394c39b7c74d6..c78ef4f209e0316489f28fd52d58eae4ca1b015e 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/StringExtensionMethods.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/StringExtensionMethods.cs
@@ -51,6 +51,18 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
+		public static int ToInt(this string self, int? defaultValue = null)
+		{
+			try {
+				return int.Parse(self, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+			} catch (FormatException) {
+				if (defaultValue.HasValue) {
+					return defaultValue.Value;
+				}
+				throw;
+			}
+		}
 		public static bool ToBoolean(this string self)
 			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(self)) {
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/Validation.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/Validation.cs
index 860cb375033f47bc1ebcac4f294550bbd3b3b89e..2ab037be88e735995b47090c0ce627e5a6dfc1f3 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/Validation.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/Validation.cs
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		/// <returns>Null, if the validation was successfull. Otherwise a list of ValidationResults with the ErrorMessages.</returns>
 		public static IList<ValidationResult> Validate<T>(this T entity, ExecutionMode mode)
+			if (entity == null)
+				return  new[] { new ValidationResult(string.Format("null value given for {0}", typeof(T)))};
 			var context = new ValidationContext(entity);
 			context.ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(ExecutionMode), new ExecutionModeServiceContainer(mode));
 			var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
@@ -167,11 +169,29 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			if (enumerable != null) {
 				var i = 0;
 				foreach (var element in enumerable) {
-					var results = element.Validate(mode);
-					if (results.Any()) {
-						return new ValidationResult(
-							string.Format("{1}[{0}] in {1} invalid: {2}", i, validationContext.DisplayName,
-								string.Join("\n", results)));
+					if (element != null) {
+						var valueType = element.GetType();
+						if (valueType.IsGenericType) {
+							var baseType = valueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
+							if (baseType == typeof(KeyValuePair<,>)) {
+								var kvResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
+								kvResults.AddRange(valueType.GetProperty("Key").GetValue(element).Validate(mode));
+								kvResults.AddRange(valueType.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(element).Validate(mode));
+								if (kvResults.Any()) {
+									return new ValidationResult(
+										string.Format("{1}[{0}] in {1} invalid: {2}", valueType.GetProperty("Key").GetValue(element),
+											validationContext.DisplayName,
+											string.Join("\n", kvResults)));
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						var results = element.Validate(mode);
+						if (results.Any()) {
+							return new ValidationResult(
+								string.Format("{1}[{0}] in {1} invalid: {2}", i, validationContext.DisplayName,
+									string.Join("\n", results)));
+						}
@@ -198,6 +218,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 	public class SIRangeAttribute : RangeAttribute
 		private ExecutionMode? _mode;
+		private string _unit = "-";
 		/// <summary>
 		/// Checks the Min-Max Range of SI Objects.
@@ -233,7 +254,6 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		/// </summary>
 		/// <param name="minimum">The minimum.</param>
 		/// <param name="maximum">The maximum.</param>
-		/// <param name="mode">if specified the validation is only performed in the corresponding mode</param>
 		public SIRangeAttribute(double minimum, double maximum) : base(minimum, maximum) {}
 		/// <summary>
@@ -252,7 +272,6 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 		/// </summary>
 		/// <param name="minimum">The minimum.</param>
 		/// <param name="maximum">The maximum.</param>
-		/// <param name="mode">if specified the validation is only performed in the corresponding mode</param>
 		public SIRangeAttribute(SI minimum, SI maximum) : base(minimum.Value(), maximum.Value()) {}
 		/// <summary>
@@ -267,6 +286,10 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			var si = value as SI;
+			if (si != null) {
+				_unit = si.GetUnitString();
+			}
 			var modeService = validationContext.GetService(typeof(ExecutionMode)) as ExecutionModeServiceContainer;
 			var mode = modeService == null ? (ExecutionMode?)null : modeService.Mode;
 			if (mode == null) {
@@ -277,6 +300,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			return ValidationResult.Success;
+		public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
+		{
+			const string unitString = "{0} [{1}]";
+			return string.Format(ErrorMessageString, name, string.Format(unitString, Minimum, _unit),
+				string.Format(unitString, Maximum, _unit));
+		}
 	/// <summary>
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/VectoMath.cs b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/VectoMath.cs
index a6a0629cd9e84c7be48324a79015def78ff21116..3f801863df03a528c33ed2908dd7a658b35ab3fc 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/VectoMath.cs
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/Utils/VectoMath.cs
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 				retVal.Add((-b - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * a));
 			} else {
 				// only one solution possible
-				retVal.Add((-b / (2 * a)));
+				retVal.Add(-b / (2 * a));
 			return retVal;
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			var t = tNumer / denom;
-			return new Point(line1.P1.X + (t * s10X), line1.P1.Y + t * s10Y);
+			return new Point(line1.P1.X + t * s10X, line1.P1.Y + t * s10Y);
 		/// <summary>
@@ -261,31 +261,17 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			return Math.Ceiling(si.Value()).SI<T>();
-		public static List<double> CubicEquationSolver(double A, double B, double C, double D)
+		public static List<double> CubicEquationSolver(double a, double b, double c, double d)
-			//var a = B / A;
-			//var b = C / A;
-			//var d = D / A;
-			//var p = b / a - a * a / 3;
-			//var q = 2 * a * a / 27 - a * b / 3 + C;
-			//var R = q * q / 4 + p * p * p / 27;
-			//if (R > 0) {
-			//	// one real and two complex solutions - we are only interested on the real solution
-			//} else {
-			//	// three real solutions (two may coincide)
-			//}
 			var solutions = new List<double>();
-			if (A.IsEqual(0, 1e-12)) {
-				return QuadraticEquationSolver(B, C, D);
+			if (a.IsEqual(0, 1e-12)) {
+				return QuadraticEquationSolver(b, c, d);
-			var w = B / (3 * A);
-			var p = Math.Pow(C / (3 * A) - w * w, 3);
-			var q = -0.5 * (2 * (w * w * w) - (C * w - D) / A);
-			var d = q * q + p; // discriminant
-			if (d < 0.0) {
+			var w = b / (3 * a);
+			var p = Math.Pow(c / (3 * a) - w * w, 3);
+			var q = -0.5 * (2 * (w * w * w) - (c * w - d) / a);
+			var discriminant = q * q + p;
+			if (discriminant < 0.0) {
 				// 3 real solutions
 				var h = q / Math.Sqrt(-p);
 				var phi = Math.Acos(Math.Max(-1.0, Math.Min(1.0, h)));
@@ -295,15 +281,15 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 			} else {
 				// only one real solution
-				d = Math.Sqrt(d);
-				solutions.Add(Cbrt(q + d) + Cbrt(q - d) - w);
+				discriminant = Math.Sqrt(discriminant);
+				solutions.Add(Cbrt(q + discriminant) + Cbrt(q - discriminant) - w);
 			// 1 Newton iteration step in order to minimize round-off errors
 			for (var i = 0; i < solutions.Count; i++) {
-				var h = C + solutions[i] * (2 * B + 3 * solutions[i] * A);
+				var h = c + solutions[i] * (2 * b + 3 * solutions[i] * a);
 				if (!h.IsEqual(0, 1e-12)) {
-					solutions[i] -= (D + solutions[i] * (C + solutions[i] * (B + solutions[i] * A))) / h;
+					solutions[i] -= (d + solutions[i] * (c + solutions[i] * (b + solutions[i] * a))) / h;
@@ -431,10 +417,10 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
 	[DebuggerDisplay("Plane({X}, {Y}, {Z}, {W})")]
 	public class Plane
-		public double X;
-		public double Y;
-		public double Z;
-		public double W;
+		public readonly double X;
+		public readonly double Y;
+		public readonly double Z;
+		public readonly double W;
 		public Plane(double x, double y, double z, double w)
diff --git a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/VectoCommon.csproj b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/VectoCommon.csproj
index 1132531c6f72d50ca2acd874590b1387f462952e..767d0d4874514eb826aa59d86499fc953d7e02dc 100644
--- a/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/VectoCommon.csproj
+++ b/VectoCommon/VectoCommon/VectoCommon.csproj
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
     <Reference Include="System.Xml" />
+    <Compile Include="InputData\DataSourceType.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="InputData\TableData.cs">
+      <SubType>Component</SubType>
+    </Compile>
     <Compile Include="Models\AuxiliaryType.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Exceptions\VectoExceptions.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Exceptions\VectoSimulationException.cs" />
diff --git a/VectoConsole/Program.cs b/VectoConsole/Program.cs
index d6bd3f87c8ab7b189d6a28a0898cf4ca7334bc47..493c3c14e6c8e03f778807199aaa210930bb8a29 100644
--- a/VectoConsole/Program.cs
+++ b/VectoConsole/Program.cs
@@ -64,29 +64,29 @@ namespace VectoConsole
 Commandline Interface for Vecto.
