diff --git a/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb b/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb
index b43acc93bb4d6a6d6514969b2507e6517973e057..b11b59802a7fe7eaf59518f7969b066afe93b11d 100644
--- a/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb
+++ b/CSE/Calculation/main_calculation_call.vb
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
             End Try
+            ' Declaration
             Dim MSC As New cMSC
             Dim vMSC As New cVirtMSC
diff --git a/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb b/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb
index a852e4b2af40be30356a54b371062a1a3a8a95e3..08ec315d11c8aba9174e54041a3e9e94328d3a80 100644
--- a/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb
+++ b/CSE/Calculation/sub_linear_regression.vb
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
         ' Find the correct curve
         For i = 0 To GenShape.veh_class.Count - 1
-            If GenShape.veh_class(i) = vehicleX.classCode And CBool(GenShape.veh_conf(i)) = vehicleX.IsRigid Then
+            If GenShape.veh_class(i) = vehicleX.classCode And CBool(GenShape.veh_conf(i)) = Not vehicleX.IsRigid Then
                 pos = i
                 Exit For
             End If
diff --git a/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb b/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb
index 3397092ebbb34c44af801c688aee5fc5db227f85..77e92557e0fd11f1667d175346692852bae350ae 100644
--- a/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb
+++ b/CSE/GUI/F_Main.vb
@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@ Public Class F_Main
             ' Change the button "Exec" --> "Cancel" 
             Me.CalibrationState = True
+            ' Reset Values
+            Job.ResetValue(True)
             ' Save the Jobfiles
@@ -322,6 +325,9 @@ Public Class F_Main
             fWriteLog(2, 4, "----- Speed runs ")
+            ' Reset Values
+            Job.ResetValue()
             ' Save the Jobfiles
diff --git a/CSE/IO/cJob.vb b/CSE/IO/cJob.vb
index c3128cca1e47550a51d41c266be324243b662acf..a2037e274cf670e61c907ed9945e4e34958cc23f 100644
--- a/CSE/IO/cJob.vb
+++ b/CSE/IO/cJob.vb
@@ -185,6 +185,24 @@ Public Class cJob
         MyBase.New(inputFilePath, skipValidation)
     End Sub
+    ' Reset the Values to Standard
+    Friend Sub ResetValue(Optional IsCalibration As Boolean = False)
+        If IsCalibration Then
+            Job.fv_veh = 0
+            Job.fa_pe = 1
+            Job.fv_pe = 0
+            Job.beta_ame = 0
+        End If
+        Job.CdxA = 0
+        Job.beta = 0
+        Job.delta_CdxA = 0
+        Job.CdxA0 = 0
+        Job.CdxA0_opt2 = 0
+        Job.valid_t_tire = True
+        Job.valid_t_amb = True
+        Job.valid_RRC = True
+    End Sub
     Protected Overrides Function BodySchemaStr() As String
         Return JSchemaStr()
@@ -220,19 +238,19 @@ Public Class cJob
     Public beta_f As Double
     Public beta_d As Double
-    Public fv_veh As Double = 0
-    Public fv_veh_opt2 As Double = 0
-    Public fa_pe As Double = 1
-    Public fv_pe As Double = 0
-    Public beta_ame As Double = 0
-    Public CdxA As Double = 0
-    Public beta As Double = 0
-    Public delta_CdxA As Double = 0
-    Public CdxA0 As Double = 0
-    Public CdxA0_opt2 As Double = 0
-    Public valid_t_tire As Boolean = True
-    Public valid_t_amb As Boolean = True
-    Public valid_RRC As Boolean = True
+    Public fv_veh As Double
+    Public fv_veh_opt2 As Double
+    Public fa_pe As Double
+    Public fv_pe As Double
+    Public beta_ame As Double
+    Public CdxA As Double
+    Public beta As Double
+    Public delta_CdxA As Double
+    Public CdxA0 As Double
+    Public CdxA0_opt2 As Double
+    Public valid_t_tire As Boolean
+    Public valid_t_amb As Boolean
+    Public valid_RRC As Boolean
     Protected Overrides Sub OnContentUpdated()
         Dim anem = PropOrDefault(".Anemometer")
diff --git a/DemoData/EvaluationDemo.csjob.json b/DemoData/EvaluationDemo.csjob.json
index ff5898ada5ddf76cdb8dac07206a5707c14f3b03..5a741c878a91641f0e50da50be0a9a25828fd616 100644
--- a/DemoData/EvaluationDemo.csjob.json
+++ b/DemoData/EvaluationDemo.csjob.json
@@ -3,413 +3,10 @@
     "Title": "vecto-cse JOB",
     "FileVersion": "1.0.0",
     "AppVersion": "2.0.1-pre3",
-    "ModifiedDate": "2014.06.24 16:20:19 +02:00",
+    "ModifiedDate": "2014.06.25 08:36:29 +02:00",
     "CreatedBy": "VKMTHD\\martindippold@Dippold(lic: 88070b7c-1b69-4d65-a112-10c57f86f5ad)",
     "StrictBody": null,
-    "BodySchema": {
-      "title": "Schema for vecto-cse VEHICLE",
-      "type": "object",
-      "additionalProperties": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "properties": {
-        "vehicle_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to Vehicle file (*.csveh)"
-        },
-        "Anemometer": {
-          "type": "object",
-          "description": "The Anemometer calibration factors (floats).",
-          "default": {
-            "v_air_f": 1,
-            "v_air_d": 0,
-            "beta_f": 1,
-            "beta_d": 0
-          }
-        },
-        "ambient_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to the Ambient(Weather) file (*.csamb)"
-        },
-        "calib_track_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to Track-sections (*.csmsc)."
