Append Manufacturing Step to VECTOconsole for Multistage mode
Implement a new commnad in the VECTOconsole tool that makes possible to append multistep stages for a simulation.
In order to achive this the current behavior must be taken into acount:
- Previous step input
- Current step input, either a completed or intermiediate step.
- Save as new VIF the resulting file and execute the simulation according to user input.
Data & steps to reproduce
Process to generate COMPLETED file from GUI:
- Create new
File/New File/New Interim or Completed File
. - Load PARTIAL file (results) (1)
- Load COMPLETED file (2).
- Create COMPLETED simulation file.
- Save as new VIF file.
- Run simulation if desired
Acceptance Criteria
- A new command is added to the command tool
- command: -ams, Append Manufacturing Step
- arguments: previous_step.xml, current_step.xml, output.xml in that order
- The command needs to have the same functionality as existing GUI.
- Write output to specific location
- Prompt result of write operation
- Ask to run simulation [Y]es or [N]o, no as default.
- Usage: vectocmd.exe -ams file1.xml file2.xml output.xml
- Provide override mechanism as -y, -n, -quiet or similar.
- Tests.
Compare the results of GUI and console outputs.
Edited by David AMO GONZALEZ