-    vectocmd.exe [-h] [-v] FILE1.(vecto|xml) [FILE2.(vecto|xml) ...]
+	vectocmd.exe [-h] [-v] FILE1.(vecto|xml) [FILE2.(vecto|xml) ...]
-    FILE1.vecto [FILE2.vecto ...]: A list of vecto-job files (with the 
-       extension: .vecto). At least one file must be given. Delimited by 
-       whitespace.
-    -t: output information about execution times
-    -mod: write mod-data in addition to sum-data
-    -1Hz: convert mod-data to 1Hz resolution
-    -eng: switch to engineering mode (implies -mod)
-    -v: Shows verbose information (errors and warnings will be displayed)
+	FILE1.vecto [FILE2.vecto ...]: A list of vecto-job files (with the 
+	   extension: .vecto). At least one file must be given. Delimited by 
+	   whitespace.
+	-t: output information about execution times
+	-mod: write mod-data in addition to sum-data
+	-1Hz: convert mod-data to 1Hz resolution
+	-eng: switch to engineering mode (implies -mod)
+	-v: Shows verbose information (errors and warnings will be displayed)
 	-vv: Shows more verbose information (infos will be displayed)
 	-vvv: Shows debug messages (slow!)
 	-vvvv: Shows all verbose information (everything, slow!)
-    -V: show version information
-    -h: Displays this help.
+	-V: show version information
+	-h: Displays this help.
-    vecto.exe ""12t Delivery Truck.vecto"" 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
-    vecto.exe 24tCoach.vecto 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
-    vecto.exe -v 24tCoach.vecto
-    vecto.exe -v jobs\40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
+	vecto.exe ""12t Delivery Truck.vecto"" 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
+	vecto.exe 24tCoach.vecto 40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
+	vecto.exe -v 24tCoach.vecto
+	vecto.exe -v jobs\40t_Long_Haul_Truck.vecto
 	vecto.exe -h
diff --git a/VectoConsole/Properties/Version.cs b/VectoConsole/Properties/Version.cs
index 70953ae2e91733e7f7fb770f74c2d05a3dbebffe..d73061c36d524f677c5b99abd36af77cde2c6177 100644
--- a/VectoConsole/Properties/Version.cs
+++ b/VectoConsole/Properties/Version.cs
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
 using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Configuration/Constants.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Configuration/Constants.cs
index d8b0f2f0aacfbbd861ec2d399228573b117f09c3..03637f20859940c47e163d128e36be000c004468 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Configuration/Constants.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Configuration/Constants.cs
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration
 			public const string EngineDataFile = ".veng";
+			public const string VehicleDataFile = ".vveh";
+			public const string GearboxDataFile = ".vgbx";
 			public const string CycleFile = ".vdri";
 			public const string DriverAccelerationCurve = ".vacc";
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9ec1f8864b116ddd539091e35d6547a709000c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONComponentInputData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils;
+namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+	public class JSONComponentInputData : IEngineeringInputDataProvider, IDeclarationInputDataProvider
+	{
+		protected IGearboxEngineeringInputData Gearbox;
+		protected IAxleGearInputData AxleGear;
+		protected ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData TorqueConverter;
+		protected IAngularGearInputData AngularGear;
+		protected IEngineEngineeringInputData Engine;
+		protected IVehicleEngineeringInputData VehicleData;
+		protected IRetarderInputData Retarder;
+		protected IPTOTransmissionInputData PTOTransmission;
+		public JSONComponentInputData(string filename)
+		{
+			var extension = Path.GetExtension(filename);
+			object tmp = null;
+			switch (extension) {
+				case Constants.FileExtensions.VehicleDataFile:
+					tmp = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonVehicle(filename);
+					break;
+				case Constants.FileExtensions.EngineDataFile:
+					tmp = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadEngine(filename);
+					break;
+				case Constants.FileExtensions.GearboxDataFile:
+					tmp = JSONInputDataFactory.ReadGearbox(filename);
+					break;
+			}
+			tmp.Switch()
+				.If<IVehicleEngineeringInputData>(c => VehicleData = c)
+				.If<IEngineEngineeringInputData>(c => Engine = c)
+				.If<IGearboxEngineeringInputData>(c => Gearbox = c)
+				.If<IAxleGearInputData>(c => AxleGear = c)
+				.If<IRetarderInputData>(c => Retarder = c)
+				.If<ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData>(c => TorqueConverter = c)
+				.If<IAngularGearInputData>(c => AngularGear = c)
+				.If<IPTOTransmissionInputData>(c => PTOTransmission = c);
+		}
+		public IEngineeringJobInputData JobInputData()
+		{
+			throw new NotImplementedException();
+		}
+		IVehicleDeclarationInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.VehicleInputData
+		{
+			get { return VehicleData; }
+		}
+		IGearboxDeclarationInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.GearboxInputData
+		{
+			get { return GearboxInputData; }
+		}
+		ITorqueConverterDeclarationInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.TorqueConverterInputData
+		{
+			get { return TorqueConverterInputData; }
+		}
+		IDeclarationJobInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.JobInputData()
+		{
+			throw new NotImplementedException();
+		}
+		public IVehicleEngineeringInputData VehicleInputData
+		{
+			get { return VehicleData; }
+		}
+		public IGearboxEngineeringInputData GearboxInputData
+		{
+			get { return Gearbox; }
+		}
+		public ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData TorqueConverterInputData
+		{
+			get { return TorqueConverter; }
+		}
+		public IAxleGearInputData AxleGearInputData
+		{
+			get { return AxleGear; }
+		}
+		public IAngularGearInputData AngularGearInputData
+		{
+			get { return AngularGear; }
+		}
+		IEngineDeclarationInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.EngineInputData
+		{
+			get { return EngineInputData; }
+		}
+		public IEngineEngineeringInputData EngineInputData
+		{
+			get { return Engine; }
+		}
+		public IAuxiliariesEngineeringInputData AuxiliaryInputData()
+		{
+			throw new NotImplementedException();
+		}
+		IAuxiliariesDeclarationInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.AuxiliaryInputData()
+		{
+			throw new NotImplementedException();
+		}
+		public IRetarderInputData RetarderInputData
+		{
+			get { return Retarder; }
+		}
+		IDriverDeclarationInputData IDeclarationInputDataProvider.DriverInputData
+		{
+			get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
+		}
+		public IDriverEngineeringInputData DriverInputData
+		{
+			get { return DriverInputData; }
+		}
+		public IPTOTransmissionInputData PTOTransmissionInputData
+		{
+			get { return PTOTransmission; }
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONEngineData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONEngineData.cs
index 5dc1b8abaab6434a9e9a0b62aa8f6c0537f1d8d1..a5262b4ca36c2633ce4efd170ea7f04b3d5dbe3f 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONEngineData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONEngineData.cs
@@ -81,12 +81,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			get { return Body.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Engine_IdleSpeed).RPMtoRad(); }
-		public virtual DataTable FuelConsumptionMap
+		public virtual TableData FuelConsumptionMap
 			get { return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Engine_FuelConsumptionMap), "FuelConsumptionMap"); }
-		public virtual DataTable FullLoadCurve
+		public virtual TableData FullLoadCurve
 			get { return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Engine_FullLoadCurveFile), "FullLoadCurve"); }
@@ -116,6 +117,17 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			get { return Body.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Engine_WHTC_Urban); }
+		public double ColdHotBalancingFactor
+		{
+			get
+			{
+				if (Body["ColdHotBalancingFactor"] == null) {
+					return 1.0;
+				}
+				return Body.GetEx<double>("ColdHotBalancingFactor");
+			}
+		}
 		public string Vendor
 			get { return "N/A"; }
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONGearboxData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONGearboxData.cs
index 8cbf235a751dcf11a371e32c47ea6f0cc00eb350..0ca3625a09604af87ef3d6350374ea21e7739891 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONGearboxData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONGearboxData.cs
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		public override DataTable ShiftPolygon
+		public override TableData ShiftPolygon
 				return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Gearbox_TorqueConverter)
-					.GetEx<string>("ShiftPolygon"), "TorqueConverter Shift Polygon");
+					.GetEx<string>("ShiftPolygon"), "TorqueConverter Shift Polygon", false);
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		public DataTable LossMap
+		public TableData LossMap
@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			get { return Body.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Gearbox_Inertia).SI<KilogramSquareMeter>(); }
-		public virtual DataTable ShiftPolygon
+		public virtual TableData ShiftPolygon
 				return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Gearbox_Gears)[1].GetEx<string>("ShiftPolygon"),
-					"TorqueConverter Shift Polygon");
+					"TorqueConverter Shift Polygon", false);
