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site_name: Amazon EKS Accelerator for Terraform
repo_name: "aws-samples/aws-eks-accelerator-for-terraform"
repo_url: ""
docs_dir: "docs"
  name: material
    - tabs
  - Overview: ''
  - Getting Started: ''
  - Core Concepts: ''
  - Node Groups: ''
  - Modules:
    - EMR on EKS: 'modules/'
  - Add-ons:
    - Overview: 'add-ons/'
    - Agones: 'add-ons/'
    - AWS for Fluent Bit: 'add-ons/'
    - AWS Load Balancer Controller: 'add-ons/'
    - AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry: 'add-ons/'
    - cert-manager: 'add-ons/'
    - Cluster Autoscaler: 'add-ons/'
    - Fargate Fluent Bit: 'add-ons/'
    - Managed EKS Add-ons: 'add-ons/'
    - Metrics Server: 'add-ons/'
    - Nginx: 'add-ons/'
    - Prometheus: 'add-ons/'
    - Spark K8S Operator: 'add-ons/'
    - Traefik: 'add-ons/'
    - Windows VPC Controllers: 'add-ons/'
  - Advanced:
    - Bottlerocket: 'advanced/'
    - Cluster Upgrades: 'advanced/'
    - ECR Instructions: 'advanced/'
    - Multi-cluster: 'advanced/'
    - Private Clusters: 'advanced/'
  - def_list
  - pymdownx.highlight
  - pymdownx.superfences
  - pymdownx.inlinehilite
  - pymdownx.tasklist:
      custom_checkbox: true
  - toc:
      permalink: true
  - search