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Commit 068362d8 authored by vernada's avatar vernada
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deprecated stuff

parent 64de715a
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use CGI qw/:standard start_ol/;
use Config::IniFiles;
use File::Basename;
use Net::LDAP;
use Data::Dumper;
# unbuffered output:
$| = 1;
my $iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
push( @INC, $iniFile->val( 'APPLICATION', 'LIBRARY' ) );
use SNET::access;
use SNET::common;
use SNET::html;
use SNET::ActiveDirectory;
use vars qw($verbose $debug $help $env $script $cli_mode $action $IM $username $belongs_iss3 $belongs_network $belongs_security $belongs_admin $migration $ldap_admin $ldap_passwd);
$debug = 0;
$verbose = 0;
( $script ) = split( /\./, basename( $0 ) );
my $title = "LDAP Add User";
my $function = $title;
$function =~ s/\s/_/g;
my $href = "";
my $header = "";
my $html_msg = "";
my $global_iniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => "/opt/etc/ini/global.ini" );
$env = "test"; # "prod";
( $html_msg ) = Access_snet_script_head( $script, $global_iniFile, $ENV, $env );
# Get current user
my $run_user = '';
if ( defined( $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"} ) ) {
$run_user = $ENV{"HTTP_AUTHUSER"};
if ( $cli_mode && ( $run_user eq '' ) ) {
$run_user = $ENV{"USERNAME"};
if ( defined( $run_user ) ) {
$run_user =~ s/uid=//;
$run_user =~ s/,.*$//g;
=head1 print_prompt - HTML Form
Display the HTML Form parameters.
- Login name:
- Text field to write the new login name to be created. The username should already exist in Net1.
- IM:
- Text field to write the SMT IM associated with the request.
- Options:
- iss3,network,security: select only one where the user belong to.
- verbose: active the verbose output.
- debug: active the debug output.
sub print_prompt ($$$$)
my ( $ldap_admin, $ldap_passwd, $username, $IM ) = @_;
print start_form( -enctype => &CGI::MULTIPART );
print "<em>Administrator uid (or full dn): </em>";
print textfield(
-name => 'ldap_admin',
-default => (
? $ldap_admin
: 'cn=administrator,ou=people,ou=management,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu'
-size => 50,
-maxlength => 80
print nl();
print nl();
print "<em>Administrator password: </em>";
print password_field(
-name => 'ldap_passwd',
-default => ( $ldap_passwd ? $ldap_passwd : '' ),
-size => 50,
-maxlength => 100
print nl();
print nl();
print "<em>Login name (same as net1): </em>";
print textfield(
-name => 'username',
-default => ( $username ? $username : '' ),
-size => 50,
-maxlength => 80
print nl();
print nl();
print "<em>IM (Full SMT ticket number): </em>";
print textfield(
-name => 'IM',
-default => ( $IM ? $IM : '' ),
-override => 1,
-size => 50,
-maxlength => 100
print nl();
print nl();
print "<em>Options: </em>" . nl();
print checkbox_group(
-name => 'belongs',
-values => [ 'administrator', 'iss3', 'network', 'security', 'migration', 'verbose', 'debug' ],
-linebreak => 'true'
print nl();
print "<p>", submit( 'action', 'Submit' ), reset;
print end_form();
=head1 do_work - HTML Parameters
display the parameters passed to the web interface.
Arguments: None
sub do_work ()
my ( @values, $key );
return if ( !param );
print "<h2>Here are the current settings used for the $title processor</h2>";
foreach $key ( param ) {
next if ( $key =~ /passw/i );
print "<strong>$key</strong> -> ";
@values = param( $key );
print join( ", ", @values ) . nl();
print nl() . nl();
$action = '';
my $old_people_tree = "ou=People,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int";
my $new_people_tree = "ou=people,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu";
my $new_dead_people_tree = "ou=expired,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu";
$IM = param( 'IM' ) if ( defined( param( 'IM' ) ) && ( param( 'IM' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'IM' ) =~ /^IM\d+$/ ) );
$action = param( 'action' ) if ( defined( param( 'action' ) ) && ( param( 'action' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'action' ) =~ /^\w+$/ ) );
$username = param( 'username' ) if ( defined( param( 'username' ) ) && ( param( 'username' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'username' ) =~ /^[\w-]+$/ ) );
if ( defined( param( 'ldap_admin' ) ) && ( param( 'ldap_admin' ) !~ /^$/ ) && ( param( 'ldap_admin' ) =~ /^[\w=,-]+$/ ) ) {
