diff --git a/VECTO Changelog.txt b/VECTO Changelog.txt
index 944eaa0ba87dd68611ffd7205231d8f616e6024e..c87911b5f0e7da81724507af466f73e42404251a 100644
--- a/VECTO Changelog.txt	
+++ b/VECTO Changelog.txt	
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ VECTO x.x (current source - next release)
 	o Engages if Pwheel < 0
 	o Disengages if Underspeed is reached.
 - Improved gear shift model for torque converter
-- Updates in torque converter IN DEVELOPMENT
+- Updates in torque converter [IN DEVELOPMENT]
+- Look-Ahead Coasting now uses real coasting also if road gradient > 0 which means the coasting deceleration can be so high that no braking is necessary. In this case the braking phase will be ommitted and the total deceleration time can be shorter than expected by the given target coasting deceleration.
diff --git a/VECTO/Input Files/cGBX.vb b/VECTO/Input Files/cGBX.vb
index f8d9b575a650f72de3c47a09da80c2b76170a268..8936d6d9bd0f2e61566239f09bdbd150ee85e60b 100644
--- a/VECTO/Input Files/cGBX.vb	
+++ b/VECTO/Input Files/cGBX.vb	
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Public Class cGBX
     Public TC_PeBrake As Single
     Public TCMout As Single
     Public TCnout As Single
+    Public TCmustReduce As Boolean
     Public Sub New()
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ Public Class cGBX
     End Function
-    Public Function TCiteration(ByVal nUout As Single, ByVal PeOut As Single) As Boolean
+    Public Function TCiteration(ByVal nUout As Single, ByVal PeOut As Single, ByVal t As Integer) As Boolean
         Dim nUin As Single
         Dim Mout As Single
         Dim VZ As Integer
@@ -289,9 +289,10 @@ Public Class cGBX
         Dim MsgSrc As String
-        MsgSrc = "GBX/TCiteration"
+        MsgSrc = "GBX/TCiteration/t= " & t
         TC_PeBrake = 0
+        TCmustReduce = False
         'Dim nUmin As Single
         'Dim nUmax As Single
@@ -304,23 +305,53 @@ Public Class cGBX
         'nUmax = nnormTonU(GBX.fGSnnUp(Mout))
         'Start values: Estimate torque converter state
-        nUin = Math.Min(VEH.nNenn, nUout * 2)
+        'nUin = Math.Min(VEH.nNenn, nUout * 2)
+        If t = 0 Then
+            nUin = nUout
+        Else
+            nUin = MODdata.nU(t - 1)
+        End If
         'If nUin > nUmax Then nUin = nUmax
         'If nUin < nUmin Then nUin = nUmin
-        nUstep = DEV.TCnUstep
-        VZ = 1
-        lastErr = 99999
         nu = nUout / nUin
+        If nu > TCnu(TCdim) Then
+            nu = TCnu(TCdim)
+            nUin = nUout / nu
+        ElseIf nu < TCnu(0) Then
+            nu = TCnu(0)
+            nUin = nUout / nu
+        End If
         mu = fTCmu(nu)
         MoutCalc = fTCtorque(nu, nUin) * mu
+        nUstep = DEV.TCnUstep
+        If MoutCalc > Mout Then
+            VZ = -1
+        Else
+            VZ = 1
+        End If
+        lastErr = 99999
         Do While Math.Abs(1 - MoutCalc / Mout) > DEV.TCiterPrec And nUstep > DEV.TCnUstepMin
             nUin += VZ * nUstep
             nu = nUout / nUin
+            If nu > TCnu(TCdim) Or nu < TCnu(0) Then
+                nUin -= VZ * nUstep
+                nUstep /= 2
+                VZ *= -1
+                GoTo lb10
+            End If
             mu = fTCmu(nu)
             MoutCalc = fTCtorque(nu, nUin) * mu
             If Math.Abs(1 - MoutCalc / Mout) > lastErr Then
@@ -330,24 +361,49 @@ Public Class cGBX
             lastErr = Math.Abs(1 - MoutCalc / Mout)
         If nUin < VEH.nLeerl Then
             MODdata.ModErrors.TCextrapol = ""
             nUin = VEH.nLeerl
             nu = nUout / nUin
+            If nu > TCnu(TCdim) Then
+                nu = TCnu(TCdim)
+                nUin = nUout / nu
+            ElseIf nu < TCnu(0) Then
+                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "Torque converter creeping not possible with current TC characteristics!", MsgSrc)
