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Pull mirroring updated .
- Jan 29, 2016
New 3rd Party Directory added to VectoAuxiliaries and NewtonSoft DLL added to it, and reference changed to point to the new locaction. git-tfs-id: []$/VECTO;C1904
And 0.97 Efficiency for Pneumatics on M6 git-tfs-id: []$/VECTO;C1890
1. BatteryEfficiency Renamed to Stored Energy Efficiency. 2.) Events from AA brought into Vecto. a.) Compressor -Map Limiting Included. b.) SSMTOOL. AC Compressor inadequate. SSMTOOL. Fuel Fired Heating Enadequate. V06 and V07 of Model now included. git-tfs-id: []$/VECTO;C1888
V05 - Battery Effeciency Implemented / Resulting Changes on Unit Testing Integratin Testing to be done. git-tfs-id: []$/VECTO;C1883
CA WIP - Fixes for SSM Categories and Repeating Dialogs when using original Alpha file type for (.AHSM) IE Non Combined Alternator. git-tfs-id: []$/VECTO;C1845