@@ -365,13 +365,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		public virtual DataTable TCData
+		public virtual TableData TCData
-						"TorqueConverter Data");
+						"TorqueConverter Data", false);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs
index a05c1eceae693849beeb08f3c0ad564e06d51972..c6b764db12e6f025f0e26bfec91969c581e71afd 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputData.cs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 	public abstract class JSONFile : LoggingObject
-		private string _basePath;
+		private readonly string _sourceFile;
 		protected readonly JObject Header;
 		protected readonly JObject Body;
@@ -59,7 +59,17 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			Header = (JObject)data.GetEx(JsonKeys.JsonHeader);
 			Body = (JObject)data.GetEx(JsonKeys.JsonBody);
-			BasePath = filename;
+			_sourceFile = Path.GetFullPath(filename);
+		}
+		public DataSourceType SourceType
+		{
+			get { return DataSourceType.JSONFile; }
+		}
+		public string Source
+		{
+			get { return _sourceFile; }
 		public bool SavedInDeclarationMode
@@ -69,11 +79,10 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 		internal string BasePath
-			get { return _basePath; }
-			set { _basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(value)); }
+			get { return Path.GetDirectoryName(_sourceFile); }
-		protected DataTable ReadTableData(string filename, string tableType, bool required = true)
+		protected TableData ReadTableData(string filename, string tableType, bool required = true)
 			if (!EmptyOrInvalidFileName(filename)) {
 				try {
@@ -309,10 +318,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 				var retVal = new List<ICycleData>();
+				if (Body[JsonKeys.Job_Cycles] == null) {
+					return retVal;
+				}
 				foreach (var cycle in Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Job_Cycles)) {
 					//.Select(cycle => 
 					var cycleFile = Path.Combine(BasePath, cycle.Value<string>());
-					DataTable cycleData;
+					TableData cycleData;
 					if (File.Exists(cycleFile)) {
 						cycleData = VectoCSVFile.Read(cycleFile);
 					} else {
@@ -400,10 +412,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 					? ReadTableData(lac.GetEx<string>("Df_velocityDropLookup"),
 						"Lookahead Coasting Decisionfactor - Velocity drop", false)
 					: null;
+				var minSpeed = lac["MinSpeed"] != null
+					? lac.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.DriverData_Lookahead_MinSpeed).KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()
+					: DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.MinimumSpeed;
 				return new LookAheadCoastingInputData() {
 					Enabled = lac.GetEx<bool>(JsonKeys.DriverData_Lookahead_Enabled),
 					//Deceleration = lac.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.DriverData_Lookahead_Deceleration).SI<MeterPerSquareSecond>(),
-					//MinSpeed = lac.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.DriverData_Lookahead_MinSpeed).KMPHtoMeterPerSecond(),
+					MinSpeed = minSpeed,
 					LookaheadDistanceFactor = distanceScalingFactor,
 					CoastingDecisionFactorOffset = lacDfOffset,
 					CoastingDecisionFactorScaling = lacDfScaling,
@@ -433,7 +448,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		public virtual DataTable AccelerationCurve
+		public virtual TableData AccelerationCurve
@@ -441,7 +456,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 				var acceleration = Body[JsonKeys.DriverData_AccelerationCurve];
 				if (acceleration == null || EmptyOrInvalidFileName(acceleration.Value<string>())) {
-					throw new VectoException("AccelerationCurve (VACC) required");
+					return null;
+//					throw new VectoException("AccelerationCurve (VACC) required");
 				try {
 					return ReadTableData(acceleration.Value<string>(), "DriverAccelerationCurve", false);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
index bbe30049c62d65b3b805d04dab6dae20cab20574..4d0cf7cb515046439d8e257c23f40cdd3acac2b8 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONInputDataFactory.cs
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+using System;
 using Newtonsoft.Json;
 using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
 using System.IO;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
@@ -50,10 +52,19 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
+		public static IInputDataProvider ReadComponentData(string filename)
+		{
+			if (Constants.FileExtensions.VectoJobFile.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
+				return ReadJsonJob(filename);
+			}
+			return new JSONComponentInputData(filename);
+		}
 		public static IInputDataProvider ReadJsonJob(string filename)
 			var json = ReadFile(filename);
 			var version = ReadVersion(json);
 			switch (version) {
 				case 2:
 					return new JSONInputDataV2(json, filename);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs
index 1c0f4846201ab1a828e771953ae0569c63a6b8b0..45c648a28899dbef63415149d2a08323f67fad88 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/FileIO/JSON/JSONVehicleData.cs
@@ -87,21 +87,11 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			get { return Body.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_DragCoefficient).SI<SquareMeter>(); }
-		public virtual SquareMeter AirDragAreaRigidTruck
-		{
-			get { return Body.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_DragCoefficientRigidTruck).SI<SquareMeter>(); }
-		}
 		public virtual CrossWindCorrectionMode CrossWindCorrectionMode
 			get { return CrossWindCorrectionModeHelper.Parse(Body.GetEx<string>("CdCorrMode")); }
-		public virtual string Rim
-		{
-			get { return Body.GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_Rim); }
-		}
 		public virtual AxleConfiguration AxleConfiguration
@@ -127,6 +117,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 					axle => new AxleInputData {
+						SourceType = DataSourceType.JSONFile,
+						Source = Source,
 						Inertia = axle.GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_Axles_Inertia).SI<KilogramSquareMeter>(),
 						Wheels = axle.GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_Axles_Wheels),
 						TwinTyres = axle.GetEx<bool>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_Axles_TwinTyres),
@@ -136,9 +128,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		public virtual DataTable CrosswindCorrectionMap
+		public virtual TableData CrosswindCorrectionMap
-			get { return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx<string>("CdCorrFile"), "CrosswindCorrection File"); }
+			get { return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx<string>("CdCorrFile"), "CrosswindCorrection File", false); }
@@ -159,7 +151,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			get { return Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_Retarder).GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_Retarder_Ratio); }
-		DataTable IRetarderInputData.LossMap
+		TableData IRetarderInputData.LossMap
@@ -167,7 +159,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-						"LossMap");
+						"LossMap", false);
@@ -180,8 +172,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 				var angleDrive = Body[JsonKeys.Vehicle_AngularGear];
-				if (angleDrive == null)
+				if (angleDrive == null) {
 					return AngularGearType.None;
+				}
 				return angleDrive.GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_AngularGear_Type).ParseEnum<AngularGearType>();
@@ -192,14 +185,14 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
 			get { return Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_AngularGear).GetEx<double>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_AngularGear_Ratio); }
-		DataTable IAngularGearInputData.LossMap
+		TableData IAngularGearInputData.LossMap
 				return ReadTableData(
-					"LossMap");
+					"LossMap", false);
@@ -224,17 +217,17 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
-		DataTable IPTOTransmissionInputData.PTOLossMap
+		TableData IPTOTransmissionInputData.PTOLossMap
-				return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO).GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO_LossMapFile), "LossMap");
+				return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO).GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO_LossMapFile), "LossMap", false);
-		public DataTable PTOCycle
+		public TableData PTOCycle
-			get { return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO).GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO_Cycle), "Cycle"); }
+			get { return ReadTableData(Body.GetEx(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO).GetEx<string>(JsonKeys.Vehicle_PTO_Cycle), "Cycle", false); }
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Impl/InputData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Impl/InputData.cs
index 629584d16b30f220eaf1a4dd7bad6ba270ff5476..a88e4115a9cbdb1cae783bcd71f6ea6d3ed5a9b5 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Impl/InputData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Impl/InputData.cs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 		public string Name { get; internal set; }
-		public DataTable CycleData { get; internal set; }
+		public TableData CycleData { get; internal set; }
 	public class StartStopInputData : IStartStopEngineeringInputData
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 		//public MeterPerSquareSecond Deceleration { get; internal set; }
-		//public MeterPerSecond MinSpeed { get; internal set; }
+		public MeterPerSecond MinSpeed { get; internal set; }