-        },
-        "calib_run_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)"
-        },
-        "coast_track_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to Track-sections (*.csmsc)."
-        },
-        "low1_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)"
-        },
-        "high_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)"
-        },
-        "low2_fpath": {
-          "type": [
-            "null",
-            "string"
-          ],
-          "description": "File-path to a measurement-file (*.csdat)"
-        },
-        "Criteria": {
-          "title": "Schema for vecto-cse CRITERIA",
-          "type": "object",
-          "additionalProperties": true,
-          "required": true,
-          "properties": {
-            "Processing": {
-              "type": "object",
-              "required": true,
-              "additionalProperties": true,
-              "properties": {
-                "rho_air_ref": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Reference air density.",
-                  "units": "kg/m^3"
-                },
-                "accel_correction": {
-                  "type": "boolean",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "When True, applies acceleration correction."
-                },
-                "gradient_correction": {
-                  "type": "boolean",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "When True, applies gradient correction."
-                },
-                "hz_out": {
-                  "type": "integer",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "The sampling-rate of the result files.",
-                  "units": "Hz"
-                },
-                "rr_corr_factor": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Rolling resistance correction factor"
-                },
-                "acc_corr_avg": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Averaging of vehicle speed for correction of acceleration forces.",
-                  "units": "s"
-                },
-                "dist_float": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Distance used for calculation of floatinig average signal used for stability criteria in low speeds.",
-                  "units": "m"
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            "Validation": {
-              "type": "object",
-              "required": true,
-              "additionalProperties": true,
-              "properties": {
-                "trigger_delta_x_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (driving direction).",
-                  "units": "m"
-                },
-                "trigger_delta_y_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- size of the control area around a MS start/end point where a trigger signal is valid (perpendicular to driving direction)",
-                  "units": "m"
-                },
-                "delta_head_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- maximum deviation from heading as read from the csdat-file to the heading from csms-file for a valid dataset.",
-                  "units": "°"
-                },
-                "segruns_min_CAL": {
-                  "type": "integer",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum number of valid datasets required for the calibration test (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)."
-                },
-                "segruns_min_LS": {
-                  "type": "integer",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum number of valid datasets required for the low speed (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)."
-                },
-                "segruns_min_HS": {
-                  "type": "integer",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum number of valid datasets required for the high speed (per combination of MS ID and DIR ID)."
-                },
-                "segruns_min_head_MS": {
-                  "type": "integer",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum TOTAL number of valid datasets required for the high speed per heading."
-                },
-                "delta_Hz_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum allowed deviation of timestep-size in csdat-file from 100Hz.",
-                  "units": "%"
-                },
-                "delta_parallel_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum heading difference for measurement section (parallelism criteria for test track layout).",
-                  "units": "°"
-                },
-                "v_wind_avg_max_CAL": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum average wind speed (calibration).",
-                  "units": "m/s"
-                },
-                "v_wind_1s_max_CAL": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum gust wind speed (calibration).",
-                  "units": "m/s"
-                },
-                "beta_avg_max_CAL": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum average beta (calibration).",
-                  "units": "°"
-                },
-                "leng_crit": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum absolute difference of distance driven with lenght of section as specified in configuration",
-                  "units": "M"
-                },
-                "v_wind_avg_max_LS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum average wind speed during (low speed).",
-                  "units": "m/s"
-                },
-                "v_wind_1s_max_LS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum gust wind speed (low speed).",
-                  "units": "m/s"
-                },
-                "v_veh_avg_min_LS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum average vehicle speed (low speed).",
-                  "units": "km/h"
-                },
-                "v_veh_avg_max_LS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum average vehicle speed (low speed).",
-                  "units": "km/h"
-                },
-                "v_veh_float_delta_LS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- maximum deviation of floating average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (low speed)",
-                  "units": "km/h"
-                },
-                "tq_sum_float_delta_LS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- maximum relative deviation of floating average torque from average torque over entire section (low speed)"
-                },
-                "v_wind_avg_max_HS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum average wind speed (high speed).",
-                  "units": "m/s"
-                },
-                "v_wind_1s_max_HS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum gust wind speed (high speed).",
-                  "units": "m/s"
-                },
-                "beta_avg_max_HS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum average beta during (high speed).",
-                  "units": "°"
-                },
-                "v_veh_avg_min_HS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum average vehicle speed (high speed).",
-                  "units": "km/h"
-                },
-                "v_veh_1s_delta_HS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- maximum deviation of 1s average vehicle speed from average vehicle speed over entire section (high speed).",
-                  "units": "km/h"
-                },
-                "tq_sum_1s_delta_HS": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "+/- maximum relative deviation of 1s average torque from average torque over entire section (high speed)."
