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Commit bbe3e8a3 authored by Michael KRISPER's avatar Michael KRISPER
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Added PTOEngineCycleController, Split up the Cycle-Classes into several files,...

Added PTOEngineCycleController, Split up the Cycle-Classes into several files, removed IPowertrainSimulation Interface, Inherited PowertrainDivingCycle from StatefulProviderComponent
parent f03d8bd2
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* This file is part of VECTO.
* Copyright © 2012-2016 European Union
* Developed by Graz University of Technology,
* Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics,
* Institute of Technical Informatics
* VECTO is licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved
* by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
* You may not use VECTO except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, VECTO
* distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the Licence.
* Authors:
* Stefan Hausberger,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
* Christian Kreiner,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
* Michael Krisper,, ITI, Graz University of Technology
* Raphael Luz,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
* Markus Quaritsch,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
* Martin Rexeis,, IVT, Graz University of Technology
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports;
namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent
/// <summary>
/// Defines interfaces for a powertrain only driving cycle.
/// </summary>
public interface IPowertrainSimulation : IDrivingCycleInfo, ISimulationOutProvider, ITnInProvider {}
\ No newline at end of file
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports.Impl;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.DataBus;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils;
namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
/// <summary>
/// Driving Cycle for the Measured Speed Gear driving cycle.
/// </summary>
public class MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle :
<MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle.DrivingCycleState, ISimulationOutPort, IDriverDemandInPort, IDriverDemandOutPort>,
IDriverInfo, IDrivingCycleInfo, IMileageCounter, IDriverDemandInProvider, IDriverDemandInPort, ISimulationOutProvider,
public class DrivingCycleState
public DrivingCycleState Clone()
return new DrivingCycleState {
Distance = Distance,
VehicleSpeed = VehicleSpeed,
public Meter Distance;
public MeterPerSecond VehicleSpeed;
public Meter SimulationDistance;
public MeterPerSquareSecond Acceleration;
protected DrivingCycleData Data;
private bool _isInitializing;
protected IEnumerator<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> RightSample { get; set; }
protected IEnumerator<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LeftSample { get; set; }
protected Second AbsTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PowertrainDrivingCycle"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">The container.</param>
/// <param name="cycle">The cycle.</param>
public MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle(IVehicleContainer container, DrivingCycleData cycle)
: base(container)
Data = cycle;
LeftSample = Data.Entries.GetEnumerator();
RightSample = Data.Entries.GetEnumerator();
var first = LeftSample.Current;
PreviousState = new DrivingCycleState {
Distance = 0.SI<Meter>(),
VehicleSpeed = first.VehicleTargetSpeed,
CurrentState = PreviousState.Clone();
public IResponse Initialize()
var first = Data.Entries.First();
AbsTime = first.Time;
_isInitializing = true;
var response = NextComponent.Initialize(first.VehicleTargetSpeed, first.RoadGradient);
if (!(response is ResponseSuccess)) {
throw new UnexpectedResponseException("Couldn't find start gear.", response);
_isInitializing = false;
response.AbsTime = AbsTime;
return response;
public IResponse Request(Second absTime, Meter ds)
Log.Fatal("MeasuredSpeed Cycle can not handle distance request.");
throw new VectoSimulationException("MeasuredSpeed Cycle can not handle distance request.");
public virtual IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt)
var debug = new DebugData();
// cycle finished
if (RightSample.Current == null || LeftSample.Current == null) {
return new ResponseCycleFinished { AbsTime = absTime, Source = this };
// interval exceeded
if (RightSample.Current != null && (absTime + dt).IsGreater(RightSample.Current.Time)) {
return new ResponseFailTimeInterval {
AbsTime = absTime,
Source = this,
DeltaT = RightSample.Current.Time - absTime
// calc acceleration from speed diff vehicle to cycle
var deltaV = RightSample.Current.VehicleTargetSpeed - DataBus.VehicleSpeed;
var deltaT = RightSample.Current.Time - LeftSample.Current.Time;
var acceleration = deltaV / deltaT;
var gradient = LeftSample.Current.RoadGradient;
DriverAcceleration = acceleration;
DriverBehavior = acceleration < 0
? DriverBehavior = DrivingBehavior.Braking
: DriverBehavior = DrivingBehavior.Driving;
IResponse response;
var responseCount = 0;
do {
response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient);
.Case<ResponseGearShift>(() => response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient))
.Case<ResponseUnderload>(r => {
DataBus.BrakePower = SearchAlgorithm.Search(DataBus.BrakePower, r.Delta, -r.Delta,