 		public double CoastingDecisionFactorOffset { get; internal set; }
 		public double CoastingDecisionFactorScaling { get; internal set; }
 		public double LookaheadDistanceFactor { get; internal set; }
-		public DataTable CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup { get; internal set; }
-		public DataTable CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup { get; internal set; }
+		public TableData CoastingDecisionFactorTargetSpeedLookup { get; internal set; }
+		public TableData CoastingDecisionFactorVelocityDropLookup { get; internal set; }
 	public class OverSpeedEcoRollInputData : IOverSpeedEcoRollEngineeringInputData
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 		public double Ratio { get; internal set; }
-		public DataTable LossMap { get; internal set; }
+		public TableData LossMap { get; internal set; }
 		public double Efficiency { get; internal set; }
 		public NewtonMeter MaxTorque { get; internal set; }
-		public DataTable ShiftPolygon { get; internal set; }
+		public TableData ShiftPolygon { get; internal set; }
 	public class AxleInputData : IAxleEngineeringInputData
@@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 			get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
+		public DataSourceType SourceType { get; internal set; }
+		public string Source { get; internal set; }
 		public string Vendor { get; internal set; }
 		public string ModelName { get; internal set; }
@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
 		public double EfficiencyToSupply { get; internal set; }
-		public DataTable DemandMap { get; internal set; }
+		public TableData DemandMap { get; internal set; }
 		public Watt ConstantPowerDemand { get; internal set; }
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/TransmissionLossMapReader.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/TransmissionLossMapReader.cs
index b62094acf4bd7961bed93d908129f652bb508828..d5195cbb30887f59e2bfdf21b84ccdd38e8c4b36 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/TransmissionLossMapReader.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/ComponentData/TransmissionLossMapReader.cs
@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.ComponentData
 		/// <returns></returns>
 		public static TransmissionLossMap Create(double efficiency, double gearRatio, string gearName)
+			if (efficiency <= 0) {
+				throw new VectoException("Efficiency for gear {0} must be greater than 0", gearName);
+			}
+			if (efficiency > 1) {
+				throw new VectoException("Efficiency for gear {1} must not be greater than 1", gearName);
+			}
 			var entries = new List<TransmissionLossMap.GearLossMapEntry> {
 				new TransmissionLossMap.GearLossMapEntry(0.RPMtoRad(), 1e5.SI<NewtonMeter>(),
 					(1 - efficiency) * 1e5.SI<NewtonMeter>()),
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/DeclarationDataAdapter.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/DeclarationDataAdapter.cs
index 4bb0ef3a468bf75b0d913cf96a40b652484935d2..783e7af47f442eb99c4e272d1b575891b742f3a4 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/DeclarationDataAdapter.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/DeclarationDataAdapter.cs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
 			var lookAheadData = new DriverData.LACData {
 				Enabled = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.Enabled,
 				//Deceleration = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.Deceleration,
-				//MinSpeed = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.MinimumSpeed,
+				MinSpeed = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.MinimumSpeed,
 				LookAheadDecisionFactor = new LACDecisionFactor(),
 				LookAheadDistanceFactor = DeclarationData.Driver.LookAhead.LookAheadDistanceFactor,
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
 			retVal.WHTCUrban = engine.WHTCUrban;
 			retVal.WHTCMotorway = engine.WHTCMotorway;
 			retVal.WHTCRural = engine.WHTCRural;
+			retVal.ColdHotCorrectionFactor = engine.ColdHotBalancingFactor;
 			retVal.Inertia = DeclarationData.Engine.EngineInertia(retVal.Displacement, gearboxType);
 			retVal.FullLoadCurve = EngineFullLoadCurve.Create(engine.FullLoadCurve, true);
 			retVal.FullLoadCurve.EngineData = retVal;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/EngineeringDataAdapter.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/EngineeringDataAdapter.cs
index 908289bf36e81080fe2abd95bdcaf2f2b2ade568..dacd50e5cba58e5fe03be89d1ab4311283c222ef 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/EngineeringDataAdapter.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/DataObjectAdapter/EngineeringDataAdapter.cs
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
 			var retVal = SetCommonGearboxData(gearbox);
 			//var gears = gearbox.Gears;
-			if (gearbox.Gears.Count < 1) {
+			if (gearbox.Gears.Count < 2) {
 				throw new VectoSimulationException(
-					"At least one Gear-Entry must be defined in Gearbox!");
+					"At least two Gear-Entries must be defined in Gearbox!");
 			retVal.Inertia = gearbox.Inertia;
@@ -142,7 +142,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
 			retVal.StartSpeed = gearbox.StartSpeed;
 			retVal.StartAcceleration = gearbox.StartAcceleration;
-			var gearDifferenceRatio = gearbox.Gears[0].Ratio / gearbox.Gears[1].Ratio;
+			var gearDifferenceRatio = gearbox.Type.AutomaticTransmission() && gearbox.Gears.Count > 2 ?
+				gearbox.Gears[0].Ratio / gearbox.Gears[1].Ratio
+				: 1.0;
 			var gears = new Dictionary<uint, GearData>();
@@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
 			var lookAheadData = new DriverData.LACData {
 				Enabled = driver.Lookahead.Enabled,
 				//Deceleration = driver.Lookahead.Deceleration,
-				//MinSpeed = driver.Lookahead.MinSpeed,
+				MinSpeed = driver.Lookahead.MinSpeed,
 				LookAheadDecisionFactor =
 					new LACDecisionFactor(driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorOffset, driver.Lookahead.CoastingDecisionFactorScaling,
@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.DataObjectAdapter
-		public RetarderData CreateRetarderData(IRetarderInputData retarder, IVehicleEngineeringInputData vehicle)
+		public RetarderData CreateRetarderData(IRetarderInputData retarder)
 			return SetCommonRetarderData(retarder);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs
index 8220d9731d6fdf09cea324e94a5ae2060dafaa7e..475f40b4b69fc0ad8d4790d9a1db8e9eb482bbef 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/DeclarationModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.Impl
 						Mission = mission,
 					simulationRunData.EngineData.WHTCCorrectionFactor = DeclarationData.WHTCCorrection.Lookup(mission.MissionType,
-						engineData.WHTCRural, engineData.WHTCUrban, engineData.WHTCMotorway);
+						engineData.WHTCRural, engineData.WHTCUrban, engineData.WHTCMotorway) * engineData.ColdHotCorrectionFactor;
 					simulationRunData.Cycle.Name = mission.MissionType.ToString();
 					simulationRunData.VehicleData.VehicleClass = segment.VehicleClass;
 					yield return simulationRunData;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs
index 4ea718fb179e8097c4742b151d5d3277f43d2f4a..d83f066d71cde95be6910d9cce1ca67bfc1f07c9 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/InputData/Reader/Impl/EngineeringModeVectoRunDataFactory.cs
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.Impl
 				DriverData = driver,
 				Aux = dao.CreateAuxiliaryData(InputDataProvider.AuxiliaryInputData()),
 				AdvancedAux = dao.CreateAdvancedAuxData(InputDataProvider.AuxiliaryInputData()),
-				Retarder = dao.CreateRetarderData(InputDataProvider.RetarderInputData, InputDataProvider.VehicleInputData),
+				Retarder = dao.CreateRetarderData(InputDataProvider.RetarderInputData),
 				PTO = ptoTransmissionData,
 				Cycle = DrivingCycleDataReader.ReadFromDataTable(cycle.CycleData, cycle.Name, crossWindRequired),
 				ExecutionMode = ExecutionMode.Engineering
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/AuxiliaryTypeHelper.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/AuxiliaryTypeHelper.cs
index c1f94c0cc4b27a410811a728acddbaec2c9ab632..e037090a0d476dfedeee82a0403a209eb63cedda 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/AuxiliaryTypeHelper.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/AuxiliaryTypeHelper.cs
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 			{ AuxiliaryType.ElectricSystem, Constants.Auxiliaries.Names.ElectricSystem },
+		private static readonly Dictionary<AuxiliaryType, string> AuxToKey = new Dictionary<AuxiliaryType, string> {
+			{ AuxiliaryType.Fan, Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.Fan },
+			{ AuxiliaryType.SteeringPump, Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.SteeringPump },
+			{ AuxiliaryType.HVAC, Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.HeatingVentilationAirCondition },
+			{ AuxiliaryType.PneumaticSystem, Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.PneumaticSystem },
+			{ AuxiliaryType.ElectricSystem, Constants.Auxiliaries.IDs.ElectricSystem },
+		};
 		private static readonly Dictionary<string, AuxiliaryType> StrToAux = AuxToStr.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Value,
 			kv => kv.Key);
@@ -28,5 +36,20 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 			return AuxToStr[t];
+		public static string GetAuxKey(AuxiliaryType t)
+		{
+			return AuxToKey[t];
+		}
+		public static string Key(this AuxiliaryType t)
+		{
+			return AuxToKey[t];
+		}
+		public static string Name(this AuxiliaryType t)
