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' Copyright 2017 European Union.
' Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
' * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
' * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
'   software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
'   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
' See the LICENSE.txt for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports TUGraz.VECTO.Input_Files
Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.InputData
Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models
Imports TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.FileIO.JSON
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Impl
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.InputData.Reader.ComponentData
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Impl
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.ElectricMotor
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Engine
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data.Gearbox
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData.FileIO
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData.XML
Imports TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData.XML.Engineering.Interfaces

''' <summary>
''' Gearbox Editor
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class GearboxForm
    Private Enum GearboxTbl
        GearNr = 0
        'TorqueConverter = 1
        Ratio = 1
        LossMapEfficiency = 2
        ShiftPolygons = 3
        MaxTorque = 4
        MaxSpeed = 5
    End Enum

    Private _gbxFile As String = ""
    Public AutoSendTo As Boolean = False
    Public JobDir As String = ""
    Private _gearDialog As GearboxGearDialog

    Private _changed As Boolean = False

    'Before closing Editor: Check if file was changed and ask to save.
    Private Sub F_GBX_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
        If e.CloseReason <> CloseReason.ApplicationExitCall And e.CloseReason <> CloseReason.WindowsShutDown Then
            e.Cancel = ChangeCheckCancel()
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub F_GBX_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        _gearDialog = New GearboxGearDialog

        PnInertiaTI.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
        GrGearShift.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode
        'ChTCon.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode

        CbGStype.ValueMember = "Value"
        CbGStype.DisplayMember = "Label"

        If (Cfg.DeclMode) Then
            CbGStype.DataSource = [Enum].GetValues(GetType(GearboxType)) _
                .Cast(Of GearboxType)() _
                .Where(Function(type) Not type = GearboxType.APTN And (type.ManualTransmission() OrElse type = GearboxType.ATSerial)) _
                .Select(Function(type) New With {Key .Value = type, .Label = type.GetLabel()}).ToList()
            CbGStype.DataSource = [Enum].GetValues(GetType(GearboxType)) _
                .Cast(Of GearboxType)() _
                .Where(Function(type) type.ManualTransmission() OrElse type.AutomaticTransmission() OrElse type = GearboxType.IHPC OrElse type = GearboxType.IEPC) _
                .Select(Function(type) New With {Key .Value = type, .Label = type.GetLabel()}).ToList()
        End If

        _changed = False
    End Sub

    'Set generic values for Declaration mode.
    Private Sub DeclInit()
        Dim gbxType As GearboxType
        Dim lv0 As ListViewItem

        If Not Cfg.DeclMode Then Exit Sub

        TBI_getr.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.Inertia.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.GbInertia

        gbxType = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)	'CType(Me.CbGStype.SelectedIndex, tGearbox)

        TbTracInt.Text = gbxType.TractionInterruption().ToGUIFormat()
        TbMinTimeBetweenShifts.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.MinTimeBetweenGearshifts.ToGUIFormat()

        TbTqResv.Text = (DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.TorqueReserve * 100).ToGUIFormat()											  ' cDeclaration.TqResv
        TbTqResvStart.Text = (DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.TorqueReserveStart * 100).ToGUIFormat() 'cDeclaration.TqResvStart
        TbStartSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.StartSpeed.ToGUIFormat()	'cDeclaration.StartSpeed
        TbStartAcc.Text = DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.StartAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()	' cDeclaration.StartAcc

        tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
        tbTCCUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = ""
        tbTCLUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = ""

        tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
        tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()

        'ChTCon.Checked = GStype.AutomaticTransmission()
        For Each lv0 In LvGears.Items
            lv0.SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub ToolStripBtNew_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtNew.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripBtOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtOpen.Click
        If GearboxFileBrowser.OpenDialog(_gbxFile) Then
                OpenGbx(GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0), VehicleCategory.RigidTruck, VectoSimulationJobType.ConventionalVehicle)
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Failed to open Gearbox File: " + ex.Message)
            End Try
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripBtSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtSave.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripBtSaveAs_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtSaveAs.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripBtSendTo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripBtSendTo.Click

        If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub

        If _gbxFile = "" Then
            If MsgBox("Save file now?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
                If Not SaveOrSaveAs(True) Then Exit Sub
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

        If Not VectoJobForm.Visible Then
            JobDir = ""
            VectoJobForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
        End If

        VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(_gbxFile, JobDir)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
		If File.Exists(Path.Combine(MyAppPath,"User Manual\help.html")) Then
            Dim defaultBrowserPath As String = BrowserUtils.GetDefaultBrowserPath()
Michael KRISPER's avatar
Michael KRISPER committed
                          $"""file://{Path.Combine(MyAppPath, "User Manual\help.html#gearbox-editor")}""")
            MsgBox("User Manual not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
        End If
    End Sub
    'New file
    Private Sub NewGbx()
        'Dim lvi As ListViewItem
        If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
        'CbGStype.SelectedIndex = 0
        TbName.Text = ""
        TbTracInt.Text = ""
        TBI_getr.Text = ""
        LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", 1, "1", "", "", ""))
        'Me.ChSkipGears.Checked = False         'set by CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
        'Me.ChShiftInside.Checked = False       'set by CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
        TbTqResv.Text = (DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.TorqueReserve * 100).ToGUIFormat()
        TbMinTimeBetweenShifts.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.MinTimeBetweenGearshifts.ToGUIFormat()
        TbTqResvStart.Text = (DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.TorqueReserveStart * 100).ToGUIFormat()
        TbStartSpeed.Text = DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.StartSpeed.ToGUIFormat() ' in m/s!
        TbStartAcc.Text = DeclarationData.GearboxTCU.StartAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
        tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
        tbTCLUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = ""
        tbTCCUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = ""
        tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
        tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = DeclarationData.Gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
        'ChTCon.Checked = False				'set by CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
        TbTCfile.Text = ""
        TbTCrefrpm.Text = ""
        TbTCinertia.Text = ""
        _gbxFile = ""
        Text = "GBX Editor"
        LbStatus.Text = ""
        _changed = False
        End Try
    End Sub
    Public Sub OpenGbx(file As String, vehicleCategory As VehicleCategory, vehicleJobType As VectoSimulationJobType)
        If ChangeCheckCancel() Then Exit Sub
        Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(file), 
        Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = inputData.JobInputData.Vehicle
		Dim gearbox As IGearboxEngineeringInputData = vehicle.Components.GearboxInputData
	    Dim shiftParams As IGearshiftEngineeringInputData = TryCast(gearbox, IGearshiftEngineeringInputData)
		Dim axlegear As IAxleGearInputData = vehicle.Components.AxleGearInputData
        _vehicleCategory = vehicleCategory
        _vehicleJobType = vehicleJobType

        If Cfg.DeclMode <> gearbox.SavedInDeclarationMode Then
            Select Case WrongMode()
                Case 1
                    MainForm.RbDecl.Checked = Not MainForm.RbDecl.Checked
                Case -1
                    Exit Sub
            End Select
        End If

        Dim basePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)
        TbName.Text = gearbox.Model
        TbTracInt.Text = gearbox.TractionInterruption.ToGUIFormat()
        TBI_getr.Text = gearbox.Inertia.ToGUIFormat()


        Dim lossmap As String = ""
            lossmap = If(axlegear.LossMap Is Nothing, axlegear.Efficiency.ToGUIFormat(),
                        GetRelativePath(axlegear.LossMap.Source, basePath))
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

        LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem("Axle", axlegear.Ratio, lossmap, "", "", ""))

        For Each gear As ITransmissionInputData In gearbox.Gears
            lossmap = ""
                lossmap = If(gear.LossMap Is Nothing, gear.Efficiency.ToGUIFormat(), GetRelativePath(gear.LossMap.Source, basePath))
            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try
            LvGears.Items.Add(CreateListviewItem(gear.Gear.ToString("00"), gear.Ratio,
                                                If(gear.ShiftPolygon Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(gear.ShiftPolygon.Source, basePath)),
                                                If(gear.MaxTorque Is Nothing, "", gear.MaxTorque.ToGUIFormat()),
                                                If(gear.MaxInputSpeed Is Nothing, "", gear.MaxInputSpeed.AsRPM.ToGUIFormat())))
		TbTqResv.Text = (shiftParams.TorqueReserve * 100).ToGUIFormat()
		TbMinTimeBetweenShifts.Text = shiftParams.MinTimeBetweenGearshift.ToGUIFormat()
		TbTqResvStart.Text = (shiftParams.StartTorqueReserve * 100).ToGUIFormat()
		TbStartSpeed.Text = shiftParams.StartSpeed.ToGUIFormat()
		TbStartAcc.Text = shiftParams.StartAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
		Dim torqueConverter As ITorqueConverterEngineeringInputData = vehicle.Components.TorqueConverterInputData
        If torqueConverter Is Nothing OrElse gearbox.Type.ManualTransmission() Then
            TbTCfile.Text = ""
            TbTCrefrpm.Text = ""
            TbTCinertia.Text = ""
            TBTCShiftPolygon.Text = ""
            tbTCmaxSpeed.Text = ""
            tbTCLUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = ""
            tbTCCUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = ""