+                Return False
+                'nu = TCnu(0)
+                'nUin = nUout / nu
+            End If
             mu = fTCmu(nu)
             MoutCalc = fTCtorque(nu, nUin) * mu
+        End If
+        If Math.Abs(1 - MoutCalc / Mout) > DEV.TCiterPrec Then
             If MoutCalc < Mout Then
-                WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "MoutCalc < Mout while nUin = nIdle!", MsgSrc)
-                Return False
-            End If
+                If MoutCalc > 0 Then TCmustReduce = True
+            Else
+                TC_PeBrake = nMtoPe(nUout, Mout - MoutCalc)
-            TC_PeBrake = nMtoPe(nUout, Mout - MoutCalc)
+            End If
         End If
         TCMin = MoutCalc / mu
         TCnUin = nUin
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
index 872dbd8140847c3e6ba89288b8384be759e92d0a..f388d0dbf68635fa1af31c63694741105430b88d 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cPower.vb
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ Public Class cPower
     Private LastGearChange As Integer
     Private LastClutch As tEngClutch
+    Public Positions As New List(Of Short)
     Public Sub New()
         bHEVinit = False
         bHorEVinit = False
@@ -407,7 +410,6 @@ lb10:
         Dim nU As Single
         Dim nn As Single
         Dim vCoasting As Single
-        Dim Positions As New List(Of Short)
         Dim Vmax As Single
         Dim Vmin As Single
         Dim Tlookahead As Integer
@@ -424,6 +426,7 @@ lb10:
         Dim MsgSrc As String
         MsgSrc = "Power/PreRun"
         'Check Input
@@ -442,6 +445,8 @@ lb10:
         Gvorg = DRI.Gvorg
         Nvorg = DRI.Nvorg
+        Positions = New List(Of Short)
         'Generate Positions List
         For i = 0 To MODdata.tDim
@@ -634,7 +639,7 @@ lb10:
             If Vh.V(i - 1) - Vh.V(i) > 0.0001 And Not Positions(i) = 4 Then Positions(i) = 1
-        'Mark Look-Ahead Coasting Positions
+        'Look-Ahead Coasting
         i = MODdata.tDim + 1
             i -= 1
@@ -688,7 +693,7 @@ lb10:
                                     'If Vrollout < Vist Then
                                     Vh.SetSpeed(j, vCoasting)
                                     Positions(j) = 3
-                                    Vh.NoDistCorr(j) = True
+                                    '   Vh.NoDistCorr(j) = True
                                     Exit For
                                 End If
@@ -701,35 +706,6 @@ lb10:
                 Loop Until LookAheadDone Or i = 0
-                'Correct distance error
-                'If t - 1 > 0 Then
-                '    DistError = 0
-                '    For i = t To i0
-                '        DistError += (Vh.Vsoll(i) - Vh.V(i))
-                '    Next
-                '    DistError0 = DistError
-                '    Do While DistError - Vh.V(t) > 0 'Math.Abs(DistError - Vh.V(t - 1)) < Math.Abs(DistError)
-                '        Vh.DuplicatePreRun(t - 1)
-                '        DistError -= Vh.V(t)
-                '        MODdata.tDim += 1
-                '    Loop
-                '    'Vh.Weg(i0) += DistError0
-                '    'For i = t To i0
-                '    '    Vh.NoDistCorr(i) = True
-                '    'Next
-                '    'For i = i0 To 0 Step -1
-                '    '    Vh.Weg(i) -= DistError0
-                '    'Next
-                'End If
                 i = i0
             End If
@@ -949,19 +925,20 @@ lbGschw:
                     GoTo lbGschw
-                    '- Deceleration limit ---------------------------
-                    'Else
-                    '    'Check whether Deceleration too high
-                    '    amax = GEN.aDesMin(Vist)
-                    '    If amax > -0.001 Then