getYValue: result => RightSample.Current.Gear == 0
? ((ResponseDryRun)result).GearboxPowerRequest
: ((ResponseDryRun)result).DeltaDragLoad,
evaluateFunction: x => {
DataBus.BrakePower = x;
return NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient, true);
criterion: y => RightSample.Current.Gear == 0
? ((ResponseDryRun)y).GearboxPowerRequest.Value()
: ((ResponseDryRun)y).DeltaDragLoad.Value());
"Found operating point for braking. absTime: {0}, dt: {1}, acceleration: {2}, gradient: {3}, BrakePower: {4}",
absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient, DataBus.BrakePower);
response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient);
.Case<ResponseOverload>(r => {
acceleration = SearchAlgorithm.Search(acceleration, r.Delta,
getYValue: result => ((ResponseDryRun)result).DeltaFullLoad,
evaluateFunction: x => NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, x, gradient, true),
y => ((ResponseDryRun)y).DeltaFullLoad.Value());
"Found operating point for driver acceleration. absTime: {0}, dt: {1}, acceleration: {2}, gradient: {3}",
dt, acceleration, gradient);
response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient);
.Case<ResponseFailTimeInterval>(r => { dt = r.DeltaT; })
r => { throw new UnexpectedResponseException("MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle received an unexpected response.", r); });
} while (!(response is ResponseSuccess || response is ResponseFailTimeInterval) && (++responseCount < 10));
AbsTime = absTime + dt;
response.SimulationInterval = dt;
response.Acceleration = acceleration;
CurrentState.SimulationDistance = acceleration / 2 * dt * dt + PreviousState.VehicleSpeed * dt;
CurrentState.Distance = CurrentState.SimulationDistance + PreviousState.Distance;
CurrentState.VehicleSpeed = acceleration * dt + PreviousState.VehicleSpeed;
CurrentState.Acceleration = acceleration;
return response;
protected override void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container)
container[ModalResultField.dist] = CurrentState.Distance;
container[ModalResultField.simulationDistance] = CurrentState.SimulationDistance;
container[ModalResultField.v_targ] = LeftSample.Current.VehicleTargetSpeed;
container[ModalResultField.grad] = LeftSample.Current.RoadGradientPercent;
container[ModalResultField.altitude] = LeftSample.Current.Altitude;
container[ModalResultField.acc] = CurrentState.Acceleration;
protected override void DoCommitSimulationStep()
if ((RightSample.Current == null) || AbsTime.IsGreaterOrEqual(RightSample.Current.Time)) {
PreviousState = CurrentState;
CurrentState = CurrentState.Clone();
public string CycleName
get { return Data.Name; }
public double Progress
get { return AbsTime == null ? 0 : AbsTime.Value() / Data.Entries.Last().Time.Value(); }
public CycleData CycleData
return new CycleData {
AbsTime = LeftSample.Current.Time,
AbsDistance = null,
LeftSample = LeftSample.Current,
RightSample = RightSample.Current,
public DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry CycleLookAhead(Meter distance)
return new DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry(RightSample.Current);
//throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public Meter Altitude
get { return LeftSample.Current.Altitude; }
public Meter CycleStartDistance
get { return 0.SI<Meter>(); }
public IReadOnlyList<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LookAhead(Meter lookaheadDistance)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public IReadOnlyList<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LookAhead(Second time)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool VehicleStopped
get { return !_isInitializing && LeftSample.Current.VehicleTargetSpeed.IsEqual(0); }
public DrivingBehavior DriverBehavior { get; internal set; }
public MeterPerSquareSecond DriverAcceleration { get; protected set; }
public Meter Distance
get { return CurrentState.Distance; }
\ No newline at end of file
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports.Impl;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
public class PTOEngineCycleController : PowertrainDrivingCycle, ICombustionEngineIdleController
public ITnOutPort RequestPort { get; set; }
protected Second IdleStart;
public PTOEngineCycleController(IVehicleContainer container, DrivingCycleData cycle)
: base(container, cycle) {}
public IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt, NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity,
bool dryRun = false)
if (outAngularVelocity != null) {
throw new VectoException("{0} can only handle idle requests: AngularVelocity has to be null!", GetType().ToString());
if (!outTorque.IsEqual(0)) {
throw new VectoException("{0} can only handle idle requests: Torque has to be 0!", GetType().ToString());
if (IdleStart == null) {
IdleStart = absTime;
return base.Request(absTime, dt);
public IResponse Initialize(NewtonMeter outTorque, PerSecond outAngularVelocity)
return new ResponseSuccess { Source = this };
public void Reset()
LeftSample = Data.Entries.GetEnumerator();
RightSample = Data.Entries.GetEnumerator();
IdleStart = null;
\ No newline at end of file
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports.Impl;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.DataBus;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData;
namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
/// <summary>
/// Driving Cycle for the PWheel driving cycle.