            TbTCfile.Text = If(torqueConverter.TCData Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(torqueConverter.TCData.Source, basePath))
            TbTCrefrpm.Text = If(torqueConverter.ReferenceRPM Is Nothing, "", torqueConverter.ReferenceRPM.AsRPM.ToGUIFormat())
            TbTCinertia.Text = If(torqueConverter.Inertia Is Nothing, "", torqueConverter.Inertia.ToGUIFormat())
            TBTCShiftPolygon.Text =
                If(torqueConverter.ShiftPolygon Is Nothing, "", GetRelativePath(torqueConverter.ShiftPolygon.Source, basePath))
            tbTCmaxSpeed.Text =
                If(torqueConverter.MaxInputSpeed Is Nothing, "", torqueConverter.MaxInputSpeed.AsRPM.ToGUIFormat())
			tbTCLUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = shiftParams.CLUpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
			tbTCCUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = shiftParams.CCUpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
		tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text = shiftParams.UpshiftMinAcceleration.ToGUIFormat()
		tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text = shiftParams.DownshiftAfterUpshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
		tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text = shiftParams.UpshiftAfterDownshiftDelay.ToGUIFormat()
        tbATShiftTime.Text = gearbox.PowershiftShiftTime.ToGUIFormat()

        CbGStype.SelectedValue = gearbox.Type


        Text = GetFilenameWithoutPath(file, True)
        LbStatus.Text = ""
        _gbxFile = file

        _changed = False
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateListviewItem(gear As String, ratio As Double, getrMap As String,
                                        shiftPolygon As String, maxTorque As String, maxSpeed As String) As ListViewItem
        Dim retVal As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(gear)
        Return retVal
    End Function

    'Save or Save As function = true if file is saved
    Private Function SaveOrSaveAs(saveAs As Boolean) As Boolean
        If _gbxFile = "" Or saveAs Then
            If GearboxFileBrowser.SaveDialog(_gbxFile) Then
                _gbxFile = GearboxFileBrowser.Files(0)
                Return False
            End If
        End If
        Return SaveGbx(_gbxFile)
    End Function

    'Save file
    Private Function SaveGbx(file As String) As Boolean

        Dim gearbox As Gearbox = FillGearboxData(file)

        If Not gearbox.SaveFile Then
            MsgBox("Cannot save to " & file, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
            Return False
        End If

        If AutoSendTo Then
            If VectoJobForm.Visible Then
                If UCase(FileRepl(VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text, JobDir)) <> UCase(file) Then _
                    VectoJobForm.TbGBX.Text = GetFilenameWithoutDirectory(file, JobDir)
            End If
        End If

        Text = GetFilenameWithoutPath(file, True)
        LbStatus.Text = ""

        _changed = False

        Return True
    End Function

    Private Function FillGearboxData(file As String) As Gearbox
        Dim gearbox As Gearbox
        Dim i As Integer

        gearbox = New Gearbox
        gearbox.FilePath = file

        gearbox.ModelName = TbName.Text
        If Trim(gearbox.ModelName) = "" Then gearbox.ModelName = "Undefined"

        gearbox.TracIntrSi = TbTracInt.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.GbxInertia = TBI_getr.Text.ToDouble(0)