+		{
+			return AuxToStr[t];
+		}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Axle.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Axle.cs
index c902939bb1e7442e90a6ac5542692ebd0d3a6ea8..15b27a6fe1dae4af8c5fe25e6efdea1e8c515f81 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Axle.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Axle.cs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 	public class Axle : SimulationComponentData
-		public object WheelsDimension { get; internal set; }
+		public string WheelsDimension { get; internal set; }
 		[Required, SIRange(0, 100)]
 		public KilogramSquareMeter Inertia { get; internal set; }
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 		[Required, SIRange(500, 100000)]
 		public Newton TyreTestLoad { get; internal set; }
-		[Required, SIRange(Double.MinValue, 1)]
+		[Required, SIRange(0, 1, ExecutionMode.Engineering), SIRange(double.MinValue, 1, ExecutionMode.Declaration)]
 		public double AxleWeightShare { get; internal set; }
 		public bool TwinTyres { get; internal set; }
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs
index 94fe58d944ad73404e5ac6c6614ef94f3d042757..e7b4064c33310cb30598e77336179bc62dd94ed3 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/DeclarationData.cs
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 				public const double DecisionFactorCoastingOffset = 2.5;
 				public const double DecisionFactorCoastingScaling = 1.5;
 				public const double LookAheadDistanceFactor = 10;
+				public static readonly MeterPerSecond MinimumSpeed = 50.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond();
 			public static class OverSpeedEcoRoll
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Wheels.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Wheels.cs
index eed2c80c39fa65e46034c926cab6c1cc50d00863..d6d82850b5035c42deda1b6164bd309e271f655b 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Wheels.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/Declaration/Wheels.cs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration
 		protected override string ErrorMessage
-			get { return "Auxiliary Lookup Error: No value found for Wheels. Key: '{0}'"; }
+			get { return "Wheels Lookup Error: No value found for Wheels. Key: '{0}'"; }
 		public override Entry Lookup(string key)
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AuxiliaryData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AuxiliaryData.cs
index 82e5d44bb4f97ecece54c980879e1bc9bd399750..2b651cdf9d3c915e9e39475034bcf841824c4f01 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AuxiliaryData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/AuxiliaryData.cs
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 			var zValidationRules = new[] { new RangeAttribute(0, 100.SI().Kilo.Watt.Value()) };
 			var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
-			foreach (var entry in data._map.Points) {
+			foreach (var entry in data._map.Entries) {
 				context.DisplayName = AuxiliaryDataReader.Fields.AuxSpeed;
 				if (!Validator.TryValidateValue(entry.X, context, results, xValidationRules)) {
 					return new ValidationResult(string.Concat(results));
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/CombustionEngineData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/CombustionEngineData.cs
index 0dccb0c3258c56791a14f95005e7f0778f06d666..843925cacfcbd8223b25c91469852a94a1c86398 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/CombustionEngineData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/CombustionEngineData.cs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+using System;
 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
@@ -62,6 +63,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 		[Required, ValidateObject]
 		public EngineFullLoadCurve FullLoadCurve { get; internal set; }
+		[Required, Range(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue)]
+		public double ColdHotCorrectionFactor { get; internal set; }
 		internal double WHTCCorrectionFactor = 1;
 		public CombustionEngineData()
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/DriverData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/DriverData.cs
index 3ffe87fb9d5bc9daeb3b3f6d598c2ed2c6ec6b57..2825c1cc6a6f89456ee771683e5ccde1d6001ab0 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/DriverData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/DriverData.cs
@@ -29,8 +29,10 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Declaration;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
@@ -38,10 +40,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 	public class DriverData
-		public VectoRunData.StartStopData StartStop;
-		public OverSpeedEcoRollData OverSpeedEcoRoll;
-		public LACData LookAheadCoasting;
-		public AccelerationCurveData AccelerationCurve;
+		[Required, ValidateObject] public VectoRunData.StartStopData StartStop;
+		[Required, ValidateObject] public OverSpeedEcoRollData OverSpeedEcoRoll;
+		[Required, ValidateObject] public LACData LookAheadCoasting;
+		[Required, ValidateObject] public AccelerationCurveData AccelerationCurve;
 		public static DriverMode ParseDriverMode(string mode)
@@ -51,19 +56,25 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 		public class OverSpeedEcoRollData
 			public DriverMode Mode;
-			public MeterPerSecond MinSpeed;
-			public MeterPerSecond OverSpeed;
-			public MeterPerSecond UnderSpeed;
+			[Required, SIRange(0, 120 / Constants.MeterPerSecondToKMH)] public MeterPerSecond MinSpeed;
+			[Required, SIRange(0, 50 / Constants.MeterPerSecondToKMH)] public MeterPerSecond OverSpeed;
+			[Required, SIRange(0, 50 / Constants.MeterPerSecondToKMH)] public MeterPerSecond UnderSpeed;
 		public class LACData
 			public bool Enabled;
 			//public MeterPerSquareSecond Deceleration;
-			//public MeterPerSecond MinSpeed;
-			public double LookAheadDistanceFactor;
-			public LACDecisionFactor LookAheadDecisionFactor;
+			[Required, SIRange(0, 120 / Constants.MeterPerSecondToKMH)] public MeterPerSecond MinSpeed;
+			[Required, Range(0, 20)] public double LookAheadDistanceFactor;
+			[Required, ValidateObject] public LACDecisionFactor LookAheadDecisionFactor;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Engine/FuelConsumptionMap.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Engine/FuelConsumptionMap.cs
index 94f64c6bfc185ba98a7db8aeb966147f7b8196f9..10ddce62dc96433df1715a5fe3111b3b85d606ec 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Engine/FuelConsumptionMap.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/Engine/FuelConsumptionMap.cs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 *   Martin Rexeis, rexeis@ivt.tugraz.at, IVT, Graz University of Technology
+using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
 using System.Diagnostics;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
@@ -72,6 +73,20 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
+		public IReadOnlyCollection<Entry> Entries
+		{
+			get
+			{
+				var entries = _fuelMap.Entries;
+				var retVal = new Entry[entries.Count];
+				var i = 0;
+				foreach (var entry in entries) {
+					retVal[i++] = new Entry(entry.Y.SI<PerSecond>(), entry.X.SI<NewtonMeter>(), entry.Z.SI<KilogramPerSecond>());
+				}
+				return retVal;
+			}
+		}
 		public class Entry
 			[Required, SIRange(0, 5000 * Constants.RPMToRad)] public readonly PerSecond EngineSpeed;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs
index 83b07b0710f7aa3de8fba1fe9533e5b555e1016b..1f7ac5ff1b2e87c08760b99644330ae9de62147a 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/GearboxData.cs
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System.Linq;
 using System.Runtime.Serialization;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 	/// Class for Gearbox Data. Gears can be accessed via Gears-Dictionary and range from 1 upwards.
 	/// </summary>
 	/// <remarks>The Axle Gear has its own Property "AxleGearData" and is *not included* in the Gears-Dictionary.</remarks>
-	[DataContract]
+	[DataContract, CustomValidation(typeof(GearboxData), "ValidateGearboxData")]
 	public class GearboxData : SimulationComponentData
 		public GearboxType Type { get; internal set; }
@@ -112,5 +113,21 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 		[Required, SIRange(0, double.MaxValue)]
 		public MeterPerSquareSecond UpshiftMinAcceleration { get; internal set; }
+		// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global -- used via Validation
+		public static ValidationResult ValidateGearboxData(GearboxData gearboxData, ValidationContext validationContext)
+		{
+			var mode = GetExecutionMode(validationContext);
+			var result = new List<ValidationResult>();
+			if (gearboxData.Type.AutomaticTransmission()) {
+				result.AddRange(gearboxData.TorqueConverterData.Validate(mode));
+			}
+			if (result.Any()) {
+				return new ValidationResult("Validation of Gearbox Data failed", result.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));
+			}
+			return ValidationResult.Success;
+		}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/VehicleData.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/VehicleData.cs
index 70cb17b7a150a778cc79e39de1a3a5f1186e17e4..8d484b39a51d16d93be0be34fd71fcc74330a512 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/VehicleData.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Data/VehicleData.cs
@@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 		/// <summary>
 		/// The Gross Vehicle Weight of the Vehicle.