-                    '        WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "aDesMax(dec) invalid! v= " & Vist & ", aDesMax(dec) =" & amax, MsgSrc)
-                    '        Return False
-                    '    End If
-                    '    If aist < amax - 0.0001 Then
-                    '        Vh.SetSpeed0(jz, Vh.V0(jz) + amax)
-                    '        GoTo lbGschw
-                    '    End If
-                    '----------------------------------------------------
+                ElseIf FirstSecItar Then    'this is necessary to avoid speed reduction failure
+                    'Check whether Deceleration too high
+                    amax = GEN.aDesMin(Vist)
+                    If amax > -0.001 Then
+                        WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "aDesMax(dec) invalid! v= " & Vist & ", aDesMax(dec) =" & amax, MsgSrc)
+                        Return False
+                    End If
+                    If aist < amax - 0.0001 Then
+                        Vh.SetSpeed0(jz, Vh.V0(jz) + amax)
+                        GoTo lbGschw
+                    End If
                 End If
@@ -1013,7 +990,6 @@ lbGschw:
             '    GoTo lbGschw
             'End If
             '************************************ Gear selection ************************************
             If VehState0 = tVehState.Stopped Or TracIntrOn Then
@@ -1233,11 +1209,17 @@ lbCheck:
                     PaGetr = fPaG(Vist, aist)
                     Pkup = PvorD + PlossGB + PlossDiff + PaGetr + PlossRt
-                    If Not GBX.TCiteration(fnUout(Vist, Gear), Pkup) Then
+                    If Not GBX.TCiteration(fnUout(Vist, Gear), Pkup, jz) Then
                         WorkerMsg(tMsgID.Err, "TC Iteration failed!", MsgSrc & "/t= " & jz + 1)
                         Return False
                     End If
+                    If GBX.TCmustReduce Then
+                        Vh.ReduceSpeed(jz, 0.999)
+                        FirstSecItar = False
+                        GoTo lbGschw
+                    End If
                     nn = (GBX.TCnUin - VEH.nLeerl) / (VEH.nNenn - VEH.nLeerl)
@@ -1901,7 +1883,7 @@ lb_nOK:
         Dim Grad As Single
-        vstep = 0.1
+        vstep = 5
         nU = fnU(v, Gear, False)
         Pdrag = FLD.Pdrag((nU - VEH.nLeerl) / (VEH.nNenn - VEH.nLeerl))
diff --git a/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb b/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
index b7d23dbb48d774043ff064dc8ebe6dc7186f3314..b3ba12e67d138b41c24f81b3eaec80de30c58109 100644
--- a/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
+++ b/VECTO/MODcalc/cVh.vb
@@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ Public Class cVh
     End Sub
     Public Sub SetMaxAcc(ByVal t As Integer)
         Dim a As Single
         Dim v As Single
@@ -430,6 +429,8 @@ Public Class cVh
             lVairBeta.Insert(t, lVairBeta(t))
         End If
+        MODdata.Px.Positions.Insert(t, MODdata.Px.Positions(t))
         If PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeADVANCE Then
@@ -505,6 +506,9 @@ Public Class cVh
         End If
+        MODdata.Px.Positions.RemoveAt(t)
         If PHEMmode = tPHEMmode.ModeADVANCE Then
diff --git a/VECTO/cDEV.vb b/VECTO/cDEV.vb
index d938b10928fa2d34b6124e94085e6550f2c0ec70..035d0cee1a1559581af1e5928dc38417604c76df 100644
--- a/VECTO/cDEV.vb
+++ b/VECTO/cDEV.vb
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ Public Class cDEV
         Conf0.SingleVal = -0.000001
         MyOptions.Add("negFCerr", Conf0)
         '**************************** END: Parameters Configuration '*****************************
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ Public Class cDEV
         negFCerr = MyOptions("negFCerr").SingleVal
     End Sub
     'Demo for Delegate Function