$ldap_admin = param( 'ldap_admin' );
if ( $ldap_admin !~ /,/ ) {
$ldap_admin = 'uid=' . $ldap_admin . ',' . $new_people_tree;
$ldap_passwd = param( 'ldap_passwd' ) if ( defined( param( 'ldap_passwd' ) ) && ( param( 'ldap_passwd' ) !~ /^$/ ) );
$belongs_admin = 0;
$belongs_iss3 = 0;
$belongs_network = 0;
$belongs_security = 0;
$migration = 0;
my $pcount = 0;
if ( ( defined( param( 'belongs' ) ) && ( param( 'belongs' ) !~ /^$/ ) ) ) {
my @values = param( 'belongs' );
my $belongs = join( ", ", @values );
$belongs =~ s/\n//;
$belongs =~ s/\r//;
$belongs =~ s/\s+//;
if ( $belongs =~ /administrator/ ) {
$belongs_admin = 1;
if ( $belongs =~ /iss3/ ) {
$belongs_iss3 = 1;
if ( $belongs =~ /network/ ) {
$belongs_network = 1;
if ( $belongs =~ /security/ ) {
$belongs_security = 1;
$verbose = 1 if ( $belongs =~ /verbose/ );
$debug = 1 if ( $belongs =~ /debug/ );
$migration = 1 if ( $belongs =~ /migration/ );
print header( -charset => 'UTF-8', );
dg_header_html( $title, 1, 0, $href, $header );
print $html_msg . nl();
# TODO add only one belongs_* stuff
#$belongs_iss3 = 0;
#$belongs_network = 0;
#$belongs_security = 0;
if ( defined( $username )
&& ( $username !~ /^$/ )
&& ( $username =~ /^[\w-]+$/ )
&& defined( $IM )
&& ( $IM !~ /^$/ )
&& ( $IM =~ /^IM\d{10}$/ )
&& ( defined( $action ) )
&& ( $action eq "Submit" )
&& ( $pcount <= 1 ) ) {
my $AiniFile = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $global_iniFile->val( 'INI', 'AD' ) );
my $adserver = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'SERVER' );
print "error value of adserver is undefined" if ( !defined( $adserver ) );
my $aduser = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'USER' );
print "error value of aduser is undefined" if ( !defined( $aduser ) );
my $adpasswd = $AiniFile->val( 'AD_NET1', 'PASSWORD' );
print "error value of adpasswd is undefined" if ( !defined( $adpasswd ) );
my $attrs = [ 'displayName', 'mail' ];
my ( $mail, $name ) = ( '', '' );
print "Searching Net1 for userlogin : '$username'" . nl();
my $ad = Net::LDAP->new( $adserver )
or die "Could not connect to AD: $adserver!";
$ad->bind( $aduser, password => $adpasswd );
#my $searchbase = 'OU=Users_ITIC,OU=DIGIT,OU=DGs,DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int';
my $searchbase = 'OU=DIGIT,OU=DGs,DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int';
my $filter = "sAMAccountName=$username";
my $results = $ad->search( base => $searchbase, filter => $filter, attrs => $attrs );
if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
exit 1;
my $count = $results->count;
if ( $count != 1 ) {
print "More than 1 entries fetched from the AD Net1. Do not know what to do. One and only one entry should be found." . nl();
} else {
print "'$count' record fetched from Net1." . nl();
my $entry = $results->entry( 0 );
$mail = $entry->get_value( 'mail' );
$name = $entry->get_value( 'displayName' );
$name =~ s/\s\(.*$//;
$mail = lc( $mail );
undef $results;
print "Pursuing the addition of user '$username' with parameters:" . nl();
print " - Realname: '$name'" . nl();
print " - Email: '$mail'" . nl();
print br;
# Check if username already exist
my $ldap_server = '';
my $homeserver = "";
my $ldap_min_uid = 2000;
my $ldap_max_uid = 10000;
print "Connecting to $ldap_server..." . nl();
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldap_server, onerror => sub { print "oups! " . $_[0]->error() . nl(); return undef; }, ) or die "$@";
$ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require',
cafile => '/usr/share/ca-certificates/', );
$ldap->bind( $ldap_admin, password => $ldap_passwd );
print "Searching directory for existing uid: $username" . nl();
$results = $ldap->search( base => $new_people_tree, filter => "(uid=$username)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
if ( defined( $results ) ) {
$results->code && die $results->error;
$count = $results->count;
if ( $count != 0 ) {
print "Account already exist ('$count') in SNet LDAP. stopping process." . nl();
$entry = $results->entry( 0 );
print "cn: " . $entry->get_value( 'cn' ) . " uid " . $entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' ) . nl();
undef $results;
} else {
print "Did not found any existing entry in the LDAP SNet directory." . nl();
$results = $ldap->search( base => $new_dead_people_tree, filter => "(uid=$username)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
