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Commit 7e8bca8c authored by Michael KRISPER's avatar Michael KRISPER
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[VECTOAux] removed incorrect file (not included in project)

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Imports VectoAuxiliaries.Hvac
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Windows.Forms
'HVAC MAP ( Mocked Values )
Namespace Mocks
Public Class HVACMapMock
Implements IHVACMap
'constants for .vaux headers
Private Const REGIONheader As String = "Region"
Private Const SEASONheader As String = "Season"
Private Const MECHDheader As String = "MechD"
Private Const ELECDheader As String = "ElecD"
'Private Fields
Private _mapDimensions As Integer
Private _mapPath As String
Private _mechanicalDemandLookupKW As Single
Private _electricalDemandLookupKW As Single
Private _map As New List(Of String())
' Public Property _mapHeaders As Dictionary(Of String, HVACMapParameter)
Private _mapHeaders As New Dictionary(Of String, HVACMapParameter)
Public Property MapHeaders As Dictionary(Of String, HVACMapParameter) Implements IHVACMap.MapHeaders
Return Me._mapHeaders
End Get
Private Set(ByVal Value As Dictionary(Of String, HVACMapParameter))
Me._mapHeaders = Value
End Set
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Constructor
''' </summary>
''' <param name="iMapPath"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub New(iMapPath As String)
_mapPath = iMapPath
End Sub
'Initialisers and Map related Methods
Public Function Initialise() As Boolean Implements IHVACMap.Initialise
MapHeaders = New Dictionary(Of String, HVACMapParameter)()
_map = New List(Of String())
_mapDimensions = _map(0).Length
'Make sure we have matching headers for our list of HVACMapParameterList
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To _mapDimensions - 1
If Not MapHeaders.ContainsKey(_map(0)(i)) Then
MessageBox.Show("Map header {0} was not found in the prefdefined and expected header list", _map(0)(i))
Return False
'Set ordinal position of respective header.
MapHeaders(_map(0)(i)).OrdinalPosition = i
'Get Unique Values associated with Headers.
MapHeaders(_map(0)(i)).UniqueDataValues = GetUniqueValuesByOrdinal(i)
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function validateMap() As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Private Sub InitialiseMapHeaders()
'Not all properties in the HVACMapParameter POCO are initialised here
'As some can only be populated dynamically such as OrdinalPosition.
Dim region As New HVACMapParameter With {.Key = REGIONheader,
.Description = "Region Code",
.Max = 0,
.Min = 0,
.Name = "Regional Code",
.Notes = "",
.SystemType = GetType(Integer),
.SearchControlType = GetType(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox)}
MapHeaders.Add(REGIONheader, region)
Dim season As New HVACMapParameter With {.Key = SEASONheader,
.Description = "Season Code",
.Max = 0,
.Min = 0,
.Name = "Season Code",
.Notes = "",
.SystemType = GetType(Integer),
.SearchControlType = GetType(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox)}
MapHeaders.Add(SEASONheader, season)
' Author.
' Add more inputs here - Ensure that these match exactly with the headers in the .vaux file.
' This could be done dynamically with a loadable configuration file, but takes more time
Dim mechD As New HVACMapParameter With {.Key = MECHDheader,
.Description = "MechD",
.Max = 0,
.Min = 0,
.Name = "MechD",
.Notes = "",
.SystemType = GetType(Integer),
.IsOutput = True}
MapHeaders.Add(MECHDheader, mechD)
Dim elecD As New HVACMapParameter With {.Key = ELECDheader,
.Description = "ElecD",
.Max = 0,
.Min = 0,
.Name = "ElecD",
.Notes = "",
.SystemType = GetType(Integer),
.IsOutput = True}
MapHeaders.Add(ELECDheader, elecD)
End Sub
'Public Map Enquiry Methods
Public Function GetMapHeaders() As Dictionary(Of String, HVACMapParameter) Implements IHVACMap.GetMapHeaders
Return MapHeaders
End Function
Public Function GetMapSubSet(search As String()) As List(Of String()) Implements IHVACMap.GetMapSubSet
'Sanity Check
If (search.Length <> _mapDimensions) Then
Throw New Exception("The search array does not match the number elements in the map")
End If
Dim reducer As New List(Of String())
Dim matched As Boolean
Dim i As Integer ' For each data row
For i = 1 To (_map.Count - 1)
matched = True
Dim o As Integer ' For each ordinal column
For o = 0 To search.Length - 1
'Dont try and match it if it is an output or nothing, what would be the point?
If search(o) = Nothing Or search(o) = "" Or GetMapHeaders.ToArray()(o).Value.IsOutput Then
Continue For ' Get next ordinal
'Try and match
If search(o) <> _map(i)(o) Then
matched = False
End If
End If
Next o
If matched Then
End If
Next i
Return reducer
End Function
Public Function GetUniqueValuesByOrdinal(o As Integer) As List(Of String) Implements IHVACMap.GetUniqueValuesByOrdinal
'Sanity Check
If (o < 0 Or o >= _mapDimensions) Then
Throw New Exception(Format("Get Unique Values by ordinal ordinal passed {0} is outside the bounds of the array.", o))
End If
Dim results As List(Of String) =
(From r In _map Select r(o) Distinct).ToList()
'Remove Headers
Return results
End Function
Public Function GetMechanicalDemand(region As Integer, season As Integer) As Integer Implements IHVACMap.GetMechanicalDemand
Dim search As String() = {region.ToString(), season.ToString(), "", ""}
If (GetMapSubSet(search).Count <> 1) Then
Throw New Exception("Not Exactly one result returned for these inputs.")
End If
'get mechanical demand
Dim resultStr As String = GetMapSubSet(search).First()(_mapHeaders(MECHDheader).OrdinalPosition)
Dim resultInt As Integer = Integer.Parse(resultStr)
Return resultInt
End Function
Public Function GetElectricalDemand(region As Integer, season As Integer) As Integer Implements IHVACMap.GetElectricalDemand
Dim search As String() = {region.ToString(), season.ToString(), "", ""}
If (GetMapSubSet(search).Count <> 1) Then
Throw New Exception("Not Exactly one result returned for these inputs.")
End If
'get electrical demand
Dim resultStr As String = GetMapSubSet(search).First()(_mapHeaders(ELECDheader).OrdinalPosition)
Dim resultInt As Integer = Integer.Parse(resultStr)
Return resultInt
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
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