/// </summary>
public class PWheelCycle : PowertrainDrivingCycle, IDriverInfo
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PWheelCycle"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">The container.</param>
/// <param name="cycle">The cycle.</param>
/// <param name="axleRatio">The axle ratio.</param>
/// <param name="gearRatios"></param>
public PWheelCycle(IVehicleContainer container, DrivingCycleData cycle, double axleRatio,
IDictionary<uint, double> gearRatios) : base(container, cycle)
// just to ensure that null-gear has ratio 1
gearRatios[0] = 1;
foreach (var entry in Data.Entries) {
entry.WheelAngularVelocity = entry.AngularVelocity / (axleRatio * gearRatios[entry.Gear]);
entry.Torque = entry.PWheel / entry.WheelAngularVelocity;
public override IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt)
if (RightSample.Current == null) {
return new ResponseCycleFinished { Source = this };
// interval exceeded
if ((absTime + dt).IsGreater(RightSample.Current.Time)) {
return new ResponseFailTimeInterval {
AbsTime = absTime,
Source = this,
DeltaT = RightSample.Current.Time - absTime
return DoHandleRequest(absTime, dt, LeftSample.Current.WheelAngularVelocity);
protected override void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container)
container[ModalResultField.P_wheel_in] = LeftSample.Current.PWheel;
#region IDriverInfo
/// <summary>
/// True if the angularVelocity at the wheels is 0.
/// </summary>
public bool VehicleStopped
get { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Always Driving.
/// </summary>
public DrivingBehavior DriverBehavior
get { return DrivingBehavior.Driving; }
public MeterPerSquareSecond DriverAcceleration
get { return 0.SI<MeterPerSquareSecond>(); }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -35,12 +35,9 @@ using System.Linq;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Exceptions;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Models;
using TUGraz.VectoCommon.Utils;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Configuration;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Connector.Ports.Impl;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.Data;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.Simulation.DataBus;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Data;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.OutputData;
using TUGraz.VectoCore.Utils;
......@@ -50,11 +47,13 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
/// <summary>
/// Represents a driving cycle which directly is connected to the powertrain (e.g. engine, or axle gear).
/// </summary>
public class PowertrainDrivingCycle : VectoSimulationComponent, IPowertrainSimulation, ITnInPort,
public class PowertrainDrivingCycle :
StatefulProviderComponent<PowertrainDrivingCycle.DummyState, ISimulationOutPort, ITnInPort, ITnOutPort>,
IDrivingCycleInfo, ISimulationOutPort, ITnInProvider
protected DrivingCycleData Data;
protected ITnOutPort NextComponent;
public class DummyState {}
protected readonly DrivingCycleData Data;
protected IEnumerator<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> RightSample { get; set; }
protected IEnumerator<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LeftSample { get; set; }
......@@ -78,24 +77,6 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
AbsTime = 0.SI<Second>();
#region ITnInProvider
public ITnInPort InPort()
return this;
#region ISimulationOutProvider
public ISimulationOutPort OutPort()
return this;
#region ISimulationOutPort
public IResponse Request(Second absTime, Meter ds)
......@@ -183,15 +164,6 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
#region ITnInPort
public void Connect(ITnOutPort other)
NextComponent = other;
#region VectoSimulationComponent
protected override void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container) {}
......@@ -246,329 +218,4 @@ namespace TUGraz.VectoCore.Models.SimulationComponent.Impl
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// Driving Cycle for the PWheel driving cycle.
