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- Apr 06, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
implemented post processing for electric pneumatic system (1st version)
- Mar 29, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
refactoring lorry rundata factory: do not store comonent data in fields, introduce property for driver data (only create once, avoid reading multiple times from the .vacc stream) IEPC-E Testcase runs successfully
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
- Mar 28, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
extending bus aux model: in case of electric compressor do not provide a compressor map, use a different implementation fir BusAux Module 4 that does not add power deman and no generated air
Markus Quaritsch authored
refactoring: heavy lorry declaration data adapter: implement methods in base class, get component data adapter via property implemented in derived class refactoring: extract interfaces of data adapter in separate files start implementation primary bus (PEV E2)
- Mar 27, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Merge in VECTO/vecto-dev from VECTO/mq_vecto-dev:feature/VECTO-1671-declaration-mode-for-xev-buses to develop * commit 'de5f7ef8': fix testcase: wait on all threads only if execution is done multithreaded
Markus Quaritsch authored
# Conflicts: # VectoCore/VectoCoreTest/Integration/Declaration/HeavyLorry/HeavyLorrySimulation.cs
Markus Quaritsch authored
Merge in VECTO/vecto-dev from VECTO/mq_vecto-dev:develop to develop * commit '2410fa86': updating expected file in testproject
Markus Quaritsch authored
- Mar 24, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
Merge in VECTO/vecto-dev from VECTO/mq_vecto-dev:bugfix/VECTO-1728-typo-in-vectodeclarationdefinitions.2.4.xsd to develop * commit '34cc9c4b': correctiing typo
Markus Quaritsch authored
- Mar 20, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
Merge in VECTO/vecto-dev from VECTO/mq_vecto-dev:develop to develop * commit 'd102ae30': removing no longer needed project shortening path for mockup testcases (liked from vectoCoreTest flattening directory structure in JSON xEV testdata allow hybrid testruns also for xml jobs in declaration mode
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
- Mar 16, 2023
Markus Quaritsch authored
Merge in VECTO/vecto-dev from VECTO/mq_vecto-dev:hm/feature/VECTO-1638-rundatafactories-and-declarationdataadapter-for-xev to develop * commit 'eae0a0f7': (38 commits) updating version number in release notes updating generic P2 vehicle fix: battery data adapter: input is in mOhm for XML, in Ohm for CSV change in post-processing correction: EC_el_soc/final = 0 for charge depleting simulations correcting generic vehicles: internal resistance for batteries in XML files is in mOhm deleted console.writeline in LookupData update zip name (again) changed zip file name of nuget zip updated release notes bugfix creating relative path with space: remove escape characters (%20) bugfix saving declaration job update version number add missing model properties in testcase bugfix postprocessing: lookup vehicle operation only if necessary and mission is set to a declaration mission adding output field in vsum file: electric energy consumption considering re-charging losses for CD mode only remove generic ihpc jobs formatting generic XML declaration jobs, correct em-powermap (values in XML are in Watts), correct model data to avoid warning about negative overload buffer removing declaration files which are not needed adding generic XML jobs (xEV decl mode) combustion engine: only log info in case pt1 cannot be calculated in dryrun ...
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
- Mar 15, 2023
Harald Martini authored
Harald Martini authored
Harald Martini authored
Harald Martini authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
bugfix postprocessing: lookup vehicle operation only if necessary and mission is set to a declaration mission
Markus Quaritsch authored
adding output field in vsum file: electric energy consumption considering re-charging losses for CD mode only
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
formatting generic XML declaration jobs, correct em-powermap (values in XML are in Watts), correct model data to avoid warning about negative overload buffer
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored
Markus Quaritsch authored