 		/// </summary>
-		[Required, SIRange(3500, 40000, ExecutionMode.Declaration), SIRange(0, 1000000, ExecutionMode.Engineering)]
+		[Required,
+		SIRange(3500, 40000, ExecutionMode.Declaration),
+		SIRange(0, 1000000, ExecutionMode.Engineering)]
 		public Kilogram GrossVehicleWeight { get; internal set; }
 		/// <summary>
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 			internal set { _wheelsInertia = value; }
-		[Required, SIRange(0, 1E12)]
+		//[Required, SIRange(0, 1E12)]
 		public double TotalRollResistanceCoefficient
@@ -153,13 +155,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 			var rrc = 0.0.SI<Scalar>();
 			var wheelsInertia = 0.0.SI<KilogramSquareMeter>();
 			foreach (var axle in _axleData) {
+				if (axle.AxleWeightShare.IsEqual(0, 1e-12)) {
+					continue;
+				}
 				var nrWheels = axle.TwinTyres ? 4 : 2;
 				var baseValue = (axle.AxleWeightShare * TotalVehicleWeight() * g / axle.TyreTestLoad / nrWheels).Value();
-				if (baseValue.IsEqual(0)) {
-					throw new VectoSimulationException(
-						"Axle Roll Resistance Coefficient could not be calculated. One of the values is 0: AxleWeightShare: {0}, TotalVehicleWeight: {1}, TyreTestLoad: {2}, nrWheels: {3}",
-						axle.AxleWeightShare, TotalVehicleWeight(), axle.TyreTestLoad, nrWheels);
-				}
 				rrc += axle.AxleWeightShare * axle.RollResistanceCoefficient *
 						Math.Pow(baseValue, Physics.RollResistanceExponent - 1);
 				wheelsInertia += nrWheels * axle.Inertia;
@@ -168,16 +169,33 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 			WheelsInertia = wheelsInertia;
+		// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global  -- used via Validation
 		public static ValidationResult ValidateVehicleData(VehicleData vehicleData, ValidationContext validationContext)
 			var mode = GetExecutionMode(validationContext);
+			if (vehicleData.AxleData.Count < 1) {
+				return new ValidationResult("At least two axles need to be specified");
+			}
 			var weightShareSum = vehicleData.AxleData.Sum(axle => axle.AxleWeightShare);
 			if (!weightShareSum.IsEqual(1.0, 1E-10)) {
 				return new ValidationResult(
 					string.Format("Sum of axle weight share is not 1! sum: {0}, difference: {1}",
 						weightShareSum, 1 - weightShareSum));
+			for (var i = 0; i < vehicleData.AxleData.Count; i++) {
+				if (vehicleData.AxleData[i].TyreTestLoad.IsSmallerOrEqual(0)) {
+					return new ValidationResult(string.Format("Tyre test load (FzISO) for axle {0} must be greater than 0.", i));
+				}
+			}
+			if (vehicleData.TotalRollResistanceCoefficient <= 0) {
+				return
+					new ValidationResult(string.Format("Total rolling resistance must be greater than 0! {0}",
+						vehicleData.TotalRollResistanceCoefficient));
+			}
 			// total gvw is limited by max gvw (40t)
 			var gvwTotal = VectoMath.Min(vehicleData.GrossVehicleWeight + vehicleData.TrailerGrossVehicleWeight,
@@ -185,6 +203,14 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
 			if (mode != ExecutionMode.Declaration) {
 				return ValidationResult.Success;
+			// vvvvvvv these checks apply only for declaration mode! vvvvvv
+			if (vehicleData.AxleConfiguration.NumAxles() != vehicleData.AxleData.Count) {
+				return
+					new ValidationResult(
+						string.Format("For a {0} type vehicle exactly {1} number of axles have to pe specified. Found {2}",
+							vehicleData.AxleConfiguration.GetName(), vehicleData.AxleConfiguration.NumAxles(), vehicleData.AxleData.Count));
+			}
 			if (vehicleData.TotalVehicleWeight() > gvwTotal) {
 				return new ValidationResult(
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/CombustionEngine.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/CombustionEngine.cs
index 5145b3c88a59ba749c8eb517180b0564f3354e8a..6cdc927f7b8be49ed042c0e5f4f6863cf7c6c495 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/CombustionEngine.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/CombustionEngine.cs
@@ -207,8 +207,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
 			// get max. torque as limited by gearbox. gearbox only limits torqueOut!
 			var gearboxFullLoad = DataBus.GearMaxTorque;
-			var deltaFull = ComputeDelta(torqueOut, totalTorqueDemand + (CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss < 0 ? CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss : 0.SI<NewtonMeter>()), CurrentState.DynamicFullLoadTorque, gearboxFullLoad, true);
-			var deltaDrag = ComputeDelta(torqueOut, totalTorqueDemand - (CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss < 0 ? CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss : 0.SI<NewtonMeter>()), CurrentState.FullDragTorque,
+			var deltaFull = ComputeDelta(torqueOut,
+				totalTorqueDemand + (CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss < 0 ? CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss : 0.SI<NewtonMeter>()),
+				CurrentState.DynamicFullLoadTorque, gearboxFullLoad, true);
+			var deltaDrag = ComputeDelta(torqueOut,
+				totalTorqueDemand - (CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss < 0 ? CurrentState.InertiaTorqueLoss : 0.SI<NewtonMeter>()),
+				CurrentState.FullDragTorque,
 				gearboxFullLoad != null ? -gearboxFullLoad : null, false);
 			if (dryRun) {
@@ -332,12 +336,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
 			if (CurrentState.FullDragTorque >= 0 && torqueDemand < 0) {
 				throw new VectoSimulationException("P_engine_drag > 0! Tq_drag: {1}, Tq_eng: {2},  n_eng_avg: {0} [1/min] ",
-					CurrentState.EngineSpeed.Value().RadToRPM(), CurrentState.FullDragTorque, CurrentState.EngineTorque);
+					CurrentState.EngineSpeed.AsRPM, CurrentState.FullDragTorque, CurrentState.EngineTorque);
 			if (CurrentState.DynamicFullLoadTorque <= 0 && torqueDemand > 0) {
 				throw new VectoSimulationException("P_engine_full < 0! Tq_drag: {1}, Tq_eng: {2},  n_eng_avg: {0} [1/min] ",
-					CurrentState.EngineSpeed.Value().RadToRPM(), CurrentState.FullDragTorque, CurrentState.EngineTorque);
+					CurrentState.EngineSpeed.AsRPM, CurrentState.FullDragTorque, CurrentState.EngineTorque);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/DefaultDriverStrategy.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/DefaultDriverStrategy.cs
index 8359471720f383b0d84e1b233e0212be18dc8ba0..503426de7d635ca4d112e04995a75fe9e3dd5930 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/DefaultDriverStrategy.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Models/SimulationComponent/Impl/DefaultDriverStrategy.cs
@@ -189,13 +189,14 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
 					var coastingDistance = ComputeCoastingDistance(currentSpeed, entry);
 					var brakingDistance = Driver.ComputeDecelerationDistance(nextTargetSpeed) + BrakingSafetyMargin;
-					if (coastingDistance < 0) {
+					if (!Driver.DriverData.LookAheadCoasting.Enabled || coastingDistance < 0) {
 							"adding 'Braking' starting at distance {0}. brakingDistance: {1}, triggerDistance: {2}, nextTargetSpeed: {3}",
 							entry.Distance - brakingDistance, brakingDistance, entry.Distance, nextTargetSpeed);
+						coastingDistance = brakingDistance;
 					} else {
 						//var coastingDistance = ComputeCoastingDistance(currentSpeed, nextTargetSpeed);
-						if (currentSpeed > 50.KMPHtoMeterPerSecond()) {
+						if (currentSpeed > Driver.DriverData.LookAheadCoasting.MinSpeed) {
 							action = DrivingBehavior.Coasting;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/OutputData/SummaryDataContainer.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/OutputData/SummaryDataContainer.cs
index a86a4665b998b690488bc057d0e2c86235c4acbb..05a700519e6d4a3347570f5f82b6c1af3f8e8cd3 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/OutputData/SummaryDataContainer.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/OutputData/SummaryDataContainer.cs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ using System.Linq;
 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
+// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global  -- used by API!
 namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData
@@ -46,66 +47,66 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData
 	public class SummaryDataContainer : LoggingObject, IDisposable
 		// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
-		private const string JOB = "Job [-]";
-		private const string INPUTFILE = "Input File [-]";
-		private const string CYCLE = "Cycle [-]";
-		private const string STATUS = "Status";
-		private const string MASS = "Mass [kg]";
-		private const string LOADING = "Loading [kg]";
-		private const string TIME = "time [s]";
-		private const string DISTANCE = "distance [km]";
-		private const string SPEED = "speed [km/h]";
-		private const string ALTITUDE_DELTA = "altitudeDelta [m]";
-		private const string FCMAP_H = "FC-Map [g/h]";
-		private const string FCMAP_KM = "FC-Map [g/km]";
-		private const string FCAUXC_H = "FC-AUXc [g/h]";
-		private const string FCAUXC_KM = "FC-AUXc [g/km]";
-		private const string FCWHTCC_H = "FC-WHTCc [g/h]";
-		private const string FCWHTCC_KM = "FC-WHTCc [g/km]";
-		private const string FCAAUX_H = "FC-AAUX [g/h]";
-		private const string FCAAUX_KM = "FC-AAUX [g/km]";
-		private const string FCFINAL_H = "FC-Final [g/h]";
-		private const string FCFINAL_KM = "FC-Final [g/km]";
-		private const string FCFINAL_LITERPER100KM = "FC-Final [l/100km]";
-		private const string FCFINAL_LITERPER100TKM = "FC-Final [l/100tkm]";
-		private const string CO2_KM = "CO2 [g/km]";
-		private const string CO2_TKM = "CO2 [g/tkm]";
-		private const string P_WHEEL_POS = "P_wheel_in_pos [kW]";
-		private const string P_BRAKE_LOSS = "P_brake_loss [kW]";
-		private const string P_CLUTCH_POS = "P_clutch_pos [kW]";
-		private const string P_CLUTCH_NEG = "P_clutch_neg [kW]";
-		private const string P_FCMAP_POS = "P_fcmap_pos [kW]";
-		private const string P_ANGLE_LOSS = "P_angle_loss [kW]";
-		private const string P_TC_LOSS = "P_tc_loss [kW]";
-		private const string E_AUX_FORMAT = "E_aux_{0} [kWh]";
-		private const string E_AUX = "E_aux_sum [kWh]";
-		private const string E_AIR = "E_air [kWh]";
-		private const string E_ROLL = "E_roll [kWh]";
-		private const string E_GRAD = "E_grad [kWh]";
-		private const string E_INERTIA = "E_inertia [kWh]";
-		private const string E_BRAKE = "E_brake [kWh]";
-		private const string E_GBX_AXL_LOSS = "E_gbx_axl_loss [kWh]";
-		private const string E_RET_LOSS = "E_ret_loss [kWh]";
-		private const string E_TC_LOSS = "E_tc_loss [kWh]";
-		private const string E_ANGLE_LOSS = "E_angle_loss [kWh]";
-		private const string E_CLUTCH_POS = "E_clutch_pos [kWh]";
-		private const string E_CLUTCH_NEG = "E_clutch_neg [kWh]";
-		private const string E_FCMAP_POS = "E_fcmap_pos [kWh]";
-		private const string ACC = "a [m/s^2]";
-		private const string ACC_POS = "a_pos [m/s^2]";
-		private const string ACC_NEG = "a_neg [m/s^2]";
-		private const string ACC_TIMESHARE = "AccelerationTimeShare [%]";
-		private const string DEC_TIMESHARE = "DecelerationTimeShare [%]";
-		private const string CRUISE_TIMESHARE = "CruiseTimeShare [%]";
-		private const string STOP_TIMESHARE = "StopTimeShare [%]";
+		public const string JOB = "Job [-]";
+		public const string INPUTFILE = "Input File [-]";
+		public const string CYCLE = "Cycle [-]";
+		public const string STATUS = "Status";
+		public const string MASS = "Mass [kg]";
+		public const string LOADING = "Loading [kg]";
+		public const string TIME = "time [s]";
+		public const string DISTANCE = "distance [km]";
+		public const string SPEED = "speed [km/h]";
+		public const string ALTITUDE_DELTA = "altitudeDelta [m]";
+		public const string FCMAP_H = "FC-Map [g/h]";
+		public const string FCMAP_KM = "FC-Map [g/km]";
+		public const string FCAUXC_H = "FC-AUXc [g/h]";
+		public const string FCAUXC_KM = "FC-AUXc [g/km]";
+		public const string FCWHTCC_H = "FC-WHTCc [g/h]";
+		public const string FCWHTCC_KM = "FC-WHTCc [g/km]";
+		public const string FCAAUX_H = "FC-AAUX [g/h]";
+		public const string FCAAUX_KM = "FC-AAUX [g/km]";
+		public const string FCFINAL_H = "FC-Final [g/h]";
+		public const string FCFINAL_KM = "FC-Final [g/km]";
+		public const string FCFINAL_LITERPER100KM = "FC-Final [l/100km]";
+		public const string FCFINAL_LITERPER100TKM = "FC-Final [l/100tkm]";
+		public const string CO2_KM = "CO2 [g/km]";
+		public const string CO2_TKM = "CO2 [g/tkm]";
+		public const string P_WHEEL_POS = "P_wheel_in_pos [kW]";
+		public const string P_BRAKE_LOSS = "P_brake_loss [kW]";
+		public const string P_CLUTCH_POS = "P_clutch_pos [kW]";
+		public const string P_CLUTCH_NEG = "P_clutch_neg [kW]";
+		public const string P_FCMAP_POS = "P_fcmap_pos [kW]";
+		public const string P_ANGLE_LOSS = "P_angle_loss [kW]";
+		public const string P_TC_LOSS = "P_tc_loss [kW]";
+		public const string E_AUX_FORMAT = "E_aux_{0} [kWh]";
+		public const string E_AUX = "E_aux_sum [kWh]";
+		public const string E_AIR = "E_air [kWh]";
+		public const string E_ROLL = "E_roll [kWh]";
+		public const string E_GRAD = "E_grad [kWh]";
+		public const string E_INERTIA = "E_inertia [kWh]";
+		public const string E_BRAKE = "E_brake [kWh]";
+		public const string E_GBX_AXL_LOSS = "E_gbx_axl_loss [kWh]";
+		public const string E_RET_LOSS = "E_ret_loss [kWh]";
+		public const string E_TC_LOSS = "E_tc_loss [kWh]";
+		public const string E_ANGLE_LOSS = "E_angle_loss [kWh]";
+		public const string E_CLUTCH_POS = "E_clutch_pos [kWh]";
+		public const string E_CLUTCH_NEG = "E_clutch_neg [kWh]";
+		public const string E_FCMAP_POS = "E_fcmap_pos [kWh]";
+		public const string ACC = "a [m/s^2]";
+		public const string ACC_POS = "a_pos [m/s^2]";
+		public const string ACC_NEG = "a_neg [m/s^2]";
+		public const string ACC_TIMESHARE = "AccelerationTimeShare [%]";
+		public const string DEC_TIMESHARE = "DecelerationTimeShare [%]";
+		public const string CRUISE_TIMESHARE = "CruiseTimeShare [%]";
+		public const string STOP_TIMESHARE = "StopTimeShare [%]";
 		// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
 		private readonly DataTable _table;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Properties/Version.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Properties/Version.cs
index dddd78a9157bf98224fa80dd8405c5b870d56b07..a07564838339dd59a0908c69fd7fad380ba2b4b4 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Properties/Version.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Properties/Version.cs
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
 using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/DelaunayMap.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/DelaunayMap.cs
index 661a91b450ea2f2b8e6e00f033f7103b66277c28..f7c751035d3bf68c16d6c6f884b60ddf4347da01 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/DelaunayMap.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/DelaunayMap.cs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 	public sealed class DelaunayMap : LoggingObject
-		internal ICollection<Point> Points = new HashSet<Point>();
+		private ICollection<Point> Points = new HashSet<Point>();
 		private Triangle[] _triangles;
 		private Edge[] _convexHull;
@@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 			Points.Add(new Point(x, y, z));
+		public IReadOnlyCollection<Point> Entries
+		{
+			get
+			{
+				var retVal = new Point[Points.Count];
+				var i = 0;
+				foreach (var pt in Points) {
+					retVal[i++] = new Point(pt.X * (_maxX - _minX) + _minX, pt.Y * (_maxY - _minY) + _minY, pt.Z);
+				}
+				return retVal;
+			}
+		}
 		/// <summary>
 		/// Triangulate the points.