/// </summary>
public class PWheelCycle : PowertrainDrivingCycle, IDriverInfo
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PWheelCycle"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">The container.</param>
/// <param name="cycle">The cycle.</param>
/// <param name="axleRatio">The axle ratio.</param>
/// <param name="gearRatios"></param>
public PWheelCycle(IVehicleContainer container, DrivingCycleData cycle, double axleRatio,
IDictionary<uint, double> gearRatios) : base(container, cycle)
// just to ensure that null-gear has ratio 1
gearRatios[0] = 1;
foreach (var entry in Data.Entries) {
entry.WheelAngularVelocity = entry.AngularVelocity / (axleRatio * gearRatios[entry.Gear]);
entry.Torque = entry.PWheel / entry.WheelAngularVelocity;
public override IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt)
if (RightSample.Current == null) {
return new ResponseCycleFinished { Source = this };
// interval exceeded
if ((absTime + dt).IsGreater(RightSample.Current.Time)) {
return new ResponseFailTimeInterval {
AbsTime = absTime,
Source = this,
DeltaT = RightSample.Current.Time - absTime
return DoHandleRequest(absTime, dt, LeftSample.Current.WheelAngularVelocity);
protected override void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container)
container[ModalResultField.P_wheel_in] = LeftSample.Current.PWheel;
#region IDriverInfo
/// <summary>
/// True if the angularVelocity at the wheels is 0.
/// </summary>
public bool VehicleStopped
get { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Always Driving.
/// </summary>
public DrivingBehavior DriverBehavior
get { return DrivingBehavior.Driving; }
public MeterPerSquareSecond DriverAcceleration
get { return 0.SI<MeterPerSquareSecond>(); }
/// <summary>
/// Driving Cycle for the Measured Speed Gear driving cycle.
/// </summary>
public class MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle :
<MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle.DrivingCycleState, ISimulationOutPort, IDriverDemandInPort, IDriverDemandOutPort>,
IDriverInfo, IDrivingCycleInfo, IMileageCounter, IDriverDemandInProvider, IDriverDemandInPort, ISimulationOutProvider,
public class DrivingCycleState
public DrivingCycleState Clone()
return new DrivingCycleState {
Distance = Distance,
VehicleSpeed = VehicleSpeed,
public Meter Distance;
public MeterPerSecond VehicleSpeed;
public Meter SimulationDistance;
public MeterPerSquareSecond Acceleration;
protected DrivingCycleData Data;
private bool _isInitializing;
protected IEnumerator<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> RightSample { get; set; }
protected IEnumerator<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LeftSample { get; set; }
protected Second AbsTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PowertrainDrivingCycle"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">The container.</param>
/// <param name="cycle">The cycle.</param>
public MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle(IVehicleContainer container, DrivingCycleData cycle)
: base(container)
Data = cycle;
LeftSample = Data.Entries.GetEnumerator();
RightSample = Data.Entries.GetEnumerator();
var first = LeftSample.Current;
PreviousState = new DrivingCycleState {
Distance = 0.SI<Meter>(),
VehicleSpeed = first.VehicleTargetSpeed,
CurrentState = PreviousState.Clone();
public IResponse Initialize()
var first = Data.Entries.First();
AbsTime = first.Time;
_isInitializing = true;
var response = NextComponent.Initialize(first.VehicleTargetSpeed, first.RoadGradient);
if (!(response is ResponseSuccess)) {
throw new UnexpectedResponseException("Couldn't find start gear.", response);
_isInitializing = false;
response.AbsTime = AbsTime;
return response;
public IResponse Request(Second absTime, Meter ds)
Log.Fatal("MeasuredSpeed Cycle can not handle distance request.");
throw new VectoSimulationException("MeasuredSpeed Cycle can not handle distance request.");
public virtual IResponse Request(Second absTime, Second dt)
var debug = new DebugData();
// cycle finished
if (RightSample.Current == null || LeftSample.Current == null) {
return new ResponseCycleFinished { AbsTime = absTime, Source = this };
// interval exceeded
if (RightSample.Current != null && (absTime + dt).IsGreater(RightSample.Current.Time)) {
return new ResponseFailTimeInterval {
AbsTime = absTime,
Source = this,
DeltaT = RightSample.Current.Time - absTime
// calc acceleration from speed diff vehicle to cycle
var deltaV = RightSample.Current.VehicleTargetSpeed - DataBus.VehicleSpeed;
var deltaT = RightSample.Current.Time - LeftSample.Current.Time;
var acceleration = deltaV / deltaT;
var gradient = LeftSample.Current.RoadGradient;
DriverAcceleration = acceleration;
DriverBehavior = acceleration < 0
? DriverBehavior = DrivingBehavior.Braking
: DriverBehavior = DrivingBehavior.Driving;
IResponse response;
var responseCount = 0;
do {
response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient);
.Case<ResponseGearShift>(() => response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient))
.Case<ResponseUnderload>(r => {
DataBus.BrakePower = SearchAlgorithm.Search(DataBus.BrakePower, r.Delta, -r.Delta,