        For i = 0 To LvGears.Items.Count - 1
            'GBX0.IsTCgear.Add(Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.TorqueConverter).Text = "on" And i > 0)
            gearbox.GearLossmaps.Add(New SubPath)
            gearbox.GearLossMap(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
            gearbox.GearshiftFiles.Add(New SubPath)
            gearbox.ShiftPolygonFile(i) = LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
            'GBX0.FldFiles.Add(New cSubPath)
            'GBX0.FldFile(i) = Me.LvGears.Items(i).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text

        gearbox.TorqueResv = TbTqResv.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.ShiftTime = TbMinTimeBetweenShifts.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.TorqueResvStart = TbTqResvStart.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.StartSpeed = TbStartSpeed.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.StartAcc = TbStartAcc.Text.ToDouble(0)

        gearbox.Type = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)

        gearbox.TorqueConverterFile = TbTCfile.Text
        gearbox.TorqueConverterReferenceRpm = TbTCrefrpm.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.TorqueConverterInertia = TbTCinertia.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.TorqueConverterShiftPolygonFile = TBTCShiftPolygon.Text
        gearbox.TorqueConverterMaxSpeed = tbTCmaxSpeed.Text.ToDouble(0)

        gearbox.DownshiftAfterUpshift = tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.UpshiftAfterDownshift = tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Text.ToDouble(0)

        gearbox.UpshiftMinAcceleration = tbUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.TCLUpshiftMinAcceleration = tbTCLUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text.ToDouble(0)
        gearbox.TCCUpshiftMinAcceleration = tbTCCUpshiftMinAcceleration.Text.ToDouble(0)

        gearbox.PSShiftTime = tbATShiftTime.Text.ToDouble(0)
        Return gearbox
    End Function
    'Change Status ändern |@@| Change Status change
    Private Sub Change()
        If Not _changed Then
            LbStatus.Text = "Unsaved changes in current file"
            _changed = True
        End If
    End Sub

    ' "Save changes ?" ...liefert True wenn User Vorgang abbricht |@@| Save changes? "... Returns True if user aborts
    Private Function ChangeCheckCancel() As Boolean

        If _changed Then
            Select Case MsgBox("Save changes ?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
                Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
                    Return Not SaveOrSaveAs(False)
                Case MsgBoxResult.Cancel
                    Return True
                Case Else 'MsgBoxResult.No
                    _changed = False
                    Return False
            End Select


            Return False

        End If
    End Function

    Private Sub TbName_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
        Handles TbName.TextChanged, TBI_getr.TextChanged, TbTracInt.TextChanged, TbTqResv.TextChanged,
                TbMinTimeBetweenShifts.TextChanged, TbTqResvStart.TextChanged, TbStartSpeed.TextChanged, TbStartAcc.TextChanged,
                tbTCCUpshiftMinAcceleration.TextChanged, tbTCLUpshiftMinAcceleration.TextChanged
    End Sub
    'Save and close
    Private Sub ButOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButOK.Click
        If SaveOrSaveAs(False) Then Close()
    End Sub

    Private Sub ButCancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButCancel.Click
    End Sub

    'Enable/Disable settings for specific transmission types
    Private Sub CbGStype_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
        Handles CbGStype.SelectedIndexChanged
        Dim gStype As GearboxType = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)


        Dim hasTorqueConverter = gStype.AutomaticTransmission() AndAlso gStype <> GearboxType.APTN AndAlso gStype <> GearboxType.IHPC
        'ChTCon.Enabled = (GStype.AutomaticTransmission())
        gbTC.Enabled = hasTorqueConverter
        pnTcEngineering.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode AndAlso hasTorqueConverter
        gbTCAccMin.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode AndAlso hasTorqueConverter
        gbPowershiftLosses.Enabled = Not Cfg.DeclMode AndAlso hasTorqueConverter
        TbStartAcc.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        TbStartSpeed.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        TbTqResv.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        GroupBox2.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        TBI_getr.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        TbTracInt.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        tbDownshiftAfterUpshift.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
        tbUpshiftAfterDownshift.Enabled = Not hasTorqueConverter
    End Sub

    Private Sub UpdateGearboxInfoText()
        Dim gStype As GearboxType = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)

        Dim text As String = ""
        If (gStype = GearboxType.ATSerial) Then
            If LvGears.Items.Count > 2 Then
                Dim ratio1 As Double = LvGears.Items.Item(1).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text.ToDouble(0)
                Dim ratio2 As Double = LvGears.Items.Item(2).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text.ToDouble(0)

                If ratio1 / ratio2 >= DeclarationData.Gearbox.TorqueConverterSecondGearThreshold(_vehicleCategory) Then
                    text = "Torque converter is used in 1st and 2nd gear"
                    text = "Torque converter is used in 1st gear only"
                End If
            End If
        End If
        lblGbxInfo.Text = text
    End Sub