if ( defined( $results ) ) {
# TODO: branch does not yet exist...
if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
exit 1;
$count = $results->count;
if ( $count != 0 ) {
print "Account already exist in SNet LDAP for the old members! stopping process." . nl();
} else {
print "Did not found any existing entry in the LDAP SNet old members directory." . nl();
undef $results;
my $old_ldap;
my $old_ldap_server = '';
my $old_admin = 'cn=Directory Manager';
my $old_passwd = 'DirectoryM!';
my $old_password;
my $old_uidnumber;
my @old_description;
my $old_result = 0;
my $next_free_uidnumber;
if ( $migration ) {
print "Checking if this is a migration from old directory..." . nl();
eval {
$old_ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $old_ldap_server, onerror => sub { print "oupsi! " . $_[0]->error() . nl(); return undef; }, )
or die "Could not connect to $old_ldap_server!";
$old_ldap->bind( $old_admin, password => $old_passwd );
$results = $old_ldap->search( base => $old_people_tree, filter => "(uid=$username)", attrs => [ "userPassword", "uidNumber", "description" ] );
if ( defined( $results ) && ( $results->count == 1 ) ) {
$old_password = $results->entry->get_value( 'userPassword' );
$old_uidnumber = $results->entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' );
@old_description = $results->entry->get_value( 'description' );
print "Found an uid matching with uidnumber : $old_uidnumber" . nl();
if ( defined( $old_uidnumber ) ) {
undef $results;
$results = $ldap->search( base => $new_people_tree, filter => "(uidNumber=$old_uidnumber)", attrs => ["cn"] );
if ( $results->count != 0 ) {
undef $old_uidnumber;
} else {
$next_free_uidnumber = $old_uidnumber;
undef $results;
$old_result = 1;
} else {
print "seems to be a new user" . nl();
if ( $@ ) {
print "oupsi! $@" . nl();
undef $results;
if ( !( defined( $old_uidnumber ) ) ) {
print "Allocating a new uidNumber..." . nl();
# fetching all the uid, to find the next available uid
# first tree... the living one...
$results = $ldap->search( base => $new_people_tree, filter => "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=*))", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
exit 1 unless defined( $results );
if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
exit 1;
$count = $results->count;
if ( $count != 0 ) {
print "found $count already used uid(s)" . nl();
my %blah;
foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
# $entry->dump;
my $uid = $entry->get_value( 'cn' );
my $uidnumber = $entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' );
if ( defined( $blah{$uidnumber} ) ) {
$blah{$uidnumber} = $blah{$uidnumber} + 1;
} else {
if ( ( $uidnumber >= $ldap_min_uid ) && ( $uidnumber < 10000 ) ) {
$blah{$uidnumber} = 1;
undef $results;
# searching the dead one...
$results = $ldap->search( base => $new_dead_people_tree, filter => "(uid=*)", attrs => [ "cn", "uidNumber" ] );
if ( defined( $results ) ) {
if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
exit 1;
foreach my $entry ( $results->entries ) {
# $entry->dump;
my $uid = $entry->get_value( 'cn' );
my $uidnumber = $entry->get_value( 'uidNumber' );
if ( defined( $blah{$uidnumber} ) ) {
$blah{$uidnumber} = $blah{$uidnumber} + 1;
} else {
if ( ( $uidnumber >= $ldap_min_uid ) && ( $uidnumber < $ldap_max_uid ) ) {
$blah{$uidnumber} = 1;
undef $results;
foreach my $key ( sort { $a <=> $b } ( keys( %blah ) ) ) {
if ( $blah{$key} > 1 ) {
print "WARNING : uid number $key is used several time!" . nl();
for ( $next_free_uidnumber = $ldap_min_uid ; $next_free_uidnumber <= $ldap_max_uid ; $next_free_uidnumber++ ) {
if ( !defined( $blah{$next_free_uidnumber} ) ) {
if ( $next_free_uidnumber < $ldap_max_uid ) {
print "next free uid number : $next_free_uidnumber" . nl();
} else {
print "No more uid number available!" . nl();
exit 1;
my $uidn = $next_free_uidnumber;
my $gidn = 3500; # gid is snmc...