getYValue: result => RightSample.Current.Gear == 0
? ((ResponseDryRun)result).GearboxPowerRequest
: ((ResponseDryRun)result).DeltaDragLoad,
evaluateFunction: x => {
DataBus.BrakePower = x;
return NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient, true);
criterion: y => RightSample.Current.Gear == 0
? ((ResponseDryRun)y).GearboxPowerRequest.Value()
: ((ResponseDryRun)y).DeltaDragLoad.Value());
"Found operating point for braking. absTime: {0}, dt: {1}, acceleration: {2}, gradient: {3}, BrakePower: {4}",
absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient, DataBus.BrakePower);
response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient);
.Case<ResponseOverload>(r => {
acceleration = SearchAlgorithm.Search(acceleration, r.Delta,
getYValue: result => ((ResponseDryRun)result).DeltaFullLoad,
evaluateFunction: x => NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, x, gradient, true),
y => ((ResponseDryRun)y).DeltaFullLoad.Value());
"Found operating point for driver acceleration. absTime: {0}, dt: {1}, acceleration: {2}, gradient: {3}",
dt, acceleration, gradient);
response = NextComponent.Request(absTime, dt, acceleration, gradient);
.Case<ResponseFailTimeInterval>(r => { dt = r.DeltaT; })
r => { throw new UnexpectedResponseException("MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle received an unexpected response.", r); });
} while (!(response is ResponseSuccess || response is ResponseFailTimeInterval) && (++responseCount < 10));
AbsTime = absTime + dt;
response.SimulationInterval = dt;
response.Acceleration = acceleration;
CurrentState.SimulationDistance = acceleration / 2 * dt * dt + PreviousState.VehicleSpeed * dt;
CurrentState.Distance = CurrentState.SimulationDistance + PreviousState.Distance;
CurrentState.VehicleSpeed = acceleration * dt + PreviousState.VehicleSpeed;
CurrentState.Acceleration = acceleration;
return response;
protected override void DoWriteModalResults(IModalDataContainer container)
container[ModalResultField.dist] = CurrentState.Distance;
container[ModalResultField.simulationDistance] = CurrentState.SimulationDistance;
container[ModalResultField.v_targ] = LeftSample.Current.VehicleTargetSpeed;
container[ModalResultField.grad] = LeftSample.Current.RoadGradientPercent;
container[ModalResultField.altitude] = LeftSample.Current.Altitude;
container[ModalResultField.acc] = CurrentState.Acceleration;
protected override void DoCommitSimulationStep()
if ((RightSample.Current == null) || AbsTime.IsGreaterOrEqual(RightSample.Current.Time)) {
PreviousState = CurrentState;
CurrentState = CurrentState.Clone();
public string CycleName
get { return Data.Name; }
public double Progress
get { return AbsTime == null ? 0 : AbsTime.Value() / Data.Entries.Last().Time.Value(); }
public CycleData CycleData
return new CycleData {
AbsTime = LeftSample.Current.Time,
AbsDistance = null,
LeftSample = LeftSample.Current,
RightSample = RightSample.Current,
public DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry CycleLookAhead(Meter distance)
return new DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry(RightSample.Current);
//throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public Meter Altitude
get { return LeftSample.Current.Altitude; }
public Meter CycleStartDistance
get { return 0.SI<Meter>(); }
public IReadOnlyList<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LookAhead(Meter lookaheadDistance)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public IReadOnlyList<DrivingCycleData.DrivingCycleEntry> LookAhead(Second time)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool VehicleStopped
get { return !_isInitializing && LeftSample.Current.VehicleTargetSpeed.IsEqual(0); }
public DrivingBehavior DriverBehavior { get; internal set; }
public MeterPerSquareSecond DriverAcceleration { get; protected set; }
public Meter Distance
get { return CurrentState.Distance; }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\AbstractGearbox.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\ATGearbox.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\ATShiftStrategy.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\MeasuredSpeedDrivingCycle.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\PTOEngineCycleController.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\PWheelCycle.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\TorqueConverter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Utils\ProviderExtensions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\Declaration\AirDrag.cs" />
......@@ -249,7 +252,6 @@
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\RetarderLossMap.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Data\VehicleData.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\IClutch.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\IPowertrainSimulation.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\IDrivingCycle.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\IDriver.cs" />
<Compile Include="Models\SimulationComponent\Impl\Vehicle.cs" />
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