-                },
-                "delta_t_tyre_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum variation of tyre temperature between high speeds and low speeds.",
-                  "units": "°C"
-                },
-                "delta_rr_corr_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum difference of RRC from the two low speed runs.",
-                  "units": "kg/t"
-                },
-                "t_amb_min": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Minimum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only)",
-                  "units": "°C"
-                },
-                "t_amb_max": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only) .",
-                  "units": "°C"
-                },
-                "t_amb_var": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum variation of ambient temperature (measured at the vehicle) during the tests (evaluated based on the used datasets only).",
-                  "units": "°C"
-                },
-                "t_amb_tarmac": {
-                  "type": "number",
-                  "required": true,
-                  "description": "Maximum temperature below which no documentation of tarmac conditions is necessary.",
-                  "units": "°C"
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        "properties": {
-          "Calibration": {
-            "type": "object",
-            "required": true,
-            "additionalProperties": true,
-            "properties": {
-              "fv_veh": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Calibration factor for vehicle speed."
-              },
-              "fv_pe": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Calibration factor for air speed (position error)."
-              },
-              "fa_pe": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Position error correction factor for measured air inflow angle (beta)."
-              },
-              "beta_ame": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Calibration factor for beta (misalignment).",
-                "units": "°"
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          "Evaluation": {
-            "type": "object",
-            "required": true,
-            "additionalProperties": true,
-            "properties": {
-              "CdxA": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Average CdxA before yaw angle correction",
-                "units": "m^2"
-              },
-              "beta": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Average absolute yaw angle from high speed tests.",
-                "units": "m^2"
-              },
-              "delta_CdxA": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Correction of CdxA for yaw angle.",
-                "units": "m^2"
-              },
-              "CdxA0": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Correction of CdxA for zero yaw angle.",
-                "units": "m^2"
-              },
-              "CdxA0_opt2": {
-                "type": "number",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Average CdxA for zero yaw angle (yaw angle correction performed before averaging of measurement sections).",
-                "units": "m^2"
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          "Validity": {
-            "type": "object",
-            "required": true,
-            "additionalProperties": true,
-            "properties": {
-              "valid_t_tire": {
-                "type": "boolean",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Invalid if the maximum ambient temperature exceeded."
-              },
-              "valid_t_amb": {
-                "type": "boolean",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Invalid if the ambient temperature fallen below minimum."
-              },
-              "valid_RRC": {
-                "type": "boolean",
-                "required": true,
-                "description": "Invalid if the ambient temperature higher than allowed."
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
+    "BodySchema": null
   "Body": {
     "vehicle_fpath": "DemoData\\VehicleDemo.csveh.json",
@@ -464,18 +61,18 @@
         "t_amb_tarmac": 25
-    "fv_veh": 0.0,
+    "fv_veh": 0.971,
     "fa_pe": 1.0,
-    "fv_pe": 0.0,
-    "beta_ame": 0.0,
-    "CdxA": 0.0,
-    "beta": 0.0,
-    "delta_CdxA": 0.0,
-    "CdxA0": 0.0,
-    "CdxA0_opt2": 0.0,
+    "fv_pe": 1.073,
+    "beta_ame": -0.01,
+    "CdxA": 5.59563,
+    "beta": 0.94651,
+    "delta_CdxA": 0.08069,
+    "CdxA0": 5.51494,
+    "CdxA0_opt2": 5.50584,
     "valid_t_tire": true,
     "valid_t_amb": true,
-    "valid_RRC": true,
+    "valid_RRC": false,
     "v_air_f": 1.0,
     "v_air_d": 0.0,
     "beta_f": 1.0,