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11535 commits behind the upstream repository.
Raphael LUZ authored
- Changed "Retarder" to "Retarder Losses" in Vehicle Editor to avoid misunderstandings
Raphael LUZ authored- Changed "Retarder" to "Retarder Losses" in Vehicle Editor to avoid misunderstandings
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VECTO Changelog.txt 3.52 KiB
VECTO ?.? (future release)
- Gearbox Rules must be set when loading .gbx file to aviod invalid settings (e.g. AT with Skip Gears)
- Eaux [kWh] for all single auxiliaries.
- User Manual: Don't use secondary retarder if retarder losses are already defined in transmission loss maps
VECTO x.x (current source - next release)
VECTO 1.3.1
- Fixed assembly information
- Some file-specific error messages link to files
- Eco-Roll, Overspeed, Look Ahead Coasting
- User Manual updated
- Demo Data updated
- Bugfix: When opening the Gearbox Editor the Gear Shift Settings (e.g. Skip Gears) were not valid for MT
- Fixed inaccuracy in FC interpolation (invalid extrapolation errors caused by rounding errors)
- Bugfix: Cycle was cut by one second in Engine Only (as usual in Vehicle Mode)
VECTO 1.1 beta 4
- Engine Start/Stop implemented
- Fixed error in FC interpolation (invalid extrapolation errors)
VECTO 1.1 beta 3
- FC Extrapolation will abort the calculation
- Transmission Type selection in Gearbox (.vgbx) file.
- Enables/Disables transmission type-specific options
- In Proof-Of-Concept mode "Custom" type is available with all options enabled.
- Automatic Transmission mode with Torque Converter: Input parameters in Gearbox file !!still being tested!!
- Option to open files with GRAPHi or user-defined tool
- User Manual updated
- Bugfix: Files with relative paths were not located correctly
VECTO 1.1 beta 2 - 01.03.2013
- Corrected comment line for wheels inertia and axle config in .vveh file
- Changed RRC unit in GUI from [-] to [N/N]
- User Manual updated
o Vehicle Editor: RRC
- Tranmission Loss Maps are not converted to n,Pe-Maps anymore. Should fix non-linear interpolation effects.
- Automatic Transmission / Torque Converter !!in development!!
- Engine Only Mode
VECTO 1.1 beta - 06.02.2013
- New independent licensing dll replaces TUG's version
- Speed values below 0.09km/h are set to 0km/h
- Gear shift polygon model
o Replaces old gear shift model!
o New parameters in .vgbx file including path to gear shift polygons file
o Old gear shift model parameters removed from .vecto file
- Command Line Arguments processing:
o Changed prefix form "/" to "-"
o Bugfix: Argument "-run" was not processed
o Job files and driving cycles can be added via command line
o Files without path are expected in the Working Directory
- Cleared out some "PHEM" remains in log and message output
- User Manual update for command line arguments
- Various fixes in GUI
- Bugfix: Error in Cycle Conversion (distance- to time-based) when using Aux Power Input.
- Distance Correction is now active only in acceleration and cruise phases.
- Fixed cycles starting with vehicle speed = 0. Before, the first and second time step were averaged to speed values > 0.
- Demo data updated for new gear shift model
VECTO 1.0 - 09.11.2012
- Bugfix: Error in Distance Correction
- Pe_full, Pe_drag output absolute (not normalized)
VECTO 1.0 Beta 3
- User Manual implemented
- Declaration files processing (open)
VECTO 1.0 Beta 2
- "Open" Button in main form opens all editable files (.vecto, .vveh, .veng, .vgbx)
- Editable files (.vecto, .vveh, .veng, .vgbx) can be opened via command line arguments (i.e. "Open with...")
- Bugfix: Torque below drag curve during traction interruption
- Bugfix: Traction interruption failed in distance corrected time steps
- Removed unused parameters from .vecto file. OLD FILES ARE NOT SUPPORTED!!!
- Added JRC contact data in "About" form.