    Private Sub LvGears_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
        Handles LvGears.SelectedIndexChanged
            btExportVGBS.Enabled = True
            btExportVGBS.Enabled = False
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub LvGears_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) _
        Handles LvGears.MouseDoubleClick
    End Sub

    Private Sub LvGears_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles LvGears.KeyDown
        Select Case e.KeyCode
            Case Keys.Delete, Keys.Back
            Case Keys.Enter
        End Select
    End Sub

    'Remove Gear Button
    Private Sub BtClearGear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtRemGear.Click
    End Sub

    'Add Gear button
    Private Sub BtAddGear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtAddGear.Click
        LvGears.Items(LvGears.Items.Count - 1).Selected = True
    End Sub

    'Edit Gear
    Private Sub EditGear()


            'GearDia.ChIsTCgear.Enabled = (Me.ChTCon.Checked And Me.LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
            _gearDialog.GearboxType = CType(CbGStype.SelectedValue, GearboxType)
            _gearDialog.PnShiftPoly.Enabled = (Not Cfg.DeclMode And LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
            _gearDialog.PnFld.Enabled = (LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0)
            _gearDialog.GbxPath = GetPath(_gbxFile)
            _gearDialog.TbGear.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.GearNr).Text
            _gearDialog.TbRatio.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text
            _gearDialog.TbMapPath.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text
            If LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
                _gearDialog.TbShiftPolyFile.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text
                _gearDialog.TbMaxTorque.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text
                _gearDialog.tbMaxSpeed.Text = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxSpeed).Text
                _gearDialog.TbShiftPolyFile.Text = ""
                _gearDialog.TbMaxTorque.Text = ""
                _gearDialog.tbMaxSpeed.Text = ""
            End If

            If LvGears.SelectedItems(0).Index = 0 Then
                _gearDialog.BtPrevious.Enabled = False
                _gearDialog.BtPrevious.Enabled = True
            End If

            If _gearDialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
                'Me.LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.TorqueConverter).Text = "-"
                LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text = _gearDialog.TbRatio.Text
                LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.LossMapEfficiency).Text = _gearDialog.TbMapPath.Text
                LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text = _gearDialog.TbShiftPolyFile.Text
                LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxTorque).Text = _gearDialog.TbMaxTorque.Text
                LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.MaxSpeed).Text = _gearDialog.tbMaxSpeed.Text

                End Try



                If LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.Ratio).Text = "" Then RemoveGear(True)

            End If

            If _gearDialog.NextGear Then
                If LvGears.Items.Count - 1 = LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) Then AddGear()

                LvGears.Items(LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) + 1).Selected = True
            End If

            If _gearDialog.PreviousGear AndAlso LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
                LvGears.Items(LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) - 1).Selected = True
            End If

        Loop Until Not (_gearDialog.NextGear OrElse _gearDialog.PreviousGear)
    End Sub

    'Add Gear
    Private Sub AddGear()
        Dim lvi As ListViewItem

        lvi = CreateListviewItem(LvGears.Items.Count.ToString("00"), 1, "", "", "", "")



        'Change() => NO! Change() is already handled by EditGear
    End Sub

    'Remove Gear
    Private Sub RemoveGear(noChange As Boolean)
        Dim i0 As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim lv0 As ListViewItem

        If LvGears.Items.Count < 2 Then Exit Sub
        If LvGears.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then LvGears.Items(LvGears.Items.Count - 1).Selected = True

