Scripts for Merging Ricardo's sources to VECTO-core.
by ankostis
The merging of VECTO-AUX <--> VECTO-Core has happenned in these stages:
Identify fork-point in VECTO-code's history (see
FIXUP VECT-AUX sources to be similar to the above VECTO-core sources (see
). -
Merge the rewritten VECTO-AUX-sources into identified VECTO_Core version (see
). -
Rebase re-written branch in step 2 onto merged-commit in step-3 (with many manual actions) (see
). -
Append these tools into sources.
NEXT steps:
- Await Ricardo's fixes (TCs failing, aux-model discrepancy).
- Merge with later milestones, till latest 2.2.
That's it.