 		/// </summary>
@@ -229,23 +242,27 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 		public double? Interpolate(double x, double y)
-			if (_triangles == null)
+			if (_triangles == null) {
 				throw new VectoException("Interpolation not possible. Call DelaunayMap.Triangulate first.");
+			}
 			x = (x - _minX) / (_maxX - _minX);
 			y = (y - _minY) / (_maxY - _minY);
 			var i = 0;
-			while (i < _triangles.Length && !_triangles[i].IsInside(x, y, true))
+			while (i < _triangles.Length && !_triangles[i].IsInside(x, y, true)) {
+			}
 			if (i == _triangles.Length) {
 				i = 0;
-				while (i < _triangles.Length && !_triangles[i].IsInside(x, y, false))
+				while (i < _triangles.Length && !_triangles[i].IsInside(x, y, false)) {
+				}
-			if (i == _triangles.Length)
+			if (i == _triangles.Length) {
 				return null;
+			}
 			var tr = _triangles[i];
 			var plane = new Plane(tr);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs
index f23b674ce9df66b536e53eb0e03acba30c122ced..7148af44831517dcc8c309c6605331aa33f132fe 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/Utils/VectoCSVFile.cs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
@@ -69,11 +70,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 		/// <param name="ignoreEmptyColumns">set true, if empty columns should be ignored. default: false.</param>
 		/// <param name="fullHeader">set true is column names should be preserved. Otherwise units are trimed away. default: false.</param>
 		/// <returns>A DataTable which represents the CSV File.</returns>
-		public static DataTable Read(string fileName, bool ignoreEmptyColumns = false, bool fullHeader = false)
+		public static TableData Read(string fileName, bool ignoreEmptyColumns = false, bool fullHeader = false)
 			try {
 				using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) {
-					return ReadStream(fs, ignoreEmptyColumns, fullHeader);
+					var retVal = new TableData(fileName);
+					ReadCSV(retVal, fs, ignoreEmptyColumns, fullHeader);
+					return retVal;
 			} catch (Exception e) {
@@ -88,7 +91,14 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 		/// <param name="ignoreEmptyColumns">set true, if empty columns should be ignored. default: false.</param>
 		/// <param name="fullHeader">set true is column names should be preserved. Otherwise units are trimed away. default: false.</param>
 		/// <returns>A DataTable which represents the CSV File.</returns>
-		public static DataTable ReadStream(Stream stream, bool ignoreEmptyColumns = false, bool fullHeader = false)
+		public static TableData ReadStream(Stream stream, bool ignoreEmptyColumns = false, bool fullHeader = false)
+		{
+			var retVal = new TableData();
+			ReadCSV(retVal, stream, ignoreEmptyColumns, fullHeader);
+			return retVal;
+		}
+		private static void ReadCSV(DataTable table, Stream stream, bool ignoreEmptyColumns, bool fullHeader)
 			var p = new TextFieldParser(stream) {
 				TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited,
@@ -125,13 +135,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 				columns = colsWithoutComment.Select((_, i) => i.ToString()).ToList();
-			var table = new DataTable();
+			//var table = new DataTable();
 			foreach (var col in columns) {
 			if (p.EndOfData) {
-				return table;
+				return;
 			var lineNumber = 1;
@@ -158,8 +168,6 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils
 			} while (!p.EndOfData);
-			return table;
 		/// <summary>
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
index fdc7a9bbdf5e6e16700e0710aa89df91a1f8f225..757e6a811a36b9553b9b630ccf2dec1a388b75a2 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCore/VectoCore.csproj
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
     <Compile Include="Configuration\Constants.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\JSON\JSONComponentInputData.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\JSON\JsonExtensionMethods.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\Impl\InputData.cs" />
     <Compile Include="InputData\FileIO\JSON\JSONEngineData.cs" />
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Simulation/PwheelModeTests.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Simulation/PwheelModeTests.cs
index 8cf5160bf56efc47a213838bfbcace89318a4e47..76c98f6cede854e66e3e98be51d2d415f2979e5d 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Simulation/PwheelModeTests.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/Simulation/PwheelModeTests.cs
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.Simulation
 			var container = new VehicleContainer(ExecutionMode.Engineering);
 			var inputData = @"<t>,<Pwheel>,<gear>,<n>,<Padd>
-                               1,89,2,1748,1.300
-                               2,120,2,1400,0.4";
+							   1,89,2,1748,1.300
+							   2,120,2,1400,0.4";
 			var cycleFile = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputData));
 			var drivingCycle = DrivingCycleDataReader.ReadFromStream(cycleFile, CycleType.PWheel, "", false);
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.Simulation
 			// prepare input data
 			var inputData = @"<t>,<Pwheel>,<gear>,<n>,  <Padd>
-                               1,  89,      2,     1748, 1.3
-                               2,  120,     2,     1400, 0.4";
+							   1,  89,      2,     1748, 1.3
+							   2,  120,     2,     1400, 0.4";
 			var cycleFile = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputData));
 			var drivingCycle = DrivingCycleDataReader.ReadFromStream(cycleFile, CycleType.PWheel, "", false);
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/SimulationComponentData/ValidationTest.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/SimulationComponentData/ValidationTest.cs
index 2531db52bc16e69f3b9577c708841f83ce4b5867..baebf0c15a603c4e3c210afca12fdc311e67be1a 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/SimulationComponentData/ValidationTest.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Models/SimulationComponentData/ValidationTest.cs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
 using System.Data;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Linq;
+using TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
 using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
 using TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader;
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.SimulationComponentData
 		public void Validation_CombustionEngineData_Engineering()
-			var fuelConsumption = new DataTable();
+			var fuelConsumption = new TableData();
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.SimulationComponentData
 			fuelConsumption.Rows.Add("2", "2", "2");
 			fuelConsumption.Rows.Add("3", "3", "3");
-			var fullLoad = new DataTable();
+			var fullLoad = new TableData();
 			fullLoad.Columns.Add("Engine speed");
 			fullLoad.Columns.Add("max torque");
 			fullLoad.Columns.Add("drag torque");
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.SimulationComponentData
 		public void Validation_CombustionEngineData_Declaration()
-			var fuelConsumption = new DataTable();
+			var fuelConsumption = new TableData();
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.SimulationComponentData
 			fuelConsumption.Rows.Add("2", "2", "2");
 			fuelConsumption.Rows.Add("3", "3", "3");
-			var fullLoad = new DataTable();
+			var fullLoad = new TableData();
 			fullLoad.Columns.Add("Engine speed");
 			fullLoad.Columns.Add("max torque");
 			fullLoad.Columns.Add("drag torque");
@@ -332,6 +333,20 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.SimulationComponentData
 				"Validation Error: " + string.Join("\n_eng_avg", results.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage)));
+		[TestMethod]
+		public void ValidateDictionaryTest()
+		{
+			var container = new ContainerObject() {
+				Elements = new Dictionary<int, WrapperObject>() {
+					{ 2, new WrapperObject() { Value = 41 } },
+					{ 4, new WrapperObject() { Value = -30 } }
+				}
+			};
+			var results = container.Validate(ExecutionMode.Declaration);
+			Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count);
+		}
 		/// <summary>
 		/// VECTO-249: check upshift is above downshift
 		/// </summary>
@@ -363,6 +378,16 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Models.SimulationComponentData
+		public class ContainerObject
+		{
+			[Required, ValidateObject] public Dictionary<int, WrapperObject> Elements;
+		}
+		public class WrapperObject
+		{
+			[Required, Range(0, 100)] public int Value = 0;
+		}
 		public class DeepDataObject
 			[Required, Range(41, 42)] protected int public_field = 5;
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/MockEngineDataProvider.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/MockEngineDataProvider.cs
index 6ae0e66a4d1826097ae5fad8888830efad3ea0dd..c99795d2e784712d64da7fb9526d95995ff13899 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/MockEngineDataProvider.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/MockEngineDataProvider.cs
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils
 	public class MockEngineDataProvider : IEngineEngineeringInputData
+		public DataSourceType SourceType { get; set; }
+		public string Source { get; set; }
 		public bool SavedInDeclarationMode { get; set; }
 		public string Vendor { get; set; }
 		public string ModelName { get; set; }
@@ -50,8 +52,9 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils
 		public double WHTCMotorway { get; set; }
 		public double WHTCRural { get; set; }
 		public double WHTCUrban { get; set; }
-		public DataTable FuelConsumptionMap { get; set; }
-		public DataTable FullLoadCurve { get; set; }
+		public double ColdHotBalancingFactor { get; set; }
+		public TableData FuelConsumptionMap { get; set; }
+		public TableData FullLoadCurve { get; set; }
 		public KilogramSquareMeter Inertia { get; set; }
 		public double WHTCEngineering { get; set; }
diff --git a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/SITest.cs b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/SITest.cs
index 0a44af7b0f25412a8f2103a9ea59377811351008..e54670fdb529e71b54ed30a2f6f26c12fcd6b6a8 100644
--- a/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/SITest.cs
+++ b/VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Utils/SITest.cs
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils
 			var si4 = si2 * si3;
 			Assert.AreEqual("10.0000 [W/s]", si4.ToString());
 			Assert.IsTrue(si4.HasEqualUnit(new SI().Watt.Per.Second));
-			Assert.AreEqual("10.0000 [kgmm/ssss]", si4.ToBasicUnits().ToString());
+			Assert.AreEqual("10.0000 [kgm^2/s^4]", si4.ToBasicUnits().ToString());
 			var kg = 5.SI().Kilo.Gramm;
 			Assert.AreEqual(5.0, kg.Value());
@@ -437,6 +437,12 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Tests.Utils
 			Assert.AreEqual("3.50 [N]", 3.5.SI<Newton>().ToOutputFormat(2, showUnit: true));
 			Assert.AreEqual("18.00 [m/s]", 5.SI<MeterPerSecond>().ToOutputFormat(2, 3.6, true));
 			Assert.AreEqual("18.0000", 5.SI<MeterPerSecond>().ToOutputFormat(outputFactor: 3.6));
+			Assert.AreEqual("10.0000 [m^2]", 10.SI<SquareMeter>().ToOutputFormat(showUnit: true));
+			Assert.AreEqual("10.0000 [m^3]", 10.SI<CubicMeter>().ToOutputFormat(showUnit: true));
+			Assert.AreEqual("0.5000 [m/s^2]", 0.5.SI<MeterPerSquareSecond>().ToOutputFormat(showUnit: true));
\ No newline at end of file