        i0 = LvGears.SelectedItems(0).Index
        If i0 = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Must not remove axle
        i = 0
        For Each lv0 In LvGears.Items
            If lv0.SubItems(GearboxTbl.GearNr).Text = "Axle" Then Continue For
            i += 1
            lv0.SubItems(GearboxTbl.GearNr).Text = i.ToString("00")
        If i0 < LvGears.Items.Count Then
            LvGears.Items(i0).Selected = True
        End If
        End Try
        If Not noChange Then Change()
    End Sub
    Private _contextMenuFiles As String()
    Private _vehicleCategory As VehicleCategory
    private _vehicleJobType as VectoSimulationJobType
    Private Sub OpenFiles(ParamArray files() As String)
        If files.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
        _contextMenuFiles = files
        OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open with " & Cfg.OpenCmdName
    End Sub
    Private Sub OpenWithToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
        Handles OpenWithToolStripMenuItem.Click
        If Not FileOpenAlt(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
    End Sub
    Private Sub ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
        Handles ShowInFolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
        If File.Exists(_contextMenuFiles(0)) Then
                Process.Start("explorer", "/select,""" & _contextMenuFiles(0) & "")
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Failed to open file!")
            End Try
            MsgBox("File not found!")
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdatePic()
        Dim path As String
        Dim chart As Chart
        Dim s As Series
        Dim a As ChartArea
        Dim img As Bitmap
        Dim gear As Integer
        'Dim fullLoadCurve As EngineFullLoadCurve = Nothing
        'Dim shiftOk As Boolean
        PicBox.Image = Nothing
        Dim shiftPolygon As ShiftPolygon = Nothing
        'Dim engineFld As FullLoadCurve
        If LvGears.Items.Count <= 1 Then Exit Sub
            If LvGears.SelectedItems.Count > 0 AndAlso LvGears.SelectedIndices(0) > 0 Then
                path = FileRepl(LvGears.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text, GetPath(_gbxFile))
                gear = LvGears.SelectedIndices(0)
                path = FileRepl(LvGears.Items(1).SubItems(GearboxTbl.ShiftPolygons).Text, GetPath(_gbxFile))
                gear = 1
            End If
            If File.Exists(path) Then shiftPolygon = ShiftPolygonReader.ReadFromFile(path)
        Catch ex As Exception
        chart = New Chart
        chart.Width = PicBox.Width
        chart.Height = PicBox.Height
        a = New ChartArea
        'Shiftpolygons from file
        If Not shiftPolygon Is Nothing Then
            s = New Series
            s.Points.DataBindXY(shiftPolygon.Upshift.Select(Function(x) x.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
                                shiftPolygon.Upshift.Select(Function(x) x.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
            s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
            s.BorderWidth = 2
            s.Color = Color.DarkRed
            s.Name = "Upshift curve"
            s = New Series
            s.Points.DataBindXY(shiftPolygon.Downshift.Select(Function(x) x.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
                                shiftPolygon.Downshift.Select(Function(x) x.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
            s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
            s.BorderWidth = 2
            s.Color = Color.DarkRed
            s.Name = "Downshift curve"
        End If
        'Dim vectoJob As VectoJob = New VectoJob() With {.FilePath = VectoJobForm.VECTOfile}
        'Dim vectoOk As Boolean = vectoJob.ReadFile()
        Dim jobFile As String = VectoJobForm.VectoFile
        If Not jobFile Is Nothing AndAlso File.Exists(jobFile) Then
            Dim inputData As IEngineeringInputDataProvider = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadJsonJob(jobFile), 
            If (inputData Is Nothing) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Dim vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData = inputData.JobInputData.Vehicle
            'inputData = TryCast(JSONInputDataFactory.ReadComponentData(vectoJob.PathEng(False)), IEngineeringInputDataProvider)
			Dim engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData = inputData.JobInputData.Vehicle.Components.EngineInputData
            Dim engineFld As EngineFullLoadCurve = Nothing
            if (not engine is nothing) then
                engineFld = FullLoadCurveReader.Create(engine.EngineModes.First().FullLoadCurve)
                DrawEngineFld(engine, chart)
                DrawShiftLineICE(engine, vehicle, gear, chart)
                hasICE = true

            dim em = inputData.JobInputData.Vehicle.Components.ElectricMachines?.Entries.FirstOrDefault(function(x) x.Position <> PowertrainPosition.GEN)
            if (engine is nothing andalso not em is nothing) then 
                DrawEMFld(em, chart)
                DrawShiftLineEM(em, vehicle, gear, chart)
            end if
        End If

        a.Name = "main"

        a.AxisX.Title = "engine speed [1/min]"
        a.AxisX.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
        a.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
        a.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
        a.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot

        a.AxisY.Title = "engine torque [Nm]"
        a.AxisY.TitleFont = New Font("Helvetica", 10)
        a.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Helvetica", 8)
        a.AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None
        a.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot

        a.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid
        a.BorderWidth = 1

        a.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite


        chart.Titles.Add("Gear " & gear & " shift polygons")
        chart.Titles(0).Font = New Font("Helvetica", 12)


        img = New Bitmap(chart.Width, chart.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
        chart.DrawToBitmap(img, New Rectangle(0, 0, PicBox.Width, PicBox.Height))