my $description = ();
my $folder = '';
if ( $belongs_admin ) {
$belongs_admin = 'cn=admin,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
if ( $belongs_network ) {
if ( $old_result ) {
push( @$description, @old_description );
} else {
push( @$description, 'RPRO' );
push( @$description, 'PSRO' );
push( @$description, 'CWRW' );
$folder = 'cn=network,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
} elsif ( $belongs_security ) {
if ( $old_result ) {
push( @$description, @old_description );
} else {
push( @$description, 'RPRW' );
push( @$description, 'PSRW' );
push( @$description, 'CWRO' );
$folder = 'cn=security,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
} elsif ( $belongs_iss3 ) {
if ( $old_result ) {
push( @$description, @old_description );
} else {
push( @$description, 'RPRW' );
push( @$description, 'PSRW' );
push( @$description, 'CWRA' );
$folder = 'cn=iss3,ou=groups,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu';
} else {
print "ignoring old attributes as no group membership was specified" . nl();
#if ($old_result) {
# push( @$description, @old_description );
#else {
push( @$description, 'RPRO' );
push( @$description, 'PSRO' );
push( @$description, 'CWRO' );
#my $uid_dn = "uid=${username},ou=${folder},".$new_people_tree;
my $uid_dn = "uid=${username}," . $new_people_tree;
print "Creating user '$username' using the following parameters:" . nl();
print " - Realname: '$name'" . nl();
print " - Email: '$mail'" . nl();
print " - UID number: '$uidn'" . nl();
print " - GID number: '$gidn'" . nl();
print " - description: " . Dumper( $description ) . nl();
print " - uid_dn: '$uid_dn'" . nl();
print " - AUDIT: '$IM;$run_user;A;" . time . "'" . nl();
print br;
# Need to SSH to
# if ( ! -d "/opt/home/$username" ) {
# print "Creation directory";
# system "mkdir /opt/home/$username";
# system "chown $next_free_uidnumber:3500 /opt/home/$username";
# }
my $attr = [
'cn' => $username,
'sn' => $username,
'uid' => $username,
'uidNumber' => $uidn,
'gidNumber' => $gidn,
'description' => $description,
'mail' => $mail,
'gecos' => $name,
'homeDirectory' => "/home/$username",
'loginShell' => '/bin/ksh',
'shadowLastChange' => '11640',
'shadowFlag' => '0',
'auditInformation' => "$IM;$run_user;A;" . time,
'objectClass' => [ 'inetOrgPerson', 'organizationalPerson', 'person', 'posixAccount', 'shadowAccount', 'simpleSecurityObject', 'Audit', 'top' ],
my $pass;
if ( $old_result && defined( $old_password ) ) {
$pass = $old_password;
my $ppolicy = "cn=migration,ou=policies,ou=SNet,ou=2,ou=C,o=DIGIT,dc=ec,dc=europa,dc=eu";
unshift( @{$attr}, 'pwdConstraintSubentry' => $ppolicy, 'pwdPolicySubentry' => $ppolicy );
} else {
$pass = '{CLEARTEXT}P@ssword01';
unshift( @{$attr}, 'userPassword' => $pass );
print "adding to the SNet LDAP server '$ldap_server'" . nl();
$results = $ldap->add( $uid_dn, attr => $attr, );
if ( ( $results->code ) && ( $results->code != 32 ) ) {
print "Code:" . $results->code . " '" . $results->error . "'" . nl();
exit 1;
$results->code && warn "failed to add entry: ", $results->error;
undef $results;
# $result = $ldap->modify( "cn=snmc,ou=group,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", add => { memberUid => $username } );
# $result->code && warn "failed to modify group snmc: ", $result->error ;
# $result = $ldap->modify( "cn=NS,ou=group,dc=snmc,dc=cec,dc=eu,dc=int", add => { memberUid => $username } );
# $result->code && warn "failed to modify group: ", $result->error ;
print "User '$username' created." . nl();
if ( $belongs_admin ) {
$results = $ldap->modify( $belongs_admin, add => { member => [$uid_dn] } );
if ( defined( $results ) ) {
print "user added to admin group" . nl();
undef $results;
} else {
print "fail to add user to admin group" . nl();
if ( $belongs_network || $belongs_security || $belongs_iss3 ) {
$results = $ldap->modify( $folder, add => { memberUid => [$username] } );
$folder =~ s/^cn=//;
$folder =~ s/,.*//;
if ( defined( $results ) ) {
print "user added to $folder group" . nl();
undef $results;
} else {
print "fail to add user to $folder group" . nl();
} else {
print "user was added without group membership" . nl();
} else {
if ( ( defined( $action ) ) && ( $action eq "Submit" ) ) {
if ( $pcount > 1 ) {
print "ERROR: only 1 base group is valid" . nl();
if ( defined( $username ) && ( $username !~ /^$/ ) && ( $username !~ /^[\w-]+$/ ) ) {
print "ERROR: username contains some unsupported characters." . nl();
if ( defined( $IM ) && ( $IM !~ /^$/ ) && ( $IM !~ /^IM\d{10}$/ ) ) {
print "ERROR: IM is not a valid IM number." . nl();
if ( defined( $ldap_admin ) && ( $ldap_admin !~ /^$/ ) && ( $ldap_admin !~ /^[\w=,-]+$/ ) ) {
print "ERROR: admin dn contains some unsupported characters." . nl();
print_prompt( $ldap_admin, $ldap_passwd, $username, $IM );
print '</div>';
print "<hr> <address>Snet NS Team</address><br> <a href=\"\">Home Page</a>";
print end_html;
exit 1;
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