        PicBox.Image = img
    End Sub

    Private sub DrawEngineFld(engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData, chart As chart)
        Dim s As Series
        Dim engineFld As EngineFullLoadCurve = FullLoadCurveReader.Create(engine.EngineModes.First().FullLoadCurve)

        s = New Series
        s.Points.DataBindXY(engineFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.EngineSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
                            engineFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.TorqueFullLoad.Value()).ToArray())
        s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
        s.BorderWidth = 2
        s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
        s.Name = "Full load"
    End sub

    Private Sub DrawShiftLineICE(engine As IEngineEngineeringInputData, vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData, gear As Integer, chart As Chart)
        if (engine Is nothing) then 
        End If
        Dim engineFld As EngineFullLoadCurve = FullLoadCurveReader.Create(engine.EngineModes.First().FullLoadCurve)
        If VectoJobForm.Visible AndAlso engine.EngineModes.First().IdleSpeed > 0 Then
            'If FLD0.Init(VectoJobForm.n_idle) Then

            'Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = ConvertToFullLoadCurve(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
            Dim gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) = ConvertToGears(LvGears.Items)
            Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = GetShiftLines(engine.EngineModes.First().IdleSpeed, engineFld, vehicle, gears, gear)
            If (Not IsNothing(shiftLines)) Then

                dim s = New Series

                's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUup, Shiftpoly.gs_TqUp)
                    shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).
                    shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
                s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
                s.BorderWidth = 2
                s.Color = Color.DarkRed
                s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
                s.Name = "Upshift curve (generic)"

                s = New Series
                's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUdown, Shiftpoly.gs_TqDown)
                    shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.AsRPM) _
                    shiftLines.Downshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
                s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
                s.BorderWidth = 2
                s.Color = Color.DarkRed
                s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
                s.Name = "Downshift curve (generic)"
            End If
            'End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private sub DrawEmFld(em As ElectricMachineEntry(Of IElectricMotorEngineeringInputData), chart As chart)
        Dim s As Series
        Dim emFld = ElectricFullLoadCurveReader.Create(em.ElectricMachine.VoltageLevels.First().FullLoadCurve, em.Count)

        s = New Series
        s.Points.DataBindXY(emFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.MotorSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
                            emFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.FullDriveTorque.Value()).ToArray())
        s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
        s.BorderWidth = 2
        s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
        s.Name = "Dirve Torque"

        s = New Series
        s.Points.DataBindXY(emFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.MotorSpeed.AsRPM).ToArray(),
                            emFld.FullLoadEntries.Select(Function(x) x.FullGenerationTorque.Value()).ToArray())
        s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
        s.BorderWidth = 2
        s.Color = Color.DarkBlue
        s.Name = "Generation Torque"
    End sub

     Private Sub DrawShiftLineEM(em As ElectricMachineEntry(Of IElectricMotorEngineeringInputData), vehicle As IVehicleEngineeringInputData, gear As Integer, chart As Chart)
        if (em Is nothing) then 
        End If
         Dim emFld = ElectricFullLoadCurveReader.Create(em.ElectricMachine.VoltageLevels.First().FullLoadCurve, em.Count)
        If VectoJobForm.Visible Then
            'If FLD0.Init(VectoJobForm.n_idle) Then

            'Dim fullLoadCurve As FullLoadCurve = ConvertToFullLoadCurve(FLD0.LnU, FLD0.LTq)
            Dim gears As IList(Of ITransmissionInputData) = ConvertToGears(LvGears.Items)
            Dim shiftLines As ShiftPolygon = GetShiftLines(emFld, vehicle, gears, gear)
            If (Not IsNothing(shiftLines)) Then

                dim s = New Series

                's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUup, Shiftpoly.gs_TqUp)
                if (shiftLines.Upshift.Any()) then
                    shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.AngularSpeed.AsRPM).
                    shiftLines.Upshift.Select(Function(pt) pt.Torque.Value()).ToArray())
                end if
                s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine
                s.BorderWidth = 2
                s.Color = Color.DarkRed
                s.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash
                s.Name = "Upshift curve (generic)"

                s = New Series
                's.Points.DataBindXY(Shiftpoly.gs_nUdown, Shiftpoly.gs_TqDown)
                if (shiftLines.Downshift.Any()) then